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guru yoga should be practiced only by people who have received the
appropriate empowerment, transmission, and instruction from a qualified guru.

The Four-Session Guru Yoga
by Karmapa Miky Dorje

This guru yoga is to be performed at all times and especially in the four great sessions. All those who have no thought for anyone but
me, Miky Dorje, should visualize their body as the wisdom dakini amid a mass of light, naked, in the full bloom of youth with her
tresses hanging down her back. She holds a skull cup filled with the nectar of immortality. She is adorned with red flowers but no
other ornaments. In front is Jetsun Miky Dorje, wearing a tiger-skin skirt, an elephant-hide upper garment, and the six symbolic
ornaments. His hair is bound in a topknot adorned by crossed vajras and a moon. His two hands are placed in the dharmodaya
mudra atop his head. He sits in the middle of a mass of wisdom fire with his left leg drawn partly in and right extended. When the
wisdom dakini, the mother, merely offers him nectar, the red wisdom fire blazes with a roar. Imagine that he enters you, the wisdom
dakini, through your bhaga and comes to rest in your heart center. Join the winds forcefully, supplicate me in that state, and I, Miky
Dorje, will bless you. Thus, perform the descent of blessings.

ma nam kha dang nyam pay sem chen tam che la ma sang gye rin po che la sl wa dep so
My mothers, all beings throughout space, pray to the guru, the precious buddha.

ma nam kha dang nyam pay sem chen tam che la ma kn khyap ch kyi ku la sl wa dep so
My mothers, all beings throughout space, pray to the guru, the all-pervasive dharmakaya.

ma nam kha dang nyam pay sem chen tam che la ma de chen long ch dzok pay ku la sl wa
dep so
My mothers, all beings throughout space, pray to the guru, the great bliss sambhogakaya.

ma nam kha dang nyam pay sem chen tam che la ma tuk je trl pay ku la sl wa dep so
My mothers, all beings throughout space, pray to the guru, the compassionate nirmanakaya.

na mo gu ru

chi woy tsuk na ye she khan dro ma
Above my head, the wisdom dakini

cher bu bha ga nu ma rap tu gyay
Naked with bhaga and breasts so full, hair loose,

tra drl chen sum nam khay tong la sik
And three eyes gazing to the depths of space

de wa mi s gyur way gar tap tn
Performs dance movements of unbearable bliss.

de dra drang me shal me bn long nang
In the teeming midst of countless others like her,

tsa way la ma mi ky dor je ni
My own root guru, Miky Dorje, arrayed

ge long cha luk sha nak ser dong chen
In bhikshu attire and the gold-blazed black crown,

tap she yer me dor je dril bu dzin
Holds vajra and bell, means and prajna as one,

de tong ye wa me pay ta tang dze
His gaze inseparable bliss-emptiness.

sl wa tap pa tsam gyi m g bar
Just supplicating makes devotion blaze.

m g bar wa tsam gyi jin lap ur
The more devotion blazes, the more the blessings surge.

jin lap ur wa tsam gyi tn mong dang
The more the blessings surge, the more the blazing jewels

chok gi ng drup nor bu bar wa nam
Bearing supreme and common siddhis shower like rain

nam sa la ok me par char tar bap
Throughout the skies above, all over the earth below.

da ni nying ne sl wa dep pay d
Now is the time to supplicate from my heart.

kyenang shing tong la tong shing nang
KYE! Appearing while empty, empty while appearing,

nang tong yer me la may ku
The gurus body is inseparable appearance-emptiness.

la may ku la sl wa dep
I supplicate the body of the guru:

la may ku yi jin gyi lop
Grant me the blessings of the gurus body.

drak ching tong la tong shing drak
Resounding while empty, empty while resounding,

drak tong yer me la may sung
The gurus speech is inseparable sound-emptiness.

la may sung la sl wa dep
I supplicate the speech of the guru:

la may sung gi jin gyi lop
Grant me the blessings of the gurus speech.

de shing tong la tong shing de
Blissful while empty, empty while blissful,

de tong yer me la may tuk
The gurus mind is inseparable bliss-emptiness.

