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UNIT-1 Prepare and maintain work area

Unit Code BWS/N9001

1.1 Description
Prepare the equipment, products and work area ahead of service delivery to
ensure the efficiently and effectiveness of conducting treatments considering the
standards of operation of the salon.

1.2 Scope
This unit/task covers the following:
Preparing and maintaining work area

1.2.1 Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Prepare and maintain work area -To be competent, the user/individual on the
job must be able to:

PC1. Ensure that environmental conditions are suitable for the client and
the treatment to be carried out in a hygiene and safe environment

1. Foremost a beautician must ensure her personal hygiene and her appearance
should meet the salon and industry requirements.
2. Before starting with the treatment beautician must ensure that the
environment conditions are suitable for the client in accordance to the
3. There should be proper lighting in the room where the treatment will take
4. The treatment room should be well ventilated and should have general
comforts for the client.
5. A beautician must follow the instructions of the senior staff and seek
assistance whenever required.
6. A beautician must follow the instructions of the workplace and suppliers or
manufactures in terms of safety while using the equipment, products and
7. A beautician should always ensure that the tools and equipment to be used
for the treatment are clean and hygienic.
8. All the products, equipment tools as well as the client records should be
stored in the required place.
9. All the waste materials should be disposed of after the treatment and new
material should be used for other treatments.
10.Once the treatment is over the area or room should be cleaned and hygienic
conditions should be maintained for the future.

PC2. Select suitable equipment and products required for the treatment

1. A beautician should
always obtain clients
record especially the
medical records or
allergy to a product
etc. and accordingly
choose the products
for treatment.
2. A beautician should
always be aware of the
clients choice if not
should provide various
options available in the
salon for a particular treatment.
3. A beautician should ensure that she is aware of the clients skin/hair type and
should guide them accordingly for their treatment.
4. A beautician should know the salons guidelines and the type of products or
treatments that the salon offers and accordingly should satisfy the client.
5. Many a times a client is not aware of few treatments, thus it is the duty of
the beautician to guide them through for a good result.
6. All the equipment, tools and products required for the treatment should be
placed in a trolley before starting the treatment.
7. Always check for stock levels before starting the treatment in case of extra
8. A beautician should make sure that the tools to be used are well sterilized
and hygienic before starting with the treatment.
9. The gown provided to the client should be well washed and the availability of
hooks or hangers for clients clothes should be checked.
10.The couch or bed where the treatment will take place should be covered with
sheet and a disposable couch roll.

PC3. Set up the equipment and prepare the products for treatments in
adherence to the salon procedures and product/ equipment guidelines

1. A beautician should be well aware of the brand or salon she is working in and
its policies and guidelines.
2. A beautician should ensure that he/she has a good knowledge about the
products used in that particular salon.
3. A beautician should always be prepared for the extra efforts in a particular
treatment. For example while preparing for a facial a client may demand for
bleach or waxing as well. Thus. She/he should be prepared accordingly in
4. If a different person is assigned for preparing the room or trolley it is the
duty of the beautician to cross check with everything before entertaining the
5. Every beautician should be well aware of the salons procedures and
guidelines and should always follow it. Like in some salons the beauticians
are allowed to carry the product bottles in the treatment room whereas in
some they are supposed to pour a small amount of product in the tray and
carry it.

A list of few treatments along with the equipment, tools and products required are
listed below:

