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G.R. No. 188639. September 2, 2015.*

petitioner, vs. HON. REYNALDO M. LAIGO, in his
capacity as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court,
National Capital Judicial Region, Makati City, Branch 56,
ANTONIO P. HUETE, JR., respondents.

Civil Law PreNeed Plans Trusts Trust Funds PreNeed

Code Section 30 of the PreNeed Code clearly provides that the
proceeds of trust funds shall redound solely to the planholders.
Section 30 of the PreNeed Code clearly provides that the
proceeds of trust funds shall redound solely to the planholders.
Section 30 reads: Trust Fund SECTION 30. Trust Fund.To
ensure the delivery of the guaranteed benefits and services
provided under a preneed plan contract, a trust fund per pre
need plan category shall be established. A portion of the
installment payment collected shall be deposited by the preneed
company in the trust fund, the amount of which will be as
determined by the actuary based on the viability study of the pre
need plan approved by the Commission. Assets in the trust





Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

fund shall at all times remain for the sole benefit of the
planholders. At no time shall any part of the trust fund be used
for or diverted to any purpose other than for the exclusive benefit 1/37

of the planholders. In no case shall the trust fund assets be

used to satisfy claims of other creditors of the preneed
company. The provision of any law to the contrary
notwithstanding, in case of insolvency of the preneed company,
the general creditors shall not be entitled to the trust fund.
Except for the payment of the cost of benefits or services, the
termination values payable to the planholders, the insurance
premium payments for insurancefunded benefits of memorial life
plans and other costs necessary to ensure the delivery of benefits
or services to planholders, no withdrawal shall be made from the
trust fund unless approved by the Commission. The benefits
received by the planholders shall be exempt from all taxes and the
trust fund shall not be held liable for attachment, garnishment,
levy or seizure by or under any legal or equitable processes except
to pay for the debt of the planholder to the benefit plan or that
arising from criminal liability imposed in a criminal action.
Same Same Same Same It must be stressed that a person is
considered as a beneficiary of a trust if there is a manifest
intention to give such a person the beneficial interest over the trust
properties.It must be stressed that a person is considered as a
beneficiary of a trust if there is a manifest intention to give such a
person the beneficial interest over the trust properties. This is the
considered opinion expressed in the Restatement of the Law of
Trust (Restatement) which Justice Vicente Abad Santos has
described in his contribution to the Philippine Law Journal as
containing the more salient principles, doctrines and rules on the
subject. Here, the terms of the trust agreement plainly confer the
status of beneficiary to the planholders, not to Legacy. In the
recital clauses of the said agreement, Legacy bound itself to
provide for the sound, prudent and efficient management and
administration of such portion of the collection for the benefit
and account of the planholders, through LBP (as the
Same Same Same Same Under the New Rules, it is
unmistakable that the beneficial interest over the trust properties
is with the planholders.Considering the fact that a mandated
preneed trust is one imbued with public interest, the issue on
who the beneficiary is must be determined on the basis of the
entire regulatory frame


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work. Under the New Rules, it is unmistakable that the

beneficial interest over the trust properties is with the
planholders. Rule 16.3 of the New Rules provides that: [n]o
withdrawal shall be made from the trust fund except for paying
the benefits such as monetary consideration, the cost of services
rendered or property delivered, trust fees, bank charges and
investment expenses in the operation of the trust fund, termination
values payable to the planholders, annuities, contributions of
cancelled plans to the fund and taxes on trust funds. Rule 17.1
also states that to ensure the liquidity of the trust fund to
guarantee the delivery of the benefits provided for under the plan
contract and to obtain sufficient capital growth to meet the
growing actuarial reserve liabilities, all investments of the trust
fund shall be limited to Fixed Income Instruments, Mutual
Funds, Equities, and Real Estate, subject to certain limitations.
Further, Rule 20.1 directs the trustee to exercise due diligence for
the protection of the planholders guided by sound investment
principles in the exclusive management and control over the
funds and its right, at any time, to sell, convert, invest, change,
transfer, or otherwise change or dispose of the assets comprising
the funds. All these certainly underscore the importance of the
planholders being recognized as the ultimate beneficiaries of the
SECmandated trust.
Statutory Construction Interpretation by Reenactment Where
a statute is susceptible of the meaning placed upon it by a ruling of
the government agency charged with its enforcement and the
legislature thereafter reenacts the provisions without substantial
change, such action is to some extent confirmatory that the ruling
carries out the legislative purpose.Under the principle of
legislative approval of administrative interpretation by
reenactment, the reenactment of a statute, substantially
unchanged (as in this case), is persuasive indication of the
adoption by Congress of a prior executive construction.
Accordingly, where a statute is susceptible of the meaning placed
upon it by a ruling of the government agency charged with its
enforcement and the legislature thereafter reenacts the provisions
without substantial change, such action is to some extent
confirmatory that the ruling carries out the legislative purpose.
The Court cannot go against that legislative intent for it is the
duty of this institution to read what the law intends. It is a
cardinal rule that, in seeking the meaning of the law, the first
concern of the judge should be to discover in its provisions the
intent of the lawmaker. Unquestionably, the law should never be
interpreted in such a way as to cause 3/37



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

injustice as this is never within the legislative intent. An

indispensable part of that intent, in fact, for we presume the good
motives of the legislature, is to render justice.
Civil Law PreNeed Plans Trusts Trust Funds In trust, it is
the trustee, and not the trustor, who owes fiduciary duty to the
beneficiary.The Court cannot subscribe either to the Assignees
position that Legacy is a debtor of the planholders relative to the
trust fund. In trust, it is the trustee, and not the trustor, who
owes fiduciary duty to the beneficiary. The Restatement is clear
on this point. Section 170 thereof provides that the trustee is
under a duty to the beneficiary to administer the trust solely in
the interest of the beneficiary. Section 182 also states that the
duty of a trustee is to pay income to the beneficiary. Thus, LBP is
tasked with the fiduciary duty to act for the benefit of the
planholders as to matters within the scope of the relation. Like a
debtor, LBP owes the planholders the amounts due from the trust
fund. As to the planholders, as creditors, they can rightfully use
equitable remedies against the trustee for the protection of their
interest in the trust fund and, in particular, their right to demand
the payment of what is due them from the fund. Verily, Legacy is
out of the picture and exists only as a representative of the
trustee, LBP, with the limited role of facilitating the delivery of
the benefits of the trust fund to the beneficiaries the
planholders. The trust fund should not revert to Legacy, which
has no beneficial interest over it. Not being an asset of Legacy,
the trust fund is immune from its reach and cannot be included by
the RTC in the insolvency estate.
Same Same Same Same The PreNeed Code recognizes the
distinction between claims against the preneed company and
those against the trust fund.It is an error for the Assignee to
assume that the authority of the RTC extends to the claims
against the trust fund. Claims against the trust fund must be
distinguished from claims against Legacy. The claims against the
trust fund are directed not against Legacy, but against LBP, the
trustee, being the debtor relative to the trust properties. The Pre
Need Code is clear on this. It recognizes the distinction between
claims against the preneed company and those against the trust
fund. Section 52(b) states that liquidation proceedings in court
shall proceed independently of proceedings in the Commission
for the liquidation of claims, and creditors of the preneed
company shall have no personality 4/37


