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Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Faculty of Commerce
Question Bank
1. Define finance function. Discuss its nature and scope.
2. The goal of profit maximization does not provide an
operationally useful criterion for measuring the success of
business operations. Explain the above statement in the
context of the basic objectives of financial management.
3. What are the main characteristics of Financial Management?
Why does finance area occupy key role in the overall
management of the corporation?
4. The concept of finance function has changed and keeps
changing along with the evolution of the content of finance as a
management activity. Elaborate.
5. Sound financial management is the key to the progress of
corporations. Discuss.
6. What are the objectives of financial management? Discuss
important functions of financial management.
7. Write short notes on: (a) Investment Decisions, (b) Financing
Decisions, and (c) Dividend Decisions.
8. What is the relevance of time value of money in financial
decision making?
9. Explain the discounting and compounding techniques of time
value of money.
10. Write detailed note on (a) Doubling period, (b) Effective vs.
Nominal rate of interest, (c) Present value of Annuity, and (d)
Future value of Annuity
11. (i) An investor deposited Rs. 1,000 in a scheme for 2 years.
The scheme offers 10% interest with quarterly compounding.
Find the maturity value of the scheme.
(ii) The fixed deposit scheme of a bank offers 11% interest rate
for 3 years. Find the maturity value of FD after 3 years.
(iii) Find out the effective rate of interest, if the nominal rate of
interest is 12% and interest is quarterly compounded.
12. (i) A person is required to pay four equal annual payments of
Rs. 5,000 each in his deposit account that pays 8% interest per
year. Find out the future value of annuity at the end of 4 years.
(ii) A company offers a bond for a period of 5 years having
redemption value of Rs. 1,611. Prevailing rate of interest is 10%.
Find the present value the bond.
(iii) Suppose you deposit Rs.1, 000 annually in a bank for 5
years and your deposits earn a compound interest rate of 10%.
What will be value of the deposit at the end of 5 years?
Assuming the each deposit occurs at the end of the year, the
future value of this annuity?
1. What do you mean by Capital Structure? Explain various
determinants of capital structure.
2. What do you mean by optimal capital structure? Discuss
qualities of a good capital structure?
3. Explain theories of capital structure based on relevance
approach with suitable examples.
4. What is irrelevance approach of capital structure? Explain
clearly MM Approach of capital structure decision.
5. What do you understand by Cost of Capital? How will you
measure the following (a) Cost of equity capital (b) Cost of
retained earnings (c) Cost of debt capital.
6. Explain the need and rationale of calculating cost of capital.
How far it is relevant in (a) designing capital structure, and (b)
allocation of financial resources?
7. (i) Discuss the relationship between Cost of Capital and
Investment decisions.
(ii) What is the impact of (a) Decline in Interest rate, and (b)
Increase in Tax rate on cost of debt, cost of preference capital,
and cost of equity capital?
8. What is meant by the term "Leverage"? What are its various
types? With what type of risk is each leverage generally
associated? Explain.
9. Give a note on financial leverage. How is it measure and what
arte its effects on the company?
10. What is meant by the term "Firm's Break Even Level"? What
is the usefulness of BE Analysis in Leverages.
11. The capital structure of Shobha Ltd. is as under:
2000, 6% Rs. 100 debentures (first issue) : Rs. 2,
1000, 7% Rs. 100 debentures (second issue) : Rs. 1,
2000, 8% cumulative preference shares of Rs. 100 each : Rs. 2,
4000, Equity shares of Rs. 100 each : Rs. 4,
Retained earnings : Rs. 1,
The earning per share of the company in the past many years
has been Rs. 15.00 the shares of the company are sold in the
market at book value. The company tax rate is 50% and
personal tax rate is 25%. Find out the weighted average cost of
12. A companys cost of capital for specific sources is as under:
Cost of debenture : 5%