Treatment Equipment, tools and products needed

Waxing Couch or bed, wax station with tools, equipment and materials,
protective plastic couch sheet, paper couch roll, client clothing
protection, pedal waste bin, tweezers, disinfectant solution in a
jar, talcum powder, cotton wool, tissues, skin-cleanser or pre-
wax, medium sized towels, small scissors, selection of different
sized wax strips, wax, after-wax lotion or oil, hand mirror,
apron, disposable surgical gloves, pedal bin, clinical waste bin,
client record card and pen, aftercare leaflet
Eye treatments Couch, stool, trolley, tools, products, equipment and materials
laid out, towels, tissues, orange wood sticks, head band,
antiseptic cleansing solution, soothing lotion, hand mirror, damp
cotton wool, dry cotton wool, scissors, tweezers, magnifying
lamp, disposable surgical gloves, tissues, disposable spatula,
steel pencil sharpener, eyebrow pencil, disinfectant solution,
client record card and pen, pedal bin, disinfectant solution in a
Make-up Couch or beauty chair, trolley, head band, tissues, couch roll,
towels, hair clips, cleanser, toner and moisturiser, eye make-up
remover, magnifying lamp, bowls, eye make-up, cheek make-
up, lip make-up, foundation, powder, concealer, make-up
brushes, good lighting, disposable makeup applicators, cosmetic
sponges, make-up palette, pencil sharpener, spatulas, orange
wood sticks, dry cotton wool, damp cotton wool, hand mirror,
artificial eyelashes, client record card and pen
Facial Couch, stool, trolley, facial tools, products, equipment and
materials laid out, towels and disposables such as cotton wool,
tissues, spatulas, orange wood sticks, pedal bin, disinfectant
solution in a jar, head band, gown, mirror, cleansers, toners,
moisturiser, massage cream or oil, exfoliants, steamer, selection
of different sized bowls, comedone extractor, mask ingredients
to mix or ready prepared masks, mask application brush,
magnifying lamp, client record card and pen
Manicure Manicure station, manicure tools, bowls, finger soaking bowl,
equipment and materials laid out, towels and disposables such
as cotton wool, tissues, spatulas, emery boards and orange
wood sticks, hand cream, base coat, nail polishes, top coat,
cuticle knife, hoof stick, cuticle nippers, nail scissors, buffer,
buffing paste, cuticle remover, cuticle massage oil or cream,
hand sanitizing spray, disinfectant, nail polish remover, nail
polish dryer, client record card and pen, pedal bin, disinfectant
solution in a jar
Pedicure Pedicure station, pedicure tools, products, equipment and
materials laid out, towels and disposables such as cotton wool,
tissues, spatulas, emery boards and orange wood sticks,
massage cream or foot lotion, base coat, nail polishes, top coat,
cuticle knife, hoof stick, cuticle nippers, nail scissors, buffer,
buffing paste, cuticle remover, cuticle massage oil or cream,
hand sanitizing spray, disinfectant, foot file, nail polish remover,
nail polish dryer, client record card and pen, pedal bin,
disinfectant solution in a jar
Nail art Manicure station, medium sized towels, couch roll, dry cotton
wool, tissues, hand sanitizing spray, emery board, orange wood
sticks, marbling tool, dotting tool, selection of nail art designs,
top coat or sealant, nail polishes, nail scissors, nail polish
remover, nail polish solvent, water-based and acrylic nail paints,
glitter, transfers, foil strips, striping tape, jewellery, gems and
rhinestones, client record card and pen

Nail Nail workstation, seating, lamp, pedal bin, plastic glasses and
enhancements safety mask for the nail technician, lint free pads, tissues, nail
preparation products, cotton wool discs, cotton buds, orange
wood sticks, cuticle knife, cuticle nippers, glass bowl, plastic
bowls, dampen dish, scissors, tip cutters, coarse grit fi le,
medium grit file, fine grit file, buffing file, four-sided buffer,
medium sized towels, disinfectant solution in a jar, hand
sanitizing spray, nail sterilizer, acetone, non-acetone polish
remover, cuticle oil, client record card and pen

PC4. Place the products in the trolley for the treatment

1. The trolley to be used for the treatment should be made of strong material
for easy placement of heavy equipment.
2. The trolley should have removable shelves for cleaning and easy access of
3. Never overload the trolley and make sure that all the tools are placed
properly and equally.
4. Place the products that are used more often on the upper shelf and rarely
used at the bottom.
5. Always use an antiseptic jar on the trolley to place the sterilized tools in it.
6. A beautician should never use a trolley as a work surface as it can easily be
moved with wheels.
7. Always place extra utilities at the bottom shelf in case required like towels,
gloves, apron, end papers, cotton wool etc.
8. Make sure all the product labels are facing the beautician, so that there is no
mistake in product application.
9. There should always be a different trolley for products and tools and never
mix it with the equipment trolley. Thus preventing a cluster look and helps in
appropriate product display.

PC5. Sterilize, disinfect and place the tools on the tray

1. A beautician should first sanitize the tools and then disinfect. Sanitizing helps
in removing the major part of bacteria, viruses and fungi ad disinfect kills the
remaining amount.
2. Porous materials like towels, cushions, buffer etc. requires more efforts in
sanitizing as compared to non-porous materials used in the treatment.
3. A beautician should ensure that all the tools used for the treatment are
sterilized before the next treatment.
4. Always place the tools either in a kit or on a cloth, cotton wool or paper
before placing them on the tray to avoid any infection before the treatment.
5. Place the sterilized tools in a jar filled with antiseptic and place them on the
6. Wipe off the antiseptic liquid from the tool with the cotton wool or end paper
while using it on the client.
7. Always place the sharp tools on the bottom shelf of the trolley to avoid
anyone hurting from it.