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Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

whatsoever in the Commission proceedings to litigate

their claims against the trust funds. The reason why claims
against the trust funds can proceed independently of the
proceedings in the courts is the fact that the latter is directed
against a different person or entity. Moreover, the Assignee must
be reminded that the issue in Abrera v. Barza, 599 SCRA 534
(2009), is not similar to the question raised here by the SEC. In
the case at bench, the SEC questions the propriety of including
the trust fund in the inventory of Legacys corporate assets.
PreNeed Plans PreNeed Code Jurisdiction From the
effectivity of the PreNeed Code, it is the Insurance Commission
that shall have the primary and exclusive power to adjudicate any
and all claims involving preneed plans.From the effectivity of
the PreNeed Code, it is the Insurance Commission (IC) that
shall have the primary and exclusive power to adjudicate any
and all claims involving preneed plans. The transitory
provisions of the PreNeed Code, however, provide that
[n]otwithstanding any provision to the contrary, all
pending claims, complaints and cases (referring to pre
need contract and trust claims) filed with the SEC shall be
continued in its full and final conclusion. The PreNeed
Code recognizes that the jurisdiction over pending claims against
the trust funds prior to its effectivity is vested with the SEC. Such
authority can be easily discerned even from the provisions of the
SRC. Section 4 thereof provides that despite the transfer of
jurisdiction to the RTC of those matters enumerated under
Section 5 of P.D. No. 902A, the SEC remains authorized to
exercise such other powers as may be provided by law as well as
those which may be implied from, or which are necessary or
incidental to the carrying out of, the express powers granted the
Commission to achieve the objectives and purposes of these laws.
Retroactivity of Laws It must be stressed that the primary
protection accorded by the PreNeed Code to the planholders is
curative and remedial and, therefore, can be applied retroactively.
It must be stressed that the primary protection accorded by the
PreNeed Code to the planholders is curative and remedial and,
therefore, can be applied retroactively. The rule is that where the
provisions of a statute clarify an existing law and do not 5/37

contemplate a change in that law, the statute may be given

curative, remedial and retroactive



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

effect. To review, curative statutes are those enacted to cure

defects, abridge superfluities, and curb certain evils.
PreNeed Plans PreNeed Code Any preneed company who,
at the time of the effectivity of the PreNeed Code has been
registered and licensed to sell preneed plans and similar
contracts, shall be considered registered and licensed under the
provision of the Code and its implementing rules and regulations
(IRR) and shall be subject to and governed by the provisions
hereof.A reading of the PreNeed Code immediately shows that
its provisions operate merely in furtherance of the remedy or
confirmation of the right of the planholders to exclusively claim
against the trust funds as intended by the legislature. No new
substantive right was created or bestowed upon the planholders.
Section 52 of the PreNeed Code only echoes and clarifies the
SRCs intent to exclude from the insolvency proceeding trust fund
assets that have been established exclusively for the benefit
of planholders. It was precisely enacted to foil the tactic of
taking undue advantage of any ambiguities in the New Rules.
Any doubt or reservation in this regard has been dispelled by the
PreNeed Code. Section 57 thereof provides that [a]ny preneed
company who, at the time of the effectivity of this Code has
been registered and licensed to sell preneed plans and
similar contracts, shall be considered registered and
licensed under the provision of this Code and its
implementing rules and regulations and shall be subject to
and governed by the provisions hereof x x x. Thus, Legacy
and all other existing preneed companies cannot claim that the
provisions of the PreNeed Code are not applicable to them and to
the claims which accrued prior to the enactment of the said law.
[I]t has been said that a remedial statute must be so construed as
to make it effect the evident purpose for which it was enacted, so
that if the reason of the statute extends to past transactions, as
well as to those in the future, then it will be so applied although
the statute does not in terms so direct. With the PreNeed Code
having the attribute of a remedial statute, Legacy and all pre 6/37

need providers or their creditors cannot argue that it cannot be

retroactively applied.

SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION in the Supreme Court.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.


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Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

Office of the Solicitor General for petitioner.

Joselito A. Oliveros for private respondents Gliceria R.
Ayad, et al.
R.R. Torralba & Associates for Assignee Gener Mendoza.


In this petition for certiorari1 under Rule 65 of the Rules
of Court, petitioner Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),
assails the June 26, 2009 Order2 (June 26, 2009 Order)
issued by respondent Judge Reynaldo M. Laigo (Judge
Laigo) of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 56, Makati City
(RTC), in Sp. Proc. No. M6758,3 a petition for involuntary
insolvency of Legacy Consolidated Plans, Incorporated
(Legacy), ordering the inclusion of the trust fund in its
corporate assets to the prejudice of the planholders.

Factual Antecedents

Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8799, otherwise known as the
Securities Regulation Code (SRC), specifically Section 16
thereof, mandated the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) to prescribe rules and regulations
governing the preneed industry. Pursuant thereto, the
SEC issued the corresponding New Rules on the
Registration and Sale of PreNeed Plans (New Rules)4
to govern the preneed industry prior to the


1 Rollo, pp. 240.

2 Id., at pp. 4950. Penned by Judge Reynaldo M. Laigo. 7/37

3 Entitled Petition for Involuntary Insolvency of Legacy Consolidated

Plans, Incorporated, Gliceria Ayad, Sahlee delos Reyes, and Antonio P.
Huerte, Jr., Petitioners.
4 Issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to
Section 16 of the Securities Regulation Code. PreNeed Plans.No person
shall sell or offer for sale to the public any preneed plan



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

enactment of R.A. No. 9829, otherwise known as the Pre

need Code of the Philippines (PreNeed Code). It
required from the preneed providers the creation of trust
funds as a requirement for registration.
As defined in Rule 1.9 of the New Rules, Trust Fund
means a fund set up from planholders payments, separate
and distinct from the paidup capital of a registered pre
need company, established with a trustee under a trust
agreement approved by the SEC, to pay for the benefits as
provided in the preneed plan.
Legacy, being a preneed provider, complied with the
trust fund requirement and entered into a trust agreement
with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP).
In mid2000, the industry collapsed for a range of
reasons. Legacy, like the others, was unable to pay its
obligations to the planholders.
This resulted in Legacy being the subject of a petition
for involuntary insolvency filed on February 18, 2009 by
private respondents in their capacity as planholders.
Through its manifestation filed in the RTC, Legacy did not
object to the proceedings. Accordingly, it was declared
insolvent by the RTC in its Order,5 dated April 27, 2009.
The trial court also ordered Legacy to submit an inventory
of its assets and liabilities pursuant to Sections 15 and 16
of Act No. 1956,6


except in accordance with rules and regulations which the Commission

shall prescribe. Such rules shall regulate the sale of preneed plans by,
among other things, requiring the registration of preneed plans, licensing
persons involved in the sale of preneed plans, requiring disclosures to
prospective plan holders, prescribing advertising guidelines, providing for 8/37

uniform accounting system, reports and record keeping with respect to

such plans, imposing capital, bonding and other financial responsibility,
and establishing trust funds for the payment of benefits under such plans.
(Emphasis ours)
5 Rollo, pp. 6364.
6 Sec. 15. Statement of debts and liabilities.Said schedule must
contain a full and true statement of all his debts and liabilities,


