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Official Game Adventure

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Bestiary of Dragons and Giants

Table of Contents

How to Use This Book .................................................. 2

The HauntedHelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Questing Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ravellia and the Dragon Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Trouble in Tall Stone Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
T h e w i z a r d i n t h e Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Editor: Deborah Christian
The Tip of the Ice berg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cover Artist: Larry Elmore Krasniythe Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Interior Artist: Wanda Lybarger
Cartographers: Dennis Kauth and Ron Kauth The Feud of the Fire Giants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Typographer: Betty Elmore
The DeludedDragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
O1987 T S R , Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Prince Reynard and the Silver Staircase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by Thyralax and the Ruby Amulet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
T S R , Inc.
Isle of the Storm Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Distribut ed to the book trade in the United States by FLandom
House, 11nc., and In Canada by Random House of Caiiada, Ltd
Distribut ed to the toy and hobby trade by regional dist nbutors.
Fangs Alot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Distribut ed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
The Pestiferous Castle of Bodor Sordstone ................................ 60
This advc ..."._. .. _f the
Dragon Statistics for Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
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ISBN 0-88038-488-3 921 1

How to Use This Boo
This book is designed to provide the D M Module Format Ine rmporxance or
with an interesting series of dragon and Morale
Each adventure has an introduction and
giant encounters using the D&D@game
a set of encounters that lead the party to a The morale score is presented for every
format. Adventures are stand-alone
final, climactic encounter. To get the creature in this book. It should be a con-
encounters ranging from beginners to
maximum enjoyment out of each giant stant consideration for the D m in the
masters level.
or dragon encounter, the D M must be course of gaming,
Each mini-module is generic enough - and is briefly reviewed
thoroughly familiar with the material her1-.
to fit into any on-going campaign. Each
before playing the adventure. The best 7b determine if an NPC or monster
one is also long enough to occupy one or
DMs take the time to highlight impor- warits to run away, the D M uses the crea-
two evenings of play. If the D M modifies
tant parts of each section so that none of ture:)s Morale Score given with the mon-
the adventure, he should be aware that it
the exciting action is forgotten during the ster s description. Good morale indicates
is currently balanced for a particular
give and take of the role-playing experi- a vrillingness to keep fighting; bad
level of play, and changes must take this
ence. mol-ale means the creature may panic
factor into consideration.
and try to get away.
How this Book Abbreviations Uhen a hAnrale C h e r l
when u A,LV.- U UIIUU..

is Arranged Abbreviations used in this book are as the D M rolls 2d6. If the result is greater
follows. than the creatures Morale Score, the
T h e adventures in this booklet are creature tries to stop the fight or attempts
arranged in order of difficulty based on to get away. If the result is less than or
average player character party experi-
PC: Player Character
NPC: Non-Player Character (run by eaual to the Moral Score. the creature
ence level, assuming five to six players colntinues to fight.
per party. If the D M has a low-level cam- the Dungeon Master)
paign, only the first few encounters
DM: Dungeon Master .Checks
. are not made for creatures
^ ^ 1 --
with scores of 2 or 1 Z. P or creatures with
should be used until the players reach a S T Strength
IN: Intelligence scores from 3 to 11, a Morale Check is
level where they can compete with the made twice after combat begins.
difficult opposition presented in later
WS: Wisdom
DX: Dexterity 1. When the creature is first hit, taking
adventures. more hit points of damage.
CN: Constitution
If the campaign has higher-level play- he creature is reduced to one-
er characters and the D M wishes to use
CH: Charisma
AC: Armor Class of its starting hit points.
the beginning quests, there are several there are groups of creatures,
things that can be done to make the
HD: Hit Dice
hp: hit points :is also chec:ked under the fol-
adventure a challenging one for the play- circumstanices:
d: type of dice
D: Damage Len the first death on eit her
1. Raise all the hit points of the mon- ..I
: occurs (eimer monster or
sters to their maximum. The num- MV: Movement Rate
#AT: Number of Attacks racter party),
ber of creatures encountered might Len half of tkle monsters ar.e
also be doubled or tripled to increase
Save: Saving Throw Cla
C: Cleric free to act, LLU,r ; l l , d magically
the danger of combat. :ep or controlled, etc.
M: Magic-User
2. Add some traps or encounters that 1 may decide to adjust a
T: Thief
are appropriate to the DMs cam- -..ick by a penalty of + 2 or + 1,
D: Dwarf
paign world. These experiences no adjustment nr bonus nf - 1 nr - 2
should be more than just hack-and-
E: Elf i)

H: Halfling on the roll.

slash meetings. Each one should If a creat ure or creatures fail to m;2ke
present the party with some useful
ML: Morale :* -- *I.--. ...:11
AL: Alignment the Morale r--L--l-
UIICLK, IL UL Lllcy will LIY to

information about the grand get away from battle. If an intelligent

finale of the adventure.
XP: Experience Points
cp: copper pieces creature surrenders, it will usually offer
3. It is possible to combine a giant and treasure as payment for its life.
a dragon encounter of low level in
sp: silver pieces
one gaming session.
ep: electrum pieces
gp: gold pieces
pp: platinum pieces

male and female giants ask to be married. below the surface. Normal homes are of one
On Dragons News of interesting occurrences in the land level and often blend into the area around
and Giants... is spread around. Missing giant families are them, making each home hard to spot.
noted by the leader and he sends out war There is often a root cellar or hidden trea-
See the introductory material on dragons sure area under the floor of the home.
bands to discover the reason for their
and giants for more important informa- Any given giant leader has from 1 to 20
absence. If there is a serious problem, sev-
tion about gaming these creatures. other giants of the same type living with
eral tribal leaders from other regions can be
contacted and the giants could go to war, him. Half of these are warriors. For
The Art of but this seldom happens. instance, in a typical frost giant leaders cas-
tle, there are two levels above ground and
DMing Giants Giant leaders are always exceptional
one below. The ceilings of each level are 28
in intelligence and ability. Each one com-
Although there are many types of giants monly has more hit points than average. feet tall. In this stronghold are 11 male war-
and each of these desires a different cli- They receive the best in armor, hence riors, the leaders mate, three other females,
mate and habitat, there are enough their armor class is higher than average. five children, and three adult apprentices
interesting likenesses between giants to They serve as the spiritual leaders of with clerical spells and skills. At the front
make it worth noting here. The ultimate their tribes and must have enough wis- gate there are nine polar bears and in other
goal of every giant is to achieve immor- dom to receive clerical spells. areas of the castle are ten more polar bears.
tality. This is only accomplished through Whenever a young giant shows ability in In the lower level of the castle the valuables
a giants dedication to the crafts favored clerical or magical matters, he is appren- of the leader are guarded either by frost
by his particular race. Only through the ticed to the leader of the tribe. During this giants or the largest bears. For chambers
perfection of these skills can a giant gain apprenticeship he is encouraged to develop there are the cooking area, sleeping areas,
the higher status of immortality. his skills and gain higher levels. When a meeting hall, and work rooms common to
Giants often live in small family tribal leader dies, his or her successor is cho- all castles.
groups in wilderness areas far from each sen from among the apprentices serving at
other. This is done because every giant the leaders holding. The tribe holds con- Giant Skills
family uses up a great deal of natural tests during a special fair and the champion Each giant race has a skill unique to its spe-
resources for their food, shelter, and eve- becomes the new leader. cies. These skills bring giants to the atten-
ryday needs. But twice a year, in remote Hill and stone giants are the only ones tion of all intelligent races. Because the
areas and at different times of the year that commonly live in cave complexes. products and services the giants are able to
for each race, large bands of giants get This is because both types have a low provide become extremely valuable, giants
together to celebrate the year, gain and level of intelligence and it is easier to dig are the object of greed and envy. No giants
share knowledge and renew their oaths of holes in the ground than to build struc- like to sell the things they make, or use
allegiance to their leaders. tures out of wood or stone. their skills for the benefit of the shorter
Any given giant celebration has from 50 Leaders of each giant race always build races; because they are scarce and hard to
to 200 giants of all ages. The sea giants hold their castles in proportion to their size. Nor- come by, this makes their skills even more
their fairs in huge underwater valleys. The mal giants construct log or stone homes valued by others. Trade, however, is com-
cloud giants have theirs in the largest of large enough to accommodate their fami- mon among the giant races, since each
their cloud castles. All other giants find lies. In judging the size of a giants castle or race makes or does something the other
some large valley, far from the eyes of other home, figure every ceiling to be ten feet tall- races admire or need.
intelligent humanoids, in which to hold er than the giant. Castles have two to six Hill giants are extremely skilled in tan-
their conclave. At a typical fire giant fair, for levels above ground and one or two levels ning hides and treating furs. A hill giants
example, there are commonly 35 warrior
males, 20 females (with more lady-like AC MagicalSpell Clerical Spell
Giant Leader HD
weapons), and 15 children of all ages. In Casting Level Casting Level
or Shaman
addition, each family shows off their favor- Level 4
Hill 9* 3 Nil
ite hydra or hellhounds, who serve to pro- Level 5
Stone 10* 3 Nil
tect their belongings. The valley where they Level 6
meet is by an active volcano, protected Frost 12 + 1* 2 Nil
Fire 13 +2* 2 Level 1 Level 6
year-round by a high wall the giants have Level 6
Cloud 16* 1 Level 4
erected around the valley and by an honor Level 3
Sea 18* -1 Level 10
guard of five bachelor fire giants. The fire Level 10
Mountain 23 * -2 Nil
giant leader rules over the tribe. He must Level 15
storm 19* 0 Level 12
have slight magical abilities and acts as the
tribes clerical Elder. During the fair, young

leather armor is the strongest of leather land. Black and Onyx dragons go to the Dragon Magic
armars. center of the oldest swamp. Blue and
Sapphire dragons meet at the center of The spell casting ability of dragons
Stone giants are the worlds greatest stone
the largest desert. Green and Jade requires no books or scrolls to work. It is
architects. The castles they make are the
dragons travel to the deepest heart of the similar to a cleric meditating for his
strongest of castles. The underground
spells, but a dragon gains spells from
tunnels they carve are the most long-lasting. darkest jungle. Red and Ruby dragons
sleeping. This sleeping ability changes
This is not a function of their intelligence, hold their conclave at the pinnacle of the
highest mountaintop. Gold and Brown with the color of the dragon. The follow-
but of their natural affinity for stone.
ing chart explains the process.
Cloud giants are the merchants and dragons meet in an enchanted valley
traders of all the giant races. They love especially created for them by the most
Sleeping and Spell Recovery
nothing more than trading in all of the skills magical of their kind.
and products that other giants are capable of The purpose of this conclave is to mea- Dragon Hours of Sleep to Recover
creating. This is easy for them to do since sure the hoards of every dragon. Type One Spell Level*
they may travel freely across country in Dragons of sufficienr size with the most Hatchlings No spell casting
their cloud castles. These giants also deal impressive hoards are granted the power White 5
well with the lesser races when it comes to by the ruler dragon of their alignment to Black 4
high-value items (not of.giant make, of magically transform and become an Green 3
course). Immortal. It is only through the use of Red 1
Sea giants are the alchemists and healers their hoards as the main spell component Gold 112
to the giant races. Often a great leader from that dragons can gain Immortal status. Rulers Recover all next day**
another giant race is brought to the sea Dragons must go through all the stages of
giants to be healed. A sea giants healing, development from hatchling to large to * A dragon cannot selectively choose the
waterbreathing or rejuvenation potion is said to huge size before they can be allowed to spells it recovers. It must gain them from the
be the strongest available. transform themselves. This desire to lower levels to the higher levels. If awakened
Mountain giants are rough and ready gain a hoard and become an Immortal is during the process, only the spell it was
woodsmen, preferring high mountain peaks constantly on the mind of every dragon recovering at that moment is spoiled.
in wilderness areas for their homes. They no matter what its alignment. * * Dragon rulers recover all their spells the
next day, or as per Immortal Set rules; in any
are excellent hunters, as giants go, and
case, no minimum amount of sleep is needed.
work better with wild animals than do their Dragon Treasure Evaluation
other giant relatives. Mountain giants train Although many of the greatest wizards
At the dawn of the race of dragons, the
rocs and other large pets for their own of several ages have tried to learn how
leaders decided the value of every item
use, and may provide animal training dragons work their magic, they have
that could become part of a dragon
services to other giants as well. been unsuccessful. Dragon magic is
hoard. After this it was an easy matter for
Storm giants are the sages and librarians instinctive and cannot be taught.
dragons to measure their status among
for all the giant races. If a giant wants an
themselves. At a dragon gathering each
item explained or needs some information
dragon truthfully details the status of its Hatchlings
before going on a quest, he always consults
hoard (lying about a hoard is instinctive- Dragons have a racial empathy which
a storm giant to get the best information.
ly impossible). The huge dragon with a allows them to communicate their history
hoard of proper size is allowed to make and traditions to their hatchlings. Among
The Art of the transformation into Immortality. dragons that speak, this is supplemented
DMing Dragons When the huge dragon activates the with an oral history. If for some reason the
spell, with the help of its ruler, all of its dragon parents have died, the dragons at a
From the time a dragon hatches, it is hoard is used up in the spell.
instinctively driven to collect a hoard of conclave take it upon themselves to teach
Magical items are highly valued by all the young this dragon history. This knowl-
treasure and grow larger in order to types of dragons because their value far
become an Immortal. edge includes the languages of many of the
exceeds their actual size. Magical items intelligent creatures the dragons have met
Once every century, and at different with more than one power, like magical
times for each dragon type, there is an in the past.
swords or artifacts, are especially trea- A dragon hatchling is half the size of a
instinctive drive to gather for a massive sured, because they have an even greater
dragon conclave. Each dragon species young dragon. Its physical and breath
value. Dragons often try to-bargain for damages are also halved. It remains in
travels to a different area on the plane such items or otherwise acquire them for
where they live. White and Crystal this stage from birth to five years of age.
their hoards. As it matures, a hatchling travels away
dragons go to the center of the coldest
from its birth place, stakes out a territory, and

then takes on all comers until it has ligent groups passing through their terri- become collectors of legends and lore. It
defeated them or has been defeated. As a tory, unless they are very hungry. A is common for a dragon to try and gather
hatchling grows it increases the size of its typical dragon tells the group they must every bit of legendary knowledge it can
territory. pay a toll and will have to pay again if in hopes of gaining information about
Dragons of all types instinctively have they pass this way once more. some hidden treasure hoard, and to gath-
the knowledge to tax intelligent races in er secrets on its path to Immortality.
their territories instead of eating them, Adult Drapons
Bards and scholars are usually treated
depending on the area's food supply. The well by these dragons, but are always
Adult dragons range from 50 to 300 asked to give up what knowledge they
dragon's need for food in order to
years of age. These dragons have been to
continue growing to huge size is as have on the subject of forgotten trea-
many dragon conclaves and are now
strong as its need to amass a large hoard. sures.
seeking to increase the size of their
When not hungry, a dragon tries to use
hoards with quality items. They realize it
the taxation method to gain treasure.
is easier to have a magical wand and a
Hatchlings are apt to allow an
magic ring in their hoard than several
encountered party to buy their way out
thousand gold coins. The more chaotic
of trouble.
dragons actively seek out heroic charac-
ters- from whom they can take magical
Small Dragons items. The lawful or neutral dragons try
Dragons are considered to be small when to deal with intelligent creatures to gain
they are older than hatchlings but are not more magic for themselves.
yet completely mature adults of 50 years
of age. In seeking to increase their terri- Huge
- Dragons
tory, small dragons actively look for stra-
tegic sections of land. They seek to take Huge dragons are those over 300 years of
age. These dragons have been increasing
over trails, mountain passes, river sec-
the size of their hoards for hundreds of
tions and the like. These well traveled
years. They can be expected to have sev-
areas then become revenue-producing
era1 magical items and a great deal of all
tracts of land for the dragon.
types of coin. These dragons have
Young dragons often talk first to intel-
Dragons and PC Relations
Invaders of a dragon's treasure hoard are
Author Credits treated as any thief would be. Dragons
encountered in the wilds are after infor-
How to Use This Book: James Ward mation, treasure, or food. If PCs can
The Haunted Helm: James Ward supply what a dragon needs, it can be
The Questing Barbarian: James Ward counted on to leave them alone. If PCs
Ravellia and the Dragon Eggs: Warren and Caroline Spector have information on large treasures it is
even possible the encountered dragon
Trouble in Tall Stone Pass: Steve Perrin
can be enlisted, but only for the greatest
The Wizard in the Woods: John Nephew share of the treasure. This last reason is
The Tip of the Iceberg: Thomas Kane why unsubdued dragons can be found in
Krasniy the Red: Gary Thomas warring armies. Chaotic dragons can
The Feud of the Fire Giants: John Terra invariably be counted on to turn on their
The Deluded Dragon: Deborah Christian partners after the battle in order to gain
Prince Reynard and the Silver Staircase: Ray Winninger even more of the loot for their hoards.
Thyralax and the Ruby Amulet: Rick Swan
Isle of the Storm Giant: Vince Garcia
Fangs Alot: Bob Blake
The Pestiferous Castle of Bodor Sordstone: Scott Bennie
Spell Generator: Bruce Heard

The Haunted
Monster: White Dragon off by the arrival of a warrior riding a and he works ~ 1 1 1 1LIK ~ I U 111I-uUt;Iluut
U ~

Party Level: 1-4 subdued white dragon. the rest of the adventure. If they refuse,
Caeric (white dragon): AC 3; H D he leaves in a huff. If he does leave, the
6**., hp 11; #AT 2 clawdl bite; D 1-4/1- party later discovers the dead bodies of
Set-Up 412- 16; MV 90(30), flying 240 (80); Caeric and Renn in the ravine of the
The Alabaster Apparition Save F6; M L 8; AL N; XP 725. large white dragon, covered in inches of
The PCs have discovered an antique Caerics breath weapon is an 80-foot ice.
helmet of gold and ivory. Every time one by 30-foot cone of cold; he knows no
of the PCs touches this helm it quickly spells. The dragon speaks Common, but If Renn Stays
warms to the touch. Detection spells his master doesnt know this. Whenever In the event that the PCs accept Renn,
reveal it to be magical, but no sage can a PC tries to tell Renn that his dragon they gain another ally to help them in the
determine what the magic is or what can talk, the fighter laughs and refuses to forthcoming fight. But the dragon,
effects it has. believe it, no matter how convincing the Caeric, has its own uses for the party.
Several nights after finding the hel- PC is. The dragon senses an individual Every night, when Renn falls asleep,
met, even if it was sold, the party mem- PCs efforts to try and convince Renn he Caeric talks with whomever is on guard
bers begin having nightmares about can talk, and will not speak with that PC duty. The dragon hates being forced to
barbarians battling the party. The night- again. work for Renn and offers to direct the
mares last several nights, and end each Caeric is muzzled, and the contrap- party to a large white dragons treasure if
time with the appearance of a single bar- tion is only removed before going into they will free him. The dragon knows of
barian. This apparition tells the charac- battle or at feeding time. This muzzle the older whites treasure from the leg-
ters it must haunt the party until it stops the dragon from making breath ends of his race.
replaces the ghosts helmet in the cave of and bite attacks against its master, but If Caeric is freed, he gives directions to
the dragon that killed him. not from talking. It is an extra precau- the ravine of the large white dragon. He
The party is free to ignore this dream- tion. The dragon is just strong enough to then flies off and is never seen bv the par-
apparition, but if they do so, it begins fly Renn for short distances (300-600 t) iorning
appearing to others around them. The yards at most in a five-minute period). ai -ing the
ghost isnt an undead creature in game Renn (fighter): AC 5; F4; hp 20; MV d will still
terms, and so cant be turned. It is actu- 120 (40); #AT 1 by weapon; 1 - 6 + 3 travel with the party, knowing there is a
ally a bit of magical illusion that is part of hammer with Strength bonus) or 1-6 dragon and treasure somewhere near.
the helmet. This helm wants to be bow; S T 18, IN 10, WI 10, D X 18, C O If Caeric isnt set free, he continues to
returned to the hoard of the white dragon 10, C H 10; Save F4; ML 9; AL N. plead with whichever PC is on guard
from which it was taken. If the party There is a blue-white diamond worth duty. Caeric is a sighing, crying sort of
resists going, townspeople begin to shun 5,000 gp in the handle of Renns war dragon who feels sorry for himself-the
the haunted characters. After a week no hammer; otherwise Renn has only nor- sort no one can listen to for very long
one talks to them, believing the PCs are mal camping gear for survival in the cold without wanting to kick to make him stop
cursed. The apparition will make life dif- lands of the north.
ficult for the party until they agree to If the PCs give him a chance and dont
return the helmet to the cave. attack, they discover Renn is a friendly
but boastful sort, who makes it clear that
The Adventure he saved the party from the lions. He is a
ty comes to a fork in the trail between two
braggart and talks for hours about his
The Journey mountains. One of the trails twists and
Led by the ghost of the barbarian, the turns high into the tallest snow-covered
While making camp, the group learns
party travels uneventfully for a week into mountain off to the west. The other is a
that Renn left his far northern lands soon
the high mountains. It is sunset and wide snow-covered Dath which seems to
after he subdued Caeric, his dragor1.
characters are camping for the night cut deep into the heart of the r est of the
Renn now searches for other whil:e
when they are attacked by four large mountain range. This path ru ns to the
dragons or white dragon eggs with plar1s
white mountain lions. north.
to sell them on the open market. He is o n Mere the urniin
Mountain lions (4):AC 6; H D 3 + 2; _
c b L v - y enrminterc a moun-
the trail of a dragon now (the one the

hp 26, 23, 20 15; M V 150 (50);#AT 2; tain man and his large dire wolf.
ghost is leading the party to), and woul-u
D 1-3/1-3/1-6; Save F2; M L 8; AL N; like the groups help. He offers to split
XP 200. treasure 50/50 with them if the adventu:r-
These lions are ravenous, but after the ers want to come along.
second round of attacks they are driven If the party accepts, Renn is all smiles

Bearkiller (mountain man): AC 6; F2; PCs are watching they see something
hp 16; MV 120 (40); #AT 1 by weapon; leave the cave, but cant tell what it is.
D 1-6 (thrown spear) or 1-6 + 3 (club); p\\H Just before the creature attnrrq t n p
. I

S T 12, IN 9, W I 15, D X 12, G O 17, C H camp, it casts a protection from

8; Save F2; M L 9; AL N. and a shield spell on itself.
Albino Dire Wolf (1): AC 6; H D 4 + 1; Large White Dragon: AC 3 ; H D 6**;
hp 31; MV 150 (50); #AT 1; D 2-8 + 2 hp 48; M V 240 (80); #AT 2 clawdl
(bite plus Strength bonus); Save F2; M L bite; D 1-4/1-4/2-16; Save F6; M L 8; AL
8; AL N; X P 125.
Bearkiller and his wolf come upon the
group and completely surprise the party.

greeting, testing the intention of the

k- N; X P 725. Breath weapon: co)neof cold,
80 x 30. Spells: protection ,from good,
shield, detect magic.
The dragon attempts to swroop down
on the camped party and carr)I away one
party. of the characters into the ni!Tht sky. It
Bearkiller has come from his usual succeeds in this attempt if it m,akes a suc-
haunts in the southern mountains to cessful strike. If the dragon t akes more
hunt for his younger brother, a famous than 12 hit points of damage, i t i s unable
knight in a far realm. His brother was to fly and must land with its biirden near
coming to visit, but it has been too long thick, smelly, unfrozen slime. The center the camp, allowing the othc:r PCs to
since the knight was supposed to arrive. of the area has a four-foot wide arrive after two melee rounds of pursuit.
The mountain man tells the group they birds-nest-shaped patch of frozen ice If the dragon is still able to fly,, it departs
cant miss the knight because of the shards where the two puddings rest, while making claw and bite att acks on its
blood-red saddle he always uses. looking much like large eggs. captive prey until the victin1 is dead.
When Bearkiller discovers the PCS If the party survives and/or ignores Spell casters and clerics wont be able to
havent seen the young knight, he offers this encounter, they soon learn that the cast spells while in the dragons clutches,
to go with them for a time. If the PCs wide path soon disappears among gullies but can use weapons as can thle fighters.
dont like him tagging along, he leaves and small game trails. The party must If the dragons first strike is unsuccess-
with no problem. If they accept him, the backtrack and take the other trail at the ful it continues to swoop down until it has
mountain man cheerfully works with the fork in the road. taken a victim or has lost 7546 of its hit
party. If Renn is with the group, the two points. Wounded, it returns 1to its cave
NPCs never get along, but can cooperate The Dragons Ravine for several weeks of healing.
for the good of the group. Bearkiller,
The player characters and anyone else Exploring the Ravine
however, stays away from Renn as much
with them travel one more day into the Examination of the snow in iany part of
as possible.
mountains along this Dath. Thev see that
- 1
the ravine reveals frozen bliood stains
the narr ow way they have been travers hidden under the freshly-fallen snow.
The Wide Path ing goec5 past a large ravine and ther1
This trail eventually becomes . .. ._ . . Something has clearly fed in niany areas
becomes much wider as the trail clearly of this rift.
narrower and smaller, ending in a large
leaves the mountain range. Someone in As the PCs explore the ravine, they
valley filled with short pine trees and
the group notices a patch of red in the discover the entire length is lit.tered with
snow. On the east side of this valley is a
ravine, and everyone can see that the hundreds of broken bones, many of
large cave mouth, easily taken for the
gorge ends in a large cave about a half- which stick out of the snow. TIhese bones
entrance to a dragon cave. It is actually
mile upsdope. are from large animal types that com-
the lair of two small white puddings.
If the group doesnt take the time to monly inhabit the mountains imd valleys
White Puddings (2): AC 6; H D 10; hp
explore thn
L1lL aL,d
instead moves of this area. Easily identifiec1 are ram
21, 17; M V 60 (20); #AT 1; D 3-24;
down the trail, they are attacked that horns, the skulls of yaks a1id several
Save E6; M L 12; AL N; X P 3,200. The
night by the large white dragon who lives ogres, and mastodon tusks. The latter
puddings are only vulnerable to
in the cave. If the ravine is explored, see may be valuable if the PCs th ink to sal-
fire-based attacks, but attack only if they
Exploring the Ravine, below. vage them for the ivory
are touched.
The interior of the cavern is 200 feet in Through the center of the riwine there
The Dragons Night Attack is a channel of snow and ice thzIt has been
diameter with a ceiling 90 feet high. It is
The large white dragon hunts by the specially created by the large dragon.
entirely ice-covered, with a four-foot
light of the full moon. It flies out of its Underneath the channel is a flowing
high bank of snow at the entrance. The
cave and soars high into the sky. If the mountain stream coming fromI the cave.
ice walls are covered with an inch of

Caeric won't walk in the channel. subdued dragon purposely causes an already cast its spells of protection on
Normally, a person can walk on top of it avalanche near the entrance, and refuses itself.
without problem. An armored knight to fight against the large dragon.
has a 25% chance of breaking through This dragon has spent centuries icing The Middle Chamber
the ice once in every 100-yard section. If over its cave even more than the This cave is partially open to the sky,
he plunges into the water, he takes 1-4 environment would normally have done. and the floor is covered with a blanket of
points of damage from frostbite before The floors and walls of each chamber are snow. The only clear spot on the floor is
his friends get him out and dry him. covered with glare ice, making footing the path worn by the bubbling stream
Noise of any type-breaking through treacherous (25% chance of falling on which also runs through this cave. There
the snow, shouting to hear an echo, every attempt to run or do battle). are several large boulders in the area that
Caeric making noise on purpose, etc.- The cave complex is made up of three the dragon mounded and molded into
causes a minor avalanche of snow. It large lower chambers, one linked to dragon-like shapes. If the dragon is
doesn't hurt the party, but echoes loudly another in a straight line. There is an sleeping in this chamber, it is not at first
through the ravine and clearly warns the upper chamber right above the entrance apparent, since it is under a blanket of
large white in its cave. that the dragon has artificially created. snow.
Useful things can be found during the Each of the chambers is roughly 75 yards
exploration of the ravine. The spot of red wide by 100 yards long, with a 90-foot The Final Chamber
noticed by a party member is a bright red high ceiling of icy stalactites. If torches At the farthest end of this chamber is
jousting saddle worked with 50 gp of are used to light the PCs' way and the ---- -- nfthp
the source
I-I* .__- ...a which c r e a t e . t h e
v_ y A .v 111-11 L A LUL.," L L l r

precious metals as decorations. The party stays in a chamber for more than channel in the ravine. The dragon has
saddle bags that are attached have ten minutes, 1-6 ice spears fall from the placed each of its treasures in ice pillars
several sets of high-quality knight's ceiling every 30 rounds. Each ice spear extendin g from floor to ceilin g
traveling clothes, a small first aid pouch has a 5 % chance of striking a party everywhere throughout this chambe.r.
with bandages and non-magical healing member and doing 1-6 points of damage. Breaking ;-+- n .:11,.-
l l l l v a IJLiLaL causes :+" "--+:,.-
1L3 section ctf

salve. Hidden in the handle of a large There are hundreds of spears on each ceiling to fall, inflicting 1-8 points c,f

dagger are ten pearls worth 25 gp each. ceiling. damage tc3 all under the section.
If Bearkiller is with the group, he If the party woke the dragon before Pillar Ch e : 500 white silver coins.
recognizes the saddle as the one owned entering the cave, it hides in the upper Pillar 'I iYo: 600 gold coins.
by his younger brother. The mountain chamber waiting to attack. If the group Pillar l n-1
r e e : JU on .. crystals worth
1 . 1

man reveals the hidden pearls, and has been careful and quiet, there is a 30 gp each. These cannot be seen in their
shows them to the party as proof of his 50% chance that the dragon is sleeping pillar of ice unless the pillar is broken.
claim. He becomes grief-stricken and in the middle section of the lower Pill,ar Four through Ten: empty.
useless for anything but attacking the caverns. If it isn't sleeping and hasn't Pill,ar Eleven: Crystal ball. This ca nnot
dragon that lives up the ravine. become aware of the party, it is awake be seen unless the pillar is broken.
After an hour of searching, the PCs with a chance to be surprised by the Pillar _. / . m u WJOTO + -I> + -7 us
- 7 T 7 . .
-. -Twelve
find a bloodstained backpack. Inside are players. white L[racons. This cannot be seen unl ess
the robes of a magic-user, some spell If Caeric is with the group, there is no the pi1lar is broken.
components and a traveling spell book. chance for the party to surprise the other ... r:ce
Pillar ---. c---:..1 -:11-- :- .
I I I L C C I I . special U I I I ~ I 111 the
The book contains the following spells. dragon. Caeric makes noise because it mi ddle of the chamber. It appears to
Level 1: Detect magic, magic missile, doesn't want to face the older dragon it co ntain a magical staff. When this pi1lar
shield smells in the cave. is 1xoken, the entire roof of this cham13er
Level 2 : Levitate, phantasmalforce 1 . c
a n a tnen the roofs of all the other
.. ,

Several more hours of searching turn The Entrance Chamber chambers begin to cave in. The party
u p a large rough sack filled with nuggets The ice is unmarked in this cavern must escape or die. There is a 45%
of gold worth 157 gp. Also in the sack are save for the bubbling stream which flows chance of safelv leavinp each chamber
three dwarven battle axes. down the middle of the cave and out be beneath tons of
under the ice of the ravine channel. The roc
T h e Dragon's Cave chamber is free of fallen ice shards and
A character climbing down into the snow. ~

cave from above the entrance has a 25 %

chance of causing another avalanche in T h e Upper Ice Chamber
the attempt. If this occurs, the white If the dragon is in this upper area, it
dragon flies out of the cave and attacks waits until the party is in the middle cave
the party. If Caeric is with the group, the and attacks them from behind. It has

The Questing Barbarian
Monster: Young Mountain Giant Jar1 (young mountain giant): AC 4; Every NPC in the chamber volun-
Party Level: 1 - 4 H D 7 (treat as F1 for combat purposes); teers, but Jar1 accepts only the two larg-
hp 56; M V 150(50); #AT 1 by weapon; est, seeming to pick them by size rather
D 1-10 + 4 (magic and Strength bonus); than skill or talent. These two are unsa-
Background S T 19,IN 7,WS 6, D X 9 ,C N 17, C H 7; vory ruffians who later on prove to be
Jarl, the barbarian in this encounter, is Save F7; M L 10;AL N. Jarl has a shield bandits. Jar1 refuses other volunteers,
the 13-year-old son of a mountain giant. + 2 and a two-handed sword + l . The but, although he doesnt ask the PCs to
H e has been brought up on stories of bat- sword can call lightning once per day for join him, he makes it clear by a few stares
tle and adventure and wants to go out 5d6 points of damage, and knock once per that he would really like them to come
among humans and experience some day. The weapon sings a mountain giant over. If the PCs arent interested in tak-
adventures of his own. But he is still just war song every time it is drawn. ing up the offer, Jarl leaves with his two
a kid, and so doesnt want his experience The call lightning ability of the sword new comrades.
to be too dangerous. H e is going to trick functions only outdoors. Jarl can use the If the PCs agree to the barbarians
some humans (the PC party) into com- power of the sword regardless of cloud offer, the party leaves the next morning
ing up to his fathers mountain castle. cover; the bolt strikes wherever Jarl on a three week trip into the high moun-
O n the way he will have some imaginary wishes. The lightning can hit only one tains.
fun that isnt going to hurt him, but target.
which has a good chance to be dangerous Although Jarl looks impressive in The Second Chance. If the PCs arent
to the PCs. human terms, he is still a child. He has interested in this adventure opportunity,
some weapon skills, but these are unde- they get a second chance. When they
Set-Up veloped. The D M should roll all of Jarls leave the inn either that night or the next
hit rolls and saves secretly. Jarls real morning, they hear the sound of fighting
The encounter begins in an inn of any chances to hit something are at a - 2 on in an alley nearby and a crack of light-
size and shape in any town the player the die with his sword. O n the other ning streaks from the sky into the alley.
characters are currently operating out of. hand, he has his races innate ability to When the party rounds the corner, the
A huge, seven-foot-tall barbarian throw large rocks. When using the rock- characters find the barbarian warrior
dressed entirely in red armor comes into throwing form of attack, Jarl hits as a fighting for his life against bandits. Some
the inn and buys drinks for everyone in seventh-level fighter and does 3-30 of the attackers can be recognized from
the house. Strapped to his huge left arm points of damage. Jarl prefers to hurl a the inn where Jarl showed the opals. The
is a large glowing buckler, small for this rock first, then draw his weapon for bat- robbers are after the wealth they saw.
barbarians impressive size. He is wear- tle. Both of the ruffians who joined Jar1 at
ing battered ring mail that barely fits. After every battle, Jarl talks incessant- the inn are dead. One is charred from
The towering warrior has a boyish face ly about the fight as if it were the greatest what could have been the lightning bolt
and his huge hands show no calluses. and most adventurous encounter any the group saw. Jarls sword is chanting a
Strapped to his back is a glowing, warrior ever lived through. strange song no one is able to under-
eight-foot-long sword. The handle and stand. The weapon emits sparks every
intricate cross-guard are covered in Jarls Offer. At the inn, the drinkers time it hits something, which isnt often.
runes. The top three feet of the blade gather around as the huge warrior sits Although Jarl looks like a mighty fighter,
stick out of the scabbard, and delicate down and pulls out two fist-sized milky he doesnt very often strike the six attack-
lines of gold and silver spell out some opals. These gems are amazing in color ers who are surrounding him.
magical verse on the blade. When any- and value. The PCs should be sure to If the PCs take part in the battle, the
one tries to read these, the runes glow note a few looks of greed from some of bandits run. If given the chance, the ban-
with a bloody light that should warn the the other fighters in the chamber. dits flee only after theyve had a chance
curious off. If the reading attempt con- The rich warrior says his name is Jarl to try the bluff detailed below. If the PCs
tinues, the weapon begins to scream and othe Mountains. He tells how he came for some reason do not take part in the
the barbarian tells the reader he is mak- down from the northern mountains after battle, Jarl gives a ferocious warcry and
ing a big mistake. finding a huge treasure he couldnt pos- quickly defeats enough bandits so that
A serious study of the blade shows the sibly carry by himself. He brought down the rest flee. H e then turns on the party
script to be elvish. It says the weapon is a the smallest of the gems- the opals-to in anger and fights them until the party
special training sword for a young moun- prove his story. He is now looking for a surrenders or flees, or until Jarls morale
tain giant. few adventurers to go back up, brave the breaks.
dangers of the trip, and get into the
mountain giants castle again to bring
back all the treasure.

