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International taxation

1. 1. SYNOPSIS International Taxation- An Introduction Tax Treaties-An Introduction.

Tax Treaty Structure Discussion of prominent Articles of a Tax Treaty Some
important concepts 2


3. 3. GLOBALIZATION What is Globalization ?Globalization is the phenomenon

Sourcing people from Sourcing capital from where it is cheapest, of where it is best
Producing where it is most cost effective available, Selling where the markets are. and

4. 4. INTERNATIONAL TAXATION- MEANING It is a body of legal provisions

embedded in the tax lawsof each country to cover the tax aspects of cross
bordertransactions. International Law International Tax Tax Treaties 5

5. 5. INTERNATIONAL TAXATION-OBJECTIVES Economic Efficiency Balance Capital

National Key Export & Wealth Import Objects Maximization Neutrality Tax Equity 6


7. 7. Meaning-A TAX TREATY tax treaty is a formally concluded and ratified agreement
between two independent nations (bilateral treaty) or more than two nations (multilateral
treaty) on matters concerning taxation 8

8. 8. OBJECTIVES Avoid Double Taxation Prevent Tax Evasion Allocate Tax Jurisdiction
Exchange of Information Certainty of Tax Treatment to Investors 9


between Prussia & Austria 1899 The first model draft DTAA was published with the
concept of PE being introduced for the first time 1928 The Mexico Model was released
1943 The London Model convention was released 1946 The OEEC took upon the task
of improving the model DTA to suit the needs of its member countries 1956 OEEC was
superseded by OECD 1961 The first draft of OECD model was published 1963 The
final version of the OECD Model was published & has been last revised in 2008 1977
Developing countries take recourse to UN model as OECD model is biased towards
Developed nations (Last Update in 2001) 1979 US model is introduced. Last revised in
2006 1981 10

10. 10. provide the broad framework for MODEL CONVENTIONSModel conventions-
serve as useful interpretation materialThe popular treaty formulation model conventions
are: a) UN Model b) OECD Model c) US Model 11
11. 11. TYPES OF TAX TREATIES Limited Treaties-which cover - a) income from
operation of aircrafts and ships, b) estates, c) inheritance and d) gifts. Comprehensive
Treaties-which are wider in scope addressing all sources of income 12

12. 12. Section TREATY POSITION IN INDIA 90(1) of the Indian Income Tax India Act,
1961authorizes the Central Government to conclude taxtreaties Section presently has
treaties with 91 countries 90 (2) of Income Section Tax Act Vs. Section 258(8) ofthe
Direct Tax Code 91 - provides unilateral relief 13


14. 14. ARTICLES- CLASSIFICATION Application Definition Anti-Avoidance Elimination

of Miscellaneous Articles Provisions Provisions Double Taxation Provisions Article 1-
Article 3-General Article 9- Article 23- Article 24-Non- Applicability Definitions
Associated Elimination of Discrimination Enterprises Double Tax Article 2- Taxes
Article 4- Article 28- Covered Residence Article 26- Diplomats Exchange of
Information Article 25-Mutual Article 30-Entry Article 5- into Force Permanent
Agreement Establishment Article 27- Assistance for Article 29- Article 31- collection
of tax Territorial Termination extension 15

15. 15. DISTRIBUTIVE ARTICLES Article 6-Immovable Property Article 7-Business

Profits Article 8-Shipping, etc. Article 10-Dividends Article 11-Interest Article 12-
Royalties & Fees for Technical Services Article 13-Capital Gains Article 14-
Independent Personal Services Article 15-Dependent Personal Services Article 16-
Directors Article 17-Artistes & Sports persons Article 18-Pensions Article 19-
Government Services Article 20-Students Article 21-Other Income Article 22-Capital


17. 17. SCOPEArticle 1- Applicability -Applies to a person who is a resident ofone or both
the countries.Article 2- Taxes covered- Taxes on income Indian taxes covered are income
tax, surcharge and and capital cessArticle 30-Entry into force This article tells when and
how a DTA becomes operativeArticle 31-Termination This article tells when and how a
DTA can be terminated 18

18. 18. DEFINITIONS Article 3-General Definitions1. Person2. Company3. Contracting

State4. Enterprise of a Contracting State4. Competent Authority6. National Undefined
Terms-meaning to be as defined under the domestic tax laws applicable to the taxes
covered in the treaty 19

