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Name of Character: Kothar Harror (demon hunter in draconic) Class(es): Racial Level(s): 8 5 Alignment LN

Race: Erinyes Sex: Male Age: 39 Height: 6'3" Weight: 150 Eyes: Winter Blue Group: Young Adult
Exiled Baatezu Hair: Silver Religion: Redemption Patron Deity: Balder
Outsider Native Pre ECL (die rolls) Wings: Obsidian Black Skin: Alabaster white
Ability Temp Temp Ability Ability Base Armor Shield Dex Natural Deflect Misc
Name Score Mod Score Mod Total Armor Bonus Mod Mod Armor Mod Mod
STR 21 5 13 1 AC 35 10 1 4 6 10 3 Touch AC 34
DEX 23 6 15 2 Total 43+40 Flat Footed 29
CON 21 5 13 1 HP 83 Conditional
INT 20 5 16 3 Wounds/Current HP AC Modifier
WIS 22 6 16 3 Nonlethal Damage

CHA 20 5 12 1 Total Dex Mod MiscMod SKILLS MAX RANKS 16 / 8

Initiative Modifier 6 6 0 Key SKILL ABILITY MISC
Base Ability Magic Misc Temp Conditional SKILL NAME Ability MOD MOD RANKS MOD
Saving Throw Total Save Mod Mod Mod Mod Modifiers Appraise INT 5 = 5 + +
Fortitude 11 = 6 + 5 + 0 + 0 + Balance DEX* 6 = 6 + +
Immun. Fire and
Reflex 12 = 6 + 6 + 0 + 0 + poison, resistance 10
Bluf CHA 5 = 5 + +
Will 12 = 6 + 6 + 0 + 0 + acid,cold Climb STR* 5 5 + +
Concentration CON
5 =
= 5
5 +
+ +
Base STR Size Misc Craft INT 5 = 5 + +
TOTAL Att Mod Mod Mod Mod Fly 50FT Craft INT 5 = 5 + +
GRAPPLE 13 = 8 + 5 + 0 + 0 SPEED 30ft Decipher Script INT 5 = 5 + +
Diplomacy CHA 12 = 5 + 7 +
Merciful Holy Abysal L. Sword 1 14 / 9 1d8+5 19-20 x2 Disguise CHA 5 = 5 + +
Range Type Notes Abyssal Blood Ore - Cold iron, +4 confirm critical Escape Artist DEX* 13 = 6 + 5 + 2
Sl Merciful, Abyssal Bloodiron Forgery INT 5 = 5 + +
Socket: Gather Information CHA 7 = 5 + + 2
Composie Long Bow Modified 11 14 / 6 2d8+11 20 x3 Heal WIS 6 = 6 + +
Range Type Notes Improved Damage +5 str+5 Hide DEX* 13 = 6 + 7 +
220 Pr Flaming 1d6 Intimidate CHA 5 = 5 + +
Ammunition Jump STR* 5 = 5 + +
Composie Long Bow Modified 1 15 / 10 2d8+16 20 x3 Knowledge Religon INT 10 = 5 + 5 +
Range Type Notes with Improved Damage arrows +5 damage str+5 Knowledge INT 5 = 5 + +
Sl Flaming 1d6 Knowledge INT 5 = 5 + +
Ammunition Knowledge INT 5 = 5 + +
1 15 /
/ 1310 Move Silently DEX* 13 = 6 + 7 +
Range Type Notes Open Lock DEX 6 = 6 + +
Perform CHA 5 = 5 + +
Ammunition Profession WIS 6 = 6 + +
Profession WIS 6 = 6 + +
0 16 11 6 Ride DEX 6 = 6 + +
Range Type Notes Plus Poison Search INT 12 = 5 + 7 +
5 Sense Motive WIS 10 = 6 + 4 +
Ammunition Sleight of Hand DEX* 6 = 6 + +
Spellcraft INT 5 = 5 + +
A paladin took peity on Kothar after finding him left for dead in a church. The paladin took this Spot WIS 13 = 6 + 7 +
as a sign that this soul needed redemption. After taking tending to the injured man, weeks past Survival WIS 17 = 6 + 7 + 4
with no change till late one evening Kothar awoke with no memory of how he got here or where Swim STR* 5 = 5 + +
here was. The Paladin tought Kothar the way of Baldr. Kothar served the Paladin and learned Tumble DEX* 6 = 6 + +
from the Paladin and after several years Kothar learned what he was. One evening he turned to Use Magic Device CHA 5 = 5 + +
the Paladin and asked why did he spare him? The Paladin respopnded all can make ammens for Use Rope DEX 17 = 6 + 7 + 4
their sins if they truley seek redemption. And I believe that you were seeking that when I found 0 = + +
you in the church. As he removed severed head from a pack, ''he would terrorize he innocent just BOLD is a skill that can be used untrained

for fun, and you stopped him that i do know. So I'm going to take you to a Church to reflect on Check these boxes if the skill is a

this knowledge to decide how to a continue you redemption.'' to this day Kothar has served class skill for the character.