la may tuk la sl wa dep
I supplicate the mind of the guru:

la may tuk kyi jin gyi lop
Grant me the blessings of the gurus mind.

kyegu ru ratna jn pay tse
KYE! As the guru ratna approaches,

nam kha ja dang kyi gang
Light and rainbows fill all space.

trl pay po nya gye dze ching
He sends emanated messengers.

jin lap me pung u ru ru
The conflagration of blessings roars;

nyam dang tok pa sha ra ra
Experience and realization soar.

kyela ma chen po khye kyi je su dak drup chir
KYE! Exalted guru, So I can follow your example,

jin gyi lop chir shek su sl
Pray come to grant your blessings.

ne chok di ru jin pop la
Shower them on this supreme site.

drup chok dak la wang shi kur
Bestow the four empowerments on me, the supreme practitioner.

chok dang tn mong ng drup tsl
Grant the supreme and common siddhis.

mi tn kyen dang bar che sl
Dispel adversity and obstacles.

dra gek ma l shi war dz
Quell all enemies and obstructors.

ye she khan dro jang gu kha la shar
The green wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

ye she khan dro ser mo kha la shar
The yellow wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

ye she khan dro mar mo kha la shar
The red wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

ye she khan dro kar mo kha la shar
The white wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

ye she khan dro nak mo kha la shar
The black wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

ye she khan dro ngn mo kha la shar
The blue wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

ye she khan dro tra mo kha la shar
The pied wisdom dakini appears within the sky.

ne dn dri may tsok nam kyi sal
Her light eliminates the hosts of illness, dns, and stains.

dik drip nye pa gy du tri pa nam
I admit and confess before the glorious yogini

nal jor ma pal dn du tl lo shak
The misdeeds, faults, and obscurations caught up in my being.

nam kha gang way mi ky dor je

Filling space, Miky Dorje

ser gye pay dor je ga wa ho

Radiating light, Dorje Gawa HO

po nya bar way yang chen n pa h
Blazing messenger, Yangchen Nupa H

dri ma sel way trin le drak po o
Clearing stains, Trinlay Drakpo O

je tsn dam pa ku shiy wang chuk
Exalted master, lord of the four kayas,

chi dze ye she kyi rl par char wa
Whatever you do appears as wisdoms play.

khyap dak gyal wang kar ma pa chen po
The lord of all and Gyalwang, great Karmapa,

sang gye jin lap kyi gya tso khyen no
Ocean of the buddhas blessings, KHYENNO.

yn ten gyi pung po nye pa kn se
A mass of qualities cleansed of all faults,

sang gye kyi nying po la mar nang wa
The essence of the buddhas appearing as the guru,

tuk jey wang po chok gi trl ku
Lord of compassion, supreme nirmanakaya,

je tsn dor jey yang chen khyen no
Venerable master Dorje Yangchen, KHYENNO.

nam shak ten gyi dn may re sa
Sole hope for attaining the everlasting aim,

ku shiy dak nyi dak po ka gy
The lord of the four kayas, the Dakpo Kagyu,

kal den gyi sem gy jin gyi lop pa
You bless the mind streams of the fortunate;

dren da dang dral way gy pa khyen no
Your lineage is without rival, KHYENNO.

ta mal gyi trl pa rang gar shik te
As ordinary confusion falls apart all on its own,

ch ying dri me kyi rang suk sal wa
The dharmadhatus stainless essence manifests.

trin le kyi nga dak d sum khyen pa
Master of activity and knower of three times,

tse wa chen poy dak nyi khyen no
Embodiment of great compassion, KHYENNO.

nyik may d dir na tsok tsl gyi
In this degenerate time, you tame all beings

sem chen dl dze gyal way wang po
By various meansyou are the lord of victors.

re sa t sa dang che pa yin pay
You are my hope, the one whom I depend on.

ng drup kyi jung khung dam pa khyen no
Genuine wellspring of the siddhis, KHYENNO.