Cost of preference shares : 10%
Cost of equity shares : 14%
Cost of retained earnings : 13%
The company wishes to raise Rs. 5, 00,000 for the expansion of
its plant. It is estimated that Rs. 1, 00,000 will be available as
retained earnings and the balance of additional funds will be
raised as under:
Debenture issue : Rs. 3, 00,000
Preference shares issue : Rs. 1, 00,000
Using marginal weights, calculate weighted average cost of
13. Jia Ltd. has obtained capital from the following sources; the
specific costs are also noted done against them.
Source of capital Book value Market Cost of
value capital
Debentures 4,00,000 3,80,000 5%
Preference Shares 1,00,000 1,10,000 8%
Equity Shares 6,00,000 12,00,000 13%
Retained earnings 2,00,000 -- 9%
You are required to calculate weighted average cost of capital
using (i) book value weights, (ii) Market value weights.
14. A company has the following components in capital
9% Debentures: Rs. 6, 00,000, 7% Preference Shares: Rs. 2,
00,000, Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each: Rs. 5, 00,000, and
Retained earnings: Rs. 3, 00,000.
In addition, the company has taken term loan of Rs. 4, 00,000
@10% for meeting financial needs of expansion program. The
market price of equity shares is Rs. 40. A dividend of Rs. 4 per
share is proposed. The company has a marginal tax rate of 50%.
Compute the weighted average cost of capital.
15. A company was recently formed to manufacture a product. It
has the following capital structure.
9% Debentures : Rs. 6, 00,000
7% Preference Shares : Rs. 2, 00,000
Equity Shares (24000) : Rs. 6, 00,000
Retained earnings : Rs. 4, 00,000
The market price of equity shares is Rs. 40. A dividend of Rs. 4
per share is proposed. The company has a marginal tax rate of
50%. Compute the weighted average cost of capital.
16. Aerodynamics Limited has EBIT of Rs. 1, 00,000. The
company makes use of debt and equity capital. The firm has
10% debentures of Rs. 5.00.000. The equity capitalization rate
of the firm is 15%. Calculate (i) Current Value of the firm; and (ii)
firms Overall Cost of capital.
17. The selected financial data for A, B and C companies for the
current year ended 31st March are as follows:

Variable expenses as a % of Sales 66 2/3 75 50
Interest Expenses Rs. 200 Rs. 300 Rs.
Degree of operating leverage 5 6 10
Degree of financial leverage 3 4 00
Income Tax rate 0.50 0.50 2
Prepare income statements for A, B, and C companies.
18. The capital structure of the progressive corporation consists
of an ordinary share capital of Rs. 10, 00,000 (Shares of Rs. 100
per values) and Rs. 10, 00,000 of 10% debentures. Sales
increased by 20% from 1,00,000 units to 1,20,000 units, the
selling price is Rs. 10 per unit, variable costs amount to Rs. 6
per unit and fixed expenses amount to Rs. 2,00,000/- The
income rate is assumed to be 50%. You are required to
calculate: (i) The Percentage increase in earnings per share, (ii)
The degree of financial leverage at 1,00,000 units and 1,20,000
units, and (iii) The degree of operating leverage at 1,00,000
units and 1,20,000 units.
19. The XYZ Company plans to expand assets by 50%. To finance
the expansion it is choosing between a straight 6% debt issued
and equity issue. Its current balance sheet and income
statement are shown below:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
5% Debt 4,00,000 Total Assets 20,00,00
Equity Shares 10,00,000
(Rs. 10 per shares)
Earned surplus 6,00,000
20,00,000 20,00,00
Income Statement for the year ending December
Sales 3,40,00
Operating expenses (including Rs. 60,000 -
depreciation) 1,20,
EBIT 2,20,000
Interest -60,000
Earning before Tax 1,60,000
Taxes at 50% 80,000
Net earnings (EAT) 80,000
Determine the degree of operating, financial and combined
leverages at the current sales level, if all operating expenses,
other than depreciation, are variable costs. If total assets
remain at the same level, but sales (a) increase by 20% and (b)