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otherwise known as the Insolvency Law, the applicable

bankruptcy law at that time.
On May 15, 2009, the RTC ordered the SEC, being the
preneed industrys regulator, to submit the documents
pertaining to Legacys assets and liabilities.
In its Manifestation with Evaluation, dated June 10,
2009, the SEC opposed the inclusion of the trust fund in
the inventory of corporate assets on the ground that to do
so would contravene the New Rules which treated trust
funds as principally established for the exclusive purpose of
guaranteeing the delivery of benefits due to the
planholders. It was of the position that the inclusion of the
trust fund in the insolvents estate and its being opened to
claims by nonplanholders would contravene the purpose
for its establishment.
On June 26, 2009, despite the opposition of the SEC,
Judge Laigo ordered the insolvency Assignee, Gener T.


together with a list of all those to whom, to the best of his knowledge and
belief, said debts or liabilities are due, the place of residence of his
creditors and the sum due each the nature of the indebtedness or liability
and whether founded on written security, obligation, contract or
otherwise, the true cause and consideration thereof, the time and place
when and where such indebtedness or liability accrued, a declaration of
any existing pledge, lien, mortgage, judgment, or other security for the
payment of the debt or liability, and an outline of the facts giving rise or
which might give rise to a cause of action against such insolvent debtor.
Sec. 16. Description of real and personal property.Said inventory must
contain, besides the creditors, an accurate description of all the real and 9/37

personal property, estate, and effects of the petitioner, including his

homestead, if any, together with a statement of the value of each item of
said property, estate, and effects and its location, and a statement of the
incumbrances thereon. All property exempt by law from execution 2 shall
be set out in said inventory with a statement of its valuation, location, and
the incumbrances thereon, if any. The inventory shall contain an outline
of the facts giving rise, or which might give rise, to a right of action in
favor of the insolvent debtor.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

(Assignee) to take possession of the trust fund. Judge Laigo

viewed the trust fund as Legacys corporate assets and, for
said reason, included it in the insolvents estate. Thus:

WHEREFORE, the Court rules as follows:

1. Directing the aforenamed banks to report to Assignee,
Gener T. Mendoza, whose address is at c/o GNCA Holdings, Inc.,
Unit 322, 3/F, LRI design Center, 210 Nicanor Garcia St., Makati
City, the total funds as of today deposited to the insolvent debtors
respective Trust Funds, within five (5) days from receipt of this
2. Subject funds can be withdrawn by the Assignee only upon
Order of the Court for distribution among the creditors who have
officially filed their valid claims with this Court, and for all the
expenses to be incurred by the Assignee in the course of the
discharge of his duties and responsibilities as such Assignee.
3. Stopping the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
from further validating the claims of planholders (now creditors)
pertaining to their preneed plans.
xxx xxx xxx

The RTC stated that the trust fund could be withdrawn
by the Assignee to be used for the expenses he would incur
in the discharge of his functions and to be distributed
among the creditors who had officially filed their valid
claims with the court.

The Present Petition 10/37

Intent on protecting the interest of the investing public

and securing the trust fund exclusively for the planholders,
the SEC filed this present recourse directly to this
Honorable Court in accordance with Section 5(1), Article
VIII of the 1987


7 Rollo, p. 50.


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Constitution for the reason that the matters involve an

issue of transcendental importance to numerous
hardworking Filipinos who had invested their lifetime
savings and hardearned money in Legacy, hoping that
through this preneed company they will be able to fulfill
their dreams of providing a bright future for their

The SECs Position

In essence, the SEC contends that Judge Laigo gravely
abused his discretion in treating the trust fund as part of
the insolvency estate of Legacy. It argues that the trust
fund should redound exclusively to the benefit of the
planholders, who are the ultimate beneficial owners that
the trust fund is held, managed and administered by the
trustee bank to address and answer the claims against the
preneed company by all its planholders and/or
beneficiaries that to consider the said fund as corporate
assets is to open the floodgates to creditors of Legacy other
than the planholders and that, in issuing the order, Judge
Laigo effectively allowed nonplanholders to reach the trust
fund in patent violation of the New Rules established to
protect the preneed investors.
In its Memorandum,9 the SEC stressed that the setting
up of the trust funds effectively created a demarcation line
between the claims of planholders visvis those of the
other creditors of Legacy that Legacys interest over the
trust properties was only by virtue of it being a trustor and
not the owner and that the SEC was authorized to validate 11/37

claims of planholders in the exercise of its power as

regulator of preneed corporations.


8 Petitioners Memorandum, p. 6 id., at p. 544.

9 Id., at pp. 465525.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

Further, the SEC is of the position that Section 52 of the

PreNeed Code10 should be given retroactive effect for being
procedural in character.
Thus, the SEC raises the following:


Whether or not the Trust Funds of Legacy form
part of its Corporate Assets.

Whether or not respondent Trial Court Judge
committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing the herein
assailed Order dated June 26, 2009.

Whether or not the claims of planholders are to be
treated differently from the claims of other creditors
of Legacy.

Whether or not Legacy retains ownership over the
trust funds assets despite the execution of trust


11 The Preneed Code, Sec. 52. Liquidation.(a) In cases where

the Commission determines that the preneed company shall be
liquidated, it shall have the power to commence insolvency proceedings in 12/37

the appropriate court which shall have jurisdiction over the assets of the
preneed company, excluding trust fund assets that have been established
exclusively for the benefit of planholders.
(b) Proceedings in court shall proceed independently of proceedings in
the Commission for the liquidation of claims, and creditors of the preneed
company shall have no personality whatsoever in the Commission
proceedings to litigate their claims against the trust funds. x x x
xxx x xx.


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Whether or not the insolvency court, presided by
respondent Trial Court Judge, has the authority to
enjoin petitioner SEC from further validating the
claims of Legacys planholders and treating them as
if they are ordinary creditors of Legacy.

Whether or not the provision of the Preneed Code
regarding liquidation is in the nature of a
procedural law that can be retroactively applied to
the case at bar.11

Private Respondents Position

In their Comment/Opposition,12 the private respondents,
Glicera Ayad, Sahlee Delos Reyes and Antonio P. Huerte,
Jr. (private respondents), submit that nothing in the New
Rules expressly provided that the trust fund is excluded
from the inventory of corporate assets which is required to
be submitted to the insolvency court that the SECs
interference in the insolvency proceedings is incongruous to
the legal system and that under the provisions of the
Insolvency Law, all claims, including those against the
trust funds should be filed in the liquidation proceedings.13
Hence, private respondents assert that no grave abuse of
discretion was committed by Judge Laigo in issuing the
June 26, 2009 Order.