je gyal wa tam che chik tu d nay
Lord who encompasses all victors in one,

kal den min par dze pay n chen
You have the power to ripen the fortunate.

de war shek pa kar ma pay kam tsang
Sugata of the Karmapas Kamtsang,

drip nyi nyok pa dang dral wa khyen no
Free of the filth of the two veils, KHYENNO.

je trin le shi la rang wang top nay
Lord, since youve mastered the four activities,

ye she te tsam gyi jin lap po wa
Just focusing your wisdom transmits blessings.

drup gy chik d dor jey yang chen
Dorje Yangchen, the practice lineage in one,

pal den kar ma pa chen po khyen no
Great and glorious Karmapa, KHYENNO.

dor je chang chen yn ten gye den
Great Vajradhara with eight qualities,

he ru ka pal ni yen lak dn den
Shri Heruka who has the seven traits,

gyal way wang po sang gye d pay ku
Lord of the victors embodying all buddhas,

je gyal wang mi ky dor je khyen no
Noble Gyalwang Miky Dorje, KHYENNO.

gyal wa chik d kar ma pa khyen no
All victors in one, Karmapa KHYENNO.

sang gye chik d kar ma pa khyen no
All buddhas in one, Karmapa KHYENNO.

de shek chik d kar ma pa khyen no
All sugatas in one, Karmapa KHYENNO.

tam che khyen pa kar ma pa khyen no
All-knowing one, Karmapa KHYENNO.

karmapa khyenno
KARMAPA KHYENNO (Recite this countless times.)

tuk je chik d khyen no
Embodiment of compassion, KHYENNO.

sang gye chik d khyen no
Embodiment of the buddhas, KHYENNO.

kn d ch je khyen no
All-embodying lord of Dharma, KHYENNO.

mi ky dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Miky Dorje.

ch drak gya tso la sl wa dep so
I pray to Chdrak Gyatso.

dak po ka gy la sl wa dep so
I pray to the Dakpo Kagyu.

kar ma kam tsang la sl wa dep so
I pray to the Karma Kamtsang.

je tsn khye rang ta bur shok chik
Jetsun, may I be just like you.

ch je khye rang ta bur shok chik
Dharma lord, may I be just like you.

la ma khye rang ta bur shok chik
Guru, may I be just like you.

dro gn khye rang ta bur shok chik
Protector of beings, may I be just like you.

pa chik tam che khyen pa
Omniscient only father,

sang gye nyen pa drup top

Siddha Sangye Nyenpa,

gyal wang mi ky dor je

Gyalwang Miky Dorje,

sl wa nga yi mi dep na su yi dep

Who supplicates you if not me?

tuk je khy kyi mi sik na su yi sik
Who looks with compassion if not you?

sl wa dep so jin gyi lop shik
I supplicate you; grant your blessings.

chir du sem chen tam che
Bestow the siddhi of mahamudra

g su nyik may dl ja
On all sentient beings in general,

lhak par re t chik chok tu che pay
In particular disciples of degenerate times,

lo te gyur wa me pa
And especially the unswervingly steadfast

chak gya chen poy ng drup tsl chik
For whom trusting you itself is enough.

jin lap khy la me na su la y

Who has blessings if not you?

jam pay dak la mi kyong na su la kyong

Who will you nurture with love if not me?

ku drin nga yi mi shal na su yi shal

Who will repay your kindness if not me?

dl ja khy kyi mi dl na su yi dl
Who will tame disciples if not you?

le ngen nga je la mi re na su la re
Who can this wretch place hope in if not you?

tu top chen khy dak mi kyop na su la kyop
Mighty one, who will you protect if not me?

dak gi ten dn kye wa kn gyi kyel ma

Guide to the ultimate aim in all my lives,

te tsom tse ne se pay ten nor

Everlasting jewel who severs all doubts,

lo te ling kyur tup pay gn po

Protector to whom I fully surrender,

si tso ten kem su ne pay sang gye

Buddha who forever dries up the ocean of existence,

yn ten shal war mi n pay gya tso

Ocean of qualities beyond all measure,

kha nyam sem chen tam che kyi ma chik
Sole mother of all beings throughout space,

tuk je tuk pa me pay ter chen

Great trove of inexhaustible compassion,

nyik d dro wa mi gong na su la gong
Who will think of beings in degenerate times if not you?