decrease by 20%, what will be the earnings per share in the
new situation?
20. The well Established company's most recent balance sheet is
as follows :
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Equity Capital 60,000 Net fixed 1,50,000
(Rs. 10/- per share) assets
10% long term debt 80,000 Current assets 50,000
Retained earnings 20,000
Current liabilities 40,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
The company's total assets turnover ratio is 3:0, its fixed
operating cost are Rs. 1, 00,000 and its variable operating costs
ratio is 40%. The income tax rate is 50%. Calculate for the
company all the three types of leverages. Also determine the
likely level of EBIT if EPS is (a) Re. 1, (b) Rs. 3, (c) Zero
1. What is Capital Budgeting? Explain various techniques of Capital
Budgeting decisions.
2. What is Capital Budgeting? In what manner is the discounted
cash flow technique useful in capital budgeting decisions?
3. What do you understand by Internal Rate of Return? How is it
different from the present value method? Explain.
4. What do you understand by internal rate of return (IRR)? How is
it different from the required rate of return (RRR)? Explain by
giving suitable examples.
5. The following particulars relate to project number 009 :
Cost of project Rs. 50,000
Operating savings (Expected in five years): Rs. 5000, 20000,
30000, 30,000, and 10000.
Calculate payback period: (i) Ignoring interest factor, and (ii)
Taking into account interest factor at 10%
Present value factors at 10% are: 0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683,
and 0.621
6. A company is having following two options regarding purchase
of machine
Camele Shirlex
Cost of Machine 6,00,00 10,00,0
0 00
Estimated Life 10 10
Estimated savings in scrap p.a. 40,000 60,000
Additional cost of supervision p.a. 48,000 64,000
Additional cost of maintenance p.a. 28,000 44,000
Cost of indirect materials p.a. 24,000 32,000
Estimated savings in wages p.a.

(i) Wages per worker p.a. 2,400 2,400
(ii) No. of workers not required 150 200
Using the method of pay back period, suggest as which model
should be purchased. Ignore tax.
7. X Ltd. is considering 3 projects X,Y,Z. Following are the
particulars in respect of them :
Project X Project Y Project Z
Cost (in Rs.) 1,00,000 1,40,000 1,40,000
Economic life (in years) 10 10 10
Estimated scrap (in Rs.) 5,000 10,000 14,000
Annual savings (in Rs.) 16,000 25,000 20,000
Ignoring income tax recommend the best of these projects
using: (i) Payback period, (ii) Post pay back profit, (iii) Index of
Post pay back profit.
8. Two projects A and B are before consideration of the
management of TOREX Ltd. The particulars available are:
Project A Project B
Cost (in Rs.) 10,000 10,000
Economic life (in years) 4 6
Earning before depreciation : Year 1 5,000 1,000
Year 2 4,000 2,000
Year 3 3,000 3,000
Year 4 1,000 4,000
Year 5 -- 5,000
Year 6 -- 6,000
Which project should be preferred? Use unadjusted return on
investment method.

