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Lone Wolf Miniatures

Joe Dever is the creator of the bestselling Lone Wolf adventure books and novels.

This file contains photographs of the Lone Wolf miniatures ranges produced by Games Workshop, Alternative Armies,
Matchlock Miniatures, and Mongoose Publishing, under license from Joe Dever, and also the Lone Wolf Statuette
range from Roger Andrews Studios.

Contributors for Project Aon Editions

This project would have been impossible without the helpful contributions of:

Stuart Bradshaw photographs of the rare Caliver models and other rarities. Stuarts help has been
invaluable in producing this document.

Andy Harris scan of the purple-tinted Games Workshop flier.

Sue Kesby and the Blue Mule scans of fliers and advertisements for the Games Workshop range. Sue and
the Blue Mule also maintain a website dedicated to miniatures.

Tony Mansfield scans of the Games Workshop range of miniatures and packaging of the Giak Attack
Boxed Set.

Conor McMullin photographs of the Alternative Armies range of Lone Wolf miniatures.

Simon Osborne some scans, graphic editing, creator and maintainer of this document.

Additional research, assistance, and editing provided by Laurence OToole and LeRoy McSwain.

Special thanks to Roger Andrews for his generous help providing photographs of the Lone Wolf figurines.

Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original materials. Changes
made, such as to correct incorrect or inconsistent spelling, punctuation, and grammar have been noted.

Publication Date: 02 October 2015

Concept copyright 19841994 Joe Dever

Illustrations copyright 1985 Games Workshop (miniatures and packaging artwork) (pages 318)
2006 Tony Mansfield (photography) (pages 318, colour)
1984 Gary Chalk (artwork) (pages 12, 14, 18)
1985 John Blanche (colourised artwork) (page 13)
199093 Alternative Armies (miniatures) (pages 2023)
2011 Conor McMullin (page 24)
199496 Matchlock Miniatures (page 2532)
2009 Stuart Bradshaw (photography) (pages 4, 710, 2528, monochrome)
2004 Mongoose Publishing (miniatures) (pages 3334)
199294 Roger Andrews (Lone Wolf figurines photographs) (pages 3539)

Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License.

Effort has been made to display the information as close to the originals as possible. Although this has not been possible for all
thingsfor example, the actual fonts usedthe result is as close to the originals as they could be.

Scans of the original packaging have been coloured consistently. In some instances, this has resulted in a higher quality output than
found in the originals.

Games Workshop Miniatures Range (19845) ....................... 3

Games Workshop Advertising Fliers (1984) ......................... 15

Alternative Armies Miniatures Range (19901993) .............. 20

Matchlock Miniatures Range (19941996) ........................... 25

Mongoose Publishing Miniatures Range (2004) ................... 33

Lone Wolf Statuettes by Roger Andrews Studios.................. 35

Project Aon User License ..................................................... 39

Games Workshop Miniatures Range
This range of Lone Wolf models was produced by Citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop in 1985. The range of models
produced was at the standard 25mm scale used in role-playing. Games Workshop maintains a website for their
newer ranges of models and games. These Lone Wolf models were sculpted by Alan and Michael Perry, and
advertisements for the range appeared in both the Lone Wolf Club Newsletters and the Games Workshop journal
White Dwarf.

C41 Range

1. Bandit
3. Lone Wolf

2. Giak (with Sword and Shield) 4. Vordak

5. Helghast

6. Noodnics (x2 figures)

8. Guard Captain

7. Citadel Guard (with Halberd) 9. Vonotar

10. BanedonYoung Theurgist

L41 Giak Attack Boxed Set

1. Gourgaz
2. Angry Giak

3. Giak with Bow

4. Attacking Giak

5. Giak Spearman
6. Manic Giak

7. Giak Standard Bearer

8. Prince Pelathar
Miniature Games Workshop Ltd 1985. All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Photography by Tony Mansfield and Stuart Bradshaw

Lone Wolf Models are designed to accompany Hutchinsons
paperback Lone Wolf Adventure series by Gary Chalk and Joe Dever.
Warning. This product contains lead which may be harmful if Attention. Ce produit contient du plomb,
nocif sil est mis a la bouche ou avale. Les
chewed or swallowed. Citadel Miniatures are not Miniatures Citadel ne conviennant pas aux
recommended for children under 12. enfants de moins de 12 ans.

Cover illustration by Gary Chalk Warnung. Dieses produkt enthalt blei

welches beim kauen oder schlucken
Back illustration by Gary Chalk, colour by John Blanche gesundheitsschadlich sein kann. Citadel
Models painted and based by John Blanche Miniaturen warden fur kinder unter 12
Paints Citadel Colour jahran nichtempfohlen.