tse way da ta mi kyong na nam kyong

When will you lovingly protect me if not now?

ng drup deng sang mi tsl na nam tsl

When will you grant siddhis if not now?

tuk yi chik dre su tong la

Let our minds be merged as one.

trl drl d pa shik dang

Destroy confusion; untie the knots.

kha khyap mik gyuy dro wa

Now liberate forever

da ta ten drl du dz chik
Illusory beings throughout space.

la ma dam pa
Exalted guru,

ta me sem chen la sik dang
Look upon all limitless beings.

sl wa dep po la kyop dang

Protect me who supplicate you.

mi se dung way d dir

In these times of terrible torment,

chi ja tsang lak kap na

When Im desperate about what to do,

nya ngen jik ngang kyi d su sik shik
Look upon me at this time of panic and anguish.

la ma rin po che
Precious guru

dn gyi gy pa chen
Who holds the true lineage,

jin lap kyi po wa khen

Bestower of blessings

tok pay deng tse chen
With the confidence of realization

ngn she chen dang den pa

And the eyes and clairvoyances,

dzu trl k pa ten te

You manifest miracles,

s me ka drin tsl wa
Extend overwhelming kindness,

sang gye lak chang su t pa

Place buddha in my palm,

ta mal nang wa gyur te

Transform common perception,

dak pa rap jam tn pa

And reveal infinite purity.

pak pa jik ten wang chuk
Noble Lokeshvara,

nying khung r pay ting nay
From deep in my heart I pray to

chik tup sl wa dep so
You who alone are enough

tuk je dzin par shu dang
Please hold me in your compassion.

ng drup kyi tsen kha chen

You with the power of siddhi,

ka gy ts pa me pa
The undisputed Kagyu,

mu g dl war n pay
Whose unrivaled activity

trin le dren da dral wa

Has the power to tame the savage,

dzok pay sang gye dam pa

Exalted perfect buddha,

go sum ge tsa dang che pa
For the sake of boundless beings,

ta me sem chen dn du
I offer you right now

da ta nyi du bl lo
My body, speech, mind, and virtue.

tse wa chen p she shik
Accept them with great compassion,

she ne dro wa kn gyi

And bless me from my heart

ten kyap tup pay la ma

So I become like you,

je tsn khye rang ta bur

A guru who is able

nying ne jin gyi lop shik
To protect all beings forever.

pal den la ma dam pa la sl wa dep so
I supplicate the exalted glorious guru.

chi dze lek par tong war jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to see whatever you do as perfect.

chi sung tse mar dzin par jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to hold whatever you say as true.

tuk yi chik tu dre war jin gyi lop shik
Bless me that our minds may merge as one.

kye wa ne kye wa tse rap ne tse rap tam che du pal den la ma dam pa gye pay ja wa dang mi
dral war jin gyi lop shik
Birth after birth, life after life, bless me to never cease performing actions that please the exalted glorious

mi gye pay ja wa nam pa tam che du mi jung war jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to never in any way commit any displeasing action.

kye wa ne kye wa tse rap ne tse rap tam che du lo te la ma la che ne ch shin gyi ka tsal gang
nang wa de lak tok tu len n par jin gyi lop shik
Birth after birth, life after life, bless me to be capable of performing whatever dharmic deeds the guru Im
devoted to commands.

to g kyi ngo sung dang ch gye kyi drel tak ch par jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to cut all ties of the eight worldly concerns and of courting favor for the sake of food and

nying la r pa dum bu re y par jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to have fortitude in my heart.

nge par chi wa nying ne dren pa dang
Recalling from my heart that death is certain,

m g nal ma gy la kye wa nay
Developing true devotion in my being,

shen lok ta ru chin pay nge jung gi
And longing for freedom with complete revulsion,

mi ky ga way jin lap juk gyur chik
May I receive the blessings of Miky Gawa.

