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Alliance League Rules

First and foremost, if you are participating in this league, you are bound by these rules whether you
have read them or not. This league is designed to be a learning league for lower ranks wanting to
play with players who want to teach and help lower ELO players get better. It is designed to have
fun and potentially find players that work well together to potentially create a great team that can
possibly compete in professional level if discovered.
1. Each team will consist of 7 players.
1 Coach (Gold Rank on up)
5 Primary Lanners
1 Sub (Can play any role the team chooses)

2. There cannot be more than 2 gold or higher ranks on the same team unless the # of players
in the league permits for there to be more

3. Challenger or Master Tier Players are allowed to play as long as the other team plays their
Challenger or Master Tier Player as well. Unless teams agree to allow player to play before
the match.

4. Matches will be held on the weekends. Please see schedule for when you play and who you

5. Players are required to have Skype/TeamSpeak, as team chats will take place during contest
on these platforms. No other person other than actively playing team members may be on
the call while the contest is in progress. The only exception is the mods who are making sure
the rules are being adhere too. Mods are not allowed to discuss with players on strategies
and such. They are to remain muted throughout the match.

6. Players are to make sure their clients are ready before match day and if they have any
issues to report them immediately via discord or email.

7. If a team does not have enough members to play on the assign day, make up matches can be
assigned during the regular season. Once a match is reassigned, no other make up matches
can be made. If team still cannot make make-up match, then they forfeit these matches.

8. Teams must pick a team captain that will be present in every match and cannot be the
coach. The team captain must also have every other team captain as a friend on their league
clients as well.

9. Games will be created via a custom match creation. They will be private with a password.
The password to be used will be sent out to the appropriate players via discord/email before
the match. Also the responsibility on who creates the match will be on the team captains.

10. Team captains must have all members of their teams on their friends list as well, as they will
be invited to join the match.
Alliance League Rules
11. All team captains must have moderators as well on their skype/calling list so they can be
added to the team chat to monitor activity. Mods will also be monitoring the game as well.

12. No /all Chat during game unless it is to be for GLHF, WP, or GG.. Any abuse of this will be
punished in the appropriate manner.

13. A draft will occur that will assign players to their teams with Coaches choosing their
players. Coaches will be chose ahead of time and number of teams will be determined as

14. Team names must be chosen before the beginning of the season as well and must be

15. No harassment, bullying, sexual explicitly, stalking, etc. shall be occurring before, during,
after any event and will be punished with instant bans from league and appropriate reports
sent to Riot as well.
As stated above, all players are bound by these rules upon entering the league. Players are
encouraged to invite people to the league. Players are also allowed to post videos of matches on
appropriate media platforms after matches have been completed.

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