Games Workshop Fliers

C41 Designed by Alan & Michael Perry



Nidnuks Giak

Citadel Guard Bandit Guard Captain Vonatar Thaumaturist Lone Helghast Vordak

The advert on this page is from the Citadel Miniatures Third Compendium (November 1985). The one on the
following page is from the December 1984 Christmas Releases flier. Sue Kesby, who scanned these fliers for us,

As pictorial sources for Citadel figures go, there were five A5 catalogues produced between 1979 and 1983. In
October 1983, the First Citadel Compendium was published in the UK (with incredibly accurate sketches
instead of photos). The US First Compendium followed in November, 1983, naturally lacking the Cit/Partha
section. In mid-1984, Citadel made the Big Move to a new factory, stopped producing most of their older
figures, and brought out the Arcane Listings with pictures of all surviving models. Apart from the New Release
fliers and the pages of White Dwarf, the Compendiums (Second Compendium October 1984, Third
Compendium November 1985) are the main pictorial sources for figures produced at that time. Starting in
Spring 1985, Journals were produced at intervals a sort of update for the Compendiums with pictures of
several months' worth of new releases.

Note the three mistakes on this advertisement: Nidnuks should obviously be Noodnics, Vonatar should be
Vonotar, and Young Thaumaturist should be Young Thaumaturgist. Additionally, other advertisements,
such as the ones found in the Lone Wolf Club Newsletters also label this novice magician as Banedon.

Andy Harris also contributed a copy of the advertisement on the following page, only printed with deep purple
ink instead of black. We think this originated at Games Day 1985, though we cannot be entirely sure. Each advert
on the following two pages again lists Vonotar as Vonatar and Noodnics as Nidnuks, but there are also
three additional typos: Thaumatergist should be Thaumaturgist, Helgast should instead be Helghast, and
Prince Pelethar should be Prince Pelathar.

LW1 Designed by Alan & Michael Perry



Giak Standard Gorgaz Sir Pelethor

Manic Giak Bow Giak Angry Giak Attacking Giak Spear


This advertisement for the Giak Attack Boxed Set also comes from the Third Citadel Compendium (November
1985). Note two more mistakes: Gorgaz should obviously be Gourgaz, and Sir Pelethor should be Prince

Following Page:
This advertisement for the Giak Attack Boxed Set is from the Spring 1985 Citadel Journal, published by Games
Workshop. For once, there is no mislabelling but then again, there are no labels!

Once again, we thank Sue Kesby and the Blue Mule for their help in sourcing these rare advertising images.

The second advertisement appeared in the rear pages of the first edition of Flight from the Dark, Fire on the
Water, and War of the Wizards, by Joe Dever and Ian Page. The third appeared in the rear of the first editions of
both The Chasm of Doom and Shadow on the Sand by Joe Dever. The fourth, which contains a price-hike for
the miniatures, appeared in the first edition of The Forbidden City by Joe Dever and Ian Page.

(Note that all three of the text adverts use the inaccurate term: A unique range . . . are now available. Since
replacing are with is creates another problem, whereby the text seems to indicate that the whole range can be
bought for 40 or 60 pence, this has been left unchanged.)


A unique range of Lone Wolf models, especially designed by A unique range of Lone Wolf models, especially designed by
Gary Chalk and Joe Dever, are now available from Citadel Gary Chalk and Joe Dever, are now available from Citadel
Miniatures from around 40p. For details of these and Miniatures from around 60p. For details of these and
Citadel's extensive range of over 1000 other models, please Citadel's extensive range of over 1000 models, please send a
send a stamped addressed envelope to Citadel Miniatures, 10 stamped addressed envelope to Citadel Miniatures, Chewton
Victoria Street, Newark, Notts. Street, Hilltop, Eastwood, Notts.

Citadel miniatures are made especially for gamers and Citadel miniatures are made especially for gamers and
collectors. They are lead models and therefore not for use by collectors. They are lead models and therefore not for use by
young children. young children.

A unique range of Lone Wolf models, especially designed by A un i q u e r a n g e o f L o n e W o l f m o d e l s , e s pe c i a l l y

Gary Chalk and Joe Dever, are now available from Citadel d e s i g n e d b y G a r y C ha l k a nd J o e D e v e r , a r e no w
Miniatures from around 40p. For details of these and available from Citadel Miniatures from around 60p.
Citadel's extensive range of over 1000 models, please send a For details of these and Citadel's extensive range of
stamped addressed envelope to Citadel Miniatures, Chewton o v e r 1 0 0 0 o t he r m o d e l s , p l e a s e s e nd a s t a m pe d
Street, Hilltop, Eastwood, Notts. addressed envelope to Citadel Miniatures, Chewton
S t r e e t , H i l l t o p, E a s t w o o d , N o t t s .
Citadel miniatures are made especially for gamers and
collectors. They are lead models and therefore not for use by Ci t a d e l m i n i a t ur e s a r e m a d e e s p e c i a l l y f o r g a m e r s
young children. and collectors. They are lead models and therefore
no t f o r us e b y y o u ng c hi l d r e n.