The Assignees Position

In his separate Comments on Petition14 and 13/37

In his separate Comments on Petition14 and

Memorandum,15 the Assignee contends that the trust fund
forms part of


11 Rollo, p. 480.
12 Id., at pp. 142150.
13 Id., at p. 142.
14 Id., at pp. 159185.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

Legacys corporate assets for the following reasons: first,

the insolvency court has jurisdiction over all the claims
against the insolvent and the trust fund forms part of the
companys corporate assets. It cited Abrera v. Barza,16
where the Court held that claims arising from preneed
contracts should not be treated separately from other
claims against a preneed company. As such, the claims
over the trust fund, being claims against Legacy, are
necessarily lodged with the insolvency court. Second, the
settingup of the trust fund is a mere scheme to attain an
administrative end, that is, the assurance that the benefits
will be delivered under the preneed contracts. Considering
that Legacy is the debtor as regards such benefits, it is only
through it, or through the insolvency court, that the assets
including the trust fund can be distributed to satisfy valid
claims. Third, though the trustee banks hold legal title
over the funds, the real partiesininterest are the preneed
companies as the terms of the trust agreement between
Legacy and LBP (as trustee) show this intent.
The Assignee also submits that no law authorized the
SEC to interfere in the insolvency proceedings because its
authority under the SRC is only to regulate the sale of pre
need plans and not to regulate the management of trust
In sum, the Assignee interprets the June 26, 2009 Order
in this wise: that the creditors, planholders or not, should
first line up and file valid claims with the insolvency court
and not get entangled in the validation process of the SEC
and that once the planholders have qualified, they will be 14/37

given preference in the distribution of the trust assets.

Moreover, he proposes that if the trust fund assets will not
be enough to satisfy all claims, the planholders can still
join other claimants and participate in the distribution of
the other assets of the preneed company.17


15 Id., at pp. 410437.

16 615 Phil. 595 599 SCRA 534 (2009).
17 Rollo, pp. 182183.


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From the foregoing, the Court is called to determine

whether Judge Laigo gravely abused his discretion in:
1. Including the trust properties in the insolvents
estate and
2. Prohibiting the SEC from validating the claims
filed by the planholders against the trust fund.

The Courts Ruling

The overarching consideration in the legislative
mandate to establish trust funds is the protection of the
interest of the planholders in the investment plans. The
SRC provides in no uncertain terms the intent to make
such interests paramount above all else. Thus, it directed
the SEC to come up with rules and regulations to govern
not only trust funds but the industry as a whole. Pursuant
to its mandate and delegated authority, the SEC came out
with the New Rules, which the Congress later on
toughened through the enactment of the PreNeed Code,
carrying similar protection but far more detailed in scope.
It is in this context that this Court rules to grant the
petition filed by the SEC. The Court finds that Judge Laigo
gravely abused his discretion in treating the trust fund as
assets that form part of Legacys insolvency estate and in
enjoining the SECs validation of the planholders claims
against the trust properties.

The Trust Fund is for the sole 15/37

benefit of the planholders and

cannot be used to satisfy the claims
of other creditors of Legacy

Section 30 of the PreNeed Code clearly provides that
the proceeds of trust funds shall redound solely to the
planholders. Section 30 reads:



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

Trust Fund

SECTION 30. Trust Fund.To ensure the delivery of the

guaranteed benefits and services provided under a preneed plan
contract, a trust fund per preneed plan category shall be
established. A portion of the installment payment collected shall
be deposited by the preneed company in the trust fund, the
amount of which will be as determined by the actuary based on
the viability study of the preneed plan approved by the
Commission. Assets in the trust fund shall at all times
remain for the sole benefit of the planholders. At no time
shall any part of the trust fund be used for or diverted to any
purpose other than for the exclusive benefit of the planholders. In
no case shall the trust fund assets be used to satisfy claims
of other creditors of the preneed company. The provision of
any law to the contrary notwithstanding, in case of insolvency of
the preneed company, the general creditors shall not be entitled
to the trust fund.
Except for the payment of the cost of benefits or services, the
termination values payable to the planholders, the insurance
premium payments for insurancefunded benefits of memorial life
plans and other costs necessary to ensure the delivery of benefits
or services to planholders, no withdrawal shall be made from the
trust fund unless approved by the Commission. The benefits
received by the planholders shall be exempt from all taxes and the
trust fund shall not be held liable for attachment, garnishment,
levy or seizure by or under any legal or equitable processes except
to pay for the debt of the planholder to the benefit plan or that
arising from criminal liability imposed in a criminal action.
[Emphases supplied] 16/37

The Assignee argues that Legacy has retained a

beneficial interest in the trust fund despite the execution of
the trust agreement and that the properties can be the
subject of insolvency proceedings. In this regard, the
Assignee calls the Courts attention to the trust agreement
provisions which


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supposedly refer to the interest of Legacy in the trust

properties, to wit:

The TRUSTEE hereby undertakes to perform the functions

and duties of a TRUSTEE provided for in this Agreement with the
utmost good faith, care and prudence required by a fiduciary
relation, being understood, however, that the COMPANY shall be
solely and exclusive (sic) responsible for (1) fulfilling the services
referred to in the recital clauses, (ii) the settlement/payment of
claims of any person or firm availing of such services, (iii)
compliance with all laws and governmental regulations on pre
need plans, and (iv) submission of other data or information as
may be prescribed by the Commission.
x x x the Trustee shall from time to time on the written
directions of the Company make payments out of the Trust Fund to
the Company. To the extent permitted by law, the Trustee shall be
under no liability for any payment made pursuant to the direction
of the Company. Any written direction of the Company shall
constitute a certification that the distribution of payment so
directed is one which the Company is authorized to direct. From
time to time and when directed in writing by the Company, the
Trustee shall pay monies from the Trust Fund in amounts equal
to the outstanding amount of the Trust Fund at any given time to
defray the Companys obligations to the Planholders under its
preneed plan contract and provided further that the company
shall be reimbursed by the Trustee from the Trust Fund for
whatever amounts it has advanced to its beneficiaries.18 [Italics

To the Assignee, these control mechanisms are
indicative of the interest of Legacy in the enforcement of 17/37

the trust fund because the agreement gives it the power to

dictate on LBP


18 Id., at p. 105.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

the fulfilment of the trust, such as the delivery of monies to

it to facilitate the payment to the planholders.
The Court, however, sees it differently.
In the course of delving into the complex relationships
created by the agreement and the existing regulatory
framework, this Court finds that Legacys claimed interest
in the enforcement of the trust and in the trust properties
is mere apparent than real. Legacy is not a beneficiary.
First, it must be stressed that a person is considered as
a beneficiary of a trust if there is a manifest intention to
give such a person the beneficial interest over the trust
properties.19 This is the considered opinion expressed in
the Restatement of the Law of Trust (Restatement)20 which
Justice Vicente Abad Santos has described in his
contribution to the Philippine Law Journal as containing
the more salient principles, doctrines and rules on the
subject.21 Here, the terms of the trust agreement plainly
confer the status of beneficiary to the planholders, not to
Legacy. In the recital clauses of the said agreement, Legacy
bound itself to provide for the sound, prudent and efficient
management and administration of such portion of the
collection for the benefit and account of the
planholders,22 through LBP (as the trustee).
This categorical declaration doubtless indicates that the
intention of the trustor is to make the planholders the
beneficiaries of the trust properties, and not Legacy. It is
clear that because the beneficial ownership is vested in the


19 Restatement (Second) of Trusts, 127 (1959). 18/37

20 The Restatement of the Law of Trusts (Second) was adopted and

promulgated by the American Law Institute on May 23, 1957.
21 Associate Justice Vicente Abad Santos, Trusts: A Fertile Field for
Philippine Jurisprudence, 25 Phil. L.J. 519, 526 (1950), describing the
Restatement as having won, though by no means universal acceptance in
the United States and on which reliance can be made.
22 Rollo, p. 104.