kye wa kn tu pal den kar ma pa
In all my births, may I serve Miky Dorje,

mi ky dor je la mar ten je nay
The glorious Karmapa, as my guru

sang ngak dor je tek pa la me kyi
And then achieve the unified kaya through

kye dzok lam gyi sung juk ku drup shok
Unexcelled Secret Mantras two-stage path.

kye wa kn tu yong dzin dam pa chok
In all my births, may I be accepted by

sha nak ch pen dzin pa kho na dang
The supreme master, the Black Crowns sole bearer,

yi dam nying po pal den de wa chok
And by the essence of yidam deities,

khor lo dom pay je su dzin gyur chik
Chakrasamvara, glorious Sublime Bliss.

lam gyi nying po m g chak gya che
I dedicate all efforts to gather virtue

shen lok ngo wo pal den la may ku
That I and every sentient being have made

sung juk dor je chang gi go pang nyi
So that all beings may easily achieve

nal jor den ma drup top sang gye jey
The heart of the path, devotion mahamudra,

go pang de lak sem chen tam che kyi
And the nature of revulsion, the glorious guru,

drup chir dak sok sem chen tam che kyi
Unified as the very state of Vajradhara

ge tsok be pa de yi chir du ngo
The level of Lord Sangye, the yogi Denma Druptop.

pal den sang gye nyen pa yap se dang
In all my lives, may I never be parted

kye dang tse rap kn tu mi dral shok
From glorious Sangye Nyenpa and his sons.

nyam me dak po ka gy la sl wa dep so
I pray to the unequaled Dakpo Kagyu.

mi chok d sum khyen pa la sl wa dep so
I pray to the supreme human, Dusum Khyenpa.

drup gy karma kam tsang la sl wa dep so
I pray to the practice lineage, the Karma Kamtsang.

tuk je chen rang jung kn khyen la sl wa dep so
I pray to compassionate Rangjung Kunkhyen.

n pa chen sang gye nyen pa la sl wa dep so
I pray to powerful Sangye Nyenpa.

jin lap chen ga way yang chen la sl wa dep so
I pray to you with blessings, Gaway Yangchen.

je tsn dor je yang chen la sl wa dep so
I pray to Jetsun Dorje Yangchen.

tsung me dor je ga wa la sl wa dep so
I pray to incomparable Dorje Gawa.

da me yang chen sang po la sl wa dep so
I pray to peerless Yangchen Sangpo.

dren me mi ky sang po la sl wa dep so
I pray to unrivaled Miky Sangpo.

khyen rap tsung me la sl wa dep so
I pray to you of incomparable wisdom.

tuk je tsung me la sl wa dep so
I pray to you of incomparable compassion.

n pa tsung me la sl wa dep so
I pray to you of incomparable power.

chi wa nying ne ser war jin gyi lop shik
Bless me that death may pierce my heart.

shen pa ting ne lok par jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to be revolted from my depths.

chi kyang g me tok par jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to realize everything is futile.

mi tak nge she kye war jin gyi lop shik
Bless me to be certain of impermanence.

nye ring me pay tuk je chen la sl wa dep so
I pray to you whose compassion is impartial.

chok lhung me pay trin le chen la sl wa dep so
I pray to you whose activity is unbiased.

nga chi me pay jin lap chen la sl wa dep so
I pray to you whose blessings are timely.

tong t dn den gyi dze pa chen la sl wa dep so
I pray to you whose deeds are meaningful to see and hear.

gyal wang ch drak gya tso la sl wa dep so
I pray to Gyalwang Chdrak Gyatso.

kn khyen mi ky dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to all-knowing Miky Dorje.

gyal wa kn chok yen lak la sl wa dep so
I pray to the victor Knchok Yenlak.

je tsn wang chuk dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Jetsun Wangchuk Dorje.

gar wang ch kyi wang chuk la sl wa dep so
I pray to Garwang Chkyi Wangchuk.

gyal chok ch ying dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to the sublime victor Chying Dorje.

