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Stocks & Commodities V.

29:1 (22-23, 34): Breakaway Gaps by Kenneth Gilliland

Far And Away

Breakaway Gaps
There are many different types of gaps, but this one a trading perspective, it provides the best riskreward ratio

provides the best riskreward ratio. when compared to other price gaps.

by Kenneth Gilliland Why breakaway gaps occur

Just like gasoline, beachfront property, shoes, or any other
gap up in a stocks price is an exciting event. Usually, commodity, the price of a stock is affected by the forces of
such moves will be covered by the financial media, supply and demand. If demand is greater than supply, the
creating hysteria and resulting in some people franti- price of an item will rise. Conversely, if supply is greater
cally buying the stock before its too late. Rarely do than demand, the price of the item will fall. If you are a
the pundits provide a reasoned and thorough explana- trend-follower, you may be of the opinion that stock prices
tion as to why the large jump in price will lead to any sort generally move up or down in a uniform fashion. However,
of substantial gains over the near future; they just report the if a situation has dramatically changed, it may cause the
awe-inspiring numbers without touching on their technical demand to rise or fall, resulting in a stock price gapping up
significance. Sometimes, armed with simply a headline, the (or down). Some examples of when a breakaway gap may
uninformed will buy the stock and get lucky. Over the long form are an earnings surprise, award of a new government
term, however, this strategy is bound to fail, as a large gap up contract, or the possibility of a buyout. Will the stock continue
in price does not necessarily mean the stock will continue to to rise? We can never know for sure, but the charts give us
rise. It is possible to trade these large price moves and jump some clues as to whether it might be worth entering a trade
on a profit-making trend, provided you learn to recognize the and riding the trend.
patterns that are more likely to succeed.
There are various types of gaps including common, run- Price moves out of trading range
away, and exhaustion gaps. For our purposes, however, the A breakout of a trading range is the main distinction that
one we will concern ourselves with is the breakaway. From separates breakaway gaps from other types of price gaps
Copyright Technical Analysis Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 29:1 (22-23, 34): Breakaway Gaps by Kenneth Gilliland

SBUX (Starbucks Corp.) Nasdaq GS

14 Sep 2009 Open 1949 High 20.00 Low 19.40 Close 19.89 Volume 9.3M Chg +0.19 (+0.96%) Trading the
SBUX (Daily) 19.89
Buy point
gap will
Breakaway gap
Trading range ensure
15 that if the
14 stock price
12.78 continues
100M 12 to rise, you
75 Large increase 11 will be there
50 in volume
10 to garner
93021 profits.
16 23 Apr 13 20` May 11 18 26 Jun 8 15 22 Jul 13 20 27 Aug 10 17 24 Sep 8 14

Figure 1: a classic breakaway gap. After trading in a range for almost three months, the stock gaps up out of the trading range
on tremendous volume. In this case, the stock did not provide much of an opportunity to buy before the next rise in price. While the stock
did pull back, it did so on lighter volume and stayed near the closing high.

(Figure 1). A quick look at a chart can tell you whether this has supported near the breakout level and the stock will continue
occurred. If a stock has been trading between $20 and $25 for to rise. Can a breakout succeed on light volume? Absolutely!
three months and suddenly gaps up and moves out of that range, More often than not, however, the light volume breakouts
you may have a candidate for a breakaway gap. There is no set will fail, as there is no real conviction behind the move. As
period of time, but the longer a stock remains in a trading range, a trader, you must always consider the risk. Abandoning
the more significant the movement out of that range. Gaps that the move that is less likely to succeed is the prudent course
occur within a trading range are deemed common gaps. They of action.
are questionable and should not be traded, as the stock has yet
to prove that it can move to the next level beyond the current Price action throughout the day
range; those that occur at the end of a downtrend are also suspect. Another factor to consider is the price action for the day as
While this may forecast the possibility of a trend reversal, this well as the closing price. Ideally, after breaking above the
is not the sort of price move we are discussing. current trading range, the stock price will close near the high
of the session. A breakaway gap that loses most or all of its
Increase in volume gains may not be an ideal candidate. As a rule, I would steer
As you may have heard countless times, Volume confirms
price. This oft-used phrase also holds true for breakaway Continued on page 34
gaps. Ideally, volume
should increase sub- ISRG (Intuitive Surgical Inc.) Nasdaq GS
stantially above normal 14 Sep 2009 Open 238.84 High 242.66 Low 237.81 Close 242.66 Volume 417.8K Chg +2.26 (+0.94%)
volume levels. A 10%
ISRG (Daily) 242.66
to 20% increase in 230
Buy point
volume is not enough. 220
You should be able Trading range Breakaway 190
to look at the volume gap 180
on a chart and easily 170
recognize that a huge
increase in volume has
occurred (Figure 2). A 130
large spike in volume 6M Large increase
is a sign that the big 110

4 in volume
institutional investors 2 100
usually known as 417771
smart money have 16 23 Apr 13 20` May 11 18 26 Jun 8 15 22 Jul 13 20 27 Aug 10 17 24 Sep 8 14
jumped on board the Figure 2: breakaway gap with strong volume. In this case, the price went sideways for a longer period of time, but ultimately
stock. This ensures that the stock did continue its rise in price. In addition, there was more price volatility involved after the initial breakout but the stock did stay
the stock price will be below the intraday low of the initial breakout.
Copyright Technical Analysis Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 29:1 (22-23, 34): Breakaway Gaps by Kenneth Gilliland

clear of such breakouts, as they are more likely to fall back trading range. In that case, you can place a stop-loss below
into the trading range (or worse). the top of the previous trading range.
Prior to entering the trade, you should consider the point
Trading the breakaway gap at which you may wish to take a profit; scan for possible re-
There are many different ways to trade the breakout. After sistance points that may impede the upward movement of the
the market closes on the first day of the breakout, place a stop stock price. Examples include moving averages (specifically,
order a few cents above the previous days closing price, or if the 50- or 200-day moving average), or previous overhead
you are less aggressive, the intraday high. Do not worry if the trading ranges. However, if the breakout occurs at or near
market does not continue its uptrend the day after the breakout; an all-time high, you may want to consider holding it for a
in fact, a continued rise the day after may signal that the stock longer period, possibly taking profits at various points along
is about to come crashing down. Ideally, some pullback in the way.
price on decreasing volume is more desirable, as the stock is
taking a well-deserved break after such a quick rise. Who doesnt want a profit?
While you may have missed out on the first big move, trading
Risk management and taking a profit the breakaway gap will ensure that if the stocks price con-
Like every other chart pattern buy signal, the breakaway gap tinues to rise, you will be there to garner profits. As always,
is not always going to lead to a profitable trade. Every trader remember that there is no sure thing in the stock market. Even
has a different risk threshold. However, there are some sug- if a trade looks like a cant lose situation, always employ
gestions about where to place a stop-loss. stop-losses to manage risk.
First, you can place it just below the opening or intraday low
of the breakout. This area will normally act as support. Keep Kenneth Gilliland is an attorney and long-time trader.
in mind that sometimes the price will undercut the intraday
low, only to have some buyers enter the market and support Suggested reading
the stock. Another possible way to employ a stop-loss is when Murphy, John J. [1996]. The Visual Investor, John Wiley & Sons.
the breakaway gap did not occur too far from the previous

Copyright Technical Analysis Inc.

Article copyright 2012 by Technical Analysis Inc. Reprinted from the June 2011 issue with permission
from Stocks & Commodities Magazine.

The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. Fidelity Investments
cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any statements or data.


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