Alternative Armies Miniatures Range
This range of Lone Wolf models was produced by Alternative Armies between 1990 and 1993, sculpted by Gary
Morley. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter #17 stated: Initially, twelve Lone Wolf Grand Master figures have been planned,
but more will follow on a regular basis. First releases are scheduled for November 1990. However, according to
Malcolm Coxhead, creator and proprietor of Alternative Armies from 199097, only the first three models of Lone Wolf
were ever released in this range. Unreleased models such as Lord Rimoah, Arch Druid Cadak, and Warlord Magnaarn,
were sculpted by Conor McMullin. The range of models produced was at the standard 25mm scale used in role-
playing. Alternative Armies also maintain a website where players can buy their latest range of miniatures and

Alternative Armies online no nonsense wargaming, just large ranges of quality miniatures, easy to play rule sets, and
superb value for money.Taken from the companys website.

SET 1:

1. Lone Wolf 2. Lone Wolf 3. Lone Wolf (Kai

(Kai Initiate) (Kai Master Superior) Grand Defender)
These three figures were collectively known as LW001. The individual labels are taken from the News
from the Monastery section of Lone Wolf Club Newsletter #22.

The following figures were planned but never released. Nevertheless, we have managed to acquire photographs of
three of these ultra-rare figures.

4. Guildmaster Banedon (LW002) 10. Drakkarim Death Knight
5. Lord Rimoah 11. Acolyte of Vashna
12. Alyss

SET 2:

6. Arch Druid Cadak (LW003)

7. Deathlord of Ixia
(Lord Ixiataaga)
8. Warlord Magnaarn
1. Vonotar the Traitor

2. Helghast

3. Vordak

4. Doomwolf

5. Doomwolf & Giak Rider

6. Crypt Spawn

7. Ixian Undead

8. Drakkarim Marine

9. Mountain Giak (aka LW004) 9. Kraan

1. Vashna 1. Burrowcrawler
2. Zagarna 2. Kalkoth
3. Haakon 3. Baknar
4. Gnaag 4. Vazhag
5. Kraagenskl 5. Lavas

A unique range of LONE WOLF models created by Joe

Dever and especially designed by Bob Olley is now
available from ALTERNATIVE ARMIES.
For details of these and ALTERNATIVE ARMIES
extensive range of other fantasy gaming figures, please
send an S.A.E. (or an IRC if you live outside the UK) to:
ALTERNATIVE ARMIES, Unit 6, Parkway Court,
Glaisdale Parkway, NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND
NG8 4GN.
ALTERNATIVE ARMIES miniatures are especially made for
gamers and collectors. They contain lead and are not recommended
for children under 14 years.

This advert appeared in the rear of the Red Fox editions of Shadow on the Sand, The Kingdoms of
Terror, Castle Death, and The Masters of Darkness c.1990. (ERRATA: Replaced ALTERNATIVE
ARMIES extensive range with ALTERNATIVE ARMIES extensive range, are now with is now, send
S.A.E. with send an S.A.E., and collectors, they with collectors. They.)

On the following page is an advert for the Alternative Armies range of Lone Wolf miniatures taken from
Role-player Independent #4 (March 1993). Note that in this advert, the labels of the miniatures do not
match those given on the previous page. (ERRATA: Replaced Iniate with Initiate, as : with as:,
Master and Grand with Master, and Kai Grand, and lead NOT with lead. NOT.)



LW001 LONE WOLF............................ 3.50

The first pack contains Lone Wolf himself as: Kai

Initiate, Kai Master, and Kai Grand Master.

Future releases in this range will include the characters:

Arch Druid Cadak
Lord Rimoah
Warlord Magnaarn
Drakkarim Assault-trooper

For further details write to

mail order
Alternative Armies
Unit 6 Parkway Court, UK : 10% p&p
Glaisdale Parkway, EUROPE: : 25% p&p
Nottingham USA : 30% p&p
NG 8 4GN REST : 50% p&p

Models contain lead. NOT suitable for children under 14.

