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Except for the selections noted below, translated by the Kagyu Monlam Translation Team
under the direction of the I 7th Gyalwang Karmapa at Gyuto Ramoche Tantric University,
Sidhbari, Dharamsala, in March and April of 2007.

1he King ofAspiration Prayers, the Aspiration for Noble Excellent Conduct was translated
under the guidance of Khenpo Tsu!trim Gyamtso Rinpoche by Elizabeth M. Callahan.

Bodhisattva's "Way ofLife's Aspiration Prayer. Marpa Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1997.
Translation by Ari Goldfield, adapted from Stephen Batchelor's translation.
The current Kagyu Monlam was initiated by Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche in 1983.
It is thanks to his and Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche's tireless efforts that the Kagyu
Monlam has grown to what it is today. I flrst attended the Kagyu Monlam in 2001.
In general and from a Tibetan perspective, the Monlam gatherings were going very
well. But after I had attended several of them, I gained some experience and began
to see opportunities for further development by incorporating elements from our
rich tradition while making it more relevant to present day society. Since this is an
important matter for the entire lineage, it would have been arrogant of me to make
changes all by myself, so I asked Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche and other authentic lamas
for their advice. At that time, these changes were just a hope that I did not act
upon, but when Bokar Rinpoche suddenly passed away, I was concerned for the
future of the Monlam so I threw myself into the task of running it without any
thought for mysel
From the time I received the name "Karmapa," I have studied and practiced
the traditions of the previous Karmapas, and I have also looked at the ways of the
modern world with keen interest. I cannot just stay indoors and read books. In so-
ciety as well as in Buddhism, there are many problems and I felt I should take re-
sponsibility for solving them, not hesitating to be in the forefront of change.
I am still young and it is difficult to flnd people who share my vision. At the
same time, I am under a lot of pressure from different directions. The one thing
that gives me support is to picture all the unseen Buddhas and deities behind me.
As for myself, it is my sincere hope that I can dedicate all my time and freedom so
that others will truly beneflt.
The flrst aspect of the Kagyu Monlam that needed changing was the text that
is recited. Central to the Monlam-what gives it power and plants the seeds of
future results-is the recitation of aspirations and prayers. In fact, for all Buddhist
traditions, recitation is important, forming a part of daily life just like using a com-
puter or watching television.
What is Dharma? It is that which can truly protect us from suffering. Much
has been said about the many different ways of practicing it. Recitation is consid-
ered one of the ten dharma practices (along with copying scriptures, making of-
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro iv cg A Compilation for Recitation

ferings, giving alms, listening to discourses, memorizing, forms the core of our present text, so it can be said that we but with their freshest and best thoughts. For that reason,
reading, teaching the Dharma, reflecting upon and train- are reviving a tradition. With all this in mind, I have pre- I think this Monlam text can move many people's hearts.
ing in the meaning of the Dharma). Recitation is a deeply pared the Monlam Text. Any new undertaking brings I am very happy with this, so I wish them all the best and
cherished Tibetan tradition, for it is believed that reciting some difficulties; however, when doing something virtu- will always extend a helping hand to them. I also retain in
words of the Dharma has the power to refine one's visu- ous with a good motivation, we can rely on that positive my heart the kindness of all the khenpos, lamas, transla-
alization and train one's mind. This is why in most Ti- intention to give us courage and carry us through to the tors and experienced people who helped, especially Chak
betan monasteries the monks practice chanting and completion of our work. Ngodup Tsering who has run hither and thither, doing
reciting all day long. During the Monlam, many Dharma friends from whatever was necessary. The kindness of all these people
In the past, most Tibetans considered the traditions of abroad come to celebrate and practice together, and for fills every word of this book.
their own lineages and monasteries to be the most impor- that reason I thought we should translate the text into Since I am the person who initiated this project, may
tant and would adhere to their standard liturgies. This English and other languages. The main way we humans any mistakes, faults, or confusion fully ripen upon me in
meant that each particular tradition had its own set of improve ourselves is through language; it is also the this very lifetime-not on anyone else. In working on this,
texts and so common liturgies are very rare. At this time, medium through which we make connections with each sometimes we were busy and sometimes we rested. Some-
when the old and new begin to converge, many people are other. The Kagyu Monlam is an expression of our love for times we had heated discussions and sometimes we trans-
interested in a non-sectarian outlook, and since this ac- the world and all living beings and I want it to be accessi- lated straight away. In the end, we have finished this with
cords with my own vision, I have drawn the majority of ble to as many people as possible. joy and excitement and I believe it will bring great bene-
this text from the words of the Buddha. It also includes I only started studying English seriously six months fit;
quotations from the Indian scholars respected by every- ago. It would be ridiculous for someone who has only I make the aspiration that when you recite this during
one and quotations from the earlier masters ofTibet. I studied English for six months to oversee the translation the Monlam, each word may first arise in your heart and
hope that this genuine non-sectarian approach willpurify of these texts. But if one has already developed love and af- then emerge from your mouth. I pray that every letter and
all the stains that come from regarding one's own tradi- fection for English before learning it, when one speaks syllable become a golden image and that every word fill
tion as superior and also the stains that come from aban- English words, it is like learning something one already the entire world. May all the sounds oflament and war as
doning the Dharma. knows. I first learned my ABCs at the age of nine and well as the poisonous winds in the environment be dis-
There is another important point to take into account. looked at many children's books, which were not dull but pelled. May these words of love and compassion blend
During past gatherings, much of the recitation was taken contained many interesting ideas, such as freedom. Al- with the innate goodness of every single being and coa-
from the tantras. With us Tibetans, for whom the secret though I could not spell, "How are you?" I had this con- lesce into one powerful force. Like the light of the sun,
mantra is woven into the very fiber of our being, this nection with English, and that is what has given me the moon, and stars, may love, compassion, and wisdom shine
might not be a problem; however, the words of the secret inspiration and the courage to undertake this task. Now forth. May they strike every single living being and dispel
mantra can be misunderstood. If these words were that the translation has been completed and can be offered the darkness of ignorance, attachment, and hatred that
chanted over and over again where so many people are to all of you, I feel that my courage was not deceiving me. has lurked for ages in their being. When any living being
gathered, I do not know whether the outcome would be Here is something we have actually accomplished. meets with another, may it be like the reunion of a mother
good or bad. On the other hand, the words of the sutras Phenomena arise from many different causes and con- and child who have long been separated. In a harmonious
bring great benefit but have little danger, so it is good to ditions. In fulfilling this project, many people have been world such as this, may I see everyone sleep peacefully to
focus on texts from the sutra tradition. For this reason, we kind and helpful. For example, Ringu Tulku, Yeshe the music of non-violence. This is my dream.
are following the example of an earlier time, when the Sev- Gyatso, and David Karma Choephel have been great he- Written by Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje at Gyuto Monastery
enth, Eighth, and Ninth Karmapas recited the Twenty- roes in doing the majority of the translating. They have in Dharamsala on the third ofMay 2007 CE. and in the Buddhist
Branch Monlam compiled by the Seventh Karmapa. This done this work not with their normal, mundane thoughts, year2551.
Three Daily Observances .................................. 3
The Observance of Prostration ......................... 3
The Observance of Reciting Sutras ...................... 5
The Sutra of the Recollection of the Three Jewels ....... 5
Prajii.aparamitahridayasiitra ....................... 7
The Observance of Dedication ........................ I I

Taking refuge and generating bodhichitta .................... I2




From the Lalitavistara ... ..................................... 16
You are the Protector of Every Being ......................... I 6
From the Abhidhana ofBhadri from Magadha ................. I 7
The request to remain present ............................. I8
V. THE BRANCH OF WELCOME , , , , , , , , , I 8



Praise from the Sutra of Ornamental Appearances ............... 20

Praises from the Aryar~h.trapalaparipricchdsutra . ............... 2 7

As quoted in Shantideva's Summary ofTraining
The Kagyu Monlam Book A Compilation for Recitation

Praises from the Sutriilarrzkiira ............................. 3 2

By the protector Maitreya
Prostrations to the Hundred Lives .......................... 34
By Rangjung Dorje
The Praise of the Twelve Deeds ............................ 36
By Arya Nagarjuna
Short prostration from the King ofAspirations ................. 3 8

See Part II below


From the Dharani ofthe Lamp ofthe Three jewels .............. 39

As quoted in Shantideva's Summary ofTraining
From the The Bodhisattva's Wily ofLift ....................... 4I
By Shantideva
Short offering from the King ofAspirations . ................... 43
The Three Skandhas from the Upiilinirdeshasutra . .............. 44
The confession from the Suvarr)aprabhiisottamasutra ............ 47
The confession from the Bodhisattva's Wily ofLift . .............. 50
Short confession from the King ofAspirations . ................. 50
From the Suvart:J.aprabhasottama
From the King of Aspirations and the Suvart:J,aprabhasottama
From the King of Aspirations
From the King of Aspirations
From the Dedication ofVajradhvaja ......................... 5 5
As quoted in Shantideva's Summary ofTraining
From the SuvarrJaprabhiisottama ........................... 6o
As quoted in Shantideva's Summary ofTraining
The Aspiration from the Ratndvali . ......................... 6 5
By Arya Nagarjuna
The King of Aspiration Prayers:
The Aspiration for Noble Excellent Conduct .......... 67
From the Avatamsaka
Maitreya's Aspiration .................................... 67
From the Ratnakuta Sutra
The Aspiration from lhe Bodhisattva's way ofLife . .............. 8 I
By Shantideva
An Aspiration for Rebirth in Sukhavati ...................... 89
By Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo
The Great Aspiration .................................... 92
By the Seventh Karmapa Chodrak Gyatso
Dedications for the Living and Deceased .................... IOI
By the First Karmapa Diisum Khyenpa
The dharani for the fulfillment of aspiration prayers ........... I o 5
The Dharma Blaze Aspiration ............................ I06
From the Chandragarbhasutra, as quoted by Lord Atisha in his

~vii 03
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro viii 03 A Compilation for Recitation

Indestructible Garland ofVajras .......................... Io8

By ]amgiin Lodrii Thaye
From the Sarvastivadin vinaya ............................ I I I
The Auspiciousness of the Twelve Deeds .................... I I4
By Arya Nagarjuna
The stanzas of joy and goodness from the Devanirdeshasutra ..... I I 7
The Offering of the Eight Auspicious Substances .............. I 22
The Offering of the Seven Articles of Royalty ................ I 2 5
The Offering of the Eight Marks of Auspiciousness ............ I 2 7
The Song that Proclaims Auspiciousness .................... I 29
By Marpa the Translator
The Auspiciousness of the Great Encampment ............... I 3o


A Praise of the rooo Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
of the Fortunate Aeon .......................... I 3 5
From Je Pawo's Collected Works
A Praise of Manjushri .................................. I44
By Sakya Pandita
Praise to Arya Avalokiteshvara ............................ I45
By the Bhikshuni Lakshmi
Brahma's Crown: A Praise ofMaitreya ...................... I47
By Lozang Drakpa
Praise ofKshitigarbha .................................. I 57
By Mipam ]ampal Gyepa
Praise of Shri Samantabhadra with Aspirations ............... I 58
By the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
Praise of the Six Ornaments and Two Great Beings ............ I6I
By the Seventh Karmapa Chodrak Gyatso
Supplication of the Twenty-Five Chariots ................... I63
By Manjughosha
The Short Vajradhara Lineage Prayer ....................... I64
By Pengar ]ampel Sangpo


Twenty-One Praises ofTara .............................. I68
Ihe first nine verses were composed by Bhikshuni Lakshmi. Ihe
remainder was extractedfrom the tantra by Mahavairochana.
The Seven Protections .................................. I73
By ]ikten Sumgon
The Well-Formed...................................... I75
By the First Dalai Lama Gendun Druppa
Praise of White Tara ................................... I 8o
By Drukpa Padma Karpo
Light of Blessing, a praise of the devi Sarasavati ............... I 82
By Botong Yangchen Gawa
The supplication Clearing the Path of Obstacles .............. I 8 5
The supplication Spontaneous Fulfillment ofWishes ........... 192


A PraQidhana for the Accomplishment of True Words .......... 200
By ]igme Lingpa
Joy and Comfort for Beings .............................. 202
Extracted from the Sakya Communal Liturgy
The Aspiration to the Stages of the Path .................... 204
By the great lord Tsongkhapa
7he Kagyu Monlam Book A Compilation for Recitation

Aspiration for the Dharma of the Shangpa Kagyu ............. 206

By Karma Rangjung Kunkhyab

The Thirty Aspirations .................................. 210

By Pachik Dampa Sangyay

The Aspiration of the Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning ....... 2I2

By the 1hird Karmapa Rangjung Dorje.

The Drikung Kagyu Aspiration of Avalokita ................. 216
By Chengna Konchok Ratna
The Taklung Kagyu Twenty Aspirations ..................... 221

By Talungthangpa Tashi Pa
The Trophu Kagyu Aspiration Many Jewels .................. 224

By Trophu Lotsawa
A Drukpa Kagyu Aspiration ............................. 228

By Tsangpa Gyare
The Yelpa Kagyu Aspiration .............................. 230

By Yelpa Yeshe Tsik

The Barom Aspiration .................................. 2 3 1
By Tishri Repa
The aspiration for the end of sessions ....................... 2 3 2
By ]e Phagmodrupa
The Tsalpa Kagyu Aspiration ............................. 233
By Shang Tsalpa
The Uncommon Dedication and Aspiration ................. 237

By the Eighth Karmapa Mikyo Dorje Gaway Yangchen

The Aspiration of Mila ................................. 241

Aspiration for the Well-Being ofTibet .................... .. 243

By ]amgon Lodro 1haye

An Aspiration for Birth in the Realm of Abhirati .............. 246
By ]onang Taranatha
Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati ........... 2 53
By Karma Chakme


ELDERS ............................................... 268
by Mahapandita Shakyashri

THE LAMP PRAYER ................................... 276

~~a;~~~~d.l'ql Three Daily Observances

-.1 ~~~r~~~~~"'~~~~~:l\~~~~"'~~~r::l~lls~~J~~~l~l chom den day de shin shek pa dra chom pa On special occasions, do prostrations, sing praises, present offerings, confess
C!.!~l'~l~~~~r::l4~~~ll.l~~~~r::l~l~C!.!~'~'l~~r::l~~~4~~~~~ll.l' yangdakpardzokpaysanggye/rikpadang wrongdoing, and so on. In the ordered sequence of the rituals for gather-
r::l'lZ:::,'l ~~ll.l~~~r::l~fr:::.r::la.i~a.~C!.!'~'r::l~~~~ll.lllz:::.2f~~~~~~C!.!' shap su den pa/ de war shek pa ji ten khyen ing and increasing the accumulation of merit and puri!Jing adverse con-
pa/ kye bu way kha lo gyur walla na me ditions, the obscurations, first recite the three daily observances. The first
~~~~~"'~1 i~'C!.!:I\'~~~~Il.l'r::la.~l~l
pa/ lha dang mi nam kyi ton pa nyam me ofthese is prostration:
shakyay gyal poy shab kyi dri ma me pa
t:;l~~~~r.t,l~~t:;l~~~~ql~t:;l~~qtQr;l~q~~~~ Ia go w6 rap tu tuk te gi.i pay chak tsal lo
Bhagavat, tathagata, arhat, samyaksambuddha, you have
awareness and means. Sugata, you know the world. You are the
qa~r;~~~1 ~~q"r;'fl~~~~q1 t:;l~t:;l~~~~q1 guide who tames beings. You are unsurpassable. You are the
teacher of devas and humans. I touch my head to the immacu-
r.t.~~~~~~~q1 ~~~~~t:;la~ar-1~t:;l1 ~~~"q1 ~ gang tse kang nyi tso wo khy6 tam tse late dust at your feet, peerless King of the Shakyas, and I pros-
"r;~~~~~~~q~~~~"1~a~~qa.~t:;l~~~~~~ sa chen di Ia gom pa bor ne trate with devotion.
nga ni jik ten di na chok che sung
~lq~~~tr~~t:;l~~~~~i{l~q~~~~~~aT11 de tse khe pa khy6 Ia chak tsal lo Do prostrations at the end ofeach stanza.
When you, the greatest of all humans, were born
~~~a.~~C!.!~~~C!.!~"'~~~s~ll nam dak ku nga chok tu suk sang wa You strode seven paces on this vast ground
ye she gya tso ser gyi po dra And said, "I am supreme in this world."
~r;~~r;~~~~~~~lt:;l~~~~11~~r.t,~~9~qt:;J~~ drak pa jik ten sum na Ihang nge wa I prostrate to you who spoke wisely then.
gon po chok nye khy6 Ia chak tsal lo
tr~~~11r;~r.t,~~~~~~~~i~~~~~r;~11~~~~~q You've the purest of bodies, the finest of forms.
tsen chok den pa dri me da way shal You're an ocean of wisdom, a mountain of gold.
~l~~~r.t,~~aT1 1~~l~~;~r;a;~i~~~~~~t:;J::~r;t:;J1 ser dok dra wa khy6 Ia chak tsal lo Your fame resounds throughout the three worlds.
1Q4~~~l'~~~~~~q~1 1~~~qr.t_~~~~~~~~ dul dral khy6 dra si pa sum ma chi I prostrate to you, the protector who achieved the ultimate.
nyam me khyen chen khyo Ia chak tsal lo
~r;~t:;l11~9~?f~i~t:;l~~~l~= ~~~i~~~q~~l You have the great marks and a face like the stainless moon.
mi chok dul wa kha lo gyur dze ching I prostrate to you, whose color is like that of gold.
~t:;la~~11~~~~~~~t:;l~"~= ~~s~~"~~"q kun jor ching wa ch6 dze de shin shek There are none like you, the immaculate, in the three types of
~~~~~~~11 ~~~~"~~~~~~"~= ~~i~~~t:;l I prostrate to you, peerless great wisdom.
~~1~~~\~r;1 1\l~i~r.t,~r;t:;J~~l~~\~'t:;l~~ Among humans, you are the best at taming and guiding
~~~11 others.
Tathagata, you cut through our fetters and bonds.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam au 3 w The Three Daily Observances

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 4 03 A Compilation for Recitation

lr::~r;~~~r;~~~~141 d.lfl~1 1d.l~~arlr::~~~~z:r~141= wang po shi shing nyer shi shi Ia khay Your faculties are at peace. Utterly peaceful, you are skilled in
nyen yo shuk pa de Ia chak tsal lo peace.
d.l9~~%~~~~~~q11i;ld.l~'.:Ol'd.l~~q~~q~11r::!~l I prostrate to you who dwelled in Shravasti.
gon po tuk je che den pa
~d.l~ar~?O\~d.lla.~r;11~r::~~~94~~ 141 = l~c.~a.~l tam che khyen pa ton pa po Protector with great compassion,
os~~~'4lr::~a~1 1l~r::~~r;~~r; 141 ~i141 ~r;1 ~~~~~ so nam yon ten gya tsoy shing Omniscient one, you are our teacher.
de shin shek Ia chak tsal lo Immense field of merit and qualities,
~~ld.ld.l~~~~c.~a 11 ~~~l~141= ~"-~~~~'4lr::~a'4ld.l' Tathagata, I prostrate to you.
dak pa do chak dral way gyu
tilt;'~~~ 1r::!~r::!'c.!'l~'4l~r::~~~~1 ~~r;~ld.l'c.!'al~?~' ge way ngen song le drol shing Pure, it causes our freedom from attachment.

~t;'11l~~~''4l'tllt;'~~a,~l1.l'af1 1 chik tu don dam chok gyur pay It is the virtue that frees us from lower states.
It is entirely the supreme absolute truth.
shi gyur cho Ia chak tsallo
r ~5~~q~i;ld.l~.:ol 141;a. drol ne drol wa lam yang ton
I prostrate to the dharma that brings peace.

r::~a1 ~~~~qa~r;~~~~~~~~q1 ~~'4lr::~\\~'4l~~ lap pa dak Ia rab tu gO Liberated, you show the way to liberation.
shing gi dam pa yon ten shing You are utterly respectful of the trainings.
a.~141 ar1 ~~~~~r;~~r;~r::~~d.l~qlr;1 1~r;~sr;~r::~ gen dun Ia yang chak tsal lo You are the sublime field, the field of qualities.
I also prostrate to the sangha.
141 ~~lr;11~r::~a~~arr::~~~r::~lr;11a~~ill~~a.l~ kur gyur pa ni tam che Ia
tsen chok sum chu nyi nga way All your bodies have
c.~lr;1 1r::~~~4~~~r;~r::~~~~qlr;1 1a.os~qlr;~ dzok pay sang gye drak den pa The thirty-two supreme marks.
r::~~r;~qlr;'1 1~r;~~~~~~d.l~'z;J'~1 ~~~~~''4l'tllt;' gyal wa kun Ia chak tsal lo You are the renowned, perfect buddhas.
I prostrate to all buddhas.
~~a,~l4l'af11~r;lr;~~lr;r::~~l~lr;11~~~lr;~~~ dzok sang gang du tam pa dang
gang du jang chup Ia rek dang I prostrate to the place where the perfect buddha was born,
d.l~d.l~'~d.l~'~'tllt;'1 ~~~r::~.;o~~~ijl'q'Ul1 1d.l~\~~ shi way khor lo kor wa dang Where he reached awakening,
~d.l~''4l'~~a.~l4l'al11 sak me nya ngen day pa dang Where he turned the wheel of peace,
Where he passed into undefiled nirvana,
de shek gang du shuk pa dang
chak pa dang ni sheng pa dang Where the sugata abided,
seng ge ta bur sim pa yi Where he walked, where he stood,
ne de Ia yang chak tsal lo And where he slept like a lion:
I prostrate to them all.
teng dang ok dang bar dak dang
chok dang chok tsam nam su yang I prostrate to all stupas:
kur che ku ni me pa yi Those above, those below, those in between,
cho ten nam Ia chak tsal lo Those in the cardinal directions, those between them,
Those with form, and those without.;;~l~~rr;;q~il~~~1 1~r;;q~r;;q~ tUn pay man lam ge tsok pak me le With shared aspirations and immeasurable virtues,
che pa cho pa na yang che gyur ching You undertook bodhisattva deeds together as brothers.\'d.l~r;;~~~~1 1r:;J~~'r::J=lt\';.l~~~~ kel sang chik Ia dze pa tar chin pay You will accomplish your feats in this one fortunate kalpa.
qa1 1~~~qa~r;;,~~~~r;;,a.1~~a.~11.1ar1 1r;;r;;,ar~sr;;, dzok pay sang gye tong Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to the thousand perfect buddhas.

~r:;J'(;.l~~~~d.l~'r:;J~r;;~~1 1r::J~a.lq~r;;,~iJr;;~~d.l'~' dang par jang chub chok tu sem kye ne Having first generated the mind of perfect awakening,
kal pa drang me sum du tsok sak te You gathered the accumulations for three numberless kalpas.
l~~r:;J~~~~11r:;J~~~r;;q8,r:;J~r;;r:;J~'Q,~d.l~';;q8_11 bar du cho pay dO shi jam dze pay You conquered the four obstructing maras.

r::J~d.l~~~r;;,~~~~~a.~~ar1 1 ~d.ld.l~a.~~r;;,~~ cham den seng ge de Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to the bhagavat Shakyasimha.

::Ja.l~d.lilr;;1J4~~r:;J~~q~~r;;r;;,;;.J~~ld.Jr;;,a.11ar~i nam kha dra shing dOl dral dri ma me Like space, you are immaculate and stainless.
she rap se po 10 dang tsen mi nga Born of wisdom, you have no body and no marks.
~d.ll'~r::J'=lr:;J'~~~~~~1 1 (;.l~t:,~ilr;;~~~r:;Jr;;~~~ yon ten gya tso rap sap tuk je chen You are a compassionate, fathomless ocean of qualities.
tsung me chak ni dak gi chi war shok Place your peerless hand atop my head!
Second is the recitation ofsutras.
9~~CJif.!\a.~~CJa~l"'l1li~if.li9~~~~~;.]~~1 The Sutra ofthe Recollection ofthe Three jewels:
di tar sang gye cham den day de ni de shin
In this way, the bhagavat buddha is the tathagata arhat
a,~~~~r;;,~~~r:;J~(;.l'~~a.r;;~~~~r:;J~~~~~qr;;~ shek pa dra cham pa yang dak par dzok pay

- - " "
r:;J~(;.l'q'O,lt:,'r;;~q~~~~qa_~r;;,~~~1 ~~qr;;r;;,'4r:;J~~

~~q1 r:;J~'r:;J~'~4~~q1 a,~~~~d.l~~q1 ~~~~~

sang gye/ rik pa dang shap su den pa/ de war
shek pa/ ji ten khyen pa/ kye bu dOl way kha
lo gyur wa/ Ia na me pa/ lha dang mi nam kyi
samyaksambuddha. He has awareness and means. The sugata,
the knower of the world, the guide who tames beings, the un-
surpassable, the teacher of devas and humans, is the bhagavat
buddha. That tathagata's compatible cause is merit. He does not
ton pa sang gye cham den day te/
waste roots of virtue. He is fully adorned with the aspects of pa-
r::J8.rrar~~r:;J1 ~~ilr;;q1 ~r;;r;;,l~d.l~~~~q~r;;,~~~
de shin shek pa de ni so nam dak gi gyu tUn tience. He is the basis of treasuries of merit. He is adorned by the
r::J~d.l~~a.r;;~~1 ~r:;J~~~4~~q~~r:;J~r;;~d.l~r;;~~ pa/ ge way tsa wa nam chO mi sa wa/ so pa excellent signs. The flowers of his marks are in bloom. His be-
dak gi rab tu gyen pa/ so nam kyi ter nam kyi havior is always appropriate. The sight of him is never disagree-
~d.l~~q1 r;;~r::J8.'!'r::J'~d.l~~r;;-l=l'r:;J1 r:;J~r;;qr;;~~~ shi/ pe che sang po nam kyi tre pa/ tsen nam able. He delights those enthusiastic with faith.

- -
~r:;J~r:;J~~q1 r:;J~r;;~d.l~~~~~~d.l~~~~1r;;2lsr;;r:;J=lt:,
" ~ "~-
q~d.l~~~~~q1 d.l1Xl~~d.l~~d>J7~~~q1

" ~
q~d.l~~q1 (;.l~r;;,~d.ld.l~~qd>Jr;;q1
kyi me tok gye pa/ cho yul ren par tun pa/
tong na mi tUn pa me pa/ de pay mo pa nam
Ia ngon par ga wa/ she rap sil gyi mi non pa/
top nam Ia dzi wa me pa/

a.l'd.l~~q~r;;~a.r::J1 4~'~r:;J~~~~l~~q1 ~r:;J~'~d.l~'

~r:;J~'r::J'ilr;;q 1

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 5 03 The Three Daily Observances

7he Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 6 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~fl~~~~~~~~1 s~~t:~~~~~~a_~~~~~t:~1 sem chen tam che kyi ton pa/ jang chup sem His wisdom is beyond intimidation. His powers are beyond
pa nam kyi yap/ pak pay gang sak nam kyi oppression. He is the teacher of all beings. He is the father of
"'~9~~a9~:39~~~~~~:r1 ~~~~~"'~~~aJ~ gyal po/ nya ngen le day pay drong khyer du bodhisattvas. He is the king of aryas. He leads beings to the city
~:~:,~a_~t:~~~~~~~~:r~1 ~4~~~9~~~~1 ~t:]~' dro wa nam kyi de pan/ ye she pak tu me pa/ of nirvana. His pristine wisdom is immeasurable. His confidence
pop pa sam gyi mi khyap pa/ sung nam par is inconceivable. His speech is utterly pure. It is melodic. One is
~t:~~~~~~~t:~~19~~~~~:~:,~9.~1 ~s~~~~~1 ~ dak pa/ yang nyen pa/ ku che ta way chok mi never satiated by the sight of him. His body is peerless. He is
she pa/ ku tsung pa med pa/ unstained by desire. He is utterly unstained by form. He is un-
s~t:~~t:~~i9~4~~1 ~~~~~r:.~~~r:.~1 "'~~r:.~~9 mixed with the formless states. He is utterly liberated from all
9~~~~''.!1 9~9~'~99~~t:~:~:,~~~~1 9~9~~~ do pa dak gi rna go pa/ suk dag gi nye war
rna go pa/ suk me pa dak dang rna dre pa/
suffering. He is completely liberated from the skandhas. He is
without the dhatus. His ayatanas are restrained. He has fully cut
r:.!'~9l~~~~r:.~1 ~9't:!~~~9~~~~r:.~:~:,]~t:!1 ~~ duk ngel dak le nam par drol wa/ pung po dak through the knots. He is utterly liberated from all affiiction. He
le rap tu nam par drol wa/ kham nam dang mi
?J'~9~~:~:,t:~~~~r:.~:~:,]~t:~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~''.!1 ~;' is liberated from craving. He has crossed the rivers. His pristine

~ ~
~a;,~~~~t:~~~~r:.~1 ~~~r:.~~~~4~~t:~~l'r:.!1 ~~~~
- den pa/ kye che nam dam pa/ du pa nam shin
tu che pa/ yang su dung wa dak le nam par
drol wa/ si pa le drol wa/ chu wo le gal wa/
wisdom is complete. He abides in the pristine wisdom of the
bhagavat buddhas of the past, future, and present. He does not
abide in nirvana. He abides in the ultimate perfection. He re-
9~~'t:]'~9~~~~r:.~:~:,]~t:~1 ~~r:.~~~]~q1 ~q~~ mains in the state of seeing all beings. These are the perfect qual-
ye she yang su dzok pa/ de pa dang rna jon
t:~~~t:~1 ~4~ar~~~(9~r:.~1 "'~~r:.~~~1 ~s-~r:.~ pa dang/ ta tar jung way sang gye cham den
ities of the bhagavat buddha.
de nam kyi ye she Ia ne pa/ nya ngen le de pa
~~1 ~~:~:,~~t:~a~~~~~q~~~~"-~~~~~~~4~ The genuine dharma is virtuous in the beginning, virtuous
Ia mi ne pa/ yang dak pa nyi kyi ta Ia ne pa/ in the middle, and virtuous in the end. Its meaning is excellent.
~9~~''.!1 ~~~~~a.~~r:.~~~9~~r:.~1 ~~~9r:.~~~ sem chen tam che Ia sik pay sa Ia shuk pate Its words are excellent.
di dak ni sang gye cham den de kyi ku che
~~fla.~9~~r:.~1 ~~~~~fl~~~~~9~9~r:.~a~~ way yon ten yang dak pa nam so/
t::1~9~'r:.!'~1 a.~~9~~~~~~q~~~~a,~~~~~t:~d.
~~7~~~~9r:.~~~~~11 - dam pay cho ni tok marge wa/ bar du ge wa/
ta marge wa/ don sang po/ tsik dru sang po/

~- ~- in q:~:,~~,~,1q1 m
'lq1 fl~:~:,~ m
'l't:!1 -~~
t:!E!~:r1 ~9'~'t::l=!~:r1
c;.J~~~1 m-~~~~~~~1 m-~~~l~~1 m-~~~s~z:]1 ma dre pa yong su dzok pa/ yongs su dak pa It is unmixed. It is utterly complete. It is utterly pure. It is ut-
yongs su jang wa/ chom den de kyi cho lek terly purifying. The bhagavat taught the dharma well. It is see-
...,., " ...,.,
z:]~c;.J~~r.~.l~~~a;~ l~~~~~~~~~1 ~~l~~~
par sung pa/ yang dak par tong wa/ ing perfectly. It is without sickness. It is timeless. It guides fully.
c;.J{~'z:]1 ~l.~l~1 ~~a;l~~l~1 ~z:]~~~l~1 Q..~' ne med pa/ du che pa me pa/ nye war to pa/
Seeing it is meaningful. It is known by the wise through indi-
...,., ...,., v" ~ ...,.,..,., ~ ~
vidual direct awareness. The dharma of the vinaya spoken by the
(;.JE.l~'z:]'"l.l'l~~l~1 c;.J~~~~(;.l~'~~~~~~--1~"-~.~~ di tong wa Ia don yo pal khay pa nam kyi so bhagavat was well explained. It is renunciation. It brings one to
so rang gi rik par ja wa/ chom den day kyi perfect awakening. It is without contradiction and has unity. It
sz:]1 z:]~c;.J~~r.~.l~&~~~~~~a:i~~"l.lz:]~~~~~ sung pay cho dul wa lek par ton pa/ nge par is reliable. It brings an end to movement.
jung wa/ dzok pay jang chup tu dro war che
~~~1 ~~~~~~r;:]1 ~~~~a.s~~z:]~r.~.~l!:l~sl~1 ~ The sangha of the mahayana is engaged in goodness. It is en-
pa/ mi tun pa me ching du pa dang den pa/
c;.J%~~~l~~~~~l~~~~1 z:]~~~m-l~1 ~'z:]'z:]~l ten pa yo pa gyu wa che pa o gaged in lucidity. It is engaged in truth. It is engaged in har-
...,., mony. It is worthy of joined palms. It is worthy of prostration .
~Q..11 tek pa chen poy gen dun ni lek par shuk pa/ It is a glorious field of merit. It is the great purification of alms.
rik par shuk pa drang por shuk pa/ tun par It is a fit object of generosity. It is always a great object of gen-
~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~ shuk pa/ tal mo jar way o su gyur pa/ chak ja erosity.
way o su gyur pa/ so nam kyi pal gyi shing/
~1 5~tr~~~~~1 c;.J%~~~~~~~1 E.l"l.l'~~~z:]a.~~ yon yong su jong wa chen po/ jin pay ne su
~~~~1 ~~sz:]a.~~~~~~1 1!:]~\~c;.J~al~"l.l~ gyur pa/ kun tu yang jin pay ne su gyur pa
chen po o
~~1 m'~m-~~~i~'z:]'~~tr1 ~~~a.~~~~~~~1 \1~' Alternatively, it is taught that one may recite the Prajniipiiramitahri-
~~~~~~a.~~~~~~~~~~1 1~~lt;'1 Thus have I heard. At one time the bhagavat abided at Raj-
di ke dak gi to pa du chik na/ chom den day
griha on Vulture Peak Mountain together with a great sangha of
tllt;'~l 4::;:~=-~;J\~~~~:1\'~~=-~~1 gyal poy khap cha go pung po ri Ia ge long gi
bhikshus and a great sangha of bodhisattvas. At that time the
gen dun chen po dang/ jang chup sem pay
bhagavat entered the samadhi called Profound Light.
r.~.~~l'z:]l~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1z:]~c;.J~~r.~,.l~~"l.l'~' gen dun chen po dang tap chik tu shuk tel
deyi tse chom den day sab mo nang wa she
~z:]s~l~~rra.~'4l1 l~~~~l~~~~~trl~1 s~ ja way cho kyi nam drang kyi ting nge dzin Ia
nyom par shuk so
~z:]'~(;.l~l~a.l~~~~ql~E.lz:]~'~~~r;:]~~~~1 ~a.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 7 03 The Three Daily Observances

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 8 03 A Compilation for Recitation

yang deyi tse jang chup sem pa sem pa chen At that same time the bodhisattva mahasattva Arya Aval-
po pak pa chen re sik wang chuk she rap kyi okiteshvara viewed the practice of profound transcendent wis-
pa rol tu chin pa sab may cho pa nyi Ia nam dom. He viewed the five skandhas and their natural emptiness.
par ta shing/ pung po nga po de dak Ia yang Then, through the buddha's power, the venerable Shariputra
rang shin gyi tong par nam par ta of asked the bodhisattva mahasattvaAvalokiteshvara, "Son of noble
family, how should a son or daughter of noble family who wants
de ne sang gye kyi tLi tse dang den pa sha ri to practice profound transcendent wisdom train?"
bu jang chup sem pa sem pa chen po pak pa
chen re sik wang chuk Ia di ke che me so/ The bodhisattva mahasattva Avalokiteshvara replied to the
venerable Shariputra, "Shariputra, any son or daughter of noble
rik kyi bu/ rik kyi bu am rik kyi bu mo gang Ia family who wants to practice profound transcendent wisdom
Ia she rap kyi pa rol to chin pa sap may cho should view it in this way. They should view the five skandhas
pa che par do pa de ji tar lap par ja de ke che correctly, as naturally empty. Form is empty. Emptiness is form.
me pa dang/ jang chup sem pa sem pa chen Emptiness is not other than form. Form is not other than empty.
po pak pa chen re sik wang chuk gi tse dang In the same way, sensation, perception, formation, and con-
den pasha rata tiy bu Ia dike che me so sciousness are empty. Shariputra, in that way all dharmas are
emptiness. They are without characteristics, unborn, unceasing,
sha ri bu/ rik kyi bu am rik kyi bu mo gang Ia without stains, without freedom from stains, without decrease,
Ia she rab kyi pa rol tu chin pa sab may cho and without increase.
pa che par do pa de di tar nam par ta war ja
tel pung po nga po de dak kyang rang shin
gyi tong par yang dak par je su ta of

suk tong pa a/ tong pa nyi suk so/ suk le tong

pa nyi shen ma yin/ tong pa le kyang suk
shen ma yin no/ de shin du tsar wa dang du
she dang/ du che dang nam par she pa nam
tong pa a/ sha ri bu de tar cho tam che tong
pa nyi de/ tsen nyi me pa/ ma kye pa/ ma gak
pa/ dri ma me pa/ dri ma dang dral wa me pa/
dri wa me pa/ gang wa me pa a/
~~a~~~q~~~~~r~l~~~~~rill1l~qiJl1 ~ sha ri bu de ta way na tong pa nyi Ia suk me/ "Shariputra, there are therefore in emptiness no forms, no
tsar wa me/ du she me/ du che nam me/ nam sensations, no perceptions, no formations, no consciousnesses,
4~ijl1 ~sl~~~ill1 ~~~~4~qijl1 ~~ill1 par she pa me/ mik me/ na wa me/ na me/ che no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind, no
~r~rill1 ~ijl1 ~ijl1 ~~ijl1 tql.ill1 ~~~~ijl1 ~ me/ 10 me/ yi me/ suk me/ dra me/ dri me/ ro forms, no sounds, no smells, no tastes, no touch, and no dhar-
me/ rek ja me/ cho me do mas. There is no dhatu of the eyes, no dhatu of the mind, up to
ill1 ~ill1 ~ill1 ~~sill1 ~~ill~11~~9~~~ mik gi kham me pa ne yi kyi kham me/ yid kyi
no dhatu of mental consciousness. There is no ignorance, no ex-
haustion of ignorance, up to no aging and death, and no ex-
iJl'q~~~l~~~~ill1 ~l~9~q~4~qa~~~~ nam par she pay kham kyi bar du yang me do/ haustion of aging and death. In the same way, there is no
ma rik pa me ma rik pa se pa me pa ne ga shi
q~~Ul~'ill'~11~~~qijl1 ~~~q=:~lqijlq~~~ suffering, no origin, no cessation, and no path. There is no pris-
mega shi se pay bar du yang me do/ de shin tine wisdom, no attainment, and no non-attainment. Sharipu-
4ill1 ~4=:~lqaq~~Ul~i!l~,1~q~~~~q~~q du duk ngel wa dang/ kun jung wa dang/ gok tra, since bodhisattvas are therefore without attainment they rely
pa dang lam me/ ye she me/ top pa me/ rna
l~'1 \\~~~ql~'1 a,~~ql~~~ill1 ~4~ijl1 {q top pa yang me do/
upon and abide within transcendent wisdom. Since the mind is
without obscuration, they are without fear. Utterly transcend-
qiJl1 ~{qqU~r;-ill~1 ~~a~~~q~~sr;-~q~o-1~ sha ri bu de ta we na jang chub sem pa nam
ing error, they reach the perfection of nirvana. All the buddhas
that abide in the three times achieve the unsurpassable, authen-
lqa:~~~{qqiJlqa~~1 4~~q~"'l~~~5~q~ top pa me pay chir/ she rap kyi parol to chin
tic, perfect awakening of manifest, perfect buddhahood by rely-
pa Ia ten ching ne te sem Ia drip pa me pay
q~~~~~~~~~~~~~qqijlq~~~qijl~1 5~~
- " ~ ~
~~"'l~'4~~a,l~~~~~~~~a,l~qc.(~!~~~71 - trak pa me de/ chin chi lok le shin tu de ne nya
ngen le day pay tar chin to/ dO sum du nam
par shuk pay sang gye tam che kyang she rap
ing on this transcendent wisdom. Therefore, the mantra of
transcendent wisdom, the mantra of great awareness, the un-
surpassable mantra, the mantra that equals the unequaled, the
mantra that utterly pacifies all suffering, is without falsehood
1~~~~~~~~q~q~~~qa~~~~~!~~~l~~4~ kyi pa rol to chin pa di Ia ten ne Ia na me pa
and should be known to be truth."
yang dak par dzok pay jang chup tu ngon par
~qa"'l~~~5~qa,~~q~~~~~~ijlqUl~l~~~ dzok par sang gye so/ He then uttered the mantra of transcendent wisdom, saying,
- " -- -?
~~-~.r~a.s~~q~o-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1,~ TADYATHA Ol\f GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI
de ta way na she rap kyi pa rol tu chin pay
q~~4~~q~"'l~~~5~~a~~~1 ~~~r~qa~~~1 ngakl rik pa chen pay ngak/ Ia na me pay SVAHA!
ngakl mi nyam pa dang nyam pay ngakl duk
~~i!l~a~~~1 ~~~~~l~.o.l~~qa~~~1 ~~q~~ ngel tam che rap tu shi war che pay ngak/ mi
!o.l~~l~q~~q~slqa~~~1 ~~~q~~q~~q~ dzun pay na den par she par ja te/ she rap kyi
pa rol to chin pay ngak me pa
tadyatha om gate gate paragate
parasamgate bodhi svaha
75'~ 1~~~~~r,J~~~r,J~~~~ ~~,'11

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 9 0.3 The Three Daily Observances

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~J~a~sr;{~d.l~~qa:~~~~~~-1\4~.1\~ sha ri bu jang chup sem pa sem pa chen poy "Shariputra, bodhisattva mahasattvas should practice pro-
de tar she rap kyi pa rol tu chin pa sap mo Ia found transcendent wisdom in that way."
at:c~~c"J.l~~~qa~~~c"J.l~~~q.1;,s~1 1~~~~~CJ.l~~ lap par ja o/
Then the bhagavat arose from that samadhi and said to the
"-~~~r;~..,~~~c"J.l~.r~~r;~~1 sr;~~~CJ.l~~q..,~CJ.l~ de ne chom den de ting nge dzin de le sheng bodhisattva mahasattva Avalok.iteshvara, "Excellent!" He said,
"Excellent! Excellent! Son of noble family, it is so! It is so! Pro-
~q"'~~ar..,t:c~~~q~~-1\~~~~~~r;:Jr;~~c"J.l~~~~ tel jang chup sem pa sem pa chen po pak pa
chen re sik wang chuk Ia lek so she ja wa jin found transcendent wisdom is to be practiced just as you have
~~sr.:rs~~1 ~~~~~~~~11~~~a~~~~~~~11 te/lek so lek so/ rik kyi bu de de shin no/ de taught. The tathagatas will rejoice!"

~~~~~~1 ~~.1\~~a~~~~q~~~~4~.1\~at:c~~c"J.l de shin tel ji tar khyo kyi ten pa shin du she When the bhagavat said that, the venerable Shariputra, the
rap kyi pa rol to chin pa sap mo Ia che par ja bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, that entire retinue, and the world
~~~'t:.l'Slr;:]'~c"J.l'~~q-1\'5'~1 ~~~~~~~q~CJ.l~~r; tel de shin shek pa nam kyang je su yi rang with its devas, humans, asuras, and gandharvas rejoiced. All
ngo/ praised what the bhagavat had said.
cham den day kyi de ke che ka tsal ne/ tse
~~r;~~q~.1\~~a~~r;1 sr;~~~CJ.l~~q..,~~-1\~ dang den pa sha ra da tiyi bu dang/ jang chup
~Sl~~~~r;~~~r;1 " ..,., ""
fl;;.J~~~~r;~~q"'~-1\s~~ sem pa chen re sik wang chuk dang/ tam che Recite that or whatever teaching ofthe great sage, extensive or brief, is ap-
dang den pay khor de dak dang/lha dang mi propriate, and:
~r;1 ~~r;1 J~r;1 ~;;.Jcq~~r;1 ~Sl-1\~~~qa..,~~ dang lha ma yin dang/ dri sar che pay jik ten Flickering stars, lamp flames,
~~cq.1;,r;~~1 ~~CJ.l~~..,~~a~~~r;~q(J,lCJ.l~~q-1\ yi rang tel cham den day kyi sung pa Ia ngon Illusions, dew, bubbles,
..,., ..,., par to do Dreams, lightning, and clouds:
~~~~11 View all composite dharmas in that way.

~~~~~~t:;lI:J~~~~r.::.m~t:;l~~~r.::.~r.::.~r.::.l And:
kar ma rap rip mar me dang
All dharmas arise from causes.
gyu ma sil pa chu bur dang
~.1\'CJ.l'-1\~~~CJ.l-1\'~'~1;'11~'CJ.l'~rJ.l't:.l'~'~.1\'~1;'11~'c"J.l;;.J'~~ mi lam lok dang trin ta bu
Those causes were taught by the tathagata.
The cessation of those causes
~r;~~~~1 ~~~s~i'~~CJ.l~~~-1\~1 14~~r.::.1 i~ du che cho nam de tar ta
Was taught by the great shramana in this way:

~CJ.l~'fl;;.J~'~~~c"J.l~'f''l1~~~~~~~~q~~~r;~11 cho nam tam che gyu le jung

Do no wrongdoing whatsoever.
de gyu de shin shek pay sung
Practice virtue in abundance.
~'c"l.l'"-~~q~r;cq~q11~9ir;~~~~..,~~~~~r;~11 gyu Ia gok pa gang yin pa
Utterly tame your own mind.
de jong chen pay di ke sung
This is the dharma of the buddha.
dik pa chi yang mi ja shing
~CJ.lz~r~arr;~~~c"J.l11"-~~~r;~~~~~~qlq~ll4~~r.::.l ge wa pun sum tsok par che
rang gi sem ni yang su dul
~~a~;;.Jq~~~q~l1r;~~~;;.Jq..,r;~~~qcq~11cq~ di ni sang gye ten pa yin
~~c;.r~rcil~~rq~ll~~~~l~~~~qciJ~~~~~~~~l lu kyi dam pa lek pa te And:
ngak gi dam pa lek pa yin It is good to govern the body.
~~~r::la""~~r;""~ ~~~r::l~~\l~~~~~~~ar11 ~~~1 yi kyi dam pa lek pa te It is good to govern the speech.
tam che du ni dam pa lek It is good to govern the mind.
~~;rz:rr;:Jft:rsI;:Ja~z-;~1 It is good to govern them all.
tam che sung way ge jong dak
duk ngel kun le nge drollo Bhikshus who guard them all
~~""~d,J~a_~~~~~~~""~~~~q~""''~r::l~~~~qa: Are definitely liberated from all suffering.

""~~~~~~s~~~~~~~~"'~a~~~~~q~ll~l Third, the dedication:

"' -:::1. 'V' 'V' 'V' :. so nam di yi tam che sik pa nyi By this merit may omniscience be attained,
qa;~o:,~~a,~r::l~~~~4~ l"~lt:.'1
top ne nye pay dra nam pam che ne Defeating the enemy, wrongdoing.
kye ga na chi bar lap truk pa yi May all beings be liberated from the ocean of samsara,
"'~~a~~r::l~~!l~~&~~~ ~~~r::l~d,J~.a""~r;r::la si pay tso le dro wa drol war shok Turbulent with the waves of birth, aging, sickness, and death.
~~~~ lr::l~~q~""'""t;'r::l\l~~""r;'l lr::l~~~~~~r;~~~ dro way duk ngel men chik pu And:
~~&~ ,~~"it;,'1 de wa tam che jung way ne The single medicine for beings' suffering,
ten pa nye dang kur ti dang The source of all happiness, is the dharma.
~~~l~a,~~~""~"'trii~~~C1l~'~t;'~~~~~q~d-!~ll che te yun ring ne gyur chik May it remain for a long time
With prosperity and respect.
~~~~lill~~~d-!l~~~ ~~~~~~r::l~r::lq~-4~ I lu gyal ga wo nyer ga wo
shen yang drong khyer ne pa nam And:
~~~11 tse ring ne me pun sum tsok May the Nagarajas Nanda and Upananda
tak tu de wa top par shok And all those residing in towns
Have long lives without illness, abundant prosperity,
And achieve lasting happiness.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ I I 03' The Three Daily Observances

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 12 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~q~a,~~~-~.p!;:J~l1 Taking refuge and generating bodhichitta


t;;l~~!ll~z;t;;J~s~qa~~~ ~~~q~s~qat;;19~~ 1 :!~ dak Ia dang war che pay dra/ no par che pay All enemies who hate me; obstructors who harm me; all those
gek/ tar pa dang tam che khyen pay bar du who obstruct my liberation and omniscience; and my mothers,
q~z;30-!~~~o.!~~qat;;l~~1'~q~s~q30-!~~~~~ cho par che pa tam che kyi tso che pay/ ma all beings throughout space, must have happiness, be free from
~~s~qal t;.!'~o.!o.!f~~z;t;.I'?o.!'z:lailo.I~~~30-!~~~ nam kha dang nyam pay sem chen tam che suffering, and quickly attain unsurpassable complete and per-
de wa dang den/ duk ngel dang dral/ nyur du fect awakening.
t;;l~'t;;l'~z;~~~ ~~t;;l~!ll'~Z:,'::J!lll ~~~~~~~q~z;~~ Ia na me pa yang dak par dzok pay jang chup Three times.
.., " ~ -~- a rin po che to par ja (3x)
q~~~~q~sz;~t;;l~~qc:t3t;;l'z:l~sl l~n.t~~~;J"'t;,'l For that purpose, until buddhahood, I will employ my body,
deyi che du sang ma gye kyi bar du 10 ngak speech, and mind in virtue. Until death, I will employ my body,
~a~~~~z;~o.!~~~t;;l~~~~z;~~~~~0-!~9t;;l!ll yi sum ge wa Ia kol/ ma shiyi bar du 10 ngak speech, and mind in virtue. From today until this time tomor-
yi sum ge wa Ia kol/ dO de ring ne sung te nyi row I will employ my body, speech, and mind in virtue.
z::J1!ll1 0-!4aq~~~~z;~~l~~o.!l9q!llz::J1!ll1 ~~ Three times.
ma sang ta tsam gyi bar du 10 ngak yi sum ge
~~z;~~t;;J~z;~~o.!~z;~~t;.!'~'t;;l~'~'~~z;~~~~~t;.!' wa Ia kol (3x) All beings throughout the reaches of space take refuge in the
m .., "' "'~
~ 'l't;;l'!ll't;;1111,lln.t~~~(!.Jl ~o.!'o.!f~'t;.!3~'~1:,'0-!'?o.!'z:l~'~t;.!~' nam khay ta dang nyam pay sem chen tam
bhagavat buddhas, supreme among human beings. We take
refuge in the genuine dharmas, supreme among all that is free of
"' "' .., ..,
che/ kang nyi nam kyi chok sang gye cham
attachment. We take refuge in the arya sanghas, supreme among
den de nam Ia kyab sum chi o/ do chak dang
~~~~t;.!~'!ll'~I:;J~'~'t;.!~~~ ~~~~a;~~~t;'::J!ll'z::J'~t;.!~'~' dral wa nam kyi chok dam pay cho nam Ia
As many times as appropriate.
kyab sum chi o/ tsok nam kyi chok pak pay
o.!~~lt;.Iqa~~~o.!~!ll~I:;J~~o.!~~~ ll~~~o.!~~ gen dun nam Ia kyab sum chi o (As many times as
o.!~~~"l~~qal9~~~0-!~!ll~I:;J~~o.!~~~ ~~~-a;:!\~
C\.. - ~ C\..
s~:~~r~z:::.q~iJ,!a,~~~~, ,~z:::.~~~~iJ-1~~~~~~ jang chup nying por chi kyi bar Until I reach enlightenment's essence,
sang gye nam Ia kyab su chi I go for refuge in the buddhas.
iJ-1~1 ,,!~l qr.rtil1 1l9~~~z:::.~~~~ cho dang jang chub sem pa yi In the dharma and the assembly
~~~~iJ-1~, 1~~~~~~~~949~~~1 1sz:::.~~~9~ tsok la'ang de shin kyab su chi Of bodhisattvas, too, I go for refuge.

~~~lqlz:::.1 1sz:::.~~~iJ-!~lqa_~~z:r~~1 1~l9~iJ-! ji tar ngon gyi de shek kyi Just as the sugatas of the past
jang chup tuk ni kye pa dang Aroused the mind of bodhichitta;
~~~9~~q~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1sz:::.~~~iJ,!~ jang chup sem pay lap pa Ia Just as they followed step-by-step
de dak rim shin ne pa tar The training of the bodhisattvas,
~~~l~~~z:::.l ~~~~~~~~~~q~, ,~iJ,!q~~~~
~~~q~~~~ ~~~(l.!~~~d.l"t:::l~~~ de shin dro Ia pen don du So, too, shall I, to benefit wanderers
jang chup sem ni kye gyi shing Arouse the mind of bodhichitta.
de shin du ni lap pa Ia So, too, shall I, follow step-by-step,
rim pa shin du lap par gyi (3x) The bodhisattva's training.
Recite that three times.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro I 3 C6 Taking refoge and generating bodhichitta

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 14 03 A Compilation for Recitation

r ~~~~~~~~~q~\~1 ~,~.d.!~~~~d.!~~~~r~r~r::.1 s~ ken chok sum gyi den pa dang/ jin lap dang/ L The branch ofblessing the ground
tsok nyi yang su dzok pay tu dang/ cho kyi Then recite this:
~~~~:::_1 l~~~~~~r::_~~~~~q~d.!~~r::_1 ~~~ ying kyi rang shin gyi yon ten dang/ jang chup Through the power of the truth of the three jewels and their
~sz::.~~~z::_~~~~~~?Oi~r::_1 sr::.~~~d.!~~q~~d.!~' sem pa nam kyi shing dak pay jar wa Ia sok blessing; through the power of the completion of the two accu-
pa sang gye kyi shing yang su jang pay tu mulations; through the power of the natural qualities of the dang/ dak chak nam kyi mo pay tu le/ nay di dharmadhatu; through the power of the purification of buddha
C\. C\. ""' C\. ~ sang gye kyi shing tam che kyi gyen dang/ ko realms, such as the preparation of pure realms by bodhisattvas;
l:.l~'d.!~'~t:..'1 ~~~-o~~d.!~~d.!~'l:.l~'d-!~'~4~~1 ~~~~l
pa dang/ yon ten pun sum tsok pa tam che and through the power of our imagination, may this place have
C\. C\. C\. ""' ""'
~r::_~~~~'1r::,';!d.!~''O~'~'~~~z::_-1 ~,~q~r::_1 ~~?~' dang den par gyur chik/ (3x) the adornments, features, and excellent qualities of buddha
~~~d.!l~~'l:.l';!d.!~''O~'~Z::.'~~q~~~~~ 1~~"1~'llj~"'l' realms.
Recite that three times.
q~~~ deyi u su shal me khang chen po rin po che
na dun chok tu bar war ko pa/ jik ten gyi kham IL The branch of blessing the place
~~o-t~~~~z::_~~~"f'"f~'~~z::_~!;la.1 ~~~~~~~~141iJ~~r::_ pak tu me pa gye par geng pay o ser chen po Ifyou wish, recite the following words from the Sar(ldhinirmocanasutra:
rap tu jung wa/ ne ta de pa shin tu nam par
~~~~~~~~t.:l~~d.!i~~~~~~~~,-~1:.11 ~~~~~ che wa ta ye pa nam par ne pa/ gya yang su
In its center is a great palace, blazing greatly with the seven
jewels. Their great light-rays utterly fill innumerable world-
~~d.!~~q~~iJ~qID~q~~9r::.~q~~~~~~~~~~ rna che pa/ kham sum le yang dak par de pay realms. The palace has countless distinct features and is of im-
cho yul/ jik ten le yang dak par de pa/
~~:::_~1 ~~~;!~~'!:!'4~~~d.!'!:l~'~'~'d.!;!~'~~!:l~d.!' measurable vastness. It is a place that perfectly transcends the
deyi Ia may ge way tsa wa le jung wa/ shin tu three realms. It utterly transcends the world. It has arisen from
1:.1~~~~'1:.11 ~~r::_~~Jd.!'a5\!:l1 ~d.!~~~d.!'141~'~r::_~~ nam par dak ching wang gyur way nam par supramundane roots of virtue. It is utterly pure and has the char-
acter of masterful awareness. It is the abode of the tathagatas. It
!:!~~~~!:!~'~~~1411 ~~~~~141~~:::_~~!:!~~~~!:!1 ~~ rik pay tsen nyi/ de shin shek pay ne/ jang
has the sangha of bodhisattvas. Innumerable devas, nagas, yak-
chup sem pay gen dun dang den pa/ lha
~d-!~'~9~~!~ 141 ~~:::_~1 4~~~d.!'!:l~'~~%r::.~~r::_ dang/ lu dang/ no jin dang/ dri sa dang/ lha shas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, great serpents, humans, and non-
rna yin dang/ nam kha ding dang/ mi am chi human beings move about within it. It is founded on the joy
~~~~~~d.!'l:.l~~~!:j~'d.!~~~~1 ~~~~~4~~!:!~' dang/ to che chen po dang/ mi dang mi rna and great bliss of the taste of dharma. It is a place where all be-
ings' benefit is perfectly accomplished. It is free from the stain of
~~~1 sr::.~~~d.!~~!:l~~9~~~~r::.~~q1 ~~:::.1 w; yin pa ta ye pa nam par gyu wa/
any harm by kleshas. All maras have been vanquished there. It
~:::.1 ~~~~~~:::_1 5'S!'~Z::.'1 ~d-!~~~:::_1 ~d.!'d.!~~~r::_ cho kyi ro yi ga wa dang de wa chen pay ten has the array of the tathagatas, features superior to all others. It
C\. C\. ""' I'! r.l ~ ""' C\. C\. C\
pa/ sem chen tam che kyi don yang dak par
~:::_1 d.!~d.!''O'~Z::.'1 ~~ctl~'!:j'~Z::.'1 d.!'~Z::.'d.!'d.!'~~!:ld.!;1~' top par che pay ne war ne pa/ nyon mong pay
""' C\. ""' C\. ? ~ ""'
~~'!:j'~d-!'1:.1~'~'~1 a:;~~~~~~"'~~r::_q,~ctl~q~
no pay dri rna tam che dang dral wa/ du tam
che yang su pang pa/ tam che kyi ko pa le
~~~1:.11 ~d.!~-o~;!d.!~-o~~~~~:::.~~q~~~!:l~s~ lhak pay de shin sek pay ko pay ne/ dren pa
dang/ lo dro dang tok pa chen pay nge par
qa~q~~~~ql ~~~r;~qa~~lqa~~1~~-allr;
s~ql q~l1~~-alUlr;~~~r;~ql 1~~-al'~q,l

q~~~~qa~q~~94~~qaq;-lqa~~~ 1 5~q
" - jung wa/ shi ne dang lhak tong gi shan pa yin
pa/ nam par tar pay go tong pa nyi dang/ tsen
ma med pa nyi dang/ man pa me pa ne juk
pa/ rin po che pe may gyal po yon ten ta ye
is emancipation through great recollection, intelligence, and re-
alization. It is the mount of shamatha and vipashyana. It is en-
tered by the gates of liberation-emptiness, absence of
attributes, and absence of wishes. This great palace's foundation
pe gyen pay ko pa Ia ten pay shal me khang is a precious king of lotuses adorned by boundless qualities. In
lt;'l ~~~lr;~~~q~q~~~q~~r;ql ~~~~lr;
" ~
~~~fll;'~q~~qu.j~'ql "-- "

~~~~~lq~l'lt;'l if~q~lq~~~~ql ~~q~

chen par gyur/
deyi usu lha dang I lu dang mi Ia sok pay rin
po che na tsok pay triyi teng du/ lha miy go rin
its center are thrones composed of the various jewels of devas,
nagas, humans, and others. Atop the thrones are mats made
from priceless fabrics of devas and humans. On those have been
placed various resplendent, pure, stainless lotus seats.
tang me pa ding way teng du tsang shing dri That is the clarification ofthe palace and seats.
q~am~cr-ar~~~f!a.'ll~q~qm~qaq;-lq~q~~ rna me pay pe may den na tsok pa sham pa
so sor sal war gyur/
qa~~~~l~r;~~~~~~~ ~al~~~llr;l ~Ilr;1
~~~~qa~~cr-~~l~~qa~a~r;~1 ~Ja~~~~ Ill The branch ofblessing the o./Jerings
tri de dak gi teng du/ rin po che na tsok dang
f!t;~lqq~qa~r;~~ ~~r;~~~~lqaq~a~l~~ Then, the clarification ofthe offerings:
lha miy go na tsok le drup pay/ duk dang/ Ia
l~~q~~~q~~~~~~q~~~~ ~~~:~~, ~~"'li:i~fl:." re dang/ pen dang/ da di dang/ lhay me tok Above those thrones fall such thing as rains of parasols,
men da ra wa Ia sok pa nam kyi char dang/ canopies, banners, bunting, and mandarava flowers of the devas.
~~~~~:_t:;l~~~:~~~"'l~~t::l~:~~l I As well, canopies, parasols, banners, and bunting are beautifully
Ia re dang/ duk dang/ pen dang I da di Ia sok draped. The palace's walls are also beautified by nets and strings
~~~;J{~~:~~~"'l~~t::ltl~~ ~~l~~~r;~l ~~cr-~~l~~ pa dzer par dre shing/ lok nam kyang rin po
che dang/ dar dang me tok Ia sok pay dra wa
lr;~Ja~~~l~~~~~qqa1 ~~~~lr;1 ~~lr;1 dang dra che dang/ pen dang da di Ia sok pay
a.r'4~lr;1 ~~lr;1 ~a~~~~~~q~~~~q~~~~ dze pa dang sa shir lha dang miyi me tok sil
rna tram shing/
05~'lt;'1 ~~lt;'l ~~~~lt;'l a.~~lt;'l ~~~~~~q
~~~q~s~4r;1 ar~~,~~~~r;~~cr-~lr;ll~lr;~
~~~~~~qa5qlr;5sllr;1 a.r'4~lr;~~~~~~

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 15 03 The branch ofblessing the offerings

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 16 <:!8 A Compilation for Recitation

6.1~lar~1 il~~ 1~~~~~1 6.1~il1 ~~1 ~"-~=!~1 ~"'~ cho yon/ me tok/ duk po/ mar me/ dri chap/ of jewels, silk, flowers; and by banners, bunting, and so forth.
shal se/ rol mo Ia sok pa pung sum pay do On the ground are scattered flowers of devas and humans. Boun-
;r"'~~~~q~r::_q.~~6.1qa6.1~lr; 1 ~Slr;q.~lqaff~ dang/ sang po cho pay man lam le jung wa tiful oceans of clouds of excellent, diverse, inconceivable, inex-
"'16.1'"-~~~r;~~~a6.1~lqa~~~~6.1l'~"'l~~r;~r; ta buy cho pay trin gyi gya tso pul du jung haustible qfferings like those described in the Sutra of Three
shing na tsok pa sam gyi mi khyap pa nam Skandhas and the Aspiration to Excellent Conduct, including of-
~l~~q~~6.1~~~~~q~6.16.1f1af16.1~~6.1;1Q,':il~q~ khay kham kyi ta le par gye par gang shing fering water, flowers, incense, lamps, scented water, food, and
se mi she pa dang den par gyur/ music, utterly fill the reaches of space.
~~q~~r;~t;'Sll~4~'tl'lt;~~q~~~1 ~~~11

~~~~~~~~~1 ~~6.1~~'Q,l~~~~~~~~ql~~~6.1'
cham den day de shin shek pa dra cham pa
C\ ~
- - -
Iv. The branch ofinvitation
yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha kyay
wang po Ia sok pa chok chuy sang gye dang Then, the invitation:
jang chup sem pa nyen to kyi gen dun dang Bhagavat tathagata arhat samyaksambuddha Shakyamuni, all
~~lr;~~'tl';16.1~'~l1 ~l~~~~~6.1~~~':16.1~~l che pa tam che/ dak sok sem chen tam che buddhas of the ten directions, and all sanghas of bodhisattvas
kyi nye tung gi dri ma jang shing so nam kyi
~~~~r;~~6.1~r;~r;~~l~6.1~~r~~~"'~~a~l~ tsok pel way le du chen dren shing chi na/ tuk
and shravakas: I invite you in order to purify the stains of the
wrongdoing and downfalls of myself and all beings, and in order
~~~~~t;'6.1~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~"-1'~1 ~r;~~'"-1' je chen pay kul tel deng du Ia bap kyi gong to increase our accumulation of merit. I implore your great com-
par dze du sol/ passion. Now is the time!. I pray that you consider me!
~~~~l~r;~q~6.1~\~~~"'l1 ~~1r;'1

~~:z:.l:~~~~~r;'!;l'~:l\1 ~~~':16-l~~l~t:l'ti'Q,~~~~~
kye don tam che drup pa dir shek su sol/ kye
~~~"-~1 ~~a~1 ~flar~1~~1 ~l~Q,~r;~~~lr; lhayi lha/ kye kha Ia gyur wa/ kye ga shing de
wa dang chok tu ga war dze pa/ kye men pa
6.1i9~l~Q,t:l~6.1t<lq 1~~~~q~~illqa~~~q6.1r;Q. Ia na me pay drak pa nga wa/ kye kun ne
From the Lalitavistara:
0 Siddhartha, I pray that you come here! 0 deva of devas! 0
~1 ~\l~~~~~'6.1t;Q.'~1 ~~6.1~6.1'tJ'lt;'6.1~6.1'~t;'Q,~~ chen nga wa I kye mi nyam pa dang nyam
leader! 0 bringer of joy, happiness, and supreme joy! 0
shing dren da me pay yon ten dang si ji nga
~illqaar~?~lr;~~~~l6.1t;Q,'~1 6-l~~lr::_l~sl wa/ tsen dang pe che sang pay yang dak par renowned, unsurpassable healer! 0 you with all-seeing eyes! 0
gyen pay ku nga wa dir shek su sol/ equal of the unequaled, you who have peerless qualities and
r;:JS!t;~~Ulr;l~q~~~~qa~6.1t;Q.~Q,~~~4~~~ splendor, you who have a body perfectly adorned by the excel-
lent marks and signs, !pray that you come here!
~~"-~1 ~~1r;'1
~~z~r~~~~~\l~~~~~~~~~'11~~l~l~r;~'5~~ ma 10 sem chen kun gyi gon gyur ching And:
dO de pung che mi se jom dze lha You are the protector of every being.
~:sla.~d.l~'d.l~l~1 1l~~~d.l~'d.l'~~~~~~~~~~~ ngo nam ma 10 ji shin khyen gyur pay You vanquished Mara's invincible forces.
qa1 1~~d.1~~~~~'5~~~~a.~~~~~~~~"'l1 1 chom den khor che ne dir shek su sol You know all things as they are:
Bhagavat, I pray that you come here with your retinue.
~~d.l~~~~"'lq~~~~l~~~ 1a.%'"'l'~!~~%~~~ chom den kal pa drang me du ma ru
dro Ia tse chir tuk je nam jang shing Bhagavat, for countless kalpas
~~~~~~4r;1 ~~~"'l~m~~l~r;~qm-r;~(~~qa1 man lam gya chen gong pa yong dzok pay You cultivated compassion out of love for beings.
khye she dro don dze dO di lak na Now is the time for you to fulfill your vast aspirations
~l~~la.%'~~d.l~l~~a.~"'l~~~~ 1~~~l~lsr;~ By benefiting beings as you intended.
ar-~~~~~~~~1 1~~"-ls~~~~~l~~~~~~l de chir cho ying po drang lhOn drup ne
I pray that you come with your pure retinue
dzu trul jin lap na tsok ton dze ching
~r;11~la.ut~~~~'5~l~~~d.l~~~"'l~a~~~~m-r;~ ta ye sem chen tsok nam dral way chir From the spontaneously present palace of the dharmadhatu,
yong dak khor dang che te shek su sol Displaying miracles and splendor
~l~~~l~~'5~~~~~~~~"'l1 1l~~~~\l~~ In order to liberate countless beings.
cho nam kOn gyi wang chuk tso
l~~~~~~11~~~~~~~d.l~~a.s~r;11~~"'l~~~ tso maser gyi dok dra shing Foremost master of dharmas,
~~~~l~1 1llq~~~~5~~~~~1 1~~r;%~~~~ nyi ma le lhak si je che With a complexion like purest gold,
de pay chen ni dra war gyi More radiant than even the sun:
~~q11~"'l~~~~~~?~'~'"'l't:l~~~11l~lr;~4~ I invite you with fervor.
shi shing tuk je che den pa
cs~~~"'l~1 1\l~~~:sl~~q~~~~ 1~~~~~~~~~ dul shing sam ten sa Ia shuk Peaceful and greatly compassionate,
l~~11%~q~~~l~!~~~ld.1~~114~~~~~s~ cho dang ye she chak dral wa Subdued, abiding in meditation,
kun tu mi se nO par den Unattached to dharmas, with unobstructed pristine wisdom,
~~~~~~~~11d.lllqa~~~a.~~~~~~~~"'l11~~ With utterly invincible power:
tsur jon tsur jon shi dak lha
~I;,' I tup pa kye chok tam che khyen Come here, come here, peaceful and pure!
shin tu lek che suk nyen ni Shakyamuni, great omniscient being,
cho pay ne dir shek su sol Your form embodies great goodness:
I pray that you come to this place.

From the Abhidhana ofBhadri from Magadha:

tsul trim nam dak she rap shin tu dak Great shravakas, through your pure morality and wisdom,
de den nying po nyen to che nam kyi You are the mainstay of those with faith. .
gon me gyur pa dak Ia je sung way I am without a protector. In order to care for me,
don dze tuk je gong par dze du sol I pray that you consider me with compassion.

In that wa)l recite longer or shorter invitations as appropriate. And:

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 17 03 The branch ofinvitation

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 18 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~ijq~~~a~~~!:J~~cll~l ~a.t~(J,!~~iJ-r~~4~:1\~r4~~ dak dang dro Ia tuk tsey chir Out of kindness toward me and all beings,
nyi kyi dzu trul tu yi ni Through your miraculous power,
~~ 1~~~~~t:_?f'?~{~~~d,l~~~1 1d,l~~ij~~~r~r ji si cho pa dak gyi pa I pray, bhagavat, that you remain
t::l~~a.t~~t::]~t:_'t::]il.11~~(J,!~~%~~~~~~t:_~CJ~'(J,!~~ de si cham den shuk su sol Whenever I present offerings.

~~~17,!11~~~~a.S~~~!:J~~~!:J~'~~!:J~~q~~, V. The branch of welcome

It is good that the bhagavat has come here.
cham den dir ni jon pa lek
t::l~~~t:_~a.t'%~~t::l~il.~:l\11~~~~~a.t'd,l%'0l~'~11 dak chak so nam kal par den
We have merit and good fortune.
In order that you accept my offerings,
~~~(J,!i\CJ't::l~~t::l~~CJ1 1~~~t::l~d,l'~~t::l~~~~ dak gi cho yon she le du I pray that you remain here.
di nyi du ni shuk su sol
~~17,111 Vl The branch ofablution
This house of ablution is very fragrant.
s-~~~~~, t::l~d,l~~""~~~s~CJ~~~1 1t::l~~~~t::l~~ tru kyi khang pa shin tu dri shim pa
Its floor is crystal, bright and shiny.
It has beautiful, brilliant, precious columns.
~(J,!~~a.t'CJ:l\~~11t::l~~9(J,!~\ar~t::l~~~~~11""~~~ shel gyi sa shi sal shing tser wa tar
In it hangs a canopy of bright pearls.
rin chen bar way ka wa yi ang den
~~t::l~~~~~~Cll1 mu tik o chak Ia re dre pa der Just as all the devas offered ablution
To the buddha when he was born,
~~~~cll'~l ~~~f1t:_'CJ'4~~~;~d,I'CJ114Cll'~~~~~~Cll' ji tar tam pa tsam gyi ni
In the same way I offer ablution
lha nam kun gyi tru sol tar
~t:_a,~:l\t::lt::l~:l\1 1~~~~""t::l~t::la,t::lfll~~t:_~~ 1 1~ lha yi chu ni dak pa yi
With the pure water of the devas.
de shin dak gi ku tru sol
~~~~05~~~~~s~CJ~:l\11~~~r::]~(J,!~CJ~;.J~~~11 Although the buddhas' bodies, speech, and minds are
without kleshas, .
gyal way ku sung tuk Ia nyon mang mi nga
~~;.J~'\l~~~~~~~Cll'~:l\1 1~tli~~~~'CJ'Ol~1 1~' yang
In order to purify the obscurations of beings' bodies, speech,
and minds,
t::l~~t::l~~9~~~~~~Cll 1 1 ~Cllt::la~~~t:_%~~Cll~~ sem chen lu ngak yi sum drip pa jang le du
I offer this water of ablution to the buddhas' bodies, speech,
gyal way ku sung tuk Ia trO chap di sol way
~t:_~'~'(J,!t:_a,~r::.1 1~(J,!~~~~~r::.~tli~~~(J,!'~t::]'CJ'~t:_ sem chen lu ngak yi sum drip pa dak gyur
and minds.
May the obscurations of beings' bodies, speech, and minds be
~l~11 purified.
de shin shek dang de yi se nam Ia
I offer ablution to the tathagatas and bodhisattvas
rin chen bum pa mang pa po kyi chO
With many beautiful, precious vases
yi ong lek par kang wa 10 dang ni
Filled with scented water,
ral mar che pa du may ku tru sol
Accompanied by song and music.
~~t;]a~~~r;_%~~~~~ra;t;Ja,~~~~t;]~1 ~~~~~~ de dak ku Ia tsung pa me pay go V/1 The branch ofdrying their bodies
tsang Ia dri rap go pay ku chi o I dry their bodies with
~~r;_~~l~~~~t;]'t:.!'l~~~~~ 1~'t;]~~~4~~lr;_~ Peerless, clean, scented fabrics.
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~q~r;_~w~~~~~~~l~r;_ Vlll The branch ofoffering clothes and adornments
de ne de Ia kha dok lek gyur way
cil~~q~t;],r;_'t;]'~'lr;_~l ~~~~~t;]~~q~~~~~~ Then I offer them fine, well-dyed,
na sa shin tu dri shim dam pa bul Deliciously scented robes.
That was the offering of robes. And:
~-~~-~-~-~-~, ~-l~-~-~-~~~q~~qa~~~~~'O'r;_~-~-~t;] go sang sap Ia jam pa na tsok dang
I adorn Arya Samantabhadra,
Manjushri, Lokeshvara and the others
t;]~~qa~~~11~~-~-~-~~z;-, gyen chok gya trak de dang de dak gi
With fabrics fine and soft
pak pa kun tu sang dang jam yang dang
And hundreds of articles of jewelry.
jik ten wang chuk sok la'ang gyen par gyi
~~~~~f?{~cil~~t;]~~-t;]al ~~QEIQ,'4~~~~~l~
That was the offering ofadornments.
IX The branch ofoffering anointment.
~~'t;]Ejr;_'~t;]'~'Q,~~q~l~~lr;_l ~~~~i9't;]~'~9~ tong sum kun tu dri nge dang wa yi Just as one polishes the finest gold,
dri chok nam kyi tup wang kun gyi ku I anoint the radiant bodies of all the buddhas
lr;_~l9~~11""'"l9~q\.\~~t;]Eir;_lr;_a_~~lsr;_~lr;_11 ser jang tso rna chi dor che pa tar With the finest fragrances
6 chak bar wa de dak juk par gyi
""'~9~~-lt;]r;_'~9-~9~'~Q_r;_'t;]~Cj't:.!~'t;]~1 ~~~-~~-a.~~-~ From all these billion worlds.

~z;-1 That was the offering ofanointment.

~r;_9~~\.\~~~r;_l~r;_'t;]'~1 ~~~i9~~~-~~'%t;]'lt;]~
\.\~-~-~~ 19~~~r;_~t;]~~s?{~s~q5~1 1~la;9~
Q,t;]~'t;]'~'l9'~9't:.!~'t;]~1 ~~~-!;J~"~t!j!:Ja.~~-~~z;,

7he Twenty-Branch Monlam ro I 9 03 7he branches of welcoming, etc.

1he IV:tgyu Monlam Book ro 20 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~r;~~~~a.~~rt::~~l1 Praise from the Sutra of Ornamental Appearances

r ~~~~~~cJ.lz:rlr;q~llsr::.~i~~~~l f~~4~~r::,-q~~~d.l~ kha dok tak dang yip mi nga X & XI. Ihe branches ofprostration and praise
Then, the prostration and melodious praises: Ifyou wish, recite Arya Man-
tsa wa mi nga ne mi nga
ell~~ Q.~~~~Q.~d.ll~Cl.l~~~r::,~~~WI!;J~l~~~ mi gak jung wa mi nga wa jushri's praise ofthe buddha from the Sutra ofthe Ornamental Appear-
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo ances ofPristine Wisdom:
fl~~~~~l~lsz:]~~d.!~a.ll!'t::l'~d.!~a.~~~~d.!~a.ll You have no color, signs, or shape.
mi ne ne pa mi nga wa You are without root or location.
~a.~~~~z:]~d.!~a.t::ll ~~~~~"'<l.l~~a.~<l.larl ~~ lang wa mi nga dor mi nga Unceasing, you do not arise.
kye che druk le nam drol wa
~~~~~~q~d.!~a.t::ll ~~~q~d.!~a.~~~d.!~a.l ~~d.! I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo
~~~<l.l~~d.!~<"'<l.l~~a.~<l.lar,,~~~d-1~ Not abiding, you are beyond location.
cho nam kun Ia mi ne shing You are beyond acceptance and rejection.
\l~<l.l~~~~4~1 ll~~l~.l~~~l~d.Jq~~~~~ 1a.~ ngo dang ngo me nam par pang You are fully liberated from the six ayatanas.
du che nyam pa nyi nye pa
s"'d.!~d.Jq~"'z:]~~ql ~~~~~"'<l.l~~a.~<l.larl fld.!~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo
I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

~~d.!l~<l.l~'~d.!q~~<l.llld.JflQ,'~~d.!~d.!'~l~~~~~lll kham sum dak le nam par drol

You do not abide in any dharmas.
You have abandoned the real and unreal.
a,~lq~d.!~~~~9~ql ,~.~~= ~4~~l~.z:]~~~l~ kha tar nyam nyi tuk su chu You have achieved the equality of perceptions.
do pa nam kyi mi go pa I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~~d.!~q~ 1 1~l'<l.ld.!'~d.!q~d.!~~l~1
~~~~d.!~d.!q~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo
You are fully liberated from the three realms.
q~~'d.!!(l'q11~~~= d.!~d.!q~s-~~~d.!~d.J'q~~4~~~~ shek dang shuk dang sim pa yi You comprehend space-like equality.
d.!~d.Jq~l<l.l~~~qql ld.!~~~~~~~q~~d.!!(lqll cho lam nam pa tam che du You are unstained by desires.
tak tu nyam par shak dze pa I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~~~= mi ten khyo Ia chak tsallo
You always remain in meditation
nyam par jon ching nyam par shek Throughout all actions,
nyam pa nyi Ia ne pa po Such as walking, sitting, and sleeping.
nyam shing truk par mi dze pa I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo
In equality you come, in equality you go.
You abide in equality.
Your equanimity is undisturbed.
I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
d.!~d.!z:r~~~~~~~:l\~~:1 1i~~d.!~\l~~d.!~d.!t:.l:l\' nyam pa nyi Ia shuk gyur ching You abide in equality.
cho nam kun Ia nyam par shak You rest equally in all dharmas.
q'1~ 1 d.!~~d.!~~~~~~r~:l\t:.l11~~~= ~~~~~~~~ tsen ma me Ia shuk gyur pa You have entered the absence of attributes.
q~d.!r;a;q1 14~:1\qq~~~~r$fr;d.!~d.!t:.l:l\'q'1~ 1i~~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

d.!l;Q.,'~qr;q~~~:l\'t:.l11~~~= ild.!~~~\l~~~~~~r;11 mi ne mik pa mi nga wa Not abiding, you are without concepts.
she rab sak shing nyam par shak Having developed wisdom, you rest evenly.
~q~~~~~~~r;~~~;;.rr~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cho Ia nga wang nye gyur pa You have achieved mastery of dharmas.
I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
d.!!(~'t:.l1 1~~~= ~r;~r;~~~~~~~d.!'t:.l:l\'~~1 1~~r; mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo

~r;tf~d.!~~~q~~~ ~~d.!'t:.l'~~~~~d.!!(~q1 ~~~~= sem chen kun gyi dra ke dang You see at every moment
de shin suk dang cho lam dak The languages of all beings,
d.!~~d.!~~~r;~d.!'~~~r;11d.!~~d.!a.~d.!'t:.l'~d.!'t:.l:l\'~T;~11 ke chik chik gi sik dze pa Their forms, and their doings.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
d.!~~d.!~~~~~d.!!(~t:.l1 ~~~~= Ull;'~~~~q~d.!'d.!'
ming dang suk le nam par drol You are liberated from name and form.
- ~=
~~r;~q1 10ol'ry~= ~
~d.!'d.!~Q.,'~'q:l\~~~d.!'d.!T;Q.,1 ~~~~ - gyu dang pungpo tham che che
nam pa me Ia juk dze pa
All causes and skandhas have ceased.
You have entered the absence of appearances.
I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo
tsen ma dak dang nam dral shing You are without attributes.
~~~= tsen may nam pa nam par pang You have abandoned even their appearance.
tsen ma me Ia juk dze pa You have entered their absence.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

yang dak tok pa nam ma tak Your genuine thought is free from misapprehensions.
tuk yi rap tu mi ne shing Your mind does not abide in conceptuality.
yi dze mi nga mi gong pa You are without mental engagement; you do not think.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

nam kha dra war ne mi nga Like space, you are beyond location.
tok pa mi nga tro mi nga You are without impediment or elaboration.
nam kha nyam pay tuk nga wa You have a mind equal to space.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 21 03 The branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 22 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~;.r~f1a.~{a~r~:Ja.~~~~rq1 1~~~~~~~-r~l~l~ nam kha u ta rna chi pa Space is without center or end.
sang gye cho nyi de dang dra Buddhas' nature is like that.
~11~~~~~tl.l~l~a,l~~.::,q11~~~= ~~~fla.~~ du sum yang dak day gyur pa You have transcended the three times.
C\ " 1:\ ~ I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
'1l~~~~~?1 1~~~f1a.~~~~'1l~~~~l4l~~1 1~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo

l~a.s~-r~;~~%14l"z:l11~~~= ~.::,a.~~~~~a.~~~~a.11 nam khay tsen nyi sang gye te The characteristic of space is buddha.
nam kha'ang tsen nyi chi rna lak Space is without characteristics.
~~~t:]~~~~~~~1 1~~~~~\l~l4l~~~~q1 1~ gyu dang dre bu nam drol wa You are liberated from cause and result.
I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~~= ~~~~~~l~~~~ll~1 fl~~~~~l~l4l~~~~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo

~ You have neither self-fixation nor words.

14l1 1:\ 1:\ - - 1:\ 1:\
1~~,;o(4l~"l4l~~~q.::,:!JI4l1 1~ ')~= ~;1(.1,"~'1~.l~
ngar dzin mi nga dra mi nga
sung wa rna chi chu da dra You are beyond apprehension, like the moon in water.
14l~~~%14l~~1 1t:ll~~~t:ltl.l~l~t:l.:ol1 1~~ls~~ cho nam kun Ia mi ne pa You do not abide in any dharmas.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
1:\ ~
~'1~q'1l"t:]"J,~q1 1~~~=
"" ~

1:\ - .:'1 - 1:\ pung po nam dang kye che dang You do not abide in the skandhas,
~~1 1l~a:;~~~~~~~q.::,~~~1 1'J.I~.l~~?~"t:]"~
kham nam dak Ia mi ne Ia Ayatanas, or dhatus.
~~a.z:11 1~~~= z:]~la~~~~.::_t:]a.l~4~1 1~~\l~ chin ji lok le nam par drol You are liberated from error.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
ta nyi dak le nam drol shing You are liberated from the two extremes.
dak tu ta wa yang dak che You have eradicated the view of a self.
cho ying nyam pa nyi nye pa You have achieved the equality of the dharmadhatu.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

suk kyi drang le nam drol shing You are liberated from all forms.
dam cho rna lak nam par pang You have abandoned all that is not dharma.
len dang tong wa mi nga wa You have neither taking nor giving.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

du kyi ming le rab de shing You have passed far beyond even Mara's name.
cho kun tok par tuk su chu You comprehend the realization of all dharmas.
drip pa mi nga cho gyur pa You have become free from obscurations.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~~Q.~C41.~d.l~a~rd.l~~rl~~ll1d.l'd.l~~~~~~~~ll don tsal nam kyi chi mi cho Those who know the meaning do not speak of existence.
ma chi she kyang cho mi gyi They also do not speak of non-existence.
~~1 1e41~~"~~C41d.l'd.l'd.1~~~1 1!~~= ~~~ai'~e41 len me tsik lam rna chi pa They do not reply, as there are no words.
J~~~~11?j~~a~C41d.lc6~~~~~~~~11~~~"~~~~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

~"~d.lle41~11J~~= ~"a~~"a~~~"~11~~a~" nyi kyi chela mi ten par Without relying on duality
tek pay gyal tsen kun tu tsuk You plant everywhere the victory banner of the vehicles.
~~t:4d.l~~o.~l(l11~~d.lC1.l~lql~~o.~se41~11l~~= ~~ nyi dang nyi me nam drol wa You are lillem'ed from duality and non-duality.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~l~d.l~~~~~~s~~~1 1!~~= ~ll~~~~~~:s~~ khyo kyi yi kyi nye pa dang
lu kyi ne shi pam par dze
You defeated the defects of the mind
And the four sicknesses of the body.
ld.l~Q.11~~J~~~~a~"~~"~~11 ~~~"~~~~ sam ye pe dang nam dral wa You arc inconceivable and incomparable.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
ld.l~Q.~~ 1!~~= "J~~~ld.l~Q.~~~a~~1 1~~~
lhun gyi drup par juk dze ching You have entered the spontaneously present.
~d.l~~~q~o.~~~~1~l~~'\~4~ld.l~Q.'~11l~~= nye pa tham che nam par pang You have abandoned all that is wrong.
"J~~"~"J~~~~d.l~a~~11~~~~d.l~~~~~~~ cho pa khyen pay tok drang pa Your conduct is always led by wisdom.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
khyo gong shi shing sak mi nga Your wisdom is tranquil and undefiled.
jung min jung way dak nyi chen You are not the elements and yet you embody them.
ne dang tok pa mi nga wa You are without location or thought.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

mik pa mi nga tuk kyi su Your mind, which is without concepts,

kun gyi sem ni rap tu khyen Fully knows the minds of all beings.
dak shen du she mi nga wa You do not have the perception of self'arrd other.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

mik dang mi pa nam kyi ni The minds of all beings are befuddled
kun gyi sem ni mong par gyi By concepts and their objects.
drip pa me pay cho gyur pa You have become unobscured.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 23 03 The branches ofprostration and praise

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 24 Cl'8 A Compilation for Recitation

l~~~ql~lz;~d.l~'~d.l~'~11~q.~l~~d.l~~d.l"l~~11 mik pa dak dang sem nam ni Concepts and minds

ngo wo nyi kyi chi rna lak Do not exist in nature.
~~d,l'(Q~'d.l~d.lq~~~~~q11~~~= ~~~q~d,lt;Q,'d-1~~ sam ye nyam pa nyi nye pa You have achieved inconceivable equality.
q~~1 1~z;~d.l~'\l~lz;~~~~~1 1~d.l~~~\l~~~l mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

~~~~q1 1~~~= ~z;~m~~d.l~~~"'~a.~a.tl3z;1 1 ne pa mi nga khen pa yi Your wisdom, which has no location,
shing nam dang de shin du Sees all realms and, in the same way,
~d.l~lz;i'~\l~'~?~'d-1'"~~~1 1i'~~d.l~'~d.l~~l\l~ sem chen gyi cho sik pa The actions of all beings.

d.l~~q1 1~~~= i'~\l~ld-1'~~~1 11'd.l'~"~z;a.]~~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

d-1'"~~~1'~"'~~a.1~"'~1 1~~~= ~~~~z;~ sang gye nam kyi len ga yang Buddhas never, ever see
sem dang cho ten ma mik The mind or any dharmas.
a.~~~~~l:d.l!(l~z;11a.~~~~i'~"'~~~d.l!(l11 a.~~ cho nam tam che khyen pa You know with omniscience all dharmas.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~~~a.]~~~d,lt;Q,'~11~~~= ~z;~:l\~z;~~"'a.l!(l~z;1
cho gyu ma ta bu te All dharmas are like illusions.
~\~l~z;~z;~l~~~z;11~z;q~z;q:l\~~a.l!("'q11~ gyu ma nyi kyang chi ma lak Illusion itself is non-existent.
~~= .1a.1~~a~z;a.~~"z;1 11~~~~~~~d.l~"' gyu may cho le nam drol wa You are liberated from illusory dharmas.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
dzok sang jik ten cho dze kyang Although buddhas act in the world,
jik ten cho Ia ten mi dze They do not rely upon the mundane.
jik ten nam tok mi nga wa You do not have mundane thoughts.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

tong chir tong Ia cho dze ching Because they are empty, your deeds occur within emptiness.
khyo nyi tong shing cho yul tong You are empty, as is the arena of your deeds.
tong pa tong par ton dze pa You are the empty pointing out emptiness.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

gyu ma ta buy ting dzin dang With illusory samadhi

gyu trul chen po nam trul shing You emanate great magical illusions.
ta de ma chi nyom shuk pa You have entered non-differentiation.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~~~!'l.l~~~~To.l'!'l.l~~~~~r;lr;~!'l.ll~~~r;ll~~~ du rna rna lak chik ma lak Neither many nor one,
ring dang nye Ia mi juk ching You are neither far nor near.
lr;~'i~z~rlo.]r;a,q\\}~~= ~~~~a.~a,~~~~11~l dek dang shak pa mi nga wa You are beyond raising and placing.
~ " ...,., ...,., ~
-o~~~~!'l.l';~~r;~~~~ llr;~'CJ.l'CJ.lao~q~CJ.l~~~'i~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

q11l~~= a.S~q~~~CJ.l~~~~~l~11l~ar~r;~a.l~ dar je ta buy ting dzin gyi Through the vajra-like samadhi
ke chik chik Ia ngon sang gye In one instant you achieved buddhahood.
q~~~~~~l~~~q~lr;~~q~\1}~~= ~CJ.l~~~~~~ ngo rna chi par nyam shak pa You rest in unreality.
I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
~q~lqa~q~11CJ.l5~q~CJ.lfl~q~~~q(l.l~~11~~~ mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo

l~ar~r;~a.l~1 1l~~=;a.~~~~~~1 1 dren pa dO nam tam che du You, our guide, are at all times unmoving.
You have realized nirvana.
mi yo nya ngen day pa tok
~~~rl~r;a,;a.1 l~r;~lql~~l~r;a,q1 1! na tsok tap dang de pa po You have diverse means.
~ ...,.,) ...,;) " "" mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
'?~ 5 ~~~~d>l~r;a,~~d(~r;a,l 1ql~~~ql~~l~
sem chen nam kyi gyu pay tap Because you know means for guiding beings gradually,
~~q~ll\l~~CJ.l5~q~~~.;olCJ.l5~11}~~= ~q~q~ khyen pay khe par gyur pa lak You have become wise.
...,., ...,., ...,., "
de chir mi yak nya ngen day You therefore achieved unwavering nirvana.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.
tsen rna mi nga lhun gyi drup Without attributes, you are spontaneously present.
~~q11a.~q\l~~a.S~q~l!'l.l~~a.~!'l.lar11 tro pa mi nga kyon mi nga Without elaborations, you are flawless.
nang me dak gi mi nga wa Without appearances, you are without "mine."
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

nam tok mi nga kyon mi nga Without thoughts, you are faultless.
dak gi dak nyi ji shin par Because you correctly know your own hature,
kun tu khyen pa tam che khyen Knowing all, you are omniscient.
mi ten khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who rely on nothing.

top chu chu wo gal wa khyo Ia chak tsaile I prostrate to you who have crossed the river of the ten
jik dral jik me tsol wa khyo Ia chak tsal lo strengths.
rna dre cho nam nge par tuk su chu gyur pa I prostrate to the fearless one who bestows fearlessness.
dro wa kun gyi dren pa khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you, the guide of all beings
Who has comprehended the unshared dharmas.

7he Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 2 5 03 7he branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 26 03 A Compilation for Recitation

-~ _. _.--a
\l~~~a.~r::.r.::rq-o~~~~~~~a.~~~11Z'4'~~s~ /E:lt:.' jar ching wa che pa khyo Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to you who have cut through all the fetters
pa rol jon te tang Ia shuk Ia chak tsallo and bonds.
~q~~~~~~a.~~ar11 ~~r::.~qCi:~~r~~~~~~~ kye wo ngal way nam dren khyo Ia chak I prostrate to you who have crossed over and abide
a.~~ar11~~q~....~~~4r::.l~~~~~~~a.~~ar11 tsallo in the valley.
khor war shek shing mi ne pa Ia chak tsal Ia I prostrate to you, the guide of weary beings.
a.~t:::l'E:!~~-o~~~~~~~-o~~~~~r;~1 1E:!t:::l~%~ I prostrate to you who have entered samsara but do not
dro wa tam che dak na sem chen nam abide within it.
t:::l~~~~r;~~~~~~q~~~~~~~11~~~~~~~~ dang ni
~~~~1~~~:;1 1~r;~~~~q~~~~~~r;~~4~ tap chik shuk kyang tuk yi rap tu en gyur pa You abide among all. beings,
ji tar pe ma chap kyi go par mi gyur shing But your mind is utterly detached.
~q~~~~~~~~E:!~~-o~~~~\l~~~~~~~~ ~~~ sang gye tup pa khyo kyi tong nyi shin Just as a lotus is unstained by mire,
tu ten Buddha Shakyamuni, you rest in utter emptiness.
~~'Cllt:.'j'~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~a.Z'4t:.'~'
tsen ma tam che nam pa tu nam par You have destroyed all attributes.
ij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ij~~~~~q~\~~~ shik There is nothing to which you aspire.
a.~~ar11~r::.~~~~~~~q~~~~~q~~~~~~111 khyo Ia gar yang men par dze pa chi ma lak Teacher, your state is unsurpassable satisfaction.
tong pay go pang Ia me wen pa nyi lak te I prostrate to you who have crossed the rivers
~~~~~~~a.~~~~~~~~~a.~~ar1 1ar~7~\l~~ mik me chu wo gal wa khyo Ia chak tsal Ia non-conceptually.
~i~~r::.a.~~~~~a.~~ar1 1 ~~~a.Z'4~~'{{~cr~q sang gye tu chen sam gyi khyab pa ma The power of the buddha is inconceivable.
~~~~~a.~~ar11~~~11 lak te I prostrate to the non-abiding equality of space.
mi ne nam kha nyam pa nyi Ia chak tsal Ia I prostrate to you who have the best of all attributes.
yon ten gyi chok nga khyo Ia chak I prostrate to you who are like a glorious mountain.
pal pak po dra wa khyo Ia chak tsal Ia
~(l.l~~fz;(;.l~~z:::rz:::r~~ 1 Praisesfrom the Aryartlfhtrapiilaparipricchiisutra

tsen chok den pa dri me da way shal The praise in reference to the marks and signs from the Aryar~htraptila
,.,.. ~ .:-. " .:-.
&.~~~&.~a;~~~z:r::\cN'\~~a;~Q.ll ~~~l\'&.ll~~~~l
,.,.. ,.,.. ser dok dra wa khyo Ia chak tsallo paripricchiisutra and quoted in the Summary ofthe Training:
You have the great marks and a face like the stainless moon.
dul dral khyo dra si pa sum rna chi
I prostrate to you whose color is like gold.
Q.l~~a.~Q.lar, ~~Q.lsQ.l~"~~"q~~&.~&.~&.~~~, !&.!'?&.!' nyam me khyen chen khyo Ia chak tsal lo
You are immaculate; there is no one like you in the three
~"&.~~~~~"Q.l~~a.~Q.lar,,"~~a.~&.~&.~~~ gyal way u tra jam dze num shing sang worlds.
khyo kyi tsuk tor di na ri gyal shin I prostrate to and praise you whose great wisdom is peerless.
~&.~~~~:g~, ~l~~~~~l\a,~~~~Q.l~~~,,~~~ tsug tor mi tong khyo dang tsung ma chi
tup pa khyo kyi min tsam dzo pu dze The buddha's hair is soft, lustrous, and fine.
~l\l&.~~~~ll~'&,l~~~&.~&.~~~,,~~q~l~~~&.~~~ Your ushnisha is like the king of mountains.
kun da da wa kha wa dung tar kar
&.~(l~~&.~~~~ l\l~~~~~~~~l\'l1l\1 ~~~~r~~~ tuk je gang gi dro wa di sik pa
That ushnisha is unseen; no one is your equal.
Shakyamuni, the space between your brows is beautified by a
& ,.,.. " " ,.,.. ,.,.. ,.,.. ,.,..
--~~a.~~a."~:g~~q''~~&,la;~~:g~q~Q.j~~q~n chen chok sang po ut pal ngon po dra hair.
gyal wa dri me chen Ia chak tsallo

" "
"' -


chak yang sap Ia sang kyi dok dra wa
de yi rang gi shal gi dong yang khep
cho sung pay ni dro wa dul war gyi
It is as white as a lily, the moon, snow, or a conch.
In your compassion, you see all beings.
Your excellent eyes are like blue utpals.
~~~~q~~a,~~~Q.l'~l\'t:!~llla.~&.~'~&,l'~~~~~~l I prostrate to the buddha, whose eyes are stainless.
jam num sung den khyo Ia chak tsallo
Q.l~~a.~Q.lar, ,~&.~~~:g~4~~~~~q~~~11~~"~ Your tongue is wide, fine, and copper-colored.
tsem sang shin tu ten pa dor je dra It can cover your face.
~&.~~~&.~~4~~~~r;:J:g~~,,~&,l'q'&,l~l~~~t:~~Q.l' chu dang sum chu nyom shing tak sang wa By teaching dharma, you tame beings.
~l\q~"''~~~~?&.l~~q~"Q.l~~a.~Q.lar,,~Q.l~~" dzum pa dze ne dro wa dul war gyi
den tam nyen pa khyo Ia chak tsal lo
I prostrate to you whose speech is soft and smooth.

~~~~~"~'&,!~~~&.~&.~~~, '~"~~~~~~"~~~~~ gyal wa khyo kyi suk dang tsung rna chi
Your excellent teeth are very strong, like vajras.
There are forty of them; they are even.
" ,a,~~'7~~~~~~lt:~~~~
" % " - ?,l~ ,~'5&.1'~~
- 6 kyi shing gya dak kyang nang war gyi You tame beings with your smile.
jik ten na ni tsang wang kyong de dak
~l~~l~~~Q.l~t:~~~ 1 cham den khyo kyi 6 kyi sil du lak
I prostrate to you who speak the truth.

Buddha, your form is unequaled.

Its light illuminates a hundred realms.
Brahma, Indra, and the lokapalas of the world
Are overwhelmed, bhagavat, by your light.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 2 7 C'6 The branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 28 03 A Compilation for Recitation

.:"1" " .:-. ..,., -~ "'Y""

~~a..s~Qd-l~d-lo.Jlq~d-l~~a..l~1 1::Ur::_Q,.(~"'~q~s e nay jin pa nyam me cham den de Peerless bhagavat, your calves are like a gazelle's.
lang pay gyal po ma cha sen gey tap Your gait is like that of an elephant king, a peacock, or a lion.
~r::_~a~q~11~d-l~~~~a..4r:;_~r::_~~~~~4r::_~r11 cham den nya shing gang du sik shing shek Your gaze rests on one yoke's distance.
~lr::_~lr::_r::_d-lQ~arq~d-l!(l1 1t::l~d-l~~~d-l~~d-1~~ sa dang ri dang ngam pa yo war dze You shake the earth, its mountains, and the wilderness.

~~q~~q~1 ~l~q~~qa..~d-l~r::_~~~d-1~~~11a..f cham den ku chok tsen gyi gyen pa te Bhagavat, your wondrous body is adorned by marks.
khyo kyi pak pa jam shing ser dak dra Your skin is soft and of a golden color.
q~~~~a.~lq~(d-1~~~~1 ~l~d-l~t;_~qd-ld-1~~ dro wa suk di ta way ngom min gyur Seeing this form, beings are never satiated.
"'Y"" "'Y"" " "'Y"" khyo ni tsung pa ma chi suk dang den You have a peerless form.
~~~~lr::_~~1 ~l~~q~"-!qq~~~l,a..~q~l1 ~l

~~r::_~"-!'lt;_'~~q\l~'"-!'l~~1 1~d-1~~~\l~'"-!'~~~~ khyo ngon kal pa gyar ni ka tup che In the past, for a hundred kalpas, you engaged in austerities.
khyo tong dul dang jin pa kun Ia gye You delight in all generosity, gentleness, and giving.
sd-1~~~~~~11d-l~~~~~~~~~"'~~~~a..~"'~ar1 ~l~ sem chen kun Ia tuk je jam tuk den You have compassion and love for all beings.
chak tu tuk je chen Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to the most compassionate one.
~~lr::_'~"-!'~d-l~'~~~l~~1 ~l~q~llr:;_qf~~~
khyo ni jin dang tsul trim tak tu gye You are always delighted by generosity and morality.
l~~~qq~~1 ~l~q~d-1~?~4~r~q~l~~d-lr::_a..11 khyo ni so dang tson dru gye rap ten Your delight in patience and diligence is utterly stable.
d-l~r::_~~l~4~d-lr::_a.."'~~~a..~"'~ar1 ~l~~qr:;_~qa khyo ni sam ten she rab o ser nga You have the light-rays of meditation and wisdom.
tsung me ye she nga Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to you who have peerless pristine wisdom.
l~~~~a..~d-1~1 ~l~~r::_~~~~~~~~~~1 ~l~
" "'Y""C\ .:-. khyo ni ma wa ngen pay tsok chen jom You overcome all incorrect assertions.
il~qa..~"-!q5~~d-l'"'l"-!1 1d-!C6~~l~Q..'d-l!(l~l"'~~~
"'Y"" "'Y""

khyo ni seng ge ta bur khor du drok Your proclamations to your retinue are like a lion's.
a..~"'~ar11~qq~~~r::_~~~~~d-lq~l~ 1q~~~~~l khyo ni men pay gyal po dri sum sel You are the king of healers and overcome the three stains.
chok tu ga dze khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who bring great joy.
q~~d-1~9~1 ~l~#_~lsr::_~,"'~El~a~l11~l~~d-1
"'Y""' .,r"'Y"""Y"C\ "'Y""C\ tup pa ku sung tuk ni nam par dak Shakyamuni, your body, speech, and mind are completely
~r~"-!~4~~"-~~~a..~"-~"-~1 ~l~~a..~a..l~d-1~~ pe ma chu tar si pa sum ma go pure.
khyo ni tsang yang ka Ia ping kay ke Like a lotus in the mire, you are unstained by the three realms.
si sum pa rol shek Ia chak tsal lo Your speech is as melodic as Brahma's or the call of a
~r::_~~a..%'~l11~~~d-l~'~~~~~~q~d-1~~11 kalapingka.
khyo kyi dro di gyu ma ta bu dang I prostrate to you who have reached the other side of the three
gar Ia ta dang mi lam dra wa dang realms.
dak me sem chen me ching sok dro me
cho nam mik gyu chu da dra war khyen You know beings to be like magical illusions,
Like watching a drama, like dreams.
You know that there is no self, no person, and no life.
You know all dharmas to be like mirages or moons in water.
tong pa shi wa kye wa me pay tsul Through not knowing emptiness, peace, birthlessness,
me she pay ni dro war khyam gyur te We wander in migration.
tuk je tap tsul rik pa gya dak gi With compassion and hundred-fold skillful means,
de dak nam ni dzu par dze pa Ia You establish us in the knowledge of them.

do chak Ia sok ne mang gya dak gi You always regard beings who are tormented
trak par gyur pay dro Ia tak sik te By hundreds of sicknesses such as desire.
de shek sem chen gya dak yang drol shing Sugata, you liberate hundreds of beings.
da me men pa ta bur nam par gyu You are a peerless physician.

kye dang ga dang chi dang nya ngen non You have seen the suffering of the hundred illnesses
duk dang dra dang me ngak don pa gye Of birth, aging, death, the oppression of misery,
tak tu na way duk ngel sik ne ni Loss, and wailing with grief.
tup pa tuk je yang su drol shing gyu Shakyamuni, you compassionately liberate us.

dO dro yi dak nyal way dro nam su All beings spin like a cartwheel through
dro kun shing tay pang Ia shin du khor The migrations of animals, pretas, and hell.
len pa mik burna chi gon rna chi To the foolish, the blind, and those without protector
de Ia lam gyi dam pa ton dze pa You show the sublime path.

tso wo tsung pa me pay gang ten pa What you, our peerless leader, have taught
pak lam de nyi gang dag ngon che kyi Is the arya path. It was taught
cho kyi wang chuk dro way don dze pa Throughout the past by all buddhas,
gyal wa de dak nam kyi rap tu sung The lords of dharma, for beings' benefit.

jam shing nyen Ia yi du ong way chok You are gentle, soft, and supremely pleasing.
tsang le lhak par chok tu ga gyi pa You are far more delightful then even Brahma.
dri sa mi am chi lhay bu mo chok Your speech surpasses even that of
dra de sil gyi nen ne sung par dze Gandharvas, kinnaras, and the greatest clevis.

den dang drang wa mi se tap tsul gyi Truthful, honest, and of inexhaustible means,
yang jang yon ten ta ye den pay sung Your speech has innumerable qualities of training.
de to sem chen trak trik gya trak dak Hearing it, hundreds of trillions of beings
tek pa sum gyi shi war chi wa gyi Are placed in the peace of the three vehicles.

lhe Twenty-Branch Monlam 80 29 03 7he branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 3o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

khyo Ia cho pay lha yi de wa ni Those who present offerings to you gain the many pleasures
nam pa mang dang de shin mi yi top Of devas and also those of human beings.
mi yi dak po dro Ia pen gyi pa They become rulers of humanity who benefit beings,
chuk ching nor che jar pa chen par gyur Wealthy, affluent, and prosperous.

tsung me khyo Ia de pa kye pay ni Those who generate faith in you, peerless one,
ling shiy dak po khor lo gyur pa chok Become rulers of the four continents, supreme chakravartins.
dro Ia ge wa chu po kun che pa They inspire the ten virtuous deeds in beings.
rin chen rap sang dun den top par gyur They gain the seven most precious things.

gyal wa khyo Ia cho pa gyi pay ni The veneration of you, buddha,

tsang pa gya jin jik ten dak po dang Pleases the rulers of the world, Brahma and Indra,
yang su gan den lha yi dak po dang And the rulers of all the devas ofTushita,
shen trul pa dang tap dral rap gar gyur Of Others' Emanations, and of Beyond Disputation.

dro way duk ngel nam mang sel dze pa You dispel the many sufferings of beings.
nyam me khyo Ia cho dang tong wa dang Anyone who venerates, sees, or hears you, peerless one,
to pa'ang de tar dre bu chi lak te Will achieve the result,
ne chok ga shi me pa top par gyur The ultimate state, free from aging and death.

cham den lam Ia khe shing lam khyen pa Bhagavat, you are wise in the path; you know the path.
jik ten di na ngen pay lam le dok You turn this world away from the path of negativity.
cham den dro wa dak ni pak pay lam Bhagavat, you place beings on the arya path,
de wa shi wa dul dang dralla go Happy, peaceful, and immaculate.

so nam ter khyo so nam don nyer way You treasure of merit, the merit accumulated
so nam gyi wa tak tu mi way te Through your veneration will never be gone.
jang chup dam pa ma top bar du ni Until their achievement of awakening, the merit if those
kal pa je wa mang par way min gyur Who venerate you will not be exhausted in millions of kalpas.

shen trul dra wa tak tu ga gyi wa They will continually experience the delight of Others'
yang su dak ching dze pa top par gyur Emanations.
dam pay shing du lu dang ngak yi kyi They will become pure and virtuous.
sem chen dak ni nam par dak par gyur In sublime realms, those beings will become utterly pure
In body, speech, and mind."'I;Ja.~~~a.~~~~~ 1 1 ar~ 17~~~1;.1~~~q gyal wa cho pay mi yi di Ia sok People who venerate the buddha will attain
yon ten nam pa du ma top par gyur Many qualities in this and other lives,
I;J;t.'~;t.11~~~~!;t.'I;J'~'~'q~ql~11a.~q\\~'~'q~l to ri tar pa mi yi de wa dang Such as higher births, liberation, human happiness,
~~~~~;t_'~t::]'~;t_1 ~\~'t::J~\l~~~~I;J~~~q1
- - dro wa kun gyi so nam ter top gyur And the treasure of all beings' merit.
"~ ~
~~~~~~\\~~.1~~~t::]~;t.'t!l~'~do~1 ~
1~~'t::]'~"'~ khyo kyi cho dang drak pa gya chen po Your renown and vast fame fill
chok nam kun gyi shing mang gyar yang chi Hundreds of realms in all directions.
t::]~~~I;Ja.g~t::]'~1 1t::l~'t::];t_'~~~~~~~;t.~~~I;J;t.' gyal wa khyo kyi ngak pay treng wa ni The garlands of your praise, buddha,
de war shek nam khor du tak par drok Are continuously proclaimed in the sugatas' assemblies.
t::l'%~~~~i~~~'I;J11t::l~~~~lt::]~'q'~'t::]'~'"'~~q11 rim ne dral shing dro wa tar dze pa I prostrate to you, the best of human beings,
Who end contagion and free beings, who are delightful to see,
~ ..,., ..,., ..,., ~ ..,., ~
tong na ga wa tuk je chok den pa
o.J'~~~"'~'I;J'~"'~~~a.~~~1 lt::ll~--~~~~t::]~l~ cham den wang po shi wa shi ge pa Who have the utmost compassion,
mi chok dam pa khyo Ia chak tsal Ia The bhagavat whose faculties are tranquil and who delights in
~~~~~~~11~E:~I;J;t.'4~'1;J'~'~t::]'~~a.~~~~11li;JQ,' peace.
dak gi gyal wa khyo kyi sung to ne
25't::J~~~~~~~~I;J;t_t::]"'~~;t.~1 1s~"'i~~a.~~ ngon par she pa nga top kha Ia ne Having heard your speech, buddha, may I attain
~~1;.1;t."'s1 1~."'~~"'~m~~i"'t::]~t::];t.~4~~1 1ar~ pa wo de shek tsung par dak gyur te The five clairvoyances and abide in space.
dri me cho ni dro Ia nam par ye May I become heroic and equal to the sugatas.
?~'\\~~~!;t.'~~~~t::]~lI;J~1 1t::]~l~~~~~~~~ May I bestow stainless dharma upon beings.
lha dang mi dang lu cho de war shek
t::]~t::]~'~;t.r;Ja,~~11a.~t::]~~~~~~a.Zll~'~t::]'I;J;t.'4~ 1 yon ten kun gyi tar chin deng to pay Through the vast merit of praising
~~~11 so nam gya chen gang drup gyur pa di The sugata with perfect qualities,
dro wa sang gye go pang top par shok Worshipped by devas, humans, and nagas,
May all beings attain buddhahood.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 3I 03 The branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 32 03 A Compilation for Recitation

r "'l~~~~tl.l~r~~:;q~so.J~"'l9~~~~r;\l:.!'~l sem chen nam Ia tse wa chen The praise ofthe buddha by the protector Maitreya from the Sutrtllarrzktlra:
tre dang dral way gong pa chen I prostrate to you who have affection for beings,
~;;.p~.r~~~~~l4l~~~~~~~~~~~::.J~~~~~r;~~r~~~~ mi dral wa yi gong pa chen Who intend that they encounter happiness and avoid suffering,
pen de gong khyo Ia chak tsal Who intend that they be never without joy,
!a,:.l~~~l~r;~~~~11'4~~~~~r;~~~'l4l'~~a,~~,, Who intend the benefit and happiness of all.
tup pa drip kun nge par drol
~~~~~\l~~~q~~~~ Ia,~~~~~~~\~~~~ jik ten tam che sil gyi non You, Shakyamuni, are definitely liberated from all obscurations.
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~4~s~~~ ~~~~~141~~~~~ khyo kyi khyen pay she ja khyap You overwhelm all worlds.
tuk drol khyo Ia chak tsallo Your wisdom pervades all objects of knowledge.
a,~~ar1 ~~~~~~~~~i;!~~~~~~ ~~~;rr;~~~~ I prostrate to you, whose mind is liberated.
sem chen dak ni tam che kyi
i;!~~~~~~~ ~~~;Tr;~a,~~~~I(~~~;Tr;~~1 ~~~ nyon mong rna lu tam che dul You tame all the kleshas
nyon mong jom dze nyon mong Ia Of all sentient beings.
~~~~\~~~a,~!4l'a41 ~~~~~~~~r;o;~~!~r;a,1 1 You destroy kleshas yet are kind
tse che khyo Ia chak tsallo
~~~~!~r;a,~~~~~11~~~~~~~~~r;~\l~'~11 To those with kleshas. I prostrate to you.
lhun gyi drup ching chak mi nga
~~~~~~ 141 ~~a,~~ar1 ~~~~r;~~~~~~s~r;1 1 tok pa mi nga tak par ni Spontaneously present, you are without
nyam par shak ching dri kun gyi Attachment or impediment,
~~r;~r;~~~~a,o;~s~141 11 ~~~~~~~~~~r;a,~,, len don khyo Ia chak tsal lo And always in meditation.
c1:l~~~~~~~~~a,~~ar11~~~~~~~~~~~~1(~ ten dang ten pa she ja dang
I prostrate to you who answer all questions.

~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,~r;~r;a,~~r;~~~r; sung dang khyen pa che che Ia I prostrate to you who teach well,
lo dro tak tok mi nga wa Whose intellect is always unimpeded
~~~c1:l~~a,~~~~~~~~a,~~ar,,~~~~\l~~~~~ lek ton khyo Ia chak tsallo Regarding what is to be taught-words and meaning-
~~r;~~~~~~~~q~~~~~a,~~~~~~r;~~~~~~~ shek ne cho pa khyen dze de
And the means of teaching-speech and wisdom.

~r;~~~~~~~~~~l4l~~a,~~ar11 de dak ke kyi sem chen gyi Coming among us, you know our conduct.
ong dang dro dang nge jung Ia I prostrate to you who clearly teach us,
lek dam khyo Ia chak tsallo In our own languages,
What has been, what will be, and emancipation.
10 chen kOn gyi khyo tong na
kye bu dam pa lak par tsal Any being who sees you
tong wa tsam gyi rap dang war Knows you to be a holy being.
dze pa khyo Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to you, the mere sight of whom
Causes great awe.
~~lz::_~~~lz::_~~z::_qlz::_11~"-l'lt:_afz::_~~~~qlz::_11 len dang ne dang tong wa dang I prostrate to you who have mastery
trul dang yang su gyur wa dang Over taking birth, remaining, and letting go;
~z::,~a.~~lz::,iil4~"-l1 1d,lz::,a:q~~~l"'l~~a.~"'lar1 1 ting nge dzin dang ye she Ia And over emanation,
f;lq~lz::_~q~lz::_l~~lz::_11~~~~~~~~~~q(7.l11 nga nye khyo Ia chak tsal lo Transformation, samadhi, and pristine wisdom.
~ C\. ~ ~ ..r I prostrate to you who conquer
~d,l~;s~~d,l~'"'l'~qq~qa,11q~la,~d,l~'~l"'l~~a,0!)(7.l' tap dang kyop dang dak pa dang
tek chen nge par jung wa Ia The maras that deceive beings
ar11~z::_~'1~~~~iil4~lz::_11t~z::_~lz::_~~~~q~~~ sem chen nam Ia rap lu way About means, refuge, purity,
And the mahayana emancipation.
d-l!(l~~11 ~~d-l!(l~~~~~'1~.l~~~1 1~q~~l'"'l' di..i jam khyo Ia chak tsal lo

~~a.~"'lar1 1q~~~lq~(7.lq~d,lz::_a,q1 1a.f~~~~~ rang shen don du ye she dang I prostrate to you who, by demonstrating the benefit
~ ~ C\. ~
pang dang nge jung gek dze par Of yourself and others through pristine wisdom,
q~q~z::_~~~1 1\l~~~~~d,lz::,~~~~t~z::_~~1 1~~ ton dze mu tek shen dak gi Relinquishment, emancipation, and the overcoming
mi dzi khyo Ia chak tsal lo Of impediments, are unrivaled by tirthikas.
sung me nyel wa mi nga wa You are beyond observance and free from forgetfulness.
\l~'"'l'~~~~~11\l~'d,l~~~~~l~d,lz::_a,~11tQ~'l~~~ khor gyi nang na bak kyang sung In assemblies, you teach at ease.
~~~l~~a.~"'l11~d-l~;s~\l~~sq(7.l1 ~l~~~"'l~ ne nyon mong nyi pang pa You have relinquished the two aspects of affiiction.
khor di..i khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who gather assemblies.
~a,la,q~11d-l!(l~~~~~~'d,!Z::,Q,'q11~q~(7.l'~l"'l~~ khyen khyo Ia gyu wa dang Omniscient one,
a.~"'lar1 1a.~~~~\l~"'l~~d-1~~~1 1"-l~~~~~~~~ ne pa Ia tak par ni Whether you are moving or remaining still,
~~~~11~~~~~~~lz::_~~~11~~l~z::_~~l"'l~~ chen min cho mi nga te You are never other than omniscient.
yang dak don den khyo chak tsal I prostrate to you who have the authentic meaning.
sem chen gyi ja wa Ia In benefiting beings,
khyo ni di..i le mi da way You are never untimely.
dze pa tak tu don nga wa Your deeds are always meaningful.
mi nyel khyo Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to you who are never forgetful.

jik ten Ia nyin tsen du You regard every world during
len druk tu ni so sor sik The six periods of each day and night.
tuk je chen po dang den pa You have great compassion.
pen gong khyo Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you whose intention is to bring benefit.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 3 3 03 The branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 34 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~t~J'~t:,~~~~'t;J'~t:_'l ,~.4~~t:,~~~(.l.l~~~, ~~~ cho pa dang ni tok pa dang I prostrate to you who, in your conduct,
ye she dang ni trin le kyi Realization, pristine wisdom, and activity,
~~::.t:,~t:,~m~\1~~11aP'r~~(.l.l5~a.~(.l.lar,,~.~~;J nyen to rang sang gye kun gyi Are superior to all
l~~st:.~q~l ~~;J't;l'\l~q~~~;J~~l~l I~;J~~~ Ia ma khyo Ia chak tsal lo Shravakas and pratyekabuddhas.

\l~~~l;J~~ ~~~lt;J~~(.l.l5~a.~(.l.larl 1a.~~t;J1 ku sum dak gi jang chup che You attained the all-encompassing
nam pa kun nye tam che du Great awakening of the trikaya.
c;.]t:.a.~~l;Jt:.a.l ~~~t;Jl;Jt:.a.l~~ ~t;J I 1!~ari'~ sem chen kun gyi te tsom dak I prostrate to you who always
cho pa khyo Ia chak tsal lo Resolve the doubts of all beings.
~;J~~;J~~~(.l.ll 1W~~~~~(.l.l5~a.~(.l.lar1 ~~~~~ 1
dzin pa mi nga nye mi nga I prostrate to you who have no avarice,
nyok pa mi nga mi ne pa No wrongdoing, no defilements, and no indolence;
mi yo cho nam tam che Ia You who never waver;
tro me khyo Ia chak tsal lo You who are without complexity toward all dharmas.