Scut (bandit leader): AC 6; H D 2; hp If the PCs have made provisions to watch Metamorph: AC 5 (or as animal
16; #AT 1; D 1-6 + 1; M V 90 (30); Save the two bandits in their party, the group form); H D 3 + 1**; hp 25; #AT 1 (or as
T2; S T 16, I N 10, WS 6, D X 13, C N 11, is not surprised by the bandit raid. Oth- animal form); D 1-6 (or as animal form);
C H 13; Save F2; M L 9; AL C ; X P 20. erwise, they are completely surprised. M V 120 (40) (or as animal form); Save
Bandits (5): AC 6 ; H D 1; h p Use the bandit statistics already given as M U 11; M L 8 (10); AL N; X P 100.
8,7,7,6,5; #AT 1; D 1-6; M V 90 (30); Scut and four more bandits rush in and The metamorphs new forms always
Save T1; M L 7; AL C ; XP 10 each. attack the group with the help of the two have the same red-striped fur, feathers,
The bandits have a few coppers and bandits on watch for the party. Scut tries or scales running down its back. The
their weapons if searched for valuables. the bluff if it appears that his group creature is also fond of irritating Jarl and
might be defeated. does nasty things as follows:
The Bandits Bluff. If the PCs take part Fish form: splashes smelly swamp
in the battle, the bandits quickly realize Jarl is joined after the alley fight. If water on the party
they dont have a chance, and their the bandits have been fought and Skunk form: sprays party with skunk
leader Scut tries a bold bluff. H e screams allowed to escape in the alley, the evil scent
for a truce and his force and Jarl stop band still wants to get the riches Jarl dis- Bird form: drops rocks and rotten fruit
fighting. Scut then tries to get one of the played at the inn. The bandits attack on on the party
opals in exchange for leaving. Jarl agrees the third morning of the trip. Scut has Ape form: throws tree limbs at the par-
to this, but asks the PCs what they think. put together a force exactly like the one tY
If the characters say yes, the bandits listed above. The party has a one in six Cobra form: frightens horses
leave after being given one of the opals chance of being surprised. If the bandits
and Jar1 offers to take the PCs to get are driven off this time, they wont Human forms. Shadar is capable of
more treasure. If the answer to the appear again in the adventure. looking like many different types of
bandits bluff is no, the bandits run and humanoid creatures. It changes into
are seen again later on in the journey. The Metamorph. When Jarl was born, these forms to try to lead the PCs astray
his father acquired the services of Sha- or give them false information that could
The Adventure dar, a Metamorph (detailed in the D&D get the PCs off the track, but keep Jarl
Master rulebook). This creatures duties safe. These forms have a 50% chance of
The Journey are to try to keep Jarl out of danger, but fooling Jarl as well. This chance
The bandits attack three nights after the not interfere with what the boy does. increases to 99% if the PCs fail to check
PC group leaves the town. This situation Shadar could appear several times and in whether each of the fake humans is tell-
varies depending on whether the PCs different forms during the journey. ing the truth or may be something other
joined Jarl in the inn or after the fight in When the party gets inside the castle, it is than what he seems.
the alley. the metamorph who brings Jarls father 1. Old Fanner. This man tells the group
to discover the party in the treasure the road up ahead has been washed out
Jarl is joined at the inn. If the group has chamber. in a storm and gives good directions to
joined the barbarians venture at the inn, Shadar can metamorphose into a nor- another trail he says is a shorter route to
the D M should do everything possible to mal animal type. In this new form, it has where they want to go anyway. The alter-
alert the characters that the two large ruf- all the powers of that animal. It can nate path leads the group far out of their
fians Jarl also selected are chaotic and shape-shift 11 times per day, taking one way and takes weeks longer to travel.
nor to be trusted. They constantly whis- or more of these forms each day: worm, 2. Elven Warrior. This elf tells the group
per to themselves, are curt with the other leech, spider, centipede, insect, crusta- it is in the lands of the wood elves and the
members of the party, and, just before cean, mammal, bird, reptile, amphib- PCs have no right to be there. The elf
the party leaves town, they disappear for ian, and fish. Each shift lasts one hour. says the group must leave the way they
an hour. Upon their return, they make Jar1 resents this creature, but doesnt came or face hundreds of elves in battle.
up an obvious lie about where they went. really want to kill it. Jarl continually tries If the party calls the bluff the elf runs
During every night watch they insist on to scare Shadar away by throwing rocks away.
taking the early morning watch together. at it when it appears. These rocks never 3. Novice Druid. This character tells the
Jarl seems uncaring about the possible hit, but the attacks of the other party party he would like to go along with
danger and includes the two in his deal- members can cause damage. When the them. He then constantly attempts to
ings with the group as if they were good metamorph is severely wounded, it flies slow the party down. His actions include
friends. to the mountain giants castle to be magi- the following:
In the early morning light of the third cally healed, and then flies back to the
day, the bandits attack the adventurers. party again- a three-day round trip.

-Fake warnings of danger from
things like killer bees or giant rats that his
druid powers sense all around them-
though the PCs wont find such things.
-Spiking the food with sleep berries
so one of the PCs sleeps all day no matter
what the group does to wake him up.
-Waking everyone up during a night
watch, saying he heard the sounds of
dragons in the area. This causes the
group to lose sleep and the problems of
fatigue should be detailed by the DM.
If the PCs chase the druid off, he
leaves with no problem.

Five Miles from the Castle

The party is deep in the mountains now
and Jarl has led the group up a rough
track until finally all mounts must be left
behind. The pine forests are starting to
thin out as the elevation rises. The party
takes a narrow trail high into the moun-
tains. After mid-day, the group sees a tall
black mountain spire up ahead. Jarl tells
the characters that the mountains top is
actually the castle of the mountain giant.
The party comes to yet another, even
narrower, trail, and encounters a 14-
foot-tall iron statue in the middle of it.
Jarl claims this statue wasnt there the
last time he came this way.
Jarl is lying. H e knows this creation is
a living statue, and knows its command
words as well. When the party approach-
es, Jarl attacks the statue shouting a com-
mand word. This causes the iron statue weapons fall off when the statue is body), and then he makes a show of
to constantly face Jarl, fencing with the destroyed. attacking the birds and driving them off.
young mountain giant, but doing no Actually, he shouts commands sending
damage. Jarls intention here is to make the birds back to their roosts.
Three Miles from the Castle
it seem like there is great danger in facing Giant hawks (20): AC 5; HD 3 + 1 ; hp
this living statue so the PCs believe they The party carefully climbs a narrow trail 15 each; #AT 1; D 1-6; M V 450 (flying);
are going into a hostile situation. While all but hidden among the rocks until Jarl Save F2; M L 8; AL N; XP 50 each.
both Jarl and the statue are pretending to shows them where it is. Suddenly, they
fight, the rest of the party is supposed to are attacked by a mass of giant hawks fly- The Secret Entrance
destroy this evil guardian of the moun- ing down from the castle. These birds
tain giants pass. have been trained by Jar1 and his father By this time the metamorph leaves the
Living statue: AC 2; H D 4; hp 29; to attack any creature coming up this party to inform Jarls father of his sons
#AT 2; D l-8/1-8/special; M V 30 (10); side of the mountain. approach. Jarl has taken the group to a
Save F4; ML 11; AL N; XP 125. For Jarl, this is another dangerous- secret entrance he discovered while play-
All non-magical weapons striking the appearing attack to convince the party of ing in the castle. The foundation of the
living statue stick to the body of the crea- the danger of the trip. He lets the birds castle was laid by dwarves and the moun-
ture unless a save against spell by the make one attack on the entire group (the tain giant took it over and built his home
weapons wielder is successful. The birds know him and do not attack his on top. Jarl was crawling around and dis-

covered a small system of passages only is the closed door leading to the cavern leave the way they came. If they ever
he could fit through, and never told his outside the treasure chamber. return, they discover the secret Dassage-
father. H e uses one of these to get into the way is filled with riubble.
castle t The Giants Treasure Chamber After the PCs e:;cape from the castle,
The 1 the D M should reiFer to the notes about
Jar1 opens another secret door into a huge what treasure wasi being examined by
found cavern. At the other end of the chamber is
a set of 30-foot-tall, brass-bound doors set
each PC. This dett a_ npc wh..._-..-------
2t trenqi
r m ;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1 re

shriekers on the other side of the door each PC had a chance to get before the
into the marble-like cavern walls. Guard- mountain giant showed up.
ready to scream if given the chance. The
ing those doors are a large pair of saber- To determine treasure, have each player
party must think of a way to stop them
toothed tigers. These cats leap towards the roll ld6, and refer to the lists below.
from warning the rest of the castle. Jar1
party to attack. Jarl slams the secret door Weapons. A roll of 1-3 results in a
knows no matter what the shriekers do,
shut and the party is given time to plan non-magical weapon worth 1,000 gp,
they wont be able to scream loudly their attack. Jarl says all the treasure in the
enough to warn anyone because the door while 4-6results in a + 1 weapon of the
world is behind those doors the cats are characters choice.
out of the dwarvish passageways is guarding. He can easily open the doors
closed. Jewels. O n a 1-3, the character gets a
with his magic sword if the party will give handful of gems (nine in all), each with a
Shrieker (2): AC 7; H D 3; hp 10, 7;
him the chance. base value of 25 gp. O n a result of 4-6,
#AT special; D nil; M V 9 (3); Save F2;
Saber-toothed tigers (2): AC 6; H D 8; the character has two fist-sized gems,
M L 12; AL N; X P 35 each. These
hp 22, 13; #AT 2 claws/ 1 bite; D 1-8/1-8/ each with a base worth of 1,000 gp.
mushroom-like creatures emit a piercing
2-10; M V 150 (50); Save F4; M L 10; Scrolls. The scrolls are all in silver
shriek for one to three rounds.
AL N; X P 650 each. tubes worth 20 gp each. Reference the
After the party gets past the shriekers,
When the tigers are defeated, Jar1 opens players die roll on this list.
they encounter several forms of harmless
the doors to the treasure chamber and 1. One random clerical spell of second
mosses and fungi Jar1 pretends to know
enters. He urges everyone to quickly grab level.
nothing about. The rough stone tunnel is
something, since he doesnt know how 2. Treasure map to the lair of an ancient
four feet high and five feet wide. At every
long it will be before the mountain giant white dragon (see The Haunted Helm
section where fungi encounters occur,
comes to check on the noise they made adventure in this book).
the tunnel opens into an empty chamber,
during the battle. 3. Three random second-level magic-
30 feet by 30 feet square, with a
The party sees amazing piles of treasure user spells.
30-foot-tall ceiling.
all over the huge chamber. At this time, the 4. Protectionfrom Undead scroll.
Dark Green Tentacle Mold. This fungi is
D M should tell the players they see rings, 5-6. War saga scroll about mountain
sensitive to light. T h e tendrils are
armor, scrolls, gold, jewels, and weapons giants written in elvish script.
strongly connected to the walls and floor. in the area. A note should be made of what
Each of the many hundreds that are in Gold. The PC had time to grab 3,000
each PC is interested in looking at first.
the chamber curl and uncurl menacingly The D M then tells the PCs that they are gP.
towards the light sources. The fungi is Armor. O n a 1-3, the PC has collected
checking things out when they hear a voice a suit of + 1 armor of whatever type is
completely harmless. screaming from the tiger area.
Brown PuffBalls. Thousands of these preferred. O n a 4-6, the character has a
The 20-foot-tall adult mountain giant suit of normal armor, but finds 1,000 gp
grow all over the chamber. They range in
and the metamorph come upon the par- in gems stuck in the creases and folds of
size from small one-inch balls on the
ty. Jarls father begins screaming at him the armor.
ceiling to giant four-foot-tall balls all over
in the language of the mountain giants. Rings. Check the players die roll on
the floor. There is a narrow path from
During this confrontation, Jarl hisses to this list.
one end of the hall to the other, where
the group to run for their lives. 1. Ring of Animal Control
Jarl has previously walked. There is a
Through the yelling and Jarl speaking 2. Non-magical ring with a 500 gp
59% chance for each of the party in Common, the group learns that Jarl is
members to touch a puff ball while trying emerald in it.
just a young boy in deep trouble with his 3. Non-magical ring with a 1,000 gp
to get from one side to the other. Touched father. If the PCs try to fight the moun-
puff balls burst, spewing dusty and ruby in it.
tain giant, they will fight the giant, meta- 4. Non-magical ring with a 1,500 gp
harmless brown fungi all over the area.
morph, and Jarl. topaz in it.
Red Slime Funfi. In a wet section of the
Dad (mountain giant): AC 0; H D 20; 5. Non-magical ring with a 2,000 gp
tunnel is a slimy red mat of fungi. There
hp 147; #AT 1; D 5-50; MV 150 (50); diamond in it.
is no way to avoid touching it; when
Save F20; M L 9; AL N; X P 4,175. 6. Ring of Fire Resistance
contacted, the fungi emits a foul but
The PCs should be encouraged to
harmless stench. Just beyond this section

avellia and the Dragon Eg
Monster: Black Dragon The Adventure jug of oil. This is the oil from a black
Party Level: 5-7 dragons belly. The oil keeps the leathery
Black Magic Woman eggs soft. Failure to keep the eggs prop-
Background As the party approaches, the characters erly lubricated allows the shells to harden
see a figure dressed in a black, hooded and crack. If this happens, the babies will
A cave overlooks a lake in a hilly region die.
cloak standing next to a small depression
surrounded by marshes. This cave is the If the party agrees to watch the eggs,
home of a black dragon, and the sandy in the sand before the cave. The mysteri-
ous figure turns slowly towards them as Ravellia leaves without incident. If they
lake shore hides the nest in which she lays refuse, she assumes her dragon form and
her leathery eggs. She digs a shallow nest they draw near, and the party sees a strik-
ing woman with ebony skin and eyes as battles them (see M a m a Dont Allow,
in the sand and covers it with her body to below).
warm the eggs. (Maintaining the proper black as coals.
temperature is crucial if the embryonic This is, of course, the black dragon in
her human form. She greets the PCs, Dont Egg Me On
dragons are to survive.) An oil secreted (or, I am the Egg Man)
and gets right down to business. She
from glands in the mothers belly keeps
addresses the party as follows. The characters should have a little while
the eggs from drying out and cracking
before the babies are ready to hatch. to get used to dealing with the eggs and
Shortly before the characters arrive in I am the sage, Ravellia, a student the devices the dragon gave them. Exam-
the area, the black dragon in this sce- of things draconic. Beneath the sand ination of the thermometer reveals a but-
nario laid and buried three eggs. Her are three eggs-dragon eggs! The ton, beneath which is written the phrase,
timing couldnt have been worse, for as mother dragon is gone, leaving us Ask your question and push button for
soon as shed settled into her role as with the rarest of rarities-an oppor- answer. The PCs can ask about any-
dragon-egg incubator, she received a tunity to study dragon eggs and thing, but only questions about the eggs
summons to a Dragon Council. dragon babies at our leisure. will be answered.
In order to attend the conference, she Unfortunately, I have been called The thermometer answers in an eerie,
must find a way to care for her newly-laid to attend a zoological conference some sepulchral (and inappropriately loud)
eggs in absentia. Her plan is simple: she distance away, and cant remain here. voice. It can tell the characters anything
will polymorph into human form and It is well you have arrived at this time. they want to know about black dragons
convince a band of adventurers-the I need a group like yours, a party of and their eggs (see On Black Dragons and
player characters-to watch over her adventurers I can trust to watch these Their Eggs, below). Questions not relat-
eggs until she returns. The characters eggs, care for them, and keep track of ing to black dragons or their eggs will be
should not be able to tell that she is a their development. answered with Ask another question.
dragon in disguise.
Ravellia offers a good, but not great Come on Baby, Light My Fire
sum of money for the partys services. I
Set-Up the players decide to pass on her offer, The first problem the PCs have to deal
T h e player characters are slogging she will offer to impart special knowledge with is how to keep the eggs warm. The
through an unpleasant marshy area. of dragons and dragon-lore to them. magical thermometer rings the moment
,Finally, they emerge in a hilly forest (The nature of such knowledge is left to the eggs get too hot or too cold, which
region known far and wide as a place the D M to determine.) If the characters happens just moments after Ravellia
sane people avoid. Tales of renegade still refuse, she will up the ante, offering leaves the area.
elves in the forest-and worse-should a very large sum of money if theyll just PC mages can keep the eggs warm
have them on their guard. stay and watch the eggs. through magical means, but this will use
As they crest the first of the hills after If the party takes her up on her offer, up lots of spells, and may put them out of
leaving the marshes, they see below them she gives the adventurers two items. One the action later on. Going into the forest
a small lake ringed by a sandy shore. is a magical cube. O n one of its faces, to gather firewood is a better bet-sort
Low thickly-forested hills surround the PCs find numbers revealing the temper- of. If the party enters the forest to collect
lake and, on its far side, they see a cave ature of the air around the eggs. Dragon wood, they find themselves ambushed by
set in the base of a hill quite a bit larger eggs must be kept at a constant tempera- a party of elves.
than the rest. ture, neither too hot nor too cold, or the Treeclimber (elf chieftain): AC3 (plate);
embryos will die. This magical ther- E4; hp 20; M V 120 (40); #AT 1 (dagger
mometer rings whenever the tempera- or long bow arrow); D 1-4 or 1-6; M L 9;
ture shifts. AL N. Treeclimber knows these spells:pro-
The second item she gives the PCs is a tectionfrom evil, read magic, Atect evil, ESP.

Elves (2 times the number of PCs): AC How Dry 1 Am ning afoul of Mama Dragon when she
5; E2; hp 3 - 12; M V 120 (40); #AT 1 returns), or finding some way to stop the
Once the party has figured out a way to babies without hurting them.
(dagger or long bow arrow); D 1-4 or keep the eggs warm, they have to keep a
1-6; M L 8; AL N. Spells: protection from Any really clever plan ought to stop
constant eye on them to make sure they the dragons from attacking the PCs out
evil, shield. arent drying out. The entire surface of
The ambushers are well-hidden and of hunger. Confining them in some way
each egg must be oiled every two hours. is a good idea; they could be herded into
completely encircle the party. They fire
The embryos can survive for no more the cave, for example, and then sealed in
several warning arrows into the ground
than an hour after the eggs dry out. somehow. Another way to deal with hun-
at the feet of the PCs and then a voice Thus, any longer than three hours
barks, Leave the forest now! This is gry dragon babies is to find something to
between oilings results in the death of the feed them. They will eat any kind of
your final warning.
babies, and the return of Mama Dragon meat, whether from the partys stores of
If the PCs return fire, a battle ensues.
(go immediately to Mama Dont Allow, food, or magically conjured, or caught
(The DM should not forget about those
below). by the partys hunters. There are surely
eggs that have to be kept at the right
temperature and turned and oiled.) other ways to stop a baby dragon, but
If the party decides to fight, they lose Baby Love those are left to the DMs imagination
all chance to recruit the elves as allies. If Once the characters have settled into a and that of the players. Again, though,
they kill all the elves, the forest poses no comfortable routine dealing with the anything creative and clever should be
more problems, but killing just some of eggs, trouble begins. Any or all of the allowed to work.
the elves is a very bad idea-survivors encounters below can be used, depend- Black dragon hatchlings (up to 3): AC
will snipe at the party for the rest of the ing upon how complicated the D M wants 2; hp 8; M V 60 (20); #AT 1 claw/l bite;
adventure. this mini-adventure to become. The one D 1-4/1-8; M L 12; AL C . Hatchlings
If the PCs try to talk to their complication that should take place, can breathe acid breath in a line 3 feet
ambushers (an endeavor made easier if however, is allowing one (or more) of the wide and 30 feet long.
theres an elvish PC with the group), baby dragons to hatch before Mama
theyll find that Treeclimber, the head of returns from the dragon conference. At That Old Black Magic
this band of merry elves, and his the beginning of each encounter used, The PCs should be pretty good at caring
. .
are after a group of chaotic the D M should secretly roll ld8. On a 1 for dragon eggs when trouble begins
magiciaris who have been terrorizing this or 2, no eggs hatch. O n a 3 or a 4, one coming their way. The next problem they
part of 1the country. Their threatening egg hatches; on a 5 or 6, two eggs hatch; will confront is a trio of magic-users who
attitude itowards the PCs is simply a case on a 7 or 8, all three eggs hatch, leaving want the eggs. The eggshells are a pri-
of mistalren identity. the characters to deal with baby dragons mary ingredient in a potion the mages
Once the PCs establish that they are as well as whatever troubling encounters want to cook up-a potion which will
not the mages in question, the elves the D M has decided to include. give anyone drinking it acid breath, like
become almost friendly. In fact, theyll Baby black dragons have special the black dragons breath weapon.
give the party a summoning horn, with needs. First, their wings must be cared Randall Willhandle: AC 9; M7; hp
instructicons to blow it if they spot the evil for. The PCs must find a way to clean the 18; M V 120 (40); #AT 1 dagger; D 1-4;
mages. wings of membrane to prevent them M L 9; AL C . Spells: detect magic, floating
The PCs dont know it, but the elves from atrophying. A good brushing with a disc, ventriloquism, continual light, locate
look q u ite dimly on the capricious stiff horse brush will do the job, as will object, hold person, infavision, wizard eye.
blowing of their horn. They are after the the dull edge of a dagger. Wendall Willendall: AC 9; M7; hp 24;
mages, amd couldnt care less about any Of course, the thing uppermost in a MV 120 (40); #AT 1 dagger; D 1-4;
other peril the PCs find themselves in baby dragons mind is food, and the PCs M L 10; AL C . Spells: magic missile,
during 1the course of this adventure. trying to clean the hatchlings wings will shield, hold portal, phantasmal force, web,
Theyll help the PCs out of any tight have to dodge talons and beaks capable fireball, lightning bolt, wall of fire.
spot, buit grudgingly, and only once. of inflicting serious damage. Young as Stendhall Willendall: AC 9; M7; hp
The ellves allow the party to gather all they are, dragon hatchlings are quite 15; M V 120 (40); #AT 1 dagger; D 1-4;
the wood they need. Unless the D M vicious, and will fight to the death in M L 4; AL C . Spells: charm person, protec-
wishes to add random encounters, order to get a meal. They will happily tionfrom evil, sleep, invisibility, mirror image,
nothing else happens in the woods. attack and try to eat the PCs if nothing hold person, invisibility 10 radius, charm
else is available. This leaves the adven- monster.
turers in the position of having to kill the These mages work together like an un-
hatchlings to save themselves (and run- oiled machine. Theyre powerful mages,

and very nasty, but they spend nearly as survive only three hours without oiling, the characters may decide to make a mad
much time bickering among themselves and the mages arent too terribly dash for safety, carrying the eggs with
as they do fighting their foes. They have concerned about the temperature of the them. This is a very good idea, though
no magical items, and the potion they eggs.) the purple worm will follow if they head
hope to create wont work. If the players have the elven for the forest. The best course of action is
Randall Willhandle is the brains of summoning horn, they can use it to call to head for the water. If they can get 50
the outfit. Taking him out of the action the elves, who will gladly help them feet out into the lake, theyll be safe from
demoralizes the other two and forces defeat or track the magic users. the ground-dwelling worm. They might
them to make one desperate grab for also make a dash for the cave at the hills
their leader. They then flee, with or Worming Your Way base. The entrance to the cave is large
without Randall. into My Heart enough to admit the front end of the
Wendall Willendall is Randalls worm, but only the first 25 feet of its
cousin. Hes the muscle of the group; After the PCs have dealt with the mages, body will fit. The creatures broader
incapacitating him brings an end to the give them a while to relax. Perhaps a midsection will stick in the cave mouth,
fighting unless the PCs want to keep the week goes by, leaving the party to won- leaving it unable to move forward or
ruckus going. At that point, the other der whether Ravellia is ever coming backward.
two mages try to talk the PCs into giving back. Roll once each day during this This means several things. First, the
them one of the eggs, promising great time to see if any of the eggs hatch. If worms sting is no longer a threat. Sec-
rewards. Whether or not they deliver on desired, the D M may use a couple of ran- ond, the party only has to worry about
the promise is up to the D M . dom encounters, just to keep the PCs on the worms bite if they are foolish enough
Stendhall Willendall is the defensive their toes. to venture near its mouth, which can
specialist of the gang, as well as Then, when the adventurers are nice swing in a 25-foot, 180-degree arc
Wendalls brother. Putting him out of the and relaxed, they face the direst threat of around the entrance to the cave. Finally,
fight spurs the remaining mages on to all: a purple worm after its favorite the party is stuck in the cave, unless the
take greater risks in an attempt to bring snack, black dragon eggs. characters can find or make a way out.
the battle to an end. Wendall wont leave The first indication of trouble is a low
rumbling sound, like that of a thunder-
the area without his brother. Stendhall In the Cave
has no compunctions about leaving storm far off in the distance. A moment
later, the sandy ground around the lake If the player characters fled into the cave
Wendall behind.
begins to vibrate a little bit. Then the or explored it at any other time, this is
The mages begin by trying a sneak
sand begins to ripple like ocean waves what they find.
attack with the powers of Stendhall. This
breaking on the shore-and the The main cavern, entered through the
is followed by a more straightforward
magical attack by Wendall. Randall sandwaves are moving toward the eggs. cave mouth, is a large, circular chamber
The characters should have a moment 150 feet in diameter. The ceiling arches
remains in the background as long as
possible, entering the fray only if things to figure out that something is going on. 75 feet overhead. There are two smaller
appear to be going badly for his friends. Then the burrowing purple worm bursts chambers off the main cavern: one across
through the surface, eager for a taste from the cave mouth, the other about 45
If the mages are defeated, the PCs find
treat rivaled only by the consumption of degrees to the right of the rear opening.
a scroll on Randall detailing how to
mass quantities of adventurers. The The rearmost chamber is 50 feet in
concoct the dragon breath potion. The
worms gaping maw leaves a trail of sali- diameter. This cavern is piled high with
key ingredient in the potion is black
va and ichor as it lunges toward the eggs, enough stuff to fill the average castle to
dragon eggshell.
ignoring the PCs for the moment. overflowing. Almost all of the things in
If the PCs decide to give up one or
Purple worm (1): AC 6; hp 85; MV this room are junk-rusted armor, dent-
more of the eggs, the mages suggest
60 (20); #AT 1 bite/l sting; D 2-16/1-8 ed mugs, ripped banners, and the like.
joining forces. If they choose this course
of action, Ravellia learns of their + poison; M L 10; AL N. There is a vagabond kings ransom in
Luckily for the characters, this partic- here. Any kind of non-magical junk
duplicity, tracks them down, and deals
ular purple worm is a small one, only desired can be found here in perfectly
with them in a most violent manner.
about 75 feet long. They might be able to organized piles (broken swords in this
If the magic-users defeat the PCs,
defeat it themselves. If so, more power to pile, armor in that one, and so on). The
Randall carries off all three eggs (or as
them. If the party wants to, the elven cavern is so tightly packed, it is difficult
many as are left) using his floating disc
horn can be sounded and, if they havent to move around in it.
spell. The player characters will have to
been summoned before, the elves will There is one item of value in this
decide whether or not to pursue the
appear and help out as best they can. chamber. Hidden away amidst all the
magic users into the forest and retrieve
If things go very badly for the party, junk is a black rodof wyrm (as described in
the eggs. (Remember that the eggs can

the D@D@ Companion rules). PCs will For the most part, the contents of the If the eggs are still intact, they begin to
have to search long and hard to find this, treasure room are up to the DM. The hatch at this moment. The mottled black
however. potions are potions of strength, invisibility, and purple babies emerge and Ravellia
The other chamber attached to the healing, and one of summoning. polymorphs into her dragon form. The
main cavern is smaller, just 25 feet The crystal is an artifact of great fact that Ravellia is a dragon should
across, and appears to have been dug power; it heals non-fatal wounds come as no surprise to the PCs by this
recently. The floor is covered with a automatically. Whoever holds the crystal time. Like a good mother dragon, she
white powdery substance which has but to touch a wounded person and licks the hatchlings wings clean, paying
examination reveals is powdered bone that person is healed. It wont bring back little attention to the PCs.
(both human and animal). Several the dead, cure diseases, or restore lost When she is done, Ravellia assesses
niches have been cut into the cave wall in limbs, but it will cure anything else. the situation and acts accordingly. If all
here, and each is lined with straw The crystal has two drawbacks. Once the eggs or hatchlings are safe, the PCs
matting. These are nests prepared for the a player character touches it, he or she wont end up as dragon fodder. If one of
black dragon hatchlings. would rather die than let go of it. Also, it the eggs or babies was injured, the party
A careful search of this room reveals a stores all the hit points it restores and, if has a slim chance of escaping. Two or
secret trap door at the rear of one of the it ever breaks, the holder (or the last more damaged eggs spells disaster. If any
nests. This door is wizard locked and is person or creature who touched it) takes of the eggs or hatchlings are in less than
immensely heavy. The three strongest all those hits. The crystal is very fragile, perfect shape, go to Mama Dont Allow,
members of the party, working together, and 2 points of damage will destroy it. below. If all the hatchlings are safe and
will barely be able to lift the door, and The character touching the crystal can sound, go to The End.
then only for one round. After a single sense that breaking it means certain
round, the door crashes shut. The party death, but discovers the other drawback Mama Dont Allow
members will then need to rest for one only when he tries to leave the crystal
The players may have thought theyd
round before they can open the door somewhere.
faced trouble before. They were wrong.
again. The adventurers can try to steal the
An angry mother black dragon whose
The door opens onto a twenty-foot- treasure, but this is going to be difficult.
hatchlings have been injured (or killed!)
wide shaft which drops straight down for They have to guard the eggs, get the
gives new meaning to the word trouble.
ten feet. The ground can be seen twenty three strongest party members to lift the
If only one of the eggs or babies was
feet below the end of the shaft. O n the trap door, get at least one character down
harmed, let the players try to talk Ravel-
ground, the PCs can just make out the into the treasure room alive, and find a
lia out of killing them and using them as
glitter of gold and jewels. They may also way to get characters and treasure back
baby food. A terrific story, incredible
see a dozen razor sharp spikes pointing out. If the characters do figure out ways
flattery, or unexcelled double-talk should
up at the shaft from the ground. Falling to accomplish all these feats, and they do
do the job. The PCs lives will be saved,
on these spikes means sure death for the make off with the treasure, Ravellia will
but theyll receive no payment for the
heartiest of adventurers. come after them and she wont be happy.
Looking up the shaft, the PCs will see Alternatively, they can leave the treasure
If two or more of the eggs or babies
the sky, several hundred feet straight up. alone and continue to care for the eggs,
were damaged or killed, its time for the
The walls of the shaft are sheer and earning the gratitude and friendship of
big fight scene the party has been waiting
barely climbable. the black dragon.
for. This is a dragon possessed, a black
The characters can use the upper dragon at her most fearsome. The most
portion of the shaft as an escape route if Mamas Home logical thing the PCs can do is flee. It
theyve been chased here by the purple might even work, but the players should
When the DM decides the party has been
worm (or anything else), or they can try know theyve made a terrible enemy this
through enough, it is time for Ravellia,
to find some way to reach what is day, one who will never rest until shes
the black dragon, to return from the
obviously a treasure room of some kind dragon council. If the PCs are in any caught up with the adventurers and
down below. made them pay.
kind of trouble, that trouble will cease
If they try to go up the shaft, a tough upon Ravellias arrival. Ravellia (black dragon): AC 2; hp 75;
climb takes the characters to a hidden MV 120 (40), flying 300 (100); #AT 2
When Ravellia returns, the PCs see a
cave-entrance five hundred feet from the black dragon fly into the cave entrance clawdl b i t d l kick/l tail; D 2-5/2-20/1-
base of the hill. If they find a way to get 6/1-6; M L 12: AL C . Breath weapon:
halfway up the hill. Sometime later, after
down to the treasure room, they find lots acid breath, 90 x 5 . Spells: charm person,
searching the cave to make sure nothing
of loot: gold pieces, precious jewels, light, read languages, read magic, sleep, invisi-
is missing, Ravellia emerges from the
magical armor, several potions, and, in bility, mirror image, wizard lock.
cave in her human form.
one corner, a large crystal on a pedestal.

