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Law, Justice and Society - The Changing Nature of the Law

Activity Number 1. This activity is suitable for students up to Year 11 level.


Your group consists of:

A 16-year-old boy.

A mother with a 3-month-old baby girl.

A 32-year-old builder.

A 40-year-old female teacher.

A 75-year-old retired sea captain.

A 7-year-old girl.

You have been washed up on a remote island. There is limited fresh water, edible fruit and plenty of fish.
You are unsure if there are other people living on the island. A box has been washed up with you, which
contains a packet of unidentified seeds, fishing tackle, a small inflatable dinghy and oars, a bag of cricket
equipment, a large tent, two cans of apricots and a mirror. A Jack Russell terrier also survived the

1. Identify the steps you will need to take to ensure the short-term survival of your group.

2. How will these decisions be made?

3. How will these decisions be enforced?

4. What other rules will be needed?

5. What conflicts may develop?

6. How would these conflicts be resolved?

7. Consider how your group would resolve the following conflicts (give reasons for your answers).

a) The 16-year-old boy loses the oars while fishing alone, contrary to a group decision.

b) The teacher refuses to collect food for anyone else.

c) The mother with the baby steals the cans of apricots and eats them.

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