9. A Company has to select one of the following two projects :

Project A Project B
Cost 11,000 10,000
Cash inflows: Year 1 6,000 1,000
Year 2 2,000 1,000
Year 3 1,000 2,000
Year 4 5,000 10,000
Using the internal rate of return method, suggest which project
is preferable.
10. The following details relate to the two machines X and Y
Machine X Machine Y
Cost 56,125 56,125
Estimated life (in years) 5 5
Estimated salvage value 3,000 3,000
Annual income after tax and
Year I 3,375 11,375
Year II 5,375 9,375
Year III 7,375 7,375
Year IV 9,375 5,375
Year V 11,375 3,375
Overhauling charges at the end of the third year Rs. 25000
incase of machine X. Depreciation has been charged at straight-
line method. Discounting rate is 10%. P.V.F at 10% for five years
is: 0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683, and 0.621
Using present value method, suggest which machine should be
11. The following particulars relate to two projects :
Project I Project II
Cost (in Rs.) 90,000 1,00,000
Estimated savings (in Rs.) 15,000 20,000
Economic life (in years) 10 8
Compute time-adjusted rate of return and state which of the two
projects is better.
12. A choice is to be made between two competing projects,
which require an equal investment of Rs. 50000 each and are
expected to generate net cashes as under :
End of year Project A Project B
1 25,000 10,000
2 15,000 12,000
3 10,000 18,000
4 Nil 25,000
5 12,000 8,000
6 6,000 4,000
The cost of capital is 10%. Using discounted cash flow method,
recommend which project is to be preferred. Use P.V.F. as given
in the previous example.
13. An operation which is presently done entirely by manual
methods has a labor cost of Rs. 46,000 a year. It is proposed to
install a machine to do the job, which involves an investment of
Rs. 80,000 and an annual operating cost of Rs. 10,000. Assume
the machine can be written off in 5 years on straight line
depreciation basis for tax purposes. Salvage value at the end of
its economic life is zero. The tax rate is 55%. Analyze the
economic implications of the proposal by the internal rate of
return method.
14. The capital budgeting department of a company has
suggested three investment proposals. The after tax cash flows
for each are tabulated below. If the companys cost of capital is
12% rank them in the order of profitability.
Year Project A Project B Project C
0 -20,000 -60,000 -36,000
1 5,600 12,000 13,000
2 6,000 20,000 13,000
3 8,000 24,000 13,000
4 8,000 32,000 13,000
P.V.F. at 12% is: 0.893, 0.797, 0.712, and 0.636
15. The following particulars are available in respect on three
investment proposals :
Proposal X Proposal Y Proposal Z
Cost (in Rs.) 50,000 60,000 70,000
Annual savings (in Rs.) 15,000 16,000 17,000
Estimated scrap (in Rs.) 8,000 10,000 15,000
Life (in Years) 12 10 9
Taking interest rate to be 9% rank these proposals by using Net
Present value method and profitability index method.
1. Discuss the factors, which influence the need for working
capital. How will you examine the adequacy of Working Capital?
2. What do you understand by analysis of Working Capital? Discuss
the techniques, which are used in such analysis.
3. Management of Working Capital is a constant headache for the
financial manager of a Company. Comment on this statement
and critically examine the role of Working Capital in the area of
financial management.
4. Discuss the various working capital management policies and
show the impact of these policies on Risk, liquidity and
5. Point out the factors that influence the motive for holding cash
by a firm. Discuss in brief the various collection and
disbursement methods by which a firm can improve its cash
management efficiency.
6. Explain the principle motive for holding cash by a business firm
and discuss the Inter-relationship between liquidity and
7. What should be the objectives of Receivable management? How
can management succeed in maintaining investment in
receivables at the optimum level?
8. What is the importance of inventory management for a
business? Write a note on operating control of inventories.
9. What is reorder point? How is it determined? Give suitable
10. Define the term economic order quantity. How is it
computed? Explain with proper example.
11. Write short notes on: (a) Bank Guarantee (b) Letter of Credit
(c) Bill discounting, and (iv) Factoring
12. Jubilant limiteds inventory planning period is one year. Its
inventory requirements for the year 2011-12 are 1600 units.
The material acquisition cost (estimated) for the company is Rs.
50 per order, and the carrying costs are 1% of material cost per
unit for an item. The firm can procure inventories in various lots
at a uniform price of Rs. 100 per unit. The alternative lot sizes
are 1600, 800, 400, 200, and 100 units. Suggest the most
suitable order quantity for the company by using (i) Trial & Error
Approach, and (ii) Mathematical Approach of EOQ.
1. Critically examine the essentials of a sound dividend policy of
2. What considerations are kept in view while deciding the
dividend policy of a company? Explain with illustrations.
3. Discuss the salient features of a stable dividend policy and point
out its advantages. In this context explain why certain
companies prefer a stable dividend rate while some other prefer
a stable pay out Ratio?
4. Explain the various principles underlying the policies of dividend
distributions. Under what circumstances company pays stock
5. Describe Bonus Shares. Discuss the salient features of the
guidelines issued by the Government of India for issue of Bonus
6. What do you understand by Bonus Shares? Differentiate
between bonus shares and right shares.
7. What is the Traditional Theory of Dividend? How the dividend
is assigned at under this model. Give example.
8. What do you understand by Walter Model of determining
dividend policy of a company? How is it worked out? Critically
9. What is Gordons dividend model? Explain how is it designed?
What are the implications of Gordons formula?
10. Explain the dividend irrelevance theory of Miller and
Modigliani (MM Model). Are dividend decisions really irrelevant
for valuation of a firm? Examine critically.

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