Ravellia pushes any surviving will always react favorably toward the kept at exactly 100 degrees, which is nor-
hatchlings behind her and begins the party. By achieving the goals of this mally accomplished by having the moth-
battle by blasting the party with a strong adventure, the PCs have made friends er brood over them, in much the way
shot of dragon breath. She then for life. that a chicken sits with and on her eggs.
approaches and tries to eviscerate the The eggs must also be kept lubricated.
PCs using her talons. If this fails, shell On Black Dragons Mother dragons secret an oily substance
alternate among tail, claws, and dragon from special glands in their bellies. Every
breath attacks. If at any time the players
and Their Eggs two hours, the mother dragon oils the
look like they are gaining too much of an Under ordinary circumstances, black eggs all over by rolling them around in
advantage, she goes aloft and swoops dragons are evil, nasty, chaotic creatures her nest, which is usually a shallow
down on the party using her wings and which would just as soon pick a PCs depression in mud or sand. The gesta-
tail. flesh from his bones as talk to him. They tion period of black dragon eggs is about
As far as Ravellia is concerned, this is are quick to anger and, once angry, are two weeks, but one week premature
a fight to the death. The players can savage fighters. Their attacks are swift, hatchings are not uncommon, and even
approach it from the same perspective o r sure, and deadly. I n combat, black month-old eggs have been known to
they can try to flee. One other option dragons become a blur of razor-sharp hatch.
exists, however. They can try to take one talons, knife-like teeth, and crushing tail. Hatchling black dragons are helpless
of the hatchlings hostage, if any Their acid breath burns everything it for the first few moments of their lives.
survived. If this ploy succeeds, Ravellia touches. They are not very coordinated and their
lets the group go, but she will follow The best way to deal with an angry wings are soft, wet, and stuck together,
them to the ends of the earth in an effort black dragon is not to get it angry in the much like those of a butterfly after it
to make them pay. first place. Given the fact that black emerges from its cocoon. As soon as the
dragons like fighting, this is easier said eggs hatch, the mother must lick the
The End than done, but it is possible. For one babies wings with her coarse tongue to
thing, black dragons are quite vain, and dry them off and get the blood circulat-
If the party manages to keep the eggs ing. If this isnt done, the wings atrophy
base flattery often pacifies them. Gifts of
safe, Ravellia speaks to them in her and the baby dragon is crippled and will
mirrors are also welcome. Theyre fas-
dragon form. probably die.
tidious housekeepers, and voracious col-
lectors. Offers of gifts-even junk-may Once their wings have been cared for,
distract a black dragon long enough to black dragon hatchlings have but one
allow escape. thought: Eat lots! The
As parents, black dragons become hatchlings are as carnivorous as their
even more difficult to deal with. They parents, and must be fed at least 15
are fiercely protective of their eggs and pounds of meat every hour on the hour.
With that, Ravellia returns to the cave hatchlings. Only a matter of the utmost They will eat any kind of meat at all.
and comes back carrying a sack. In the importance could drag a black dragon, After a week of feeding, grooming and
sack is the payment agreed upon, as well like Ravellia, away from her eggs, and mother-love, the baby dragons set off on
as the crystal from the treasure chamber. should any harm come to her eggs or their own. Their coordination is good,
She gives these items to the party, babies, shell revert to her normal, cha- their wings are strong enough to carry
explaining what the crystal does as otic ways. On the other hand, helping a them to the heavens, and the hatchlings
described above. black dragon protect its young may earn are ready to take their places in the world
Protecting the eggs and babies and PCs a friend for life (or as close to a of black dragons.
befriending the black dragon earns the friend as a chaotic dragon can ever be).
players as many experience points as All dragon eggs are different and
they would have received for defeating require different kinds of care. Black
the dragon, as well as the X P for the trea- dragon eggs are leathery and purple,
sure in the adventure. In addition, there about three feet in length and two in
is a chance that word of their deeds will diameter. They weigh about 150 pounds
get around the black dragon community. apiece, are warm to the touch, and the
This could give the party bonuses to baby dragons within can be felt easily
reaction rolls involving such dragons. In through the shell. Black dragon eggs
fact, if the players encounter a black require constant care, generally provid-
dragon again, it just might be Ravellia or ed by the mother dragon. They must be
one of her babies. These black dragons

Trouble in Tall Stone Pass
Monster: Stone Giant catch Duncan in the act.
Party Level: 5-7 mon room of the inn, looking for sto- All of these happenings are modified by
ries and information about the world what the characters do in this situation. If
Set-Up around them. At least one local farm the non-drugged character sets himself up
boy, hero-worship in his eyes, asks to be able to watch the room, then he can
Read the following to the players. you, Whatta ya be doin in them see Duncan operate. However, such an
mountains, hey? obvious ploy might be spotted by Duncan
You are in the little town of Breakers (find traps roll of 35%?, and he wont come
Reach, part of a long section of land, If characters want private rooms, into the room. Similarly, a character might
the Reach, where a lot of horse train- Duncan has two available at 1 gp per discover the secret door in the closet while
ing is done. There you are night each. Each can hold up to eight hanging up a cloak and the party might
approached by three men who claim human-sized people but has beds only block the door.
to represent the Merchants League, a for four (as long as people dont mind There are many possibilities here. Just
regional mutual assistance organiza- doubling up in the two large beds provid- keep in mind that Duncan has been in
tion of the areas traveling traders. ed). Otherwise, curling up in your own business for many years without being
They tell you of a small family of cloaks or bedding on the common room caught, and would do nothing foolish. Of
giants, gray, rock-like monsters, floor costs 5 cp per person per night. course, he might not have had to deal with
who have been robbing the pack What no one knows is that Duncan is other experienced adventurers before.
trains going through Tall Stone Pass both a 6th-level thief and a business associ- Duncan: AC 7; T6; hp 17; MV 120
for the last several years. The mer- ate of the giants, who give him a percent- (40); #AT 1; D 1-4 (dagger); Save T6;
chants are interested in hiring your age if he tips them off about upcoming M L 7; AL N; X P 275.
band to eliminate this threat to local caravans and giant-hunting adventurers. If attacked, Duncan fights and tries to
commerce. If the characters have let their mission duck out into the night. After he has tak-
be known to Duncan, he spikes their last en one wound, he surrenders. If caught,
The merchants offer 500 gp a head for drinks with a slow-acting sleeping drug. Duncan admits to acting as an agent for
the giants, plus anything the characters Characters must save vs Poison or sleep the giants, but explains that he is just try-
find in the giants hoard, since the mer- soundly for eight hours. Duncan then ing to help out some friends who need
chants have already written those losses tries to go through their belongings. If protection from that money-grubbing
off. If pressed the merchants tell of gems, they are in one or more private rooms, he Merchant League. If pressed, he
jewelry, fine fabrics, and even magical has his own secret access panels through explains the actual situation in the pass.
items lost to the plundering giants. The the closets. If he finds any obvious magi-
merchants offer go up to 1000 gp a head cal items that would not be missed imme- Day Two
if bargained with, but want a choice of diately, such as a crystal ball hidden away
the loot brought back, as well. There is no activity around the party
in a knapsack, he substitutes a rock or until late in the afternoon. Read the fol-
other item of similar size and weight and
lowing to the players.
The Adventure hides the magical item.
At the same time Duncan attempts to
Day One look through the partys things, he sends You are riding the same type of trail
his son into the Pass to contact the giants you have been on for the last two
It takes a party about one days travel on days. Now the trail is about 15 feet
horse to get to the foot of the mountains. and tell them that there are adventurers
coming after them. wide, just barely room for three
There they can stay at the Lost Foal Inn. horses abreast. To the left is a cliff
If one of the characters made the sav-
ing throw and is obviously alert in the face, at least 100 feet high. To the right
The Lost Foal Inn is a two-story struc- is a steep incline into the stream bed
ture with a stout wall around it. The middle of the night, then Duncan does
not try anything. If the character(s) sham 100 feet below.
stables are built into the wall. Suddenly, as you round a curve in
You are met by the innkeeper, Dun- sleepiness in order to catch the poisoner
in the act, Duncan is still stealthy, with a the trail, you are confronted with (a
can Hayward, who welcomes you to number equal to hay the number of the party
his inn, feeds you the stew of the day, chance to move silently of 44 % . If this roll
is successful, he might get among the plus one) cave bears. Your first line of
and stables your horses. people is no more than 30 feet away
That evening, you are objects of heroes, find one item, and get out with-
out the watcher realizing what is happen- from the bears.
great curiosity to the local inhabitants. With a roar, the bears attack!
Most of them seem to be in the com- ing. If the watcher is also a thief, a
successful hear noise roll allows him to
These are the domesticated guards of

the stone giants, sent to test the mettle of avoid pursuit. If someone uses detect invis-
the party. Check Morale for each bear ibility, they can find her and fight her
when it is wounded. Subtract one from there and then. Otherwise, she gets back
each bears Morale score for each wound to their mate and his brother and pre-
it receives (not number of hit points, just pares for the final confrontation.
number of wounds). Each bear breaks
and runs on its own, without regard to Final Confrontation
what the others are doing.
At the top of the pass the trail takes a turn
Cave bears: AC 5; H D 7; hp 30; M V
to the left and widens out to about 30
120 (40); #AT 2 claws, 1 bite; D
feet. Built against the side of the moun-
2-812-812-12; Save F4; M L 9; AL N; X P
tain to the left is an immense hut made of
cyclopean stones. Standing in the path,
Each bear wears a massive collar
100 yards ahead of the party as they
crudely worked with semi-precious
come into view, are three stone giants,
stones. The collars are worth about 250
each about 14 feet tall.
gp each. They also show that these bears
Two are male, and each has a stack of
are not wild, they are pets.
boulders next to him. The third is a
female, and in one large hand she holds a this, or attack before she can speak, see If
Day Three small stick. the Characters Have Been Hurt, below.
As the party rides along, the trail narrows to Rockheart and Stonebrow (stone If the party gives her leave to speak,
about 10 feet wide (no more than two horses giants): AC 4; H D 9; hp 40, 41; M V read the following to the characters.
side by side). The D M should have players 120 (40); #AT 1; D 3-18; 11; Save F9;
roll ld6 for each characters. A roll of 1 M L 9; AL N; X P 900 each.
Know you that we are but tollta-
allows them to see the form of a giant on the Stonebrow is Gems mate, and Rock-
heart is his brother. They both follow kers on this road, she continues. We
slope above them 100 yards up the trail.
exact a toll from the merchants who
Before anyone can do anything about Gems orders in all things.
Gem (stone giant): AC 4; H D 9; hp travel over our land. It is not a bur-
it, the giant throws a lever built into the
densome toll, but some merchants
side of the mountain. A 30-foot long sec- 56; M V 120 (40); #AT 1; D 3-18; 11;
Save F9; M L 9; AL N; X P 1600. Gem chafe under it, and wish to be relieved
tion of the trail (DMs choice as to where)
of it, or perhaps even take our places
suddenly collapses, becoming a chute knows the following spells.
Level 1: Detect mafic, light, protection here. This is why you have been sent
leading to the stream 100 feet below.
to slay us.
Sharp-eyed characters can see as they fall from evil
Level 2: Invisibility (used), web Are we any more reprehensible
that there had been camouflaged wooden
Level 3 : Dispel mafic, fireball than the king or other chieftains of
supports under the trail to make it look
Gem has a wand of polymorphing with 11 your people, who levy tolls on trav-
like the natural path.
elers who use their roads? I assure you
Anyone reaching the stream bed takes charges.
What the giants do about these inter- that we harm not any who pay our
7-42 points of damage (normally it would
lopers depends entirely on what has hap- toll.
be 10-100, but the slope slows the charac-
ters descent somewhat). Every character pened already.
If the player characters indicate a will-
caught in the trap has a chance to snag a
passing rock or tree and not reach the If the characters are Unhurt.. . ingness to leave the giants alone, or ask
for what the giants lives are worth to
stream bed. Make one Dexterity check The giants have no wish to fight heroes
capable of surviving everything they them, she responds as follows.
for each character. By every point the the
character made the roll by, subtract ld6 have been through so far.
from the damage done. This means that We realize that you deserve some
the character must make a Dexterity roll The female giant raises a hand, the recompense for your efforts, so we are
at a penalty of - 1 to get any benefit at prepared to offer you 5000 gold pieces
one without the stick, and says,
all. Any horse caught in the chute must and some objects of magic we have
Hail, heroes. Your missions is
make a save vs. death or it is killed in the accumulated over the years for your
known to us, and we but wish you to
fall. Otherwise it is miraculously unhurt. trouble.
hear our side of the story before you
T h e giant disappears immediately attack us here in our home.
after throwing the lever. This is Gem, If the characters go along with this,
and she has used her invisibility spell to If the adventurers attack after hearing Rockheart goes into the hut and comes

out with several sacks of gold containing about 30 x 30. Persons in this area must to be stone, though certainly not granite
5000 gp, and a small chest with three then save vs Death. If successful, or marble. It is more like limestone.
objects in it: a scarab of protection (12 damage is only 0-9 (ld10-1) points. nonetheless, they move and act like flesh-
charges), a square wheel, and a scroll with Anyone failing the saving throw is also and-blood creatures, to the extent of eat-
a detect mafic spell on it. buried, and must take 1-6 rounds to get ing other flesh-and-blood creatures for
The giants will suggest that the himself out. sustenance.
characters take their gains down the trail If the characters kill one of the giants The Immortal made his creations
to the other side of the Pass, thus and seem to be overcoming all of these oviparous. This means that, after fertil-
avoiding immediate retribution from the obstacles with no injuries, the surviving ization, the female lays an egg- that is,
Merchants League. giants run for the hut. Anyone following the crystalline rock described above. The
them immediately get to the hut in time egg then grows, as long as it is in contact
If the Characters Have Been Hurt to hear a muted splash. Entering the hut, with the earth, until it is about the size of
O n the other hand, the giants have no the character can see a pit in one corner a pubescent human. Then the egg forms
wish to give up their hard-gotten gains if and, looking in, sees the reflection of his into a small stone giant. Multiple births
it looks like a few good shots with a torch on water (or the telltale infrared are rare, but not unknown.
boulder can finish the characters off. pattern of water). There is no sign of the This process is more magical than
The male giants will toss boulders and giants. In another corner of the hut is the most of the methods of reproduction
Gem will use her wand of polymorphing to treasure detailed above as the bribe to extant in this world, even with all the
change people into large frogs or the characters. It is piled around a small other fantastic creatures in it. Thus,
something equally harmless. They will stone platform with three depressions in there is a residue of magic in the eggs.
not leave their prepared positions, it, as if the platform had been holding For a dispel magic to work against it, an
although the male giants may move something. eggs dweomer should be treated as a
behind the heaped boulders to gain If the characters get into the hut over spell from a 50th-level magic user.
minimal cover as they throw the rocks. the dead bodies of the giants, they find Baby stone giants are worth about 500
(Each pile has 10 boulders.) Gem moves three large crystalline egg-shaped rocks gp each on the open market. Their value
to stand beside Stonebrow and gain in the platform depressions. The rocks, would be higher for magic-users and
cover from his pile of stones. about the size of a cocker spaniel, show sages, but no one knows what to do with
If characters charge the giants, they faintly magical if detect magic is cast on them. Of course, most countries have
run afoul of some more giant traps. them. Infravision shows that the rocks laws against slavery, but few have had to
Twenty yards in front of the giants is a are warmer than normal rocks. If left worry about whether giants are covered
camouflaged trench, 20 feet deep. Each alone for another two months, they grow by the statutes or not. After all, subdued
wall of the trench is mounted on a rocker to almost human size and then hatch into dragons are often sold, and they are
arm; when one looks into the pit, it little stone giants. If removed from intelligent, too.
appears that they slope together. contact with natural earth, the stones In death, stone giants do not revert
However, when someone falls into the eventually lose their magical aura and instantly to rocks, as some sages aver.
pit, taking 2d6 damage, his falling body warmth, and the babies are never born. However, they do decompose rapidly
pushes the walls apart at the bottom, and crumble awav within a week of their
deaths, no matter what is done to try to
effectively closing the walls together at On StoneI Giant preserve them. Philosophers think that
the top so the trench cannot be climbed
out of. The walls are segmented all along Creation and Origin the spirit of a stone giant is reborn in
the pit, so that one set of walls can turn While Stone Giants may seem to be another stone giant.
into a prison while another still forms a merely a slightly different variety of the
pit. Later, when the giants want to get usual run of giants, their origins and
the victim out, they just remove a wall methods of procreation are quiet differ-
and lift him out. ent. They are, in fact, a case of parallel
A giant, or a leaping man, can clear evolution, much like kobolds and gob-
the trench without falling into it. lins.
If any of the characters stay where they Stone Giants are the creation of an
are when they first see the giants, ancient Immortal of Earth. Some sages
Rockheart tosses a boulder at the slope to say that the Stone Golems some wizards
their left. if he succeeds in hitting an AC have created are pale attempts to imitate
9, a landslide thunders down on the this act of creation.
party, doing 3-30 points of damage to The actual body of a stone giant seems
everyone (including horses) in that area,

The Wizard in the W o o d s
Monster : Green Dragon leaf has chainmail, shield and dagger, an
Party Level: 8 - 11 )ut found it too great a task. Their last elven cloak, potion of plant control, a magical
esort is to appeal to adventurers, bow + I and 12 silver-tipped arrows. She
knows the following spells.
Background ,uch as yourselves, for assistance; and
Level 1: Protection from evil, sleep
hey are doing this.
Viridis, a green dragon, is marauding A silver-haired elf-maiden named Level 2 ; Mirror image, phantasmalforce
through woodlands; an elf asks the party Tairleaf explains her peoples plight to Level 3: Hold person
to stop the dragon. However, the full sto- IOU:
ry of Viridis is more than the elves know.
Green dragons, even though Chaotic in
A terrible monster, a huge and The Adventure
karsome green dragon named Viri-
alignment, rarely go about destroying lis, has disturbed our quiet woods,
forests, since that is where they make Led by Fairleaf, you find yourselves
md its lust for destruction seems to in the land wasted by Viridis within a
their homes. They normally are con- mow no bounds. The wicked lizard
cerned only with eating, holding their couple of days of travel. The forest is
has been pillaging indiscriminately. oddly silent, devoid of the usual chirp-
territory against other powerful crea- 411 of the forest creatures have suf-
tures, and hoarding treasure. To destroy ing and scurrying of its small deni-
Fered, from the humble mice and deli- zens. The terrain is scarred by the
their forest would be to destroy their food late songbirds to the fierce wild boars dragons violent passing, and here
supply. and noble bears. We elves have suf-
Viridis is an exception to all the above and there you find the remains of one
fered as well, as have all the fair fold- creature or another that fell victim to
for two reasons: this is not his forest, and sprites, pixies, dryads.. .
he is under orders. The dragon hails the dragons rage.
Of course, we tried to retaliate. Fairleaf examines the area, and
from a different, distant forest, where he O u r most powerful warriors and
was living a normal dragons life until an then, pointing, she says: That is the
mages faced the worm, but most were way the dragon went. After a pause
adventurous and powerful fighter chal- slain by Viridis. I myself was part of
lenged him. It was a difficult battle, but she adds, Im perplexed, though,
one such expedition, and I witnessed because it looks here like other crea-
the fighter won and subdued Viridis. with horror the death of two siblings:
The fighter did not need a dragon, but tures have gone this way. There are
my sister died in a cloud of the beasts footprints of a company of human-
did need money to build a stronghold, so poisonous breath, my brother in its
he took the dragons hoard and sold the oids. I dont know what this means,
claws. I was fortunate to escape with but be on your guard.
subdued monster to a chaotic wizard my life.
named Parindes. And so I am here, beseeching you
Parindes is an ambitious and evil fel- Fairleaf prefers to leave the party at
in the name of righteousness. Will this point, although the humanoid tracks
low. His goal is to rid the forest of its cur- you not help us in the forests hour of
rent occupants so that he can use it as a disturb her. She is unashamed to admit
need? that she is afraid of the dragon, and has
starting point for his own plots, and he
has found Viridis to be a marvelously no desire whatsoever to meet it again,
Lawful and intelligent characters but if the party requests that she stay
effective tool to this end. Parindes is also should be persuaded by the elf s plea,
served by numerous other evil creatures with and aid them, she will.
and not merely out of altruism. It is quite No map is provided; if the D M would
which the elves have not yet encoun- likely that, after pillaging the elves for-
tered. In addition, other chaotic crea- find one helpful, he should feel free to
est, the dragon will continue its rampage create it. The dragons path does not go
tures have entered the region since the into human lands. And, of course, the
elves control has been broken. The par- in any particular direction, but mean-
fame and respect for thwarting a mighty ders about, occasionally crossing itself
ty will encounter all of these as they track dragon, were the party to succeed, would
the green dragon. (to the confusion of the players). The
be immense. information that follows details, in
The characters will be asked to quickly chronological order, the creatures that
Set-Up prepare themselves for the quest. Fair- will be encountered by the characters as
leaf, familiar with the dragons rampag- they follow the trail of destruction left by
ing, will offer to guide the player Viridis.
characters to the dragons path.
Fairleaf AC 3; E 5; hp 18; M V 90
(30); #AT 1; D by weapon, item, or
spell; S T 11, IN 16, WS 11, D X 13, C N
10, C H 13; Save E5; M L 7; AL L. Fair-

Harpies the followers of the evil wizard. and is armed with a halberd. In his pouch
are 35 pp, five pearls worth 125 gp each,
The party first encounters a group of and a ring of delusion. He also wears a
scavengii heavy copper and silver necklace worth 25
You notice much smoke rising above
the trees ahead. At first you think it g p , and four gold rings set with small
Half an might be the dragon, burning the for- stones, worth 10 g p each.
upon a group 01 eignt dirty, aisgust- est, but then you recall that the breath The monsters do not immediately
ing, and hideous creatures. They weapon of the green dragon is poison- notice the characters, unless the players
have the lower bodies of giant eagles ous gas. choose to attack right away. After a
and the torsos and heads of women. When you arrive on the scene you moment, one orc notices the party and
The monsters are cackling as they dig see that several great bonfires are the calls out for help. They attack immedi-
into several deer carcasses left by the sources of the pollution. More than a ately, the devil swine rushes over to see
dragon. dozen orcs and a couple of ogres are what all the commotion is, and he tries to
cutting trees, hacking off the branches break up any fighting that has started.
Harpies (8): AC 7; H D 3 * ; hp 14 and throwing them on the bonfires, This shape-changer is quite cunning.
each; #AT 3 + charm; D 1-4/1-4/1-6 + and making a pile of logs. A grossly fat Approaching the party, he asks their
special; M V 60 (ZO), fly 150 (50); human male is directing this activity. business. He does not act offended if the
Save F3 ( + 2 on all saves); M L 7; AL C . All of the beings are wearing arm- characters refuse to answer, and convers-
These harpies would much prefer bands like those of the trolls. es with them politely. At the same time,
fresh flesh to the carrion theyre now he will attempt to use his powerful charm
devouring, and a party of adventurers These humanoids are all working tl ability on one character and then another
would do fine! Half of the creatures fly build a stockade for Parindes. The orcs (save at -2). If questioned about what
u p into the air and prepare to attack, are the workers, and a devil swine is in the humanoids are doing, he explains
while the other four begin to sing in an charge of it all (in human form). that they are building a stockade, and
attempt to charm the characters. The Orcs (15): AC 6; H D 1; hp 5 each; would the characters like to help? Any
creatures carry no treasure. #AT 1; D 1-6; M V 120 (40); Save F1; charmed characters will, of course, vol-
M L 8; AL C . Each orc carries 2-12 gp. unteer immediately.
Troll Patrol Ogre overseers ( 3 ) : AC 5; H D 4 + 1; In time, the lycanthrope will explain
hp 19 each; #AT 1; D 1-10; MV 90 that he must return to work, and non-
Continuing to follow the trail of (30); Save F4; M L 10; AL C . Each ogre charmed characters (that is, those who
destruction, you encounter another carries 5-50 gp and 2-20 pp. chose not to join the project) will be
group of evil beings-five trolls, spe- Devil swine: AC 5; H D 9*; hp 41; #AT asked to leave. If these characters do so,
cifically. You notice that each of the 1 or charm; D 1-10 or special; MV 90 they find themselves ambushed within
tall, wiry humanoids wears an arm- (30); Save F9; ML 10; AL C. The devil the next mile or two by the devil swine
band with black and dark green swine wears chainmail in his human form and his workers. Charmed characters,
stripes. unless freed by their companions, might

Trolls (5): AC 4; H D 6 + 3 * ; hp 30
each; #AT 3; D 1-6/1-6/1-10; M V 120
(40); Save F6; M L 10 (8); AL C . Each
troll regenerates three rounds after it has
been injured, and recovers three hit
points per round. Each creature has 5-50
gp on its person.
The arm-bands signify that the five
trolls work for Parindes (they are a rear-
guard patrol, in fact). They have instruc-
tions to slay any non-vegetable living
thing that they find, and they carry out
these orders with great pleasure, fre-
quently attacking the vegetable things as
After traveling some distance farther,
the party encounters another company of

happily live out the rest of their lives as Level 4: Charm monster, wall of ice attempt to subdue a dragon, that intention
the swines slaves. Level 5: Feeblemind must be stated before combat begins.
Attacks must then be made with the flat of
Viridis and Parindes The bugbears are Parindes body- the sword-that is, without inflicting real
guard. He has found these humanoids damage; spell and missile attacks are there-
Tired from a long day of tracking and quite useful for tracking and keeping fore not permitted. Since the subdual dam-
fighting, you find yourselves at a tabs on the dragon, since they are so age is not real, the dragons breath weapon
clearing in the forest, and there, at stealthy. While the dragon and bugbears continues to do damage equal to the
last, is the dragon itself, crunching occupy the party for the first few rounds dragons full hit points.
upon its latest kill- a grizzly bear. As of combat, Parindes casts shield on him- Obviously, it takes powerful and brave
you prepare to sneak up and attack self, drinks his potion of invulnerability, and characters to attempt subdual, and
the huge green lizard, you hear a then levitates above the melee to use his dragons know this. Characters who both
shout from the woods. magical items and other spells in the inflict subdual damage equal to a dragons
Startled, the dragon turns as a most effective manner possible. and survive the combat prove that they are
group pf bugbears (wearing the now- If the players catch on to the nature of the dragons betters. Realizing that its sub-
familiar black and green arm-bands) the situation (i.e., that Parindes is the duer(s) were clearly capable of slaying it,
emerges from the trees. With the bug- one in charge), they might think to work the lizard will submit. If a character other-
bears you also see a human, a wizard at eliminating him. If Parindes is wound- wise attempting to subdue attacks for actu-
it seems, wearing black and dark ed badly (reduced to less than 10 hit al damage, or uses an offensive spell or
green robes. You note that Viridis, the points), he will no longer have the power missile weapon, the dragon will interpret
dragon, attacks neither bugbears nor to both fight the party and control the this as a sign of weakness and cowardice
wizard, but instead comes your way. dragon. Realizing this, Viridis will fly and will not be subdued.
The human barks commands for the into the air, loose a final blast of chlorine Problems are just beginning once a
bugbears to attack you as well. gas on the melee, and fly away-never dragon has been subdued, for the monsters
again to be seen in the region. are never happy to be servants. A chaotic
Viridis (Green Dragon): AC 1; H D dragon will be particularly troublesome,
lo**; hp 45; #AT 3 plus breath weapon; Conclusion trying to undermine its masters plans
D 1-6/1-6/3-24 or as current hit point whenever possible. Almost every dragon
The elves and other woodland beings will
total; M V 90 (30), fly 240 (80); Save will take commands literally, in any way
be ecstatic when the adventurers return that can pervert their original intent while
F8; M L 9; AL C . to them in victory. They will both reward
Bugbears (6): AC 5; H D 3 + 1; hp 15 remaining true to the actual wording. A
and honor the PCs at a grand, merry dragon will never take orders that are obvi-
each; #AT 1; D 2-8; M V 90 (30); Save banquet in a starlit forest glade. In addi-
F3; M L 9; AL C . Each bugbear carries ously suicidal; it would sooner turn on its
tion to winning these elves eternal grati- master or attempt to escape.
3-30 gp, 1-20 pp, and a gem worth 10- tude, each character will be given a
100 (ld10 x 10) gp. Subdued dragons are constantly alert
delicate crown of oak leaves fashioned for a chance to escape, and take advantage
Parindes (Wizard): AC 8; M U 9; hp from silver (worth 370 gp) and may
32; #AT 1; D by weapon, item or spell; of any reasonable opportunity to do so. In
choose one of the following as a gift: elven a situation (as with Viridis and Parindes)
M V 120 (40); Save M U 9; M L 10; AL cloak, elven boots, a magic-userlelf scroll
C ; S T 9, IN 17, WS 10, D X 13, C N 13, where a subdued dragons master is inca-
(with the spells charm person, continual pacitated or severely weakened, a dragon
C H 12. Parindes carries a dagger + 2 , light, infravision, invisibility 10 radius,
potions offire resistance, healing, and invul- will usually attempt to escape.
remove curse, sleep), a suit of elven chainmail With all that bother, its no wonder
nerability; he wears a ring of spell turning (protection as chainmail, but encum-
(3 charges), and has a wand of fear (9 most adventurers sell any dragon that
brance as leather armor), a ring of water they have subdued. This creates an inter-
charges). H e also wears a gold earring set walking, or a magical bow + 1.
with a sapphire (worth 680 gp), and a sil- esting situation for the buyer, however,
ver arm-band set with five emeralds and since the dragon usually has no reason to
five rubies (worth 10,020 gp). In his On Subdual and fear its new master. Second-hand
pouch are 16 gp, 34 pp, and a diamond Control of Dragons dragons will, as a rule of thumb, be more
(worth 2,500 gp). Parindes knows the troublesome and prone to attempt
Subduing a dragon, as was done to Viridis, escape. This can be alleviated if (as in
following spells. is by no means a simple or safe task, and
Level 1: Darkness, magic missile, shield Parindes case) the new master shows
subsequently attempting to retain control himself to be a person of considerable
Level 2: Detect invisible, levitate, web over the beast can prove equally difficult.
Level 3: Fire ball, haste, lightning bolt power who could, in all likelihood, kill
If a character or party chooses to the dragon if he wished.