~~f~z:::!~~~T~~""-11 Prostrations to the Hundred Lives

NAMO SHAKYAMUNAYE Prostrations to the Hundred Lives by Lord Rangjung Dorje:


~JJ-~~~~~, ~~~JJ-4~,-~'(.2.11 llt:.~tr~~~~~t:,~ tak mo shi wi ko sa Ia

tsong pen nyi dang ri bong dang I prostrate to the giver to the tigress, Shivi, Kosala,
t5't:.~t:,'ll~~~~~4~~~t:,'lll;J~'~~~(.l.l'lt:_'(;.]i'~~~ a ga stya dang sha jin dang The two merchants, the rabbit,
tam che drol dang cho jin che Agastya, the giver of flesh,
s~llqms~s;Ji!w~sl;J,,~~~t;J::.~~(.l.l~~~t:,~n Vishvantara, and the offerer;
gya jin dram se nyc che ma
s~t:,~;Jt;l~~tra,~l 1st:. lek par pa rol chin dang nya Indra, the Brahmin, the unbewitched,
~qt:_t:.'t;J'St:.~q~\1~~~1~~4::.~1\~~~(.l.l'~(.l.lq~l cha dang bum pa chuk pay bu Suparaga, the fish,
ka tup chen dang tsong pen no The quail, the jug of liquor, the rich man's son,
t;J'~I l~t:.~~t:.:nt:.~~~l~q~l I The austere one, and the merchant;
jang chup ngang pa jang chup che
tre u ri dak sha ra bha Awakening, the king of swans, Mahabodhi,
ru ru drel gyal so pa ma The monkey, the sharabha,
tsang dang lang chen de dak chu The ruru, the monkey king, Kshantivada,
Brahma, the elephant: these ten;
ar~r%1~~r~~d-!'~'~~~1d-!'~'4~~ti!ld,!'q~~11~llq~ da wa chak kyi khyim du kye Chandra, the renunciate in the iron building,
~ ...,., ~ C\...,., C\ ma he shing ta yi dam ten The water buffalo, the woodpecker, Dhrishthapratijnana,
~"'~:::_(;]l~\l~~l~II~~~~~~~~Qa,a.ll~q~1 ~d-1 de pan ser dok ku dha dang The captain, Suvarna, Kundha,
ql~~~~t;_~tr~s~:l1\l~~~sl~~~~~~1q~~sl rik ngen drak pay 6 dang chu The outcaste, and Yashaprabha: these ten;

q~s~~~Qa.~l1 1~~~a.~~~~l~a.l~q~1 1~~~ khyim dak dr6n nang ri bong dang The householder, Lamplight, the rabbit,
kun tu go je khye u nyi Samjnapayati, the two boys,
~~i~l11.1iil4~~~11~a.2Jq~l~~~ar~~~~11~~~ ten che de chin nyen pay 6 Dharitri, Sukhamdatta, Pleasant Light,
Padma, Lokananda: these ten;
~~~~l~~~~~l~'1 1~'lt:_~~~~~~~q~1 ~~~~ chu kye jik ten ga dang chu

~~~~~~:::,c;]l~1 ~q~s~::Jc;]~~:::,d,!fl~;rl 1~11.1~~ tsang jin ch6 tsol ye she den Brahmadatta, the seeker of dharma, J nanavati,
chu bep dang ni me long dong Megha, Adarshamukha,
l~~ti\~11.11 ~~~~~~~~l~~11~l~~'::Jd-!'~'~~q nak lhay kye dang shan nu dang Goshaliwarta, Kumara,
nga dang chu sek drang song chu The naga king, the beaver, and the rishi: these ten;
(;]flQ,'lQI'l.l'~~l~q~l ~~~~q~~~qa~~ll~1 J4a nying je chen nyi kar ma dang
gya jin dram se gar khen mo
The two compassionate ones, Tara,
Indra, the Brahmin, the dancer,
::Jd-!'~~~~q~~1 1~~~~llq~~:::,q:::~~l~'1 1~'4'~' nga le nu dang lu yi gyal Mamdhayatu, the naga king,
seng ge khye u trin dang chu The lion, and the boy Megha: these ten;
qq~l~(;]~~q~11~lq:!~~~~~~~~~l 1Wq~~~
C\C\ rl ...,., ...,., ~ 6 den dram se gyen po pa Bhasvara, the Brahmin, the gambler,
de pa dang ni lang po che Peshala, the elephant,
C\ .....
char ka nor chen da ga dang
~'?~''7'q~11 Adya, Dhanavanu, Somananda,
nam kha pal gyi de dang chu Akhasha, and Shrisena: these ten;
nying top chen po da 6 dang Mahasattva, Jiyotasina,
shi wi dram ze tak tu nye Shivi, the Brahmin, Sadaparibhuta,
seng ge de pon nor sang dang The lion, the captain, Sudhana,
su sha dhe wa so nam top Sushadeva, and Punyabala;
6 sang drang song tok gi lo Suprabha, the rishi, Ketumati,
ngo sang dang ni nyi treng pong Shayamaka, Suryamala,
nga bong mu khyu ut pa Ia Ushtra, Nemi, Utpala,
jang chup sem pa nyi te chu And the two bodhisattvas: these ten.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam tv 3 5 03 The branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book '80 36 03 A Compilation for Recitation

a.?4-~z::_;~;J~'~~~~~;J~'q'~%::_'11~~~z::_~Q.l'~~~~~z::_ po dang lhum shuk tam pa dang I prostrate to you, the buddha who perfected the qualities of
so dang rol tse nge jung dang the twelve deeds,
~z::_11~,a.~~~z::_~~~~~~~~&.l11 sz::_~~~~:::. ka che drung shek du de chom Who left Tushita, entered the womb, were born,
~z::_~a,~~11&.l!(~qd_af~?~';J;l:t.'~~qd_11~C4l'~'~~Q.l jang chup cho khor nya ngen de Mastered crafts, disported, renounced the world,
Engaged in austerities, approached the bodhi tree,
~~a.a;c1.lar11~~~~z::_~~~:::.~~~~~~11&.l!( dze pay yon ten tar chin pay
gyal wa khyo Ia chak tsal lo Conquered the forces of Mara, attained awakening,
" ~
~';J;l:t.'~~4~ 1 dak kyang khyo tar shen don du Turned the dharmachakras, and passed into nirvana.
dze pay yon ten tar chin shok May I, like you, perfect the qualities
Of these deeds for the benefit of others.

~.e(lt~.rq~9~~(l,r.q~lq1 The Praise ofthe Twelve Deeds

;~~~r&.J~~~~~~~~~d,~~~~~z::_~1 1~~~~~~ tap khe tuk je sha kyay rik su trung Through skill and compassion you took birth in the clan of
shen gyi mi tup du kyi pung jom pa the Shakyas.

" ~~
~1 1~~a.~Q.lq~~Q.l~~a.a;c1.lQ.l1 -
" ~
ser gyi lhun po ta bur ji pay ku
sha kyay gyal po khyo Ia chak tsal lo
You conquered Mara's forces whillbthers could not.
Your body is as resplendent as a mountain of gold.
I prostrate to you, Shakyaraja.
~~~~~~~\~~1 1~~~~&.1~~4~l~~~~~~~~ gang gi dang por jang chup tuk kye ne
so nam ye she tsok nyi dzok dze ching First, you generated bodhichitta.
&.J!(~~z::_11~~a,~:t_'c;.J!(~q~~~a.%'~~ 11&.1~~~:::.~~ du dir dze pa gya chen dro wa yi Then, you completed the two accumulations of merit and
pristine wisdom.
Q.l'r::]~~~~~~~q:::_~~11~'~(;.l~'~~&.J!(~a,~Q.l'~a.~~ gon gyur khyo Ia dak gi to par gyi
Your deeds here were vast.
&.l~~~~11~'Q.l~~~~~~~z::_~~:::_~~~4z::_11~~~ lha nam don dze dOl way du khyen ne I praise you, the protector of beings.
lha le bap ne lang chen tar shek shing
Q.l'~E3~~~~~~~~Q.l'&.ld.11~&.l~'~'~~~q;::.;J!(~Q.l rik Ia sik ne lha mo gyu trul may Having benefited the devas, you knew it was time.
lhum su shuk par dze Ia chak tsal lo You descended from the deva realm and, as an elephant,
.,r - ~ " ~" " 1"
~~a.~c1.l'Q.l11al'~'~~~~~~~a,~~q~11~:!1'4~~qa, Chose your family, and entered the womb
da wa chu dzok sha kyay se po ni
a;Q.l~~~;J~qa.~11a;z::_~~z::_~~s~~~~~~;Ja;~;J~~ Of Mayadevi. I prostrate to you.

" '
ta shi lum biy tsal du tam pay tse
tsang dang gya jin gyi to tsen chok ni
jang chup rik su nge dze chak tsaile
The ten months completed, son of the Shakyas,
You were born in the grove of Lumbini.
At that time, Brahma and Indra praised you.
I prostrate to you whose special marks foretold your
shan nu top den mi yi seng ge de Powerful youth, lion of humanity,
ang ga ma ga dhar ni gyu tsal ten You displayed your prowess at Angamagadha.
kye wo drek pa chen nam tsar che ne Having defeated all haughty people,
dren da me par dze Ia chak tsal lo You were peerless. I prostrate to you.

jik ten ch6 dang tun par ja wa dang In order to conform to mundane customs,
kha na ma to pang chir tsOn mo yi And in order to avert censure,
khor dang den dze tap Ia khe pa yi You accepted a retinue of consorts.
gyal si kyong war dze Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who skillfully governed your kingdom.

khor way ja wa nying po me zik ne Seeing that samsaric endeavors are fruitless,
khyim ne jung te kha Ia shek ne kyang You left your home. Traveling through the sky,
ch6 ten nam dak drung du nyi Ia nyi You bestowed full renunciation upon yourself
rap tu jung war dze Ia chak tsallo In front of the Stupa of Purity. I prostrate to you.

ts6n pe jang chup drup par gong ne ni Intending to diligently accomplish awakening,
ne ran dza nay dram du lo druk tu You engaged in austerities for six years on the banks of the
ka wa che dze ts6n dru tar chin pay Nairanjana River.
sam ten chok nye dze Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who, through perfect diligence,
Attained supreme meditation.
tok ma me ne be pa don yo chir
ma ga dha yi jang chup shing drung du In order that your beginningless effort be meaningful you
kyil trung mi yo ngon par sang gye ne remained
jang chup dzok par dze Ia chak tsallo Seated unmoving in front of the bodhi tree in Magadha.
I prostrate to you who achieved
tuk je dro Ia nyur du sik ne ni The perfect awakening of manifest buddhahood.
wa ra na si Ia sok ne chok tu
ch6 kyi khor lo kor ne dul ja nam Quickly regarding beings with compassion,
tek pa sum Ia go dze chak tsallo You turned the dharmachakras in places
Such as Varanasi and established your disciples
shen gyi gal wa ngen pa tsar che chir In the three vehicles. I prostrate to you.
mu tek ton pa druk dang lha jin sok
khor mo jik gi yul du du nam tul In order to defeat the malevolent opposition of others,
tup pa yul le gyalla chak tsal lo You overcame the six tirthika teachers, Devadatta, and the rest.
In Varanasi you conquered the maras.
I prostrate to you, Shakyamuni, victorious over aggression.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam tv 37 03 The branches ofprostration and praise

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 38 0.5 A Compilation for Recitation

~lq~~o.l~lq~lar~?0\~~11o.l~~~arlq::~::i~"'l si pa sum na pe me yon ten gyi With qualities unequaled in the three realms,
nyen du yo par cho trul chen po ten You displayed great miracles in Shravasti.
~~qz:]~~~~~!r.l.~'z:]'\l~~~.:l\t::l'o.lilq11z:]~~q~~ lha mi dro. wa kun gyi rap cho pa You were worshipped by all devas and humans.
q.:I\';;.J!(l~~~Q.~"'lar1 ~~ar~~~o-1~~.:1\~z:]~"-lsa ten pa gye par dze Ia chak tsal Ia I prostrate to you who caused your dharma to flourish.

~.:l\,o-1~ 1r.l.~~l'~~~~a~ le Ia chen nam nyur du kul jay chir In order to hasten the lazy,
tsa chok drong gi sa shi tsang ma ru On the pure ground of Kushinagara
~~~~~~'""z:].:l\'o.l!(l~~~Q,~~ar1 1tQr::, chi me dar je ta buy ku shek ne You left your immortal, vajra-like body.
nya nge da war dze Ja chak tsal lo I prostrate to you who passed into parinirvana.
l~~l~Q,~~q~l~.:l\'lt:_'11o.l'~t:_~~o.l~'~~z:]~l~;;.J~'!sa~.:l\11~~l~~~r::_z:]; yang dak nyi du jik pa me chir dang Because, in reality, you are indestructible;
ma ong sem chen so nam top jay chir And in order that future beings accumulate merit,
z:]~lo.l!(l~~~Q,~~ar1 ~~~!:J~~a~~C>laf,~%~~~~s de nyi du ni ring sel mang trul ne You immediately emanated many relics.
ku dung cha gye dze Ia chak tsal Ia I prostrate to you whose remains were divided into eight parts.
~r;-Q~'C>l!(l'Q:l\':!]~~4r:::~~~lql~~iJl'~r::l~~C>l!(l'!:J~l l
The first stanza is said to have been written by Lord Drikungpa; the rest
r ~!!j~~q~~~~ ~~l~l~~~~z:]~aQ,~~~~~~~~~ were composed by Acharya Nagarjuna.
ji nye su dak chok chuy jik ten na Ifthe prostration is abbreviated, recite:
~~;;.J'~4~~qlCil~r::_~\l~1 1z:]l~~~o.l~~~l~
" "- 1z:]Elt:_'q' - du sum shek pa mi yi sen ge kun
dak gi ma lu de dak tam che Ia
To all the lions of humanity
Who appear in the three times

- "- -
!o.l~~l~1 ~~~lr::_r::_~tQl'lt:_'z:]~'~~z:]~'Q,1
lu dang ngak yi dang way chak gyi a In all the worlds that there are in the ten directions
~l'q(.l_~~~o.l'~z:]~l~~~11 " " "
~~'z:]'!o.l~~ltQl'~~ I offer devoted prostration with body, speech, and mind.
sang po cho pay mon lam top dak gi
o.l~~~o-1'~11~~~~~~l~~.:l\z:]'z:]~'q'Ul~11~~z:]'\l~' gyal wa tam che yi kyi ngon sum du Through the powers of the aspiration to excellent conduct,
shing gi dul nye lu rap tU pa yi All buddhas are manifest in my mind.
"'l'.:l\z:]~~~Q,~~ar11~~~~ 1
gyal wa kun Ia rap tu chak tsallo I prostrate to all buddhas by bowing to each of them
With as many bodies as there are particles in all realms.
~'1~~~~7~~a~~=-~~~~~=-~q1 From the Dharani ofthe Lamp ofthe Three jewels

~~~J.l~'!:lW~<4Jq~1li~o.J{qP7'<41'<4la~~z::_~<4l~~~z::_~!;lq~q~ me tok pal cher me tok Ia re dang XIL The branch ofofferings.
~sr::_~q~1 me tok ko pay 6 ser rap kye te The following was taught in the Dharani ofthe Lamp ofthe Three jew-
me tok na tsok kun tu tram che shing els and quoted in the Summary ofthe Trainings:
dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa cho All sorts of flowers, canopies of flowers,
~~~~(l.l~~~~~~~l~11~~~~~lqa~l~~~~ Flower arrangements emitting rays of light,
duk pa pal cher duk pay Ia re dang
~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~CJ,ls~4~11~l~~l~~ duk pa ko pay 6 ser rap kye te
Diverse flowers spread everywhere,
I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
tr~l~~141 ~d.l~l11~~~q~(l.l~~~~~qa~~l~11 duk pa na tsok kun tu tram che shing
dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa cho All sorts of incense, canopies of incense,
~~~q~~lqa~l~~~~~~~11~~~q~l~~~~~ Incense arrangements emitting rays of light,
pal cher po dang p6 kyi Ia re dang ~l~~l~~tr-~l~~(l.l~d.l~l11~14l~~ p6 kyi ko pay 6 ser rap kye te
Diverse incense spread everywhere,
I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
w~l~w~a~~l~11W~a~~lqa~l~.:t,.:t,~~~~11 na tsok p6 nam kun tu tram che shing
dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 All sorts of fragrances, canopies of fragrance, ~~l~~l~~tr-~ Fragrant arrangements emitting rays of light,
treng wa pal cher treng way Ia re dang Diverse fragrances spread everywhere,
l~~(l.l~d.l~l11~~~~(1.l~.:t,~~~a~~l~11~~~ treng wa k6 pay 6 ser rap kye te I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
treng wa na tsok tu tram che shing
~~lqa~l~.:t,.:t, All sorts of garlands, canopies of garlands,
dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6
4~'1 1~l~~l~~tr-~l~'~(l.l'~'d.l~l1 1~'d.l'~(l.l'~.:t,~ Garland arrangements emitting rays of light,
che ma pal cher che may Ia re dang Diverse garlands spread everywhere, 1~d.l~~lqa~~~.:t,.:t,~~~~1 1~d.l~ che ma k6 pay 6 ser rap kye te I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
che ma na tsok kun tu tram che shing 1~l~~l~~tr~l~~(l.l~ dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 All sorts of powders, canopies of powder,
d.l~l11~~::aa:~l4l~~~~::aa~ ~l~11~~::aa:~~lqa na sa pal cher na sa lay re dang
Powder arrangements emitting rays of light,
Diverse powders spread everywhere,
~l~.:t,.:l\~~~~11~~::aa;~l~~~~~~~d.15~4~11 na sa ko pay 6 ser rap kye te I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
na sa na tsok kun tu tram che shing
~l~~l~~tr-~l~'~('l11 dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 All sorts of fabrics, canopies of fabrics,
Fabric arrangements emitting rays of light,
Diverse fabrics spread everywhere,
I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 39 03 The branch ofofferings

The Kagyu Monlam Book tv 40 ~ A Compilation for Recitation

~ ~ "' ..,...
"' "' pal cher duk dang duk kyi Ia re dang All sorts of parasols, canopies of parasols,
duk kyi k6 pay 6 ser rap kye te Parasol arrangements emitting rays of light,
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~l~~~~~~~d-1~\l~~~:!Jd.l'S~ na tsok duk nam kun tu tram che shing Diverse parasols spread everywhere,

4~'1 ~~~~~~~~tf~~~~l'l.l'~' ~~~~~'r.ll'l.l'~~ dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1\qa;~~~~~~~~~ll~~ rin chen pal cher rin chen Ia re dang All sorts of jewels, canopies of jewels,
rin chen k6 pay 6 ser rap kye te Jewel arrangements emitting rays of light,
~~l~~\l~~~:!Jd.l'S~4~1 ~~~~~~~tf~~~~l'l.l rin chen na tsok kun tu tram che shing Diverse jewels spread everywhere,
..,... ~ "' ~ ..,... "'..,...
~'d.Jc;j~ llq~'r;.J{].l'ctJ~q~a.~...,~~l lq~~,~qa.a.~:::!~
~ dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 I offer to those great beings, the buddhas .

~~~~~~~q~~l~~\l~~~:!Jd.l'S~-4~11~~~~\~ pe ma pal cher pe may Ia re dang All sorts oflotuses, canopies oflotuses,
pe ma k6 pay 6 ser rap kye te Lotus arrangements emitting rays of light,
tf~~~~l'l.l~d.l~ll~~~~r.~l'l.l~~~~~~~~~r;'ll~~ pe ma na tsok kun tu tram che shing Diverse lotuses spread everywhere,
dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
gyal treng pal cher gyal treng Ia re dang All sorts of ornaments, canopies of ornaments,
s~4~1 l~~~~~~~q~~~~l' l~l'l.ld-1~~ gyal treng k6 pay 6 ser rap kye te Ornamental arrangements emitting rays of light,,-~~~~~~~~~4~'11~~~~1'l.l'd.l~'~1~'~d.l~' gyal treng na tsok kun tu tram che shing Diverse ornaments spread everywhere,
dak nyi chen po de dak gyal wa ch6 I offer to those great beings, the buddhas.
gyal tsen chok k6 6 ser rap kye shing Supreme victory banners emitting bright light-rays,
~a4r;~d.l~~~~q~s~ 1 ~~~~a~~~l~~~,-~qa de dak gyal tsen kar mar ser po dang Those banners white, yellow, red, blue,

~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~-4~1 ~~l'l.l~11~~~ ngo dang gyal tsen k6 pa na tsok pa And of diverse colors and array:
du may gyal way shing nam gyen par che With many of these I decorate the buddhas' realms.
"' ..,... ? "' _a
~l'l.l~a.~~~~~~ql h~~~~~ I~~qa.~~l'l.l ~~~
"' ?
" "'~ ..,... nor buy dra wa na tsok k6 pay duk Parasols decorated by diverse nets of jewels,
a.!(~ I ll'l.l~qa.d.Jl;;]l'l.l~~d.l 05 ~q~~d.JtQ~~d.l~l l~l'l.l~ dar gyi da di ba den rap jang shing Well-draped with ribbons, banners,
dir yer dra wa gyal way sung drok pa And nets of little bells resounding with the buddhas' speech:
~~~l' ~~l'l.l~d.l~~\l~l'
de shin shek pay u Ia de dak dzin I hold these over the tathagatas' heads.
~~ ~~~~~~r;a.~~~d.l'~l'l.l~a.s~~ ~~~r~~l
lak pay til ne ch6 pa sam ye nam From the palms of my hands I present inconceivable offerings.
gyal wa chik Ia ch6 pa che pa tar Just as I would offer them to a single buddha,
gyal wa ma 10 ku la'ang de shin te I offer them in the same way to all buddhas without exception.
drang song ting dzin nam trul de dra o Such is the miraculous display of the buddhas' samadhi.
~~~~<l.1~~~t;-~.p:.J1 From the Bodhicharyavatara

de shin shek pa nam dang dam pay cho To the tathagatas and the genuine dharma,
ken chok dri ma me dang sang gye se To the stainless three jewels and the bodhisattvas,
yon ten gya tso nam Ia lek par cho To those oceans of qualities, I present excellent offerings.

me tok dre bu ji nye yo pa dang All the flowers and fruit that there are,
men gyi nam pa gang dak yo pa dang All the diverse medicines that there are,
jik ten rin chen ji nye yo pa dang All that is precious in the world,
chu tsang yi du ong wa chi yo dang All the pure water that there is,

rin chen ri wo dang ni de shin du Precious mountains, and as well

nak tsal sa chok en shing nyam ga dang Forests, solitary and pleasant places,
jon shing me tok gyen tre pu pa dang Trees laden with flowers and ornaments,
shing gang dre sang yal ka dO pa dang Trees with branches bowed by the weight of their good fruit,

lha tsok jik ten na yang dri dang ni All the fragrances in all worlds, such as those of devas,
po dang pak sam shing dang rin chen shing All the incense, wish-fulfilling trees, jewel trees,
ma mo trung pay Ia tok nam pa dang Grain that grows without plowing,
shen yang cho par o pay gyen nam ni And all the ornaments fit for offering,

tso dang dzing bu pe may gyen pa dak Lakes and pools adorned by lotuses,
ngang pa shin tu ke nyen yi ong den With beautiful swans with very pleasant calls,
nam kha rap jam kham kyi tay tuk pa All such things, not owned by anyone,
yang su sung wa me pa de dak kun That are anywhere within the reaches of space:

Ia yi lang ne tup pa kye kyi chok Bringing them to mind, I offer them well to you,
se dang che pa nam Ia lek bul na Shakyamuni, the best of beings, together with the
yon ne dam pa tuk je che nam kyi bodhisattvas.
dak Ia tser gong dak gi di dak she Sublime and compassionate recipients of service,
Consider me with compassion and accept these, my offerings.
dak ni so nam mi den tren chen te
cho pay nor shen dak Ia chang ma chi I lack merit and am destitute.
dena shen don gong pay gon gyi di I have no other wealth to offer.
dak gi don le nyi kyi tO she shik Therefore, protectors who consider others' benefit,
Please accept these, for my benefit, through your power.

In that way present offerings.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 41 03 The branch ofofferings

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 42 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~l'lll~:~!j~'~;.]~'l'll'~l~~~~1 1~l~~~~\l~'~?~' gyal dang de se nam Ia dak gi ni To the buddhas and bodhisattvas
dak gi lu kun ten du ul war gyi I offer my body forever.
~l~l'll'tJ:l\'t:l~11~;.]~'lz:JQ,';.J{~~;.]~'t:ll~~~~~z::]~' sem pa chak nam dak ni yang she shik Great sattvas, please accept it.
4~ 11{l~'z:J~~l~a,tJ~~~;.]~'t:l:l\'t:l~11ql~~~l~~ gu pay khye kyi bangs su chi war gyi I shall remain your devoted servant.
dak ni khye kyi yang su sung way na As you have taken hold of me,
~~~~z::]~~t:l~'~11~l~la.~~~~;.]~'~~~~q:l\'t:l~1 si na mi jik sem chen pen par gyi I am unafraid of existence and will benefit beings.

~~qlq~;.Jil~~~;.Ji~l'llU!l~~z::]a11~~~;.]~:l\l~ tup wang cho ne chak Ia yi ang way To Shakyamuni, the supreme object of worship,
q~l~1 ~~l'lll'll~~~s~;.]l;.]~~ll~~ ~s~t:l~l'll me tak men da ra dang pe ma dang I present beautiful mandarava flowers, lotuses,
ut pal Ia sak dri shim tam che dang Utpals, and all fragrant flowers.
~~~U~l~~~;.]~~~;.Jil11W~;.Ji~U~l~~s~lrsq treng wa pel lek yi ang nam kyi cho I worship you with beautifully made garlands.

z:J'~11 ~" "':!!. "'

1t:l~~qa,~~ct~~~;.]~~~l'l'll'l~l'll1 ~~I'll~~ po chak yi trok dri nge khyap pa yi I also offer them the most bewitching incense,
duk pay trin tsak nam kyang de Ia ul Its fragrance pervasive, and clouds of its smoke.
q~a,~~l~~t:l~~qU!11~~~~;.]~~~~1'1ll~l'll' shal se sa tung na tsak che pa yi I also offer them divine food along with
t:l:l\'t:l~11~~:l\~q~~:l\~l~:l\'tJ'U!11~~~~~~~~;.]~' lha sho nam kyang de Ia ul war gyi Diverse things to eat and drink.

-~-~ ~
- ser gyi pe ma tsar du ngar wa yi
rin chen dron me nam kyang ul war gyi
sa shi tar wa po kyi juk pa der
I also offer them precious lamps,
Golden lotuses, arranged in lines.
On a ground anointed by scent
ls~~U!l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;.]~~a.tJ:l\'t:l11 me tak yi ang sil ma dram par gyi I scatter pleasing, loose flowers.

lq~~~~;.];.]~a~~~~~l9~~11~~~~a~~t:l~~ shal me pa drang to yang yi ang den I offer to those whose nature is compassion
mu tik rin chen gyen chang dze bar wa A palace filled with the beautiful melodies of praise,

- ~ ~ -
~ :;,
~:l\~~~~~~;.]'t:.!'!l'a,~t:l~~~ 1l~~~~~~~~~~9'
pak ye nam khay gyen gyur de dak kyang
tuk jey rang shin chen Ia ul war gyi
rin chen duk dze ser gyi yu wa chen
Blazing with beautiful strings of pearls and jewels,
Immeasurable, the ornament of space.

t:.!'z::]~~t:l'1~'11 ~~~~t:llq~~;.]~'l'll'l~l'll't:l~'t:.l~1
I will always offer to the buddhas
1 khar yuk gyen gyi nam pa yi ang gyen Beautiful, precious parasols with golden handles,
~l'll~''~1~~~~;.Jilqar9~1 1~1'1l~ls~~~~U!l~~ yip lek ta na duk pa dreng wa yang With decorative and pleasing canopies,
tak tu tup wang nam Ia ul war gyi Well-shaped, pleasant, and open.
~~~ 1~;.]~~~~9q~l'll~;.]slqa1 ~~~~;.]~~~:l\
de le shen yang chO pay tsok I present other offerings as well:
~~~~:1\%~ 1 rol ma yang nyen yi ong den Cymbals with pleasing sounds,
sem chen duk ngel sirn che pay And clouds of each thing that relieves beings' sufferings.
trin nam so sor ne gyur chik May they remain. ld.lil~~9d.l~l~~ dam cho ken chok tam che dang May rains of such things as jewels
cho ten nam dang ku suk Ia And flowers fall unceasingly
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~as;:;,l ~~~~a,aslq;:;, rin chen me tok Ia sok char On all the jewel of genuine dharma,
Q,r;;Jr;;Jq;:;,4~ ~~~;:;,a_~(;.lls~~~~~~q~l ~~~7;;]9d.l~ gyun mi che par bap par shok On stupas, and on statues.

~d.lil';.JE(l'qll~'r;;J~'r;;Jl~~~~r;;J~'~~~~~ d.l~~ ji tar jam yang Ia sok pay In the same way as Manjushri
..r ..r gyal wa nam Ia cho dze pa And the others present offerings to the buddhas,
q~~l~~~9d.!~d.lasll I de shin dak gi de shin shek I present offerings to the tathagatas,
gon po se dang che nam cho The protectors, and bodhisattvas.
~~~~rq:l\'S'\~1 ~~~l;.Jq~~'r;;J'l;.Jql~~ ~~~~~'9d.l~
Ifabbreviated: ~~~rq~~~ ~~r;;J~l~~Ol~ With the finest flowers, the finest garlands,
me tok dam pa treng wa dam pa dang
d.lilq;:;,r;;J~I ~~~q~~~~~ll a,~:l\i~~z;~~~sz:::~&l~~ sil nyen nam dang juk pay duk chok dang
Music, ointments, supreme parasols,
Supreme lamps, and the finest incense
~~ll9~'9'\'U!z;~~~~~~~~lz;~~~l I mar me chok dang duk po dam pa yi I make offerings to the victorious ones.
gyal wa de dak Ia ni cho par gyi
With the finest cloths, supreme scents,
na sa dam pa nam dang dri chok dang And fine powders equal to Mount Meru,
che may pur ma ri rab nyam pa dang All displayed in supreme and magnificent ways,
ko pa khye par pak pay chok kun gyi I make offerings to those victorious ones.
gyal wade dak Ia yang cho par gyi
Here, ifyou wish, recite other praises ofbuddhas and bodhisattvas, exten-
sive or brief, as time permits.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 4 3 03 The branch ofofferings

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 44 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~.q.~~~~ 1 The Three Skandhas from the Upiilinirdeshasittra

dak ming [say your name] di she gyi wa/ sang XIIL 1he branch ofthe confession ofwrongdoing
gye Ia kyap su chi o/ ch6 Ia kyap su chi o/ gen I, (name), take refuge in the buddhas. I take refuge in the
dun Ia kyap su chi o/ de shin shek pa dra dharma. I take refuge in the sangha. I prostrate to the tathagata
~l:l~~~~~~~r;J~'i!.!~'141~~t:.l:l~~r::.2J~~.r~r~1 q~~~r::.: chom pa yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha arhat samyaksambuddha Shakyamuni. I prostrate to Conquers
kya tup pa Ia chak tsallo/ with Vajragarbha. I prostrate to Precious Radiant Light. I pros-
"'~~~q~ql ~r;~~~l41~q~~~~~~~~~l41~q~~. trate to King ofNaga Rulers. I prostrate to Virasena. I prostrate
dor je nying p6 rap tu jom pa Ia chak tsallo/ rin
~~~~ ~~~~~141~q~~~~~~ ~~q~~94~~~~~:r chen o tro Ia chak tsallo/lu wang gi gyal po Ia to Glorious Joy. I prostrate to Precious Fire. I prostrate to Pre-
..,., ..,., "
chak tsallo/ pa woy de Ia chak tsallo/ pal gye cious Moonlight. I prostrate to Meaningful to See. I prostrate to
Precious Moon. I prostrate to Vimala. I prostrate to Viradatta.
Ia chak tsallo/ rin chen me Ia chak tsal lo/ rin
I prostrate to Brahma. I prostrate to Brahmadatta. I prostrate to
"'~141 ar11~~~r;~~:~;,q~"'~;.j~~141 ~~"'~141 ar11~~ chen da o Ia chak tsal lo/ tong wa don yo Ia
Water Deva. I prostrate to Deva ofWater Devas. I prostrate to
chak tsal lo/ rin chen da wa Ia chak tsal lo/ dri
~~~~"'~ 141 ~~"'~141 ar1 1~I~qr;~~141 ~ 141 ~~"'~141 rna me pa Ia chak tsallo/ pal jin Ia chak tsallo/ Glorious Goodness. I prostrate to Glorious Sandalwood. I pros-
..-c\~ ..r ..,., ' trate to Boundless Splendor. I prostrate to Glorious Light. I pros-
..,., tsang pa Ia chak tsal lo/ tsang pay jin Ia chak
1411 ~~~"''t::l"'' ~141~~"'o:JI41'1411 ~~~141~~~141~~"'~141' tsallo/ trate to Glorious Ashoka. I prostrate to Narayana. I prostrate to
ar1 ~~~~~i!141~~"'~141ar1 ~~~~~~~~141~~"'~141 Glorious Flower. I prostrate to the tathagata Manifest Wisdom
chu lha Ia chak tsallo/ chu lhay lha Ia chak tsal Display of Brahma's Light-Rays. I prostrate to the tathagata
ar1 ~~~r;q~~ar~141~~"'~141ar1 ~~~~~~q141~~ lo/ pal sang Ia chak tsal lo/ tsen den pal Ia Manifest Wisdom Display of Lotus Light-Rays. I prostrate to
chak tsal lo/ si ji ta ye Ia chak tsal lo/ o pal Ia Glorious Wealth.
"'~141 ar11~~il~~141 ~~"'~141 ar11~~~s~ 141 ~~a.~~41 chak tsal lo/ nya ngen me pay pal Ia chak tsal
ar11~r;~~ 141 ~~"'~141 ar11~r;~~~s~ 141 ~~"'~141 arn lo/ se me kyi bu Ia chak tsallo/ me tok pal Ia
..r ..,., " ..,., chak tsal lo/ de shin shek pa tsang pay 6 ser
~~141 ~~"'o:JI41'~4111~'~"'~ 141 ~~"'~141 '141 11~~~41't::l::17;'~41' nam par r61 pa ng6n par khyen pa Ia chak tsal
~~"'~141 ar11~~~~~~ 141 141 ~~"'~141 ar11~~q~~;.j;!"'. lo/ de shin shek pa pe may 6 ser nam par rol
pa ng6n par khyen pa Ia chak tsallo/ nor pall a
t!.1~141~~"'~141ar1 ~~~~~141141~~"'~141ar1 ~~r;~i!~ chak tsallo/
~a.~~l41141~~"'~141ar1 ~~~i!~~~l41~~"'~141ar1 lil
~~~~141141~~"'~141ar1 ~~q~~94~~~~r;~~a~~
~:~;,~~~:~;,~141 ~~~~~:~;,~~~~ 141 ~~"'~141 ar11~q~~

"'~141 ar11~:~;,~~ 141 141 ~~"'~141 ar11

s~~a~~l4ll4ls~a.;l4lar11d.l;~~~l4l4~~arz;~~~~ dren pay pal Ia chak tsal lo/ tsen pal shin tu I prostrate to Glorious Recollection. I prostrate to Utterly
yong drak Ia chak tsal lo/ wang po tok gi gyal Renowned Glorious Name. I prostrate to King of the Peak of
14l'S~a.;l7.laJ'1 1~t:lz;2f~~~~l4ld.l;~~~l4lql4ls~ tsen gyi gyal po Ia chak tsallo/ shin tu nam par the Victory Banner of Powers. I prostrate to Glorious Total
a.;l4lar1 14~~~d.l~~~~~~a~ ql4ll4ls~a.;l4lar1 1 non pay pal Ia chak tsallo/ yulle shin tu nam Overcomer. I prostrate to Utterly Victorious over Warfare. I
par gyal wa Ia chak tsal lo/ nam par non pay prostrate to Goes by Overcoming. I prostrate to Glorious Array
~~14ll4l~4~~~d.l~~~l4lt:ll4ls~~l4lar11~d.l~~~~~ shek pa Ia chak tsallo/ kun ne nang wa ko pay of Ubiquitous Light. I prostrate to Precious Lotus who Over-
pal Ia chak tsal lo/ rin chen pe may nam par comes. I prostrate to the tathagata arhat samyaksambuddha King
non pa Ia chak tsal lo/ de shin shek pa dra among Lords of Mountains who Abides on a Precious Lotus.
14ls~a.;l4lar1 1~~~~~~~~d.l~~~~~~l4ls~a.;l4l chom pa yang dak par dzok pay sang gye rin You, and all the tathagata arhat samyaksambuddhas who abide
po chey pe ma Ia rap tu shuk pa ri wang gi in the world-realms in the ten directions, as many as you may be:
ar1 1~.r;:]~~~4~~~~~r;:]~a.]~UJz;~~~~(~~~a gyal po Ia chak tsal lo/ all you bhagavat buddhas, I pray that you consider me.
~z;~~~~~tr~d_q~'l4l'~r;:]'~'r;:]~~~~~~r;:]t;'~'~l4l'2f de dak Ia sok pa chok chuy jik ten gyi kham I admit all the wrongdoing I have committed in this birth, in
other births, and throughout my beginningless births while cir-
14ls~a.;l4lar1 1 ~~~14l~~~~~~~r;:]~aa.~~~~~ tam chen na de shin shek pa dra chom pa
cling in samsara; wrongdoing committed by me, as well as the
yang dak par dzak pay sang gye cham den de
~d.l~';!a.]~''5~'~'~'r;:]~~~~~q~~r;:]~a.]'q'UJt;'~~~~ gang ji nye chik shuk te tsa shing she pay encouragement of wrongdoing, and rejoicing in wrongdoing;
sang gye cham den de de dak tam che dak Ia including theft of the wealth of stupas, theft of the wealth of
(~~qa~z;~~~r;:]~a.]~~a.~~~z;~~~~~r;:]~~~~ sanghas, or of the wealth of the sanghas in the four directions,
gong su sol/
a.l'~z;~~~~a~z;~~~t:l~d.l~~a.~~~~~;!d.l~'5~ the encouragement of such theft, and rejoicing in such theft; as
dak gi kye wadi dang/ kye wa tak ma dang tha well as the commission of the five worst actions, the encourage-
r;:]~~l4l~~z;~~~~l4l1 r;:]~~~~~t:la.~~z;1 ~'r;:]'~~ rna rna chi pa ne/ khor wa na khor way kye wa ment of such actions, and rejoicing in such actions; as well as
shen dak tu dik pay le gyi pa dang/ gyi du tsal entrance into the full acceptance of the path of the ten unvirtu-
d.l~z;a.]f!Q,'a.]'a.]'a.]~~q~~ 1 ~~~r~~~r;:]a~r;:]~~~ wa dang/ gyi pa Ia je su yi rang wa'am/ cho ten ous actions, the encouragement of such entrance, and rejoicing
~~~~~~al4l~r;:]~~~~z;1 r;:]~~~~r;:]~z;1 ~~~ gyi kor ram/ gen dun gyi kor ram/ chok shiy in such entrance; also whatever actions will, through their ob-
gen dun gyi kor trok pa dang/ trak tu tsal
~14l~~~~~z;r;:]a,a.]1 a.Ji~~~~~,~~a-]1 ~~a.~~~ pa'am/ trak pa Ia je su yi rang wa'am/
~,~.~a-]1 ~~~r;:]~a~~~~~~1~~~~~~z;1 a.~~ tsam ma chi pa ngay le gyi pa dang/ gyi du tsal
~~~a,a-]1 ~~ql4l~~~~~z;r;:]a,a.]1 a.];a.]~'a.]'a.]~~ wa dang/ gyi pa Ia je su yi rang wa'am/ mi ge
wa chuy le kyi lam yang dak par lang wa Ia
~~al4l~r;:]~~q~z;1 r;:]~~~~r;:]~z;1 r;:]~~ql4l~~ shuk pa dang/ juk tu tsal wa dang/ juk pa Ia je
su yi rang wa'am/
~~~z;t:la.a.J 1 J~~r;:]r;:]]'Ult;~~~~~z;r;:]
14l'~~~~~z;1 ~~~~r;:]~z;1 ~~ql4l~~~~~z;

The Twenty-Branch Monlam &> 4 5 03 The branch ofconfession

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 46 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~z:rz~,~r;~~q~q~~~~ t::J~~ild-l~;o~~~~q~ le kyi drip pa gang gi drip ne/ dak sem chen nyal scuration, cause migration to hell, migration to birth as an ani-
war chi wa'am/ du dray kye ne su chi wa'am/ yi mal, migration to the realms of pretas, birth in a borderland,
d,l~'t::JQ,d,l1 ~~a,~~~~~~d,l~'t::JQ,d,J1 ~~~~~~~~ dak kyi yul du chi wa'am/ yul ta khop tu kye birth as a barbarian, birth among long-lived devas, incomplete
d,l~'t::JQ,d,l1 ~~'d,Jf!Q,'~t::J'~'~'t::JQ,d,l1.:il'~~~qa,d,]1 ~~ wa'am/ Ia lor kye wa'am/ lha tse ring po nam su faculties, the holding of wrong views, or birth in a place to which
kye wa'am/ wang po ma tsang war gyur wa'am/ no buddha will come.
~r;af~d-l~~~qa,d,]1 ~qr;qd,]~r;q~~~qa,d,]1 ~q ta wa lok par dzin par gyur wa'am/ sang gye In the presence of the bhagavat buddhas, who have pristine
~ ~
~~q~a,"'~q~~~qa,<J..l1 ~r;~~~~r;q~<J..l~~q~
~ jung wa Ia nye par mi gyi par gyur way le kyi drip wisdom, who have eyes, who are witnesses, who are impeccable,
pa gang lak pa de dak tam che sang gye cham who are wise, who see, I admit all obscuring actions. I reveal
Jq~~q~~~qa~~~~qq~r;~~~q~~~l<J..l~ den de ye she su gyur pa/ chen du gyur pa/ them. I confess them. I do not conceal them. I vow to abstain
~ ~~ pang du gyur pa/ tse mar gyur pa/ khyen pa/ sik from them henceforth.
;o~~r;~~~q;od,l~~a,~~t!.!'4~~~~q1 ~~~~~q1
pa/ de dak gi chen ngar tal lo/ chak so/
~qr;~~~q1 ~~d,l~~~q1 <J..l~~q1 ~~~~q1 ~~~~
All you bhagavat buddhas, I pray that you consider me. I re-
le che kyang dam par gyi lak so/ sang gye cham joice in all the roots of virtue 1 have ever generated, including
~~~~d,l~~ar11a.~~~~11Ja.~qzr11~~~~~r;~d,l den de de dak dak Ia gong su sol/ dak gi kye wa those generated in this birth, those generated in other births,
di dang kye wa tok ma dang ta ma ma chi pa ne/ and those generated throughout my beginningless births while
q~q~~~~~~~~~r;~~~q~<J..l~~a,~~~~~q~~~ khor wa na khor way kye wa shen dak tu jin pa circling in samsara; including all acts of generosity, even the gift
ta na du dray kye ne su kye pa Ia se kham chik
~~r;~~~~~~ q~~~~~qa,~~r;~q~~d,l~r;d,JflQ,' of one mouthful of food to a being born as an animal; all roots
tsam tsal wa gang lak pa dang/ dak gi tsul trim of virtue coming from my observance of morality; all roots of
d,l'd,l'd,l~~q~~~ ~~q~~~qa~q~~~~~~~q sung pay ge way tsa wa gang lak pa dang/ dak virtue coming from my abiding in brahmacharya; all roots of
gi tsang par cho pa Ia ne pay ge way tsa wa virtue coming from my ripening of beings; all roots of virtue
fl'~~~a,~~~~~~~~q~~~fld-l'~~~~d,l'z;J~'t::J' gang lak pa dang/ dak gi sem chen yang su min coming from my bodhichitta; and all my roots of virtue coming
~r;~~~q~r; 1 q~~~~~~~d,l~q~r;~qa~~qa~ par gyi pay ge way tsa wa gang lak pa dang/ dak from unsurpassable pristine wisdom.
gi jang chup kyi sem kyi ge way tsa wa gang lak
q~r;~~~q~r;1 q~~~~~r;~q~~~q~~~~qa pa dang/
~~qa~q~r;~~~q~r; 1 q~~~~ild-l~;o~arr;~~ dak gi Ia na me pay ye she kyi ge way tsa wa
gang lak pa de dak tam che chik tu du shing
~~q~q~~qa~~qa~q~r;~~~q~r; 1 q~~~~
dum te dam ne Ia na ma chi pa dang/ gong na
sr;~q~ild-l~~~~qa~q~r;~~~q~r;1 q~~~~ ma chi pa dang/ gong may yang gong mar yang
su ngo way/ Ia na me pa yang dak par dzok pay
~~~~qaat4~~~~qa;~q~r;~~~q~~~l<J..l~ jang chup tu yang su ngo war gyi o/
- 1:\ -v't:\ ~ ~ ~
~r;1 ~r;~'d,l'd,l~~q~r;1 ~t;'<J..!Q,'t!.!t;'~t;'d,J~'t!.!t;~~q~

~ ...,.., " ...,..,
ji tar de pay sang gye cham den de nam kyi I collect all those roots of virtue and, combining them into
yang su ngo pa dang/ ji tar ma ong pay sang one, I utterly dedicate them to what is unexcelled, unsurpass-
z:::]~~~ ~~~~a.l~~a~r::.~ID~.z:::]~(;.l~~a."'~~(;.l~~~ gye cham den de nam kyi yang su ngo war able, and supreme. I utterly dedicate them to unsurpassable, per-
...,.., ...,.., ~ ...,.., ~ ..,., gyur wa dang/ ji tar da tar jung way sang gye fect, complete awakening. I utterly dedicate them just as all,~~q~~~lr::,'1 c:._~~(;.la,r::,~~c.(~t:,~ID~z:::]~(;.l'~~
cham den de nam da tar yang su ngo war dze bhagavat buddhas of the past utterly dedicated roots of virtue,
a.l~~(;.l~~~arr::.~~q~z:::]~~~qlr::.1 ~~~s~~~r::. pa de tar dak gi kyang yang su ngo war gyi of just as all bhagavat buddhas of the future will utterly dedicate
" ...,.., ...,..,
...,.., dik pa tam che shak so/ so nam kyi je su yi them, and just as all bhagavat buddhas of the present are utterly
rang ngo/ sang gye tam che Ia sol wa dep so/ dedicating them.
(;.l~"'~~~~q"'9~~~r::.arr::.~~qwq~q~~~ 1~9~ dak gi ye she Ia na me pay chok tu gyur chikl I confess all wrongdoing. I rejoice in all merit. I pray to all
...,.., ...,.., "~ " ...,..,
J(;.l~~lt::l4~~~11z:::]~l~(;.l~'~'"~~Cl.l~r::,r::,11~r::,~ mi chok gyal wa gang dak ta tar shuk pa buddhas. May I achieve unsurpassable, supreme pristine wis-
dang dom.
ID~'J(;.l~~l~9~~qa,~q~~1 1t::ll9~~~4~~~ gang dak de pa dak dang de shin gang ma With joined palms I wholly take refuge in all the buddhas,
~"'~aO-l~9~~~~9 ~~(;.l~.ID~q~r::.l~l~~q~9~ jon The best of humanity, who abide in the present,
yon ten ngak pa ta ye gya tsho dra kun Ia Who abided in the past, and who are yet to come,
~"'r::.11~r::.l9a.l~~l9lr::.~q~~~r::.o.Js~11ar~7~ tal mo jar war gyi te kyap su nye war chi o All those whose acclaimed qualities are like boundless oceans.'a_s\l~~1 1l~~~~q~q~~

~r;~~~~r;~~~.r~q The confession from the Suvan;zaprabhiisottamasutra

9il.:;_~~~~E:la.~~~~9~l;~'E:la.'~9~'CI'~1 ~r::_~~~;r::_9~~ sang gye kang nyi dam pa dak All the buddhas, holiest of all humans,
tuk tse tuk je den pay tuk Whose minds have kindness and compassion,
l(;.l~l~ ~~~~q~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~r::.l~~~~ gang dak chok chuy jik ten na Who abide in the worlds in the ten directions:
shuk pa dak Ia gong su sol I pray that you consider me.
dak gi ngon che dik pay le Having entered your presence,
~~w~asl~~~a~~~ ~~~~z:::]i!l~r::.q~~~1 ~q~ shin tu mi se gang gyi pa You who have the ten strengths, I confess

~a~~~~(;.l~~~~~~~~l9.JO-l~~lt::l49~~;l;:r:J~11 top chuy chen ngar chi ne ni All the unbearable wrongdoing
de dak tam che shak par gyi I have done up to now:

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 47 03 The branch ofconfession

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 48 ~ A Compilation for Recitation

~~rd.ll~~~~~~lr;11~r;~ID~-~'~d.l~~~~~~lr;11l9 pa rna dak tu mi dzin dang Whatever wrongdoing I have done

sang gye nam su mi dzin dang Through not trusting my parents,
f;;]'l~~~~~~t:~~1 ~~~'t:!'f;;!l~~~~r;f;;!~~lr;1 1 ge wa dak tu mi dzin pay Through not trusting buddhas,
~~qaID~~t:~~~~~t:~lr;11~~~lr;aJ'r;~~lID~~q dik pa dak gi gang gyi dang And through not trusting virtuous actions;

lr;11~~~t:~aID~~q~~~~q~~11T::!l~~~~~t:~~r; chuk pay gyak pay drek pa dang Whatever wrongdoing I have done
rik dang long ch6 gyak pa dang Through the arrogance of the vanity of wealth,
T::!~~lt;'1 ~~~t:~<l,l~~~~d.l'd.]~t;'r:]~1 ~~~t:~.::_'f;;]~~ shon pay gyak pe drek pa yi The vanity of noble family and property,
Or the arrogance of the vanity of youth;
qaa.,~~d.l~lr;11~~t:~.::_t::~~d.l~r;~~t~~t:~a11~~a.,~ dak gi dik pa gang gyi dang

t::!l~~~~r;t::~~~lr;1 1s~qa~~~~~t:~lr;1 ~~ nye pay mik su rna tong way Whatever wrongdoing I have done,
nye par gyi pay le nam dang Whatever I have done that is wrong,
4~~~qa~d.l~lr;~~~~~qa~~~qalt::~t;~.::,lr;11 nye par sam shing nye me pay Or thought that was wrong, or said,
-- ~ ,_ C\ dik le dak gi gang gyi dang Through not seeing it as wrong;
'?~'d.]t;~'~d.]'t:!.::_'~~~d.l~'lt;'1 1~ld,l.::,l~~t::~~'lr:]t;'
chi pay Ia yi juk pa dang The actions of a childish mind,
~llt;'1 ~~r;~lr;~~l'lr:]t;'lt;'1 ~~.::,~~~i~~~'t:!' mi she mun pay sem dang ni Of a mind darkened by ignorance,
~~~ 1T::!l~~~~~t:~~r;t::~~~lr;1 ~~t:(l~~~~s2f~ dik pay drok pay wang gyur dang A mind influenced by unvirtuous companions,
nyon mong nam par truk sem dang A mind agitated by kleshas;
t::~lr;1 ~~~~~~.::,~~lr;~1 ~~arlr;l~a.,t::~a~~t:~
C\ ~ ~ C\ - C\ tse mar ga way wang nyi dang Whatever wrongdoing I have done
C11~11t::!l~.., ~~~~t:~~r;t::~~~lt;'11t:(lt;~lr;~lt:~~~~ nya ngen dang ni ne wang dang Out of a delight in play,
~~ - C\ ~ - C\ nor gyi mi chok nye pa yi Out of misery, out of sickness,
~~1 1~ll't:!'~d.l~'~'~=--~~~lt;'1 ~~~'t:!'d.]'C1l~'~.::_t:~
dak gi dik pa gang gyi dang Or out of discontentment with my wealth;
~~~ 1t::!l~~~~~t:~~r;t::~~~lr;11
pak min kye wo dre wa dang Whatever wrongdoing I have done
trak dok ser na gyu dang ni Through the influence of ignoble beings,
yo dang ul way nye pa yi Through jealousy, greed, pretence,
dak gi dik pa gang gyi dang Concealment, or poverty;

pong dang gu pay du kyi tse Whatever wrongdoing I have done

do pa nam kyi jik gyu dang At times of desperation and ruin,
chuk po rna yin gyur pa yi When my desires were impeded,
dak gi dik pa gang gyi dang Or because I lacked wealth;
yo way sem kyi wang nyi dang Whatever wrongdoing I have done
do dang tro way wang dak dang Under the power of an unstable mind,
tre dang kom gyi nyen pa yi Under the power of desire or anger,
dak gi dik pa gang gyi dang Or when threatened by hunger and thirst;

sa wa dak dang tung wa dang Whatever wrongdoing I have done

bu me gyu dang go gyi chir For the sake of food and drink,
nyon mong dung wa na tsok kyi For the sake of sex, possessions, or clothing,
dak gi dik pa gang gyi dang Through the anguish of various kleshas;

lu dang ngak dang yi kyi dik Whatever wrongdoing of the three types-
nye che nam pa sum sak ni Misdeeds of body, speech, or mind-


s~;~~~~~'l~~~~~l'l.lCf.l~;l l~~~~l'l.l~~~~~~
di dray tsul gyi gang gyi pa
de dak tam che dak chak so
sang gye nam dang cho nam dang
I have done and accumulated:
I confess all of this.

Whatever disrespect I have shown

de shin nyen to nam Ia yang Buddhas, the dl?.arma,
~~~l l~.-l~.3~~~-l~-l~~a;~~~l l'l~~~tr~~~~ gu pa ma lak gang gyi pa Or shravakas:
de dak tam che dak chak so I confess all of this.
l'l.l'Cf.ll;'l l~~~~l'l.l~~~~~~l~;'l l~~l'l.l~J;~~~~~
gang yang rang sang gye nam dang Whatever disrespect I have shown
~~~~l l~''l~'3~~~-l'z::!'l~~a;~~~llz::!l~~~~~~ jang chup sem pa nam Ia yang Pratyekabuddhas
~ :.a C\. - C\.
o.J-...I~~~l ll~~~a;~~~~;~~l~;ll~~~~~l'l.l~~~ gu pa ma lak gyi pa nam Or bodhisattvas:
de dak tam che dak chak so I confess all of this.
ll;'l l~'-l~'3~~~-l'z::!-l~~a;~~~l l Whatever disrespect I have shown
dam cho ma wa nam Ia yang
gu pa ma lak gyi pa dang Teachers of genuine dharma
cho la'ang gu par ma gyi pa Or dharma itself:
de dak tham che dak chak so I confess all of this.

dak gi tak tu mi she pay The rejection of genuine dharma,

dam pay cho ni pang pa dang And the disrespect of my parents,
pa ma nam Ia rna gu dang Through my continual ignorance:
de dak tam che dak chak so I confess all of this.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam '&> 49 03 The branch ofconfession

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 5o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

5qlr::_~s~~rlr::_1 ....... Gl "
1a.lla;~~.l~r::_~7~~~y~:1 1r: _ lun pa dang ni chi pa dang My obscuration by foolishness,
do chak she dang ti muk dang Childishness, desire, anger,
ID"'l~~~q~~~~~~~~q11~.l~il(;.l~~l~l~a.~~ nga gyal drek pay drip gyi pa Bewilderment, pride, and arrogance:
~~~~~r~r;1 de tak tam che dak chak so I confess all of this.

~~~l:l:l\'~1 ~la.%'~(;.lr;~s~qa~~~~~ 14~uJ~:::1l Having entered your presence,
si dro nyam ngar chi pay Ia yi ni;.l~~~~~11 shin tu mi se dik pa gang gyi pa
You who have the ten strengths, I confess every
Unbearable misdeed I have done
~~~~\l~~~~'z::I49~~~~~~~~~~(;.l't:_'~l~~(;.l'l:.,' top chu nga way chen ngar chi ne ni With a childish mind immersed in the misery of samsara.
dik pa de kun so sor shak par gyi
l~~ ~a.~~~~~(;.lr::_9ar~d.l~~(;.lr::_lr::_1 ~~~ail~ I confess whatever wrongdoing I have accumulated
kye wa nyam nga si pa nyam nga dang Amid the misery of birth, the misery of samsara,;~l~~a~~ ~~l~~~~~q~r:.,~~~~~a.a;~~ jik ten nyam nga yo sem nyam nga dang The misery of the world, the misery of a crooked mind,
~~ 1S~r~~~s~~~~r:.,~~(;.lr:.,lr::_1 1~9qa~9~lr:., lu kyi cho pa nyam nga na tsok kyi And the misery of my conduct of body.
dak gi dik pa gang sak de chak so
~l~~(;.l't:_'ll:.,'11~l~~(;.l'I:.,'Q,~la;~~~(;.l't:_'lt:_'11~~r:., Having entered the presence of the perfect buddhas,
chi pa lun che nyon mong nyam nga dang I confess all the wrongdoing I have done
~~~~~~~~(;.lr::_lr::_11l"'l~a~(;,11 dik pay drok dang tre pa nyam nga dang Amid the misery of childish, foolish kleshas,
si pa nyam nga do chak nyam nga dang
~~l~d.l~~~z::I~~(;.l'l:.,'l9'~~~r::_11~"-l'~'~t:_l~d.l~~ The misery of encountering unvirtuous companions,
she dang ti muk mun pa nyam nga dang
~d.l'd.l~~~~~l 1~9~~\l~~~~z::I4~~~~~~~ ~~~ The misery of becoming, the misery of desire,
dal way nyam nga du kyi nyam nga dang The misery of anger and th~ darkness of bewilderment,
~"'I so nam drup pa nyam nga dak gi kyang The misery of no freedom, the misery of time,
gyal wa yang dak ngon sum chi ne ni And the misery involved in the accomplishment of merit.
4~~~~~~1 a,~l'ai9~~~r:.,9~'~9'lz::I1:.,'~~~1 ~~~~~~ dik pa de kun so sor shak par gyi
If extremely abbreviated, confoss with:
~~~~~'CJ:I\'5~1 1 Whatever negative actions I have performed
With body, speech, and also mind
do chak she dang ti muk wang gi ni
Overpowered by desire, aggression, and stupidity
lu dang ngak dang de shin yi kyi kyang
I confess each and every one of them.
dik pa dak gi gyi pa chi chi pa
de dak tam che dak gi so sor shak
~a-J~'Cl~~q~~~~l!j'~1 r;:]l~-~~-~~~-r::l~~-a.~~-~~-~1 1 dak gi chok chuy jik ten du XIv. The branch ofthe generation ofbodhichitta
top chu nam Ia cho par gyi I will present offerings to those with the ten strengths
~r;:]~~-~6.!~'14l'6.!ilq~r::l~11r::ll~~~-~~~-~~-~6.!~' dak gi chok chuy sem chen nam In all the worlds in the ten directions.
-o~~6.!~11~~-r::l~l4l~~-14l~a.~~-q~r;:]~11~6.!~-o~r::l~6.!' duk ngel kun le don par gyi I will rescue all the beings in the ten directions
From all their suffering.
~~-~-~~!:!~~ 11~'r;:]~'l4l'~l~lq~r::l~11~'Z:J~'I4l'~'~~~ sem chen sam gyi mi khyap kun
sa chu Ia ni go par gyi I will establish all innumerable beings
~~~v;11~6.!~-ol~r;:]~~-~~~-~~-~~ 1~:~l'~~-!:J~I1.l sa chu Ia ni ne ne kyang On the ten levels.
Having abided on the ten levels,
~6.!l'l4l~11~~~-6.!~~-r;:]~~~-~l-~11~6.!~-o~~:~~-~~ tam che de shin shek gyur chik
May they all become tathagatas.
tllz;~11!:J~I4lqsz:J~~lq~r::l~11~~~-~lld.lq~~-r;:]~ ji si duk ngel gya tso le
de kun tar gyi nu si du Until I have the ability to free them all
!:J1 114l~-~6.!~~d.l~-olsz;r;:J~
l'q1 1::!!:J'd.l'l~~ -~~q
"Y"' " "Y"'
sem chen re rey chir yang ni From the ocean of suffering,
kal pa che war che par gyi I will engage in ~ction for the sake
a.~1 1~6.!~-o~~-l~r;:]~~-q~!:J~1 1~z;~~-r::l~l4lq~z; Of each one of them for a million kalpas.
ser o dam pa she gyi wa
~6.!~'~1 1~~q4~~~r::l::!l'r;:]~~1 114l~-~~~-~r;:]~ le nam tam che jang gyi pa I will teach this Suvar~aprabhiisottama,
~~~qtq~11~-l~-~d.l~-olsz;z;J~~~11~z;~~-14l~ sab mo dak ni to pa di Which purifies all karma,
sem chen de dak ten par gyi And presents the profound,
~-~r;:]q~d.l~11~~-~tllz;l~::!l'~~!:J11~~~-~lld.J'q' To all those beings.
gang gi kal pa tong nam su
l~z:Jtq~11~~~qa_~l~-~~~-~~-~11~~~~~z; dik pa shin tu mi se gyi Someone who has for a thousand kalpas
"Y"' "Y"'
1 ~-Z:J~'I4l'~~~~-q~z:J~1
" "
1~z;~-~~ len chik rap tu shak pa yi Done unthinkable wrongdoing
Will purify all of it
de dak tam che jang war gyur
ar~?Oi~z;r;:J~r::1~11 ~lq~o.Jl-14l~z:J~I4lz:J~!:J~11 Through one full confession.
gang gi le kyi drip pa nam
nyur du yang dak se gyur wa As I have done this confession
ser o dam pa ge wa yi Through the virtue of the Suvar~aprabhdsottama
shak pa di dak shak ne ni That quickly and perfectly
Exhausts karmic obscurations,
rin chen jung ne chok chu po
sa chu Ia ni ne par gyi I will abide on the ten levels,
sang gye yon ten nang war gyi The ten supreme sources of the precious.
si pay tso le dral war gyi I will manifest the buddhas' qualities.
I will liberate beings from the ocean of samsara.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 5I 0J The branch ofthe generation of bodhichitta

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 52 cg A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~~d-ll'~tr~~1 1ar~7~~&.ll'S!t:1~~1 ~~~~ sang gye gya tso chu wo dang The qualities of the oceans
yon ten gya tso sab mo de Of buddhas are deep and vast.
~~ar~~t;l~(;.lCl.l~~~~~Sl&.l~~~(;.l~~~~~~r:.~~t;l~11 sang gye yon ten sam ye kyi I will perfect, in omniscience,
~~~~~t;l~~~~~~(;.l~~~11~~~~~(;.lt;l~(;.l~~Jrst;l tam che khyen du dzok par gyi All those inconceivable qualities.

~~1 1~t:l~~t;l~s~~t;lCl.l~"-l~~~~
- 1:\
- ting dzin gya trak tong nam dang Through hundreds of thousands of sarnadhis,
sung nam sam gyi mi khyap dang Inconceivable dharani and feats,
~~t;l~t;1~11~9~~r:.~a:~~~~~~~~~~~&.l~11t:l~~ wang top jang chup yen lak gi The powers, the strengths, and the branches of awakening,
I will accomplish the sublime ten strengths.
"-l'~(;.l'r:.!~'~~~~~~~"-l11~~~~~~r:.~~~~~~~~11 top chu dam par gyur war gyi

gong pay tuk kyi sang gye nam I pray that, understanding me,
- -

dak Ia nam par sik su sol Buddhas, you regard me.

~~~~~05 ~~~r:.~~~t;l~~r:.~11~'~~t;l~~~~~~~&.l~11 tuk je den pay tuk kyi ni I pray that, with compassion,
nong pa rap tu sung du sol You accept my faults.
1:\ 1:\ 1:\ - 1:\ dak gi kal pa gya nam su My mind is miserable, desperate
t:1~11Cl.l~'~'~~~~(;.l~'r:.J~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~t;l~~r:.~11 And oppressed by fear at the thought of
ngon che dik pa gang gyi pa
~~~~~~~a,~~~~'(;.l'(;.l~~~ ~~~~~~'Sl&.l~~~~~~ de chir dak ni nya ngen sem Whatever wrongdoing I have done up to now
pong dang nya nge jik pay sir Throughout a hundred kalpas.
~~~~ 1Q,~t;l'\l~~a,~~~~"-l't:1~1 ~~~~r:.~~t;l~~~~
dik pay le Ia jik par gyi I am terrified by wrongdoing.
~~~"-l11~~~~r:.~~~"-l~'t;l~~Sl~'(;.l~~11 t;1~~9~~ yi ni tak tu men par gyur My mind is always depressed.
~~~"-l~'~(;.l~'~11~'d,l'~'t;14~~~~r:.~~~"-l11~~~~~ gang dang gang du cho gyi pa I am not pleased
dak ni gang du'ang ga ma chi By what I have done.
sang gye tam che tuk je den All buddhas are compassionate.
dro wa kun gyi jik sel way You remove dangers for all beings.
nong pa rap tu sung du sol I pray that you accept my faults.
jik pa dak le dak tar dzo Free me from fear!

dak gi nyon mong le nam kyi Tathagatas, dispel the stains

dri ma de shin shek pe sol Of my karma and kleshas.
sang gye nam kyi dak Ia ni Buddhas, I pray that you wash me
nying jey chu yi tru war sol With the water of your compassion.
~~rq~O-!~~l~~~q~q~1 1~~a;lql~~~~~ dik pa tam che shak par gyi I confess all wrongdoing.
ngon che dak ti gang gyi pa Whatever I have done in the past
z::I~~l~'11l~~ql~~~~q~~'11~.l~~O-!~'~lql~ ta tar dak gi dik pa gang And my wrongdoing of the present,
a,a;~~~1 1~~~q~q~~q~l4!~'~0-!~'\l~1 1~~a;l! de dak tam che dak chak so I confess all of it.

z::I~l'z::I~O-!'q~q~11z::!l~~~~~~q~q~~q~~11~~ nong par gyi pay le nam kun I vow not to repeat henceforth
len che mi gyi dam par gyi All the faulty actions I have done.
~q~qq~lq~~1 1~~~14!~~~0-!~~0-!l~1 1~~~ dak gi nong par gyi pa gang Whatever I have done that is wrong,
~O-!qq~l~.l~'11~l~~O-!q~~O-!'q~0-!~11~'l~~O-!~' dik de cha par mi gyi o I will not conceal it.

~lql~a,a;~~~11~~~~q~~l~~~~l4l~11~l~~ lu kyi le ni nam sum dang The three actions of body,

ngak gi nam pa shi dak dang The four of speech,
~O-!q~z::I~O-!'q'l~1 114l~'~O-!'z::I~'tJ'z::I~~ql~ 1~.l~ yi kyi nam pa sum po nam And the three of mind:
de dak tam che dak chak so I confess all of them.
~O-!~~lql~a,a;~~~1 1ll~~l4l~'z::I~''!j~~~~~1 1
IU kyi gyi dang ngak kyi le Done with my body! said with my speech,
l~q~qq~~q~~11~'?:::!~'14l'~'z::Il~~~~q~11~?:::!~' yi kyi nam par sam pa dang Or thought in my mind-
z::I~'O-!~~~~~q~q~11z::!l~~~~~q~~~~~l~ 1 le nam chu pa gyi pa dak The ten actions-
de dak tam che dak chak so ! confess them all.
mi gey le chu pang ne su Having abandoned the ten unvirtuous actions,
~l~~o.!~~l~~~q~q~11~~~1 I ge wa chu po ten gyi te I will rely upon the ten virtuous actions.
sa chu Ia ni dak ne gyi I will abide on the ten levels.
top chu chok tu gyur war gyi I will accomplish the ten strengths.

dak gi dik pay le gang dak Having entered the presence of the buddhas,
mi do dre bu top yi pa I confess all of the unvirtuous actions,
sang gye chen ngar chi ne ni The causes of undesired results,
de dak tam che shak par gyi That I have done.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam &> 53 03 The branch ofthe generation of bodhichitta

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 54 03 A Compilation for Recitation

r ~~~~~~~:l\~q~lll~~~~1 XV. The branch of rejoicing

chok chuy gyal wa dang sang gye se I rejoice in all the merit of all the buddhas
~~~t::]~~IDc7.1r~r~~S;~z::_~ID~~~1 1~z::_IDc7.l.~d.l~lz::_ rang gyal nam dang lop dang mi lop dang Of the ten directions, of bodhisattvas,
dro wa gyi so nam gang Ia yang Of pratyekabuddhas, of those in training
~t::]lz::_~~t::]'lZ::,'11a,%'t::]'~~~t::]~l~d.l~'~Z::,'c7.l'Cl.lZ::,'11~' de dak gyi je su dak yi rang And beyond training, and of all beings.
l~~~~~~~t::]l~tll~z::_11~~l~1 ~~:l\~l~~~~~~q~1 And, from the Suva,.,aprabhrisottama:
a,!(d.l'~~~z::_a,~~~z::_l~lz::_11a,~~~~fd.l~'~'~~~l~ I rejoice in all the virtuous actions
dzam buy ling dir gang dak dang Done by anyone
m" " ? " -
~~~~z::,~d.l~l~lt::la,c7.1~t::l~~q1 h'l~~~c7.1ar~z::,z::,11 jik ten kham ni shen dak tu In this Jambudvipa,
gang nam ge way le gyi pa Or in other world-realms.
~~~11 de dak Ia yi rang ngo
XVI. The branch ofsupplication that the dharmachakra be turned
All torches of the ten directions
Who have attained dispassionate buddhahood
gang nam chok chuy jik ten dron me dak
~z::_~d.l~~~~t::l~~a,~~~~~~~l~ 1Sz::_~t::l.~d.lq~ jang chup rim par sang gye ma chak nye
Through the stages of awakening, all protectors:
I implore you to turn the unsurpassable wheel.
gon po de dak dak gi tam che Ia
~z::_~ID~d.l 05 ~~t::]~~11d.l~~?f~l~t::]l~~~~d.l~~l khor lo Ia na me par kor war XVII The branch ofsupplication to remain and not to pass into nirvana
c7.111a,f~~~~~lq~t::]~~t::]~'t::l~c7.111~~~~1 With joined palms, I pray that all those wishing
To demonstrate nirvana remain,
r ~~~~~~o,l(.l,'Cl:l\'Cl~~~q:l;,'~~~qo,~q~r;:r~1 nya ngen da ton gang she de dak Ia For the benefit and happiness of beings,
dro wa Ia pen shing de way chir For as many kalpas as there are particles in all realms.
~z::_~a,la,~~~z::,t::]~l~l~c7.111a,%'t::]'~~c7.l~~~z::_t::]~' kal pa shing gi nye shuk par yang
dak gi tal mo rap jar sol war gyi
~~-~~-~~~-~-ar~~-~-~~z:~r~~r~~~~rq1 From the Dedication ofVajradhvaja
jang chup sem pay che pa ch6 pa na/ suk yi du XVIII The branch ofthe dedication ofroots ofvirtue:
r ~~t::~~~z:rt::~ft::!~'tll~'~~~1 ~~~~~<ll'd.l~~~m'r;~~t::l~t::l'~~
ong wa'am/ yi du mi ong wa gang ji nye chik When engaging in bodhisattva conduct, whatever forms I see,
~~r;~~1 tong wa dang/ de shin du dra dang/ dri dang/ ro whether pleasant or unpleasant; and whatever sounds, smells,
dang/ rek ja dang/ ch6 yi du ong wa'am/ yi du tastes, tactile sensations, and dharmas I encounter, whether
mi ong wa'am kha na rna to wa me pa dak Ia de
s~:~~r~o.~~rlq~~lq~lq~l ~~~~~l~~r;~a.o.!l wa gya che wa 6 sel wa'am/
pleasant, unpleasant, or flawless; whenever I experience radiant,
great joy; whenever I give rise to joy, or accomplish joy, or give
~l~l~r;~~r;~~l~~o.~~r;qlr;'1 ~~~~~~lr;'l gang gi yi de wa kye wa dang/ de wa drup pa rise to faith, or experience delight, or abide in supreme delight,
or feel pleased, or dispel unhappiness; whenever virtue arises in
~s~1 ~lr:..1 ~~slr:..1 ~l~l~r:.. dang/ de pa kye wa dang/ ga wa jung wa dang/
my mind, or my mind becomes workable, or my thinking be-
chok tu ga wa Ia ne pa dang/ gu wa jung wa
qa,o.~f~o.~~~~lql~lll~~q~~~~l~~ar~a.o.~l dang/ yi mi de wa dok pa dang/ sem ge wa jung comes flexible, or I experience the joy of utterly satisfied facul-
wa dang/ sem le su rung par gyur wa dang/ ties, may I entirely dedicate it to all buddhas in this way:
~r;~~~lq~q~~lr;'l ~~~q~~qlr;l llr~r~q
lt;'l -
l~a,t:;r~r;~lr;'l o.~a;~~l~a.~lll~~~qlr;'l

o.~~q~r;qlr;'l ~ll~~~~~qlr;'1 ~o.~~l~~~r;

sam pa nyen par gyur wa dang/ wang po rap tu
tsim par gyur way de wa de nyong wa na sang
gye tam che Ia di tar yang so ngo tel
Through this total dedication, may all those bhagavat bud-
dhas have the inconceivable joy of buddhahood, far superior to
this. May they be well established in the peerless joy of the
samadhis ofbuddhas. May they be stable in the vast, boundless,
yang su ngo wa di san gye cham den de de dak
qlr;l ~o.~~lll~r~~r;q~~~~lr;1 ~~o.~qo.~~~q~ de way kyang san gye kyi ne pay de wa sam
joy ofbuddhas. May they have the immeasurable joy of the lib-
eration ofbuddhas. May they be well established in the bound-
~~~lr;'l l~r;q.~~~~o.~q~~~q~~~~~~r;q \J gyi mi khyap pa dang den par gyur chikl sang less joy of the buddhas' miracles. May they be utterly well
gye kyi ting nge dzin gyi de wa tsung pa me pe
established in the inconceivable, dispassionate joy of buddha-
~~r:..~~~lo.~~~lllla.~~~arr:..~r~~~~1 arr:..~~~~ lek par sin par gyur chikl sang gye kyi de wa ta
ye pay ga cher ten par gyur chik! sang gye kyi
~a.~~~r;~~~~~o.~~~a.l~~l~~q~~r;~r;~~~ nam par tar pay de wa tse me pa dang den par
~~~~q~~~q~~o.~~~l~~'r:.]'lr;~~q~~~~~ 1 gyur chikl sang gye kyi cho trul gyi de wa pak
tu me pe lek par sin par gyur chikl sang gye kyi
~r;~~~~~r;~a.~~~~~~o.~~~~q~lq~~~~q~ ne pa chak pa me pay de wa sam gyi mi khyap
~~q~~~~~ 1~r;~~~~~~qo.~lr.l.'Ul~q~~~~~~~ pa lek par yang su sin par gyur chikl

q~~~~~ ~~r;~~~~~o.~q~l~q~~~~~l.~lqlr:.,
~~q~~~~~ ~~r;~~~~~~lll~~~~lq~~~l
q~~~~q~~~q~~~~~ ~~r;~~~~~~~'tl'cli~~q

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 55 03 The branch ofdedication

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 56 03 A Compilation for Recitation

sang gye kyi khyu chok tu gyur pay de wa nyen hood. May they unceasingly have the supreme joy of buddhas
parka wa gyun mi che par gyur chik/ sang gye that is difficult to achieve. May they be utterly joyous with the
kyi top kyi de wa pak tu me pay shin tu de war immeasurable joy of the powers ofbuddhas. May they be joyous
gyur chikl tsar wa tam che shi war mi kye way with the unchanging, unborn joy of the pacification of all sen-
de way gyur wa me par de war gyur chikl de sations. May they be joyous beyond disturbance through the
shin shek pay de way chak pa me par ne par utter absence of dualism in their constant meditation while abid-
tak tu nyam par shak pa nyi su kun du mi cho ing in the dispassionate joy of the tathagatas.
pay nam par mi truk par de war gyur chikl After this bodhisattva has entirely dedicated those roots of
jang chup sem pa de tar ge way tsa wa de de virtue to the tathagatas, I will entirely dedicate them to all bod-
shin shek pa nam Ia yang su ngo ne jang chup hisattvas. I entirely dedicate them so that the wishes of those
sem pa nam Ia yang su ngo tel gang di sam pa whose wishes are unfulfilled may be fulfilled; so that the inten-
yang su ma dzok pa nam kyi sam pa yang su tion of those whose benevolence of intention is i:nsufficiently
dzok par ja wa dang/ tam che khyen pay lhak pure for the accomplishment of omniscience may become en-
pay sam pa yang su ma dak pa nam yang su tirely pure; so that those who have not perfected the transcen-

dences perfect them; so that the armor of their vajra-like

dak par ja wa dang/ pa rol tu chin pa tam che
yang su ma dzok pa yang su dzok par ja wa bodhichitta be irreversible until omniscience; so that their great
z::]~;]~~z:.,~~~~~~~;]~~z:.,~~l~~~st::~lz:.,l ~ aspirations for their roots of virtue, gates of awakening, equally
dang/ jang chup kyi sem kye pa dar je ta buy ne
su ja wa tam che khyen pa le chir mi dok pay go directed at all beings, be utterly fulfilled; so that they realize all
- " - - 'V' 'V'

cha gyun mi che pa dang/ the states of bodhisattvas; so that they gain all the sharp clair-
st::~l~;l s~;~t::~a~~r,\lt::~~l~~~~~~~~r,\l~st::~ voyances and faculties of bodhisattvas; and so that all the roots
jang chup kyi goy ge way tsa wa kye pa dang/ of virtue of bodhisattvas lead to omniscience.
l;]~~~~~~~<l.!r,\l'~~l~~~~~~~~l~:o~~lz:._l dro wa tam che Ia nyam pa nyi du ne pay man
Mter those roots of virtue have been entirely dedicated to
sz:.,~t::~a~~~t::~~!t::~t::~~l~~z:.,1 a,~~r!~r,\l:ol<l.! lam chen po yang su dzok par ja wa dang/ jang
bodhisattvas in that way, I will entirely dedicate them to all those
chup sem pay ne pa tam che tok par ja wa
~~~~~~~~~r,\l~~w~<l.!~~~ararz:.,r,\l~~~r,\l~~s dang/ jang chup sem pay wang po tam che
who practice the buddhadharma, to all shravakas, and to all

ngon par she pa no war ja wa dang/ jang chup

t::~~z:.,1 sz:.,~z;]~~r,\l~~~~~~~l~r,\l:o~~~r,\l~~st::~
sem pay ge way tsa wa tam che khyen pa nyi
~~:.,1 sz:.,~t::~~~r,\l~~~lt::~z:.,al'!~~:o~~~~~~4r,\l'~~ du rek par ja way chir yang su ngo o/ de de tar
jang chup sem pa nam kyi don du ge way tsa
t::~~st::~lz:._l sz:.,~z:l~~~~~~~~t::~~!t::~l~r,\l:ol~~~ yang su ngo ne/ sang gye kyi ten pa Ia cho pa
~~l~~~~~sz;]~~~arz:.,~~t::l~1 ~~~~~sz:.,~t::~ dang/

" -
~~~~lr:.,~r:.,~r:.,~~~fi.l;;.]~~l<l.ll~~a!~~a.~~~ nyen to dang rang sang gye tam che Ia ge way pratyekabuddhas, in this way: I entirely dedicate the roots of
tsa wa de ti tar yang su ngo tel sem chen gang virtue of all beings who have so much as heard the sound of a
(ij'r:._~~~f~1 ~d.l~~~~~<l.l'<l.l'l~~9<l.l'~~~~~~~ Ia Ia dak se gal chik tok pa si du sang gye kyi buddha, or the sound of the dharma, for the duration of a fin-
~r~l~~r:.,~~~~~~~qa.d-11 ~~~~~~qa.d-11 a.~~~ dra nyen pa'am/ cho kyi dra nyen pa'am/ pak gersnap, or have served the arya sangha for that length of time,
pay gen dun Ia nyen kur che pa de dak gi ge to unsurpassable, authentic, perfect awakening. I entirely dedi-
qa.l~~~<l.l~~~~\\~slq~l~~l~~a.!~~1 ~ way tsa wa de/ Ia na me pa yang dak pa dzok cate them so that their recollection of the buddha may be per-
~ ...,.., " ...,..,,l~q~~~qa.s~~~~Ulr:.,~~~~a.11~r:._~
~ pay jang chup tu yang su ngo o/ sang gye je su fect. I entirely dedicate them so that those beings may be
dren pa yang su dzok par ja way chir yang su established in the recollection of the dharma. I entirely dedicate
~ ...,.., ...,.., ""
...,.., ~,~~~~~q~s~a.~~Ul~~~~~a.11 ngo o/ cho je su dren pa Ia jar war ja way chir them so that they may be respectful to the arya sangha. I en-
yang su ngo o/ pak pay gen dun Ia gu par ja tirely dedicate them so that they may always see buddhas. I en-
~~~~~~q(l.lf~~~s~a.s~(ij'r:._~~~~11a.~~~ way chir yang su ngo of sang gye tong wa dang tirely dedicate them so that their minds may become pure. I
" m "" . .,. ,
min dral war ja way chir yang su ngo o/ entirely dedicate them so that they may realize the buddhad-
harmas. I entirely dedicate them so that they may accomplish
;;.]~~~lr:.,Ja.s<l.l~~s~as~(ij'r:._~~~~1.1~;;.]~(ij'r:._~ sem yang su dak par ja way chiryong su ngo of immeasurable qualities. I entirely dedicate them so that they may
sang gye kyi cho rap tu tok par ja way chir yang purify the virtue of all clairvoyances. I entirely dedicate them so
~l~q~:s~as~(ij'~~~~~1 1~r:.,~~~~~~~~~ su ngo of yon ten pak tu me pa drup par ja way that ambivalence toward dharma may be averted.
chir yang su ngo of ngon par she pa tam che
~~~q~s~as~(ij'~~~~~1 1(ij'~,~lq~~~lq kyi ge wa yang su dak par ja way chir yang su Just as I have entirely dedicated roots of virtue to all those
"""...,.., ~
...,.., ~
1;;.]r:.,~q~~ ~~qt.Jd-1~ ngo of cho Ia yi nyi dok pay chir yang su ngo o/ who have entered the buddhadharma, to all shravakas, and to
all pratyekabuddhas, in the same way the bodhisattva will en-
~l~l~~(ij'~~~l~q~s~a~~(ij'r:._~~~~1 1~~ ji tar sang gye kyi ten pa Ia shuk pa nam dang/ tirely dedicate all roots of virtue to all beings. I entirely dedicate
" " ...,.., ~~ ...,.., ..__,.
nyen to dang rang sang gye nam Ia yang su them so that all beings may be turned away from the path of
ngo wa de shin du/ jang chup sem pa de sem helL I entirely dedicate them so that birth as an animal may be
a~~~:q(l.l~~~q~d.l~l~1 ~~{~lr:.,~~~~~~~ chen tam che Ia ge way tsa wa de yang su ngo ended. I entirely dedicate them so that the world ofYama may
tel gang di sem chen nyal wa pay lam le dok be entirely avoided. I entirely dedicate them so that all birth of
~d.l~'<l.l'(ij'r:._~~~w~~~~~1 sr:.,~~~;;.]~'lqa_~~d-1~' pay chir yang su ngo of du dray kye ne nam par beings in lower states without exception may be utterly ended.
che pay chir yang su ngo of shin jey jik ten nye
~~t.ld.l~~l<l.ll~~a!~~(ij'r:._~~~w~1 ~r:.,a.~~d-1~
war che pay chir yang su ngo of ngen song ma
~~l~<l.l~qa<l.l;;.]'<l.l~~~~qa~~(ij'~~~~~1 1~l lu pa tam che kyi dro war kye wa nam par che
pay chir yang su ngo of
a.~~~~~~d.jq~~~lqa3~(ij'~~~~~11 ~~~a
tJ'fi.ld.l~~l a a.f~~~~~(;.]q~~~lqas~(ij'~~ ~

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 57 C8 The branch ofdedication

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 58 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~(J.lqa~:~:~~~r~;q~11 ~;)1~f'5~;)~~~~\~~~qa sem chen de dak Ia na me pay jang chup Ia mo I entirely dedicate them so that all beings develop enthusiasm
. ..,., "~ ..,., ..,...,.. "- pa nam par pel way chir yang su ngo o/ tam for unsurpassable awakening. I entire~dedicate them so that all
t::!~;)'~'~~r~:s:,sqa_~:s:,tQ~~~q~a_l ~~~~ID~~05~
che khyen pa nyi kyi lhak pay sam pa top par ja beings acquire the benevolence of the omniscient one. I entirely
~d-!~'5~~~~qa~:s:,~~~~q~11~d-!~'5~;)~~~~~ way chir yang su ngo o/ sang gye kyi cho tam dedicate them so that they never abandon any of the buddhad-
che mi pong way chir yang su ngo o/ tam che harmas. I entirely dedicate them so that they accomplish the
~4~~q~qq~q~:s:,sqa~:s:,~~~~q~11~d-!~'5~ khyen pa nyi kyi shin tu de wa drup par ja way utter joy of omniscience. I entirely dedicate them so that all be-
._a "" :1\'t..,.,
~d-!~'5~----~ ~~~d.l~:s:,~9q~sqa.~ Q ~~~q~..,...,..
a.1 1 chir yang su ngo o/ sem chen tam che shin tu ings may become completely pure. I entirely dedicate them so
nam par dak par ja way chir yang su ngo o/ that all beings may realize boundless pristine wisdom. I entirely
~;.]~.'5~~;.]~'5~~4~iJ.!~a.tQ~~~9~~:s:,sqa~~ sem chen tam che ye she ta ye pa tok par ja dedicate them so that they may focus on tlt achievement of the
way chir yang su ngo o/ states of a bodhisattva and omniscience. I entirely dedicate them
~~~~q~l IS~~q~iJ.!~~~a:~iJ.!~'!i~d.l~~~~~"'l so that they may desire the benefit and happiness of all beings.
jang chup sem pa tam che khyen pa nyi Ia mik
~l9~~~~~~~:s:,sqa~~~~~~q~l ~~d-1~'5~ pa dang den par ja way chir yang su ngo o/
I entirely dedicate them so that they may have the wish to utterly
protect all beings. I entirely dedicate them so that they may be
~;.]~.'5~"-lt:.l~~~~q~qa~d.l~~~~~~:s:,sqa~:s:, sem chen tam che Ia pen pa dang de way sem always diligent in roots of virtue. I entirely dedicate them so that
dang den par ja way chir yang su nga a/ dro wa they quash vanity and carelessness. I entirely dedicate them so
~~~~qw~1 1a.fq~;.]~'5~~~~~q~q~a~~~~ tam che yang su kyap pay yi dang den par ja that they turn their backs on all kleshas. I entirely dedicate them
way chir yang su nga a/ ge way tsa wa Ia tak tu
~~~:s:,sqa~:s:,m-~~~q~11~~qa!q(J.l~9~q!~ so that they have the intention to emulate all bodhisattvas. I en-

"~ ..,., --
..,., ~~..,., ..,...,.. ..,., ..,.,
tson pa dang den par ja way chir yang su nga
a/ gyak pa dang bak me pa dak pa dang den
par ja way chir yang su nga a/
tirely dedicate them so that they not sicken of the path to om-
niscience. I entirely dedicate them so that they may rely upon the
level of pristine wisdom. I entirely dedicate them so that they
~q~9~~~~~~:~;.st::~f.(~:l;,tQ~~~q~a.1 ~~~;.]~~
may delight in the company of the wise. I entirely dedicate them
nyon mang pa tam che Ia gyap kyi chok pa
~~;.]~.'5~"'lIDq~~59~~~~~~~:~;.sqa~:s:,~~~ dang den par ja way chir yang su nga a/ jang
so that, like bees, they may assiduously amass roots of virtue in
order to protect beings. I entirely dedicate them so that they may
~t:~~l IS~~q~;.]~~~a.~;.]~'!i~~~~~~t::~~a chup sem pa tam chi kyi je su lop pay sem
be without craving for the composite.
dang den par ja way chir yang su ngo a/ tam
~d.l~~~~~~:s:,sqa~:s:,~~~~q~11~d.l~'5~;.]~~~ che khyen pa nyi kyi lam dang she ma dre pa
dang den par ja way chir yang su ngo o/ ye she
kyi sa Ia ten pa dang den par ja way chir yang


..,.. ..,...,.. zn~..,.,


su ngo a/ khe pa dang drak par ga wa dang den
par ja way chir yang su nga a/ bung wa tar ge
way tsa wa sak pa dro wa tam che Ia kyap pay
gyu dang den par ja way chir yang su nga o/ du
che tam che Ia ngon par shen pa me pa dang
'5~~~q~a.~i'~~~~q:s:,sqa.~:s:,~~~~q~11~~ den par ja way chir yang su ngo o/
. ,., a ~
s~r~iJ.!~'!i~~d.l~~~~.l~qo.J~q~~~~q:s:,st:~a.~:s:, ""
tl.1 t:.~r~q~ "'1
1?" """~~t:.:s~~~t:.~qa,~~~!
\a.~ " """ """ deyi go dang se dang na way so men dang yo My clothing, food, medicine, possessions, coming and going,
che dang/ ong wa dang dro wa dang/ 10 kyi and physical service; my actions, such as sitting down or enter-
s~~t:.1 ~t:_q~t:.a.fq~t:.1 ~~~q~~q\l~~t:.1 ~~ nyen kur dang/ duk pa Ia sok paten pay ne Ia ing a place; the places in which I live; my calm demeanor; my
~r"-l~~~~~~~a~~~"-~~~t;Ja"-~~~t;.1 f~"-~~~ juk pay le dang/ cho lam gyi ne dang/ cho lam good behavior of body, speech, and mind; the control of my six
nam par mi truk pa dang/ 10 kyi le dang/ ngak faculties; dressing, massaging, and washing my body; eating,
""" "
~~~~t;.'1 ~~"-l~~~~~~~~~~~t;.'1 ~~~"-!~' " kyi le dang/ yi kyi le lek par che pa dang/ wang chewing, and tasting; bending and straightening my limbs;
po druk dam pa dang/ rang gi 10 yok pa dang/ glancing and looking; falling asleep and remaining awake; and
~t:.'1 t;.~~"-l~'~t:_'1 ~~~"-l~cij~~t;J~'~~~~t;.'1 ~Qt;.'
nye wa dang tru way le dang/ so pa dang/ cho all forms of service that might be done with my body: there is
Q'~~~~~lt;.1 ~t:.~~~~ar~~t;J~t;.1 ~~q~t:_q~J pa dang/ nyang pa dang/ kum pa dang/ kyang none of this whatsoever that is not dedicated to omniscience.
wa dang/ ta wa dang/ nam par ta wa dang/ nyi
qa."-l~'~t:_'1 """
:s~~~~t;.'1 "'"""
05 ~~~t;.'1 ~t;.~~~t;.'1 q~~
kyi lok pa dang/ nyi kyi rna lok pa dang/
I entirely dedicate the giving of even a morsel or handful of
rice, to either my domestic animals or other animals, to the ben-
q~t;.'1 q~t:_q~t;.'1 ~q~t;.'1 ~d-l'~~~q~t;.'1 ~~l'~~ rang gi 10 su tok pay nyen kur chi gang yang efit of those beings and to their liberation. I entirely dedicate it
to the freeing of those beings from their animal births, from that
~~~~t;.'1 ~~~a~~~~~~t;.1 ~t;.~~~~~~~~qa rung tel de tam che tam che khyen pa nyi du
ocean of suffering, from those conditions of suffering, from
yong su rna ngo pa chung se kyang me dol
q~~q\l~~~t:_'('~t:_'~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rang gi ba nam dang de le shen dO dray kye ne those skandhas of suffering, from those sensations of suffering,
""" """ "
~ """ 1~t:.~q~~~ su song wa nam Ia/ dre chen po tsum gang
ngam sen chang chik tsam yong su tong wa
~t:.~"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t:_q~~~"-~1 a.s~~ yang kye wa de dang de dak tu de dak nyi Ia
pen pa dang/ de dak nyi yong su drol way chir
?4~~~t;.t;.~:s~~il5t:.~~~-~~art:.~~~~t;.q(;.~q~ de tam che yang so ngo o/
~t;.~~~~~~~~~"-~r<l~~~t;.l ~~~~~art:.~~lf"-~ sem chen de dak dO dray kye ne de dang/ duk
qa;~~~~~~~~art:.~~q~11~~~~~~~~~~a.~ ngel gyi gya tso dang/ duk ngel nye war len pa
de dang/ duk ngel gyi pung po de dang/ duk
~-~~~~~t;.'1 ~~q~"-l~~~l-~t:.'1 ~~q~"-l~q~cij~ ngel gyi tsor wa de dang/ duk ngel nye war sak
pa de dang/ duk ngel ngon par du che pa dang/
q~~t;.'1 ~~q~"-l~~t:_q~l~'1 ~~q~"-l~l~q~
duk ngel gyi shi dang/ duk ngel gyi tsa wa de
~t:_'1 dang/ duk ngel gyi ne de le nam par dok pay
chir yong su ngo o/

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 59 03 The branch ofdedication

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 6o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~z::~~<l.l~z::~~z::~~~~q~lr;1 ~~z::~~"'rd.l"E:~q;~:~sl de Ia mik pay sem chen tam che Ia mik par che from that accumulation of suffering, from that formation of suf-
dol sem chen nam Ia ngon du che do/ yi Ia che fering, from that basis of suffering, from that root of suffering,
qlt;'1 ~~z::J~<l.l~~~lr;'l ~~z::J~<l.l'~'!'z::J'~lt:.l ~~ do/ di ta te tam che khyen pa nyi du yang su and from those places of suffering.
z::J~<l.l~~~~~<l.l~~d,lq~z::~~~qa~~arr;~~z::~~l1~ ngo war che pay ge way tsa wa de Ia ngon du As for those beings, I intend this for all beings, am accom-
dro war che do/ jang chup tu sem kye pe rap tu plishing this for all beings, and keep this in mind for all beings:
<l.llJ~~rq~~d.l~~~~d.l~~l<l.llJ~~q~sl~l 1 dzin to/ ge way tsa wa de Ia jar ro/ khor way By entirely dedicating all roots of virtue to omniscience, I ensure
gon pa le nam par dok go/ sang gye kyi de wa
~d.l~~~~d.l~<l.ld.l"E:~~sl~1 1~l<l.lsl~l Ia,~~~ drip pa me pa ngon du che do/ khor way gya
that those roots of virtue will lead to it. Generating bodhichitta,
I will persevere in awakening. I apply all roots of virtue to it. I
~d.l~~ld.l~~q~l~arr;~~q~q~slq~l~z::~~!q tso le jin to/ sang gyi kyi ch6 dang den pay jam turn away from the wilderness of samsara. I will accomplish the
pe khyap pa che do/
~<l.ld.l"E:~~a,~q~sl~IISr;~q~~d.l~z::~~lq~~z::~~ unobscured joy of buddhahood. I will extract them from the
ocean of samsara. I extend to all beings the love that has the bud-
a,~~~l1l~z::J~'!'z::J'~'<l.l'~~~11~~q~l~~q<l.l~'~d.l' dhadharmas.
That was taken from the Summary ofTrainings.
q~~~9 ~~r;~~~~z::~~z::~~z::~q ..ijlqd.l"E:~~sl~~~

~~z::~~~d.ll-<l.l~a,S~~I l~r;~~~~i~lr;~~q~
sd.l~q~~z::~qsl~~ ~~~l;:]~l;:]~'ll~~~l:;l~11

~~~~~~o-r~r'll~~~z::.~rq~sd.l~q~z::.~z::.~~cra.~~~~r;:J;;;~qq~r;:J ser 6 dam pay nga chen dra yi ni Consider with all respect the following stanzas on great love and compas-
I;:]~~!Sz::.~q.,_~.~~!{l~qfld.I~;;;~~~I;:]~J.I~~l~~~9~~z::.r;:J~J.I' tong sum jik ten jik ten sum di na sion from the Suvarl'!aprabhiisottama, quoted in the Summary ofTrain-
q~s~11 ngen song duk ngel shin jey duk ngel dang ings, and at least meditate on their words:
ul way duk ngel duk ngel shi war shok May the sound of the great drum of SuvarrJaprabhdsottama
Pacify the suffering oflower states, the suffering ofYamas,
~~~~\ld,lq~~~~~~~~ I ~r;~~d,la,~~~~a,~~ nga wo che yi dra ke di yi ni And the suffering. of poverty
jik ten pong pa tam che shi gyur chik
~~~~d.! a,~~ I lr;~~r;~~z::~~<l.l~4~ ~~~~z::~~<l.l
lr;1 " " -
ll~<l.lqa,~~z::~~<l.l~~z::~~<l.l'1z::~~4~ ~~z::~ctur~
ji tar tup wang jik me jik shi tar
sem chen jik me jik dang dral war shok
In the three realms of these billion worlds.

May the sound of this great drum

Pacify all the deprivation in the world.
~la,~~~~~~a,~~~~~r;~q~d.l~~l~~~~~ ~~~~ Just as Shakyamuni is fearless and pacifies fear,
May beings be fearless and free from fear.
ji tar khor war kun khyen tup wang po Just as in samsara, the omniscient Shakyamuni
pak pay yon ten kun dang den pa tar Has all the qualities of an arya,
kye gu ting dzin jang chup yen lak gi May all beings become oceans of qualities,
yon ten den shing yon ten gya tsar gyur With the qualities of samadhi and the branches of awakening.

nga wo che yi dra ke di yi ni Through the sound of this great drum,

sem chen tam che tsang pay yang den gyur May all beings have the melody of Brahma.
sang gye jang chup dam pa chok rek shok May they reach the sublime awakening of buddhas.
cho kyi khor lo ge wa kor gyur chik May they turn the virtuous dharmachakra.

kal pa sam gyi mi khyap shuk par shok May they abide for innumerable kalpas.
dro Ia pen chir cho kyang ton gyur chik May they teach dharma for beings' benefit.
nyon mong jam gyur duk ngel sel war shok May they conquer kleshas and dispel suffering.
do chak she dang ti muk shi gyur chik May they pacifY desire, anger, and ignorance.

sem chen gang dak ngen song sar ne te May those beings who abide in lower states,
ru pay lu Ia me che rap bar wa With bodies burnt down to the bone,
de dak nga chen drak pa to gyur chik Hear the sound of this great drum
sang gye chak tsal lo she tsik to shok And the words, "I prostrate to the buddha."

sem chen kun gyi kye wa gya dak dang May all beings remember hundreds, thousands,
kye wa tong trak che war kye dren shok And millions of their births.
tup pay wang po tak tu dren gyur chik May they always recollect Shakyamuni.
de dak gi ni gya chen sung to shok May they hear his vast teachings.

nga wo che yi dra ke di yi ni Through the sound of this great drum,

sang gye nam dang tak tu drok nye gyur May beings always be in the company of buddhas.
dik pay le nam nam par pong war shok May they abandon wrongdoing.
ja wa ge wa nam ni cho gyur chik May they engage in virtuous actions.

shing nam kun na sok chak tam che kyang May the sufferings of all beings
jik ten dak na duk ngel kun shi gyur In all worlds be pacified.
sem chen wang po ma tsang yen lak nyam May all beings with incomplete faculties or damaged limbs
de kun de ring wang po tsang war shok Gain complete faculties today.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 61 03 The branch ofdedication

The .Ktzgyu Monlam Book ro 62 03 A Compilation for Recitation

9~'~9~~'t.:J?t.:J'~d-1~~~~~~~~~~1 1~9~~~9~ gang dak ne tap nyam chung 10 nyam dang May those stricken by sickness, the powerless, and the weak-
chok chu dak na kyap me gyur pa nam All those in the ten directions who lack refuge-
~q~~~~~q~~~11~'\l~~::,~~~"'l~'t';!~'~:l\'~9 1~~ de kun nyur du ne le tar gyur chik Be quickly freed from sickness.
~~~q~~~~q~q~~q~'49 19~'~9'~"-lCf~~~~ ne me top dang wang po nye par shok May they acquire healthy vigor and faculties.

~~~q~9~q~~~9~~1 1~9't.:l~"'l~~q~l9~q~ gang dak gyal po cham kun dray dik se May those faced with death at the hands of kings, brigands, or
tuk dang enemies;
tq~r.r~~~~q1 ~~~~;s~~~~'t';!9'~~~~~9't.:l~"'l'~' duk ngel nam pa na tsok gya yi pong And afflicted by hundreds of types of suffering-

~9'\1~1 1"'~9~~~9lq::!~'t.:J~'q.~9'"'l~'i;l:l\'~:l\'~9 1 gyur pa All beings desperate with suffering-

sem chen nyam tak gyur ching duk ngel de Be freed from the hundred unbearable dangers that threaten
9~'~9't.:l~9~4~q~~~q~q~~~9~~q1 1r.r~~q~ dak kun them.
jik chok mi se gya po dak le tar gyur chik
l9~'~9~9~~~~~~'11~~~~~~~~9~~~~9~' May all those who are beaten, bound in fetters,
gang dak dek shing ching pay ching sir wa Placed in desperate situations,
~~~~'11"'~9~q)q::!~'~'1;~~l9~~~11~'~9't';!~~ pong pa na tsok dak na ne gyur ching Agitated by thousands of kleshas,
;s~q~~~"'l~'~"'l~::,~9 1t.:J~9~q~9~q~9~'"'l~';1~' nyon mong tong trak du me truk ne kyang And undergoing unbearable dangers and misery
..,., ..,., " ..,.,
t.:J~'49 1t.:l~~q~~~~~~9~~~~~~;s9 1~~~~:::,
jik pa mi se nya ngen na tsok nye
Be liberated from their fetters.
de dak tam che ching le drol gyur chik May the beaten be freed from being beaten.
i;l~~;s~"'~9~q~~q::_49 ~~~~;s~9~'~9't.:J~~~~ dek pa dak ni dek le tar war shok May the killed regain life.

~~~~9~~11~'~9'Sl~~~~l9~~~q::,49 1a:r~q~ se pa nam kyang sok dang den gyur chik May the desperate become fearless.
pong gyur tam che jik pa me par shok
9~9~~~~~l9~~~~~::,~9 1~~q~tq\~r::.~~~~ May all beings afflicted by hunger and thirst
sem chen gang dak tre se kom gyi sir Acquire food and drink.
~~q~49 19~::,~~~~~~~l9~~~~~~::,1 ~~~ de dak se kom na tsok nye par shok May the blind see various forms.
long way suk nam na tsok tong gyur chik May the deaf hear pleasant sounds.
;s~~~"'lq~9~::,~~~~~q~49 1~~~~~~~~ on pay yi ong dra nam to par shok
May the naked acquire clothing.
l9~~~q.tq~11~~~;s~i;l~~;sl't.:J~'~~~~q::_49 1 cher bu nam kyi na tsok go nye gyur May impoverished beings find treasure.
9~'Q~'~9't.:l~"'ll::,t.:J~'9~~~~~11~~~;s~fl~~;s~ sem chen ul po ter nam nye par shok May all beings become happy and have
nor dru rin chen na tsok mang po yi Abundant wealth, grain, and various precious things.
q~~~9q~~1 19~9~'t.:JS!~~~~4r::.~Cll~4~q::_ sem chen tam che de dang den par shok
May no being be tormented by sensations of suffering.
49 1~9~q~q~~~9~~~~9 1 gang yang duk ngel tsar way no ma gyur May all beings become pleasing to see,
sem chen tam che ta na duk pa dang With fine forms, beauty, and auspiciousness.
suk sang dze shing tsul du shi par shok May they always have many sources of happiness.
tak tu de wa du ma sok gyur chik
" ~ - --
'J.ll~~~~~().l'~z;j'~~t::I~l~().l~'"'~ "'
1t::l~().l'().l';)~'~'"'' yi kyi se kom rap jar so nam dak
sam ma tak tu de dak drup gyur chik
May they acquire food, drink, wealth, and merit
As soon as they think of them.
"'~'~t:;I~~~~ " '
" ~~~~~~'/~~'1;!~~~~"'r;'11~'().1~'().1~
dza nga chang teu pi wang dra nyen dang Clay drums, hand-drums, lutes, tamburas,
"'r;~r;~~r;,"'~ ~~~~~~~~a'lla."'z:I'().l~~~ ~~~ chu mik tseu dang dzing bu teng ka dak Springs, lakes, ponds, pools,

~().!~~~~~~~~~~"'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ ser gyi pe ma ut pal dap ma chen Golden lotuses and utpals with their petals,
se kom go nor mu tik nor bu yik Food, drink, clothing, wealth, pearls, jewels,
~~~~ ~~"'~'z;j~().l'~';)~'~'~z;j'~~~~ 1a.~~~~~~ gye ser rin chen na tsok be dur rya Jewelry, gold, various gems, and vaidurya:
de dak sam pa tak tu drup gyur chik May they acquire all of these as soon as they think of them.
().!'~~~ ~~"'~';!().1~'~"'fl~~~~~lr;1 1T:4~~~~~~l jik ten gang na'ang duk ngel dra ma jung
sem chen chik kyang mi tro tong ma gyur
May the sound of suffering be unheard in any world.
May no being see any other as disagreeable.
s"'~~~~4~ ~~tlla.~~~~~~~().ll~~~r;ar"'11~ de dak tam che ka dok gya chen dang May all beings be vibrant
pen tsun du ni o che gyur par shok And cast their light on one another.
.....,., ~ ....... ....., ~
mi yi jik ten pun sum tsok gang yo May whatever excellence there is in the human world
~'';'11t::l~l~().l~'Q,~~~'J.l~~~~~~q~4~ ~~~"'~
de dak sam par kye wa de dak gyur Arise as soon as it is thought o
~t;'t:;I'"'~lr;~~~"'r;'11~~lr;~().l~~~~l~~l~ 1 sam pa tam che sam ma tak tu yang May all wishes be fulfilled as soon as they are made.
so nam dre bu yang su dzok par shok May the result of merit be perfectly complete.
~~4r;l~'ll~~~~~().l'Q,t:;It:;I'~~4~ ~~().!~~~~"'~
po dang treng wa dak dang juk pa dang May incense, garlands, balms,
~~~r;l~~~~~~ 1~'t:;I~~~~~~z:I~().l''J.l~';!().1~'~"' go dang che rna me tok na tsok dak Fabrics, powders, and flowers
"'~11~~~~~sr;~z:I.~().l~"'~a.~~~~"'r;11~11.1~11.1~ jon shing dak le du sum bap par shok Fall from the trees throughout the three times.
sem chen de dak le ching ga gyur chik May beings gather and enjoy them.
de shin shek pa sam ye tam che dang May offerings be presented throughout the ten directions
4~ 1a.f~"'().l~~;)().1~~"'~r;~~~~ ~~rr().lt::l~""cy"'~
- " - --
!1.l~'Q,l~~~4~ 1l'll't::IQ,'~!1.l'~'l().l'~';)t:;I'z:I~'4~ ~~~~

~r;~~~a.~~~~~~~~-9~ 1
dzok pay jang chup sem pa nyen to dang
dul dral dri me ten pay cho Ia yang
chok chu nam su cho pa che par shok
To all innumerable tathagatas,
Bodhisattvas, shravakas,
And the immaculate, infallible dharma.

dro wa me pa tam che pong gyur chik May all beings abandon inferior births.
mi khom gye po dak le de par shok May they transcend the eight unleisured states.
dal way gyal po dam pa top par shok May they attain sublime, royal leisure.
tak tu sang gye drok pa top par shok May they always acquire the company ofbuddhas.

1he Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 63 03 1he branch ofdedication

7he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 64 ~ A Compilation for Recitation

~~~O-l~~aTa.~~~~~q~4~ ~~~s~:~tilo.J~l~0-1~ May they always be born in high families.

tak tu ton poy rik su kye war shok
nor dang dru yi dzo nam jor gyur chik May they acquire wealth and stores of grain.
~~~~~~ "
~~~lr;::~~~lz:_~~~~l~'f'l~~~~ ~ nyen dang drak dang suk dang kha dok gi May they be well adorned for kalpas
t::l~(l.l~r~o.J~~~~q~q~~q~4~ ~~l.~l'flo.J~~l~~ kal pa du mar lek par gyen par shok By fame, renown, form, and color.

~?4~~~~~ ~lqa;~~~(l.l?4lO-lf~4~~~"Jq~4~ ~ bu me tam che tak tu por gyur chik May all women become powerful persons forever.
pa shing tUI po khe shing sal war shok May they be brave, strong, wise, and lucid.
~\l~~~~s~~q~~~l~~~ ~~r~(l.l~~q~~"~~lq~ de kun tak tu jang chup chir cho gyur May all beings always engage in conduct for the sake of
4~ ~~~~q~l~~~~~~4~lq~~~~ ~~~~~~q~ pa rol chin pa druk Ia cho par shok awakening.
May they practice the six transcendences.
t:;]~~~~~~~a~~~~ ~(l.lq~~~ql~~o.l~~~~ chok chu dak na rin chen shing wang drung
sang gye de shuk rin chen be dur yay May we see, in the ten directions, the buddhas,
~~ ~i~q~~q'J.l~~l~~~q~4~ ~4~~"1 tri Ia shuk pa dak ni tong gyur chik Comfortably seated on thrones of vaidurya,
cho ten pa yang de dak to par shok In front of precious trees.
May we also hear their teaching of dharma.
~~l~~~l~U!l~~~~~ ~t:;]l~~~q~l~O-l~~~q~q
ql ~t:;]l~~l9q~~..q~~~ IS~~qo.Ji~(l.l~~q~q~~~ lu dang ngak dang yi kyi kyang Through whatever merit I have accomplished
dak gi so nam gang drup pa
~~~~~z:.~~~0-1i~q~at1 ~~q~(l.l~~~~q~q~~ I dak ni ge way tsa wa de
With body, speech, or mind,
Through those roots of virtue,
~~~~~~~7~~~q~q~~ l~lqa:o.Jl'"~~q~"~q~ jang chup chok Ia rek par gyi I will reach supreme awakening.

t:;]~~ ~~~~~~~0-ll'~~l~~ ~~~'7~~0-ll'~t::!~~~ ~ rin chen jung ne chok chu po I will abide on the ten levels,
sa chu Ia ni ne par gyi
~~~~~~~'7~'t:;]~o.J''J.l~'~~~ ~f!O-l~~l0-1~~~~~~ sang gye yon ten nang war gyi
The ten supreme sources of the precious.
I will radiate the qualities of the buddhas.
q~q~~ ~~z:.."'~~q~~~~~~O-l~l~~ ~~~~~~0-J't:;]~o.J si pay tso le dral war gyi I will free beings from the ocean of samsara.

~~!~qlz:..~ ~lq~~q~s~~q'J.l~(l.l~~~~ l~q~q~ sang gye gya tso chu wo dang The qualities of the oceans
yon ten gya tso sab mo de Of buddhas are deep and vast.
lo.Jq~~~'t:;].:l:\'t:;]~~ ~~~~t:,"(l 1 sang gye yon ten sam ye gyi I will perfect, in omniscience,
tam che khyen du dzok par gyi All those inconceivable qualities.
ting dzin gya trak tong nam dang I will achieve the hundreds of thousands of samadhis,
sung nam sam gyi mi khyap dang The inconceivable dharanis, the faculties,
wang top jang chup yen lak gi The powers, the branches of awakening,
top chu dam par gyur war gyi And, through them, the ten sublime strengths.
r r.l,l<ll<j~!;lm~r;J'1r;J~~~~~~~.z;r::t~~Z<1~z::,~r:.J~l~~~~~ ~ de tar gyi pay so nam dang
dak gi gyi dang ma gyi gang
The aspiration taught by Arya Nagarjuna in the Ratniivali:
Through the merit of doing that,
t:\. ~ ..,., frl t:\. t:\.
And of all I have done and not done,
~~q~~q(.(z::]~~~;J~l~11t:::ll~--l~q~~~~;Jq~~ de ni sem chen tam che kyang
Ia me jang chup sem den shok May all beings have
~~1 1~~~~;J~~~f!;J~~l~~1 1~~~s~~q~;J~ Unsurpassable bodhichitta.
sem chen tam che dri me wang
~~4~ 1~;J~~~f!;J~~~~~l~q~1 1ar~~(~~~ yang dzok mi khom de shing May all beings have stainless, complete faculties.
~;J~"\l~a.l~4~11~~q~~lq~ifJ\q~~11a,l'qq~~ cho pa rang wang yo pa dang May they pass beyond all unleisured states.
..,., t:\. t:\. tso wa sang dang den par shok May they have freedom of conduct.
l~~~q~4~ 1~~~~l~~f!;J~~~~r;1 1"-~~~~~ May they have good livelihood.
lu chen dak ni tam che kyang
~~~l~~~~11ars~f!;!a.Ul~~11~~q~l lag na rin chen nyi den shing May all beings have
Jewels in their hands
~~~~4~ 1~~~~"f!;J~~~~~\l~~11~~;J~~~~~ yo che tam che ta ye pa
khor wa si du mise shok And unlimited resources of all types
~~q~4~1 ~~~~"f!;J~~l~~q~~11~r;~~~~q That will remain as long as samsara lasts.
bu me tam che du kun tu
~~~4~ 1~~r~~~~~~~ql~11~~~~q~r;~~q~l kye chok nyi du gyur war shok May all women become
lu chen tam che rik pa dang Powerful persons forever.
~q~~1 1q~~~~~~~l~~l~1 1~q~~~~l~~~ kang par den pa nyi du shok May all beings have
q~4~ 1fi;J~~~fjq~"-l;Jf~~~~11~~q~"-l"\_\~""-l~ Awareness and means.
..,., ..,., ..,., ..,., ll.i chen kha dok den pa dang
f!~q~~11~,~;J~~~~;J""-l"~'i"'~"t:::l"~~11~~~~~~ suk sang si ji che wa dang May all beings have lustre,
ta na duk ching ne me dang Fine form, and magnificence.
~~~~~4~ 1S;J~~~~~~l~a,q~~11~~~~~q?~ I ,
top chen tse dang den par shok May they be pleasing to see, healthy,
~;J~~~~q~r;1 1~~l~~"-l"~;J~qi'~qf~~~1 1 tam che tap Ia khe gyur te
Strong, and long-living.

z::]~;J"~?~4~~q~~q~~~~11 duk ngel le tar wa dang May they all become skillful,
ken chok sum Ia shol wa dang Free from all suffering,
sang gye cho nor che den shok Immersed in the three jewels,
And have the great wealth of buddhadharma.
jam dang nying je ga wa dang
nyon mong tang nyom ne pa dang May they be adorned by love, compassion, joy,
jin dang tsul trim so tson dru Impartiality in the face of affliction,
sam ten she rap kyi gyen ching Generosity, morality, patience, diligence,
Meditation, and wisdom.

The Tzuent;,-Branch Monlam ~ 6 5 03 The branch ofdedication

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 66 0.5 A Compilation for Recitation

l~~r~o-t~~(;.l~'O~ar~~~~~~11o-t~~~~2ls~~~a,J tsok nam tam che yong dzok te May they complete the accumulations,
tsen dang pe che sal wa dang Manifest the signs and marks,
q~~1 1q~(;.l'~~~~q~q~~~ 1~~~a,a;~q~q%~ sam gyi mi khyap sa chu dak And continuously traverse
~ ~ ' "
q~4~ 1ql~~~C1.l~'7~ll~.l~1 1~'1~.\\~~~~~ gyun mi che par dro par shok The ten inconceivable levels.

q~~~~~11~~q\\~'(7,!~"%(7,!"t:]'l~11~~~'0~\\~~~~ dak kyang yon ten de dak dang May I too be adorned by those qualities
shen kun gyi kyang gyen den te And by others as well.
s(;.l~ql~1 1~(;.1~.'0~.\\~titl~qtiJ1 1t:!~(;.lqtJ(;.J~'Ol. nye pa kun le drol wa dang May I be freed from all faults and
~ " .~ "
~ sem chen kun chok jam pa dang Have supreme love for all beings.

q~q~lq~4~ 1a,~~~~'\\Clj'Clj'~q~~11~l~a,~~~ sem chen kun yi rewa yi May I fulfill all the hopes
sam pa tam che dzok gyi ching And wishes of all beings.
q~fq~11q~~~~~;S(;.lif~q~~~114~~a,~~~q tak tu lu chen tam che kyi May I always dispel the sufferings
duk ngel sel war gyi par shok Of all beings.
~lq~4~ 1ql~~(;.lif~l~~~ql~11~~;S'(;.l'if~q~~
~ . ~ ~ C\ jik ten kun na kye wo gang May all the beings in all worlds
q~(;.1~1 1~q~~~~d.ll~~(;.ll~1 1~~~qa.s~~q
su dak jik pe kyo wa de Who are saddened through fear
~~ql~11~~q~\\Clj~~~a.s~qa11(;.1~~4~'ifq:ifq dak gi ming tsam to pay kyang Become utterly fearless
shin tu jik pa me par shok Just by hearing my name.
q~4~ 1~(;.1~''0~'\\~'(7,!'~(;.1'\\~~1 1~~~~~q~q~l
dak ni tong dang dren pa dang May anyone who sees me, thinks of me,
q~4~ 1a.~~~~\\~a,J~tr-~~11~~qs~q~a.~~~~ ming tsam tope kye wo nam Or even hears my name
q1 1~.l~'f!(;.l~''O~'~~\~lq~1 1~~~~~'0~~~~~ rap dang truk me nal rna dang Become fully lucid, undisturbed, and sane.
dzok pay jang chup nge pa dang May their perfect awakening be certain.
~~ 1 tse rap kun tu je drang way In all their lives may they attain
ngon she nga po top par shok The five clairvoyances.
sem chen kun Ia nam kun tu May they at all times and in all ways
tak tu pen de gyi par shok Bring benefit and happiness to all beings.

jik ten kun Ia kye wo gang May all beings in all worlds
dik pa che par do gyur pa Who want to engage in wrongdoing
de dak tam che no me par Be all at once and forever prevented
tak tu chik char dok gyur chik From harming anyone.
2~rl~~l~~l~~~l ltl~.l~.l~~~~4~~~~~1 ~~~ sa dang chu dang me dang lung Like earth, water, fire, and air;
men dang gon pay shing shin du Like medicine, and trees in the wilderness;
\?~~~ID~f;l~~~l~~~ l::~;,~l~::~;,l~~~l.~ls::~;,4~1 tak tu sang gye tam che kyi May I be always available to all beings
~~~~~~~~(l.l~~~~~~~~~ lql~.(l.l~~l~~~~~ rang gar gak me cho char shok For them to use as they wish.

4~ l~l~'(l.l'~'l~~~~~~~l l~l~.l~~~~~::~;,~~ sem chen nam Ia sok shin pang May I cherish beings like life itself.
dak le de dak che pang shok May I cherish them more than myself
4~ ~~~l'~~~~~a.~a.~~~~l ~~~~~%(l.l~~l dak Ia de dak dik min ching May their wrongdoing ripen for me.
dak ge ma 10 der min shok
~~~~~::~;,~~~l~~IIS~~~{~~~~~~~::~;,~~ ~~~ May all my virtue ripen for them.

l%;.'1 ~~'(Q%;.'1 ji si sem chen ga shik kyang As long as any beings

gang du ma drol de si du Remain unliberated,
de chir Ia na me pa yi Even if I have attained
jang chup top kyang ne gyur chik Unsurpassable awakening, may I remain.

--- ---
J::!::::!~~r.\~~-~~1 The King ofAspiration Prayers, the Aspiration for Noble Excellent Conduct

ji nye su dak chok chuy jik ten na XIX. The branch ofaspirations
dO sum shek pa mi yi seng ge kOn To those, in the worlds of the ten directions, however many
dak gi ma 10 de dak tam che Ia there are,
10 dang ngak yi dang way chak gyi o All the lions among humans who appear during the three
sang po ch6 pay man lam top dak gi To all of them without exception
gyal wa tam che yi kyi ngon sum du I pay homage with respectful body, speech, and mind.
shing gi dOl nye 10 rap tO pa yi
gyal wa kun Ia rap tu chak tsallo The force of my Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct,
Brings all the victorious ones directly to mind;
dOl chik teng na dOl nye sang gye nam Bowing down with bodies as numerous as atoms in the realms,
sang gye se kyi 0 na shuk pa dak I prostrate to all the victorious ones.
de tar ch6 kyi ying nam ma 10 par
tam che gyal wa dak gi gang war mo In a single atom there are buddhas as numerous as atoms,
Each residing in the midst of their sons and daughters,
Like that, I imagine the whole dharmadhatu
Completely filled with victorious ones.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 67 03 The branch ofaspirations: The King ofAspirations

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 68 0.i A Compilation for Recitation

de dak ngak pa mi se gya tso nam To those with oceans of inexhaustible praise-worthy qualities-
yang kyi yen lak gya tsoy dra kun gyi With sounds containing oceans of tones of melodic speech,
gyal wa kun gyi yon ten rap cho ching I express the qualities of all the victorious ones,
de war shek pa tam che dak gi to I praise all the sugatas.

me tok dam pa treng wa dam pa dang With the finest flowers, the finest garlands,
sil nyen nam dang juk pa duk chok dang Music, ointments, supreme parasols,
mar me chok dang duk po dam pa yi Supreme lamps, and the finest incense
gyal wa de dak Ia ni chO par gyi I make offerings to the victorious ones.

na sa dam pa nam dang dri chok dang With the finest cloths, supreme scents,
che may pur rna ri rap nyam pa dang And fine powders equal to Mount Meru,
ko pa khye par pak pay chok kun gyi All displayed in supreme and magnificent ways,
gyal wa de dak Ia yang cho par gyi I make offerings to those victorious ones.

cho pa gang nam Ia me gya che wa With vast and unsurpassable offerings
de dak gyal wa tam che Ia yang mo I venerate all the victorious ones.
sang po cho Ia de pay top dak gi Through the power of faith in excellent conduct
gyal wa kun ia chak tsal cho par gyi I prostrate and offer to the victorious ones.

do chak she dang ti muk wang gi ni Whatever negative actions I have performed
lu dang ngak dang de shin yi kyi kyang With body, speech, and also mind
dik pa dak gi gyi pa chi chi pa Overpowered by desire, aggression, and stupidity
de dak tam che dak gi so sor shak I confess each and every one of them.

chok chuy gyal wa kun dang sang gye se I rejoice in everyone's merit-
rang gyal nam dang lop dang mi lop dang The victorious ones of the ten directions, the bodhisattvas,
dro wa kun gyi so nam gang Ia yang The pratyekabuddhas, those in training,
de dak kun gyi je su dak yi rang Those beyond training, and all beings.

gang nam chok chuy jik ten dron rna dak I request the protectors,
jang chup rim par sang gye rna chak nye The lamps of the worlds of the ten directions,
gon pa de dak dak gi tam che Ia Who, passing through the stages of awakening, attained
khor lo Ia na me par kor war kul buddhahood beyond attachment,
To turn the unsurpassable dharma wheel.
~z;;~~l~l~'(l.l11a.~~\l~'(l.l''4~'~1;'~~ nya ngen da ton gang she de dak Ia I supplicate with my palms joined together
dro wa kun Ia pen shing de way chir Those who intend to demonstrate nirvana
~~~~11~~1\lr:r~z;~~l\l~l~~~~~~1.lz;11~l~~~ kal pa shing gi dul nye shuk par yang To remain for kalpas as numerous as atoms in the realms
3(1.1'~'~~~~~~(1.1'~~~~1 15~'Q.iE""''~lz;~~l~z; dak gi tal mo rap jar sol war gyi For the welfare and happiness of all beings.

