Absorption Column Calc

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Therm Cond Heat Cap

Surface Ten Mole Weight Density (Vap) Viscosity

(Vap) [Btu/hr- (Vap) [Btu/lb-
[dyne/cm] (Vap) [lb/ft3] (Vap) [cP]
ft-F] F]

1__TS-1 42.34 16.73 2.97 0.01 0.02 0.63

2__TS-1 42.47 16.73 2.98 0.01 0.02 0.63

3__TS-1 43.12 16.73 2.99 0.01 0.02 0.63

Therm Cond (Lt
Mole Weight Density (Lt Viscosity (Lt Heat Cap (Lt Vapour Bulk Liquid Vapour Bulk Liquid
Liq) [Btu/hr-ft-
(Lt Liq) Liq) [lb/ft3] Liq) [cP] Liq) [Btu/lb-F] [m3/h] [m3/h] [kg/h] [kg/h]

133.42 68.89 13.95 0.11 0.53 1314.16 3.17 62482 3493

129.97 68.88 13.84 0.11 0.54 1309.61 3.18 62500 3507

113.44 68.87 12.87 0.11 0.56 1305.24 3.26 62514 3591

Vapour Bulk Liquid Temperature Pressure
[kgmole/h] [kgmole/h] [C] [bar_g]

3734.90 26.18 44.85 67.07

3735.82 26.99 44.65 67.24

3736.62 31.66 44.49 67.41


Main Design Features

[A] Contactor furnished with Structured Packing

Contactor is also equipped with following Internal Equipments :

- Inlet Glycol Distributor to ensure even Glycol distribution to Struct. Packing.

- Removable Top Demister to Minimize the Glycol Losses.

- Inlet Device fitted to wet gas inlet Nozzle to ensure even Gas distribution.

Contactor Inside Diameter (ID)

Gas Velocity in the Contactor using Structured Packing based on Eq. 20-7 of GPSA :

FS = v. V

Where : FS = 2.5 lb0.5/(ft0.5.s).(Packed Column Sizing factor)

V = 2.98 lb/ft3 (actual gas/vapour density)

So : v = 1.45 ft/sec

ID of Contactor based on Gas Velocity :

ID = ( QG * 4/(v * p))^0.5

Where : QGW = 1314.2 m3/hr = 12.89 ft3/sec

So : ID = 3.37 ft = 40.40 inch

= 1.03 m = 1026.06 mm

Calculated column diameter

ID = 1050.00 mm

= 1.05 m

= 41.34 inch

= 3.44 ft

41.3 inch has been selected for Contactor ID which is confirmed by Structured Packing

Top Demister (Mesh Type)

Minimum diameter of Top Demister ( mesh ) must be such that the gas velocity causing excessive carry over through the mesh does not exceed the value given by :

VT = K (L - G)/G

where :

K = 0.35 ft /s (Fig 20-60 GPSA)

(Fig 7-9 GPSA)

Constanta for K correction = 0.7 (Fig 7-9 GPSA)

Corrected K = 0.245

L = 68.88 lb/ft3

G = 2.98 lb/ft3

VT = 1.15 ft/sec

The minimum diameter of mesh is thus :

ID = ( QG * 4/(VT * p))^0.5

Where : QG = 1314.16 m3/hr = 12.89 ft3/sec

So : ID = 3.77 ft = 45.29 inch

= 1.15 m = 1150.37 mm

Calculated column diameter

ID = 1200.00 mm

= 1.20 m

= 47.24 inch

= 3.94 ft

47.2 inch has been selected for Contactor ID which is confirmed by Structured Packing

Summary :

Selected ID = 1200.00 mm

= 1.20 m

= 47.24 inch

= 3.94 ft

47.2 inch has been selected for Contactor ID which is confirmed by Structured Packing
[B] Contactor furnished with trays

Type of tray = Bubble cap

Tray spacing = 24 inch (Fig 20-60 GPSA)

= 2 ft

= 0.6 m

K= 0.16 (Fig 20-60 GPSA)

Constanta for K correction = 0.7 (Fig 7-9 GPSA)

Corrected K = 0.112

L = 68.88 lb/ft3

G = 2.98 lb/ft3

VT = 0.53 ft/sec

QG = 1314.16 m3/hr = 12.89 ft3/sec

ID = 5.58 ft = 67.00 inch

1.70 m = 1701.86 mm

Selected ID = 1750 mm

= 1.75 m

= 68.90 inch

= 5.74 ft

[C] Check calculation with short cut method


CSTRUCTURED PACKING = 1200.00 ft/hr (Fig 20-60 GPSA)


CBUBBLE CAP = 576.00 ft/hr (Fig 20-60 GPSA)

KBUBBLE CAP = 0.16 ft/sec

Calculated IDBUBBLE CAP = 1732 mm

= 1775 mm

IDBUBBLE CAP = 1750 mm

Remark = Oke as value between calculated and selected ID is close.