The Tip of the Iceberg
Monster: Frost Giant when they are within hailing distance ashore again once he is on board. Instead,
Party Level: 8 - 11 (300 feet, or farther if the PCs have the while the PCs go after his treasure, Jarth
means to communicate), and pleads with offers to do chores to earn his keep, such as
Background them to rescue him, saying he is starving cleaning the ships hull (he can reach most
to death. Jarth offers his rescuers half of of it with his vast arms) and caulking
Jarth the frost giant once ruled a glacier his treasure hoard on the eastern side of seams. If the PCs agree to this and depart,
on a seaside cliff. During a great snow- the iceberg if the characters will take him but leave a sailing crew on board, the frost
storm his lands plunged into the ocean, to land. The PCs can easily persuade giant fights them as described under The
becoming an iceberg. The flow drifted Jarth to give them all his treasure, for the Attack on the Ship, below.
south, melting and ruining Jarths castle. giant actually plans to steal their ship and If the PCs insist that Jarth guide them
Now the giant, his brothers, and some abandon the party on the iceberg. to the treasure, he takes them there and
other creatures are stranded on the ice- Jarth (frost giant): AC 4;H D 10 + 1*; attacks the characters with help from his
berg. They plot to escape on a ship and hp 55; M V 120 (40); AT 1; D 4-24, or three brothers and their wolves.
strand PCs in their stead. boulder for 3-18; Save F10; M L 9; AL If the PCs warily plan to send their
C . He wears worthless furs and carries a ship to safety until they need to recall it,
Set-Up great club. Jarth is arrogant, emotional Jarth tries to eavesdrop on their plans. If
and extremely smart for a frost giant. it looks to Jarth like he will be separated
Two different set-up scenarios are sug- If the PCs attack the giant, he first either from the help of the manticore and
gested to introduce the characters to the pleads innocence and asks for mercy. If the frost salamander, or from the ship itself,
adventure. attack continues, or if the PCs look like he will attack as detailed below.
* A sailing vessel was carefully picking they will sail on without stopping, Jarth
its way through an ice-ridden sea when one shouts for the manticore to attack the ship,
of the sailors spied a castaway clinging to a
Going Ashore
concentrating on the helmsman. While the
mammoth peak of ice, screaming promises ship is under attack (hopefully floating with The iceberg is shaped like a teardrop,
of treasure to anyone who saved him. no one at the helm), Jarth collects the ice with a great mound on the west and a
Unfortunately, the ship carried no equip- salamander and wades with it to the vessel. tapering peninsula stretching 2000 feet
ment for rescues and dared not close with Then giant, salamander, and manticore eastward from the main body. The PCs
the dangerous underwater ice. All the fight together to kill the crew and take the are near the western, hilly side. Only a
ships crew could do was to shout promises ship. If the PCs kill Jarth now or at any tiny portion of the ice is above water;
of help. As soon as he reaches shore, the other point in time, or otherwise neutralize longships, river boats and sailing ships
ships captain tells the PCs of the offer of him, Jarths brothers try to capture the cannot approach closer than 200 feet to
treasure and asks them to rescue the man. ship as soon as they figure out what hap- the visible ice. If they try, they collide
When the PCs reach the iceberg, they see pened. with the iceberg, losing 1-4 hull points
the stranded frost giant described below. If the adventurers agree to rescue the per turn. The cold water inflicts 1-6
* The PCs have by chance set sail on a giant, Jarth warns them not to sail any points of damage per round on swim-
cold ocean voyage. The horizon reddens- closer than 200 feet so as not to risk their mers. The submerged ice lies ten feet
sky, ocean and sea-smoke turn pink in a ship on the underwater ice. When the ship beneath the water and presents no diff-
chill sunrise, and a mountain of jagged ice is that close, the giant flounders through culty to shallow-draft craft like rowboats.
drifts into view. It rocks slowly in the the water to the vessel, climbs aboard, and The eastern peninsula is even more
water, revealing a skirt of wet ice dipping collapses on deck, begging for food. He treacherous to approach. Any vessel
underwater, then bobbing back to the sur- eats until the PCs complain about their coming closer than 400 feet to the penin-
face. The adventurers see someone mov- supplies, then he stops gorging himself. sula loses 1-6 hull points and cannot
ing along the ice: a gigantic man crawls The D M should keep Jarths great size (18 move closer.
along the undulating shoreline. He stands, tall) in mind, as he will probably take up The iceberg rolls slightly with the
tall as a ships mast, and raises a white, much of the deck room on the ship. waves, and it may be difficult to climb
nearly skeletal arm. His vast yellow beard onto its slippery sides from a boat. A
creases, his mouth labors. Help.. .Help thief can reach shore with a successful
Jarths Plan
me! he calls. Mariners ...I starve. Save climb walls roll. Other characters must
me, I can pay a mighty ransom! Jarth wants to stay with the vessel in order make a Dexterity check at + 3 to the roll.
to capture it, and plans to take the ship If the check is failed, the character falls
when the PCs have reached his treasure at into the water. After one person reaches
The Adventure the far tip of the iceberq. When the PCs the ice, he or she can help the others

The stranded man is the frost giant, first encounter Jarth, he pretends to be ashore without incident.
Jarth. Jarth shouts to the adventurers crippled by hunger, and refuses to go

Salamander Cave 6/1-10 plus hug for 2-16; Save F3; M L 8; The manticore serves Jarth as a mes-
AL N. senger and scouts for his brothers in the
Only 100 feet upshore from the water, the The bear springs when the PCs arrive, treasure pit. When it flies off, it goes to
party notices shattered bars of ice. Several surprising them on a roll of 1-4 on ld6. warn Jarth that the PCs have begun their
holes lead into the iceberg, blue around the The shelf is only four feet wide, and slip- raid on the treasure pit, and that the
edges, dark within. Many years ago a frost pery. Whenever a PC misses a hit roll, or coast is now clear to attempt the capture
salamander moved into one of these caeci- takes more than three points of damage, he of the ship.
lia tunnels; it now lurks 150 feet down the must make a Dexterity check to avoid fall- Jarths three brothers, Grith, Thyrs
tunnel, awaiting the attack on the PCs ing. The ledge is 40 feet above the ground. and Hune, hide in the treasure pit with
ship. The salamander hides until then, It is impossible to push the polar bear over their fifteen wolves.
attacking only if disturbed. the cliff; its claws grip the ice firmly. The Grith, Thyrs, and Hune (frost giants):
Frost Salamander (1): AC 3; H D 12*; PCs can see that no bear could have AC 4; H D 10+ 1*; hp 50, 45, 33; M V
hp 50; MV 120 (40)/90 (30); AT 5 + 1- climbed to this ledge, and that therefore it 120 (40); AT 1; D 4-24; Save F10; M L
8 (cold damage to all within 20); Save was placed here. The party does not know 9; AL C . Each giant wields a huge iron
F12; M L 9; AL C . it, but Jarth carried the polar bear here to battle axe in combat. Hune carries a horn
The salamander sits amid 500 gp. attack them, planning for this when he first of blasting on a six-foot cord around his
Here are also four clerical spell scrolls of spotted their ship approaching. neck like a whistle.
resist cold and a brooch of ivory, painted Wolves (15): AC 7; H D 2 + 2 ; hp 14
with the image of a castle overlooking a each; M V 180 (60); AT 1; D 1-6; Save
Cracked Ice
dark fjord. The brooch is worth 1000 gp. F1; M L 8 or 6; AL N.
A pattern of cracks spreads across the ice
Ice Slides beneath the cliff. There is a 100-foot-
Entering the Canyon
wide band of cracked ice here with slush
After climbing 500 feet from the worm- Characters can easily climb in at either
just below the surface. A character can end of the canyon, clambering over the
holes, the PCs reach the steeper, more walk across it normally. However, foot-
dangerous parts of the iceberg. Each chunks of ice at its rim. This requires three
prints form in the ice, exposing a slurry
character must make a Dexterity check rounds for humans and elves, six rounds
of seawater and snow. If trampled, this for dwarves and halflmgs. However, unless
when entering this area. Any character area becomes a morass. Characters
who fails this check triggers an ice slide. the PCs have scouted the rim before invad-
move at half speed when crossing this ing the crevasse, they are surprised by the
The falling ice pummels all within 100 slush and lose one hit point per turn from
feet for 2-12 points damage. Anyone hit giants on a roll of 1-3 on ld6.
the frigid slurry. A man-sized character Hune does not usually use the horn
by the slide must make another Dexterity can create a trail of slush five feet wide
check or be buried. Buried characters since his boulders do more damage.
while moving at normal speed. Large, However, if Jarth is not with the party
may escape if they make a successful powerful beings, like giants, cause the
Strength check. An unburied character and the PCs kill the manticore, he blows
entire layer to sink, spreading a 100-foot- the horn to alert Jarth that the manticore
can dig one victim free in 6-48 rounds. wide swath of slush behind them.
Spells which locate victims halve the time will not be coming to aid him. If blown,
needed. Each additional rescuer sub- the horn also does 2-12 points of damage
The Treasure Pit to the PCs; characters must save versus
tracts six rounds from the time required
to dig a character free. After two turns An ice canyon stretches down the penin- spells or also be deafened for one turn.
under the ice, a buried character runs sula before the characters. It is 20 feet Obviously, if Hune has blown his horn
out of air. He must make a Constitution deep, 30 feet wide and 700 feet long. Two of blasting, the party is not surprised by
check each round thereafter, at + 2 to the huge tents of white polar-bear fur are in the giants. The frost giants can never be
roll. Victims failing this roll smother. the ravine along with several gigantic caught unaware; the manticore has kept
pots. The pots hold coins, armor and them informed of the partys progress.
Cliffside Ambush weapons. A vulture-like bird soars far
above the scene, then flies away to the The Fight
The slope ends above a smooth precipice west. This is a manticore which flew to The frost giants throw huge pieces of
overlooking the peninsula. Two iron lad- the iceberg when it was nearer to shore, ice as soon as PCs enter their pit. IfJarth
ders span the cliff. The characters must and, when the berg was blown out to sea, is with the PCs when they arrive, he
climb onto a shelf, then over it and down dashes to one side and starts to throw
was trapped with the giants.
to the peninsula. A ravenous polar bear Manticore (1): AC 4; H D 6 + 1; hp 30; boulders too. A frost giant can throw ice
hides on the ledge. boulders 60 feet at short range, 130 feet
M V 120 (40), flying 180 (60); AT 3 or
Polar Bear (1): AC 6; H D 6; hp 35; at medium range, and 200 feet at long
6; D 1-4/1-4/2-8or 1-6 x 6; Save F6; M L
M V 120 (40); AT 3 plus hug; D 1-6/1- 9; AL C. range, and does 3-18 points of damage.

There is a nearly unlimited supply of ice 20 The salamander arrives at the ship
here. The giants avoid melee as long as and joins the battle. When Jarth
possible, preferring to keep PCs pinned and his allies capture the ship, they
down at missile range, but they will sail away. Jarth even abandons his
abandon their treasure cache. Eleven own brothers, calling insults to any-
wolves help by circling and attacking PCs one he sees on the iceberg. Unless
from behind, while four slink out of the the PCs can recapture the ship (pos-
crevasse and attack any characters who sibly using the broom of flying in
flee. If the entire party runs, the giants Jarths hoard), they are stranded.
throw ice while the wolves pursue. As
running characters escape missile range, Return to the Ship
the frost giants chase them, trying to trap To return to the ship the PCs have to
the party in slush at the area of cracked ice cross each encounter area again. The D M
detailed above. must coordinate the time the party takes to
When a giant has less than ten hit points finish the encounter at the cache and cross
left, he flees to the west, hoping to reach the the iceberg with the time Jarth takes steal-
characters ship and escape on it. A giants ing their ship. It is 1100 feet from the trea-
huge size lets him escape the crevasse in one sure to the cracked ice, which the giants
round, and giants may bound across the The Attack o n the Ship will try to convert into a morass. Climbing
cracked ice leaving slush behind them. Any the cliff requires one turn, and if the polar
The manticore and the salamander will
surviving wolves protect the fleeing giants. bear is alive, it attacks. Then it is a 750-foot
help Jarth attack the PCs ship. If one of
If they reach the ship, they wade to it if it is trip over the icy slope to the water. The
these monsters has been killed, it cannot
anchored off the iceberg. party may start an iceslide. The D M
aid the attack; the D M is free to change
should also track the progress of the fleeing
these events to reflect what the PCs did
The Treasure giants, if any.
on the iceberg. There should be no hint
The tents contain only chewed bones
to the characters that their ship is under
and smelly bedding. In the treasure pots Stranded
attack unless an adventurer stays with
are 10,000 gp, 6,000 ep and 40,000 sp.
the vessel or uses appropriate magic. SinceJarth may strand the PCs on the ice-
Below the coins is a golden statue of a
charioteer (2000 gp), a silver scepter with berg, this could start another adventure in
topaz-encrusted thunderbolts coiling down
Attack Timetable which the party tries to survive, then
These events begin when the PCs see escape. The PCs can scavenge scraps from
the sides (1500 gp), a ships astrolabe set
the manticore fly away from the treasure the giants camp, and can accumulate 1-20
with rubies (900 gp), a sapphire cut to
pit. person/days worth of rations. They might
resemble a blue eye (800 gp), and three
gem-encrusted daggers (300 gp each). The also hunt the wolves. Each animal feeds
pots also contain 1000 gp worth of
Round Event two to four people well for one day, or mea-
miscellaneous supplies (from pg. 19 of the gerly for two. The polar bear feeds ten peo-
1 Manticore leaves the treasure ple for two weeks, but its meat is diseased.
Expert Rules, except for the transportation cache.
or rations lists.) In one pot is a stone Characters who eat polar bear meat must
12 The manticore alerts the frost sala- make a successful Constitution check, or
scratched with runes, which works like a mander by shouting into the hole.
scroll of protection from magic The runes suffer a - 1 on hit and saving throw rolls
The salamander and manticore for 1-4 days. Other creatures here are ined-
crumble when the power is used. A wand of advance on the PCs ship.
cold with nine charges stands upright amid ible.
13 The manticore joins Jarthat the It is up to the D M to create an adven-
coins. It is covered with white leather and ship and they begin the attack.
marked with the image of a longbow. The ture to get the characters off the iceberg
15 The salamander reaches the edge of before they starve or it disintegrates
giants own a shield + 2, emblazoned with a the iceberg. If the PCs left a rowboat
golden boars head, and a broom of flying around them. The tables on pg. 30 of the
there, the creature pushes it out to Expert Rulebook are helpful for determin-
These magical items lie amid many sea. The salamander walks to the
normal weapons and trinkets. Without a ing what creatures might be encoun-
PCs ship on the submerged ice, tered. PCs may be able to bargain for a
detect magic spell, a PC must make a using its four back legs and holding
successful Intelligence check to notice ride to shore, attempt to hijack a ship
its head out of the water. It can push themselves, or the iceberg might drift to
them. the boat while doing this. Mean- shore, depositing PCs in some unexpect-
while, the battle continues with ed or dreaded place.
Jarth and the manticore at the ship.

rasniy the
Monster: Red Dragon ters are in the town hall, which also con- the towns overlord. The adventure
Party Level: 12 - 15 tains the towns jail in its basement. begins when the characters travel
Behind the town hall is a large barn, through Saffir on their journeys.
Background which houses Krasniys air force: two
wyverns and three griffons. The Town
Saffir and Krasniy Wyverns (2): AC 3; H D 7 * ; hp 36,28,
MV 90 (30), flying 240 (80); #AT 1 Several farms lie on the outskirts of the
Saffir was always a peaceful town, but
bite/l sting; D 2-16/1-6 + poison; Save town. For the most part, the farmers are
since the warlord Krasniy and his guards
F4; M L 9; AL C . in their fields, tending crops or watching
moved in to protect it, most of the
Griffons (3): AC 5; H D 7; hp 40, 38, over animals. If approached, the farmers
inhabitants live in fear of losing their
30; M V 120 (40), flying 360 (120); are reticent and afraid to talk about the
lives and property. Krasniy has outlawed
#AT 2 clawdl bite; D 1-4/1-4/2-16; Save recent problems of the town.
magic in Saffir and raised taxes to their
F4; M L 8; AL N. When the characters first enter saffir,
highest levels ever.
These creatures are used to terrorize the they are approached by a nervous-looking
Krasniy himself is a tall, ruddy-
populace. Farmers who resist Krasniys shopkeeper named Pandrum. He beckons
complexioned man. H e is clean shaven,
icts often find horses, cattle, sheep, or them into his bakery, looking up and down
and has a head of bright red shoulder-
goats missing from their fields the next day. the street as he does so. Once safely inside,
length hair. H e wears no armor, but car-
Tkle party might see one or more of these he introduces himself and eyes each of the
ries a heavy t wo-handed sword in a
:atures roaming the skies at any time. adventurers carefully. Seeing that they are
jeweled scabbiard hanging from an
0 1le griffon is Krasniys personal mount; strangers, he warns them of Krasniys
ornate belt. Arcmnd his left arm, above
no one else is allowed to ride it, but Kras- tyrannical rule: if the city guards see them,
the elbow, is a, L:A+
,.AA ,...-L..A
5ulu armband
niy spends a good part of the day flying their magic items will be confiscated and
tight against his bicep.
over the town and his new castle. the characters will be jailed. Pandrum asks
The town is nestled in a small valley;
Also safely locked within the town hall the partys help in ridding the town of
and constantly guarded is Krasniys trea- Krasniy, offering to hold their possessions
area, c
sure, consisting of 3,000 pp, 30,000 gp, safely while they scout around. The simple
and a locked chest, trapped with a poison baker is an ordinary, Lawful human, who
bazaar. ivivsL townspeople and farmers
needle in the lock. Once open, the chest is sincerely concerned about the future of
serve Krasniy only under duress, and

reveals gems worth a total of 8,000 gp. his town.

would be more that 1 happy for someone
to oust him from hi,o nposition
. . _,
nart-nn v
~ ~ l o Av
Other valuables confiscated from the As the adventurers wander through
townspeople have been sold to pay Kras- the town, roll ld6 every 2 turns; a roll of
few inhabitants, however, see Krasniys
niys many employees. 1 indicates an encounter with two city
reign as a way to line their own pockets.
Krasniys city guards are all 3rd-level guards. If the party is carrying weapons
The characters will have to be careful
fighters, commanded by 4th-level lieu- or obvious magic, they will be arrested
whom they trust in Saffir
tenants. by the guards and taken to the town hall
Krasniy is a polymorplhed red dragon1
Guards (36): AC 7 (leather armor); for questioning. If the characters resist,
who is using his power to loot the towns-
people and establish a bas- .- r,c-.-.-..,,t:-..<
upLlatLulls F3; hp 16 each; M V 120 (40); #AT 1; D the guards will give them the option of
1-8 (sword); Save F3; M L 8; AL C . leaving the town immediately. If the
for further forays after magic and trea
Guard Lieutenants (4): AC 5 (chain characters refuse, the guards go for rein-
sure. Krasniys hen chmen are allI
mail armor); F4; hp 22 each; M V 120 forcements before initiating an attack
unaware of his true idei
(40); #AT 1; D 1-8 (sword); Save F4; against the party. If the characters are
Red dragon form: AC - I; m u IU ;
ML 9; AL C. arrested, they will be released with their
hp 65; M V 90 (30), flying 240 (80);
weapons after a few hours, but their
#AT 2 clawdl bite plus breath weapon;
magical items will not be returned,
D 1-8/1-8/3-30; Save F10, M L 10; AL Set-Up If the characters were careful enough
C . I n dragon form, Krasniy can breathe The goal of this adventure is to free the not to flaunt their status as adventurers,
a cone of fire 90 long and 310 wide three
town from Krasniys greedy and insensi- the guards ask their business in town, but
times per day. He knows the following
I . tive rule. Since characters with magical do not otherwise interfere with them if a
spells: charm person, detect magic, read lan-
items will have them taken away by the plausible answer is given.
pages, continual light, ESe invisibility
town guard (procedure detailed below), In any case, Krasniy himself is inter-
haste, infravision lightning bolt.
either this action, a conflict with the ested in the strangers when he hears of
Krasniy is constructing a castle in the
guards, or pleas from oppressed citizenry the them from his guards reports. The
nearby mountains where it will overlook
to overthrow Krasniy should serve to warlord immediately approaches the
the town, but meanwhile his headquar-
embroil the characters in a move against adventurers and tries to find out more

about them. Krasniy offers them jobs as
town guards, thinking that in this way he
can keep a better eye on the party. If they
accept, Krasniy gives them miscellane-
ous tasks in the town for a few days while
he and his guards observe them.
Meanwhile, if Krasniy succeeds with his
ESP spells, or otherwise finds reason to dis-
trust the party, he attempts to get rid of
them without a fight and without revealing
his true nature. The easiest way to do this
is to send them off on a wild goose chase,
perhaps on a special mission to meet a
rich caravan of merchants.
Next to Pandrums bakery is an alche-
mists shop. Mendel, the elven proprie-
tor, is Neutral in alignment. Although he
is now in Krasniys employ, he is not in
agreement with his harsh methods, and
would be willing to help the party if
offered a sufficient reward. He can sell
them a potion of flying and a potion of invul-
nerability at twice their normal prices. He
will not turn the party in to Krasniy
unless he is threatened.
Across the street from the alchemists
shop is the Blue Feather, Saffirs inn. Its
first story houses a tavern; rooms for
guests are upstairs. Ethelbert, the inn-
keeper, is Lawful and frightened. At any
given time, the boisterous crowd in the
inn includes two or three of Krasniys
town guards, all of whom Ethelbert must
serve for free. Five other guards are
asleep upstairs in their complimen-
tary rooms. Ethelbert is uncertain how
long he can stay in business at this rate. Also stationed at the town hall are two entire structure at once. (In fact, Krasniy
His wife, Zaida, is also Lawful, but she animal trainers. During the day, they are started the conflagration himself with a few
will help the adventurers in whatever usually found in the barn housing the well-placed breaths.) The temples bishop
way she can if asked politely. She hates to wyverns and hippogriffs. Each animal is has not been seen since; the villagers sup-
see the way the guards have brought out taken for a flight by one of the trainers pose he died in the fire.
the cowardice in her husband Ethelbert. each day, to keep the creature in shape. Actually, Bishop Yancey is a prisoner
The town hall is in the center of the Both animal trainers are Chaotic sup- in Krasniys jail in the basement of the
town, a few buildings down from the porters of Krasniy. town hall. Yancey, a 7th-level cleric, is
Blue Feather. Krasniy has 36 fighters Just past the town hall is a burnt-out shell kept chained to a wall so he cannot make
working as town guards, although the of a building. From the charred remains, it use of his gods spells to effect his escape
town hall never contains that number at is evident that the structure was once large from his cell. Krasniy is holding him
any one time. During the day, eight and probably attractive, but it is impossible because he is convinced that the bishop
guards are stationed there, while eight to tell now what purpose it served. If the knows the whereabouts of some treasure
others patrol the town and eight sleep at characters ask, they will learn that the build- belonging to his temple. Krasniys ESP
the inn. At night, four night flyers are ing was the towns temple, devoted to a spell has so far not enabled him to pene-
available to fly the wyverns and griffons Lawful god. The building burned down trate into the bishops secretive mind. If
if necessary. Six patrol the streets on foot, shortly after Krasniy moved in, the victim the characters are arrested, they will
while six others guard the town hall. of a mysterious fire that consumed the meet the bishop while in jail. If they free

him from his chains, he gladly assists are kept in line by the implicit threat to ground-to-air combat, initiative is deter-
them with his spells. His sect had no spe- their friends and relatives in town. mined in the regular way.
cial treasure other than the value of the The partys best apparent strategy to The second main factor in aerial combat
temple building, now destroyed, Saffir is defeat Krasniy is to dispose of as many is the relative altitude of the creatures
not a rich town, and the temples attend- guards as possible in such a way as not to involved. The higher creature has a + 1
ees were not generous enough to endow alert the warlord, then to steal the adjustment to its initiative roll for the
it with costly adornments. wyverns and griffons. The party could round.
Also in the jail (although not chained) is use these beasts to attack Krasniy in the Riding Equipment
Duncan, a grubby man who explains he air, alone, while he flies his own mount. A saddle and bridle for a horse costs 25
was traveling through town when Kras- The DM should encourage this plan; the gp, and may be optional. Riders of flying
niys guards captured him. He fears that easiest way to do this is to keep Krasniy creatures mwt use an appropriate saddle
he will never see his family again, and begs in the air as much as possible, so the par- and bridle, custom-made for the type of
the party to help him escape from Kras- ty cant attack him on the ground. creature involved. This equipment costs
niys clutches. Duncan has befriended the Once an air attack begins, Krasniy poly- 15 gp per hit die of the mount.
bishop, who can vouch for his good treat- morphs hack into his true form, He aims Medium and large rocs can support
ment, In fact, Duncan is a Chaotic spy his cone-shaped breath of fire to hit as roc platforms holding up to four men.
working for Krasniy His mission is to dis- many targets as he can. In this regard, he These platforms can be enclosed for pro-
cover the secret of the supposed treasure waits to breathe until he has the hest tection from the elements (and attackers).
from the bishop, and to report on any oth- chance to hit two or more characters at
er suspicious activities of prisioners. once. He also aims to hit spellcasters first. Steadiness
Across from the temples rubble is the Once the party has defeated Krasniy Not all mounts are steady enough to
village smithy Eli, a tall, brawny man and mopped up the rest of his henchmen, allow the unrestricted use of missile weap-
sweating at the forge, supplies the town the citizens of Safh honor the adventurers ons; the chart below indudes this informa-
with metal tools and, in the past, weapons. as heroes. Bishop Yancey heals whatever tion for the commonest flying creatures and
He pretends to be a Lawful opponent of injuries he can, and the townspeople offer devices. Steadiness is also required to cast
Krasniy, but in fact is Chaotic, and will he their loyalty and fealty to the adventurers. spells. Missiles fired from an unsteady p s i -
quick to betray the party if given a chance. With a partially-completedcastle up on the tion have a - 4 penalty on to hit rolls.
Eli is a retired 6th-level fighter, with a long hillside, this is a good way to award a Armor a n d Weapons
sword + I hidden in the smithy Eli will not stronghold to a deserving character. Because of the special nature of aerial
hesitate to use it if attacked. combat, many options open to pound
Wandering up and down the street, On Aerial Combat fighters are not open to flyers. Two-handed
and bound to meet the party sooner or weapons and shields can not be used fmm
later, is Milton, the town fool. He holds A variety of factors unimportant in the back of an unsteady flying creature,
out his tattered hat and asks for a dona- ground battles must be taken into because at least one hand must hold the
tion to help feed his starving family, account for aerial encounters with reins.
although he has never been married and dragons and other flying creatures. Ordinary barding is not available for
has no children. Milton is Neutral and Speed and Height flying creatures because of its excessive
much smarter than he seems. This The variable that affccts aerial combat encumbrance. Magical means for
fool in fact is a 4th-level magic-user, the most is the speed of the combatants. increasing the armor class of a flying
with protectionfrom evil and phantasmalforce The rate of movement affects not only creature, might he found, however.
spells memorized to protect himself. He the ongoing battle, but also attempts to Training
resents the rude attitude ofthe townspeo- escape or evade combat. Flying creatures must be properly sub-
ple since Krasniys takeover; his alms The speed of flying creatures in the
dued and trained before they will accept
lately have been fewer than normal, D&D@game varies from 20 feet per melee riders. This is most easily done if the animal
since ordinary folk are finding it hard to round up to 160 feet per melee round. is newborn or young; even so,most are nev-
get by on whats left over after the Without obstructions, afaster creature try- er tamed in the strict sense of the word.
dragons heavy taxes. ing to escape can always outdistance its Young animals can be taught directly;
Above the valley, ahout 40 people pursuers. older beasts must be subdued in the same
labor at erecting Krasniys new castle. In air-to-air combat, subtract the way that dragons are subdued.
About half of these workers were legiti- slower speed from the faster speed to Flight training takes 2d6 months and
mately hired by Krasniy; the remainder compute the relative difference. Faster costs 500 gp per month. A trainer can
are townspeople forced into service. creatures then have a + 1 adjustment to handle up to six creatures, but is skilled
There are only four of Krasniys guards their initiative rolls for each 30-foot dif- with only one type of creature.
here at any given time, but the citizenry ference in speed. In air-to-ground and

Creature Melee Speed Number of Riders Steady swoop
Dragon, huge 80 2 Yes Yes
Dragon, other 80 1 no Yes
Air elemental 120 0 Yes no
Broom o f j y i n g 80 2 no Yes
Chimera 60 1 no Yes
Cockatrice 60 0 no no
Djinni 80 0 Yes no
Draco lizard 7 0 0 no no
Efreeti 80 no
F& spell 120 Yes
Flying carpet 100 Yes
Giant bats 60 no
Gargoyle 50 Yes
Griffon 120 Yes
Harpy 50 Yes
Hippogriff 120 Yes
Insect swarm 20 no
Killer bee 50 no
Levitate spell 20* no
Manticore 60 Yes
Pegasus 160 no
Pixie 60 Yes
Pterodactyl 60 0 no no
Pteranodon 120 1 no Yes
Robber fly 60 0 no no
Roc 160 4 Yes Yes
Spectre 100 0 Yes no
Sprite 60 0 Yes no
Stirge 60 0 no no
Vampire 60 0 no no
Wraith 80 0 Yes no
Wyvern 80 1 no Yes
* vertical motion only

Steady tells whether or not the creature is steady enough in flight to enable the use of missile weapons. The swoop attack is explained in
the D@D Expert@ rulebook.

The Feud of the Fire Giants
Monster: Fire Giant Save F6; M L 9; AL C; X P 725 each. each; Move 120 (40); #AT 2 claws, 1
Party Level: 12 - 15 Two rounds after the hell-hounds bite; D 1-4/1-4/1-8; Save F8; M L 8; AL
arrive, two fire giants come out to inves- N; X P 1200 each.
tigate the disturbance. They will ask why The fire in this place is a gate from the
Set-Up the party is here. A plausible explanation Plane of Fire. It cannot be used by mor-
The party is traveling through mountain plus a favorable reaction roll may enable tals, and any attempting to go through
foothills. As they round a bend they see a the party to enter the cave. Failure take 3-30 points of damage. A successful
hulking shape standing 100 feet away. brings immediate attack. save vs. spells halves the damage.
The characters are facing the setting sun, Fire Giants (2): AC 4; H D 11 + 2 ; hp
and cannot make out any details of the 61 each; Move 120 (40); #AT 1 weap- The Sloping Passage
figure. on; D 5-30; Save F11; M L 9; AL C ; X P The right-hand passage slopes down-
As the party approaches, the sun no 1900. ward at a 45-degree angle. Every 10 feet,
longer blinds the adventurers, and they strange iron gargoyles stick out of the
come face to face with a male hill giant In the Cavern walls 18 feet above the ground.
staring blankly at them. The giant does Once in the cave, the party sees a Forty feet down this hall a trap is trig-
not communication and if touched, top- three-way passage ahead of them, and to gered by the party. One round later, huge
ples face forward, dead. His back seems one side a smelly alcove where the hell- pots hidden over the hall entrance release
to have been gashed by a massive blade. hounds rested. If the party did not trig- hot oil to spill down the passage. If the oil
The giant has not been dead for long. ger the trap, the hellhounds attack them contacts bare flesh, it causes five points of
Inside a pouch on the giants belt is a here. The fire giants mentioned above damage, no saving throw allowed. Flame
dwarf skull, an old shoe, 5 gp and a enter from the right-hand passage, and dropped on the oil causes a horrible con-
badly-drawn map. Scribbled on the side go through the same routine as if the trap flagration, inflicting 10d10 points of
of the map are the words dohter, prizun had been sprung. damage per round. A save vs Breath cuts
Folo trale to trezur. The map shows a path According to the map, the right-hand damage in half.
into the mountains, and its shape passage leads to the treasure, and the left The iron gargoyles are handholds
matches that of the road the characters one leads to the prisoner. Both of these built for fire giants so they will not slide
have been walking on. halls are 20 feet high and wide. The down the hall on the oil. They rarely use
The map is simple to follow. In two clanging of hammers on metal echoes this hall and dont mind the inconven-
hours, the map leads the party off the road throughout the complex. The air is hot ience of the trap.
and onto a rarely used trail. Two hours and the cavern stuffy. The hall is 240 feet long. An iron bar
after that, the adventurers arrives at a large sticks out of the wall 18 feet above the
mountain with a cave entrance. A faint The Man-Trap floor and 180 feet down the hall. Fire
ringing sound comes from within. The middle passage is eight feet high giants push this as they walk by to deacti-
and wide. The map only shows the vate the next trap. Although the party
The Adventure entrance to the hallway, not what lies has one round to react to this object, they
beyond it. The hall is man-sized; it will probably slide past it on the oil. Nev-
A plaque out:side the cavern
~~ ~ .. .
-.. extends 240 feet and opens into a cham- ertheless, there is some chance that the
reads, in Common, Knock ifye be a fellow ber 60 feet in diameter, with a bronze adventurers can move it. If they some-
giant of the fires. A worn block of wood is door opposite the hallway. how manage to do so, the lever swings
set under the sign. Knocking causes a If the door is touched, a bronze port- towards the wall with a loud click. The
20x 20 hole to open up directly in front cullis crashes down and seals the cham- traps are now deactivated.
of the sign. Everyone standing there ber off from the hallway. The door is The hall ends in a %-foot square
plummets into a pit 20 feet deep and false, leading nowhere. room. A giant-sized door is opposite the
takes 2d6 of damage. Of course, no self- One round later, the floor opens and sloping hall. If the characters did not trip
respecting giant would deal with the lan- drops the party 30 feet into a pit sur- the massive iron lever, the floor opens
guage of hurnans. rounded by fire. From out of the fire and they drop 50 feet into a pit with
The noise from this plunge alerts three come four salamanders, guests of the fire bronze spikes for 5d6 of damage. Roll
hell-hounds, who arrive at the pit in one giants. The bronze portcullis heats up to Id8 per character to determine how
round and breathe fire into it. Due to the searing temperatures, thanks to heat- many spikes he falls on, each one causing
cramped quarters, the characters suffer a conducting rods and cannot be touched 5 points of damage. The trap door closes
- 4 penalty on their saving throws. by characters. The salamanders are above, and requires 48 Strength points
Hell hounds (3): AC 4; H D 6; hp 40 bored with this clan of giants, and may to open it again.
each; Move 120 (40); #AT 1 bite or let the group go if well-bribed. In the pit the party finds the remains of
breath; D 1-6 (bite) or 6-36 (breath); Salamanders (4): AC 2; H D 8; hp 60 several bodies, including two in plate mail.