~4~~~lz;'1 1~~~~~z;~~l\l~z;~~(l.l'z:]'~1 1l~ chak tsal wa dang cho ching shak pa dang I dedicate whatever slight virtue is accumulated through
je su yi rang kul shing sol wa yi . Prostrating, offering, confessing,
~~z;a~l~l~~~~~~~~~1 1l~~~l~l~~~sz; ge wa chung se dak gi chi sak pa Rejoicing, requesting, and supplicating,
tam che dak gi jang chup chir ngo o
To enlightenment.

a.~~~~l~~~z;~~~~~~l~~~~1 1~l;'(J.ll;'~s-~~ I make offerings to all the past buddhas

l~~~~~~~1 - "
1~~~~~~s~:~z:r~~~~~z;~m~ day pay sang gye nam dang chok chu yi
jik ten dak na gang shuk cho par gyur
And those residing in the worlds of the ten directions.
May those who have not appeared
Quickly fulfill their intentions, and, passing through the stages
~~11~~~~~~1\la:~z;~~~~~l~11~.l~m~~arz;~ gang yang rna jon de dak rap nyur war of awakening, appear as buddhas.
sam dzok jang chup rim par sang gye jon
~l~~~~~1 1sz;~~4z;l~z;~z;~4~~ml\l~lz;1 1
~z;~m~!l~~~~~~~z;~~4~ -- "~
chok chu ga lay shing nam ji nye pa
de dak gya cher yong su dak par gyur
May the realms of the ten directions, however many,
Be completely pure and vast;
May they be filled with buddhas and bodhisattvas
~z;~~~~~l~1 1~.l~~~~~l.~l'z:J~'z:J~~~1 1a.% jang chup shing wang drung shek gyal wa Who have gone to sit before the powerful bodhi tree.
- - " """
~~4~ 1sr::.~z:J~l~l~~~l~~l~r::.1 1a.~~\l~~

- sang gye se kyi rap tu gang war shok

chok chuy sem chen gang nam ji nye pa

May all beings throughout the ten directions, however many
they may be,
Always have happiness, be free from illness;

- -
"~~z:J~~r::.z:1~4 ~ 1m(l.l'z:J'\l~~"""~~~s~z:1~~?"" 11~a~z;
" ~ -;;.~~~~~~lt;z;11~"~'~~~~l~.s~l(J.lz;~
- - - - rl " " -
de dak tak tu ne me de war gyur
dro wa kun gyi cho kyi don nam ni
tun par gyur ching re wa'ang drup par shok
May all beings be in harmony with the aims of the dharma,
And achieve what they hope for.

May I perform the conduct of awakening,

jang chup cho pa dak ni dak cho ching And remember my lives during all states.
dro wa kun tu kye wa dren par gyur
l~~11~~~~'?~~i~~l.~l~~4~ 1 tse rap kun tu chi po kye wa na
In all my successive lives, from birth to death,
May I always be a renunciate.
tak tu dak ni rap tu jung war shok
Following the victorious ones, may I train,
gyal wa kun gyi je su lop gyur te Bringing excellent conduct to perfection,
sang po cho pa yong su dzok che ching And engage in pure, stainless moral conduct,
tsul trim cho pa dri me yong dak pa Which never lapses and is free from faults.
tak tu rna nyam kyon me cho par shok

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 69 Cl8 The branch ofaspirations: The King ofAspirations
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 70 03 A Compilation for Recitation

"' ..,., "' ~

~'Ul'~llz::_~lz::_Zil~l~~~l1 ~~~~~lZil'lZ::,'o.J'Ul'~l
"' lha yi ke dang lu dang no jin ke In the language of gods, the language of nagas and yakshas,
drul bum dak dang mi yi ke nam dang In the language of kumbhandas and humans-
~&J~lz::,1 1a.%"z::r~~~~~l~~~~~1 ~~~~~l.~l~ dro wa kun gyi dra ke ji tsam par In however many languages of beings there may be,
z:]lZil'~~~~q~~~1 ~~~4z::_~~~~~~~qqf~~11 tam che ke du dak gi cho ten to May I teach the dharma.

sz::,~q~~~~~~Ul:::_q~l~~~~ 1~Zil~Zil:::_~&.l~~q de shing pa rol chin Ia rap tson te With gentleness may I exert myself in the paramitas.
jang chup sem ni nam yang je ma gyur May I never forget bodhicitta.
~~~~~lZil ~~lZil~~~~:::_~~s:::_q~4Zil ~~~l:::_ dik pa gang nam drip par gyur pa dak May all wrongdoing and whatever obscures

~~~z::_~q~l~~~~~~~~~ 1%~~z::_a_~Zil~~a.%q de dak ma 10 yong su jang war shok Be thoroughly purified.

~&.l~'~UlZ::,'11~~~~~~~~a;Zil~~q~~~~~'aj'~&.j'&.j~~ le dang nyon mong dO kyi le nam le May I be liberated from karma, kleshas, and the work of
drol shing jik ten dro wa nam su yang maras,
{Zil~~i!l~~~l11~z::_~~~lz::_~ZI1~~~~~~&.1'~~11 ji tar pe mo chu mi chak pa shin And act for all beings in the world
nyi da nam kyar tok pa me tar che Like a lotus to which water does not cling,
z::_~~z::_~Zilq~~~q~~q~sl1 1q~qlZil~a.%q\l~ Like the sun and moon unhindered in space.
shing gi khyon dang chok nam ji tsam par
a.~l~z::,1 1a.%z::r~~~~l~~~~~~~l1 1Sz::,~r::r~l ngen song duk ngel rap tu shi war che Throughout the directions and reaches of the realms
~~z::_~~~Zil~sl~z::_11~~~~~lZil~wllz::_~%~~~ de wa dak Ia dro wa kun go ching May the suffering of the lower states be pacified.
..,., ..,., "' ..,., "' ..,.,
~Zil r~;J~z::,~~l'~lZil~~q~~~z::_1 ~~a.z::_~q~~~
dro wa tam che Ia ni pen par che May all beings be placed in happiness;
May all beings be benefitted.
jang chup cho pa yong su dzok che ching
\l~~~l~~~~11z:]lZil'~'~llz::_~~z::_~~Zilz::_~l~11~' sem chen dak gi cho dang tOn par juk May I bring awakened conduct to perfection,
"' ..,., ..,.,
~~~lz::_z::_~~&J~'lz::_~ sang po cho pa dak ni rap ton ching Engage in conduct that harmonizes with beings,
ma ong kal pa kun tu cho par gyur Teach excellent conduct,
~&.l~~~~z::_11~l~lZil'lZ::,'tf~~~Zil~Zil'~'~l11z:]lZI1'~' And perform these throughout all future kalpas.
..,., "' ..,., ..,., ..,., ..,., ..,., dak gi cho dang tsung pa gang cho pa
~~~:l\'Q.ll'~Q_':!JZil~~lZil 1q~z::_~~l~~q~~~~ de dak dang ni tak tu drok par shok May I continuously be with those
Whose actions accord with my own.
~&.1~1 1~'lZil'lZ::,'UlZ::,'~Zil~a.~l~:l\'4Zil 1~'lZil'z:]l~~~ 10 dang ngak nam dang ni sem kyi kyang
cho pa dak dang man lam chik tu che May our conduct and aspirations
~~Ulz::_fill~l~Z::,'11 Of body, speech, and mind be the same.
dak Ia pen par do pay drok po dak
sang po cho pa rap tu ton pa nam May I always meet with
de dak dang yang tak tu tre par shok Friends who wish to benefit me,
de dak dak gi nam yang yi mi yung Those who teach excellent conduct,
And may I never displease them.
sang gye se kyi kor way gon po nam May I always directly see the victorious ones,
ngon sum tak tu dak gi gyal wa ta The protectors, surrounded by bodhissatvas.
ma ong kal pa kun tu mi kyo war In future kalpas without tiring,
de dak Ia yang cho pa gya cher gyi May I make vast offerings to them.

gyal wa nam kyi dam pay cho dzin ching May I retain the genuine dharma of the victorious ones
jang chup cho pa kun tu nang war che And cause the appearance of awakened conduct;
sang po cho pa nam par jang pa yang Training in excellent conduct,
ma ong kal pa kun tu che par gyi May I act in this way throughout future kalpas.

si pa tam che du yang khor wa na When circling in all my existences

so nam ye she dak ni mi se nye May I develop inexhaustible merit and wisdom,
tap dang she rap ting dzin nam tar dang And become an inexhaustible treasury of methods,
yon ten kun gyi mi se dzo du gyur Knowledge, samadhi, liberation, and virtues.

dul chik teng na dul nye shing nam te In a single atom there are realms as numerous as all atoms;
shing der sam gyi mi khyap sang gye nam In those realms reside infinite buddhas
sang gyi se kyi u na shuk pa Ia In the midst of bodhisattvas-
jang chup che pa cho ching ta war gyi Beholding them, may I perform awakened conduct.

de tar ma lu tam che chok su yang Like that, in all directions,

tra tsam khyon Ia du sum tse nye kyi On the breadth of just a hair there are oceans ofbuddhas,
sang gye gya tso shing nam gya tso dang As many as in the three times, and oceans of realms-
kal pa gya tsar cho ching rap tu juk May I act and be engaged with them for oceans ofkalpas.

sung chik yen lak gya tsoy dra ke kyi A single instance of a buddha's speech
gyal wa kun yang yen lak nam dak pa Is a voice endowed with oceans of qualities;
dro wa kun gyi sam pa ji shin yang It has the pure qualities of the melodic speech of the victorious
sang gye sung Ia tak tu juk par gyi ones,
And is the sound that accords with the inclinations of all
du sum shek pay gyal wa tam che dak beings-
khor loy tsul nam rap tu kor wa yi
de dak gi yang sung yang mi se Ia May I always be engaged with the buddhas' speech.
lo yi top kyi dak kyang rap tu juk May I be engaged through the power of my mind
In the inexhaustible melodic speech
Of the victorious ones appearing in the three times
Who turn the dharma like a wheel.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 71 0.i The branch ofaspirations: The King ofAspirations
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 72 03 A Compilation for Recitation

ma ong kal pa tam che juk par yang As all future kalpas are penetrated
ke chik chik gi dak kyang juk par gyi May I also penetrate them instantly;
gang yang kal pa du sum tse de dak May I be engaged in and penetrate, in each part of an instant,
ke chik cha she kyi ni shuk par che As many kalpas as are in the three times.

du sum shek pa mi yi seng ge gang May I see instantly

de dak ke chik chik Ia dak gi ta Those lions among humans appearing in the three times.
tak tu de dak gi ni cho yulla May I always be engaged in their sphere of experience
gyu mar gyur pay nam tar top kyi juk Through the power of illusion-like liberation.

gang yang du sum dak gi shing ko pa May I produce in a single atom

de dak du chik teng du ngon par drup All the arrays of realms there are in the three times;
de tar ma lu chok nam tam che du May I be engaged with the arrays of the buddha realms
gyal wa nam kyi shing gi ko Ia juk In all directions always.

gang yang ma jon jik ten dron ma nam Those lamps of the worlds who have not yet appeared
de dak rim par tsang gya khor lo kor Will gradually awaken, turn the dharma wheel,
nya ngen de pa rap tu shi ta ton And demonstrate nirvana, the final peace-
gon po kun gyi drung du dak chi o May I go into the presence of those protectors.

kun ne nyur way dzu trul top nam dang Through the power of swift miracles,
kun ne go yi tek pay top dak dang The power of the yana, the door,
kun tu yon ten cho pay top nam dang The power of conduct endowed with excellent qualities,
kun tu khyap pa jam pa dak ti top The power of all-pervasive love,

kun tu ge way so nam top nam dang The power of virtuous merit,
chak pa me par gyur pay ye she top The power of wisdom free from attachments,
she rap tap dang ting dzin top dak gi And the powers of knowledge, methods, and samadhi-
jang chup top nam yang dak drup par che May I perfectly accomplish the power of awakening.

le kyi top nam yang su dak che ching May I purify the power of karma,
nyon mong top nam kun tu jom par che Conquer the power of kleshas,
du kyi top nam top me rap che ching Render the power of maras powerless,
sang po cho pay top ni dzok par gyi And perfect the power of excellent conduct.
~~~d.l~~d.ll'~d.lq::_l9sl~~~ ~~d.l~~~~d.ll'l9~ shing nam gya tso nam par dak che ching May I purify oceans of realms,
sem chen gya tso dak ni nam par drol Liberate oceans of beings,
~d.]q::,l~"l~ ~l~~d.l~~d.ll'::_qt?d.l~~sl~~~~~4~ cho nam gya tso rap tu tong che ching Behold oceans of dharma,
~d.]l'::,qt?9d.l~q::_sl~ ~~lq~d.ll'~d.lq::_l9sl ye she gya tso rap tu gam par che Realize oceans of wisdom,

~~~ 1ff~"ld.l'~d.ll'::_qt?(9~q::_sl~ ~~~~~~~d.ll' cho pa gya tso nam par dak che ching Purify oceans of conduct,
men lam gya tso rap tu dzok par che Perfect oceans of aspiration prayers,
::_qt?d.lllsl~~~ ~l:;l~"lq~d.]l::,~f~lq::_q~~ ~9r;' sang gye gya tso rap tu cho che ching Offer to oceans buddhas,
kal pa gya tsar mi kyo che par gyi And act without weariness throughout oceans of kalpas.
(Q~~~9~d.l949~qa~"lqtil~ ~s~~q~lqatr~"ld.l'
ss9~d.l~~ r;J;s~~~lq~s~~q~~~~~~~~ ~~\.\~ gang yang du sum shek pay gyal wa yi All the victorious ones who appear in the three times
jang chup cho pay men lam che drak nam Awaken into enlightenment through the excellent conduct
ql9'"'~~~d.l~~~9~q::_q~11~"1'2:;1'\l~'~'~~~%'q'q ~ ~
- C\ ""-
sang po cho pe jang chup sang gye ne Of various aspiration prayers for awakened conduct-
de kun dak gi rna lu dzok par gyi May I perfect all of these.
9~~1'~~~\l~t?q;s~ ~~s ~ 1~f~q~l~.d.l~~~q~
gyal wa kun gyi se kyi tu wo pa The eldest son of the victorious ones
~lqa5~~ ~l~qQ_~l9~d.l~-ol::,qt?q~1 ~~~l~ gang gi ming ni kun tu sang she ja Is called Samantabhadra by name.
" C\ ~
- - khay pa de dang tsung par che pay chir I dedicate all this virtue
ge wa di dak tam che rap tu ngo That I may act with skill similar to his.
l9l~~ 1qWqQ.~q;s~afd.l~~r;r~~q11~~::_ql9'
lu dang ngak dang yi kyang nam dak ching May I also be equal to him
~~~l~d.l~~q::_-49 1\l~~~l~qq;s~ey~lqa5::_~~ cho pa nam dak shing nam yang dak dang In his skill in excellent dedications
"C\- C\ -
Q.~d.llq"l~~~~'"ld.l'~lq~q~1 ld.l'Q.~~q~"l'q'\1~' ngo wa'ang sang po khay pa chi dra wa For pure body, speech, and mind,
de drar dak kyang de dang tsung par shok Pure conduct and pure realms.
kun ne ge wa sang po cho pay chir May I act according to the aspiration prayers of Manjushri
arld.l~::_~9 1ar~~~d.l~~~~l9~~i;llq::_49 1~l jam pal gyi ni men lam che par gyi In order to perform excellent virtuous actions.
ma ong kal pa kun tu mi kyo war Not tiring throughout future kalpas,
de yi ja wa ma lu dzok par gyi May I perfect these activities.
cho pa dak ni tse yo ma gyur chik May my conduct be without measure.
yon ten nam kyang tse sung me par shok May my qualities also be measureless.
cho pa tse me pa Ia ne ne kyang Remaining within conduct without measure,
de dak trul pa tam che tsal war gyi May I send out emanations.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 73 ~ The branch ofaspirations: The King ofAspirations

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 74 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~o.r~~a:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~~~~~~~~:~a. nam khay tar tuk gyur pa ji tsam par Sentient beings extend as far as the limits of space;
sem chen ma IU ta yang de shin te May my aspiration prayers extend
tQ~~t::l~~~11~~~~~~~~~~~~~;!~'~~~11t::l~~ ji tsam le dang nyon mong tar gyur pa As far as the limits of their karma and kleshas.
~- ... - - "'a
""l'ii~~~~;!Q,'tQ~'~''0~~11~~tQ~'~~~I:;l~Q,',l~~~~ dak gi mon lam ta yang de tsam mo
_Though someone adorns with precious jewels
~:l(.l,'tQ~'~11~~~~t::l~~~~~t::l~~~~~~11~'~~~ gang yang chok chuy shing nam ta ye pa The infinite realms of the ten directions, and offers these to
rin chen gyen te gyal wa nam Ia pul the buddhas,
lllt::l~t::la:~i~~~~~~ 1 1 ~~9~~~~t::l~~~~~~t::l lha dang mi yi de way chok nam kyang Or offers the supreme happiness of gods and men
shing gi dOl nye kal par pul wa way
t::l~1 1~~9~t::lft::la~~ara.~~~~~1 1s~~t::l~i~9
For kalpas as numerous as atoms in the realms,

~~~i'~t::l~~4~'1 1~~~~~~~tQ~'~\~'I:;l~~~~1 1 gang gi ngo way gyal po di to ne The genuine merit of someone who
jang chup chok gi je su rap mo shing Hears this king of dedications,
t::l~~~~~~~~a~i~ua.~~~~1 1~~9~t::l=~~~~ len chik tsam yang de pa kye pa ni Who is inspired towards supreme awakening,
so nam dam pay chok tu di gyur ro And gives rise to faith in it is more supreme.
C\......- - C\ i?,tQ~' i?,~ gang gi sang cho mon lam di tap pe Whoever makes this Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct
de ni ngen song tam che pong war gyur Will be free from the lower realms,
~:l\~~~'11~~~~~~':l\l:;l'~~l:;l~'l:;l:l\'Q,i11~~a,~:l\'tQ~' de ni drok po ngen pa pang pa yin And free from negative friends;
nang wa ta ye de yang de nyur tong They will see Amitabha soon,
~- i? C\ C\~ de dak nye pa rap nye de war tso Acquire all benefits and be sustained in happiness-
:l\~~~'clll':1~~ ,t::l~~~:l\1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C\ - ;;-. -
mi tse dir yang de dak lek par ong With all of this their life will go well.
~~~~1 1~~9~~4~~t::l~9~s~~~~ 1~tll~t::l=~~ kOn tu sang po de ang chi dra war Before long they will become
de dak ring por mi tok de shin gyur just like Samantabhadra.
tsam me nga po dak gi dik pa nam Whatever has been done through the power of not knowing,
4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'11~~~~~~~~~~~ gang gi me she wang gi che pa dak All evil, even the five acts of immediate consequence,
de yi sang po cho pa di cho na
Will be quickly purified
nyur du ma 10 yang su jang war gyur By those who recite this Excellent Conduct.
~~~~~q\l~~a,~~l~~:l\~~~ 1 ye she dang ni suk dang tsen nam dang They will possess wisdom, beauty and the signs,
rik dang kha dok nam dang den par gyur Be of good family with fine complexion.
dO dang me tek mang pay de mi tup They will not be overpowered by maras or tirthikas;
jik ten sum po kOn na'ang cho par gyur The three. worlds will make offerings to them.
s::_~q4::_lq::_~::_~~'tJJ\'Q,f11~~~~r~d.!~r~~~~~J\' jang chup shing wang drung du de nyur dro They will soon go before the bodhi tree,
song ne sem chen pen chir der duk te And having gone there, they will sit to benefit beings,
~J\~~~1 1S::_~q~::_1~~r~~~J\ar-J\t::l~q~J\11t::l~l jang chup sang gye khor lo rap tu kor awaken into enlightenment, turn the dharma wheel,
~d.!~~lr;q~~q~d.!;q:s~::_?Jllqa dO nam de dang che pa tam che tul And subdue all maras and their hordes.

i~'l4ld.]'Q,~1 1a,a;::_ql::_~~~'?d.!'~~q~1 1~tQ~d.]'qJ\' gang yang sang po cho pay men lam di The full ripening for those who are involved with, teach or
chang wa dang ni ton tam lok pa yi recite
jj~qa,::_~::_~ ~~d.!~~~ 1 1s::_~qd.]a;~
141 ~d.!~ 'd.!'~ l.
de yi nam par min pa'ang sang gye khyen This Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct
Is known only by the buddhas;
~~ 1Q,~d.]lq 141 ~~J\'d.!5~~::_lqa,qlr;1 1\l~'~'t::]E]t:_' jang chup chok Ia som nyi rna che chik
Without any doubt, it is supreme enlightenment.
q:~''~'t::]~~~11~l~.\l~~~~~ql~~q~::_11l~ jam pal ji tar khyen ching pa wa dang
I dedicate all this virtue,
kun tu sang po de yang de shin te
qa.~l~~d.!~~lJ\q~q~11~~~~d.!~~~qa~l4lq de dak kOn gyi je su dak lop ching Following and emulating
ge wa di dak tam che rap tu ngo The warrior Manjushri who is omniscient,
~d.!~~l~~11qfq~t:_'l4l'd.!~~~I:;J~~~q~~11t::ll~~ As is Samantabhadra.
dO sum shek pay gyal wa tam che kyi
l~qa!I:;Ja,~\l~~::_11t::]Elt:_q:~l~~~q~I:;Jft::!J\'t::l~11 With dedications, praised as supreme
ngo wa gang Ia chok tu ngak pa de
t::]l~~a.~qa~~sl~J\q~11~qq~d.!~~ll~~~J\ dak gi ge way tsa wa di kOn kyang By the victorious ones who appear in the three times,
sang po ch6 chir rap tu ngo war gyi I dedicate all my roots of virtue
t::l~l4l'~11d.!~~~d.]'~t:_qd.]~Q,'U.J~'~'d.]{t:_~~11q~q~~ Towards excellent conduct.
C\~ ~ ~ dak ni chi way dO che gyur pa na

- - 1
- - C\- C\
~.l::_ IJ\'J\t::l~a,~1 hJ\~::_~~~jj~'l4ld.!'Q.l'l~~::_1 When the time of death comes for me
drip pa tam che dak ni chir sal te
~d.!~~l'd.]'~~d.]::_~~~J\'t::]J\'4~ 1l'l~'d.]'~~ql~ ngon sum nang wa ta ye de tong ne May all my obscurations vanish;
de wa chen gyi shing der rap tu dro Seeing Amitabha directly
~~arr;~~I:;J,t:_'1 1a.~~~~~~l~d.!~~~~~qJ\q~11 May I go to his realm of Sukhavati.
C\C\- ~ ~- ~
der song ne ni man lam di dak kyang
~14l't::]Q,'l~~~J\'t::]:s!t:_',lt:_l~a,q,~1 1q~'ld.]'q".._l~~ tam che ma 10 ngon du gyur war shok Having gone there,
de dak ma 10 dak gi yong su kang May I actualize all these aspiration prayers,
d-!~~ 141 ~~~1 1~t:_'t::]'d.]~Q,'U.1~'~14l't::]~'d.]~~~d.]'~1 1~::_
jik ten ji si sem chen pen par gyi Fulfill them completely,
t::]~~q'U.Jt:_'t::]l~~~~J\{q4~ 1 And benefit beings as long as worlds exist.
gyal way kyil kor sang shing ga wa der
pe mo dam pa shin tu dze le kye May I be born within a beautiful lotus
nang wa ta ye gyal way ngon sum du In that excellent and joyous realm of the victorious one;
lung ten pa yang dak gi der top shok And from the victorious one Amitabha directly
May I receive a prophecy.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 7 5 03 The branch ofaspirations: The King ofAspirations

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 76 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~z;:Jl~~~~r;z;:J~~~z;:J~z;:J~~~~~Cll~d.!r;arsz;:J~~ der ni dak gi lung ten rap top ne Having received his prophecy there,
trul pa mang po je wa trak gya yi May I benefit all beings in the ten directions
z;:J~tli~11~li~z;:J~'~~~~~~~d.!~'~Ull;'11~d.f~'~~ lo yi top kyi chok chu nam su yang Through the power of my mind
'Y" ~ 'Y" 'Y" ':;, 'Y"
~d.!~'<l.l'~~~d.!r;'~'z;:J~~ 1z;:J:all;'~'~l~c.(!j~'<l.ld.f'z;:J?z;:J'~' sem chen nam Ia pen pa mang po gyi With many billions of emanations.

lli11l~'z;:J'~l;':all'z;:Jl~~~~z;:J~~~~11~~~a,~z;:Ja.~~ sang po cho pay man lam tap pa yi Through whatever slight virtue I have accumulated
ge wa chung se dak gi chi sak pa By making this Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct,
<l.ld.!'l~z;:J~d.!~11~l~~~~~~~ld.!~'~l~~z;:J~'4~1 de ni dro way man lam ge wa nam May the virtue of the aspiration prayers for all beings
ke chik chik gi tam che jar war shok Be accomplished instantly.

sang po cho pa yang su ngo pa le By the infinite and genuine merit,

so nam ta ye dam pa gang top de Attained through dedicating The Aspiration Prayer for
dro wa duk ngel chu war jing wa nam Excellent Conduct,
6 pak me pay ne rap top par shok May all beings drowning in the rivers of sufferings
Reach the place of Amitabha.
man lam gyal po di dak chok gi tso
ta ye dro wa kun Ia pen che ching May this King of Aspiration Prayers
kun tu sang pay gyen pay shung drup te Bring about the supreme aim and benefit for all infinite
nge song ne nam ma lu tong par shok beings;
Completing this scripture adorned by Samantabhadra,
May the lower realms be empty.

This completes The King ofAspiration Prayers, The Aspiration Prayer for
Excellent Conduct.
sang gye Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to all the buddhas
~~~~~\l~~~~a.~<l.lar11~~~~~~~~~~t~q 1s~ drang song lha mik den pa yi And to the bodhisattvas,
~~~&.~~l~a.~&.~~l~Ul~11~~r~~&.~~~~~a.~<l.lar11 jang chup sem pa nam dang yang Endowed with the divine eye of the sages
nyen to nam Ia chak tsallo And to the sravakas as well.
nge dro tam che dok che ching I prostrate to bodhicitta,
4~l~::l\a.5~q~l~1 IS~~q~&.~~~~~a.~~arl 1 to ri lam ni rap ton Ia which counteracts [birth in] all lower realms,
~&.~~~lq~~~::l\'~~~1 l~l~~~~~~%~~~~1 1 ga shi me par dren gyi pa Perfectly shows the path to the higher realms,
jang chup sem Ia chak tsal lo And leads to no ageing nor death.
sem kyi wang du gyur pe na Whatever negative actions I have done
q~11ql~~~~&.!'~'~~&.!'~~~ lq~l'~;J~~~~~Q~l dak gi dik pa chi gyi pa Under the influence of an [afflicted] mind,

~~11ql~~\l~.;J~~~~~~1 lql~~~s~~~~S!l. sang gye chen ngar chi ne su In the presence of the buddhas,
dak gi de dak shak par gyi I fully acknowledge them [all].
4~ ~~~~q~l~~~~~&-!~'~1 ~~~~~~&.~~\~~~ By the accumulation of any merit I have created
dak le nam pa sum gang gi
~~ql ~~~~~~;J~~~~iq::l\~'ql ~~~ql~~iq::l\~' so nam tsok ni kye pate Through the three kinds of activities,
--~ C\-- C\ dak gi khyen sa bon te May my seed of omniscience [grow]
~'11 ~~~~&.~~~l~~~~::l\'q~11q~l~&.!~'\l~'(].l'(ll' And may I [attain] awakening that never ends.
dak gi jang chup mi se shok
::l\~~11~~~~~\l~~~~a.~<l.lar11ql~~~4~&.1i~ chok chu dak gi shing nam su Whatever offerings to the buddhas
rq4~ ~~~~q~l~~~~~~;J~'~11~~l~~~~~ sang gye cho pa gang jung wa [That can be found] in realms of the ten directions
sang gye khyen pay yi rang wa Are known to the buddhas who rejoice in them;
~tql ls~~q~;J~l~a.s~~~&.~i~ 1a.~~~~~l~::l\ de Ia dak ni yi rang ngo I rejoice in [all] these [offerings].
q~~'&.j'Q_~q~11 dik pa tam che shak par gyi I fully acknowledge all negative actions
so nam Ia yi rang ngo [And] rejoice in all merit.
sang gye Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to all the buddhas.
dak ni ye she chok top shok May I attain supreme primordial wisdom.

chok chu dak gi chok nam su I earnestly request the bodhisattvas,

sa chu dak Ia ne pa yi who reside on the ten levels
jang chup sem pa jang chup chok in all the directions of the [worlds in the] ten directions,
tsang gya gyi par rna dep to awaken into supreme enlightenment.

Ihe Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 77 03 Ihe branch ofaspiration: Maitreya's Aspiration

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 78 03 A Compilation for Recitation

sr;~z:]~d.l.~.l\~r;~ID~4r;1 1~~r;z:J:o~~~z:]~S~I'l.l jang chup dam par sang gye shing Once you have awakened into genuine enlightenment
de dang che pay du tO I ne And tamed the maras and their hordes,
~~11~9' 05 9~.\\~'l'l.l'ij~~~~11~~~~.1\:~.z:]~.l;,'~.l\ sok chak kun Ia men le du May you turn the wheel of Dharma,
~9 1~~~~~qa~~~~11~9'z:]~l'l,l'~d.l~:o~~.l;,'z:]~~ cho kyi khor lo kor gyur chik So that all living beings may be healed.
49 ~ ...,....,.. "'
1t::l~l'\ F~~~~d.l!(~:or;z:]~9~ cho nga chen po dra yi ni With the sound of the great Dharma drum,
duk ngel sem chen tar gyi shok May you free all sentient beings who are suffering.
~.:1\~9 1a,~~~aa,~d.l~sr;~.l\~r;11~~~a~~~~~d.l kal pa je wa sam ye su Throughout inconceivable millions of kalpas,
cho ton dze ching shuk gyur chik
May you remain and teach the Dharma.

~ ..,.. ~ "' "'

~d.l~9~9~~9~1'l.ll l~d.l~~~~d-1.1\'z:]~~~l'l.ll ,~:;~
"' do pay dam du jing gyur ching Mired in the swamp of desire,
si pay se bi.i dam ching pa Entangled in the strands of cyclic existence,
ID~~d.l~~ff~~d.l!(~ll~d.l~:o~~d.l~l'l.lsd.l~%9~~~~~ ching wa gyi ching dak Ia I am fettered with all that binds.
~ ~. ':d. ..,.. ..,.. ..,.. "' kang nyi chok nam sik su sol I supplicate those, supreme among humans, to look upon me.
~~~c.(!:!'l'l.l~~l'l.l'z:].l\'49 1~9~~a,~r;~ID~9r;'z:]~~
..,.. "' "' ..,.. sem kyi dri mar gyi pa Ia The buddhas do not blame sentient [beings] who are flawed.
~:;1 19r;~9a,~~~r; 11\~9 ~ ~~z:]~9~z:]
sang gye nam ni mon mi dze With a loving heart for all sentient beings,
~:;1 \Sr;~z:]~~~i~~.l\~9 1~r~l'l.l~~~9~9~z:]~~ sem chen nam Ia jam tuk den May [the buddhas] free them
si pay tso le drol war shok From the ocean of cyclic existence.
~~11a,%'~9'~d.l~:o~~.l;,'z:]~l49 1d.l~~4~~9'qd.l~~
dzok pay sang gye gang shuk dang Any perfect buddhas who are present,
z:]~~~~11~~~sr;~z:]~9~.1\~9 1d.l~~~~r;~~r; gang dak de dang rna jon pa Those who have passed away, and those yet to come,
~:;1 l.l\T;'z:]~'d.l'd.l~'9~~d.ld.l~~,,~d.l'~9'd.l'd.l~~~~ de dak je su dak lop ching May I train following their way
jang chup che pa cho gyur chik And engage in enlightened conduct.
d.l'd.l~~11Wr;~a~~~~9~~.1\49 1
pa rol chin druk dzok gyi ne Having perfected the six paramitas,
dro druk sem chen tar gyi shok May I liberate the six [families] of sentient beings.
ngon she druk po ngon gyi ne Having actualized the six extraordinary faculties
Ia me jang chup rek gyur chik May I reach unexcelled enlightenment.

ma kye pa dang mi jung dang [Future phenomena] are not born and [those past] will not
rang shin rna chine ma chi occur.
nam rik rna chi ngo rna chi [Present phenomena] have no [inherent] nature; there is no
tong pay cho ni tok par shok [actual] location.
There is no perception; there are no [outer] things.
May I realize the dharmadhatu which is empty.
~~~~~:)~~~~q~,l\11~~~~~~~~~~9~~~~11 sang gye drang song chen po tar According to the buddhas, the great sages,
C\ - C\ C\ C\'Y" - sem chen ma chi sok ma chi There are no [truly existent] sentient beings nor life force;
9~'::!9~~a:;~9~~~a:;~l r::;Jl9~~a:;~qa;a:;~~9~'
gang sak ma chi so ma chi There is no [truly existent] indidivual nor nurturing [of a
49 lql9a.~~ql9'~.l\'Q,~~qtlll ll~~q~~"1~9~~ dak ma chi pay cho tok shok self].
May I realize the dharma[ta] where there is no self.
q.l;_l ~~~~~~~~'"l'ij~~l~l ~~.l\~~~~~~~9~~ dak dzin dak gir dzin pa yi
ngo po kun Ia mi ne par An entity [such as] grasping onto a self and "mine"
49 ll~~ql~~q.l;_~~a:;~q~l lql9'9'"1~~~l~~
- ---- C\ C\'Y"-
sem chen kun Ia men le du Is not present within any [of the paramitas].
ser na ma chi jin tong shok To benefit all sentient beings,
~q49 ll~~~~~~~l~~a.~9q~1 ~~~qar~r~"l May I give with generosity free of avarice.
~~~9~49 ~~~~~"l~~~s~ijl~~~ ~~"1~~~ ngo po ngo par ma chi pay
dak gi len cho lhun drup shok Since things do not exist as entities,
~~q.l;_l9l~~~~ ~~~~~~illqa~"l~~~~~~ 1 ngo po tam che nam jik pay May my wealth appear spontaneously.
jin pay pa rol chin dzok shok Since all things totally disintegrate,
~"1~~~~~"1~~~9~49 ~~a.~~~~~a.~ill I May I perfect the paramita of generosity.
trim kyi tsul trim kyon me ching
~~~~~~~.l\!9~~4~1 lqi'lq~q~~~~q~l I tsul trim nam par dak dang den Endowed with a flawless ethics [that is guided] by rules,
- C\-~--- C\'Y"
q::!l'z;JQ,'~'.l\"1'~~~9~'49 lq.g~ ~~q.g~~qa,q.g~ lam sem me pay tsul trim kyi And an ethics that is completely pure,
tsul trim pa rol chin dzok shok With an ethics free of an arrogant mind
~~~~~ lq~~~a:Jar~~~~4~1 ~~q~l~~~qa May I perfect the paramita of ethics.
sa am yang na chu am me
~~~~~~~~ lqf~~~~~"1~~~9~'49 ~~~~ lung gi kham tar mi ne shing Just as the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind,
~a~~a.~~l~~ llqa.z:J.l\a.~qa~~a.~~l~~ ~~~~ so pa tro wa ma chi pay [Bodhisattvas] do not remain [caught by mental constructs];
so pay pa rol chin dzok shok [By attaining] patience, anger never arises,
~a~~a.~~~~~ 1q~~917~~~"1~~~9~49 1 May I perfect the paramita of patience.
tson dru tsam pay tson dru kyi
ten tro le Ia ma chi shing Through [the power of] previous perseverance
top dang den pay 10 sem kyi Having become stable, enthusiastic, and free of laziness,
tson dru pa rei chin dzok shok And through a strong body and mind,
May I perfect the paramita of perseverance.
gyu ma ta buy ting dzin dang
pa war dro way ting dzin dang Through the samadhi [where all] is illusion-like,
dar je ta buy ting dzin gyi Through the samadhi of the hero's stride,
sam ten pa rei chin dzok shok And through the samadhi that is like a vajra,
May I perfect the paramita of meditative concentration.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 79 03 1he branch ofaspiration: Maitreya's Aspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro So 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~d.lq~f!~qa~~~d.llz;11~~~~d.ld.l~d.Jq~llz;~ 11 nam par tar pay go sum dang Through actualizing the three gates of full liberation,
du sum nyam pa nyi dang ni The equal nature of the three times,
~~~~d.l'd.l~~~d.J't:l~~q~~~ 14~~t:~~~"'l~~~~~ rik sum ngon sum gyi pa yi And the three types of knowing as well,_
4~ 1~z;~ID~.\l~~~t:~~~~qlz;1 l~llz;~~t:~~l she rap pa rol chin dzok shok May I perfect the paramita of prajna.

~ " ..., " ri

~t:~~t:~lz;IISz;~t:~-"'ld.l~lq~t:~!~~~~~11t:~l9 ...,i. sang gye kun gyi ngak pa dang Through persevering in a bodhisattva's [practice],
0 dang si ji bar wa dang [May I attain] the [kaya] praised by all the buddhas,
t:l~d.lq~~~~~~~ 1~~~~lq~lsl~z;1 ISd.l~q jang chup sem pay tson dru kyi The luminous [kaya], and the [kaya] blazing with majesty.
dak gi sam pa dzok gyur chik [Thus] may my intention be fulfilled.
~~~lz;~~q~~, 1~'~Q.l~~~~~~~t:~~~~~1 1~'
~ai 141 ~t:~9~~49 1~~~z:,11 de tar che pa cho che ching May [I be like] the famed Ma1treya,
jam pa drak dang den pa yi Who engaged in such a practice,
pa rol chin druk dzok gyi ne Perfected the paramitas,
sa chuy po Ia rap ne shok And perfectly abides at the zenith of the tenth level.

Through this immeasurable merit
r ~~~~t:~~~qat:~~l~d.l~lq9ill~~1 1l~141 t:~~ di tar gyi pay so nam pak me kyi May we never take the bad births
~9~~l~~~d-1~~~1~~~z;~~~~d.l~~~~'!lz;~s~ nyal wa yi dak du dro lha rna yin Of the hells, pretas, animals, and asuras.
ne nge len nam tak tu pang che ne May we attain the state of Buddha Maitreya.
~~1IID141 't:~'Sd.l~qa~~~z;t:~~~~~~~ 1ID141 't:~'Sd.l~q gyal wa jam pay go pang nye gyur chik
"~ in" ..., .... When the Buddhas Maitreya and Simha
lz;~-"'lz;,l~~1 1d.J'~t;~~z;~~~d.l~lq~~q~Ool
1 gyal wa jam pa dang ni seng ge yi Perform their buddha activity in the future,
rna ong sang gye dze pa ton pay tse
t:ll~~z;sr;~t:~d.ll~ 141 ~~~~~~11~~illqa~z;~z; May we also achieve the great awakening
dak kyang jang chup chok Ia ne gyur te And receive the unexcelled prophecy.
~~q~49 1l9't:]'~~~~~~t:~~'f!d.J~'~l~l 1l 141 '~t:]' Ia na me pay lung yang ton par shok
Through this virtue, in every life
~~9~~'t:]:s!t:,''ll't:l~~qlz;11~o.l~'~~\l~~~~t:~~Q.l' ge wa di yi tse rap tam che du May we attain the leisures and follow a genuine spiritual
dal top she nyen sang Ia ten pa dang
~~~~~~11Sd.l~qat:~~~ 141 st:~sl~~4~ 1~~~11 sem chen kun gyi duk ngel khur khyer ne
Bear the burden of all beings' suffering,
jam pay ten Ia ja wa che par shok And serve Maitreya's teachings.
~~ ~~-~~-"l-1~ l The Aspiration from The Bodhisattva's ~y ofLife
dak gi jang chup cho pa Ia Through the virtue of having composed
~l'~r~~sr;~~~l~~~ ~~qr~~d.l~~q~d,l~~~~ ~ juk pa nam par tsam pa yi The Bodhicaryavatara
l~~~r;~~a,~q\1~1 1Sr;~~~l~~~~~4~ ~ ge wa gang de dro wa kun may all living beings come to engage
jang chup cho Ia juk par shok in bodhisattva conduct.
~~~~o.~~\l~~~~lr;~d.l~~ 1~~~~~~lr~r~:~l~~~
chok nam kun na lu dang sem May all beings everywhere
~l~~l~~~~l~d-!~~~1 ~~~l~a,md.ll-~~~~4~~ duk ngel ne pa ji nye pa Plagued with sufferings of body and~ind
~l~~~~~~l~1 ~~d.l~r;~~~~~d.l~'d-!'~~1 1a,~ de dak dak gi so nam kyi Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
de ga gya tso top par shok By virtue of my merit.
t:~~sr;~~~d.l~lqa_tq~ ~~~~~~Ja_a;"'~q4~ ~a_~~
de dak khor wa ji si du Until they gain the bliss of a Buddha
~~'ftld.l~~l~~ql9 1~r;l~~~l~\~'~d.l~~ ~~l~ nam yang de le nyam rna gyur May their happiness never decline,
dro way jang chup sem pa yi And may they gain
~~~~~~~d.!~~. ~q~~~~~t:~~l~a,~~4~ ~~r;~~ The constant bliss of a bodhisattva.
de wa gyun mi che top shok
~d.l;1~~~~4~ 1sr;~q~d.l~l~a:~~.;~~~~11ijr;~a
jik ten kham na nyal wa dak May all embodied creatures
~~tfd.l;~Q,'~~~~11a;q~~d.l';!~'~~~q~49 ~~~~ar gang dak ji nye yo pa nam Eho throughout the universe
de dak tu ni lu chen nam Experience hellish realms,;~~r;11~~~~l~~~~~~49 14~d.l~tq de chen de way ga war shok come to enjoy the bliss of Sukhavati.
~r;~~z;'11l~~~~d.l'4t;'~~r;~~~4~ 1d.l~t;~~~~ drang we nyam tak dro top shok May those feeble with cold find warmth,
~l~lz;r;r;~lr;'11~'il~~~~l~~~~q~d.l~~~~ jang chup sem pay trin chen le and may those oppressed with heat be cooled
jung way chu wo ta ye kyi by the boundless waters that pour forth
~~ 1~~s~~r;~~~d.ll'l~~~~~l~"'l~a~~~~l~ tsa we nyam tak sil war shok from the great clouds of the bodhisattvas.
~~d.l~.l~~-4~ 1 ral dri lo may nak tsal yang May the forest of razor sharp leaves
de Ia tsen den nak tuk shok Become a beautiful pleasure grove.
shal rna li yi dong po yang And may the trees of knives and swords
pak sam shing du trung par shok Grow into wish-fulfilling trees.

ting ril ngur pa dak dang ngang pa dang May the regions of hell become places of joy
she sok ke nyen jin pe dze gyur chik With vast and fragrant lotus pools
pe rna dri sung che den tso dak gi Beautified with the exquisite calls
nyal way sa chok dak ni nyam gar shok Of wild ducks, geese and swans.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 8 I 03 The branch offlSpiration: The Aspiration from the The Bodhisattva's ~y ofLife
1he KagyuMonlam Book ro 82 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~11.l~z::_~~z::_~~~~~z::_q~~~1 1~q~~~'411.1'~~~~ sol pung de yang rin chen pung por gyur May the heaps of burning coals change into heaps of jewels.
sa sek shel gyi sa shi tar war shok May the burning ground become a crystal floor.
q~~q~1~ 1q~~a_~~~~q.~~~~z::_~~~~~11~~11.1' du jom ri wo nam kyang cho pa yi And may the mountains of the crushing hells
~~'ftlZ::,'~~q~~~~~z::_q~:4~ 1~~~~~q~~~~~ shal me khang gyur de shek gang war shok Become celestial palaces of worship filled with Sugatas.

~a;~ql~ 1~z::_~~q~z::_~~~~a;~q~~~1 11:4~~~ dak ma do sek tson gyi char wa dak May the rains of lava, blazing stones and weapons
deng ne sung te me tok char par gyur From now on become a rain of flowers,
~l~~~a_~q~q~~z::_~1 1~z::_~~q!~~~~~a_~~ pen tsun tson gyi dep pa de yang ni And may all battling with weapons
...,., - ~ ~- C\ C\ deng ne tse chir me tok pen par shok From now on be a playful exchange of flowers.
q~4~ 1~q~q&.l~&.l~z::,~~z::,sz::,q~~ 14'\l~~~

~~~~~z::_~~~\l~a~~~ 1q~~~l9qawq~~~~ chu wo rap me me dong dra nang ching By the force of my virtue, may those caught in the acid-like
river of hell,
~~~iq~~~ ~~~~~~lz::_~~%~ll1.l'~~a_qq~~~ sha kun shik gyur ru gong me tok kun Their flesh eaten away, revealing their lily [-white] bones,
day dok Obtain the bodies of celestials
4~ 1%~~a.~~~94~~aJlz::,rrlz::,s~lJq:a!~~~~ dak gi ge way top kyi lha yi IU top ne And dwell with goddesses in gently flowing rivers.
~~s~11\\~~~~~q~l1.lq~l~a.q~lqa~%q:a!t:_a.~ lha mo nam dang lhen chik dal gyi bap
"Why are the henchman ofYama, the unbearable buzzards
ne shok
~~~~%~~~ 11 ~~~q~~~~~~flla~~~~5~~~ and vultures afraid?
chi chir dir ni shin jey mi dang kha dang ja Through whose noble strength is joy brought upon us and
~a.q~qq~~~~iz::_~~ 11 ~q~~~a_qa~~~~~~~ go mi se nam trak che darkness dispelled?"
lz::_~11.1~~~lz::_~~~~a.!Y~~q~49 ~~~~a;~qw~ kun ne mun sel de gak kye pay tu sang di Looking up, behold in the firmament the radiant form of
ko su yi tu nyam te Vajrapani!
~lz::_~~a.qqq~~11l~11.1qa~~l~~11.1~11.1~~lq gyen du te na nam khay kyil na chak na dor Through the force of their joy may they be free from evil and
je bar wa shuk tong ne find his company.
~i~~~~~1 1~~~t:~~q~%~qa_~~t:~~~qlz::_1 1 rap tu ga way shuk kyi dik dang dral ne de
When they see the lava fires of hell extinguished
~~~l~l1.1~~~~~5~~q~~iz::_q~4~ 1!l~~l~ dang Ihen chik drok par shok
By a rain of falling flowers mixed with scented water,
a.~~~qrr~l1.l~z::_~q~~~4~~~a~l~~~~~z::_~d.l%' me tok char pa po chu dang dre bap pa yi Immediately satisfied, they wonder whose work this was:
nyal way me dak chi chi I so pa tong gyur ne In this way may those in hell behold Padmapani.
~~~~q~11.1\\l~~~ lo bur de way tsim pa di chi sam pa dang
sem nyal nam kyi chak na pe ma tong war "Friends, don't be afraid but quickly gather here,
~z::,~iqsz::,~q~d.l~lz::,q~q~~~~q1 1~~~~~~ What need is there to flee when above is the youthful
~l~~a.q~a.~~~q~lq~slq~~~s~11 Manjushri to dispel our fears,
drok dak jik pa bor Ia ring par tsur shok u The tender bodhisattva who protects all living things,
buy te du ni Through whose might all suffering is removed and the force of
gang gi tu yi duk ngel kun dral ga way shuk joy abounds. -
chin Ia
dro wa kun ne yong kyop jang chup sem
dang tse wa kye gyur pa
I:\ I:\ I:\ - ~
'Y" 'Y"
:;, 'Y"
~l~~~~a.~l~~l~ l~~~~~~~~~ 05 l'-ot;'l I shon nu sur pu chen bar jik pa me par che Behold him in an enchanting palace resounding with hymns
pa chi shik chin . sung by a thousand goddesses,
~~~~~~~~~l~;~~~~~d.lal~~~CI5~a.qq~~ With the tiaras of a hundred gods being offered to his lotus
khyo kyi lha gyay cho pen dak gi shap kyi
~r;z:~~~~~l~r;~~~r;~~z:~~llsr;~~~~~~a.~ pe mo Ia cho ching
And a rain of many flowers falling on his head, whose eyes of
~~~~~ la.~~lsr;,lij'r;~~l~~~~l~~~~ tuk je len chen u Ia me tok du may tsok kyi which are moist with kindness."
char bap pa Upon seeing Manjusri in this way, may those in hell cry out
a.~~~~-9~ ~~~~ql~~l~g~~~~~:!t;'~~~~ll khang tsek yi ong lha mo tong trak to yang loud with joy.
sr;~q~~~l~a.~~~~l~~q~qlr;l ~~~~~r;~ drok den ti to she
jam yang de dra tong ne da ni sem nyal cha Likewise having seen, due to the roots of my wholesome
~d,lr;l~~CI5~~a.2!~~d.l~t;~~~~~d.l~'~~l~~q~l~ cho don par shok deeds,
The cool and sweet-smelling rain falling from joyful clouds
d.l~~~~l~a.~~~~ l~la.f~d.l~~~~~~~~~ 1:=!' de tar dak gi ge tsay kun tu sang Ia sok created by the bodhisattvas
jang chup sem pa drip pa me trin de wa
qaa.~~~lr;::J~q~-9~ ~~J~~~aJ~~~~~ llq dang
Samantabhadra and Sarva-nirvarana-vishkambhini,
may all beings in hell be truly happy.
~~~~d.l~~~~~~~~~ la,/:4~~~~~~~~~~~lz:~r; sil shing dri shim nge den char pa bep
tong ne May all animals be free from the fear
~ ~~~~~a.~~~a~~~~~~ llq~~~~~~~~d.l~s~ sem chen nyal wa de dak ngon par ga Of being eaten by one another.

4r;1 ~~s~~~~q~~q~-9~ larr;~~~~~~~~~~ gyur chik May the hungry ghosts be as happy
As the people of the Northern Continent.
~ij'r;~r;l ~~~~~~~~~~~-9~ ~~J:f~-~~~q~~ du dro nam ni chik Ia chik
sa way jik dang dral war shok May they be satisfied by a stream of milk
~~~~d.l'd,lQ,t;'~~l.~lq~a,q~-9~ ~~~~,~;~~~~~~~ dra mi nyen pay mi shin du Pouring from the hand of the noble lord Avalokitesvara,
yi dak nam ni de war gyur And by bathing in it
l~lr;'l ~~~~~~d.l~~~::il~'lt;'~l ~~~~~~~~~~ May they always be cooled.
pak pa chen re sik wang gi
l~lr;l 1~~~d.lqij'q~~4~ I chak ne bap pay o gyun gyi May the blind see forms,
yi dak nam ni tsim che shing May the deaf hear sounds,
tru che tak tu sil war shok And just as it was with Mayadevi,
May pregnant women give birth without any pain.
long wa nam kyi suk tong shing
on pe tak tu dra to shok May the naked find clothing,
lha mo gyu trul ji shin du May the hungry find food,
drum ma'ang no me tsa war shok May the thirsty find water
And delicious drinks.
cher bu nam kyi go dak dang
tre pa nam kyi se dang ni
kom pa nam kyi chu dak dang
tung wa shim po top par shok
The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 8 3 03 The branch ofaspiration: The Aspiration from the The Bodhisattva's Wity ofLifo
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 84 cg A Compilation for Recitation

r::]~~r:.~~d.l~~~~~:Et:!4~ 1~r;~~d.l'J~.l~"'Eq4~1 tren pa nam kyi nor top shok May the poor find wealth,
nya nge nyam tak ga top shok Those weak with sorrow find joy.
" C\.. -- " -::1.
1t:!~~r:.~~~~d.l'ct~~r:.~~ yi che nam kyang yi so shing May the forlorn regain their confidence,
4~ 1~d.l~.;s~~lr:.~~~l'r:.J11~~~~l 141 ~'1~'~~~~ 1
ten pa pun sum tsok par shok And have stable [courage] in abundance.

" " ~ --
a.~qa,~l~d.l~~r:.~1 1~~~~r;qcl>ll'r:.J~'4~1~~r:.~ sem chen ne pa ji nye pa
nyur du ne le tar gyur chik
May all who are sick and ill
quickly be freed from their illnesses,
~d.l~~a.~~~ijl4~ 1r::]~!;~'r:.J'~d.l~'~']Cll'r::]~'~~l 1 dro way ne ni ma lu pa and may no disease in the world
ever occur again.
d.l~~l'~d.l~'~'d.l~~~~r;11~~~~~d.l~'~'d.l~~~~~~1 tak tu jung wa me par shok

d.l]~ql~'~'ld.l~'.:Sl'"'l1 1~~~~d.l~'ld.l~'.:Sl'r::]~'r::]~' trak pa nam ni jik me shok May the frightened cease to be afraid
and those bound be freed.
ching pa nam ni drol war gyur
4~ 1~r;~~~~;a.~slr:.~11~a.ql~l~~~q~~~~1 tu me nam ni tu den shing May the powerless find power,
pen tsun sem ni nyen gyur chik and may people think of benefiting one another.
dron po dak ni tam che Ia May all travelers find happiness
~~~~F~~~~~~~1 1~~~lr;~~~~l~a,q~4~ 1~ chok nam tam che de war shok Everywhere they go,
-- -- --
!;d.l'"'ld.l'~"'l'~d.l~'r:.J'~d.l~11d.l~~r:.~l~lr;~l~~~~11 gang gi don du dro che pa
de be mi go drup gyur chik
And without any effort may they accomplish
Whatever they set out to do.
dru dang dru chen shuk pa nam May those who sail in ships and boats
4~ 1l~~~~~"'ld.l'i!l")d.l'!;'r::]~11S~r:.~~~cr-d.l~~ill yi Ia sam pa drup gyur te Obtain what they wish for,
~r;11~~lar~~~4r;~q~~~d.l~11~.l~~r;qslr:.~~ chu yi ngok su der chin ne And having safely returned to the shore
nyen dang lhen chik ga war shok May they joyfully reunite with their relatives.
4~ 1 nya ngam lam gal khyam pa nam May troubled wanderers who have lost their way
dron po dak dang tre gyur ne meet with fellow travelers,
chom kun tak sok jik me par and without any fear of thieves or tigers
mi ngel de lak dong war shok may their going be easy without any fatigue.

gon sok lam me nyam nga war May those who find themselves
chi pa gen po gon me ching In trackless, fearful wildernesses, the children, the aged,
nyi lok ny6 shing rap ny6 nam The unprotected, those stupefied and the insane -
lha dak sung wa che par shok Be guarded by beneficient celestials.
illa.~\l~"l4!~"!~qlr;11lllr;~~~z:]"z:]~~~~11Sl~ mi dal kun le tar wa dang May beings be free from all states of no leisure
de dang she rap tse den shing And be endowed with faith, wisdom and kindness.
lr;~l~T~t~l~~~~1 1~~~~~z:]~s~~~4~ 1!o-1~ se dang cho pa pun tsok ne With food and excellent conduct,
~l~o.l"o.lf1a.o.l(lq~~~1 1arr;~r~l. 05l~~l~~4~ 1 tak tu tse rap dren par shok May they be mindful throughout their lives.

flr~r~l~r;a,~~l~~11~r;lqr;~~~l~~4~ 1~o-1~ tam che nam kha dzo shin du May all beings be without want for wealth
long cho che pa me par shok Just like the "Treasury of Space",
~~~~z:J~l~r;~~r;11~.l~~~z:J~l~~iT~4~ 1"\1a, tso pa me ching tse me par And without dispute or harm
rang wang du ni ch6 par shok May they enjoy it as they wish.
~q~~~r;~~~~r;~~1 1~~~~z:Ja~r;~~~o.ll~~~~
4~ 1a,~~~~~l.~l~~l~11~.l~~~~~l~~~~ 1 sem chen si ji chung ngu gang
de dak si je chen par shok
May those who have little splendor
Come to be endowed with majesty.
o.l"~q~~o.l~~o.l~~q~r;11r;"~l4!l~~r;q~o.l~~4~ 1 ka tup chen gang suk ngen pa And may those whose bodies are worn with toil
suk sang pun sum tsok par shok Find magnificent and noble forms.
jik ten bu me ji nye pa May all unfortunate humans
~~~~r!o.l~~l~r;~~~~11~~~l~z:]sl~~4~ 1sr; de dak kye pa nyi gyur chik In the world be born fortunate.
~q~o-1~lr;~a.s 141 ~r;1 1sr;~z:]~l 141 ~~141 qlr;1 1 ma rap nam ni to top ching May the lowly obtain grandeur
and may their pride be conquered.
" . ,.- a "
~r;~r~~~o.l~~~t!.lr;~~~r;.1r;1 1z:]~s~a.~~~r;~r;
. ,.- nga gyal dak kyang cham par shok

dak gi so nam di yi ni By my merit

q~4~ 1~o.l~~~~l~"!o.l~~l~11~t!.lr;l~~~l~r; sem chen tam che ma lu pa May every single being
q~4~ 1~~~q~q~a,l-~~~r;11a,~q~~t!.lr;~~~ dik pa tam che pang ne ni Abandon all forms of evil
tak tu ge wa che par shok And perpetually engage in virtue.
jang chup sem dang mi dral shing May they never be without the Awakening Mind
jang chup cho Ia shol wa dang And may they always engage in bodhisattva conduct;
sang gye nam kyi yang sung shing May they be cared for by the Buddhas
du kyi le kyang pong war shok And relinquish the actions of devils.

sem chen de dak tam che ni May sentient beings have lives
tse yang pak me ring war shok Inconceivably long.
tak tu de war tso gyur shing May they always live in contentment,
chi way dra yang drak ma gyur Unfamiliar with even the word 'death.'

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 8 5 03 The branch ofaspiration: The Aspiration from the The Bodhisattva's Wily ofLife
Ihe Kagyu Monlam Book BD 86 03 A Compilation for Recitation

C\ ~il ..,.. C\
~q~t::l~6-r4r~: . . l ~~~~~11.11 1~r;;,~@~~r;;,~~r;;,~@~ pak sam shing gi kye mo tsal May there abound in all directions
..,.. ..,.. C\ ..,.. sang gye dang ni sang gye se Gardens of wish-fulfilling trees filled
!!~1 1a5~~~~~~q~~r;;,t::]~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ cho nyen drok pay gang wa yi With the sweet sound of Dharma
~t;,'t::]~'4~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~i!~~l'l.l~~~~~ chak nam tam che gang war shak Proclaimed by the Buddhas and their heirs.

q~r;;,1 111.1~~~11.1~~~~~~~~~1 ~~t;,'t::]~~a,~~~~ tam che du ni sa shi dak And may the land everywhere be pure,
sek ma Ia sak me pa dang Smooth and devoid of any rocks,
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~11.l~~ar~~~~~r;;,1 1sr;;,~t::l lak til tar nyam be dur yay Level like the palm of the hand,
ild.l~~qa,~z;;,af~~ ~~r;;,~~~~q~~~r;;,~~ 1t::l~~q~ rang shin jam par ne gyur chik And of the nature of lapis lazuli.

d.!E(~q~t::l~~~~~~ ~~~~~\l~~~ss~~114z:_~z:_ khar gyi kyil khar yo gyur yang For all the groups of disciples,
jang chup sem pa mang pa dak May many bodhisattvas
~~~~~~~~~~r;;,1 1~d.l'd.lf1Q,'I'l.l~'~t;,~~~~1 ~~~~ rang gi lek pe sa ten dak Dwell in every land
gyen par dze pay shuk gyur chik Adorning them with their excellence.
Q,aj~q~~~q~4~ ~~~~~~~~r;;,~~~~z:_11~r;;,~~~
C\ ..,.. "" ..,.. lu chen kun gyi ja dang ni May all embodied creatures
!l~~z:_~~~~~~ 1d.la5~qa,~~~r;;,~~a,~~q~1 1Q,~J
shing dang o ser tam che dang Uninterruptedly hear the sound of Dharma
1::]~~~~~~~:.~~4~ ~~~z:_~~~aj~a,qt::]~'4l:_'llar-~~ nam kha le kyang cha kyi dra Issuing from birds and trees,
gyun mi che par to par shak Beams oflight and even space itself
~~~~l~~~~~~ ~~l'l.l~~~t::l~~s~~:.~~r;;,1 1a.~~
de dak tak tu sang gye dang May they always meet with Buddhas
~~~~~r;;,~~t::]~'4~ ~~~~d.l~'d.l%'~t;,~~~:.~~r;;,11~~r;;, sang gye se dang tre gyur chik And their heirs the bodhisattvas.
..,.. ..,.. ..,.-c-... ..,.. ..,.,
~~~t::l~~t::l~~~t::]'I:J~'4~ 1d.lf1Q,'Q,:!]'!l~'I:J'I'l.l'~~~ cho pay trin pung ta ye pe Then may they worship these spiritual masters of the world
dro way Ia ma cho par shak With endless clouds of offerings.
q11~r;;,~~i!~~~r;;,~~~~~~ 1
lha yang du su char bep shing May celestials bring timely rains
Ia tak pun sum tsak gyur chik So that harvests may be bountiful.
gyal pa cho shin che pa dang May rulers act in accordance with Dharma
jik ten dak kyang dar war shak And the people of the world always prosper.

men nam tu dang den pa dang May all medicines be effective

sang ngak de cho drup par shak and the repeating of mantras successful.
khan dro sin pa Ia sak pa May sky-going spirits, cannibals and the like
nyin jey sem dang den gyur chik Be endowed with compassionate minds.
~~~~~a,~Q,'Ult:_'~~~~;:;,1 1~~q;:;,~~;:;,~~~;:;,1 1 sem chen ga yang duk rna gyur May no living creature ever suffer,
dik par rna gyur na rna gyur Commit evil or ever fall ill.
a.~~~r;;t:_r;;]~~q;:;,~~;:;,~t:,'1 1a,~Q,'Ult:_'~"~r;;]~'~' jik dang nye par min gyur shing May no one be afraid or belittled,
~;:;,1 1~~~11.l~'~t:_~~~~~qr;;t:,1 ~~~~~~~~~~ ga yang yi mi de rna gyur Or their minds ever depressed.

~~~4~ 1~~q;:;,l~~~~~~qr;;t:_'11l~~~~~'Ult:_' tsuk Ia khang nam lok pa dang In all assembly halls and houses
ka ton gyi gye lek ne shok May reading and recitation [of Dharma] flourish and remain.
~r::1q;:;,4~ 1Q~r;;]qa.~r;;qar;;~~t:_r;;~ 1r;;~~qr;;~ tak par gen dun tUn pa dang May the sangha always be in harmony

~t:_'~r;;]q;:;,4~ 1~tQt:_'r;;]'l~~~r;;t~t:,~~~~1 ,~~~~ gen dun don yang drup par shok And may their purposes be accomplished.

11.l~'~t:,~~~;:;,~~ 1l~~t;_~~~~~r;;~~~t:_'11Q,lr;;]'"t:_' lap pa do pay ge long dak May monks desiring to practice
en pa dak kyang top par shok Gain the [three] isolations,
~~r;;q~t:,'Q;:;,'-9~ 1~'r;;]~~;:;,Q~~t:_'r;;]'\1~1 1~~~~ yeng wa tam che pang ne ni And through having abandoned distractions
sem ni le rung gam gyur chik May they meditate with flexible minds.
'?~~qJ:Jr;;~;:;,~~ 1~11.l~~~a.Cl511.l'Q~'~"~t;_~~11~~
ge long rna nam nye den shing May nuns be materially sufficient,
~~~q:;a!r;;sr;;-9~ 1r::1~a.~r;;~~~r::1~;:;,~~1 1~;:;,Ult;_ tap dang no pa pong war shok Abandon quarreling and be unharmed.
Q~"'l'~~~'?~~4~ -- "
1~~~q~~~~'Q\l;:;,'Q'"t:_'11r::l~r;; -- de shin rap tu jung wa kun
tsul trim nyam pa me gyur chik
Similarly may all ordained ones
Never let their morality weaken.
~~~r;;~~t:_~"q;:;,-9~ 1~l~art:,~~r;;~q"t:_'11~~~
tsul trim chal we yi jung ne Having repented any moral falls
~~~\l~~~~~q;:;,-9~ 1t:_~~t:,~~Q~I1.l'~'~t:_~t;_1 1 tak tu dik pa se che shok May evil always be eradicated,
",a.r::l~r;;qJ:J"q~Ult:_'11lr::l~~~qa~~~Q~~11~ de dro dak ni top gyur ne And thereby obtaining a happy state of birth.
der yang tlil shuk mi nyam shok May spiritual conduct not decline even there.
r;;~~t:,~~~fj;:;,'~t:~-9~ 1
khe pa nam ni kur wa dang May the wise be honored
so nyom dak kyang nye par shok And may they receive alms;
gyu ni yang su dak pa dang May their minds be completely pure
chok nam kun tu drak par shok And may they be renowned in all directions.

ngen song duk ngel mi nyong shing May beings not experience the misery of lower realms
ka wa je pa me par yang Nor endure any other hardships. .
lha we lhak pay lu top ne With a physical form superior to the gods
de dak sang gye nyur top shok May they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

1he Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 87 03 1he branch ofaspiration: 1he Aspiration from the 1he Bodhisattva's \%y ofLife
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 8 8 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~o.~~~~\\~~~rc7.1~o.~r;~l ~~r;~~~E!o.~~~lo.~~\sl sem chen kun gyi len mang du May sentient beings again and again
sang gye tam che cho che ching Make offerings to all the Buddhas,
~t;'ll~r;~~~q~qq~o.~~~~~~ ~~~~q~lr;~~~~ sang gye de wa sam ye kyi And may they constantly be joyful
~~ ISr;~q~o.~~lqa,~o.~~~~~l 1a.~~~%~~c7.~ tak tu de dang den gyur chik With the inconceivable bliss of the Buddhas.

l~r;~~q4~ lo.!~~Q-(q~~~r;l~r;~ql ~~o.~~~~ jang chup sem pa nam kyi ni Just as they have intended
dro don tuk Ia gong drup shok May the bodhisattvas fulfill the welfare of the world,
~o.~~n.r~a,S~4~ ~~q~~~r;~r;~~~~o.~~lr;l ~~~ gon po yi ni gang gong pa And may all sentient beings receive
sem chen nam Ia de jar shok Whatever the Buddhas have intended for them.
~~~o.~~~r;q~~~~~ lql~~-~;a.~o.~lsr;~q,a.~~
~~~ ~~~ql~a,r~r{qq~~l ~~~~~~q~~~qlr;l I de shin rang sang gye nam dang Similarly may the pratyekabuddhas
nyen to nam kyang de gyur chik And the sravakas find happiness.
~ " "
...... lql~~fl:=l~~~~~r;l l~o.~~
~t.:J~~r;r~r~lq~4~ dak kyang jam yang ka drin gyi And until I reach the level of "Completely Joyous"
sa rap ga wa top bar du Through the kindness of Manjusri,
lr;~~~r;a,l'q~4~ ~~~q~\l~~lq~~~~ql ~~~ tak tu tse rap dren pa dang May I be mindful throughout my lives
~o.~~~q{qq~4~ ~~r;a;q~q~a,~lqa,o.~l ~~1;':=1"'' rap tu jung wa che par shok And always be a renunciate.

~q~a.~l~~r;l lo.~~~a!a.~o.~lsr;~~~l~l 19~~ dak ni kha se gyi ne kyang May I live and be sustained
nyam dang den shing tso war shok By simple, common foods.
~lq~~r;o.~{r;t.:J~4~ ~~~~t.:J~~o.~o.~fla:o.~E~~~~~ tse rap kun tu en ne pa And in all my lives
qa1 ~~o.~~~~\\~~~q~qsa~~~ ~~:~~a.~o.~"'sr;~~ pun sum den pa top par shok May I find ideal solitude.

~lo.~!(l'qllt.:Jl~~~lqa,r;~~~4~ ~~~l~o.t'o.lfll7,' gang tse ta war do pa am Whenever I wish to see [him]

chung se dri war do na yang Or even wish to ask [him] the slightest question,
~~~qlr;'ll~q~~l~~~~~qll~~lql~~~~~ gon po jam yam de nyi ni May I behold without any hindrance
gek me par yang tong war shok Lord Manjusri himself.
~~~~~ la.~qa~~q~c7.1~(l.lq~4~ 1
chok chu nam khay tay tuk pay In order to fulfill the needs of beings
sem chen kun don drup jay chir Who reach unto the ends of space,
ji tar jam yang cho dze pa May my way of life
dak gi cho pa'ang de drar shok Be just like that of Manjusri.

ji si nam kha ne pa dang For as long as space endures,

dro wa ji si ne gyur pa And for as long as living beings remain,
de si dak ni ne gyur ne Until then may I too abide
dro way duk ngel sel war shok To dispel the misery of the world.
dro way duk ngel gang chi'ang rung May all the pains of living creatures
de kun dak Ia min gyur chik ripen [solely] upon mysel
jang chup sem pay gen dun gyi And through all the virtue ofbodhisattvas
dro wa de Ia cho par shok may all beings experience happiness. May the teachings, which
are the sole medicine for suffering
dro way duk ngel men chik pu and the origin of every joy,
de wa tam che jung wayne be materially supported and honored
ten pa nye dang kur ti dang and abide for a very long time.
che te yun ring ne gyur chik I prostrate to Manjusri through whose kindness wholesome
minds ensue, and I prostrate to my spiritual masters
gang gi drin gyi ge long jung
through whose kindness I develop.
jam pay yang Ia chak tsal Ia
gang gi drin gyi dak dar wa
ge way she la'ang dak chak tsal

.q~.q-9~~i~~~q An Aspiration for Rebirth in Sukhavati

cham den sha kyay gyal pay shing di ne To the west of this realm of the bhagavat Shakyamuni,
nup chok gan ga lung gi che rna nye Past as many buddha realms
dzok sang gye kyi shing kham che wa trak As there are sand grains
tri trak trak trik de pay pa rol na In sextillion Ganges Rivers,
shing kham kyon me yon ten pun tsok chok Is a supreme, flawless realm with perfect qualities.

sa chok tam che rin chen rang shin te All its ground is made of jewels, as even as the palm of a hand.
lak til tar nyam chong rong me pay ne It is a place without gorges.
me tok pe may tsok kyi rap gyen te It is well adorned by lotus flowers.
ta way mi ngom dze shing yi du ong It is so beautiful that one could never see enough of it.

shing chok de na lha miy ton pa ni In that supreme realm dwells the teacher of devas and humans,
ku tse pak tu me pay sang gye shuk The buddha whose Life is Boundless.
nyon mong pang shing mon lam dak pay ne It is a place of pure aspirations, where kleshas have been
dak dang dro druk shing der kye war shok abandoned.
May I and all beings of the six types be born in that realm.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 89 Cl3 The branch ofaspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book 8IJ 90 C\'8 A Compilation for Recitation

ngak sang tra way shing kham de wa chen The realm of Sukhavati is resplendent with mansions.
gyal way nam trul nyen pay dra jin ching The buddha's emanations give forth melodic sounds.
tso way yo che ji tar sam pa shin It is a place where all essentials arise
be tsol me par lek par jung way shi Without effort and in accordance with one's wishes.

shing chok de na sem chen ngen song dang In that supreme realm there are not even words
lha ma yin dang shin jey ming yang me For beings in lower states, asuras, or yamas.
de na pal pay bu me yo ma yin There are no ordinary women there.
ngal na ne pa yo pa ma yin te There is no abiding in the womb.

rin chen nam kyi me tok pe mole Birth there is always miraculous, from precious lotus flowers.
dzu te kye way rang shin sha tak te It is a place of pure aspirations, where wrongdoing has been
mi ge pang shing man lam dak pay ne abandoned.
dak dang dro druk shing der kye war shok May I and all beings of the six types be born in that realm.

nam dak 6 den shing kham de wa chen The realm of Sukhavati has utterly pure light.
shing der kye pay sem chen tam che Ia For all the beings born in that realm,
na tsa Ia sok duk ngel ten mi jung There is never suffering, such as through sickness.
shing der kye ne ngen song tung mi gyur Once born in that realm, one will never fall into lower births.

mi khom ne su kye wa mi si do It is impossible for one, once there, to be born in leisureless

shing der kye pay jang chup sem pa nam states.
tse lo pak tu me par kun shuk ne The bodhisattvas born in that realm
kye wa du mar jang chup sar ne te Remain alive for innumerable years.
Throughout many lives they will remain on the bodhisattva
cho pa lap chen dze pa ma tok pa levels.
kye wa chik je dzok sang gye gyur shing
tsok nyi rap dzok man lam dak pay ne Were it not for their engagement in vast conduct,
dak dang dro druk shing der kye war shok They would become perfect buddhas after one life.
It is a place of pure aspirations, where the two accumulations
tup pay ngak pay shing chok de wa chen are perfected.
de pa chen gyi rin chen po drang na May I and all beings of the six types be born in that realm.
tse pak me gon ye na chen re sik
jam dang tuk je dro wa kun Ia sik In the realm of Sukhavati, praised by Shakyamuni,
In a palace composed of precious materials,
To right of the protector Amitayu, is Avalok.ita.
He gazes upon all beings with love and compassion.
gon poy yon na jang sem tu chen top On the protector's left is the bodhisattva Mahasthamprapta,
dri me ten pa gye pay trin le dze Doing the activity of spreading the stainless dharma.
ye she cher gye sam gyi mi khyap shuk He abides in inconceivable, expansive pristine wisdom.

dak ni nam shik chi way du kyi tse When I come to the time of my death,
lha chok khye kyi shal tong dun su ne May I see your face, great deva, and be beckoned onward.
ne ngen nam su nam yang ma gal war May I never stray into inferior places.
de wa chen gyi shing der kye war shok May I be born in the realm of Sukhavati.

pe mo le trung dam cho nyen pa dang Born from a lotus, may I hear genuine dharma,
gyal way lung ten ngon she dzu trung top Receive the buddha's prophecy, arid achieve clairvoyance and
sem chen tam che shing chok dam pa der miracles.
dak gi dren pay ten drel drik par shok May I create the circumstances for leading
..., ......-' ......,- " ......-' ..., All beings to that supreme realm .
~ 05 ~.l~~~~~~~~~~:=~9~11~~q~~llJ'~9~'~1lJ'

l~~llJ'r:::]'(%31 1~~~"" "'
05 9'~~~~~~q~~~r:(l~9~1lJ11 - de tar dak gi man lam sang po di
Ia rna chok dang gon po chen re sik
khor che Ia sok gyal dang gyal wa yi
I pray that the supreme guru, the protector Avalokita,
Your retinue, all the buddhas,
~~~~~U3~'~1lJ'r:::]'~l'l'~1 9'ill11~~l~q~~~~~~ se chok nam kyi drup par dze du sol And all the supreme bodhisattvas
Cause this good aspiration of mine to be accomplished.
~~~~~9 1~~q~q~~~~~'49'~~11~~~a.9~~ tse yi tar yang gyal wa 6 pak me
khor dang che pa tong shing de ma tak At the end of my life may I see the buddha
~~l~9~~~~q~~4~ ~~~ar~z:r~~~~z:rSJr::.2J~~~o.J~r::.
bu bu de wa chen du tsur shok che Amitabha along with his retinue.
~~~~<4!~~r;;.~~:I\'Cl'l~~11 11 dren pay sung gi ukjin tup par shok May I immediately receive assurance
Through his saying to me, "Child, come to Sukhavati!"

The Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo composed this in the Tonting Temple. Virtue!

The Twenty-BranchMonlam ~ 91 03 The branch ofaspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 92 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~9'"1;J'~9~~ The Great Aspiration

Y ~~~ra.~~~~~~~z:J;z;s~l ~~~~p::]~a_~~.::.r.:t~d.l~'d.lf!Q.'~~~~~~~q~~~q~d.l~ Ihen, recite the following:

~1 s~~r.:t All buddhas of the three times who have appeared, are appearing, or will appear in any
of all the boundless realms without center or limit; all bodhisattvas, shravakas, pratyek-
ild.l~~qQ_~~1 ~~~~~~1 .::.~~~~m~~~1 ~~~1 5~{~~~1 ~9~9~Q,~~r.:r abuddhas, devas, rishis, and vidyadharas; and all those, without exception, who have ac-,
complished the truth: I pray that you consider me.
(l.l'~9~'q1 q~~q~r.:tqd,l~~4~~~q~~qf!d.l~'~~q~9'(l.l'~9~~~9~(l.l1 t.:1~9'
Through the power and strength of all the roots of virtue I have engaged in, encour-
~~~9'd.l'd,l'd,l~~q~~1 d,Jf!Q,'d,l'd,l'd,l~~qar.:t.::.~1 ~~r.:ta~r.:tr.:t~~q~~1 r.:t~~~ aged, or rejoiced in throughout time without beginning or end; especially the roots of
~r.:1~~1 r.:t~~q(l.l~~~tll.::.~r.:tf!d,J~~~~~1 ~~q.::.~m(,l~~q.::.~9~ virtue I have generated here in Vajrasana, the place where you, the buddha, attained
manifest buddhahood, (alter as needed); in this wondrous, mentally emanated palace;
q.::.~~~m~qa9~~~~a9~~Q,~~~~~~~o.Ja.~~~:r~~:l\l tll~~~~d,lq.::.~(l.lqa (on this extraordinary, blessed occasion on which you demonstrated great miracles ... or
you were born ... or you achieved manifest awakening ... or on this extraordinary occasion
~~(l.l~~~f~qr.:t,~q~d.l~.::.~~~d.ll9 ~q.::. 1 ~nJ~~~9d'~nJ~~~~~~-!:J~s~~~
of your parinirvana ... or on this extraordinary occasion of your turning the dharma-
~~~rt~~~~~~t~;z;-o~nJl ~nJ~~~~o.J~t~~r;-1 o.J~t~;z;sr;~~t~G_~r;l ~~nJ~a.~~t~~-~~~~~:J;z;'-o~ chakra ... or on this extraordinary, blessed occasion of the buddha's descent from the deva
realm ... or in general), on this extraordinary occasion on which we are accomplishing
~~ i~9~;z;ar~~;z;~~~~~~l:l;z;-o~~~ ~nJ~~nJ~~~~I:l~s~~~~~~l:l~~~~~l:l;z;-o~~~~d.ll t oceans of virtue by inviting all the buddhas, bodhisattvas, and retinues of shravakas of
~d.l'nJ".::.~9~~~~~l9~md.ll'~r.:tqa~~rs~q.::.~~Q.~.::.1 ~9~r.:t~a~~~m~~~
s~~q~d,l~~qa;i;!d,l~'~~~~1 ~ --
~~l;!~~~.::.~~q~~q!(!'.1~'~~~~5~~~~1 s~
the ten directions; by prostrating to them, presenting offerings, confessing wrongdoing,
rejoicing in virtue, imploring that the dharmachakra be turned, and praying that they
not pass into nirvana, in order to heal all world-realms in accordance with the bod-
hisattva conduct, and in order that abundant benefit and happiness arise; and through
~q~d.l~~qa;~d,l~~~~q~~~~~d.l~~q.::,Q.~9~~~fd.l~'l;!d.l~~~(l.lij~q~~1 the power and strength of all the roots of virtue engaged in, encouraged, or rejoiced in
1:4~r.:t~~~~d.ll9~q~~qa~~~~9Q,~(l.lq~~1 ~9qr.:149~q by all the buddhas of the past, the future, and the prese-nt, by all bodhisattvas, shravakas,
or pratyekabuddhas, or by any of all the beings that there are, may the environments in
l~'1 ~~'r.:!'(l.l'~~~tll.::.~q~~1 i~~~.::..1fr.:t~.::.r.:t.::.r.:t~(l.l't.:1'~~1 ~~~(l.l~'~'Q,lQ,' all worlds be free from impurity. May they have various excellent, utterly pure qualities.
q.::.9~(l.lqQ,~r.:t~q~~1 ~~r.:t~9~qas~~r.:t~~q.::.r.:t~q(l.l~9~qa~~r.:ta!
r.:1~~1 9~~';Q,l~q~~1 d.l~r;~q~r;~~.::.~r;r.:ta~r;~riD~~r;1 sr;~r.:t~d,l~
lqQ_~r;1 ~~~~~r;1 .::.r;~r;~m~l;!d.l~~\~~1 t.:1~9.~9~d,l~~~~~~q~d,l~
~~~~qa!r.:tr.:t~~q~r;1 q~~q.::.~.::.q~~~ r.:1~lr.:t~~q~~1 9~~(l.lq~~~
~ ... ~ ~ in ~ ~- ~ -
~q~~1 r.:t~~q(l.l~~~'l.l.::.~r.:tQ.'~,IqQ.!r.:t~'l.l\q~d.l~~d.l~~r;~r.:t~(l.l~1 ~\
~Q,~9~~l;!d,l~~~~d,l~9ql;!d,l~~~~~s(l.l~~1 ~d,lq~~9qaar~?~~~~d,l
l~~rq~d.Jq~l~~lr;:,~~q::~:~.:t_~~ 1 May the world-realms of the hells, the world-realms ofYamas, and the world-realms
of animals that have already arisen be destroyed and emptied.
l~~~a:a.~~~~~~~~lr;:,l ~~~~a.~~~~~~d.!~"r:._l ~l"'~."'~~~~~ May they never arise from now onward.
~d.!~~.:t_a;~~q~d.!~~l~~~r;:,~::._q.:t_~.:t_~~ I If because of the power of karma they are not destroyed, may their ground, buildings,
and enclosures of burning iron become pleasant, temperate, and pleasurable.
~~a;la;~~q.:t_d,J~.:t_~~ I
May all the boiling water become bathing pools ~ith the eight features, covered by
variegated lotuses and resonant with the melodic calls of swans and other birds.
May the mortars and pestles of burning iron, the pounding mountains, and the rest
q~l~~::._~r;:,~~~gl~~~~~~~~~l~~q~::,r;:,~~~~~::,~~ I become rains of flowers.

~~~~~'d,J'f;!d,J~~l~~~~~r:._.,~;Cf.l~~~~~llr;:,~~qq~~l~~~~~~~4r:._r;:,r:._ May the unfordable rivers of hot ash, the swamps of rotting corpses, the forests of ra-
zors, and the rest become groves beautified by trees, flowers, fruit, and medicinal herbs.
q~~~~q~~~q.:t_~~q::,~.:t_~~ I
May the Shalmali mountains become mountains of jewels adorned by many pleasant
trees, with extremely soft ground covered by green grass and flowers.
11~~~~~~~m"r:._~~"'~~q~~~~q~~~~"~ij~~~a;::,~~::,~~ 1
May all the terrifying guardians of the hells, the lions, the dogs and the rest become
~~~~~q..:t_~i!""r;:,l ~~~~a.ld.!"r:._l ~;~a~~~~~~q~~~~~~4r;:,"r:._l devas, clevis, precious steeds, precious elephants and so forth.

i!~~lr:._l a.s~~lr;:,l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q~~l~~~~~~.:t_~~ I May all beings in the hells not remain there. As soon as they are born, and in the time
of a finger-snap, may they pass from that life and be born in a higher realm.
4~d.!;~~ar~~~~~~4r:._~l~~r;:,~~~lr;:,l ~~~4~~"'~d.!~~~~~ar May all the karma that will cause birth in the world-realm of yam as be exhausted. May
beings not be born there. If beings are born there, may they immediately pass from that
"r:._i)~~~~~~~~~~~q"~lr~.:t_~~ 1 life and be born in a higher realm. If those beings do not pass from that life immediately
after birth, may all world-realms of yamas become a pleasant ground made of various
l~~~r:._a,~~~~~r;:,~lr;:,~~lr:._~~~~~~~~~;sl~~~lr;:,~;f~~~~qlr;:, jewels, that compresses when pressed and rises when lifted, and that is filled with many
..._., ~ ..._.,~ v~ ..._.,~ ~

~d,Ja;~.:t_~qdJlr;:,~r;:,~.:t_~~dJ~~4~~~~::,~~ I pleasant necessaries.

..._., ' v v~ ~ ..._., ' ~
"'1:4~~~~l"'~~~::,~~~~~d,Ja;~~~~::,~::,~~ I

~l~~~~~~~r;:,l ~~~~~d.!sl~~~~~~::,s"ql ~l~~r;:,~~ars"~~~~r;:,
~.:t_~.:t_~~ I

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 9 3 03 The branch ofaspiration: The Great Aspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 94 03. A Compilation for Recitation

~~~Ulr;~~~c7.l~=~~~r;~~a.s~~;ar-J.~c7.!~~~~l~~q~~=~a.~~l~~q~ May that ground also be covered by various types of edible food and drink, such as
fruit, and may various types of food and drink also fall like rain from the sky.
~r;~~~~~r;~J.~'J.~fla.~~~r;~=~a.~~~l~~~as~a,~~q~~~~~ 1
May the light of the sun and moon always shine there. In the summer may it be cool
~d.!~r;~~~~l~9~~r;~r;~~,~~~~~c7.l~~r;lru~~~~~~~~~~ 1~~~~ there, and in the winter, warm. In all regions may there be pure water with the eight fea-
tures, falling and flowing in winding streams. May there be undamaged, pleasant shade
~J.~~~l~~9:s-r;~Ul~c7.l~~ID~l~~~t~~~~a.~~~r;~~4r;~l~~r;~~~~ trees.

~~ll.l~~~J,!~'tl'~lq~~r;~~~~~~ 1 May all the karma that will cause birth in the world-realms of animals be exhausted.
May beings not be born there.
sll.l~r;~a.~9~~~fld.!~~st.:l~~~~ac7.l~~r;~~s~qf!d.!~~l=~l:~~~~1 If beings are born there, may they immediately pass from that life and be born in a
st.:~~~~~~ 1 supreme higher realm. If those beings do not pass from that life immediately after birth,
may they become as intelligent as the most intelligent of humans. May they be free from
~"-l~s~q~~~~a,r;~d.!f!~~~a.r.r~~~~~Q,~J.!f~~~d.!i~~s~~~~~~ 1 all stupidity, obscurity, and bewilderment.

May they not come under the power of others, but always have freedom.
May they be free from the shearing of their wool, and so forth: being herded, being
~r;~qf!d.!~~llr; 1 forced to bear loads, being killed; and from harming one another. May all move about
at ease, acquire all of the food and drink that they wish for, and in all ways have happi-
~~~~lt.:~r;~~~~~~'f!J,!~'~~~~r;l~r;~~q~~~~9 1 ness like that of the best higher realms.

~"-lll.l~~~qa.s~qlr;1 a.~lqlr;1 ~,c7.l.Z:J'lr;1 ~~~qlr;1 9~~~~~~~"-~ May nagas not be harmed by garudas. May the rains of hot sand become rains of jew-
els and flowers.
~~~'tl't.:l~ll.l'~~~~~~~~~"-l'~T;'!::]"-l'~t:,'1 f!d.!~~l~~Ulr;~~~~lr;~=~a.~lr; In the world-realms of humans, may chakravartins with dominion over the four con-
~lf't.:l'"-l'~~~q~~~Q,~lq~lq~~~d.!~~~~d.!i~~~~~t.:llr;~~q~~~~~1 tinents appear repeatedly. May all ages equal an age of perfection. May the environments
of those worlds be free from canyons, mountains, rocks, thickets, filthy wells, thorny
w;~d-l~~r;~J,!'J.lflQ,'~r;~~~lq~l~r;1 s~~~as~~d-l~~r;~~~~lr;~~~~ trees, and so forth. May they be as even as the palm of a hand and spacious. May they
be pliant and supple. May they all be filled with meadows, variegated flowers, and edi-
as~~~~~~ ~~aQ,~~~~~fld-l~~d-l~~Ulr;~r;~~"-~~t.:~r;~~~~ar~~~~ID(l,!. ble crops that grow without plowing. May all crops be free from all hazards. May all de-

UlT;'~T;'UlT;'~'~r;~~~~~~ 1 sirable fruit-bearing trees and medicinal herbs grow there.

...,., " "...,.,""~

l' ...,.,...,.,
~~ fld-l~~l~~9 ~ ~~ ~~~l T;'d-l~r;~q :l\'~:l\'~9 1~ ~a,~~ ?~~Ul r;~~r; :l\T;'
lr;1 ~s~~r;~r;1 l~:s-r;t.:~~~~q~r;~~d.!~~~4r;"-~~~~q~l~r;"-~~d.!~"-~
~~d-l~d-lqlr;f]~~~r;1 d-l~~~~d-lt.:~~9;~.t~~slq1 f!d-l~~l~~~~~r;lr;~~~
~lt1l~~~~~~~q:=~~~~qaar~~&.l~~z:.~~~~~z:.~l~ar-~~l&.l~:ol!&.1%~ May no poisonous things or anything that causes physical sickness grow there.

z:.~a~~~l&.l~:oll~sl1.l~~1 a.s~~;:o~~4~l~.!l~~~~~~&.lz:.~~l~~z:.~~~~ May all necessaries, such as jewels and clothing, appear without impediment merely
through being thought o
a.~lqq~~~~q~~~~~ 1
May jewels, fruit, and all necessaries fall from the sky like rain as they do during an

~~~~~~!1.l~~~q~~l1.l~lq~lq~slq~~'l.l~~~:q~&.l~~~~ 1 age of perfection.

May all humans abide comfortably in the womb and be easily born. May no sickness
~~'l.l~~~~~l~~~l1.l~~~l;.l&.lrr-qaCQ-sll&.l~:olq~&.l~z:.~~&.l~~~~~l;.l~l of any kind arise in their bodies.

q~~~q~~~~~ 1 If they do become ill, may they have access to physicians and medicine and be quickly
~&.ld.l~a.l1.l~~~~~rr~l~a.s~~!4l~~~z:.~&.l~qawsll&.l~:ol~~~~~~~~ May all the deaf in all world-realms acquire the ears of the devas.
~~a:;~~a_qqq~~~~~ 1 May the blind acquire the pure eyes of the devas.

May the mute gain eloquent speech.

1'ld.l~:ol~~&.l~l1.l~q~q~~~~4~q~q~q~a_qlr:.:1 ~~!4l~l~~~~~t;'';'
May the insane gain sanity.
l~~q~~~~~ 1
May every person gain a good appearance, eloquent speech, brilliant intelligence, and
~!1.l~~~'l.l~'!j~'z:.l'l~!l~'~~a.S~~~~~~~~q~~~~~ 1 all praiseworthy qualities.
May the imprisoned and those under sentence of death be easily freed.
a.~~~~~~&.l~'l&.l~:ol~r.t~l;.l~&.l~~~~a~q~ql;.l~~~~~ 1

arz;q~&.l~~~~al~~;JI;.l~l~z:.~~qz:.~~~~~~ 1 ~~~z:.~~;J~~~~&.l~~l;.l~q
q~~~~~ l
~~l;.l~;J~~~s~z:.~~ll;.l~~~~~ 1
i'ld.l~':Ol'~~~~~~q:=~r;~~~;J~~qlr;1 ~l~~r;~~~~l~~~q~~~q~~~
l;.l~r.t~z:.~aar~,~];J~:ol~~a.S~z:.~~~~~~ 1

q~~~~~~z:.~l~~~ll;.l~sq~;J~q~q~l~z:.~~~~~~ 1

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 9 5 03 The branch ofaspiration: The Great Aspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 96 03 A Compilation for Recitation

"'~9~t:J~~~q~llr::,~~9lr::.s 141 q~~~~~ 1 May all be free from the eight and sixteen dangers.

May they never be separated from what is lovely and pleasing to them.
~~qtQl~~r::,q~d-l~lr::,~"'s 141 q~~~~9 1
May they never encounter what is repugnant and displeasing to them.
~~9't:.l'CQl~~~r::,q~d,l~'ll;'Q,~lt:.l~'d,l'~~~9 1 May everyone, without fighting or quarreling, always be affectionate to one another.

~d,l~'~l~r::,Z(l~'~'"'~qqlr::.!'l't:.l'~lq~1 ~~~'14l'9~9q~q~~9~~~~q~~~
May everyone be free from untimely death.

May they have long lives.

~~ 1 May all their wishes be fulfilled in accord with genuine dharma and their intentions.
~;.]~'~l~r::,~~d,l'CQ~'t:.l~'"'~q~l't:.l~'~~~9 1 May no one be an outlander or a barbarian. May they all have abundant leisure and
~~r::,q~~~~9 1 Having gained a body with leisure and resources, may they see samsara as an expanse

z;J~d,, 1 of blazing fire. May they give rise to the desire to be liberated from it.

Having given rise to the desire for liberation, may they find a spiritual friend with all
~d.l~~l'~'d,l;!"''~z;j'll;':J)'~'~lq~l 141 'z;j'lt:,'~~q~~~d.l'l9~'t:.l'lt:,'~~q~~~ the qualifications that are described. May they properly rely upon them with great re-
~9 1 May no fault in the manner of their reliance upon their spiritual friend, such as dis-
l141 ~~lr::.~~qa~~~q~~~~q~"'q~q~~a~r::.~d-l~r::.~1 ~11.1~~~q~ respect, ever arise.

May they hear from their spiritual friend the complete, unmistaken path to higher
"'~lqa~~q~~~~~ 1 realms, liberation, and omniscience. May they have an intellect capable of quickly and
correctly realizing the meaning of the buddha's words.
May they be diligent in properly practicing the meaning of what they have heard.
~r::,~~t:.l~~Q'~~I4l'r::]~~~q~~q~~~~~ 1
d.l~~q~9~.l~qa~~~~~ 141,l~~l~~r::.q~d.l~~
~~ 1
l~qa~~9~~ 141 ~d.l~~~lr::.~~t:.llr::.~d.l~~ld, 141 d,l~r::.l4ld-l~~q~~
~r::.1 9~r::.~q~~~5~~d.lar9t:.l~~~~~~~q~~~qa~~~l~,.~~q~~~~~ 1,l~~~~qC4lqf~qlr::.~~t:.l~~~~~ 1
"'~~~~~~~~~~~~&.rl~~~E;l~~~~~~z:,~~~~~~a~~~~s~~;1&-l~~~ May the buddhadharma, the source of all of the benefit, happiness, and excellence in
the world, spread and flourish without ever vanishing.
~~~~~~~~~~~::,~~~~~~~~ 1
May all sanghas be diligent, every day and night, .in solely virtuous actions of the
~~~~;1&.J~~~~z:,~~~~q~~r:.: 1 ~~~~~~Cll~~~~~~~&.J~~~as~rr three gates, such as the ten dharma praGtices and the two wheels.

~Cll~~~~~E;J&.J~~~~qf~~~~~~~ 1 May all sanghas be harmonious and accomplish the purposes of a sangha.
May all kings, ministers, subjects, householders, and others have great faith in, and
~~~~&.l~~~z:,~~~~~~~;1&-l~'~~~~~~~~~~ 1 great respect for, the three jewels.

""' -- ~ ""' ""'- ~ "

May all persons delight in and diligently do virtuous actions.
May the jealousy of the asuras toward the prosperity of the devas be fully pacified.
~~~a~~~~::,~~~~~~~~ 1
If they do go to war, may asuras not experience the suffering of physical wounds or
May they all hear the sound of the three jewels and respect them. May they delight
~&.l~~~~~~~a~r:Jell'~~~~~~~9~&.l~~~~~q~~~~~ I and strive solely in virtue.
May the devas be free from the suffering of fighting the asuras, of wounds, and of
~Cll~"'E;ll;;]',~~CllIJ~~~r; 1 "'~~Cll~~~~a~~q~Cll~z:,~~&.l~~~~ 1 death.

;1~~~~~::,~1~'&.l~~~~~~~~~4::,~~'1:.l'~Z:,'1 ~~'l;;]'Cll'~~~~~~"'~z:,qf~ May they be free from all sufferings, such as those of expulsion, oppression, and signs
of death and falling.
~~~~~~ 1 May the great drum of dharma that awakens one from heedlessness continually res-
onate so that it is heard by all devas. May the sound of genuine dharma issue from other
~~~~~z:,~&,Jcq~~z:,"'E;lt:l'~~z:,IJ~~~z:,4t:~Cll~~~~a~~t;~~Cll~z:,:Jell'~~~~ musical instruments as well. May all hear the sound of the three jewels with respect and
~~I be diligent solely in virtue.
May all beings generate precious bodhichitta. May it not weaken.
~~~~::,~~~1:.!~::,1 ~t;~~~z:,t;~~Cll~~~~~l:.l~z:,l "'~"'r.r~a~~~~z:,~z:,~9
~~Cll'E;lt;.l~~~~r:_:Jell'~~~~~t:~~~~r:_~~l:.l~~~~~ 1
~~~~~Cll~~~(l.lqai~~~~~~E;l&.l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4::, 1 ~ell~
~~~~~~z:,~&.ll:.lal~~~~r;t;~~~~~~ 1
~&.l~~~E;l&.l~~~~r:_(~~~asr;~~~~&.l~~~~~q~~~z:,~&.l~l:.l~&.l~~~~ 1

The Twenty-Branch Monlam l'D 97 03 The branch ofaspiration: The Great Aspiration
Ihe Kagyu Monlam Book ro 98 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~i~~z::~~~z;~~~~~~~;s~~d-l~~z;~~z;a,~~~sz;~~d-l~~~s~~~~ ~~ May those of the shravaka and pratykabuddha families achieve the.awakening of their
respective nirvanas, soon generate great bodhichitta, and enter the mahayana.
Q'~~i~~q~sz;~z;r~~Q'~~d-l~~~~~~~~t:J~~Q'~~~t:J~~~~~ I
May bodhisattvas accomplish the benefit for beings that they intend.
sz;~~~d-l~~t:J"''~d-l~~z;a.J~a.~~~~~~~z;~t:J~~~~~~q~~~~~ 1 May the vast conduct and all the aspirations ofbodhisattvas be quickly accomplished
and fulfilled.
sz;~~~~~q~r::]~~~~z;l s~~r::]~d-l~~t:J"'~~~~~~c1.1d-l'f!~~;s~~~~~~
May each bodhisattva quickly ripen innumerable disciples. Having formed their own
~z;~~~q~~~~~ I pure buddha realms, may they quickly achieve perfect buddhahood.

After buddhahood, may they fill all the realms of beings with unceasing nirmanakayas
~z;~~~~~c1.1s~t:J~~~~t:J~~~~~q~s~~z;l ~z;~~~~z;~~t:J~~~q~~~ that turn the dharmachakras for the disciples of the three families. May they temporar-
~~~~~(f.l~~~q~~~~qa.~~~~~~~a,~z;~~~~d-l~~q~~~~~ I ily establish those of the shravaka and pratyekabuddha families in their respective bod-
his, and finally establish all of them on the level of great awakening.
~z;~~~~~~d-l~;s~~~~~f!d-!~''5~'~(Sr::]'~z;~~~a,05~'t:Ja.~c1.1't:Ja.~~i~~~~ May the stainless buddhadharma fill all world-realms, flourish, spread, and never dis-
May no maras look for opportunities to obstruct the dharma. If they attempt to ob-
~~~~~~~z;~sz;~q~z;l. f!d-l~;s~~z;d-lf!~~~sz;~r::]~~qa,~c1.1a.~~q~~~ struct it, may it not fall under their power.

~~~ In brief, I make all the aspirations made by any bodhisattva in the past, all the aspi-
rations being made by bodhisattvas in the present, and all the aspirations that will be
~c1.1~a.r::]~~q~~~~t:J~a,~~~~~~d-l~'f!d-!~''5~'~'(S~'q'~z;l ~~~z;~~t:J~z;l made by bodhisattvas in the future, however many of them there may be.

~d-lII.l~~~q~d-1~~~~ I May I display various emanations, whatever will tame those to be tamed, before each
and every being, accomplishing all benefit, happiness, and goodness for those beings, dis-
~~~c1.1~~~~~~~f!~~;s~~~:il~~a.lc1.1r::]~~s~~z;l ~c1.1~s~~z;~a.~z:]z; pelling all their defects, suffering, misery, and fears, and establishing them in the state
of liberation and omniscience. Just as I do this for any one being, may I do it for all be-
~~a.f~~~~~~ I ings without exception.

d-l~~~a,;~r::]~~~~qa:~d-!~'5~~~~~c1.1~~?r::]'q~z;l ~~~~sz;~~
~d-l~~qa,~d-l~~~~~c1.1d-l'a.~~~r::]~~q~z;l ~~z;;~r::]~d-l~~t:J"''~d-1~
~~~~'"'-ld-l'~?r::]'q~~~r::]l ~~lq~~~~r::]~~~~~z;~~c1.1d-l'"'~r::]~'ij'll
~d-!~''5~~~a.~z;~~z;c1.1~z;~c1.1'~'~c1.1't:J'~l~~q~~~l ~~~c1.1~~t:J~z;r::]~'r::]'
~z;:til~~q'f!d-!~''5~'r::]~r::]'~z;l f~~~l ~~r::]~C4l~~l ~~~~~ "'~~~'t:J'f!~~;s~
~~"'l~~1 ~~~lr:.:~d.l~~ld.l5~~a~a.~=.:"'l~l~~~a.~~~~~~%~ 1~d.l~~~ May I be like a father, a mother, a friend, a relative, and a king for all beings. Like med-
icine, food, clothing, and so forth; like earth, water, fire, air, and space, may I become a
~%~"-l~~~~~d.l~~~d.l~~~"'l~~~~z:J~l~~~~%~ 1 support for the lives of all beings.

~l~~d.l~~~~d.l~~l~~lr;1 d.l'lr;1 d.ll(a.eylz;1 ~~~lz;ID"'ltr-~~~~~%~ 1 In brief, may I do whatever will benefit each being, and fulfill the hopes of each being,
in accord with their wishes, for whatever they desire.

'~~lr;'1 S!~lr;9~'"'l'~~~t.!lr;1 ~lr;'1 ~lr;'1 ~lr;'1 ~r;lr;'1 ~&.l'd.lrtl"''~~~~l~ When I achieve a pristine wisdom body, may it be visible even to beings who have en-
gaged in great wrongdoing and are very thickly obscured, without their having to even
~d.l~~l~&.l~'~l~~~a,la,~~~~~%~ 1&-l~~~~l~~~~&.l~~~~d.]~'~l"'l~r; slightly reduce their obscurations.
"'l~r;~~~lr;1 ~~~"'~lt.~a~~~&.l~~l.~l~~~lr;d.]~~~~~r;~~~~%~ 1 Especially, just as the glorious Dusum Khyenpa made aspirations throughout meas-
ureless time to be the embodiment of the activity of all buddhas of the three times, may
~l~~~iQ4~~~~{~~a,r;~d.l~~~~~~~~~t.~4~~"'%~'trl~~~~~r;S!l' I, named Chodrak Gyatso, be the master and accomplisher of all of the activity without
~z;~~~~&.ls~~~~z;d.]{z;~~~~%~ exception of all buddhas of the three times.
May I make the teachings of all buddhas without exception my own, and be able to
~l~~~l~"'l~~~~~~d.ld.l5~~aa.l~~a~~lt.~~~~l~~~~~~~d.l~~r;~ spread them to the ends of space, without them ever disappearing for as long as space
m~~d.l~~l~"'~~"'l~~~tr~"'ld.l'~~~~d.ll(l~~~~~~1 z:Jl~~z;i~~~~m
In particular, here, in Vajrasana, this great place where our teacher, the lion of hu-
&.ll"~~~~~~~r:::~~~~ad.]~a::JJ~~a~~~~d.l~~z;~ID~~&.l~~l~~~"'l~ manity, achieved buddhahood; this grand palace of dharma; this boundless Akanishtha;
d.]'~~~d.]~a,l~'"'l'l~r;~~~~r;~~~~~~~%~ 1 this place where all of samsara and nirvana are assembled; this ornament of the universe;
this all-inclusive mandala, may the three jewels and the genuine dharma of the sugatas

m"'l~~d.l~~l~~~~t.~d.l~~~tQr;z;Jl~~~a.a:~%z;1 ~d.l'&.lrtl"'~~~~~~~~~
spread and flourish. May it be stable and unending.


_, " " - -
~ ""'
~&.l~~~~l~~~l~'?l1 ~~a,l~~&.J~~ltQr;~~~~a,~~~c,~4~st!.lr;~

~ m~
" -
~ "'llr;1
" ~'i t!.l r;---~11 ~s"a.l ~"'l
" ~~IDt!.l
- "- a.l" ~l-1~ 'd.]i1j~
- r;~~d.l i1jl~a.rtlr;~ -
~~d.llr;~~~~~4~~~a~~~~l&.l~ai~~l~~r;m~1 ~~~~z;~~~~~~~
%~ 1

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro 99 03 The branch ofaspiration: The Great Aspiration

The Kagyu Mon/am Book ro 1 oo c:s A Compilation for Recitation

~q~~~a.~~4r;~~~;,j~~~::.q5::.~~~~~z:]l May the holder of the dharma, the sublime being (name), and all here, have splendor
of body that is ever-increasing, like the waxing moon. May their activity and actions of
a,(if::.~l~~~d.l~~~~r;~~::,;,j''fj::,a,~~~r;::,~~~ Q,z:]t;~'~z:]~~~~~~~~~ guiding beings be as spontaneously perfect as Mount Meru. May their retinues be as
~;,j~~~d.lf!a.~~~l~ar~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o;;,jiJ~~~q!!r4~z:]~~~~~ numerous and bright as the stars in the heavens. May all their followers, near and far, be
in harmony. May they abide in utter peace and auspiciousness with perfect happiness and
~;,jl~~qa~d.l~r;~~~~ 1 ~~~aq 1 a.~~l::.z:J~~l"'q::.~rq 1 ~~~a~~~ well-being. May their kind blessing of happiness last for ten thousand generations. May
their fame fill every place reached by the sun and moon.
~~~~~q~~r~~~~;,j~~~~~z:]q::.~::.~~ I
Through the power of the true words of all buddhas of the ten directions and the
- 1:\ 1:\ ~ -
~~~r::J~a.~~~~;,j~~r;~~~~r;sr;~z:]~;,j~~~a.~~~~~r;::.r;~r;~~~~r::.:l ~ three times; of all bodhisattvas; of all shravakas and pratyekabuddhas; of all devas, rishis,
siddhas, and all who have accomplished the truth; through the truth of the natural pu-
~r;!Sr;~r;lr;l ~z:]~~~~~~az:]~~~~z:]~~;,j~~~~z:]~~~~~;,j~~r;l ~~~ rity of the dharmadhatu; through the truth of the unfailing causation of all dharmas;
~sr;~~::.r;q~~~;,j~::.~~~az:]~~q~r; 1 ~~~;,j~~~~~a.s~z:]~z:Ji!~~a through the power of mantra, medicine, and substance; and through the power of the
great truth of the three jewels, may all the wishes of us all-master, disciples, and ret-
z:]~~~~r;l ~~~lr;ii~~r;~~~d.l~~r;l ~;~;,j~~~~;,j~q~~q~~;,j~~~~ inue-and whatever aspirations we have made be accomplished as they were intended.
- - - ~ 1:\ ~-
z:]~~~~lq~~z:]~::,~r;z:]~~~f!;,j~'~~~Cl!~'~'z:]~;,j'~(-l,'~~~d.l~'~~~r;l 11~'
- May we be utterly victorious over all adversity. May everything auspicious and excel-
lent be acquired, all-pervasive for all time.
~d.l~'fJ::.q?qq~;,j~~~~~z:]~~~~q~::.~::.~~ I This was composed by the seventh Karmapa and revised by the eighth Karmapa; I have also revised it
ld.l~~qa~~~~;,j~~~~~~~~r; 1 z:J!!l4~~~~;,jl~~~~;,j~
~~;,ja3r;qi)~q~~~~;,j~~~~~z:J~r;a.S::.~::.~::.~~ ~~~rc.J~q~~c.Ja~~z:.lll~q~l
~~~~~~Q-~::.~~'l':l\~~~l:l~l:ls~~~l~~~~~~~ar~~~~~~~5~~~~C41~~~ 1 ~:1\~~l:l~~ The precious dharma lord Dusum Khyenpa wrote this about specific dedication for the living or the
l:l'l:l~l:la.~~C414~~~1:l~~~~::.~l ~C41~~1:l~~..l:ls~~~~l:l~~~a,!(~l ~~~~:1\'l:l~~~a.a:~l ~~~ In general, this dedication of roots of virtue is said to be extremely important. If roots of virtue
~~~a.a:~, ~~~~~a.a:~, la.a:~~~::.~~~::.~a.?4C41'/:l~'~l:l~'C411 ~~l:l~'~'l:l'l:l~l:l'~~~~ ~~::_q~q~ are done but not dedicated, they will be used up. Ifthey are dedicated to an inferior end, they will be
used up. Ifthey are regretted, they will be used up. Ifadvertised, they will be used up. So that they not
~C411 ~;~~l~~~~~~~~:l\l:lw~~~l:ll s::.~q~~~~~f~~~~~~~:l\l:lw~~~l:ll :1\::.~~~~ be used up but increase continuously, it is necessary to dedicate roots of virtue. As for the support for
dedication, dedication done before a support ofthe three jewels will be accomplished. Dedication done
~~~:l;,q~~~~l:lcr,,~.C41/:l~l:l~~~~~~~~~~~l:l~~l:l~~~:o~q~q~~~ ~~::.a.~~t;~~~~l:l~
before someone with bodhichitta will be accomplished. Dedication done before one's guru will be ac-
~l:l~r::1 ~~::_~~~~~l:l~'~'l:l'~r:::l ~~;z;:~~~q~~q~~~:o~q~l ~~~t:.'~~q~~l:l~~~:o~~q:l;,' complished. What is dedicated is all roots ofvirtue ofthe three times. This includes past roots ofvirtue,
future roots ofvirtue, and present roots ofvirtue-all ofthese are dedicated. Ifroots ofvirtue are sum-
q~~~l ~~~C41~~::_q~::., ~~~~C41~~::_q~::., q~~~C41~'~"q~~~~~~~~~~ q~~~~q~~~~ marized, they are all included in those that arise from generosity, those that arise from morality, and
those that arise from meditation. As for the manner of dedication, do not dedicate them to yourself
~~~~~~~~~::.lq~l ~a.~~~~~~::.lq~l ~~~~~"':l\"~::.~~~~q~:l\sq~~~~~"lq~q:l;,
alone. Do not dedicate them to this life. Do not dedicate them to the achievement of the state ofa
q~~~"~~a.~~~~~~~:o~~~~:o~~~;)~~~"~~~:l\~~~~~s::.~l:l~q~:l\sq~~~~qw~~q~ shravaka or pratyekabuddha. Ifyou dedicate them to the attainment ofumurpassable complete and per-
fect awakening by yourself and all being.r throughout space, that is what is called "vast dedication. "
q~~~arsq~~~ ~"~~~dq~q:l;,~a.s~~la.a:~~~~~l ~~"~q:l;,~-~~C41~~~~t;~~~~~~~-~ Until buddhahood is achieved, its results will be inexhaustible. For example, ifyou cast one drop of
cr:l\~~e41~~~e41 1 ~~l:l\~~C41~-~~~cr:l\~~~l'~~~~-~q:l;,~~~C41~l~~~ 1 ~q~~:l\"~~~e41 saliva on a stone it will soon evaporate. Ifa drop ofsaliva is cast into the ocean, it will not evaporate
until the ocean does. Similarly, ifin the presence ofyour guru you dedicate all the virtue accumulated
~~~~~~~~:l\~~-~~~~q~~~t;~~~~qf;l~~:o~q~~~::.-~f;l(.l,'~~~~~'O~'f;l~~:o~~~~f;l~~:o~~5~ throughout the three times to the attainment ofomniscient buddhahood by yourselfand all innumer-
able beings, it will be accomplished in accord with that dedication. Therefore, give great and sublime l:l~~q~q~~~~q~~~~~:l;,q~~~q~~~~q~~~~~~ ar"~l~
meaning to otherwise meaningless wealth. This will accomplish a great purpose, and is like concealing;)~~C41~"ar~ar~~t;~~::.~~~~~~2i'~q~"~~:l\~~~t;~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~fla.e41~"~~~ a treasure.
Therefore, think that all buddhas and bodhisattvas are in the sky before you. Thinking, '1 and
~".S"'~q~~~~~a.fil~~:o~q~~~~:l\~~~~l:l~~~"~fila:~~t:~~~~~:o~fil~~:o~~~~fil~~:o~~~~ all beings must attain omniscient buddhahood. I therefore dedicate all roots of virtue accumulated
~~~"~~~~q~:l\s, ~~~~~q~~~~~~~~~~q~~~-t;~~~~-~f;l~~:o~~~;)~~~s"~q~qw~~ throughout the three times to unsurpassable awakening," repeat this after the dedicator:


The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro I 0 I 0.5 The branch ofaspiration: Dedications for the living and the deceased
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 02 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~t;:~~~-z::]~~~qa~r;~ m~lr; sr;~z::]-~;.J~'"" qa: chok chu na shuk pay sang gye dang jang All buddhas and bodhisattvas who abide in the ten directions,
chup sem pa tam che dak Ia gong su sol/ gen I pray that you consider me. Noble members of the sangha, I
i;!;.J~~lz::]l~~l~r;~~-~~~1 l~."'~~-z::]~~q~;.J~ dun tsun pa nam dak Ia gong su sol/ pray that you consider me. Through all the roots of virtue I,
z::]""~~""~r;~~~s~~~~ z::]""~~t:,a_~~~z::]~z::]~~~~;.J dak {say your name} she gyi way tse tok ma me pa
(name), have done, encouraged, or rejoiced in throughout be-
ginningless births up to now, arising from generosity, arising
~l~r~~i;~;.Jl~~%~;~.1::!~-~~~q~~~r;t::llr;1 ~~ ne ta ma da ta Ia tuk gi bar du/ jin pa le jung wa from morality, and arising from meditation; especially those aris-
dang/ tsul trim le jung wa dang/ gam pa le jung ing from such actions as presenting offerings to the three jewels
~;.J~-~~~r;z::]lr;1 z::]~;_Jq~~~r;z::]al9z::]a!t::lz::]~~ way ge way tsa wa gyi pa dang gyi du tsal wa this year, serving the sangha, reciting the sutras of the transcen-
q""r;1 z::]~l~z::]~q""r;1 z::]~~q~-~~-~~~r;z::]a""~ dang/ gyi pa Ia je su yi rang way ge way tsa wa dences, offering tormas to dharmapalas, giving tormas tobhutas,
dang/ and serving feasts to people in my immediate or general area;
z::]a!t::!""r;1 f5lq~-~~-~~-~ar~""1~;.Ji~~;.Ji""q through these roots of virtue-through the sublime generosity
khye par du de chik gi Ia Ia ken chok Ia cho pa
~~z::]""r;1l9~~~z::]~~-z::]\l~s~qlr;1 ~-~~-~-~~ pul wa dang/ gen dun Ia nyen kur che pa dang/
that ornaments the mind, through the articles of the mind,
through the yogin's accumulations, and through the ultimate
pa rol tu chin pay ka drak pa dang/ cho kyong
qaz::]1"'z::]~~~qlr;1 i~~r;~-~~~;.J~~z::]lr;1 ~r; Ia tor ma pul wa dang/ jung po Ia tor ma tang
meaning-may I attain omniscient buddhahood for the benefit
of all innumerable beings, with my preceptor, master, and par-
~-~-~~~';_J'z::]?t;'z::]'lt;'1 ~~~~~r;~f~~~r;~q~ wa dang/ yul mi nye ring Ia ton mo drang pa Ia
ents first and foremost.
sok pa ge way tsa wa diy/
~~~q""9z::]a!t::!"'~~~ -~~q"";_Jq~;.J~-~-ID~1 ~;.J~ Recite that three times. After the last:
jin pa dam pa sem kyi gyen/ sem kyi yo che/
~-arsl1 ~~~~~l~~-~~-~;.Ji~~~~ ;.J~~-q.lz;~z::] nal jar gyi tsok don gyi chok dey/ khen po dang
Until that is attained, in every life, may I acquire a human
body with excellent leisure and resources. Having acquired a
""~~""r;~""r;;.J~~~-~"'Jt::!~s~qa;.Ji;!"'(Q~qa~;.J~ lop pan dang pa dang may ngon du dro war human body, may I encounter a spiritual friend of the ma-
che pay ta ye pay sem chen tam che kyi don hayana. Having received from him both teaching and instruc-
~~i;!;.J~~l~~~-~~;_Jqi;!;.J~~"";.J~~-qa~r;~ID~~z::] du nam pa tam che khyen pay sang gye top tion, may no outer or inner obstacles to the practice of them
. (\::. ......... ,_(\ ~
par gyur chik [3x] arise. May I achieve the supreme siddhi of mahamudra. May it
q~-~~-~~ 1-o~~~~~~q~l~;Ja,'J';.r~1 ""';.J'i;!z::]'~'z::]~~r;:,
be just so.
~z::]~-~~-~~z::]~i;!;.J~~l~~ ""~-~~-~~-~;.Jl~~qa Recite that three times.
~-~~-~z::]q~-~~-~~ ~~-~~-~z::]~~~r;~~q~~~Q,l~ de ma top kyi bar du tse rap ne tse rap tam che
du/ dal jar pun sum tsok pay mi ll.i top par gyur
z::]a~~-~~~lr;~lq~-~~-~~ ~~~-~l;.J~r;~lr;~~ chik/ mi ll.i top ne kyang tek pa chen pay ge
way she nyen dang tre par gyur chik/ dey dam
~-z::]~~q~~r;~~~-z::]~z::]q~~lr;~r;9z::]~'Ojl'i;!;.J~ ngak dang je su ten pa nang ne de drup pa Ia
~""-~""~r;~~r;z::]lr;1 ~~m~q;_Ji~~-l~~-~z::]'~z::] chi dang nang gi bar che tam che me ching mi
jung wa dang/ chak gya chen po chok gi ng6
q~-~~-~~ ~~~~1::!~~-~-~~-~~ ~~~~~~~~s~11 drup top par gyur chik/ de kho na shin du gyur
chik/ [3x]
~~~I:J~I:Js~~:t_a.~~~1 ~~~~9~d.l.~I:J~9~~a~~I:Ja~I:J~r;1 chok chu na shuk pay sang gye dang jang Ifyou want to do a dedication for the deceased, think that you dedicate the
chup sem pa tam che shin tse le de pa [name{s) roots of virtue accumulated by them throughout the three times, and the
~~(l.l~~9~a~~a.s(l.l~~d.l~a~~~~~~~I:Ja~I:J~r;s~~ of deceased} she ja wa Ia sok pa Ia gong su sol/ roots ofvirtue done for their benefit by their surviving relatives, to the lib-
gen dun tsun pa nam tse le de pa [name(s) ofde- eration from all the sufferings ofsamsara, and the unsurpassable awaken-
~~1 ~~~9~r;~r~a~d.l~;;;~:ld.l~;;;~~:t,I:Ja~91:J~(l.lJ.l:la.~9~r;
ceased} she ja wa Ia gong su sol/ shin tse le de pa ing, ofall beings, with the ri;ceasedfirst andforemost. Thinking that, repeat
E(l.l~~~~~~~asr;~I:J~z:r~:t_s~;:~a~:t,!:Jf-I;:J~J.l~d.l~\(l.l'I:Jf"d.lf~ [name{s) ofdeceased] she ja way du sum du sak pay this after the dedicator:
ge way tsa wa jin pa le jung wa dang/ tsul trim
~~~l~sCJ~1 le jung wa dang/ gom pa le jung way ge way All buddhas and bodhisattvas who abide in the ten directions,
tsa wa gyi pa dang/ gyi du tsal wa dang/ gyi pa I pray that you consider the deceased, (name), and all others.
~~~t;:]~~t;:]~~~qa~~~ID~~~s~~t;:]~;.]~~q"' Ia je su yi rang way ge way tsa wa dang/ Noble members of the sangha, I pray that you consider the de-
ceased, (name). Through all roots of virtue accumulated
;!;.]~~~~4~~~~"'~~q~r;a.~~~st;:]~~~~q~ shu I na chi pa dak chak nye du drel pa nam kyi throughout the three times by the deceased, (name), including
tse le de pa [name{s) of deceased} she ja way don
~~~~~~~~1 ~9~~t;:]~~q~;.]~~~~a.~~q~r;a,~ those arising from generosity, those arising from morality, and
du kon chok Ia cho pa dang/ gen dun Ia nyen those arising from meditation; roots of virtue done, encouraged,
~~st;:]~~~~~~~~cll1 ~~~~~"'~~q~r;a.~~~ kur che pa dang/ ka she drap kyi pa rol tu chin and rejoiced in by them; and the roots of virtue done by us, their
pa drak pa dang/ cho kyong Ia tor ma pul wa surviving relatives, for the benefit of the deceased, (name), in-
st;:]~~~~~;.]~t;:]~~~qa~9t;:]a~t;:]~i~q~~~~t;:] dang/ jung po Ia tor ma tang wa dang/ yul mi cluding the presentation of offerings to the three jewels, the serv-
~~1 ~~~;.]~~~~~t;:]~~1 t;:]~;,]q~~~~t;:]a~9t;:]a nye ring Ia ton mo drang pa Ia sok pa ge way ice of the sangha, the recitation of the sutras of transcendent
tsa wa dey/ wisdom, the offering of tormas to dharmapalas, the giving of
~'t;:]'t;:]~~q~~1 t;:]~~~t;:]~q~~1 t;:]~~~.r~~~~tli tormas to bhutas, and the serving of feasts to the people of our
shin tse le day pa gal te le kyi wang gi dro wa
.:t,~t;:]a~9t;:]a~t;:]~~1 ~~~;.]~~qt;:]~~~~~~a.~~ rik druk gang dang gang du kye kyang/ ge way
immediate or general area; through these roots of virtue, wher-
ever and if the deceased has been born, through the power of
q~;.]~~~~~~"'~~q~r;a.~~~st;:]a~~~~;-~;.Jl~ tsa wa de dang dey chi shin du shuk shing chi karma, among the six types of beings, may these roots of virtue
shin du drang ne dro wa rik druk gi duk ngel ta accompany and follow them. May they be freed from all the suf-
~;.J~q~~1 ~9~~~t:!~~t:!\l.:t,s~q~~1 t:!,"'-9~ dak dang dral ne dal jor mi lu pun sum tsok pa
ferings of the six types of beings and acquire a human body with
top par gyur chikl

excellent leisure and resources. Having acquired a human body,
may they hear the sound of the three jewels. Having heard the
~~1 ~~q~~7.:t,';,]'t;:]7r::,'t;:]'~~1 ~ell~~~~~~~';.]'

s~~q~~~~q~9t;:]a~t;:]~~1 ~~~~~a.~~q~~
~~~~~~;.Jl~~q~t;:]'q.:t,~.:t,%~ 1~~~~t;:]~~~~

The Twenty-Branch Monlam '!):) I o 3 03 The branch ofaspiration: Dedications for the living and the deceased
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 104 03 A Compilation for Recitation

li~'d.l~~~~d.l'~'~'i~q:l:;'~:l:;'~~ lli~'d.l~~~~d.l'~' mi 10 top ne kyang kon chok sum gyi dra to par sound of the three jewels, may they acquire faith in the three
gyur chikl kon chok sum gyi dra to ne kon chok jewels. Having acquired faith in the three jewels, may they take
~i~~~l;~d.l~~~~d.l'C4l'llr~ri~q:l\'~:l\~~ lli~ sum Ia de pa top par gyur chikl ken chok sum refuge, generate bodhichitta, cultivate all the bases of training,
d.l~~~~d.l'C4l'llqi~~~~r;~~~~Q,~~lr;~d.l~' Ia de pa top ne kyang kyap su dro wa dang and attain omniscient buddhahood.
sem kye che ne lap pay shi ta dak Ia lap te nam
~ils~~~~~~qa~~d.!Si!Q,'l~C4l~~~~~~d.l_.qSi!d.l~ pa tam che khyen pay sang gye top par gyur Recite that three times. Those members ofthe sangha who are present should
chikl [3X] respond three times with:
~ld.l~~qa~r;~~~i~q:l:;~:l\~~~ ~~"~~9~~s~11
de kho na shin du gyur chik May it be just so.
~~~~q~~q~;J~~~~r;~rr-~~~~~~:l\~~ ~~~"1~'9~~
Since by doing roots of virtue and dedicating them to the deceased your
s~~~~~~~~l.~l~qa~. qs~~~~~~~q~~q~~r:.~l~qa
own roots of virtue will become vast, it is said that you should then do the
~q~~~~~~~q/.li~l:l~.9~~~l~qa~qtqr;q~qtqr:.s9~r:.~l dedication ofthe roots of virtue ofthe living.
!J~(l.l~~z;::rqa:~~Z:::..~1 The dharani for the fulfillment ofaspiration prayers
kon chok sum Ia chak tsallo After making such aspirations, recite:
r ~~:~;w~~;Js~~~~ lli~;.J~~~~;_J(,.r~~a.~~arl I prostrate to the three jewels.
75~1 q~Ulf!'lz;J~~~~,11 w~~;J~q'J~~~::_~~~~ tadyatha panchendriya ava bodhanaye

75~1 ~~~1 ~~~~~1 4~~1 il~il7~~sz;J~,11 That is the dharani for the fulfillment ofaspiration prayers.
~~~;J~~~~q~~~l;~;.J~~~~;.J~~~a.~~ar,,~.z;J~~ TADYATHA NAKSHATRA SARVATITHANA SHATRINA
tadyatha nakshatra sarva tithana shatrina MESAMETADHANI BHAVANTU SVAHA
~~~ql~.z;J~;_JqUl~l~q:::_~~~qa~r;_~~~~;_Jq:::_ mesametadhanibyavantu svaha
That will accomplish all aims.
~r;,;.Jz~\~~~a.~~arlla.~~~qsr;,~z;J~;.J~lqa.~~ I prostrate to the three jewels.
tr-~~~~~~arlr;_~~q~;.J;.J~a~r;,tr-~~~a.~~ar11 kon chok sum Ia chak tsallo/ de shin shek pa
I prostrate to the tathagata arhat samyaksambuddha
75~1 q~Ulf!'l!;J~~~~,11 i'~a.~z;J~~z;J~ls~~l dra cham pa yang dak par dzok pay sang gye
I prostrate to the arya bodhisattva with great compassion,
nam par nang dze Ia chak tsallo/ pak pa jang
a.~~~q4~;::_!;l~~~~~s~q~~~~q:::_~:::_~, 1 chup sem pa chen po tuk je chen po dang
den pa nam khay nying po Ia chak tsal Ia
z;J~lf;!;.J~'5llr;,z;J~~~lr;,ar~~~f;!;_J~'5l~~~;.J~r;, TADYATHA PANCHANDRIYA AVABODHANAYE SVAHA

!;l;::_~:::_~, ,a.~z;Ja~~sl~a.~~~q~lq9~i!lq tadyatha panchendriya ava bodhanaye

If this ritual is recited, one will abide in exalted transcendent
;_J~r;,z;J:::_~:::_~ll~z;J~~~9~q~;_J~lr;,sr;,~z;J~;_J~ wisdom. One will not be seen by any maras, obstructors, or mis-
cho ga di de jo che na/ pak pa she rap kyi pa leaders. At the time of one's death, one will see Arya Amitayu.
l qa_f;j;.J~'5l';.Jf;!......r;,z;J:::_~:::_......: :_1 Ill......~~;.J~ ~:::_!;J7z;J'q
rol tu chin pa Ia ne par gyur ro/ du tam che One will see all tathagatas and bodhisattvas. One will see the
dang gek dang lok dren tam che kyi mi tong fulfillment of whatever aspirations one has made.
z;J~~~;.J~r;,!;l;::_~:::_~, ,w~~;J~~:~;:t;J,t;l''J't;l~~~~t;l'J~
war gyur ro/ chi way du che na pak pa tse pak
That is the dharani for the fulfillment of whatever aspirations are made.
~~::_~(~~~ll tu me pa tong war gyur ro/ de shin shek pa
nam dang jang chup sem pa tam che tong
war gyur ro/ mon lam ji tar tap pa shin du tong
war gyur ro

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ I05~ The branch ofaspirations

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 o6 03 A Compilation for Recitation

.q~~qa_.q~~1 The Dharma Blaze Aspiration

sang gye nam sik tsuk tor tam che kyop 7he true words for the dharma's flourishing from the Chandragarbhasu-
~ ~t:J~c:.~d.l~~~~~c:.~r~:J~t:J~~I:l~~l:l~t:J~~~~(tr~d.I~Xl~ khor wa jik dang ser tup o sung dang tra, as quoted by Lord Atisha in his Sutrasamucchaya:
shakya tup pa gau tam lha yi lha I prostrate to the buddhas, the seven brave ones:
~~t:J~~r~5c:.~l:l~1 ~z;~ID~~~9~9~9~9~~~~~-o~ sang gye pa wo dun Ia chak tsaile Buddha Vyavalokita, Ushnisha, Vishvabhu,
Krakucchanda, Kankamuni, Kashyapa,
ft:~11~~'t:l'(.1,~9'~t;'9~~~t:~~~~z;~~z;111~'~t:l'q' sem chen don du dak gi ngon And Shakyamuni-Gautama, the deva of devas.
9'7~~ar~1 1~z;~ID~~qa_t:~t:~~~l1.l~9a.c611.l'l1.l1
- - 1 ka wa gang shik che gyur dang
dak gi de wa tang wa yi Through whatever austerities I have undergone
~d,l~-o~~~~t:l~9~~w~1 1~~a.t:~9z;~9~~~~ ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik In the past for beings' benefit;
And through my giving up pleasure,
~z;'11t:l~9~t:~~t:~t:~?z;t:~ti!~11t:~~~~r~~~z;a,t:~~~:l\ nge ngon ne pay che dak tu May the dharma blaze for a long time.
rang gi tso wa yang tang way
~9 1z;~~~~~q~~~~9'~11~z;~a.l't:~afz;~t:~~'t:l~11 sem chen pong pa kyap pay chir Through my past sacrifice of my own welfare
~d,l~-o~?4z;~qt:~~t:lq~s~1 .1~~~z;t:~~~qa.t:~~~:l\ yun ring ten pa bar gyur chik In the service of the sick,
So that beings may be protected from poverty,
~9 1~~z;~~~z;~~t;'11~:1\~z;~z;~~4z;~~t;'11~~ bu dang bu mo chung ma dang May the dharma blaze for a long time.
nor dang lang chen shing ta dang
~~sz;~t:~s~t:~?t;t:~~1 1t:l~~q~~~z;a.t:~~~:l\~9 1 rin chen jang chup chir tang we Through giving away my sons,
t:~~9~~~z;~ID~~z;~z;~ID~11~~~~~~z;d,l~z;~11 ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik Daughters, spouses, wealth, elephants, chariots,
And jewels for the sake of precious awakening,
~z;~z;~911.l~~\s~q~11t:l~~q~~~z;a.t:~~~~~91 dak gi sang gye rang sang gye May the dharma blaze for a long time.
nyen to pa dang ma dang ni
t:~~(l.lqst:~~d,l~t:~~9 1~9t:~~l1.l~l9~~z;~~~z;1 1 drang song dak Ia cho che pay Through my veneration
ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik Of buddhas, pratyekabuddhas,
sz;;a.t:~~~~~91 Shravakas, parents, and rishis,
kal pa che wa du mar dak
t:l~9~~~11.l'~~~t:~~l1.l'~~~z;11~~a,~t:~~~~z;t:~~~ duk ngel na tsok nyong gyur ching
May the dharma blaze for a long time.

s~4z;'11~9~t:~~~~z;~ID~z;'~q~11t:l~~q~~ jang chup don du to tsal way ~Ihrough my having experienced a variety of sufferings
ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik Throughout millions of kalpas,
~z;a.t:~:l\'~~~9 1 In search of learning, for the sake of awakening,
dak gi tsul trim tUI shuk dang May the dharma blaze for a long time.
ka tup yun ring ten che shing
chok chuy sang gye nge cho pay Through my enduring morality,
ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik Discipline, and austerity; and through my having
Worshipped the buddhas of the ten directions,
May the dharma blaze for a long time.
~l~~~~i~~~lr;~~q~1 1~~~~~~@r;~~~ dak ngon tson dru dang den pay Through my past diligence,
tak tu ten ching pa rol non Always stable and outstanding,
~~~11~d-l~~~~d-1~'~"~~~~~~11~l~~~~~~~r; sem chen tam che dral don du So that all beings rriay be liberated,
~~~~:l;,@~ 1~~"~~~~~~~~~s~4r;1 1~d-1~~~ dak ten yun ring bar gyur chik May the dharma blaze for a long time.

~~r;~~~~d-1~11~d-l~~~~~~"s~~:l;,q~11~~~ so tUI tak tu ten che shing Through my constant patience and discipline,
sem chen nyon mong nyi rna yi And my patience with abuse
q~~~r;~~:l\'~:l;,@~ 1~~d-f'~?~'~d-f'~:l;,'~~~~~l sem chen ngen so che gyur pay By beings degraded by kleshas,
ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik May the dharma blaze for a long time.
~1 1~~~q~~~r;~~~~:l;,@~ 1~'4~~~~~"~~~ sam ten nam tar suk me dang Through the power of my meditation
On the dhyanas, gates of liberation, formless states,
ting dzin gang gay ji nye pa
~~1 1l,~%~~~~"~~~~s~4r;1 1~~~~~~~d-1 gam pay de tU dak gi ni And as many samadhis as the Ganges' sand grains,
'it iri C\ 'C\ ten pa yun ring bar gyur chik May the dharma blaze for a long time.
~~~ ?~q~1 1~l~--~~~~q~~:l\'~:l\~~ 1~~~~~
C\ -:d. ~ .~ C\ ye she don du dak gi ngon Through my having remained in the past,
ka tup nak dak ten che shing For the sake of pristine wisdom, in forests, living in austerity;
~~~?r;~~~11l~~~~d-f'I;J:l;,'~aJ~~:l;,'@~ 1~l~~~ ten cho du rna nyer ten pay And through my past reliance on many shastras,
dak gi ten pa bar gyur chik May the dharma blaze for a long time.
~~q~~d-l~~~~d-1~1 1Sd-l~q~~~~~:l\~~s~
~ ~ ~ C\~ ~ tse way gyu yi sha trak dang Through my having given, out of love,
1~~q~~d-l~~~~,lq~1 1i!5~~ s~'d-fi!5~~~ tso wa yang su tang gyur ching My flesh, my blood,
~~~~ 1~l~~~~~~4~'~:l;,'I;J'~11~d-f~'~~~r;~~~ yen lak nying lak tang wa yi My life, and my limbs,
.~ ~ ~ C\ ~
cho tsul nam par pel yur chik May dharma flourish.
dak ngon dik pay sem chen nam Through my having in the past
~~~~ 1 jam pay sal war min che shing Lovingly ripened evil beings,
tek pa sum Ia rap ko pay Establishing them in the three vehicles,
cho kyi jin chok gye gyur chik May the supreme generosity of dharma flourish.

dak ngon tap she gyur pa na Through my having in the past with means
sem chen ta nge le dral ching And wisdom freed beings from inferior views
yang dak ta Ia ko che pay And established them in the authentic view,
cho ni nam par pel gyur chik May dharma flourish.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 107 03 The Dharma Blaze Aspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 o8 0.J A Compilation for Recitation

~l~9~~r~~ll,\F5~~~l~ll,\l~~ll,\l1 1~~~r;ll,\l~~ll,\l'~.:l\' dak gi sem chen du ngo shi Through my having freed beings from the kleshas' fire
nyon mong me le tar che shing Through the four means of nurturing;
Sll,\l'4r;11~l~~ll,\la_~~~~Z'4d.l'Sil,\l'r:Jil,\l11~l~~.:l\~~ dak gi pel dik pam che pay And through my increasing their virtue and defeat of evil,
~r;~~ll,\l.~.:l\%~ 1~l~911,\l~~~ll,\l~~~~~l~ 1~~a dak khor yun ring ne gyur chik May my assembly long remain.

~{l.lll,\l~~~sll,\l~11"'lr;l~~l'l.l~;-l~.:l\r:.~ll,'l11~l~~.:l\ dak gi mu tek chen shen dak Through my liberation of tirthikas

ta way chu le dral che te From the mire of views
~~~~11,\l'~.:l\'%~ 1~~~r;~~~r:.~a,~.:l\'~.:l\'%~ 1 yang dak ta Ia ko gyur pay And establishment of them in the authentic view,
dak khor tak to gu gyur chik May my assembly be always devoted.
yun ring ten pa bar gyur chik May the dharma blaze for a long time.

r il.~<!.l<!.l~~~~~<!.l!;lil.'U!~~~<>l~\l;!a.~~~l~;~a~:~~~il.~~~~~:~~ om svasti siddhirbhavatu Indestructible Garland ofVajras, words ofaspiration for the longevity ofthe
holders ofthe dharma ofall traditions, composed by ]amgon Lodro Thaye:
~:~~~i~~~~4~~~~a.~z:.~:~~~s~:~~:~~~~~11 6 min gyur wa tse pak me gon sok O.tyl SVASTI SIDDHIR BHAVATU
chok chu du sum gyal way den pa yi
~~~~~~~1 ~l!~.:1\~~lr:.~~~l~~~~~ll,\l1 1 sang gye ten dzin pal den Ia ma nam Through the truth of Changeless Light, the protector
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok Amitayu,
~ ~ ' ~
~~ll,\l~~~ll,\l~~~~~~r.r~l~r:.~"'lll,\l1 111,\lr;ll,\l~ll,\l~~~ And of all the buddhas of the ten directions and three times,
de no sum dang tek pa rim gu yi May the lotus feet of the glorious gurus who hold the
a,~~lr:.~l'l.l~~a~~~~ll,\l11~~11,\l'r:.ll'~~~%r;~r:(l~~.:l\~' dam Gh6 chak dang dral way den pa yi buddhadharma be firm.
a,~~4~ ~~~l~~d.llr;~~~~r~~l~tll11ld.l'~ll,\la:;~ll,\l cho chok jung ne pal den Ia ma nam May their activity flourish.
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok
lr;sl'l.l~a~~~r:.~tllll,\l1 1~11,\l~~~~r;~~ll,\llr:.~~~~a~ Through the truth of the dispassionate genuine dharma of the
gyal se jang sem nyen rang pak pay tsok tripitaka and the nine yanas,
~~~11,\ll ~~~ll,'lr:.~l~~~%r;= ~~~11,\lsr;~~ll,\l~~.:l\r; gen dun mi che dun pay den pa yi May the lotus feet of the glorious gurus
Q,Z'4~1l,'lqal~ll,\l11l~~~J~l~~qa~~~qtxJ!l,\l11 Who are the source of the supreme dharma be firm.
May their activity flourish.