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and the legal ownership in the trustee, LBP, Legacy, as

trustor, is left without any iota of interest in the trust fund.
This is consistent with the nature of a trust arrangement,
whereby there is a separation of interests in the subject
matter of the trust, the beneficiary having an equitable
interest, and the trustee having an interest which is
normally legal interest.23
Second, considering the fact that a mandated preneed
trust is one imbued with public interest, the issue on who
the beneficiary is must be determined on the basis of the
entire regulatory framework. Under the New Rules, it is
unmistakable that the beneficial interest over the trust
properties is with the planholders. Rule 16.3 of the New
Rules provides that: [n]o withdrawal shall be made from
the trust fund except for paying the benefits such as
monetary consideration, the cost of services rendered or
property delivered, trust fees, bank charges and investment
expenses in the operation of the trust fund, termination
values payable to the planholders, annuities, contributions
of cancelled plans to the fund and taxes on trust funds.
Rule 17.1 also states that to ensure the liquidity of the
trust fund to guarantee the delivery of the benefits
provided for under the plan contract and to obtain
sufficient capital growth to meet the growing actuarial
reserve liabilities, all investments of the trust fund shall be
limited to Fixed Income Instruments, Mutual Funds,
Equities, and Real Estate, subject to certain limitations.
Further, Rule 20.1 directs the trustee to exercise due
diligence for the protection of the planholders guided by
sound investment principles in the exclusive management
and control over the funds and its right, at any time, to sell,
convert, invest, change, transfer, or otherwise change or 19/37

dispose of the assets comprising the funds. All these

certainly underscore the importance of the planholders
being recognized as the ultimate beneficiaries of the SEC
mandated trust.


23 Restatement (Second) of Trusts, Introductory Note (1959).



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

This consistently runs in accord with the legislative

intent laid down in Chapter IV of R.A. No. 8799, or the
SRC, which provides for the establishment of trust
funds for the payment of benefits under such plans.
Section 16 of the SRC provides:

SEC. 16. PreNeed Plans.No person shall sell or offer for sale to the
public any preneed plan except in accordance with rules and regulations
which the Commission shall prescribe. Such rules shall regulate
the sale of preneed plans by, among other things, requiring the
registration of preneed plans, licensing persons involved in the sale of
preneed plans, requiring disclosures to prospective plan holders,
prescribing advertising guidelines, providing for uniform accounting
system, reports and record keeping with respect to such plans, imposing
capital, bonding and other financial responsibility, and establishing trust
funds for the payment of benefits under such plans. [Emphasis supplied]

It is clear from Section 16 that the underlying
congressional intent is to make the planholders the
exclusive beneficiaries. It has been said that what is within
the spirit is within the law even if it is not within the letter
of the law because the spirit prevails over the letter.24
This will by the legislature was fortified with the
enactment of R.A. No. 9829 or the PreNeed Code in 2009.25
The Congress, because of the chaos confounding the
industry at the time, considered it necessary to provide a
stronger legal framework so that no entity could claim that
the mandate and delegated authority of the SEC under the
SRC was nebulous. The PreNeed Code cemented the 20/37

regulatory framework governing the preneed industry

with precise specifics to en


24 Dumaguete Cathedral Credit Cooperative v. Commissioner of

Internal Revenue, 624 Phil. 650, 665 610 SCRA 652, 665666 (2010), citing
Taada v. Cuenco, 103 Phil. 1051, 1086 (1957).
25 The Preneed Code became effective in 2010.


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sure that the rights of the preneed planholders would be

categorically defined and protected. Similar provisions in
the PreNeed Code are the following:

SECTION 32. Terms and Conditions of a Trust Fund.

A trust fund must be established separately for each type of pre
need plan with the trust department of a trust company, bank or
investment house doing business in the Philippines. No trust fund
shall be established by a preneed company with an affiliate trust
entity subject to Section 38 hereof.
The trust agreement shall be submitted to the Commission for
approval before execution and shall contain the following salient
provisions, among others:
(a) The manner in which the trust fund is to be operated
(b) Investment powers of the trustee with respect to trust
deposits, including the character and kind of investment
(c) Auditing and settlement of accounts of the trustee
with respect to the trust fund
(d) Basis upon which the trust fund may be terminated
(e) Provisions for withdrawals from the trust fund
(f) That the trustee shall submit to the power of the
Commission to examine and verify the trust fund
(g) An undertaking by the trustee that it shall abide by
the rules and regulations of the Commission with respect to
the trust fund and
(h) An undertaking by the trustee that it shall submit
such other data or information as may be prescribed by the
Commission. 21/37

SECTION 33. Responsibilities of the Trustee.The

trustee shall:



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

(a) Administer and manage the trust fund with utmost

good faith, care and prudence required by a fiduciary
(b) The trustee shall have the exclusive management and
control over the funds and the right at any time to sell,
convert, invest, change, transfer or otherwise change or
dispose of the assets comprising the funds within the
parameters prescribed by the preneed company and
provided these parameters are compliant with the
Commissions regulations and
(c) Not use the trust fund to invest in or extend any loan
or credit accommodation to the preneed company, its
directors, officers, stockholders, and related interests as
well as to persons or enterprises controlling, owned or
controlled by, or under common control with said company,
its directors, officers, stockholders and related interests
except for entities which are direct providers of preneed
SECTION 34. Investment of the Trust Fund.To ensure
the liquidity of the trust fund to guarantee the delivery of the
benefits provided for under the plan contract and likewise obtain
sufficient capital growth to meet the growing actuarial reserve
liabilities, all investments of the trust fund/s of a preneed
company shall be limited to the following and subject to
limitations, to wit:
(a) Fixed income instruments.These may be classified
into shortterm and longterm instruments. The instrument
is shortterm if the maturity period is three hundred sixty
five (365) days or less. This category includes:
(1) Government securities which shall not be less than
ten percent (10%) of the trust fund amount
(2) Savings/time deposits and unit investment trust
funds maintained with and managed by a duly authorized
bank with satisfactory ex 22/37


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amination rating as of the last examination by the BSP

(3) Commercial papers duly registered with the SEC with
a credit rating of 1 for shortterm and AAA for longterm
based on the rating scale of an accredited Philippine Rating
Agency or its equivalent at the time of investment.
The maximum exposure to longterm commercial papers
shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total trust fund
amount while the exposure to each commercial paper issuer
shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the allocated amount
(4) Direct loans to corporations which are financially
stable, profitable for the last three (3) years and have a good
track record of paying their previous loans.
These loans shall be fully secured by a real estate
mortgage up to the extent of sixty percent (60%) of the zonal
valuation of the property at the time the loan was granted.
The property shall be covered by a transfer certificate of
title registered in the name of the mortgagor and free from
liens and encumbrances.
The maximum amount to be allocated for direct loans
shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total trust fund
amount while the amount to be granted to each corporate
borrower shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount
The maximum term of the loan should be no longer than
four (4) years.
Direct loans to planholders are exempt from the
limitations set forth under this section: Provided, That such
loans to planholders shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of
the total trust fund amount.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