19. 19. DEFINITIONSArticle 4 - ResidenceA person is a resident of a country if he is liable

to tax in the country by virtue of:-Domicile-Residence-Place of Incorporation-Place of
management-Any other criterion of a similar nature Tie-Breaker Rules- In the case of a
dual resident, the tie-breaker rules shall apply to determine the residential status a) In the
case of an individual his personal and economic ties determine his residential status b) In
the case of others it is the place of effective management 20

20. 20. Means a fixed DEFINITIONSArticle 5 - Permanent Establishment (PE) place from
where the business of the enterprise is carried on PE includes place of management,
branch, office, factory, workshop, mine, quarry, an oil or gas well, a construction site for
long duration, a services location for long duration and a dependent agency with power to
conclude contracts 21


22. 22. ACTIVE & PASSIVE INCOME Passive Income-refers to income derived from
investment in tangible / intangible assets. Equity Investment Dividend Debt Interest
Yields Right/Permission to use assets Rent / Royalties Disposal of capital assets owned
Capital Gain Active Income is the income derived from carrying on active cross border
business operations or by personal effort and exertion as in case of employment. 23


Income Taxing Right Taxing Right Remarks Ref. of Source of State of State Residence6
Income from Immovable Has the first right Property to tax10 Dividend Income Has the
right Dividend is not taxable in India. to tax DDT is levied upon provided rate the
company does not Reserves the declaring exceed the dividends11 Interest Income right to
tax agreed rate of12 Royalties and Fees for tax as per Technical Services DTAA13
Capital Gains Has the first right Tax can be to tax a determined as per the domestic lax18
Pensions Cannot tax pension Can tax Pension 24


Taxing Right of Taxing Remarks Ref. Income Source State Right of State of Residence7
Business Profits Yes, if PE exists in the Income attributable to PE source state alone can
be taxed in source state8 Shipping & Air Cannot tax this income Transport Reserves14
Independent Yes, if the person has a Income attributable to Personal Services fixed base
or his stay the right to Fixed Base alone can be extends beyond 90 days tax taxed in
source state15 Dependent Yes, if employment is If salary is paid on behalf Personal
Services exercised in the source of foreign employer and (Employment) state. Cannot tax
if stay is is not borne by PE, then less than 183 days source state cannot tax the salary 25


Taxing Right of Taxing Remarks Ref. Income Source State Right of State of Residence16
Directors Fees Yes, the source state can tax the same17 Artiste & Athletes Yes, the source
state can DTA may specify the tax the same extent to which the income may be exempt19
Govt. Service No, unless the person Remuneration rendering service Reserves happens to
be a resident the right to of and national of the tax source state20 Students & No taxing
rights Apprentices21 Other Income Yes, the source state can tax the same 26
26. 26. ANTI-AVOIDANCE PROVISIONSArticle Ref. Title Comments 9 Associated
Adoption of Arms Length Price in Enterprises transactions between Associated
Enterprises 26 Exchange of Information 27 Assistance in Both the contracting states shall
collection of assist each other in collection of taxes revenue claims 27

27. 27. ELIMINATION OF DOUBLE TAXATIONJuridical Double Taxation and Economic

The Double TaxationArticle 23 Alternate methods are as below: Exemption Method -
Full Exemption - Exemption with progression Foreign Tax Credit Method - Full Credit
- Ordinary Credit Deduction Method 28

28. 28. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Article Ref. Title 24 Non-Discrimination 25

Mutual Agreement Procedure 28 Diplomats 29 Territorial Extension 29

29. 29. INTERPRETATION OF TREATY Tax Treaty Vs. Domestic Law The Vienna
Convention on Law of Treaties, 1969 (VCLT) has codified international law. The rules
contained in it can be applied to interpret treaties. Section 31(1) to 31(4)) of the VCLT,
1969 lays down the foundation for interpretation as per customary international laws
Section 31(1) states that a DTA shall be interpreted in GOOD FAITH in accordance with
the ORDINARY MEANING to be given to the terms of the treaty in their CONTEXT
and in the light of its object. Treaties are based either on UN or OECD model. Hence
commentaries in these models may assist interpretation 30

30. 30. SOME IMPORTANT CONCEPT S Treaty Shopping Co. incorporated in Foreign
Invests Invests Indian Mauritius (Shell Investor in in Company Co.) which in turn
Most Favored Nation (MFN) Clause Protocols 31

31. 31. APPLYING TAX TREATIESStep 1 What is the nature of the income ?Step 2 Does
the treaty apply?Step 3 Determine which Article applies?Step 4 How are taxation rights
assigned?Step 5 How is the income calculated?

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