[D] Height of Column

Stage/Tray Ideal = 3 ea

Space Inter Stage = 2 ea

Plate Efficiency = 70 %

Actual Stage = 2.86 ea

Proposed Actual Stage = 3 ea

Minimum Distance Top Tray to Gas Nozzle = 6 ft (GPSA Sect 20)

= 72 inch

= 1.83 m

Bottom Flow Rate = 3.26 m3/hr

Column Cross Sectional Area = 2.40 m2 (Bubble Cap)

= 1.13 m2 (Structured Packing)

Bottom Fluid Residence Time = 5 minutes

Volume of Liquid Hold Up = 0.27 m3

Height of Liquid Hold Up = 0.11 m (Bubble Cap)

= 0.24 m (Structured Packing)

Height of Bottom Side = 0.20 m (Bubble Cap)

= 0.3 m (Structured Packing)

Height of Column = 3.86 m (Bubble Cap)

HETP = 2.8 ft Fig 19-24 GPSA

0.4~0.5 m for pall ring, sadle 1 inch

0.6~0.75 m for pall ring, sadle 1.5 inch

0.75~1 m for pall ring, sadle 2 inch

Height of Packing Bed = 8.4 ft

= 2.56 m

Height of Column = 4.69 m (Structured Packing)

[E] Summary :

Item Packing Tray

Column Diameter 1.2 m 47.2 inch 1.8 m 68.9 inch

Column Height (T/T) 4.7 m 15.4 ft 4.7 m 15.4 ft

Y1 = 1.64E-03 Mole fraction of the solute in the gas at bottom of column

Y2 = 1.44E-04 Mole fraction of the solute in the gas at top of column

[Y1/Y2] = 11.42

[m x Gm/LM] = 0.75 Most economic value between 0.7 ~ 0.8 [Slope of equalibrium line x slope of operating line]

NOG = 4.8 Fig 11-40. Coulson Richardson [number of overall gas phase transfer unit]

VW [gas flowrate] = 62514 kg/hr Max value is selected

= 17.37 kg/sec

= 3736.62 kgmol/hr Max value is selected

= 1.04 kgmol/sec

LW [liquid flowrate] = 3591 kg/hr Max value is selected

= 1.00 kg/sec

= 31.66 kgmol/hr Max value is selected

= 0.01 kgmol/sec

Internal packing type = Intalox Saddle The choice for new column usually will lie from intalox saddle to pall ring

Material = Ceramic

Size = 38.00 mm packing size < 1 inch for column diameter < 0.3 m

= 1.50 inch 1 inch < packing size < 1.5 inch for 0.3 m < column diameter < 0.9 m

2 inch < packing size < 3 inch for column diameter > 0.9 m

Fp = 52.00 Table 11-2. Coulson Richardson [Packing Factor]

V = 2.98 lb/ft3 Gas density

= 47.72 kg/m3

L = 68.88 lb/ft3 Liquid density

= 1103.34 kg/m3

= 0.012 = FLV Eq 11-82. Coulson Richardson

PDESIGN = 20 mm H2O/m packing 15~50 mm H2O/m packing as recommended value [design pressure drop]

For random packing is not normally above 80 mm H2O/m packing

K4 = 1.9 Fig 11-44. Coulson Richardson

At flooding K4 = 7 Fig 11-44. Coulson Richardson

Percentage flooding = 52.1 %

Remark = Oke as flooding does not occur

L = 13.55 cP Liquid viscosity

= 13.55 mNs/m2

= 0.014 Ns/m2

VW = 11.53 kg/m2.sec Eq 11-118. Coulson Richardson

Column area required = 1.51 m2

Column diameter = 1.39 m

= 1385.19 mm

= 54.53 inch

Selected column diameter = 1400 mm

= 1.4 m

= 55.1 inch

Ratio column diameter to packing size = 37

Use larger packing size = 2 inch

= 50.8 mm

Fp = 40.00 Table 11-2. Coulson Richardson [Packing Factor]

V = 2.98 lb/ft3 Gas density

= 47.72 kg/m3

L = 68.88 lb/ft3 Liquid density

= 1103.34 kg/m3

= 0.012 = FLV Eq 11-82. Coulson Richardson

PDESIGN = 20 mm H2O/m packing 15~50 mm H2O/m packing as recommended value [design pressure drop]

For random packing is not normally above 80 mm H2O/m packing

K4 = 1.9 Fig 11-44. Coulson Richardson

At flooding K4 = 7 Fig 11-44. Coulson Richardson

Percentage flooding = 52.1 %

Remark = Oke as flooding does not occur

L = 13.55 cP Liquid viscosity

= 13.55 mNs/m2

= 0.014 Ns/m2

VW = 13.14 kg/m2.sec Eq 11-118. Coulson Richardson

Column area required = 1.32 m2

Column diameter = 1.297 m

= 1297.25 mm

= 51.07 inch

Selected column diameter = 1300 mm

= 1.3 m

= 51.2 inch

Column cross area = 1.33 m2

Ratio column diameter to packing size = 26

Percentage flooding at selected column diameter = 51.9 %

Remark = Oke as flooding does not occur

Coulson Richardson

Coulson Richardson

Coulson Richardson
Coulson Richardson
Coulson Richardson
Coulson Richardson

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