(b) Equities.Investments in equities shall be limited

to stocks listed on the main board of a local stock exchange. 23/37

Investments in duly registered collective investment

instruments such as mutual funds are allowed hereunder:
Provided, That such funds are invested only in fixed income
instruments and blue chips securities, subject to the
limitations prescribed by laws, rules and regulations.
These investments shall include stocks issued by
companies that are financially stable, actively traded,
possess good track record of growth and have declared
dividends for the past three (3) years. Notwithstanding the
prohibition against transactions with directors, officers,
stockholders and related interests, the trustee may invest in
equities of companies related to the trustee provided these
companies comply with the foregoing criteria provided in
this paragraph for equity investments.
The amount to be allocated for this purpose shall not
exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total trust fund while the
investment in any particular issue shall not exceed ten
percent (10%) of the allocated amount. The investment shall
be recorded at the aggregate of the lower of cost or market.
Existing investments which are not in accordance
herewith shall be disposed of within three (3) years from the
effectivity of this Act.
(c) Real Estate.These shall include real estate
properties located in strategic areas of cities and first class
municipalities. The transfer certificate of title (TCT) shall
be in the name of the seller, free from liens and
encumbrances and shall be transferred in the name of the
trustee in trust for the planholders unless the
seller/transferor is the preneed company wherein an
annotation to the TCT relative to the sale/transfer may be
allowed. It shall be recorded at acquisition cost.
However, the real estate shall be appraised every three
(3) years by a licensed real estate appraiser, accredited by
the Philippine Association of Real Estate Ap


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praisers, to reflect the increase or decrease in the value of

the property. In case the appraisal would result in an
increase in the value, only sixty percent (60%) of the
appraisal increase is allowed to be recorded in the books of
the trust fund but in case of decline in value, the entire 24/37

decline shall be recorded. Appraisal increment should not be

used to cover up the required monthly contribution to the
trust fund.
The total recorded value of the real estate investment
shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total trust fund
amount of the preneed company. In the event that the
existing real estate investment exceeds the aforesaid limit,
the same shall be leveled off to the prescribed limit within
three (3) years from the effectivity of this Code.
Investment of the trust fund, which is not in accordance
with the preceding paragraphs, shall not be allowed unless
the prior written approval of the Commission had been
secured: Provided, further, That no deposit or investment in
any single entity shall exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the
total value of the trust fund: Provided, finally, That the
Commission is authorized to adjust the percentage
allocation per category set forth herein not in excess of two
percentage (2%) points upward or downward and no oftener
than once every five (5) years. The first adjustment
hereunder may be made no earlier than five (5) years from
the effectivity of this Act. The preneed company shall not
use the trust fund to extend any loan to or to invest in its
directors, stockholders, officers or its affiliates.
SECTION 36. Trust Fund Deficiencies.Upon approval
by the Commission of the preneed reserve computation
submitted in the preceding section, any deficiency in the trust
fund, when compared to the reserve liabilities as reported in the
preneed reserve valuation report, shall be funded by the preneed
company within sixty (60) days from such approval. Failure to
cover the deficiency in an appropriate manner within the time
required shall subject the preneed company to the payment of a
penalty, in addition to other remedies exercis



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

able by the Commission, as provided for in this Code. Any excess

of the trust fund over the actuarial reserve liabilities may be
credited to future deposit requirements.
SECTION 37. Liquidity Reserve.The trustee shall at all
times maintain a liquidity reserve which shall be sufficient to
cover at least fifteen percent (15%) of the trust fund but in no case 25/37

less than one hundred twentyfive percent (125%) of the amount

of the availing plans for the succeeding year. For this purpose, the
preneed company shall timely submit to the trustee a summary
of benefits payable for the succeeding year.
The following shall qualify as investments for the liquidity
(a) Loans secured by a holdout on assignment or pledge
deposits maintained either with the trustee or other banks,
or of deposit substitute of the trustee itself or mortgage and
chattel mortgage bonds issued by the trustee
(b) Treasury notes or bills, other government securities
or bonds, and such other evidences or indebtedness or
obligations the servicing and repayment of which are fully
guaranteed by the Republic of the Philippines
(c) Repurchase agreements with any of those mentioned
in Item b above, as underlying instruments thereof and
(d) Savings or time deposits with governmentowned
banks or commercial banks.
SECTION 38. Trustees.Upon approval of the Commission
or when the Commission requires for the protection of
planholders, the preneed company shall entrust the management
and administration of the trust fund to any reputable banks trust
department, trust company or any entity authorized to perform
trust functions in the Philippines: Provided, That no director
and/or officer of the preneed company shall at the same time
serve as director and/or officer of the affiliate or related trust
entity: Provided, further, That no trust fund


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shall be established by a preneed company with a subsidiary,

affiliate or related trust entity. However, such may be allowed:
Provided, That the following conditions are complied with:
(a) A written approval of the Commission has been
previously obtained and
(b) Public disclosure of the affiliation with the trust
entity be included in all materials in whatever form.
The Commission shall have the authority to prescribe
appropriate rules that shall ensure that the yield of the trust fund
is maximized, consistent with the requirements of safety and
[Italics supplied] 26/37

Under the principle of legislative approval of
administrative interpretation by reenactment, the
reenactment of a statute, substantially unchanged (as in
this case), is persuasive indication of the adoption by
Congress of a prior executive construction.26 Accordingly,
where a statute is susceptible of the meaning placed upon
it by a ruling of the government agency charged with its
enforcement and the legislature thereafter reenacts the
provisions without substantial change, such action is to
some extent confirmatory that the ruling carries out the
legislative purpose.27
The Court cannot go against that legislative intent for it
is the duty of this institution to read what the law intends.
It is a cardinal rule that, in seeking the meaning of the law,


26 Dumaguete Cathedral Credit Cooperative v. Commissioner of

Internal Revenue, supra note 24, citing Commissioner of Internal Revenue
v. American Express International, Inc. (Philippine Branch), 500 Phil. 586
462 SCRA 197 (2005).
27 Gulf Air Company, Philippine Branch v. CIR, G.R. No. 182045,
September 19, 2012, 681 SCRA 377, 387, citing Alexander Howden & Co.,
Ltd. v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 121 Phil. 579, 587 13 SCRA 601, 608



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

first concern of the judge should be to discover in its

provisions the intent of the lawmaker. Unquestionably, the
law should never be interpreted in such a way as to cause
injustice as this is never within the legislative intent. An
indispensable part of that intent, in fact, for we presume
the good motives of the legislature, is to render justice.28
To rule that Legacy has retained a beneficial interest in
the trust fund is to perpetuate the injustices being
committed against the planholders and violate not only the
spirit of the trust agreement but, more importantly, the
lawmakers intent. If indeed Legacy had an interest that
could be reached by its creditors even during insolvency, 27/37

the planholders would be prejudiced as they would be

forced to share in the assets that would be distributed pro
rata to all creditors, whether planholders or not. It would
contradict the very purpose for which the trust was
mandated by the Congress in the first place.
Third, the perceived interest of Legacy, as touted by the
Assignee, has simply no basis. It may appear that Legacy
under the agreement has control over the enforcement of
the trust because of its provisions stating that Legacy shall
solely and exclusive[ly] [be] responsible for fulfilling the
services referred to in the recital clauses and the
settlement/payment of claims of any person or firm availing
of such services and that [a]ny written direction of the
Company [to the trustee] shall constitute a certification
that the distribution of payment so directed is one which
the Company is authorized to direct.29 Such provisions,
however, cannot be construed as Legacy having retained a
beneficial interest in the trust fund.