A search reveals 784 gp, two emeralds To the Chimera thief who attempts to open it without first
worth 500 gp each, 10 arrows + 1, a war A 100-foot-long corridor lies beyond locating traps is stabbed in the hand with
hammer + 1, a pair of elven boots and a pair of the door, ending at another locked iron a poison, and must make a save vs Poi-
gauntlets ofogrepower. Also found are a set of door. Beside the door is an open chest of son or die immediately.
thieves tools and a vial of holy water. bronze. It contains the corpses of a dozen The chest contains the fire giants own
A four-foot wide ledge rings the room halflings. treasure: 10 gold bars each worth 500 gp
above; if characters climb out of the pit, Beyond the door dwells a chimera, and weighing 50 pounds, and five rubies
they may be able to use the ledge to make tamed by the fire giants. If it is fed half- worth 1000 gp each are hidden in a false
their way out of the room. Overhead are lings, it will not attack. If the party bottom. Here are also a ring of plant con-
iron gargoyles. If the oil trap was trigger- attacks while it is feeding, they get a free trol, a cmpet ofJyinf and a wand offireballs,
ed, the ledge is slick; anyone attempting strike at it, then combat occurs in the all normal magical items designed for
to negotiate the ledge without some normal fashion. If Houurik is with the humans. Houurik wants half of this
anchorage must make a Dexterity check group, he calls the chimera Woog and monetary treasure. If refused, he plots
or fall back down into the pit. feeds him some halflings. Anyone attack- treachery against the group.
The door is locked and made of solid ing his pet is attacked in turn by the
iron that requires a total of 70 Strength giant. If the party does not feed the chi- T h e Left-Hand Passage
points to open. Four characters may mera, it helps itself to the players. The left-hand passage from the cavern
attempt this at once. Beyond this door is Chimera: AC 4; H D 9; hp 60; Move entrance is a hallway 100 feet long with
a 60-foot-square chamber. It contains 120 (40), flying 180 (60); #AT 2 claws, an eerie red glow at the end of it. Sounds
four giant-sized chairs and a gigantic 3 heads, 1 breath; D 1-3/1-3/2-8/1-10/3- of forging and hammering echo down
table. The table has been flipped over to 12 + 3-18; Save F9; M L 9; AL C; X P this hall.
form a hasty shield, and behind it are two 2300. A hidden alcove halfway down the cor-
fire giants. Behind them and directly The chimeras room is 100 feet in ridor is a fire giant guard station. The
ahead of the PCs is a door with no lock. diameter. A passageway opens up to the three fire giants on duty here attack any
The oil and pit traps ring a bell in this left, perpendicular to the groups line of non-fire giant walking down this hall.
room. If the giants were warned, they entry. These and other fire giants have the same
are ready for a fight. Otherwise, they are statistics as those given above.
seated at the table. To the Treasure Room A gong hangs in the alcove; one giant
Fire Giants (2): AC 4; H D 11 + 2; hp This corridor is 90 feet long, ending in rings it to alert others farther down the
61 each; Move 120 (40); #AT 1 weap- a circular room 70 feet across. At the hallway. If Houurik is with the party, he
on; D 5-30; Save F11; M L 9; AL C ; X P back of the room, to the partys left, lies will not fight these giants, claiming that
1900. the hill giants treasure. In a massive, 20- his grudge is against the chief alone.
The giants each have a supply of 12 boul- foot-long burlap sack are 4,000 gp, a ten-
ders to throw. They attempt to hit spell- foot-long wooden club + 2, 100 pounds of The Forge Chamber
casters, then close with their great swords broken crockery, a giant-sized shield + 2, At the end of the hall, the passageway
when the rocks are used up. If the giants and a giant-sized helm of reading. turns to the right and opens up into a vast
had no warning, they fight a retreating By far the most important item is a cavern 250 feet across. It is dominated by
action to the opposite door, preferring to large rock, three feet in diameter. This a fire pit 40 feet wide, which sends flames
make a last stand in the treasure room. The rock is a revered relic of the famous hill shooting 30 feet high. Surrounding it are
giants have no treasure on them, and they giant chief Gynnyakk, and his rune is various pieces of giant-sized forging and
will fight to the death. They gain a - 2 carved in it. It has only historical value, metalworking equipment.
bonus on morale checks since they are and that only to a hill giant. Characters
defending the community treasure. who know hill giant lore may be familiar If the giants here heard the warning
If the group tries to parley, check the with the legend: one day Gynnyakk was gong, most are lurking behind or in the
giants morale. If it fails, they are willing challenged to a rock throwing contest by flames, leaping out to surprise the group.
to talk ...for now. One giant is called a rival. The winner would be chief. The The ones behind the fire lob rocks (at - 2
Houurik; he hates his chief and is willing upstart threw his rock far and true, but to hit) at the party. There are 12 fire
to help the party overthrow him. He Gynnyakk fumbled, tossing the rock giants here.
claims to have some allies in the clan. high into the air. It came down and hit One of these giants is Grimered Fire-
The other giant is Zakk. He is quite his rival on the head, killing him imme- head, the clan chief. His folk have fallen
stupid and follows Houuriks lead. If one diately. Everyone was impressed, and upon hard times, and he is hoping that
giant dies before the group parleys, it Gynnyakk remained chief. the forging of new tools and weapons
should be Zakk. A locked bronze chest lies opposite the may increase their fortunes. If the char-
burlap bag, to the groups right. Any acters try to parley, Grimered lets them

speak. If asked why he captured the hill crash into the chamber. They are led by
giantess, Grimered replies that he wants their chief, whose daughter is the kidnap
On Fire Giants
a hostage to bargain with, perhaps to victim. The hill giants have launched a It is common knowledge that the larger
increase the clans wealth. punitive raid against the fire giants, and the giant, the more intelligent it is. Fire
Grimered Firehead (fire giant chief): are also trying to get the giantess back. giants are fairly smart, needing technical
AC 2; H D 13; hp 80; Move 120 (40); Hill giant chief: AC 3; H D 9; hp 5 5 ; knowledge in order to forge weapons.
#AT 1 weapon; D 5-30; Save F13; M L Move 120(40); #AT 1 weapon; D 2-16; Fire giants could be called a large version
10; AL C; X P 2100. Save F9; M L 9; AL C ; X P 780. of the dwarves, though either race would
If the adventurers killed Houuriks Hill giants (20): AC 4; HD 8; hp 40; take offense at such a comparison. Both
chimera and refused to give him half the Move 120 (40); #AT 1 weapon; D 2-16; races dislike each other, since both are
treasure, he attacks the PCs at this point, Save F8; M L 8; AL C ; X P 650 each. accomplished metalsmiths (the dwarves are
urging the other giants to do the same. In their frenzy, the hill giants attack slightly better) and they compete for similar
By attacking the PCs, he hopes to make the adventurers as well as the fire giants. underground territories.
Grimered look soft and himself look Rear ranks toss rocks while front ranks There are many tribes within fire
good. Otherwise, if the chimera is still close in with clubs. The fire giants, con- giant society, and many clans within each
alive or if Houurik has received half the vinced that the players lured the hill tribe. Usually clans are based on profes-
treasure, he walks forward and calls his giants to their lair, fight everyone. sion o r metalsmithing specialties.
allies to his side. No one comes. He tries After two rounds, the befuddled Yeeetch Weaponmasters, armorers, tinkers and
again, with the same results. If the char- sees the PCs and assumes that theyre here smiths are the prominent specialties.
acters intervene on Houuriks behalf, to rescue her. She staggers over to her Other clans include warriors, hunter-
speaking well of him, roll a reaction father and begs him to stop killing her gatherers, and builders.
based on the charisma of the speaker, brave rescuers. Reluctantly, the chief Fire giant lairs can be anything from a
with a - 2 penalty. If the result is relents, and orders his group to focus on castle of black mud to a cave featuring
friendly, five giants rally to Houuriks killing the fire giants. This enrages the fire latent volcanic activity. Those who live in
side, and the melee begins anew. Unfor- giants even further, since it seems to con- actual buildings are usually more orga-
tunately, when Houurik said he had a firm that the characters are working with nized and well-off than their cave dwelling
few friends, he was too accurate. Only the hill giants. This may prompt them to brothers.
these five giants will help Houurik out. begin fighting in a very dirty manner, Fire giants are greedy, prizing nothing
including picking up the humans and toss- more highly than gold. They use gold in
Beyond the Forge Room ing them into the fire pit. their metalworking-the more gold, the
Two corridors lead out of this room, one The fire giants are outnumbered and more important the giant. They love gems
opposite the entrance, the other perpendic- soon defeated. The chief of the hill giants that have a reddish cast, such as rubies.
ular to the right of the entrance. One grudgingly thanks the PCs and decides Their greed rivals that of dwarves, which
round after melee begins, four more fire not to kill them. only serves to give them one more thing to
giants enter the fray via the side passage. Assume that half the hill giants are slain, fight over with dwarves. Fire giants also
These four giants were guarding the but make sure Yeeetch and her father love the art of making traps, and create
hill giantess Yeeetch. Thev cot her drunk Ooobuhlaaahh survive. There will be no clever mechanical traps to guard their jeal-
so she would E survivors among the fire giants. If the PCs ously hcarded gold.
Now, half consci mention of the hill giant treasure they Human-sized creatures cannot use fire
and staggers intl found, the chief will trade them some use- giant-forged weapons. These weapons are
that the commotion means a party is less items for the above-mentioned trea- balanced for giants and are unwieldy in
going on. She talks loudly and trips over sure. In their travel bags and available for smaller hands. The damage and encum-
many things, perhaps even the PCs. trade, the giants have a pair of boots of brance of these weapons is also different
Two rounds after.._.. Yeeetch
~ _...__.. enters.
_.___._ elvedind, a suit of human-sized plate + 2, a from the human-proportioned norm, as
another 18 fire giants enter the melee, shield -!-3, and a staf of healing-. can be seen in the following table.
coming from the,ir common dorm. They If the D M wishes, Yeeetch may fall in Weapon Damage Encumbrance
enter the chamb,er via the passage oppo- love with the partys male human fighter
site the entrance with the lowest charisma. The chief will Battle axe 4-24 600cn
At this moment, loud muttering is Hammer 3-18 400cn
insist that the character come back with Mace 3-18 400 cn
heard from the main hallway. The party them to their settlement. It should be Pole arm 5-30 1OOOcn
has one round in which to brace them- very amusing seeing the man try to Spear 3-18 400cn
selves for this new trouble while they worm out of this one! Sword, two-handed 5-30 1OOOcn
continue to fight the fire giants. At the Sword, long 4-24 600cn
end of that round, twenty hill giants

The Deluded Dragon
Monster: Gold Dragon vince the party, she will also promise helpful to the adventurers.
Party Level: 16 - 20 them the aid of a powerful magical crea- Althea. Human form: AC 9; H D as
ture (meaning herself in dragon form), normal human; hp 52; M V 120 (40);
but states she cannot say any more until #AT 1; D 1-4 (dagger); Save F1; ML 11;
Set-Up her father is returned to normal. Althea AL L. She wears an amulet of shape chang-
The party has arrived in the seaport of insists on accompanying the party, since ing, which enables her to polymorph into
Nandua, a town notorious for its popula- she claims that only she can use the Gem. dragon form (or other forms, including
tion of smugglers and pirates. When the If the party is uninterested in helping human) at will.
characters arrange for lodging, they are Althea with her plight, they are soon Gold Dragon form: AC - 2 ; H D
approached by a well-dressed young approached by the Sheriff. A gold 11* *; hp 52; MV 90 (30); Flying 240
woman. She introduces herself to the dragon has suddenly taken to terrorizing (80); #AT 2 clawdl bite; D 2-80-8/6-
group as Althea, says she has a business traffic on the coast road south of town. A 36; Save F11; M L 11; AL L. Breath
proposition, and invites them to dine reward is offered for the group that can Weapon: Fire, 90 x 30; Gas 50 x 40.
with her. During the meal, she relates her stop the dragons depredations. If the Althea can use the following spells.
story. characters become involved in the
Althea lives with her father, Kevran, adventure in this manner, see The Raid- Level 1: Charm person, magic missile,
an elderly sage. They and some servants ing Dragon below. hold portal, shield
are the only inhabitants of Denstehn Level 2: Detect invisible, invisibility,
Keep, an old watch tower near the coast The Adventure knock, wizard lock
road south of town. Althea mentions that
her father acquired a fair amount of trea- The Gold DragonLS Level 3: Haste, lightning bolt, protection
sure in his youth, and they now live very from evil 10 radius, dispel
Kevran and Althea are gold dragons who
well. magic
live in Denstehn Keep. Their true identi-
Unfortunately, word of their hidden . . * ..
ty is a secret known only to their tew old
wealth must have gotten around,
and trusted servants.
The Thief and the Merchant
because a thief finally plundered one of The Gem of Delusion (detailed below) The rogue thief Poludoris works with
Kevrans most dangerous curios. The is an ancient relic that Kevran has had in Edwina Markburr, a gnomish merchant.
fellow took a magical stone known as the his treasure hoard for y ears. There is a Poludoris does not know the name of the
Gem of Delusion; worse, he used it on command word inscribedd on one facet of gem he has stolen, and has no idea of its
Kevran before he left. Althea reveals lit- the sapphire-like gemstome. Kevran, in true nature; neither he nor Edwina have
tle of the Gems properties (detailed human form, caught the. thief P nw.uuwlly
3 1~irlnr;a
L1lA\l. I had time to identify the purpose of the
below), but this much she says: Kevran in the act of stealing the relic. When obviously magical jewel. The partners in
no longer knows his daughter or ser- Poludoris experimentally spoke the com- crime have resolved to smuggle the stone
vants, and has become violently para- mand word, the Gem took full affect on out of the Nandua area, and sell it in the
noid and defensive. Kevran wont let Kevran. As this demonstrates, anyone city of Carack.
Althea into the Keep, and he grows more can use the Gem, although Althea does Poludoris: AC 5; T H 17; hp 78; MV
and more dangerous in his paranoid not reveal this to the adventurers. 120 (40); #AT 1; D 1-6 + 3 ( + 3 short
delusions. Only another exposure to the Althea also does not mention that she sword); Save T17; M L 8; AL C. Polu-
Gem can return him to his senses. and her father are dragons. She does not doris carries a blackjack, wears a ring of
Althea has been able to trace the
want harassment by treasure seekers, safety, an ear ring, leather armor + 2 , and
whereabouts of the relic, and has found nor does she wish to discourage the has a potion of growth.
that a merchant caravan is departing adventurers with the knowledge that Edwina Markburr (gnome): AC 7;
soon with the Gem hidden among its car- they will be confronting a gold dragon H D as 0-level human; hp 4; MV 90
go. The thief who stole it and the mer- not in his right mind. She is evasive if the (30); #AT 1; D 1-4 (dagger); Save F1;
chant who is transporting it work party asks how she traced the Gem of M L 10; AL N. Edwina wears a ring of
together; neither of them know the nat- Delusion. In fact, she was near home protection + 3. She carries a baf of holding
ure of the Gems effect, but covet the when the thief stole the Gem. Althea was in which are two eggs of wonder and 300
stone for its natural beauty. familiar with the jewel as part of the trea-
Althea asks the party to help her recov- PP.
sure hoard, and treasure-sense (see On
er the Gem of Delusion from the cara-
van, and to help her get close enough to
Gold Dragons at the end of this adventure) The Caravan
allowed her to detect it in the possession
her father to use it on him. She promises Edwinas caravan departs Nandua the
of the thief, who she then followed. With
the adventurers material rewards if they day after the party is introduced to this
these exceptions, Althea is truthful and
help aid her father. If necessary to con- adventure. The caravan transports bulk

cotton, but hidden among the bales is Route of Travel ambushers. The captains preferred tac-
smuggled wine worth 1,000 gp in the tic is to charge the enemy, in no case
The caravan departs southward from allowing his people to stand still under
right market. Edwina travels in a Nandua along the coast road. After three
horse-litter; only she and Poludoris know enemy fire. If there are few or no enemy
days the pack-train arrives in another archers, one or both squads switch to
that the Gem is concealed inside it. seaport town, whence it embarks for the
The cotton is not a very valuable melee weapons and charge.
city of Carack. At that point, the caravan Edwinas four senior guards are her
cargo, and Edwina is well-known in this
is, for the purposes of this scenario, out personal protection and do not leave her
area. Her reputation as a smugglers of the reach of the adventurers. If the
friend is enough to frighten off most side if she is in danger. If the situation
party has not recovered the Gem of look hopeless, they do their best to fight
bandits, since Nandua smugglers and
Delusion by the third day of travel, the their way clear, taking Edwinas horse-
pirates revenge themselves on those who
D M must determine if, or how, the pur- litter and personal pack animal with
interfere with the sale of their goods.
suit will continue. them.
Edwina therefore believes herself to be
One time during each day of travel,
relatively safe and has hired no extra the caravan passes a point on the road
guards. The caravan consists of 35 pack Edwina
that is suitable for an ambush: travelers Edwina will wait a few rounds to see how
animals, and is manned only with a loyal
are scarce, there is concealment on both her guards are faring. If they are out-
contingent of guards and drovers. The
sides of the road, line-of-sight from the numbered or in serious danger (Le.,
drovers are non -combatants who fight
front and rear of the caravan is limited. magical attack or a charge), she uses one
only if personally threatened. _ _
Although Edwina is not expecting trou- or both eggs of wonder. Edwina throws the
Guard captain (elf) (1): AC: 2; Yl 8 ;
ble, her guards are not lax, particularly first e g , which produces a panther, at the
hp 50; M V 90 (30); #AT 1; D 1-8 + 2
when traveling these sections of road. closest group of opponents and orders
( + 2 sword); Save F8; M L 10; AL N.
Senior Guards (elves) (6): AC 4; F T 6; the panther to attack. Edwina generally
hp 35 each; M V 90 (30): #AT 1: D 1-8:
Combat Tactics directs the panther to range outward
\- - I T - 7 ~

Save F6; M L 9; AL N. If the caravan is attacked, Edwina and from her position, attacking opponents
Regular Guards (hiumans) (10): AC 5; her people respond in this manner. at a distance (50 feet and greater) from
F T 3; hp 20 each; M~7v on JW
/zn\.I , TUA
AT I .
L I, One senior guard and a regular ride the horse-litter. If a number of enemies
D 1-6 (bows) or 1-8 (s ;words); Save F3; 300 feet ahead of the caravan as scouts. are at a distance, the panther heads for
M L 8; AL N. They rejoin the caravan if there is trou- single, powerful individuals in prefer-
Drovers (humans) (b): AL I U ; HLJ as ble; if they are cut off, they attempt to ence to groups (i.e., a lone magic-user, if
0-level humans; hp 5; #AT 1; D 1-2 harry the enemy from the rear. Edwina can identify one, is attacked
(whips); Save F1; M L 7; AL N. Ambushers orders to halt or freeze are before a group of fighters).
Pack Horses (35): AC 8; H D 1; hp 6 ignored by the caravan. Four senior Panther (1): AC 4; HD 4; hp 32;
each; #AT 2 kick/kick; 1-4/1-4; Save F1; guards and Poludoris rally around Move 210 (70); #AT 2 clawdl bite; D
M L 5; AL N. Edwinas horse-litter and protect her 1-4/1-4/1-8; Save F2; Morale 8; AL N.
Characters investigsting the caravan The second egg contains a grizzly bear,
before its departure learn that Bdwinas
.-, . 1
from attack. Meanwhile, the regulars
divide into two squads, each command- and is used to combat enemies closer
goods are stored in a well-guarded ed by a senior guard or the captain. The than 50. The bear attacks first any
warehouse. (Warehouse guards have the first squad strings bows if they have time group of enemies unopposed by
same statistics as those given for Senior (Le., are not charged by the ambushers); Edwinas guards; its next target is indi-
Guards). The party will not find the the second squad follows suit as soon as viduals or groups engaged by the cara-
Gem of Delusion among the goods there. the first can give them cover. van guards.
Edwina carries it in a box inside her bag of The drovers see to the animals, and Grizzly bear (1): AC 8; HD 5; hp 40;
holding. Edwina is at all times prevent them from stampeding, plung- M V 120 (40); #AT 2 clawdl bite; D 1-
accompanied by P oludoris and four ing over the edge of the road, or obeying 8/1-8/1-10; Save F4; M L 10; AL N.
senior guards-he] - personal escort. other persons (if, for instance, the beasts If either egg-creature is destroyed, the
Characters attempti1ig to waylay her or are affected by animal control). other remains close to Edwina, moving
Poludoris inside tow11 - ... :11 I----,. *L,. r.11
W I I I u d v c LIIC L U L L Ambushers are attacked with archery away from the horse-litter only if
wrath of the law against them. fire while drovers get the pack animals Edwinas immediate surroundings are
Smugglers pay good graft money to off the road and into whatever cover the clear of enemies. Both creatures break
assure the protection of merchants like captain directs them to use. If this is not off their attacks and aid Edwina if she is
Edwina, their business mainstay. If possible, they retreat or press forward, personally threatened.
attacked, Edwina and her party react depending on the strength of the
with the tactics described below.

Poludoris Roll Delusion The Raiding Dragon
Poludoris is not especially brave and 1- 2 Victim believes he is someone Kevran, insanely certain he is spied
does not engage in melee combat unless else that he knows (Le., a good upon, patrols the countryside to catch
he o r Edwina are unavoidably friend or party member). He is spies in the act and chase them away. His
endangered. Poludoris then dismounts, compelled to behave as that first target is traffic on the coast road; the
drinks his potion of growth, and takes a person in all things, including gold dragon knows the wagons and
stand in self-defense. dress and professional skills caravans there are just pretenses for peo-
If it looks like Edwina is about to be (e.g., a fighter will try to cast ple coming to take Denstehn Keep away
captured or killed, Poludoris grabs her spells if he believes hes a mage). from him. Kevran does not kill usurp-
bag of holding if he can get to it. (The Gem The victim answers only to his ers here, but does his best to scare the
takes too long to pull out of its concealed new name, remembers daylights out of them so they wont come
position.) If there is no opportunity for personal background he doesnt back.
the turncoat rogue to steal the bag, he have, and has no memory of If the adventurers are involved in this
flees the scene to save his own neck. ever having been his original scenario because of the Sheriffs request
self. to stop the dragons marauding, they
The Gem of Delusion should come upon the dragon in broad
The Gem is concealed in an invisible, 3-4 Victim becomes paranoid and
daylight while he overflies a caravan on
locked wooden box beneath Edwinas certain that everyone is out to
the road. This caravan is Edwinas
seat in the horse-litter. The key to the box get him. He will go to violent
extremes to guarantee his safety (details given above). She recognizes the
is around her neck. Efforts to pick the party and repeats her earlier offer, add-
invisible lock have a - 30% penalty to and prevent them from doing
ing that she knows how to stop the gold
the roll. The concealed box should be him harm. A victim under this
dragon, and that the Gem is the key to
difficult for searchers to locate; the D M delusion acknowledges no
friends, trusts no one, and is success.
should apply appropriate modifiers for Whether or not the group cooperates
its invisibility and hiding place. touchy and defensive in all
with Althea, Kevrans attack should
The Gem of Delusion is wrapped in things.
be timed to catch the party as well as the
black velvet in the box. This large, 5-6 Victim becomes a klepto- caravan in its effect. Depending on party
perfect sapphire-like stone glows with a maniac, compelled to steal an abilities and alignment, the D M should
light of its own. When the command object once per day (randomly determine the best time for this encount-
word inscribed in one facet is said, it determined by the DM). Even er. A group ambushing the caravan in
radiates a brilliant burst of light. All the victims friends are not safe order to recover the Gem, for instance,
within a 20 radius must save vs Spell from his impulses. If the may be helped or hindered by a dragon
(except the wielder of the Gem), or be kleptomaniac is not a thief attack in mid-melee. Whenever the D M
affected by the delusion effect as detailed already, he does not gain thief decides the dragon attack should take
below. Squeezing eyes shut against the skills along with this compulsion. place, Kevran behaves as follows.
burst of light gives + 2 to the saving Objects should be relatively easy Kevran. Human form: AC 9; H D as
throw; check against Dexterity to see if to steal (Le., portable, easy to normal human; hp 110; M V 90 (30);
eyes closed in time. Victims are stunned conceal), and generally in plain #AT 1; D 1-6; Save F1; M L 12; AL L.
for ld4 rounds, then are mentally vacant sight (someones belt knife, an Kevran wears an amulet of shape changing
and forgetful (as feeblemind spell) for 1-6 item on a store shelf, etc.). identical to Altheas.
turns. Those who made their save suffer Gold Dragon form: AC -4; H D
no further ill effects. At the end of that The effect of the Gem is permanent. It 14**;hp 110; M V lZO(40); Flying300
time, victims who did not save are can only be removed by a wish, or by (100); #AT up to 6; D Bite or Crush,
affected by a form of insanity or another use of the Gem. The deluded 6d6 +4; Claw, Kick, Wing or Tail, 3d4
delusion, as determined on the table creature must save again vs. spell; if the each; Save F33; M L 12; AL L. Breath
below. save fails, the delusion is canceled. A Weapon: Fire, 90 x 30; Gas 50 x 40.
victim is affected by only one delusion at Kevran can use the following spells:
a time. The gem is worth 5,000 gp, but
should be considered a cursed item with
no X.P. value.

Level 1: Charm person, detect magic, casts hold person on the principle Kevran attacks anyone who enters the
magic missile, read languages, antagonist. Her objective is to stop the tower, certain they are here to murder
read magic attack on her father, and she will not him, steal his treasure, and take over the
purposely harm the party. If threatened, Keep. Note that inside the Keep, he
Level 2: Continual light, detect evil, changes into dragon form, but has no
she turns into dragon form and
levitate, locate object, web room to fly. Tail and wing attacks are still
negotiates as described below.
Level 3: Clairvoyance, fire ball, haste, Althea claims the Gem when it is possible.
magic missile, protection from finally recovered from the caravan. If Third Floor (top): Kevrans study.
normal missiles characters refuse to hand it over, she Books and scrolls line the walls.
transforms into a dragon and explains Second Floor: Kevrans and Altheas
Level 4: Confusion, dimension door,
that the other dragon is her father. Althea sleeping quarters, spacious enough or
hallucinatory terrain, wizard one dragon at a time to lay down in, or
takes any steps necessary to secure the
eye Gem. She reminds the party that they two humans in sleeping furs and cush-
Level 5: Cloudkill, C
will be well rewarded for aiding her. She ions. Here is also a tiny dormitory shared
stone next casts charm person on the party by the housekeeper, her husband, and
leader. If that fails, she threatens the their son (who have fled).
Kevran casts protection f r o m normal group with violence, She gladly Ground Floor: Cooking hearth, side-
missiles on himself, then swoops over the negotiates, but if there is no other way to board, dining table and chairs. Kevran
caravan and casts confusion on the people regain the Gem, Althea attacks the party did business with humans here.
below. He then blasts a fireball nearby, with gas breath (to leave the relic Cellar: Kevran is here when the party
purposely off the road and unharmed by fire). enters the tower. He hears them, unless
nonthreatening, but close enough for the they are taking special precautions, and
caravan to feel the heat and concussion of Denstehn Keep uses clairvoyance and clairaudience to
the blast. This, along with the confusion observe what they are doing. Kevran
spell, should be enough to panic animals Althea plans to have the party distract then casts haste on himself and goes
and thoroughly disorient his bespelled Kevran long enough for her to approach upstairs to kill the intruders. (The stairs
victims. He then makes several enraged, him and use the Gem. She casts haste are stone and support his weight.)
roaring swbops through the air just upon herself, uses shield for protection, The treasure hoard is in the cellar, and
overhead, allowing his wing strokes to and turns invisible (in human form) in includes 40,000 gp in coins, 10,000 gp in
buffet the air around the caravan hopes of sneaking close enough to use the gems, a mirror oflife trapping, covered with
(though, once again, not with the Gem. She will revert to dragon form if it a sheet, which contains a beholder and a
intention of harming anyone). If the seems necessary as protection against 10th-level thief; a ring of spell turning a
group has not yet fled in disarray, he Kevrans attacks. Althea agrees only to quill of copying, and a staff of healing.
casts hallucinatory terrain on the road, subdual or similar attacks against her Kevran attacks whoever is closest to
concentrating on the side towards father. If the party works for the Sheriff him. He does not negotiate or talk: he is
Denstehn Keep, then swoops and roars and arrives at the Keep without Althea, out to get thieves before they get him. He
some more before departing. they can deal with Kevran however they casts web at the party, then cloudkill. If the
If Kevran is successfully attacked with wish. party still lives, he blasts them twice with
anything more effective than normal Kevran has bespelled the approach to gas breath. If they are still threatening
missiles, he turns and flees directly for the Keep with hallucinatory terrain. The him, Kevran retreats to the cellar and
the Keep, which is visible in the distance Keep itself is a simple, three-story, flat- blocks the stairway with wall ofstone. H e
from the road. The D M should roofed watch tower. Each room is 60 feet fights in the cellar with remaining gas
remember that the dragons direction in diameter. Furniture is now piled breath (so as not to melt any of his gold).
and the keeps location may be obscured before the door and windows are bricked He will make a stand there, but retreats
by the hallucinatory terrain spell. up to prevent intruders from entering. as far away as possible with dimension door
Kevran leaves and enters the tower from if he loses more than half of his hit points.
Althea the roof, where he lands in dragon shape H e returns to retake his Keep the next
Althea screams NO! at any attack and transforms into that of a man, and day, using dimension door to appear in the
against Kevran more powerful than climbs down through a trap door in the midst of intruders with surprise, and
normal missiles. If the attack does not roof. He is spending much time now in fights with his caravan tactics (to con-
cease, Althea defends her father by the cellar, where his and Altheas trea- fuse) and these tactics (to kill).
casting a sleep spell on whoever is sure is hoarded, brooding upon the mass If the party returns Kevran to normal
conducting the most deadly attack on of valuables and plotting how to keep with the Gem of Delusion and they have
Kevran. If that spell is not effective, she thieves and spies away from the Keep. not harmed Althea, they earn the

dragons gratitude, a gift of treasure, by the breath weapons they have inher- manufacture of potions of treasurefinding.
and their assistance as a favor in return. ited. Whether this is the case or not, the Teeth, claws or scales can be used in this
If the party destroys Kevran, they are following facts have been observed or are potion. These ingredients are also useful
rewarded by the Sheriff, but Althea will generally known about gold dragons. in the construction or enchantment of a
plan revenge for her father if she is still Gold dragons have a powerful affinity wand of metal detection, at least insofar as it
alive. with gold, and treasure in general. They is used to detect precious metals.
have strong degree of treasure sense, Finally, gold dragons do enjoy intellec-
or more properly, treasure empathy. All tual pursuits more than other dragons.
O n Gold Dragons dragons have this to one degree or They collect lore and knowledge even
The origin of gold dragons is still debated another, the ability to know every coin while young, and for these reasons some
among sages. Most believe that gold and particle of treasure in their hoards. spend a fair amount of time poly-
dragons as a race are older than most, if Gold dragons have extended this sense to morphed into forms which let them min-
not all, of their fellows. Scholars point an empathic recognition of treasure that gle with humanoid populations. Gold
out that gold dragons are less violent, has been removed from their hoard. A dragon memory and gold dragon lore is
more given to intellectual pursuits, have gold dragon can always sense the where- vaster than that collected by elves and far
a stronger treasure sense and greater abouts of a stolen item within a 100-foot greater than that collected by humans.
breath weapon powers than other radius, and can in fact detect anything of Gold dragons, if befriended, can be a
dragons. Some sages propose that the red particular value when within 50 feet of it. valuable source of knowledge for adven-
and green dragons are in some way For this reason, parts of gold dragons turers.
descended from gold dragons, as noted are in high demand by alchemists for the