Recognise these star-crossed lovers? These are the sculptures of Grey Star and Tanith, stars of the World of Lone
Wolf series of gamebooks written by Ian Page. This exclusive photograph comes to us courtesy of their sculptor,
Conor McMullin. Conor writes:

When I was younger I had started reading and was hooked on Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. Then I
discovered the Lone Wolf gamebooks and then the Grey Star books, and got really into them. I met
Joe Dever at a games convention and showed him some figures I had sculpted from scratch. I was,
needless to say, really honoured when he asked me if I would sculpt a couple of figures for him.

Some time after sculpting the figures for Lone Wolf, I sculpted figures of Grey Star the Wizard and
Tanith. They were done to the same scale as the Lone Wolf figures. These were sculpted only for
fun and not for anything in particular. They have sat in a box for very many years, so I thought it'd
be nice to share them.

Many thanks to Conor for sharing these ultra-exclusive sculptures with the Lone Wolf community.

Matchlock Miniatures Range
This range of Lone Wolf models was produced by Matchlock Miniatures between 1994 and 1996. They also took over
production of the Alternative Armies range of Lone Wolf miniatures prior to releasing their own. The range of models
produced was at both the standard 25mm scale, and also the 15mm scalemodels used in wargaming. Although part
of Caliver Books, the company maintains a dedicated website called Miniature Figurines. We are still looking for
photographs to have a complete illustrated guide to this particular range. As of 2014, Matchlock are releasing a new
range of 32mm figures based on the Lone Wolf books.

Caliver Books is a real shop, with thousands of titles and other goods in stock for immediate deliveryunlike some
other online book sites which make you wait, sometimes for weeks. We pride ourselves on our exceptional standards of
service, and if we don't have the book you want on the premises, then we shall let you know immediately and advise
you of the expected delay. Most titles can be despatched within 24 hours.Taken from the companys website.

This enigmatic goddess appears in Lone Wolf 19: Wolfs
Bane and the Legends of Lone Wolf novels.

Very rare, this is one of only 240 figures released

commercially. Sculpted c.1991 by Phil Lipton. Copyright Joe
Dever. Casting produced under limited licence by Caliver

Banedon Fearsome Giak
WIZARD BANEDONfriend and ally to Lone Wolf in the FEARSOME GIAKa mainstay soldier in the armies of the
first epic gamebook adventure: Flight from the Dark. Darklords of HelgedadLone Wolfs mortal enemies.

Sculpted in 1991 by Phil Linton. Copyright Joe Dever. Sculpted in 1991 by Alan Perry. Copyright Joe Dever.
Produced by Caliver Miniatures. This version of Banedon Produced by Caliver miniatures. Less than 250 of this version
was a test casting that was never released for sale to the of a Giak soldier were ever released for sale to the public.
public. One of only 24 models cast.

Arch Druid Cadak

The hated leader of the Cener Druids and Lone Wolfs evil
adversary in The Plague Lords of Ruel, the first of Lone
Wolf Grand Master series. He is here depicted wielding his
staff of power.

Very rare, this is a test casting and was never released

commercially. Only 10 were ever made. Sculpted c.1991 by
Conor McMullin. Copyright Joe Dever. Test casting
produced under limited licence by Caliver Miniatures.

Fearsome Drakkarim leader and hated adversary of Lone
Wolf in the third of the Grand Master series of Lone Wolf
gamebook adventures: The Darke Crusade, Magnaarn is
here depicted wielding the Doomstone of Darke.

Very rare, this is a test casting and was never released

commercially. Only 6 were ever made. Sculpted c.1991 by
Conor McMullin. Copyright Joe Dever. Test casting produced
under limited licence by Caliver Miniatures.

20 Figures (unspecified)
According to Lone Wolf Club Newsletter #26: Matchlock
have taken over production of the existing A[lternative]
A[rmies] Lone Wolf figures, and they are currently designing
and preparing a further 12 figures which should be available
early next month (Jan 94). A few months later, Lone Wolf
Club Newsletter #27 revised this number to a range of more
than 20 figures in production.

It is likely that the majority of these were never released, and

some may not even have been sculpted, though there may
be a few other prototypes in the hands of collectors. Possibly
these would include figures originally slated for release in the
Alternative Armies range, such as Lord Ixiataaga, Lord
Rimoah, Drakkarim Death Knight, and Acolyte of Vashna.

15mm Armies (Unreleased)

Lone Wolf Club Newsletter # 27 contained the following
information: In addition to expanding the 25mm range of
Lone Wolf miniatures, Matchlock are also working on two
Lone Wolf armies in 15mm scale, Giaks and Sommlending,
with special Drakkarim and Kai Lords command packs.
Mention was also made of a set of tabletop wargame rules for
use with these miniatures. Neither the rules nor the
miniatures were ever released, and it is likely that few, if any,
of the miniatures were ever sculpted.