Through the truth of the undivided harmony of the buddhas'

The bodhisattvas, shravakas, and pratyekabuddhas, the aryas,
the sangha-
~~o.Ii~~~qlqn.~~~aj'0-1'~0-l~ll~~ql;; O-Il'~~ tsok chok dren pa pal den Ia ma nam May the lotus feet of the glorious gurus who lead the supreme
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok assemblies be firm.
~~flo.I~~~~~~~~~a.~~~~~"~o.Ias~~z:~~~~~~ May their activity flourish.
tso kye dar je bi ma mi tra sok
a.~~a~~o.I~~"qn.~~~aJo.I~0-1~1 ~~z:~~q"= a.~ rik dzin tsa gyi.i Ia may jin lap kyi Through the blessings of Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra,
~"~~~sa.~o.I~~~~~a"~~~~~~~~ ~~"0-1~" dro way dren chok pal den Ia ma nam And all the root and lineage vidyadhara gurus,
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok May the lotus feet of the glorious gurus who are the supreme
~~~~~~~~~~~lll~n.~~~l~r~:~~lqn.~~~~~ guides of beings be firm.
chi dak di.i jam rik ngay kyil khor sok
~0-l~~~~~q"= ~"z:~~~~~ar-~z:~qa~n.~~~~~~~
May their activity flourish.
yi dam gyi.i de shi druk tuk je yi
~~~~~0-l'o.I~a,a,%-~~i~~~o.I~'~~~ lz:~~~~l~~ kyil khor wang chuk pal den Ia ma nam Through the compassion of the mandala of the five families
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok that have
~n.~lqn.~~~~o.I'~0-1~1 ~~z:~~ql;; ~~~z:~~~~~~~ Conquered the mara of death; and of all the yidams of the
yi shin khor lo drup pay gyal mo sok four or six tantras,
~0-1l~~q~~~ ~~n.~z:~~~~~n.~o.I!(la.osltlto.Jqa ne sum khan dro cho kyong ni.i tu yi May the lotus feet of the glorious gurus who are the lords of
de chen ge rei pal den Ia ma nam
~l~ ~~~~z:~~~a,~~o.I~~q~~o.I~~~O-l~ll~z:J~'ql;; shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok
all mandalas be firm.
May their activity flourish.
lo.I~~~~~~~~z:~q~~tr~;.J!(ll li'~~l~~~~~~
kye top jar jung pun sum tsok pa yi Through the power of White Tara, the Queen of Siddhas,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~z:~~~a,~~~n.~a,S~l~~ gyal ten sal dze che tso tsom pay dak All the dakinis of the three places, and the dharmapalas,
lung gi ten dzin khay pay khyu chok nam May the lotus feet of the glorious gurus who joyously revel in
~~~0-1~1 ~~~ql;; shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok great bliss be firm.
May their activity flourish.
dam tsik tsang shing drup pa nying par dze
cho nyi don sik lhar che tsuk gi gyen The learned holders of the dharma of scripture,
tok pay ten dzin nal jor wang chuk nam Those who clarifY the buddhadharma through teaching,
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok debate,
And composition, with excellence both innate and acquired:
May their lotus feet be firm, their activity flourish.

The holders of the dharma of realization, the lords among

yo gins,
Who have pure samaya, make practice their core, and see
Who are the crown ornament of all, including the devas:
May their lotus feet be firm, their activity flourish.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam f0 109 03 The branch ofaspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I I 0 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~o,J~'9~q~~~~a,~~~~q9~~114~'~r;:]~~~~ tsul trim shi ten ting dzin nang wa sal The torches of the buddhadharma who have the stable ground
she rap tsal den pak pay nor gyi jor of morality,
a.rq9~qa~~~~a.S~1 1~qr;:]~~~~~a.~r;:]a~r;:]~ tup ten dron me dro way kyap ne nam The light of samadhi, and the skill of wisdom;
9~~~;j~1 1~r::l~q~= {~q~~~~~r;:]~o,Jq~sEl9. shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok Who are rich with the wealth of the aryas; and are sources of
refuge for beings:
~~1 1~o,Jq~~~~9~.9~~~~~~o.J!(~q1 1o.l~~r;:]~' to pay gyu drol sam pay che drak che May their lotus feet be firm, their activity flourish.
gom pay don tok shen don lhur dze pa
~~~~~~r::]ar::]~~a.~~~o-1~1 1~r;:]~q~= ~,;:]~~~ khyen tse nO den gyal way ten dzin nam The holders of the buddhadharma, who have been liberated

a.~o-1~qa~9_~o.J~t9~~1 1~9~q~~9~~~~~ shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok through hearing,
Discriminate through thinking, have realized the meaning
q~~~~qtil11~~~~~~~~5'9~'\l~'r::l~9~q~o-1~11 wang por tsam pay tek rim na tsok Ia through meditation,
lek par shuk ne tsul shin cho pa yi And engage in others' benefit, with wisdom, kindness, and
~~q~!! r;:]~~a,~~lo.l~.a~rq~~~9~'o,J~~~11~r;:]' rime kye chen chok kun shuk pa nam ability:
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok
qaq~~~5'9~~~~~~~q~1 1~9~~~~~~~~~ May their lotus feet be firm, their activity flourish.
ten dzin tam che pen tsun tuk thun shing
r;:]~~l~r;:]~~~11~r::l~q~= q~9.a9a.s~r::J.a~~~~~ tup pay ten Ia chok khyer sel me par
The great beings of all traditions who abide in any direction,
Who embark upon various vehicles
lo.l~.a~~11~~~~~~a~~~9~9~r;:]:a!~~9~11o-1f dak nang yang poy rang ten kyong shin du In accord with their capacity and practice them properly:
shap pe ten ching dze trin rap pel shok
~~ar~ 7 ~r;:]~~~~r;:]~a.S~~~ 1 1 ~r;:]r;:]~~ar~~~~~ May their lotus feet be firm, their activity flourish.

dak chak drel che yang si tam che du

5~~~~~~9 1~~~l~qar;:]~a:;~\l~~~~1 1arr;:]~ ne me dor jey tse dang suk sang sok
May all the holders of the dharma be harmonious
And free from sectarianism and conflict within the
a.l'~~~~r;:]~o.J{~q~~~ 1~9qar;:]~r;:]qa~~r;:]~~ to ri yon ten dun Ia wang jor ne buddhadharma.
tup ten yong kyi nang che nyi gyur chik With vast pure perception, may they hold their respective
~~~~11~o.l'o.lfQ,'~~~9~~~~a,~~q~49 1 traditions.
tse dang tar pay bar che kun shi shing
May their lotus feet be firm, their activity flourish.
lo gya tso shing ton gya tong wa dang
lhak pay lap pay gyal ten rin po che May we and all connected to us, in all our future lives,
nam kha ji si shen chir dzin par shok Be free from sickness. May we have vajra life
And the seven qualities of higher states, such as beauty.
May we become lights of all the buddhadharma.

May all obstacles to life and liberation be pacified.

May we live a hundred years and see a hundred autumns.
May we hold the precious buddhadharma of the excellent
For others' sake, for as long as space lasts.
gyal kun dO shal pal den Ia ma dang May the glorious guru, the personification of all buddhas,
ri me ten pa dzin kun tso she shing And all the holders of the dharma of all traditions live long.
cho khor gyun che me par kor wa yi By ceaselessly turning the dharmachakra,
jik ten sum po tak tu nang che shok May they always illuminate the three worlds.

~z::;.:~~a4~p::::~~ll From the Sarvastivadin Vinaya

r t:l~r4~'t:l~lcr~l ~~~~.rl~~r~r;J~a;z~r~~~~~~~~~ pun sum tsok pa nga wa ser gyi ri wo dra XX. The branch ofauspiciousness
C\ = " . ,. v'C\
jik ten sum gyi gon po dri ma sum pang pa
sang gye pe mo gye pa dap dray chen nga
The declaration ofauspiciousness:
With excellence, like a mountain of gold,

~~q~l~~a~~&-1~~~1 1~~~~~~~~l~~a~~ wa The protector of the three worlds has abandoned the three
di ni jik ten ge way ta shi tang po o stains.
4~l~tr~1 1~~~~~~~~~qa;Jl~~~J~ar-~1 1 The buddha has eyes like the petals of lotuses in bloom.
de yi nye war ten pay chok rap mi yo wa This is the first virtuous auspiciousness of the world.
~~~~~~~;J~~~~4~'ll~l~;Jllq1 1l~~l;J' jik ten sum na drak shing lha dang mi cho
pa The infallible dharma he taught
q~l~~;J~"'l~slq1 1~~~~~~~~l~~a~!!r4~ cho kyi dam pa kye gu nam Ia shi che pa Is renowned in the three worlds and worshipped by devas and
~~~q~11l~~~l&.Jql~~~{~qa~:n4~~~ 1~ di ni jik ten ge way ta shi nyi pa o humans.
The genuine dharma brings peace to all beings.
l~Jl~~;J~~~~;Jllqa~~~1 1l~~~;Jl~~~ gen dun dam pa cho den to pay ta shi chuk This is the second virtuous auspiciousness of the world.
lha dang mi dang lha ma yin gyi cho pay ne
~c64~l~lq"'l~~~1 1~~~~~~~~l~~a~:n4~ tsok kyi chok rap ngo tsa she dang pal gyi The sublime sangha has dharma and abounds with
~~;Jq~114~lz;l shi auspiciousness.
di ni jik ten ge way ta shi sum pa o It is worshipped by devas, humans, and asuras.
The supreme assembly has modesty. It is the basis of virtue.
This is the third virtuous auspiciousness of the world.
~~~~~~~~4~ 1~;J~:o~~~l~~%"l~}~f~11~' ton chok dam pa lha mi cho o pa And:
l~'l;J~:ol~~~~~~~~~~4~ 1 san gye chak tsal deng dir de lek shok The sublime teacher is worthy of worship by devas and
sem chen gang dak dro dang mi dro wa humans.
de dak tam che deng dir de lek shok I prostrate to the buddha. May there be joy and goodness here
and now!
May all beings, the moving and the unmoving,
Be full of joy and goodness here and now!

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro I I I 03 The branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I I 2 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~::ro;~~r~"-1~!~~i~~~~11i~"-~~~~~"-~~r;~~~ shi wa chak drallha mi cho o pa Peaceful, dispassionate, it is worthy of worship by devas and
chO Ia chak tsal deng dir de lek shok humans.
~~cij~~4~ 1~~~~~~r;~~~~~r;!~~~1 1~~~ sem chen gang dak dro dang mi dro wa I prostrate to the dharma. May there be joy and goodness here
~~~~~~r;~~~~~cij~~-4~ 1l~~~~~~~~~!~ de dak tam che deng dir de lek shok and now!
May all beings, the moving and the unmoving,
~i~~~~1 1l~~~~~~~"-l~r;~~~~~cij~~4~ 1 tsok chok dam pa lha mi cho o pa Be full of joy and goodness here and now!
gen dun chak tsal deng dir de lek shok
~~~~~~r;~~~~~r;!~~~11~~~~~~~~~r;~~~ sem chen gang dak dro dang mi dro wa 1he sublime assembly is worthy of worship by devas and
de dak tam che deng dir de lek shok humans.
~~cij~~-4~ 1~~;f~~cij~~~~~~~cij~~1 ~~~~f I prostrate to the sangha. May there be joy and goodness here
"-l'~~cij~~4r;11~~~~~~~~~cij~~~11~i~~i~ nyin mo de lek tsen de lek and now!
nyi may gung Ia de lek shing May all beings, the moving and the unmoving,
~~~~~~~cij~~-4~ 1~r;q.~r;~~~~~~~~~~~ nyin tsen tak tu de lek pa Be full of joy and goodness here and now!
kon chok sum gi de lek shok
~11~~~~~~~~~r;~~~r;~r;'11~~~J~~~"-1~~ Auspicious by day, auspicious by night,
""' ~ " ..,r -v -v -v ~ jung po gang dak dir ni lhak gyur tam Auspicious also at noon,
~s~~s~\;r;1 1~~~r;~o:~~~o;~"-~~~~~4~ 1"~q
sa'am on te bar nang khO kyang rung Always auspicious, by day and by night,
l"'l kye gu nam Ia tak tu jam che ching May the three jewels bring goodness and joy!
nyin dang tsen du cho Ia cho par shok
~lll'tl'~l;'llj~, ~t;'"-l'~~~~~o;~~~11~~~~~~~~~l May whatever bhutas have gathered here,
Whether present on the earth or in the sky,
~~\~r;1 1%~~~~~~~1~::_~~~1 ~~"-l~~cij~~ Be always loving to all beings,
gang Ia ser na nam chak pa
And practice dharma both day and night.
~~~~~~~11~~r;r~~:~~~~~~~~111~~~"-1~~ nam jam dri rna me dze ching
tuk shi no pa mi nga de
~~~~~~r;'11i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~"-!= ~~ khye Ia de lek dze par gyur
And, from the Vinayagama:
May he who utterly conquers greed
~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~~\1~~~~~~~1 1~r;~~ dren pa gang shik dro wa nam
And attachment and removes stains,
Whose mind is peaceful and beyond harm,
~~~~r;~~~~~~1 ~~"-!= tar pay lam du juk dze ching
Bring you joy and goodness.
cho nam tam che ton pa de
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur May the guide who leads beings
To the path of liberation
ton pa dro wa nam kyi ten
And teaches all dharma
sem chen kun gyi don gyi chir
Bring you joy and goodness.
gang shik de wa nga dze de
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur May the teacher, beings' support,
Who has achieved joy
For the benefit of all beings,
Bring you joy and goodness.
- ~ "
~t::~q9t;_.l9so.~~~=.r~ " - "\.l~ 11~

9~9't::l~~~~9't::l~t;_~~~1 ~l""= 9t:_'~9a.rr~t::~~a.~

kyap pa gang shik jam pa yl
tuk kyi dra wa di dak kun
May the protector
Who with loving mind
bu chik shin tu tak kyang de Always guards beings like his only child
t::l'~11ilo.~~~~\l~~~~~~~t;_11~t;_lt;_'l~t;_9~~~~ khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.

q~~1 ~l""= 9t;_~9i~\.l~o.~~~~o.~~~119~t;_~t:_t::~~r gang shik khar war dro wa yi May he who is the support
sem chen kun gyi ten gyur ching Of all beings in samsara,
q~o,]t;_Q,'"-11 19~o-!'9~t;_9~t;_o,]~'o,]E~\q~~1 ~l'"-!E ling dang pung nyen gyur pa de Their harbor, and their rescuer,
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.
lqa_~~~at9t;_'~~q~1 1~~~o.~l9~~~a.S~~~
~t:_'11~~~t::~l9~~t;_~t::~q~~1 ~l""= 9t:_'~9~~q~ gang shik cho kun ngon sum gyur May he to whom all dharmas are manifest,
Who is pure beyond cleansing,
tsang shing tru wa mi nga Ia
~~o.~~~1 1~9~~""q;o~q~t::~9ar~4t;_1 1~o.~~~~ sum tsang tsang mar dze pa de Whose purity is threefold, who purifies,
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.
;Jo.~~~l~t::~l9a.~~1 ~l""= st:_~t::~~t:_af~949~q
pa wa chen pa gang kye pay May the hero whose birth
~1 1~l9~o.~~99ar~~~~t;_1 1t::l~l.~l~q~~~~q pun sum tsak don jar gyur ching Brought abundant accomplishment,
~~1 ~l""= i~~a.rr~arq~~r::1~1 a.~9~qar::1~~q don drup tsak kyang drup pa de Siddhartha who accomplished all aims,
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness ..
~o.~9~t;_~4t;_1 1%t::~qa~~q9t;_~t;_~~1 ~l""=
gang shik kye pay sa nam ni May he whose birth caused
nak tsal che pa rap yo shing The earth and forests to shake,
sem chen tam che rap ga de Who delights all beings,
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.

jang chup nying par shek pa na May he who approached the site of awakening,
sa da nam druk yo gyur ching Causing the earth to shake six times
dO yi mi der gyur pa de And alarming Mara,
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.

cho kyi khar Ia kar wa na May he who turned the dharmachakra

pak pay den pa nam sung shing And taught the truths of the aryas,
tup pay nyen pa gang jung de The renowned Shakyamuni,
khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam liD I I 3 03 The branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 114 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~la.N~r~~:~~~~~~rsl11;ld.l~~l~~~~/:40-l'o.J~\ yi trok gang shik mu tek che May the captivating one
tam che cho kyi pam dze ching Who overcame all tirthikas with dharma
~~:1 1l~~\l~'ll:l~'~' ~lCll= ~~~~~~l tsok kun wang du dze pa de And won over all their followers
Cll'l:l~~~~o.Jt(l11l:l~s~~~~qa~~O-l~l~11~~q khye Ia de lek dze par gyur Bring you joy and goodness.

\l~~l:l~~~~~1 ~l'Cll'~~~~~~::,~~ ~~~~~~l:l~l sang gye khyo Ia de lek dze May the buddha bring you joy and goodness.
gya jin tsang pay lha nam dang May Indra, Brahma with his devas,
~O-l~d.l~.l~S;11~~0-1~\l~~l:l~o.Jq~~1 ~l~a.~l jung po kun gyi de lek ni And all bhutas always give you
khye Ia tak tu jin gyur chik
~~~~~~q11~~~~~~~l:l~::,~~ P~f~~~~l~~ Joy and goodness.

l:l~~~~4~ ~~~l:l~l~~l:l~~~~4~ ~l~~'Clld.l' sang gye so nam tu dak dang Through the buddha's merit and powers,
And through the intentions of all devas,
lha nam kun gyi sam pa yi
a.fl:l~~~~4~ 1~::,~~l~~~l:l~~~~4~ ~~~~ll khye kyi do don gang yin pa May whatever you wish
don de de ring drup yur chik Be accomplished today.

kang nyi khye chak de lek shok May you with two feet all be happy!
kang shi khe chak de lek shok May you with four feet all be happy!
khye chak lam dro de lek shok May all you who travel be happy!
chir ong dak kyang de lek shok May you who come home all be happy!

~!(l~q~~~~.r~.z:::~.:rJ-4~1 The Auspiciousness ofthe Twelve Deeds

sem chen kun Ia pen chir jang chup nga wa po The Auspiciousness ofthe Twelve Deeds by Acharya Arya Nagarjuna:
don nam tam che drup par tUI wa yang den pa You sought awakening for all beings' benefit. In order to
tsok kyi lam gye tup pay ta shi gang jung wa accomplish all aims,
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok You assumed all discipline. The auspiciousness that arose when,
Shakyamuni, you delighted in the path of accumulations:
dro Ia pen chir de shin shek pa ga den Ihay May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
shal me khang gi nyin po ne ni dir shek te
wang che lha yi kor way ta shi gang jung wa For beings' benefit, tathagata, you came here
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok From the central palace of the devas in Tushita,
Accompanied by lndra. The auspiciousness that arose then:
Ia rna me tok o bar nyam ga Iurn biy tsal May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
lha mang dak gi ten pa gon po tam pa na
si pa tar chin pa yi ta shi gang jung wa
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
ar~i!~~~la.z:~:t_~~~l~a.~~a:iE"I'l.!J ~~~z;l~9~ drong khyer ser kyay ne ne gyal poy po drang In the pleasant grove ofLumbini, bright with leaves and
du flowers,
z:~~~q~~~2Jz:~~~~r~r~11~lqd.lJ.l\'~~q~z:~:rr4~ Ihum ne tam pa to pa de shek sa tsang se And attended by many devas, you, protector, were born,
~z;~z;z:~1 1z:~:n4~~~~~l~J~d.l~l'l.l~sl4~ l~z; nyur trun du tsi chu tor wa yi ta shi gang Ending becoming. The auspiciousness that arose then:
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
~:t_~~~a~~~~~ID(].lq~r.r~z;~~ ~~~~~~z:~~~~
drong khyer dam pa ser kyay ne she ja war You were brought soon after birth to the royal palace
q~~qz:~~94~~l!!~~~z;~~~ lfl:t_z:~~~z:~~l~a~~ ni In the city of Kapilavastu, sugata, Shuddhodana's son,
me du drak pa che way lha yi ngon to pa
~~:t_q~~z:~:n4~~z;1 Jz:I:!J'4~~~~~l~J~~~I'l.l~
And sprinkled with amrita. The auspiciousness that arose then:
sam ye ge drup so nam pung poy ta shi gang May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
sl4~ ~~z;~:t_l~q~:t_~a~~~4~sz:~:t_~1 l!ll~ ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
In the sublime city called Kapilavastu you were praised
~~~q~z:~al~~~~~q~lqllt::;!~~~~l~~qz:~~l gye shing nam che drong khyer chok ne By its renowned deva as a mass of inconceivable virtue and
ngon jung te merit:
~~~~z;2Ja;z:~:n4~~z;l1z:~:n4~~~~~l~J~~~I'l.l~ ka tup tsal du ngon par shek shing tsang Ia The auspiciousness that arose then:
sl4~ 1l~~4z;~~~l~z;;~~ sok May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
.,r ~ rn1l C\ .,r ~ C\ lha yi tsok kyi yong su kor way ta shi gang
ll1a,~qo:ll'l.l'~~z;~q:t_ T ~~~4z;o:1z;~l'l.l~~~~ ~~~ You joyously fled that great city at midnight and went
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
-:!!. ~ ~ ~ C\ C\ C\ ? "i:l Into the forest of austerities, accompanied by Brahma and a
d)~~~~~z;~~q~:t_'Qr.!,'z:!:!J'4~~z;11z::l:!J'4~' ,~~ ~ rap tu o bar ser dang dra way ku nga shing host of devas.
l1U~d.l~l'l.l~sl4~ l:t_z:~~~la.z:~:t_~~:t_lz;~z:~a~ be dur ya tar ngo way tsa ting teng shuk te The auspiciousness that arose then:
kyil mo trung che mi yo chok gi ta shi gang May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
~z;a.~z;l ~~~~~:t_~z:~a~z:~~z;~z;z:~~~~~~ ~~(].!~ ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
With a body like brilliant gold you sat in
~z;q~~!~2Q-~i~9z:~:n4~~z;11z:!:!J'4~~~~~l/{l' chu woy dram na tsa shay treng gi yong kor Unwavering vajrasana upon a mat of grass
wa As green as vaidurya. The auspiciousness that arose then:
~~~l'l.l~sl4~ ~~25'~a.~~~~4a~z;9~arz;~z:~~:t_ shin tu me du jung way se pa sel dze pa May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
z:~1 14~~!ll~~z;z:~a~lq~l'<lq1 ~~~ID(].lq~ lu yi gyal poy chak che pa yi ta shi gang
On the riverbank, surrounded by jaybirds,
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
~~s~q~z:~:n4~~z;1 1z:~:n4~~~~tl1U~~~I'l.l~ You thoroughly dispelled all craving and were prostrated to by
shing gyal drung shek jam pay top kyi du kyi the king of nagas.
chok The auspiciousness that arose then:
mang po te sa teng dang ni nam kha Ia May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
chom den ta shi nam pa na tsok gang jung
You approached the king of trees and subdued the great forces
of Mara
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
With the power of love, becoming the bhagavat of the earth
and the sky.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam tloJ I I 5 03 The branch ofauspiciousness: The Auspiciousness of the Twelve Deeds
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro II 6 03 A Compilation for Recitation

- I:\ -:d. I:\ '

r;;)~~~~'r;;)!!J'4~~~~~d:l~~~~~~r;;)1 1r;;)!!J'4~~~ duk ngel ta dak shik chir dar jey den shuk te The diverse auspiciousness that arose then:
nam gyi to rang dO shi po dak nam tGI wa May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
~~~1{\~~~lll~s~4~ 1~~r;;)~lll~~a,~~~~~~:l\~ ton pa de war shek pay ta shi gang yin pa
Tathagata, in order to end all suffering, you dwelled at
~a~~~r;;)~~~~11~~~~:1\~~r;;)~~r;;)~q~~~~r;;)~ ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
- ? rn_d I:\ I:\ ~ I:\
drong kyer va ra na sir drang song chok And at dawn utterly conquered the four maras.
t;;!11~~~r;;) l'r;;):I\'TI~~qa,t;;!!!J'4~~~Ll.l~~11r;;)!!J'4~
shuk ni The auspiciousness that arose then:
~~~~~1{\~~~lll~s~4~ 1%~~:1\Z)j:l\~~:1\~~~r::_ cho kyi khor Ia chok ten pa yi ta shi gang May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
lha yul dang dir shin tu me du jung gyur pa
~i~r;;)~~~~~1 1i~~~:l\af~i~r;;)~~qti\r;;):u4~ Great rishi, in Varanasi
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
~~11~'~1ll~~a,~:l\4~~~~~~~~:1\'~11r;;)!!J'4~~~~ You turned the great dharmachakra.
ta shi gang shik pen che dam pa dak che pa Wondrous auspiciousness arose here and in the deva realms.
~~1{\~~~lll~s~4~ 1r;;):u4~~r;:_~~~~s~~~~~~ so nam dak che pak pay kye way ngo to pa May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
cham den sha kya tup pay sen ge gang
s~~11r;;)~~~~~~~s~a,~~~qa~q~~~~r;;)~~~11 sung pa Bhagavat Shakyamuni, like a lion you taught the genuine
r;;)~~~~~~%r;;)qa~r;:_~~~r;:_~~r::_~q11r;;):u4~~~~ ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
Which benefits, purifies, refines merit, and is praised by the
~~1{\~~~lll~s~4~ 1 ~~~~s~~~~~~r::_~lll~~~ mu tek che pa nam kyi nga gyal sham pa aryas.
dang The auspiciousness that arose then:
~~~'11Q,~Ill'r;;)~'r;;)'r;;)~~~:l\~~lll~~q~~ 1~'r;;):l\'~~ dro Ia de wa kye chir cho trul dam pa dak May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
~a~lllr;;)ar;;):u4~~r;:_ti\~~11r;;)!!l4~~~~~~1{\~~~ nye war ton pay gyal way ta shi gang yin pa
In order to overcome the pride of tirthikas,
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
lll~s~4~ 1a,%1ll~~~:l\~~~~~~~~~a,~:l\~4~~ And in order to bring joy to beings, buddha,
dro Ia pen chir to ri ne ne dir shek te You performed sublime miracles. The auspiciousness that arose
~11~~~~1ll~~~~l~~lll~~~'Ulr;;)'~~~~11~l~~ tsang pa Ia sok lha tsok lak na nga yap duk then:
- - v' I:\ I:\ I:\ ? I:\ ~ na tsok tok pe yang su kor way ta shi gang May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
~~~~~Ulr::_~~r;;)~:l\'r;;)Q,'r;;)!!J'4~~~11r;;)!!J'4~ ,~~~
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
For beings' benefit you returned from higher realms,
~1{\~~~lll~s~4~1 ~r;;)~~~~~q~r;;)~i~~~:l\
de shin shek pa shi wa chok tu nyer shek pa Accompanied by Brahma and hosts of devas
~~~q11~~:l\r;;)a~~~~~tr~~~~~~~q11~~~~ men da ra way me tok mang pay ngon cho Holding various fans and parasols. The auspiciousness that
I:\ - v' I:\ I:\ I:\ ? I:\ pa arose then:
~~~~~~~~q:l\'r;;)~\qa,r;;)!!J'4~~~1 1r;;)!!J'4~,~~
lha chok nam kyi ngon par to pay ta shi May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.

~~~J~~~Ill~s~4~ 1 gang
Tathagata, you passed into peace amid offerings
ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok
Of many mandarava flowers and the praise of great devas.
The auspiciousness that arose then:
May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.
~"{~:::~r~"~tll"'q"cr~~~s~q11~~a.~"~~"'i~ lha wang lu dang mi yi wang pay chak che Tathagata of ten strengths, the rulers of devas, nagas, and
pa humans
~~a"'q"cr~~~"'~~:q11~q~~~~q~q~~~~ kha ding no jin dri say wang pay cho gyur Prostrate to you. The rulers of garudas, yakshas, and
qaq:rr4~~".11q:n4~~~~~"'~J~~~~~s"'4~ 1 pa gandharvas
Worship you. The auspiciousness of all this:
de shin shek pa top chu den pay ta shi gang
~~~11 ta shi de ni kye gu nam Ia shi che shok May that auspiciousness bring peace to all beings.

~~~~.q~t::~~~~l~ra,%~l~rt::~-o"'1 The stanzas ofjoy and goodness from the Devanirdeshasutra

jik ten di dang shen dang to ri na Whatever wondrous jewels

rin chen me jung gya chen gang yo pa There are in this world, in others,
de ni dzok pay sang gye rin chen Ia And in higher realms are in no way
chi kyang drang dang drang wa char mi po Equal to the jewel of the buddha.

ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de He is wondrous, inestimable.

dzok pay sang gye rin chen jik ten chok The jewel of the buddha is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that he is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

shi gog du tsi shin tu gya nom gang Peace, cessation, as wonderful as amrita,
sha kya tup pe nyam shak tuk chu pa The dharma contained in Shakyamuni's mind
cho de dang ni tsung pa yo min te In meditation has no equal.
de ngon che na chin che nya ngen me If it is realized, there is thereafter no misery.

ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de It is wondrous, inestimable.

dam pay cho kyi rin chen jik ten chok The jewel of genuine dharma is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

gyal way gang dak gang sak gye sung pa The eight phases taught by the buddha
de dak nam ni kye bu sung shi te Are four pairs of stages of the sangha.
jin ne de dak sa teng shin tu kon Persons so worthy of generosity are rare on this earth.
de dak nam Ia jin na pak me gyur Generosity to them becomes immeasurable.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam a<J I I 7 03 The branch ofauspiciousness: stanzas from the Devanirdeshasiitra
The Kagyu Monlam Book to I I 8 03 A Compilation for Recitation

ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de They are wondrous, inestimable.

gen dun rin chen gang shik jik ten chok The jewel of the sangha is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

dam pay tso wo chok jin gya nom pa Principal among the holy, provider of the wondrous,
6 chok pa wo dam pa chok gi ne Great light, best of brave ones,
she rap dam pa chok gi dam pa chok Great wisdom, most sublime,
chok min chok khyen di ni cham den chik The bhagavat alone fully knows what is best and what is not.

ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de He is wondrous, inestimable.

dzok pay sang gye rin chen jik ten chok The jewel of the buddha is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that he is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

ting dzin dam pa bar che me pa gang The sublime samadhi without obstacle,
ta ye Ia den de shin shek sung pa Boundless intelligence, was taught by the tathagata.
ting dzin de ten dar je per che te He compared that samadhi, in its stability, to a vajra.
ting dzin de dang tsung pay ting dzin me There is no samadhi equal to it.

ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de It is wondrous, inestimable.

ting nge dzin gyi rin chen jik ten chok This jewel of samadhi is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

ji tar go ten dam shing rap dam te Like firmly closed doors unmovable
top chen lung shi dak gi mi kyo pa By even the four powerful winds
den shi tong way khe pa de tar ne Are the wise who have seen the four truths.
jik ten ma wa nam kyi dir mi yo They are unmoved by mundane speakers.

ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de They are wondrous, inestimable.

gen dun rin chen gang shik jik ten chok The jewel of the sangha is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
;!(;.!~~~~c'l.l~~~\.l~'(;.l~~;l(;.l~'~~~~~~~ 1!(;.1~~~ tam che sil non kun khyen tam che sik The omniscient one is all-seeing and outshines all others.
tam che khyen pa top nam kun dang den Omniscient, he has all powers.

~ ~~ -
(;.l~~q~q~~(;.l~'\.l~~r;~~~ 1\.l~~~(;.l'q'~~~q\.l~'
~ -
~r;~c'l.ll lt;l~(;.lq\.l~'(;.ll~~~~~q~(;.l'~~~~~ lr;';;.J~~ gyi dam pa dzin pa kun dang dral
sam pa khyen di ni chom den chik
Most sublime, he is free from all fixation.
The bhagavat alone knows all the thoughts of others.

4~~.tJ~~r;~q~~~~~~~~~qa~r;~~~~~~~~~~ ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de He is wondrous, inestimable.

dzok pay sang gye rin chen jik ten chok The jewel of the buddha is the best in the world.
~~(;.!~~ ~~5~r;a~~~q~~q~~(;.l~~~l lq~~q~ ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that he is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok
~~~~4~~q~~~~4~ ~~~q~~~~r;~~ar~~q
May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

~~~ li~~~~~~~q\.l~'(l.l~'~(;.lq~]l'l.ll 14~~~~~ si pa gok ching mi yo gyur wa me It ends samsara and is unmoving and unchanging.
kyon me jik pa kun le nam par drol Flawless, it fully liberates from all danger.
~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -
.. 'I -
'Or;~~(;.l ~q~~r;l 14~'~':)'cN~'i'q'aj~'o.J'~~~
lr;' shin tu gok ching gya nom nge par jung It is cessation. It is wonderful. It is renunciation.
shin tu dri me shi wa lo mi trok Utterly stainless, it is a peace that the intellect cannot steal.
ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de It is wondrous, inestimable.
~~(;.!~~ ~~5~r;a~~~q~~q~~(;.l~~~ 1 lq~~q~ dam pay cho kyi rin chen jik ten chok The jewel of the genuine dharma is the best in the world.
~~~~4~~q~~~~4~ 14~~~~q~(l.l~~~r;q~ ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
s~~r;l lq~~~(;.l~';;.J~r;~~r;~~q~a!\ql lq~~q
shin tu duk ngel ton shing de che ching Great suffering revealed, they seek happiness.
~~~~~(;.l~'(l.l'~~~~~qll~~~~qq~~q5~~~~11 den nam tong te gang dak bak yo pa They see the truths and have vigilance.
~(;.!;lq~~~~ll~~~~~~~~~r;~~ den pa rin chen nam Ia dok me pa They have no doubts about the precious truths.
de dak kye wa gye pa chi mi len They will not take an eighth birth.
~~~~~(;.!~~ ~~5~r;a~~~q~~q~~(;.l~~~~~q~~
ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de They are wondrous, inestimable.
q~~~~~4~~q~~~~4~ ~~(;.l'q'~(;.l~~~~(;.lq~~ gen dun rin chen gang shik jik ten chok The jewel of the sangha is the best in the world.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
l(;.l'(;.l~~~ 1(;.l~~lr;;r.J~~~~cr.J~~~r;~~lcr.Jql~l I den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
~~~m~J~~~l(;.lq~~~~l5~1 14~~~~q~(l.l
dam pa nam kyi dam pa don dam khyen Most sublime, he knows the absolute truth.
~(;.l~~l~r;~~~(;.l~~ I chok dang chok min khyen shing don dam He knows what is best and what is not, and engages in
tson absolute truth.
shen gyi mi trok dam pa tuk chi.i tar He has realized the sublime that cannot be stolen.
shin tu duk ngel nam kyi pung nyen chok He is the best rescuer of those who suffer.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro I I 9 0.3 The branch ofauspiciousness: stanzas from the Devanirdeshasutra
TheKagyu Monlam Book ro 120 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~;.]~;~:4~~-~~-~~~q~-~~-~1 1~~~qa:~~~r~~-~~ ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de He is wondrous, inestimable.

dzok pay sang gye rin chen jik ten chok The jewel of the buddha is the best in the world.
~~ r.t.~~-~~-;.]~~ 1~~::,~ar.t.~~-z:J~~-z:J~~-;.]~~-~ 11 ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that he is best, then by that truth
z:J~~-q~r.t,~::_~4~~z:J~'cll~~-4~ 1~~qz:J~~-~~-~~
- ~
~::,~~~::,:o~1 - --
1~~7;.]'!:1~~-~-~~-z:J~~::_z:)~~-!:11 1
den pe dir ni.shin tude lek shok
dun pa kye ne nal jar den gyur ching
gau tam ten Ia tak tson rap drol wa
May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

Through resolve they develop meditation.

They are liberated through constant diligence in Gautama's
~~~-~~!!:1~'!:1'~~-~~~::,~~ 1r.t,~~~-~~-~~~-~-5~ shen gyi mi tri wa dak shing der rek dharma.
di Ia de rek drang su chin min gyur
1~::,1 1~;.]~::,4~~-~~-~~~q~-~~-~1 1~~-~~-~~
Not led astray, they enter the arya sangha
And are no longer among the ordinary.
~~r;-~r.t,~~-~~-;.]~ 1~~::,~ar.t.~~-z:J~z:J~~-;.]~ . ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de
gen dun rin chen gang shik jik ten chok They are wondrous, inestimable.
~11!:1~~-q~r.t,~::_~4~~z:J~'cll~~-4~ 1!:l~~q;_]~~z:J ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na The jewel of the sangha is the best in the world.
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
z:J(~q~z:J~-~;.]~11~~-~-~~qr.t_~r.t.~~-s~~::_~~-11 May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
den pa tong wa cho pe gya lam na
~-~~z:J:oz:Jq~-~~-1~-~ 1 1~~-~~-r.t.~~l~ar~~~5: _ gal te dik pa ga shik che gyur kyang It is rare for those who have seen the truth
~11~;.]~::,4~~-~~-~~~q~-~~-~11~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ de ni de chap pa yi 6 min te To do wrongdoing, but should they do so,
cho nyi di ni mi yo ne chir ro It is unfitting for them to conceal it,
~~-r.t.~~-~~-;.]~~ 1~-~~z:J:o~qar.t.~~-~~-~;.]~:o~-~11 Because the nature of things is consistent.
ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de
~~~-~~-~~-~~~qr.t_;_]';.]~~~q~~11~~~l~-~~q~ gen dun rin chen gang shik jik ten chok They are wondrous, inestimable.
~-~~11~~q~~~q~i!~'q'~;.]~'~~~~ 1~;.]~::,4~~ ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na The jewel of the sangha is the best in the world.
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
~~-~~~q~-~~-~1 1~~~-qa~~~-~~-~~-~~r.t,~~-~~ May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
lha dang che pay jik ten tam che na
~~~ 1~~::,~ar.t,~~-z:J~~-z:J~~-~~~-~11!:1~~-q~r.t,~::_ sang gye dang ni lhak pa'am tsung pa me In all worlds, including those of devas,
lha dang mi yi ton pa Ia na me
There is no one superior or equal to the buddha.
1 ton pa de pen men pa nam kyi chok The teacher of devas and humans is unsurpassable.
The guide is the supreme physician.
ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de
dzok pay sang gye rin chen jik ten chok He is wondrous, inestimable.
ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na The jewel of the buddha is the best in the world.
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok If it is true that he is best, then by that truth
May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
..... " ..... " .......... "
~~a:~qlr;q~%qqtf.1~1 ~~~~~l 05 ~~l~q~z::r so gay da wa dang par tup pa yi In the first month of summer Shakyamuni
nak tro cho kyi dam pa rap nye ne Attained genuine dharma in the forest.
t.::l~~~~~ 1i'~~lr;~~~qa,~d,!~r;~qijl1 1(.1,~'14!'~' cho de dang ni lhak pa'am tsung pa me There is nothing superior or equal to the dharma.
~~~r;~r~J~~)~~11"('d-!~~4~~~l~r;lq~~l~11 di Ia de rek drang su chin min gyur Those who encounter it are no longer among the ordinary.

ld,!~~~~~r;~~a.~~~~~~ ~~~~r;a:a.~~q~ ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de It is wondrous, inestimable.

dam cho rin chen gang shik jik ten chok The jewel of the genuine dharma is he best in the world.
t.::l~~d-!i'~~11t.::l~~q~a.~~~4~~q~~~~4~ ~~~ ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.
~r;~'Sill11~qa,~~~q~~lql~lq11t.::l~~q~~i! dik pa nying se sar du che me Ia Having exhausted past wrongdoing, they do no more.
rim ne me pay jik me nya ngen dral Free from contagion, they are fearless and without misery.
t.::l~~~a,q~q~~~~ 1~'d-!~~4~~~l~r;lq~ijl~11 tsa wa gak pey si pa mi kye pa Because its root has ceased, becoming does not arise.
ten pa mar me shin du bar war gyur The dharma blazes like a torch.
l9~~~~~~~r;~~a.~~~~~i'~ ~~~~r;aa.~
ngo tsar shin tu me jung pak me de They are wondrous, inestimable.
~q~~q~~~i'~~1 1t.::l~~q~a.~~~4~~t.::~~~~~ gen dun rin chen gang shik jik ten chok The jewel of the sangha is the best in the world.
4~ ~~~~~~~ ji tar ngay di de shin den chok na If it is true that it is best, then by that truth
den pe dir ni shin tu de lek shok May there be the utmost joy and goodness here.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ 121 03 The branch ofauspiciousness: stanzas from the Devanirdeshasiitra
The Kagyu Monlam Book tv I 22 03 A Compilation for Recitation

q_:!r~~r~~rz:::J~l~(l.lq ~ The Offering ofthe Eight Auspicious Substances

;.t~di~~ ~'11~ ~1 ~r;a.~~ a,~;.t~~r; fl ;.t~~l ~ ID~ 1 mangala111 svasti bhavantu MANGAI.A SVASTI BHAVANTU

a.~~~~\\~~a.~l~a~r;~~~1 (~~~a~r;~ID~~ deng dir dzam bu ling tam che gyi gyen/ jik Today, here at the ornament of all Jambudvipa, the source of
ten kyi do guy jung ne/ dzok pay sang
~~~~;,t~~t:;l~~~a~~1 sr;~t:;l~~~~z;J=~r;q~z;JID~ gye kyi jon pa nam kyi ten pay shi/ jang chup
everything desired by all the world, the ground in which grow
the trees of the buddhas and which is adorned by the good bodhi
~1 ~J\\~~t:;l~l~;,t~~~r;lr;;,til~r;~%~~~~t:;l' kyi jon pa sang poy gyen pa/ lha mi gyi so tree, the field of merit of all devas and humans, the foremost
nam kyi shing dang cho dong chik pur drup
~a~~~~~a~l~~~~d.!"'~~I;JI:J~l\a.~~l~ID"'lt:;l~l pay ne dorjey den [or alter the liturgy] di nyi du
stupa, Vajrasana (or alter the liturgy), I declare auspiciousness
through the power of those substances that the buddha himself
~ t:\. t:\. t:\. t:\.
t:\. gyal wa nyi kyi ta shi pay dze su jin gyi lap pa blessed as auspicious.
nam kyi ti.i ta shi cho par ja te
4~t:;l~l~~s~1 ~~tllr;l~~~(~~~a~r;~ID~~~ When Vajrapani, the lord of secrets, offered the samyaksam-
~ ..,....., -
~t:;l'~'"-11 ~~T;'z;Jr.(t:;ll~~~~~~~~~r;~,~~"'l'~~
ngon yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha
kya tup pa Ia/ sang way dak po chak na dor
buddha Shakyamuni white mustard seeds, the buddha blessed
them as an auspicious substance. In reliance upon the power of
t:\. t:\. t:\. t:\. r:! t:\. ~ jey yung kar ne ta shi pay dze su jin gyi that, today, in this great assembly, may these white mustard seeds
lap par dze pay tu Ia ten ne deng dir gar chen be auspicious.
~~~r;a.~~~~~~a.~~l~~r;~,~~~~~~t:;l~r-4~ di nyi du yung kar gyi dze kyi ta shi par gyur
chik White mustard seeds are of the vajra family.
~~~~%~ 1~r;~,~~~a~~~~i;l;,t~~l~11t:;l~~~ They conquer all obstructors without exception.
yung kar dor jey rik te tam che du Their power and qualities are perfect.
~;,t~;,t~~~t:;l~a,(;,t~sl%r;1 1;,t~~t:;1~~~7~~~ gek nam ma li.i rap tu jom che ching Through their auspiciousness, may obstructors be pacified.
~;,tl~~~~~1 1t:;1~4~~~~r;z;J9~~~;,t~~t:;l~4~1 tu top yon ten pun sum tsok gyur pa
ta shi de kyang gek nam shi war shok When the brahmin Kundhali offered the samyaksambuddha
~~tQr;l~~~(~~~a~r;~ID~~~~t:;l~"'l1 s;,tS~~ Shakyamuni durva grass, the buddha blessed it as an auspicious
~ t:\. t:\. ~ t:\.
ngon yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha
Q.l~~~fi'~"-1'~~1 t:;1~'4~~a,~~~~~~~t:;l~r::;j~'~~ kya tup pa Ia/ dram se kun dha li tsa dur wa substance. In reliance upon the power of that, today, in this great
pul ne/ ta shi pay dze su jin gyi lap p~r dze assembly, may this durva be auspicious.
i.l~l~a;,t~"-1~1 ~r;a.~~~~~~a.~~l~~fia~~~~ pay tu le/ deng dir gar chen di nyi du dur way Durva increases longevity.
t:;1~4~~~~~%~ 1~2i~~~a.~"'lt:;l~sl~~1 ~~~ dze kyi ta shi par gyur chikl Through the accomplishment ofVajrasattva's longevity,
~;,t~l~a~~~t:;lt:;l~t:;l~~~11~~~r;~s4~~asl~~ dur be tse ni pel war che pate May kleshas, birth, and death cease.
dor je sem pay tse ni rap drup ne Through this auspiciousness may life increase.
~~11t:;1~'4~~~~r;~~a,~"'l'~~%~ 1 nyon mong kye shi che gyur pa yi
ta shi de kyang tse ni pel gyur chik
..., ..., C\ ""'
~~Cl.l~.l~r:.~~~~~r:.~~~~~m~1~%t:lr:.~n.r~;.jz::]~~ ngon yang dak par dzak pay sang gye sha When Prithividevi offered the samyaksambuddha Shakya-
kya tup pa Ia lha ma ten me li tri pul ne/ ta shi muni sindhura, the buddha blessed it as an auspicious substance.
0-l~~~~(l.l~~~ z::]:rr4~r:.~a~~~;s~~~z::]~z::]~r:.~~ pay ze su jin gyi lap par dze pay tu le/ deng In reliance upon the power of that, today, in this great assembly,
o.l~lr:.~ao.l%"(l.l~l ~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~a~~~~ dir gar chen di nyi du li triy dze kyi ta shi par may this sindhura be auspicious.
gyur chikl
z::]:n4~r:.~~~~~~ ~~~lo.l~arlz::]~~~~z::]~~~l 1i~ Red sindhura is of the nature of power.
li tri mar pa wang gi rang shin te All dharmas having been brought under control,
~0-1~0-l~~lz::]~~~~~~~~~~ li~~m(l.l~l~z::]n cho nam ma 10 wang du dO ne kyang May the dominion of dharma be utterly stable.

z::]~~~~r:.~al lz::]:n4~~~~~m(l.l~lz::]~~~~~~ 1W~ cho kyi gyal si rap tu ten gyur pay Through this auspiciousness may dominion be stable.
ta shi de kyang gyal si ten gyur chik
- C\ -~
;n~qciJ~~~ When the elephant Airavana offered the samyaksambuddha
ngon yang dak par dzak pay sang gye sha
Shakyamuni giwang, the buddha blessed it as an auspicious sub-
~~~~~(l.l~~~ z::]:n4~r:.~a~~~s~~~z::]~q~r:.~~ kya tup pa Ia/ Iang po che sa sung gi gi wam stance. In reliance upon the power of that, today, in this great as-
pul ne/ ta shi pay dze su jin gyi lap par dze
o.l~lr:.~ao.l%'(l.l~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~ pay tu le/ deng dir gar chen di nyi du gi wam
sembly, may this giwang be auspicious.

~~z::]:n4~r:.~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~0-l~~o.l~q~l~jj~ll gi dze kyi ta shi par gyur chikl Giwang is the medicine that conquers the three poisons.
Through this supreme medicine may dharmata be fully]n~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ill gi wam duk sum jam pa ne kyi men
men chak cho nyi rap tu tak gyur ne
r:.~~~~r:.~~llt:l:rJ4~~~~~~~z::]~(l.l~~~~~ IW~Cl.l~ nyon mang suk ngu me par gyur pa yi
May the kleshas lose their sting.
Through this auspiciousness, may suffering be pacified.
- ~
l~r:.~~~~~r:.~f.(~~~m~1~%z::]'t::.r(l.ll ~0-lz::]l~q~~~~
C\ - ta shi de kyang duk ngel shi gyur chik

~~~~(l.l~~~ z::]:n4~r:.~a~~~s~~~z::]~~q~o.l~l' ngon yang dak par dzak pay sang gye sha When the householder Bhadrapala offered the samyaksam-
kya tup pa Ia/ khyim dak sang kyang gi sha buddha Shakyamuni yogurt, the buddha blessed it as an auspi-
r:.~ao.l%'(l.l~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~l~Cl.l~~a.~~~~z::]:n pul ne/ ta shi pay dze su jin gyi lap par dze cious substance. In reliance upon the power of that, today, in
this great assembly, may this yogurt be auspicious.
4~r:.~~~~~~ ~~~\l~~~~q~~~q~ll~~q~;.jl~
pay tu le/ deng dir gar chen di nyi du yang
shay dze kyi ta shi par gyur chik
'' ...,_ ""' C\ C\ C\ Yogurt is the essence of everything.
Cl.l'4~;.jcx;~~~~~~~~Cl.l~'7~\l~~ls~~~~~r:.~Cl.lll Realizing the pristine wisdom that is the pure essence,
sha ni kun gyi nying par gyur pa te
z::]:n4~~~~~~~~~0-l~z::]~4~ I nying pa nam dak ye she chok tok ne May I reach the expanse of all qualities.
yon ten kun gyi ying su gyur pa yi Through this auspiciousness, may the three poisons be
ta shi de kyang duk sum shi war shak pacified.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ro I 2 3 03 The branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 24 03 A Compilation for Recitation

v' v' " ~;~9~~~9~r~<~:~r;~r~~~~r%z~r~l'l.11 9~9~".J ngon yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha When Rupadevi Prabhadhari offered the samyaksambuddha
kay tup pa Ia/ suk kyi lha moo chang mey me Shakyamuni a mirror, the buddha blessed it as an auspicious
~~~~a.05t;(;.!~~arr;~l'l.l~~~!!r4~~a.~~~s~~~ long pul ne ta shi pay dze su jin gyi lap par substance. In reliance upon the power of that, today, in this great
~~~~~'(;,!E~\~a.(;.!%"1'1.1~1 ~r;a_~~~~~~a_~~~~~r; dze pay tu le/ deng dir gar chen di nyi du assembly, may this mirror be auspicious.
yang me long gi dze kyi ta shi par gyur chikl
~arr;~~~~~~!!r-4~~~~~~9 1~arr;~4~~(;,!l' With this mirror, the great ocean of pristine wisdom,
me long ye she gya tso chen po yi May the ocean of pristine wisdom become pure.
~~:r-~~11~4~~(;,!l'(;,!~9~~9~~~11~(;,!'~9~~1'l.l ye she gya tso chok tu dak gyur te May I unimpededly experience pure dharmas.
nam dak cho Ia tuk me long cho pay
Through this auspiciousness, may obscurations be purified.
ta shi de kyang drip pa dak gyur chik
~~~r;~9~~~9~~a;~r;~~~~~%~~1'1.11 4r;..,l~
v' v' " " :ri When a dryad offered the samyaksambuddha Shakyamuni
ngon yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha bilva fruit, the buddha blessed it as an auspicious substance. In
~~4r;{9~1'l.l~~l'l.1~~1 ~:!l4~~a.~~~s~~~ kay tup pa Ia/ shing gi lha mo shing tok bil wa reliance upon the power of that, today, in this great assembly,
pul ne/ ta shi pay dze su jin gyi lap par dze
~~~~~~(;.!E(~~a.(;,!%'1'1.1~1 ~r;a_~~~~~~a_~~~~l'l.l' pay tu le/ deng dir gar chen di nyi bil way dze
may this bilva be auspicious.

~a.~~~~~!!l4~~~~~~9 1~1'l.l~~~~a.s~~~ kyi ta shi par gyur chikl Bilva represent dharmas-causes, conditions, and results.
May all conduct, mundane and supramundane,
~u~~a.~~11a.~9~~a.~9~~a.~~~a.~~~\l~11Sr; bil wa gyu kyen dre bur ch~r, pay cho Lead to the supreme essence of awakening.
jik ten jik ten de pay cho pa kun
~~~r;q(;,!~9~~~~~1 1~!!14~~~~r;~~\l~~~ jang chup nying po chok tu gyur pa yi
Through this auspiciousness, may all aims be accomplished.

~~u9 1~~~r;~9~~~9~~a_~r;~~~~~%~~1'1.11
" v' v' " ta shi de kyang don kun drup gyur chik
When lndra, the ruler of devas, offered the samyaksambud-
~gon yang dak par dzok pay sang gye sha dha Shakyamuni a right-swirling white conch, the buddha
" v' " " v' "

'kya tup pa la/lhay wang po gya jin gyi dung blessed it as an auspicious substance. In reliance upon the power
~!!14~~a~~~s~~~~~~~~~(;.!E(~~a.(;.!%"1'1.1~1 ~r; kar po ye su khyil wa pul ne/ ta shi pay dze su of that, today, in this great assembly, may this white conch be
jin gyi lap par dze pay tu le/ deng dir gar chen auspicious.
" ~ "" " " "
di nyi du dung kar gyi dze kyi ta shi par gyur
From this conch issue forth the sounds of dharma.
~9 1~r;~~~~~~(;,!~'~9~~a.~l'l.111~4~~(;,!l'~~~ chik
Purified as the ocean of pristine wisdom,
"'v' v' v'" ""'
~9~~'711 05 ~'~(;,!~'(;,!'~~~~;~~~~~~11~!!1'4~~~ dung ni cho kyi dra nam drok pay tsul May I teach all dharmas without exception.
ye she gya tso nyi du dak gyur te Through this auspiciousness, may mastery of words be
~r;~9~~r;{~~~49 1 cho nam ma lu yong su ton pa yi achieved.
ta shi de kyang tsik wang top par shok
~'~.r~l~~~~a_~~z::~ 1 The Offering ofthe Seven Articles ofRoyalty

r ~~~l~t;l~~~1 ~~~~~s~~~4~ lha dze le che te wa shin tu dum Holding the wheel, recite:
tsik tong den shing mu khyu rap nyam sang Made from the materials of the devas, with a perfectly round
~~~1 1~~~~r;~~~r;~~~~~~~~~~t;'1 1~~~~ dang way dra le nam par gyel gyur pay hub,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~~ar-~~~~~r;"'~~~!!]' khor lo rin chen deng dir ta shi shok With a thousand spokes and a perfectly even rim,
It brings total victory over spiteful enemies.
4~4~ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~a,~~~~~ar-~~~fla,' du tam che le gyal way cho kyi khor lo nam May there be the auspiciousness, here and now, of the precious
khay tay tuk par kor nu pay wang dang den wheel.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~r;~r;~~~~~~~~ 1 par gyur chik

~:~:.~~~~i~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~1 F~~~~~~~~

May I have the power to turn the dharmachakra, victorious
over all maras, throughout the reaches of space.
~~~~r;s~~r;11~J:l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~ rin chen ngo wo lha dze be dur ya
Holding the jewel recite:
kun tu pak tse tsam du nang che ching
~~~~~~r;"'~~~!!J4~4~ 1~~~~~J:ll~a~llr; dri me nyin mo ji shin tsen de shin The essence of the precious, the vaidurya of the devas,
Illuminates all within a radius of a yojana.
~~~r;~lr;t:;J~~~a"'~~~~q~~~~l~r;~r;~~a nor bu rin chen deng dir ta shi shok
Stainless, it is the same throughout day and night.
~~l~a~~~~~~~a~~r;~r;~~~~~~~~ I tse pak tu me pay o dang den shing lha dang May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the precious
che pay jik ten pa tam che rang rang gi si ji kyi jewel.
t;l~~;r~~~~{~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~r;~~t:;J;sr;~11 sil gyi non pay wang dang den par gyur chik
May I have the light of Amitayu and the power of surpassing
~~~~a&.~~~~~~"'~;,J~r;~d,1~~~~1 1cq~~r;"'~~ in splendor all mundane beings, including the devas.

l~a~~slr;~~~1 1~~~~~~~~~r;"'~~~!!J4~ suk dze ta na duk ching tsul sang wa Holding the queen, recite:
pak pay dok le jam shing dri chok den
4~ 1~&.1~~~~~~~l~r;~"'~~~t:;Ja~~~~"'~~~~ yi ong do guy rek ja dang den pa
Beautiful, pleasing to behold, with good demeanor and
Excellent complexion, she is gentle, supremely fragrant,
~~"'~~~a,~~~lr;~~~~~~t:;J~'t:;J~'t:;J~t:;J'~'~'tql' tsun mo rin chen deng dir ta shi shok Lovely, and her touch desirable.
May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the precious
~~~~~~t:;Ja~~r;~r;~~~~~~~~ 1 sem chen tam che ting nge dzin shi way tsul
gyi jik ten le de pay dak dang shen gyi don
de we drup pa Ia yi shin du jar way wang
dang den par gyur chik May I have the ability to easily accomplish the transcendent
benefit of myself and all other beings, as intended, through tran-
quil samadhi.

lhe Twenty-Branch Monlam 8"J I 2 5 0.!' lhe branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 26 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~rr-~~~~~~~~ ~~'1l~'~l4l't:J~;~~o.~l~~r~~~11~~~ gang yang gyal way mu tik dang den pa Holding the precious minister, recite:
ser sok mang po tup Ia pul wa tar His unmatched complexion is as lustrous as pearl.
~~~o.~~af~t:J'(4!'~(4l't:]'~~1 1t:li\~~o.~~~~~~~o.~ so den tsung pay khyim dak nor den te He has wealth like the masses of gold offered to the sages.

t:ll~~~~~~~~~~ar~~~~~~"'~~q:rJ4~4~ ~~~ lon po rin chen deng dir ta shi shok This wealthy householder has patience.
May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the precious
~~~o.~~~l~~~q~'"'T:4~~~~~~q~~l~~~~~~~ lhay mik nam par dak pa top te pak pay nor minister.
dun dang den shing rang dang shen gyi don/
l~~~~~~~1 l~~~~o.~~~~Jo-~~'5l'o,jl~'~~~~ gong pa ma li.i pa tam che tar chin ne she ja May I attain the utterly pure divine eye and have the seven
tam che Ia tok pa me pay wang dang den par
4~sJo-~~'5l141 ~~~~i!l~~lq~l~~~~~~~~~ 1 riches of the aryas, the power to accomplish all intentions for
gyur chik the benefit of myself and others, and unimpeded knowledge of
:n~lf~~~~~~~~l Cll~'(4!~'lo,j~''5l'~~~~~~l4!~11~t:l' all dharmas.

~~~~~~~~~~~ar-~11~141 ar141 ~~o.~f1"'141 ~q"'~ yen lak tam che lek kye sa Ia ni Holding the precious elephant, recite:
This elephant, like a Himalayan mountain,
t:la11~~ar~~~~~~"'~~q:rJ4~4~ 1~q~q~l~~~ rap ne ri dra gang chen lang po che
Abides stably on the ground and is well-formed in all his
gyal po Ia o kha Ia rap dro way
~~q~lq~~~q~~~t:l'5l~~~;J~''5~'l;J~''5l'~~~ lang po rin chen deng dir ta shi shok limbs.
He is fit for a king and can fly through space.
~ ...,., "
" 1 top chu dang den shing dO shiy top tsar che May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the precious
ne sem chen tam che tek pa chen po Ia juk nu elephant.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~z;;,~~~~~9~'~;J~';J'~~~~11~' pay wang dang den par gyur chik
~;J~q~~~~~Cllz=:.~9~~~11~s~;J~~~~~~~~l May I have the ten strengths and the ability to eradicate the
forces of the four maras, and establish all beings in the ma-
...,., " ...,., ~ ~ ? " " ...,., ...,.,...,.,
"'~'t:l"'11~';J059'~~a;,~ ,~"'l.J\'t:l:!J'4~'49 1~'~J\'(1lz;;,' to rang di.i su chok nam ma lu pay hayana.

" " ...,., " "

sa nam kor te lar yang dok gyur pa Holding the precious steed, recite:
ma chay drin pay pu tar yi ong way At dawn, he circles through the earth in all directions
~alsz=:.~~~~~qijlq~q~(4l~~q~lq~lz;;,~~q.J\ ta chok rin chen deng dir ta shi shok And then returns. His hair is as dazzling as a peacock's neck.
~.J\'~9 1 so sor yang dak pay rik pa shi dro wa nam mi May there be, here and now,
ne pay nya ngen le de pay ying su tok pa me The auspiciousness of the precious steed.
par kyal ni.i pay wang dang den par gyur chik
May I have the power to establish all beings in the expanse of
non-abiding nirvana without impediment by means of the four
perfect awarenesses.
~~~~cr~~~~~~~~~l a.f~~~~~~\\~~~~~~~~11~ dro dang dok dang ku ne ong gyur pa Holding the precious general recite:
ma 10 dO pung jam par che pa yi Accompanied by his splendidly equipped forces,
~~~~~~~~a.~~~tJ~s~~~~ 1~~~~~~~~a pal den jar pay pung tsok dang che pa He conquers all the hordes of Mara without exception,
~~~l~~~~~~~'tJ1 1~~~~tr~~~~~~~a,~~~~ mak pon rin chen deng dir ta shi shok Whether they are advancing, retreating, or approaching from
any direction.
. .,~4~ ._a C\ ~ e<.......-
1~~~~~--,~~~~~~~0il~'tJQ,'~~~~~~~~ tap dang she rap nyi su me pay gong pa tar May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the precious
chin ne/ jik tsok Ia ta way ri wo ton po nyi shu general.
~~~~ 1 a.~~l~~~~~a~q.d-l~~rr-~~a.~~~4~ jam shing ye she pun sum tsok pay wang
dang den par gyur chik
l4~~~~~l~~tla~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 May I perfect non-dual means and wisdom, and have perfect
pristine wisdom and the power to topple the high mountain of
the twenty views of the self.

t::~!!]4~~~~.rz=~1~la.,~(l.ll~:q The Offering ofthe Eight Marks ofAuspiciousness

~~"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~1 ~~~~~~~a~~~ o bar rin chen tok gi khyon yang shing Blazing with light, its peak is a jewel
khor yuk nor buy dra we nam par dze And its vast canopy beautified by webs of jewels.
~~'-1~~~~11~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~'-1~~11~~ ser sang chok gi yu way ten pa chen It is supported by a handle of finest gold.
~~~~~~~~~~:;"'~~~~4~4~ 1~~~~~~~~ rin chen duk dze deng dir ta shi shok May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the
beautiful, precious parasol.
~~~~~~~~'!;~ 11~~~~~'r;:]'!;~~~~~~~~~~ dri me rap sal ngon par khyu pa chen
dzu trul dang che chu ter rap kor shing With stainless clear vision,
~~~~~~~a.~~\\~~~~~~~~~~~~a11~~4~~ go do kun tsol de dang ne chi pay It darts miraculously through the water.
ta shi nya yi dang dir ta shi shok It lives in the source of all that is needed and wanted.
~~~r;a.~~r;:]!!r4~4~ 1~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~ May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the
rin chen sang le ngon par drup pay pul
~a~~~ 1"'~l~~J~~~~~r;:]a~~~~~~~~ 1~~~ do gu ma 10 jung way rin chen ter
auspicious fish.

~~&~~~~~~~~~~~11~~~::~~~f~~~~~a,~~ lha dze go kyi dze par gyen pa yi It is the best of all that is made from good, precious materials.
bum sang chok gi deng dir ta shi shok It contains precious treasure that is the source of all that is
r;:]!!]'4~4~ 1 wanted.
It is beautifully decorated by divine fabric.
May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the supreme
good vase.

The Twenty-Branch Mon!am ~ I 2 7 03' The branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 128 03 A Compilation for Recitation

l~9t:~~ii'.r4r;lr;~l~(l.rt:J:t~t;'~d.l~l'l.l~1 1d.l~~~~:~r; pak sam shing dang kye tsal sang nam le These lotuses are newly come from
ngon par jung way pe mo sar pa nam Wish-fulfilling trees and fine gardens.
t:~a.~~9~::_~~d-1~1 1tqla.~9slr;; yi trok dri dang seu dru dap treng den They have enchanting fragrance, their hearts, and all their
~~11~~d.li9~~~r;a,~::_t:~:u4~'49 1.:1\t:l'd-1~~9Ul~' pe mo chok gi deng dir ta shi shok petals.
May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the best of
'~lil9~~::_~t;'t:l'tq119r;~~lr;-a_sd-1~~~9~'~d-1~'~11 rap dze ye su lek par jung wa yi lotuses.
gang ri dang dra ma lu chok nam su
tqla.S9~~9~~1';d.li9~d.l~a~ yi trok dra drok gyal wa nye che pay They are of the utmost beauty and well-swirled to the right.
~r;a.~::_t:~:u-9~49 1.:1\t:l'd-1~~9~9~d.li9~la~s~ dung chok nam kyi deng dir ta shi shok They are like snow-covered mountains. Their enchanting
~t:~~~i 1~d.l'~.:l\'.:l\t:l't:l!!J'~9~'d.l~~a.~ll~J~1 1~tq rap dze suk chok yi kyi dri pa shin Is h.!ard in all directions. They please the buddhas.
nam par rap tra tuk tsen do gu tsol May there be, hen: and now, the auspiciousness of the supreme
9~~~::_~~~d.l~'\l~~~d-1~~1 1l~l'l.l~~~~~r;a,~::_ lha yi nyen gyur ten nam kun gyi dze conches.
pal gyi be u deng dir ta shi shok
t:l!!J'4~'49 1~9~'(l.l~'~d.l'~(l.l'~~;~~l'l.l'd.l~~t:~:t~t;'11 It is of the utmost beauty, the finest form the mind could
chok le nam gyal rin chen gyal tsen sang
~l9~l::_lr;~::_~a.~t:~~~~1 1l~~a.~l\l~~~~ na tsok dar dang nor buy dra we tre
Colorful and bright, this symbol of his heart bestows all that is
;~~9~~d-1~~1 1~1'l.l'd.l~~d.li9'~~~r;a,~::_t:~:u4~ go don kun tso rin chen tok gi dze wanted.
gyal tsen chok gi deng dir ta shi shok
49 19~::_(l.l~lil9~s~~t:~4~~~d-11l!t:~~;~r;~~~r; Beautified by all ornaments, it is beloved by the devas.
May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the glorious
ser le lek che te wa shin tu dum
~~l'd.l'~d.l~'d-1~~1 1lr;tia.~(l.l~'~d.l'~.:l\'~(l.l'~~~a.l 1 tsip tong den shing mu khyu ma nyam dze

~~;~~::_ar~~r;a.~::_t:~:u-9~49 1~~~11 dang pay sa le nam par gyal gyur pay Victorious over all directions, this precious victory banner is
rin chen khor loy deng dir ta shi shok excellent.
It is decorated by variegated silk and webs of jewels.
It is beautified by a jewel peak that bestows all that is needed
or wanted.
May there be, here and now, the auspiciousness of the supreme
victory banner.

Well-made from gold, its hub is perfectly round.

It has a thousand spokes and is beautified by an unbroken rim.
It transports one from the first stage to utter victory.
May there be, here and now, the auspic~ousness of the precious
~~qa.~~~~z::.,.q_::rr-4~1 The Song that Proclaims Auspiciousness

~~~rf:l~~r;;_r;j~~~r;;.~t:~~~~~l ~~a~~~~~ ~~~~flr:::~J:.t:~' Ia rna ka drin chen Ia sol wa dep Lama Marpa gathered many ofthe people ofLhodrak, proclaimed his son's
nga yi gyu pa rin chen di nyi Ia greatness, andpresented afine feast in celebration ofthe comecration ofhis
~~~f~a:f't:~ll!t:.'rf~t:.'t:!~~~~!(~'r;j~'~~~~~1 ~~~J:,'r;j~'t:!!!J'4~ nye tung me pay ta shi yo residence. During it, he sang this song proclaiming auspiciousness:
ta shi de kyang ta shi sok I supplicate my kind gurus.
~r;;.~~~~~~~J:.~~~~r;;.~~1 ~~~t:~1A.'~~~~~~~~z::r This precious lineage of mine has
dam ngak sab may nye lam Ia
A.~t:l~1 1r;lql;:l~lt:J~~~~A.~~l~1 ~~~-r~r;~lt:Ja nor trul me pay ta shi yo
The auspiciousness of freedom from faults and downfalls.
May that auspiciousness prevail.
l;:l:n4~arl11t:l!lJ'4~~~~r;t:~:n4~4~ 1~l~~r;~:~t:~ ta shi de kyang ta shi shok
The short path of profound instructions has
~~tl.l~'tl.l11~x.~tl.l~lt:Jat:~:n4~arl11t:l!lJ'4~~~ nga dang mar pa lo tsa Ia The auspiciousness of freedom from errors and mistakes.
ii- 1"'X,t;'~X,'t:J'~~~,
- - ~
sap mo ne kyi ta shi yo May that auspiciousness prevail.
~t;'l;:l!l]'...-1~4~ 1ill;:l'~'~~l;~;t:~:n ta shi de kyang ta shi shok
4~arl1 1t:~:n4~~~~r;t:~:n4~4~ ~~~lql~~flA.' Ia rna yi dam khan dro Ia
I, Marpa Lotsa, have
The auspiciousness of the profound point.
A.~~11S~~I;:l~l~~~t:~t:~:n4~arl111;:!!lJ'4~~~~r; jin lap ngo drup ta shi yo May that auspiciousness prevail.
ta shi de kyang ta shi shok
1;:1:n4~4~ ~~~~~t:~~a~x.l~~~, 1llt:Jl~%~ The gurus, yidams, and dakinis have
bu chen lop may khor tsok Ia The auspiciousness of blessings and siddhi.
l;:l:u4~arl11t:~:n4~~~~r;l;:l:n~~4~ 1ar~1;:1l~~~ de pa dam tsik ta shi yo May that auspiciousness prevail.
ta shi de kyang ta shi shok
~~~r;~1 ~~~~~~l~~~~~l;:l:u4~arl1 1t:~:n4~ My great sons, my entourage of disciples, have
~~~r;1;:1:n4~4~ ~~~lr;s1;:1~~~~l~11A.~~~sr; yon dak yul mi nye ring Ia The auspiciousness of faith and samaya.
tOn kyen tsok sok ta shi yo May that auspiciousness prevail.
~l;:lt:~:n4~arl111;:l:n4~~~~r;t:~:n4~4~ 1~"~r;~l ta shi de kyang ta shi shok
My patrons and the people of this area, near and far, have
t:Ja~a.S~11~l~~l;:l~~t:Jal;:l:u4~arl11t:l:n4~~~~ le dang ja wa tam che Ia The auspiciousness of gathering the accumulations, the
dro don jang chup ta shi yo
~r;t:~:n4~4~ 1 ta shi de kyang ta shi shok
favorable conditions.
May that auspiciousness prevail.
nang shing si pay lha dre Ia In all my actions and activity, there is
che do tsen pay ta shi yo The auspiciousness of beings' benefit and awakening.
ta shi de kyang ta shi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.

The devas and spirits that appear and exist have

The auspiciousness of my strict command.
May that auspiciousness prevail.

The Twenty-Branch Monlam ~ I 29 03 The branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 3o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~l~~~o.1~~~~1 1~~~lif~~o.I~:rr~~arl1 1 dir tsok trom gyi lha mi Ia The devas and humans gathered here have
de kyi man lam ta shi yo The auspiciousness of my aspiration for their joy and ease.
~:rr4~~~~r;~~4~4~ 1~~111~r;~~n n ta shi de kyang ta shi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.

~~~~q!!]4~, The Auspiciousness ofthe Great Encampment

~~4~~lr;q~~4~~1 1~r;~m~~~~~~~;s~q ta shi kyi dang po ta shi pa The first auspicious auspiciousness
sang gye jik ten du jon pa yin Is the coming of the buddha to this world.
til~11~~4~~til~~~4~4~ 1~~~l~~~o.Il~~~~ ta shi de yi ta shi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
..,., ._a " " " ..,., ..,., ..,., ..,., de kyi pun sum tsok par shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
4~ 1~~~~~~~'?~~~~4~'~11lo.l'ai~'9'T.1~~~~~

~til~11~~4~~til~~~4~4~ 1~~~l~~~o.Il~~ ta shi kyi nyi pa ta shi pa The second auspicious auspiciousness
dam cho khor lo kor wa yin Is his turning of the genuine dharmachakra.
~~4~ 1~~4~~~~o.I~~~4~'z;J11~r;( ta shi de yi ta shi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
l~~~o.I~til~1 1~~4~~til~~~4~4~ 1~~~l~~
~o.!l~~~~-4~ 1~~4~\\~~~~4~~1 1~,~~~l ta shi kyi sum pa ta shi pa The third auspicious auspiciousness
shing chok gen dun tsok nam yin Is the supreme field, the assemblies of the sangha.
~o.I~~;s~~o.I~til~11~~4~~til~~~4~4~ 1~~~l ta shi de yi ta shi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
~~~o.Il~~~~4~ 1~~~~~l~~~~~~o.I~~~1 1
ta shi kun gyi ta shi pa The most auspicious of all auspiciousness
~~o.I~~~r;~l~~~~~~~11~~~~~l~;s~~~~l ka gyu ngo tsar chen nam yin Is the wondrous Kagyii.
4~ 1~~4~~~~~~4~4~ ~~~~l~~~o.Il~~~~ ta shi de yi ta shi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
4~ 1r.~.~l~o.I~~~l~~~~~~~o.l~11r.~.~lar~~l~~
suk me suk kyi kham gyi lha The devas of the form and formless realms
~o.I~~~~1 1~~~l~~lr;~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~l~ sam ten nang gi ga der den Have the internal joy and pleasure of meditation.

;s~~~~l4~ 1 de shin dak chak de kyi shok

ta shi de yi ta shi shok
May we have such joy and ease.
May that auspiciousness prevail.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok May there be perfect joy and ease.

do kham do lha rik druk nam The six types of devas of the desire realm
do yon na tsok nam kyi tse Revel among diverse desirable qualities.
tak tu gak dang de war den They always have joy and pleasure.
de shin dak chak de kyi shok May we have such joy and ease.
!o.lf~~:l\ar~~:l\~"'.~11~"'~lt:l~~"~~~~~~~11 mi chok khor 16 gyur gyal ni Chakravartins, supreme among humans, always enjoy
gyal si dun Ia sok pa yi With pleasure and ease the seven articles of royalty
mr;:t:l~:l\~~~o.ll~~~"'11~~~t:l~~r;,~l~:l\~l11~ ling shir pun sum tsok pa Ia And all that is best in the four continents.
t:l~~t:ll~:o~r;:]~'~l4~ 1t:l~]'-~~~~~t:l:n4~4~ 1 tak tu de shing kyi par jo May we have such joy and ease.
de shin dak chak de kyi shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
t::l~~l~~~o.ll~~~:l\4~ 1~:l\~~~~~r<>~i~~!(o.l'IDr;_ ta shi de yi ta shi shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok
~~~~:l\~11f~~"'~r~q~~~:l\4~ 1t:l~~~!'~~~:l\ Here, in this great encampment (supreme place), the
ne chok dzam ling gyen dir ni ornament of Jambudvipa,
5t:l'~:l\'4~ 1~~~"1~'lo.l~':Ol'~r;:]'~:l\'4~;,a1~ cho gyal ku tse ten par shok May the dharma king's life be firm.
1:\ .......-~1:\ .......- ~.......-
t::l\l:l\'t::l'~~~~"'~,~:l\~~1 1~"1't:l~~r;_r;:]~~r;:]l'~'Oj~' ten pa chok chur khyap par shok May the dharma fill the ten directions.
trin le tam che drup par shok May all activity be accomplished.
~~"'11~~rl2S'~~o.l~~o.l~~~~~~"'t:l~t:l~~1 q'l~
mang pay kur wa sha kyay gyal pay rik The line of the Shakya kings, venerated by many,
~~~r;,~~"''~l~~~r;:]~r;,~~~11t:l~~~~a1~~r;,~~:l\' gyal way lung ten be kyi cho kyi gyal Was continued by the dharma kings of Tibet, as the buddha
t:l!n'4~4~ 1~'~:l\'~"!a1Q.~"''~llr;,1 1~~~~"!a1Q. me pan nam sum sok kyi gyal way ten prophesied.
be du chen drang gyal si nyi kyang pay The three forefathers invited the buddhadharma to Tibet.
l~"'~:l\lr;,11~:l\~~"'ara.o.l%'~r;:]~~~~11a.!(o.lmr;, They reigned over the two dominions.
den pa chen pay deng dir ta shi shak By the great truth of that, may there be auspiciousness here
\l~~~~l~~t:l~l1 1lo.l~':O\~:l\~~~a.~:l\~~'t:l:l\' gya kar gyal pay gyal si dang and now.
4~ 1r;:]~'~l~~~o.ll~~~:l\'4~ 1t:l!n'4~~~~t:l:n4~ gya nak gyal pay pal jar dang
hor gyi gyal pay tu top sok The majesty of the kings of India,
4~ 1~:l\~~~~~<>li~a.!(o.lmr;,\l~~~~a.~:l\~1 1t:ll~ dzam ling kun gyi pun tsok chu The wealth of the emperors of China,
tam che ne dir du war shak The power of the emperors of Mongolia,
:o~t::l~o.l~~l'r;:]~~~r;:]'~:l\'4~ 1t:l~'~l~~~o.ll~~ de kyi pun sum tsok par shak And all that is excellent in Jambudvipa:
.......- 1:\ ? 1:\ 1:\ .......- "" 1:\ -:d.
ta shi de yi ta shi shak May all of this be amassed in this encampment (supreme
~:l\'4~ 1t:l!!J'4~\~~q!!l'4~'4~ 1t:ll'~l~~~o.l'cj)~~
.......- place) .
~:l\'4~ 1 ne chok dzam ling kun gyi gyen dir ni May there be perfect joy and ease.
dak chak sam pa yi shin drup par shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok
ta shi de yi ta shi shok Here, in this great encampment (supreme place), the
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok ornament ofJambudvipa,
May our wishes be fulfilled as intended.
May there be perfect joy and ease.
May that auspiciousness prevail.
May there be perfect joy and ease.

May people from different lands with different languages,

The Twenty-Branch Monlam tv I 3I 03 The branch ofauspiciousness

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 32 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~c~rl:::~l~~~~~%~~11l~~~~~~~l~~~11~~ yul dang ke rik mi chik pa And of different races,

mi rik nam pa na tsok pa Frequently assemble here in joy and ease.
~l'tf.l::;;'a,~~~l~~4~ 1~:rJ4~~~~~:rJ'4~4~ 1 de kyi yang yang dir tsok shok May that auspiciousness prevail.
~~~l~~~~l~~~~4~ ~~~c7.l'il~~~~~~1~ ta shi de yi ta shi shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok
l~1 '"~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~ ~~~~"~"~~a tral kyi pa jik ten mi yi cho
May mundane dharmas that bring immediate ease
Be acquired and bring the pleasure and joy that is wished.
~l~'c7.11 ~~~~~~~::Jc7.1'~"~~~~4~ 1~:rl4~~ ga de men shin top par shok May the divine genuine dharma that brings ultimate ease
pu kyi pa dam pa lha cho Ia
~~~~!(~~r;~~11~!(~~r;~~~~:rJ4~4~ ~~~~~
Be always present without separation.
du tak tu dral me jor war shok
~l~~~~~~~4~ ~~~~l~~~~l~~~~4~ ,~~ The utmost auspiciousness, the ornament ofJambudvipa:
ta shi kyi rap ma dzam ling gyen May Jambudvipa be ornamented by auspiciousness.
~~:;~~11 11 dzam ling gyen gyi ta shi shok May our wishes be fulfilled as intended.
sam pa yi shin drup par shok May there be perfect joy and ease.
de kyi pun sum tsok par shok
JC/w~rrrfl!2r~ ~J)~~
t::J~"'-lz::::rSJ~~~~~~~fS~~~~~~~~q~l1 Praise ofthe 1000 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ofthe Fortunate Aeon

z::]~"'lz::]:li!t=:~~z::.~~~sz::.~o.~~~o.~~q~l~1 z::]~"'lz::]:li!Z::,~~z::.~~~~:l;:s~q~1 ~~r.:Ja..~~lr:..~~~ khor wa jik dang ser tup dang/ o sung sha kyay kye chok dang
jam pa seng ge rap sal dang/ tup pa me tok me tok shen (10)
%t.:l'-lT:..'1 1~l~r:..~~a~~~i~"lr:..'1 1""'0-l'~z::,~qasz::.~o.~~"'ll s~~z~r~t:..'9'~r.:]~~~
chen lek de pan lak chen dang/ top chen gyu kar gya tsi men
lt:..'11%r.:J'z~r~~~~~~~~11?o ~~~~~~ll~~~~~~lr:..1 1~t.:l~~~~~~ nyen pa tog dang o chen dang/ dro way pung po nam Ia dO (20)
~~!~~1 1~~~~~-lr:... . ~~~l~~~qa~~~~~~~{}~z::.~z::.o.~~:l:,z::]~~lz::.~~~q~l~~ll.
nam nang nyi nying da wa dang/ o tro o sang nya ngen me
. ,. n . ,. . . - "' ~
~lq~~~~l~a;lq:l;,~~"'l1 a..lilr:..11~~ ~;;J~ar&Jo:,=~"'l r.:Ja..~r:..~~~~~~l11~o
. ,. kar gyal rap sal treng tok dang/ yon ten o dang chu Ia dO (30)

~~~r:,.~~r:._'a]'t.:!'lt:..'11~l~~lr.:JE!T:..'~'t:..~~l11~~~~~r.:J~~~~r:,.~~~lr:,.11 don sik mar me dze tu den/ men pa de pa dzo pu dang

ten den lhay pal dOl ka dang/ yon ten gyal tsen chu Ia dO (40)
ar~?Oi~llr:..~~~l1 r~o ~~~~~~~~~~!(-l'~%~~1 1~~~~~~~(l~
dra chen tsok den tsang pay yang/ tsik ten mi gying o dze dang
"lr:..1 1t.:l~~~~~al~~~~~l1"'lr:..1 1ar~?~~~~~~r.:]~~~"l11~0 ~~~~ lhOn chen dar je dam pa chen/ mi nyeng pate chu Ia dO (50)
l~~~~~r:..~~alsr:..~1 1~~r.:]~~~~r:..~l~!(llr:..11~~~~{ ~~~~~~ 11~ rin chen pe may chen top tel me tok o ser ye she gye
r.:J~r:..~~~r.:]~~~l11I(O ~~~~~~a~~~r.:]~~11~~~~l~~at4~l~~11~~ si chen tsang pa o pak me/10 jin ten shek chu Ia dO (60)

~~~r:..~~~ll~~~l11~~sC~r.:J~~~~~r.:J~~~l11llo ~~afl~~r:..r.:Ji~~ don yo tong tson jin sang kyong/ ga wo chi me seng gyal tsen
gyal wa cho dang chok ga gyal/ kha Ia gyur dang chu Ia dO (70)
r.:JE!t:..'it:..'11l~a..tfa..~~l~r:..~~~~~11~~r.:Ji~lr:..~i~l~"'~~1 ~afr.:J1~lr:..
gye shek chu lha yon ten lakl po lang nam sik druk gi yang
r.:J~~a..~l1 11Zlo l~~~~~~~af~?~~~ 1~~~r:..~~~~~~~~~lsr:..~1 1 lek sem yi sang dri ma me/ da wa dang ni chu Ia dO (80)
~~~~~~tlllr.:J::~r:..5~~l1 1aJ't.:l'lr:..~r.:]~~~l1 1'0 ~~~~~~~~~~s~~~ drak chen tsuk nor drak shu I dang/ seng tap jon pa nam par gyal
lt:..'11~r:..~r.:]~~~~~~~~~~114~'~r.:]'r.:]~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~~~~~lr:.. she rap tsek lek ne Ia dro/ yen lak kye dang chu Ia dO (90)

~~~l11fo ~~~~~a.,~~~~~~'r.:JE!T:..'lT:,.'11~~~~~~l~~r.:]~~~~~r.:]~~11 Ia dro ta ye suk sang dang/ kyen den o ser tOI shuk ten
ta shi den tok pe ma dang/ se me pu dang lak sang dO (1 00)
~~o.~~lqao.~~:l;,z::]~~"'lz::]~~~~q;sl~z::.q~z::.q~~z::.q~~~lz::.~~:l;,~~~z::.iij\;s"o.~~~l1 ~~

~l~~~~q;slq~~~~~:~"'l~~~l1 ~~~z::]~lfll"'l'~:l;,~~q:l;,l~Jo.~a~~q;sl~~~~~~{}~~z::.~
;rl~z::.~l~af~~o.~1 ~:l;,~f~~c.i1 t:l,a.q~~o.~~qa.o.~~~~q~o.~L'Q\"'l'z::]~"~lz::.ara.~:l;,~z::.1 "'l~
z::]:li!Z::,~4~~z::.~~~lz::.1 1ii1\;a\~l~~qfll~1;,s~qa

A Collection ofPraises l!l:> I 3 5 03 Praise ofthe Thousand Buddhas

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 36 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~llj~~~~\~Z:.'1 cl(z:.~~~~~~~~z:.llj~~~~i}~llj'lZ:.'11~~~11j~'il;J~'lZ:.:{~~lqz:.~llj'f~Zij~'1:!11 ye jung yon ten o tro dang/ tsang jin rin chen Ihay me tok
don sem cho wang lo drak pa/ po tsek dor jey gyal tsen dO (110)
pen she nam rol mOn pa dral/ dra chen lha dang riy gyal tsen
~~'(;l'~Z:.~11~~~l~~llj'r:lli!Z:.'tq~'~llj'l:l~'~l~:~~J::l~'~llj~'~~1 ~z:.~~~~4~~z:.llj~~~q~~~11
tsok orin nying tor shek dang/ kar gyal ru ring chu Ia dO (120)
yon drak nyi da nyi may of kar khen seng tok dO khyen gyal
~..~~~l1 (;l~~J::l~~~~~~:~~~ttr~~~llj~J~Z:.tqz:.:~~~~~~q~o.~~~J::l~~~llj~~~l::l~llj~~llj~;~~ pal nying si ta sik lok o/ ser gyi ri wo chu Ia dO (130)
~~j%11j~clfz:.J::J~~z:.q~~11~~~a.~~~~~l~~a.~~1 ~~~ar~,~~la.~l~~ ~~~~ seng jin mi tup chok ga drak/ tson ten drak dzok nyeng dral dang
cho o lha dron jik ten o/ po dri shim pa chu Ia dO (140)
s~~~~~~a~~~ ~~~~d.l~~~lt:~~~~~~~~ ~wt:l~t:l~~~{~a~~d.l~~
yon ten chok dzin mOn dral dang/ seng dram rin drak kyon rap shi
~l~ ~990 ...,~.t:l~l~d.l~nr~~~s~~ ~~~~~~l~~a~~d-1~~ ~l~~~l~~~~ tsi chang miy da shin tu sik/ rap gyen nor o chu Ia dO (150)
d.1~~94~~l~~ ~~~m~~~~t:~~n.r~l~ ~9 ~ 0 ~~~d.lfl~ ri wo tsek tok cho jung dang/ don nge tse jin rin chen jung
~~~~~~d.!~~~~~ ~l~~~~~l'd.lla.~~~~~t~T~l~ ~~~~~~2f~~~~l~ ~ kye wang tap shek lone dang/ duk dze tso wo nam Ia dO (160)
9'o"";.J~~J::l~~~1 ~a~~o.~~~\lz:.~~o.If~ilz:.~~~llj'lZ:.'~1 1~~;J~~~~ql~:~n.t~~z:.q~l(;lfl(.l,'

~~~~llj~~~s~~1 ~~s~l~t:~d.l~~l~a.~~~~ ~~l~t:l~~~~~~~~t:l~~~

s~l~~ ~d.l~l~~~~~a,~~~~~l~ ~w~s~d.l~~~~~l~ ~9~ 0 ar~.,~.d-1~~
a.~~~~s~l~~ ~~~a.~d.l~~~~~i~~~~~ ~%a.a;z~:laa:r4~u~~~~~ ~~t:~
~~~~~~lt:~~~~l~ ~1~o ~2ft:~~~~~~~~~~l~~ ra.~~(;l~~J::l~~~1 ~~:~{~
~~z:.llj~~~~~~~~~:~~~1 1~~lz:.1 ~~~l~1 J::l~'r;:J~'II)411j~'l:l'{~~~z:.llj~~~~1 1~~i~~z:.
~~~~~~~~~z:.~~~llj%11j'{?'~l1. ~llj~'J::l~l~1 ~J::l~'ll)411j~'l:l'~'~'~Z:.'Zij~~~~11J::l~'ll)411j~'~llj~'

~~~~~~'!;l'fl'llj'!;l~1 ~~~J::l~'ll)411j~'tQ~'~'IIj~!l.!'J::l'!l.!11~~~fclf~lllj'~'~~~~~z:.11lz:.:q~~~flll'

~~l'!l.11 ~llj~'J::l~l~~tfl::l~llj~'~llj'~'~llj'l:l~'llj%11j~lz:.llj%11j'{?'J::l~Z:.'~Z:.'illj'l:l'~llj 1Q,~'lllj'(.l,lllllj~'!;l~'.


~~flll~s7{1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~l~~~~~94~~~~~~l~~ ~~~~~

d,l~~~~tf~d.l~a.,~~11?llo Q,~d,l~qa.,~t:,9a.~~d,l'~a.!1 mi~~~~~~m~~a.11 jam pal sen gey dra nam roll lu o me tok ri lu ga
p6 wang shin tu drak top lha/ yon ten treng wa nam Ia dO (170)
w~~t:Jt:,'4~~:n~~~t:!~'~11ar~7~~t:,t:~~O-l~a.,~~11?9Jo m-a.~~~~t:!~~~~~
lu lak chen gyen lek par jang/ sil non ta ye jen den sung
q~~t:_~11~a.,~~~d,l~Q,'Cll~~~~~~~t:_'11~~~~~~d,l~Q,'Cll~~~~~11~d.l''J~'~t:_ nyi o nge Ia ta ye suk/ nam par nang dze nam Ia dO (180)
d,le::~~d,l~a.~~~1 1?"'0 ~~~~~ld.lilt:,~a.~~a.~~1 1~~ar~~d,l~~~~~~q~ rin tok te tso pang jik de/ don yo nam non tok par dze
d,JE(~11~~~~a.,d,J~~~~~a.,11~~~~~~~~~~:n~~[ll~~~11?fZO ~~l~~ me tok gyal tsen ri way gyal/ si chen don sik drak ye dO (190)

d,l~~~(~~~t:,1 1~t:,~~l"~sa.~~t:,~~ 11~~~t:~z;~~~~~~~; rin lha don khyen Ia dzok dang/ nya ngen me dri dral tsang lha
sa yi wang chuk me tok chen/ nam che ku dang cho o dO (200)
i~~~~~1 1~ 00 \l~~~~~ar~~~~~a;a.~1 r;;.J~~I;:l~~~~~~l;:l~~~~~~q~~~
kOn sik yon ten o da shall rin o rin tok drak pay Ia
21~~~~~~~~21~~~~%~~~q~l;:l~~~~~;;.Jql;:j~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~:n~~qa.a~11~~s~ o che si ji pak me dang/ dO khyen seng gey ku Ia dO (21 0)
~~t:~~~~q~~~~z;1,9a.~a.~~~1 1~? 0 d,l~~~~a.~~, khe Ia gyal ka yon ten pung/ da tok tu tup tu ta ye
~t:_~1 1~~~d,l~'~t:J'd,l~'d,l~Q,'Cll~1 1~t:~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~qa_tf~d.l~a.,~~ da wa dri me don kun sikl pa wo nam Ia chak tsallo (220)

Q,~a.~ar11 ~ ~ 0 a.S~~~t:!~~~d,l~J~d,l~t:,11ar~7~~~~~Cllt:,~~t:,11~~~~~ jar den so nam dron rna dang/ yon ten o tro Ia yang dang
lek key nor lha yi nyi pong/ pak me dzin dang chok se dO (230)
~~~~~~~~wz;~11~q~~~a.~~~t:,d,l{~~~~~11~~ 0 ld.l~~~J~~~t:!~~
cham me mi ne der ne dang/ tsok chen tso wo dro o ser
~~~~t:_'1 1l~~~~~~tfa.~~~~~1 1~a.,~~~a.~t:~~~d,l~Q,'Cll~1 1~~~~~~a., pal chen gyal wa si ta ye/ don Ia men gyal nam lal dO (240)
~d,l~a.~~~11~~ 0 ~ijt:,~~d,l~~~a.J~~s~~t:,11::l~~s~~~~s~~~s~11{ ta pang rim ne lek jin dang/ drak jin mi to jin kyi jin
~a.~~z;~a.~~~s~1 1~~w~~t:,~d,l~a.~a.~~1 1~I(O ~~~~~~t:,~~q~t:,1 11 dor jey de dang pal chen jin/ shi Ia po lang nam Ia dO (250)

~~~~~~~~~~ 1d.ll~q~qa.,~~~4~""'~11~~~t:!'{{~af't:~~~~a.,a_~~11 ~llo se me bu dang de pa dang/ mi tsuk nyi da lok gi tok

cho pa pal be ye she nyi/ don drup lhOn po tsek Ia dO (260)
dra dOl pe rna dra cham drakl ye she dro dang nyon mong dral
~t:_~1 1~'::J~~~~d,l~a,~~~~a.,~~1 1~9Jo ~t:~~~~~~~~~~1 1~t:_~~t:!~d,l' dam bu po sang yOI khor rang/ lha drak si ta sik Ia dO (270)
~7~~~~(~~~~1 1~d.l~a.~ar~~~~:nt:~~d.l:n~~1 1'-l~a.~~a.~~~a.~a.~ar-1 1~"'0 da wa dra chen rin chen da/ seng gyen sam ten gye dzok den
nam rol yon rin dra cham drakl pe may ngo Ia chak tsal Ia (280)

{{~:n~~a_~t:J~'d,J'~~~~ 11~(ZO dzok ku chen dang po pa drakl dar je nor bu tse pak me
nor ko wang chen yon ten jung/ lhOn drak o chu rna me dO (290)

A Collection ofPraises ~ I 37 C8 Praise ofthe Thousand Buddhas

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 3 8 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~r;~~~r~l~~l~~~~al1 1~q~r::r~~l'l.l~afq~~1 1l~~lqr;~~~~~q~r;~ lang dro yi te rin chen da/ shi wa rap sal kha Ia gyur
ga wang tsuk rin nyeng dral dang/ rin chen nying po nam Ia dO (300)
::!l'l.llr;11~~~~~r;tr~o-~~l'l.l~l11' 00 ar~l'l.l~~l~~~~~~11l~~~~~~~
da shal dri me drak shi si/ ga to dra lha na tso sang
llq:::~r;11~.l~~~~~r;o-~~~q~~~~11~r;~a~~~~:.~q~l'l.l~l11'?o 4~o-~~ lha ga rin pung dze par shekl seng gey chok pa chu Ia dO (31 0)
~lqr;[~~t;;]S!t;'11~~~~\~~~~~l'l.l4r;~11\\~IDI'l.ll~~q1l~~~o-~z(llr;11 shin to kye wang Ia dro sang/ jik o rin si kal shing ta
w~~~r;tr~o-~~l'l.l~l1 1'~ 0 [~~~l~~~aIDI'l.lo-~~~ 1 1W~qSJr;i~q~~:s~ kun gyal ga ko tek dze dang/ po kyi lang po nam Ia du (320)

~l'l.l~~11i~~~t;;]S!t;s~q~~~~aJ11a;z::.~lsr;~~r;~aaJq~~l11' ' 0 lq(l.l Ia dro o tro riy gyal tsen/ po sang cho ten drak shu I si
cho nor sang jin de shek da/ tsang yang seng gey da war dO (330)
pal dang lek kye tup me tsok/ dak she den pa ka tup che
~~~lt;'1 1i~~~~~q~o-~~'(l.l'~l11'~ 0 i~~l~~i~q~~q~~~Z::.'11~l Ihun o yon tsek cho drak dang/ cho kyi drak pa nam Ia dO (340)
Sl'l'l.!Z::.'l-~~~l~~~~11[~~~lo-~~~~~~a;W~11IDI'l.l'l~~~z::.~l~o-~~l'l.l~l11 jin o lok jin den par sung/ tso che lang tso lek tsok chen
'~ 0 ~o-~~z::.~~~o-~i~%~~~q~~z::.~11~~aJ:s~~l'l.l~l~~lz::.11t;;]~(l.l~~~IDI'l.l. Ia nge si ta nor buy po/ gyal gye seng o nam Ia du (350)

"'~~i~~:l\l~~~1~~~~~aJo-~~z::.~z::.~l11'llo a~q~~~l~~~~~l11ar~o-~l nam nang drak chok tuk rap shung/ nor da drak shul o ser dang
tOI shuk gyal dro cho nor tsokl jik ten Ia ma lang seng dO (360)
~l~~~q~a~q~11~~~~~qSJz::.q.~z::.~~l1 ~~~q~qlz::.~q~l~~~l11
da wa rin o dra chen be/ yon tso o den rap shiy tap
'!llo o-!%'ltll'l.l'~%~q~%~~lz::.1 1ar~~z::.q~~~ll~~i~IDI'l.l1 1~:1\.IDI'l.l~l~~ jik ten sang po nya ngen me/ shuk chu pa dang top gye dO (370)
~~~~l11ar~7~ID~~~o-~~l'l.l~~l11'~0 ~~~~l~:.~l'l.l~lq~l~~(l.lq11~t;;]~~ tu pal tu top tu chen dang/ yon nying den cho ge chok gyal
~z::.~~~~~qSJZ::.'11~~o-~~IDo-~l-~~E(~lz::.11~~~~z::.~q~o-~~l'l.l~l\1'f'o aJ'~ kar gyal o chen lok gi o/ yon ten gya chen nam Ia dO (380)

t;;]~~~ar~l~~~~~~~11~~~~l~~~~a~lsz::.~~~lz::.11~z::.~~~l~~~~~~ rin chen pal o dO dul wa/ go go seng chak me tok sang
rin to gya tso sa dzin dang/ don Ia nga wa nam Ia dO (390)
~z::.~q~11:s~~l''l.l~l11~ 00 i~lqz::.~~~l.~l~:l\~11~~~~~
yon sak yon tsok rin chen me/ jik de jik da yang nyen dang
l~~~~l'l.l~~~o-~~~~~11~l~:l\~~arl~asz::.~z::.11~lqz::.l~~~q~~l'l.l~l11 tsang tok tsok chen tso seng tap/ drak shul jin pa nam Ia dO (400)
\\.90 ~~~q:::~z::.~~~l'l.l.~:l\~~~ 1i~[~z::.~~~~~~q~o-~~~~ 1 1 ~z::.~~~a cho wang si o o ser che/ rin drak tsok sal drak ta ye
l~~ar~7~~z::.11~~~~~~~o-~~l'l.l~l11\\_~o o ser don yolhay drang song/ kye wang gen dun tenIa dO (410)

chok sang tok yOI khor me tokl cho Ia lung shuk lek sam arak'
nana den lhay tsok yon ten sung/ don gyi lo drn n::~m 1:::~ rlii (4?0)
q~r;~ri!l~9~q~~~l9~~~~r;~1 1~:1\~q~;~:1\'q~l~~q::~r;lr;l l~q::~r;\l~ nyeng me drok ten o ne tsung/ nor shap tar ji ngo sang dang
lo sang kun tu si jin dang/ ye she chok ma tsang par du (430)
~9~s~lr;, ,iQ4~~~9~~r;~~:l\"'~ll ,~ ' q~~9~r;~q:;;:Jr;~q~s~lr;"

den sung lo sang top jin dang/ seng gey tap dang me tok pal
~r;~a~q~lr;i!~9l~~,,iQ~r;i!~9s~ar~~r;,,~~~~~9~~l~r;~~lll ye jung me tok jin yon nying/ rin chen drak me jung Ia du (440)
~~ 0 ~~9~q~r;~i!l~~a~lll~r;~949~~~q~iQ4~l~~~~~q~~~:l\~r; mi tsuk nyeng me nyi may of tsang shek lha top ye she gye
ar~7~'~9~11l~a,r~CQ4~~~~~~liiV(o q~t;~i!ll~q~~~a9~q~lll lha den nor nying yon ten drakl pal gyi ye she nam Ia du (450)

~r;~%ql~q~lq~~~9~~,,~l~r;9~~~~tl''11l9"''~:1\'~z(l~~9'"'~~~,, ching me dam ten Ihay si ji/ tsang tup dal shu tUI shuk che
o pung si chen tsam pa ka/ ga war dze Ia chak tsallo (460)
~vo l9~q::~r;l~r;ID~.l~~~~lr;11~~ai!~9l9~~~~lllq~~~r:(l~lr;~
tsok sang wang gyen gye chen dang/ na may me tok tsok chen o
"'~~~~9~~~1 ~~~9~9q::~~~~~~~ll I~QJo ~r;;~~q~o,rs~q~l~"'~~ trun dze dang dro don lek nge/ khyu chok lak sang nam Ia du (470)
~ll ~~~~r;~~a~~:l\~~~ ~~~"'~~~i!l~~~l~r;l ~~~~9~~q~"'~~~ o chen sam jin so nam o/ rin jung dor jey de jor den
~ll ,~"'0 iQ4~"'~~lr;9~59~~~ ,~l~~~~l~i!l~lll9~s~~r;~i!l seng dro dri me chen o sung/ lo dro sal wa nam Ia du (480)

~r;~a"i~,,~~l~9~~s~~~lll~fO ~:l\'949~~~9~l~q~"-~~9~11 ye she dro dang si drak shu I/ o chen nyi o dri me o
si jin kheng me drang tsiy shall da o lok gi jin Ia du (490)
~~ar~~r;q::~~q;-l~aID~I ~~~~"'~9~~~~9~l.~ll~~~ ~~~~~q;-l~
shir shek mi truk dra chom drakl cho yon shing sang ko pay gyal
~~~~~lll~oo 4~q::~r;~~~~9'%9~'9~~~~, r;J~:I\'Q~~~~'&tlj~q~~~~;Jl~s~ ngon pak jin sek o pe pal/ rin chen ko pa nam Ia du (500)
:I <\-v' :I"' ...,., .:-. -::f.C\..,r...,.,
~~<N~~~~~~~~q:l\a.~:l\a.~~q~<N~~~q~~~ "'"-~d:l~s~o:lr;~79 1~9~9~
shin sang rin chok tuk shung pa/ o pak me tso jin tsang tok
~l~~i!lID~IIiQ4~~9~~~~~~~lll~?o \l~ID~ar~~l~~9~~11~ID~ da duk o tro dri me gyal/ ye she drak pa nam Ia du (51 0)

~l~lq~~~9~~::~r;1 ~~~ID~~9~9~l~:I\ID~I 1~:1\~f~~"-~~~~9"'~~~11 kun gyal yon o dra drak pa/ da gye pe o tO I shuk sang
dron gyal lok to o ser gyal/ kar khen nam Ia chak tsal lo (520)
~~o ~9~~9~~l'~~ID~"'l~~~~~~~~9r~ri!l~~59'~~~11q~l~~~9~~~
drak dzok pe nying gyal tsen dze/ nyok pa me don drak shul te
~%'!~'ll;'\\~9~i!l~~9~~~:1\'~l\\~'o 4~~~f~~:l\~lq~"'l~~~~~i!~9 so nam si chen tu tsal dang/ tok me lo dra chen lhar du (530)
l~~~9~~il~~~~ ~~:1\~~il~~~q~l~~~':il~'l 19~l~r:(l'~~~~9'"'~~~,, she pung kha gyur kye wang tsung/ me tok pal dra chen men chen
C\_...,; -:ct. ...,.,
...,., C\ ...,;"'C\_ il "' "' .:-.
~~ 0 ~9~.ID~~"'lai~~"'~~llltll~~lq~"'~~~~~~"' ~~14~q!9~,"l9~9~~ kar gyal men gyal so nam lang/ cho dze nam Ia chak tsal lo (540)

~~~~:;;~,,~~~lsr;~ar~7~."'~~9~"'~l1 ~~~ 0 drak gyal nyi o cho kyi dzo/ yon ten wang tsung dor jey de
she tsek lek ne lo jang dang/ tsang yang yon ten chok Ia du (550)

