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Chap 3: Adler: Individual psychology
According to Ferguson (1984), there are three
Background fundamental principles:
Alfred Adler 1. Behavior is goal oriented PURPOSIVENESS
- Born on February 7,1870 in Rudolfsheim, Vienna 2. Humans are fundamentally social, with a desire
- Parents: Pauline Beer and Leopold Adler to belong and having a place of value as an
equal human being SOCIAL INTEREST
- 2nd born of 7 children
3. And the individual is indivisible and functions
- Childhood ill-health: RICKETS and PNEUMONIA with unity of personality - HOLISM
- He felt inferior to his older brother. Sigmund (MOV ING IN UNITY TOW ARD SEL F-CHOSEN
Adler, because of health reason GOAL S THAT REFL ECT A HUMAN V AL UE FOR
- After 2 defining incidents, he was determined to
be a doctor MOTIV ATION
o When he had gone ice-skating with an - People are motivated by mostly social influences
older boy who abandoned him and when and by their striving for superiority or success.
he found his way back home he fell
asleep on the couch and woke up STRUCTURE
hearing the doctor saying Give yourself - Alfred Adler generally avoided the traditional
no more trouble. The boy is lost. concept of personality.
o When at age 4, Adler awoke next - He explained that to him, people are born with
morning to find his younger brother, weak, inferior bodies.
Rudolf, dead in the bed next to his.
- Therefore, a feeling of unity with others (social
- man of music, art, and literature. interest) is inherent in people and the ultimate
- He was trained to be a doctor and got a standard for psychological health.
medical degree from the University of Vienna in AGGRE SSION
1895 and specialized as an opthalmologist and
then later studied Neurology and Psychiatry. - Was a dynamic power behind all motivation

- Also Became a general practitioner in one of - Became dissatisfied with the term being a single
Viennas poor neighborhood. motivational force

- Finished elementary school and medical school Masculine protest

with no special honors or distinctions.
- Will to power or domination of others
Origin of the theory
- a behavior of women who reject traditional
- WEDNESDAY PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY/ feminine roles in favor of more masculine ones
Striving for superiority
- those who strive for personal superiority over
- those who strive to be superior to others
World War I
Striving for success
- Cornerstones of human motivation: Social Interest
- actions of those who and motivated by highly
and Compassion
developed social interest
- Adlers application for an unpaid lecture position
- those who strive for the success of the society
at the University of Vienna was turned down.
Final goal
- By the age 4 or 5, their creative power has
1. The one dynamic force behind peoples behavior
developed to the point that they can set their
is the striving for success or superiority.
final goal.
2. Peoples subjective perceptions shape their
- Peoples ability to freely shape their behavior
behavior and personality
and their own personality.
3. Personality is unified and self-consistent.
4. The value of all human activity must be seen
- Also, a persons style of life is fairly well
from the viewpoint of social interest.
established at this age.
5. The self-consistent personality structure develops
- Includes a persons goal, self-concept, feelings for
into a persons style of life.
others, and attitude toward the world.
6. Style of life is molded by peoples creative
After age 5, Adler believed that environmental forces
have modified or shaped nearly every aspect of a
childs personality
The tenets of Adlerian theory: - These physical handicaps have little or no
importance by themselves but become
1. The one dynamic force behind peoples behavior meaningful when they stimulate subjective
is the striving for success or superiority. feelings of inferiority, which serves as an impetus
2. Peoples subjective perceptions shape their toward perfection or completion.
behavior and personality. - However, these deficiencies alone do not cause
3. Personality is unified and self-consistent. a particular style of life; they simply provide
present motivation for reaching future goals.
4. The value of all human activity must be seen
from the viewpoint of social interest. Unity and self-consistency of personality