Prince Reynard and the Silver Staircase
Monster: Cloud Giant top, where he found a castle that seemed Merchant Wares
Party Level: 7 - 10 to float on the clouds. This is where the
adventure begins for the PCs. Item Cost
Background Playing the Cloud Giants
Landscape painting 110 gp (worth
of a local castle 70-80 ~ p )
A sad young prince named Reynard lives Prince Reynard has discovered a 1 fine carpet from 75 gp (worth
in a small kingdom where the adventur- cloud giant castle, inhabited by five eastern provinces 70-80 gp)
ers find themselves. Young Reynard is giants. For the most part, cloud giants Silver mirror, grooming
unhappy because he has grown tired of are brash, ignorant creatures, though accessory case 55 gP
the lonesome life inside his fathers cas- not nearly as stupid as their cousins, the Silver lantern 35 gP
tle. H e hungers to see the village below hill giants. They pass the majority of 3 suits of plate mail 55 gp ea
and the world outside, and desperately their time in their lairs, sleeping or play- 7 suits of chain mail 40 gp ea
longs to find playmates his own age. ing games of chance, of which they are 3 shields 10 gp ea
Recently, Reynard hit upon a plan to rather fond. 2 extra large backpacks
solve his problem. H e noticed that every Most cloud giants are immortal under (500 cn capacity) 15 gp ea
day just after lunch, his fathers Master normal circumstances and will never die 2 two-handed swords 15 gp ea
of Horses put his cloak out on the stable of natural causes. Many have been alive 1 long bow 30 gp ea
fence apd took a nap in the sun. The day for several thousand centuries, although Flasks of oil 3 for 5 gp
this adventure begins, Reynard quietly in most cases their disproportionately
crept up while the horse master slept, tiny brains only allow them to remember If statistics are needed for any of the
took the cloak, wrapped it about his the events of the last twenty or so years. merchants, see the D@D@ Expert rule-
shoulders and pulled the hood up over Many cloud giants have forgotten their book, pg. 53. In addition to selling the
his face. This simple disguise was true origins (see On Cloud Giants and Their items above, the traders will offer to buy
enough to fool the kings gatekeeper, who Castles at the end of this adventure); any equipment the players wish to part
let the prince pass out of the castle to the though some are very intelligent, many with at 50% of the cost listed on pg. 19 of
village below. are incapable of using a written language the Expert rulebook.
Overjoyed by his new-found freedom, of any sort and communicate with a very After the characters have had a chance
the prince wandered through the village simple spoken tongue. Most cloud giants to look around a bit, they come across a
for hours and chatted with many of the talk in simple rhymes and phrases, and shady-looking peddler standing on an
folk that lived there. Eventually he came converse in the Common tongue. upturned vegetable crate, claiming to
upon the village marketplace, where he have a magic urn for sale at the ridicu-
bought a sweet-apple and a flute. In the
marketplace he made a curious acquaint-
Set-Up lously low price of 11 gp. The man is
being jeered at by most of the assembled
ance: a man with a magic urn for sale. The Marketplace villagers and several are threatening to
Magic sounded like fun, so Reynard The adventure begins with the play- summon the watch to arrest him as a
gave the man all of the coins he had left in ers party visiting the marketplace in the fraud. Suddenly, a short man (actually
his purse and his new flute in exchange village below King Thales castle (Rey- Prince Reynard) wearing a long scarlet
for the urn, even though the village folk nards father). Here the characters cloak comes forward and offers the man 8
thought he was being foolish. After should be given an opportunity to gp and a tin flute for the urn. The ped-
handing Reynard the urn and a small explore the marketplace. There are two dler graciously accepts the offer and
slip of paper, the man quickly left town. wandering caravans of merchants set up quickly leaves town.
Enthusiastic about his purchase, Rey- in the area as well as several independent The man selling the urn would be
nard took the urn to the glen just outside peddlers. Following is a list of some of the more surprised than anyone to learn that
of the village. There he placed it on the special items for sale and their cost. the object really is magical. H e bought it
ground and read aloud the magic word, in a neighboring town for 5 sp. If any of
Imbray-Bimbray, from the scrap of the villagers are questioned about the
paper. Suddenly the urn began to shake peddler, they tell the party that he is a
and thick silver smoke poured from its known fraud and has tried to pull similar
top. The smoke swirled and swished, and scams in the town in the past.
finally cam together to form a gleaming
staircase of silver.
Intrigued, Reynard quickly scurried
up the stairs two at a time. It was a long
climb, but he made it all the way to the

of paper that has Magic Word: Imbray- as easily as they can on land. As the PCs
The Adventure Bimbray written upon it. Another thirty explore this area, check for random
The Summons steps up lies a discarded scarlet cloak. encounters on the table below.
A short time after the players see the
The Cloud Castle Castle Random Encounters
short man buy the urn, a royal messen-
ger approaches the PCs. He tells them, After finding the scrap of paper and the Roll ld6 every turn; a result of 1 indi-
King Thales has heard that there is a cloak on the silver staircase, the PCs cates an encounter. Roll again on the
party of famous adventurers in our fair should have no problem guessing exactly table below.
village. He has a proposition for you. If where Prince Reynard went. The staircase 1-2 No encounter
you will just follow me.. I stretches all the way up to the clouds and 3-4 Giant Rats (1-3) from Area 7
The messenger leads the characters to takes approximately one hour to climb. 5 Tabby, the giant-sized cat. AC 5;
the royal castle, where they are The party finds a large castle at the top HD 5; hp 35; MV 180 (60); #AT
announced and led in to see the King. of the stairs that seems to float on the 3; D 1-4/1-4/1-6; Save F5; M L 8;
Thales tells them of his son, Prince Rey- very clouds themselves. The two-story AL N. The cat comes across the
nard, who has been missing since the high fortress appears to have been built party, and attacks, thinking that
early afternoon, and promises a great for very large people. A quick estimate the adventurers are rats. Tabby is
reward if the party can manage to return reveals that the stories are each approxi- constantly fighting with the rats
the prince to the castle unharmed. mately thirty feet from floor to ceiling, and making noise in her wander-
The boy always seemed fascinated by making the structure a total of sixty feet ings so any battle she engages in
the village, remarks the King. Perhaps high. Of course, unbeknownst to the with the party is unnoticed by the
he managed to get past the gatekeeper characters, a family of five cloud giants giants Grogg or Togg.
and traveled down towards it. live in this castle: two males, Grogg and 6 Galff. While looking for something
Togg, their mates, Bruna and Oly, and to do, Galff comes upon the party.
As the King discusses the situation Galff, son of Grogg and Bruna. He will try to put the characters in
with the characters, the Master of Horse To their delight, the party members his giant bucket and take them to
enters. Your Majesty, he shouts, discover that they can walk on the clouds his arena (see area 11, below).
someone has stolen my cloak! If
asked, the man describes the cloak as
scarlet, long and hooded. The PCs
should then realize that they saw the
prince in the village just minutes ago.

The Silver Staircase

If the party travels back to the marketplace
in search of Prince Reynard, they find no
trace of him, though any bystanders ques-
tioned will say they saw the scarlet-cloaked
fellow heading out of the village towards
the glen. As the PCs travel to the glen, the
D M may wish to roll for a random wilder-
First Floor Gate
ness encounter as outlines on page 41 of
1 square = 10 ft.
the Expert rulebook.
The glen lies three miles outside of
town. As the characters approach, they see
a magnificent staircase of silver spiralling Rope
up towards the sky. Once they reach the
staircases base they find no trace of the
prince, but the magic urn is still there,
lying on its side. The staircase is made up Second Floor

of silver vapors which seem to emanate

from the urn. The stairs reach farther into
the sky than the party can see. Lying on
the stairs, about fifteen steps up, is a scrap

1. Sheep Pen sword, and a giant cookbook. The book fills the entire corridor. If the party walks
Just outside the castle is a large pen is lying open to a recipe for Human in this passageway, roll ld6. O n a roll of
that holds the cloud giants sheep. The Soup. In the southeast corner of the 1-3, the group falls through the floor and
pen measures 100 feet by 250 feet and room is a huge cauldron filled with broth drops 20 feet into an iron cage which
contains more than two hundred sheep. and vegetables, hanging over a blazing instantly snaps shut. If the trap is
Hanging on the pen fence is a giant- fire. sprung, Grogg and Togg both hear it and
sized, 25-foot long wooden shepherds come to collect the rats in one round.
crook and 90 feet of very stout rope. 3. Pantry If this occurs, proceed to A Friendly Game
Sheep (200): AC 7; HD 1 ; MV 90 This is where the giants store their of Whistlespit, below.
(30);#AT 1; D 1; SaveF1: ML 5: ALN. foodstuffs. In the various bins are vege-
The sheep are completely harmless if tables and half-eaten lamb carcasses. In a 7. Rats Nest
undisturbed, but if the PCs prod around closed cupboard fifteen feet off the A large hole in this section of wall leads
in the pen long enough (more than a ground is an iron cage that holds Prince down into a small burrow under the gar-
round or two), the herd makes a lot of Reynard. Bruna and Oly are holding den. Infesting the burrow are fifteen
noise. Grogg comes to investigate the him here until the broth has come to the giant rats.
trouble in two rounds. proper boil. Giant rats (15): AC 7; H D 1/2; hp
The herd magically regenerates in 3,2,3,4,3,4,4,3,1,3,2,2,4,3,4; MV 60
number. As the giants eat the sheep, 4. Brunas Chamber (20); D 1-3 + disease; Save 3-18 (3-30);
more and more of them appear. This The door to this room is locked. M L 8; AL C.
property only functions right outside the Inside, Bruna is sleeping on a giant bed. The entrance hole is 42 inches in
cloud castle, and any sheep returned to Bruna: AC 4; H D 13; hp 40; MV 120 diameter and barely large enough for a
the ground will be normal in all respects. (40); #AT 1 ; Save F12; D 6-36; ML 10; man to crawl through. The burrow itself
AL N. is five feet in diameter. Under the carrion
Main Gate. The main entrance to the Bruna is sleeping soundly, and unless scattered around the nest are 110 gp and
cloud castle is a large iron gate in the she is attacked it is unlikely that she will 3 gems worth 50 gp each.
south wall. Since the gate was construct- awaken.
ed for use by giant inhabitants, the party Next to the bed is a large dresser and 8. Groggs Chamber
may have a difficult time getting past it. in the corner is a huge table. Resting on This is Groggs bedchamber. It will be
A party member with a Strength of 18 or the table are three large hair brushes and empty if and when the party enters it. In
greater can pull open the gate. If there a gigantic silver mirror. The brushes are the room are a huge bed, dresser, table,
are any thieves present, they can climb worth 10 gp each if sold in the village, and chair. O n the south wall is a moth-
the gate with the same percentage chance and the mirror is worth 85 gp. O n the eaten tapestry leading to Groggs ward-
as if it were a wall, and drop a rope down south wall is a moth-eaten tapestry con- robe, which contains several giant-sized
to the rest of the party. Halflings and cealing Brunas wardrobe. In the alcove tattered garments of no value. Hiding
dwarves are small enough to slip between behind are several tattered garments, below a pile of the garments are two of
the iron bars and can get past the gate none of which are worth very much. the giant rats from area 7, with statistics
rather easily. Under a pile of blankets is a sack contain- .as given above.
Just inside the gate are a few relatively ing 250 gp. The top drawer of Groggs dresser is
well-groomed shrubs and two large ten feet off the ground. Hidden inside
swinging doors that lead into the castle. 5. Olys Chamber under ten collosal sheets of vellum (each
This room is identical to Brunas room worth 10 gp in the village) is a battle axe
2. Kitchen described above. Oly is also sleeping; + 2.
If the party travels around the perime- there is no sack in her wardrobe, but in
ter of the castle, they find a large rope the pockets of an oversized dress are two 9. Troggs Chamber
hanging down from an open window on potions of levitation. This room is identical to Groggs as
the west wall. A giant-sized (ten-foot Oly: AC 4; HD 13; hp 37; MV 120 described above. No rats are present and
high) slop bucket, partly full of slops, is (40); #AT 1 ; D 6-36; Save F12; ML 10; the dresser does not contain anything of
attached to the end of the rope; in the AL N. interest. Under Troggs bed is a chest
clouds nearby is a heap of garbage. The containing 350 gp and a giant-sized
rope leads into the castles kitchen. 6. Trap necklace worth 75 gp.
Inside the kitchen is a very large table, Ten feet to the northwest of the stair-
huge storage bins, and utensils. O n the case leading to the second level is a trap 10. Common Room
table is a large knife which can be wield- that Grogg and Togg built to catch the A large table and two chairs are in the
ed by a human or elf as a two-handed giant rats from area 7. The trapped area center of this room. Grogg and Togg are

seated at the table playing cards. the giants cat, she is also present in the
Grogg and Togg (cloud giants): AC 4; room when they enter and attacks the
H D 13; hp 71, 80; M V 120 (40); #AT players as Galff tries to capture them.
1; D 6-36; Save F12; M L 10; AL N. If Galff manages to trap all of the party
The two giants are gambling over a members in his bucket, he takes them to
pot of 55 gp, visible on the table. Next to the northeast corner of his room where
the table are two large buckets and along there is a 15-foot diameter pit hollowed
the north and south walls are two huge out beneath the floorboards. The pit
tables. As the characters enter the room, houses Galff s pet hydra.
they hear Togg exclaim, Nuthin in the Hydra: AC 5; H D 7; hp 44;#AT 7; D
world like a good game of Whistlespit, is 1-10; Save F7; M L 11; AL N. Embed-
there, Grogg? ded in the hydras side is a + 2.
If the characters ever pass within ten The young giant dumps the characters
feet of the table, the two giants catch out of the bucket into the pit and glee-
their scent and Grogg will cry out, Hey- fully watches them attempt to battle the
dee, hi-dee, ho-dee, harrow, I swear by monster to the death. If they are victori-
my beard I smell hurnafi marrow! The ous he leaves them in the pit, regarding
two giants then begin to search for the them as his ntw pets, and Galff leaves the
party. If they find the group they try to room. He may be met again later in a Grogg and Trogg playing cards before
pick up the party members one by one random encounter outside. moving any closer to the giants.
and place them in the giant buckets, each This room is furnished with a large If the PCs enter the encounter in
10 feet deep. A successful hit in combat bed, chair, table, and toy chest. The toy either of the first two ways, one of the
means that the giant has grasped the chest contains a ballista which serves as a giants takes the bucket or cage contain-
character, who must then save vs. paraly- giant-sized crossbow, and two human- ing the PCs and sets it on the table top.
zation to avoid being placed in the buck- sized carts. Under the bed is a small sack The giants then proceed to play a hand of
et (the giants attack does no damage). containing 75 gp and on the floor next to whistlespit, their favorite card game, to
Once inside the bucket, the character can the bed is a 10-foot by 30-foot carpet see who gets to eat the captives. If the
only escape if he or she is able to scale the worth 120 gp. party does not escape during the game,
side of the bucket (Le., if the adventurer which takes five rounds, or fails to some-
is a thief, or is helped by someone with a 12. Aerie how convince the giants to release them,
rope). If the giants are hurt badly they This area serves as a roost for the they are locked in the pantry (area 3)
stop trying to place the party members in giants pet flock of nine giant hawks. where Prince Reynard is being held. An
the buckets and begin attacking to do Each of the hawks are kept in finely- hour later, Bruna and Oly come for all
damage instead. If all the party members made individual cages. Any cage that is the captives and attempt to put them in
are put in buckets, or if the PCs spend a opened or tampered with brings on an the boiling broth in the kitchen (area 2)
long time in the room observing the immediate attack from its occupant. while Grogg and Togg watch.
giants first, proceed to A F~iendlyGame of Giant hawks (9): AC 7; H D 4; hp 11, If the party has been observing the
Whistlespit, below. 18, 22, 25, 20, 16, 20, 15, 28; #AT 3; D giants as they play cards, one of the
1-6/1-6/2-12; Save F2; M L 8; AL N. giants runs out of money after two
11. Galffs Loft The hawk cages are worth 200 gp each rounds of play and goes to the pantry to
Galff uses this room as a bedchamber. if sold in the village; each has an encum- retrieve the cage containing Prince Rey-
If the party did not encounter the young brance value of 1000 cn. Hanging from a nard. The giant then stakes the portion
giant earlier in a random encounter, he window on the western side of the aerie is of the prince that he was entitled to eat
will be lying on his bed here when the a stout rope that leads down to the roof of against the pot. At this point the charac-
party enters. the first floor buildings. ters may try to rescue the prince. After
Galff AC 4;HD 13; hp 39; M V 120 the characters have heard the giants
(40); #AT 1; D 6-36; Save F12; M L 10; A Friendly Game agree that they like nothing better than a
AL N. of Whistlespit good game of whistlespit, they may also
Galff automatically smells the players come forth and challenge the giants to a
The party can enter this encounter in one game for the princes safe return. If they
if they enter his room. He has a bucket
of three ways: either they were caught in choose the later course, the giants will
similar to those possessed by Grogg and
the trap at area 6, they were captured by agree if the characters stake their lives
Togg in area 10, and Galff too will
Grogg and Trogg at area 7, or they have against that of the prince.
attempt to capture the party members. If
the PCs have not yet encountered Tabby, . spent more than three rounds observing The game can simulated by having

each group (the player characters and the The Reward upon the cloud surface as though it were
giants) roll five six-sided dice. The high- dry land. This barrier is capable of sup-
King Thales gives the PCs a great porting an almost infinite weight, and
est total count on the dice wins. Any reward if they manage to return Prince
number that appears on two dice counts partially cancels out the planets gravita-
Reynard. The exact reward is up to the tional pull on any objects suspended
as double their total face value; any num- D M to determine. Possibilities include a
ber appearing on three dice counts triple, upon it. Clouds that bear castles are still
large sum of money (around 1000 gp), a light enough to drift on the winds along
and so on. For example, a pair of fours single useful magic item, a title, or land
on the dice total 16 (2 x [4+ 41); triple with their more mundane neighbors,
for a stronghold. The prize awarded and often travel from one end of the
threes total 27 (3 x [3 + 3 + 31): and so on. should depend upon the needs of the
After the first roll, the contest;ant can dis- planet to the other as many as ten times
campaign and the amount of treasure the in a single year.
card as many dice as he wantsI to and roll party managed to discover in the cloud
the discarded ones again one time. This same barrier keeps the castles
. .
If the party wins the hand, the giants
castle. Groups that managed to bring out and the giants that dwell within safe from
little booty should receive a higher the effects of any storms or hazards pre-
keep their word and reluctantly allow the reward, and vice versa.
group to walk out of the castle with the cipitated by the cloud below. Standing
prince. If the PC s lose, the giants toss on the barrier and looking down into a
them into the cag;e with Reynard and 0n Cloud Giants cloud while a storm is in progress can be
replace the cage inI the pantry cupboard. a1id Their Castles a breathtaking experience.
One hour later BIu n a and Oly come to The magic of cloud castles attracts oth-
Eo:ns ago, when giants ruled the Earth, er clouds, which surround and move
retrieve the cage =-A t O l p i t tn the
LLllu Lv . -.
kitchen (area 3), M id Giants (then known as the along with the castles. Though cloud
the party and the [nags) dwelled in lush valleys giants have no direct ability to manipu-
I forests. As the number of giants late the weather, it seems that the castles
nd and resources became scarce of giants tending towards Chaotic align-
3 became inevitable. The Brom- ment are usually surrounded by dark
H o t Pursuit oon found themselves locked in storm clouds, while those of giants tend-
Proceed to this eve.., .,-.-....--- -- - J -- _ _ with the more numerous
oL.iuggle ing towards Lawful alignment are usu-
leave the castle. If the group is leaving Gundirrim (later kriown as Fire ally surrounded by thick, billowing white
after winning the lifie of the prince in the Giants). Though th ere were heavy clouds. No one can supply an explana-
whistlespit game d etailed above, they casualties on both side:5, the Gundirrim tion for this phenomenon, though many
begin to hear loud arguing from inside eventually managed to Ishatter the Brom- speculate that it is inherent in the magic
the castle right afte r they pass through dignagian capitol, forciing the surviving of the Immortals.
the gate. Bruna and Oly have awakened Bromdignags to seek riEfuge in the high The magic that sustains the castles
and they are not at all pleased that their mountains. must be renewed by the Immortals every
husbands let tasty h uman flesh get away Having witnessed t he struggle, the thousand years or so, or the castle begins
all because of a sill:y card game. As the Immortals took pity (In the displaced to decay. At first small holes form in the
party is about to rea ch the staircase, they Bromdignags and bu ilt them several invisible barrier, an effect which can be
hear one of the fc:male giants shout, magnificent castles in tkie sky, where they quite deadly to anyone walking on its
Well, dont just si:and there-go after would be safe from thc:ir Gundirrimian surface. At the same time, the stones of
them! Two rouncIs later Grogg and enemies. These castles, suspended in the the castle begin to collapse. After about
Togg reluctantly beg;in chasing the party air by the Immortals magic, seem to fifty years, the ruined castle sinks slowly
down the silver staiircase . float on the clouds theniselves, and from deeper and deeper into the cloud as the
If both Grogg anid Togg are dead, the that day forth the Brorndignags became energy of the barrier becomes depleted.
party can leave the cloud castle unmo- known as Cloud GianIts. Many of the After another hundred years, all that is
lested. If, however, the characters are Cloud Giants live in tELe magical castles left of the castle are chunks of stone and
pursued down the staircase, they have to this day. splintered timbers. Two hundred years
two options. They ican either stand and Cloud castles are conipletely sustained later, the magical barrier gives out and
fight, or, once down, on the ground, they by the Immortals mag ic and never need the remains of the castle come crashing
can say the magic Mrord in reverse order repairs or maintenance of any sort. The to the earth, possibly endangering the
(Bimbray-Imbray), which causes the magic that bears the ca5;tles aloft includes creatures below. Gold and similar items
silver staircase to di:sappear back into the a thick invisible force 1:Iarrier just below tend to stay in one piece during the entire
1 . . 1
1 C .

bottle, thus sending tne giants rumming the upper surface of the cloud, allowing it decay process and often fall to the ground
down to their deaths. to support the great stone fortresses and with the remains of the castle. This
enabling the giants (and visitors) to walk accounts for some of the stories told by

human farmers in which gold and gems ever, need to venture down to the earths cloud giant in the area. Naturally, the
are said to drop from the sky. The only surface. nobbits and jarls have much larger and
circumstance under which the Immortals Since the time of the Bromdignags, the more elaborate cloud castles.
allow a castle to decay, however, is when cloud castle dwellers have established a Visitors to the cloud castles are rare,
all of the inhabiting giants have been primitive sort of nobility among their since it requires powerful magic to reach
killed or have abandoned the structure. ranks. Grogg and Togg in the preceding their heights (the castles usually float
The cloud giants who dwell in the cas- adventure are among the grinns, the low- about one mile above the ground). Such
tles are magically supplied with food in est level in the hierarchy. Consequently, visitors should beware: the cloud giants
the form of perpetually-regenerating they, along with several other grinns, subsist entirely on the meat from their
herds of livestock, also provided by the owe fealty to a nobbit, who in turn owes magical herds, and consider more exotic
Immortals. The giants therefore rarely, if fealty to the jarl, the highest ranking or unusual flesh- like that of humans-
a delightful delicacy.

Thyralax and the Ruby Amulet
Monster: Ruby Dragon When the amulet has been held for 100 can obtain the treatments necessary to
Party Level: 21 - 25 heartbeats, all PCs in the immediate area free him.
will receive mental messages from the Once he has led them to the outskirts
dragon. Please, I beg you to help me, of his domain, Thyralax tells the party
Background he says. I need your help to break the that he reluctantly must break contact;
Thyralax, a ruby dragon, was trapped in curse that imprisons me so I can prevent the stress of mental contact is too great to
an amulet by the treachery of a brown the spreading of a great evil. Thyralax maintain. All areas of treatment lie to the
dragon named Mardius. After convinc- explains who he is and how he came to be north, he tells them, then he wishes them
ing Thyralax to call a truce to their trapped by his dragon enemy, a foul luck as the glow in the ruby gradually
centuries-old feud, Mardius secretlv creature the color of dead earth. He fades away.
enlisted the aid of an evil I pleads again for the partys help, adding Thyralax will not voluntarily re-
promised him a magnific that a generous reward awaits them if establish mental contact with the party
he helped destroy his enc they succeed. until he regains his natural form. The
The magic-user trapped the ruby dragon If the PCs agree to help, or if they ask party, however, may attempt to commu-
in the amulet, and Mardius rewarded the for more information, the dragon tells nicate with Thyralax by holding him in
magic-user by eating him. them that he must be subjected to a series his current form against the heart of one
Thyralax has been trapped in the of special treatments to break the spell. of the PCs for 100 heartbeats. If the D M
amulet for over a year now. He can Look into the amulet, he says, and rolls a 1 on ld6, they may communicate
break the spell only if he undergoes a you will see. If the PCs gaze into the with Thyralax for l d 6 rounds. An
series of special treatments, but he is amulet, the glow subsides and a series of attempt to communicate may be made
powerless to carry them out on himself. images appears. The flickering images only once per hour. If the party manages
resemble animated paintings; the end of to communicate with Thyralax, the D M
is reminded that Thyralax likely has no
Set-Up one dissolves into the beginning of the
idea of where he is or whats going on
next. The images are:
The adventure begins with the discovery -A bubbling pool of molten lava. with the party.
of a strange ruby amulet. The PCs may Steam and thick smoke rise from its sur-
find the amulet in a secret treasure face. Breaking the Spell
cache, it may be included as part of an -A still pool of crystal water lined
unexpected inheritance, or it may be The treatments suggested in the amulet
with yellow pebbles on the bottom. The images correspond to encounter areas 2
part of a treasure from a previous adven- pool is located in a valley surrounded by
ture (such as the encounter with the Fire through 6. The treatment procedures are
low hills. explained in each encounter, although it
Giants elsewhere in this book). Exactly -A winding muddy river whose
how the PCs come into possession of the is up to the party to experiment and dis-
shores are lined with high reeds. cover the specifics themselves. (Even
amulet is left up to the DM. -A dark opening in the side of a stone
When the amulet is discovered, this Thyralax isnt sure of the details.)
mountain. Just inside the opening is a After each treatment, Thyralax will
description should be read to the charac- glistening gray pool.
ters. throb and glow, indicating that the treat-
-A herd of animals resembling bulls
ment has been successful. Thyralax then
grazes in a meadow of tall grass. They
physically transforms into anothei
The amulet is made from a smooth exhale gusts of dark clouds.
shape. The treatments can occur in an)
round ruby the size of a wrens egg After the final image fades, the pulsat-
order, but the transformations take place
and is set in a circle of black pearls. It ing glow reappears. Thyralax explains
in the following sequence. PCs will have
pulsates with a faint, dark clow. as that all of these things lie within the bor-
to contend with transporting Thyralax a!
regular as a heartbeat. ders of his homeland; he must be subject-
he becomes increasingly bulky.
ed to each of them in order to be freed
1. After the first treatment, the amulel
A PC who holds the amulet within a from the amulet. transforms into a perfectly detailec
foot of his face will hear the sound of a
statue of a dragon about a foot long anc
voice in his head. The voice is distant, The Adventure made of sparkling ruby.
yet clear, as if resonating from the bot-
tom of a deep well. Hold me to vour If the PCs agree to help Thyralax, he 2. After the second treatment, thc
directs them to a barren wilderness, ruby statue transforms into a red-golc
heart, says the voice. Hold me to your
about 20 miles north of the nearest civi- statue of the dragon about the size of i
heart, or we all may die.. .
lized area. This is the domain of Thyra- small pony, weighing about 500 pounds
If a PC holds the amulet over his
lax and also the home of the evil 3. After the third treatment, the rec
heart, the amulet grows steadily warmer,
Mardius. Within this region, Thyralax gold statue transforms into a wagon
though not warm enough to be painful.

sized red-marble dragon statue weighing Lair of Mardius
just over two tons.
4. After the fourth treatment, the mar-
ble statue abruptly transforms into the
actual dragon. Thyralax will be con-
fused, scared, and disoriented. H e
attacks the party viciously, calling them
spawns of Mardius. He attacks with
his claws and teeth and attempts breath
attacks on groups of two or more PCs.
Thyralax (huge ruby dragon): AC -
5; H D 20****;hp 130; M V 150 (50),
flying 360 (120); #AT 1 bite/5 others; D
4d8 +8/ld12 + 2 each; Save F36; M L
11; AL L; XP 10,050. Thyralax has fire
and melting breath attacks in a cone
shape 80 feet long and 30 feet wide. He
can use the following spells:

Level 1: Detect magic, light, read lan-

guages, ventriloquism
[m River

Trees, Brush
Level 2: Detect evil, locate object, knock,
invisibility mirror image ml Cave

Level 3: Fireball (x3), infavision Meadow

Level 4: Polymorph self, wall of fire (x2) m] Swamp

Level 5: Wall of stone, telekinesis The rock rattler was making its way up
the side of the volcano when it was
Thyralax attacks for four rounds. He mounds of black ashes. Thick smoke attacked by a group of six ash crawlers.
then suddenly changes back into the spirals from the mouth of the volcano. The rattler killed one of the ash crawlers;
form of the red marble statue and has no now the rest are keeping their distance,
memory of attacking the PCs. The party must travel to the open top waiting for the rattler to make a move.
5. After the fifth treatment, the red of the volcano to get to the lava necessary The rattler is confused. It knows the oth-
marble statue gradually transforms into for the treatment. The volcano is about er ash crawlers are still in the area, but
the dragons natural form. This transfor- 300 feet high and is completely covered its not sure where. There has been a
mation takes 10 rounds. When it is com- with a layer of ashes averaging four feet stand-off for more than two hours here,
plete, Thyralax collapses into deep. The PCs will have no trouble mak- and the PCs have walked into the middle
unconsciousness from the stress of this ing their way up the gently sloping side of of it.
final change. It takes a full hour for the the volcano, although they will wade Ash crawlers (5): AC 6; H D 3 + 1; hp
dragon to regain consciousness. Nothing through ashes for the entire trip. 25, 22, 22, 19, 19; MV 60 (20); #AT 1
the PCs can do will hasten his recovery. Halfway up the slope, the lead PC sees bite + special; D 2d4; Save F1 (special);
a disturbance in the ashes about 10 feet M L 10; AL N; X P 50 each. Each ash
Treatment Encounters in front of him. The entire party then crawler locks its jaw when it bites, and is
1. Out of the Ashes hears a bone-chilling rattling sound; any resistant to fire.
PC within 50 feet of the disturbance must The appearance of the PCs has dis-
make a saving throw vs. paralysis or flee turbed all of these nervous creatures.
Except for sparse patches of brush and
in terror for 2d4 rounds. The rattling Two rounds after the rattle sounds, the
tall leafless trees, the landscape here is
comes from a giant rock rattler, com- five ash crawlers attack the PCs. A round
virtually lifeless. The air is dry and
pletely buried in the ashes. after the ash crawlers attack, the rock rat-
smells of smoke. Gray clouds crawl
Giant rock rattler: AD 5; H D 8**; hp tler also attacks the party. The ash crawl-
across the dark sky. A small range of
55; M V 90 (30); #AT 1 bite; D Id8 + ers first attempt to snare random PCs
rocky hills is dominated by a high vol-
poison; Save F4; M L 9; AL N; X P and drag them beneath the ash, then
1,750. attack by biting and locking their jaws.