A Collection ofPraises ~ I 39 03 Praise ofthe Thousand Buddhas

lhe Kagyu Monlam Book ro 140 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~lsr;;_~~~~4~~~~~~l11l9qa5r;;_~z:r~~~i~lr;;_11~~~~~~s~q~~qa: dra yang ngon she tok tok o/ ge wa tsang pa kye chok dang
chen duk 10 jin den pay tok/ gyen pa nam Ia chak tsal Ia (560)
~~ 1q~~q~~~~~~Q.a5~ar11~vo ~~~llsr;;_~~~~llsr;;_~s~11~r;;_9~l~r;;_
shum me yang rin o yang jin/ seng ge o mang ye she pal
~4~lq~11q~a~r;;_q~~~~~11~%wq~q~l~~~~r;;_q::l;_~l11~!1lo ~~~~ pe may pung po me tok gye/ tu top so nam pung par dO (570)
~i~~::l\~f~a~~~lr;;_11~~~r;;_sr;;_~~JS~lq11~~~~~~~~lr;;_Cl.1~~~~~1 1 suk chok kar khen da dron dang/ si pung jang gyal mi se pa
~~~::l\4~::1\q~i~~::l\a.~l1 1~~0 ~~~(!;l4~s~Q_~~lsr;~lr;1 1 05 ~~~l ngon tok chen dang yen lak gye/ yO I khor she rap chok mar dO (580)

~(l~g~s~4~wq~1 1~la.~lqr;q~~~a.a5r;lr;1 1~::1\~~~~~~~~a.a5~ si tsim she jin jam yang dang/ chak me dzo tso jin she top
o tro wang po shuk chang dang/ kar gyal nam Ia chak tsallo (590)
ar1 1~(' 0 ~lq:::~r;~~~q~s~~~~~q:::~r;1 1~~q.~~~q~r;9a~1 1~::1\~a~

o sang dra pe jin suk sang/ yal po don drup seng gey de
~~~~~~q11~~~r;q.~~~~~l11lioo q~l.~l~r;Q.~~~~~~q11iQq~~~ nor lhay bu drak sa gyal wa/ gya chen nying po nam Ia dO (600)
~~i~~ql~lr;"11~~q~~~~~~~::l\~~;o~qS~t;"11%q"!;l::l\"l,a.q~~~~~l11 so o meng don dron gyal po/ ye tsek lha chok sa dak dang
V?o %q~~~a~qa~l~~::l\~l11~~~s~~a~~?O\i~~~~~11 q~l~(!;l~~~ dron nyer tsuk ser dra chen sang/ tup parka wa nam Ia dO (610)

lr; 05 ~~q~l11~4~~~(!;l~~!(r;~~l11v~o ~~s~~~~~~~~~~ 1~l~(l tup sal da way o ser o/ lekjin lhay yon ten cho duk
so nam lak dang chak pa me/ ye she gya nom Ia dang dO (620)
si jin kOn tsi men dro tokl o dzo ye she gyal jik dze
v~o ~~~r;;_~i~q~~~~::l;_qa~~11~~~~!(l::l;_q4a~l~a.~~r;11~~r;~~tit chu wo pong dang tok me drakl den pay pung po yang nyen dO (630)
~lr;~11a.~~~il~r;~~~~~~~~l11li~o i~wq~~~qS~r;1~~~~~~1 ri tsung cho tsek tar pay si/ lek dze rap shiy ku ga sung
~~q~l~~.q-~~~~~~~~1 1~~~~~~lr;~r;qa~l11W~~~~lz;_\l~.l~::l\ lo jang chu yi lha dang ni/ dro cho seng lek nam Ia dO (640)

Q,~l1 1li~o ~~~\~4~~~q~~~~~~~i~ 1~~~~4~~::1\q~~~~~~l cho top kal sang mi truk dokl si jin gyal po tok chen lek
don ne lo dang nang way o/ po kyi si dang kOn gar dO (650)
~~r;11~tit~~4~::l;_qs~11~'?~q~~ql~~l~~~lr;~~l11vvo ~~~~~~~
don yo shek tro cham suk chok/lek shek rap jin drak o tsang
4r;;_~~~::l\~i~ 1~~~~~i~~~w~~~~lr;115~~q~r;;_~lr;~4~~~l11a5r;~ lha yi nyi ma she rap jin/ nyam shak dak nyi si dang di.i (660)
z:I::l\"~~~lr;;_~~~~l11l/!llo ~r;~~l~r;;_~l~~~~ 1ql~r;~~~~Q."Cl.l~~~l11 gyal rik kal shing ta ser chokl drol tsuk cho den po ne dang
4~::l;_q~~~~f~qlr;11iQ4~~::1\~~a5r;~ls~~l11v~o drek pa pang dang ye she dzo/ tsang par shek dang tsen den dO (670)

nya ngen me seng o yO I tokl pe nying si ta ye lha o

she rap me tok khe pa dang/ ye she jor den tsang yik dO (680)
" - - -- "
~~T;:;,~lq~~~~~~q;:;,~~~l l&.los~~~~&.losla.~~;:;,~"'~l~l ~~&.la.l&.l'"-~~ chak rin wang den dzok par sung/ chok sung cho kar gyal dang
nyi ma dam le gal wa dang/ ye she nye pa drup par du (69)
t.:l~"'~ql~l 1U14~q~~q~qq;:;,~ll lllfZo ~s~~s~l"4~q;:;,q~ll 14~~~
ma ja cho jin pen par she/ she den drak pa o dra wa
~~~q~l'!S't.:lll~&.l't.:l~&,l'~'~~~~l~~~i)~~~~"'l'~&,l~'"'l'~lii!Zloo ~~"'l'aj't.:l' nam chom be dur ya nying dang/ me tok lha gyal nam Ia du (700)
:s~~"'"~1 '"~~"ar~~"~~~~"q"-~1 ~~a~~~~~q~s~a~"' 1a.~~~~&.l~~ lha gyal da wa dren o dang/ ge o yon o rin chen pal
"'~~~a.~"-1~1 lw?o ~;:;,~l~~q~U!4~&.1l1 ~~lq~;:;,q~ar~?~~q~l ~~lq~ kye da dra chen du tsiy o/ jik ten chok Ia chak tsal o (71 0)

ls~~~~~~qa~~l~ll~~~~~~&.l~"-~~~a.~"-~~1 lw ~ 0 ar~~~&.l~~~~~liJl kar o she tap ye she tso/ ri wang rap shi yon ten top
lha wang yang nyen ngo sung dang/ don ne nam Ia chak tsal lo (720)
ls~~~ l~lqa~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~ql llS~~a.l"4~~&-l~~~~~~~~l~l I
yon si khyen den tse me yang/ o sang tuk shung don gong pa
i~i)l~&,l~'"'l'~~a,~"-!'~1 I!Zl'o ~Ul~~ql&.l~l.~lq:=~~l~~ l'fq~&.l~~~~~ yang pak chok shek shi don dang/ kyon me nam Ia chak tsaile (730)
qa~~l~~lq~l~l lq~~~s"-~4~q~l'fq~~~l~l ~~~~~~&.1~"-~~~a.~"-~ lo yang pe dzo o sang dang/ pop chok tek sang tsok wang dang
~~ lw~o a~q~~a~q~~~illl~l ~~~~~~~~~~ls~~ls~~q::~~l~l 14~ nyeng dral she she pop chen dang/ lo chok nam Ia chak tsaile (740)

~~~~&.1~~\~~~~IIS~~q~]~~&.l~"-~~lllw~o 4~lq~~l~~~~q~l da wa rin da nyeng me dang/ sik chen tsang yang yang sang dang
she tek lo chok dor je trek/ jang chup lo dro nam Ia du (750)
shing wang drang nyen so nam top/ tu pal pak gye tsul trim dang
qa~~~~~&.l~"'~~ll lwllo a.S;:;,~~ar~~~~~"'~ql~l ~~~~~U!4~ls~~~~ kar gye trin nga chen duk shal/ye she sang den nam Ia du (760)
&.lfa.ll~~ls~~4~ls~~ar~?~~lll~~q~l~&.l~"'~~~a.~"'~~llwwo :s~~~ jor den yon pung sal wa dang/ cho gyen ye she yang nam kha
'fq~l~~&.l~"~~qa~~l lal.~"'~ar~~~~~~~"'~l~s"-~1 lar~l~~~~~~q~" jin yang she yang yon ten o/ si ji nam Ia chak tsal lo (770)

~&.l~q~~ll~"'~~;:;,'fq~"'~~~a.~"-~~1 IW~o ~~~~s~a~l~~~~~q~l llq~ drang song po tsok cho jin dang/ da shal yong sik dul dang dral
yon tsok yon ten so nam gye/ yul khor pop Ia chak tsal lo (780)
q~;:;_~~~"'l't.:l~&.l'~?~'~&.l~l 1~"-l'il\5~~~~'&,1'~"' l&.l~~q~&.l~'"'l'~~a.~"-1'
rin chen jin da gye seng tap/ wang gyur tsi sal sam ten nyom
~, IWflO ~"'l't.:l:al~'~~~~~~~~~~lq~1 ~~~~~~::~qq~l~lr;1 ~~~~q~ trul me dri shi chok ma le/ dze pa nam Ia chak tsaile (790)
&.l~l~~i)~~~ll f&.l~~~&.l'&.l~l~~~~&.l~'"'l'Q.~ll1~00 ~~r;~~&.l~l3:::,'~"'1' shal sang suk ne sung gi wang/ si chen lo sap du tsi dang
&.l~~~~"~~~~q~l~a~l~~11q~~q~~~~~r;&,l~~94~~~~~&.1~:T\~4~~ cho top cho den me to of kham sum cho ne nam Ia du (800)

~&,l~'"'l'Q,~l11~?o nyi nying Ihay cho tar gyal tsen/ ge tsuk du tsiy o dor je
ten pa rin chen pung dze shek/ nyi ma tar shek nam Ia du (81 0)

A Collection ofPraises &> 141 03 Praise ofthe Thousand Buddhas

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 42 Cl8 A Compilation for Recitation

l~a.~l~~-~~~rl~'~r(~~lr;1 1ilr;~q~-~~-a.~~~cil~~-5~1 1~la.~l~~aJ ga o yon tsuk pal dzok dang/ seng tap gyen pak me tok jin
o gye pe rna ye she gye/ ko dze nam Ia chak tsal lo (820)
4~"~~11z::]i'l~~~-~~~"~~~-a.~"~ar11"\~0 ~-~r;~~cillcil~~-~~11t::l~~l~r;~
rna mong ma me me tok gyen/ der gong mong dral cho ga khyen
~?;~':::]"l'i-~~~~1 1~g.l~-~~-~~-q~~ll~a.1 1~-~l~a,q~-~~\"~'~l1 1-\ ~0 tso dak rin chen nye mi mal kye wo ga war dze Ia dO (830)
salsr;~~-~~~~ilr;~11~l~~~-~~qwl~~-~~~q~11~~-~ll~"l~'~"l'~~ chay yang rna sum dri rna pang/ jo tek lhay to rin chen tap
~~11~~~-~-~~~"~~~-a.~"~arn "\~O ~"~'z::JE!?;'cil~~-~"ilr;"sr;~11a:J4~a.~~~ chak pe dra le gyal jar den/ drak pa nam Ia chak tsal -lo (840)

~i'~l~~t.:l11~~-~~-z::]~~\~~lsr;~-~~-q~"~11~?~~~~a.~~~-a.~"~ar11"\~0 yO I sang me tok o seng yang/ da shar jam chok mi yo wa

pen she so dron yang kyi kul/ gau tam nam Ia chak tsal lo (850)
dang top Ia ne da wa sang/ jang chup me to ta shi dang
~~1 1Wt.:l~'z::J~~~ti!~~r;"~a.~l1 1-\vo ~q~~~"~;J~q~"~~~~1 1~~-~lq~"~ lek ton ye top ge way dron/ top ten lha yi s~ng Ia dO (860)
~~~-~"~cilllr;11~r;q.a.~~~l~il~a.~"~~!(l11W~~~l~~~~~"~~l11"\wo rang shi nyi shal tar tul shukl tsul o tO I ne dOl me dang
~~-~~~-~~lqr;~l!jl(ll'r.:]~~~r:;,~l(ll't:l4~'~'~'~!:;,'~!:;,'~~:l\'t:l~~~"'~:l\1 ~~~~l(ll~~~r:;,r.:]~~~l!jl(\1' nying po pak mik min pel dze/ po kyi o ser nam Ia dO. (870)

l!j~l(llz:r~~il~~"1 1~"ar"'~l!jl(ll'~dl!!jm~"'~~t:l:::.~e::~z;J~"1 1il(ll~~~l(ll~a~~~~":s~z:Ja:~t:l"ar dO khyen dren wang shal sang dang/ tok me jang dro jo pa sal
rin gye cho wang tam che lha/ she nyen chen po nam Ia dO (880)
~"'11~1!jl(ll'il~~~~~~t:l~z:Jsr:;,~t:l~il!jl~~~11~!(11t:l~l!j%1!j~t:l~:::.l!j~"l(ll'~r:;,1 ~l!jl(ll't:l~~~t:l:::..,_~:::.1
she sang shi tap dO tsiy dak/ lhOn o pak to nang war den
~r.:]~~'l!j41!jl(ll'z;J'~~r.:]:;;J!:;,'~!:;,'r.:]~~.i1 1~'r.:]~~'l!j41!jl(ll'z;J'~~~~I!j'~'~1 1il'l?l!j'\l'~'7'~'~~~!(11'~!:;,'1 1t:l~'
si bar nang sik lek je min/ lek par gye Ia chak tsal Ia (890)
~l!jl(ll:~l!jl(ll'il~~~~~~"'sl!j~f~.i1 1~!(\l~r:;,r.:]l(\11 ~"~'z::JEJr;lr;1 1~~~cillsr;z::J~\~l~
nya ngen dral riri o jo den/ so top yo tso me du jung
~~~1 1~~l~~i'~lqr;;J~~~l-~1 1z::J4~~~~~~q'~iJ.l~r~a.~l1 1-\-\0 z::J4~ nga pang dO cham bak chak gal/ mi che lo nga nam Ia du (900)
~ C\C\ ...,.., ...,.., ~ C\ :-.
z::]:s!t:_',l'~z::]~'z::]~l!a.'z::Jl~1~~a.l'a.~9~q~l~r;q~~~119!:l'z::]~~r;~~~~~~~~ gya tso dak dze tsok drol gyal/ ga o jang gyal ye rin chen
yang sil tsang gyal ye she gye/ dzu trul tok Ia chak tsal lo (91 0)
~"~~11cl.l~~~~"~~"~~~a.~"lar11"\(ZO ~r;~::J~~~~""~"~~11z::]~"wq~
kye wang sa wang nyi rna gye/ dra da me tok o men gyal
~~~l-~l~~?;'11?;'ijr;~q~lq~iJ.]'z::]9'~~~qifi~11l~l[iJ.Jt:_Q_'~iJ.]~'"l'~l1 woo dang nga so gye ga way top/ yang nyen nam Ia chak tsal lo (920)
l~~11~~"~~~"~~~a.~~ar1 lfZ?o ~lqr;~lqr;~iJ.]l~~11~r~rcil~~~lil~
~"~1 1~lr;~~r;a:q~""~~"~a.qawq~1 1lsr;~~~~iJ.]~"~~9a.~~ar1 w~ 0
i'~lq~~~~~rls~~~lq~~l~1 .1~"~~lls~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~~~~~~ cho wang tsang yang jo sang dang/ trul me yang chen nyen par drak
tok den si drak dray wang chuk! jon pa nam Ia chak tsaile (930)
:!J~~a,~lq~~~ 1~~~~d.!~'"l'~~a,~"l'llT1 w' 0 ~~~ll~~~l~qq~r;1 1
mun se pak me da wa sang/ pop ye tUI shuk ten cho ne
~q~Ul~'t:::J~"l~~~q~~d.!i'l~~~11~~~q~"l'l~l~~a,~~11l~~~~~~~ nya ngen gal ge gye dro lo/ gye par shek Ia chak tsal lo (940)
"l'~~a,~"l'llT1 w~o ~"l'd.!~~~a"~'~"l'~'~~ 1~q~~l~~~~~~"lar~qf~11~~ shal dze ut pal dul me tokl pop o drang song sal yon tson
~~ql~~~~~o.~i11~~"1'1:;J'~d.!~'"l'~~a,~"l'llT1 w~o ~"~4~q~l~~~~~a_~11 nying po lha dak rin chen to/ sal wa nam Ia chak tsal lo (950)

ar~~~~~~q~J~afq1 1~q~~"~~l.~l~rls~~l~1 1~Ils~~~~~~~d.!~r~ kal shing so lo jin sek tro/ yon pung seng tap mi yo wa
rap sal o jo lu yang dang/ lu yang nyi pa nam Ia du (960)
~l1 wllo ~~~a,~~ls~d.!i'~a,~~l~ 1i'~~l~a,Ul~':!J~~~~~~ r;J~:I\'
khor lo dzi yik chok jik dak! cho da ga ye drak trin tok
she rap dro dang po sang dang/ nam khay yang dang ta Ia du (970)
~qa,~~l~~~q~~l~'1 1~d.!'d.! w!llo ~~"!~~~~~~ lha gyal nor bu sal nor lha sang/ dron rna rin yang kye wang gyal
~~q~~11~~d.!~~ls~~~lq~~~~1~~~~~llr;l~d.!~ll~11~~~a.~l~ dra chen pe dang ge dze dang/ seng gey lo dang rin drak du (980)

~~~~~~l1 w~o ~~d.!~ld.!~l~~~~~l~~~ 1d.!~lf:r~q~Ul~~4~lsr;~11 do dze dze sik si me tokl dzo pu pop ye ye she yang
seng cho dze shek so nam dron/ ta shi den pa nam Ia du (990)
~~d-!i'l'd.!~~~~~q~l'~d.!~'~~ 11q~4~~~~~d.!~~~l1 WfZO ~~~;r:,~
yUI khor nya ngen me lo sem/ lo den cho dron chen yang sik
~~l~~d-!~11~~~i'~~~~~ar~~~~~~~ ~~~a.~~wq~~~4~~~~ 1/:;J~~ shuk dar top chen she me tokl ten yang de war den Ia du (1000)
l5~~q~q~~~~~l11 ?ooo ~~~~~l~~~~~~~~a.~"~11~~~~l~~s~ don sung gye sal seng gey shall tsuk pu je che tong dang shi
Wt;lr;,q~1 1/:;J~~I:;J!!t;~~~~r;,~~~ ~~~Ult;~t;d.!~lw~~~~ 1Wt;lr;,~~~~ kal sang druk pa seng ge ni/ lar yang nang dze ton pa te
tong dang nga Ia chak tsaile (1 005)
Q,~"l'llT1 1 ?oo~ a,~~a,qll~q~q~"l'I:;J!!t;'~ 1~t;~~~~~d.!{t;'d.!i'li'~~~1 1
~~~~d.!~~~~~qsl~~1~~~~!l~a~ij'~4~ r. ;J~.l~~~:;~~~~:l\~d.l~:l\l:;!~~~~r::. dir be ge we kal sang gi/ sang gye kun tong cho cho nyen
kun ne nye par rap che pey/ kun gyi se kyi tu war shok
arrr-~~:;~!!Jd"l.!;J'~:I\ijr::.~r::.r;Jri~~~o.J!(l!;l:l\'!!l"l~!;Jaq~~q!!r::.~~~r::.~"l~~~~r::.~f!f~~:l\q!!ldrl 1

~~:1\''l]~d.J'"l'~l:;!'~'l:;!,'l:;!l ~r:,~~l'l'l]:l\'~1 l:;!~~~q!!t:,'ey~~%~:;~'~'~'d.l'~t:,lr:,~:;~~~r:,



~d.J~~/:;l~l~l~~~r:l'lj~'~~d.J'c'l.l~'ijt:,'/:;1~11 1l

A Collection ofPraim ~ 143 C:S Praise ofthe Thousand Buddhas

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 44 03 A . Compilation for Recitation

r ~;J~~-~~~-;J~~-~~~;J~~~~Ill;Ji~~:l::q~~-~~-~-~~-q~~ om svasti siddham A praise ofthe bhagavat protector Manjuvajra in the form ofa declaration
of veneration:
~-I!;J~~~~ Ia ma dang je tsOn jam pay yang Ia chak

~~~~~~ al'o.J'lr:.:~~~~a.~o.Jqa.lst:_~"'l~~-a.~"'lar11 I prostrate to the guru and the noble lord Manjughosha.
..,.- ..,.- 1:\ ..,.- 1:\ .;;, ;;)r 1:\
pal den Ia dro dhi le jung wa shu nuy tsul
lq"'l~~~~~~g"'l~r~t:_~~~~~a.~"'la.ilit:_'o.J'"'~qa_ chang dze pay ku
Glorious intelligence arisen from DHII;I with youth and beauty,
chu kye sil ser chen 0 kyil mo trung che rol
~~~~~~~~"'l'~.:l\'~~l~~~"'l'~~t:_~~~~"'l'qa.~t:_ pay gying bak chen You are graceful with crossed legs on the water-bloomed and
the cool-rayed.
~~~~~ l!U.:l\'!Uo.l'o.l~~~~~.:l\~l~q~~~t:_~a"'l~~ gur gum dok chen sur pO nga pa nyen gong
The color of saffron, with five topknots, your ears are
ut pal gyi dze shing
(;.1~~4t:_'11~l~~~~~.:l\~~~~~~~=~a.ill~ar~~ na tsok rin chen rap tre lha yi na say me yak
beautified by utpals.
You are well adorned by diverse jewels and a skirt of devas'
lek par go
~~~q;c,~~~11~~~tQ~'(;.l~a_~.:l\'~~a..:l\"'l'~'~'~.:l\'~~ cloth.
~ ~ ~
..,.- 1:\1:\ ..,.-
a_~.:l\~'"'~~q~l ~~~qa_j~~q:s"'l.1t:_'~~l~~(;.l'l'
' chak ye kha tar ngo way ral dri tsa ser chen
o rap trope Your right hand holds a sky-blue sword, radiant with light and
~~~~l~~~~~~l~t:_l l~ar~~~"'l"'l~~~l~(;.l mOn pay tip po dral shing dO cham de shin heat.
You have sliced through thick darkness and conquered maras;
nyi don tuk chO ching
~~'(;.l!U(1.l'q~~~~;c,~~~q1 ~~~;c,~t:_~~~l~t:_~ yon gyi ut pal dap gye nam gye gul pay ngo your mind contains the meaning of suchness.
Your left hand holds an eight-petaled utpal that blooms beside
-~"'l~~~~t;_;c,~ro~~~(;.l~~(;.l~~ ~l~~~l~flf~ su rap gye pa
your throat.
ge sar nying po dri me teng na gyal way
q~.:l\~.o.J~~~~~~.q.~~~~ ~~~lq~~lIDt:_~~~~ sung rap lek pam nam Atop its stainless heart is a volume of the buddha's words.

~~~~"'l'~l~t:_~~a.~~;c,~~ ~l~~l~~~~t:_~ khyo tsuk mi kyo kyo pay rap tson dar je no The top of your head is well marked by the protector
Akshobhya. Joyous singer of
~;c_af;c_~(;.l'~~(;.l'~t:_~~ili~~~t:_~~~~ lt:_~'~o.]~'1' po yi ge druk
The six syllables ofVajratikshna, place the pleasing dust of
she pay ge gyang chen gyi shap dOl yi ong
il)~'lo,J'q~ill'q'~'\l~'(;.l~~~~~~lo.l~l~~ 1 kho way chi war shok your feet atop my head.
I imagine you in the chakra of my heart. Protector, please bear
khyo ku dak 10 nying gi khor lor nam sam
gang gi chak dang sok
My passion, aversion, terrible malice, and all that the sublime
ngen sem ta che dam pay me pa de kOn
gon po so dzo chik
~l'l.l~~~q'~~(;.l'!~':5lt:r%~~~~l~l'l.l~~~(;.l~l1 1 gyal se tu woy nam tar sab ching gya che First among bodhisattvas, bestow upon me your profound and
dak Ia nyer tsol dzo vast abilities.'l.l~~~'\~]~l'l.l~~(;.l(;.l~~~l'l.l~~~l~1 yap chik nyi le lha shen dak Ia re wa ma chi Only father, in my ill fortune, I place no hope in anyone other
~~(;.1~~\l~~a.~;Jls~~'U~~~~~(;.l~~~l~~~~ kal ngen dak than you.
nyin tsen tu jam yang gi..i pe sam kyang All day and night I think of you with devotion, Manjughosha,
~~~~~1 1~~:5ll.~l'~(;.l'~~~~~~r;:,~~~~~~~~ kye kyi tuk jey shuk yet I wonder,
chung se me nyam on kyang jung ngen "Has your compassion no power at all?" But it is just my own
~~l~~:5ll11l~r;:,~\(J,l~~(J,l~~~~~~~~~'\'a.ll'l.l' rang gi nye pe le par se disastrous fault.
~~(;.!~~~~ 1~~fz;J'r.!.~~~z;J~.?~r~~q~l1 11 da dung khyo nye ma gyur bar du kyap Yet, until I please you, may I never seek any other refuge.
shen tsol war ma gyur chik
That was composed by Sakya Pandita.

r ~a.~~~~(;.l~~q(l.l~~a.~l'l.l~11a.~~~~~(;.l~l om jik ten gon po Ia chak tsal lo O I prostrate to the world's protector.

~~~(;.l~~~wl~rq11~~~~~~~ll~~r;:,~~~~wl jik ten Ia ma si pa sum gyi to pa po Guru of the world, you are praised by the three worlds.
lha yi tso wo di..i tang tsang pe to pa po Lord of devas, you are praised by Mara and Brahma.
~q11~~~~~(l.l(J,l~~~wl~~~~~~(;.l'<l~q11a.~~ tup pay gyal chok to pe drup par dze pa po Best of buddhas, you are accomplished through praise.
~~~~(;.l'~'(;.l~~q(;.ll~(l.l'~~a.~l'l.l'~11~~~~~l~~ jik ten sum gyi gon po chok Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to the supreme protector of the three worlds.

~l~r~~~:5l~a.~~~q11~~~~~~r;:,~(;.l!a.CI.l~l~ de shek pak me ku te ku sang dzin pa po Body of countless sugatas, your body is excellent.
de shek nang wa ta ye u gyen dzin pa po Your head is adorned by Amitabha.
~~a.~~~q1 1~~~CI.l~'(;.l~~i~~')~~~~~~(;.l'~(l.l' chak ye chok jin yi dak tre kom sel wa po Your right hand, with the mudra of generosity, dispels pretas'
chak yon ser gyi pe me nam par gyen pa po
~q11~~~ar~~~~~~l(;.l~~(;.l~~~~~~q11S'~(;.l hunger and thirst.
Your left hand is adorned by a golden lotus.
~(l.l~~~~~l(;.l~'~~~~~q11~1'l.l'~~~~r=J~~~ dri shim ral pay treng wa mer ser khyuk pa po
shal re gye pa da wa ta bur dze pa po Your fragrant locks flash with orange light.
~~(;.l~~'r=J'q11~~~r=Jl'~'(;.ll~~~:5!t;,';,~r=Jq1 ~ chen gyi pe ma chok to sang shing yang pa po Your face, as full as the moon, is handsome.
kha wa dung tar nam kar dri nge den pa po The lotuses of your eyes are wide and beautiful.
~~~~~~~l,~s~l~~r=Jq1 1s~l~las~~~~~ You are as white as snow or a conch, and fragrant.
dri me 6 chak mu tik tsom bu dzin pa po
~~~a.~~'r=J'2J1 1~~~r=J~'~l~~~~r;:,~l(;.l~'2f~~~~ dze pay 6 ser kya reng mar poy gyen pa po You wear clusters of pearls that gleam with stainless light.
~q11~l(;.l~'(;.ll'~~~~~lr:_~~~s~r=Jq11W~,~~~ pe may tso tar chak ni ngar war che pa po You are adorned by beautiful light-rays as red as dawn.
ton kay trin gyi dok dang den shing shan pa po Your hands are like lotuses on a lake.

A Collection ofPraises .ro I 4 5 03 Praises ofManjushri and Avalokiteshvara

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 146 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~r;.~~~r;.9~~t~q11~~~~z;.q~r~~r=.t~9~~ rin chen mang poy pung pa nyi ni gyen pa You are youthful, the color of autumn clouds.
~t:~~~t~ar1 1ard,la:d,li'9~::.~9~~14la.~d,l~r=.9~~t~ lo may chok tar chak til jam shing zhon pa Your two upper arms are adorned by many jewels.
The palms of your hands are as smooth and youthful as the
ar1 1~~9~~r'al9~t~~~d,19ar~t~t:~,t:l'tl'q1 1~~a;9~ po
finest ofleaves.
ri dak pak pe nu ma yon pa kap pa po
~~~9~r=.~~~d,l~a.a;r=.t:~ar1 1~d,l~~t~t~~a~i9 Cll nyen cha du wU gek ching gyen nam chang Your left breast is covered by a deerskin.
You gracefully wear earrings and other jewelry.
~~ ~ ~ --
wa po
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
dri ma me pa pe may chok Ia ne pa po You are on a supreme and stainless lotus.
~~ ::,9~' d,lai9'14l'~ ::,~~~~'tl'tl1 1 ~~::,~~~t~a_ ::,~ Your navel is as smooth as a lotus petal.
te way ngo ni pe may dap tar jam pa po
t:~~r=.4d,J'~r;:)~a.~~t~ar1 1~t:~t~ad,l~~d,li'9d,l~~~'4 ser gi ka rak chok Ia nor bU tre pa po Your golden belt is decorated by many jewels.
Your hips are enveloped by a skirt of fine cotton.
~ ~ ~ ~ ::. ~ ~"'
ta sur tri pay re sang sham tap dzin pa po
tup pay khyen chok tso chen pa rol chin pa You have crossed the ocean and reached the buddhas' wisdom.
ar1 1~9~t:~~t:~a~9~~~~~~14lt:~q1 19~d,ld,l~::. po You have achieved the supreme and accumulated much merit.
Source of lasting happiness, you dispel aging and sickness.
d,l~~~r;.d,l~a,~~~~t~~~'tJ'q1 ~~~~~d,li9~t:~~~ chok nye so nam mang po nye war sak pa
You free from the three, and show the way to the celestial
~~r;_~9'14l~'~l4l'z:J'q119~::,~~r;_9~t:l'~'~~~t::l~'~~ tak tu de way jung ne ga ne sel wa po realm.

~r=.t:~q11*'~t~a9~~t~t:~~~~~~~t~::.d,l~~t~q11r=.r=. sum tar dze ching kha cho cho paton pa po Great being, you are victorious over the attacks of Mara's
~~ ~;:? tTLd ~~~"' IU chen chok ni dO pung truk le gyal wa po forces.
t~a.a.~~~:!Jr;_~~~9~~::, T i9~'tl'tl11t~.~r=_~~9~~ Your feet ring pleasantly with golden bangles.
ser gi kang dup dra yi shap yi ong wa po
t:~::.t:~~9~4r=.t:~~~t~9~::.t:~q1 1~d,lad,l~~r=.~~~r- tsang pay ne pa shi yi pen par dze pa po You are adorned by the four Brahmaviharas.
ngang pay dro dra lang chen drek tar shek You advance like a swan or a proud elephant.
14l~il4lt:~q119r=.~9~9~{::.r=.~l4lr=.~~~~~t~~~11 pa po You have gathered and keep custody of all dharma.
~~::.~9i9~a~t:~r=.~~~l4l~d,l~s~~r=.1 1t:l~~t~a yong dzok nye war sak shing ten pa nyer You free others from the lakes of milk and water.
d,li9a.~~9~r=.9~14lt:~:::a.~~s~~1 1~~~~t~a.~~ wa po Anyone who always rises at dawn and, respectfully
o may tso dang chu yi tso le drol wa po
~~~~~~~r;.~r;.11~'t:l'Q.~'Q,d,l'~~r;.~~r.:r~d.l~~~~11 gang shik tak to to rang lang ne gO pa yi
Bringing Avalokiteshvara to mind,
Clearly recites these praises,
a.~9~~a.~9~~14l~a.~~~~~t~\l~'~r;:)'~::,11~r:.l~~ chen re sik kyi wang po yi Ia sem che ching Whether they are male or female,
Will accomplish all mundane and supramundane needs
~;~~~:.~~~~~z:Jr:.~~414~~ir:.&l~~;~414ar~B!~:.4r:.~~414~E:l~~~;~ to pay chok di dak ching sal war don che na
de ni kye pa am ni bU me yin kyang rung In this and all future lives.
&l(~~;~(~~.rn n kye wa di am ma eng kye wa tam che du That is tht praist to Arya Avatokittshvara compostd by tht Bhikshuni Lale-
jik ten jik ten le de go pa kUn drup gyur shmi at Lilear Shingptl.
r ~n.rr:rs~~rr::r~~~~~~~~~~~~~I:Jwlr::rci'::.~!;J~'~l!;J~'~~ nama~ shrT guru marijughoshaya Brahma's Crown, praise of the buddha Maitreyanatha through lamenta-
S'l:ll ~~d-l~~~~~f~~ 1 d-l~~r~4~'5d-l~rq~~~~ nye shin jam pe tak tu len yang nak pay tsa NAMAI;I SHRi GURU MANJUGHOSHAYA
lak sek
Z:]~~r;~~~!cll~~~ 14~~q~~~,aa,~r;Z:]Z:]~~ shin tu che kay ching wa che kyang nying je Although you are always moistened by loving affection, you
~r:.:~r;~~~d-l~Z:]~r;~l ~~Z:]a'Z:]?r;~d-l~~~~~~~r; dam du ching burn the branches of evil.
shi way tang nyom gyun du den yang dak Although you have severed the bonds that are hardest to sever,
t::!l~q~~'\cll~~~~ la,~d-l~sr;~'fl~cll~~q~t::!~ pe shen Ia che you remain tightly bound by compassion.

~~j~d-ld-l~~cllZ:]~~~ ~~~r;Z:]~~~ara:~cll~~~Z:]~ jam yang shap Ia gu pe tU ne mi pam gon Ia Although you always have the equanimity ofpeace, you
to cherish others before yourself.
Z:]~~~~~~~~r;~~q~~r;Z:]~~~~Z:]~II~~a,d-laZ:]~~ Having respectfully bowed to Manjughosha's feet, I will now
dong shi me poy shal ne rap tu ngak praise Maitreyanatha.
rr~~~~qZ:]7r;~~Z:]~I l~cll~Z:]~Z:]~cll~~q~5~ chen tong den pey dang we gyun du ta
ga may dak po drek pa tang ne tU You are greatly praised by our forefather with four faces
Z:]~~~~~r;Z:]ad-ll'clla,~Z:]Z:]~q~~~~cll~r;~~s~~~~~ gyal tsap shap Ia gu pay chak gyi o And always gazed upon with awe by the one with a thousand
~ ~" ~
- '?
- "-.,r

...,.. ~
" -
dang way tso Ia dap gya pa te de nyi Ia
yang nyin che o
dak pay kha Ia gyu kar gon te de kyang ku
Rati's lord surrenders his arrogance and bows to you.
I respectfully prostrate to your feet, regent of the buddha.

Sd-l~d-l~~~t::!~q~~~r;~t::!~t::!~~~~~~~d-1~~~~ dai tsalla shin You are a hundred-petaled lotus in a pure lake resplendent

~~ lt::l~~a,~d-l~a,~~~a,~~~q\l~~r;sclll ~~~r;~ tsen pey tre way gang ku tong ma tak tu dro with sunlight.
way yi trek pa You are a lily grove on which shines the ruler of stars and
~~~qa,~~~~~d-l~~q~~~ l'?d-lr;~~r;Z:]aa,fcll~~ jam gon shap pe kye shing kye war dak gi planets.
tsuk na dze gyur chik Anyone who sees your body, garlanded by marks and signs, is
~~~~~~~~d-l~~~~~~Z:]~"-~~~a,~cllorl I captivated.
du jam khor du jik pa kun dang dral May my crown be beautified, Maitreyanatha, by your feet in
tsung me pa wo si sum ton pa chok every birth.
nyam ngar lhung way dro Ia tak tu sik
nam dren khyo kyi shap Ia chak tsal lo As you have conquered Mara, your entourage is free from all
Peerless brave one, you are the best teacher of the three worlds.
You always look after beings fallen into terror.
I pr~strate to your feet, our guide.

A Collection of Praises 8U I 47 03 Praises ofAvalokiteshvara and Maitreya

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 148 cg A Compilation for Recitation

' ...,; ~ " ' "...,;

;.J~Q:Ul~4~s.:l\~~~z:.~d-J~~~z:.~a..1 l;.J~~z:.~a..~q~ ta ye she jar tok pa me juk pay Your wisdom enters unimpeded into all objects of knowledge.
~ "~ "~...,; ...,;
khyen pay top kyi ma rung dO kyi de The strength of your wisdom crushes vicious maras
~~;.J~~~q~~~ ~ 11~~;.J~~~qq~z:.~a..d-J7~~~~~ nam chak bap pay me tok shan nu shin Like a meteor falling on a young flower.
z::]~~~ j7:4;.J';.JI(~~q~q~d_~q~~~q~~q~~~ j7:4~' pam dze top chuy pal gyi ji pa khyo You are magnificent with the splendor of the ten strengths.

~~~~q~~~z:.~d.;.n~a..~;.J~4~1 ~~~~q4~~~~ pe go lang po drek pay le gem shing You crush the brain of the mad elephant of aggression.
lek she dra chen khor 0 drak pa yi Through the great sound of your eloquent teaching in
...,; " ~ "
~~q~~z:.~a..'id~~;.J~.:l\';.JI(~ ma wa ngen pay wa kyi tar dze pay assembly,

z:.~a1 1la..~~~q~~~l~il~~~~~ f~~z:.~~;_J~z::]a mi jik shi den mi yi seng ge khyo You exterminate the foxes of evil speech.
You, lion of humanity, have fourfold fearlessness.
"'~~~~~~.q.~~ll~~~~q~~q.~~~~s;.J~ij'~~~~ kheng pay to way jik ten me po dang
nyag tren dak po ge jong dram se sok The forefather of the world, exalted with arrogance;
~~~~~z::].:l\';.J~~a..rr.:l\ar-;.Ji~ lz::]~.:l\q~a..~~s;.J~ ,gang gi ma war ma nO khor lo chok Kamadeva; sages; brahmins; and others
kor way dro Ia jam pay gon po khyo Are unable to utter the dharmachakra
z:.~d,;.J~~q.~~~~~~~~~~~~~z:.~d.~~Ul~'~~~~:s~ That you, Maitreyanatha, turn for beings.
ku dang sung Ia trul pay ming yang me
z:.J';.J'~;.J~~~~;.J~;.J'z:.J.:l\'z::]~~ ~~~~a..~~q;_J'z::]~~~
dren pa ma nyam tak tu nyam par shak Your body and speech are without even the word delusion.
z::J?~~;.J~~~~~~2l~~.:l\~~~~~z:.~ar~~~~~ ~~~z:.~ ta de dzin pa ma tak tang nyom kyi With unimpaired recollection, you are always in meditation.
en chir khyo kyi cho pa yang su dak Because you are devoid of both fixation on distinctions
~~~qf~~~:s~q~~l ~~~a..~~4~'.:1\z::]'~;.J'z:.J.:l\'~~ And unexamined neutrality, your conduct is utterly pure.
" ...,; " ? " ...,; " dun pa dang ni tson drO dren pa dang
z::]'~l ~~;.J~'z:.JQ..'~'~z::]~';.J'~~.:l\~'~';.JI(~l h'~.:l\~~~ ting dzin she rap nam par drol wa Ia You have cast far behind you all chance of impairment
~~~z:.~a~~~~~ ~~~~~;.J'~;.J~~~il5~~f~~~~z:.~.:l\' nyam pay go kap ma 10 ring du dze Of intention, diligence, mindfulness,
de chir khyo kyi tok pa Ia na me Samadhi, wisdom, and liberation.
;.J~~~ ~~~~~%~~~a..~~~~~;.J'z:.J.:l\'~~~ ~~z:.~d.~ Therefore, your realization is unsurpassable.
dO sum tam che chak tok me par khyen
"" ...,; C\..,; " " ' "
ku sung tuk kyi trin le nam par dak You know the three times without any limitation or
si pay chi ta ji si dro way don impediment. _
dze pay khur gyi gye shin juk pa khyo The activity of your body, speech, and mind is completely pure.
" ...,;"'" ~
~~z:.~a..~t::J~'t::J~;.J'z:.J1 ~~~q!qa..~~~~.:l\'z:.J'z::]~~ ~~
Until the end of samsara you will benefit beings.
gya chey yon ten pung po rap dzok pey You took on this burden with joy.
~~~~~~~~~,\~;.J~~~~11 tra may kyon yang juk pay kap jom pa
khyo kyi tse way yO du gyur pa dak The mass of your vast qualities is complete.
me ngak go ne ma Ia yO tsam gong You have conquered even the smallest avenue for the entrance
of faults.
I, the object of your kindness, shall address you in lamentation.
Consider me for a moment.
~~q~(l.l~d-ll'~(l.l~'~(l.l'z::la,'~ 1lltl~~~~qa.~~~~ duk ngel gya tso che le drol way dru This support with complete leisure and resources
dal jar tsang way ten di yin na yang Is the boat of liberation from the vast ocean of suffering.
~~~Ul~1 lq~~l~ar~~ll~s~a:~?d-11 1~lq\l~ bak me le Ia nyi dang dre may tam Yet it is rotted by carelessness, lazin~:ss, sleep,.
~~lz:J~i~~~r~~~z:J~~1 1~~~l5~~~z::J;Itlz::J~ nye kur do pay kyon gyi bak pa yi Foolish talk, and the desire for gain and respect.

~~~~ql 1q~~~q~z::J'z;Ja.~~q:s~~l~~~'z;J11l~ don me chok su ko pe don chen po Through my employing it in meaningless endeavors this good
de lak drup pay lu sang chu son pa body,
4'~~~~~~~~~4~~~ 1 Jz::ll~'(l.l'~l~~~~ ~~ mi yi sha tsuk chuk kyi de she chen Which could have easily accomplished great things, has been

~~~~~~~14l1 1~ll,~~~~~l(l.l'~~iqz;J'Ul~'1 1 dak Ia khyo kyi tuk je sik su sol wasted.

I have a human appearance but the attitudes of an animal.
~q~~~lq~~~~~z;J~l~~z;Ja.11~z::l~'~~~~ql~ nye ka don chey dal jar top pa yang I pray that you regard me with compassion.
top kyi mi dok dro par mi nu pay
?.f'?q~ql~'11~.l~~q~~~z;J~'d-li~~Ul~'11~d-J'Q_~' top den chi dak po nya kye wa dang Although I have acquired leisure and resources,
na dang ga wey sin par tong na yang Hard to find and of great m.eaning, the messengers of powerful
~~~l~~qa.~~~~l1~d-l~~l~~~~~~z::l'd-l'~~z;J~11 death
nam chi nge me chi way du kyi tse
ar~r~~~d-l~~~~l.~l~slt:la.J,~z::l!l~~ql~(l.lq~ tam che bar ne dro wa ma dren par
Can not be escaped or repelled by strength.
I see that I have been caught by sickness and aging,.
qa,~~'(l.l'z::lz::l11~~z;J~'~~~z;Ja,'~~~~~~~l~~~114ld-1' Ia da shak nam don me da che pay But I forget that the time of my death is unknown,
rap mong dak Ia tse way du Ia bap
That when I die I will depart leaving everything behind.
I let years, months, and days pass meaninglessly.
nge par lek pay go pang mo chi go
~l'z;J1 1z::ll~'(l.l'~l~~q7~'~d-J~'d-1~\ltl~~~d-11 1d-1~ lam gi ten du tup pe ngak pa yi
The time has c~me for you to be kind to me in my stupidity.

~~lz;J(l.l'l~~~z;Ja.~~iq~~11~~~~q~(l.l'z::l~'~l to ri tsam yang to pay deng me pa What need is there to mention the achievement of liberation?
dak Ia khye kyi tang nyom dze lak sam I lack the assurance thar I shall acquire even the higher birth
z;Ja,'4~~q~~11d-l'~~ltld-l'z::l:S~'~lz;J~'d-1'~~~11~~Ul~' Praised by Shakyamuni as the path's support.
to ri pal dang den pay lu top kyang
~~q~~d-ll'~l~~~1 1~~~~~~~~~z;J~~~~~ sung rap tsul shin che pay she rap gyi
Are you going to remain indifferent to me?

~~1~~~~~~~~q~q~z;J~~~~~~~~11~'z::l~~l ma nor lam sang nye par ma gyur na Although I have acquired a body with the attributes of higher
lar yang khor way gya tso nyi du tung realms,
1z::ll~'(l.l'4~~q~~~~~ If I do not find the unmistaken good path through the
de chir ti muk mun pay mak chen gyi
yun ring du su drip pe lang dar ne
That correctly discerns the meaning of the buddha's words,
ji shin che Ia kun ne tom gyur pa
I will once again fall into the ocean of samsara.
dak Ia she rap dron me tsal du sol
I have long been obscured by the great darkness of ignorance,
And am utterly bewildered as to what to accept and reject.
Therefore, I pray that you bestow on me the torch of wisdom
So that I may properly distinguish them.

A Collection ofPraises ~ 149 03' Brahma's Crown: A Praise ofMaitreya

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 50 Cl6' A Compilation for Recitation;~~~d.l~a5aa5::. rap bar chak kyi sa shir me che sek ching lu The blazing iron ground burns with tongues of flame. A rain
Ia tson chay char wa bap of weapons falls on their bodies.
r;:ra.z:Jz:J11~~~a~~~~~~~4r;~r;:]~~:a!r;~~~~l shin jey kye bu sal shing Ia khyon sang Yama's henchmen impale them on stakes, pour molten copper
%r;~::.~~~~a.~z:J~11~r; shun du ching pur bu che Ia dep into their mouths, and pierce their tongues with spikes.
gang ri kor way khyak pay bup chu bu yuk Trapped in ice, surrounded by mountains of snow, and struck
~l~~~~~qa~r;~~q?qq~~11~~::.~~::.q~ tsup pay lung gi tap pa yi by fierce blizzards, some break out in hundreds of blisters.
Ia lar chu bur gya jung Ia lar dol shing lu ni For some, they burst, and their bodies crack into many pieces.
tsal pa du mar ge
r:r~~d.l~4r;~~r;d.J~r;~q~~::.~~~q~1 1::.~~ Their faces are covered by hair, their mouths are dry. They see
dong ni tre khep kha ni kam shing chu lung rivers and rush toward them in order to drink.
. .,. "~
d.l~r;~d.l~l;l~~qa_ m "
~~~~a., ~~~4 r;~Ulr;~~IE~~l " tong te tung chir gyuk pa na They are stopped by people holding swords and spears. They
ral dri dung nam tok pay kye bu gek shing see the water as pus and blood.
~d-1~1;'1 fl'~'flt::l'~~~~d.l''lj'z:J~'d.l~~a.~~~:a!~'~d.l'~l chu yang nak trak nyi du tong Their mouths are as small as the eye of a needle. Their throats
~r;~l~~~1 1~~4r;~r;~d.l~'Q.z:J::.~~~~%r;~r; kha ni khap kyi mik tsam ba we drin gak se are blocked by goiters. Even if they acquire food and
kom nye kyang jo mi nu drink, they cannot partake of it.
" -:d. "'
~~~a.d)~::_r;4q~l'l':a!1 ...,.. " ~ "
1~r;~qa_~~a,~'Q,l;lr;:J~'q~ so shing tung nam bar ne tsik ching shang Whatever they eat or drink blazes, burning them. They live on
chi tso Ia rang sha che de sa excrement and urine. They cut off their own flesh and eat
~d.llr;~d,f~~a.Sl~~~~~qs~11~%~~~%~~~l it.
~" ~ ...,- "
~'o.JQ.'~'\lqr;~::_q~q"'\~lt;'r;:J1~qa_~~q~~a_qq 11 mong pay mun chen tip pe lam dang lam
min che Ia lo yi nu pa dral Through the thick darkness of their bewilderment, they lack
~~d.l~lq~~~~qa~~~~il~~a.q::.q~~lq~a chik Ia chik so lha miy shen wang gyur pe the intelligence to distinguish between the path and what
dek dang kol way duk ngel bap is not the path.
~~q~z:J~d.l11a.l;lz:J'll~~~r;~~q~l5~~r;~ar~~ lha nam pal Ia truk pay trak dok me chen They kill one another. They come under the power of devas
z:J~lq~r;:]~~d,f~r;~~qijl1 1~~::.d.J~r;q~~~~~ bar we yi dey go kap cham and humans, and the suffering of being beaten and
tap tso le jung lu che dral shing yo gyu le pe enslaved falls upon them.
" "
~ "" "
~'tlr;'11~r;~a.~~~q~l~~~'lla,q'll11l~~qw~~~ " den tong kal wa me Their jealousy of the devas' splendor blazes like a great fire,
destroying any chance of happiness.
~la.~~~~~11~'1lr;~~~q.l~~~r;~::.qa11 de tar tong wa ta shok to na yang Their bodies are dismembered in warfare. Polluted by
nying Ia jik kye kyi ni ya wa yi deceptiveness, they have no chance to see the truth.
nyal wa yi dak du dro lha min gyi
yang sa chen po dak tu tung gyur way Even hearing such things, let alone seeing them,
Generates terror in the heart.
Falling into the great abysses of hell, pretas, animals, and
Is the result of actions disparaged by the sublime.

I am desperate because of all the unbearable wrongdoing

"" ~
ld.]q~'!ll'q~d.]r.:]:SJl'~~q~a_,~1 " -
.:') dam pe me pay mi se dik pay le
tok me du ne sak shing sok gyur wa
That I have accumulated throughout beginningless time and
all that I shall.
r::1~~~4~~~~~:l\'r::111~(1.1~'~'$~~:l\'d.]"(~5~~~d.]' yang sa chen par ngon chok nyam tak dak I am headed toward those abysses.
:l~r::1l~ 1~~~~~~~~c'l.l~j'c4lr::la~~"l.rr::Jr::J1 11tq ngen dray jik le drol way du Ia bap The time has come for you to liberate me from the danger of
lower births.
~~~~~~nr~~~llr::1~~~~~1 1d.!~~q:l\d.!~~~d.!~ mi yi ne na'ang long cho wang chuk gi
ngon par to na nyam kyi dok pa dang Even in the human realm, those highly placed
a~~~ql~'11d.!~~~ar~?~'~:l\q~?4~~r~r~11~~l to ri yon ten jar pe pong pa na Through wealth and power fear their loss.
do de tsol war gyur we sha tang ngo Those who lack the qualities and affiuence of higher realms
r::J~~lc'l.l'r::J:l\'~:l\'r::J~'4':!~~11r.::l~'r::J:l\'~~l~~~tq:lr::l~' Exhaust themselves in the search for the pleasures they desire.
~r.:rq~11r::l~r::J~r::]q~c'l.l~$~~~qa1P~~a~~r::J~c'l.l de war do ne de yi tap drup pay
de wa top pa de le che lhak pay Far greater than the pleasure gained by those who,
~d.!~a~llr::1~1 1~d.]q~d.!~\\~~~d.!~:l\r.::l:l\'~:l\1 1 lu kyi duk ngel sem kyi yi mi de Desiring pleasure, attempt to gain it,
nam pa du me kun ne nar par gyur Are the many types of physical suffering
~~d.!~~~~$~~~~~:l\r::J'r::]~~~~1 ~~r::J::!~l~~r::Ja And mental misery by which they are tormented.
;.,t " ~-"-?-- IU dze rin chen gyen gyi rap gyen ne
khang sang ga way tsal du ne che shing Those devas who revel amid the splendor of higher realms
d.!~~~lq(].l(].l~(].lqa~~d.!~~F1 1l~~l~~r::1a~~ yun ring do pay de Ia long cho pa Have beautiful bodies well-adorned by precious jewelry.
to ri pal Ia rol pay lha nam kyang They live in mansions and delightful groves.
a~~~q~1 1~l~~~~~c'l.l~"O~~q:l\~:l\q~1 1~~ They enjoy, for a long time, the pleasures of desire.
""--~-;.,1 " - ~ mi do chi way tay kyi sin pa na
d.!~~'d.]'(J.ll'~~ ~ld.]~'~c'l.l11r::l~l!~::!~'~~r::J::!~'d.]"'~ yi trok nying Ia chak par gyur pa yi Yet, when they are caught by the unpleasant signs of death,
qa~~1 1~~~~~~~d.!~l~~~~r::1l~ 1l~~lr.::1~~ lha yi dze rna yi ong kye mo tsal They think, "I shall soon and unwillingly be parted
From these captivating, beautiful clevis, so dear to me;
du tsi kha se go sang dze pay gyen
~~sc'!~~r::Ja~11~~~~:l\~~qa~~ar::J~r::Jc'l.l~11 These delightful groves; this food of amrita; these fine clothes;
lha bu shan nu nam dang nyur du dak
$~$:l\~~qa~la~~r::J~c'l.l~~11r::l~lqa~~~~~ mi do shin du dral war tong way tse This beautiful jewelry; and these youthful devas."
ne dre kye pay lu kyi de wa le When they see that, they suffer mentally
~r::J:l\'r::J~r::J~~ 1~':l\r::J~d.!~~:l\<i!~~q:l\~lqac'l.l~1 1 With an intensity far greater than that
che cher lhak pay yi kyi duk ngel gyi
~r::Jlq~r::J~r::J~qa~s~~~lq~::!l11r::l~~llr.::l~~~ kye pay nya ngen me che bar we sek Of the physical pleasure of being born in that place.

~~~~~r::J~r.::l~q~1 1~:l\'11.1~~~~~~~~~~:;r;:J:l\' tse rap mang par lek par che pay le They are burnt by the tongues of flame of their misery.
be pay drup pay dre bu che pe se They have used up the results of all the good they did
~:l\11 bak me wang gi ngen dray gyu drup pey Through great effort in many lives.
lar yang ngen song ne su lhung war gyur As through carelessness they have created the causes of lower
They will again fall into lower realms.

A Collection ofPraises ro I 5I ~ Brahma's Crown: A Praise ofMaitreya

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 52 03 A Compilation for Recitation

- 1:\ ..,.- -~ ~ 1:\ 1:\

~ll~~~~~~;]'~9'9~l~;]~'d>Jl1 19~llr;,'Clll'~ do Ia dun pay nam tok no sem me They are without thoughts of desire for pleasure. They bear no
nyi dang yi Ia dung way cho pa pang malice.
9~r;_t;:]~'~l~~r;_1 1~~lr;_'~;]~~9~l~~~9't;:]~~; l.u dang sem Ia no pay duk nel dral They have abandoned sleep and affliction of mind.
s~11~r;_~~~wt;:]~~~~~~r;_t;:]~~9~~~119~9~lr;_ ting dzin top kyi yun ring der ne pa They are without suffering of body or mind.
Through the strength of their samadhi, they dwell long in
9~9~~l~~9~~~t;:]~r;,11~sl~9t;:]~~~~r;,~~ suk dang suk me lha yi ne top kyang bliss.
- ..,.- 1:\t:\ ~ ~ 1:\ -
du che duk nel ching le rna drol way
;]'~~t;:]~11~~~?r;~"'~~,.,~~~l~~11~~Cllt;'~9~ ngon gyi ting dzin pen pa se pa na Even if one achieves the abodes of the form and formless
..,.- ~ ..,.- 1:\ -;d...-' ~
chir yang ok tu !hung ne gyu mar khor devas,
~r;~~t;:]~l';]~~~1 h'~~~~t;:]~'9-o't;:]'~'C!>.l'Cllt;'11
Since one is not liberated from the fetters of samskaras and
~~~~lr;~ 141 ~9~r~~11~9t;:]~~~q'~~l~~o.1l~ de tar khor way tso wo lha mi yang suffering,
khe chi na dang ga Ia sok pa yi Once the momentum of one's past samadhi is exhausted,
~~~1 1~l~~t;:]~'I41'059~~~!~9~Jrl1 1~~~r;~l duk ngel chu wo si pay tsar khyer na One will fall down again and circle continuously.
si pay de Ia chak par mi rik mo
~~~!9t;:]~t;:]~~~~1 1~9t;:]~l41t;:]~t;:]~~~~~~ar9 In that way, even the foremost in samsara-devas and
on kyang se pe lo mik drip pa yi
4~~~1 1~~~ar9~~9~~t;:]~t;:]~~~t;:]l9 1~l~~~ duk ngel de war dzin pay lok she chen
Are swept along to the ocean of becoming by the rivers of
q~~~t;:]~l41~9~141 1 1~~l~~;~l;]~sr;t;:]~l~~~ chin chi lok gi tok pay drip pa dak suffering,
si pay chu wo che le dral tu sol Such as birth, aging, sickness, and death.
~41;]'~41~'~~411 10-l'~9~~t;:]~q~~9~~~4~'~t;:]'19'lt;'
It is inappropriate to be attached to the pleasures we crave.
..,.- 1:\ ~ ..,.- 1:\ -:d. ~ do pay dam du ching we tar pay lam le gal
::114111~~~~9.::~t;:]'~'~l~~~~t;:]~'t;:]-o~~~t;:]-ot;~11 ma rik tip por shuk pay she rap mik dang Nevertheless, because the eye of my intellect is obscured by
141 ~~~0-l~~t;:]'t;:]l9'~~l~~9~~~9~~11 dral craving,
po pay sep tu tsu pey khor way tson rar I misapprehend suffering as pleasure.
ching I am obscured by incorrect thoughts.
le kyi nar wa dak ni khye kyi tuk jey ne I pray that you liberate me from the great river of becoming.

Drowning in the swamp of desire, I have strayed from the

path of liberation.
Enveloped in thick ignorance, I lack the eye of wisdom.
Caught in the cage of complexity, I am shackled in the prison
of samsara.
I, tormented by karma, am a fit object of your compassion.
a,~~~~~~~qa.~Ul~~Q.~~~t:J'"'l11~~lJ-1~'~'~~ jik rung khor way yang sa gek pa Ia In order to block the terrifYing precipice of samsara,
dri me mang du to Ia ten pa yi One must hear much of the stainless teachings. Relying on
11.l'q~~'t:J'Ul11~"-l'q~~l~lt:Ja.'~J-l'l~~~~~q~~~11 tsul shin jo pay nam dak rik top kyi that,
J-li;IQ,'Ul~~~~~q~J-1~~~~~~~11.11 ~~q~~~lt:J~' ta ye sung rap nam kyi drang nge Through the strength of pure reason that examines correctly,
One must correctly distinguish between the indicative and
~~~~~]Q.~~tJa.1 1J-l~~t:Ja.~a,~~~~t:J~~ll~~ ji shin che pay shen dring mi jok pay definitive
khe pay go pang nge par nye go kyang
~~11~11.1qa.l~~~t:J~r~~~%l~~11~~~~~~~ gyal way gong pa tra mo mo chi go Within the infinite dharma, without depending on others.
juk dok ne ni shin tu rak pa la'ang It is definitely necessary to achieve learning.
~4~~~~~'t:J'"'lQ.~'11ql~~~J~~~~~~~"'l'J-1'~~11 However, what need is there to mention the subtle intentions
- ~ :it~ " " -
dak gi Ia mi che cher sal ma gyur of the buddha?
da dung rap mong dra di dak gi nying The eye of my intellect has not become clear even about the
qa.~q~~l't:J1 1~"-l'Q.~'l~~~"'l~~~~~'tJ'~"'l1 1~11.1' ring du drip na drol way kap me pa coarsest
tsul di gong Ia nying gi mun pa sol
q$!4l'!!~~~~~~~~~~"'l1 IJ-l~~~~J-Jl~~q~J-1 Points concerning what is appropriate and inappropriate.
gyal wa gyal se chen ngar rik ne Ia
~ 1Ul~'Ul~~~~t:Ja.q~as~~~~~~l.t:J1 1Q.~'"'l'"'lJ-J' If this enemy, utter bewilderment, long obscures my heart,
mang to gya tso kye wa du ma ru I will have no chance of liberation.
q:!~J-Jl~t:JaJ~~%~~11~~~lJ-lt:J~J-l~~~Ul"'l'q;::_ yang yang jang pay bak chak lek se pa Considering this, dispel my heart's darkness.
dro Ia lam sang tson pay mik chik pu
~;::_1 ~~~~J-l~~lr;s"'lqa?t~~t:Jql~ ~~~~~J-1~ Ocean of learning, you heard much about all areas of
ngon gyi dam pa nam kyi yal war dar
q~lt:Ja~~qq~~~t:J~1J~~~l~~~~~q~~ de chir gon dang dral way pong pa dak
In the presence of buddhas and bodhisattvas.
qa~~ 1 1 Ul~l~Ul~~~~t:J~q~~t:Ja~q~ 1 1 sJ-J~t:J chok nam le pay dron po shin gyur pay The habit of your training throughout many lives was
tse chen khyo kyi je su sung way di..i awakened.
SJ-J~'t:J~'Q,~qj'"'lq~l11ij;::_qij;::_q~s~~~ql~~ You are the only eye showing beings the good path.
yang dang yang du gO pay ten pay kyap
~~~~q~q~Ej~J-Ji~~~~~~J-l~l11 jam pa jam pay dro wa drol wa khyo The sublime beings of the past have abandoned me.
nyur wa nyur war jon ne dak gi ni I am therefore desperate, without a protector.
kye wa kye war tek chok she nyen dzo I am like a traveler who has lost his way.
It is time, loving one, for you to take care of me.

Refuge on whom I rely repeatedly with respect,

Maitreya, you who liberate beings through maitri,
Come quickly and be my spiritual friend
Of the supreme vehicle in my every birth.

A Collection ofPraises 00 1 53 03 Brahma's Crown: A Praise ofMaitreya

7he Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 54 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~9~t;l~'t;l~~~~~~~"''~9'c'l.l11~~l"'Oi~'q~9~9~' tak tu tse way lu chen ta dak Ia You ceaselessly regard all beings with constant kindness.
. gyOn rni che par sik pa khyo drung du My mind, awed by the recollection of your qualities,
q5'~~r;~1 5~~ar~?~s~q~~r;t;J~~~~~~~~t;l~~ khyo kyi yon ten dren pay dang way yi Enters your presence every day.
~~t;Jq~t;l~~~Cllr;'1 19~~~~t;l~c'l.l~r;~~'Cllt;'~q~ nyin re shin du le par gyi na yang However, because of the distance,

q~~1 1~t;l~~r;~~~9~r;9~~~~1 1~9q~"'~~ ne kyi kal shing lar yang en pay ro And because I enjoy the taste of solitude,
rap tu nyang chir tak ring ne su ni Although I wish it,
q~~~~~t;l~~~~~~~~~~t;l~~~~~~r;~~~q5'~11 juk par do pe lu kyi dro rna nO My body is unable to reach your abode.
de na so narn shin gi dam pa khyo Therefore, sublime field of merit,
~~~~~ 1~9~r;~~~'c'l.l'~t;lq~t:l~9~q~1 1i~~~ nye par gi le lhak sam dak pa yi In order to please you, and with pure benevolence,
rin chen sa le dram dang lha yi dar I offer you the finest jewels, devas' fabric,
9~~~r;9~c';~r;~~119'\'Cllt;~r;"'~~~~c'l.l~ ge long nam Ia tup pe ngak pa yi And the things that Shakyamuni commended to bhikshus:
cho go sum dang sil che drang song no The three robes of dharma, the ringing staff, and the alms
~~~c'l.lq~11t;l~~~9~~~~9~i~q~~~f"l~'5'~11 bowl.
shen yang ting dzin man lam gyi trup pay
arr;~~t;J,r;~~r;9~~9~2fc'l.l11~~~~~0i9~~~~ ko lek yi trek cho pa nam khay khyon I also present well-arrayed, captivating offerings,
~~c'l.l't;l~'t;l~11~'c'l.l~'~r;~q~~t;l'~,~~9't;l~'l9~119r;' yang su kang te kang nyi tso wo Ia Emanated through samadhi and aspiration.
shen me rna chak Ia yi ul war gyi Filling all space with them, I offer them to the leader
~~~~q~~~~r;~~~q~11~9t:l~c'l.lst;l~~~~~r; Of all human beings, with a mind free from craving and
de le ong pay rap kar ge way tsok
t;l~'t;l~?.Tr;~11~~~"'~t;l~'~t;l~'~'t:l~9~~~9 1"'~9' gang de si par yOn ring khyam pa na

~~~~q~~"'~r;~~q'c'l.l11~9q~~~~~t;l~~~~~ duk ngel je we nar shing de we pong Through the pure virtue arising from that,
ma lu dro way kyab su dak gyur chik May I become the refuge of all beings
~~~~r;~~~arr;~~~9q~~t;l~r;~~~~~~~~~9~i9 Who have wandered through samsara for so long,
jik ten dren pay go pang dam pa Ia Who are tormented by millions of sufferings and lack
~9~~~~q~49 1t;l~~~~sr;~r;~~~~q~r;1 1~ rek par ma gyur kye wa tam che du happiness.
tsang cho yang su dak pay rap jung ten
~~~r;~t:1~~9~s9~~q~r;1 ~~~~r;~9~f~t;l~ nye ne tek chok rik ni se par shok Until I reach the sublime state of a guide of the world,
t:1f~~~~r;11~~~s~4~~t;l~c'l.l~r;rt:1q~49 1 In every birth may I acquire the support of full renunciation,
so den drang shing gya gyu me pa dang A life of utterly pure brahmacharya.
ma shum nying top shuk drak de pa dang May my disposition for the supreme vehicle be awakened.
gO dang tak tu jar way tson drO dang
nam chO she rap pul jung top par shok May I be patient, honest, free from deception,
And acquire fierce courage free from timidity,
The diligences of devoted and constant effort,
Faith, discernment, and excellent wisdom.
~,~.rz:Jal~r;~~~d.ll~~~~~z:]~~~11~z:]~~~l~~ gyal way gong pa nam dak rik top kyi May I encounter a spiritual friend
ji shin nye ne rang gi gong pa tar Who has achieved perfect learning,
:l\t:.9~l~r;~~~:l\1 1z:lgz:J~~r;~r~alz:]~d.l~~~l~ tse we drang pay tap khe cho pa yi Who has correctly apprehended the buddha's wisdom through
tq~1 1~~~~~~~d.l~~~ad.ll:::_~~~a1 1~~~~~ shen Ia ton Ia khe pay tar son pay . pure reasoning,
And is skilled in kindly teaching it to others.
z:]~~~~''~~~d.ll-~11~r;~~r;~~~~ld.l'\l~'z:]~l she nyen ten ne mang to gya tso Ia
ring du jang pay te tsom kun che ne May I train for a long time, acquiring an ocean of learning.
~~1 1~~~a~~~d.l~~~z:]~~z:]~z:]~~tq~1 1z:1~z:]:::_ to pay don nam tsul shin drup pa yi Having severed all doubts,

~9~~d.l~d.l~~~:l\sl~:::_49 1~z:1~~z:1~~~a de war shek nam nye par che par shok Through properly practicing the meaning
Of what I have heard, may I please the sugatas.

...,; --
d.l~d.l~~~~"'l"'. ~r;11~~z:]a9~r;"'lz:Jl~z:1a~~
...,; ...,;
tup pe che pay tsam le mi da shing
gyal way dung tso ge way she Ia gu
wang po rap no lok drup kyon dang dral
yong su dak pay khor dang den par shok
Not transgressing the limits placed by Shakyamuni,
May they be respectful of the buddha's scion, the spiritual
~:::_lr;~~~:::_4~ 1~~qa~9~~~tql~z:]~l~tq~11 May their faculties be most acute. May they be free from the
nak poy chok kyi yi ni kyo pa yi
l9~~a~~~ll~"'~~~r;z:1a~~~1 1z:1~l~9~~~ tsok pay cho cho ga ton nyon way gek
fault of disloyalty.
May I have an utterly pure retinue.
"~ ...,; " "
~:::_~"''l9'~9~'lt:_'11~l~9'~d.l'~t:,~l~:l\'d.l'~:::_~9 1 du kyi nyen du gyur pay dik drok dang
ke chik tsam yang tre par ma gyur chik Because their minds are disturbed by malevolent beings,
~z:].lz:]t:,~~~!U~~~~z:]~a~1 1~z:1~~~~l~~9~ They obstruct the feast of communal dharma practice.
tup wang je su gu pe lop pay tse
~:::_sl~a~~~1 1~~z:]r;~~a~~"'Jz:1~l~~~1 1 lap chen cho pa dzok par che pay gek
May I not encounter, for even an instant,
Malevolent companions who are Mara's friends.
z:):::_~9~\~a~r;~r;~l'~:::_49 19r;lr;~~~ld.l~ kal pa ngen pay je gro du kyi le
bar du cho pay ming yang me par shok When respectfully emulating Shakyamuni,
l9"''Sl.~11l~fr;~~~~~~~z:l~9~~tq11St:.'~z:] The completion of vast deeds is obstructed
gang dang den na dam pa ga che pa By the disastrous actions of Mara.
~l~a~~~d.l~~~a~~1 1d.l~~~9~~~l~:::_~z:1 ge jong gyen du dren pay ngak pa yi May there not even be the word obstacle.
jang chup cho pay je su tUn pay kyen
~:::_49 1sr;~z:1~l~9~~sa9~~\l~~r;1 1~d.ll9 ma lu tok pa me par drup par shok Conditions favorable to the pursuit of awakening
" ...,; " ""
z:]~z:]~~q~d-1~~"' :l\z:l~r;~1 1"'9\~~s~ "'~~"'~
...,; "....,;
Delight the sublime and were extolled
jang chup cho tse dul jay ne kun yang By our guide as the ornaments of renunciates.
Sl'~d.l~11z:J~d.l~~d.l~~d.l~~~q:::_49 1 nam dak lap pe dam pay rap jung Ia May they be accomplished without hindrance.
go ching de Ia o pay yo che nam
sam pa tsam gyi ma lu tsol war shok When I engage in the conduct of awakening, may I establish
All disciples in full renunciation bound by pure training.
May I bestow upon them all appropriate necessaries
Upon merely thinking of doing so.

A Collection ofPraises ro I 55 03 Brahma's Crown: A Praise ofMaitreya

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 56 03 A Compilation for Recitation

deng ne tsam te tse rap tam che du From now on in all my lives
lu ngak yi kyi tsom pa gang gyi pa May whatever I do with body, speech, or mind
de dak tam che ta ye dro wa Ia Become a cause of benefit under all circumstances
ne kap kun tu pen pay gyur gyur chik To all innumerable beings.

bu duk shi way du kyi ma shin du Like a mother whose child has died,
duk ngel kun gyi nar way dro wa kun All beings are tormented by all sorts of suffering.
tak tu yi Ia chak pay tse wa yi May I always hold them affectionately in mind
do pa tam che de Ia tong war shok And give them all they desire.

mo cho sa yi dri ma jong wa na When the stains of the stage of devoted endeavor
de dang ma ong ta tar jung wa yi Have been purified, may I become like
tsu rol tong way gyal se nang na dak Mount Meru in the center of the golden ground,
ser gyi sa dzin u na Ihun po shin Prominent among all bodhisattvas

chen dang ngon she mang du to pa sok Of the past, future, or present. In eyes, clairvoyance,
yon ten gyi rap tu to wa dang Learning, and so forth, may I be supreme.
chi pay gu pa kun le de gyur te May I transcend all childish faults
shen dring mi jok pop pa top par shok And attain the confidence of independence from others.

gyal se pak pay sa Ia lop pa na When I am training on the levels of an arya bodhisattva,
sar ne pa wo du sum tam che du Among all the brave ones abiding on the levels
yang su shek pa nam kyi tro na dak Who have appeared, appear, or will appear in the three times,
ja lam dro Ia dap sang wang po shin May I be like the king of birds amidst a flying flock.

gyal se shen gyi pak par ka wa yi May I have unimpeded, stainless knowledge
shin tu gya chey she jay ne nam Ia Of all the extremely vast areas of knowledge
dri me khyen pa tok pa me juk ching That are difficult for other bodhisattvas to fathom.
lap chen cho pay ter du gyur war shok May I become a treasury of vast deeds.

de tar che pay dre bu drup pa na When the result of that conduct is accomplished,
du sum gyal wa nam kyi ku dang shing May I achieve the sum of all the kayas, realms,
khor dang dze pa ku tse man lam nam Retinues, deeds, lifespans, and aspirations
gang yi chik tu dam pa de dak Of all buddhas of the three times.
lz:J~rd.!~~~lt:.I~rarz;~~~~~~J\~~1 1~z;~~~l~
" -" - "" ~
z:J~~~'t:.IQ,'Q,~'z:]' "-l11ld.!'ai~'z:J~l~ Q,'aiJ\'ct~'~z:J't:.l'C1.l "
tap khe cho pey yong su dzok gyur ne
ring ne yi Ia nak pay dro wa di
dam cho du tsiy char chen pap pa yi
Having perfected all of this through skillful conduct,
May I send down a great rain of the amrita of dharma
Upon all beings, whom I have kept in mind for so long a time,
~l~~~~~~z:Jl~9~~~z:JJ\'4~ 1~~r;~~I:Jaa.~~~~ kechi chik Ia dak gi drol war shok And liberate them all in one instant.

\l~~~q~~~~~~A~r;:rs~~r:J~~~~A~~~~~~~~~q~~r:Ji!ir;~ This praise through lamentation ofthe buddha Maitreyanatha, the single
refuge ofall in the world including the devas, entitled Brahma's Crown,
I:Ja~~I:J~~~sqa.~~ 1 ~r;~i~I:Ja~A!f~~r:Jfq::ar;:!l~~I:Ja~I:JAI' was composed by the learned wanderer Lozang Drakpa'i Pal at the isolated
place ofTori Nyishar in Lhodrak. May it bring virtue and goodness!

"" - - ~ ~~a,!(~
~lf ~C1.l~r;t:.I~a,~\l~~ ~ ~=
" 11~~l'z:J,ll'~~d.l';' sva sa yi nying po dro kun je su dzin SVA! Kshitigarbha, you care for all beings.
sa shi shin du nam mang yon ten ten Like the ground, you support many qualities.
ar~?~~~11~~~;;.j~~z;~lz:J4~~J\~a~~11~q~a sa sum re kong yi shin nor buy tsul Like a wish-fulfilling jewel, you fulfill the hopes of the three
lqz;~~~l~~~"'~~q~l11~~~~J\~~~~qa~ sa chuy wang chuk khyo Ia chak tsal to levels.
I prostrate to and praise you, the lord of the ten levels.
- " -- il " " sa ne sar dren gyal way sa Ia go
sa chu tsi men lo tok gyun pel shing Leading beings from level to level, you establish them in
~J\t:.l~arz;~z:J,z;qa 1 1 ~'4~;;.j~~~l~~~"'~~
- "
q~l1 1~d.l'z:J!:jt;'lt:.l~'q~d.l'4t;'lt;'~~~~~~~1
. -1q~l "
sa di nam mang jor pay yong kang way
sa yi lha chok khyola chak tsal to

bum sang pak sam shing dang dzok den trin

You increase the earth's fruit, its herbs and crops.
You are the lord of this earth filled with diverse riches.

~a~d.!l'~q4~~z;9~~l1 1~~1:.1~~lt:.l~~~~~ I prostrate to and praise you.

du tsiy chu tso ji shin gang gi khyo
~~~1:.11 1%~~~aql~~l.~l~~~"'~~z:J~l1 1J;_q dren pa de Ia pal du lek ne pa You are like an excellent vase, a wish-fulfilling tree,
~ tuk jey dak nyi khyo Ia chak tsal to A cloud of the age of perfection, and a lake of amrita.
"'Sd.!~~~q~~~~qa,C1.1~'7~'(;.!~~ ~~d.!'d.!~"''d.!~\~
"- - v(

The thought of you brings prosperity.

rap jam se che gyal way yon ten chok;O,'tll~~l~~~~11~~~~~~~d.!;1Q,'C1.1~'4t;'~d.l~' nam kha dzo kyi nga dak khyo chik pu
I prostrate to and praise you who embody compassion.

~11~~z:Jad.!~\t:.I'd.ll"'l~~z;~~l11 gyal se tsul gyi ta ye shing nam su You alone have the treasury of space,
gyal way dze pa ta dak kyong Ia du Supreme among the qualities of innumerable buddhas and
In the guise of a bodhisattva, you do all the deeds
Of a buddha in realms without limit. I bow to you.

A Collection ofPraises ro I 57 03 Praises ofMaitreya & Kshitigarbha

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 58 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~q~~~ar~~~.:~;~d,~~iS-4,~~~~~~~o.Jd.Sj~qo.Jla: pak me yon ten nor buy o ser gyi Your limitless qualities are like the light-rays of a jewel.
nyi may gO pa ta dak ten du nyil They end forever all degenerate decline.
~~~ 7 ~~~~~ 1 ~~~l~~~~~a~q~~~o.J(~o.J~ pun tsok de shiy pal gyi ngon to way Your vast activity brings the splendor of fourfold abundance.
" ~ " ...,.. 1Q,~o.J'
~a.1 ~~~~dJ~~~~~o.J~\~~~a,~~~~~~ lap chen trin le dze Ia chak tsal to I prostrate to and praise you.

~sz:,~ra.~~~~~~z:,~~\l~~~=~z:,1 1!~0-Jq~~~~~ jam yang jik ten wang chuk kOn tu sang The buddha praised you, supreme and foremost bodhisattva,
~ ...,.. ...,.. .~ ...,.. mi pam pa sok gyal se sem pa chok Saying that the brief recollection of you is more effective
~~~o.J~~qa,;Jd5~ 1~0-l'o.JZ:,'~~~q~o.Jd5~'-%:_'~~~~~ nam mang kal par cho ching sol tap le For the fulfillment of wishes than to worship and supplicate
khyo chik yO tsam dren pe re do nam
~~~ ~~~~~~~~o.J~~q~~a,~~~O-l~11~~~~~~
Manjughosha, Lokeshvara, Samantabhadra, Ajita,

~~~q-4,'Q,~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~q~~~~~q yi shin tso Ia khe par pak she su And the other great bodhisattvas,
gyal we ngak pa gyal se to wo chok The buddhas' disciples, for many kalpas.
o.Ji~ ~~~~~o.J~~z:_~s-4,~~~~~~~q~~~~~~~~ gyal wa nam dang yer me khyo to pe Through my praising you who are inseparable from the
dak Ia chi do pal nam lek tso dze buddhas,
a.~~~q~~;J~~~~~o.J!(~11~~~o.J'Q,~Q,~~~~qd_ Please bestow all the splendors that I desire.
sa sum dro di de pay top nye ching
~~~~~~t:,'11~~~~z:_~~~~~~~~~a,~~11~~~~ sa yi wang chuk khye kyi je su dzin May all beings of the three levels gain faith.
~q~a,?4~;~~z:_~~~~~~1 ~~~~~-4,~~\~'o.Ji~ sa chO pal pel sa teng de we khyap May they be cared for by you, lord of the earth.
sa ne sar dro sa chok drup par shok May the earth's richness increase. May all on the earth be filled
~~q-4,4~ ~~~%~~r~r::~~~r:rr::J:)]'4~~~q~~~~r::.~~~~r:r with joy.
Q.~~~r.j~Q.~~~qlll~~~!;!~~~~~~ar~:l\ara~~~:~:,r::~~~lllr::~;~ Passing from level to level, may they accomplish the supreme
These stanzas, equal in number to the eight auspicious substances, were
composed by Mipam jampal Gyepa on the twenty-seventh day ofthe month
Trum in the fire horse year. May virtue and goodness increase!
I prostrate to you who have the secrets of all tathagatas, the mahabod-
hisattva Shri Samantabhadra!

\l~qE:lz::.:q~lq1 Praise ofShri Samantabhadra with Aspirations

r ~!;!lll'\.1~'~'1:.1:!Z::.'2f!ll'r::J~~~r::,~~lll~'r::J?r::J'!;!'~~sqr::~~~!;!lll~~ pal den sang wa kOn dak pal Glorious lord of all secrets,
khyen pay ke chik she ja khyen You know everything in an instant.
~~r::.1 1~r::~4~~4~~qij~~~~~~~r::.r::~a~r::.a.r::~~~sr::.~r::~~~~ ta me ye she tuk chO ngak Your mind contains boundless pristine wisdom.
~!;!Q.'~~2f~qlll'\.l~'~'r::J:!Z::.'lJ'!ll'~~~lll'iif11~q~~~~~z:_~\l~' chok jin dor je chok khyo dO I bow to you, great vajra who bestows the supreme.

~~~~q~l jo.J~~qd_~~~~4~so.J~~~ jo.Jla.~\~

4~' shi way rang shin na tsok rap tu nang Your nature is peace, your appearance variety.
pak ye kyen den chir yang sik mi dze You know everything, but see it as nothing.
;::,r;~~~~l9~;::,~~~r;1 ~~~9'tll~'d.]~~~~%;::.Ult:,' gyal se shon nu gyal wa kun pe gen Youthful bodhisattva, you are the elder of all buddhas.

9~9~~&.lz<~IIID''-r~~9~~~ID~q\\~~~~~~1\\~ kun dang mi tUn kun sang khyo chak tsal I prostrate to you, Samantabhadra, who are unlike anyone else.

'1 ...,., " "

~r;~d.l~~\\~'~Slt:.'(S"''59'Q_~~1 liD~~\\~~~~~~ gyal wa kOn gyi se kyi tu wo pa Shakyamuni said,
gang gi ming ni kun tu sang she ja "Foremost among all bodhisattvas
q.~11~r;~~r;~\\~~~Slt:.~~s11d.l~~~~~r;d.]~~ khe pa de dang tsung pa yo min she Is the one named Samantabhadra.
tup wang gi sung je su ri rang se His wisdom has no equal."
~m\~~-~~1 ~~~-~~r;~~9~r;~~~~~;::.r;~l1 1~
~;::,~\\~9r;"'t:.'11~~~r;~r;~~~\\~~~ de chir shing kun gang way cho trin dang
10 dang long cho kun gyi khyo rap cho
My rejoicing awakened by that, I present offering clouds
filling all realms,
s~;::,;11~r;~a~~ ngon gyi dik pa mi ge chi yo dang And I also offer you my body and all my possessions.
tung way nye pale kyi drip pa kun I confess before you, with extreme regret,
~4tl~~~~~\\~ 1 14~~ a.~~~~s~~r;'*99~~;::, All my past wrongdoing, unvirtuous actions,
shin tu gyo pe khyo drung shak par gyi
~~11~~05~~d.]'Ult:.~~lq;::.d-]~;::,~9 1~9~~~IDd.]l;::, le che nam yang gyi parma gyur chik And downfalls-all my karmic obscurations.
~~~~aID4tl~~11a.~~a~.ij~~4tlq;::.s~a~;::,11i~ chok dO gya tso shuk pay gyal wa Ia May I never repeat them from now on.
dro way Ia mun sel war ja way chir I implore the buddhas who abide in the oceans of directions
~4tlIDd.l~~;;::,~;::,~~4tl1 1~~4tl~IDd.ll'l~9 ~~~ .
cho tsul gya tsoy khor Ia kor war kul
~~~~~ ~~r;~~a.~a.~~9~~;::,9~4tl'~'Q_~~~11~~ kal pa gya tso pak tu me pa ru
To turn the ocean-like dharmachakra in order to

~r;~~~d.l~q~~~r;~l~~~~r;11q~d.]'~14~;::,~ nya ngen mi da shuk par sol wa dep Dispel the darkness of beings' minds.
jin dang tsul trim so dang tson drO dang I pray that for immeasurable oceans of kalpas
~~~d.l~~~~~r;~r;11~~4tld.]'~~~~r;~4~IDd.ll-~11 You remain without passing into nirvana.
sam ten she rap tap khe me jung dang May all the conduct of generosity, morality,
...,., V" ...,.,
~l'~~d.l~~~tllr;~~~9~~;::.\5~ 1sr;~~~d.l~~~d.l
;-. "
mon lam top dang ye she gya tso yi
cho pa tam che yang su dzok gyur chik Patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom,
tllt:.~~~d.l~;::,11~t:.~ID~IDd.ll-~9~d.l~t:.~;::,49 1i~
jang chup sem ni nam yang je ma gyur Excellent means, aspiration, strength,
~4tlIDd.ll~9~~~~lr;1 ~~~~d.l~IDd.l~~~~t:.~d.l And the ocean of.pristine wisdom become perfectly complete.
sang gye gya tso tak tu tong war shok May I never forget bodhichitta.
q~t:,'11~9~~d.l~~~d.l~~r;qlt:,'11~a.~~~d.]~' cho tsul gya tso tak tu nyen pa dang
tsul trim gya tsoy dri sung nom pa dang May I always see the ocean of buddhas,
~9s\_\~~r;~~11~4~~d.l~~9~~{~~~~9 1 tek chen gya tsoy ro nam nyong wa dang Always hear the ocean of dharma,
ting dzin gya tsoy rek ja kun nyong ne And smell the fragrance of the ocean of morality.
ye she gya tsoy tok pa top gyur chik May I taste the flavors of the ocean of the mahayana,
Experience the touch of the ocean of samadhi,
And att?-in the realization of the ocean of pristine wisdom.

A Collection ofPraises ~ I 59 03 Praises ofKshitigarbha & Samantabhadra

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 6o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~r;;:~~~riD~l-~~~l~q~~1 1IDI1.1't.:l'ID'd.!l't;ld.!~~~ shing kham gya tso tak tu jong wa dang May I always purify an ocean of realms,
gyal wa gya tso tam che nye gyi ching Please the ocean of buddhas,
~~~q~~~~1 1~d.!~~~IDd.!~~~q~11,1~11.1r.:]l~11 sem chen gya tsoy duk ngel sel wa dang Dispel the suffering of the ocean of beings,
q~~i~IDd.!l'~~~~~~l\~~ 1IDI1.1~~IDd.!l'\l~~~ de chok gya tso tak tu jin gyur chik And always give them an ocean of supreme bliss.

a.~~~ql~11~~d.!i~ID~~t;lr.:]~~~~\l~q~~~~11 gyal se gya tso kun dang drok pa dang May I be accompanied by the ocean of bodhisattvas,
tek chok gya tsoy tap nam kun sung ne Hold all the means of the ocean of the supreme vehicle,
~~~~~ID~l-4~~l~s~~~1 1~d.!.t;ll\'ID'd.!l'ld.!~l\ nyon mong gya tso shin tu dak che ching Utterly purify the ocean of kleshas,
nam tar gya tso gyu rna tar jong shok And cultivate an illusory ocean of feats.
f~4~ 1~'l\r.:]~IDd.!l'~q~~~~~~11lfd.!'ID'd.!l'~d.!~
~~l\q~~~~~~ 1ll1.1a,5l\ID~~ai\?~d.!~~q1 1 tse rap gya tso kye wa tam che du In all their births, throughout the ocean of their lives,
mi khom gya tso tam che rap pang ne May the ocean of beings always
~d.!~~~IDd.!l~~~~ij'qql\4~ 1r.:]l~~~~~!r:Gd.!' dal jar gya tsoy yon ten rna 10 pa Fully abandon the ocean of unleisured states
sem chen gya tsoy tak tu top par shok And attain the qualities of the ocean of leisure and resources.
dak ni tak tu mi pam se po dang May I never be separated from the bodhisattva Ajita,
\l~~r.:JEl~?r-~ll~la.EI1.1'~t:_11~~t;ll\'~11.111.1d.!~d.!ql\ chen re sik wang gon pa jam pal yang Avalokiteshvara, the protector Manjushrighosha,
~~ql\'4~ 1t.:ll~~~~~El~'~t:_q~~~~qcq~11~~ kun tu sang po khyo dang min dral shing And you, Samantabhadra.
nam tar tsul Ia nyam par juk par shok May I engage in deeds equal to yours.
dak gi chung se dang we sol wa yi Through my praying to you with some devotion,
~~~d.!~1 1t.:l~~~~~d,J'I1,l'(J,~~qil,~l\'~l\'~~ ~~~~ mon lam di Ia ge wa chi yo pe And through whatever virtue is in these aspirations,
~~~~~~ql~'l1,l'~~qlt:,'1 ~~~~qil,~d.!~~~11.1'l~ gyal wa kun gyi pang pay sem chen nam May I place on the path all the beings
dak gi lam Ia go pay gyur gyur chik Who have been abandoned by all buddhas.
sem chen gang dak dak Ia dang wa dang May all beings who give rise to inappropriate thoughts
~l\l~~qij'q~l\~~ 1r.:]~~~~~'l1,1d,J'4~~~qql\' chak pay nam tok tsul min kye pa dang Of hatred for me or attachment to me;
tong dang to dang rek dang dren nam And all who see, hear, touch, or think of me
4~ ~~~~~a.~~\l~~l:;lli!r;~cl.ll:;l~~%r.:.~~cl.l~l:;l~tJ~sr::J1 \\~
kyang Quickly attain irreversibility.
~r::J;ar.:.~~~tJ:t:..:l:t.'tl'cl.l';r~tlcl.l~~s~tla.:t.r.:.~~~~ 1 ~~r;9 ~~r::1 nyur du chir mi dok pa top gyur chik May my aspirations be perfectly fulfilled.
dak gi mon lam shin tu drup par shok
~:~:,iJ~'tl:l\'~r::l~'l:;la.'r;9'~1 ~9~~~tlcl.l'~~f~~~:1:,'1:;17{11~~~9'\1~' This praise of the bhagavat Samantabhadra, with aspirations, was com-
posed at the glorious retreat of Nakphu in easily understandable words\'~H n
without poetic language by Rangjung Dorje, who takes devoted consider-
ation ofSamantabhadra's feats as apath. I request that all my followers re-
cite it with diligence.
~9~t:lTd.l~z;T~~~l Praise ofthe Six Ornaments and Two Great Beings

r ~~~.iJ~~~~:I\~~ 1 i'~~~~~~~~:::,~~~o.Jfla.Ul~ll tsok nyi chu ter ting ta ye O May this bring joy and goodness!
nam dak yon ten nor bO gang The ocean of your two accumulations is immeasurably deep.
~o.Jl~ar~?~~:::_~~~~1 1~l~~a.~~c'l.l~~~~z:]~:::_ me jung trin le chok chur tro It is filled with the jewels of your pure qualities.
a.~1 1\\~.o.J~~~z:!q~"it::!~c4l~l1 1o.JflQ.'Sc4l'~t::!~Q, kun khyen top pay shap Ia dO Your wondrous activity radiates in the ten directions.
I bow to the feet of the omniscient Shakyamuni.
o.Jl'c4!~~~11~"i~~a.lz:!z:]~~sz:]~~11~~:::,a.~~q:::_ ta dral sap may tso Ia ne
shen de dap sang je wa yi You abide in the ocean of limitless profundity.
o.J~~q~1 1a.t:4~~o.Ji~!~I~z:]"iz:]~c'l.l~l1 10-l~c'l.l~~ ta ser gok par ma nO pay The millions of birds of those who hold other views
pak chok lu drup shap Ia dO Are unable to block the light of your view.
c;.J'~~~t~~~1 10-l~~l\\~~~~c'l.l~~ 1 1~~~~~c'l.l'z:]' I bow to the feet ofNagarjuna, the supreme arya.
ngal gyi dri ma ring du pang
-- 1~m i?,z:!a.'"iz:]~c'
" 1~c'l.lz:!'?lc'l.l~
do gyO kOn gyi pa rol son You cast far away the stains of the womb.
~~z::: :::,Q'\\~ 1 1~~~~~~c'l.l'z:]'~'z:]~~~1 1~c'l.l'z:]~'z:]~~ mu tek gal wa dok dze pa You perfectly mastered all sutras and tantras.
arya de way shap Ia dO You defeated the tirthikas in debate.
q~~o.J!(lq~1 1Q.t:4~~qf~~~l'"iz:]~'c'l.l'~l1 1~~ I bow to the feet of Aryadeva.
gyal wa nyi le sung rap kOn
~zsa~c'l.lQ~~~~1 1l~.z:]~~l~a.~o.J~~1 1~~~:::,Q
- 11 -- "
~o.J~ c'l.l~~~~tjt::!~~~ "' "it::!~'c'l.l'
o.J~~o.JC!i~ls ~~"7~.
sen ne gyal wa ji shin du
gyal way ten pa gye dze pay
pak pa tok me shap Ia dO
You heard all his words from the buddha himself
You spread the buddhadharma
Like the buddha himself
a.~l1 1~l~~~z:]~q~%~~~~~~~ 1~~~~(;.lq~~
- - - - -
~Ul~~~~ 1~c'l.l~~'ijz:!~q~~~~lq1 ~~~~~~~qa_
--"' "
"iz:]~c'l.l~l1 1~~~c'l.l~~(;.lq:::_~c'l.lQ~~ 1~la~a.!(o.J
so so kye way tsul sung ne
gu chu go gu bum de yi
sung rap nam Ia sung pop chen
I bow to the feet of Arya Asanga.

Adopting the manner of an ordinary person,

You achieved the confident retention
khe chok yik nyen shap Ia dO Of ninety-nine lakhs of the buddha's words.
~~~r;Ql~110-J'?O-J~~~~q~qll,:::,s11i~a~~~ I bow to the feet of the most learned Vasubhandu.
me jung pop pay tsik chik gi
q~'"il:;l~'c'l.l'~l11 sa chen nam pa druk yo ne Through your wondrous confidence,
gal ngen pop pa gyOn cho pa You made the earth shake six times with a single word,
chok kyi lang pay shap Ia dO Destroying the confidence of adversaries.
I bow to the feet of Dignaga.
chok le nam par gyal wa yi
6 kyi dzam ling gang wa dang The light of your victory over all directions
nyam du drak pay pe kar che Filled Jambudvipa, causing the white lotus
cho kyi drak pay shap Ia dO Of your renown to bloom.
I bow to the feet of Dharmakirti.

A Collection ofPraises ro I 6 I 03 Praises ofSamantabhadra & the Six Ornaments and Two Great Beings
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 62 Cl8 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~rr;:J::~r;:,~~~~~Zf<l.!11~t:Jqa:t:J~''.r~~~~d.l4~11 luk sang ser gyi ri wo Ia On the golden mountain of good tradition
tup pay tul shuk nyi ma shar Shone the sun of Shakyamuni's discipline.
~~~~a.~~qa:q\~<l.!~~11ar~7~~l~~t:!~<l.!~l11 ngur mik dzin pay pe tsal gye The lotus garden of those who wear saffron bloomed.
~ ~ ~~ ~
'-"l~~q~~~t:,r;:Ja,'~d.l'd.lf(l,'<l.!1 1~~~~'t:]'4~'r;:J'OJ~1 1 yon ten o kyi shap Ia du I bow to the feet of Gunaprabha.

~~arsit\l~l~d.lslq111~~l~~~,,.r~l11t:Jl~ lek par sung way nam kha Ia In the sky of the buddha's words
lo dro da wa shar wa yi Shone the moon of wisdom,
~~t:!~J.I~~l~1 1~t;;~r;:J~~J.I~~qa~~~~~1 1t:!~t:! dul jay ku mu dzum che pa Making the night lilies of disciples smile.
sha kya o kyi shap Ia di.i I bow to the feet of Shakyaprabha.
~r;:_~ar~7~\l~~~qa1 1d.l~~~~~q~t:]q~4~ 1~~
~~@j~~~~i~~~~"~11t:l,~s~s~~a~~~~11~~~z:.w~:r:J~::;ci!~ dak ni kye wa tam che du In every birth may I become
tup ten dze pay gyen gyur te A beautiful ornament of the buddhadharma.
~~11~~~~~~~~Cl~~~/q~11 lap jang yon ten den pay May I receive the training
chok tu gyur pa top par shok With all qualities.
a.!(J.~~r;:,~~<l.!sl~~~~arr;:,~~~~~~ ~lq~~<l.!t;;~~
In recollection ofthe kindness
OJ%;.'0Jt:,~r;:_r;:J~~q1 14z;_~~~qo~Imt:J~~~ijl~~1 1 Of the six ornaments- and the two supreme ones,
dzam ling sal che gyen druk yang drak druk This praise was composed in a moment
t:!~lqa~~r;:_~t:!~Zf\l~~~~1 1~~~~a.t:Jt:J'Q't:J1a. kye par gyal way yang yang lung ten pa By a bhikshu earnest in renunciation.
shing ta chen po lu drup tok me ne
t;;!~l~~~~~q11~.l~aJ.I~~~~~q~J.I~~l<l.!11~~ gyu pay sung rap chu wo ki.i di.i te The six ornaments who illuminated Jambudvipa are greatly
r;:_~~l~~~~~~~a,~(l,J'~lll~'~r;:J~'\l~~~~~a,~~ renowned,
chik tu bap pa ka gyi.i che drak pa Especially the great chariots, Nagarjuna and Asanga,
~~~~ 1~~~11 kye guy gon du gyur pa tam che Ia Who were repeatedly prophesied by the buddha.
li.i ngak yi kyi tak tu chak tsal di.i The confluence of their lineages
tse rap tu je su dzin gyur chik
Is renowned as the Kagyu,
Who are the protectors of all beings.
I continuously prostrate and bow to you all with body, speech,
and mind.
May you care for me in all my lives.
4z:..~~~~a,~~~a.,~~~1 Supplication ofthe Twenty-Five Chariots

!'~~~\.l~~~~t:rl?J'~t:J~~r;1 1~fl~~~~a,l'~~ tsa sum kun dO lob pon pe ma jung Personification of the three roots, Acharya Padmasambhava;
khen chen shi tso ch6 gyal tri song shap Great abbot Shantarakshita; dharma king Trisong;
~"l~~r;~q~1 1~~q~~~~r;~~~'?r;~~~~~l1 1 nup chen sang gye nyang ton nyi ma o Nupchen Sangyay Yeshe; and Nyangton Nyima C>zer:
r;:J,a,~~:l\'4t:~~"l~~"!'r;:J'Q,~r;:J~1 1~~'Q,a5t:'l~~~ ka ter shing ta nga Ia sol wa dep I pray to the five chariots of word and treasure.

~~~r;2J~~q~11r;:J~l~~~~~~~~t:l'~"l~~~lr;'11 dor je chang ngo Ia chen nying poy shap Vajradhara in person, the great guru of Sakya, Kunga
so nam tse mo drak pa gyal tsen dang Nyingpo;
~~t:l;e~~a,!:<l~~t:l~~cy~11~'r;:J~~9r;~~"l~~"l'r::J' sa kya pen chen pak pa rin po che Sonam Tsemo; Drakpa Gyaltsen;

Q,~r;:J~11l~~~~l~~~.:t:~~l~~~q~11~'"1':1\~'~~ je tsun gong ma nga Ia sol wa dep Sakya Pandita; and Pakpa Rinpoche:
I pray to the noble lords, the five forefathers.
~'?~~l~~:rt:l11~~~~~~s~t:Ja.~~9~!:<l~~~r;:J11 gye dze dor je mar ton lo dro shap
mi Ia re chen nyam me gam po pa Hevajra in person, Marpa Chokyi Lodro;
r;:J,a,q~l9r;~~"l~~"!'r;:J'Q,~r;:J~11~llt:l~'~l~9~ du sum khyen pa dro gon pak mo drup Milarepa; the peerless Gampopa;
ka gyu gong ma nga Ia sol wa dep Dusum Khyenpa; and Phamodrupa, the protector of beings:
lt:l"'~~~:l\~~~l11~"'qa:~r;~~~~~~~"'~~~ I pray to the five Kagyu forefathers.
6 pak me gon pal den mar me dze
Q,r::J:l\1 1~~~~~~"'lr;~~~~~tll~~~~q~1 1r;:J1Q,'
..... ..... - ..... " --
gyal way jung ne chen nga tsul trim bar
rin chen sal dang shon num gyal tsen shap
ka dam she nyen nga Ia sol wa dep
The protector Amitabha in person, Shri Dipankara;
Gyalway Jungnay; Chennga Tsultrim Bar;
Rinchen Sal; and Shonnu Gyaltsen:
~q~~~t:'(tl't:l11~"'~q~~~~fl~~ql~~~~lt:l"~11 I pray to the five Kadampa spiritual friends.
ten pay khor lo je tsun tsong kha pa
lm ~ - "
'l~~~r;:J't:J't:lf5'ct)~'a5~~~"'1 -
1a,~~~~~~q~~~ gyal tsap cho je khe drup ge lek pal Manjushri in person, the noble lord Tsongkhapa;
"'~~"'qa.~r::J~11~~:1;,~~"'qq7qqa:s~~q~~~11 gen dun drup pa pen chen ch6 kyi gyal Gyaltsap Choje; Kedrup Gelek Pal;
jam gon yap se nga Ia sol wa dep Gendun Drup; and Panchen Chokyi Gyaltsen:
r;:Jl~~~~~~r;~l.~l~~q~~~~1 1arr;~a.~~~~ I pray to the five Manjushris.
de tar sol wa tap pay jin lap kyi
9~~~~9~~~~q~r;~~11~:1\~sr;~q9a,~r;~qt:J:l\' dak sok tse ring ne me cho shin cho Through the blessing of praying in this way, may I and others
yong dzin she nyen chok gi je sung ne Have long lives without sickness, and behave in accord with
491 nyur du jang chup go pang top par shok dharma.
May we be cared for by genuine spiritual friends
And quickly reach the state of awakening.

A Collection ofPraises &l 163 03 Supplication ofthe Twenty-Five Chariots

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 164 03 A Compilation for Recitation

.:.._ ~ " .:.._

~~~l~r:::rq~~A.~~~A.'l&.l~~&.l~1 1q~(l,lq~~~q~ ri me tup ten dzin pay dam pa nam May the feet of all dharma traditions' holders
kal gyar shap ten trin le chok chur pel Remain firm for a hundred kalpas. May their activity spread to
q~~~~(l,l~~~~q~~A.?4<l.l11l9~~~lr;~l~q gen dun de dang she drup ten pa gye the ten directions.
q~~~~~~~~~~;J'z;:J!]J4~~r;q~~r:~r~~;~~ ~~~r~~;J sa sum ta shi nang way khyap gyur chik May the sangha and the dharma of study and practice
~~::_~~~::_::~~%~"lt:J~~~~&t:l'r::!~~~~~;Jao~t~~!!J~t~~ss~ May the three worlds be filled with the radiance of
;J~~Fts~t~~~ 1
In reliance upon some appearances in dreams, this was written by the ac-
tionless Manjughosha, who has respect for all traditiom of Shakyamuni's

~~ara.,~q~~~a.,a;~.:~~:;.q The Short Vajradhara Lineage Prayer;r;~~~~~lt;'11&.l~~~(l,l~~~~&.l'q~11~~ dar je chang chen te Ia na ro dang Great Vajradhara, Tela, Naropa,

mar pa mi Ia cho je gam po pa Marpa, Mila, Dharma Lord Gampopa,
~~&.14~s\l~;J~~1~~11~q~~r;q~lq~l~~A.~~ du sum she ja kun khyen kar rna pa The knower of three times, omniscient Karmapa,
~&.l~lr;11A.S~~~<l.l~~&.ll~'~r~~~~~~~~11~q che shi chung gye gyu par dzin nam dang Those who hold the four elder and eight younger lineages,
dri tak tsal sum pal den druk pa sok The Drikung and Taklung and Tsalpa, great Drukpa
<l.ld.l~~~~<l.l;]r;A,q~~~a11d.l~o.l~lA.~0-19~~~~~ sap lam chak gya che Ia nga nye pay And others who've mastered mahamudra's profound path,
nyam me dro gon dak po ka gyu Ia Unequaled protectors of beings, Dakpo Kagyu,
z;:J1A.'z;:J~l<l.l1 ~~~(l,l'z;:J'A_~q~~q1A.'z;:J~l~;]~;]~1 1 sol wa dep so ka gyu Ia rna nam We supplicate you. Kagyu gurus, we hold
q~l1::;!A.~~~~;]~~s~~~%q~1 ~~~ar~~&.l~~r::, gyu pa dzin no nam tar jin gyi lop Your lineage: to follow your example, please bless us.

r::;j~~~r::,~~q~~11:=!~~~\l~'(l,l'(Xi~~~~~l~lr;11~' shen lok gam gyi kang par sung pa shin Detachment's the foot of meditation, as it's taught.
se nor kun Ia chak shen me pa dang As ones with no craving for food or for wealth,

.:.._ " ...,., .:.._ - --

- .:.._
tse diy do tak cho pay gam chen Ia
nye kur shen pa me par jin gyi lop
Who cut all the ties to this life: to have no
Attachment to honor or gain, please bless us.

~ -
.:.._ ...,., ~
ci)~<l.l11q:o~;]~;]~~~ ~q~s~~~~q~11
.:.._ .:.._ ...,.,
rna gu gam gyi go war sung pa shin
men ngak ter go che pay Ia rna Ia
gyun du sol wa dep pay gam chen Ia
Devotion's the head of meditation, as it's taught.
As ones who pray always to the lama who opens
The gate to the treasury of oral instructions:
cho min rna gu kye war jin gyi lop That genuine devotion arise, please bless us.
ii!z:_~~l'~&,l'~'l~~~~~~~z:_~~q~11~z:_4~~~~~ yeng me gom gyi ngo shir sung pa shin Non-distraction's meditation's main practice, as it's taught.
gang shar tok pay ngo wo so ma de As ones who whatever arises, rest simply,
z:_q~&,l ?11
------ 1&.1r::~~~ -- "-- ~
-- ?,,~~~~~~~&.ld:l~~1 --
1r::~~&.ls Not altering, in just that fresh essence of thought:
ma cho de kar jok pay gom chen Ia
~lz:_s~r::~~s~~~~r::~~11~&.1~~~tfiz~r~~~~z:_~~ gem ja lo dang dral war jin gyi lop With practice that's free of conception, please bless us.

q~~~ 1~'Ul%:_'&,1'tll~~~Ul%:_'~05~'z::]'~1 1&.1'~~~~l:'~~~ nam tok ngo wo cho kur sung pa shin The essence of thought's the dharmakaya, as it's taught.
chi yang ma yin chir yang char wa Ia Not anything at all, yet arising as anything,
~05 ~q~~&,l~~~~~~~~l~ls~~l~~~~~s~~~ ma gak rol par char way gom chen Ia In unceasing play we arise: to realize
khor de yer me tok par jin gyi lop Samsara and nirvana inseparable, please bless us.
-- -- " "-- --
kye wa kun tu yang dak Ia ma dang
dral me cho kyi pal Ia long cho ching
In all of our births may we never be separate
From the perfect guru, enjoying dharma's splendor.
~05z:_ &-- - -
. . 1 ~~~z:_~~f!r::~4~ ~ ""'
1"~~a,z:::q~~:l\z::ra_~"'~~~~rq:a~~~ sa dang lam gyi yon ten rap dzok ne Perfecting the qualities of the paths and levels,
dor je chang gi go pang yur top shok May quickly we reach the state ofVajradhara.
"'!l(~~a:n n
Composed by Pengar ]ampel Sangpo.

A Collection ofPraises ~ 165 03 Short Vajradhara Lineage Prayer

aW~'ai '6ol~i'~~l~9 0!;~ a~r~~1 '{)"'iJI'JI<I
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 168 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~1 1tr~'('-rtl3~~~o.~i~~~11~03~~~r~J<l.!~~~~ po ta Ia yi ne chok ne From the supreme place of the Potala,

tam yik jang gu le trun shing You who are born from a green TA
4~'11~tl3~~l~~r.l.~~~<l.!11~<l.!'o.]'~~~~~~~~ tam yik o kyi dro wa drol And liberate beings with the light of TA.,
~~~<l.!11~.l~lJ~~lq~~~11~r;:J~~q~(l.!~m~11 drol rna khor che shek su sol Tara, I pray that you come with your retinue.

?4~~q\l~'"-l~'~"-l'o.I!(l'o.!11~<l.!'o.]'~o.]'"-l'~~r.l.~<l.!'al11~' lha dang lha min cho pen gyi Devas and asuras bow their crowns
shap kyi pe mo Ia tO de To your lotus feet.
t::l~~r.l.~~~o.~~"-l'o.]'l~1 1~~~t::~~~~~~o.]'t::l~~~q pong pa kun le drol dze ma You liberate from all poverty.
~11~"-l'r::J'~~~~~o.~~~l"-~11\l~~~l~r;:J~~~r.l.~<l.!' drol rna yum Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to Tara, the mother.

ar11~~~r;:J~~w~o.~~~~11~"-~'::t!~'~"-l'~(l.!'~~~q11 je tsun pak rna drol ma dang Noble lady, Arya Tara,
chok chu du sum shuk pa yi And all buddhas and bodhisattvas
- - ~ ~ ~-::!. ~
l~~r.l.S~'Clll~~~<l.!~~r.l.~<l.!1 1"'1:cl~~o.~r.l.eo~~~~ gyal wa se che tam che Ia Who abide in the ten directions and the three times:
kun ne dang way chak tsal lo I prostrate to you with utter admiration.
t::l~~~~~"-~1 1~~o.~~l~~s~~r;:J~1 1Jl~~~l~
me tok duk po mar me dri I present flowers, incense, butter lamps,
o.~~o.~~~l~11~o.!~'~'~~~~~lr;:J~'~~q~11~~q~o.~~ shal se rol rna Ia sok pa Scent, food, music, and other offerings,
~l~~~q~r;:J~1 1'?~~~~~~"-~s~~r;:J~o.~~1--1~~r ngo jor yi kyi trul ne bul Actually present and mentally emanated.
pak may tsok kyi she su sol I pray that the arya's assembly accept them.
~q:"-~.~~~q~1 1~~~~o.~l~'r;:J'~'r;:J~~~q~1 1~~l
tok ma me ne ta tay bar I confess all the wrongdoing I have committed
~o.]~'(l.!'~'~l~03~~11~o.!~'~~~o.~~~r;:J~o.]'q'l~11 ~ mi ge chu dang tsam me nga Throughout beginningless time up to now,
~ss~~~r::J:l\1 1~~~~~~~~~qtl31 1i~~~:l\ar-
sem ni nyon mong wang gyur pay
dik pa tam che shak par gyi

nyen to rang gyal jang chup sem

so so kye wo Ia sok pay
Such as the ten wrongdoings and the five worst,
With a mind overpowered by kleshas.

I rejoice in all the merit accumulated

Through the virtuous actions in the three times
du sum ge wa chi sak pay Of shravakas, pratyekabuddhas,
so nam Ia ni dak yi rang Bodhisattvas, ordinary beings, and others.

sem chen nam kyi sam pa dang I pray that you turn the dharmachakras
lo yi che drak ji ta war Of the lesser, greater, and common vehicles
che chung tOn mong tek pa yi In accordance with the thoughts
cho kyi khor lo kor du sol And various intellects of beings.
~~z:]~~ld.lwr;z:]~1 1~r; 1~~ khor wa ji si rna tong bar I pray that until samsara is empty
nya ngen mi da tuk je yi You not pass irUo nirvana,
l!:l~a.~~d.ll~sr;z:]~11~d.l~~~~d.l~a.~~~~~~~~a.~11 duk ngel gya tsar ching wa yi But compassionately care for beings
z:]l~~~z:]~l~d.l~~z:]~~~~11ld.l~~lsr;~l!:ljj~~~ sem chen nam Ia sik su sol Who are drowning in the ocean of suffering.
1:\. - ~- - 1:\. ~ 1:\. dak gi so nam chi sak pa May whatever merit I have accumulated
~~11~r;q~a.rl~~a,~l!:l~ 1l~~qa_lqn.r~l!:ll~~~
tam che jang chup gyur gyur ne Become a cause of awakening.
~~ 1~~r:r~~Mr:;,~s:ln.:~~~!(~1;J;z;.l!]~~n ring par mi tok dro wa yi May I soon become
dren pay pal du dak gyur chik A splendid guide of beings.
r fn.:~~;z;.llj~lljn.:!;lw~1;Jr.J~ar~~"!;l.:o~1;J!;l~llj~~n ~T ~
That is said to have been composed by Bhikshuni Lakshmi.
z:];a.~ar1 1~~a.o;~~a.~d.l
om je tsun ma pak rna drol rna Ia chak Praises to the twenty-one Taras, along with their benefits:
~~'d.l'lqa_~11~~~~l~~~~lr;-a,sd.l11a.~~~~~~d.l' tsaile
O I prostrate to the noble lady, Arya Tara.
d.l~~~~~~a.~~11~~~sl!:la.~~~~r;d.l11~~a.o;~w~ chak tsal drol rna nyur rna pa mo
I prostrate to Tara, the quick and heroic,
,aall!:l\\~~11~r;z:]z:]~~z:]!~~qa~a.~d.l11~~d.lwr; chen ni ke chik lok dang dra ma
Whose eyes flash instantly, like lightning,
jik ten sum gon chu kye shal gyi
Bl~l~~q~d.l~a~1 1~z:]~~z:]a~l~l!:la.l!:l~d.l1 1~~ ge sar che wa le ni jung ma Who arose from the open heart on the lotus face
Of the three worlds' protector.
a.a5a.~~~~~~~~~~~1 1q~~~~~~d.lq~z:]~~d.l1 1 chak tsal ton kay da wa kun tu
I prostrate to you whose face
~~qz:]l~~~l1Q.'%1!:l'4'z:]l 11!:lii'lqz:]~d.l'~?~'~l gang wa gya ni tsek pay shal ma
Is like a hundred full autumn moons,
kar ma tong tra tsok pa nam kyi
~a.~~l.d.l11~~a.o;~~z:]4~~~~qa~~~~~ 11 d.lla. rap tu che way o rap bar ma Who blazes with the light
Of thousands of stars.
~~~d.lq~~a.~l!:l~~ld-11 1d.l~~~~a.~s~q~z:]qa1 1 chak tsal ser ngo chu ne kye kyi
pe me chak ni nam par gyen ma I prostrate to you whose hands are adorned
~a.~l!:la~~~~4~~z:]~~d.l1 1 jin pa tson dru ka tup shi wa By lotuses born from water blue and gold,
Whose conduct is generosity, diligence,
so pa sam ten cho yul nyi ma
Discipline, peace, patience, and meditation.
chak tsal de shin shek pay tsuk tor
I prostrate to you, the ushnisha of the tathagatas,
ta ye nam par gyal war cho ma
rna lu pa rol chin pa top pay Whose deeds are boundless, utter victory,
Who have achieved all transcendences,
gyal way se kyi shin tu ten ma
On whom the bodhisattvas fully rely.

Removing Obstacles ~ I 69 0.3 Twenty-One Praises ofTara

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 70 03 A Compilation for Recitation

5~~~ll!~l~~~~~~ ~~~llr;:_~9~l~~d.ld.lfl~~~ chak tsal tu ta ra hung yi ge I prostrate to you who fill the desire realm, all directions,
do dang chok dang nam kha gang ma And all space with the syllables TUTTARA HU.!yl,
d.lj ~~~9~~t::~~~.q.~t::l~~~d.l~~~l ~~~q~lq~ jik ten dun pa shap kyi nen te Who trample on the seven worlds,
~~~q~~~d.lll~9~~"'~t::~IDs~~~*'~'rqll&~~~ lu pa me par guk par nu ma And are able to summon all without exception.
7!1. ..., ..., ..., "
d:)~~lt::~~~9d.l 05 l.d.ll ~~~q~"'~~~:):::r~d.l~l~l I chak tsal gya jin me lha tsang pa I prostrate to you whom Indra, Agni, Brahma,
lung lha na tsok wang chuk cho ma Vayudeva, Ishvara, and other devas worship,
~~l~~~9~~~d.l~~~~q~ld.l1 1~9~~~~~~s jung po ro lang dri sa nam dang Who are praised in your presence by bhutas,
" ..., ..., ...,
lt:,T:4(!~~~ jl:4~~~~~~~q~~~d.l~d.ll 19Ul~
no jin tsok kyi dun ne to ma Vaitalas, gandharvas, and hosts of yakshas.

q~d.)9ar~t::~~~~'fl~~~d.l~~~11~a-t::~~~9~q4~ chak tsal tre che ja dang pe kyi I prostrate to you who totally conquer, with TRAT and PHAT,
pa rol trul khar rap tu jam ma All the devices of adversaries,
~~q~d.lll~9~~~~~~~9~q~~J.T~IIt::~~l~lq~ ye kum yon kyang shap kyi nen te Who trample with right leg contracted and left extended,
me bar truk pa shin tu bar ma Who blaze amid wild, burning flames.
chak tsal tu re jik pa chen mo I prostrate to you who totally conquer, with terrifying ture,
3d.l~~ld.l~~9~ld.lll59~~~l;'99~d.ld.l~~ du kyi pa wa nam par jam ma The warriors of Mara,
5~~a~~~~J.T~%9~,~~d.)q~qiD~d.llld.l~~~9~~ chu kye shal ni tro nyer den dze Whose lotus face frowns,
dra wo tam che ma lu so ma Who kill all enemies without exception.
chak tsal kon chok sum ts6n chak gyay I prostrate to you whose fingers adorn your heart
~~~~~~t::~~l9a-q~q~lqal ll~.ID~~l~~~q sor m6 tuk kar nam par gyen ma With the mudra of the three jewels,
~ll!d.ll jt::!~lq~t::~t::~~l~l~~~~ jt::!~ll~~~9~~ ma lu chak kyi khor 16 gyen pay Who is adorned by a turbulent wheel of light,
rang gi 6 kyi tsak nam truk ma Blazing in all directions.
chak tsal rap tu ga way ji pay I prostrate to you whose crown, heavy with great joy,
~l~9~q~~~q~ld-11 ~9~~9art::~a~~~~~~ 1 u gyen 6 kyi treng wa pel ma Radiates garlands of light,
she pa rap she tut ta ra yi Whose fierce laugh of tuttara
du dang jik ten wang du dze ma Enthralls maras and all the world.

chak tsal sa shi kyong way tsok nam I prostrate to you who are able to summon
tam che guk par nu pa nyi ma All the guardians of the ground,
tra nyer yo way yi ge hung gi Who, with a frown and the syllable HO.!yl,
pong pa tam che nam par drol ma Liberate from all poverty.
~~a,~ll.!a:Jqa~(;,l~~~~q~~11q~~r~r~(;,1~~~4~~ chak tsal da way dum bO u gyen I prostrate to you whose head is adorned by a sliver of the
gyen pa tam che shin tu bar ma moon,
a_q;:;,(;,11 1;:;,1l.!qa~~~~~~q~~~ll.!~1 1~~q;:;_4~~ rol pay tro na 6 pak me le Who blazes brilliantly with all adornment,
~~~d.l!(~d-11 1~~a,~ll.!t:;l~ll.!qd,l~Q,d,la~~::.1 1a_q;:;_ tak par shin tu 6 ni dze ma Whose hair is always beautiful
With Amitabha's brilliant light.
qa~r;qa~~~~~~~(;,1 1 1 ~Ul~q~r;~~~~q~d,l\1~ chak tsal kal pa ta may me tar
bar way treng way 0 na ne ma I prostrate to you who dwell amid garlands of flame
~~q~;:;,~~a,11~::J~~~r;~~d,l'q;:;_a,~d,l~'(;,111~~a,~d.!' ye kyang yon kum kun ne kor ga Like the fire at a kalpa's end,
Who are delighted, with right leg extended and left bent,
~~~a~~ll.!~~~ 1(;,l~ll.!~~q~~~r;~q~~~q~z=_ dra yi pung ni nam par jom ma
Who totally conquer enemies' forces.
d-11 -- ""' "me.~
~~");:;,~~d.l!(~'1l',l'~ " --
. . l~1 1;:;,d,lqq~~q~(;,l~~ " chak tsal sa shiy ngo Ia chak gi
til gyi nun ching shap kyi dung ma I prostrate to you who pierce the ground with the palm of
Q,~d,l~'d-11 1~~a,c61l.!'t:;l~'(;,l'~~d.l~d.l1 1~r;~a,~~~i~ tro nyer chen dze yi ge hung gi your hand
rim pa dun po nam ni geg ma And trample it with your feet,
~ll.!~~'d-111~'1'~~T;'U!T;'~~~~q~11~~q~~a,~d,l~' Who, frowning, with the syllable Hfi
chak tsal de ma ge ma shi ma
q~~d-111~~a,~ll.!\l~~~q~;:;,~q~~a_qa11~::J~~~ nya ngen de shi cho yul nyi ma
Conquer the seven levels.

~;:;,q~a,~d,l~d-11.1~~q~qar;~~qi'~qall~~~~ so ha om dang yang dak den pay I prostrate to you whose conduct is blissful,
dik pa chen po jam pa nyi ma Virtuous, tranquil, the peace of nirvana,
ll.!~~ll.!d.l~~d-11 1~~a,~ll.!~~a~q~~q~q~q~1 1~ Whose sv.AHA. and O
chak tsal kun ne kor rap ga way
~~(;,lqa~q~~~(;,111~;:;,qd,l~;:;,~r;a_fl~~rs~11a_~~ dra yi 10 ni rap tu gem rna
Conquer great wrongdoing.

= -- " " ~
71f.<'\ yi ge chu pay ngak ni ko pay I prostrate to you who amid utter joy
rik pa hung le drol ma nyi ma Totally defeat enemies,
~~~~~~~~~~~~q~(;,l~'d-11 py;:;,~~~q~\~~~~ Tara who arises from the awareness HU
chak tsal tu rey shap ni dap pay Surrounded by the ten syllables.
~~1 ~~~~d.l~'(;,l'~~q~~ll.!'d-11 1 hung gi nam pay sa bon nyi ma
ri rap man da ra dang bik che I prostrate to Ture who stamps her feet,
jik ten sum na yo wa nyi ma Whose seed has the form of Hfi,
Who shakes Mount Meru, Mandara,
chak tsallhay yi tso yi nam pay Vindhya, and the three worlds.
ri dak tak chen chak na nam ma
ta re nyi jo pat kyi yi gey I prostrate to you whose hand holds
duk nam ma 10 pa ni sel ma The devas' lake marked by a rabbit,
Who dispel all poisons when two taras
And the syllable PHAT are said.

Removing Obstacles ro 171 03 Twenty-One Praises ofTara

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 72 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~a.~<l.l~tl:!l~~r~d-l~ID<l.l'2l' ,~lr;la.d-l~tl:!~t:~~~ chak tsal lha yi tsok nam gyal po I prostrate to you on whom the king of devas
lha dang mi am chi yi ten ma And all devas and kinnaras rely,
d-1' '\\~~~~05l~a.t:~at:~~"'~~, 'l\"'r;~<l.ld,lr;~q kun ne go cha ga way ji kyi Who dispel dispute and bad dreams
~<l.l'd-1' '~~a.~<l.l~d-la:Jt:~ID~qa, '~~~~~q.<l.l.~"'.:l\t:~ tso dang mi lam ngen pa sel rna With complete armor and joyous splendor.