5. The self-consistent personality structure develops ORGAN DIALE CT

into a persons style of life. - The deficient organ expresses the direction of
6. Style of life is molded by peoples creative the individuals goal. According to Adler (1956),
power. through organ dialect, the bodys organs speak a
language which is usually more expressive and
STRIVING FORCE AS COMPENSATION discloses the individuals opinion more clearly
than words are able to do.
- People strive for superiority or success as a
means of compensation for feelings of inferiority CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS
or weakness.
- The striving force is innate, but its nature and
direction are due both to feelings of inferiority - Adler (1956) defined the unconscious as the part
and to the goal of superiority. of the goal that is neither clearly formulated not
completely understood by the individual
Tw o general av enues of striv ing:
Striving for Personal Superiority
- Conscious thoughts are those that are
- Their goals are personal ones, and their strivings understood and regarded by the individual as
are motivated largely by exaggerated feelings of helpful in striving for success
personal superiority, or the presence of an
inferiority complex. Social Interest

Striving for Success - Adlers somewhat misleading translation of his

original German term, Gemeinschaftsgefuhl.
- These healthy individuals are concerned with
goals beyond themselves, are capable of helping - GEMEINSCHAFTSGEFUHL
others without demanding or expecting a
- Feeling of oneness with all humanity.
personal payoff, and are able to see others not
as opponents but as people with whom they can - SOCIAL INTEREST
cooperate for social benefit.
- Attitude of relatedness with humanity in general
Subjective perception as well as empathy for each member of the
- People strive for superiority or success to human community. It manifests itself as
compensate for feelings of inferiority, but the cooperation with others for social advancement
manner in which they strive is not shaped by rather than for personal gain.
reality but by their subjective perceptions of
- is the natural condition of the human species and
reality, that is by their fictions, or expectations of
the adhesive that binds society together.
the future.
Origins of social interest
- It originates from the mother-child relationship during
- fictions
the early months of infancy.
- ideas that have no real existence, yet they
influence people as if they really existed. Adler believed that marriage and parenthood is a task for
two. However, the two parents may influence a childs
- People are motivated not by what is true but by social interest in somewhat different ways.
their subjective perceptions of what is true.
IDEAL MOTHER: A genuine and deep-rooted love for her
- Teleology child a love that is centered on the childs well-being,
not on her own need or wants.
- An explanation of behavior in terms of its
final purpose or aim IDEAL FATHER: Cooperates an equal footing with the
- Concerned with future goals or ends childs mother in caring for the child and treating the child
as a human being.
- Causality
Adler defined a successful father as the father who avoids
- Behavior as springing from a specific cause the dual errors of emotional detachment and paternal
- Deals with past experience that effect the
present If a father is emotionally detached from his child, this
may influence the child to develop warped sense of
social interest, a feeling of neglect, and possibly a
parasitic attachment to the mother.
If a father shows himself as a tyrant, the child may
learn to strive for power and personal superiority.
External factors in maladjustment
importance of Social Interest
1. Exaggerated Physical Deficiencies
- Social interest was Adlers yardstick for measuring
psychological health and is thus the sole criterion of - People develop exaggerated feelings of inferiority
human values. To Adler, social interest is the only because they overcompensate for their inadequacy.
gauge to be used in judging the worth of a person. 2. Pampered style of life
- Social interest =/= social charity and unselfishness - Pampered people have weak social interest but a
strong desire to perpetuate the pampered, parasitic
relationship they originally had with one or both of
their parents.
3. Neglected style of life
- They have little confidence in themselves and tend to
overestimate difficulties connected with lifes major
problems. They are distrustful of other people and are
unable to cooperate for the common welfare. They
have many characteristics of pampered ones, but
generally they are more suspicious and more likely to
be dangerous to others.
- Enable people to hide their inflated self-image and to
maintain their current style of life
- Could be compared to Freuds defense mechanisms
- Protection against anxiety
- Freuds defense mechanism unconscious
- Adlers safeguarding tendencies conscious
- Used to refer to the flavor of a persons life. It
includes a persons goal, self- concept, feelings for 1. EXCUSES
others, and attitude toward the world.
- These excuses protect a weak but artificially inflated
Psychologically unhealthy individuals: sense of self-worth and deceive people into
believing that they are more superior than they really
- Have inflexible lives that are marked by an inability to are.
choose new ways of reacting to their environment.
Psychologically healthy individuals:
- This is used to safeguard their exaggerated superiority
- Behave in diverse and flexible ways with styles of life complex, that is, to protect their fragile self-esteem.
that are complex, enriched, and changing.
a) DEPRECIATION tendency to undervalue other
People with a healthy, socially useful style of life express peoples achievements and to overvalue ones own.
their social interest through action. They actively struggle
to solve what Adler regarded as three major problems of b) ACCUSATION tendency to blame others for ones
life: failures and to seek revenge , thereby safeguarding
ones own self-esteem.
1. neighborly love
c) SELF-ACCUSATION marked by self-torture and guilt.
2. Sexual love
3. Occupation
- Personality development can be halted when people
Creative power run away from difficulties.
- Responsible for their final goal, determines their a) MOVING BACKWARD tendency to safeguard ones
method of striving for that goal, and contributes to fictional goal of superiority by psychologically
the development of social interest. reverting to a more secure period of life.
- Creative power makes each person a FREE b) STANDING STILL they avoid all responsibility by
INDIVIDUAL ensuring themselves against any threat of failure.
Abnormal development c) HESITATING a mode of safeguarding through
withdrawal which allows people to hesitate or
- Underdeveloped social interest
vacilitate when when faced with difficult problems.
- One factor underlying all types of maladjustment
d) CONSTRUCTING OBSTACLES people build a straw
- Neurotics tend to : house to show that they can knock it down.