28 Dumaguete Cathedral Credit Cooperative v. Commissioner of

Internal Revenue, supra note 24, citing Alonzo v. Intermediate Appellate
Court, 234 Phil. 267, 272273 150 SCRA 259, 264265 (1987).
29 Rollo, p. 105.


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To begin with, the aforestated provisions refer solely to

the delivery of the proceeds of the trust from LBP to Legacy
and then finally to the beneficiaries. In effect, Legacy
merely agreed to facilitate the payment of the
benefits from the trust fund to the intended
beneficiaries, acting as a conduit or an agent of the
trustee in the enforcement of the trust agreement.
Under the general principles of trust, a trustee, by
the terms of the agreement may be permitted to
delegate to agents or to cotrustees or to other
persons the administration of the trust or the
performance of act which could not otherwise be
properly delegated.30 Thus, by the terms of the trust, as
in this case, a trustee may be authorized or permit an 28/37

agent to do acts such as the delivery of the benefits out of

the trust fund.
The Court cannot subscribe either to the Assignees
position that Legacy is a debtor of the planholders relative
to the trust fund. In trust, it is the trustee, and not the
trustor, who owes fiduciary duty to the beneficiary. The
Restatement is clear on this point. Section 170 thereof
provides that the trustee is under a duty to the beneficiary
to administer the trust solely in the interest of the
beneficiary.31 Section 182 also states that the duty of a
trustee is to pay income to the beneficiary.32 Thus, LBP is
tasked with the fiduciary duty to act for the benefit of the
planholders as to matters within the scope of the relation.33
Like a debtor, LBP owes the planholders the amounts due
from the trust fund. As to the planholders, as creditors,
they can rightfully use equitable remedies against the
trustee for the protection of their interest in the trust fund
and, in particular, their right to demand the payment of
what is due them from the fund. Verily, Legacy is out of the
picture and exists only as a representative of the trustee,
LBP, with the limited role of facilitating the delivery of


30 Restatement (Second) of Trusts, 171 cmt. j. (1959).

31 Restatement (Second) of Trusts, 170 (1959).
32 Restatement (Second) of Trusts, 182 (1959).
33 Restatement (Second) of Trusts, 170 (1959).



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

the benefits of the trust fund to the beneficiaries the

planholders. The trust fund should not revert to Legacy,
which has no beneficial interest over it. Not being an asset
of Legacy, the trust fund is immune from its reach and
cannot be included by the RTC in the insolvency estate.
In the end, the failure of Judge Laigo to consider the
provisions of the SRC, the New Rules and the law on
trusts, that should have warranted the exclusion of the
trust fund from the insolvency estate of Legacy, constituted
grave abuse of discretion. In treating the trust fund as
forming part of Legacys insolvency estate, Judge Laigo 29/37

acted against what was contemplated by law. He turned a

blind eye to the will of the Congress as expressed through
the SRC and the PreNeed Code. In the process, he
endangered the claims of the planholders by allowing the
probability that they would be drastically reduced or
dissipated. He should have acted prudently bearing in
mind that the establishment of the trust was precisely for
the exclusive benefit of the planholders.

Enjoining the SEC from validating
the claims against the trust fund
is grave abuse of discretion for the
insolvency court has no authority
to order the reversion of properties
that do not form part of Legacys
insolvent estate

The Assignee cited Abrera v. Barza34 (Abrera), where the
Court held that claims covered by rehabilitation
proceedings before the RTC should include all claims or
demands of whatever nature or character against a debtor
or its property. At the heart of the Assignees argument is
that because the authority is with the RTC, the SEC has no
right to interfere in the insolvency proceedings.


34 Abrera v. Barza, supra note 16.


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It is an error for the Assignee to assume that the

authority of the RTC extends to the claims against the
trust fund. Claims against the trust fund must be
distinguished from claims against Legacy. The claims
against the trust fund are directed not against Legacy, but
against LBP, the trustee, being the debtor relative to the
trust properties.
The PreNeed Code is clear on this. It recognizes the
distinction between claims against the preneed company
and those against the trust fund. Section 52(b) states that
liquidation proceedings in court shall proceed 30/37

independently of proceedings in the Commission for the

liquidation of claims, and creditors of the preneed
company shall have no personality whatsoever in the
Commission proceedings to litigate their claims
against the trust funds. The reason why claims against
the trust funds can proceed independently of the
proceedings in the courts is the fact that the latter is
directed against a different person or entity.
Moreover, the Assignee must be reminded that the issue
in Abrera is not similar to the question raised here by the
SEC. In the case at bench, the SEC questions the propriety
of including the trust fund in the inventory of Legacys
corporate assets.

Jurisdiction over claims filed
against the trust fund

From the effectivity of the PreNeed Code, it is the
Insurance Commission (IC) that shall have the primary
and exclusive power to adjudicate any and all claims
involving preneed plans.35 The transitory provisions
of the PreNeed Code, however, provide that
[n]otwithstanding any provision to the contrary, all
pending claims, complaints and cases (referring to
preneed contract and trust claims)


35 Section 55, Republic Act No. 9829.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

filed with the SEC shall be continued in its full and

final conclusion.36
The PreNeed Code recognizes that the jurisdiction over
pending claims against the trust funds prior to its
effectivity is vested with the SEC. Such authority can be
easily discerned even from the provisions of the SRC.
Section 4 thereof provides that despite the transfer of
jurisdiction37 to the RTC of those matters enumerated
under Section 5 of P.D. No. 902A,38 31/37


36 Section 57, Republic Act No. 9829.

37 The Securities Regulation Code. Section 5.2. The Commissions
jurisdiction over all cases enumerated under Section 5 of Presidential
Decree No. 902A is hereby transferred to the Courts of general
jurisdiction or the appropriate Regional Trial Court: Provided, that the
Supreme Court in the exercise of its authority may designate the Regional
Trial Court branches that shall exercise jurisdiction over these cases. The
Commission shall retain jurisdiction over pending cases involving intra
corporate disputes submitted for final resolution which should be resolved
within one (1) year from the enactment of this Code. The Commission
shall retain jurisdiction over pending suspension of
payments/rehabilitation cases filed as of 30 June 2000 until finally
38 The Reorganization of the Securities and Exchange Commission
with Additional Powers and Placing the Said Agency under the
Administrative Supervision of the Office of the President. Sec. 5. In
addition to the regulatory and adjudicative functions of the Securities and
Exchange Commission over corporations, partnerships and other forms of
associations registered with it as expressly granted under existing laws
and decrees, it shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and
decide cases involving.
(a) Devices or schemes employed by or any acts, of the board of
directors, business associates, its officers or partnership, amounting to
fraud and misrepresentation which may be detrimental to the interest of
the public and/or of the stockholder, partners, members of associations or
organizations registered with the Commission
(b) Controversies arising out of intracorporate or partnership
relations, between and among stockholders, members, or associates
between any or all of them and the corporation, partnership or association
of which they are stockholders, members or associates, re