~~<l.l'd-1' ,,..:1\~~~t:~~l~l.:l\tli~, '4~~~~q-a:~d-l~ chak tsal nyi rna da wa gye pay I prostrate to you whose two eyes are as bright
chen nyi po Ia o rap sal ma As the sun and full moon,
~"'~<l.l'd-1' '~~a.~<l.l~~"'~~d-l.~d-l~t:~;-"'qa, ,~t:~a ha ra nyi jo tut ta ra yi Who dispel the fiercest contagion

d-l%'lt;';'l~~~d,l, '~~~lr;~(;~~~l~~l~~
. -~ ~ ~-
~d-1~, ,a.~d-l~q~- ::::.t:~'d-ld5~''?l'd-l' ,~t:~a.~~~~t:~~l
shin tu drak pay rim ne sel ma

chak tsal de nyi sum nam ko pay

shi way tu dang yang dak den rna
By reciting hara twice and tuttara.

I prostrate to you who pacify

Through the placement of threefold suchness,
qa,~lr;, '~~a.~<l.l't:!'~~~~~~~ ' don dang ro lang no jin tsok nam Supreme Ture who conquers the hosts
jam pa tu re rap cho nyi ma Of spirits, vaitalas, and yakshas.
lllOj.arOj~~ ~~<;"'~~~qa, '~~~~r;~~:::.t:~1r;
tsa way ngak kyi to pa di dang This is the praise of the root mantra
t:~~lq~, ,~\lr;~:::.r;~<l,lr;~q:::.s~~, '~~q~1 chak tsal wa ni nyi shu tsa chik And the twenty-one prostrations.

a.~~~'fld-l~'~l':::.t:~~;:;,' '~~q'fjd,l~~l:::.t:~~~t:!, 'r;~ The benefits:

An intelligent person with true respect for this devi
a.%-fld-l~~la.(d-l~q~l~, 'ID< lha mo Ia gi.i yang dak den pay Who arises and recites this with utmost
~~, '~;:;,~lt:~r;~t:~~:::.t:~:::.~:::.<l.l, 'a.~<l.l~~t:~~l~ Ia den gang gi rap dang jo pay Admiration at both dawn and dusk,
so dang to rang lang par che te Will be freed from all fear by the thought of her.
a.~t:~~r;, ,~r;~~~~a,r:<Jt;'d,lfj;:;.'%~~ :::.a.%' ,~tl:!~~~ dren pay mi jik tam che rap ter
All their wrongdoing will be fully pacified .
.5~Q-~~q, 't:!~~<l.l~~~qa.d-l~~~Ult;'Q,~t:!, ,~~q
~ ~ ~ ~
lr;~~r;~q'?l~r;, '~~q~:::.t:~~~<l.l't:!''?l'Q,flt:!'
- '
dik pa tam che rap tu shi wa
ngen dro tam che jam pa nyi do
gyal wa je wa trak nam kyi
All lower realms will be conquered.
They will quickly receive empowerment
From seventy million buddhas.
nyur du wang ni kur war gyur Ia They will attain what is greater than this.
di le che wa nyi ni top ching They will reach ultimate buddhahood.
sang gye go pang tar tuk der dro
The thought of her will fully dispel
de yi duk ni drak po chen po The strongest poison whether from
ten Ia ne pa'am shen yang dro wa The environment or beings,
so pa dang ni tung pa nyi kyang Whether eaten or drunk.
dren pay rap tu sel wa nyi top
~~~lr.,~~~lr.,~~~~~~x:~a11~~~~~~rl~~~~~ don dang rim dang duk gi sir way They will escape all suffering
duk ngel tsok ni nam par pong te Caused by spirits, contagion, or poison,
~~~r.,~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~arU~r;'~'11~~~~~~ sem chen shen pa nam Ia yang ngo And so will other beings.
~~~~~~~~~~~l~ 11~a,~~~~~~~~~~~r.,11 nyi sum dun du ngon par jo na If this is recited two, three, and seven times,

- ji- " - ...., -
1a,ll~~~~~l~~ bu do pay ni bu top gyur shing Those who want children will have children,
nor do pay ni nor rna nyi top Those who want wealth will gain wealth,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r.,~~~a,~~~~~~~~9' do pa tam che top par gyur te All desires will be fulfilled,
~~il.l'~:l\'~9'~'t::1f~1;l~~~~;j'1;l:l;.'~l:;;j~~~~~9~1:,~'1;l'~'~~il.l~' gek nam me ching so sor jam gyur And all obstructors will be vanquished.

This praise, the Twenty-One Prostrations, was taught by Mahavairochana.

~1:,'1::1~11 1l
It is extracted from the tantra.

~z:::J-~fz:::J~cy~1 The Seven Protections

~~tJ~l~~~~lsr;~~~~~~~tJ~~~;r-~ll.l~tJ~~~~~ rna kye wa me pay cho ying na Mother, in the unborn dharmadhatu you dwell,
yum je tsun lha mo drol ma shuk Mother, noble lady, devi Tara.
~~~~~~\l~'ll.l'tJ~~~~11t:ll9'Q,~~~~\l~'ll.l~'tJ~~ de sem chen kun Ia de ter ma You bestow bliss on all beings.
~~~"'11 ~~r;~~~tls~~~~:q~~~~ ~~~~~~~r;~ dak jik pa kun le kyap tu sol I pray that you protect me from all danger.

...., "~
ltJr;~~~~Ul11~~~tJ~~~~~a,"'l~~~~"'l11~~ rang chO ku yin par rna she par Not knowing ourselves to be the dharmakaya,
sem nyon mong wang du gyur pa yi Our minds come under the power of kleshas.
~~~~~~~~~~~~"'l11~~~r.,~~~l'll.l'~~~~~11 ma khor war khyam pay sem chen Ia Mother, for all beings wandering in samsara,
~~l~~~~~a_sr;~~~~~~tJ~~a.r;~~~tJ~~~"'l11 yum lha mo khyo kyi kyap tu sol Mother, devi, I pray that you protect us all.

~~Ulr;l~~~~~tJ~tJ'~'~~"'l1 ~~~~~~l,(.l,'tJ'~r; cho nying ne gyu Ia ma kye par Without dharma in my heart or being,
ta nye tsik gi je drang ne I chase jargon and words
~~~~~ ~~~r;~~~~~~~~sl~~~ 1st:]r;~~~ drup ta ngen pay lu pa Ia And am deceived by bad philosophy.
yum yang dak gi lha mo kyap tu sol Mother, perfect devi, I pray that you protect me.
tok par ka wa rang gi sem Although I've seen my mind, so hard to realize,
tong ne gam par mi che par I do not accustom myself to it.
ja wa ngen pay yeng pa Ia I am distracted by bad activities.
yum dren pay lha mo kyap tu sol Mother, devi of mindfulness, I pray that you protect me.

Removing Obstacles ~ 173 03 The Seven Protections

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 74 w A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~r;~r;~~~~l~4~~1 1~~~~(.l,~~qat:~~ sem rang jung nyi me ye she Ia Although niy mind is self-arisen, non-dual pristine wisdom,
nyi su dzin pay bak chak kyi Because of my habit of dualism
a;~~~~11~:~~s~~r;t:~~r;~q~~~11~~~~~~~l ji tar che kyang ching pa nam No matter what I do, I am fettered.
~~~~t:l~t:l~~~~11Ulr;l~~~~~~~~s~~r;11~ tuk nyi me kyi lha me kyap tu sol Mother, devi of non-dual mind, I pray that you protect me.

(.l,~~~~(.l,s~l4~q~114~sa~~~l'r;~q~11~~ yang dak gi don Ia ne che kyang Although I abide in the true meaning,
gyu dre ten drel mi she pe Not knowing cause, result, and interdependence,
\.l~~~~~~~~t:l~t:~~~~~1 1~~~~~~~~a~~~ she jay don Ia mong pa Ia I am ignorant of what can be known.
yum kun khyen gyi lha me kyap tu sol Mother, devi of omniscience, I pray that you protect me.
~l~~1 1l~~~l~lr;ls~~l~~11l~r;~t:~~a~r;
:!~~11~~~~~~r;~~~~~t:~~t:l~~~~11~~r~~~:. tro dral nam khay tsen nyi chen The absence of complexity has the character of space.
tam che de dang yer me kyi Everything is inseparable from it.
rs~~fli>l~~~i>li~~~ll!~~rr;ra_s~f~iz:r~~a_~~~~~~i>l~ da dung lop may gang sak Ia For individuals still learning,
yum dzok sang gye kyi kyap tu sol Mother, buddha, I pray that you protect us all.
In the Echung Cave the dharma king of the three realms, the Gyalwa
Drikungpa, the protector ]ikten Sumgon, saw the faces ofseven Arya Taras.
At that time he made this supplication, which came to be known as the
Seven Protections. It is renowned for its extremely great blessing.
~~-~rs~~1 The Well-Formed

~;f~~~~~1 Q,l:4~~~~~~~~~~~~y;:]r;~~~~~ nama arya taraye NAMO ARYA TARAYE

~a~~~ar~~a.~~ar1 1~~~s~l~~~ql~~~~~ pak pa chen re sik wang chuk tuk jey ter Ia I prostrate to Arya Avalok.iteshvara, the treasury of
" " - "fri ~ ..... chak tsallo compassion.
~'d-11;~1 1~'Ul'aj'd.l':ij1;'~lr;l~~~d.l~~1 ~~~a.~~~
lek dri pal gyi dak po ser gyi ngel I bow to the feet ofTara, whose lotus feet are worshipped by
~~~~q~a~~~~~~~ 1 1 ~q~~l'U~d.l~\~~o.1a lha yi Ia rna lang dong pal gyi drin the crowns
~~~~l11~~~~~~~~~~a~d.l~~~~~1~~ pe may nyen sok lha gyay tsuk gyen gyi Of hundreds of well-formed devas, such as Vishnu, Lakshmi's
shap pe gu cho drol may shap Ia du lord;
~~d.l~~qad.l~~q~~~~~d.l~11~t:ld.l~~~~~~~ Brahma of the golden womb, Brahspati the guru of devas; the
tuk je chen pay tuk jey nam trul gyi
a.ra.~~q~~~~11?4r;~~\l~iq~l' du sum gyal way khyen tse nu pa nam
elephant-faced Ganesh;
Glorious-throated Ishvara; and Surya, the friend of lotuses.
lsr;~ ~~~d.ll~~~a~l~~r;~ 1 1d.l~~lo.1~~-o~ rap dze trin le lha may kur ten ne
Through the miraculous emanation of Mahakarunika,
pong pa kun kyop drol may shap Ia du
~~~%~~~~~~d.l 1 1 ~r;l'~t:~~~~Ul~q~r;~~ar~ The wisdom, kindness, and power of all buddhas of the three
ying rik nam dak pe mayden teng na times
t:1~o.1~~q~1 1~q~4~~r;a.s~d.l~~~a.~~ar1 1~ mar ge dok chen shal chik chak nyi rna Are displayed as a beautiful devi of activity.
a.~~~q~~Sl~i:!lq~qa~~~ 1 1 ~~~~~q~~~a lang tso rap gye ye kyang yon kum shap I bow to the feet ofTara, who protects from all poverty.
tap she sung drel rna Ia chak tsal Ia
~d.ll,~~~11~qa~d.l~~~~~~~a~~Ulr;~d.l11~r; On a lotus seat-utterly pure expanse-awareness-
nu bur rap gye sak me de way ter You have the color of emerald, one face, and two arms;
~r;~~~~d.l~~'d.l'~\~~l1 1~~~~~4r;'tl.l~~ shal re da wa gye pay dzum kar chen In the full bloom of youth, your right leg is extended and the
shi way nyam den tuk jey chen yang rna
q~r; seng deng nak kyi dze rna khyo Ia du
left contracted.
I prostrate to you who unite means and wisdom.
d.lfl~' yu yi jon shing yal ga kyang dra way Your breasts are full. You are a treasury of undefiled bliss.
~l~~~a.~l'l.lar1 1 jam nyen chak ye chok jin chak gya ni Your face, like the full moon, has a white smile.
khe nam ngo drup chok gi ga ton Ia Your demeanor is peaceful. Your compassionate eyes are wide.
dron du bo dra khyo Ia chak tsal Ia I bow to you, the beautiful one from the sandalwood forest.

Like the extended branch of a turquoise tree,

Your smooth, soft right hand is in the mudra of supreme
As though you are summoning the learned
To the feast of supreme siddhi. I prostrate to you.

Removing Obstacles ~ 175 C!8 1he Well-Formed

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 176 03 A Compilation for Recitation

s~~~~l;-~;.Ji~~~;.J~l~~q~r~~~~11a.~~~r:.r chak yon ken chok sum tson kyap jin gyi Your left hand represents the three jewels and bestows
jik pa gya trak tong way kye wo nam protection,
q~~~;.J~z;qa~~~~~ 11 ~a.~~~z;tfl~~~~q~z:]~ ma jik nga yi nyur du kyap po she Clearly indicating, "I, who am fearless, will quickly protect
~~11~~~q~;.J~r:.r~l~s~a.~~ar11s~~~~~~ sal war tson pa khyo Ia chak tsal lo beings,
Who.see hundreds of dangers."
~~ar~;.J~~r:.r~11~\\~~lqaq~~;.J~~q~11fl~ chak nyi ut pal ngon po tsen pa ni I prostrate to you.
dro kun si pay de Ia ma chak par
q;~ara,~z;~~~4~~~11z:]!'~qa~~~~q~~~ tar pa chen pay drong du shuk shik che Your two hands are marked by blue utpals,
tson pay chak gi kul dra khyo Ia du As though you are spurring all beings on to diligence
~l'n.!'~l11q~~~~lz;~~~~llq~~l11;.J~~'t::l'fj' By saying, "Be not attached to the pleasures of samsara.
z:]~l%~~z;qa{{z;z:]i!lz:]~~~1 1a.~~ll(~~z:]~ pe ma ra ga dang den 6 pak me Enter the city of great liberation." I prostrate to you.
nyam shak du tsi gang way Ihung se nam
z:]~ttr~q~~11ql~~a.~z:]l~c;(;.J~q~l~~l11 chi me ngo drup ts61 way chi war gyen Amitabha, the color of ruby,
dak gi chi dak jam pa khyo Ia du Holding an alms bowl filled with amrita in meditation,
;~~~~~;.J~~~z:]~tra.~sl~~11~~~~l~t~Jt~Jl Adorns your head, bestowing the siddhi of immortality.
tsok nyi tori so way du che kyi
z:]~~~~~~;.J~1 1;.J~~~~~~~~~q~~qat~Jla.~~ shal me lha yi yi shin nor bu nam
I prostrate to you who conquer the lord of my death.

~~1 1\\~~~q~~q~l~s~a.~~ar1 1;.J~~l~Z5'~ dze dze chik tu du pay yi trok gyen Through your two accumulations, your jewelry is like that
kun gyi gyen pa khyo Ia chak tsallo made by devas.
a.~a.l~~~qq~~11~~l~~~~~~~~l~~11~~z; Priceless, it is composed of devas' wish-fulfilling jewels.
mar ge ri way ja ts6n gyon pa shin
~~~;.J~~qa~l~z:]~~ 11q t~,a4;.J'flz:]~a.~~~ ku to lha dze k6 kyi ga sha chen
It is captivating, the sum of all beauty.
I prostrate to you who are well-adorned.
~l11~"'l~~~z;~~lqa~li!~~~11~qa~~~~~ trashing dem Ia dze pay ke kap ni
pe tsa li kay sham tap dzin Ia du Like a mountain of emerald adorned by rainbows,
~~~;.J~~~~l~11~CQ\~~~~~~~;.J;.J~a;.J~~q On your upper body you wear a band of devas' fabric.
ye na nya ngen me pay 6 ser chen Your slender, supple, beautiful waist
~~ ~as~~q~lqa~~~;.J~~~l1 1~~~~~Ilz; shi way nyam den ser dok nyi 6 tro Is swathed by a skirt of panchalika. I prostrate to you.
~~~qa~~~;.J~~1 1~~~~l,~f_(l.lqq~z;~z;~ yon na ral chik nam khay dze pa trok
tro chak ji pay dze ma de Ia du On your right is Marichi, who eliminates misery.
~~~11 druk den lu dang dze pay gar Ia khe
Her demeanor is peaceful. She is golden and radiates light like
the sun's.
duk kar nga yap pi wang ling bu sok On your left is Ekajati, whose blue color surpasses the beauty
of the sky.
I prostrate to the beautiful ones who are majestic with wrath
and passion.

I offer you devis filling all space,

Skilled in six-fold song and lovely dance,
:1\t:~~~~~il~~a.~~qa.~~a:l~~~ ~~~~~a.~z; rap jam cho dze dzin pay lha moy tsok Holding white parasols, fans, lutes, flutes,
nam kha gang way cho Ia chak tsal lo And innumerable other offerings. I prostrate to you.
t:~~~i"'Q.r~~a.~~arl llq~~a.J~~t:~~"'~"'z;~~~
pal mo lek cho ma dang ri kye sok Lakshmi, Indrani, Uma,
~~~~ ltql~z;a,~~lr~;~~z;l~~~~ ~\~z;s~~~e.~ yi ong chi me bu mo tong dak gi And the thousands of other attractive immortal maidens
~z;lt:~l,Q,'t:lll~~~~~~~~~"-l~~a.~"-l'all 1%~~ khyo drung dren mo tsam yang top ka wa Are hardly worthy of being your servants.
dze duk lha may ku Ia chak tsallo I prostrate to the beautiful, appealing devi.
~a~a.~~~~qa~z;~z;~~~~ ~~~z;~~~z;~"'sz;~
tuk jey chu dzin gye pay long yang ne From the vast expanse of your compassion's clouds
~~~f_~:o~l1~~~saa.~~~:~;,~~~~t:~~"'i~as:~;,11 sung nyen tsang yang trin gyi nga dra chen Issues your melodic speech, like Brahma's, the cloud-drum's
\l~~a.2lt:~~~f~~"'~~~~"'~ar114~s\l~~~~~ar~ dul jay dzin mar yen lak gye cho char beat.
kun tu bep khe rna Ia chak tsallo Its skillful shower soaks the ground of disciples
?~~~la:~~:l\1 1~t:~~~~~~t:~~lq:~;,~tq~~~1 1~ With rain of eightfold sweetness. I prostrate to you.
she ja kun sik yon ten gya tsoy ter
~~r~~~"'~t:~~~~z;a.t:~a%~~11~~~:~;,t:~~fl:l\'5~ ji shin rna lu jo par su yi nu Seeing all things, you are a treasury, an ocean of qualities.
Ia dro tuk me top chu nga way tuk Who could properly describe them all?
~"'~~~a.~"-lar11~t:~t:~~~~z;%~~~a~'filt:~t;~~11 khyen rap tar chin rna Ia chak tsal lo Your intellect is unimpeded. Your mind has the ten strengths.
~~t:~~"-l~~l:~;,sz;t:~aa.~t:~~~~ 1 1 ~~~~a~~~~ I prostrate to you who have perfect wisdom.
shi wa nye kyang tuk jey shen wang gi
? .... " .,r ..,.,
~:~;,~~~~~\~1 1t:l~'t:]'e.]fl:l;,'~~~"-l'~~a,~"-l'"-l1 1 duk ngel gya tsoy jing way dro wa nam Although you have achieved peace, compelled by compassion
tuk jey chak gi nyur du dren dze ma You quickly rescue, with the hand of compassion,
~~~lt:~t;lz;~~~a,~~"-l~~~~11~~la~t:~~'t:l~~ tse wa tar chin rna Ia chak tsallo Beings drowning in the ocean of suffering.
~~"-l~~a,"'a,'t:]:l\1 1{{~'~t:~~~~a,a;lq:~;,~~~E(l' shi gye wang dang drak pay trin le nam
I prostrate to you who have perfect kindness.

~1 1~E("''t:.!'~f!:l\'5~e.~"-l'~~r.z.~"-l'al1 1a,~~~~~~~ gya tsoy lam shin du le mi da war You spontaneously, unceasingly,
..,.,~..,., ..,.,..,., ~ "~"
Ihun drup gyun mi che par juk dze rna And without delay, like the ocean's waves, engage
t:~~"-lt:~~"'"'z;~z;q~."~"~ 1 ~~~~:;~~ ~~sa.!lt:~t:.~a. dze pa tar chin rna Ia chak tsallo In pacification, increase, captivation, and force.

a.~~~q~~~1 ~l'fl~~~qa:~l"'~~t:~~E("'~11~~q
I prostrate to you whose deeds are perfect.
jik chen duk ngel gye dang jung pay don
~ ..,.,? ..,.,..,.,"
~f!:l\'~~~"-l~~a.~"-l'"-l1 l ,~:~;,~t:~~a,~~l~~~~ nyon mong she jay drip pay jik pa nam
khye shap dren pay mo Ia kyop dze rna
You protect upon recollection from great danger,
The eight sufferings, bhutas, and the dangers of
:o~~~~1 1~l~~~~~~t:~~~~~~~~a,~t:~lz;1 1~' nu pa tar chin rna Ia chak tsallo The kleshas and the cognitive obscuration.
I prostrate to you who have perfect ability.
"-l~z;~lz;~~~~z;~q~~~~ 1a,~~~q~~"-l~~:~;,~ de tar kyap o khyo kyi Ill chen nam
..,., ne rim don gek du min chi wa dang I pray that you, a true refuge, quickly protect
mi lam ngen dang tsen ma ngen pa sok All beings from sickness, contagion,
jik pa kun le nyur du kyap tu sol Spirits, obstructors, untimely death,
Bad dreams, evil omens, and from all danger.

Removing Obstacles ro 177 03 The Well-Formed

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ I 78 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~9l9~~z;:]a~~~9~~z;:]~~~1 19~~~~~i9~ jik tsok ta way ri sui ne che te It lives in the mountains of the view of the self.
shen le chok tu dzin pay sem kheng shing It is inflated, thinking itself superior to others. /
~~~q~~~~~r;~4r;1 1~~~~""~9~""qa~~~~ pa rol khye du so pay bar khyim chen It has the claws of disparagement of others.
~~11r;~~~r;~a~~9~qz;:]~z;:]~~~~11~~4~r~9~ nga gyal seng gey jik pa kyap tu sol I pray that you protect us from the fearsome lion of pride.

~~~q~~z;:]~~~r;11~~l~~~~~~r;~q~~~~~ dren she chak kyu non pay ma tul shing It cannot be tamed by the sharp hook of mindfulness and
do yon nyo chu tung pay tom pay tu alertness.
qa~~~11ar9qa~~~~9~""~~~z;:]9%"9~119~ lok pay lam shuk no tsey che wa tsik It is maddened by drinking the intoxicating water of pleasure.
ti muk lang pay jik pa kyap tu sol It runs amok on the wrong path and brandishes its tusks of
~9~r;q~~~9~qz;:]~z;:]~9~~1 1~~~~{q""s""~r; malevolence.
~~z;:]~~z;:]~~11~~~""!~s~~~9~qalr;""~~~ 11 tsul min yi che lung gi kOI wa le
nye cho dO trin trik pay long kyil na
I pray that you protect us from the fearsome elephant of
""~z;:]a~~~~~t:l~9qa~~q~~1 1~~r;~(q~~9~ ge way nak tsal sek pay nu pa chen
she dang me yi jik pa kyap to sol It is fanned by the wind of incorrect mental engagement.
qz;:]~z;:]~~~~1 1~'~9~~z;:]~q~~r;~~~~~~%r;1 1 It burns amid vast clouds of the smoke of wrongdoing.
ma rik tip pay khung du ngon shen ching
9~~~::~~l~~~~r;~~z;:]~""q~119~~qa~9~~ shen jar pun tsok tong tse mi so par
It can burn down the entire forest of virtue.
I pray that you protect us from the fearsome fire of anger.
~~~~z;:]s""qa11~9~9~~~~~~~qz;:]~z;:]~9~~11 duk pay duk gi nyur du khyap che pay
trak dok drul gyi jik pa kyap tu sol It clings to its den, thick ignorance.
z;:]~~~~~""~~qa~~9""~~~~9~~r;""r;1 1~9os"" Unable to bear the prosperity and success of others,
tul shuk men pay dro gon jik rung dang
~Q.l3"~~z;:]~~r;11~~z;:]~a~r;"""""~~q\l~~~~~ tak che nya ngam tang Ia rap gyu shing
It quickly spreads its vicious poison.
I pray that you protect us from the fearsome snake of jealousy.
qa1 1~r;~~~q~~~9~qz;:]~z;:]~9~~1 1~z;:J:s~""~"" pen dey drong dang gon pa kun jam pay
ta ngen kun pay jik pa kyap tu sol It lurks in the terrifying wilderness of inferior discipline
qaz;:]~~l~r;~z;:]~ 1~~~~~r;""z;:Jr;~""q~~~r;s"" And in the desert of permanence and termination.
mi se si pay tson khang ra wa ru It overthrows the towns and monasteries of benefit and
%:;1 1~""qa~~9~""s""1~~""q{q1 1~~~a~9~ 10 chen rang wang me parching che ching happiness.
se pay go chak e kay khyO pa yi
~9~~~~qz;:]~z;:]~9~~11 I pray that you protect us from the fearsome robber, inferior
ser nay chak drok jik pa kyap tu sol views.
shin tu gal ka si pay gyun chok khyer They keep beings bound, without freedom,
le lung drak pay kyen dang nye wa le In the unbearable prison of samsara.
kye ga na chiy ba long rap truk pay They are held by the lock of craving, so hard to open.
do chak chu way jik pa kyap tu sol I pray that you protect us from the fearsome chains of greed.

It is extremely hard to cross. Its current bears us to samsara.

Because it is close to the fierce wind of karma,
It roils with the waves of birth, aging, sickness, and death.
I pray that you protect us from the fearsome river of desire.
4~~t::l~~l,~~lq~~~~~~~:l\l ~~~&z:_~~~ kun tu mong pay kha Ia rap gyu shing It flies through the sky of bewilderment,
nge pa don du nyer Ia lhak par tse And attacks those who seek the definitive.
a~lz:_~t::l~~1 1~~~~~~2i~z:.:l\t::l~~q~1 1~~l tar pay sok Ia gol way duk pa chen It is vicious and threatens the life of liberation.
Cl5~~~a1a.~~~~qt::J~t::l'~'~~~, 1\.l~~l!z:.~q~.~~~ te tsom sha say jik pa kyap tu sol I pray that you protect us from the fearsome carnivore of
~':l\t::l'~'~Z:,'1 1~~q~~~~~:l\~~~'t:J:I\'~~, 1:1:1\'t:J~' khyo Ia to ching sol wa tap pay tO
dam cho drup pay gal kyen shi wa dang Through my praising and praying to you,
~~~~~t::la~~~q~~ 11 ~l.~4 S!a~~~~qt::J~t::l~ tse dang so nam pal dang jar pa sok Please pacify what hinders dharma practice.
tun pay kyen nam yi shin drup par dzo
~~~1 ~l~t::l~l~z:_~~~'t::l'I!:J?t::J't:J~'.1~~1 1l.~l~ Please grant what supports it, as we wish,
Such as life, merit, wealth, and possessions.
mt::Jq~~~~a~~t::llz:.,1~lz:.t;:J~l~.~~lq~lz:_~:l\ shing chok de wa chen der dro wa kun
dren pa o pak me pey je sung ne May all beings be born in the realm of Sukhavati.
q~~~11.l~~q~~~~~~~lq~~~t::J't:J:I\'~~l11~z:_ ka wa gya trak je pa me par yang May we be cared for there by our guide, Amitabha.
nyur du sang gye sa Ia rek gyur chik Without undergoing hundreds of austerities,
~l~t::l~'t::l'~~~~~~t::l'\1~1 1~~q~llq~~lq~ May we quickly reach buddhahood.
dak kyang tak tu tse rap dren pa dang
~~t::J~z:.~~1 1l1~'t::l't::l~'El~~lq~lt:J:I\'Ul%:.'1 1~:1\~ jang chup sem dang nam yang min dral May I always recollect previous lives.
~z:.~r~~~~~~~:l\~~ 1ql~~z:.~~~~:l\q~~~q shing May I never be without bodhichitta.
gyal se cho pa lap chen tsol wa Ia In pursuit of the vast conduct of the bodhisattvas
lz:.1 1sz:.~t::l~~~lz:.~~Ulz:.~~s~~z:.l ~~~~~~l tson dru chu way gyun shin ten par shok May my diligence flow like a river.
t:J'~t::l~~~~l~'t::l'~1 1t::Ji~~~~2fa.~~q~~q~~ rang don drup Ia nam yang mi re shing May I never hope to accomplish my own benefit.
t:J:I\'4~ 1:1\Z:.'~~~t::l~~~Ulz:.~~~z:_1 1~~~~~~t::l~' shen don ba shik drup Ia shol wa dang May I immerse myself solely in the benefit of others.
chen dang ngon she ma khe so pa sok May all I perfect the conditions for benefiting others,
~~~t::l~~~~'t::l'l%:,'1 1~~lt:_'(J,l~~4~~~~~t::l~lq shen don che pay kyen nam tsang war shok Such as the eyes, clairvoyances, skillful speech, and patience.

~~~11 ~'\~~slqa.~~~o.J~~z:.q:l\4~ 1:1\t::l~~~ rap jam shing du gyal way dam cho kun May I never shy from spreading the sublime buddhadharma

~z:.~~~qal~~~\1~1 1~~q:l\sl~~~Ulz:.~~~ gye par che Ia nam yang mi shum shing Throughout endless realms.
tak tu sem chen kun don drup pay chir In order to forever accomplish all beings' benefit,
~z:.1 1~~~~~~~~\.l~~~q~qqa~:l\1 1ID"'-.lq~~ gyal way go pang de lak top gyur chik May I easily achieve buddhahood.

~~z:.t::J~~~~t::J.~:I\~~ 1 ~.z:]~~t::~~o.r~~"'l~o.~~z:.~z:.~~~a This praise of the noble lady, the bhagavati Tara ofthe Sandalwood For-
est, called Crown Ornament ofthe Learned, was composed by the Shakyan
i~o.~~t::~~l~;~o.~f1~~;~a~~~~~~~sz:ra.~~1 ~~al~~z:.l~~~
Bikhshu Gendun Drup Pal Zangpo at the Hermitage ofMahabodhi, the
~t::~~;~l~;~~qlS! sz:.~q~~~lq~~~~ citadel ofthe mahayana, after a long period ofprayer.

~~~~?4Ez:.~~~~~;~:t_~:t_q~11 11

Removing Obstacles &l I 79 03 The Well-Formed

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 So 03 A Compilation for Recitation

r ~l;l~~f"~;j~,:l\~l;l~~~\l~;j~~r.~~~,:l\~~"'~l(~r.~l;l~9~1 jik ten g6n pay tuk jey du tsi yi The praise ofthe noble lady White Tara composed by the omniscient Padma
chu ter gyi tro da wa gyal way yum
Q,~~~~d.l~~~~~~~a~!~s%til11~~~~~~~~~ mong pay mun trek nying top ku mu ta Mother of buddhas, you are the moon arisen from the ocean
~. ~ - ma ll.i che pa khyo Ia chak tsaile Of the amrita of the world-protector's compassion.
~~~~fol,'~d.l11~%;_~'t.!Q,'~~~~ ~:;_~~~'\l'~'?11d.l'~~
- I:\ -
You steal the darkness of our bewilderment
~~q!'~~~~Q,~e11ar11s~~~4~~~~a~4:;_~11 dri me chu shel nor buy tri shing ni And open the night lilies of our courage. I prostrate to you.
ha ri tsen den dok pay khyu dra way
1(f~~~~~~~q~~~~~a1 1~~~,~til~Q,!~~~ rap kar yi trek gek may suk dzin ma Like a vine of stainless water-crystal
chu druk lang tso gye par chak tsaile Embraced by white sandalwood,
J.l~~~~~Q,~~'d-111 ~~~~~:;_l~~q~~~Q,~Cll'al11 Your form is utterly white, captivating, and graceful.
nu bur gye pay pal dre kyi du pay
~Q,~~~~qa~q~Q,E~~~~st.!a1 1~~~rd.l~~~~ lu tra dze duk sar pay tri shing ni
I prostrate to you who bloom with the youth of sixteen years.

~~~qa:~4:;_~11~~~~~~~~~qa9~~~11~~ chak shap chu kye go pay ge sar Ia Bowed by the splendid fruit of your full breasts,
mik gi bung wa yo war chak tsal Ia Your body is slim, beautiful, winsome, like a young vine.
~~:;_~~ar~~~~Q,;_~~~~~4~ The bees of eyes move within the smiling hearts
...,., I:\ ...,., I:\ - I:\ I:\ rin chen ting gi mu tik do shal khong Of your lotus hands and feet. I prostrate to you .
f%;_~1 1~~~Q,'Q,~~~~~~~d.l~~~~'d.l1 1Q,~%;_'~Q,' tre dray 6 chen chen sum ri dak mo
- ::::::'_ .. :. - .. --.~- --~--. .~-.":!:'-- ~- .. - ~.~-~--- '-A,
n\/inn '"'" "";:.. li"i bnn nn men rhc n<> T.ike hlue jewels set within pearls
4..(,~-"'l ~-"'l ::1.1'"'"-~ \d\1~ ~\"-~I I"'~\ 4"'-'"'dll'-"~ "-14"'-~'"'"-~"'~'-~l '::;j]lll~ tJJ- 1\}1 -~ f"'- - ""'''- ,....-

yi ong dze pay nying por chak tsal Ia Are your three luminous eyes.
Q,~~ar11~~q~~;_Jq~;.J~tiltiJ~Q,~~~11~~~Q,E~ Your gait, deer-like in its grace, surpasses even that
tak par dzum pay chu yi yal dap Ia Of an elephant in majesty. I prostrate to you, the essence of
~05~~qa~~a~~11;.J~~q~Q,~~~4:;_~~~~~~~ mu tik dre bu chak pay ju ruy o beauty.
~ dze par go Ia shang gyu yi ri kyi
I:\ - - I:\
Always smiling, the petals of your lips are like beautiful,
be pe so dra gang Ia chak tsallo
~:;_~~~~~q~~qa 11 ~~~~~~qa~~~~;;_ Luminous coral surrounding pearls.
rin chen nam dang me tok gi gyen pay Your nose is so finely formed that it is as though
~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~:;_~q~s~11 d.l~~;.Ja;.J~~ len bu chik pay sur pu ton ting gi It was created by the mind. I prostrate to you.
~ ...,., I:\ 1:\-v' :::::. 1:\-v' I:\ trin sar tsok Ia deng pa ma cha yi
~~Q,"~~~~Q,~~Cll11~;.JQ,'Q,~~~~~qQ,~~qr~~~~ juk may dze duk dzin Ia chak tsaile Your single braided topknot,
~~~~~~~~:;_~a~;_Ja:;_fa~~~ 1 ~4~~~qa(IJ~ nyi may 6 ser den pay ch6 pen gyi
Adorned by jewels and flowers,
Is like a peacock's beautiful tail displayed
~~~~~ ~~~q~~:;_~q~d.l~~.r~~~~Q,~~ar11 lek tre nyen gong ut pal ting khay gyen When fresh clouds gather. I prostrate to you.
chu shel jon pay yal ga khu chuk gi
shok pa kyang pay dze drar chak tsal Ia You are adorned by a crown with the light-rays of the sun.
Your ears are ornamented by blue utpals.
You are as beautiful as the spread wings of a cuckoo
On a tree-branch of crystal. I prostrate to you.
~~~~~~~.:l\z:rr.v;;J:l\'"'~J-1ql4lll~d-l~~~l~~~~~s na gyen rin chen rap bar dram pa Ia Your earrings blaze with jewels.
ya tsen o ri chi yang dri wa ni The light they cast upon your cheeks
z:J'~!!d-1~.:1\l~l,:l\'ld.l.:l\'d.ll~~r~~~l~~Cll!!~Cllz:J~ khur tso kar mar dang kyi yi ong Ia Competes fiercely with the beauty
"'~~q.:l\'z:l~l~:l\~~"'~Cllar,,d,l~Cll~~~~~~~a.~~ ngel way dren par gyi der chak tsal Ia Of your white and red complexion. I prostrate. to you.

l~'il " -~ " l~'z:l"''"

~ 14~~:1\~~q~d,l~~d,l!",'lqell'~:l\'q"'l gul na mu tik chun pay gyun dak ni Strings of great clusters of pearls adorn your throat,
shin tu rak pay tsen may pal gyur pay Stealing the glory of the night,
l,.:l\'z:l'd,J'~~"'~~q~~~ !z:l~~~~z:l~~q~lCll~~ da way kar wa ma lu trok pa te All the moon's whiteness.
gyen ching gyen pa khyo Ia chak tsallo
"'~Cllar1 1l~~~~~~~~:l\l:l~."'~~~l:l1 1~4l4l~~a
I prostrate to you who are adorned by them.

~z:l.:l\z:l'~~Cll~~11d-1~~4~~lq~~~~~11~~s~ pung gyen du bu ngur way tren gyu wa Your bangles and bracelets are like flocks of golden geese.
do shal gang gay bu wa rap sal gyi Your necklaces smile beautifully like the luminous foam on the
d,l~~~~lq~.:l\~~"'~Cllar, 'r<~~1a~Cll~~~"'s~ dze shing go pa lha yi ri wo ni Ganges.
si jin tsung me pa der chak tsallo Their beauty surpasses the splendor
qa,,~l~.:l\.:l\z:l'~~~.:l\~a~.:l\~~l~1ld.l~~~d,l~~ Of even the mountains of devas. I prostrate to you.
" ._..... " ~ v' ? dzam bu na day dril chung dra jin pay
~~~~~z:l~~~~l:]~~~~~ ~~d,l'd,l"'~~l'l.l'd,l' ,1'1.1~~
o ser rap gye nor buy ka rak dang Your belt is of radiant jewels and little bells
"'~l'l.lar11 ~~~~~d,l~~~~~ar~q~Clla 11 ~~~"'~~ dze dzum lap kyi suk nyen go sang gi Of Jambu gold that jingle.
nam dze drol ma de Ia chak tsallo You are beautified also by fine silk with waves of smiling
~~~Cll~~~~;r-~11qll,.:l\~~~d,l~~qa~l:ld.ll.:l\11 designs.
chak ye chok jin yon pa ut pa lay
d,l~~q~~d,lq.:l\~l'l.ll'l.l~~"'~Cllar,,~~J~"'~I:]~ll~ dong bu dzin ching kyil trung ngang mo ni
I prostrate to you, Tara.

"'~~~qz:J~lll~~q~~l~d,l~lCll~Clll:l~lqa,1~l pe kar nyu gu tsen pay da wa tsar Your right hand bestows. Your left holds an utpal by its stem.
dze pey nam par rol Ia chak tsal Ia With crossed legs, like a swan on a lake,
~ ._..... ._..... ~ "
z:l,l~~.:l\'Cll~'~~~,~d,l'd,l"'~q"'1 1~~~~d,l'~l'l.l'l:]"''
" You sit on a moon resting on a white lotus with its stem.
du min chi wa ne dang jik pa gye I prostrate to you who revel with beauty.
~d,ll'l.l~~a.~Cllar,1~~~~rr~~~d,l~~~l~l~.:l\~11 dren pay yu tsam nyi Ia sel gyi pay
"" " i.iT ._..... ._..... " " yi shin khor lo tuk kay nam dze pay The thought of you dispels
l:]~l'!"''2i'~l:]~~~"''l~~l:]~d,l'~~d-11 ~l~l:],"''~~
du sum gyal way yum Ia chak tsallo Untimely death, sickness, and the eight dangers.
l~~~z:ll~~~~ 1~l'l'l.l'"'~lq~d,l~~l~qq:l\'d,l~l11 Your heart is beautified by a wish-fulfilling wheel.
chok kyi khong nam dri me o ser gyi I prostrate to you, mother of all buddhas of the three times.
du tsiy bar lap kyi geng cham den ma
khyo kyi ka drin dak gi dak chak gi Bhagavati, you fill all directions
yi Ia do pa tam che drup par dzo With stainless light-rays, waves of amrita.
Through your kindness,
May all our wishes be fulfilled.

Removing Obstacles ~ I 8I C?3' Praise oJWhite Tara

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 8 2 03 A Compilation for Recitation

llqa~~~4.J.l~J.l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~141 de pay tal jar chi may mik len ching Through faith, my palms are joined and my eyes wet with
dung we yi kul sol dep nga ra ni tears.
~~~~~~~~~~~ 1\1'4,'~~~~~~ 141 ~~~~~~~~ 1 ku ra ri shin drak Ia tuk jey chen I implore you with yearning. My prayer is a roar like a kurari's
~~~~'l'l.l'~'nfo.l'J.l!(l'~J.l~~J.l11~~ri'~~~~~~~~~~ sik Ia le Ia ma dze cham den ma call.
Regard me with compassionate eyes.
l:la~~~:~;.'l!;l~n n Bhagavati, do not be idle.

This was composed with faith on the festival ofthe buddha's miracles.

Light ofBlessing, a praise ofthe devi Sarasavati

khyen sang rap tu gye pay pe ma dang Graceful on a seat of the blooming lotus
tuk je dri me da way den Ia gying Of excellent wisdom and the stainless moon of compassion,
dra yang gya tsay pi wang sung nyen gyi With the sweet sound of your lute, an ocean of melody,
kham sum uk jin lha ma khyo Ia du Devi, you inspire the three realms. I bow to you.

rap dze bu mo gang riy dang trok ma Most beautiful maiden, you outshine the brilliance
shal chik chak nyi dri say pi wang dreng Of a snow-covered mountain. You have one face and two
bung wa shan nu yo way pe tsal gyi hands,
ngang pay bu mo dang dra khyo Ia du With which you strum the gandharvas' lute. You are like a
swan maiden
she! gyi tri shing lung gi kyo dra ma In a lotus garden humming with young bees. I bow to you.
to ri dze ma tong trak tsok na yang
gang gi dun na dren mo tar cho pay You are like a crystal vine moved by the wind.
yi ang mik gi du si khy6 Ia du Even if thousands of beauties from higher realms were
dri me da shal dzum pay dang kar chen They would be fir only to be your servants.
khur tso nyi ma char way dang mar shing I bow to you, pleasing amrita for the eyes.
ton ting mik gi ut pal kyu ring ma
rap tray sur mik yo dze khyo Ia du Your face, like the stainless moon, gleams whitely with your
Your cheeks are as red as the rising sun.
Your deep blue eyes are as wide as utpals.
I bow to you who look brightly from side to side.
~~~~&.:t_~~~m~.:t_q"'q.:t_~r;1 1S~;.riJ~~~r;q~ rin chen sur pu na gyen rap bar shing Your topknot and earrings blaze with jewels.
dri shim me tok treng way dze che pay You are beautiful with fragrant flower garlands.
(;.l~~s~t.l~1 ~~~~~l~~~(;.l~~~~~~o.~~1 ~~~ yi ong mi men dok chen Ihe ma ni Your braids are as black as kohl.
~~~Jl'sa(;.l~~o.~~~~~~= arr;~"'~a~~~~~~~ o sal ma jay dok dze khyo Ia du They are shiny and as beautiful as a peacock's colors. I bow to
~~~~.:t_t.]a11~~~~q~~~~~qm~t.l~11~4~l~ yang duy tsal ne de ring ong gyur pay
ut pal ngon pay nyen gong gyen pa ni Your ears are adorned by blue utpals

~ -
t.l"''tq~a,~q~~~.. -
....... ~ "
tril ~~~'t,]'q~r;~t.]~';;.Jr(~~~~~=
- chu shel jon pay yal dap khu juk gi
shok pa kyang pey dze dra khyo Ia du
Picked today from the gardens of Parijata.
You are as beautiful as a cuckoo spreading its wings
On a crystal tree-branch. I bow to you.
~~~o.~~<llt.l~~~o.~~~t.lam~~(;.l~~11<ll~~~~~q~ rin chen na cha ma lu drol che ne
Your precious earrings hang from your ears
khyo kyi nyen gyi drung du. khO pa na
.:t_qq~.:t_~~~= ~"'~~~o.~m~9r;~~~(;.l~~~~~~~~ gul pa dang ni drin pay gyen nam kyi All the way to your throat,
lak drel treng way rap kor khyo Ia du Meeting your necklaces as though holding hands,
~~~~~ar9~.:t_q~,~~"'~~9ar11 ~~~~~~~4~ Encircling you. I bow to you.
nu bur dum gye gang ri nam nyi kyi
~~ar"'qq11~~q~~q~~qq~~~~~= ~~s~~~ teng ne to yak rap kar chu dzin yo Your breasts are round and full, like two snow-covered
qa~~~aa.~;;.J119~~~~~~~~.:t_~a~~q~o.~~~11 ngo ne mu tik do shel chun po bap mountains,
nga yap dang way rap ten khyo Ia du Veiled by the white clouds of your blouse.
....... " ;i ~~~q.:t_'"'!(~'o.!~\
~qq:u~.:t_~~o.~~~'t.]"''4o.!'lq~~1 "'
On it fall necklaces with clusters of pearls.
ut pal dri den te way dzing buy dram
o.~~~o.~~~<ll= ~9~~~~~~~m(;.ll~(;.l~~~~~~~~ ser gyi ka rak nor buy treng way dze
I bow to you who have a sparkling fan.

~q?;J~(; 1(;.l~~~~~~"'~~~J.T~ rap tra nor bu tsen pay sham tap ni The pool of your navel is like a fragrant utpal,
dal war dzin dze dze ma khyo Ia du Its shore beautified by a golden belt and strings of jewels.
~~~~~<ll11~~~~~\l~~~~~~~~q~~~~~tq~ Your colorful skirt is studded with jewels.
o ne lu mo chap kyi gya tso cho I bow to you, beautiful one, who wear it well.
~~J"'~~~~~~s~~~~~~~ar~~~s:s~a~~"'o.~~~ ngo ne drup pe dze pay nga yap yap
dun ne rik dzin bu mo sil nyen trol From below, naginis offer you oceans of water.
~~~~1 1mq~~"'~i!~,~rJ.T~9~~~~,~"'~~1 ~~~ min lek ku gyi tso mo khyo Ia du From the sides, siddhas wave beautiful fans.
~~\l~~9~~~~~q~~11 ye ne mi am chi yi lu yang len
In front, vidyadhara maidens play cymbals.
I praise you, foremost of all with beauty.
yon ne dri say gag me pi wang dreng
gyap ne chi me bu mo duk kar dzin On your right, kinnaras sing melodious songs.
nu den kun gyi tso mo khyo Ia du On your left, delightful gandharva maidens strum lutes.
Behind you, immortal maidens hold white parasols.
I praise you, principal of all with power.

Removing Obstacles ro 1 83 C8' Praise ofSaraswati

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 184 03 A Compilation for Recitation

q~~~ctl~:l'as~~"'a~&.~~~~&.~~ ~~q~~~&.~~~4~ chu druk lang tso chak pay nyam den ma Ravishing maiden of sixteen years, I could never see enough
ta way mi ngom ye she gyu may ku Of your illusory body of pristine wisdom.
1&.~a~1 ~~~"'~&.~~~q~q\l~~~&.~l ~~~t.~a~~
lsr;~~~&.~c"J.l~~l~ -
dren pa tsam gyi de wa kun ter ma
lhak pay lha mo yang chen ma Ia du
The mere thought of you brings bliss.
I bow to Sarasvati, my special devi.
C\'Y' -
~~~(J.lq~~~d5l't:,l~'tjt:::l~'t:,l'r:;:Jl~c"J.l~~ \;.J~~t:,~r-l,'&,!~~ dro wa kun Ia sung rap ma lu pa Give me the ability to clearly explain
sal war che pay pop pa dak Ia tsol All teachings to all beings.
CO\ - ~ CO\
khe pay dun sar chir gal pam che pay Give me the ability to debate victoriously
nam gyal tso pay pop pa dak Ia ts61 In the presence of the learned.
~~ ~%~lr;r;~~~~qsi!l"'a1 ~~~r;q~l&.~t:,~a
wq~t:,~ql~ctl~~ ~~~~q~lt.~al~q~r;~~"'~l ~ tsik dang ngak gi jar wa dri me pay Give me the ability to compose a hundred treatises
With stainless words and language.
shung gya tsom pay pop pa dak Ia tsol
ql~~~~~ctl~'~;.]'t:,l~'~ctl'r:;:]~'4~ ~~~q~\l~~~l de tar to pay ge wa gang yin pay Through the virtue of praising you in this way,
dak ni chok le nam par gyal war shok May I be victorious over all directions.
tse rap kun tu khye kyi je sung ne In every life may you care for me.
~~~~~~~~&.~'~d5t;'t;;.]'%~~r;~r;11l~a)~~(S.l~'r;a'a:l' jam pal yang kyi go pang nyur top shok May I quickly attain the state of Manjushri.
~~~~sl-9~ ~~~~a.~a.r::.~~~~9~~~~;J~~~~qa~~, di ni dzin nam chang ngam lok kyang rung For all who memorize, keep, or read this,
ge lek yar ngoy da tar gye che shok May virtue and goodness wax like the moon.
~sr::.~r~~~9a.q~;J~~~~n 11
This was composed by Pal Yangchen Gawa, the pandita victorious over all
~~~~z:]S:'!~J~~:~~~l~~ i'~r~~r:,z:]~S!Q.'t1!~~9~~ 0111 ab hull) vajra guru padma siddhi hull) 0 Al;l HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

z:]'Q,~z:]~t ~r:_~~'%9~~~~a!-~9~~z:]'Q,~z:]~t ~~~ cho ku nang wa ta ye Ia sol wa dep I supplicate the dharmakaya Amitabha.
long ku tuk je chen po Ia sol wa dep I supplicate the sambhogakaya Mahakarunika.
q~~r:_9~~~9~~'z:]'Q,~z:]~t z:]l9~a~~~~cG~~~ trul ku pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate the nirmanakaya Padmakara.
~:~d.~ ~9~'~ll.l~~~r:_~~~z:]~~~!(lt ~l~~l~~ dak gi Ia ma ngo tsar trul pay ku My guru, the wondrous nirmanakaya,
~'i~s-~~9~'1:1'1!;]~~~~ ~~~~~~~z:]~9~'Q,%'~~ gya gar yul du ku trung to sam dze Was born in India, where he engaged in hearing and thinking.
bo yul su shal jon drek pa tul He came to Central Tibet and subdued the haughty.
~!(lt %9~~~z:]]~~ z:]~z:]~z:]l9~9~ or gyen yul du ku shuk dro don dze Abiding in Uddiyana, he benefits beings.
~ ~ .., .....,.
~~~~r:_~t l9r:_~q~'z:]l9'~'lr:_~~z:]'~i ~~~:.~~ Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop
z:]l9'~9~'z:]~a;l~~ ~~z:]~' 115 l~~~~~~ ~::_~/!;]~' tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
115\~::_~~~~ 9~::_z:]az:]~ 115lls::_~~~ll.l' ~~~:.~~~9 ni.i pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
Q.cG~'~z:]~~~~~ itf~g~'z:]S:'!~J~t:.l~'~~~ ~~~~cG~' nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
~~r:_z:]a~ 9U!~~:~~~~~a~9~~!(l' 9ar~~:.~~ sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gi.i pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
~9~~:.~d.~9~~!(lt 'i~'z:]~l~~9~9~~~9~9~' 0111 ab hull) vajra guru padma siddhi hull) 0 Al;l HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

~~z:]d.'9~r:,Q,~~Q.fz:]d.~9~t %9~~~= z:]~'z:]~= ku yi ngo tsar tong way tse When the wondrousness of your body was first seen,
l9z::.~~:.~~= ~~~:.~~= ~~= ~::_~= 9~r:_z:]d,: ~~~:.~~= ye pay ral driy chak gya dze Your right hand formed the sword mudra.
yon pay guk pay chak gya dze Your left formed the mudra of summoning.
itr~~~~= shal dre che tsik gyen Ia sik With gaping mouth and bared fangs, you gazed upward.
gyal way dung dzin dro way gon Gyalway Dungdzin, beings' protector,

tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
ni.i pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gi.i pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
0111 ab hull) vajra guru padma siddhi hull) Olyl: Al;l HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

Removing Obstacles ~ I 8 5 03 Clearing the Path of Obstacles

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 186 03 A Compilation for Recitation

ld-l~~r~~~~~~~q~~s ~~~~~l~~d-ll:::,~l:::,~~~ dam cho rin chen sen pay tse When listening to the precious genuine dharma,
ku sal o ser dang dang den Your body was lustrous and brilliant with light-rays.
~~~(S.l~~~l~~~~d,l'!;J~d,l~t ~~~q~~~q~~~ chak ye de no lek bam nam Your right hand held a volume of the tripitaka.
!;J~d,l~t S!!;J'i!a.~~~;;.]~'%~~~~l' (,'~'-4\~q~'?' yon pay pur pay pu ti nam Your left hand held a volume of Kila.
sab moy cho nam tuk su chu You've comprehended profound dharma.
%~~~~= q~q~: l~:::,~q~: ~~q~: ~~= ~:::,~= yang le sho kyi pen di ta Pandita ofYanglesho,
~~:::_q~: !ij~q~: tJr~~~= ld,l~~ld,l'~'~?~~q~~~ tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
siJl~~~d,l~~~d,l~~l~a.~ ~~~trl~""l~d-l~d-1~~~
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
s~~~q~~~~s-~q~~~ sJ::l~:::_w~:::_l~~q~~~ iJ nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
~~q~l!U~(S.l:::,~~ ~~~sr;~J::lJ::l~l~a~~ z::1~~~~ nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
~~~~d,l~~u' ~~;;.]~~~~z::J=~r;~~~~~~~~ ~~ sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
~ts.l~~~~l~.z::J~d-l~t 9~~q~~~~~'S!'d-1'~9 8 ~~ Ort;l al:l hOI\1 vajra guru padma siddhi hOI\1 0 AJ:I HUJY!: VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUJY!:

J::l~l!~~r;~~?;;.]~t d,l~a,a,~ld,l'~~l;;.]'""l'z::J?~~~ ~ dam chen dam Ia tak pay tse When binding those you bound to samaya,
dri me ne chok nyam re ga You passed through a stainless, delightful place.
ld,l~~9~~~l~~~J::l'!;J~~~ %9~~~= J::l~'z::l~= Crossing the border between India and Tibet,
gya kar bo yul sa tsam su
l~~~,Q~= ~.i~j'i;J~= ~~= jin gyi lap ns jon pay tss You blessed it as you went,
dri sung po nge den pay ri On Fragrant Mountain
me tok pe ma gun yang kye Lotus flowers were born even in winter.
chu mik jang chup du tsiy chu Springs gave forth the amrita of awakening.
de den de yi ne chok tu In that supreme, delightful place,
kye chok tsul sang cho go sol Kyechok Tsulzang, you wore the three dharma robes.
chak ye dor je tse gu nam Your right hand held a nine-pointed vajra.
yon pay rin chen sa ma tok Your left hand held a precious vessel
rak ta du tsi nang du tam Filled with rakta and amrita.
khan dro dam chen dam Ia tak You bound dakinis and others to samaya.
yi dam shal sik ngo drup nye You saw the faces of yidams and attained siddhi.

tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
~::_~= ~~z;~a= ~~~~= ~~s~= ~lll~a~~~~~~9 ~ nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
~a~ 9 Ula,~a~~~~m~~d.l~ls ~~~~~~d.ld.l~a gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
lsr;~~a,~z;s ~~a5~~~a~r;~.ft::_~~llls ~~~~::_ Ol\1 al;l hOrt:l vajra guru padma siddhi hOn:t 0 AI:I HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

~~~~9~~a,~r;s ~a.~~~9~-ftr;d.ll'Ulr; ~~ gyal way ten pa tsuk pay tse When planting the buddhadharma,
ya riy nak Ia drup pa dze You practiced in a slate-mountain forest.
~~~~~~9::_~~~~8 Ull~~q~lll~~~98 a.~~~ nyen pur nam khay ying su pang You cast your approach kila into the expanse of the sky.
You retrieved it with the vajramudra and rolled it.
~~l~~l~~l 8 f@,~~~~= ~~~~= l~r;~~~= ~~ dar jey chak gye lang shing dril
Rolling it, you cast it into the sandalwood forest.
dril shing tsen den nak su pang
~~= ~~= ~::_~= ~~z;~a= ~~~~= ~~s~= ~~q'a: me bar truk shing tso yang kem It blazed with fire, drying up a lake.
sip kyi mu tek sa gang sek At night, it burnt the tirthikas' land
~~~~d.l~l~a~s ~~~z;~~~a05~~~~~s Ul'd-1~~ yak sha nak po dul du lak And pulverized the black yaksha.
9~~~~~::_~~~~~~8 ~d.l~a,~~~l~~~~~d-1~~8 dren gyi do me du kyi she Peerless Diikyi Shechen,
- 'V'I:\ 1:\~ "':!!.-
l~l;'lll'~~~9'1ll~'qa,~lllt ~~ct~~~'05'~'ct~~9~1llt tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
59'~Ul~~~~a~~q~~d.l~ ~~llr;~~qa.~~~~ gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
d.l~l8 ~ar~~~~r;~r;~~~~~d-1~8 ~~~a~~~r::. nu pay dak sok bar che sol
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
d.l~~~%1~~;.;~,,'~~~~~d-!~8 Ul'ld.l~lr::,
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
~~~~~l 8 9~~~l~lll~a,~d.l~r::.~~ 8 gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
on:t al;l hOrt:l vajra guru padma siddhi hOn:t O.tyl: AI:I HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

sin poy kha no dze pay tse When subjugating the rakshasas,
khyeu chung trul kuy chal luk chen You have the appearance of a young boy
yam tsen suk sang kha dok lek With a wondrous form and a fine complexion.
tsem drik u tra ser Ia dze Your teeth are even, your hair blonde and beautiful.
gung lo chu druk lon pay tsul With the form of a sixteen year old,
rin chen gyen cha na tsok sol You wear a variety of precious jewelry.
chak ye khar way pur pa nam Your right hand holds a kila of brass.
du dang sin pay kha no dze You subjugate maras and rakshasas.
yo pay seng deng pur pa nam Your left hand holds a kila of sandalwood.
mo pay bu Ia sung kyop dze You protect your devoted disciples.
gul na chak kyi pur pa nam You wear at your throat a kila of iron.
yi dam lha dang nyi su me You are not other than the yidam deva.
nyi me trul ku dzam ling gyen Non-dual nirmanakaya Dzamling Gyen,

Removing Obstacles ro 187 03 Clearing the Path ofObstacles

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 88 03 A Compilation for Recitation .

~~~~~= q~q~: "~~~~~= ~~~~= ~~= ~~9= tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
~~~qa= ~~~~= ~~st= ~~~17.1~"~~~~a~s ~ gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
"~~4"a~~~17.1s ;J"a.~~~~9;Jl-~~~s ~~a~~~ nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
z::J~I7.lz::J~I7.l~s ~~a.~~~l~~~~;J!(ls ;J~~'I.l~~~ nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
a -~
~~~~~.l~ 8 ~~~~a.~~~~~l~~~JS~ 8 - - ?~~a,
" sang way bar che ying su sol
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
~17.1~'1.l;J~~~~s -%~~r~~= q~q~= l~~~~~= ~~ Of'D ab hOm vajra guru padma siddhi hOm 0 Al;l HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

~" ~~~~=
~~= ~'1.!: ~ ~~~qa,:
" !U~~~= :
t;\l~s~= ql~'?a - "" dre yi yul du gong pay tse When you considered the land of spirits,
me pung she kyi sa shi Ia On the ground amid a mass of fire
;J.;J!~\~a.~s ll~~a,~q~~q<l, ~~17.1~~ da gyang gang gi tso nang du Appeared a lake of a bowshot's width.
~17.1~~q~~~~s ~~~~17.!~,1.r~~~s l~r~il.l9z::1~~ pe may teng du sil sil dra Within it, you appeared, cool and unharmed, on a lotus.
pe may nang na gong pa dze You abided in wisdom on that lotus.
l;JI7,lq?~~s ~17.1~~qa~4l~s ~~l9z::1~~~~~ tsen yang pe ma jung ne she You became known as Padmakara,
dzok pay sang gye ngo su jon A buddha actually present.
~~~i ~~J!~~~l;JI7,lq?~~i de dray trul ku yam tsen chen Nirmanakaya of such wonders,

tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion. grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
om ab hOm vajra guru padma siddhi hOm 0 Al;l HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU

bo kyi nyi ma dze pay tse When you became the sun ofTibet,
de den dro wa dren pay pal Glorious leader of faithful beings,
gang Ia gang dOl kur ten ne You displayed whatever form would tame.
tsang kha Ia yi Ia tok tu In the pass ofTsangkhala
dra lhay ge nyen dam Ia tak You bound drala upasakas to samaya.
yul ni tsa way tsa she du In hot Tsasho you bound
lha yi ge nyen drek pa chen Twenty-one haughty deva upasakas
nyi shu tsa chik dam Ia tak To samaya. At Jamtrin
(!',!z::_'~"'l~U!s(!',!~f~~~~ l~~z=:_t:~~'"'l'l~~~r~r~~z::_s rsl mang yul de yi jam trin du In Mangyul you bestowed siddhi
ge long shi Ia ngo drup nang Upon four bhikshus.
q~~~~~qa~~~~~(!',!~~~ %~~r~~= t:~!t:~~= l~:::_~ khye par pak pay rik dzin chok Great Kyepak Rikdzin,
q~;; ~~q~;; ~U!: ~:::_~= ~~z=:_t:~8.= !U~q~;; ~b"J~~= Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop
~ ~ ~
lt.l"'!'(!',!'~z::_~lq"'l'~z::_~~ t:!~~'(!',!'z:::]~'~~~ld,l'"'l't:!?~~~ tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
?5\~"'l'f1'"'l8.'"'l'f~~g ~z::_~l'1~'4'~l'ld,l'"'l't:!?~~ 8 nO pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
~l(!',!4l~~a~z::_~z::_~s ~z::_~~~t:l!~Sld,l."'l't:!?~~s
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~q~ur~:::_~:::_~s ~~~~d,l~~lld,l'"'l't:!?~~s d:lt:~~ sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
~~~d,l~~l~~g "'l'"'l~~~~~z::_q.~"'!S "'l'"'l~'t:!~~ 0111 a~ h0111 vajra guru padma siddhi h0!11 Ol'yl: AI;I HUl'yl: VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUl'yl:

t.~t:~~:::_t:~~s~s "'l'"'l~s~~f1~~:::_~s~s (!',!%l:::_~

pal mo tang gi pal tang du In the valley of Palmotang
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
~"'l'~z:::]~'t.l'c:!:)8 %~~~~= z:::]~'t:!~= l~z::_~q~;; ~~ ten ma chu nyi dam Ia tak You bound the twelve Tenmas to samaya.
bo yul kha lay Ia tok tu In the Khala Pass into Tibet
t.~~= ~U!= ~:::_~= ~~:::_t:~8.= !U~q~= ~~s~= gang kar sha me dam Ia tak You bound Gangkar Shamey to samaya.
dam sho lha buy nying drung du In front of Damsho Lhanying
tang lha yar shu dam Ia tak You bound Thanglha Yarshu to samaya.
he po ri yi yang gong du On the peak of Mount Hepo
lha sin tam che dam Ia tak You bound all devas and rakshasas to samaya.
che way lha dre tam che kyi Of all those great devas and rakshasas,
Ia le sok gi nying po pul Some offered their life-essence mantras.
Ia le ten pa sung war che Some began to guard the dharma.
Ia le dren du khe lang che Some promised to serve.
tu dang dzu trul top po che You with great power, miracles, and strength,

tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
0111 a~ h0111 vajra guru padma siddhi h0!11 Ol'yl: AJ:I HUl'yl: VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUl'yl:

Removing Obstacles ro I 89 03 Clearing the Path of Obstacles

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 190 03 A Compilation for Recitation

...... ~.
l~q~:JI::!~~ql' ""
~ ID~~~~~~~I';:!~~~q~~, I::!~~ dam pa cho kyi ten pa ni When you planted the sublime
gyal tsen ta bur tsuk pay tse Dharma like a victory banner,
~~~1';:!'-~~~~~~l';:!t ID~~l~~~q~l~5~~=::la sam ye rna sheng lhun gyi drup Samye arose spontaneously, without being built.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~r;~~~t ~~~~q~~r;~~~ gyal pay gong pa tar chin dze You fulfilled the king's intentions.
kye chok sum gyi tsen yang sol Great being, you bear three names.
~~~ ~%~~q~~r~s ~%~~~l'~~~~~~~ ~~r; chik ni pema jung ne she One is Padmakara.
chik ni pe rna sam bha wa One is Padmasambhava.
~~~~~s~~!~' ~~~~~= 1';:!~1::!~= "~~~q~= ~~ chik ni tso kye dar je she One is Lake-Born Vajra.
q~= ~ttl= ~r;~= ~~t::l::!a= ~~q~= ~~~~= ~';:!~~~~ sang tsen dar je drak po tsal Your secret name is Dorje Drakpotsal.

~~~~~~~l';:!q~!(v ~~r;~-~~-~~"~~~l';:!~~r;, ~ tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
~~l~qa~~~l';:!'1"' ~~~~~~~~~~l';:!~~ql';:!~l';:!~s gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
- "-.:"l " ::.
d5~'~'5'o.J"~~a,~'l';:!~~~ -
~~~~~~~~~~~1';:!~"8 nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
~~~~~E I';:!~'I';:!~E l~r;~q~E ~~q~E ~ttl: ~r;~;: nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
~~r;l';:!a= ~~q~= ~~~~=
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
011;1 a~ h011;1 vajra guru padma siddhi hu11;1 Oryi AJ:i HUryi VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUryi

sam ye chim pur drup pa dze At Samye Chimpu you engaged in accomplishment.
kyen ngen dok ching ngo drup nang You repelled adversity and bestowed siddhi.
je len tar pay lam Ia ko You placed the king and ministers on the path of liberation.
don suk bon gyi ten pa nup You defeated the demonic Bon tradition.
cho ku dri me rin chen ten You displayed the stainless, precious dharmakaya.
kal den sang gye sa Ia ko You placed the worthy on the level of buddhahood.

tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
011;1 a~ h011;1 vajra guru padma siddhi h0111 Oryi AJ:i HUryi VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUryi
~~~~ID~~~~s~s l~~~rra.~9~~o.~~l 8 ~~~ de ne or gyen yul du jon Then you went to Uddiyana,
da ta sin pay kha non dze And are now subjugating the rakshasas.
~9~~Ulo.~~~~s ~lq~l~~~o.~~:~:~s o.~~s;~ mile lhak gyur yam tsen che You are wondrous, superhuman.
~~~~~rq~s ~9~~~= ~!~~= l~~~q~: ~~q~ cho pa me jung ngo tsar che Your deeds are marvelous, amazing.
tu dang dzu trul top po che You with great power, miracles, and strength,
=~tq: ~:;:~= 9~~~a.= ~~q~: ~~s~= ~9~r;~9~
tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
~~a,~~~~qa.lq~s ~~q\l~t~~~~o.~~9~o.I~ tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the 'path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
~~o.~~~s l~~~~o.~i9~~~~~~~o.~~9~~s sr;~~ Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
nu pay dak sok bar che sol
~~qa.~~ 05 l~~q~~ll1B ~9~~~r:ll9~s~~~ chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
~~~B ~!r:l~~l9'~9~~o.~~~~~B l~~~q~~l9' sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
~l~~~~~s ~~q~~l9'~9~~~05 l~~ 8 ~tq~~ gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
C\ :ri C\
om atl hOm vajra guru padma siddhi h0!11 Ol'yl: Al;I HUJ'y1 VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HU
.. 'V'
05 l'S'~~~B ~~ ~~~i!5l'~~~~~B ~~~r:la,~~i!5l'
ku sung tuk den dro wa dren pay pal Guide of beings, with glorious body, speech, and mind,
lsr;~~~~s !U~q~s9"'~~~~~~o.~~s ~~g~~~!U drip pa kun pang kham sum sa ler khyen You've abandoned all veils and clearly know the three realms.
ngo drup chok nye de chen chok gi ku You've gained supreme siddhi, the body of great bliss.
~q~~l~B ~~g~~~!U~q~~\~r;!~~~~o.~Ul~g
jang chup drup pay bar che nge par sel You dispel all obstacles to the accomplishment of awakening.
~l~~l~g ~l'll~alll~:l\~~~qo;Ji~~:l\q~~~~~~~~~~~
tuk je dak Ia jin gyi lop Through your compassion, grant your blessing.
l'll~~~l~l'll~~~~q~~~l'll~~~~~~!;!a~;Ja~~~~qq:l\il5l. tse way dak sok lam na drong Through your kindness, lead us on the path.
gong pay dak Ia ngo drup tsol Through your wisdom, grant me siddhi.
\l~~l'll~~l'll'lll~;\~l'll~l ~~~l'll"-~q~~~q~
nu pay dak sok bar che sol Through your power, dispel our obstacles.
l'll~'fl'll'~~~q~ll chi yi bar che chi ru sol Dispel outer obstacles outside.
nang gi bar che nang du sol Dispel inner obstacles inside.
sang way bar che ying su sol Dispel secret obstacles in the expanse.
gu pay chak tsal kyap sum chi I humbly bow and go for refuge.
om atl hOm vajra guru padma siddhi h0!11 0 Al;I HU VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUJ'y1
om atl hOm vajra guru padma to treng tsal SIDDHI PHALA HU Al;I
vajra samaya dza siddhi phala hOm atl
Ihat was excerpted from "Outer Accomplishment through Supplication"
in Wish-fulfilling jewel Heart Scripture of Oral Instructions on the Sad-
hana of the Guru's Mind, Dispelling All Obstacles, recovered by the em-
anated treasure-revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa from beneath the feet of
the Great Splendor ofDanyin Kala Rongo.

Removing Obstacles ro I 91 03 Clearing the Path of Obstacles

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 1 9 2 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~(,~z;:J-~.p::~l~~~~~~t::~l The supplication Spontaneous Fulfillment ofWishes

e ma ho Emaho! In the realm of Sukhavati to the west

nup chok de wa chen gyi shing kham su The blessing of Amitabha's compassion was stirred.
nang wa ta ye tuk jey jin lap yo He blessed the nirmanakaya Padmakara,
trul ku pe ma jung ne jin lap te . Who came to Jambudvipa to benefit beings.
dzam buy ling du dro way don Ia jon His compassionate benefit of beings is unceasing.
dro don gyun che me pay tuk je chen I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop
Starting with the king Trisong Detsen,
gyal po tri song de tsen men che ne Until the line of dharma kings is ended,
cho gyal dung gyO ta Ia ma tong bar Grant your blessing unceasingly throughout the three times.
dO sum gyOn che me par jin gyi lop Only friend of the Tibetan kings who protect the dharma,
bo kyi cho kyong gyal pay nyen chik pu You have the compassion to protect kings who practice
gyal po cho cho kyong way tuk je chen dharma:
or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

ku ni lho nup sin pay kha non dze Your body is subjugating rakshasas in the southwest.
tuk je bo kyi sem chen yang Ia sik With compassion, you regard all beings in Tibet.
ma rik lok pay sem chen dren pay pal Glorious guide of bewildered, ignorant beings,
nyon mong dOl kay sem chen tap kyi dOl You tame with means beings whose kleshas are hard to tame.
tse dung gyOn che me pay tuk je chen You have the compassion of unceasing kindness and affection.
or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate Padmakara ofUddiyana.
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

dO ngen nyik may ta Ia tuk pay tse When the final evil time of degeneration is reached,
nang re gong re bo kyi don Ia jon You will come to Tibet for its benefit every morning and
nyi ser char dO dang Ia chip tejon evening.
yar ngo tse chuy dO su ngo su jon You will travel on the rays of the rising and setting sun.
dro don top chen dze pay tuk je chen On the tenth day of the waxing moon, you will actually come.
or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep You have the compassion to strongly benefit beings.
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
~~~at;~~il~~~~~~"-~ 8 ~~~~~t;~~~~l~~;rr;~ nga gyay ta rna tsi::i dO nyik rna Ia During the final five hundred years, the degenerate time of
sem chen tam che nyi::in mong duk nga rak dispute,
~~~~~~8 ~~;rr;~a.~""~~~~~~r;~l.~lg ~~a nyi::in mong chi::il nyok duk nga rang gyO chi::i The five poisonous kleshas of all beings will be coarse.
~~~~l~a%~~~~i~~ 8 ll~~~~~~~~qa den dray dO na khye dray tuk je kyop The five poisonous kleshas will be indulged without restraint.
de den to ri dren pay tuk je chen At such times, protect us with your compassion.
~~~~~~8 ~~~= ~~~q= ~~~a.~~~qal~~9~ or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia si::il wa dep You have the compassion to guide devoted beings to higher
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop states.
~t;~a.~~~~~s ~~~~~~~qa_~~""%~qa~s ~l I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
hor sok jik pay mak gi ta kor ne
~~~~l~~lq~~~"-l~a,~~~B ~~~~~~~~~l Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
chi::i khor nyen po jik Ia tuk pay tse
~~~~~~~! ~~~l~~l~r;~~~q~~l~~l 8 ~ yi nyi te tsom me par si::il wa dep When terrifYing armies ofTartars surround us,
or gyen lha sin de gye khor gyi kor And the sacred dharmachakras are threatened with
~~= ~~~q: ~~~~~~~~a.~~qa~l~r;~s ~~~l hor sok mak pung dok parte tsom me destruction,
~~~~"-!~l~~~~q~~ ~l~~~= ~~~t~~~~lr; or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia si::il wa dep If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop There is no doubt that you with an entourage of devas,
ls~~lq~s ~::~l~~~~~ 05 l~~q~~""' ~~~= rakshasas,
sem chen gyu 10 jik pay ne jung tse And the rest of the eight classes, will repel the armies of
~~~q= ~r;~l~~""r;~~~~l~~~qa~ ~~~~~ mi si::i duk ngel ne kyi nyen pa na Tartars.
~~a~l~~~~q~ ~l~~~= ~ID~~~a.a.~~~~a yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep
or gyen men gyi Ia dang yer me pay-
I supplicate Padmakara ofUddiyana.
Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
l~~lr;~~~ l~""?.fr;~~~~~~~~"-!~~~l~~l' tse se rna yin bar che nge par sel
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia si::il wa dep When sickness that destroys beings' illusory bodies arises,
~~~= ~~~q: sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop And we are menaced by the unbearable suffering of illness,
If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt,
jung wa drar lang sa chO nyam pay tse Uddiyana, because you are inseparable from Bhaishajyaguru,
sem chen mu gey ne kyi nyen pa na Our lives will not be extinguished. Obstacles will definitely be
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep dispelled.
or gyen khan dro nor Ihay tsok dang che I supplicate Padmakara ofUddiyana.
ul pong tre kom sel war te tsom me Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep
sam pa lhOn gyi drup par jin gyi lop When the elements arise as enemies, the earth's fertility is
And beings are menaced by the illness of famine,
If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
There is no doubt that with hosts of dakinis and wealth devas
You will dispel poverty, hunger, and thirst.
I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

Removing Obstacles ro I 9 3 03 Spontaneow Fulfillment ofWishes

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 94 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~a.~qa~~~~~~a.~~~s ld.l%~~c'l.l~~~"qa le chen dro way don du ter don na When those with karma extract treasure for beings' benefit
dam tsik sol sok me pay pa ding gi With the heroic confidence of samaya free from deception,
lqa.~~r::_~~s ~l~~~= @f~~~ld.l~lr::_ls~~lq~s yi nyi te tsom me par jin gyiy lop If they supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt,
t<l'~~~~~~~q~~ld.l~ls ~~~= q~d.Jq: ~~~~ or gyen yi dam lha dang yer me pay Uddiyana,
pa nor bu yi lon par te tsom me Because you are indivisible from the yidam deva,
~~~~\l~~~~~~qa~s. ~o;~~~~~~4r::_(l.ld.]' or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep There is no doubt that the son will retrieve his father's wealth.
sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
a.~~~~s ~l~~~= @f~~~~ql~~~~qa~~~~ Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
q~~s ~~d.l!(l'c'l.ld.l'~a.S~qJ\~ld.l~ls ~~~= q~d.l be yO I nak tro en sa nyok pay tse
kah char bu yuk tsup shing lam gak na When traveling through hidden valleys, forests, or isolated
q: ~~~~~~d.lss~~~c'l.ld.l~q~~s a.s~~~a.~~~ yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep places,
or gyen shi dak nyen poy khor gyi kor If the way is blocked by blizzards or rainstorms,
qaa,sr::_~a.~d.l~qa~s ~"~~~= @f~~lqa.~~r::_"z; cho dze lam na dren par te tsom me If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
~r::_d.]J\~~~ ~~~qa~d.l~~~~"q~~ld.l~"' @[~~= or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep There is no doubt that surrounded by an entourage of fierce
sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop local devas
q~d.]q= ~~~&r::_~r::_qaq~o;"~~' ~~~~~~::_ You will lead dharma practitioners on their way.
tak sik dom dre duk drul che wa chen I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
a.~~qa~~~z;~s ~l~~~= ~~~~r::_qq~~~~~ drok chen jik pay trang Ia drim pay tse Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep
or gyen pa wo ging dang sung mar che When wandering through terrifying wildernesses or passes
duk pay sem chen tro par te tsom me where there are
or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep Tigers, leopards, bears, grizzlies, poisonous snakes, or other
sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop fanged beasts,
If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
sa chu me lung jung way bar che kyi There is no doubt that accompanied by viras, gingkaras, and
gyu 10 nyen ching jik pay du jung tste guardians,
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep You will chase off those vicious beings.
or gyen jung wa shi yi lha mor che I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

When, through obstacles of the elements earth, water, fire, or

Our illusory bodies are threatened with destruction,
If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
There is no doubt that accompanied by the clevis of the four
~~t:~~~~~~t:~~~lo.~ills @f~~= t:~~o.~~= ~o.~~~ jung wa rang sar shi war te tsom me You will naturally pacify the elements.
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate Padmakara ofUddiyana.
a_~9~~~~~~a_~o.~~q~~s t:l~l~~~9q~o.~~~ sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
~~~~s ~l9~~= ~m~~9mt:~~~l~~~q~~~s ~ lam sang jik pay trang Ia drim pay tse When wandering down terrifying, narrow paths,
~J~l~o.~~o.~~t:~~9q~sls ~m~= t:~~o.~~= 9~~9 se khyer jak pa cham po nyen pa na If we are menaced by murderous, thieving bandits,
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
94l'd.l~'lo-!9'9~o.~~a.t:~~~~~! o.~l~a;~~~~a_~t:~~ or gyen chak gya shi yi gong par den Because you have the wisdom of the four mudras,
tso ra mi go ngam sem lak par che
4~~~q~s ~l9~~= ~m~~~~'U~l~~~q~~s
You will destroy the malevolence of the wildmen.
or gyen pe ma jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
94lo.~sl~~o.~l~a;a.~~t:~~~~s @fm~= t:l~o.~q= sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

~o.~~9~:~la.~t:~a~~~~~s 9~l9~l~9t:~~~~9 gang shik she may mak gi ta kor ne When a menacing army of executioners
tson cha non poy dep shing nyen pa na Surrounds and attacks us with sharp weapons,
~~~~q~s ~l9~~= ~m~~~t:~o.~~r.z,Lf.l~~~q~s yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt,
t:~~t:~u~~~~~~~q~~s @fm~= t:~~d.lq: ~~~9Lll~ or gyen dar jey gur dang den pa yi Uddiyana, with a tent of vajras

...,., " " ...,., " ......

she ma dre ching tson cha tor war gyur You will scatter the executioners and cast down their weapons.
q~9qr.z,t:~~l~ ~~~~'?~~~~9't:l~~'?~q~ll or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
" " ...,., .;, " ~ ') sam pa Ihun gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
Llll'9'?~= t~rm~~~9~d.ld.l,~~qr.z,~9~ "'-\l~ll ~~
...,., '-:d. ~ ...,., nam shik tse po chi way du jung tse When our lives are over and we come to the time of our deaths,
~~~~~~~~t:~~~d:ld.l~ls t;\r~~= t:~~d.lq:
ne cho duk ngel drak pay nyen pa na If we are agonized with terrible suffering,
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt,
or gyen nang wa ta ye trul pate Uddiyana, because you are an emanation of Amitabha,
de wa chen gyi shing der nge par kye We will definitely be born in the realm of Sukhavati.
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

gyu lu yar po shik pay bar do ru In the bardo, after our borrowed illusory body has been
trul nang nyi trul duk ngel nyen pa na destroyed,
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep If we are tormented by projections, hallucinations, and suffering,
or gyen du sum khyen pay tuk je yi If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt, Uddiyana,
trul nang rang sar drol war te tsom me Knower of the three times, there is no doubt that through your
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep compassion
sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop Our projections will be self-liberated.
I supplicate Padmakara ofUddiyana.
Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

Removing Obstacles ro I 9 5 03 Spontaneous Fulfillment ofWishes

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro I 96 03 A Compilation for Recitation

9~~'Ult:,'l1,l~~r;~~~l~r;~.:l\'~8 ~11,l~r;~~~q.:l\'~~ shen yang le dang kyen gyi wang gyur te As well, when under the power of karma and conditions
trul nang ngo par shen ching duk ngel na We suffer through fixating upon our projections as real,
%r::.~9~~11,l~g tlll9~~= ~~~~~~~~11,l?Ja~q~g yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep If we supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt,
~9~~!1,1.~!1,1t.~~s~~9~9q.:l\s~s ~~~= ~~d.lq:
V" = V" ...._ V"
"'~l'~9.~9~~11,l'l't.l~~~qlq ~~q~~l~~o,~r;~
" ...._
or gyen de chen gyal pay ngo wo te
duk ngel trul pa tse ne shik par che
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep
Uddiyana, because you are in nature the King of Great Bliss,
Our suffering and bewilderment will be eradicated.
I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
sam pa gyi drup par jin gyi lop Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
~9~~11,1~s ~~~~~~t.la9~r::.~9~~9q'tl!~s tlll
dro druk duk ngel chen pay nyen pa dang
9~~= ~~~~9~~~o,?4~.:1\'i!lq.:l\'9~9~ 8 ~~~=
When beings of the six types suffer greatly,
khye par bo kyi je bang duk ngel na And especially when the lords and subjects ofTibet suffer,
~~d.lq= ~~~~~~9~.:1\~wr::."'~~~d-1~ 8 ~9%9 de gi..i mo pay dung shuk drak po yi If with fierce faith, respect, devotion, and yearning,
yi nyi te tsom me par sol wa dep We supplicate you without ambivalence or doubt,
9~r::.~~9~r::.~9~~9q.tll~s ~~~~d.l.:l\"'2S'l~a9~r::. or gyen tuk jey po gyur me par sik Uddiyana, you will look upon us with unchanging
lsr::.~~~ 8 ~~d.l~~~~~9~d.l~r::.9~11,1~~~s ~~~ or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep compassion.
sam pa gyi drup par jin gyi lop I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
V" ?,~~i ~~d.lq{{~~~~~q.:l\'
" Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.
or gyen je juk khor wa pong do nam
s~~~'~~i sr::~~:l;.'11.1~'~ll i tse chik dung way dung shuk drak po yi Uddiyana's followers who want to abandon samsara:
khye i..i pa mar bo dray dung yang kyi Pray with one-pointed, fierce yearning,
nyin tsen di..i druk nam jung sol wa top With the anguished cry of a child calling to its parents.
or gyen pe rna jung ne Ia sol wa dep Supplicate during the six times of day and night.
~~9~d.l~r;~~~~~~~.q.~g l~~~~\\~~l9~~~ sam pa gyi drup par jin gyi lop I supplicate Padmakara of Uddiyana.
~~qa_~~~g ~~ 05l\\~'~11,l~~l~!1,1'~9'q.!!1,1i 9~11,1' Bless us that our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

~"'~~~~s~~~~~~~9~!1,1S ~~r;9~r;~a.~.:l\i!5l~ From the Northern Treasures.

di..i sum sang gye gu ru rin po che Guru Rinpoche, buddha of the three times,
~lr;s ~~d.l't.l'{{~~~~~q.:l\s~~~~~~s
" " " V" ~11,1\\~ ngo drup dak de wa chen pay shap Lord of all siddhis, Mahasukha,
i3 V" " V" V" V" " bar che sel di..i drak po tsal Dispeller of all obstacles, Mara-Subduing Drakpo Tsal:
~~l~d.l 05 ~~sr::.~\\ ~\"'~r::.~~~~qo_d,l
sol wa dep so ji gyi lap tu sol I beg you-grant your blessing.
9%9~~~~ 8 ~~~~~d.li9t.r~~~~'d.lf0,'0,~'9~8 chi nang sang way bar che shi wa dang Bless us that outer, inner, and secret obstacles be pacified
sam pa gyi drup par jin gyi lop And wishes spontaneously fulfilled.
~4~'d.l~~!1,1'~~~!1,19~!1,1~o,~~~ 8
Mother of all buddhas, dharmadhatu, Samantabhadri,
~~r::,9~r::.~a.q.:l\i!5~4qlr::,s\s~ Only kind mother and protector ofTibetan people,
gyal kye yum cho ying sang mo
Bestower of supreme siddhi, foremost dakini of mahasukha:
~~'~~& ~~~9'd.l~\~!1,1'~'~.:1\'S~'~~'~~g Sl'~.:l\' bo bang kyop pay rna chik drin mo che
I supplicate at the feet ofYeshe Tsogyal.
V" V" ~ " " V" ~ ...._ "
ngo drup chok tsol de chen khan dray tso
~l97r::..lq.:l\s~~~~~~s d:!lq11,14~.:1\q~~q.:l\s~ ye she tso gyal shap Ia sol wa dep
C\- C\ C\C\-
~-~r~z::J~S. z::J~d.I'Q'~~~~~qQJ\'S~~~~q~s Q~ chi nang sang way bar che shi wa dang Bless us that outer, inner, and secret obstacles be pacified,
Ia may ku tse ten par jin gyi lop That the lamas' lives be stable,
~r;~~~~ll~~~r~E!a.~~s~n 11
ne muk tson kal shi war jin gyi lop That this age of sickness, famine, and war be pacified,
che pur bo tong shi war jin gyi lop That curses, k.ila-magic, and incitements be pacified,
tse pal she rap gye par jin gyi lop That life, wealth, and wisdom increase,
sam pa lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop And that wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

Conclude with:
Padmakara, may I and others come to have
pe rna jung ne khye ku ji dra dang A body like yours, a retinue like yours,
khor dang ku tse tse dang shing kham dang A life-span like yours, a realm like yours,
khye kyi tsen chok sang po chi dra wa And a wonderful name just like yours.
de dra kho nar dak sok gyur war shok
Through my praise and prayer, please pacify
khye Ia to ching sol wa tap pay tU All sickness, dons, deprivation, and fighting,
dak sok gang du ne pay sa chok su And increase dharma and goodness
ne don ul pong tap tso shi wa dang Wherever it is that we live.
cho dang ta shi pel war dze du sol

Removing Obstacles ~ I 97 03 Spontaneous Fulfillment ofWishes

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 200 0.3 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~%~r~~f[cy"l.l~q A Pra1Jidhiina for the Accomplishment of True WOrdr

-.11t:l~~~~~r;:Jqa.~~~~&.~&.~~~~r:.~Z!J~~st:lt:l~~~~ ~~~ ngo drup gya tsho jung ne Ia ma dang chok Entering the City of Omniscience, a pra7Jidhdna for the accomplishment
sum jang chup sem pa nam Ia chak tsal oftrue words:
~r.r~~la.~z;~~~~~~z;~i~~~~sz;~r:.r~~~ shing/ kyap sum chi o/ jin gyi lap tu sol/ mi I prostrate and go for refuge to the sources of the oceans of
~qa.~~~"'l~~a.~"'l~z;~q~~~~~1 1s~~~q~q~ ngay kye wa ne tse rap tam che du dal jor siddhi, the gurus, the three jewels, and the bodhisattvas. I pray
chob gye tsang way mi li.i rin po che top te je that you grant your blessing. In all my lives, having acquired a
~~"'l1 lz;~~q~~~::t_q~l~~~~~~"'l'~::t_q~q~~ tsun Ia ma tsen nyi dang den pay jar gyur precious human body complete with the eighteen leisures and
war shok chikl ngon to dang nge lek ta dak gi
~z;q~l~~~~cr~~q~~q~~~~~~~~~~z;~~ resources, may I become the disciple of a qualified noble guru.
jung khung to sam gom sum gyi rang gyi.i Taming my being through hearing, thinking, and meditating-
q~~~"'ls::t_~::t_q::t_-4~~~ 1~~~~E"~z;~~~~~~la. te gyal way ten pa rin po chey je su lop par the sources of all higher births and certain liberation-may I
shok chikl
~~~~z;~z;~~~q~~~~~~~~~::t_z;~~T~~"'l follow the precious dharma of the buddha. May the roots of en-
cho Ia juk pay tsa wa nge jung dang lo dok trance to the dharma, renunciation and the four reversals of at-
q~q~~q~~?J~~~~~~qq::t_-4~~~ 1i~"'l~~ nam pa shi gyi.i Ia ngam ngam shuk kyi kye titude, arise automatically or spontaneously in my being, and
" :::. ...,.,...,.,
" ~ ne khor wa tame kyi ja wa Ia tson dong dang may I see the actions of endless samsara as like a prison or a pit
me op ta bur tong war shok chiklle dre lu wa of fire. Having come to trust the infallibility of actions' results,
~~~~~::t_q~la.J:!~~sq"'lt:~~~~z;~z;J:l~q~~ me pa Ia yi che nye ne ge dik gi le tra mo may I engage in even the slightest virtuous and avoid even the
tsam Ia yang juk dok che par shok chikl ne slightest unvirtuous action. Not falling under the power of
~::t_~iz;q::t_-4~~~ 1a.l~a.s~q~qJ:l~q"'l~~~~~~ places, companions, distractions, or other obstacles to the ac-
drok du dzi Ia sok pa jang chup drup pay bar
~~~9~~~"'l~r:s;;~~~~s~q::t_4~~~ 1 che kyi wang du min dro war kon chok sum complishment of awakening, may I be under the protection of
the three jewels and train in the path of the three persons. Aban-
...... ~......
" " gyi kyap ok tu tsi.i de kye bu sum gyi lam Ia
lop par shok chikl doning doubts about the personification of all sugatas, the kind
and sublime guru, and abandoning the wrong view of taking
~qz;~la,~q::t_~;;.J'~'~r::]~'~~~~~~~~ de shek di.i kyi ngo wo ka drin chen gyi Ia him to be a human being equal to myself, may I see him as an
" ...... ...,., ~ ? ... " ma dam pa Ia te tsom dang nyam drok kyi mi actual buddha. Through the power of that, my three gates
~~~~~"'l~'"'l'~r::]'t:l::l\'4~'\1~ 1r::] ,~4~~\l~~~~
ru sung way lok ta pang te sang gye ngo su ripened by the symbolic four empowerments, may I enter the
~tfq,a,~~~~~~~~~qa.l~l~~z;~~~a_~~~~~ tong war shok chikl deyi tu le tson che pey wondrous secret path of vajrayana. Having brought the condi-
~ ~...,.,. a . .,.,. . .,., . .,., wang shi go sum min par che te me jung dor tions of supplication and devotion to the path, may the sym-
~~q~z;q("'"'l~~~z;~ ;~z;~~~lz;~~~;ll;'r::]::l\'4~'
je tek pay sang lam Ia juk par shok chikl sol bolized ultimate wisdom be transferred to me. May my
~~ 1 ~~~~"'l~Cf.ll~s~~2l~~qz;q~~~~~~~~q::t_ dep dang mo gi.i kyi tsam jor lam du long ne realization become equal to space.
tson ja don gyi gong gyi.i dak Ia po te tok pa
s~~~~~z;~~~~q~~~z;a.lif.l'"'l'~~q::t_-4~~~ 1 nam kha dang nyam par shok chikl
May I perfect the practice of mahayoga generation, recognize
the environment and its inhabitants as the three mandalas, pass
...... ? ...... ~. ...... ...... ?t:
~~"'l'Q, ,q~~z;~~~~~~~~~::t_'"'l~'~"'ll;~'~~c;.J~' through the four levels of vidyadharas, and become like the bod-
kye pa ma ha yo gay nyam len tar chin ne no
...... ...... ...,., ...........
s~~~~~z;~~~q~~"'la.~~,~~~q~c;.Jif.l~a.~z; chi.i kyil khor sum du she shing rik dzin nam hisattvas Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra. May I perfect the
pa shiy sa Ia dro pa gyal se pe ma dang bi practice of the agamas of anuyoga, and may fixated thoughts of
c;.J~~q::t_-4~~~ 1r::]~~q(;.l:zar-~a~~~~~~l::l\'5~~~ samsara and nirvana be awakened in the nature of non-dual
~ ~
"-~~~l~~"-~~~~~l~~~"-~~~.::_~.::_~.::_4~~~ - I
ma Ia ta bur gyur war shok chikllung a nu yo
gay nyam len tar chin ne khor de kyi dzin tok
de tong nyi su me pay ngo war sang gye te ok
bliss-emptiness. May I perfect the practice of the great perfec-
tion, atiyoga; exhaust all appearances of dharmas within the ex-
panse of dharmata; and be liberated in the youthful vase body
~~b'l~ar~~'?~~~~~l:l;_'~~~~~.::_a.l~~a.~~~~ min tuk po ko pay shing kham Ia wang gyur like the vidyadhara Garab Dorje.
war shok chikl dzok chen a ti yo gay nyam len
~~~~~~~~~l~~~~.::_~~~ID~~~~~~~~.q-~1l tar chin ne cho chen gyi nang wa cho nyi kyi
In brief, from the time I begin bodhisattva conduct, may
whatever I do with my three gates become beneficial to my par-
long du se ne shan nu bum kur drol wa rik
~~~~~~~"'~lq~~~.::_~.::_4~~~ ~~~~~~b'l~ar ents, all beings. At no time and under no circumstances may I
dzin ga rap dar je ta bur gyur war shok chikl ever have a non-dharmic worldly thought for even an instant. If
~~'?~~~~~l:l;_'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~ overpowered by my karma and habits a mistaken intention
dar na dak gi jang chup kyi cho pa Ia lap pa

- -
a~l~~~~~~~~~.::_%"-~'~'~~a,~~l~a,.::,~~~~~.::, ne sung te go sum gyi ja wa chi gyi tam che arises, may it not be fulfilled. If it will benefit others, may I not
pa ma sem chen tam che kyi don du gyur war fear giving up my body and life. May I become like the youth
~ ~ ~-
~.::,~.::,4~~~ l~l.::_~~l~~~s~~~~~l~"'~~~~ Siddhartha. Reaching the level of the spontaneous accomplish-
shok chikl du dang nam pa tam che du dam
ment of dual benefit, may I have the ten strengths and the four
~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~~~~l~~~ll:4~il~~ pay cho ma yin pay jik ten tUn juk gi sam pa
fearlessnesses, giving me the ability to empty the three realms,
~- ...,., ~
ke chik ma tsam yang sem Ia mi kye war shok
~~l~~~l~l~~~.::,~.::,4~'~ ~~~l~~~~!~~ chikl gal te le dang bak chak wang tsen par the ocean of samsara, from their depths.
gyur ne chin ji lok gi Ia kye na'ang de nyi mi
~l~l~~~~~~~~~~a,~~~~~~~~~9~~~~ The buddhas and bodhisattvas have promised to support the accom-
drup par shok chikl shen don du gyur na lu plishment ofsuch unselfish aspiratiom.
~l~~~~~Ul~~~~"-!~~~.::,4~~~ 1~"-~'~'"-l~'l~ sok dar wa Ia yang nyam nga me pa shan nu
don drup ta bur gyur war shok chikl don nyi I prostrate to the rishis who speak the truth. O OHARE
t:~~as~~l~~t:~~~~.::_~.::_~~~~~ar~9~~~~a,~~ lhun drup kyi sa Ia chin ne kham sum khor OHARE BHANDHARE BHANOHARE SVA.HA. May virtue become

~l~~~~.::,4~~~ ~~~~~~~~.::,~~~~~a,~.::, way gya tso dong ne truk nu pa top chu mi jik strong. May my aspirations become powerful. May my wrong-
nam shiyi tsal chen du gyur chikl doing be quickly purified.
~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~"-!~~~~~~~~~~~.::,~~ A Af! HA SHA SA MA
drang song den par ma wa nam Ia chak tsal
Sarva mangala1'(1!
'5~~~.::,~~ la.~l!;!lr;s~qai~~o.~~~~ilir;~r~~;~t:~!;!a;j~~
om dhare dhare bhandhare bhandhare svaha
~:~;.;je::l!;!:~;.~~q!l~t:J~~~;j~a~~~~~t:J~~!;!!.q~~1 1s~~~
ge wa top che war gyur chikl man lam tu tsen
~~~~.::,~q~~~"'~~~"'~"'~arlli!rij~ij~~~~~~~ par gyur chikl dik pa dak kyen par gyur chlkl

,.11 l~t:~~~~~~.::,~.::,~~ ~~~"-!~~~~~~~.::,~.::, dza ya dza ya siddhi siddhi phala phala

a atl hatl shatl satl matl
~~ ~~~~a.l~~~~.::_~.::_~~ I(Ul!(Ul~i'~i'l:4wl:4 mama koling samanta
11.11 a,gb'lg;~g~g~g ~~;til~~~~~ ~fj';J~'~1111

Additional Aspiratiom & Dedicatiom ro 20 I 03 A Prar:zidhdna for the Accomplishment ofTrue Words
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 202 03 A Compilation for Recitation

a..~~~~~a..f~q~~l~, Joy and Comfort for Beings

~~!;J~~l~~:r:Ja~~~~~11 \l~.d.l~~~~!;Ja!;J~~ dro Ia de kyi jung way go chik pu The supplication for the fulfillment ofwishes called joy and Comfort for Be-
kun khyen gyal way ten pa rin po che ings:
q~~~~l ~~~~~~~~~!;J~'\l~~!~d.l~'q1 ~~~~ yul du ne kap kun tu mi nyam pa I pray that the single door of joy and comfort for beings,
d.!~:t,'l:t,~r;~~q:t,'d.l!(l~~~~~ l~l.~ld.l~~lr;r;J!' chok tar dar shing gye par dze du sol The precious dharma of the omniscient buddha,
Never weaken in any place, time, or circumstance.
!;;a:~r; 1 ~~~!;Ja!;J~~~~~!;J~~~~a.~~ tse me khyen dang tse way pal nga shing May it spread and flourish to the end of every direction.
gyal way ten pa sok we che dzin pay
qa1 ld.!~r::_~~l~d.ll~!;Ja~~~~~~d-1~1 l~r~~r; tsung me Ia mage way she nyen nam I pray that the peerless lamas, the spiritual friends
With immeasurable wisdom and splendid kindness,
~r;~~q:t,: a.~~l~!;Ja~d.!!;JS!r;~r::_d.l!(l~r;11a.05l. ku tse ring shing gye par dze du sol
Who cherish the buddhadharma more than their own lives,
lr;~r;Jqas!;J~:t,a.)~qa11~~sll~~~a.~l~~!;J~ dro Ia ge way lam sang nang dze ching Have long lives and flourish.
che dang drup pay ja wa lhur len pay
!;J~~~r;1 ~~~~~~~~!;J~:t,~~= ~~d.l~~~a.~!;Ja cho che gen dun di dak shap ten ching I pray that the members of the sangha, who practice dharma,
trin le chok chur gye par dze du sol Who illuminate for beings the good path of virtue,
a.~~~~l'~r;l 1a,~~~~Ulr;l~~~lr;~~q~1 ~~~ And who earnestly engage in teaching and practice, live long
mi nam na ga chi way jik me ching
~~sd.i~~a~llr;~~~:t,~~~~~l.~ll~a.r:J~~= ~r; jik ten yang dak ta wa dang den pay
And that their activity spread in the ten directions.

~d.!~a.~d.l'al~~r;~~~afr:J'~~~~!;J'l~l1:t,'~~~r;r;J~' pen tsun jam pay yi dang den gyur ching I pray that people be without fear of aging, sickness, and
tse me ga wa gye par dze du sol death;
:t,!;J'd-1~~4r;1 19~'r;JS!r;~~~~~~lr::_~~q~1 la.S':t, That they have a correct mundane view;
drong nam jam poy lung gi yo wa yi
~~~2f~~r::,!;J:t,= d.l~a.~%~~r::_~:t,~a~~d.l~~ ba den kar poy treng way rap dze shing
That they have love for one another;
And that immeasurable joy flourish.
4r;11~~Ifsl~a.r:Ja~~d.l~~~~~~d.l~l~~~a.r:Jr:J' go sang rin chen gyen dang den pa yi
~ ~ ...,.. ~ jor den kye woy gang war dze du sol I pray that towns be beautified by lines
qa.05:t,~~~~~ la.~r~d.!~.l~a.r:J~~= :t,~d.l~~lr; Of white banners stirred by gentle winds,
kha Ia lok treng gyur way trin dze shing And that they be filled with affluent people
~~~'Q,!;J!;J'~~!;J~~~~~r;~d.l~'~'l~~~~~lr;~~~ sa Ia ma ja ga way gar dze pa Adorned by fine clothing and precious jewelry.
sim bu dal gyi bap pay char gyOn gyi
~r;'11 I pray that beings' joy be increased by beautiful clouds
dro nam ga wa gye par dze du sol
Flashing with garlands of lightning in the sky,
ri nam tsa dang me tok bap chO gyen By the beautiful dance of joyous peacocks on the earth,
lung nam na tsok chuk dang dru yi gang And by rain falling as a gentle sprinkle.

I pray that mountains be covered by grass, flowers, and

That valleys be filled with livestock and grain;
l~~~r~q~l~a,qa~~~~r;11~~~lr;a.EJr::riliJl mi nam rap tu ga way lu len shing And that people sing with delight,
drek dang tap tso me par dze du sol Without aggressiveness or dispute.
~~= ID141 q'~o;q~l~q~~~~ir;~r;1 1a_qr;~~~~
gyal pay chap si shi way lek kyong shing I pray that monarchs rule their kingdoms peacably and well,
ID141 ~q,a_~r;!U~~~~~11~lr;~r;~~~~fl~~ bang nam gyal pay ka lung gu len pay That their subjects respectfully obey their commands,
~~~11~~~~~q~~~q~q~= ~~~14l~~r;~~~IDI4l. chi dang nang gi truk tso nyer shi ne That external and internal warfare be pacified,
iTi .,_ dzok den shin du de war dze du sol And that all are as happy as in an age of perfection.
" .y'

tsuk lak khang nam gyal way ku suk dang I pray that temples be beautiful with images of buddhas
~~~~l~a~~l~~l~~i!l~~11~~~ao;~~ID~= dam cho lek bam du may rap dze pa And with many volumes of the genuine dharma,

l~~~~~E!~~~l~qq~~fr;sl~ 1 1~~~~~~~ lha dze cho pay trin tsok pak me kyi And that immeasurable clouds of divine offerings
cho pay char chen gye par dze du sol Give forth their great rains.
~ ~ .y' il .y' .y' ";~~q? 11a.o;l~l'
gon ne tam che tup ten kyong che pa I pray that all monasteries be filled with saffron-robed
~r;1 1~~lr;~~~ID~= l9q~~l9~141 l9~r;~~ she nyen ngur mik dzin pay yang khyap te Spiritual friends who guard Shakyamuni's dharma,
che tso tsom pay ja way du da shing Devoting their time to teaching, debate, and composition,
~~~1 1s~i!l~a~141 ~~~lr;~~~r;1 1~~l~~~ lok dang kha ton gye par dze du sol And causing study and recitation to flourish.
" " ? 11
q~~~~?:Ja.sqe1.1~11q1~_, ~~~q~~I:JID~= ~t;;l'I:J'I:J'
.y' .y'

ge nyen ge tsul ge long pa rna dang I pray that upasakas, shramaneras, and bhikshus,
~~~~~r;q\l~~r;~~~1 1a,~~\l~'Ejl4l'Q,~'Q,~~~~ dri rna me pay tsul trim dang den shing Male and female, have stainless morality and that through
nam dak to sam gam pay ja wa yi The activities of pure hearing, thinking, and meditation,
l?j~~a11~qa~~~~~r;q~~~~I:Ja11~~~~am-~ de shik ten pa gye par dze du sol The dharma of the sugata flourish.
~ID~= ~~I:J~lr;q~~~l4lqa.~~~slI:J 11~qqql~ drup pa po nam yeng wa kun pang ne I pray that practitioners abandon all distractions
~~~~lr;q~~~~~141 11ar~a.l-s 141 qal~ 141 a.S~~~ tse wa kun dral du dzi nam en pay And in safe, tranquil places isolated from all disturbances,
-::d. ~
shi wayne su pong wa lhur len pay Increase their qualities of realization
Ol~~lr;1 1c10lr;l~o;~ID~= ~~lr;~141 ~~~q~llr;
.y' " " .y'

tok pay yon ten gye par dze du sol Through the earnest meditation of a renunciate.

qi~~~lr;1 1q~~~7~4~r~_q~~ijl'~~~~~1 1 lhak par dang way sol wa dep che pa I pray that we who supplicate you with intense faith,
....,. .....,.,. .....,.,.
drup po dak chak khor dang che nam Ia
~ ~

We practitioners and our entourages,

~r;141 ~r;~ID~o;~\;~~~~~~11~r;~~~C1.l~~
lok tso dral way pal jar pun tsok dang Gain abundant wealth with right livelihood,
ID~I:J~= tse dang dam cho gye par dze du sol And that our lifespans and genuine dharma increase.

jin dang tsul trim so dang tson dru dang I pray that through unsurpassable generosity, morality,
sam ten she rap Ia na me sok kyi Patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom and so forth,
rnnglasanggyechokunyongdzokne I perfect all buddhadharmas,
lung tok yon ten gye par dze du sol And develop the qualities of learning and realization.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications &> 20 3 03 joy and Comfort for Beings
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 204 03' A Compilation for Recitation

~~lr;~~~:l\~q~~:l\"t:]~~~~11~~~l"lJ-1"~~~141 jin dang nyen par rna way khor du ne I pray that I nurture others through generosity and gentle
don jo dam cho tsul shin she pay tU speech;
q~~~l~aJ-1%~1 1:l\r;~~~~~J-1%~~~ 141 ~~~~:l\ rang shen don tUn cho Ia lek jar ne That I teach dharma properly and act accordingly;
~~11~~~~~~q~~m~~:l\= ~~a~9 141 ~~J-l~~l~ shen don cho shin gye par dze du sol And that I bring us all to the dharma we each need,
Helping others more and more through dharma.
~:l\~~r;11J-1%~~~J-l~~~~~J-ll9~~:l\~~11~r;lr; cho kyi gal kyen ta dak nyer shi shing
tun kyen rna lu pun sum tsok gyur ne I pray that all conditions adverse to dharma
~r;141 %q~~:l\qq~~~~a11l~q~l9m~~:l\J-l~l~ gang dang gang Ia tup pay rap ngak pay Be pacified, that all favorable conditions
ge wa de dak gye par dze du sol Be present in abundance, and that all the virtues
~~141 11l~ 141 ~~~J-la%~~~s~~q~lr;1 1~~\l~~ Praised by Shakyamuni increase.
q~~~l~q~~~lr;11ql~~~9q~J-t~J-l~:l\l~~a pal den Ia may tuk je jin lap dang
cho kun de shin nyi kyi den pa dang Through the glorious guru's compassion and blessing,
J-1%~1 1~~~~~141 qq7qq~~~q~:l\%~ 1~~!:J~s~ dak gi lhak sam nam par dak pay tU The truth of the suchness of all dharmas,
ji tar sol wa tap shin drup gyur chik And my pure, benevolent intentions,
f~~ltl.I~"!:J~"!:J~ll ll May what I have prayed for occur.

Extracted from the Sakya Communal Liturgy.

C'\.. -.r
AlC!~.r~;;Jif~Al(;q The Aspiration to the Stages ofthe Path

der ni ring du be le tsok nyi ni By gathering a mass of the two accumulations

kha tar yang pa gang shik sak pa de As vast as space through long effort,
lo mik rna rik gi dong dro wa kun May I become a lord among buddhas,
nam dren gyal way wang par dak gyur chik A guide of all beings who are blinded by ignorance.

der rna son pay tse rap kun tu yang Throughout all my lives until that occurs,
jam pay yang kyi tse way je sung te May I be kindly cared for by Manjughosha,
ten pay rim pa kun tsang lam gyi chok Find the supreme path that includes all the dharma's stages,
nye ne drup pay gyal nam nye che shok And please the buddhas through practice.
~"~- "~
~z:::.,l~~q.1~~~~qa,<l.ld-!'~'9~l1 '
1~~~5~'t:;J~"t:;J~' rang gi ji shin tok pay lam gyi ne Motivated by intense affection, may I dispel
shuk drak tse way drang pay tap khe kyi The darkness of beings' minds by skillfully explaining
5z::.~qalq~d-!~~~~1 1a.~qa~l~~~qq~( dro way yi kyi mun pa sal che ne The points of the path that I have correctly realized.
~~11~(l.l't:;J~'t:;J~~q~~~z::.a,!(~~~~9 1q~~q~~~~ gyal way ten pa yun ring dzin gyur chik May I uphold the buddhadharma for a long time.

- ~ "--
d.l~~..,l~d.l~qqa,;J1 fSt::l'~lF~d.l~q~~~qa.:~~~,~
? ten pa rin chen chok gi ma khyap pa'am With great compassion may my mind be moved to those
khyap kyang nyam par gyur pay chok der ni places
~1 1~z::.~~~~~~l~qq~lq~~1 1~~q~~9~~~ nying je chen pay yi rap kyo pa yi Not reached by the supreme, precious dharma,
And those places reached by it where it has declined.
~~(l.lq~slq~4~ 1~~q~~~(l.lq~~l~z::.a.~~<l.l~ pen dey ter de sal war che par shok
May I illuminate that treasure of benefit and happiness.
<l.l~11a.J9~~qsz::.~q(l.ld.J'~~d.lq~~z::.11l~a.~l~d.l~ se che gyal way me jung trin le le
lek drup jang chup lam gyi rim pe kyang Through the stages of the path of awakening, established
~~l<l.llq(l.l~~~z::.1 1ID(<lq~z::.~~r;:_~~~9 1 tar do nam kyi yi Ia pal ter shing through
gyal way dze pa ring du kyong gyur chik The wondrous activity of the buddhas and bodhisattvas,
(l.ld.J'!;JS!t:_~qqad-l%~~~~qsl~:::.11a.~<l.l~~~<l.lsl May I glorify the minds of those who seek liberation.
lam sang drup pay tun kyen drup che ching
~lz::.~~~\l~11~~q~\l~~~(l.l't:;J~'t:;J~~~q~11~d.l' gal kyen sel che mi dang mi min kun
May I sustain the buddhas' deeds for a long time.

" ;:)r~
- - tse rap kun tu gyal way ngak pa yi May conditions favorable to the accomplishment
nam dak lam dang dral war ma gyur chik Of this good path be amassed. May adverse conditions be
~lq~~1 1~(l.l't:;J~~~q(l.lqf~q~~~1 1d.l%'~~~d.l~' dispelled.
gang tse tek pa chok Ia cho cho chu
~~~~~~9~sl~z::.11t::l:!r4~~d.ll~~~~\l~rsq~~ tsul shin drup Ia tson pa de yi tse
In all their lives may no one, human or non-human,
Ever be without this pure path praised by the buddhas.
~~ 1~~~.;~~~~r;'fl''I:J'~~q~d.l!(l'r:J~l1 l1 tu den nam kyi tak tu drok che ching
ta shi gya tsoy chok kun khyap gyur chik While properly practicing with diligence
The ten dharma activities of the supreme vehicle,
May we always be assisted by powerful beings.
May all directions be filled by an ocean of auspiciousness.

That was composed by the great lord Tsongkhapa.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 20 5 03 The Aspiration to the Stages ofthe Path
The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 206 03 A Compilation for Recitation

4::._~~~ri~~~1 Aspiration for the Dharma ofthe Shangpa Kagyu

~~a,05~l~~4~~1~~~1 ~~~~C4l'~:l\'!'~~l~t;.l dor je chang dang ye she da ki nyi Vajradhara, the two jnanadakinis,
khyung po nal jor tsa gyu Ia ma dang Khyungpo Naljor, root and lineage gurus,
l~11~~l~~~~~~~t;.l~~e41~~~l~11"'~~~sl de gye sang sum gyu trul chen mo dang Chakrasamvara, Hevajra, Guhyasamaja, Mahamaya,
~t;.li'~'C4l'~~~~lt;.l'~11t;.lf'tl(','(',~~~~:t_'t;.!!(l'~'t;.l'~11 jik che ta chok Ia sok yi dam lha Vajrabhairava, Hayagriva, and all yidam devas;

~,"'.~l~~~~~lt;.l~~mt;.lial~~11~~~~~~l;~ khan dro de nga nyur dze re ma ti The five classes of dakinis, the Quick-Acting One, Remati,
ka di::i shi sok dam chen gya tsoy tsok The four attendants, and the ocean of the samaya-bound;
t;.li~~~t;.ll~!~~~t;.l1 1Jt;.l~~ls~~~~~l~e41 kyap ne ki::in chok sum dang tsa wa sum All sources of refuge, the three jewels and three roots:

l~~~~~~441 1 ~l~t;.l~s~~~~~~~~~~~~t;.l~ mi ngi::in ying ne dak Ia gong su si::il I pray that, from the imperceptible expanse, you consider me.

l~'11~~~~t;.l~~~~t.~~l~!~~l't;.l~~11~~a,~l~ khye nam jin lap tuk jey den tu dang Through the truth and power of your blessing and
du sum sak pay ge tsa ji nye tU compassion,
~:t_~~'3t;.l~~l~1 1f~C4l~~~~,~~:t_~~~t;.!!(l kye wa di dang tse rap tam che du And the power of all the roots of virtue accumulated in the
mi::in lam gang tap nyur du drup dze si::il three times,
~~441 114~~~ll,~l441 ~:t_~~~~"'~11~l~~ls I pray that whatever aspirations I make in this birth
shin tu nye kai dal jor rin chen di
~r;:,2J~~'t:J:I\'4~ 1!~~l~~~~:t_~~i~~~ 441 1 1 chu si::i mi ja nying po len par shok
Or in other lives be quickly accomplished.

~~t;.l~r;:,~r;:,J:jl~~~r;:,~:t_4~ 1l~~~C4l~a,~~~~ mi tak mi ten gyur way chi::i chen Ia May I not waste these precious leisures and resources,
sam shing long me lo na tung war shok Extremely hard to get, but give them meaning.
3t;.l~~l' 441 11~l~~~~r;:,~a.~~~r;:,~~49 ~t;.l~'9~t;.l' Considering the impermanence and instability of dharmas,
ge dik le dre che tra tam che Ia
~~~~~9~~44l':l\~'t;.l~t:,~r;:,11~:1\'~~9~~~~~~ May I curtail my plans, there being no time to waste.

- - ""
t.~~~r;:,~~4~ 1~l9.~9~a.lT~~~l3t;.l~~l~1 - 1
yi che kye shing gyu dre sung nu shok
kham sum khor way duk ngel rap tong shing
khor way ne ne nge par jung war shok
May I give rise to belief in the results of greater and lesser
Virtuous and unvirtuous actions, and be able to observe cause
l1~t;.li'9!9~i~r~~~~9~\t.~~49"40-l and result.
dak sok di chi bar do tam che du Seeing the suffering of the three realms of samsara,
a.~~9'~t;.l~~~ 441 115t;.l~lr;:,~r;:,~9~r;:,~~~~:t_'49 1 ki::in chok tsa sum kyap ok tsu par shok May I develop renunciation for the state of samsara.
kha nyam pa ma dro druk sem chen Ia
o.]~~~~\\~'Q,~o.]~'l 21 ~'t:Ja:~~\~1 1!'9%9'~gj,q'~~
- "
~t;.l~'~9~'o.];]%,'~~49 -1 jam dang nying je ting ne kye war shok
tun kyen kun dzom en pay ri tri::i du
May I and others, in this life, the bardo, and the future,
Be under the refuge of the three jewels and three roots.
May love and compassion arise in my depths
tse chik drup ne nyam tok tar chin shok For all beings of the six states throughout space.

In isolated hermitages with all favorable conditions,

May I practice one-pointedly, perfecting experiences and
~ ~~~\l~~ar~'?~.\1~~~~1 1~.d.l.ld.l~~ ~~~"'~~ tse rap kun tu yon ten kun den gyi In all my lives, may I be cared for by a genuine guru
Ia ma dam pay je su dzin par shok With all qualities.
~~4~ 1~r;~ID~.\l~.l~~~~a~d.l<ll1 1~~~l~;r~
sang gye kun ngo tsa way Ia ma Ia May uncontrived devotion arise from my heart
!U~~r;~~~~~4~ ,~.~~~r;~r;~tql~<l.l~~'<ll11
Ul"~" -
~~~"I ~4 r;~~<l.l~r;~~~~~4 ~ 1 "
cho min mo gu nying ne kye war shok
ye ne rang jung lha yi kyil khor Ia
yin par she shing sal nang ten par shok
For my root guru, who is truly all buddhas.
May I recognize the primordially self-arisen mandala
Of devas as such and stabilize its clear appearance.
a,~i~~r;l~~1 1~~~d.l~l~~d.l~~~d.l'~<l.l'd.lij'r;
Ia ma yi dam khan dro chO kyong tsok Merely by practicing the gurus, yidams, dakinis, and
4~ 1~~<l.l~~~l~~lijl~~a,~~~r;, 1~d.l~'<l.l'~~ drup tsam nyi ne ngon sum shal tong shok dharmapalas,
~r;~r;a,~~~~~~~4~ 1i~~d.l~'l'd.l'~'<l.ld.f'~'~'<l.l1 1 lu Ia de dro so me rap bar shing May I see them face-to-face.
May unbearable warmth and bliss blaze in my body,
sem Ia de tong ting dzin ten par shok
~~~a,~~~<l.l~~l~~~~~~4~ 1d.l~~a.r!'<ll'i!l~ And the samadhi of bliss-emptiness be stable in my mind.
cho nam gyu ma mi lam ta bu Ia
<l.ld.l'~~~~~r;11~r;~<l.l'~<ll'l~'~<l.l'~T;'?4~~~~4~ 1d.l'

- -
" " "
"=~~~=-4~ 1ao~~r~d.IUl.ld.l.~-"~r;d-!1
- -~

den dzin trul pa tse ne shik par shok
tsen mo tsol me mi lam rap sin ching
jong pel trul gyur yul nang pep par shok
May I eradicate delusion and fixation on the reality of
Which are like illusions and dreams.
At night, may I effortlessly recognize dreams, train and
ma rik ti muk nyi kyi mun khong Ia transform them,
~~~a,?4-~~r;~~~4~ 1~r~~d.l=-r;4~~~~ijl<l.l sa tuk o sal ngo she sin par shok And increase, emanate, and travel within them.
cho ku Ia ma yi dam kar kung ma
~~~~~1 1~l~~~~a.~~~d.l'd.l~~~~4~ 1i~~~ kha cho Ia sok po wa jong par shok Within the darkness of ignorant, bewildered sleep
~r;~~~~~~~~~'<ll11~~~~~~~~~~~a,~=,~~~ ku sum rang shar chuk me Ia sok kyi
May I recognize the clear light of light and deep sleep.
May I cultivate ejection into the dharmakaya, the guru,
~=-4~ 1~'d.l';r~!U~~r;~~~~l:;~~~11~:;~d.l~'i' si pa bar doy ku sum ngon gyur shok The yidam; through the skylight, into the Khechari, and so
kyon shi rang drol ku shi lhun drup Ia forth.
d.l'~'<l.ld.l'<l.ld.l'~~4~ 1 chak chen ne luk tse dir tok par shok
Through the trikaya's self-appearance, freedom from deviation,
Ia ma mo gu nang drak lha dang ngak and so forth,
nang sem gyu ma mi lam lam khyer shok May the trikaya of the bardo of becoming be manifest.
In the self-liberation of the four flaws and the spontaneous
presence of the four kayas,
May I realize the nature, mahamudra, in this life.