PC6. Dispose waste materials in adherence to the salon's and industry


Disposable waste materials are the materials which are just used once in a
treatment and then disposed of like cotton wool, end paper, tissues, waxing strips

1. A beautician should follow the protocol of the salon in terms of disposing

waste materials.
2. A beautician should efficiently dispose of aerosols, glasses, chemical waste
and other disposing materials.
3. A beautician should ensure that the clinical waste is kept apart from the
general waste while disposing of waste materials.
4. Clinical waste should be disposed of to a licensed incinerator or landfill site,
by a licensed company.
5. A beautician in a heap should never accumulate the waste material over the
trolley and should use a bin during the treatment process. Later on should
dispose it properly under the guidelines of the salon.
6. A beautician should ensure that the waste materials are regularly removed to
keep the salon hygienic.
7. A beautician must ensure that the subcontract of the disposal of waste
through a local firm is working correctly.
8. She/he should ensure that the contaminated waste is regularly replaced with
the empty bins from the salon.
9. A beautician must ensure that every treatment room contains foot pedal
bins, any other bin could risk cross infection.
PC7. Store records, materials and equipment securely in line with the
salons policies

1. A beautician must obtain the record cards from the reception to ensure the
previous services obtained by the client in that particular salon and return
the updated record card after the treatment is over.
2. Record card helps in providing the details of a particular client to the
beautician which helps in understanding the expectations of the client along
with the types of services the client has obtained. Thus, record card must be
returned safely at the reception after the treatment.
3. A beautician must ensure that the clients records at the reception should
always be secured in a lockable cabinet or should be electronically stored
under the data protection act 1988. This legislation is designed to protect
client privacy and confidentiality.

4. If a beautician is
given the
responsibility of
handling the
client records,
one must treat
confidentially and
not show anyone
the information.
One must follow
the salon
guidelines while
storing them.
5. After the
treatment all
equipment used during the treatment should be thoroughly cleaned following
the instructions that comes along and placed according to the salon policies.
6. A beautician must ensure that the electrical equipment are unplugged and
turned off when not in use and placed properly, not left trailing on the floor
with lead open.
7. A beautician must ensure that all the equipment is annually checked by the
qualified electrician.
8. A beautician should make sure that all tools and equipment are cleaned,
disinfected and sterilized before they are put away to avoid cross
9. Sharp tools should always be placed properly away from normal public to
avoid hurting anyone.
10.A beautician should follow the protocol of the salon in terms of disposing
waste materials.
1.3 Knowledge and Understanding (K)

1.3.1 Organizational Context (Knowledge of the organization

and its processes)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KA1. Organizations standards of performance and sequence of services

1. Every organization has its own set of rules and regulations to perform
2. A beautician should be aware of such standards and should always work in a
sequence while performing the services.
3. Every organization follows different steps to perform a service, which may be
different from other salons.
4. Some salons may follow hair services prior to beauty services or vice versa.
Or some salons may work on exfoliation prior to skin warming or vice versa.
5. Thus a beautician should always be aware of the sequence of services.
6. Service industries are based on service and performance, thus even the
beauty industry has a set of rules and criteria in terms of performance.
7. There may be different set of rules and criteria for different salons. Thus a
beautician should always be aware of such standards and should work
accordingly to meet such standards.

KA2. Range of services and products offered by the organization

1. Every salon has a different range of services to provide their customers. For
example some salons provide spa services whereas some may not.
2. Thus a beautician should always be aware of all the services provided in the
salon and should adhere to such services accordingly.
3. Every salon caters to different set of target audience and thus accordingly set
the range of products accordingly.
4. Every salon had a different price list in accordance to the range of products
and target audience.
5. Thus a beautician should always be aware of the kind of products offered in
the salon and their impact and effect on the service.
6. A beautician should also be aware of the products usage and ingredients to
guide the clients.

