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Point of Tax Planning Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Tax Management

Definition It is way to reduce It is way to reduce It is the way to It is a procedure to
tax bill by using tax bills by bending reduce tax bill by fulfill all
advantages downed the law without deliberately requirements of the
by the tax through breaking it suppressing income tax act.
various exemptions, income or over
deductions and showing
relief expenditure etc.

Nature It is moral in nature It is immoral in It is illegal, hence It is duty to comply

nature but illegal immoral in nature with the law.

Benefit Benefit arises in Benefit arises in No benefit arises It avoids penalty,

short run as well as short run but causes penalty interest and
in long run and precaution prosecution.

Object To reduce tax bill To reduce tax bill To reduce tax bill To comply with the
featuring script and following script but without by any requirement of the
moral of law not moral of law. means whether law
legal or illegal

Treatment of It takes advantage It takes advantage It violates the law It follows the law.
law gifted by law of loopholes in the

Practice It is a practice of It is practice of tax It is a practice of It is a practice of tax

tax saving saving tax concealment administration.

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