May I carry devotion for the guru; appearances and sounds as

deva and mantra;
And appearance-mind as illusions and dreams on the path.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 207 03 Aspiration for the Dharma ofthe Shangpa Kagyu
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 208 0J A Compilation for Recitation

r::]~'~t:_';;.Jfr.l,'l4l'~~tJa.~r::]~~(;.l~l 11!:]~~~9~'11.1(;.1'~1!:]' de tong kha Ia cho pay je tsun may By means of the Noble Lady who abides in the sky of bliss-
kye dzok lam drup kha cho dro par shok emptiness,
;;.Jfr.l,'~~r::Jf~tJ~'49 ~~~~~'Q(;.J~q:~(;.l~'~'~'Q,~'Ell4111 May I accomplish the path of generation and completion and
lu nyi pem po sem ni kye chi dral
a.s~~a,~il~~9~il~~~~9~49l~(;.l(;.l~~~~141 dre bu chi me chuk me don tok shok
reach the Khechari realm.

r::]:s!T~;~r;:J'(;.l~t:_~r::_~114l~'r::]~'(;.l~9'~'~~~~r::]'~r::]'tJ~'49 1 Ia ma gon poy shal sang rap tong shing The body is matter. The mind is beyond birth and death.
le shi chok gi ngo drup top par shok May I realize the fruition, immortality beyond deviation.
~(;.1~~~~(;.1~~~~~:::_~91!:]~11.1\\~ 11~r::]a.(;.l%'s~~r;~ May I see the good face of the inseparable guru and protector,
sem chen nam kyi ne dang duk ngel kun And accomplish the four activities and supreme siddhi.
~~~~~'49 1~'r::]~~~r::]t:_'~t:_'~(;.l~'~t:_'~9~'tJ'~9~11 shi way tu jin sang gye ta bur shok
~s~~~2f~~~~~tJ~49 1r::]~~~r::_a,~ 141 (;.1~9~~~ tse so wang tang nyam dang tok pa sok In order to pacify the sicknesses and suffering of beings,
yar gyi chu wo ta bur gye par shok May I have power and blessing like the buddha's.
tJa.s~1 f(;.l~9~(;.1~~9~(;.l~r::]r;~~r::]~49 ~~r;r;:J~ May life, merit, authority, experiences,
ten dang dro Ia chok tu pen pay chir And realization flourish like a river in summer.
~r;r;:Ja.~~2ff~41~~sJ\1159.~9~~~(;.l~ijr::]~~a,r;:JJ:,' kham sum si sum wang du du war shok
shing chu tsang way dra wo drol nu chir In order to benefit the dharma and beings,
r::]J\'49 11!:l~9'~9~'~(;.l~'~~r::]~~~r::_J:_r::_'r::]~~~9~1 1 drak ngak nu tu me shin bar war shok May I bring the three realms and three worlds under my
~91:J9r;(;.l~~(;.l~~sr;r;:JJ:_'491 :s~r;~r::_~~~r;Ja,~9~ power.
dak sok sem chen che dang rang shin sok In order to be able to liberate enemies of the ten types,
~~tJ~~~ @~~(;.l~~~r::]~ 141 a.~~~~49 1~~J\sr; dik pa gang chi ma lu jang war shok May the power of forceful mantra blaze like fire.
sang sing cho dang mi jik jin pa yi
il(;.l~'9~:::_~9~'~(;.1'%9'~9~1 1~~r::]a.'~(;.l~'~(;.l~'~~ kye gu tam che de Ia go nu shok May all my and others' wrongdoing, including
\\~~:::_~~49 1~(;.1~~~9~9~sJ:,tQ:::_r::]~!4lr::]~~ 1
Breaches and inherent wrongs, be purified.

"' -
r::J~'~r~~sr::]J\'9~~~r;r;:J:s~~tJ~49 1r::]~99~~~J\
so tar jang sem sang ngak dam tsik sok
ge way trim nam du kun sung nu shok
sem chen chik gi chir yang kal gya ru
May I be able to establish all beings in happiness through
The generosity of material things, dharma, and protection.
" " """'
...... dak lu je war tup kyang so par shok May I be able at all times to keep all virtuous rules,
Such as the pratimoksha, the bodhisattva vow, and samaya.
tJJ\'49 1(;.l~Q,'Ejl41'~~9~141 ~(;.1~'~\~~~~11~'~9'~r; dak shen tar pay lam chok drup pa Ia May I have the patience to stand my body being cut
a,~~J9arr::]~~tJJ\'49 1 tup pay wang pay tson dru tsung par shok repeatedly
ta dral o sal sem nyi cho kyi ku Into a million pieces for a hundred kalpas for the sake of any
~hi lhak ting dzin mi yo ten par shok one being.

May my diligence equal Shakyamuni's in the practice

Of the great path to the liberation of myself and others.
May the samadhi of shamatha and vipashyana, beyond
The clear light, the mind's nature, the dharmakaya, be
unwaveringly stable.
""" """ ;;:, "
~.:;,a.l~ra;~r~&J~rd.r~~~&J~;ol~ll&l'~~.:;,z::ra.~&Jt:Ja, khor de cho nam ma lu tam che Ia
May my wisdom regarding all dharmas of samsara
khyen rap jam pay yang dang tsung par And nirvana equal Manjughosha's.
lsr;~lr;;J~r;~t:J.:;.4~ """ "
""" l&ll.~l~~.:;.~r;a;~~;J~;J~~
shok May I perfect whatever I practice from all the dharmai
\l~l ~~;J~~~r;~r;~;J~a,~~~t:J.:;.'4~ ~~~~~;J~~ do gyu sar nying ch6 nam ma lu kun Whether sutra, tantra, Sarma, or Nyingma.
nyam su gang lang ta ru chin par shok
lsr;~~~~lt:J~~z:]~~.:;,~~~ ~~r;;J~r;~l?tr;z:]~ May I have beauty, pleasant speech, longevity, splendor~
suk dze yang nye tse pal top jar den Strength, wealth, and kindness. May I please whoever
z:]a~;J~~z:]'4~ IID~.z:]~~~l r;4 r;~z:]~lz:]~~t:J~ I I gang tong yi ong tse way sem top shok May I be like Jambudvipa's six ornaments and the eight
&! " -
a.!(&Ja~r;ID~lr;4r;~z:]IDl~.:;,4~ ~"
la.05 z:Ja.~~~~~l
gyal ten ji dang shang gyu ten pa Ia chariots in my service
dzam ling gyen dang shing ta gye tar shok To all the buddhadharma and particularly the Shangpa
~~\J~r;~r;~~a.~a.?tl~r;z:]~~a.~z:Ja.5~sl4~ 1 lineage.
chi way du su ne cho mi jung shing
z:]l~~c;~a.?4~;J~~~z:]~'z:]';o~l ~r;~LI.lz:]'~~'iz:]~~r; ja o ring sel dro wa dren che shok At death, may there be no agony.
dak shen po ma tak tu de wa chen May I guide beings through rainbow light and relics.
~z:].:;_'4~ ~~~;J~~~~z:]~'.:;_z:]'~z:]'~'f 'f~ijl~~~t:Jit khyung po yap se shap drung kye war shok May I and others be born in Sukhavati, at the feet of
- -
sr;~z:]'~z:]'t:J.:;.'4~ :il ~" ~ - "-
l~l.'lQ,';J~a,~of~~~a.~z:]a,l~ll Khyungpo
kye ma tak tu sa chu rap top te And his disciples, immediately after our deaths.
ID~z:]~~z:];o~\l~lr;;J~r;~t:J.:;.-9~ I;J~r;~~s~~~ Ia me dzok pay jang chup top par shok
si shiy ta Ia mi ne dro way don As soon as we are born there may we achieve the ten levels
~~i~a.s~z:]\1~1 ~~~~s~.:;,~~~;J.:;.~z:].:;.4~ 1 gyal wa se che kun dang tsung par shok And unsurpassable perfect awakening.
" ~ ~::r- "
Not abiding in either samsara or nirvana, may we benefit
tong to dren rek se cho drel wa kOn beings
~z:]t:J.:;.-9~ I;J~.:;.~~~;J~;o~~~~~r;;J~~t:JIIz:]l~ dOl ja khor gyi tok mar kye war shok

""" --
"~lf~~~r;~ID~~.:;,z:],l'4~ lz:]l~~~~r;~ID~~~
dOl ja nam Ia nye lam sang ngak dang
tek chen cho kyi char pa pap par shok
As much as all buddhas and bodhisattvas.

May all connected to me through sight, sound, thought,

Touch, food or dharma, be born among my first disciples.
;J'z:]i'l'z:].:;.l li~a.~~z:].:;_a;l~l~~J~r;4~ lz:]l~ _tar tuk sem chen chik kyang ma lu pa May I rain down on my disciples the dharma of
~z:]~lr;l~z:]~;J~~t:JI la.~~~~;J~;o~\l~~~~z:] dak nyi ko nay sang gye sar ko shok The short path of secret mantra and of the mahayana.
dak shen sang gye sa Ia ma ko bar
t:J.:;.'4~ ~~~z:]'z:]~lr;l~'z:]'~'z:]~~~~~ ~~~~&l'\l~~ cho gal bar che ke chik mi jung shok Ultimately, may I alone establish all beings,
Without a single exception, in buddhahood.
z:]~'Sl'~T;'z:].:;,'4~ I dak gi de dang ge wa chi chi pa Until I and others have achieved buddhahood,
dro druk sem chen kun gyi top par shok May obstacles to dharma not arise even for an instant.
de top de dang ge wa Ia ten ne
du nam kun tu de kyi jung war shok May all beings of the six types
Receive any happiness and virtue I have.
Based on their receiving that happiness and virtue,
May they at all times be happy and comfortable.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 209 0:3" Aspiration for the Dharma ofthe Shangpa Kagyu
1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 I o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

a.~~~~9~~14l'~9~~~~~~~1 lt::ll9~~ql9~~ dro way duk ngel dik drip chi chi pa May all the suffering, wrongdoing, and obscurations of all
dak tim dak gi dug ngel nyong war shok beings
~9~~~41~z;q::,49 ~~~z;wq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ de nyong top kyi sem chen ma mu pa Dissolve into me. May only I experience suffering.

9~~~s~~q~lz;l -- -
~9't::l~l41'~9'~t::l'9?~~~~~z;49 lli'~~i9~q
duk ngel dik drip ten ne mi jung shok
ken chok tsa wa sum gyi jin lap dang
khan dro cho kyong sung may nu tu dang
Through my experiencing it, may no being ever again
Have suffering, wrongdoing, or obscurations.

Through the blessing of the three jewels and three roots,

lt;'ll~~l~~::,q~l~~q~~~lt;'ll\l~~q~~a.914l' don dam gyur wa me pay den pa dang The power of the dakinis and dharmapalas,
kun dzop ten drellu wa me pay tu
r;:J~~~l~a~%~1 ~~~::,q?~~aff~ 141 ~~l9\l~ 11 ji tar tap pay man lam de dak kun
The truth of the unchanging absolute,
And the power of infallible relative interdependence,
~ ~ ~ - ? - ~
~::,q~l~Cl.ll'r;:J,l~~q~::,4~ h'~::,~~~~a.l 'lqa,~
m~ nyur wa nyi du yi shin drup par shok May all these aspirations I have made
Be quickly fulfilled as I intend.

.....-- ~
::! 141 .~lq~a;9'lr;:J~~~ ~
- -

~::,49 ~~~~a.r::~~~~~4r::.~~a:!l~;J!~~~~,~~r::.~r::.\l~
de tar man pay ge way tsa wa de
ma gyur nam khay ta nyam kun Ia ngo
duk ngel kun dral de wa chok top ne
cham chik sang gye go pang top par shok
I dedicate the roots of virtue of these aspirations
To all who have been my mothers, beings throughout space.
May they never suffer, be completely happy,
And all attain buddhahood together.
15r::rl:l~~?f~~~ar~~~~a.~~~r::.a.~lil~~~~~r::.r::Ja~~~~~~ 1
1his was composed by Karma Rangjung Kunkhyab, who sits at the end of
;J~'d!1 the row of the glorious Shangpa Kagyu, in the Male Earth Dragon Year.
May this be a cause ofgreat benefit for being.r. Mangalarrz!

lil~~~;J~~r::.~~~~~;Ja:~~ai~~;J.~;J~~~~ t::ll9'9~~d.l~ dak shen nam kyi gyu Ia gyu den Ia may jin lap 1he 1hirty Aspirations, composed by Pachik Dampa Sangyay:
~~l 141 q~l~~~d.las~~q~~9~::,~::,~9 ~~~~ juk par gyur chikl don gyi ngo tro ne du chu par
May I and others receive in our beings the blessing of gurus
gyur chikl tok pa ji ta wa shin du gyu Ia kye war
of lineage. May the ultimate pointing-out hit the mark. May re-
~~l9~l~~l~::,~::,~9 1~9~~~~qq~~~~l'l4l' gyur chik/ top chu mi jik lung ten top par gyur
alization of it as it is be born in our beings. May we receive the
chik/ ta tang drup ching ten drel char war gyur
~~::,~::,~9 ~~q~~~a.~~~~z;q~~iq~::,~::,~~~ chik/ dro nam min drol gyi lam Ia go nu par gyur
prophecy of the ten strengths and fourfold fearlessness. May we
accomplish the gazes and perceive interdependence. May we be
~~z;~~q~z;~~a.914l'Q,(Ji::,'q::_~::,~9 la.~~d-1~~~ chikl sa lam den tok chik to dro nu par gyur
able to bring beings to the path of ripening and liberation. May
~141 ~14ld-1'14l' a.9l~~~::_~::_~~ I~ll.ld.l'~l ~i99~9 we be able to traverse the levels and paths on one seat. With the
eye of wisdom, may we see the truth of dharmata. May our qual-
~~~l~~t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 14~:l\~a~~~~l~~l~~~~ she rap kyi chen gyi cho nyi kyi den pa tong ities develop like leaves and petals. May the fruition ripen like a
war gyur chikl yon ten Ia dap shin du gye par wish-fulfilling tree. May our devotion be as stable as Mount
t.J'd.l~:~:~:l\.~:l\~~ 1~~?0\ar-~l~~~~ID~'t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1 gyur chik/ dre bu pak sam shin du min par Meru. May our certainty be without doubt. Our karmic propen-
~s~~lq~~~d.l~~~~~~t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1;r~'U~~:l\~ gyur chik/ mo gi.i ri rap shin du ten par gyur sities awakened, may our aspirations be pure. Wearing the armor
chikl nge pay she pa te tsom dang dral war of diligence, may we purify the world's stains. May there be no
~~~~~~~t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1 ~~qa.q~q~ld.llr;s~~:l\ gyur chik/ le kyi tro se ne mon lam nam par obstacles to accomplishment; may we be stalwart in austerity.
dak par gyur chikl go che jik ten gyi dri ma May channels, winds, and drops become workable. May our in-
~:l\~~ 1~~~~g.~l~~w~'lld.l'\'l~q:l\~:::_~~ 1 dak par gyur chik/ drup pa Ia bar che me tentions always be pure. May our bodhichitta never weaken.
~cli~~~~~~~sd.ll~q:l\~:l\~~ 1m~q~~:::,cljl~l ching ka tup tsen par gyur chik/ May we experience the view and meditation of the mahayana.
May the dualistic cognition be liberated in its own place. May
~r;l,~~~~:s~q~;~:::,~~ 1~~r;~~ci!~~~~r;~:l\' tsa lung tik le le su rung war gyur chikl tak tu we be born in excellent families. May we be cared for by gurus
sam pa nam par dak par gyur chikl jang sem
~:l\~~ 1~~~~~d.l't.J'\'l9't.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1Sr;~d.l~ Ia nyam pa me par gyur chik/ tek chen gyi ta
of lineage. May our course of action not be wrong. May we train
our intellects in the three wisdoms. May the blessing of em-
~~d.l~'t.J'~lq~;~:::,~~ 1~~~~~~~d.l'~d.l~'~'~r;~:l\' gam nyam su nyong war gyur chik/ nyi nang powerment enter us. May we attain vajra-like bliss. May we have
gi she pa rang sar drol war gyur chik/ rik kye control over consciousnesses, channels, and winds. May our
~:l\~~ 1~~~~r;94~'t.J':l\t;'~~J~~:::,~:::,~~ 1~~~ par chen du kye war gyur chik/ gyi.i den Ia bodies be accomplished as rupakayas. May we directly realize
may je su dzin par gyur chikl
~l't.J:l\''O~~~q:l\~:l\~~ the dharmakaya. May we, through nirmanakayas, perfect the
benefit of others.
le kyi ta mi lok par gyur chikl she rap sum Ia
~:l\~~ 1~~~d.l~~~ar~q~~:l\~~ 14~:::,~~~d.l~~ Manga/arrz!
Ia jong war gyur chik/ wang gi jin lap juk par
~r;~:l\.~:l\~~ 1lqr;9s~~~~~~t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1~~~ gyur chik/ de wa dar je ta bu top par gyur chikl
nam she tsa lung Ia rang wang top par gyur
~~~~~~'t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1~d.l'4~~~r;''ll':l\t;'l~r;~~t.J:l\' chikl rang li.i suk kur drup par gyur chikl cho
~~~~ 1:l\t;'~~~~~~~:l\~~q:::,~:l\~~ 1~~~d.l~~ ku ngon sum du tok par gyur chik/ trul ku trin
le kyi shen don tar chin par gyur chikl
~d.l~~~~'t.J:l\'~:l\~~ 1~~~~~'ll~~~~~~~d.l~:l\'
~~'t.J:l\'~:l\~~111 ~~~11

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 21 I 03 The Thirty Aspirations

The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 2 I 2 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~~~~~~a.i~"l.1~1 The Aspiration ofthe Mahamudra ofDefinitive Meaning

~Jr~~ ~~.r~d.l~r~r;~~d.l~~''-r~:::~11~~~?::l~~~ na mo guru NAMO GURU

Ia rna nam dang yi dam kyil khor lha Gurus, yidams of all mandalas,
~~d,lm"'l?::l~~~r;z:]~~1 11::]~~"-lz:]~::.~~r;~z:]~~~ chok chu du sum gyal wa se dang che And buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions and three
w~"-ld.l.~d-1~1 1~.z:]~~~z:]q~d.l%~~::.s~z:]~z:]~ dak Ia tser gong dak gi man lam nam times:
ji shin drup pay tun gyur jin lap dzo Kindly consider me. Support and bless
d-1(~11z:]~~~t;'d,l;lQ,'Ul~'~d,]~~~;ld-1~~~~11?::l~d.l~::. The fulfillment of my aspirations.
dak dang ta ye sem chen tam che kyi
~d,l~~~r;~~"'l~~~q~11~::.~~d,]'~~~~~~l~~ sam jor nam dak gang ri le kye pay Streams of virtue unsullied by three-fold fixation

~~~~~~11~"-l?::l~z:]~~m~l::.~~~::.~~ 1~~~~ khor sum nyok me ge tsok chu gyun nam Are born on the snow-covered mountain
gyal wa ku shiy gya tsor juk gyur chik Of the pure intentions and actions of myself and all
~~z:]q~~~~1 1~~r;~z:]~::_z:]~'\l~~Ult;'1 1~~~r; innumerable beings.
ji si de rna top pa de si du May they fl. ow into the ocean of the buddhas' four kayas.
~~z:]~"'l~Ulr;l~~~r;1 1?::]~~9m~la.~t.!"'l'"'ll~ kye dang kye wa tse rap kun tu yang
dik dang dug ngel dra yang mi drak ching Until that is attained, throughout all births, all lives,
q::_4~ 1~ 141 a.S::.d.l~~~z:]'~~z:]l'~4~::_?::]~~1 1~~ de ge gya tsoy pal Ia cho par shok May even the words wrongdoing and suffering
~~~'z:]:s!T;'z:]~~~~~~q~z:]~~~z:]~~11~"-l'z:]~~~?::l'"'l' dal jor chok top de tson she rap den
Be unheard. May we enjoy the splendor
Of an ocean of happiness and virtue.
z:]::_~~~~q::_11~'::_z:]~'\l~~~~~~~~q::_4~ 1~r; she nyen sang ten dam pay chu top ne
tsul shin drup Ia bar che rna chi par Acquiring the best leisure and resources, may we have faith,
~~~~~q~~4~'~z:]'"'l~f"-111~~r;~z:]~~q~~l~ tse rap kun tu dam cho chO par shok diligence, and wisdom.
~~~~z:]~~11~d.l~r;~~~~~~~~~~~z:]~~~~"'l11 lung rik to pay mi she drip le drol
Relying upon good spiritual friends and receiving the essence
of the instructions,
men ngak sam pay te tsom nak chom May we practice them properly without obstacle.
gom jung 6 kyi ne luk ji shin sal In all our lives, may we practice genuine dharma.
she rap sum gyi nang wa gye par shok
Hearing scripture and reasoning frees from unknowing.
tak che ta dral den nyi shi yi don Contemplating the instructions conquers the darkness of
dro kur ta dral tsok nyi lam chok gi doubt.
The light of meditation clearly reveals the nature as it is.
May the brilliance of the three wisdoms increase.

The ground is the two truths, beyond the extremes of

eternalism and nihilism.
Through the supreme path of the two accumulations, beyond
the extremes of exaggeration and denial,'lld.l' l~l~ad.l~Q. si shiy ta dral don nyi dre top pay The fruition, the two benefits, beyond the extremes of samsara
-- ~ -- ~ -- ~ ~--
gal chuk me pay cho dang tre par shok and nirvana, is attained.
May we encounter dharma free from error and deviation.
jang shi sem nyi sal tong sung juk Ia
~::.4~ ~~z;~~~d.l~~l~~l'll~z;~z;~~l'lll ~~z;sl jong che chak chen dar je nal jar che The ground of purification is the mind's nature, a union of
5~~~~~~1'lla.S::.~~~~~z;s~~~~l'll~asd.l~d.l~ll jang cha Ia bur trul pay dri ma nam lucidity-emptiness.
jang dre dri dral cho ku ngon gyur shok What purifies is the great vajra yoga of mahamudra.
~z;~a.s~ssl'lli~~d-1~~~~4~ ~~~l'll!a.~~~il What is purified is the stains of adventitious delusion.
shi Ia dro dok cho pa ta way deng May the result of purification, the stainless dharmakaya, be
~~~a~~z;~11~1'lld.l~z;~lz;r::r~d.l~a~~l11~d.l~~ de Ia ma yeng kyong wa gam pay ne revealed.
\l~'l'll'!l'll~z; ~~~d.lwl~a~~z;~lz;~~ gam don kun Ia tsal jong cho pay chok
ta gam cho pay deng dang den par shok Severing misconceptions of the ground is certainty of the view.
~~4~ 1i~~d.l~'~o.)~'"Ol'~d.l~'~'~d.l'~(ll'~1 1~0-l~' Sustaining that without distraction is the point of meditation.
cho nam tam che sem kyi nam trul te Training in all aspects of meditation is the best action.
~~d.l~J:ll~d.l~'~'~'~~~z;l ~~z;~z;o.Ia.~~~~~tllt;' sem ni sem me sem kyi ngo way tong May we have the confidence of the view, meditation, and
tong shing ma gak chir yang nang wa te
~z;~~11~~~r~::.~~~~~~~!il~~4~ larld.l~z; lek par tak ne shi tsa cho par shok

~a~z;~z;~l'll~~l'lll ld.l~~l~z;~~~r~z;~~~l~~ All dharmas are the mind's manifestations.

yo ma nyong way rang nang yul du trul The mind: there is no mind; it is empty of mind's essence.
~l'll1 1~~~Q.~~l~z;~~~l~a~z;~~0-!~11d.l~~ ma rik wang gi rang rik dak tu trul Empty, it is unceasing, and can appear as anything.
nyi dzin wang gi si pay long du khyam
~l'll~a!ll~il~~4~ larl~o.!~~~l'll~~~z;d,l ma rik trul pay tse dang cho par shok
Having scrutinized it, may we find it.

~~~~~ IJ:Jl~o.!~~~~Q.l~\1~~~~1 la.~l'llQ.~d-1 yo pa ma yin gyal way kyang ma sik

We mistake self-appearance, which has never existed, to be an
~~~z;~~l~o.Ia:c7.lo.I1'll~o.!~~i~~l~~~ me pa ma yin khor de kun gyi shi Under ignorance's power, we mistake self-awareness to be a
gal du ma yin sung juk u may lam sel
~~4~ 1Q.~~~~~~~z;~~d.ll~~J:Jl11a.~~~~~s ta dral sem kyi cho nyi tok par shok
~ ' -- ~-- ~
Under the power of dualistic fixation, we wander in the

-- ~ "':::. -

tQt;'l~l~~d.l~a.~'"'~~::.4~ 1
di yin she pa gang gi tson pa me
di min she ja gang gi kak pa me
Ia le day pay cho nyi dO ma che
expanse of samsara.
May we get to the bottom of ignorance and delusion.

Not something, it is not seen even by buddhas.

yang dak don gyi ta ni nge par shok Not nothing, it is the ground of all samsara and nirvana.
This is not a contradiction; it is unity, the middle way.
May we realize the mind's nature, beyond extremes.

Nothing indicates this, saying, "It is this."

Nothing negates this, saying, "It is not this."
Beyond the intellect, dharmata is not composite.
May we realize the perfect, ultimate truth.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 213 03 The Aspiration ofthe Mahamudra ofDefinitive Meaning
7he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 214 03 A Compilation for Recitation

"'~ ~\d.!~~~"'f
" " '" '"
"-f'".:1\1 I"'~~~~~~~
" " -
di nyi rna tok khor way gya tsar khor Not realizing this, we circle in the ocean of samsara.
di nyi tok na sang gye shen na me If this is realized, buddha is not elsewhere.
~r;~~~~'\~~~ll;!;;.]~~~a,~~~a,~~~~r;~r;~~~~ tam che di yin di min gang yang me Everything is this; there is nothing that is not this.
i~~~\l~~~a;;.]~r;~~~q.:l\4~ 1 ~:;~:;~;;.]~'41~:; cho nyi kun shiy tsang ni rik par shok May we know dharmata, exposing the all-basis.

~r;~d.!~~~~ll~~~~r;~d.!~''l.l'~'l.l'~r;:t,r;~~d.!~ll nang yang sem Ia tong yang sem yin te Appearances are mind; emptiness is also mind.
tok kyang sem Ia trul yang rang gi sem Realization is mind; delusion's our own mind too.
~~~r;~d.!~''l.l'Q,~~~~r;~d.!~'~~q~ll!a,~~~;!d,l~' kye kyang sem Ia gak kyang sem yin pay Arisen, it's mind; stopped, it's also mind.
~ dro dok tam che sem Ia cho par shok May we sever all misconceptions within the mind.

- -
~~"''d.!~';~q:t,4~ ~~~s~!'l.l't:l"-'~d.!~~;;.]t:~~~
'" - '" '" " - "

" ~ "
~:;1 l1'd.!'l.l~a_"a_~z;~~d.!t:~~~q.:l\l
Ia che tsol way gam gyi ma le ching Not sullied by the meditation that is conceptual effort,
ta mal du dziy lung gi ma kyo par Nor stirred by the wind of ordinary distractions,
-~ "~- ~

iJ.l':t,r;'t:Jt:!'Q,~~---I~qa,ll"'~d.!~~~~d.!~,"'l~iJ.lf~4:;~:; ma cho nyuk ma rang bap jok she pay May we know how to rest naturally and freely, not altering.

- " " -~
t:l.:l\'4~ ~~.:1\~~~~qa,~t:](.l,'~t:]~'.:l\r;'~:t,~l ~~Ul'o.J~
sem don nyam len khe shing kyong war
May we be skilled in and sustain the practice of the mind.

May the subtle and coarse waves of thought be naturally

~d.!~~~25':;:;~~~~~~ 1 sr;~~~~~qa~;;.]~r;~'l.l
tra rak tok pay bar lap rang sar shi calmed.
t:lal ~~~~~~iJ.ll'~~art:~~~q:t,-4~ lt:]~:t,~~~d.!~ yo me sem kyi chu wo ngang gi ne May the river of mind, unmoving, come to natural rest.
jing muk nyok pay dri ma dang dral way Free from the polluting stains of torpor and dullness,
'l.l'Ulr;Ulr;t:]~~qa~~ l;;.]~r;~~~~~~t:l~~~~9:t, shi ne gya tso mi yo ten par shok May the ocean of shamatha be unmovingly stable.
d,l~r;ll~~~~~~~~ld.!i~q~~~~~'l.l'~~:t,r;~:t,r; tar me sem Ia yang yang tay pay tse When looking again and again at the mind, which has
~~4~'q.:l\'4~ ~~~''l.l't:l~~q~~'l.l~~~;;.]~~;;.]~r;ll tong me don ni ji shin lhak ger tong nothing to look at,
yin min don Ia te tsom cho pa nyi Nothing to see is vividly seen as it is.
~d.!~''l.l't:l~~q~~;;.]~'~~~q~~r;ll~~~~t:l~~q~ trul me rang ngo rang gi she par shok That is the resolution of doubts about what it is and is not.
Without delusion, may we recognize our own nature.
" :it - - ~
yulla te pay yul me sem su tong
sem Ia te pay sem me ngo way tong
~~~q:t,-4~ ~~~s~~',~~~~~~II;;,J;!a,~r;~'l.l Looking at objects, there are no objects; they are seen as mind.
nyi Ia te pay nyi dzin rang sar drol Looking at the mind, there is no mind; it is empty of nature.
~ ~ ~
'Y"t:\ "" -
t:~~~d.!ctl~~Ul~lla_~~\l~~~~~~ctl~.l~~r::_sl I o sal sem kyi ne luk tok par shok Looking at both, dualism is liberated in its own place.
May we realize the clear light, the mind's nature.
~~~4~\l~~~~~~qa~~r::,~~t:~-4~ 1 yi che dral wa di ni chak gya che
ta dang dral wa u rna chen po yin This freedom from mental engagement is mahamudra.
di ni kun du dzok chen she kyang ja Beyond extremes, it is the great middle way.
chik she kun don tok pay deng top shok As this includes everything, it is also called the great
May we gain the confidence that to know one is to realize the
meaning of all.
~~q~"qat::l~~~~~ 05 '\.~'\l l(;.l~~a.~~~"qa~" shen pa me pay de chen gyun che me Unceasing great bliss without attachment;
tsen dzin me pay 6 sal drip yak dral The unveiled clear light, free from conception;
~~~~t::J~~~~rs~ll~~~a.'\~qQ.~~~~~~~~t::JII Ia le day pay mi tok lhun gyi drup And spontaneously present freedom from thought, beyond the
t~~'\'~(;.l~~~~~' 05 '\'~'\q~4~ lt::lS!~~~~(;.l~~ tsol me nyam nyong gyun che me par shok intellect:
May effortless experiences be unceasing.
"'~~q~~~~%~119~~~~q~~q~~"s~~~"~ 1 sang shen nyam kyi dzin pa rang sar drol
ngen tok trul pa rang shin ying su dak May clinging to experiences as good be naturally liberated.
~ ..,.. ~ - ..,.. " ?
:J';J~~,~q~~~~s~:lt::l'~'\ll~~s~05~~'\t::l,~q ta mal she pa pang lang dral top me May the delusion of thoughts being bad be purified in the
tro dral cho nyi den pa tok par shok expanse.
~~~q~-9~ l"'%t::Ja~~t::l~~~~~~~~ID~~~I 1(;.l May ordinary mind, with nothing to remove or add, to lose or
~~~''\t::l~~~';J:l(l,'~l'a.rr~t::]~'"'f5i;.l~l ~~~t::l~~~ dro way rang shin tak tu sang gye kyang gain,
ma tok wang gi ta me khor war khyam Unelaborate, the truth of dharmata, be realized.
;.J:la.~'\qa~;J~~~~IIt::l~'\.~'\~~~~'\~~t::l~4~ I duk ngel mu ta me pay sem chen Ia
..,.. ~ ~ ~" ~ "" ..,....,....,.. so me nying je gyu Ia kye war shok Although beings' nature is always buddha,
t::lS!'\'~'\ '?~~a.!~'tf.l~';J'Q,~~~q,.,l lt::l!'~~~t::l~~ Not realizing it, we wander in endless samsara.
..,.. ~ ..,.. "
'\~~~q~4~1 ~~~~~~~~s~qa.~;J';J05~"'ll
..,.. ~
I so me nying jey tsal yang ma gak pay May unbearable compassion arise in ~s
tse di.i ngo wo tong don jen par shar For all beings who suffer endlessly.
a.s~~'\~~;J~~\l~~t::]~;Jq::::-4~ I~;Jwt::l~~~~~ sung juk gal sa dral way lam chok di
dral me nyin tsen kun tu gam par shok The display of unbearable compassion is unceasing.
~~'\~.(;.l~~.q~'\~1 I~;J~~~~~s~~~~ID~~~~t::l Within that affection, its empty nature arises nakedly.
gam top le jung chen dang ngon she dang
~~~~~~~~ID~i~~;J~~t::]qa~~~;J(~~II(~~ May we cultivate this integrated path without error

~ "
ll~~~~~~(;.l.;J:l~~~~~~ID~.4~ --"
sem chen min che sang gye shing rap jang
sang gye cho nam drup pay man lam dzok
dzok min jang sum tar chin sang gye shok
Constantly throughout day and night.

The eyes and clairvoyances produced by meditation;

~~t::l~~~~~~'\~'II~;J'\,~'\9't::]'~~'\~'\qQ.;J~~II The ripening of beings; the purification of buddha realms;
chok chuy gyal wa se che tuk je dang And the completion of aspirations to the buddhas' qualities:
~~~t::l"~."~~;J~~~:l;J~~"al 1tr~~;J~;J"~~ nam kar ge wa ji nye yo pay tU May we perfect completion, ripening, and purification,
t::J~~~t::J~::::~~ 16~r~:l\r;~r;~~~~l(~r:J~II de tar dak dang sem chen tam che kyi achieving buddhahood.
man lam nam dak ji shin drup gyur chik
Through the compassion of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of
the ten directions,
And the power of whatever pure virtue there is,
May the pure aspirations of myself and all beings
Be fulfilled in accord with our intentions.

That was composed by Lord Rangjung Dorje.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 2I 5~ The Aspiration ofthe Mahamudra ofDefinitive Meaning
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 I 6 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~;r-ar1~~U!11~~9~i)Jq~949~i)J~~q~9~9q~~ namo lokeshvaraye NAMO LOKESHVARAYE

~ ~
~ -
du sum de shek khyen tse chik du pa
o pak me pay jin lap trul pay ku
mon lam dze trin tuk je pul jung wa
You, the wisdom and kindness of all sugatas of the three times
gathered as one,
The nirmanakaya blessed by Amitabha,
q~~~ ~~li)J~~ir;l1~t;.~~9~q~~i)J~9 1Q,~qa gyal wa se dang lop ma dra chom che Whose aspirations, activity, and compassion are supreme;
And all buddhas, bodhisattvas, disciples, and arhats;
~~~%9~~~~~l9~11~r;9~( yi dam cho kyong kon chok kyab kyi chok
~ ~ dro way don du tuk je chen poy tsok All yidams and dharmapalas; all of the three jewels, the great
9~~~i)J~11~9q~i)J'jj~'('~qqQ_'lqr;~q~9~11 shing gi dul nyam pak me yon ne nam refuges:
ql9lr;ql99~Q,s(l.l~:l\~q~qr;~1 19~~l9.ll. lhak sam mon lam drup pay pang du shuk For beings' benefit, assembly of great compassion,
All you whom I worship, as numerous as the particles in all
qa~~q49~~~i)J~11l:l\'Q,~lq~~q~:l\~~qlr;11 dak dang dak gi nye drel khor lop bang realms,
shen dak de pay dro wa shi son nam Witness my benevolent aspirations so that they may be
~~q~lq9~l~~mqqlr;11~i)Jq~al1:1\lr;ql9. tar do de top chir du re wa dang fulfilled.
to pay pak me si shu drup pa dang
99~~~n.l';;J~:l\11El~~~qlf'qafsl~9~;;J~11n.l~ Life will end for me, for my friends, family, disciples;

" - ~ -
q~9~~9q~~1 1ql9n.l~~~9~'i)J%~~:1\9~lsl'
~ '
nam shiy kor dang dak gi ne yul khar
se go tung wa yo che go sum gyi
le gyur dren du kol dang ngo sha so
tso chir shok che do chir dik trok gyi
For those with faith, the living or dead;
For those hoping for freedom and happiness;
For those who have done so much for me;
q~9~1 1q.:::;;J~9~s~t;.~~r;~~5~~9lr;1 1~l9~
Life will end for donors; for those who've worked on my land
dak Ia pen drok tun jor no che gek
9r;~s(l.l~i)J~9~i)JQ,~q~i)J~1 1~Ell'Q,~ql994~ bar may tso che tong to dren rek dang
or in my home;
Who've served me food, clothing, drink, or necessities
~a~r;~q~~11 na tsok gang drel kham sum dro wa nam
With their three gates; for those beings killed for my food;
tse se chi dak shin jey drung lep te
Those I have killed in order to live; those I've menaced or
robbed out of desire;

Life will end for those who've helped me; for those who've
harmed me;
And those in between; and also all those who've seen, heard,
thought of, or touched me;
And all beings of the three realms connected to me in any way.
At that time, we'll enter the presence ofYama, the lord of
~~~~J~:;_~~~s~~l~~:;_~11z:]~~~r;_z:]~~~ kun gyi mi tong dik che gyo nang ~se All alone, we'll regret the wrong we've done.
-11 ~ - ~ - - ~ bar doy nang wa gyu mar ngo she shing At that time, may we recognize the bardo's appearances to be
:;_~ ,~4:;_'11.J.l~~~~~:;_~qA_'t::l~'i~t\a!~ql:;_11A.~'z:]A_'
~amjorngenpaybarchedokpadang illusory
q~;~~~l%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q~~~:;_z:rA.d5~ po way su ma dzo chik chen re sik And avoid the obstacle of a bad death.
Receive us upon our transference, Avalokita!
~l~1 1.J.l~z;_~z;_;!~~~l"l~~~:;_qa~1 lar~q.~~~ de le bar doy nang wa char si de
tong nang tam che dra ru dang way tse Then, the appearances of the bardo may arise.
~:;_qa~~qz:]~~~ 1A.s~i!l~~.J.l.J.l~l%~~~~~ yon po lam Ia song way khar wa shin When everything we see appears as an enemy,
dral me kyel ma dzo chik chen re sik Like a straight staff on a crooked road,
~~~~11 05 ~~~:;_lz:]r;_~~~~~:;_~z:]~r;_cJ.]~r;_~11~ij':;_
Be our inseparable guide, Avalokita!
~r;_;!.J.l~~l 05 ~~q~~r;_z:]a.~1 I:;_~A.~~~~~:;_~ chak dang wang gi ne ngen sang tong te

- -- -~ ~
tong nang tam che chak par dang way tse
ngen dro sin moy ling go gok pa dang
dal jor nor dang tro chik chen re sik
Through passion and anger we will see bad places as good.
When everything we see stimulates passion,
Close the door to lower states and the islands of rakshasis.
~l~~z:]~~~r;_z:]~~~~~~ 1Jq~lA.~~~~~z:]~~ Return us to the wealth of leisure and resources, Avalokita!
Ia Ia nyal war tsa drang tso sek gi
cJ.]r;_~~~~~~~ ~~~~~a~l:;_~:;_~a~~~ 05 ~1 1~z:]
~ - ~ ~ ~
~~r.l~:;_~l~~~~~~~:=~~~~ ~~~tiJzs~~~~~~
mi se jik mey kal mang nar gyur tse
tuk jey chu dang nying jey ga pur char
pap ne she dang so chik chen re sik
When beings are tormented for kalpas in hot or cold hells,
Cooked and burnt by unbearable, terrifying fire,
Rain down the water of grace and the camphor of compassion.
z:]~A_'z:]~r;_~~~ lz:]~~?.f:;_~iJ.J.ll~~~~~~~~,~~ 1 Put out the fire of anger, Avalokita!
Ia Ia yi dak ne su sa tung gi
s.J.l~qa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~a~~lq tre pong me tson sa Ia chak gi til Some, in the realm of pretas, lacking food and drink,
~~%~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~lA.~~~%~~~~%~~ jam pay gyun ter gyi tsim chak sor gyi Eat fire and weapons through hunger.
ser nay du pa trol chik chen re sik Satisfy them with a stream of love from the palm of your
~:;_1 1t::l;~~l4q~~lz:]r;_~~~lsl~1 1~~~~~~ hand.
Ia Ia du dror chik gi chik sa shing With your fingers, untie the knot of their greed, Avalokita!
qA_~q~qail~~.J.l~~ ~~..q~~~ill~%~~~~~ kol jo sha pak wang du so che tse
ti muk mun pa tip pay mak rum Ia Some eat one another as animals.
~~~~~ 1~~~J~~~~'A.;!z:J'l\~~1 1~~~~~~ ye she dron me bor chik chen re sik They are enslaved and killed for their flesh and hide.
~~~~lz;Jr;i)l~g~~11~~~.J.l~~ZS:~~~~z:]'z:]~~ In the darkness of their dense bewilderment,
Ia Ia lha min yul du tap tso kyi Light the torch of pristine wisdom, Avalokita!
~~11~~~~~:;_~~\~~~~~~~~~~11 yul truk le kyi wang me du kha Ia
kUn nyom ri wo chen poy drip sil gyi Some, in the realm of asuras, suffer powerlessly
trak dok lung go cho chik chen re sik Through war, fighting, and quarreling.
With the great cool, shady mountain of equality,
Block the wind of jealousy, Avalokita!

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 2 I 7 03 The Aspiration ofAvalokita

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 218 03' A Compilation for Recitation

(l.!'(l.!'~~~~~r;~~l't:;l~'t:rl'l.!l ~~~t;'t:;l~~a,l~l~~ Ia Ia lha ne long cho de wa Ia Some, in the deva abodes, are distracted by wealth and
yeng way lo de mi dren chi po tung pleasure.
~a.~~~II%~~~Itl~~~t:;la~~r;~~~~~a.~la;~~ tuk je me du jung way dru dzing kyi They lose track of the passing years, die, and fall downward.
~l'l.!~~l'l.!~~~~;::,~~~~~~ ll~d.l~~~~a.~a~~ do chak chu le drol shik chen re sik With the wondrous ship of your compassion,
Rescue them from the water of desire, Avalokita!
t:;l~;t,l ~~~t:;l~(l.!'~~d.l'~'~'~~;::,~r;~~~ ~~~~a,~~'fj' mi nam kye ga na chiy chu wo shir
...... ~ ":!!. ~~ ...... ~ duk ngel sum gyi chu ter nang du gyu Humans are swept away by the four rivers of birth, aging,
(l.!'~'t:;JQ,'~;t,'d.Jf~~~~~ 1%~~ ~ a,~~~~~~r;~4~' nyi dzin ba Ia cho way gar chen tsok Sickness, and death into the ocean of the three sufferings.
tuk jey chak kyu drong shik chen re sik
They're buffeted by the waves of the five poisons.
Grab them with the hook of your compassion, Avalokita!
~~~a.~~~~t:;l.ld.J~~~~t:;19~~~~~~~~ad.ll~a;;::, dak dzin pa may kye pay chi pay tsok
nyi dzin go trap dam poy lu go ne The children born to the parents of self-fixation
a.~t::1~~a~~~~~t:;l~l~i~l'l.!1;::,~~~~;::,~~~~~~~ duk ngay tson char bep pay kye wo yi Squeeze into the armor of dualism.
du de cho Ia gyur chik chen re sik They attack others with the weapons of the five poisons.
l2l;::,~l~~r;t:;J'(l.!'~t;'l~l,'t:;l~~~~~;::,t:;lt:;l~'t:;l;t,'d.J~t;~~ Turn maras to dharma, Avalokita!
per na mi tsang wa Ia drang bu shin
~;::,~~~d-11 lll'l.!~l~~t:;l~(l.!t:;l~t:;l~ast:;l~~ ~~~~l khor wa de war tong ne der go sum We are like flies drawn to filth.
l'l.!~a,~~r;~4~~~;::,~~~~~~ la,~l~i~~~~~~t:;l' dal me duk ngel drup pay ja wa yi Seeing samsara as pleasurable, we busily use
don me le di tung shik chen re sik Our three gates to create suffering.;l~~'{l~d.lil~~~~r;~ I End our meaningless activity, Avalokita!
di dak cho den lu top tsen den gyi
~ld.l~~~~l~~~r;~~~l~~~l~~1~~~a~lr;f;::, she nyen chok ten gu cho de sung gi May we all gain bodies capable of dharma,
~~~~;::,~~~~~11 ~~~~~r;~~i~~d.l~~~a.~d-1~' dam pay gyu min sang gye ngo nyi du And follow and venerate a qualified spiritual friend.
nge pay lo dang jor shik chen re sik May our beings be ripened by his instructions.
4t;'11t:;l~d.J'~~~~~~r;a,~~d-!~~~;::,~~11t:;l~d.J~'~~ Give us the certainty that he is a buddha, Avalokita!
...... ::.. ~ ...... ~ to pay drang nge cho nam do dom shing
d.l3Q.'E]I'l.!'~'t:;1'~~~~;::,~~1 1~d.l~~l'd.J'lr;~l~~~~ sam pay shi lhak ting dzin ngon gyur ne Through hearing, may we learn indicative and definitive
gem pay ta dral ta wa tok par den
sem nyi ma dang tro chik chen re sik Through contemplation, may we achieve shamatha and
Through meditation, may we realize the view beyond
Return us to our mother, our mind's nature, Avalokita!
~~~~~~~~lll~;J~~tr~~t::~~ 1 1 ~~~(4~a.~"qa nge jung Ia yi tsul trim sa bon tep May renunciation plant the seed of morality.
shen pen do pay jang sem Ia dap gye May the shoots of altruistic bodhichitta grow. From them,
s~~;J~~a.'\t::l~~11~.1ll~~~~~~~t::l~'\~~~~J:J~~ de le sang ngak kye dzok me tok tra may there appear
t::l!lJ11t::l~t::l~~;Ja.s~~~'\~~~~~~~~~~11~a.s~ lap sum dre bu kye chik chen re sik The colorful flowers of secret mantra's generation and
~~~~~lll't::l~~t::l~t::lq'\~'11l~~~~~a,~!ll'~'(4~'~~ gyu dre lang dar tsul shin drup pa dang Give rise to the fruition of the three trainings, Avalokita!
tsok nyi pel kha par chin druk cho par
~~~'\q~11~~~~~i~~~t::l~'\'\;J.q.~11~~qa;f;l~ che drak re men cho gye dam po yi May we choose actions that will cause the right results
shen pay tak pa cho chik chen re sik
q~'\~~~~~~~~~~1 1~''\~'lll;J'~~ia.~~~\l~'
And gather the two accumulations through the six
~~~~~1 1f~\l~t~~~4~ar~?~.;J~~~~qa1 1~1ll sa dang lam gyi dro dok kun dzok ne Sever our ambition for greatness and fame. Cut the tight
kyon kun pang shing yon ten chok den pay bonds
t::la~a."l~.;J~~ij't::l~lll~at~ 1 1 ~~~~~~~~t::l;J~" gyal way go pang ngon top trul ku yi Of our craving for the eight mundane dharmas, Avalokita!
shen don Ihun drup dzo chik chen re sik
~~~~~~~~~~11t::l'\~llla.slll~~~t::lE9~~~~~;J~~ Having transcended all misapprehensions through the levels
dak Ia drel tok sang ngen gang chi kyang
~~1 1(4';J~~~~s~~~t::~~~~~~t::l~1 1~~'\.t::l'\~ pa may tsar che khor wa sang gye bar
and paths,
May we achieve manifest buddhahood, all defects abandoned
a.~~~~~'\~'9 1~~1::1~'\'~'\~~;J~'\~~~~~~ de si dak tsang mi gya de dak gi And all qualities perfectly present. Through nirmanakayas,
don gyi nyi tar dzo chik chen re sik
~~~~ 1 1 ;J~~Ill;J'~Ill~~t::l~a.~~~~~~t::la 1 1 ~~a.~
May we spontaneously benefit beings, Avalokita!
ma rik lam g61 duk ngel gyi sir way
'\1a.~~~~lll'~lll~~~~qd_1 @2f~lll'lll'~~~~;J' dOl ka ng6n gyi gyal dul shing min pay
I will not become a buddha until my parents and all beings in
~a.~~~~t::l~'\1 1;J!~\~~~'\'a.T:4~~;J~'\~~~~~~ kye wo dulla du sum gyal tuk kye Including all those connected to me in good or bad ways,
dze le khye pak dzo chik chen re sik Have achieved buddhahood.
~~~~ 1 1 t::l'\~~~~~~~a.f\l~~~t::l~lll~a 1 1 ~~'\ May I benefit them as you do, Avalokita!
dak duk chung ngu dro kun duk ngel chey
~~~~~'t::l'\~''\9'~~l~~~;J~1 1~;J~~~~~a.~~~ go ch6 tong gyur dak ge pun tsok nam Having strayed from the path through ignorance, they are
sem chen kun bul de don pen rang sok
~~(4~~~~~ 1~~1llw1::1~q~'\~~~~~~~~~~11 jin Ia pop pa kye chik chen re sik
oppressed by suffering
And hard to tame. They were not tamed by previous buddhas.
May I give rise to an even greater resolve to tame such beings
Than that of the buddhas of the three times, Avalokita!

May my slight suffering take the place

Of the enormous suffering of all beings.
May I offer my virtues and abundance to all beings. For that
May I have the courage to give up my own life, Avalokita!

AdditionaL Aspirations & Dedications ~ 219 03 The Aspiration ofAvalokita

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 220 03 A Compilation for Recitation'~ld.l~~~~a,%'~\l~~d.l~~d-1~11~~~~~~~~~ chok men bar gyi dro wa kun nyom sem May I always be impartial toward all beings of all ranks.
rap ten gang shik she dang no jor way May anger which, like a vicious poisonous snake,
~~~~~l~~~a1 1~~~141 ~~~~l~~~~l"'~~a duk drul shin du ngo gyO tse way le Harms others both directly and indirectly, be purified.
141 ~11s~~~~d.l.~!4ld.l(l%~~~~~~~~~11~l~~r jang ne nam drol dzo chik chen re sik Cause me to be liberated, Avalokita!

~d.l\l~~~~~~~~141 ~11~~~a:~~d.l~~l%~~~~ dak sok nam kun shen don kho na le May I and others always be altruistic.
shi dey sam pa ke chik mi jung shing May the thought of our own peace and happiness not arise for
~~11i~~~!4l~~~~~l~~~l~11i~~~~~~~ cho min le shin mi ge kye si na even an instant.
cho den ne su por chuk chen re sik
"'?4~~~~~~~~~~~1 1i'~ls~~~d.ll~~~i!l~~
If through wrongdoing we are born in a place without
~~~~d.l11:)~~~~l~~~~~d.l~~"'l~.l~a11 ~~~ cho ying nam dak lu me rin chen sum Cause us to pass to a place with dharma, Avalokita!
drang song lha dang lhak sam khor de gey
~d.l~~~ajj~!4ld.l~?~"'~l~ 1~~~~~~~~~~4~ den pa chi pay man lam tap di dak Through the truth of the pure dharmadhatu, the undeceiving
mi tuk nyur du drup shik chen re sik three jewels,
~~~~~~~~1 1"'~~~~~~~l~ 141 ~~~d.ll~1 1~~ The rishis, the devas, and all the benevolent virtue
di yi tse rap pal den Ia ma dang'~ 1~~ 141 ~i!l~~~~~ dO sum de shek chak na pe mo chok
Of samsara and nirvana, may these aspirations
Be quickly fulfilled without difficulty, Avalokita!
"'~~qa.~~1 1~~~~~~~d.l(l%~~~~~~~~~1 1 yel wa me par je su dzin pay gyur
gyur war nyur du dzo chik chen re sik May this become a cause of our being cared for
~~~r"'~~~q"'l~~"'la_~q~!f~"'l~~~~~~ar~a_~:l\~~~~~~~ In all our lives by the glorious guru,
a_s!!J~q~~"'i!5~i~~~"'l2T~~~~q~~q~~~~~~~~~~~i~ The sugatas of the three times, and you, Padmapani.
Bring this about quickly, Avalokita!
:l\~~~:l\'z:l'~~4~~:l\'z:l:l\'~:l\'~~1 11
These words ofprayer, aspiration, and lamentation directed at Arya Aval-
okita were composed for my own and others' benefit by the bhikshu
Chengna Konchok Ratna, who is kindly cared for by the Vajradhara of
Drikung, the king ofdharma. May this be virtuous and widespread!
~~~~~~:.y~~~~~~c;.Jl The Aspiration ofthe Great Talungthangpa

x_~ru~ ~~~~~la~r~~r~d.l~rJd.l~~l~1 1~~l~ ratna guru RATNAGURU;~x,d.l~~11~d.l~~~~d,~~~d.l~Jd.l~ rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas to be
mi che min dral du ma che par khyen Undivided, inseparable, and non-composite.
~l~11~l~~~l~d.l~~~~d.l~a~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
~la~~~~d.]~';!d.]~~l~1 1~~~~~ijl~d.ld.lfQ.~ dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.

~~d.l~~11~'d.]~~~~d,~~~d.l~';ld.]~'~l~11~l~~~ rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
mi tok tok me nam kha ta bur khyen Were not thought, are not thought, are like space.
~d.l~~~~d.l~a~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~la~~~~d.l~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
;ld.]~'~l~1 1d.l'~~~~~~~t;~ijlt;~:t,'d.]~~1 1~' dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.

d.l~~~~ai~~d.l~;!d.l~~l~1 1~l~~~~d.l~~~ rin chen kye kyi cho nam tam chi ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
ma trul mi trul trul pa me par khyen Were not deluded, are not deluded, won't be deluded.
"-~- ......- "~~"--
~;.]~'~~"'~~~~4~ 1:1\~'d:l~l~l~~05~'~d.]~';ld.l~'~l de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
~a~~~d.]~';!d.]~~l~1 1~l~~~~d.l~~~~d.l~a~ Weren't observed, aren't observed, won't be observed.
ma mik mi mik mik pa me par khyen
~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~la~~~~d.]~';ld.]~~l~1 1;.] de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
~ar~~~ar~ar-~i!lt;~~d.l~~ 11 ~d.l~~~~a~~~d.l~
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
Jd.l~~l~1 1~l~~~~d.l~~~~d.l~a~~~~~~4~ 1 ma yo mi yo yo wa me par khyen Didn't move, don't move, won't move.
"~~"-- " "'
:l\~'d:l~l~l~~05~'~d.]~';!;.]~'~~~11d.l'~:l\'d.l'~:l\'~:l\' de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
r::ri!l~:l\'d.l~~1 1~.d.l~~~~d.i~~d.l~'Jd.l~~l~1 1
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
~l~~~~d.l~~~~d.l~a~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~la~ ma gyur min gyur gyur wa me par khyen Didn't change, don't change, won't change.
i~~d.l~';!d.]~~l~\i!l~x,d.l~~ 11 de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
"" ~ ? .:'\......-
l'd.]l~~ ,~a.a:;~~d.]~';!d.l~'~l~
" 1 1~l~~~'"'ld.l~~~
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
~d.l~a~~~~~~4~ 1 ma che mi che che par me par khyen Weren't made, aren't made, won't be made.
de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 221 03 The Aspiration ofthe Great Talungthangpa
The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 222 0.3' A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~l~~ri~r~~~rs;J~~;ol~114~lr;4~ssl~ rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas to be
she dang she ja ja tsol dral war khyen Beyond the effort of knower and known.
::JQ.l'r:;:J.:~:~~~11~'d.l~~~~~i~~d.l~'s;J~~;ol~11ql 7~T de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
;o~T~~~;o~~~~~~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~l~~i~ dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.

~~~'f;ld.l~;ol~1 1~~~~~~qiJ"''q.:l\~~~ 1 1~~~~ rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
ma kye mi kye kye wa me par khyen Didn't arise, don't arise, won't arise.
~~~i~~d.l~'s;J~~~l~11ql~~~~~~~~~~~~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
Realize all dharmas are like that.
~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~l~~i~~~~s;J~~;ol~1 1~ dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok

a,~~~~a,~~~a,~~~qijlq.:l\1 1~'d.l~~~~~i~ rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
ma gak mi gak gak pa me par khyen Didn't cease, don't cease, won't cease.
~d.l~'s;J~~;ol~1 1ql~;o~~~~;o~~~~~~~~~~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
4~ 1~~~~~l~~i~~~~s;J~~~l~1 1~~~~~~~
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas,
~~~ijl~~~~~~q.:l\'d-1~~1 1~'d.l~~~~~i~~~~ suk sok nyi me chik pu min par khyen Forms and such, are not two or one.
s;J~~;o"''~1 1ql~;o~~~~;o~~d.1~~~~~~~~4~ 1 de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
~ :::. ~ "' ...,., "' ...,., "'
~~c:tJ~\~l~~a;~~~~s;J~~;ol~1 fl'l~ls,q~::JQ,l'r;
...,., dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.

rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
q~~l~~~~1 1~~~~~~~i~~~~s;J~~;ol~1 1 kha dok yip dral ngo wo nam dak khyen Are pure, without color or shape.
ql~;o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~"'~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
' ' "' ...,., "' 1ql~~~'"'ld.l~~~
ngo dang ngo po me pa min par khyen Aren't things, aren't nothing.
de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
~d-1~~~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~l~~i~~~~~d.l~~l Realize all dharmas are like that.
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok
"' ...,., "' .,.r "' ~ "" "" "" "' ...,.,
~ 11~~qa,d.l~~~.:l\q'{?''c;'r:::J.:l\'~1~~11l'~l5~"l"~a,a;~
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
"' =-. "' "" ...,.,
~d.l~'~d.l~;ol~1 1ql~~~"'l~~;o~~~~~~r;~~~~ tro pay tsen rna rap tu shi war khyen Have nothing of any complexity.
...,., "'-:::.~~-- "'
4~ 1.:1\~'c:tJ~I~l~~a;~~~~~~~~l~ 11~~~a,:3~~
de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
"" ' "" "' ...,.,
1 1l'~I5~'"''~Q,'Oj~~~~~~~;ol
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
~1 1ql~;o~~~~;o~~~~~~~~~~~4~ 1 gyu lam dre bu nam par dak par khyen Are pure in cause, path, and result.
de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
~~~~~~~~~~r~d.l~'ld.l~-o~~11tlr;~r;~~tJ~d.l~d.l rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
pang lang me par nyam pa nyi du khyen Are sameness, nothing to take or shed.
tJ~~~d.l~~11~d.l~~~~a~~~d.l~ld.l~-o~~11t::l~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
-o~~d.l~-o~~d-!~~~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~~~~~~ dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.

~d.l~'ld.l~''0~'~11~~~~d.l'~~~~d.l'd.l'~~~d.l'~~d.l~~11 rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas,
dO sum si sum rna rik nam dak khyen Three times, three worlds, are pure, no ignorance.
~d.l~~~~a~~~d.l~3d.l~-o~~1 1t::l~~-o~~d.l~-o~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
Realize all dharmas are like that.
~d-1~~~~~~~~4~ 1~~~~~~~~~~d.l~'ld.l~'-o~ dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok

~11~~~~~~~~~~~tJ~~d.l~d.ld.l~~11~d.l~~~~a rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
Aren't dual, one taste, not two.
nyi me nyi su me par ro nyam khyen
i~r~d.l~'ld.l~-o~~1 1t::l~~-o~~d.l~-o~~d.l~~~~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
~~~4~ 1~~~~~l~~~~~d.l~'ld.l~''Ol'~11~r;t;;l~~
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas
~~~~,,.ril4~~~a.rd.l~~ 1 1 ~d.l~~~ ~ai~~d-1~ Are naturally luminous, a wheel of jnana.
rang shin 6 sal ye she khor lo khyen
ld.l~-o~~1 17::]~~-o~~d.l~-o~~d-1~~~~~~~~4~ 1 de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
~~~~~~~~~~~d.l~'ld.l~-ol~1 1l'd.l~d.l'd.l~d.l'd.l~\
rin chen khye kyi cho nam tam che ni Precious one, you know all dharmas:
~~~s~~d.l=::~d.l~~11~d.l~~~~a~~~d.l~ld.l~-o~ mi nyam nyam dze dul ja min dze khyen How to make the unworthy worthy and ripen disciples.
~ 1 1t::ll~-o~i!d.l~-o~~d.l~~~~~~~~4~ 1i~'ll~r~~ de khyen de dray cho nam tam che ni You know that. May we beings
dak chak sem chen nam kyi nge tok shok Realize all dharmas are like that.
I:J~~~~n 11
That completes the Twenty Aspirations.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications BIJ 22 3 03 The Aspiration ofthe Great Talungthangpa
The Kagyu Monlam Book au 224 Cl8' A Compilation for Recitation

~~~i~~c;J~~~~~~'c;Jl The Aspiration ofTrophu Called Many Jewels

~~~~sa:.J~rqa:.J~~q.l\1.~~"'~1\lar11~~~~~~~~~~ je tsun jam pa gon po Ia chak tsal lo I prostrate to the noble lord Maitreyanatha.

q~~~~~~~~s~~~~a:.l~~q"'~a:.l~~~~~1 ~~~tr~ chok chu na shuk pay sang gye dang jang chup All buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions, master,
sem pa tam che dang lop pan dang gen dun dak and the sangha: I pray that you consider me. Through all the
~~~9~~~~~1\1~~~~~~~1\11 ~~~~~~~"'~~ Ia gong su sol/ dak dang khor de tam che kyi dO roots of virtue ever accumulated by me and all beings in samsara
~a:.l~~l~~~~~~a:.l~~~~~q~~m-~qa~9~~~~ sum du sak pa dang yo pay ge way tsa wa di/ dak or nirvana throughout the three times, may I and all beings
dang sem chen tam che nyur du Ia na me pa quickly achieve unsurpassable, precious complete and perfect
"'~~1 ~~~~~~a:.l~~~~a:.l~~~~~~~~iJ~qtQ~~~ yang dak par dzok pay jang chup rin po che top awakening. Until we achieve it, in each and every life may we ac-
...,.. " quire the special body of a deva or human, one capable of prac-
~ ...,..~...,.. ~
..,., " par gyur chikl
ticing the genuine dharma. May we be of high and powerful
~~~"'~~~~~~~~~~~~a:.l~~~~~a:,Jq~i'~~~tr de ma top kyi bar du'ang tse rap ne tse rap tam family. May we have long lives free from illness. May we have
che du dam pay cho rin po che drup pay don du beauty and great presence. May we be wealthy and free from
~ "'...,.. il ~" ...,..
c;:,'~l~'q"'~~~ ~~~~~~'o..J"''~~~~q~~~~~q~ kye bu lha dang miy 10 khye par chen top par gyur harm. May our senses be pure and our faculties sharp. May we
chikl rik to wa dang tsen jin che way chok tu gyur have genuine enthusiasm, and workable minds. May we en-
~~%~ 1~~~a:.Ji~~~~~~"'~~~~~a:.Jl~~~~%~ 1 chikl tse ring wa dang ne me pay chok tu gyur counter precious spiritual friends and practice purely among the
~~~~~~~~iJ~q~a:.Jl~~~~%~ 19~~~a:.l~~q~~ chikl suk dze pa dang si ji che way chok tu gyur virtuous. May we receive profound instructions and teaching,
chikllong cho che wa dang tse wa me pay chok and correctly practice their meaning. May our practice be free
~~~~~~~~a:.Jl~~~~%~ 1 ar~~~~~~~~"'~~J~ tu gyur chikl kye che tsang wa dang wang po no from any external or internal obstacles. May we acquire perfectly
~ ...,.. .~ il ~ ...,.....,.. " ...,.. way chok tu gyur chikl favorable conditions. May we perfect whatever practice we de-
q~a:,Jo;~~~~~~ 1~'a:.]c;:,~~~~~~~~~~q~~"''a:.l05~'
sire. By means of its result, may we greatly benefit all beings.
~~~%~ 1i~'~a:,Jq~~~~~~~a:.l~'l\l~'~'~~~~a:.Jl~ tro wa dam pa dang den shing sem le su rung
way chok tu gyur chik/ ge way she nyen rin po
~~~%~ 1~9~~~~~~~~~.q.~.~~a:.l~l\1'~~%~~ che dang jal shing drok dam pa dang tsang par
tsung par cho par gyur chikl dam pa dang je su
~a:,Jq~~~~~q~~~q~~~q~~~%~ 1~~a:.l~q~~ ten pa sap mo to shing dey don tsul shin du drup
~~~~~~q:5!~~{~4~~~~~~1\l'~~~~~~q~ par gyur chikl drup pa Ia chi nang gi bar che tam
che dang dral shing tOn kyen pun sum tsok pa top
~~%~ 1l~ql\l~~~~~~o;~~a:.l~~~~~sl\l~~a:.l~~ par gyur chikl rang ji tar do pa tar drup pa tar chin{~q~~~%~ 1~~~~~"'~~q~~ ching drup pay dre bu dro wa tam che Ia gya cher
pen tok par gyur chik/
~~~1:4~{~~q~~~%~ 1
~~~~r;l~'t::l~'!'t::l'~~~~ t::ll~lr;~~~~~;!~~~l shen yang ge way tsa wa diy/ dak dang sem As well, through these roots of virtue, may I and all beings ac-
chen tam che kyi ten dal wa pun tsok pa top par quire the support, perfect leisure. May we acquire the support of
~~~~ll4l't::l'~~l~~r:.r{t::~~;z:;~;z::%~ lt::l~~~~~~l~ gyur chikl sam pay ten ge wa Ia yang dak par thought by becoming completely used to virtue. May we acquire
~14l~r;l~~;z:,9~~~;z::~;z::%~ I ~l~t::~~t::~q~~~~ gom par gyur chikl cho pa lap pa rin po che the conduct by implementing the precious training. May we
nyam su len par gyur chik/ shi de pa ten po have the ground, stable faith. May our beings have great com-
~~~~~~q;z:,~;z:.%~1 ~~ll'r:!'t::l~~~lr;~~q;z:,~;z:, dang den par gyur chikl gyu nying je chen po passion. May we have the companion, great diligence. May we
dang den par gyur chikl drok tson dru sang po gain the essence, pure wisdom.
%~ l~l~r;~~~~lr;~~q;z:,~;z:.%~ ~~~~qi~~~ dang den par gyur chikl ngo wo she rap nam Through inconceivable devotion, may we please the guru and
...... ~
t::l::!!t;'r:!'lr;~~q;z:,~;z:,~~ --~~~;z:_t::~~~q;z:,l~qlr;
lt;'t::l'~ par dak pa dang den par gyur chikl yidam. Through boundless samadhis, may we unify shamatha
~~q;z:,~;z:.%~ ~~~qt::~~~~~~~t::~~~~~lr::.:~~q~ gu pa sam gyi mi khyap pay Ia ma dang lhak and vipashyana. Through wondrous means, may we purify bud-
pay lha nye par che par gyur chikl ting nge dzin dha realms. Through immeasurable activity, may we benefit be-
~~~~q;z:,slq;z:,~;z:,%~ ~~r;~~~~~~;!~~lq~~ mu ta me pay shi ne dang lhak tong sung du ings by ripening and liberating the entire three realms. May we
fully renounce home for homelessness, and be able to maintain
~~~lr;~~~{r;~~:~~~l4l't::l4.'~4.'%~ 1:!t::l~'Ill'~~r; drel war gyur chikl tap me du jung way sang gye
pure morality. May we never be without precious bodhichitta,
kyi shing yang su jong war che par gyur chikl
t::~~~r;~~~~~r;arr;~~~r;t::~;z:.slq;z:,~;z:.%~ ~~~14l~ trin le shal du me pay sem chen gyi don kham and engage in vast bodhisattva conduct. May we realize the na-
sum ma lu pa min ching drol war gyur chikl de ture of all things as it is, and teach the true meaning like the ris-
~~14l~~lq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q~~%r; ing sun.
shin du khyim ne khyim me par rap tu jung
~14l't:J4.'~4.'%~ ~~t::~~~~~~~~~~lq;z:,;z:_t::~~~r;~r; shing tsul trim nam par dak pa sung nu par gyur May we have no desire for what we have not acquired. If we
chikl jang chup kyi sem rin po che dang min dral acquire it, may we be content. May we be without vanity or
~14l~~~~~q;z:,l~qt::~~r;~~q;z:,~;z:.%~ ISr;~t::~~ shing jang chup sem pay cho pa lap po che che pride about our wealth. May we rejoice in the prosperity of oth-
~~~~~~~lr;l~sl4l~r;-sr;~t::~~~~lq~~lq~~ par gyur chikl cho tam che kyi ne luk ji ta wa ers. May we understand that all gain and fame are like vomit.
shin du tok shing shen Ia yang dak pay don nyi May we consider that praise and pleasure are like imprisonment.
~~slq;z:,~;z:,%~ ~i~;!~~~l~~~~~~~~~t::~ ma shar wa tar ton par gyur chikl
a ......._::, !:\ ...... 1:\
1:;!.1~~~~~... 1r;~~~l4l~r;l~q~l~~~4;z:,'t:;!'~4,'~~
nye pa ma top pa Ia do pa me ching top kyang
chok she par gyur chikl rang gi jor pay drek pa
q;z:,~;z:,%~ l~lq~{t::~'r:!'l4l'~~lq~l%r;{t::~~r;i~
dang nga gyal me ching shen gyi pun sum tsok
4~q;z:,~;z:.%~ l;z:,r;~~;z:,q~5~~qlr;r;~ll.l'~l%r; pa Ia sem ga watop par gyur chikl nye pa dang
drak pa tam che kyuk pa tar go shing to pa dang
~~~~~~~l~~'r:!'l4l'~~~l~~'t::l'{t::l'r:!4.'~4.'%~ l~l de wa tam che tson che pa tar yi che par gyur
qlr;~~~q;j~~~l~~~q~;z:,~~t;'t::l~lqlr;q~t::~ chikl

;!~~~lt::~~~s~q~;z:.cql~~q;z:.~;z:.%~ 1

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 22 5 03 The Aspiration ofTrophu Called Many jewels
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 226 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~r::J~~lr:.:l~r::J~a.~~~~~~~~q~~~~~ I suk bu wa ta bu dang tsor wa chuy chu bur tar May we realize that forms are like froth, and that sensations are
tok par gyur chikl du she mik gyu ta bu dang du like bubbles in water. May we realize that perceptions are like
~~4~~~~~~"'~~s"'~4~~~~q~~~~~q~ che chu shing gi dong po tar tok par gyur chikl mirages, and that formations are like the trunk of a banyan tree.
~~~~ ~~o.l't.1~'4~q~~o.l'~'~'"'~lr;:J~'q'~o-1~''5"''~'o.l' nam par she pa mi lam ta bu dang wang po tam May we realize that consciousness is like a dream, and that all the
~ ~ ~
che gyu ma ta bur tok par gyur chikl yul tam che faculties are like magical illusions. May we realize that all objects
~~~~~~q~~~'5~ ~~~~o-1~''5"''~~l~l~~"'~q chu da ta bu dang dzin pa tam che trul pa tar are like the moon in water, and that all fixating cognitions are
tok par gyur chikl like emanations.
~o-1~''5l'i~q~~~~~q~~~%~ 1~'\'tQ~'"'~'r;:Ja.'~'r;:J'
shen yang ge way tsa wa di Ia ten ne/ dak dang As well, through these roots of virtue, may I and all beings re-
~~~r;:J~~~~~ r;:J"'~"'~~o-1~'5~~o-1~'5"'~~~s"'~ sem chen tam che kyi du che kyi cho tam che alize that all dharmas of formation are like magical illusions. May
~ ~ ~
a;~~o-1~''5"''~'o.l'~~~~~q~~~'5~ ~~~~')~~a;~
~ = ~~
gyu ma tar tok par gyur chikl jik ten gyi cho gye we achieve equanimity toward the eight mundane dharmas.
~ ~ .~ ~~ nyam pa nyi top par gyur chikl gyu ma ta buy Through realizing that all illusory dharmas are like space, may we
r;:J~"''o.l~d.l't:J'~"''~r;:J't:J~'~~'O~ l~'d.l'~~~a;~~d-1~''5"'' cho tam che nam kha tar tok pay nya ngen le reveal the expanse of nirvana. With great love for those who have
~ ~ ~ ~
day pay ying ngon du che par gyur chikl nya not achieved nirvana, may we bring them inconceivably great
ngen le ma de pa nam Ia nying tse wa chen poy benefit and happiness. Through realizing that all practice is be-
s"'q~~~%~ ~~~~~~d.l~"'~q~d.l~~~~r;:J~r;:J~~ pen de sam gyi mi khyap pa drup par gyur chikl yond action, may actions be freed in their own place.
drup pa tam che ja dral du tok pay cha che rang
q~r:q~r;:J~'r::J~d.l'~~!~r;:J't:J'r;:J~r;:J't:J~'~~~~ ~~r;:J't:J' May we thereafter, in each and every life, be skilled in pleas-
sar dak par gyur chikl ing spiritual friends, like the merchant's son Sudhana. Having
~d.l~''5"'s!:l~~~~~q~ss"'~~~~"'~q~~~%~ ~~ de tar gyur ne tse rap ne tse rap tam che du ge
pleased them, may we be resolute in seeking genuine dharma,
like the bodhisattva Sadaprarudita. Having sought it, may we,
~~~~~~~~r;:J~~~~~r;:J~~o-1~'5"'~"'~r::Ja:~~ way she nyen du ma nye par che pa Ia khe pa
like Sagaramati, never forget the dharma we have heard. May
tsong pon gyi bu nor sang ta bur gyur chikl nye
~~~~o.ld.l~~q~s"'q~d.l~~ql~"'q~~~~~r::J::~~ par chen ne dam pay cho tsol wa Ia po pa
we meditate on the unforgotten meaning, like the bodhisattva
Gaganaganja. While not straying from meditation, may we per-
~~~~~~~ ld.l~~q~s~~~"'d.l';:J~r;:J~~ jang chup sem pa tak tu ngu ta bur gyur chikl
fectly accomplish our aspirations, like Vajradhvaja. Through
tsal ne to pay cho mi je pa lo dro gya tso ta bur
rzlqs~~r::J.~d.l~"'q~~~~~~~~~~~~ lr;:J~~~~ gyur chikl mi je pay don Ia nyam par jok pa gyal
boundless aspirations, may we utterly fulfill the intentions of
boundless sublime beings, like Samantabhadra. May we have
se nam kha dzo ta bur gyur chikl nyam par shak
{~qa.~~!r::J~lq~~~~o.ll'~~~~~%~ li'r::J~l pa le ma yo shin du mon lam yang dak par drup
. perfect wisdom regarding their realization, like the noble lord
Manjughosha. May we personify the single flavor of wisdom and
qa~~~o.l~o.l~~~~~~~~!l~~o.l~fl~o-1("'~~~ pa dor je gyal tsen ta bur gyur chik/ mon lam ta
ye pay dam pa tam che kyi gong pa yong su
~~%~ lo.l~d.l'I:J~'r;:J~~q~~o.l~m-~r;:J~~~tr~~d.l'tQ~' drup pa kun tu sang po ta bur gyur chikl
l~q~~r::J't:.l'~'~'~~o-1;~~~~~~%~ lif~~o.l'o-1~~
r;:J::J~?J'~~~~~~~ ll~~~q~o-1~''5"''~'o.l~~~r;:J'~'
gong pa tam che Ia khyen rap kyi tar chin pa je compassion, like Avalokiteshvara. With wrathful compassion, jam yang ta bur gyur chik/ khyen rap dang may we tame the unruly, like Vajrapani. May the activity
tuk jey dak nyi ro nyam pa chen re sik wang through which we tame disciples be unsurpassable, like the bud-
chuk ta bur gyur chik/ tuk je tro pay dro wa ma dha Maitreyanatha. May we uphold the precious dharma
rung pa wa chak na dor je ta bur gyur chik/ through unsurpassable means, like Arya Dharmodgata. ja dul way trin le Ia na me pa gyal wa jam Having achieved that state, may I, like a boat, liberate myself
pa gon po ta bur gyur chik/ Ia na me pay tap Ia and all beings from the rivers of suffering. Like the best of med-
khe pay ten pa rin po che dzin pa pak pa cho icines, may I remove the agony of kleshas. Like a dense cloud,
pak ta bur gyur chik/ may I provide relief from the burning heat of conceptual think-
de ta buy go pang top ne kyang dak dang sem ing. Like a vast ocean, may I provide a supportive environment
chen tam chi kyi duk ngel gyi chu wo drol war for all precious qualities. Like Mount Meru, the king of moun-
che pay dru wo ta bur gyur chik/ nyon mong pay tains, may I be massive in my accumulations of merit and pris-
suk ngu jin pay men chok ta bur gyur chik I nam tine wisdom. Like the orb of the autumn moon, may my
par tok pay tse dung sel war che pay trin tuk po intellect be spacious and stainless. Like the sun and moon, may
ta bur gyur chik/ yon ten rin po che tam che kyi I blaze with the majesty and splendor of means and wisdom.
shi ten che pa gya tso chen po ta bur gyur chik/ Like diverse materials that bestow siddhi, may I bestow all that
so nam dang ye she kyi tuk pa riy gyal po is wanted and needed in accord with beings' wishes.
ri rap ta bur gyur chik/ Ia dro yang shing dri ma In brief, may I and all beings be free from all mundane and
me paton kay da way kyil khor ta bur gyur chik/ supramundane loss. May the vast ocean of the sufferings of birth,
tap dang she rap kyi si ji dang pal bar wa nyi ma aging, sickness, death, misery, lamentation, unhappiness, agita-
dang da wa ta bur gyur chikl go do ma li.i pa yi tion, and so forth be quickly dried up. May we have all that is
shin du ter wa ngo drup kyi dze na tsok ta bur
gyur chik/

dar na dak dang sem chen tam che jik ten dang
jik ten le day pay gi.i pa ta dak dang dral shing/
kye wa dang/ ga wa dang/ na wa dang/ chi wa
dang/ nya ngen dang/ me ngak don pa dang/ yi
mi de wa dang/ truk pa Ia sok pa duk ngel gyi
gya tso chen po nyur du kem par gyur chik/

Additional Aspirations & Dedicatiom ro 22 7 03 1he Aspiration ofTrophu Called Many jewels
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 228 C18 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~~r:.:~~~~~'4l~~~~~a~~~;Jl~~~~~Ul~ jik ten dang jik ten le day pay pun sum tsok pa good in the world and beyond it. May we become like the pre-
dang yang dak par den shing tsang wa dang/ cious wish-fulfilling jewel, the king of power, sources of all pre-
~~~~~~~~~~~I!;J~~, ~~~~~, I!;J~'I!;J'~~, ~~~ dak pa dang/ de wa dang/ tak pa dang/ ge shing cious qualities, such as wholesomeness, purity, happiness,
~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~'4l~~~~aar~ 7 ~~~rr-~i:J;J~~~ lek pa Ia sok pay yon ten rin po che tam che kyi permanence, virtue, and goodness. May it be just so! May it not
jung ne yi shin gyi nor bu rin po che wang gi be otherwise! No matter what happens, may it be so!
~~~~~~~~I!;J~~~~~~~~~~~I!;J~~ID(llrr-~~~ gyal po ta bur gyur chikl de de kho na shin du
gyur chikl de le shen du rna gyur chik/ chi ne
~~~~ ~~~rr-~I!;J~~~~~~~ ~~'41~~~~~;J~~~~, kyang de shin du gyur chik
~~~~~~l!:l~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ I

~~~~~:r~:~~r~~~<l.l~q Tsangpa Gyare's Aspiration

~ ..,.. " ..,.. ..,.. " " -::{...,-'

~~~I!;J~';J~~~~~~~~~~-o'l!:ll d.l'Ul'~';Jd5~~~~~
"" "..,.....,., " ..,;;:."
~" - - je dro way g6n po kang nyi kyi tso wol mi yi
khyu chok druk pa dor je chang gi ngo wo Ia
Beings' protector, foremost person, best of humans, sixth
buddha Vajradhara, guru, precious buddha: I take refuge in your
~~ao~~~I!;JI ~;J~~~ID~~~~ct:)~~r~~~&~~ 141
ma sang gye rin po chey ku sung tuk Ia kyap body, speech, and mind.
~I!;J~~;J~~,,~;J~;~;J~~~~;J';J~~ ~~~~~&~~
"" " "
~s~~I!;J~~~~ ~~~~~Ull'~~;J~~~~~II;Jao~&~ - sum chi o
Ia ma k6n chok yi dam chok
ku sung tuk kyi jin lap kyi
Guru, three jewels, yidam:
With your blessings of body, speech, and mind,
Moisten my being in body, speech, and mind.
~~~~~ 141 ;J~~I!;J~~4~ I;J~~~~~~i~;Ji~~~~ll Iii ngak yi sum gyu len ne May I gain both common and supreme siddhi.
~ ..,.. " "
~;J(X)~~I!;JI!;J~~I!;J~~~;J~~I ~~~141~/!;J~~~I!;J~~
"..,.. chok tun mong nyi Ia nga nye shok
Through the merit of making offerings to
~~1~~~~~~1!;J~~~~~s~4~ 'I!;J~~~~;Ji~~a:s~ khan dro cho kyong cho pa dang Dakinis and dharmapalas, and keeping samaya,
dam tsik rap sung so nam kyi May I accomplish the four activities
~I!;J~~~,,~~~~~~'4l;J'i;J;J~'~~~,,~.~~I!;J~'~'4l' trin le shi po drup gyur ne And guard the buddhadharma.
s~~~~, ll!:l~aoli:J;J~~~~~~4~
"" " ..,.. I sang gye ten pa sung che shok
Through the blessing of relying on and venerating them,
ten ching cho pay jin lap kyi May I be attended by devas and spirits
dro duk cho lam tam che du Whether I sit, walk, or do anything else.
lha dre su kyel che pa dang May all obstacles be pacified.
bar che tam che nyer shi shok
s~;~r::l.~d.l~~~d.l~"'i~~~~11~~~;~~1;~~e.r~~a.sl7.l jang chup sem sum no den pay Through being a vessel for the three bodhichittas;
chi nang sang sum ten drel gyi And through outer, inner, and secret interdependence,
~~11~a.~!d.l~~"'~s~l;~~~~11a.sl7.l~"'~~~"'~~;~~ kye dro tam che wang du ne May I captivate all beings,
~~4~"'\~d.l~l~~l!;l~~~~~11ar~;~~"'i drel tse don dang den par shok And benefit all connected to me.

a:;~l!;l~~t:41!;]'~~~~;1 1\l~'l7.l't:41;~'~"'\'~~l;'l!;l'"'il;'1 1~"'\' du sum so nam tsok sak pay Through the merit I accumulate in the three times,
long cho char shin pap ne kyang May luxuries fall like rain.
r::l~~~~'l~J~"'\~~4~ 1~~~~~~1!;]~(7,l'il!;l'~'"'il;'11r.l.~' kun Ia pang me tong wa dang Through giving, may I free all beings from deprivation,
yi shin nor bu nye par shok And gain a wish-fulfilling jewel.
~~1!;]~'(7.l'(.l,f!S\~'"'\1;'1 1~i'~'d.l!Q.'~il7.l'r::l'"'\l;'1 ~~d.!~'
~a.~~"'~~a~~~~~4~ 1r::l"'\!;l\l~ shen gyi duk ngel kyop pa dang May I protect others from suffering,
And bring beings from certain death to safety.
chi nge de Ia kho pa dang
~1;'11~~~~~q"'\~'17.l'!S~'d.l'"'\~ 1~~'(7,ll;'ld.l~'~"'i'~l!;]'
<\ <\ "'""' -
ku tse ta ru kyol wa dang May they live their lives to their natural end,
sem kye chi me pay don tok shok And realize that the mind is beyond birth and death.
~~~11s~;~q~d-!~~~~1!;]:~:_49 ~~l;"'~~~"'~~~
dak gi shen Ia nyen kur shing May I be respectful to others.
~a9~~11~9~~~"'"'~~~;11~~~~f~;~~;i~ shen gyi dak Ia trak mi dok May others not be jealous of me.
~d.l'r.l."'\r::l~1 1r::l~l~a.!j~~E!~~:~:_4~ 1~1;''?"'\'~1;'~'
"' "'""' <\ - - <\ <\ ;: truk long tam che rap shi ne May I pacifY all fighting,
jang chup sem Ia jar war shok And bring beings to bodhichitta.
~~~~~~ ~~l;'~d.l~'!d.l~'~"'i'~l;~'~:l\'~~~ ~d-!~'9~d.l'
gong may den sa en pay ne May I always dwell in retreats,
~~~l~~cy~11~~~~~~l~~;l!;]~'4~ ~~~;~~~~(7,l' tak tu ri tro drim che ching The solitary seats of my predecessors.
qlq~:~:_4~ 1~~~s~~l!;l~~~~:~:_49 ~~~;~~9~ tok pa kyongg shing men lam dep May I foster realization, make aspirations,
gyu pay sol kha sin par shok And uphold the tradition of my lineage.
~"'\~:~:_49 ~~~~l;'~d.l~'a.Sl;~'~~4~ ~~~;~:~:_~;a,~l
tong nyi nying je chen po yi Through great emptiness-compassion,
El"'''~:l\'4~ 1~~~~;~a.S~;~Q:~;,4~ 1~~;~~~1!;]~"'\'d-1~ shing kham tam che jang gyur ne May I purify all realms
And rule the great kingdom of the three realms
~d-1~49 1~~9l;'t:4~s"'\~:~:_4~ 1 kham sum gyal si chen po Ia
cho kyi gyal si kyong war shok As a kingdom of dharma.

nang ne sol wa tep par shok Inside, may my prayers be fulfilled.

chi ne jin lap juk par shok Outside, may blessings enter me.
nang du tok pa me par shok Inside, may I have no thoughts.
chi ru shing kham jong par shok Outside, may I purifY realms.

nang du rang do se par shok Inside, may I be unselfish.

chi ru nying je jong par shok Outside, may I develop compassion.
nang du cho gye go nyom shok Inside, may I not care about the eight worldly dharmas.
chi ru gang pen che par shok Outside, may I help as much as I can.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications &) 229 03 Tsangpa Gyare's Aspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 3o 03 A Compilation for Recitation

nang du ngak gi drip jang shak Inside, may I cleanse the veils of my speech.
chi ru gang me nyen par shak Outside, may whatever I say be listened to.
dar na sang gye sem pa yi In brief, may I follow and achieve
sung je su juk ching drup par shak What buddhas and bodhisattvas have taught.

dar na ka gyu Ia ma yi In brief, may I follow and achieve

sung je su juk ching drup par shak What the Kagyii gurus have taught.
dar na drin chen Ia ma yi In brief, may I follow and achieve
sung je su juk ching drup par shak What my kind guru has taught.

Composed by Lord Tsangpa Gyarey.

dak gi sab may don gom pa Ia sak pay ge wa Yelpa, the protector ofbeings, taught:
gyi pay dre bu tam che de/ dak nyi chik pu Ia Look directly with the mind at the mind's nature. Remain in that state for
mi min par dak dang nam kha dang nyam pay a session. When you arise from a session of meditation, recite:
sem chen tam che/ May all the results of my virtuous actions, such as meditation
kham sum khar way duk ngel gyi gya tsa le on the profound meaning, not ripen for me alone. May I and all
nyur du tar ne cho kuy don tak pay gyur gyur beings throughout space be quickly liberated from the ocean of
chik suffering, the three realms of samsara, and realize the dhar-

Then, think that the purpose of dedication, buddhahood; what is dedi-

catee/, virtue; those for whom it is dedicated, beings; and the dedicator,
yourself, are all your own mind. Meditate for a session with an unaltered
~'d.l'~'"'d.l'"'t.l"''~'"'r;1 1d.l~"''"']i~jr;~r;d.l'~d.l~1 1 Ia ma yi dam pa wo dang Gurus, yidams, viras,
khan dro cho kyong sung ma nam Dakinis, and dharmapalas:
t.:l"'~'lll'"'~r;~q;::.d.l!(l~~~r;11~~14l~'~t.:l'tJ;::.'d.l!(l~ dak Ia gong par dze ne kyang I pray that you consider me
~~lll11t.:ll~~'\~~~~d.l't.:l~~~q~11~;::_"'"'~~~~ man lam drup par dze du sol And cause the fulfillment of my aspirations.

~"'~r.:1"'r:.1 1"'~~;::.t.:J~~qa"'~t.:l~~1 1r.:1"'~~~~ dak shen du sum sak pa yi Through the virtues of samsara and nirvana
khor de nyi kyi ge wa dang Accumulated by me and others in the three times,
~r:.~ID~~t.:Jq;::_-4~ 1~r:.~~~qa~~~~d.l~~11~~r:. di tar gyi pay ge wa yi And the virtue of this aspiration,
dak shen sang gye top par shok May I and all others achieve buddhahood.
-:d. 'V' 'V' ~ 'V'
~~~d.l'a:,~~q;::_4~ 1llll'"'S;::.';J'~~:!t.:l't.l'"'r;'11l
m ~
',t.:l"'' gang du kye pay ne nam su In whatever places we are born,
chi nang tse wa me pa dang May there be no external or internal violence.
1l~i!5~'\blll't.:l~~~l~~~r;1 1
"' 'V' ;(.,
t.:l4~'"'t;'d.l~lll't.:l'"'r;1 sang gye. ten pa dar wa dang May the buddhadharma spread there.
'V' ~ 'V' 'V' ~ go do pun sum tsok par shok May all that is wanted or needed be abundantly present.
~~~q"'~r;~ID~'f:lt.:l't.1;::.4~ 1~r;~~~q"'~~~r~d.l~
dal jor mi 10 top pa dang May we acquire human bodies with leisure and resources,
ge way she dang jal wa dang Meet spiritual friends,
dam cho tsul shin je ne kyang Practice genuine dharma correctly,
dzok pay sang gye top par shok And achieve perfect buddhahood.

gang du duk pay ne nam su Wherever we live,

long jo cho dang tun pa dang May we have wealth in accord with dharma,
dak pay khor gyi kor wa dang Be surrounded by a pure retinue,
dro wa nam kyi pal du shok And be a support for beings.

dak Ia ten pay sem chen nam May all those being who rely upon me,
tek pa chung nguy gor shuk ne Having entered the gate of the lesser vehicle,
dom pa tsul shin sung wa dang Correctly guard their vows,
dam cho tsul shin je pa yi Correctly practice dharma,
sak me dre bu top par shok And achieve the undefiled fruition.

pa rol chin pay gor shuk ne Having entered the gate of the transcendences,
jang chup sem chok kye pa dang May they generate bodhichitta,
dak me nyi kyi don tok ne Realize twofold selflessness,
dre bu sang gye nyur top shok And quickly attain the fruition ofbuddhahood.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 2 3 I 03 7he Yelpa a_nd Barom Aspirations

The Kagyu Monlam Book tv 2 32 0.3" A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~qa~::_~~~~~~ 1lqr;~qq~l~~~q~~q dar je tek pay gar shuk ne Having entered the gate of the vajrayana, may they receive
wang top kye dzok ten pa yi empowerment,
~~~ 1;.]~~lr;~~;Jr;l~~~qq~~1 ~~a,~::_~r;~~~ chok dang tun mong ngo drup nye And through stable generation and completion,
~qq::_-4~ 1ql~.;.]~t;~~lr;s~~~lr;1 1ql~~~ tse dir sang gye top par shok Achieve supreme and common siddhi,
And attain buddhahood in this life.
;.]~r;~~s~qlr;11ql~~~q~~~slq~;.]~11~;.]~ dak tong to dang dren rek dang
dak gi tong to dren pa dang May all who see, hear, think of, or touch me;
~l~r;~~~~qq::_-4~ ~~T;'f1l;.]~'~;.]q::_l~q~ ~~::_ dak Ia shap tok che pa nam And all those I see, hear, or think of;
tam che sang gye top par shok And all who serve me,
lr;~r;~fl~~~;.]t~~~~~~a~::_ar-q~::_s~~~~~ Achieve buddhahood.
a.~qa~~~~r;~~~-4~ 16~~~:~;~1;la9~~~11 shing kham nam par dak pa ru
khor dang long jo pun sum tsok In pure buddha realms,
cho kyi khor Ia kor che ne Amid excellent retinue and resources,
dro way don du sang gye shok May we turn the dharmachakras,
And achieve buddhahod for beings' benefit.

Those are the words ofTishri Repa.

~~~~a.~~z;.:%~~a;~~i~~;..q The aspiration for the end ofsessions by Lord Phagmodrupa

~;.]~~l;.]~~~q~;.]~a~~slq::_-4~~~ ~~~slqa sem nyi ma tok pa nam kyiy don che par shok May I benefit those who have not realized the mind's nature.
chil<l don che pay sem chen tam che kyi rang May all the beings I benefit correctly realize their innate pristine
~;.]~~~~~~~la~::_r;~~~~qa~-4~5~~~~~ Ia ne pay ye she chin chi ma lok par tok par wisdom. Having realized it, may all those beings bring wondrous
q::_~~~q::_-4~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~;.]~~la~~r; shok chikl tok ne sem chen tam che kyi kyang benefit to others. Through these roots of virtue may I have
shen don pun sum tsok pa jung war gyur chikl longevity, freedom from sickness, no obstacles to accomplish-
~~~~~~~;.]t~~q~q::_~~~~ 1l~qa!q~~ ge way tsa wa de tse ring wa dang/ ne me pa ment, and may I rest equally, throughout both meditation and
~~r;qlr;1 ~l.~lqlr;mqq~q::_ 115 l.~l~r;1 ;.]~;.] dang drup pa Ia bar che me ching/ nyam je post-meditation, in emptiness and compassion. Bringing vast
tam che du tong pa dang nying je nyam par benefit to all who see or hear me, may I be pleasing to all beings.
~~~;.]~'~l~~r;qlr;~r;~~~;.]q::_~~~~~~ ;.]~t; ne ne/ tong to tam che Ia pen pa gya chen po From this time until samsara is emptied, may I spontaneously ac-
tok ne dro wa tam che kyi yi du ong war gyur
~~~;.]~-ol~~~q~~~~~~~~~a.~q~;.]~~la chik du de ne khor wa ma tong gi bar du Ihun
~l~~r;q::_~::_~~ ~~~~~~~::_q~~r;~q::_~~~ gyi drup pay/ sem chen gyi don drup ne sem
chen tam che Ia cho ba shik gyi pen tok par
~~~qq~~ ~;.]~~~m~~~q~~~;.]~~~~;.]~~l~ gyur chikl
i~a,~a,~9~~7:4~'~9~'qJ;:~:x::~9 1~l~~~~q:x:_~:x:_ se ching tong par gyur chik khor wa ngen complish beings' benefit. May I benefit all beings solely through
song sum/ dharma.
" ~ ~
~9'Q,f1J\'~~~~~9~~1 "" "
~~~~1:;:]~9q:x:_~:x:_~9'~9' shi shing lak par gyur chik nak po du kyi de May samsara and the three lower states be exhausted and
trt;:J~la~~ ~~~~~~lq:x:_~:x:_~9~i;JQ,'Cll~~~~~~ de shing kyi par gyur chik ta ye sem chen emptied.
~~~11l:x:_~~~~q:x:_~:x:_~99~9~9l~qai~11~r~ dar shing gye par gyur chik tsuk lak dam May the negative forces of Mara be pacified and defeated.
pay cho
~~r;:]:x:_~:x:_~9l~r;:]ar;:]4~9~~~~~~ 1r;:]l9~~fi\ May the innumerable beings become happy and comfortable.
May the scriptures of genuine dharma spread and flourish.
~~a.~r;:]~q~1 F~~~i~~~~r;:]~:x:_~9 ~~~~11 ;J~ ku tse ring war gyur chik ge way she nyen May spiritual friends have long lives.
nam Through these aspirations of mine,
d!1 dak gi man lam di tap pe May the aspirations of all be fulfilled.
kun gyi man lam drup gyur chik

o5'<l.1q~i~(l,l~ l The Tsalpa Aspiration

l~~a,~l~.l~.9~~~~1 1~~~9~9~~:x:_~~~1 1 ge wa di dang ge shen nam May this and all other virtue
rna lu chik tu gyur ne ni Be combined into one.
~~~fla~1;1a.~~~a.~~~~1 19~~i!li~~~~~~:x:_ nam khay ta nyam dro don du Through it, may I, for the benefit of all beings
49 1a,t;:JlqiJlq:x:_a.~~~~11~~s~l~9~i!l~9~ nyi me cho ku ngon gyur shok Throughout space, achieve the non-dual dharmakaya.

~~~119~9~~~~~fla~1;1a.~~t:.l~119~~~~~~ be pa me par dro don du Effortlessly, for beings' benefit,

shen dral mik me tuk je yi With non-referential compassion free from clinging,
~~'49 1~~~~~!~~~~~\1~'~1 .1l~a,S:x:_~~l9~' suk ku nam khay ta khap pay May I fill the reaches of space with rupakayas,
gang dul de Ia de ton shok Displaying whatever form will tame individuals.
From now on may I al~ays acquire
a.t;:Ja.~949 1\1~~~~~9~i~{l1 1:x:_~~:x:_~~a deng ne tsam te du kun tu
A body with excellent leisure and resources.
dal jar pun tsok lu top ne
9l;J~z:,9l~1 1~9~;Ji9~9~~as~~r;:]~~~1 1~l de dang she rap nying je yi . With faith, wisdom, and compassion,
top chen ge cho ba shik shok May my deeds be exclusively powerful virtue.
~~~9~;J~~sl49 1
kun tu dar je tek chok no May I always encounter the best vessels of the supreme
rap gyur Ia may dam ngak dang vajrayana,
tok chok tuk jey jin lap chen Who have received the gurus' instructions
nye ne tak tu nye che shok And have great realization and the blessings of compassion.
May I always please them.
Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 2 33 C8' Phagmodrupa's Aspiration and the Tsalpa Aspiration
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 34 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~ald.l~ar~\d.l~~11~~~d.l~~~~r~~d.ld.l~~t::l~11 gyun du Ia may yon ten tong May I continually see the guru's qualities.
kyon nam chik kyang ma tong way May I never see a single flaw.
~~a.~~~~~~~d-!~~~1 1l\~~~~as~~~q~4~ 1 dor dzin nyi du tak tong te May I always see the guru as the Vajra Holder,
\l~~~~~q~d.l~~~q~11~~~~~~~~~~~?r~~n de gu gyun che me par shok And have unceasing faith and devotion.

ald.l~~~m~rfld.l~~~~11ar~1d.l~~t::J~~I'l.l4~ 1~~ kun long ngen pay ma bab pay Unpolluted by a bad motivation,
mik me nying je chen po yi With great non-referential compassion,
- " 1~~~sl'l.l~t::J~d.l~~~~1
as~~d.lfl~'d.l'~l' - ?.1
h~ Ia ma sang gye tam che kyi May I absorb all the qualities

~~t::J~~~I'l.l!~~~~11~~d.l~~~qd.]~~~t::J'4~ 1\l~' yon ten ma lu dak Ia shok Of the guru who is all buddhas.

~~ar1~1' 1~~~~~sd.l~d.l~~q~1 1~d.l tak che mu ta ma gal way Without straying into the extremes of permanence and
chok dral ta wa nam dak dang termination,
~~d.]~a,a,~~d.l~(l.l't::J1 1t::l~~~~~t::J'(l.l'~~t::J!'~4~ 1 shen me de sal mi tok dang May I attain the pure view beyond partiality;
ro nyom j6 pa chok top shok Bliss, lucidity, and non-conceptuality;
~~~~~~a.~d.lsl~~1 1a.~~~it::J:%\asl~7~~~~11 And the supreme conduct of one taste.
"V"" .....,.., ....,... ....,... .....,.
kun tu yo gyu tsul cho dang
nyon mong dri may ma go pay May I always be unstained by deception,
4~ 1t::J~~~~~l'l'l.ld.l'~s~\l~11al'd.l'\l~~~d.l~~~~~ dam tsik khan dro ma trel wa Hypocrisy, and kleshas.

~~1 1~d.l~~~~~~~~d.l~~q1 1\l~~Clll'~'Q,~'~~ "" - sung shing drup Ia tak tson shok

tak tu ri tro drim che ching

May I keep samaya, not displeasing the dakinis,
And always be diligent in practice.
4~ 1t::l~~~~~~~~~~~d.l~~'11~~~~~~~~~l~ jik kyo bar che ten mi jung May I always keep to retreat,
nyam nyong tok pa dro tak sok Without fear, sadness, or any obstacles arising.
yon ten dzu trul tu den shok May I have experiences, realization, signs of warmth,
\\~~~~4~ 1 dak gi cho lam chi che kun
Qualities, and miraculous power.

Ia ma kun dang che drok dang May all my conduct, whatever I do,
sem chen shen dak ma lu pa Be pleasing to all my gurus,
kun gyi yi du ong war shok My dharma companions,
And all other beings.
dak gi lu ngak yi sum dang
ne dang go dang ming dang ru May all who see, hear, think of, touch
tong to dren rek Ia sok kyi Or otherwise contact my body, speech, mind,
dak shen chi do kun dzok shok Place, clothing, name, or family
Fulfill all their own and others' wishes.
"~~\\~a;~~~"~~~s"~~1 1~a.~"~~~~i~"~ ngo chak me tong che ching Without attachment to anything, may I give everything.
re do Ia sok kyon dang dral May I be without faults like ambition and desire.
~~11~d.l'"~'~(J.l~~~~d.l~!~~ 1~?0\~~~iil~d-1~~ nam dak trim den sem mi truk With pure morality, may my mind not be agitated.

~~~4~ r~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~"~~"" ten tro mi yeng khe tok shok With lasting zeal, undistracted, may I realize wisdom.

~~~~(;~:t;~~~11~"~~s~~~~~~~~~~11a.~ kye dzok nyi Ia ten top ne Having achieved stability in both generation and completion,
o sal sung juk tar chin te May I perfect the clear light, unity.
\\~~~~~~~:t;4~ 1~l~~l!~~~l~r:_~~1 1d.l%' dak gi jin lap drup kyi Through my spontaneous blessing,
dro re wa kang war shok May the hopes of all beings be fulfilled.
d-1%'~~~~~~~~\\~'~"'~'4~ 1~l~~d.l~lr:_~~"'l~' dak gi mik me nying je yi Through the measureless miraculous power
...,., ...... tu top dzu trul pak me kyi Of my non-referential compassion,
"~'114'~~~~l~~~~~~~q~11~'\~~~~!1,!~~ lha lu no jin di.i Ia sok May I tame all powerful, arrogant beings,
tu chen drek che shok Such as devas, nagas, yakshas, and maras.
~:t;~ 11~~~:_~~~~~~1~"4~ r~~~d.l~:t;~~4~
dak gi gog dang kang lak dang If the time should come when by giving away
q~~~1 1ar~:_~~"~l~~~~a.~"~1 1~"~~~"9~ sha trak sok uk Ia sok pay Such things as my head, hands, feet,
=l\~\~~1 1~~a.~~~~~~~"q:t;4~ 1l~r"~~~~ shen pen dO Ia bap gyur na Flesh, blood, or life others would be benefited,
tro shing lek tong mi gyo shok May I do so enthusiastically and without regret.
se kom nor bu shon pa sok May I benefit beings by providing
~~~~Ul~~~1 1~l~'~'d.l%'lq~~~i~4~ 1~~~~ long cho na tsok gang do Ia Inexhaustible food, drink, jewels,

~!d.l~~~~\\~~~~~'\~~a.~a.~~~"s"~r:_11~4~ dak gi chi go se me kyi

pen dok nga gyal me par shok
Mounts, and all the diverse wealth
They might want or need, without pride.
~~!~~~~r:_s~~11~l~~l~l~~a.~~~4~ 1
dra dang don gyi gang nyen dang May I protect with splendid power
ne dang mu ge Ia sok pay Anyone tormented by enemies or dons,
duk ngel gang gi nyen yang rung And anyone tormented by sufferings
dak gi tu pal gyi kyop shok Such as sickness or famine.

deng ne tsam te di.i tu From now on, at all times,

shen don ba shik cho che ching May I act only for the benefit of others.
shen gyi mi rik gang che Ia No matter how unfitting others' actions,
yi truk kyo me pen dok shok May I benefit them without becoming discouraged or sad.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 2 3 5 03 The Tsalpa Aspiration

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 36 03 A Compilation for Recitation

%~~~~:;~~~~1{~~:;1 1~z;a,1{~~~z;~~~~~ Iom sem nga gyal trak dok dang Unstained by non-virtue
rang do nye ring chok ri sok Such as vanity, pride,
~~~~ ~~~~a.~~~~~~q~1 1q~r~r\l~~~~{~~ mi gey dri me ma go par Jealousy, selfishness, or partiality,
4~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dro wa kun Ia pen tok shok May I benefit all beings.

~~a,~~~~a,~~iJ~~7z;w~~~z;~~~~~a;~~~z;~~~ shen gyi to sok ga wa me May I not delight in others' praise,

~._,.... ._,.... ~
d.l~~4~ ~~~~~~=l~~~%~~~~z;11q~~qq~sz;~
" ~ " me sok kyon Ia mi ga me
be me tang nyom nying je yi
And not dislike criticism or censure.
With effortless impartiality and compassion,
May I be unstained by attachment or aversion.
~4~~~~z;11~~~~~a.~%~~~~~~~~~~~r:::]~~ chak dang dri may ma go shok
~ ~. ~ May the compassion of Avalokita,
._,.... ._,....
~~~~q~4~ ~~~~ ~z;q,"~~~~qlz;11~~7or~~~
chen re sik kyi tuk je dang
jam pay yang kyi she rap dang The wisdom of Manjughosha,
qlz;'11~~~q~~~~%~~~~~~~~~~~9~{~q~ chak na dor jey tu top nam And the power ofVajrapani
ma lu dak Ia dzok par shok All be complete in me.
4~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~4~11~~l~~~3a.~~{~~
lu drup nying poy khyen pa dang May I attain all of
~l~~~ ~~~z;~~q~~~~z;a,~l~s~~ ~~~a.a.~~ sa ra ha yi tok pa dang The wisdom ofNagarjuna,
~~~~~s~4~ ~~~\l~~z;~~~z;~~z;~~~~z;~tl.lz; bir wa pa yi nu tu nam The realization of Saraha,
ma lu dak gi top par shok And the magical power ofVirupa.
~~a,~~~ 1~::1\'tl.ll;'~~~~~'?~qa.1{~1 ~~~~~~::t,~
ngak gyu ma lu jor wa she May I know the practices of all tantras,
r:::]~~~~~~~4~ 1~a,1{~~~s"S~~~1{~~1 1t:::l~~z; le tsok ta dak tok me drup Accomplish all activities without impediment,
~~~~~~3~~:ol~z;11~~z;~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 men ngak pak me nga dak che Gain mastery of innumerable instructions,
khan dro ma lu nye che shok And please all dakinis.
~~~\l~~~~%~4~ ~~~~lz;ar~~~z;~i~lz;11
cho kun gang ne kyang mi ong All dharmas do not come from anywhere.
~~::t,~~1{~4~::t,~~z;11~%!~w~~z:.r~~~~qa.11 gang du yang ni mi dro Ia They do not go anywhere.
= -:d. "
~%~~~cl:l~~~~~~z;~4~ 1"~1l'j~z::,~~11
" - 'V" ::. ...,.., gar yang mi ne nyam pay don
nge tok rap ten shen pen shok
They do not abide anywhere.
Decisively realizing their equality, may I benefit others.

she do kyon dral shen don du Without the flaw of ambition, and for others' benefit,
so dang ten cho tam che dang May I be so widely learned in the arts,
nyen ngak Ia sok chok me khay All shastras, poetry and so forth,
gal wa kun gyi mi tup shok That I am invincible in all debate.

rik dang yon ten long cho dang May I not lack any favorable conditions,
ma nor tsik don she rap dang Such as family, learning, wealth,
tu tsal pop pa Ia sok pay Wisdom that correctly understands
tUn kyen tsok kyi mi pong shok Both words and meaning, power, and confidence.
-- -- -- C'\. The Uncommon Dedication and Aspiration

a.~~~~~~~r:.rz::J~;~r~lq~;~z::l~f~d.Jq~~d.l'z::ll~ jik ten gyi dren pa lu wa me pay kyap nam pa Guides of the world, undeceiving three sources of refuge, you
sum dak shen gyi don pun sum tsok pa chen who accomplish wondrous benefit for me and others: I pray that
~~~~~~~~~d.ll~~q~~~l~"~~~~Cll1 l~.z::]~' de gong su soli ge way she nyen chen po pa you listen. I dedicate all the roots of virtue that this great spiri-'!' dey tori dang tar pay che du ge way tsa wa chi tual friend did for the sake of higher birth and liberation; espe-
dze pa tam che/ lhak par ge she chen po deyi cially those of the virtuous actions, such as generosity, I and
z::]'~'o.]~lq~d.l~~l1 ~~q~l~'z::]4~~~q~~~~~ don du mik ne dak sok Ia jin sok tsal way ge others have done for this great spiritual friend's benefit; and all
wa dang/ shen yang dak sok sem chen tam the roots of virtue that I and all beings have accumulated, to the
l~~~~~z::]l~~~~Cll~~~~~~z::]~'l~z::]'l"'1 ~~ chi kyi ge way tsa wa chi dang chi sak pa de heartfelt recollection of death by this great spiritual friend and
~"'z::]l~~~~~d.l~~~~d.l~~l~~l~z::]a.'!'z::l'~'l"'~' dang de dak gi ge way she nyen dam pa dey all beings, and their never assuming that they will live into old
tso che pay sem chen tam che chi wa lo dek age. I dedicate them to their recognition of virtue and wrong-
z::]~~~q~l"~l~~~l~'z::]~~~~~~'lo.]'q~~~~ su dren ne ge ge su do lo mi kye way gyur ngo doing as what they are, their engagement in virtue, and their re-
s~q~~d.l~~~~d.l~~la.~z::]~z::]~~~~5~~~~~ war gyi o/ ge wa dang dik pa gang yin ngo she jection of wrongdoing. I dedicate them to their knowing samsara
ne ge wa Ia juk ching dik pa le dok pay gyur to be suffering and liberation to be sublime happiness.
~~~~l~l~z::]a.~~z::]w-z::]~'z::]~~1 1l~'z::]'l"~~q ngo war gyi o/ khor wa duk ngel dang tar pa de
I dedicate them to their never giving rise to the attitude that
wa dam par she pay gyur ngo war gyi o/
~"tq~~4~~~l~'z::]'n.J'~~~"~~qn.J~'z::]~~qa.~~ allows this life to be wasted in the pursuit of wrongdoing, since
dal jor da len tsam ma tok mi top pay di dik pay the present leisure and resources will not be acquired again. I
z::]~'z::]~'z::]~~~ ,a.rr~z::]~~z::]~n.J'l"~~qz::]~'z::]'lo.]'q~ dedicate them to their never for an instant giving rise to faith in
ngang du tse se du juk pay lo mi kye way gyur
4~q~~~= ln.Ja.S~sell~~d.ld.l~~~~~~z::]q~a.~ ngo war gyi o/ kyap ne kon chok sum min pay unsuitable objects of faith, those other than the sources of refuge,
lok pa Ia de pa ke chik kyang mi kye way gyur the three jewels. I dedicate them to their never encountering
~~q~'""~~~l~~~q~~~~q~~~= ~q~~~~ ngo war gyi o/ men pa nyang de kyi lam ton teachers of the path to one-sided nirvana or gurus whose minds
pa dang duk sum yi che kyi Ia ma dang nam are engaged in the three poisons.
yang tre par min gyur way gyur ngo war gyi o/ I dedicate them to their never having companions who do
~~= ld.l~q~"a.l~~n.Jo.]'~~ql"~~~~o.]tqlsl~ not cultivate the three trainings and who inhibit the hearing and
lap pa sum Ia mi lop ching gyal way sung rap
~d.ll"~d.l~"a.slq~~~~z::]a~~= z::]~z::]q~~d.lCll Ia to sam gok pay drok dang mi drok pay gyur
contemplation of the buddha's words. I dedicate them to their
never meeting those who, lacking the ability to teach other
ngo war gyi o/ sang gye pay tap shen tong gyu
~~z::]'~"'~n.J'z::]~~~"'~z::]'n.J'~~q~o.]'Q,~~qa.~~~l" me par she pay rang ngo te tsam gyi chok she
means of attaining buddhahood, are content with merely look-
ing at the nature of their own cognition. I dedicate them to their
Ja.~~~qa.~~= ~"~~~q~~q~~~~~~~~lq~ dzin pa de dra way rik tak tu mi tong way gyur
never falling into the state in which, with the false belief that
_a ?,~qa,~~~ ngo war gyi o/ rang nyi sa lam ton pa yin nyam
-, ,~qa,~"'"'q~~~o.]'~~CI5~'4~a,!(~q
C\ - C\ - "' "' C\C\
pay lo chang ne mi ge wa che pay go pang mi
one has attained a high level and path, one engages in wrong-
C\ - C\ C\ ..... """
~~~'o.]'o.]~"qa,~~= ~"''c)l'~'n.Jd.)'o.]~~q~~~o.]'qa_~
C\- top pay gyur ngo war gyi o/


Additional Aspirations & Dedications ro 2 37 03 The Uncommon Aspiration ofMikyo Dorje

1he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 38 03 A Compilation for Recitation

gyal way sung rap ne jung way dam sum gyi I dedicate them to their never abusing their bodies and think-
go mi cho kyang rang sar lo je ne dul way ten ing that doing so is the practice of the vinaya, through the opin-
pa yin par lam ne lu dung war mi che pay gyur ion that the three vows taught by the buddha are insufficient. I
ngo war gyi o/ shen ngo tse dir chak ne to pa dedicate them to their never exerting themselves in learning out
sok Ia bung kyang lak len khyim pa we men of the wish to impress others and attachment to this life, and
par mi che pay gyur ngo war gyi o/ tse dir dik applying what they have learnt in a manner inferior even to that
pa Ia be ne yin paten pa yin parmi mo pay of a householder. I dedicate them to their never devoting their
gyur ngo war gyi o/ lives to wrongdoing and imagining that it is dharma.

rang gi gyu Ia dam pa na re tsam yang me I dedicate them to their never becoming a practitioner who,
kyang de se len pay cho par mi kye way gyur without even one bit of discipline in their continuum, still re-
ngo war gyi o/ dik rang gi che ne khak shen Ia ceives the offerings of the faithful. I dedicate them to their never
gel wa sok yo gyuy cho pa mi che pay gyur engaging in deception such as placing the blame for their own
ngo war gyi o/ rang cho dang mi tun par she wrongdoing on others. I dedicate them to their never delighting
kyang da dung shen trul du juk ne rang kyon in the concealment of their own faults in order to fool others,
be par che pa Ia ga way Ia mi kye way gyur even though they themselves know that they are in conflict with
ngo war gyi o/ dharma.
I dedicate them to their never becoming someone who,
tse tong se du song wa Ia duk ngel me par
undisturbed by their having wasted their whole life, suffers ob-
nam buy kha dok dang tso ma lek pa tsam Ia
sessively for an entire day over the poor color of their dyed wool.
duk ngel shak kor re mi kye way gyur ngo war
I dedicate them to their never giving rise to incorrect delight,
gyi o/ sang gye kyi ten pa dang yang dzin dam
such as not delighting in encountering the buddhadharma and
pa jal ne cho che pa Ia ga tro me par go sang
sublime teachers and practicing dharma, yet delighting in the
jar pa re jung na ga wa Ia sam pay ga wa go
acquisition of a little fine fabric.
lok mi jung way gylir ngo war gyi o/
I dedicate them so that they never follow charlatans who
kye bu dam pay yon ten dang nam tar ngon claim hidden powers and never lack faith in the obvious quali-
sum Ia mi de par dzun ma shen go kor way ties and lives of holy beings. I dedicate them to their never plac-
kok gyur gyi yon ten yo ser way je su mi juk ing their confidence in practitioners who, while knowing not
pay gyur ngo war gyi o/ tsik gi chi mo tsam one word of dharma, claim to bring others to liberation. I ded-
yang mi she par shen drol wa Ia jar wa ke ser icate them to their never believing through bias that, although
way cho pa Ia yi mi ton pay gyur ngo war gyi such persons behave in conflict with the buddha's words, their
of sung rap dang gal way cho pa che kyang behavior is especially justified.
da dung chok ri kyi wang gi di go den gyi dze
pa kye par chen yin nyam pay Ia mi kye way
gyur ngo war gyi o/
..... ..... <\..... <\
J.J~;:;,~J.l~'jl~~~aj'J.Ja.'Ul~'?~'t::!4~~~r;~~~a.'aj'J.l' dar na do gyu ne Ia may yon ten she pa dang In brief, may they take as their teachers gurus who have the
..... " <\ ? ..... <\ ..... den pay Ia ma yang dzin shu way gyur ngo qualifications taught in the sutras and tantras. I dedicate them to;~a.~~~t::~a.~;:;,: .l'Al'J.l~'jl~~~t::!4~~a.~~~:s!Al' war gyi o/ de Ia do gyu ne she pay de pa sol their giving rise to the unfabricated faith taught in the sutras arid
~~~qa~;:;,= ~a~r;~;:;,J.J\jl~~~t::!4~~asr;~q~ me kye way gyur ngo war gyi o/ deyi drung der tantras. I dedicate them to their generating, in their teacher's
do gyu ne she pay jang chup kyi sem sung presence, the bodhichitta taught in the sutras and tantras.
~J.l~q~r;t::~q~;:;_: ~q~r;~~~Al't::Jqq,a.Al~~r;qq way gyur ngo war gyi o/ I dedicate them to their, having generated bodhichitta, med-
Ald-l't::!~J.l~a~;:;_= Ald-l~Al9~~~~~::_~J.Jq~~~q~ de sung ne gyal way ka le jung way lam goni itating on the path taught by the buddha. I dedicate them to
pay gyur ngo war gyi o/ lam de Ia gek me par their encountering no obstacle on that path, their gradually tra-
q~~~a.~~~~~a.r:.Jr;~q~ajl;:;,= ~~t::~~~;:;_r;~~~ versing the ten levels, and their attaining the deathless state. I
rim shin sa chu dro de chi me kyi go pang top
~~~a.q~~~{{~~q~~r;qq~;:;_: ~~~~t::J~'~'(;' pay gyur ngo war gyi o/ de top ne rang shen dedicate them to, their having attained that, their effortless,
gyi don be me Ihun drup tu jung way gyur ngo spontaneous benefit of themselves and others.
~~~;:;_~J.l~;o~Al'a)~~~r;~~qq~;:;_: :s~~~;:;_Al~;:;_ war gyi o/ I dedicate them to, in the meantime, their never giving rise to
~~~r;~r;~Al~t::!~~~ajl;:;,= a.~~ar~Al~~~~~r; ne kap su yang tak par sem chen Ia chak dang
attachment or aversion to any being. I dedicate them to their
never becoming disastrously greedy for food and wealth. I ded-
~9qr;r;-~~a5~~~~!~z::t::~a~::_= ~'\Al~r;~~~ mi kye way gyur ngo war gyi o/ se nor Ia ser na
icate them to their never craving pleasure so much that they
che shing pung trol mi kye pay gyur ngo war
~~J.l~;:;_~qi'~~~~qajl;:;_= ~~~~~~~Al1~qa gyi o/ do yon Ia se pa che shing ge wa ngang
mindlessly cease virtuous action. I dedicate them to their never
uncompassionately preaching violence as dharma.
fl;:;_~~~a.~~~~~;:;_~~~a~~~t::!a~;:;.= ~~~~~ gi che pa de dra min jung way gyur ngo war
gyi o/ shen Ia nying je me pa nam par tse wa I dedicate them to their never, on top of failing to give rise to
~9qs~~~~~~4fl;:;_~~~s~~~~1~r;qajl;:;,= cho su mi ma way gyur ngo war gyi o/ renunciation, developing the intention to draw other practi-
tioners into the world. I dedicate them to their not engaging in
~~4~q~~~~q;:;_~r;~~~~9qs~~Al~r;~q~~;:;_ go me gyu Ia mi kye way khar cho pa jik ten wrongdoing just prior to death, after having devoted their whole
par juk pay Ia mi kye way gyur ngo war gyi o/
a.~q~~~1s~~ajl;:;,= t::!~& lives to virtue. I dedicate them to their never, while knowing
ge ge su ge wa che ne do shi khar dik pa che dharma, becoming so jaded that they become even more rashly
~~~mq~a!;:;,a.i'~~a~~~;:;_ pa de dra mi jung way gyur ngo war gyi o/ cho engaged in wrongdoing than before.
she shin dre par song ne mi ge wa che pa Ia
~~;:;_qa~;:;_= i'~s~~;:;_r;~qr;~~~Al~~~s~~ nying top cher dro wa de ta bu mi che pay gyur I dedicate them to their never becoming a practitioner who,
ngo war gyi o/ while thinking only of this life, pretends that their means of suc-
C4l;:;.r;~qr;~q~~~q::_1~::_qajl::_= cess in this life are aimed at future lives. I dedicate them to their
sam pa tse di ba shik sam ne de drup pay tap never becoming someone who seems to lack the freedom to
tse chi may don yin pa tar cho pay cho par min practice dharma but has the freedom to engage in what conflicts
gyur way gyur ngo war gyi o/ cho che na rang with dharma. I dedicate them to their never becoming someone
wang mi dO Ia cho min che pa Ia rang wang
top pa de dra war min gyur way gyur ngo war
gyi o/

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 2 39 03 The Uncommon Aspiration ofMikyo Dorje

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 240 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~q~q~~4~~q~~'(l.l'l~C4l't:::l't:::l~t:::1~'~'4~~q sang gye drup na she rap chung Ia nyal wa drup who seems to have little intelligence for the accomplishment of
na she rap che wa de ta bu mi jung way gyur buddhahood but great intelligence for the accomplishment of
~q~~~~~~qlt~~= ~~q~dr~o.r~~o.rsl~ar~ ngo war gyi o/ hell.
~"Q~i~~~"()Js~.1.l~~~~~~lsl~ar~arlQ~~ to sam gam sum che na long me par sok cho I dedicate them to their never becoming someone who has
&\ ...,.,...,., --::-. --~...,., no time to engage in hearing, contemplation, and meditation,
~~qa:~~= a,ll't1.1~'Q.l'l~~~Nl'S~'Q'Q.l'~~.1~a,ll. rna jin len mi tsang cho che na long yo par min
gyur way gyur ngo war gyi of do yon Ia go me but plenty of time to engage in killing, stealing, and fornication.
ar~~~~~~~~"Q(l.l'(~~qa~q~.1.l~Qa~~= dren pa Ia ngo tsa shing do yon gyi chir khyi tar I dedicate them to their never becoming someone who is
cho pa Ia ngo mi tsa way kye wa mi len pay gyur ashamed of the thought that pleasure is pointless but unashamed
~~~~q~~qs~1 a_J~~~"~a,~~l~a_f~~~ q~~ of behaving like a dog in the pursuit of pleasure. I dedicate them
ngo war gyi o/ chung ne tsun pa chef drok sa
~~d.]q~~~ ~~s"qa~~~~s~q(l.l4~q~"~q gen dang drokl ten sa Ia rna ten/ cho che to their never becoming someone who in youth becomes a
pay luk su che pa Ia she pa mi ge wa che pa monastic, remains in the company of the sangha, relies upon
slq~~~C4l~'()J~~q1 t:::l~i)J'Q'~~~~~qa~~~a5'sl shen le khay pa/ gurus, and lives like a practitioner; but all the while harbors a
...,., &\ ...,., ...,., mind that is even more skilled than others in wrongdoing, sides
q1 ~~~~as~~~~Q.l~?l'q1 4~~~q~J.l.~J.lq~~
sam pa rang gang nye way chok cha che pa/ Ia with thGse close to them, is invested in attachment and aversion,
~~~~~~~~a,~s~q~.1.l~~a,~~q~()J~~lq~ puk chak dang Ia te pa/ shi kha to sam gam pa and at the time of death has nothing such as learning, contem-
gang gi go ne kyang nge di che pa de lek duk plation, or meditation to reflect upon and think, "I have done
lq~~l~~~~a_~q~~l~~qa~~= ~~~~~~ sam gyu me par wang me du hril gyi chi wa de this; it is good," and therefore dies without any freedom what-
d.l~t:::l~~~ ~~(l.l~~~~~q%~~1 ~~~~~~~~q~~~ dra mi jung way gyur ngo war gyi o/ rang gi rang soever. I dedicate it to their never becoming someone who fools
go kor/ rang le kyi rang ching/ rang gyi themselves, is fettered by their own actions, deceived by their
~~~~~~~~~i~~~d.l~~~~d.l~l,~~~~~~~~ rang li.i/ rang don gyi rang nyc ne tar tuk go kar own lies, maddened by their own dons, and finally, when their
hril gyi song di.i nying tsa kham kham pa/ kyo hair is completely white, has an aching heart and becomes in-
~~~~()J.~()Jq1 f~~~~r:::11 ~fJ~~q~~~~~qa Ihang Ihang wa/ yi muk ge wa shik mi jung way tensely sad and deeply depressed.
~~t::lwt::l~t::l~~~ ~~~~:.~r.~.~~El~~~~~~~~:.~,~~:.~~tlf"'(~ gyur ngo war gyi o/
That was composed by the omniscient Karmapa Mikyo Dorje Gaway
"'~r.~.tla"'sr::.~~~tl!i!!("'~:.~~11 11 Yangchen, whose name is so famous.

~!:l~~~'i~~~1 Z::,'!;J~~~~~qq~~~~~qUi~q~1 ~z::,~\1~~ pa man lam tar chin dro way gon ]etsun Milarepa said, ~s I am a yogin who has accomplished try-e words~
dra gyur mar pay shap Ia du it is appropriate for me to make a good aspiration for the present and ul-
timate happiness and well-being ofus all. "Ht4ving said that, he sang this
q~~~~~~9~z::,~~~ff~~;;t~~~~a_~9~z::,~~11 dir tsok son chik bu lop kun song ofaspiration:
khye nam dak Ia ka drin che Father of perfected aspirations, protector of beings,
t:4tr~clld.!'d.!l-"'~~a.fz:Jad.!9~1 1~'1-"'d.!-"~a~z:]~cll dak kyang khye Ia ka drin che Marpa the Translator: I bow to your feet.
~l1 1Q.~-"l~~~~~~~~~z:]'\l~1 ~l~d.!~'z:]l~cll ka drin chen nyam pan lop nam
ngon gay shing du jal war shok All you disciples gathered here, listen!
l:l'1jQ.'~~~11l:ll~~~~lclll:l'1jQ.'~~~11l:l'I]Q.'~~~d.!"?d.!' You are very kind to me.
dir shuk yon dak tam che kyang
lq~~z:J.~d-1~1 1d.!~~l~a~~~d.!~cllz:J-"'4~ 1a.~"" tse ring so nam den par shok I am very kind to you.
sam pa lok par mi kye shing May we, master and disciples, equally kind,
z:]~~~ar~z:]l~ld.!~:ol~~1 1~~~z:]~l~d.!~~~~"" chon tUn sam pa drup par shok Meet in the realm of Abhirati.
49 1z:J~d.!'~'al9'~-"~~~~'11i~'d.!%~'z:J~d.!'~'~z:]'~-"' yul chok dir yang ta shi shing All you patrons present here,
49 ~~cll'~9~a.~-"'''l:l!!J'4~'4t::.'1 1~~l~~~ijl mi ne truk pa me pa dang May you have long lives and merit.
May incorrect wishes not arise in you.
lo lek dru pel de kyi den
~l~'1 1ar-~~~~a.?4cll'z:]~'~l~~~ 1\l~~i~'cll'~l kun tu cho Ia cho par shok May your wishes that accord with dharma be fulfilled.
q-"'4~ ll:ll~~~cll';J~t::,~~~ij'~l~., ~~d.!'1-"'~lcll dak gi shal tong sung to dang May this area be auspicious.
s~qlr::.11d.!~~;J~o.Jl-"'ij'~~l~d.!~11o.l~~l9a~r::. nam tar yi Ia dren pa dang May people be free from sickness and fighting.
tsen nam nam tar to tse nam May there be good harvests, bountiful grain, joy, and comfort.
~o.J~cll'z:J-"'49 19r::.~9.l:ll~~~d.!l-"'cll11~l~r::.z:Jmz:] ngon gay shing du jal war shok May all practice dharma at all times.

q-"slqlr::.1 1~~r::.a.asl~~slql~1 1~9lr::.59 gang shi dak gi nam tar Ia May all who see my face, hear my speech,
Recollect my life,
d.!ila.~cll'z:J'lt::,'1 1~o.l'l-"'~cll'z:J~~fr::.z:J'~d.!~1 1o.l~~ cho ching drup par che pa dang
dri shing che nyen che pa dang Or hear my name or of my life,
l9a~r::.~d.!~cllz:J-"'49 1 lok dang chak cho bul wa dang Meet me in Abhirati.
nam tar tsul shin kyong wa nam
May anyone who follows my life story
ngon gay shing du jal war shok
In conduct and in practice;
Or asks about, explains, or listens to it;
Or reads, prostrates, or presents offerings to it;
Or correctly emulates it,
Meet me in Abhirati.

Additional Aspirations & Dedications ~ 241 Cl8' The Aspiration ofMila

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 242 cg A Compilation for Recitation

~~~~~~:s~~la!l~.r~~<llll~<ll~~~'-~~~~~~II1F ma ong gang sak tam che Ia To all people of the future:
gal te gom pa nu si na If you are able to meditate,
q'~~,Q.r~r~~~~'-~~ll~~~~~~<ll~~~'-1~4~ 1i~ mi kho wo ka wa che che pay May you, through my austerities,
5~~,Q,~~~~'-~"'~I ~~~~~~~~'-~~~~~'-~ar~l 1~ gek dang gol sa me par shok Be free from obstacles and pitfalls.