The rattler tries to bite and poison any When the kopru come within 30 feet of
PC it can reach. The rattler and the ash the party, they attempt to use their spe- From this summit, you can see a shal-
crawlers do not attack each other as long cial charm power. Any PC who succumbs low, swampy valley about 200 feet or
as PCs are in the area. PCs trying to hit to the charm will be commanded to Dive so across. The valley is completely
any creatures buried beneath the ash do in! Contact with the molten lava, which surrounded by low hills. O n the east
so at - 2 to hit. A PC who falls into the has the consistency of heavy paste, perimeter of the valley are three circu-
ash is attacked by the monsters at + 4 to inflicts 6d6 points of damage per round. lar pools of clear water. Two buzzing
hit, while his own attack ability is at - 4. The kopru attack with their tails and red insects, each nearly four feet long,
If the rock rattler loses half its hit bite at the first sign of hostility from the wildly chase each other around the
points, it attempts to slither away and party. They also continue to attempt to pools.
escape. The ash crawlers fight to the charm PCs as outlined above. Whenever
death to defend their territory. possible, the kopru try to push the PCs One of these pools is the crystal pool
into the lava. The kopru continue to fight sought by the dragon. The insects are red
2. The Lava Pool until one of them is killed, at which time dragonflies engaged in a frenzied mating
the others scramble to escape. If the lava ritual.
The summit of the volcano is a deep lizard is attacked, it simply slinks away Red dragonflies (2): AC -2; H D 5;
pool of bubbling lava surrounded by a into the lava. Otherwise, it watches the hp 35, 30; M V 60 (20), flying 240
narrow ledge of rock. The lava pool is proceedings impassively from its rock (80); #AT 1 bite/l breath; D ld6/5; Save
about 150 feet in diameter. Waves of island. F5; M L 9; AL N; X P 175 each.
heat shimmer in the air as thick black To complete this phase of the treat- If the PCs come within 10 feet of the
smoke and ashes belch from the pool. ment, Thyralax must be submerged in pools, the dragonflies attack, using their
I n the center of the pool, a large liz- the lava for six rounds. At the end of six breath weapon and bite. If the PCs
ard languishes on an island of rock. rounds, Thyralax glows and pulsates, retreat, the dragonflies resume their
Three amphibian creatures with ten- indicating that the treatment is success- mating dance, ignoring the PCs unless
tacled mouths, large black eyes, and ful. Thyralax then physically transforms molested. In their frenzied state, the
humanoid torsos ending in three as outlined in Breaking the Spell, above. dragonflies fight to the death.
fluke-like tails stand near the edge of Note that the lava is hot enough to Each of the pools is 15 feet across and
the pool. They are lobbing stones at burn through rope, but it is not hot is filled with clear water to a depth of
the lizard, but the SI enough to melt forged metal. Hooking about 25 feet. Because of a mudslide
fall short, plopping , Thyralax (if in statue form) on the end of caused by recent heavy rains, a layer of
the lava. a sword would be one effective way the silt has settled on the bottom of all the
- PCs could lower him into the lava. To pools, making it impossible to tell by
The amphibian creatures are young avoid taking damage, the PCs should not sight which one is lined with yellow peb-
kopru. Just to be mean, they are throw- have direct contact with the lava. bles.
ing rocks at the lounging lava lizard. If the lava lizard sees the PCs lower The northernmost pool is the correct
Since the kopru are such poor shots, the Thyralax into the lava, it dives into the one. If Thyralax is immersed in this pool
lava lizard ignores them. lava pool and swims toward Thyralax in for six rounds, he glows and pulsates,
Kopru (3): AC 3; H D 8 + 4; hp 60,52, an attempt to make off with him. The indicating that the treatment has been
48; M V 30 (lo), swimming 150 (50); lava lizard makes no special attempt to successful. He then physically trans-
#AT 1 bite/l tail or charm; D ld4/3d6; attack the PCs, but it will bite them if the forms.
Save F9; M L 9; AL C; XP 1,400 each. opportunity presents itself. If it gets hold Immersion in the other pools has no
Lavalizard: AC 3; HD 4*; hp 28; M V of Thyralax, it attempts to submerge effect on Thyralax. However, a PC com-
90 (30); #AT 1 bite + jaw heat; D ld6 with him and swim away. If it takes more ing in contact with the water in each of
+ ld6 (Save vs. breath to avoid extra than half of its hit points in damage, it the pools experiences different magical
damage); Save F4; M L 12; AL N ; X P gives up and retreats. effects. Contact with the water in the
125. Save vs. wands or non-magical southernmost pool has the effect of a
metal weapons melt upon contact. 3. Valley of the Crystal Pools potion of diminution, causing the PC to
When the PCs appear, the kopru stop shrink to 6 inches in height for ld6 + 6
their game, nudge each other, and point in If the PCs journey to the top of one of turns. Contact with the water in the cen-
their direction. The kopru then move these three hills, read them the following. ter pool has the effect of a potion of gas-
toward the party and gesture to them, eous form, causing the PC to take the
speaking in a barely understandable gur- form of a cloud of gas for ld6 + 6 turns.
gle: Wannaplay? Cmon ...wanna play? Contact with the water in the northern-

most pool has the effect of a potion of 25 of the PCs at all times, pretending to
healing, restoring l d 6 + 1 lost hit points. mind their own business while keeping
Each pool may affect a PC only once. an eye on them. The gator men hope that
The waters lose their magical properties if they leave them alone, the PCs will-be
when removed from the pools, hence lulled into disturbing the inhabitants of
water samples may not be taken as trea- the river-if the PCs and the fyrsnaca kill
sure. each other, the gator men can help them-
selves to the meat.
4. Terror If the PCs disturb the surface of the
The river is surrounded by low hills. If river in any way, one round later the
the PCs reach the top of one of them, fyrsnaca rises, writhing and roaring. It
read the players the following. attacks m y PC it can reach by breathing
fire and biting. One round later, three
Below, a dark river winds lazily red worms surface and attack with their
through a vast flatland. The river is poison bites, followed by three more red
not more than 50 feet across at its wid- worms in each of the following two
est point. Thin brown reeds line its rounds until all nine have surfaced. The
muddy shores. red worms pursue characters onto land,
Three scaly humanoid creatures which more than likely is buried in the but the fyrsnaca does not leave the water.
with heads like alligators poke among river bottom. They are trying to figure All of these monsters fight to the death.
the reeds with rusty swords. Just out how to harvest more worms without At the first sign of the fyrsnaca, the
behind them, two large lizards with waking the fyrsnaca. There are, in fact, gator men dive into the reeds and hide.
olive skin and white spikes along their nine more red worms swimming beneath They do not fight unless attacked by the
spines pull a crude wooden wagon. the surface. A 70-foot fyrsnaca is PCs. Ifthe PCs defeat the red worms and
The wagon contains heaps of glisten- stretched along the bottom of the river. the fyrsnaca, the gator men attack them
ing debris and a lifeless red worm The gator men have already awakened with their swords and teeth. If one of the
nearly 10 feet long. it, and it is ready to strike if disturbed gator men is killed, the others flee, aban-
The scaly men occasionally scoop again. The D M is directed to pages 50 doning their wagon and the tuatara.
some fetid material from the river and and 53 of the Creature Catalogue for details The tuatara defend themselves if
toss it in the wagon. They then move a of the relationship between the fyrsnaca attacked. Otherwise, they stand and
little farther along the shore, followed and the red worms. watch impassively throughout this entire
by the giant lizards dragging the wag- Fyrsnaca: AC 5; H D lo*; hp 75; M V encounter. The tuatara and the wagon
on. 60 (20); #AT 1 bite or 1 breath; D ld8 could come in handy for hauling Thyra-
or 2d6; Save F8; M L 12; AL C; XP lax in his bulkier forms. If the tuatara are
The scaly creatures are gator men who 1,750. still healthy, they gladly pull the wagon.
are scavenging the river for dead fish and Red Worms (9): AC 7; H D 2 + 2*; hp Obedient creatures such as these are
other edible material. 16 each; M V 90 (30); AT 1 bite; D ld4 valuable pack animals and sell for 1,500
Gator men (3): AC 3; H D 7; hp 55, each; M V 90 (30); #AT 1 bite; D ld4 + gp each in any trading city.
50, 49; M V 120 (40), swimming 180 poison; Save F3; M L 9; AL C; X P 35 If Thyralax is submerged in the river
(60); #AT 1 bite/sword; D 3d6/ld8; each. for six rounds, he glows and pulsates,
Save F7; M L 10; AL C; XP 450 each. The gator men spot the PCs almost and the treatment is successful. The
Each gator man as + 3 to hit and damage immediately. Even if the PCs manage to dragon then transforms once again.
with the sword. conceal themselves, the gator men can
Tuatara (2): AC 4; H D 6; hp 45, 45; still smell them. 5. The Thing in the Cave
M V 90 (30); #AT 2 clawdl bite; D ld4/ As soon as the gator men become
ld4/2d6; Save F4; M L 6; AL N; X P 275 aware of the partys presence, the largest A mountain range of solid stone tow-
each. gator man waves and calls out to them in ers high into the air. The sides of the
In the wagon is a dead red worm, a a hissing voice. Greetings, friends! A mountain are sheer and smooth.
delicacy for gator men. The gator men fine day for fishing, is it not? Come, the There is a round opening about 15
know that there are undoubtedly more river has plenty for all! feet in diameter near the base of the
red worms swimming beneath the sur- After greeting the PCs, the gator men tallest mountain. A burning metallic
face of the water, but they also know that resume their scavenging. Although they odor drifts from the opening.
red worms are spawned by a fyrsnaca defend themselves if attacked, they take
no hostile actions. They remain within

;leads to a dark, damp As soon as the gorgons see the party, Level 1: Magic missile (x3), read magic,
30 feet in diameter and they begin to snort and grunt. The larg- ventriloquism
iigh. A gargantuan gray est gorgon lifts his snout straight into the Level 2 : Detect invisible, invisibility
;to the ceiling. When the air and emits a series of loud, short bel- knock, locate object, mirror
, the ooze drops. lows. This is a signal to Mardius, who image
gray ooze: AC 8; H D lives in the stone mountains to the north,
:V 20 (6); #AT 1; D 8d8; that intruders are approaching. When he Level 3 : Fireball (x2), lightning bolt
1; AL N; X P 5,250. Gray hears this signal, Mardius turns invisi- (4
armor. ble, flies from his lair, and hovers over- Level 4: Confusion (x.?), wall offire
ust be enveloped in the head, observing the party to see if they
succeed in freeing Thyralax.
x rounds to complete this
: gray ooze also attempts When the PCs come within 50 feet of Level 5: Cloudkill (x2), feeblemind
iy PC inside the cave, the gorgons, they charge and attack,
Inot leave the cave. alternating their breath weapons with If the PCs interfere with Mardiuss
nds in the ooze, Thyralax goring attempts. Unless the PCs retreat methodical destruction of Thyralax,
ng that the treatment has into the hills, the gorgons continue their Mardius attacks them. He roars, takes to
1. In this instance only, attacks. Thyralax must be blasted six the air, and attempts a swoop attack. He
not physically transform times by gorgon vapors. To accomplish then does a hover attack, followed by
tional 15 minutes have this, the PCs could stand between Thy- kick, tail, and wing attacks on the
)M should keep track of ralax and a charging gorgon. A success- ground at any PCs within reach. When
nds Thyralax is in contact ful Dexterity check would allow a PC to possible, Mardius takes to the air again
with the ooze. After eight rounds, Thy- dodge a breath attack, causing the cloud and does additional swoop and hover
ralax begins to melt; if he is in his uncon- to strike the dragon. After receiving the attacks. When at least three PCs are
scious natural form his scales begin to sixth breath blast, Thyralax glows, and within range, Mardius uses his breath
singe. Thyralax suffers ld8 points of transforms once more. attacks, first using gas and disease, then
damage for every round in excess of eight fire and melt. Mardius employs these
he is in contact with the ooze. The dam- The Final Encounter breath attacks intelligently, saving them
age is taken if and when Thyralax breaks for the largest groups of PCs.
Mardius invisibly follows the party from Mardius avoids using his spells until
the spell and regains his natural form.
- -:--mce after being alerted to their he has lost half of his hit points. He then
-e by the gorgons. When the fifth uses confusion, cloudkill, feeblemind, and
6. Reckoning in thc nal physical transformation has wall offire along with any other spells he
dace, and Thyralax has collapsed can use in defense while continuing with
The meadow is bc
.consciousnessin his natural form, his basic attack strategy as outlined
If the PCs reach the us reappears, hovering 50 feet in
read them the follov above.
over the body of his enemy. And Mardius fights viciously, as he is deter-
have returned, Mardius says to mined to destroy Thyralax and his allies.
rnatose Thyralax. Your foolish- His pride will not allow his enemy to slip
meadow filled with tall w c w 3 aiiu ness is my good fortune. I will now be rid away again.
grasses. The meadow is bordered to n+--,n*l
v1 nnp- -nd for all. Mardius hisses a
y v u IIc.1,

the north and west by high stone warning to thie Party, then roars trium-
Ending the Adventure
phantly and bl asts a fireball high into the
Four bull-like creatures idly graze air. He then clescends on Thyralax and Thyralax regains consciousness one hour
in the meadow. 7hey have long point- begins to purnmel him with his wings after his final transformation caused him
ed horns and arie covered with thick and tail. to collapse. He examines himself careful-
Mardius (huige brown dragon): AC - 6 ; ly, delighted to discover that the spell has
HD22 * * * *; hF 152; MV 150 (501, flying been broken, then asks the PCs for the
These creature:; are gorgons. Thyra- 360 (120); #Ar 1bite/5 others; D 6d6 + 8/ details of the battle. In the unlikely event
lax must be subjected to their breath 4d4 each; SavcE ~ 3 6 ML ; 11; ALc; xp that the PCs are still battling Mardius
vapors to completi this treatment. 18,500. Mardiius has fire, melt, gas and when Thyralax wakes up, Thyralax joins
Gorgons (4): and2 2; H D 8*; hp 60,56, disease breath weapons. He knows these them in the fight.
48, 48; M V 120,-_ ,, #.,.A--T 1- gore
(40). or
o - - - -~ spew To reward the PCs for their help, Thy-
breath; D 2d12 or petrification; Save F8; ralax flies them to Mardiuss lair, hidden
M L 8; AL C; X P 1,200 each. high in the stone mountains to the north.

The PCs may help themselves to Mar- natural death and is left undisturbed, his dragon with excessively strong senses
diuss treasure hoard, buried beneath a heart will gradually petrify into pure and strong ESP talents. Gemstone
pile of stones in the corner of his cave. gemstone. The process takes a full thou- dragon eyes are also highly prized as
Among the items are a large wooden sand years to complete, resulting in a components for magical devices. .
chest containing 18,000 gp, two star sap- dragon statue made of flawless gem. Gemstone dragons are able to crack
phires worth 10,000 gp each, 12 blue Legends speak of dragon burial grounds and grind gems in their claws. The pow-
pearls worth 500 gp each, a bag of tur- in remote places where the old dying dered gems are fed to their infants during
quoise pieces worth 2,500 gp, apotion of dragons go to die in peace. These sacred the first few weeks of life so the gem bits
blending, potion of climbing, staff of dispelling grounds are protected by powerful spir- can be absorbed into their developing
with 14 charges, a rod of health, ring of its. scales. Later in life, the dragons occa-
safety, chime of time, and a wheel offortune. O n occasion, the teeth, claws, and sionally consume powdered gems as a
These items do not comprise the entirety eyes of these dragons may be made of treatment for mild illnesses, especially
of the brown dragons treasure-this is gemstone. Gem claws and gem teeth indigestion. The dragons may also con-
just what Thyralax knows about. make formidable weapons; for instance, sume gems as food in times of scarce
Thyralax accompanies the party back a ruby dragon with ruby teeth does an game, although they are reluctant to
out of the wilderness to ensure their additional ld8 damage with his bite squander much of their treasure in this
safety. The ruby dragon thanks them while ruby claws do an additional ld12 way.
again, then flies away to the seclusion of damage. Gemstone eyes often indicate a
his homeland.

On Gemstone Dragons
Crystal, onyx, jade, sapphire, and ruby
are among the known species of gem-
stone dragons, although others are
rumored to exist. All are extremely rare,
and all are extremely difficult to identify
since from a distance they resemble more
common dragon types- crystal appears
to be white; onyx, black; jade, green;
sapphire, blue; and ruby, red.
At distances closer than 120 feet an
experienced observer can see the tell-tale
sparkle and shimmer caused by the
reflection of bits of actual gemstones
imbedded in the scales of these dragons.
Ten pounds of scales can yield as much as
a pound of gems, hence gemstone
dragons are much sought by treasure
Gemstone dragons are quite proud of
their sparkling scales and spend part of
every day rubbing themselves in beds of
soft leaves or pits of fine sand to polish
them. After a thorough polishing, their
scales glow with a soft light the same col-
or as the gemstone. This glow lasts for
several hours; for some older dragons
who have engaged in years of compulsive
polishing, the glow is permanent.
All gemstone dragons have hearts
made entirely of living gemstone. If the
dragon is killed, the heart turns to stone.
However, if a gemstone dragon dies a

Isle of the Storm Giant
Monster: Storm Giant tors rutter provided by the guild shows
Party Level: 21 - 25 sam served to mark the apparent the location of an island near the center
graves of the vessels, in the last case a of the danger area which may offer clues.
Supplies for a voyage of indeterminate
Background lone sailor survived to tell the tale of
length are aboard the ship, and the group
how near-hurricane winds arose from
This adventure is designed for characters nowhere, nearly driving the craft may sail at their leisure. Rumors-
ranging from 21st to 25th level. While under. Valiantly, the crew fought to almost all of them false-fill the streets;
the degree of danger posed by most of the save the ship-but then the water should these be investigated, each char-
adversaries in this adventure is not a beneath them began churning, catch- acter learns one, chosen randomly
great threat to characters of these levels, ing the helpless vessel in a deadly below.
the true challenge lies in deciphering whirlpool and drawing it into the 1. The cause of these sinkings is the
clues which suggest that an otherwise ocean depths. In minutes, the tumult mad wizard Gargantua, whose
Lawful storm giant may not be acting ended, and the sailor, clinging to a island lair lies in the danger area.
under his own volition when he sinks barrel, lived to be rescued by a pass- (F)
merchant ships in the area. The chal- ing merchant ship.
lenge then becomes to free him from the The threat of these ship-sinking 2. The party responsible is Garald
control of an aquatic beholder which has whirlpools far outweighs the typical the Blue, a notorious pirate. (F)
charmed him. sailors menaces, and the guild has
Much of the ad issued a call for experienced adven- 3. In years past, sailors provisioning
desert island wk turers to undertake a voyage into dan- on an island in the area have
cyclops and a shipwrecked sailor nave ger to find and put a stop to whatever encountered a Lawful giant there.
made a home. Ultimately the party must is responsible for the trouble. Having (T)
venture to the giants undersea lair, investigated the guilds offer, your
where he and his cavtor await the final group has been invited to the fortress- 4. The cause of the sinkings can be
confrontation. estate of Lady Darkrook, the powerful traced to a wizard employed by a
guildmistress, to discuss the quest. rival guild in Minrothad. (F)
The scenario begins in the port ofSeren-
Lady Darkrook, the beautiful if some- The Voyage
what ruthless head of the merchants
dib, which may be placed in the DMs After a weeks sail, the Sea Raven pene-
consortium, is concerned only that the
campaign world or set in the eastern trates well into the danger area as it nears
trouble be halted, and that the ships fly-
region of the D&D@game worlds wil- the island during the late night hours.
ing the banner of the guild suffer no fur-
derness overseen by the Minrothad Unknown to those aboard, however,
ther mishaps on their voyages. Toward
guilds. The following u introduction mav their approach has been detected by
this end, she first of all is willing to offer
be read to the pl ayers. Jord, the storm giant responsible for the
the group use of her flagship, a small
merchant vessel outfitted with a select sinkings. Taking the opportunity to sink
The port of serendib nas long Deen a I
I.* 1 1 1

crew of 10 seamen and two experienced and salvage the goods of yet another ves-
prosperous tradine center where exot-
0 officers. Christened the Sea Raven, the sel, Jord uses his control over the ele-
ic goods frc3m around the world are ship is a quality vessel of teak and ments against the Sea Raven. Quickly the

offered for sale and barter. Much of
the credit fbL +L1lb
L a A+..a hbustling
. 3 c + l ; m e ,-_m_
mahogany construction with a single
mast and lateen (triangular) sail for pro-
brilliant night sky darkens and the sea
becomes choppy. Minutes later, those
merce lies with the effective guidance pulsion. She has 70 hull points, and her asleep below decks are rudely awakened
of its powerful merchants guild, crew a morale of 11. by the ships drastic yaw to port, and
which possesses trading agreements As further incentive, Lady Darkrook upon struggling on deck find themselves
with sovereigns and business people offers a bounty of 5,000 gp per character surrounded by a liquescent nightmare of
from many foreign lands. if the threat of these whirlpools is over- swirling green water spiraling down to a
While an occasional attack by come, and the captain verifies it. If any yawning blackness at the center of the
pirates is a risk accepted by ships and guild valuables are recovered, the group inverted cone. Gale-force winds shriek
sailors, the past weeks have seen a far will receive a bonus of 5% of their total through the strained rigging, and only
more menacing threat make itself value. the ships solid construction and her
known with the mysterious disappear- The precise nature and location of crews gallantry stave off certain disaster.
ance of a half-dozen guildmember whatever is causing the sinkings is not If the party cannot lend magical assist-
ships. While only a few traces of flot- known, of course-but an old naviga- ance (through, for instance, a control
weather spell), the stalwart crew eventu-

ally manages to right the vessel and sail around its eastern side until they find a ed an excellent view of the surrounding
from the maelstrom, which begins to dis- suitable anchorage. To maintain the area and can note both the Sea Ravens
sipate along with the wind. By dawn, an impression of helpfulness, he warns of position and most of the groups move-
hour later, conditions have returned to the reefs in cove D (see map). Jord does ments with the aid of an enchanted spy-
normal, with no trace of the tempests not, however, mention the dangers glass he possesses. Sensing the partys
cause discernable. The giant, mean- awaiting visitors to area G, the next most power, Jord desires to avoid an outright
while, both wearied from summoning likely spot to land. confrontation with the adventurers.
the whirlpool and surprised at the ships Having offered his advice, Jord wishes Thus, he quietly observes their activities
survival (especially if magic was dis- the group well and disappears into the until (he hopes) they leave for good.
played), retreats toward the island, a depths, making for an undersea entrance
mere speck on the horizon. to the volcanos interior, where a trail B. Here, a small cleft between the cliffs is
After some makeshift repairs, the ship ascends to the back door of his cave. blocked by a tall boulder around which
approaches the island from the north If Jord is attacked during his interac- are many footprints, both giant-and
during the late afternoon, discovering it tion with the party, he simply disappears man-sized. A character may easily climb
is about eight miles across, with a single beneath the waves and heads directly for over the barrier to discover a small valley
volcanic peak showing no outward signs the beholders lair (area H). Jord waits on the other side. It is here that Ned
of activity. there for a time in case it becomes neces- Land, a shipwrecked sailor, and two
While making her way toward a shore- sary to protect his friend from the hos- cyclops reside, raising a flock of sheep
line of sea cliffs, the vessel suddenly tile strangers. If no pursuit arrives within and growing grapes for winemaking.
lurches to a stop, throwing those on the the next hour or two, Jord returns, as Five years ago, Ned washed ashore,
board off their feet. From the area of the originally planned, to the volcanos inte- the only survivor of a foundered vessel.
bow comes a thunderous Ouch! as the rior through its back entrance. Once Discovered by Jord, a storm giant who
head and upper torso of a red-haired Jord has been attacked, he behaves with dwelled on the island with a pair of
giant rises 10 feet above the prow. Rub- caution and suspicion in any future cyclops as servants, he was nursed back
bing a welt on his forehead, Jord interactions with the characters. to health in the giants cave atop the vol-
demands to know why the adventurers cano. After recovering, Jord introduced
werent looking where they were going. Island Key him to the cyclops, whose sheep and
The encounter, of course, has been vineyard provided the trio with a modest
engineered by the giant as a means to A. A small harbor provides excellent store of food and drink. In return for sav-
speak with the strangers and learn their anchorage to the west of the island ing his life, the giant asked Ned to help
reason for coming here. Of chief impor- between a series of high sea cliffs. Water them increase the output of food and
tance to him presently is the continued of crystal clarity reveals a gentle sandy drink. While Ned was no sheep herder,
well-being of the aquatic beholder, and bottom averaging 30 feet in depth, and one thing he did understand well was
the D M should keep this in mind. Thus, the ship may be beached for repairs if wine. Soon matters were much
Jord will deny any direct knowledge of necessary. To the north, the rocky cliffs improved with an efficient winepress and
the Sea Ravens earlier encounter with the extend inland to the other side of the watering system. Neds snare traps on
whirlpool or the loss of the guild ships, island while jungle can be seen to the the other side of the island added pork to
but claims to have sensed strange forces north. the menu; as the months became years, a
in the sea lately. If asked about the island, If the group heads ashore either here closeness grew between the human and
Jord does his best to dissuade the party or at some other point, they will have a the three giants. Now the formerly aloof
from searching it, maintaining that it is movement rate of six hexes per hour over cyclops-nicknamed Jib and Stay-look
uninhabited, and adding that he senses sandy terrain, half that through jungle. to Ned for direction, obediently follow-
that the source of the disturbances origi- No specific encounters need be rolled for, ing his commands. Although Jord has
nates from somewhere to the south. If his although if the group ventures into the never gone out of his way to help Ned
advice is taken, the D M may wish to jungle, they become aware of the pres- obtain rescue, he has remained a friend,
have prepared an encounter or side- ence of a few wild pigs roaming the area frequently bringing him trinkets from
adventure which obviously provides no as well as many small monkeys lairing in the sea and entertaining him with a ride
real answer to the mystery. If and when the trees. The monkeys may occasionally on the back of his giant roc (see area F).
the group returns, they again encounter entertain themselves by dropping a coco- At this time, Jord hasnt been seen in
the friendly giant, who repeats the nut on the head of a random character. two months. While he has been known to
process of claiming ignorance of the sink- Without their knowledge, Jord is fly the roc to the cloud castle of an
ings. keeping a wary eye on the adventurers acquaintance for a week or two at a time,
If the adventurers are bent on explor- progress from his cave. Nestled as it is he has never been gone for so long with-
ing the island, Jord suggests sailing near the volcanos lip, the giant is afford- out leaving word of his intentions, and

potential rescuers and should be role- ants to the north, Jord creates a fog bank
played accordingly. While he has no to cover the upper portions of the volca-
direct knowledge of Jords recent activi- no, thus screening a clear view of that
ties, word that the giant is in the area will portion of the island.
come as a shock to him. If questioned in After several hours of climbing, the
such a way that he believes the group adventurers (and Ned, if he was asked to
seeks an answer to the mystery without accompany them) at last emerge onto a
needless violence, he admits that the con- ledge before a cavern opening 30 feet
ditions described to him of mysteriously- high. From within can be heard Jords
appearing whirlpools and storms are baritone rendition of an old sailors bal-
consistent with Jords powers, and lad taught him by Ned. If the group calls
advances the theory that some baneful out, Jord invites them inside, or they
happening must have befallen the giant may enter of their own accord. If the
to provoke such uncharacteristic behav- characters attacked the giant earlier, he
0 -
-.I-11---- ,----
I--- ior. Other information he can offer will not permit them to enter his cavern,
This is Jib. includes the fact that Jord has both an but converses with them on the ledge
Jib (cyclops): AC 5; H D 13; hp 65; undersea lair to the northeast of the outside his cavern.
M V 90 (30); #AT 1 club; D 3-30; Save island (area H) as well as a cave atop the
F13; ML 9; AL C ; X P 2,500. volcano, which houses living quarters for F. Inside the opening are three cham-
While startled and mistrustful over the him and his pet roc. bers, the first to the south holding an
sudden appearance of strangers, Jibs At this point, Ned desires rescue and indentation in the floor designed to catch
low intelligence: results in his being easily cooperates with the group toward that and store any rain which falls through
1 .
deceived, and this can be used to the goal. If threatened with harm, however, several ceiling cracks. Of more immedi-
adventurers advantage. For instance, he calls for help, and three rounds later ate interest, however, is Jords roc,
he will believe a claim that the group is Stay arrives from his cave in the cliffs to secured to the wall of the eastern alcove
friends with the sea giant. As lone as assist Ned. by a massive chain.
the party keeps Ji Stay (cyclops): AC 5; H D 13; hp 75; Giant roc (1): AC 0; HD 36; hp 100;
makes no hostil M V 90 (30); #AT 1 club; D 3-30; Save M V 60 (20); #AT 2 clawdl bite; D 3-
remains cautious F13; M L 12; AL C ; X P 2,500. 18/3-18/8-48; Save F30; M L 10; AL L;
best of his ability while keeping his club Two chambers make up the cyclops X P 6,250.
handy. There is a 5 % cumulative chance cave. The western one is stocked with a O n seeing the group, the roc stumbles
per round of questioning that he will larder of dried meats and wineskins, forward in an attempt to capture prey.
become confused and point toward area while the northern one holds a few furs The great creature has lost many of its
C with the SLiggestion, Go talk Ned! used as sleeping mats. Both here and in feathers and is in a condition of near star-
Further quest ioning after this outburst is Neds hut can be found some jewelry of vation, as can be deduced from its emaci-
fruitless and obviously upsetting to the sea elf manufacture that has a total value ated appearance. Due to the chains
,1Anm in a In%?,-hnnnPP o p h
creature, resulting chance buLII of 3,500 gp. limited length, the party may safely pass
round of his iittacking. As a final note, Ned will be saddened if the roc by keeping to the wall of the
Jib is slain, but understands if the cyclops northern alcove, which holds its riding
C.The larger trail . .1
eventually 11
leads to a 7 1
is killed in self-defense. equipment.
thatched Iriut against the northern wall of Living quarters are to the east, includ-
the valley set in a compound with a large D. A series of hidden reefs exists in this ing a firepit with cauldron next to a table
winepress and a stock pen holding a few smalI cove, and should the ship attempt and chair at which the giant sits. Also in
wild pigs. Csnoring
--,:-, Lo ---
L-,,A +L--..-h
ur; iicaiu L l l l u u s ; l r to anchor here, there is a 40 % chance she the chamber is a 25-foot long bed and a
an open doorway, and anyone looking will be holed for 4-24 points of hull dam- few sea oddities, the most interesting
inside observes a human male about 50 age. being a bronze statue of a famous
years of age, asleep in a hammock with Immortal patron of the seas. It is now
an empty wineskin lying close by. This is E. Here a wide trail leads south into the used-somewhat irreverently- as a
Ned. jungle, and footprints of giant human- handy place to hang a soup ladle of con-
Ned Land: AC 8; F3; hp 20; M V 120 oids can be seen leading along both the siderable size. If examined later, a com-
(40); #AT 1 dagger; D 1-4; Save F3; M L trail and off toward the ridge to the north partment is found in the statues base
10; AL L; XP 300. (area B). If the path is followed, the fel- which holds two potions of water breathing.
If awakened fronI his inebriated slum- lowship ascends the volcano. If they have If Jord has invited his visitors inside,
.. . .. . .
ber, Ned is surprised but delighted to see yet to discover the valley and its inhabit-

he still appears friendly, tells his compa- leads to an artesian spring at the base of
ny to make themselves at home, and asks the volcano. A hazard present in this
how their quest fares. He asks this same area are six giant crabs buried in the
question even if the characters remain sand.
outside his cavern. If confronted with Giant crabs (6): AC 2; H D 3; hp 24,
any of Neds revelations regarding the 20, 20, 15, 15, 10; M V 60 (20); #AT 2
similarity between the conditions pincers; D 2-1212-12; Save F2; M L 7;
observed earlier and his natural abilities, AL N; X P 39 each.
Jord steadfastly maintains his innocence,
insisting that some other force is respon- H. Jords undersea lair lies in 80 feet of
sible for the incidents. As regards fibbing water, and consists of a volcanic blue
about the presence of other inhabitants hole leading to three chambers. Its loca-
on the island, Jord apologizes, explain- tion can be pointed out by Ned, found by
ing that he feared for the safety of Jib and a character flying over the area, or by sea
Stay, who-although rather Chaotic- search (automatic discovery if the ship
really pose no danger to anyone and are enters the proper hex).
useful servants. If queried about either A plan to seek out the giant for pur-
his lengthy absence or the present condi- poses of further talk and negotiation,
tion of the starving roc, he attributes while noble, is be doomed to failure. Jord Into the Undersea Lair
both to the significant portion of time he is aware of any incursion into the region
has spent out to sea guarding against the of the lair, and wastes little time in taking To enter the lair, the group must find
strange forces he has sensed in the area an offensive stand. Assuming the Sea some means of functioning undersea for
lately. Raven sails into the area, the giant quick- an extended period of time. The two
Throughout his conversation with the ly envelops the vessel in a nearly impen- potions of water breathing in the volcano
adventurers, Jord does his best to con- etrable fog bank. Then, from an unseen cavern, which Ned knows of, enable a
vince his guests that their answers lie character to operate underwater for four
position to port, his booming voice
elsewhere, away from this island. But if reveals a change in demeanor, accusing hours. Optionally, a vial may be split
the point is reached where it is obvious the adventurers of being intruders, and between two characters for half of the
his attempted deceptions are going to be demanding they immediately depart duration of effect. Those entering the sea
unsuccessful, Jord changes tactics. from our lair. with no further magic apart from neces-
There is, he states, one possible clue he If present, Ned calls out to the giant, sary life-support, though, will find their
recently discovered in the wreckage of a assuring him of the groups good inten- movements to be severely impaired. All
sunken ship that may be important. Ris- tions, and urges Jord to come forth and such characters should be treated as if
ing from his chair, he moves to the back speak to them. Regretfully, Jords under the effects of a slow spell, attacking
of the chamber and rolls away a huge response to this or any similar suggestion every other round, and losing dexterity
stone blocking passage to the interior of is an attempt to sink the ship. Without bonuses to armor class.
the volcano. If the group will wait for a warning, a thick pair of arms emerges When the characters enter the blue
few minutes, Jord tells them, he will from the sea, reaches across the port gun- hole, they emerge from a short tunnel
fetch the clue and they can judge its wale for the mast, with the obvious intent into the main chamber. Jord is seen there
meaning for themselves. With that, he of keeling over and capsizing the vessel. standing before a massive coral chair,
descends toward the flooded interior, The resulting lurch to port frustrates holding a 10-foot long trident. He imme-
avoiding any questions or suggestions spellcasting, since most aboard are diately moves to attack.
that the group accompany him. Once he forced to use at least one hand to hold Jord (storm giant): AC 2; H D 15; HP
reaches the water, he disappears beneath onto something or fend off sliding debris. 100; M V 150(50); #AT 1; D 8-48; Save
the surface and retreats to the sea, there Fighters, however, may be allowed to roll F15; M L 12; AL L; X P 3,250.
to keep guard near his undersea lair, safe attacks. The unexpectedly tough resist- Observing this scene from a recess in
in his own element. ance causes the arms to retreat, and, as the wall above and behind the chair is the
the ship rights herself, the angry giant cause of all the trouble.
G . A possible landing area lies at the taunts the party, daring them to face him Aquatic beholder (1): AC 5; H D 13;
southern edge of the island, fronted by a in his own element. With that, he sub- H P 65 (body), 12 (small eyes), 20 (main
long sandbar. If the group takes the merges into the depths to await any fur- eye); M V 150 (50); #AT 2 clawdl bite;
ships boat to the beach, a freshwater ther confrontation in his lair. D 2-8/2-8/2-20; Save F13; M L 10; AL
stream is observed flowing out of the jun- C ; X P 5,150. The beholders main eye
gle to empty in the sea. If followed, it can attack with a blinding flash every

three rounds; victims must save vs. death a dagger + 2 with the power ofpredicting the most solidly built ships.
magic or be blinded for 1- 10 rounds. The weather once per day; an ear ring; and Storm giants of pure parentage cannot
right eye can charm person, the left eye can Jords enchanted spyglass which allows function undersea or build cloud castles,
hold monster, and both together create an the user to clearly observe a scene up to but are exceptionally strong, with a min-
illusion. five miles distant. If none of his friends imum of two hit points per die for
Unless it ventures from its hiding upon the island were unnecessarily slain, females, three for males. Storm giants
place, the beholder can only be seen if a Jord presents, as a final reward, a ships are almost as skilled as mountain giants
character is specifically scanning the lair figurehead of a mermaid. The figure- in domesticating large creatures, such as
for hidden creatures (4 in 6 chance its head magically regenerates hull damage rocs, as servants and guardians. Rare is
eyes can be seen faintly glowing in the at a rate of one point/hour if mounted at the storm giant lair without incidental
rerPcc\ T f undisturbed the beholder aids the fore of a vessel. creatures to safeguard the giants pri-
the giant by creating the illusion of a Finally, Ned Land has second vacy.
dragon turtle emerging from the western thoughts about rescue. After all is said For all their reclusive tendencies,
chamber to join the melee. and done, he and the giants are some- storm giants to have a compassion for
Illusionary dragon turtle: AC -2; thing of a family. If any of the trio humans and demihumans in distress;
apparent HD 30 (strikes as 13): #AT 2 remains alive, he chooses to stay behind they seldom hesitate to lend an altruistic
claws/ 1 bitc with them. After all, they need him.. . helping hand before going their own
A; ML N/l way.
The beh On Storm Giants
cunning ana realistic iIiusions, causes its
phantasm to react appropriately if struck The rarest of all large humanoids, storm
by weapon or spell. If slain, the follow- giants usually choose to dwell in remote
ing round it miraculouslv seems to areas far from Mankind and his con-
regenerate a1,1 damage, rising to fight cerns. Their lifespans rival even those of
once more. the elves, and rarely do they meet their
Should the illusion be seen for what it end apart from battling one of their tra-
if the hidden enemy is ditional enemies, fire and frost giants.
discovered-the beholder itself ventures While they and cloud giants occasion-
out to do battle, using its powers to good ally have their disagreements, the fact
effect. that the female storm giant is a true rari-
Jord can be released from the charm by ty results in quite a few unions between
use of a wish, a dispel magic cast in the the predominantly male storm giant
presence of the beholder, or the slaying of population and female cloud giants. It is
his captor. Any of these cause him to fall from this type of union that many storm
stunned for 2-12 rounds, and cause the giants gain the knowledge and ability to
beholder-if alive-to move out and fashion cloud castles. Other benefits
attack. from this mixed parentage can vary from
If Jord survives to be freed from the the ability to fly for brief periods to levi-
beholder, the giant groggily makes his tation. The most common, though, is the
way to the surface where he surrenders, power to draw oxygen from water, crest-
explaining that just prior to the start of ing a thin film of air about the giant
the trouble he had come to the lair for which allows it to function undersea
some quiet meditation to find the behold- without harmful effects. Many of these
er had moved in. Its powerful charm giants prefer the serenity of the sea in
brought hin1 under its control, which to build lairs.
him into r,aiding the sea lanes a nd Despite their differing alignments,
returning w.ith booty now stored in 1the sometimes storm giants with island lairs
may have one or two less powerful
of jewelry, coinage and trade tokens Val- cyclops as servants, bartering sea trea-
ued at 40,000 gp. sures in return for food and wine from
Besides returning the property, J ord their herds and vineyards. Sea-oriented
includes some items from a secret eastern storm giants further possess the ability to
treasure chamber hidden by a boulder. create fog banks at will, or once a day to
They include a staff ofthe element (water); form a whirlpool able to sink all but the