1. Giaks
2. Sommlending
3. Drakkarim Command Pack
4. Kai Lords Command Pack

Warlord Magnaarn

New 32mm Range (2014)

LW101: LW103:
Male Kai Lord with Sword and Shield Kai Master (Stormsong) with

LW102: LW104:
Female Kai Lord with Axe Mountain Giak with Serrated Sword
Mountain Giak with Axe and Shield

Boss Nailer

Mountain Giak with Bow and Arrows

(No photograph yet)

Drakkar Nanrak Ryketh
Mountain Giak Leader with Helmet,
Spear, and Shield
Giak Random Pack
(6 random figures of LW104LW106)

LW111: Storm Sparrow with Quarterstaff

LW112: Dawn Thunder with Shield and Mace

LW113: Bright Shield with Shield and Spear

LW114: Night Fox LW115: Shadow Raven LW16: True Song

Mongoose Publishing Miniatures Range
This range of Lone Wolf models was produced by Mongoose Publishing, makers of the Lone Wolf RPG. The range of
models was produced at the standard 25mm scale used in role-playing, and was sculpted by Bobby Jackson.

Based in Swindon, UK, Mongoose Publishing was founded in 2001 and within 6 months became the UKs
largest publisher of role-playing games. Initially concentrating on d20 based products, Mongoose Publishings first book
was the Slayers Guide to Hobgoblins, part of the Slayers Guide series of books. Subsequent product lines
followed in rapid succession. Mongoose Publishings miniatures games and role-playing games continue to provide
gamers with fantastic worlds in which to immerse themselves, and the company has become a recognised force in the
world of hobby games.Taken from the companys website.

Characters Pack 1 Giaks & Doomwolves

(Magician of Dessi, Dwarven Gunner of Bor, Knight
of Sommerlund)

Characters Pack 2 Drakkarim

(Telchos Amazon, Brother of the Crystal Star, (Drakkarim Axeman, Swordsman, Archer)
Shadaki Buccaneer)

Giaks Helghast & Crypt Spawn
(Giak Axeman, Swordsman, Spearman)

Gourgaz Kai Lords

(Kai Lord with Sword, with Warhammer, with Bow)

Lone Wolf Statuettes by Roger Andrews Studios
In 1992, Joe Dever approached Roger Andrews with a view to producing some collectable commemorative
figurines based on characters from the Legends of Lone Wolf series. We contacted Roger Andrews, and he was
kind enough to take some exclusive photographs of the figurines from his collection of originals. We also asked
him a few questions about the range of figurines.

It was a fairly open ended agreement I had with Joe Dever to produce the figures and I
would have produced more if they had sold a little more profusely. I was working on a
sixth figure when other horizons beckoned. The figure was going to be Vonotar, if I
remember rightly I also had a battle diorama in mind with Lone Wolf in a death
struggle with one of the Darklords.


Bosun Nolrim



Grand Master Lone Wolf

With the original run of the Grand Master Lone Wolf figurine came a Certificate of Authenticity. We asked Roger
what the certificate contained.

I cannot find any Certificates or samples thereof but it would have been something to
the effect This sculpture is created from an original cast by me at my studio in the
Vale of Glamorgan etc., etc. . . . and then I used to sign them and send them to Joe for
his signature when he would send them off to the buyer.

On the subject of the Lone Wolf range of figurines, he told us:

I still get asked occasionally for Lone Wolf figurines but the moulds are getting really
brittle now and it isnt worth remoulding for the odd order that might come through.
I hope this helps and thanks for the interest. If you want me to take some photos of
my originals for you just askit would be a pleasure to contribute.

Roger Andrews Studios maintains a website with examples of his work, and is accepting commissions for sculptures and
figurines. On the following page is an advert for Grand Master Lone Wolf from Role-player Independent #3 (February
1993). (ERRATA: Replaced Britains with Britains, each fully with each, fully, surcharge). with surcharge.),
hand painted with hand-painted, and address it with address, it.)

This stunning hand-painted statuette of Lone
Wolf, clad in the regalia of a Kai Grand Master, is
the vanguard of a series of fine art quality figurines
celebrating the unique creatures and characters of
Magnamund the World of Lone Wolf.

Do not miss this special opportunity to be one of

the first to own a premier edition Lone Wolf

Superbly crafted by Roger Andrews, one of Britains

leading fine art sculptors, this exclusive first edition
statuette is hand-cast and hand-finished to the
highest collectors standard. Priced at only 79.00
each, fully inclusive to any UK address, it represents
exceptional value for money.