<ll~~~~~~"'~~<lll 1~1Q,5~s~J~~~~'-~ar~ I 11F chO chir ka tup cho pa Ia There is immeasurable merit
so nam pak tu me pa yo In engaging in austerity for dharma.
~~~]~{~'-~"'~1 1s~~~~~'-~~~~~'-~ar~1 1~'-~~ de Ia juk ching kul wa Ia There is immeasurable kindness
In facilitating and encouraging it.
~~~~c;.r~s~~~~~~~ 1{~'J~~~~~<ll~~~~1 I ka drin pak tu me pa yo
mi kho wo nam tar to pa Ia There is immeasurable blessing
~~~'J~~~~~~'-1~'4~ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~"-l' jin lap pak tu me pa yo In hearing my life story.

~~1 ~~~~ar~~~'-~l~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~"'~~~~~~ pak me sum gyi jin lap kyi Through the blessing of these three immeasurables,
to pa tsam gyi drol gyur ne May beings be liberated just by hearing it.
4~ 1~~~~l~~~~~~11~~~f1Q,~~~~~~~~'-~11 sam pa tsam gyi drup par shok May all be accomplished just by contemplating it.
~~~~~l~~~~~'-1~'4~ 1~'~<ll~~~~~~~~~'11~' dak gi ne dang ne mal dang May my places, and the places I've stayed,
~~~~~~~~~~qar~~11~~~'-~~~~~~~~~11 ngo po chi pa tam che kyi And my belongings, and anywhere I have gone
...,.., ~ ...,.., ...,.., ~ ...,.., gar song yul du de kyi shok Or they are brought be filled with joy and well-being.
~~~CJao~~.l~~~'-~~.4~ 1~~ao~~~~~<ll~~~
sa dang chu dang me dang lung Wherever the elements of earth, water,
'-~1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~~~~~~~~'-1~' nam kha jung way gar khyap pa Fire, wind, and space are present,
4~ ~~~~~t:_~'~111l de shin dak gi khyap par shok May I be present too.

lha lu Ia sok de gye dang May devas, nagas, and the rest of the eight classes;
de shin shi dak jung poy tsok Local devas; and bhutas not cause
no pa ke chik mi kye shing Harm for even an instant.
sam pa cho shin drup par shok May their wishes be fulfilled in accord with dharma.

sok chak sin bu Ia sok pa May not even one animal, insect,
chik kyang khor war mi tung shing Or other being fall into samsara.
ma 10 nga yi dren par shok May I lead them all to liberation.
~~~<l.l~~~~ l Aspiration for the Well-Being of Tibet

~~~t1l~~~~i}ll1~;]~t1l!~t11~;]1 ~lq~t11::_~~~ kyap ne lu me kon chok tsa wa sum Undeceiving sources of refuge, three jewels and three roots;
khye par gang chen gon po chen re sik Especially Avalokita, protector of the Land of Snow;
;]~~q~~~~~~t11~1 ~~~~~~~;]!~J~q~~::_1 1 je tsOn drol rna gu ru pe rna jung Noble lady Tara; Guru Padmakara:
t1l~~~a,~~~~%t1l~'l;]~~~~~l~::_~11~~~;]~::_~ sol wa dep so tuk dam shal she gong I pray to you. Consider your pledges and promises.
Grant your blessings that my aspirations be fulfilled.
~~~q~s~~~%~~1 ~~t1l~~~a.f~;]~~~;]~~ man lam yang su drup par jin gyi lop

- ~ "''"'
~t1lql::_l ~~~::_~:;_!:;!~t1l~qa,~~~~ ~~ ~~~;]
nyik dO dro nam sam jar lok pa dang
chi nang jung wa truk pay gyu kyen gyi
ngar rna drak pay mi chuk dal yam ne
Through the incorrect thoughts and actions of beings in
degenerate times
And turmoil of the outer and inner elements,
~t1l~q~~~~~l~'Ul;]~~ll lt11::~a,m,~~~~~~t11 There are new human and animal diseases. 1~~a.~l~~t1l~;]ar~~l;]t11. sa lu gyal don nak chok jung pay ser We are struck by planets, nagas, gyalpos, and evil bhutas;
tsa se ser sum lo nye mak truk tso Blight, frost, hail, and poor harvests; war and fighting;
~t1l~fll la;~~~~;]~t1l::.~~~::rs~fl~l ~~t1l~i! char chu mi nyom gang chen dra chiy ten Uneven rainfall, blizzards, destruction by voles and rats,
sa yo me dra jung shiy jik pa dang
l~~::_~~~a,~t1l~ql::_1 ~lq~~~~17.1a.~~~;]f!Q,' Earthquakes, fire, danger from the four elements;
And, in particular, invasions that threaten the dharma.
khye par ten Ia tse way ta mak sok
l;]t1l'~t11~1 1t1l::_~~~~::_~a,~~t1l~la,~~t1l~;]f!Q,' gang chen jong dir no tsey rik ta dak May all such things that menace this Land of Snow
lt1l ~~~~~~::_!l~~a,~;]~~~~t11 1~l::_~~~a_f nyur du shi shing tse ne jam gyur chik Be quickly pacified and eradicated.
mi dang mi min dro wa ta dak gyi May all beings, human and non-human,
~;]f!a.lt11~ l~l~s::.~~~;]~.;]~t1l~~.q.~ I 1::.::. Naturally generate precious bodhichitta
gyO Ia jang chup sem chok rin po che
t11~ - ~ -
~~~~t1l~la.a5a.~~;]~~s~l "'
-"'!;]~l::_~~~~~::_1 - '"'
ngang gi kye ne no tsey sam jor dral
pen jam pay sem dang den ne kyang
bo ta i..i de kyi pal gyi jar
And be free from malevolent thoughts and actions.
May they love one another.
May all ofTibet be filled with joy, well-being, and wealth.
~~a_~~~~r;~~~~~~ql~~~~~t11~~4t111!'t11~;] May the buddhadharma spread, flourish, and long remain.
sang gye ten pa dar gye ne shok
~~~~~~~~~ ?~~qa,~~~~
"'- - iT! "'
~~~a,l~l""l~a,!~ Through the power of the truth of the three roots, buddhas,
tsa sum gyal wa se che den pay top
and bodhisatrvas;
khor de ge way tsa wa gang chi dang
t1lr;(;.l~~lr;ll!:;!lt1l'~t1l~t1l'~~;]~;]q~l1~~a.;]%~11 The power of all the roots of virtue in samsara and nirvana;
dak chak lhak sam nam par kar way ti..i
And the power of our pure benevolence,
t1l~~~lfl~~q~a.s~~~~~~~t11 1~1\<f~apr~=<~r~s=.~
sol tap man pay dre bu drup gyur chik May what we have prayed and wished for be accomplished.
1he lord guru ]amyang Khyentse Wangpo said to me, "Because ofthe great
uncertainty ofthe present time, I pray six times each day for the well-being

Additional Aspiratiom & Dedicatiom ro 243 C?3 1he Aspiration for the Well-Being ofTibet
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 244 (!g A Compilation for Recitation

ZS'ry~~r::~~r::~~f~~J.l~~~~~:~;.~~~~~J.l!(lz:r~~~:~~l 15\~~~z; of Tibet. It is important that you do so as well." In accordance with that
command, I wrote this to remind me to do so.
~~:~;.~~~~r::~ 1 a.~?4r::~~~:~~:~;_:~;.r:;:~r::~~~~w~s~~:~~l:J~~l:J
This was written by ]amgon Lodro Thaye at Tsadra Rinchen Drak in the
1:1:1\'~:1\'%~ ~~~~%~'J.lfll2.'tll~'~~~~~~~~E3~'~'~~~l:J~'l1:1\'
morning of an auspicious conjunction during the waxing phase of the
~~~~r::~~:~~~:~;.'l:J'li:,'~~~:~~~~C!j:~;_'!~~:~tlls:~~l:l\tll ll month Gyal. Yathasiddhirastu.
. . r3tJg...Yf} (1ft!cLu.ciii c;;a&t![Yfi ~
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 246 03 A Compilation for Recitation

o.J~~!::l:l\~~a:~:Jil:~r~:~"!f~<l.!o.J.o.J\~a:~~~~~~~~s~:J!;J~~~11 om swasti The Meaning ofthe Sutras, an aspiration for birth in the realm ofAbhi-
~~~r~1 ~~~~~~ID~~~~~~11ID~~rq~~s~l lha yi lha chok gyal wa sha kya tup
gyal pay khap kyi ja go pung par shuk

~r;q:l;:~~~~1 1l~~~~l~a,~~sr:::~~~~~lq~ dra cham gen dun jang chup sem pay tsok The greatest of devas, the buddha Shakyamuni,
si sum che guy tsok kyi shap Ia tuk Once abided at Rajgriha, on Vulture Peak Mountain.
l~~1 1~l~~~~l~~l~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~~ He was attended by a sangha of arhats, an assembly of
de tse sha riy bu yi sol tap ne
~~~~~~~~~~7~~~1 1a,f~~~~~~~~~~ij dro Ia pen chir cho kyi dron me bar
And many great beings from the three types of existence.
~~1 1~l~~r;lr;;~~~l~~~~~~~~1 1Ulr;l~f~ dak kyang dang way yi kyi kyap su chi
yang dak man lam di dak drup par shok At that time Shariputra supplicated,
1:\. -
1:\. - - -
"To benefit beings, light the torch of dharma."
di ne shar chok lok su tong sum tong I too, filled with awe, take refuge in you.
~~~~r;11a_l~qa~~~~~~q~l~a_~~~11(Q~7~ de pay pa rol ngon par ga wa she May these pure aspirations be fulfilled.
~~~~ijlq~~r;~~~(Ql11~l~'O~~r;~~~~~~l yon ten shal du me pay shing kham yo
From here, to the east, past a thousand billion-fold realms,
dak chak shing der cho Ia cho pa dang
qlr;1 ;:. 1:\.
1Sr;~~~~~lqa,~~~~~~qlr;1 1~lq
Is the realm called Abhirati.
jang chup sem pa nam kyi juk pa dang Its qualities are immeasurable.
~~~lr;i~~~qlr;1 1~~~~~~~~llr;~05q~q cho pa chok dang tro wa chen po dang May we practice dharma in that realm,
sem chok kye dang go cha go wa dang
lr;1 1(Q~7~~~lq~~~~~~q~4~ 1~~~~~~ yon ten cho pay tsulla juk par shok
Enter into bod~isattva action,
Engage in that grand conduct with great joy,
q~~r;~ID~~~~~.q-~1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generate bodhichitta, don the armor of diligence,
ngon tse dzok pay sang gye chen chen pay
And affirm the qualities of others there.
~~~~~11~~~~~~~~q~l~~r;~~ 1Sr;~~~lq par chin druk le tsam te cho khor kor
de tse chok tu gyur pay ge long shik
In the past, the buddha Mahachakshu
jang chup cho pa chok Ia dam cha dze Turned the dharmachakra of the six transcendences.
q~1 1~~~~!~~~ID~~~~~~~~~lr;1 1l~ID~ no sem mi kye kyen gyi mi truk pay
At that time, a great bhikshu vowed
To engage in the grand bodhisattva action.
~~~~~r;l~~~~~11~~ijlq~~~~~~~~~~~ de ne tsam te gyal se ne kap dang
da ta gyal war gyur kyang mi truk she As he vowed to never bear malice or be agitated by
~~11 Ia na me pay tsen chok don den gyur circumstances,
Since that time, throughout his time as a bodhisattva,
And now as a buddha, he has been called Akshobhya
This best of names has proven apt.
sr;~~~~~"qa:~~~~~~~~"a.~a,r;ll~r;~~!{l~q~ jang chup sem pay ne kap de nyi la'ang I prostrate to you, even as the bodhisattva
nying ne gO pay yi kyi chak tsal Ia You were, with heartfelt devotion.
~"~~~~a_~a.~arl ~~~~ar~"~~"~~~a_ff~a.~~ gon po kye tar dam cha man lam dep Protector, I make promises and aspirations like yours.
a,~~~~ ~l~~~l.~l~~~~l~~~4~ ~~~~~"~:; khye kyi dze cho je su dak lop shok May I emulate your deeds.

~~~q~~~~~~"'a.!l ~lr;~~l~~~~~~q~~~ yo gyu me ching den pay sem kye Ia "I will be without deception, and truthfully generate
tro dang no sem truk pa tam che pang bodhichitta.
~l~r;~~~~~Cllr;~~~~l~~~q~~~~la,sa.~lla_~l nam yang tam che khyen pay sem mi dral I will abandon all anger, malice, and irritation.
do pay do chak Ia sok nyon mong pang I will never forget omniscience.
q~a,~lo;~~a.~~~~~~~r;~~r;~ll~~~~\a.~~~~ I will abandon kleshas such as desire.
ll~~~~~lr;sa.~ll~~~~~lsr;~~ar:;~~~~~~~ sok cho Ia sok mi gey sem dang dral
"I will not even have the intention of wrongdoing such as
tak tu Ia me jang chup yang su ngo
~"~~q~~~~~~"q"r;11~r;~~~~"s"a_sa.~~" ji ke me pa de shin gyi pa dang killing.
sang gye yi che dral me gam par shok I will always dedicate all virtue to unsurpassable awakening.
~~q~4~ ~~~~~\l~~~~~~r;~~~r;lla,~l~r;~~ I will always do what I say.
tse rap kun tu rap tu jung ne kyang
4~~:;~q~ar~7~~~~ l 05 ~~q~"q~~~~q~l~ do chung chok she jang pay yon ten den
May I always meditate on the buddha, without separation.

~~~~ 1 ~~~~l'ci~ar~~a.~~~~Cllr;~"1 1!~:;~:;~ chak pa me pay pop pay dam cho ton "In every life I will fully renounce, have little desire,
bak me le 16 nyal wa nam yang me Be content, and develop the qualities of training.
4r;~~~a.~~l~~lll~l~l~~~lr;~~~~~~~lq I will teach genuine dharma with the confidence of no
tsa tung pang shing khyim gyi le mi kye
"l;'ll~~~~~llqa,~r;a.~~~~l~~l~r;11~~~~~ bO me dzun dang shen kyon cho pa dang
I will never sleep carelessly or lazily.
~l~r;~~l~r;~~4~ ~~~~~~~~~a.~a,r;~~l~~ shen no pa kong Ia sok mi gyi ching
den don cho tse ngen cho pong war shok "I will abstain from root downfalls, and will not be a
"1;'11~~~\l~a.~~~q~~4~~~ll 1l~~~~~q~ householder.
ta na ngur mik tsun la'ang cho ten dang I will not go with women, lie, recount others' faults,
~l~~r;~~~~~r;~l I~~lr;:::~r;~r;~~~~~~q~ Ia den kOn Ia ton pay du she kye Harm others, or intimidate them.
dam cho nyen par tson shing lha shen pang
~~1;'11 cho dang sang sing tak tu nyom par tong
May I engage in the truth, and abandon bad behavior.

"I will view even a scrap of saffron doth as a stupa,

And all intelligent persons as the teacher.
I will diligently listen to genuine dharma, and renounce other
I will always give both dharma and material things equally.

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ro 247 03 An Aspiration for Birth in the Realm ofAbhirati
The Kagyu Monlam Book 8U 248 03" A Compilation for Recitation,r;~~~~~~~~~~Q.l~~~1 1~'14l~'~'UlT;'~Q.l' sok la'ang mi ta shen gyi duk ngel sem "Without considering even my own life, I will think of others'
mi lam du yang tsul trim chal wa pang suffering.
~~~a.a:;~4~~~r;~1 1~r;~~~~r;~Ulr;~~~qa1 1~r; gang na nye tung dra yang mi drak pay I will not be immoral even in dreams.
~i~arr;~~l~q~~q~4~ 11~~~~11.l~a~'tl~ shing chok yong su dak pa drup par shok May I accomplish a great pure realm
Where even the word violations is unheard."
~ ~...,.- ...,.- ~
~~q~1 1~;.]'t:,l' ,'Q.l~~a:;~!(l1 1l~~~a.a.l mi truk gyal way nyu gur gyur pa na
nam pa de dray man lam go cha dze Such were the aspirations you made, Akshobhya,
a.s~~qa~Q.l~~~~~1 1~~lsr;~~~~~~Q.l~~ dam cha di dra den pay gyal se nam And the armor you donned, when you became a bodhisattva.
Ia me jang chup nye she gyal way ngak "For bodhisattvas with such commitment,
~~~~11~~~qa~~Q.l~a.~~~~~~~~r;~ar~11~~ Unsurpassable awakening is close," said the buddha, praising
~~~l~r;~a~~~~~1 1a.~~~~\l~~~~~~qQ.l~ den pay tu le jik ten kham kyang yo you.
kye rna ngon me seng gey dra chen she
~~~~~l11~l~~~~~~~r;~~~~~lq~4~ 1~14l' jik ten kun tu ngak pa len gyar cho Through the power of such truth, the world shook then.
dak chak nam kyang de shin cho par shok All in that world praised you a hundred times, saying,
~~~~r;~~~~e::l't:,I';.J!(lq~11~l~~r;~~a.~~~~ "Oh, such a lion's roar has never been heard!"
gyal shen sang gye dze pa dze pa na
\l~rs~~11~~~~11.l\l~~~~~~lq~J:ll~r;1 ~l~ 6 kyi nang way jik ten kun khyap te
May we do what you have done.

~~~~~l~;.]~a.r;~lr;;,J~r;~11~~Q.l't:,I'~S!T;'tla,'~;.]~' duk ngel kun shi ngo tsar pak me jung When other buddhas do a buddha's deeds,
khye ni tuk kye tsam na'ang de dang tsung Their radiant light fills all the world.
lqa_~r;Q.l~~~11a.~~~~i~~~r;Ul~'Q.l~'~r;~~~~ All suffering is pacified. Endless wonders arise.
kal pa sang pay sem pa tong Ia sok
~~1 1~~qa~~~a.r;~r;~~~\1~~~~~~~1 1~"'~ pak chok drang ye le kyang che lhak che
All this occurred when you merely gave rise to bodhichitta.

~r;~~~.q.~llr;;,J~r;~q~4~ 1~~~~~~~~~~11.l' lop pay du na'ang sang gye kun gyi ngak You were praised by all buddhas at the time of your training.
dak kyang gon po khyo dang tsung par shok They said, "He is far superior to innumerable great aryas,
~sr;~~4r;'11~~~a.~r;~~lq~~l~~arll4l11~~ Such as the thousand bodhisattvas of this fortunate kalpa."
chom den mi truk gyal pay jang chup shing Protector, may I become equal to you.
~~~~~Q.l~~~~Q.l~~ 11 ~~~~~qai~~;.];JQ,'Ul~ nam pang du ni pak tse bum yo Ia
rin chen na dun le drup de le ni
~r;1 1~~Q.l't:,l'~~tra.~~~~~cq~~1 1~~~~~a.l
The bodhi tree of the bhagavat Akshobhya
rap tu nyen pay cho dra ta ye jung Is a hundred thousand leagues in height.
~r;~~~l4li~~r;~~1 1~~~~~~qa.r~J~~~l~~~ It is made of the seven precious things.
kal pa chen po bum trak chu yi bar Innumerable melodic dharma sounds issue from it.
~~~11~a.saml1.l~~~~~~r;~~4~ 1 cham den tso shing she Ia ch6 kyang ton
chi je ten pa'ang yun tse de tsam ne Bhagavat, you will live for a million great kalpas,
de dray gyal wa tak tu tong war shok And teach dharma for that long.
Your dharma will survive you for an equal span of time.
May I always see such buddhas.
s~:~~p:;:J~~rq:~;,~:~;,t;:]a,'~~z::u~,~~~1 1a.%\l~.l~a: jang chup nye par gyur way shak dun ngon Seven days before your attainment of awakening,
dro kun ga dey khyap ching nyon mong dral All beings were filled with joy and happiness, and freed from
t;:]~~~t;:]~~~~~~~El"'l1 1~~l~4~'t;:]~~~flo.l~' Ia me ye she nye tse kham sum yo kleshas.
~~o.l~ar11\"'l'o.l~lqlq~Ul~~"'l11lq~ kun gyi chak tsal cho pa pak ye pul When you achieved unsurpassable pristine wisdom, the three
realms shook.
cil't;:]~~cil~~~:~;,~a,~~~~11~~~l~~~~~~~~o.l' pak tse gya yi tse chen nor buy duk All prostrated to you, and presented countless offerings.
tak tu u tsuk teng gi nam khar ne
d.lfl:l\~~~1 1~~~~d.l~~~a.~~~~flo.l~~~1 1~r~ tong sum chen pay jik ten kham de ni A jeweled parasol a hundred leagues wide
ku yi o ser kho nay tak tu khyap Is always present in the sky above your head.
~l~:~;,rr~~~~~~t;:]1 1~~flo.l~~~~~a.%t;:]~l"'l~ Your great realm of a billion worlds
l~'11~~~~~~l~a_~t;:llla_~~t;:]~l11~~l~~ll~ shing kham de na ngen dro du le dang Is always filled with the light-rays of your body.
mu tek chen dang tap tso ching wa me
~lqar~~~l~~11~l.~lf~l~~~;S~l~~tr-~l11 ge dang ne dang gu pa yang me ching In your realm, there are no lower states,
bu me kyon dang mi tsang ngo po me Activity of maras, tirthikas, fighting, bondage,
~~~~~o.l~~~~~~~~"'l'"'l't::l~~11t;:]~~qd.l~~t;:]a,'~l Aging, sickness, or loss of any kind.
nyen to nam kyang tek chen tsul Ia ten
"'l'l~'t;:]~d.J'~t::l11l~~~l~~~t;:];lqd.l~a.~l~~11 den pa tong way mo Ia dra cham top
Women there have no disadvantages. There is nothing impure
s~~t;:]~d.l~lqa,~~q~l~l~1 ~~l~~~a,ar~?~ ge long gen dun ko pa ta me ching
jang chup sem pay du pa tse me de The shravakas there practice the mahayana.
t;:]~~~"'l~a_l~11t;:]l~l~o.l~a.Ul~'a_~t;:l'a_~l~\1~11 As soon as they see the truth, they attain arhathood.
de dak re rey yon ten drang le de
t~~o.l~~lo.jq~~a~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~a.f(~ dak dang ta ye dro wa di dak kun
The sangha of bhikshus is immeasurably vast.
The gathering of bodhisattvas is also immeasurable.
~t;:]q:~;,4~ 1o.l~~'t;:]Sl~'~'~~a.~o.l'"'l'~~~t;:]~11d.l~lo.j~' tsok chok dam pa de dray nang chu ne
cho kyi go yi ting dzin top par shok Each of them has innumerable qualities.
~l~~~~~:~;,~~~~~~~~:~;,~q~'o.jr;'q~:~;,t;:]'~'~t;:]~11 May I and all these innumerable beings
dok sang sa shi jam Ia rek na de Be included in such sublime gatherings
~~~o.j'~:l;,'o.j'~'%~"-l~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~o.j~'lq~ to men me ching lha yi nor bi..i tre And attain the samadhi of dharma gates.
ser gyi pe ma mang pay rap tu khep
t::l~d-14~"-l~~~'11a_t;:ll'l"'l'~lq:~;,~~~~~l~d-1~'~11 The colorful ground in your realm is smooth to the touch.
dong dum tser ma ngam drok Ia sok pang
~t;:]~~~qa,fl'Sl~a_~l't;:]~~~~1 ~o.j'~d.l~'~d.l~'~l It is even and decorated by the jewels of devas.
go dang gyen nam pak sam shing le jung It is covered by plenty of golden lotuses.
~~"'l~lfl~q~1 ~l~o.l"'l~~arsl~o.l~~q11 be tsol me par rin chen no nam su There are no such things as logs, thorns, or gorges.
ro gya den pay kha se do shin jung
khyim nam tam che shal me khang pa te Clothing and jewelry come from wish-fulfilling trees.
tri dang mal ten yo che du may khyap Without effort, food of a hundred flavors
Appears as wished in precious vessels.
All dwellings there are palaces.
They are furnished with all luxuries, such as thrones and beds .

.kpirations to the Pure Lands tv 249 U'8 An Aspiration for Birth in the Realm ofAbhirati
The Kagyu Monlam Book tv 2 50 0.J A Compilation for Recitation

~~:r~;~~~es;,Jt;:]~~z:r~11~r;~~~q~'{~q~rarr;~r dzing bu ser gyi che ma dal wa Ia There are pools spread with golden sand,
nya ngen me pay chon pay yang su kor Surrounded by ashoka trees.
~t;:]~~11~~~~~~~"'~~~~~~~t;'11"'~;,Jqa,~ de dak kye buy di:i Ia je su jung They arise in response to beings' wishes.
~r;~~~r;~~t;:]~~~~ 1 1 (~~q~~r;~~~l~a~~ jam pay lung dang tsa drang duk ngel me There are gentle breezes, but no suffering from heat or cold.

~~~1 1~~~~~~~~~~;,J~~~~;,J~q~t;:]~1 1~' dzok pay sang gye chi:i kyi gyal po le Other than the buddha, the king of dharma,
tso khor shen me tam che nyom par de No one is dominant; all are equally happy.
lr;~r;~~~~~~!~~~11~~~til~~t;:]~;,j'q'~'~~ nyo tsong shing sok le Ia mi juk te There is no work such as buying, selling, or farming.
ji tar yi Ia sam pa de tar jung Whatever is wished for arises.
~r;~~;,J~~~~~1 1~~~~~J.T~!;t;:]~ar~~~ 11 ser gyi ta lay nak kyi chok kun khyap Groves of golden palm trees fill all directions.
yi ong dra dang dri shim kun tu tOI Pleasant sounds and delicious fragrances abound.
;,J9~~\~~~~~~~~~t;:]~a~~1 1~~~~~~~ lu gar ri:il mi:i tse yang bak yi:i den Although they enjoy song, dance, and music, all are attentive.

"'~t;:]~r;~~q~r;1;';.Ji~~~~~~~~~11 gi:in khyi:i chi:i yul shek na shap kyi je Protector, when you walk, in your footprints appear
rin chen chu kye dap tong den pa jung Precious lotuses with a thousand petals.
"'~;,J~~r;~~~;,J~!~~;,j't;:]~11~~~~~~~~~til~;,j' pe ma de yang chi:i yO I chen par gyur Those lotuses are then worshipped.
~~~~1 1~~~~r;l~;,j~'t;:]~'t;:]~'~1 1~~~~~~~~ dzam bu ling ne sum chu tsa sum bar Between Jambudvipa and Thirty-Three
~~la.t t;'t;:]~ 1 1~'~;,j~'"'~;,J'l~;~r;q~;,j~'~'tr~ 1 1~t;:]t;' ser ngul be du rya yi tem ke chen There is a stairway of gold, silver, and vaidurya.
de Ia lha dang mi nam de war gyu Devas and humans walk up and down it with ease.
ji tar lha shen de tar mi yang de The humans are as happy as the devas.
qF~lil~11"'~t;:].~;,J~~~t;:]~;,J~~l~~~q11~~q~ lha nam dzam bu ling pa nam Ia mi:in The devas aspire to be like the people ofJambudvipa.
;.Jl~~t;:]f~~r;l~~r;~~1 1~;,J~~~~~~~~~J,lr;~ wang gyur dO kyi jik ten she drak na'ang Even those in the world known as Masterful Mara
yan dak lam Ia shuk pa kho na yin Are all engaged in the perfect path.
4~r~r;~r;1 1~~q~~~~r;~~~r;~;.J~~~~1 1"'~~
dro wa tam che cham den mi truk pa Bhagavat Akshobhya, all the beings in your realm
q~~~"'t;:]~~~r;as~~s~~t;:]11;,Jr;~~~~~r;t;:]~r;~ tak par chi:i Ia tson ching chi:i kyang nyen Constantly venerate you and listen to dharma.
~~~~t;:]~~t;:]~11~~~~~;,J~~~r;~;,j'~~~~l;,jt;"'11 tam che kun ne nyon mong she chung shing They all have few kleshas and are without
dik pay le dang nye tung dri may en The stains of wrongdoing and transgressions.
~;,J~~q"'~;,J~a~;,J~~t;:]~;,jl~t;:]~~~r;~;,J~;.Jl~~ do pay ga wa le kyang chak dral top They are all free from attachment to the pleasures of desire.
ngal ne khang sang ta bur shak dun de One abides in the womb there for seven days, and experiences
till~a~~q~~11~r;~~~;,J~~l~~e~~~~q~ it as a mansion.
nyen to nam kyang nam trul se mi nga
~~11 sem pa nam kyi nam tar sam mi khyap The shravakas there have inexhaustible miraculous powers.
shing kham chok dey cho kyi jar pay ni The feats of the bodhisattvas there are inconceivable.
shing shen tam che sil gyi non par gyur The abundance of dharma in that realm
Surpasses that in all other realms.
~ C\ -~
~~~ ~~~r~rt~~r~r~y;z:r11 1l~~~q~os~ . . l~<l!~~
....-' ....-' ....-' iri tuk je den pa po kyi lang po ni The compassionate Gandhahasti
~ C\ C\C\~ ....-' ta ta kyop pa chok gi gyal tsap Ia Is presently the regent of the great protector.
<ll~~11c.f~~~~~l.r~a:~~~qa_~~~~11~~~~~<ll~ mi truk gyal way ten pay chi je su Seven days after the dharma of the buddha Akshobhya has
~~~~~~<l!~;,:,~;,:,1 1~~~~~~r~~;,:,~q~~~1 1 shak dun lon ne cho kyi gyal par gyur waned,
Gandhahasti will become a king of dharma.
~~~~~~q~~~~~~~11~~~~~a,~~<ll~~~d-l' lha miy ton pa ser gyi pe ma she
top chu den pa mi truk ji ta wa That teacher of devas and humans will be known as Golden
~~~q;,:,~;,:,11~9~.q.~~~~~q;,:,sl~;,:,%~ 1~~~ tuk jey trin le sam mi khyap par gyur Lotus.
gon po de ni nye par che gyur chik Having the ten strengths, he will be just like Akshobhya.
His compassionate activity will be inconceivably vast.
~t;'11~~~~~llr;~~%~a,~~~q~~;,:,11 14f~<l!'~~ cham den khyo kyi dze cho ji ta war May I please that protector.
jang chup cho pa drup par dam cha shing
.- - .- "'
q~~<ll~lqlr;1 ~l~l~os~~~r;~a,~~qlr;11l' 1
m mi truk nyi dang lhen chik drok pay chir Bhagavat Akshobhya, I vow to accomplish
pa rol chin pa druk Ia cho pa dang Bodhisattva action exactly like yours.
~r;l~a,~~:)~'lt;'~<ll~~~1 ll~a,~~~~;~.:)~~~ In order to enter your presence,
khyo ku dam cho sung way nam pa dang
afr;~~~~1 1~.l~~~~l~~~r;~~~;,:,~~r;~1 1~141 ge long gen dun dren dang gyal se kyi
I will practice the six transcendences,

~~ld-lq~~~~~~i~'<l!d-l'Q.~~~11~~~~~~~r;fl~~ gen dun je su dren ne yong su ngo Recollect your form as you teach dharma,
de dak ngon gay shing du kye war sung Recollect your sanghas of bhikshus and bodhisattvas,
l~q;,:,~~qlr;'11~~l~~r;~;,:,i~l4l~a,~~~~~~1 And wholly dedicate all virtue.
gyal tsap dam pay tsen to man lam dep
~~~~~r;9d-l~~;,:,~lqlr;'1 1:Ilr;~~~lr;q~'l4l' cho chuy shing kham dak par drup pa dang
It is taught that those who do so will be born in Abhirati.

~~~~q~11~~~~~~r;~~~~q;,:,slq~~~1 ~l~ shen dak shing der man lam dep su juk Those who hear the name of your great regent and make
mi truk shing gi do der cho pa dang aspirations, '
~~r;tr.l~l~~~l~~~~~~.:l\11~~~~~~~r;~~~r; Contemplate the purification of realms in the ten directions,
lang pay tri dang pe rna Ia shuk pay . Encourage others to aspire to birth in your realm,
~;,:,a_~q;,:,~;,:,11~r;~~~~~~q~~~9~~~l~~r;~11 ku suk tong trak drup par che pa sok Practice the Sutra of Akshobhya's Realm,
- ~ -
a,~~\\~~lF~~ql~~~~1~~l~~~l'\~a,dl~~ 141
m c-...~ khye ku drang ye gen dun tsok kyi kor
ngon sum tong ne shing der dro war gyur Or make a thousand images of you
;,:,~~~~~~11d-l~~q;,:,l~a,~~~r;l4l~lq;,:,9~ 1 Seated on an elephant throne and a lotus,
sang gye den pay tsik gi de ke sung Will actually see you surrounded by your vast sangha,
dro wa kun kyang nam pa de ta bu And will reach your realm.
so nam ge way tsok Ia rap shuk ne
ngon par ga way shing Ia cho par shok The buddha spoke these true words.
May all beings in such a way
Gather an accumulation of virtue
And reach the realm of Abhirati.

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ~ 2 5I 03 An Aspiration for Birth in the Realm ofAbhirati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 52 03 A Compilation for Recitation

z::Jl~~~~~~~~z:;J']&,!~'~l~11~'~11.l'~~~~l~l1.1'11.1' dak chak deng ne kye wa tam che du May we, from now on, in all births
pa rol chin chuy pal Ia long cho ching Enjoy the splendor of the ten transcendences,
ar~~~l~~119&.1~~d.l~z::J~~l~~9&.~~~r:;~~~~~11 nam sum drip pay tsok nam drung chung ne Eradicate the three obscurations,
~ 'Y" -~ 'Y" 'Y" 'Y" " :il ~ 'Y" "
mi truk gon pay go pang top par shok And achieve the state of the protector Akshobhya.
o..J'~~~&.~~~~,-~,~a_~~lz::J'~J\'4~ ~~~l ,d.l'lz::J'~'

z::JJ\'~~~1 1~'&.1%~~~~~z::JJ\'05l'~~~~~1 1l&.l~~ ji si de ma top kyi bar du yang Until that happens,
mi tun chok kyi bar che kun shi shing May all obstacles be pacified.
f~~l~a_~~&.~f~~l1.l'z::J~1 1a_~~~~~l'z:;J~'I1.l'Q_~l dam pay cho kyi ga ton chok rol way Enjoying the great feast of genuine dharma,
~J\4~ ~~~l:l~~~q:z::~~"-tl~~"~~~"~~~~~~~~r::.~~~~~s dro kun Ia me de Ia go par shok May all beings be established in unsurpassable happiness.

tl'"-~'lll"~~~~;z;~;~r::.?J"~tl~"''tl~~:l\1 ~"''f~~l:l?;z;~l~~~q:z::tJ~~ This aspiration to birth in the realm ofAbhirati, called The Meaning ofthe
Sutras, was composed by the wanderer Taranatha at the request of many
!:1~11~~~1 persons seeking such a prayer.
~(;.r~~Tz::::J~a5~~z::._~!Jcy(l.10-J1 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati

r.l.~~"'0511j~~"~llj~"i!.l'i!.l~"1 114lll]'z:.!'~'!lr:;r.l,Cl"~~s~~ 1i!.lt\.q.r.l.lljr.l.' e rna ho This is the treasury ofKarma Chagme's practice.
di ne nyi rna nup kyi chok rol na I have written it with the work of my own hand.
17.l'~'l:cl~'C<~i!.l11l 21 '1l]~\r.l.~"'~'llj"r.l.'~'lljtQ~11r.l.~'l7.l~'l:cl~'tQ~'~'C<'~"11 I think it might benefit quite a few beings.
drang me jik ten mang pay pa rol na
r.l.~l7.l~..e<qall]"i!.l~r:;ll]~"11r:;llll~~~..e<lll~11~r:;ll]~i!.lC<1~~i!.l~ chung se teng du pak pay yGI sa na Ifyou don't want to copy it, borrow it.
narn par dak pay shing kham de wa chen There is nothing more beneficial than this.
.ij~r.l.~t\~1 1r.l.~~<>l\~ll]~lll~qas~11~r:;(!.l~q~r:;(.l,~<ll~~r:;11
dak gi chu bur rnik gi rna tong yang There are no instructions more profound than this.
rang sern sal way yi Ia lam mer sal It is the root of my dharma.
~d-1~1 "'~~~r~d.l~t::J~~~~~,,.r~11~z:.~iJ~a,~~~~ Don't cast it aside; strive in its practice.
de na cham den gyal wa o pak me As this is ofthe sutra tradition, it is appropriate
d,lz;_'~'r'4'~(1J~ 1 1~z;_:::~~~z;_~a,C'4~~q~~(lJ~~ 1 1~d.l' pe rna ra gay dok chen si ji bar To recite it even ifyou have not received the transmission.
q~~~qil_~z:_'fd.l~'t::l~'!;:l'~~1 1t::l~~~~~~~~~~'d.l' u Ia tsuk tor shap Ia khor lo sok
Emaho! In the direction of the setting sun from here,
tsen sang so nyi pe che gye chG tre
d,l~l:,(l.lz;_1 r'z;_~d.l~~~(lJq~U~~(lJ(lJd.l'i!~~~(lJ11~~ shal chik chak nyi nyam shak lhung se dzin Past innumerable worlds,
And slightly elevated above us,
!;:l~d.l~~~(lJ'z;:J'~~~q~ij~11q~~~~d.l~~~~~~t::l~~ cho go nam sum sol shing kyil trung gi Is the pure realm of Sukhavati.
pe rna tong den da way den teng du
"-t::1~11l~(lJ~~~~J~~q~(lJ~~ar~~~11d.l~~t::J:::~z:. jang chup shing Ia ku gyap ten dze de
Although I do not see it with my fluid-filled eye,
It is vividly clear in my mind.
~~~~lq'Sl'q~l~~~~1 1~(1J~~~T~~~~~d.l'?d.l' tuk jey chen gyi gyang ne dak Ia sik
There resides the bhagavat Amitabha.
t::l~~~z:.t::J~la,f<~1 1~~~~~d.l~~d.l~~~~z:_~(lJ'~f' ye su jang chup sem pa chen re sik The color of ruby, he blazes with majesty.
ku dok kar po chak yon pe kar dzin He is adorned by the thirty-rwo good marks and the eighty
~~1 1q~~z:.~~a~t::Jil:~l~~z:.~1 1Sz;_~t::J4z:.(lJ~~t::J yon du jang chup sern pa tu chen top signs,
!;:l~~'d.l!(l'~11%~~~~~~~~~z;_~~t::ll~(lJ~~~~11 ngon po dar jey tsen pay pe rna yon Such as the ushnisha on his head and the wheels on his feet.
ye nyi kyap jin chak gya dak Ia ten He has one face and rwo hands, and holds an alms bowl in
~Ul~~sz;_~t::l.~d.l~lq"-~~~~~~~~1 1~.d.l~~l'1~ meditation.
2f~~~ar~qll'1~a_f<~11~ar~~sz:.~t::l~d.l~lq"'d.l%' Wearing the three dharma robes, he is seated in vajra posture
On a thousand-petaled lotus and a moon disc seat.
~~t::111~~2f~~~d.l~~qa.q~~ar~11~Ul~~~~~q~ His back is supported by a bodhi tree.
~ He gazes upon me from a distance with compassionate eyes.
On his right is the bodhisattva Avalokita.
He is white and holds a white lotus in his left hand.
On Amitabha's left is the bodhisattva Mahasthamprapta.
He is blue and holds in his left hand a lotus with a vajra on it.
The right hands of them both display to me the mudra of
giving protection.

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ro 2 53 03 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati
7he Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 54 03 A Compilation for Recitation

":!(...,., -~ ..,., ~ ~ "' =>

~,;~~~~r~p,~~~~z:J~.l~1 1~~~~~~~~&.JJ\' tso wo sum po ri gyal lhun po shin These three principals are like Mount Meru,
!hang nge lhan ne lham mer shuk pay khor Vivid, distinct, and brilliant.
~~~~~rz:Ja:~J\115~~~~~~lqa:l~~~s~Q,~~11 jang chup sem pay ge long che wa bum Their retinue is a trillion bodhisattva bhikshus.
\l~~~~~J\~~~~~~l~lqsl~~~1 1i'~~~~~ kun kyang ser dok tsen dang pe che gyen All of them are golden in color and adorned by the marks and
cho go nam sum sol shing ser tern me signs.
~~~~~~~~~J\~~~1 1~~1{\~~~~~~~~l.~l mo gu chak Ia nye ring khye me chir Wearing the three dharma robes, they fill the realm with
dak gi go sum gu pay chak tsal Ia yellow.
~J\1 1~l~~~~~~!{\~z;J~~~Q,~~ar1 1i'~~~~~ As there is no difference between near and far for devoted
cho ku nang wa ta ye rik kyi dak
~i;!Q,'Ul~~~~~~l~ 1~~~Ul~a:l~J\~~~~~~J\~' prostration,
chak ye 6 ser le trul chen re sik I devotedly prostrate to you with my three gates.
~~~~11Ul~~~~~J\~~~~~l~~s~~~11~~~~~ yang trul chen re sik wang che wa gya
chak yon 6 ser le trul drol rna te The dharmakaya Amitabha is the lord of the family.
a:l~J\~~~~~~~~11Ul~~~~~~s~~~~~~l11 The light-rays of his right hand emanate Avalokita
~- ~ ..,., rl yang trul drol ma che wa trak gya gye And a billion further emanations of Avalokita.
tuk kyi 6 ser le trul pe rna jung The light-rays of his left hand emanate Tara
z;]~a.~l1 1i'~~a:llz;J~~l~~~a.~~ar1 1~~~~~ yang trul or gyen je wa trak gya gye
cho ku 6 pak me Ia chak tsal Ia And a billion further emanations ofTara.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~~;o~\l~~z;]~'z;]~~~~ The light-rays of his heart emanate Padmakara
sang gye chen gyi nyin tsen du druk tu
~~~~~ ~~~~;o~\l~~~l~~~.5~qa1 1~~~~~~
And a billion further emanations of Padmakara.
sem chen kunIa tse way tak tu sik I prostrate to the dharmakaya Amitabha.
~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~~;o~\l~~~~~~~~~~ sem chen kun gyi yi Ia gang dren pay
nam tok gang gyu tak tu tuk kyi khyen Buddha, you kindly and constantly regard
;~ 1~~~~~~~~J\~~~~~~11\l~~~~a.'l'lz;J~' sem chen kun gyi ngak tu gang me tsik All beings throughout the six times of day and night.
tak tu rna dre so sor nyen Ia sen You always know what thoughts
~l~~~a.~~ar1 1~~~~~~~~~~ls~z;J~~~~~ kun khyen 6 pak me Ia chak tsal lo Are moving through the mind of every being.
z:J1~l~ll~~~~~~z:l?z:l'~l\1~1. 1z:l~z:l;o~~J\~ cho pang tsam me che pa rna tok pa
You always hear distinctly
The words spoken by every being.
z;]a~~~~~~11z:!J\'~J\s-~~~~~~J\~~qJ\~~~~11 khye Ia de ching man lam tap tse kun I prostrate to the omniscient Amitabha.
de wa chen der kye way man lam drup
~~z;Ja:llz;J~~l~~~a.~~ar11 bar dar jon ne shing der dren par sung It is said that, other than those who have rejected dharma
dren pa 6 pak me Ia chak tsallo Or done any of the five worst actions, all with faith in you
Who make the aspiration to be born in Sukhavati will fulfill
that aspiration.
You will appear in the bardo and lead them to your realm.
I prostrate to the guide Amitabha.
~l~~~q~!'l.l~r~r::_~~l~ll~r::_~!,l~~~~~~ khye kyi ku tse kal pa drang me du For the length of your life, innumerable kalpas,
.:ri "" "' ...,., "' nya ngen mi da ta ta ngon sum shuk You will not pass into nirvana. You abide manifestly now.
q~~~~ l~l'""l'!'~;s~~~!;J~~~(l.l't::l?t::l'~l l""l~~~~ khye Ia tse chik gO pay sol tap na It is said that anyone who prays to you with one-pointed
!;J~~~!;J~~~~~!;JII~Sll!;JCl.l~~q~&q!;Jl~ll~~ le kyi nam par min pa rna tok pa devotion,
tse se pa yang Ia gya tup pa dang Even if their life is exhausted,
J~a,~q~~~q~~!;J~~~~~~ ~~~~~~l!;J~~l(l.l dO min chi wa rna 10 dok par sung Unless that is caused by the ripening of karma,
gon po tse pak me Ia chak tsal Ia Will live a hundred years. You will avert all untimely death.
~~a.~!'l.larll~r::_~~~a.~~~~~qa_s~~~r::_~~l!;JII I prostrate to the protector Amitayu.
~~~~~~q,r::_~~!;Js~!;Jq~l l~ll!;J~~l!;Ja~~~ tong sum jik ten rap jam drang me pa
rin chen gyi kang jin pa jin pa way It is said that there is greater merit
lr::_q~q;s~11~~~~ll!;J~~(l.l~~~s~~ 1~~~~q~ o pak me pay tsen dang de wa chen In hearing of Amitabha's name and Sukhavati
to ne de pay tal mo jar che na And joining one's palms with faith
q~l~~~~q~~~~~~ ~~s~~\l!;J~~l(l.l~~~~ de ni de way so nam che war shung Than in filling countless billion-world realms
a.~""l11~r::_~~~li!;J~~l!;Ja~~~~~~~~ f~~l!;J~ de chir o pak me Ia gO chak tsal With jewels and giving them in generosity.
I therefore prostrate to Amitabha with devotion.
~~~r::_~~!;Ja~~r::_11""l~~~~~~~~ll!;J~~!;J~II~ gang shik o pak me pay tsen to ne
kha she me par nying khong rO pay ting Anyone who, hearing Amitabha's name,
~s~~q(l.l~(l.l~~~!~~ ~~~~~~ll!;J~~l(l.l~~ len chik tsam shik de pa kye pa na Sincerely gives rise to faith
de ni jang chup lam le chir mi dok From the depths of their heart even once,
a.~""lar1 ~~r::_~~~~ll!;J~~lqa~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Cannot be turned back from the path of awakening.
gon po o pak me Ia chak tsal Ia
s~~q~r::_~~~qq~11~l.~lJ~~~~~q:slr::_q~~11 I prostrate to the protector Amitabha.
sang gye o pak me pay tsen to ne
~~q~~~~~(l.l~~~~~l~~~11q~~~~~llq~ de ni jang chup nying po rna top bar Having heard the name of the buddha Amitabha,
bO me mi kye rik ni sang par kye Until one reaches the essence of awakening,
~i""l~~a.~!'l.lar11qi~~~~i~arr::_~~ii~!~q;s~11 tse rap kOn tu tsOI trim nam dak gyur One will not be born as a woman without power. One will be
i~~~a.S~qa~flq~~~~q1 1~l~(l.lq~r4~~~ de sek o pak me Ia chak tsal Ia born of good family.
In every birth one's morality will be pure.
~~~~~~~q~~~~~~l~~~qq~r::_~~~a,~~~~~l1 dak gi 10 dang long cho ge tsar che I prostrate to the sugata Amitabha.
ngo su jar way cho pa chi chi pa
~r;r;;J~~:;.r;;J~~sr;;Jr;;J~1 ~~~J~arr::_~r~ii;!~~;si yi trul ta shi dze tak rin chen dun I offer my body, possessions, and roots of virtue;
\l~~~~~~~r::_~~~ll~~~il7.1a.~!'l.l~~qi~(l.l~~s~ done drup pa tong sum jik ten gyi Whatever actually prepared offerings there are;
ling shi ri rap nyi da je wa gya Mentally emanated auspicious substances and signs, and the
~~~~a~r;;J~~~r;;J~~~ ' lha lu mi yi long cho tam che kun seven jewels;
lo yi lang te o pak me Ia bul The pre-existing billion worlds with their billion sets
dak Ia pen chir tuk jay top kyi she Of four continents, Mount Meru, the sun, and the moon;
And all the luxuries of devas, nagas, and humans.
Bringing all these to mind, I offer them to Amitabha.
For my benefit, accept them through your compassion.

Aspirations to tht Pure Lands ~ :z. 55 "! Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 56 0.J A Compilation for Recitation

l~l'd.l~.rl~!S:::_~ql~~~~a,~\l~'$1 ll~'d.l'~lq~~~ pa may tok drang dak sok dro kun gyi I confess all the wrongdoing I and all beings, my parents
tok rna me pay dO ne da tay bar included,
~~s~~q.:t_11~~q; sok che rna jin lang dang mi tsang cho Have done throughout beginningless time up to now,
~~l9~~d.lalCJ.l{n.ra1t::l4~~~~~~lr::_E!jd.l%~~qr::_~ 10 kyi mi ge sum po tal Ia shak Such as killing, stealing, and fornication:
I admit and confess the three wrongdoings of body.
~"f't::l11r::_~~~l~q~a!d.l{"!'aft::l4~~~~t::]~t::]'~d.l~' dzun dang tra rna tsik tsup ngak khyal wa
ngak gi mi ge shi po tollo shak Lying, calumny, harsh words, and gossip:
~~l~d.l~ar~q.:t_~q~l 1iill~~l9~~d.lard.ll"~ar
-- - nap sem no sem lok par ta wa te I admit and confess the four wrongdoings of speech.

" yi kyi mi ge sum po tal Ia shak Covetousness, malice, and wrong views:
t::l4~~~ l~'d.l'~t::]lq~l~q;oCJ.l't::]~lqlr::_l ~~"f't::]Q,'~'
I admit and confess the three wrongdoings of mind.
"f't::_~'~d.l~~~qlz::_11d.l~d.l~.ijl~iil"f~'t::]~~~d.l{"!' pa rna lop pan dra cham se pa dang
gyal way ku Ia ngen sem kye pa dang The killing of one's father, mother, acharya, or an arhat;
art::l4~~~ 1l9~r::_l9.~"~q~llr::_q~~d.l~q1 ~~ tsam me nga yi le sak tollo shak And the shedding of a buddha's blood with malicious intent:
ge long ge tsul se dang tsun rna pap I admit and confess the five worst actions.
~~~~d.lil~~~fr::_~~"f~~~~ ~~q~'d.lii5d.l~.ijl ku suk cho ten lha khang shik Ia sok Killing a bhikshu or shramanera, seducing a nun,
~~s~d.ll"~art::l4~~~ nye way tsam me dik che tal Ia shak And destroying images, stupas, or temples:
I admit and confess the nearly worst actions.
~~d-1~~~~ 1lqr::_~~ii5l't::]~~~CJ.l~Q,'~~"f~~~q1 1
- --
a5~~r::_~"f~'t::_~q~~~qCJ.l;l"f."f't::l4~~~ fd.l~~~d-1'

~d.l~;o~q~l"~~~~~ql IS:::_~t::l.~d.l~lqa,~d-1~"~
kon chok lha khang sung rap ten sum sok
pang she tse tsuk na so Ia sok pa
cho pang le ngen sak pa tal Ia shak
kham sum sem chen se le dik che wa
Swearing by the three jewels, temples, scriptures,
Or the three supports, and swearing by them falsely:
I admit and confess the wrongdoing of rejecting dharma.
jang chup sem pa nam Ia kur wa tap Worse than killing all beings in the three realms
~~'t::l't::l?t::ll ~~~~l~~~~q~~~qCJ.l{"!'aft::l4~~~ 1 don me dik chen sak pa tollo shak Is the denigration of bodhisattvas.
I admit and confess pointless great wrongdoing.
l9q~~~ar~~~qa~~l~~~lr::_11l~"~qa~~q~"~ ge way pen yon dik pay nye mik dang
nyal way duk ngel tse tse Ia sok pa Thinking that the benefits of virtue, the harm from
~ii5l'"~'~~~q11l~~r::_~q~~t::l4l'lliil~q~CJ.l'q11 to kyang mi den she tso yin sam pa wrongdoing,
d.lii5d.l~~l~q~~q~"f~r::_~q11;l~'~l"~~'t::_~q~~~ tsam me nga we tu way le ngen pa And the suffering and lifespan in hell are untrue, mere sayings,
tar me le ngen sak pa tal Ia shak Is worse than the five worst actions.
qCJ.l{"!'aft::l4~~~~~d.l'q'q~lr::_~~d.lq~~~d.l'lt::_'11~:::_ I admit and confess the wrongdoing from which it is hard to
pam pa shi dang lhak rna chu sum dang
~r::_~~t::l4~~~~s~~ii5~~1 1~;l.:t.'~"~~d.l~"'C!5"~'t::l' pang tung sor shak nye che de tsen nga
be freed.

d.ll"~ar~~~~ ~~~ara.i~t::l~~r::_q~~q~ll 1sr::_ so tar tsOI trim chal wa tollo shak The four defeats, the thirteen remainders, the downfalls,
ngak pay cho shi tung wa nga nga gye The confessables, and the misdemeanors-the five classes:
~d.l~q~qq~d.l~qd.l{"!'aft::l4~~11 jang sem lap pa nyam pa tal Ia shak I admit and confess impairments of the pratimoksha morality.
The four negativities; and the five, five, and eight downfalls:
I admit and confess impairments of the bodhisattva training.
~~t:_t::J~'t::l~'C!l~'!1.l~'~d.lalt::J~~1 1~~t:_~~~r~d.l%~ tsa tung chu shi yen lak pom po gye The fourteen root downfalls and the eight major branches:
...... ...... ...... " tTl" sang ngak dam tsik nyam pa tol lo shak I admit and confess impairments of secret mantra samaya.
dom pa ma shu mi gey le che pa The wrongdoing done when not under vows,
J~t:_~~~~t:_a;t:_~t:_!1.l~~~q1 1~t:_!;J~~~~d.lij'a
mi tsang cho dang chang tung Ia sok pa Such as fornication and drinking alcohol,
~~q~1 1~~q~~~'d.l'4~'d.lij'!1.l'~t::l4~~1 1~t::l~'~d.l' rang shin kha na ma toy dik pa te Actions that are naturally unwholesome:
...... ...... ? C\.....- ~
dik pa dik tu ma she tol lo shak I admit and confess unwitting wrongdoing.
~t::lt:_'t::l~~!1.l~~~;l t::l'~'C!l t:_'1 1I 'C!l'~d.lq~ d.l'l:tl~t::l~t:_d-1
kyap dom wang kur Ia sok top na yang Although I have taken the vow of refuge and empowerments,
4~11t::l~~qa~t:_!;J~~qd.lij'!1.lart::l4~~11~~q~~ de yi dom pa dam tsik sung ma she I admit and confess downfalls of commitment through
~t::l4~~q~Ja.~~q~11~~s~~~qf't:_~~~~t:_~~11 che pay tung wa pok pa tol lo shak Not knowing how to keep the vows and samaya they entail.

~~a.~~~~~~~q~~ar~t::l4~~11~~a;~~d.l.~d.l~ gyo pa me na shak pay mi dak pay Without regret, confession will not purify.
ngar che dik pa khong du duk song tar I confess all past wrongdoing with great shame, fear, and
~~~Ja.~~q~11~~a;~~~!1.l't::lt::l~~t:_J~~a!1.l~11~ ngo tsa jik trak gyo pa chen poy shak regret,
As though I had swallowed poison.
~~Jt::J~~~d.l~W~O-l't::l~Q.'t::l~t:_11t::l~~~~~~~q~ chin che dom sem me na mi dak pay
OIJ~q~~t::l~~ ~ ~1 " ......t:_~~~~q~s~~ ~
1t::l~~~~C!l " " chin che sok Ia bap kyang mi gey le If there is no commitment henceforth, there will be no
da ne mi gyi sem Ia dam cha sung purification.
~t::l~1 1~~~~~~~t::ls~qij'~qa~1 1~!1.l~~~~J de shek o pak me pa se che kyi From now onward, even at the risk of my life,
dak gyu yang su dak par jin gyi lop I vow not to engage in wrongdoing.
~~a~d.l~t~t:_~~~11~t:_~~~~a.t::l~~~~(Q~t:_~11~ Sugata Amitabha and your bodhisattvas,
shen gyi ge wa che pa to pay tse
CQ't::l~~~d.l~'O-l~d.l'~ij't::Jq~~~t:_~11~~~a,~~~q~d.l~' de Ia trak dok mi gey sem pang ne
Grant your blessings that my being be purified.

~t:_~i(Q~11~~t::l~t:_!;Jmt::l~\1~!1.l(Q~t:_~11~~~st:_ nying ne ga way je su yi rang na If, when one hears of another's virtue,
de yi so nam nyam du top par sung One is without the negativity of jealousy,
~t::l''~~~d.l~'t::li~~~1 1a,~~~~~~'d.l!(~'!1.l'CQ'~t:_ And rejoices from one's heart,
de chir pak pa nam dang so kye yi It is said that one will gain equal merit.
~11j~~t::l~'~tjt:_~q~~'t::l't::l~11~~~~~~t::l~t::l'i~ ge wa gang drup kun Ia yi rang ngo
q~~t:_'!;J'~t:_'1 1~d.lq~t:_~t:_'!;J~~q~~t::l~t:_'1 1~~q Ia me jang chup chok tu sem kye ne I therefore rejoice in all the virtuous deeds
dro don gya chen dze Ia yi rang ngo Of aryas and ordinary beings.
t::J~d.l~t:_~~!1.lst:_a!~~11 I rejoice in their generation ofbodhichitta
mi ge chu po pang pa ge wa chu And their vast benefit for beings.
shen gyi sok kyap jin pa tong wa dang
dom pa sung shing den par ma wa dang The ten virtues that are the opposites of the ten
khan pa dum dang shi dOl drang par ma wrongdoings-
Saving others' lives, giving generously,
Chastity, speaking truthfully,
Healing discord, speaking gently and straightforwardly,

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ~ 2 57 03 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 58 03 A Compilation for Recitation

..,., " ..,., ..,., ~ ~-

~~~~~~qa;~lq~~a.ry,,q~~'IISd-l~r~~ ~~"~d-1 don dang den pay tam cho do pa chung Conversing meaningfully, having little desire,
jam dang nying je gam shing cho Ia cho Cultivating love and compassion, and practicing dharma:
~~~~rl4l~~~ ~~~q~~d-1~\l~l4l~::l\~~l ~~~~q~a. ge wa de nam kun Ia yi ran ngo I rejoice in those virtuous actions.
a.~~~~::l\q'a_sd-l~'~d-1~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chok chuy jik ten rap jam tam che na All you who have recently attained
..,., ..,., ? ..,., " ..,., -v"C\ ~
dzok sang gye ne ring par ma lon par Perfect buddhahood in any of the
q::l\'d-1'14l~'q::l\ll ,~~~d-1~'14l'cli~~~::l\'14l'~ll~c;;,~~::l\'
de dak nam Ia cho kyi khor lo ni Numberless realms in the ten directions:
~q~:l\q::l\q~~~~q~~~~d-1~~4~%~~a~~~~d,l~~ gya chen nyur du kor war dak gi kul I urge you to soon turn the vast dharmachakra.
ngo she tuk kyi de don khyen pa sol I pray that you hear me with your clairvoyance.
q::l\~~14ll ~~~~~~s~~d,l~q~~a.~~~~qa.~~~ 1
~~~a.~a.q::l\q~~\l~~~~l4lll~~~a.~a,q~~~q::l\' sang gye jang sem ten dzin ge way she All buddhas, bodhisattvas, holders of dharma,
nya ngen da war she kun de dak Ia And spiritual friends who wish to pass into nirvana:
~~14lqa_~q~llr.l.~~d-ll~q~~~~~~~d,l'~~q~d-l~ll nya ngen mi da shuk par sol wa dep I pray that you not do so, but remain.

a.~q~d-1~~~\l~~~~~q~ll\l~~~~~~s~~q~-:l\ di tson dak gi du sum ge wa nam I dedicate this and all my virtue of the three times
..,., ..,., ..,., .~ ?" in dro wa sem chen kun gyi don du ngo To the benefit of all beings. May they all
~q~~~ fd-l~~~d-1~::1\q~~~~~~~~::l\,:,~ I,~~,, kun kyang Ia me jang chup nyur top ne Quickly attain unsurpassable awakening,
qq~~'l4l'~::l\~~~~~ ~~a.~::l\~~~~a.~qq~q~~~ll kham sum khor wa dong ne truk gyur chik And empty samsara's three realms from their depths.

~~~ll4l~l'~~qa.~~~q~~~~ ~~ql4l'a.S::l\'Q.t(~~~ de yi ge wa dak Ia nyur min ne May this virtue quickly ripen in me.
tse dir du min chi wa cho gye shi In this life, may the eighteen untimely deaths be prevented.
~s::l\~~~~::1\1 lq~~~~a.a.~q~~@~~d-1~~~~~ I ne me lang tso gye pay lu top den May I be healthy and as vigorous as a youth.
q~d,lqa.~~\l~~~~~~~q~~~ql lq~~~~a.~'l4l' pal jar dze me yar gyi gan ga tar May my wealth be as inexhaustible as the Ganges in summer.

~~i~~~~~~qll~~~~~l~~~q-:l\~qq::l\4~ I du dray tse wa me ching dam cho cho Unharmed by maras or enemies, may I practice genuine
sam pay don kun cho den yi shin drup dharma.
q~~l~q~~'l4l'Q.~I4l'i~~\l~l la.~~~~a.?4~~::1\'d,l' ten dang dro Ia pen tok gya chen drup May all my wishes be fulfilled in accord with dharma and my
mi lu don dang den par drup par shok intentions.
i\l~ ~~~qa~c:.~ID~~llq~~ll ll~~c:.l~a.~~ May I accomplish vast benefit for dharma and beings.
~-:l\~~tl~-:l\1 ld-l~~~d,l~~~d,l'a.S~q-:l\'4~ l~'d-l{r::. dak dang dak Ia drel tok kOn May my human body be meaningful.
di ne tse po gyur rna tak
~~~~a.~c:.t~ill14t~a~~tl~~~~q-:l\4~ 1 trul pe sang gye o pak me May I and all connected to me,
ge long gen dOn khor gyi kor As soon as we pass from this life,
dOn du ngon sum jon par shok Actually see in front of us
de tong yi ga nang wa kyi The emanated buddha Amitabha
shi way duk ngel me par shok Surrounded by his sangha of bodhisattvas.
Seeing them, may we feel joy.
May we be without suffering at death.
~ ~ 1:\ - 1:\
s~:~z~r~&.~~:-;qa_'&.]ct)r-;~~:-;~1 1~~~~~~~~~&.1' jang chup sem pa che gye ni May the eight bodhisattvas
-? ~ dzu trul top kyi nam khar jon Appear miraculously in the sky.
&.l~:t.'5~1 1q ,~~~~a,~~CI.l1
1~&-l~~~&.~~~~q:t, de wa chen du dro wa yi May they show me the way
4~ 1t:,~~t:,~~~~~~~\~~~"~11~~a~~~r-;~~~ lam ton lam na dren par shok And lead me to Sukhavati.

~:t,11~~~~~&.~~~~:t.4~ 1~~&.~~r-;~~s5a~:t,n ngen song duk ngel so lak me The suffering in lower states is unbearable.
lha miy de kyi mi tak gyur The pleasures of devas and humans are impermanent.
~:t,~a,~~~~~~t:,'11~~i~~~:t,4~1 ~~~~~~ de Ia trak sem kye war shok May I be afraid of this.
tok ma me ne da tay bar Throughout beginningless time up to now,
i~~t:,'11~~~a_~~t:,~~r-;~~:1 1~~t:,~~~~'(;.l:t,'~:t,
khor wa di na yun re ring Samsara has lasted for a very long time.
a;r-;&.~t:,'11Jr-;t:,~tq~~~r-;a.~11~~r-;t:,~~qaS!~~~ de Ia kyo wa kye war shok May I feel sorrow about this.

~11a,~r-;q~;S&.~~r-;q:t,~~ 1~'~S!~'~:t,'(;.l~~~~~~&.l~11 mine mi ru kye chok kyang I might be born repeatedly as a human being, but I would
kye ga na chi drang me nyong Experience birth, aging, sickness, and death countless times.
J~~~&.~~~&.~~~~11il5~~~~~;S&.~~r-;q:t,'4~ 1~'il5' du ngen nyik mar bar che mang There are many obstacles in this degenerate time.
~~~~~t:,'~(;.l'~&.l~11~'~(;.l'~~~~t:,~&.~'~:t,11~~~q:t, mi dang lha yi de kyi di The pleasures of humans and devas
duk dang dre pay se shin du Are like food mixed with poison.
&.~~~4~q:t,4~ 11:t,~r-;~:t,~am&.~l'~~1 1~~~~ do pa pu tsam me par shok May I have not so much as a hair's worth of desire for them.

~~~~~'!:t,'q~~ 11~~~~~~~t:,'~(;.l~'~11~'5~~r-; nye du se nor tun drok nam My family, food, wealth, and friends

q:t,a_~~q:t,4~ 1il5~~~~~~\l~~~:-;~~115'~"\~ mi tak gyu ma mi lam shin Are impermanent, like illusions or dreams.
chak shen pu tsam me par shok May I have not so much as a hair's worth of attachment to
~~!:t,~~~~1 1~~a~~~a~&.~&.~~a.~1 1a.~~~~ sa cha yul ri khang khyim nam them.
mi lam yul gyi khang khyim tar My land, my vicinity, and my home
~&.~~~~t:,~~r-;q1 1~r-;%~~:-;~~~r-;s~~~1 1~~~ den par ma drup she par shok Are just like one's home in a dream.
1:\ - 1 tar me khor way gya tso ne
May I know them to be unreal.

nye chen tson ne tar pa shin May I flee the ocean of samsara, from which it is so hard to get
de wa chen gyi shing kham su free,
chi te me par dro par shok Like a felon escaping from prison.
May I flee to the realm of Sukhavati
chak shen tri wa kun che ne Without looking back.
ja go nyi ne tar wa shin
nup kyi chok kyi nam kha Ia Having severed all craving and clinging,
jik ten kham ni drang me pa May I fly through the western sky
ke chik yu Ia dro che ne Like a vulture freed from a snare,
de wa chen du chin par shok Passing countless worlds in an instant,
And reach Sukhavati.

Aspiratiom to the Pure Lands ~ 2 59 03 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 260 w A Compilation for Recitation

~~~r;~~~~~~q~~~jjd.l~~~d.lq~~~qd_~'ll'd.l~t; de ru sang gye o pak me May I see the face of Amitabha,

ngon sum shuk pay shal tong ne Who is actually present there.
~~~~~qq~d.l~~~~~q~4~ ~~~~~q~tQd.l~~~~ drip pa tam che dak par shok May all my obscurations be purified.
ql ~~~~q~d_~r;~'llj 1q~~~~qcij~q~4~ l~l kye ne shi yi chok gyur pa The best of the four births is instantaneous
~~~r;;;'ll~~~~~~~~ jd.l~~~q~~qd_~~~q4~ 1 me tok pe may nying po Ia Birth in the heart of a lotus flower.
dzu te kye wa len par shok May I take such a birth.
l~~~~qd_~ld.l~~11~~r;~~q~d_q~~~~11~r; ke chik nyi Ia lu dzok ne My body complete in an instant,
tsen pe den pay lu top shok
~~q~~~arr;~~~~~~~~r;~~~~~r;~~~~Cllr; 11 il
May it have the marks and signs.
C\ C\ ...... C\ C\
7~'f:r~O-lsq~1 1~r;~~~'1'll'O-l~'ll~qa_~~~ ~~~
-v' ......
mi kye dok pay te tsom gyi Doubt as to whether or not I will be born there
Ia drang nga gyay bar dak tu Would cause me to remain in the lotus for five hundred years.
q~~'lll~r;4~ ~~~ . 0-l~~~~~~sl ~~~~q~~r;;; nang der de kyi long cho den I would be happy and comfortable,
C\ - -v' - -v' C\ sang gye sung ni to na yang And would hear the buddha's speech,
qa_~'ll'd.l~t;4~ 1q~~~d.l~~q~~r;~~'ll~~11'll~'
me tok kha ni rna che way But because of the flower not opening
C\ C\ -v' C\ C\ C\ -
qa_d.l~'ll~~d.l~~qa_~~~ Jt:l~d.ld.lsqq~~~s~~~11 sang gye shal jal chi way kyon My seeing the buddha's face would be delayed.
de dra dak Ia mi jung shok May that not happen to me.
~r;~~~~~q~~d.l~~q~4~ ~~~~q~~~4~~q kye rna tak tu me tok che As soon as I am born, may my flower open.
...... -v'
o pak me pay shal tong shok May I see Amitabha's face.
l~l ~~~~Cll~q~r;~~~O-l~'llq~~ jsr;Qj,q~r;q~~
-v' - ~ C\ -v' -v' C\ C\ so nam top dang dzu trul gyi Through merit and miraculous powers,
~qq~4~ r~q~r;~c;:,a,~~~~~~~ ~~r;~~il~~r;
lak pay til ne chti pay trin May vast clouds of offerings
j''ll't:l~'4~ ~~~~~~~~~~r;d.l~~~~ql j~'ll~~~ sam mi khyap par tro che ne Emanate from my palms.
-v' C\C\ C\C\ C\"" - C\~ sang gye khor che chti par shok May I present them to the buddha and his entourage.
q~O-l~~~~~11S~~~q~q~4r;~~q~r;4~ ~~~...,
de tse de shin shek pa dey At that time, may that tathagata extend
q~~~~~~q~tQ11~r;~~~sr;~d.l~~q~~~q11~~ chak ye kyang ne go Ia shak His right hand and place it on my head.
~q~~~qd.l~\q'~t;'11~r;~~q~~~~~qd_~11 jang chup lung ten top par shok May I receive prophecy of my awakening.
sap dang gya chey chti to ne Having heard profound and vast dharma,
rang gyu min ching drol war shok May my being be ripened and liberated.
chen re sik dang tu chen top May I be blessed and cared for by
gyal se tu wo nam nyi kyi The two foremost bodhisattvas,
jin gyi lap shing je sung shok Avalokita and Mahasthamprapta.

nyin re shin du chok chu yi Every day, innumerable buddhas and bodhisattvas
sang gye jang sem pak me pa Gather from the ten directions in order to
ti pak me pa chti pa dang Present offerings to Amitabha
shing der ta chir jon pay tse And view that realm. At that time,
~l~.\l~~~~~~\l~~z:.11i~~~~~s%~~~~4~1 ~ de dak Ia nyen kur shing May I attend them and receive
cho kyi di.i tsi top par shok The amrita of dharma.
dzu tok pa me pa yi With unimpeded miraculous powers,
~~~~~~~lz:_~~?J-q,l11~~~l~~o.t~~Q,~1 1~ ngon gay shing dang pal den shing May I go to the realms of Joyous, Glorious,
~il~~~z:.~~ai\~q11~o.t~z:.~~~~~z:.~~~~11 le rap dzok dang tuk po ko Perfect Action, and Densely Arrayed.
~ ....,., ....,., ....,., nga tro de dak nam su dro Going there in the morning, may I receive
l~z:.lz:.s~~~~~o.t~~11o.ta;~z:r~o.t~o.taols~~~11 mi kyo rin jung don yo drup Empowerment, blessings, and vows from
Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amoghasiddhi,
l~z:_~~~~~~~l~11l1Q,'~~~~l~~~~~~4~ 1?[ nam nang Ia sok sang gye Ia
wang dang jin lap dam pa shu Vairochana, and other buddhas.
~~lz:_%1z:_~~~11~'Ulq~z:_lz:_~~~~(7.111~"1-l"~~~z:_ cho pa du may cho che ne Having presented many offerings,
...... ~ ....,., ....,., gong mo de wa chen nyi du May I return without difficulty
~o.t~s~~~~1 1~~~~~~~~lz:.~~o.tlz:.1 1~~~~ ka tsek me par lep par shok To Sukhavati in the evening.
~l~z:.s~~~1 1l~z:. po ta Ia dang chang lo chen In Potala, Alakavati,
lz:_~lo.t~z:_~~~~~11~~~~z:_~~~~~~~11~~~ nga yap ling dang or gyen yul Chamaradvipa, and Uddiyana;
~ ~ ....,., ~ ...... ....,., ....,., ~ ~ trul kuy shing kham che wa gyar In a billion nirmanakaya realms,
~d>Jlq~~~~~4~ 1{\c7.l~'1~SJ~~~~~1 1~'Ul'o..J~ chen re sik dang drol rna dang May I meet a billion Avalokitas, Taras,
Vajrapanis, and Padmakaras.
~~~~(7.l~~o.t~z:.11~z:.i~s~~~~~sl%z:.11Q,~~~ chak dar pe jung che wa gya
May I present oceans of offerings to them
jal shing cho pa gya tso cho
~z:_~~~l~~4~ 1~~(7.l~~z:.a.~tq~~~~~~~1 1~~ wang dang dam ngak sap mo shu And receive empowerment and profound instructions.
nyur du rang ne de chen shing May I quickly then return unimpeded
~~~~~~~%~~11~~(7.l~~~~~lQ,~~~l11~~~ tok pa me par chin par shok To my own residence in Sukhavati.
~z:_~a.~~~~4~ 150-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1~~~ shul gyi nye du dra lop sok May I see with the divine eye

~ ~-
lha yi mik gi sal war tong
sung kyop jin gyi lop che ching
chi di.i shing der tri par shok
My surviving family, monks, and disciples.
May I protect and bless them,
And lead them to that realm at death.

kal sang di yi kal pay The duration of this fortunate kalpa
de wa chen gyi shak chik te Is one day in Sukhavati.
kal pa drang me chi wa me Throughout countless kalpas, there is no death.
tak tu shing de dzin par shok May I always remain in that realm.

jam pa ne sung mo pay bar From Maitreya up to Rochana, when all the buddhas
kal sang di yi sang gye nam Of this fortunate kalpa come to this world,
jik ten di na nam jon tse May I come here with miraculous powers,
dzu trul top kyi dir ong ne Present offerings to those buddhas,

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ro 261 03 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 262 <.13 A Compilation for Recitation

~r;;;q~~~~r;fd.l~' sang gye cho ching dam cho nyen Listen to the genuine dharma,
lar yang de chen shing kham su And return unimpeded
~11~~~qij~q~a.~q~4~ 1~r;~~~sqr.s~~~q~ tok pa me par dro war shok To the realm of Sukhavati.
wr;~~ 1q~~~!~~~~r;~~~~\l~'~11ar~?~q,-~ sang gye che wa trak trik gya tong trak All the features and attributes of the realms
q't;!d,l~~~~~~q~d,l~'q1 1~Z:,'fd.l~'\l~~~~~a.!:4~~ gye chu tsa chi sang gye shing kun gyi Of eighty-one septillion buddhas are combined
yon ten ko pa tam che chik dam pa In that realm that is superior to all others.
al~il~11q~q~~~~r;~~~q~4~ 1~~~~~,r~~f~\ shing kham kun le khye pak Ia na me May I be born in the realm of Sukhavati.;~4r;~~~~~~~~i!~a_q~11 de wa chen gyi shing der kye war shok
Its precious ground is as even as the palm of a hand.
d.l~~~~d.l~r;q~~~~~s~q1;~qa~r; rin chen sa shi kho nyom lak til tar Vast and spacious, it blazes brightly and radiantly.
yang shing gya che sal shing o ser bar It is soft and supple.
~~~q~4~ 1~~~~~~~~~q~q~q~d,l4r;1 1ar nen na nem shing tek na par che pa May I be born in that pleasant, gentle, spacious realm.
de jam yang pay shing der kye war shok
d.l~~Sjqa.~~~r~;~~~~q~~11~~r;~~qasl~~~~ The wish-fulfilling trees are composed of many jewels,
rin chen du rna le drup pak sam shing And are decorated by leaves of silk and precious fruit.
~~~~1 1Sjq~r;ID~ai~~~~d.l~~~~1 1~d.l~~~~ lo rna dar sap dre bu rin chen gyen In them are emanated birds whose sweet calls
"'V"'~ C\ ""' ~ - - C\ Proclaim profound and vast dharma.
q,"~r;~~~q~4~ 1~~~a_~~r;tr.l~~~qiD~~~ de teng trul pay ja tsok ke nyen dre
sap dang gya chey cho kyi dar nam drok May I be born in that wondrous realm.
d,lZ:,'11~q~~q~s!a~~~~r;~~~~11~~~~~q~~ ngo tsar chen pay shing der kye war shok
:::::. - .:"l"'V"' C\C\ C\ There are many rivers of scented water with the eight
l;ld.l~~!:4~~q~~11o-j'7~q~:s~d.l'Q.~~~~~~11q~a_ attributes.
po chuy chu lung yen lak gye den mang
~~S~~~q~uil~qa.N1 1~~S~~!~~~qa~r;~ID~ de shin du tsiy tru kyi dzing bu nam There are also bathing pools of amrita,
rin chen na dun tern ke pa gu kor Surrounded by steps and bricks of the seven jewels.
qiD~11tr.l'd.l~~~~~Q,~r;~~~q~4~ 1~'fd,l'qiD~~r; me tok pe rna dri shim dre bur den Lotus flowers with sweet fragrance and fruit
"'V"' C\ - - "'V"' pe may 6 ser pak tu me pa tro Emit countless rays of light. The ends of those
- - -
~:!]~r;~~~!:4r;~a_~q!~~~~~q1 ~~~q~~~d-1~'
o ser tse Ia trul pay sang gye gyen
yam tsen chen pay shing der kye war shok
Light-rays are adorned by emanated buddhas.
May I be born in that amazing realm.

~~~~~~~'d.l'~Z:,'11q~q~~~Q,~~~~q~4~ 1~~ mi khom gye dang ngen song dra mi drak Even the names of the eight unleisured states
nyon mong duk nga duk sum ne dang don And lower realms are unheard there. Kleshas,
il~il~~z:.d.lz:.~~~~qiJ~1 1\ dra dang ul pong tap tso Ia sok pa The five and three poisons, sickness, dons, enmity,
duk nel tam che shing der to rna nyong Poverty, quarreling, and all other sufferings
de wa chen pay shing der kye war shok Are unheard of in that realm.
May I be born in that realm of great happiness.
bu me me ching ngal ne kye wa me
kun kyang me tok pe may bup ne trung There is no sexuality there, and no birth from a womb.
All are born from within lotus flowers.
ld.l~~~~~~f5~iJ~~~:l\~d.l~~ 1~~14l~~~~:l\,~r tam che ku lu khye me ser gyi dok Everyone's bodies are alike, and golden in color.
u Ia tsok tor Ia sok tsen pey gyen They are adorned by the marks and signs, such as the ushnisha
~~~d.l~~~q~q~~11d.l~~4~~~r::.~~~~~a.!'d.JZ::,Q,11 ngon she nga dang chen nga kun Ia nga on their heads.
ar~?~~q~iJ~~~:l\~q:l\4~ 1:l\r::.~r::.~~~~~M~~ yon ten pak me shing der kye war shok All have the five clairvoyances and the five eyes.
May I be born in that realm of countless attributes.
~~a.!~~flr::.11~"'~~arr::.~~~tl!~a.!~~q~~r::.11fa.! rang jung rin chen na tsok shal ye khang
chi do long cho yi Ia dren pay jung In self-arisen palaces of diverse jewels
~q~~~~~~~a,~~~~~~~q1 lr::.~~ij~~r::,q~~~ tso drup mi go go do lhun gyi drup Whatever is wanted arises upon recollection.
nga khyo me ching dak tu dzin pa me No effort is necessary; everything one needs or wants is
"'~~z:ril~11~r::.a, gang do cho trin lak pay til ne jung spontaneously present.
ld.l~~~~ij~~~~~i~l4!~~11q~~~~~~r::.~r::.~:l\' tam che Ia me tek chen cho Ia cho There is no "I", no "you", and no self-fixation.
de kyi kun jung shing der kye war shok Offering clouds of whatever one wishes arise from the palms
~q:l\'4~ 1~'~d.l~r::.~~ij~~a5:l\'~~a_2jq~114r::.~r::.~ of one's hands.
..., ~ ..., " " ..., ~ dri shim lung gi me tok char chen bep Everyone there practices the unsurpassable mahayana dharma.
~5q~'ld.l~~~l4l~1 1~~~a,r::_qa,~~~~~~:l\-'\~ 1 shing dang chu lung pe mo tam che le May I be born in that realm where every joy and comfort 11 ~~i!~i!~~r::.~a.! yi du ong way suk dra dri ro rek arises.
long cho cho pay trin pung tak tu jung
qa~~M~~ 1 1 1 1 ~~ A fragrant breeze sends down rains of flowers.
bu me me kyang trul pay lha may tsok From all the trees, rivers, and lotuses,
q:l\'O,~~~~~~~~~a.!~~[tlt:.'11'?14l'I:;:J:l\'O,~~~~~~~ cho pay lha mo du may tak tu cho Clouds of sumptuous offerings constantly emerge,

..., " ..., ..., - ..., -

~qstr::.~r::. 1 1 ~:l\'!'~~~~~r::.q;s~ 1 1 s~r::.
" ...,
~~4r::.~~r::.:l\14l'd.l'~~~1 1l~'q:l\'O,~~~~~qa,a5~~
duk par do tse rin chen shal ye khang
nyal war do tse rin chen tri sang teng
dar sap du may mal ten nge dang che
Pleasing forms, sounds, scents, tastes, and textures.

Although there is no ordinary gender,

Emanated clevis constantly present offerings.
~~~~1~."-~~~~~q:l\~~~~~~~q~~!a~r::.~~~r::. ja dang jon shing chu lung rol mo sok When one wishes to sit, there are precious palaces.
to par do na nyen pay cho dra drok
~~d.l~~r::.1 1S'~r::.~r::.a,~~~a.!~~:l\'~Z::.'1 1tl!~q~~ mi do tse na na war dra mi drak
When one wishes to lie down, there are mattresses
And pillows of silk on fine, precious beds.
~qqa~r::.~:l\~q:l\4~ 1 ~r::.~:l\~~~qa~r::.~r~~~~ du tsiy dzing bu chu lung de nam kyang
dro drang gang do de Ia de tar jung When one wishes to hear them, birds, trees, rivers, and music
~q~il~111:;:J~a.!'q'~Z::,~'il~~~~a,~a,q~~~~~~~ yi shin drup pay shing der kye war shok Give forth the melodic sound of dharma.

~~~q~a,sr::.s~q:l\4~ 1 shing der dzok pay sang gye o pak me

When one does not wish to, they are unheard.
The pools and rivers of amrita are
kal pa drang me nya ngen mi da shuk Of whatever temperature is desired.
de si de yi shap dring che par shok May I be born in that realm where everything is as wished.

In that realm, the perfect buddha Amitabha will remain,

Not passing into nirvana, for countless kalpas.
May I attend him for all that time.

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ro 26 3 03 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ~ 264 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~;J~~~ll~~~l~~Q~~~~11Q~~I;J~~~~r;_~ nam shik o pak me de shi war shek After Amitabha passes into peace,
kal pa gang gay lung gi che rna nye His dharma will remain for twice
s~~l11~~~~Q~~Q~~I;J~~~I;J~~~1~~~Q~~ nyi kyi bar du ten pa ne pay tse As many kalpas as the Ganges' sand grains.
~~~~~~lr;_~(.l,s~~r;_1 1~tq~~~l~i~(.l,~~I;J~ gyal tsap chen re sik dang mi dral shing During that time, may I be inseparable from Avalokita,
de yi yun Ia dam cho dzin par shok His regent, and uphold the genuine dharma.
4~ 1~\~'l;J'i~~Q'I;J~'{~r;_~~1 1~~~~~~~~~
so Ia dam cho nup pay to rang Ia The dharma will wane at sunset.
~~~~~~r;~~~~~1 1~r;_~~~~l~~\1~~~~7:4~~ chen re sik de ngon par sang gye ne At the following dawn, Avalokita will attain buddhahood,
I;J'tq11li;J~Q~~~~~tr-~~s~~~I;J~~11~~l~~\ sang gye 5 ser kun ne pak pa yi Becoming the buddha called King of Massive Splendor
pal tsek gyal po she jar gyur pay tse Elevated Above All. From that time,
~r;_l;J~~~~~~4~ 1~~Q~~I;JsQ~~~~~11r.l.~;J shal ta cho ching dam cho nyen par shok May I serve him and listen to the dharma.

~~l~.Q~!~~Q~~~~~~1 ~~~~~Q~(.l,sr;Q~~ ku tse kal pa je wa trak trik ni His lifespan will be ninety-six septillion kalpas.
bum trak gu chu tsa druk shuk pay tse May I continually attend and serve him,
Q~~sl~lr;11~.Q~l~~r;~~~l;J~~(.l,~~I;J~4~ 1 tak tu shap dring nyen kur che pa dang And uphold the dharma with perfect retention.
~r;_~~l~~~~tqQ~~I;J~~1z:J~~~~r;_~~~~lr;_sz:J mi je sung kyi dam cho dzin par shok After his nirvana, his dharma will remain
nya ngen de ne de yi ten pa ni For six hundred ten million,
~~ ~~~;J~~~~~~~~~~~~(.l,~~~r;11;J~~~~z:J' kal pa dung chur druk dang che wa trak Three hundred thousand kalpas.
lr;_~~~~~5]~'4~ ~~~~~~~~~z:J~~r;_~~~~~~~ bum trak sum ne de tse cho dzin ching During that time, may I uphold the dharma
tu chen top dang tak tu min dral shok And be inseparable from Mahasthamprapta.
~z:J~~~4~~'/;J'~z:J~z:J~~I;J'~1 ~~~?~~~~Q~~~
de ne tu chen top de sang gye ne Then, Mahasthamprapta will attain buddhahood,
I;J~~~2J~~~1 ~~~Q~~I;J~~~~~~~~lr;_~~;J1 1 de shin shek pa rap tu ten pa ni Becoming the tathagata called King of Amassed Jewels
yon ten nor bu tsek pay gyal par gyur And Stable Qualities. His lifespan and dharma
~r;~~~~tq~~~~Q~(.l,sr;_sl11;J~lI;J~~~l~r;l;J. ku tse ten pa chen re sik dang nyam Will equal those of Avalokita. May I continually
~~~~~~~4~ 1~~~z:Jl~~~~z:J~~~l~ 1~r;~;J~' sang gye de yi tak tu shap dring che Attend that buddha, present offerings to him,
cho pay cho ching dam cho kun dzin shok And uphold all his genuine dharma.
~'(.l,;J'l~~~~r;~~~~1 1~~l~~~~~~r;_~~~~z:J'
de ne dak gi tse de je rna tak Then, after that life, either in that realm,
I;J~'4~ 1~~~~r;_~~~~~~li;J~'~l'I;J'~~11~~~~~ shing kham de am dak pay shing shen du Or in another pure realm,
~;J~~~~~~~~~r;_~~~ 1~~~~r;~~l'r.l,~Q'~~ Ia me dzok pay sang gye top par shok May I attain unsurpassable, perfect buddhahood.

I;J'~~~~ 1~z:Jl'~l~~~z:J'(.l,~'~~l~~~l4~ 1 dzok sang gye ne tse pak me pa tar After my buddhahood, like Amitayu, may I ripen
tsen to tsam gyi dro kun min ching drol And liberate all the beings who even just hear my name.
trul pa drang me dro wa dren pa sok May I guide beings through countless emanations,
be me lhun drup dro don pak me shok And benefit beings effortlessly, spontaneously, and
~~~~~4~~~a~l~~~l~~~l~1 1ar~7~at4~ de shin shek pay tse dang so nam dang Tathagata of immeasurable lifespan,
yon ten ye she si ji tse me pa Merit, qualities, pristine wisdom, and majesty;
~~~~l.~lijl~11i~4!~~~~;!Q,'tl.l~'~ll~~ijl11 cho ku nang wa ta ye 6 pak me Dharmakaya Amitabha;
~l~at4~l~~ijl~~~~~a,l~11~~~~~l~~~~ tse dang ye she pak me cham den de Bhagavat of immeasurable life and wisdom:
gang shik khye kyi tsen ni sO dzin pa It was said by Shakyamuni that anyone
~ ~
" 'V"". " " 'V"
ngon gyi le kyi nam min ma tok pa Who recollects your name will be protected from
-:d. 'V" " " 'V" 'V" " 'V" me chu duk tson no jin sin po sok Fire, water, poison, weapons, yakshas, rakshasas,
jik pa kun le kyop par tup pay sung And all danger, unless it is
~~~~~~1 l~l~~~l~~~~a,~~~~a,~"-1~~1 1 dak ni khye kyi tsen dzin chak tsal way The ripening of previous karma.
jik dang duk ngel kun le kyap dze sol I recollect your name and prostrate to you.
a,~~~l~~~~~"-~'\1~'"-l~~~~~~l~~"-11 ~~~:r4~ ta shi pun sum tsok par jin gyi lop I pray that you protect me from all danger and suffering.
~~~~l~~~~s~~~i~~1 ~~~~~~41~~~~~~ sang gye ku sum nye pay jin lap dang
Grant the blessing of perfect auspiciousness.

~as~~~~lr;l 1i~~l1~~~~~~as~~~lr:.11 cho nyi min gyur den pay jin lap dang Through the blessing of the buddhas' attainment of the
gen dun mi che dun pay jin lap kyi trikaya,
l~~~J5l~~~as~~~~~11~~~~~1'4l~~~ ji tar man lam tap shin drup par shek The blessing of the unchanging truth of dharmata,
And the blessing of the sangha's unwavering harmony,
~~~~~~~4~ 1l~~~i~~~~"'l~~a.~"'lar1175~1 ken chek sum Ia chak tsal le May my aspirations be fulfilled as intended.
~~tl.ltr:r=rtr-~~at,11 i~"'Jo.t'~CJ~a~~r;~~11l~~~~ teyata pentsandriya awa bodhanaye seha
I prostrate to the three jewels. TADYATHA PANCHANDRIYA
'V" 'V" " "'
'V" " ;:.,

~~ii\,11 ~~CJ~~~~5~~~"'1'~(l,J'~'~"'I'~:I\'~~:I\'CJ:I\'~~r;~1 kon chek sum Ia chak tsal Ia The dharani for the fofillment ofaspirations.
name manjushiriye I prostrate to the three jewels. NAMO MANJUSHRIYE. NAMO
~~~:1\CJ'CJ~!!l~;%~~1 fl'"'l''lli;'5~CJM''~~~~"'J1 :1\CJa.~o.ta;~ name sushiriye SUSHRIYE. NAMO UTTAMASHRIYE SVAHA.

~1 ~r;~~~o.t'"'l'ai~'~1 fl'"'l'~o.t'f!S'o.t'~CJ~~fl'~CJ'~'~~~CJ~'CJ'~~~Cf. nama uttamshriye soha

If, saying that you do three prostrations, it is said that they will be equiv-
fl"'I~'~\"'J',S~%r;~~~~~~~'(l,J'fl(l,J'~~:l\'~'~~~~~%~~~CJ~'~1 ~ alent to a hundred thousand. Therefore do, ifpossible, one hundred pros-
trations; or, as many as you can; or at least seven. Ifpossible, recite this
Q,~:I\'~'CJ:I\'ai~'~lll1 ~'"'I'CJ~'CJ'~~~~CJ:l\'~'i'o.t~~~11~~o.t~'f,CJ;~ aspiration every day; if not, once every month or every year. At least, when
"'1~~1;'1 ~~~~:l\2fa.~~~f.~~~~~~~r;~~~~1 ~~~~ir;~~ you are at leisure, face the west and recollect the realm ofSukhavati. join
your palms andpray to Amitabha with one-pointedfaith. Jfyou do so, ob-
~~~~:I\CJ~a.~CJ~"'~~~~"'~r;2f'CJ~CJ~~~~Cla~:l\~:l\%~1 11 stacles in this life will be dispelled. There is no doubt that you will be re-
born in Sukhavati after this life. This is the intention of the Amitabha
Sutra, the Sutra on Sukhavati, the Pundarika Sutra, and the Drumbeat
ofImmortality. It was composed by the Bhikshu Ragasya. May it be a cause
of many beings' birth in Sukhavati!

Aspirations to the Pure Lands ro 26 5 03 Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm ofSukhavati
The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 268 03 A Compilation for Recitation

~~~q~~~~T~~ll Prostrations and Offerings to the Sixteen Elders

"'~~~~~5:%\~~~~1.~1.ID1~~~~, l~14~~~l~ lak til tar nyam rin chen gyen gyi tre In the middle of a ground as even as the palm of a hand,
jon shing chu tso gyen pay sa shiy u Decorated by jewels, trees, and lakes,
q~1qa.~~~a.l~~, ,~1'~1'"-~~~q~q~~q~q, ' rin chen le drup dru shi go shi pa Is a precious palace with four sides and four doors.
q~~~~q~1qa.~l1~~~, '%~~~~!\qa.~~~ pe ma nyi de gyen pay den teng du Within it, on a lotus, sun, and moon seat,

~~"'~s~~~1 1~~~"'~"-~~"'~a,~l~r(la_fqa.~~111 tuk jey tso pay du kyi dul ja nam Is the protector of beings who compassionately places
~ ....... ..., .....,., nam drol lam Ia go dze dro way gon disciples,
%q'z;J'~05~l~~1~q~1' 05 1'z:]'~~~, 1~:%\l~q-o~q tup pa chok dang ne ten chen po nam In this age of disputation, on the path to liberation.

~1~' a,l" :%\'~4"" ~~~i'~~"-~1 ..,-' "

1~ ~~q~a, ~"'lq~~q-o~
..,-' khor dang che pa ne dir shek su sol Buddha Shakyamuni and the great elders:
I pray that you come to this place, accompanied by your
;1~~-oll~'1 ,4~':%\qi}a,q:%\'~1~~~~l~~~~'11~~ chok chuy gyal wa se che tam che dang entourages.
she rap me bar nyon mong tso kern shing
~"'lq~\1~~~~~q,a,~lqa.11~~~q~a.~1~~l~ nam drol so nam shing du ka do pay All buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions;
chok chuy nyen to gen dun shuk so tsal And all sanghas of shravakas from the ten directions,
~1q~~~~a_~"-~1 1ar1~~~~lqa.~1~~~1~1 Whose fire of wisdom dries up the ocean of kleshas,
" ..,.- "..,.- ~ ..,.- " M ..,.- ..,.- " yon jong cho pay ne su chen dren gyi Who are a field of liberation and merit:
~~11a,~qa,l1'~:%\~ 05 l~~ T ~~~~~~"-~1 1a,~qa,
dro way don chir cho kyi shek su sol
~91'q1~~~~~11~~~~~q~1q~~~~~~q~~~11 dro way gon po sha kya seng ge yi I invite you so that you may receive my offerings.
sang gye ten pa gang gi chak tu shak I pray that you come, since my offerings are for beings'
"::.-" """
~~~:%\q':%\1'o,1~~~fa,slqa,1 1l:!lq-o~~1~q~1
sung rap rin chen dram gyi kha che pay
~1~q~~~~a,~"-!, 1l~~~~"'lqa.~l~~1.~1'111 dra cham ne ten chen po shuk so tsal
The dharma of the Lion of the Shakyas,
That protector of beings, rests in your hands.
~ t:\-v-' " - " "" ..,-' dam cho pel way le du jen dren na
Q,:!j'qa,l1'~:%\~ 05 l~~~4~~~~~"'~1 1%qq~q,a,
dro way don chir cho kyi shek su sol All you arhats, elders, you who open
q~~q~1qa.~"-!~~1a,~11 1tl.11'"-~~~~l~~r:.l~ The precious vessel of the buddha's words:
tup pay ka go ten pay gyal tsen dzin I invite you in order to spread the genuine dharma.
1~~1~1~1 ~~~~1~ ~AA~q::~~~l~1 1~~:%\2J~ yen lak jung dang ma pam nak na ne I pray that you come, since my offerings are for beings'
du den dor je moy bu sang po dang
~:%\~r(~~:%\'~1~~~ 1 benefit.
ser beu bha ra dha dza ser chen chok
As appointed by Shakyamuni,
You hold the victory banner of dharma.
Angaja, Ajita, Vanavasin, Kalika,
Vajriputra, Bhadra, Kanakavatsa,
a,~~~'CJ't;:]'\l'~'lr;:_~~~~a,~~ l ~~~~~~~~!(t::l~l pak pa ba ku Ia dang dra chen dzin Kanaka Bharadhvaja, Arya Bakula,
lam tren bha ra dha dza so nyam len Rahula, Chudapanthaka, Pindola Bharadhvaja,
~~~~~~ ~~~t;:]~~~a~~lslJ~lq1 1a.~t;:]a~~ lam ten luy de be che mi che pa Mahapanthaka, Nagasena, Gopaka, and Abheda:
~~~~\~~= ~r;:,~lr;:,~4~~~l~~~r;:,~ID~r~r;:,1 l dro way don chir cho kyi shek su sol I pray that you come, since my offerings are for beings'
~~~salt;:]r;:_9~~~~~~~a.~~~r;:_l ~lq~~~~g~ pang dang ye she pun tsok sang gye kyang
dul jay wang gi nyen to tsul dzin ching Although your perfect relinquishment and pristine wisdom are
""" """ " 1~~~t;:]~~t;:]~~~a.l~s~~l~~
~~a;~~r;:,t;:]r.z.1 . " """ khye par chen gyi trin le cho kyong way like the buddha's,
ne ten chu druk dir jon den Ia shuk You take the form of shravakas for the sake of disciples.
t;:]~~~1lt;:]~~~~'t;:]1a,~r;:_~~~~!(l't;:]~~q~r;:_l1~r;:_ Your special activity is the protection of dharma.
~~~~~~~~t;:]a~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~!(l~~~ de shek ka lung tsar dze ten pa sung Sixteen elders, come here and be seated.
rang don dar ne khor way nak tsal du
t;:]~~t;:]~~~~~ ll~.t;:]~~~~~~alt;:]r;:_9~~~~a.~~ shen don lhur dze ne ten chu druk po You protect the dharma, particularly the sugata's words.
dam che tuk jey wang gi ne dir shek Sixteen elders, you have cast aside your own welfare,
~~~~ 1l~.t;:]~~~t;:]~~~~t;:]~~qa%~~~ql 1l7if~ And remain in the jungle of samsara for the benefit of others.
ge nyen kyap sol den pay tsik nyen pa;:,~~~~a.~~11t;:]~l~~~~~~~ kon chok sum gyi shap dring chi so tsal
Come here through your commitment and compassion.

~r;:_~~~~~~~ la.~t;:]a~~~~~~l~~~-9~~~
- so nam rin chen ling du chen dren na Upasaka who has taken refuge and listens to words of truth,
dro way don chir cho kyi shek su sol And all those who serve the three jewels:
~~~11 I invite you to this garden of precious merit.
I pray that you come, since my offerings are for beings'
~~r;:_~~lt;:]~.t;:]~J~~~q11~~~~~~~~~~~~qa tsung meta way mi ngom pa benefit.
ser gyi dok chen dze pay ku
~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r;:_q~~~1 ~~~~~~~~ shal chik chak nyi kyil trung shuk
~~~~!(l~~a.~~11~~a~~t;:]~~qlr;:_1lt;:]~~qID~ sa non nyam shak dze chak tsal Peerless, the sight of you never satiates.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang You are beautiful, and golden in color.
q;:::s~~~~q~l ~~~~:r\l~~IJ,~A:ll~r;:,~~~~ar~~~l l

a,~~~q~~~t;:]~~Ul~~~~r;:_l 1l~.t;:]~~~r;:_lr;:_~~
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop

gang ri chen po ti se na
pak pa ne ten yen lak jung
You have one face, two hands, and are seated with crossed legs.
I prostrate to you who press the earth and rest in meditation.
Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
And so that dharma flourish.
dra cham tong dang sum gye kor
po par nga yap dzin chak tsal On great snow-covered Mount Kailash
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Is the arya elder Angaja,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop Surrounded by one thousand three hundred arhats.
I prostrate to you who hold an incense pot and fan.
Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
And so that dharma flourish.

A Ritual of Offering ~ 269 03 The Sixteen Elders

1he Kagyu Monlam Book &> 2 70 03 A Compilation for Recitation

- ~~~
sr:::~z;.:~;,~--1~~~~~1 1a,~~~q~~~l:l~~o.rr:4 d,l't:.l1 1 drang song ri yi shel nak Ia
pak pa ne ten ma pam pa
In the crystal forest on the rishis' mountain
Is the arya elder Ajita,
~~l:l~d,l'l:J~'~~~~~~~l:l~.:l\1 1~~~~~d,l~d,l~~~
- ~~
d-1!(~= ~'d,l'l:J~~qa,~~~~11a,~~~q~~~l:l~~~~~
dra cham gya trak chik gi kor
chak nyi nyam shak dze chak tsal
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang
Surrounded by a hundred arhats.
I prostrate to you whose two hands rest in meditation.
Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
~~~~~ ~~~l:l~d,l'~f;'~f;'r::]~'l:J~~l:l~.:l\11~~~d,l~r::]'f_' ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

~l:J'(J,~~= !(~~z;~:=lz;~~z;~11a,~~~q~~~r::]~~~~ Ia ma dun pay ri puk na In the mountain cave of Seven Leaves
pak pa ne ten nak na ne Is the arya elder Vanavasin,
~~~1 1~~l:l~d,l'~z;~z;~~r::]~~l:l~.:l\1 ~~il.:~;,~~~.:~;, Surrounded by one thousand four hundred arhats.
dra cham tong dang shi gye kor
a,~~= ~~~~~z;~~11~~~r::]~~~~~~~11~~r::]~d,l' dik dzup nga yap dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you who point a threatening forefinger and hold
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang a fan.

~z;~~~~~~~l:l~.:l\11~~~d,l~r::]'f_'~l:J'(.l,~~= ~Z:J~~ ten pa gye par jin gyi lop Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,

~~ -~ And so that dharma flourish.
~a,~z;~1 1a,~~~q~~~r::]~~l:J:=lf;'t:.l'~ 1 1~~r::]~d,l~z;
dzam bu ling gi sang ling na
~z;~~r::]~~l:l~.:l\1105~'(.!,05~'d,l~d,l'~~~d-1!(~= pak pa ne ten du den te On Copper Island in Jambudvipa
dra cham tong dang chik gye kor Is the arya elder Kalika,
ser gyi na kor dzin chak tsal Surrounded by one thousand one hundred arhats.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang I prostrate to you who hold golden earrings.
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
And so that dharma flourish.
sin ga Ia yi ling na ni
ne ten dar je mo yi bu On the island of Singhala
dra cham tong trak chi gi kor Is the arya elder Vajriputra,
dik dzup nga yap dzin chak tsal Surrounded by one thousand arhats.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang I prostrate to you who point a threatening forefinger and hold
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop a fan.
Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
chu wo ya mu nay ling na And so that dharma flourish.
pak pa ne ten sang po ni
dra cham tong dang nyi gyay kor On an island in the River Yamuna
cho che nyam shak dze chak tsal Is the arya elder Bhadra,
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Surrounded by one thousand two hundred arhats.
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop I prostrate to you who teach dharma and rest in meditation.
Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
And so that dharma flourish.
~~~~fd.l~~ld.]'~'f'~'~11~~~~.r~~~~q~~~~;::,q~ 1 ne chok dam pa kha che na In the holy land of Kashmir
pak pa ne ten ser be u Is the arya elder Kanakavatsu,
l~F~~d-!~~2J~q~~q~;::,1 1~~~~~~~~~~~= ~q dra chom chen po nga gye kor Surrounded by five hundred arhats.
~'l!:l'"'l~~l~~11 ~:::,~~~~;::,~~d.!~~ 1l~q~d.]~~q rin chen shak pa dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you who hold a jewelled lasso.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
q~~q~~q~;::,11~~~~~d.]~;.t~~~d.l~l= s~~~1 ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

~~~~1 1~~~~~~~~q~~q~"'l1 1l~q~d.]~q nup kyi ba lang cho na ni In Godaniya in the west
Is the arya elder Kanaka Bharadhvaja,
l~q~~q~;::,1 1~~~ar~~~~~~~= sUl~\ltll~~~ bha ra dha dza ser chen chok
dra chom chen po dun gye kor Surrounded by seven hundred arhats.
~1 1~~~~~~~~q~~~~~~~~~1 1l~q~d.]~~l~ chak nyi nyam shak dze chak tsal I prostrate to you whose two hands rest in meditation.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
~~q~~q~;::,1 1~~~~~~~~~~= s~l~~2la:~tr

- --
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop

jang gi dra mi nyen na ni

And so that dharma flourish.

In Uttarakuru in the north

~~q~~q~~11~~~~~d.l~d.l~~~;.t~l= pak pa ne ten ba ku Ia Is the arya elder Bakula,
dra chom chen po gu gye kor Surrounded by nine hundred arhats.
chak yon neu le dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you whose left hand holds a mongoose.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

tri yang ku yi ling na ni On the island ofPriyangku

pak pa ne ten dra chen dzin Is .the arya elder Rahula,
dra chom tong dang chik gye kor Surrounded by one thousand one hundred arhats.
rin chen trek shu dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you who hold a precious crown.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

ja go pung poy ri wo Ia On Vulture Peak Mountain

pak pa ne ten lam tren ten Is the arya elder Chudapanthaka,
dra chom tong dang druk gye kor Surrounded by one thousand six hundred arhats.
chak nyi nyam shak dze chak tsal I prostrate to you whose two hands rest in meditation.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

A Ritual of Offiring ro 2 7 I 03' The Sixteen Elders

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 72 03 A Compilation for Recitation

4~~~~'(.1,1:4~~~~~~11 ~~~z(q~t"'~~~cij~ 11l~ shar gyi lu pak ling na ni In Purvavideha in the east
bha ra dha dza so nyom len Is the arya elder Pindola Bharadhvaja,
Q~~~z;-s~~~~9~q~~11~~~q~~~q~"'"'~~= ~ dra chom tong trak chik gi kor Surrounded by a thousand arhats.
~~~~~~!~~~~11"-l:4~~~~~~q~~cll~'Q~~~11 lek bam lhung se dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you who hold a volume and an alms bowl.
Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang
l~q~~~~q.l~q~~q~~11~~~q~~~a,o:;l~z(l= ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

~~~cll~~~Cl.l~~cll11"-1:4~~~~~~q~~~til~11l~ lha ne sum chu tsa sum na In the abode of the thirty-three devas
Is the arya elder Mahapanthaka,
Q~~~~l~~~q~~q~~11~~~~~~~cll'(.l,~~= ~til pak pa ne ten lam ten ni
Surrounded by nine hundred arhats.
dra chom chen po gu gye kor
~~.q.~~cll~11"'1:4~~~~~~q~~~"'s"'~11l~q~~ lek bam cho che dze chak tsal I prostrate to you who hold a volume and teach dharma.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
~~l~q~q~~q~~1 1~~~~~~~~q~a,~~= ~til ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.
~cllq.~~~~~cll1 1"-1:4~~~~~~q~~l~l~1 1l~ ri yi gyal po ngo yang Ia On the spacious slopes of Mount Meru
Q~~~~s~~~~9~q~~11S~~~~~l~~"'~~= pak pa ne ten lu yi de Is the arya elder Nagasena,
dra chom tong dang nyi gye kor Surrounded by one thousand two hundred arhats.
bum pa khar sil dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you who hold a vase and a ringing staff.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

ri yi gyal po bhi hu lar On the king of mountains, Bihula,

pak pa ne ten be che ni Is the arya elder Gopaka,
dra chom tong dang shi gye kor Surrounded by one thousand four hundred arhats.
chak nyi lek bam dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you whose two hands hold a volume.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

ri yi gyal po gang chen Ia On the king of Himalayan mountains

pak pa ne ten mi che pa Is the arya elder Abheda,
dra chom tong trak chik gi kor Surrounded by a thousand arhats.
jang chen cho ten dzin chak tsal I prostrate to you who hold a mahabodhi stupa.
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop And so that dharma flourish.

The arya upasaka Dharmata

Has his hair bound in a topknot and carries texts.
In front of hin1 ~5 Amitabha.
a.~~~qa:~~~~~~?1 1~'4lQa~~~~~~@~~~~ pak pay gen nyen dhar ma ta I prostrate to you who hold a fan and vase.
ral pay to ching lek bam khur Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
~~1 1~~~~flQ,'U1~~~~~~~~~1 1~'Ul~~~qa,~~= nang wa ta ye dun na shuk And so that dharma flourish.
~i~q~~~~~~%~~-~~~1 1~~~ID~~~~q~~~ nga yap bum pa dzin chak tsal
Armored with diligence, powerful,
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang
i~~a1 14~~~~s~~~~~~~1 1ID'll~~~~'ll~~ ten pa gye par jin gyi lop You protect the buddhadharma
In the east, south, west, and north.
a.~'llar11~~a~~~~~q~~11z:J~~qID~q~s~~~ tson pay go go tu top chen I prostrate to the four great kings.
...... sang gye ten pa lek kyong way Grant your blessing so that the gurus live long,
shar lho nup jang chok shi yi And so that dharma flourish.
gyal chen shi Ia chak tsal lo
Ia may ku tse ten pa dang
Arya arhats, emanations of the buddha,
ten pa gye par jin gyi lop
~~~ID~~'llq~~~~~a.~~~qal~~ 11 a.~~a~~~ You protect the dharma for beings' benefit.
Sixteen elders, you are truly the three jewels.
~~~qi~~~~qa1 1~i~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sang gye trul pa dra chom pak pay tsok Grant your blessing that the dharma long remain.
~~~~~11~~~q~~~~~~~qJ;:s~~~~~11%~~ dro way don du ten pa kyong dze pay
Sixteen elders, you personify compassion.
kon chok sum ngo ne ten chu druk gi
~aq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 ~~l~~~~~l''ll~ ten pa yun ring ne par jin gyi lop Your retinues have crossed the ocean of becoming and have no
~~~~~;r~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~IDal~~~~~~~11 tuk jey dak nyi ne ten chu druk gi All sixteen thousand four hundred of you:
~~~q~~~~~~~q~s~~~%~~11~ij'~~~~ID~l' khor tsok si tso le gal nyon mong me Grant your blessing that the dharma long remain.
tri dang druk tong shi gyay tsok nam kyi
ar~~~~~~s~~~11~4~ID~l'~~q~~~~~~11ar~ ten pa yun ring ne par jin gyi lop May the ocean of merit become complete,
The ocean of pristine wisdom become pure,
?~ID~l-~~~~~~~~~~1 1a.~~~~~~'ll~rs~q~ so nam gya tso yong su dzok che ching And the ocean of qualities become perfect.
ye she gya tso nam par dak gyur te
a.~~~q~4~ 1~~~~~ID'll~ID'll~~%~~~~~11~~ May we transcend all that is mundane.
yon ten gya tso ma IU kun dzok ne
~~~'ll~~~~~q~~~~~11~~~ql~~~a.~~a~~ jik ten kun le kye par pak par shok Through the compassion of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of
the three times,
~~~q11~~~~~~~~ar~~~~~~4~4~ 1~~~r~~ du sum gyal wa gyal se tuk je yi You retain the appearance of shravakas and, for as long as
nyen to tsul sung si pa ji si bar samsara lasts,
"'J~~~~n 11
ten pa kyong shing dro way don dze pa Will protect the dharma and benefit beings.
ne ten chen po nam kyi ta shi shok May there be the auspiciousness of the great elders!

Composed by Mahapandita Shakyashri

A Ritual ofOffiring ro 273 03' The Sixteen Elders

The Kagyu Monlam Book ro 2 76 03 A Compilation for Recitation

The Lamp Prayer

~:l\~a-~"'~-~~-~~~-~-~~-~~crQ.~~-~~-fl~~~fif:l\ mar mey no ni tong sum gyi tong chen po jik May the bowl of this lamp become equal to the outer ring of
ten kham gyi khor yuk dang nyam par gyur this world realm of the great Three Thousands. May its stem be
~~-"'~-~~d.J-q:l\-~:l\~~ 1~~-~~~a-~lll~~:l\t:l~~-~ chik dong bu ni riyi gyal po ri rap tsam du the size of the King of Mountains, Mt. Meru. May its oil fill the
~:l\~~ 1~:l\~-~-~~a~d.Jl~~-~~:l\~~ 1 ~~l~r~-~~~ gyur chik surrounding oceans. In number, may a hundred million appear
mar khu ni tay gya tso tsam du gyur chik before each and every buddha. May its light dispel all the dark-
~~~~a~~~-~~~-~:l\~~-~~t:l:l\.~:l\~~ 1~"'~~-~"' drang ni sang gye re rey dun du dung chur ness of ignorance from the Peak of Existence to the Incessant
re re jung war gyur chik Hell and illumine all the Pure Realms of the buddhas and bod-
qati~~-05"'~~ 1 ~~:l\-~"'qa"'~lllt:ltll~05"'~~-~~ hisattvas of the ten directions so they are clearly seen.
qa~~q~~~-~"'t:l~lll~~-~~~-t::l~a-~~~-~~-"'~s~ 6 kyi si pay tse mo me che ne
nar me pay nyal wa yen che kyi ma rik pay OM VAJRA ALOKE AH HU
~t:Jil~~"'qa~~-fl~~-~~~-~"'~~~-~d.J~~~~-~~ mun pa tam che sal ne chok chuy sang gye
dang jang chup sem pay shing kham tam
~~lll't::l:l\'~:l\~~ 1 che ngon sum du tong shing sal war gyur
I offer this amazing, wonderful, bright lamp
~t:ls:~nr,~g~1 LN~~1 ~-~~:l\~"'~~-~~-~~llli~ To the one thousand buddhas of this fortunate aeon
The lamas, yidams, dakinis, dharma protectors,
on) vajra aloke a~ hurl)
~-Q,~1 1t::l~lllt:lE!~~~~-~~-~~!Ill~~~qa1 1:l\t:l. And gatherings of deities in the mandalas

...,.- "
1~~tlll~~(tlQ.' " e ma ho
ngo tsar me jung nang sal dron me di Of all pure realms of the infinite ten directions.
Q.J~~-i~l~11l~lll'~:l\~l~~-~~~lllQ.~Ill't:l:l\'t:l~11 kal sang sang gye tong tsa Ia sok pay My parents in the fore, may every sentient being
rap jam chok chuy shing kham rna lu pay In this lifetime and all the places they take birth
4l'd.J~~~s~il~~~~-~d.J~~"'~1 1~:l\q~Q,~."'~~ Ia ma yi dam khan dro cho kyong dang See the pure realms of the perfect Buddhas directly

~~~-~~~-~"'-~11~~~-~~~-~~qa~~fl~~-~~~-~~~ kyil khor lha tsok nam Ia bul war gyi And then become inseparable from Amitabha.
~~11~llq~~ld.J~~-~ll~ls:l\~l4~ 1li~d.J~~ pa me tso che sem chen tam che kyi
tse rap di dang kye ne tam che du
Out of the power of the truth of the Three Jewels
And the deities of the Three Roots I've made this prayer.
~~~-l~!~~(J.]~l~~-~11q~~qa<J.l%'~~-w~lll<J.lQ,~ dzok sang gye pay shing kham ngon tong Please grant your blessings that it be quickly accomplished.
t:1Yjt::l'~11~::;~~t:J'q:l\~-~~t:l~t:l~-~~lll1175'f:J1 q'% TADYATHA PANCHANDRIYA AVA BODHANAYE SVAHA
~tll~q~~~~,-11 ~~~zr~lCJ~~~tg-r~4~lra~~~r;9 6 pak me gon nyi dang yer me shok
kon chok sum dang tsa sum lha tsok kyi
The glorious Lord Atisha with just seventeen of his students recited this
J.~ilfr;~J.~~~lq~~z:rr;J~'I:;Jml~J.~~~r?:.:r.:a_~~J.~(l~~~~~~11 den pay tu yi man lam di tap te
prayer in a roar in the temples of 0 Tsang, it is heard.
nyur du drup par jin gyi lap tu sol

tadyatha parichandriya ava bodhanaye


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