KA3. Health and safety requirements in the organization

Every beautician should be aware about the health and safety at work act 1974.
This Act requires employers to:

1. Provide and maintain a

safe working
2. Provide adequate
welfare facilities.
3. Provide safe systems of
4. Provide information,
training and
5. Ensure the safe
handling, storage and
transportation of goods
and materials.
6. Provide and maintain
safe equipment.

The enforcement of Health and Safety regulations is carried out by inspectors who
are employed by the Health and Safety Executive, a government appointed body.
Under this Act employers responsibility includes:

Planning safety and security.

Providing information about safety and security.
Updating systems and procedures where there are five or more employees.

Employees responsibility includes:

Using system and procedure correctly.

Reporting flaws and gaps within the system or procedure when in use.

Shared responsibilities include:

The safety of individuals/clients being cared for.

Safety of the working environment.
1.3.2 Technical Knowledge

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KB1. Types of products, materials and equipment required for the

1. She/he should set up materials, tools and equipment for treatments following
salon procedures, guidelines and any given instructions.
2. A beautician should always obtain client records before selecting suitable
materials and equipment for the treatment.
3. A beautician should always obtain clients record especially the medical
records or allergy to a product etc. and accordingly choose the products for
4. A beautician should always be aware of the clients choice if not should
provide various options available in the salon for a particular treatment.
5. A beautician should ensure that she is aware of the clients skin/hair type and
should guide them accordingly for their treatment.
6. A beautician should ensure that he/she has a good knowledge about the
products used in that particular salon.
7. A beautician should always be prepared for the extra efforts in a particular
treatment. For example while preparing for a facial a client may demand for
bleach or waxing as well. Thus. She/he should be prepared accordingly in
8. A beautician should always clean all tools and equipment before and after the
treatment using the correct sterilization and disinfection methods.
9. She/he should ensure that environmental conditions in terms of light,
temperature and ambience are suitable for the client and the treatment.
10.Equipment required for the treatment should be check for its proper working
condition prior to the treatment.
11.A beautician should always check his/her personal standards of hygiene,
protection and appearance which should meet the accepted industry and
organizational requirements

KB2. Process and products to sterilize and disinfect equipment/ tools

In salons sterilization, Disinfection method, good hygiene and aseptic techniques
are essential for every health and personal care practice. Esthetics is no exception.
1. Sterilization is the process of
killing all microorganisms,
including good and bad ones.
Sterilization also kills spores
bacteria that are in their inactive
stage. True sterilization is
performed by a process called
autoclaving. An autoclave is a
machine that sterilizes equipment,
utensils, and other materials
through a combination of steam
heat and pressure. It works
similarly to a pressure cooker.
Microorganisms cannot survive in
an autoclave. Items placed in the
autoclave are placed in sealed
special plastic or paper envelopes so they remain sterile once the autoclave
has completed sterilizing.
2. Disinfection is the process of killing the majority of pathogenic
microorganisms. Disinfection is the general procedure that is usually followed
in the cosmetology industry. Salons do perform procedures such as
extraction, waxing, and tweezing that sometimes expose blood on the
surface of the skin. Because of this exposure to blood, one must be very
careful to use excellent hygiene and sterile or disinfected materials.
Disinfectants are chemicals that kill pathogenic microorganisms. The most
popular disinfectant chemical used in the cosmetology industry is quaternary
ammonia. Seventy percent isopropyl alcohol is another commonly used
disinfectant for surface disinfecting.
3. Antiseptics are a weaker form of disinfectant. They are usually mild enough
to use on the skin. Hydrogen peroxide and other first-aid chemicals are
examples of antiseptics.
4. Aseptic procedure is the term scientists use to describe proper handling
techniques of sterilized and disinfected equipment. Placing a sterile
comedone extractor on a dirty towel is a violation of aseptic procedure.
Handling sterile equipment with other sterile materials is good aseptic
KB3. Manufacturers instructions related to equipment and product use and

1. A beautician should always first check and then clean equipment used for a
treatment according to manufacturers instructions and salon procedures and
2. A beautician should always go through the manual that comes with every
equipment or product to understand it thoroughly.
3. A beautician should ensure a check on regular housekeeping programs and
routines, which also includes reporting faults and problems to relevant
4. A beautician should always check and refer to tools and equipment manuals
and instructions for safety and repair as and when required.
5. A beautician should always read the directions of use for every product
before using that product for any treatment or services to use the product
6. Before cleaning or sterilizing any equipment or tool a beautician should be
aware of the instruction manual and should clean it accordingly. Various tools
and materials used in the salon cannot be autoclaved (sterilization process).
7. A beautician should be aware of the expiry date of every product he/she is
using and should be able to manage the stock accordingly.
8. Various products used in the salon are safe under normal use but need to be
stored, handled and organized properly following the instruction manual
provided with it. Thus a beautician should store that product accordingly. For
example few products should not be exposed to direct sunlight as instructed
in it manual, thus should be stored accordingly.