Whether you are a Lone Wolf fan or simply a lover

of quality art, the Lone Wolf series of fine art
sculptures is an investment that should provide you
with a lifetime of pleasure.

As a special introduction on this first edition,

we are issuing a Certificate of Authenticity with
each order, individually signed by the creator of
Lone Wolf author Joe Dever.

To order, simply complete the priority Order Form

below and send it with your remittance to:
Roger Andrews Studios, P Box 2, Llantwit Major,
South Glamorgan, CF6 9NW (UK).

Please send me.. (No.) statuette(s) of GRAND MASTER LONE WOLF at the price of 79.00 each, fully inclusive
to any UK address. (Overseas orders add 17.00 airmail surcharge.) I under stand that delivery may take up to 28 days
and that I can return the figurine within 30 days thereafter for a full refund if I am not satisfied with my purchase. All
payments must be made in UK Sterling.

Name: ............................................................................. Telephone: .............................................................

Address: ..........................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................. Post Code: ...................................................
I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to Lone Wolf Sculptures in the sum of .................................................
Project Aon License Flight from the Dark;
1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
Grey Star the Wizard;
1985 Ian Page.

17 June 2009
Fire on the Water; The Forbidden City;
1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. 1986 Ian Page.
0. Preamble The Caverns of Kalte; Beyond the Nightmare Gate;
Joe Dever, author of the Lone Wolf game books, and Ian Page, 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. 1986 Ian Page.
author of the World of Lone Wolf books are providing certain of their
works for free (gratis) download from the internet. Rob Adams, Paul The Chasm of Doom; War of the Wizards;
Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Richard Hook, Peter Andrew 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. 1986 Ian Page.
Jones, Cyril Julien, Peter Lyon, Trevor Newton, Peter Parr, Graham Shadow on the Sand; The illustrations created by Rob Adams for the following book are
Round, and Brian Williams are similarly offering the illustrations that 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
they did for these books. This license is intended to protect the
rights of the authors and the illustrators, grant rights to their readers,
The Kingdoms of Terror;
and preserve the quality of the books distributed in this way.
1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. The Magnamund Companion;
Castle Death; Some illustrations 1986 Rob Adams.
By viewing or downloading the books or the illustrations, you agree 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. The illustrations created by Paul Bonner for the following books are
to refrain from redistributing them in any format for any reason. This
is intended to protect readers from getting poor quality, unofficial
The Jungle of Horrors; part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
1987 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
versions or from being asked for payment in exchange for the books
by someone who is redistributing them unofficially. The Cauldron of Fear; Grey Star the Wizard;
1987 Joe Dever. Illustrations 1985 Paul Bonner.
Anyone who wishes to simply view or download the Internet Editions The Dungeons of Torgar; The Forbidden City;
for their own personal use need not worry about running afoul of the 1987 Joe Dever. Illustrations 1986 Paul Bonner.
terms of this License. These activities are within acceptable
behaviour as defined by this License. The Prisoners of Time; Beyond the Nightmare Gate;
1987 Joe Dever. Illustrations 1986 Paul Bonner.
This section does not contain the legally binding terms of this The Masters of Darkness; War of the Wizards;
license. Please read the precise terms and conditions of this license 1988 Joe Dever. Illustrations 1986 Paul Bonner.
that follow.
The Plague Lords of Ruel; The illustrations created by Gary Chalk for the following books are
The current version of this license can be found at the following 1990, 1992 Joe Dever. part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
URL: The Captives of Kaag;
1991 Joe Dever. Flight from the Dark; Illustrations 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
The Darke Crusade;
1991, 1993 Joe Dever. Fire on the Water;
1. Definitions Illustrations 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
The Legacy of Vashna;
1.0 1991, 1993 Joe Dever. The Caverns of Kalte;
Illustrations 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
License shall hereafter refer to this document.
The Deathlord of Ixia;
1992, 1994 Joe Dever. The Chasm of Doom;
1.1 Illustrations 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
Authors shall hereafter refer to Joe Dever, Ian Page, and Gary Dawn of the Dragons;
Chalk, copyright holders for the literary works covered by this 1992 Joe Dever. Shadow on the Sand;
Illustrations 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
license. Where Joe Dever, Ian Page, or Gary Chalk is mentioned Wolf's Bane;
singly, they will be referred to by name. 1993, 1995 Joe Dever. The Kingdoms of Terror;
Illustrations 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
1.2 The Curse of Naar;
Illustrators shall hereafter refer to Rob Adams, copyright holder of 1993, 1996 Joe Dever. Castle Death;
Illustrations 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
portions of The Magnamund Companion; Paul Bonner, holder of the Voyage of the Moonstone;
copyrights for the illustrations of the World of Lone Wolf books; Gary 1994 Joe Dever. The Jungle of Horrors;