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the SEC remains authorized to exercise such other powers

as may be provided by law as well as those which may be
implied from, or which are necessary or incidental to the
carrying out of, the express powers granted the
Commission39 to achieve the objectives and purposes of
these laws.40 Relevant thereto is Section 36.5(b) of the
SRC which states that: 32/37

The Commission may, having due regard to the public interest

or the protection of investors, regulate, supervise, examine,
suspend or otherwise discontinue such and other similar funds
under such rules and regulations which the Commission may
promulgate, and which may include taking custody and
management of the fund itself as well as investments in, and
disbursements from, the funds under such forms of control and
supervision by the Commission as it may from time to time
require. The authority granted to the Commission under this
subsection shall also apply to all funds established for the
protection of investors (which necessarily includes the trust
funds), whether established by the Commission or otherwise.41

Concomitantly, under the New Rules, the SEC may, at

its discretion, demand for the conversion to cash or other


spectively and between such corporation, partnership or association and

the state insofar as it concerns their individual franchise or right to exist
as such entity and
(c) Controversies in the election or appointments of directors,
trustees, officers or managers of such corporations, partnerships or
39 The Securities and Exchange Commission.
40 The Securities and Regulation Code. Section 5. xxx xxx xxx
(n) Exercise such other powers as may be provided by law as well as
those which may be implied from, or which are necessary or incidental to
the carrying out of, the express powers granted the Commission to achieve
the objectives and purposes of these laws.
41 The Securities and Regulation Code.



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

near cash assets of the investments made by the Trustee to

protect the interest of the Planholders.42
Therefore, even prior to the transfer to the IC of matters
pertaining to preneed plans and trust funds, the SEC had
authority to regulate, manage, and hear all claims
involving trust fund assets, if in its discretion, public
interest so required. Accordingly, all claims against the 33/37

trust funds, which have been pending before it, are clearly
within the SECs authority to rule upon.

PreNeed Code is curative and
remedial in character and,
therefore, can be applied ret

Finally, it must be stressed that the primary protection
accorded by the PreNeed Code to the planholders is
curative and remedial and, therefore, can be applied
retroactively. The rule is that where the provisions of a
statute clarify an existing law and do not contemplate a
change in that law, the statute may be given curative,
remedial and retroactive effect.43 To review, curative
statutes are those enacted to cure


42 New Rules on PreNeed Plans. Rule 21. Commission Power

Regarding Trust Fund Assets.The Commission may, at its discretion,
demand for the conversion to cash or other near cash assets of the
investments made by the Trustee to protect the interest of the
43 Jan G. Laitos, Legislative Retroactivity, 52 Wash. U.J. Urb. &
Contemp. L. 081 (1997), citing GTE Sprint Communications Corp. v. State
Bd. of Equalization, 2 Cal. Rptr. 2d 441, 44445 (Cal. Ct. App. 1991)
(Where a statute or amendment clarifies existing law, such action is not
considered a change because it merely restates the law as it was at the
time, and retroactivity is not involved.) Tomlinson v. Clarke, 825 P.2d
706, 713 (Wash. 1992) (En Banc) (When an amendment clarifies existing
law and where that amendment does not contravene previous
constructions of the law, the amendment may be deemed curative,
remedial and retroactive.)


VOL. 768, SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 667

Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

defects, abridge superfluities, and curb certain evils.44 As

stressed by the Court in Fabian v. Desierto:45

If the rule takes away a vested right, it is not procedural. If the

rule creates a right such as the right to appeal, it may be clarified 34/37

as a substantive matter but if it operates as a means of

implementing an existing right then the rule deals merely
with procedure.
[Emphasis supplied]

A reading of the PreNeed Code immediately shows that
its provisions operate merely in furtherance of the remedy
or confirmation of the right of the planholders to
exclusively claim against the trust funds as intended by the
legislature. No new substantive right was created or
bestowed upon the planholders. Section 52 of the PreNeed
Code only echoes and clarifies the SRCs intent to exclude
from the insolvency proceeding trust fund assets that have
been established exclusively for the benefit of
planholders. It was precisely enacted to foil the tactic of
taking undue advantage of any ambiguities in the New
Any doubt or reservation in this regard has been
dispelled by the PreNeed Code. Section 57 thereof provides
that [a]ny preneed company who, at the time of the
effectivity of this Code has been registered and
licensed to sell preneed plans and similar contracts,
shall be considered registered and licensed under
the provision of this Code and its implementing rules
and regulations and shall be subject to and governed
by the provisions hereof x x x. Thus, Legacy and all
other existing preneed companies cannot claim that the
provisions of the PreNeed

article=1050&context=law_urbanlaw (last visited, August 5, 2015).
44 Fernando v. St. Scholasticas College, G.R. No. 161107, March 12,
2013, 693 SCRA 141.
45 356 Phil. 787 295 SCRA 470 (1998).



Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo

Code are not applicable to them and to the claims which

accrued prior to the enactment of the said law. 35/37

[I]t has been said that a remedial statute must be so

construed as to make it effect the evident purpose for which
it was enacted, so that if the reason of the statute extends to
past transactions, as well as to those in the future, then it
will be so applied although the statute does not in terms so
direct.46 With the PreNeed Code having the attribute of a
remedial statute, Legacy and all preneed providers or
their creditors cannot argue that it cannot be retroactively


In sum, improvidently ordering the inclusion of the trust
fund in Legacys insolvency estate without regard to the
avowed state policy of protecting the consumer of preneed
plans, as laid down in the SRC, the New Rules, and the
PreNeed Code, constitutes grave abuse of discretion. The
RTC should have known, and ought to know, the
overarching consideration the Congress intended in
requiring the establishment of trust funds to uphold
first and foremost the interest of the planholders.
The Court upholds its duty to protect the ordinary
Filipino workers who are seeking a future for their children
through preneed contracts. Their incredibly long wait is
over as this is the moment when their rightful and
exclusive right to the trust funds, created primarily for
them, is judicially respected and affirmed.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The June
26, 2009 Order of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 56,
Makati City, is declared NULL and VOID.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is directed to
process the claims of legitimate planholders with dispatch.


46 Frivaldo v. COMELEC, 327 Phil. 521 257 SCRA 727 (1996), citing
73 Am. Jur. 2d, Sec. 354, p. 490 italics supplied.


VOL. 768, SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 669

Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo


Carpio (Chairperson), Brion, Del Castillo and Leonen,

JJ., concur.

Petition granted, order declared null and void.

Notes.Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8799, otherwise known

as The Securities Regulation Code, defines preneed plans
as contracts which provide for the performance of future
services or the payment of future monetary considerations
at the time of actual need, for which planholders pay in
cash or installment at stated prices, with or without
interest or insurance coverage, and includes life, pension,
education, interment, and other plans which the
Commission may from time to time approve. (Abrera vs.
Barza, 599 SCRA 534 [2009])
The Interim Rules does not distinguish whether a pre
need corporation cannot file a petition for rehabilitation
before the RTC The claim of petitioners for payment of
tuition fees from a preneed corporation is included in the
definition of claims under the Interim Rules. (Id.)
The Interim Rules of Procedure on Corporate
Rehabilitation of 2000 has been amended by the Rules of
Procedure on Corporate Rehabilitation of 2009, which took
effect on January 16, 2009. (Id.)


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