KB4. Knowledge of applicable legislation relating to the workplace (for

example health and safety, workplace regulations, use of work equipment,
control of substances hazardous to health, handling/storage/ disposal/
cautions in the use of products, fire precautions, occurrences, hygiene
practice, disposal of waste, environmental protection)

The salon must offer High standards of hygiene, comfort and safety throughout the
day for its clients.

1. Health and Safety: Every beautician should be aware about the health and
safety at work act 1974. This Act requires employers to:
Provide and maintain a safe working environment.
Provide adequate welfare facilities.
Provide safe systems of work.
Provide information, training and supervision.
Ensure the safe handling, storage and transportation of goods and
Provide and maintain safe equipment.

The enforcement of Health and Safety regulations is carried out by inspectors who
are employed by the Health and Safety Executive, a government appointed body.
Under this Act employers responsibility includes:

Planning safety and security.

Providing information about safety and security.
Updating systems and procedures where there are five or more employees.

Employees responsibility includes:

Using system and procedure correctly.

Reporting flaws and gaps within the system or procedure when in use.

Shared responsibilities include:

The safety of individuals/clients being cared for.

Safety of the working environment.
2. Work Place Regulations: A beautician should be aware about the rules
and regulations as well as the guidelines and procedures of a salon and
should adhere to these guidelines and procedures while performing
treatments and services in the salon. Every beautician should work in
accordance to the regulations of the salon. A beautician should also adhere to
the Health, Safety and Welfare regulation of 1992 and should always follow it
during his/her working environment. A beautician if finds that the salon is not
following the regulations of this Act should guide the seniors about this
3. Safe disposal of waste: A beautician must ensure that as soon as she/he
has used cotton wool, tissues or other disposable material, it should be
immediately thrown in a foot pedal bin. Any other type of bin is unsuitable
due to the risk of cross-infection. For treatments such as waxing where there
may be skin fluids such as blood, the waste must be disposed of in a clinical
waste bin. The waste in this bin is collected by the local council and
4. Fire Precautions: A beautician should be aware of The Fire Precautions
(Workplace) Regulations 1997. The Workplace Fire Precautions Legislation is
the title applied to cover the following legislation:
'Part II of The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations1997 as
Regulations 1 to 5, 7 to 12 and 13(2) and (3) of The Management of
Health And Safety at Work Regulations1999

The Workplace Fire Precautions Legislation is enforced by The Fire

Authority within its area. Every employer or Employee or person who has
control of a workplace must comply with this regulation. This regulation
says every salon must be equipped with:

Firefighting equipment and signs

Measures for firefighting and wardens
Detectors and alarms
Means of escape
Escape lighting
Maintenance of fire safety equipment
5. Storage: Products are the lifeblood for any salon business, thus a beautician
uses the products for the treatment, it is necessary for him/her to maintain
the stock on regular basis. A beautician should maintain and order or
purchase the stock in advance so that there is no product crisis in the salon.
To maintain the clients satisfaction there should always be the availability of
the products to perform any treatment expected by the client.
6. Personal hygiene: A beautician should always wear a clean, well pressed
overall every day. He/she should look clean, smart and well groomed. A
beautician should always keep his/her hand clean and smooth. The nails
should be clean and short. Use a hand cream to prevent the skin from
7. Environmental protection: A beautician should follow some guidelines to
protect the environment:
Limit Chemical Exposure
Use less toxic, safer, natural products
Use pumps instead of aerosol containers
Use products with low volatile organic compound content
Use non-toxic products for disinfecting and cleaning
Conserve Water
Have a low-flow plumbing system
Reduce hot water usage, use warm or cool temperatures when
Turn off water when not in use
Minimize Waste
Use refillable containers for products
Use a dispensing system for shampoo and conditioners
Use products with packaging that uses less plastic and cardboard
Offer water in reusable cups or glasses, instead of plastic water bottle

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