Chalk, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of Lone Wolf Illustrations 1987 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
The Buccaneers of Shadaki;
books one through eight counted inclusively, holder of the
1994 Joe Dever. The Magnamund Companion;
copyrights of portions of The Magnamund Companion, and holder of Some illustrations 1986 Gary Chalk.
the copyrights for The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book; Melvyn Mydnight's Hero;
Grant, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of Freeway 1995 Joe Dever. The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book;
Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust; Richard Hook, copyright holder of 1987 Gary Chalk.
portions of The Magnamund Companion; Peter Andrew Jones,
Rune War;
1995 Joe Dever. The text written by Gary Chalk for the following book is being
copyright holder for the illustrations used in the Lone Wolf 10th
Anniversary Calendar; Cyril Julien, copyright holder of portions of Trail of the Wolf; offered in English under the terms of this License:
The Skull of Agarash; Peter Lyon, copyright holder of portions of 1997 Joe Dever.
The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book;
The Magnamund Companion; Trevor Newton, copyright holder of The Fall of Blood Mountain; 1987 Gary Chalk.
the illustrations of Voyage of the Moonstone; Peter Parr, copyright 1997 Joe Dever.
holder of the illustrations of Black Baron and White Warlord,
Emerald Enchanter and Scarlet Sorcerer; Graham Round, copyright Vampirium; The illustrations created by Melvyn Grant for the following book are
1998 Joe Dever. part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
holder of portions of The Magnamund Companion; and Brian
Williams, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of Lone Wolf The Hunger of Sejanoz;
Freeway Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust;
books nine through twenty-eight counted inclusively with the 1998 Joe Dever.
exception of the illustrations for book twenty-one, The Voyage of the Illustrations 1988 Melvyn Grant.
Moonstone, holder of the copyrights of portions of The Skull of The Magnamund Companion;
1986 Joe Dever. The illustrations created by Richard Hook for the following book are
Agarash, and holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of books part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
two through four, counted inclusively, of the Freeway Warrior series. Freeway Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust;
Where Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Richard Hook, 1988 Joe Dever.
Peter Andrew Jones, Cyril Julien, Peter Lyon, Trevor Newton, Peter The Magnamund Companion;
Parr Graham Round, or Brian Williams is mentioned singly, they will
Freeway Warrior 2: Slaughter Mountain Run; Some illustrations 1986 Richard Hook.
1988 Joe Dever.
be referred to by name. The illustrations created by Peter Andrew Jones for the following
Freeway Warrior 3: The Omega Zone; book are part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of
1.3 1989 Joe Dever. this License:
Internet shall hereafter refer to any means of transferring
information electronically between two or more Licensees. (The
Freeway Warrior 4: California Countdown;
term Licensee is defined in Section 1.5 of the License)
1989 Joe Dever. Lone Wolf 10th Anniversary Calendar;
Black Baron; Illustrations 1994 Peter Andrew Jones.
1.4 1986 Joe Dever. The illustrations created by Cyril Julien for the following book are
Internet Editions shall hereafter refer to the document or White Warlord; part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
documents, any parts thereof or derivative works thereof (including 1986 Joe Dever.
translations) made available to the public under the terms of this
License via the Internet. The term Internet Editions is limited to the Emerald Enchanter; The Skull of Agarash;
1986 Joe Dever. Some illustrations 1994 Cyril Julien.
electronic transcription of certain text and illustrations by the Authors
and Illustrators respectively as listed hereafter. Scarlet Sorcerer; The illustrations created by Peter Lyon for the following book are
1986 Joe Dever. part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License:
The following are the works written by Joe Dever which are being
The following are the works written by Ian Page which are being
offered in English and Spanish under the terms of this license:
offered in English under the terms of this license:
The Magnamund Companion;
Some illustrations 1986 Peter Lyon.
The illustrations created by Trevor Newton for the following book are through the Internet. you have control within fourteen calendar days of receiving
part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License: notification in any form.
Voyage of the Moonstone; Licensee shall hereafter refer to any person or electronic agent 4. Jurisdiction
Illustrations 1994 Trevor Newton. who receives some portion or all of the Internet Editions. The
Licensee shall hereinafter be referred to as Licensee or you. 4.0
The illustrations created by Peter Parr for the following books are If, in consequence of court judgement or the laws of a particular
part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this License: 1.6 area, any portion of the License is held as invalid or unenforceable
Distribution Point shall hereafter refer to the specific Internet site in any particular circumstance, you are no longer granted any rights
Black Baron; or sites to which the Authors and Illustrators have granted rights under the terms of this License in that circumstance. You agree to
Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr. to distribute the Internet Editions. act in accordance with section 3.0 for all copies of the Internet
White Warlord;
Editions for which the License is held as invalid or unenforceable as