the church in any way that was needed, as he walks the path of redemption. *Armor check penalty if any applies (double penalty for swim).
EXPERIENCE Feats/special abilities
Experience Total 80,000 see in Darkness
XP for next Level Level Adjustment ECL Darkvision 40ft
94,000 5 13 True Sight 60ft
DR 5/good
Armor/Protective Items Immunity to Fire and Poison
Armor/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex Bonus Resistance to Acid and Cold 10
Fortified Padded Robs light 1 8 36k SR 20
Check Penalty % Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties Telepathy 100'
fortified 100%, Entangle

Shield/Protective Items
Shield/Protective Item AC Bonus Weight Check Penalty
Dodge (bonus)
Spell Failure Special Properties Mobility (bonus)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Protective Items Shot on the Run
AC Bonus Weight Special Properties Tracking
Amulet of Natural Armor 2 enchantment 8k
Ring of Protection 3 deflection 18k
AC Bonus Weight Special Properties

Taint of Evil -- counts as Evil for detect evil and damage bonus

Protective Items
AC Bonus Weight Special Properties
Cloak of Faith shield 4 SLA at will
stops all magic missles from rear attack 4k gp Charm Monster at 13 caster
constant shield spell in activation Balder symbol Greater teleport (self + 50 lb)

Possessions Money
HHH. 2k gp
-Rope 100' (good) Ring of Sustains-2hr rest 2500 gp Platinum: 13
--Prayer book Gold: 155
Engineered composite Long bow 15k gp
Bowl with spoon
Hunting knife w/ sheath --Improved Damage +5 damage Silver: 145
--extended range rangex2
pots,pans, Cooking stones
Copper: 45
Quiver of Blunted arrows x50 + 5 damage 300gp Blue Diamonds - 8000 GP x
Quiver of normal arrows x 50 2 Ruby - 4000 GP x 2
Quiver of Deep Impact x50 +5 damage 300gp Emeralds - 1000 GP x3
Quiver of Long Blunted x50 +5 damage and range x2 600gp Black Pearls - 500 GP x5
Silver Pearls- 100 GP x5
L. Sword merciful, abyssal Bloodiron 14k gp

one Oxen to ride or feed the ne

Walking Staff that can cast Cure minor at wil 4k gp Influence

Potions And Wands

Scrolls. Potions
Cure Moderate x5 1500 gp
Neutralize Poison x2 1500 gp
Remove Curse x2 1500 gp
Remove Disease x1 700 gp

Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Common
Elven, Undercommon, Abyssal (paid for with 3000 gp gold and teaching)

Carrying Capacity
Light Medium Heavy Lift over head lift off ground
0-153 154-307 307-461 461 922
[ Secondary Flaw: External Trouble ]
Your character has made a personal enemy with a reasonable degree
of power. This enemy should not simply be against your character s race,
nation, or sworn cause he is after your character specifically and will
never forget the enmity that exists between them.
Drawback: The DM has a great deal of leeway in the construction of
this NPC. At a minimum, the NPC will have class levels (or power equivalent
to class levels) equal to that of your character, and will gain experience
roughly as fast as your character does. If the enemy makes frequent
appearances in your character s life, the DM may leave him as is.
If the enemy makes infrequent appearances, the DM should give him a
bit more power to make those appearances more disruptive. The contest
between your character and his enemy will only end in the death (or an
equally final fate) of one of them, after a series of harrowing encounters.
Special: "Hunted" is an alternate version of the enemy flaw. If your
character is Hunted, some external force seeks him for a pressing reason,
but doesn't necessarily want to kill him. In fact, they might need him
intact. Perhaps your character was forced into an arranged royal marriage,
for example, and now flees just a few steps ahead of the agents of
both his family and his would-be spouse's family
Ideals for possible use

I reduced the range on the Darkvision and the Truesight to reduce the impact
I removed the ability to summon minions use mirror image and unholy blight being that the character is Exiled from the
Nine hells
I added the Taint of Evil to Emply that the character has not completely shaken the past yet

i was going to use the Distinctions and Drawbacks to make it so that some of hell is still hunting for him

The characters was going to be played as a reserved personality tring to avoid killing unless it is the last option as shown
by the sword having merciful on it and having blunted arrow to due Subdule damage.

He walks around with Staff (nothing special) with the ability to cast cure minor endlessly. Helping those in need asking
only a place to sleep for the night . Then leaving a gift as a thank you.

He carries the sword and bow to use only when needed else they are stored in a hidden on his back.

the change to the Alignment is to show that he has started on his way to redemption.

The character is in a steep slope tring to overcome his nature of violents and sin to deserve his second chance at life.

The final calculation

-- 1 ECL for reducing Template from S+10 D+10 C+10 I+4 W+10 C+10 to S+8 D+8 C+8 I+4 W+8 C+8 | taking 10 attribute
points out

-- 1 ECL for reducing Vision distances Dark vision 60ft to 40 ft and Truesight from 120ft to 60ft as well as removing some
Unholy Blight, Mirror Image; and reducing the charm Monster Caster Level to match Effective Character level
i also removed a HD to show that the Character has lost some of what he was

Racial HD 8 Level Adjustment 5 = ECL 13

all gold was spent according to DMG for a 13 level character 110,000 gp
that Armor does exceed the 1/5 rule but could be change if required.

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