pal den ye she nying po la sl wa dep so
I pray to glorious Yeshe Nyingpo.

tsung me ye she dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to incomparable Yeshe Dorje.

pal chen ch kyi dn drup la sl wa dep so
I pray to Palchen Chkyi Dndrup.

gyal wang jang chup dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Gyalwang Jangchup Dorje.

si tu ch kyi jung ne la sl wa dep so
I pray to Situ Chkyi Jungnay.

je tsn d dl dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Jetsun Dudul Dorje.

mi pam ch drup gya tso la sl wa dep so
I pray to Mipam Chdrup Gyatso.

pema nyin che wang po la sl wa dep so
I pray to Pema Nyinche Wangpo.

gyal wang tek chok dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Gyalwang Tekchok Dorje.

je tsn lo dr ta ye la sl wa dep so
I pray to Jetsun Lodr Thaye.

kn sang kha khyap dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Kunsang Khakhyap Dorje.

pema wang chok gyal po la sl wa dep so
I pray to Pema Wangchok Gyalpo.

pal den khyen tse ser la sl wa dep so
I pray to Palden Khyentse ser.

rang jung rik pay dor je la sl wa dep so
I pray to Rangjung Rigpe Dorje.

drin chen tsa way la ma la sl wa dep so
I pray to my kind root guru.

shing kham trl pay khyap pa la sl wa dep so
I pray to you whose emanations fill all realms.

rap jam shing gi dak po la sl wa dep so
I pray to you, the master of infinite worlds.

sam j re wa le de pa la sl wa dep so
I pray to you who transcend conception, expression, and hope.

she ja wa di ni drel pa tok chok may sl dep su drak pa ta na d droy kye ne su ch pay na
lam du len chik drak kyang ngen song gi kye go du ma ch nay
Reciting this prayer, known as Making a Connection Is Enough, just once within the hearing of beings in
the animal realm will close for them the many gates of rebirth in the lower realms.

tar nup chok de wa chen gyi shing kham na je tsn dor jey yang chen de nyi pak pa chen re
sik wang chuk shin tu kar way ser gyi chak ring po kyang nay
In the end, Noble Avalokiteshvara, Jetsun Dorje Yangchen himself, will extend his far-reaching arm of
brilliant white light from the western pure realm of Sukhavati

ke chik lak pa kyang kum tsam la dren par shal gyi she pa yin no
and guide them there in an instant by merely extending and drawing back his arm. Thus, he has promised.

mi jik pay uk chen po jin pay ch je top po che la sl wa dep so (3x)
I supplicate the mighty Dharma lord who grants the great relief of fearlessness.

kye shing kye wa dak ni tam che du
In all my lives, may I be of good birth,

rik sang lo sal nga gyal me pa dang
Bright, free of pride, greatly compassionate,

nying je che shing la ma la g pay
And respectful of my guru. May I abide

pal den la may dam tsik la ne shok
Within samaya to my glorious guru.

pal den la may nam par tar pa la
May I never have, not even for an instant,

ke chik tsam yang lok ta mi kye shing
Wrong views toward my glorious gurus life.

chi dze lek par tong way m g kyi
Through the devotion of seeing all they do as perfect

la may jin lap sem la juk par shok
May I receive the blessings of the guru.

kye wa kn tu yang dak la ma dang
Never parting from the true guru in all my lives,

dral me ch kyi pal la long ch ching
May I enjoy the splendor of the Dharma,

sa dang lam gyi yn ten rap dzok nay
Perfect the qualities of the levels and paths,

dor je chang gi go pang nyur top shok
And swiftly attain the state of Vajradhara.
Translated by the Kagyu Monlam Translation Team, 2016.

Director: His Holiness the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Translators: Lama Eric Triebelhorn, David Karma Choephel

Editors: Jo Gibson, Tracy Davis

Reviewers: Lama Zopa Tharchin, Michele Martin, Jeff Alworth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0

International License.

Kagyu Monlam
Kagyupa International Monlam Trust
Sujata Bypass
Bodhgaya, 823231 Gaya, Bihar, India


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