if you had violated the terms and obligations of the License. The
Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr.
Maintainer shall hereafter refer to the person or persons who are License is intended to remain in force in all other circumstances.
Emerald Enchanter; responsible for the maintenance of the Distribution Point.
Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr. 5. Revision of the License
Scarlet Sorcerer; 2. Terms of Distribution
Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr. 5.0
The illustrations created by Graham Round for the following book The terms of this License are limited to the distribution of the
The Authors and the Illustrators may publish revisions of this
are part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this Internet Editions. No other form of distribution is covered under
License in the future to address new concerns. Any further revisions
License: the terms of this License.
will be legally binding at the time that you receive notification in any
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The Magnamund Companion;
The Authors and Illustrators grant you the right to receive a copy
Some illustrations 1986 Graham Round.
or copies of the Internet Editions from the Distribution Point at no 6. NO WARRANTY
The illustrations created by Brian Williams for the following books charge provided that you agree to all of the terms and obligations
are part of the illustrations being offered under the terms of this of this License. If you do not agree to all of the terms and 6.0
License: obligations of this License, you are not granted any rights by this
Illustrations 1987 Brian Williams. You agree to be bound by the terms and obligations of this
License by the act of receiving or viewing a copy of any portion of EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE
The Dungeons of Torgar; the Internet Editions even though you have not signed a written COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE
Illustrations 1987 Brian Williams. document. Indeed, you have no right to receive or view a copy or INTERNET EDITIONS "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
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Illustrations 1987 Brian Williams. binding and agreeing to the terms and obligations of this License.
Illustrations 1988 Brian Williams. You agree to refrain from redistributing the Internet Editions in any THE INTERNET EDITIONS PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME
The Plague Lords of Ruel; form, electronic or otherwise, to any other person or persons for
Illustrations 1990, 1992 Brian Williams. any reason by any means. You are granted the right to receive a
copy or copies only for your own personal use. 6.1
The Captives of Kaag;
Illustrations 1990, 1992 Brian Williams. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR
This License does not collectively grant any rights to corporations AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
The Darke Crusade; or groups of individuals when regarded as one legal entity. This MAINTAINER BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING
Illustrations 1991, 1993 Brian Williams. License exclusively grants rights to private individuals. ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL
The Legacy of Vashna;
Redistribution includes but is not limited to displaying the Internet
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Wolf's Bane; works thereof to the Distribution Point by the consent of the
Illustrations 1993 Brian Williams. Maintainer.
The Curse of Naar;
Illustrations 1993 Brian Williams. 2.3
The Authors and Illustrators retain all other rights to their
The Buccaneers of Shadaki; respective portions of the Internet Editions not covered by this
Illustrations 1994 Brian Williams. License. The Authors or Illustrators may, at any time, without
Mydnight's Hero; notice and without need to show due cause, revoke the rights
Illustrations 1995 Brian Williams. granted to you by this License to their respective portions of the
Internet Editions.
Rune War;
Illustrations 1995 Brian Williams.
Trail of the Wolf; If a person is under the legal age to be able to enter into a
Illustrations 1997 Brian Williams. contractual relationship as defined by the laws of the area in
The Fall of Blood Mountain; which that person resides, they may have a parent or legal
Illustrations 1997 Brian Williams. guardian agree to be bound by the terms and obligations of this
License. On condition of agreeing to be bound by the terms of the
Vampirium; License, that same parent or legal guardian may thereafter give a
Illustrations 1998 Brian Williams. copy or copies of the Internet Editions to that child. That parent or
The Hunger of Sejanoz; legal guardian is thereafter legally responsible to ensure that that
Illustrations 1998 Brian Williams. child behaves in accordance with all of the terms and obligations
of this License.
The Skull of Agarash;
Some illustrations 1994 Brian Williams. The authority of a parent or legal guardian to distribute the
Freeway Warrior: Slaughter Mountain Run; Internet Editions does not extend to the distribution of the Internet
Illustrations 1988 Brian Williams. Editions to any other person or persons except his or her child or
legal dependent.
Freeway Warrior: The Omega Zone;
Illustrations 1989 Brian Williams.
3. Termination of the License
Freeway Warrior: California Countdown;
Illustrations 1989 Brian Williams. 3.0
If for any reason you are unable to comply with any of the terms
The works distributed under the collective title Lone Wolf Club
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Newsletterswhich are composed of, in part, portions of the above
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Internet Editions shall not refer to any other works by the Authors, 3.1
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