Set their goals to high Masculine protest

Live in their own private world - Origin

Have rigid and dogmatic style of life - Men and women place an inferior value on being
a woman
Adler, Freud, and the Masculine Protest DREAMS
- Freud - According to Adler, dreams cannot foretell te future,
they can only provide clues for solving future
- Anatomy is destiny problems.
- Women the dark continent for psychology - Everything can be different.
- Wife: Martha Bernays Freud subservient - Dreams are disguised to deceive the dremer, making
housewife self-interpretation difficult. The individual himself has
- Adler to be consistent with reality and his goals in life so he
wouldnt be a victim of elf-deception.
- Assumed women want more or less the same
things men want because they have the
physiological and psychological needs PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC
- Wife: Raissa Epstein Adler independent and - The Adlerian theory suggests that psychopathology, a
communist mental or behavioral disorder, results from lack of
APPLICATIONS courage, exaggerated feelings of inferiority, and
underdeveloped social interest.
Enhance ones courage
A. Firstborn Children
Lessen feelings of inferiority
Intensified feelings of power and superiority, high
anxiety, and overprotective tendencies. Encourage social interest

It holds that the firstborn children often have the Everybody can accomplish everything.
greatest number of problems as they get older. (with the exception set by heredity.)
B. Secondborn Children What people do with what they have is more
Begin life in a better situation for developing important than what they have.
cooperation and social interest. Adler believed that a warm, nurturing attitude by the
The personalities of second born children are highly therapist would help the patient to expand their social
dependent by their perception of their older childs interest to each of the three problems of life:
attitude towards them. 1. Sexual love
C. Youngest Children 2. friendship
Like the firstborn, may be more likely to experience 3. Occupation
personality problems later in life.
Adler innovated a method of therapy with problem children
Grows up with the least amount of power in the by treating them in front of an audience of parents, teachers,
whole family. and health professionals.
Pampered and protected which results to them Adler didnt blame the parents for a childs misbehavior he
having strong feelings of inferiority and lacking the instead worked to win the parents confidence and to
sense of independence persuade them to change their attitudes toward the child.

Adler believed that recalled memories yield clues for
understanding patients style of life but he didnt
consider these memories to have a causal effect.
Recollections of early experiences are simply shaped
by their present style of life.

- According to Adler, dreams cannot foretell the future,
they can only provide clues for solving future
- Dreams are disguised to deceive the dremer, making
self-interpretation difficult. The individual himself has
to be consistent with reality and his goals in life so he
wouldnt be a victim of elf-deception.

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