Fangs Alot
Monster: Dragon Ruler he finds, and shares his concerns with, The Adventure
Party Level: 26 and up but not until after the PCs have left on
the quest. As the adventure begins, the The Hags on the Road
Background Great Dragon and the Immortal watch Opal and his six attendants have entered
events and wait in the void surrounding the Prime Plane in the PCs adventuring
This adventure involves Opal the Sun the Draconian Cluster. area and polymorphed themselves into
Dragon, Ruler of All Neutral Dragons.
hags. They have positioned themselves
Opal is an Immortal, and it would be
on a lonely, windswept crag that is on the
best to review the material on Dragon
PCs line of march as given by the
Rulers in the D&D@ Musters rulebook
Barely alive after the completion oi Immortal. With their advantages of
(pg. 28-29) and the Immortals rulebook
your last quest, you greet the appear- height and keen dragon vision, they see
(page 39). Due to the peril of the situa-
ance of the Immortal with a mixture the approaching adventurers long before
tion, this adventure is best suited as a test
of trepidation and disgust. When will the PCs see them.
on the road to a PCs own immortality
and is presented as such. Except for the this interminable testing end? Appar-
second encounter, the adventure is more ently not yet, as the glowing figure The barren trail winds onward into
mental than physical. raises a finger to silence your disgrun- the desolate wastes, now climbing
The Immortal sponsor of the party tled murmurings. H e regards you steeply upwards. It is getting dark as
member(s) enjoys a good relationship benevolently as he begins to speak. the sun declines below tall western
with the Great Dragon, the Ruler of All That wasnt so bad, now, was it? peaks. Just ahead, where the track
Dragonkind. To advance his mortal can- You have accomplished the task I set tops a lonely crag, a group of people
didate(s) he asks the Great Ones aid in for you and are still alive, so what are encamped.
providing a worthy test that will chal- have you to complain about? As the distance narrows, you see
lenge the wisdom and intelligence of Through these trials you continue to that this is a group of seven women,
mortals in the face of great danger. expand your knowledge and under- hags by the look of their drab, dirty
Amused by the prospect, the Great standing, which is good. I am heart- garments and hunched backs. They
Dragon summones all the Dragon ened by your tenacity, but more tasks sit around a huge iron cauldron, stir-
Rulers to a council and explains the pro- lie ahead. Yau must persevere. ring it every now and again while
posed task. Pearl and Diamond snort Over the years and through many cackling among themselves. Occa-
derisively at the notion, opining that adventures you have become well sionally a small, dragon-like beast
mortals are not worth the bother and acquainted with dragons. But do you bursts free of the cauldron, crying
time. Opal, Ruler of All Neutral really understand them? I pose to you raucously as it takes to the air and sails
Dragons, accepts with alacrity, although this test to prove your worthiness: to away on the wind.
he curls his lips with a malicious sneer. bring back to me the fang of a dragon,
The following criteria and limits are a tooth that must freely be given to These women, of course, are the
imposed. Opal must travel to the Prime you. And this fang must come from seven dragons. Opal has created agate in
plane accompanied by his normal reti- not just any dragon, but from one of the bottom of the cauldron, opening a
nue of four huge blue dragons, one huge the Dragon Rulers. portal between the Prime and his home
onyx dragon, and one huge jade dragon. Do not despair. What may now planes. The stirring is an attempt to keep
After making contact with the mortals, seem to be an insurmountable task is the small dragons (blues, jades, and
Opal is to provide an interesting chal- not really that difficult. If you are suc- onyx) from popping through the gate,
lenge, but, at the sponsors request, zessful, you will have taken a major though not all of them can be kept back.
should not kill the mortals if they fail. If step on the long road you have cho- When the PCs are close enough for con-
they succeed, Opal is to willingly give sen. If you fail I will grieve, but you versation, Opal-hag speaks.
them one of his fangs. will have the honor of being slain by a
The Great One acknowledges Opals :ruly worthy beast. Prepare now for Good even to you, young masters,
acceptance, but as the three Rulers leave deadly peril. Begin your quest by creaks the ugliest crone. The hour
for their home planes he gazes thought- Nalking into the mountains to the east grows late and you look weary. You
fully after Opal. This situation bears if this place. Aid on your journey may are welcome to break your journey
some watching, he thinks to himself. :ome from unexpected sources. Keep here and share the supper my sisters
Should Opal warp the contest to his i p your courage and keep your wits and I have prepared.
own designs it could mean a rift between tbout you. Have a nice day.
dragons and Immortals. He himself If the players are reluctant, possibly
then leaves to seek the Immortal. whom referring to the dragons they saw coming

Their journey across the plain to the
and near. mountain is uneventful, and the subse-
quent climb is arduous, but not impos-
Can you answer my riddle? Come sible.
now! It is childs play! About halfway up they are attacked by
ten small blue dragons and one huge
The answer, of course, is gate. If one. It should be very difficult for the
the players get bogged down trying to party to maneuver on the mountainside;
solve this riddle, the D M might have fighters should have a -4 to hit, and
them make Intelligence checks to gains spell casting is impossible. If the charac-
such clues as, It can be flown over or ters struggle forward instead of staying
tunneled under, or It is fixed in place pinned, they soon find a shelf upon
yet able to move, etc. This should not which they may stand and fight.
prove too difficult a riddle to solve. The dragons glide down the moun-
After allowing reasonable time to tainside as quietly as possible. The D M
come up with the answer, the hags sud- should check for surprise. Each dragon
denly stand up. If the players answered uses its breath weapon on the initial
correctly the crones bow to them; if the attack; check the table for all pertinent
.---------------r------J -
I answer was incorrect they laugh and roll statistics. Damage is equal to the
for assistance. Try to lead the interaction their eyes and make gestures that belittle dragons current hit points.
in this direction if possible through the intelligence of the characters. After the first attack the blue dragons
extemporaneous speeches by the hags. In either case, at this point the hags flap their wings to regain altitude and
vaporize into small columns of mist or hover. Each of the small ones then casts a
All the crones cackle and titter at your smoke (gaseous form). The pillars flow second level spell (such as web, continual
story, then one of them, with bright gracefully upwards a short distance, then light on a PCs eyes, etc.). The huge
yellow eyes and a bluish skin, rises plunge into the cauldron and disappear dragon merely hovers, watching.
from her crouch and leans forward, with the sound of distant laughter. O n the second round the huge dragon
breath hissing through jagged If the PCs look into the cauldron they casts hold person on any character who
teeth see it is empty, but no bottom can be has cast a spell, or, if none have, a fire
have h...,,,,
ernec I
T nerhgnc hgm=
y\-LLL-y ..uII -
2 seen. Where the bottom should be is a
void shot through with occasional bands
bull. After this spell the small dragons
immediately attack, one dragon per PC.
to help you, something that will
speec1 you on your way. Tis a riddle of color and metallic sparkles. After the melee they break off and rejoin
with a common answer. Would you their brethren.
.us with some small item in pay- Through the Gate O n the third round a number of small
: for this aid? dragons, equal to the number of small
Opals home is t1le second plane in what ones killed, if any, retreat to Opals lair.
the Immortals cid1 the Draconian Clus- If none have been killed, all the dragons
The: hags accept anything in payment, ter, or simply thc2 Four. The PCs arrive
even fiood , attack once more with their breath weap-
via the gate in t he bottom of the caul- ons and then rejoin Opal. The party may
dron . continue their ascent unmolested.
NOw listen well to my poor rhyme: Opal ordered this attack in order to
I3irds laugh at me, as do the Ahead a light grows brighter, and you test the partys strength and to give the
wcirms, find yourselves standing on a wide dragons a little fun and practice. He also
Ar1 imperfect barrier easily plain. The plain stretches away to the did it in an attempt to irritate the PCs
brceeched. horizons, except to the west. There into making a mistake.
I 1near the whispered secrets of a tremendous mountains rise from the
t vSt flatness, like rank upon row upon file At Opals Cave
Ye t never tell what I have learned. of dragon teeth. Clearly visible, high

up on the flank of one of these moun- The climb ends at a wide shelf that
I obey the wind if unbound, tains, is a cave. Before it sits a magnif-
Ye.t though I sway I never stray. leads to the cave entrance. It is very
icent dragon, his scales reflecting the windy on the ledge, though there was
m a harrier fiill nf hnles
sge to worlds both far 1 wan light of three distant suns. no wind on the mountainside during
This is the dragon that the PCs must face.

All may be allowed a saving throw for one entire wall, containing volumes con-
the ascent. Occasional small whirl- half damage, but the D M may opt to dis- cerning history, legends, and philosophi-
winds stir dust and debris upwards. allow a save for those directly in front of cal dissertations on the life forms of many
Directly in front of the opening is the dragons mouth. After he breathes, planes.
Opal, the Ruler of all Neutral the other dragons join in with one round Here are all sorts of religious articles
Dragons. O n his left are two huge of physical attacks. which would be familiar to the charac-
blue dragons and an onyx dragon, The PCs may or may not counter- ters, and a plethora of magical items lie
and on his right are two more huge attack, but it would be to their advantage about as if casually tossed on the pile over
blue dragons and a jade dragon. The not to. They are in deadly peril of their the preceding millennia.
dragons lift their wings at your lives. They may withdraw without fur- So what, in a dragons opinion, would
approach and preen themselves, all ther harassment, or may simply ask if be a mortals salvation? Certain things
the while watching carefully through Opal has some task they could perform to can be ruled out immediately, like
slitted eyes, waiting expectantly. earn his fang. In the unlikely event that wealth, in whatever form, or weapons
the PCs counter-attack, the gloves are off that briefly increase the wielders power.
The ball is in the players court. The ini- as the dragons attack with a barrage of In the end these things are of no value to
tial confrontation with Opal is critical. breath weapons and spells. their possessor. Magical items that artifi-
T h e PCs are in the presence of an If the PCs do not accept Opals offer, cially prolong life are not the answer
Immortal and should be obsequious, act- or do accept but do not counter-attack either, for they merely postpone the inev-
ing as if in the presence of greatness and ask how they can earn the fang, the itable.
(which they are). If they insult him, chas- quest continues. Opal and his guards Opal and the Immortal sponsor have,
tise him for ordering the attack, or boast laugh at his little joke. Towering imperi- in a roundabout way, given the charac-
of the dragons they slew, Opal feels ously over the PCs, he speaks. ters the answer: knowledge. Knowledge
honor-bound to snuff them out without a is the factor that elevates man above oth-
second thought or tear of regret. At least you show some knowledge er animals. It leads to the discovery and
Assuming all goes smoothly initially, and understanding of your predica- understanding of the Laws of the Multi-
the PCs may state the purpose of their ment. There is but one way to gain verse, which in turn leads to the under-
mission. If this was related earlier to the one of my fangs. In my lair lies a great standing and acceptance of mans place
hags, the characters probably have no pile of treasure. You may each enter in the natural cycle of life. Any book
way of knowing that Opal was one of and take one item from it that you from Opals library concerning such
them. Nevertheless, the Dragon Ruler deem to be a mortals salvation. knowledge will serve as a correct answer.
will be pleased if the PCs recognized his There is only one item in my trove The D M may make up any titles that
magnificence even through the hag- that is the right one. Upon your would be appropriate.
disguise, and do not bore him now with a return I will judge whether or not you Once the characters have made their
repetition of their previous explanation. have chosen correctly. If you have, choices they return to the cave opening
In any case, Opal gravely considers you may have one of my fangs and for Opals judgement. If they have cho-
the request, albeit chuckling inwardly. return to your home. If not, you will sen correctly, Opal, true to his word, rips
Finally he speaks. willingly surrender your lives. Are we a fang from his mouth, drops it on the
agreed? rock, then bids them take it and be gone.
Are you then heroes of such strength If the party missed the point, Opal
and daring that you would come for- The PCs may withdraw peaceably if they heaves a great sigh and explains the
ward and pull one of my fangs? Lay- are not confident in their abilities to solve response he expected. He signs to his
ing his great head on the rock, he the puzzle Opal has posed. Otherwise cohorts to prepare for attack. The gem
continues, I tremble at your might they must now enter the lair. dragons and the huge blues lumber into
and meekly offer you the tooth of your After walking some distance into the the air, circle once, then pull up into a
choice. Opal opens his huge maw mountain, the cave walls providing a hover, ready to blast the party with their
and waits. nacreous green illumination, they come breaths. It looks like curtains for the
upon Opals trove. T h e pile seems PCS.
If the PCs accept this offer and attempt to endless, with the expected piles and At that moment a swish of wings
pull a fang, Opal responds with a devas- heaps of coins, gems, and jewelry. breaks the silence and a commanding
tating blast of poison gas which inflicts Magic is in evidence everywhere. voice orders the attack to cease. Another
216 points of damage. The cloud may Weapons of all types are scattered all dragon has appeared, a lizard so vast that
also encompass the rest of the PCs, about, as are suits of armor and shields. there can be little doubt it is the Great
depending on where they are standing. A vast library of scrolls and tomes lines Dragon himself. With him is a human
that gives off a silver glow, the Immortal

iat arranged this test in the first place. would pack more magical punch than the wise be conferred on the item. If the
he Great One speaks. same from a huge or small dragon. The dragon was capable of using spells, spell
easiest method would be to say that parts storage up to the value of the plus would
Opal, I command you to halt this of a small dragon endow an item with a be reasonable.
needless slaughter and release these + 1 magical factor, a large one bestows Which parts do what? Scales or hide
mortals. They are no match for you + 2, and a huge one + 3. Going further provides protection equal to the plus
done, let alone the other dragons up the scale, Dragon Ruler parts would against that kind of dragon breath. From
here. True, they have failed your test, be + 4 and those of the Great Dragon the above table, the scales or hide of a
3ut is it not also true they perhaps + 5. large red dragon provide a + 2 to the sav-
have learned from their failure? Have Alternately, this could be keyed to the ing throw against a red dragons breath
:hey not perhaps now gained the hit dice the creature had. This better weapon, if fabricated into a shield or
understanding and knowledge you relates the sizes of dragons of different armor.
wished them to have? I judge they colors, i.e., a small blue and a large white Teeth or claws can be used to make
lave met your test successfully and both have 9 hit dice and could be consid- weapons with the appropriate plus. It
jeserve their reward. ered equal. The following table sets it all would have to be melded into the busi-
out, taking into account size, bonuses, ness end of the weapon, a tricky thing
Opal is upset with the interruption, but and spell ability. that the normal village smith cannot do.
obeying the dictates of his liege is para- A magic user would have to be found to
mount. With a wave of his wing he bids Type Size Magical do such a thing-for an exorbitant fee, of
his followers to retire, grips a fang with a Plus course.
huge claw and pops it from his maw. The
~~ ~

Wings give the ability of flight, at 113

dread thing, dripping blood and ichor, White; Crystal Small 1 the rate of the dearly departed, for a
clatters to the rock. Large 1 duration of ld4 rounds plus the magical
As the PCs recover the treasure and Huge 2 bonus. Thus the wing from a small white
prepare to leave, they might notice the Black; Onyx Small 1 dragon allows flight for 2 - 5 rounds. The
exchange of glances between Opal and Large 1 character should never know the exact
the Immortal human, a silent communi- Huge 2 duration.
cation expressing hatred and revenge. Green; Jade* Small 1 Eyes give the ability of sight. The DM
The Immortal has gained a great enemy Large 2 might wish to allow an ESP ability
through his interference in the affairs of Huge 2 instead. Blood or brains can be used to
dragons. If any of the PCs ever gain Blue; Sapphire Small 1 make potions that provide appropriate
Immortality, they will inherit Opals 2 breath protection or spell ability.
vengeance. But thats another story.. . 3 This all sounds like a good deal for the
Irru, I.UU VIIIUII 1 PCs, but, as with most things, there is a
Large 2 down side. There is a base 50% chance
O n Dragon Parts Huge 3 that any dragon encountered will realize
Now that the adventurers have the fang Gold; Brown Small 1 a PC has magical equipment based on
from a real live Dragon Ruler, what on 2 dragon enchantment. This increases to
earth do they do with it? For that matter, 3 80% if the powers are used within the
what about other dragon parts likes Pearl 4 dragons perception. While nothing may
scales, eyes, blood, etc? Can they be Opal 4 happen immediately, the PC will be
made into useful magical items? With Diarr 4 remembered and the word spread to oth-
what effects? How can all this best be The ( 5 er dragons. The rest is left to the DMs
handled in a campaign? * Tne UNI may allow parts 01 a huge, imagination.
O n the assumption that dragon com- spell-using green or jade dragon a + 3.
ponents can indeed be fabricated into
magical items, or at least imbue them Now that the relative strength of the
with some kind of power, first lets con- magical bonus is determined, lets con-
sider the strength of that power. Normal sider how the power is manifested. The
dragons, that is, the kind normal adven- first thing is the breath weapon of the
turers run into, come in small, large, and deceased. This could manifest itself in an
huge sizes. attack form of a similar nature or a
Based on the notion that bigger is bet- defense against that kind of effect. Visual
ter, something from a huge dragon acuity and the ability of flight could like-

Dragon Statistics for Encounters
Opal Huge Blues Huge Onyx Huge Jade Blues

Number 1 4 1 1 10
Armor Class -9 -4 -2 -3 0
Hit Dice 27 18 14 16 9
Hit Points 216 144 112 128 50
Move 180 (60) 150(50) 150(50) 15 0 (50) 90(30)
Flying 420( 120) 320( 120) 320(120) 3 20(120) 240(80)
Attacks u p to 9 Up to 6 Up to 6 Up to 6 2 clawsll bite
Damage see below see below see below see below see below
Breath As any neutral dragon 200x5 line 120x5 line 5Ox50x3Of cloud lOOx5 line
Save As F 36 F 36 F 36 F 36 F9
Morale 10 10 10 10 9
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value 32,000 8,900 7,050 8,950 2,300
First 5 4
Second 4 4
Third 3
Attack Damage
Bite/Crush 6d8 + 4 3d10 + 8 2d10 + 8 3d8 + 8 3d10
All Others 2d8 + 2 ldlO + 3 ld8 + 3 ldlO + 2 ld6 + 1

Pestiferous Castle of Bodor Sordstone

Monster: Mountain Giant tain giant clan that lives on the peak, but minded head of the Ironroot giant clan,
Party Level: 25 - 30 they have never been enemies either. has recently noticed that many of his
Ratri intends to change that. favorite valuables, such as his bearskin
This adventure is designed for four to Ratri comes to the Ironroot dwarves slippers, have disappeared. Bodor can
six characters of 25th through 30th level, bearing his clans (stolen) Forge of Power tolerate many things, but not the loss of
using D&D@Muster set rules. The D M and claiming that mountain giants have his favorite slippers. H e intends to recov-
should read through the adventure care- killed all of his people. The Ironroot er everything that was stolen from him,
fully before playing. dwarves give him sanctuary among them. and eliminate whatever pests have been
Soon many of the Ironroot dwarf making things disappear.
Background clans most valued treasures begin to dis-
appear. Ratri blames the mountain Set-Up
An outcast mountain dwarf, Ratri Back- giants, and asks to lead a party of
axe, seeks to become an Immortal of the dwarves into the giants lair and search Bodor Sordstone was once a mercenary
Sphere of Entropy. One of the conditions for them. The dwarf chief, overwhelmed in the service of several lawful nations,
of his elevation is to cause a major war by Ratris charisma, agrees. and during those days he made many
between those who were not previously The Ironroot giants live on the moun- friends, some of whom still live. H e
enemies. T h e dwarves of Ironroot tain high above the dwarvish caverns. wants to locate the best people he can get
mountain are not friends with the moun- Bodor Sordstone, the rather absent- to help him with his problem (i.e., Mas-

ters level characters), so Bodor leaves The castle has no bridge, and the char- opening a real chore. It also means that
the (:astle to look up his old friends from acters will have to cross using whatever items tend to be many times more valuable
his Imercenary.*-* I A
------ con-
aIv-c through - - ~ ~ other means are available. If they cross than human-sized items.
tactri, Bod;or meets the player characters, via the water, they will encounter an ogo- All ceilings in the lair are 30 feet high,
whom he asks to find and remove the pogo, a gianit lake serpent. except for the Great hall, which is 75 feet
pest:s who are stealing treasures from his Lake Serpent: AC 2; MV swimming high. All rooms, except for the Night-
hornle. He will even let the characters 240; H D 12; hp 80; #AT 1 bite and con- walkers prison, are lit by magical lamps
take one iLbIII
:eP- ay,bbb $---
o ~ ; p p p the ~ ~ . 3~
IIvlll C
rl. +ULlnr,y y
striction n
t l ~ .------*-,- --12;
1 Save F6; ML 9; AL C ; that never burn out.
long as they can lift and carry it (the wife X P 2,700. The serpent can constrict up Ground Floor
alw2cys said the castle was cluttered), and to three targets for 1-8 points of damage 1. Guard Room
Bodsor will offer his aid if the party needs per round each. Constricted targets may The castle opens into a large guard-
it at some time in the future. All depends not cast spells and attack at -4 to hit. room. In this room are two mountain-
on tlhe return of the slippers: its the little The serpent is 25% resistant to magic. giant-sized suits of non-magical plate
.1 .
tnings, not gold, after all, that make life The island is protected from the ser- mail on armor stands; the gauntlets of
bearable. pent by a long, well-worn wall. There is a each suit grasp a 25-foot-long halberd.
Bodor and his family will be visiting rel- vegetable garden, which is infested by a The suits are merely decorative.
atives while the exterminators are busy. family of giant rabbits. The rabbits pre- The room is blocked by a locked port-
The giant absentmindedly forgets to detail fer to eat vegetables, but will defend cullis, which requires a combined
the inhabitants of his castle, but does ask themselves if cornered. strength of 72 to lift, and also reflects all
the party not to bother the pets while the Giant rabbits (5): AC 6; M V hop magic that is cast at it. In the ceiling are
giants me-- - a---- -----r to
rrnne excmt mve them a bit of
- 0 180(60); H D 6; hp 36; #AT 1 bite; D 1- several murder holes. Boiling hot
food and something to drink-and please 6; SaveF2; ML 4 (12 if cornered); AL water or oil is poured down these holes
dont make a mess! The giants,will return N; X P 275 e ach . onto those who try to invade the castle.
in a wreek or two. / The castle has a central stone (granite) No hot liquid will come down on the
building and four towers. It has been well- characters at this time.
Hum1D r
kept (at least compared to the wall), and
This iidventure is a change of pace from 2. Great Hall
the central biuilding has a slanted roof on
many D&D@game adventures. It can be which four 9;ant-sized ballistae are mount- The Great Hall is where Bodor greets
playec1 for laughs, or played as a serious his guests. It is huge, two floors tall, and
ed at an up1ward angle. This is used to
adventure. The D M is responsible for the well-lit. Many elaborate tapestries line
defend again1st aerial creatures, such as
choice: of tone. If the D M wishes to play up the walls, obviously made by humans
dragons. The castle was built and designed

the huhumorous aspects of the scenario, a few (giants do not have such skill), which
by human rntages long ago, but has been
gags c:odd be thrown in. Bodor might say adapted to serve the needs of the giants. depict comic scenes from giantish leg-
such things as, Fe Fi Fo Fum, 1 smell the ends. Banners with the coat of arms of
The main gate is elevated above slant-
blood of ...oops, I forgot, youre on our related giant clans hang from the ceiling.
ing, slightly spiral stairs, designed to aid
side, or morus the Cat might tell the party
that hpii.__
. .,.. . -
them i t t h e v have a certain v
siece defendlers. The gate is dwarven- There is a magical fire that does not give
b Y oyuAb UIbII1 ,
made, of m agically-forged steel with a off smoke in the fire pit in the center of
brand of iron rations. Humor is a personal the room; it is not warm enough to heat
magical lock . No mortal force can break
thing, and it has been left to the D M to the entire room adequately and the air is
this gate, altliough certain divinely-made
decidc: whether the players would enjoy chilly. There is a large carpeted area on
artifacts mi?;ht. Bodor has left the door
these.jokes or not. which the giants eat (they do not have
locked and f forgotten to give the charac-
ters a key. rhis lock cannot be picked tables), and two thrones on which the
The2 Adventure (automatic failure and 5d10 electrical lord and lady of the castle are usually
shock damage if this is attempted). A seated. Also, there is a giant bird cage,
The Mountain Giant Island
successful di spel magic against the 30th which houses the Sordstones pet bird, a
The giants lair is in the center of an
level of mag ic-use will allow the lock to huge yellow canary-roc called Twitty Pie.
extinct volcano on an island in a crater
be opened siifely. The door has carelessly been left open,
lake. T h e mountain is 7,000 feet in ele-
and Twitty attacks anything on sight,
vation, and not an easy climb. If the
characters should first visit the dwarves Castle Ircmroot thinking that it is a cat. Twitty is near-
sighted as well as stupid.
that live under the mountain, they might Everything in the giants lair is bk. Every- Twitty Pie: AC 4; M V flying 360
learn a lot about what is really going on, day items like forks, knives, etc., are three (120), hop 60 (20); H D 12; hp 70; #AT
but these days the dwarves are even less times larger than human-sized items and 2 claws, 1 bite; D 1-10/1-10/3-18; M L 9;
sociable to non-dwarves than usual. twenty-five times heavier. This makes door AL N; X P 1,900.

If any harm comes to Twitty the Sord- 5. guest Chamber been vandalized by Ratri, but the giants
stones will be very angry, so Twitty This room serves as a chamber for have not yet noticed this.
should be subdued, not killed. important guests, while unimportant
Towers of Castle Ironroot
If the party does a thorough search of ones sleep in the Great Hall. In the room
The towers of Castle Ironroot are several
the room, they will find a dwarven are a giant bed, drawers, and a bath. A
hundred feet tall, connected to the main
brooch behind a tapestry. The brooch is dwarven necklace, symbolic of leader-
castle by a spiral staircase. They have only
worth 20,000 g p and belongs to the wife ship in the Ironroot dwarf clan, has been
one floor each, the top one, although a few
of the dwarf chieftain. If the party left under the bed by Ratri. The dwarves
hidden corridors in the walls lead to the
returns it to the dwarves under favorable will pay full value for its return; it is
outside of the tower where arrow slits are
circumstances (Le., Ratri isnt around to worth 20,000 gp.
mounted to serve in the castles defense.
accuse them of stealing it), the party will
6. Wardrobe These are never used.
be offered a 5,000 gp reward. This
This room is a closet, filled with
brooch has been planted by Ratri to 8. Tower Gaol
clothes belonging to the Sordstones
incriminate the Sordstones. This gaol, or prison, holds a creature
(mostly Mrs. Sordstone). There is an
that terrorized the castle a century ago.
3. Pantry ermine stole worth 30,000 gp here if
Bodors father sealed the creature, a Night-
This room is a large storage room full of resold, but it is otherwise unremarkable.
walker, into the room, and an arch-mage
pots and pans and other cooking equip-
8. Chapel made certain it could not escape. Bodor
ment; the cooks usually sleep here, but
In this chamber, the Sordstones pray does not know what is in this tower, as his
have moved away for a few weeks for their
to the deities worshipped by the moun- father never told him. A dispel magic
own vacation. They have been plagued,
tain giants, primarily the giant-god against 35th level magic is required to open
however, by a large, one-foot-tall, super-
Zalaj, and offer sacrifices which consist these doors. There are no warnings posted
strong flying mouse named Watamouse,
of minerals and other valuable goods. about the Nightwalker.
who loves to eat their cheese and beat up
The chapel is dedicated to the virtues of Nightwalker: AC -6; MV 150 (50);
anyone who tries to stop him. Watamouse
the mountain giants, such as their great HD 26; hp 160; #AT 2; D 3-3013-30; Save
always sings in a horrible voice as he
height and natural superiority over all F25; ML 10; AL C ; X P 20,000. The
attacks, and has a Strength and Dexterity
other creatures. The chapel has recently Nightwalker knows these spells: charm per-
of 20 for purposes of wrestling. Watamouse
only steals cheese and knows nothing
about other thefts.
Watamouse: AC - 6; M V 960 (230)
flying, 270 (90) on foot; H D 35; hp 280;
#AT 3 punches; D 1-12/1-12/1-12, + 12
each blow for Strength bonus; M L 11;
AL N; XP 17,000. Watamouse is 75%
magic resistant. His song acts as a symbol
of stunning in a 20-foot radius, usable
once per five rounds.
A large well from which the giants get
their water is in the corner of the room. The
well contains a secret passage that leads into
the mines of the mountain dwarves,
through which Ratri has been leading his
band of dwarven marauders (see area 18).
In the cupboard are four huge platinum
platters worth 10,000 gp each, and a silver
tea service worth 5,000 gp.
4. Kitchen
This is where the actual food prepara-
tion takes place. There is a stove, and a
magical oven; its walls are blackened by
generations of soot. There are several
cupboards which hold foodstuffs. This
room is otherwise empty.

son, invisibility haste, confusion cloudkill (at 10. Mistresses Chamber carries a 1u,uuu gp gold axe which was
2 1st level of magic use), darkness) hold person, This room is the sleeping chamber of found in a wardrobe. H e does not know
cause disease, dispel magic)finger of death (as 2 1st Wolmu Sordstone, the mistress of the about Ratris scheme and believes the
level cleric). The creature has a 50% base castle. There are few valuables left in tklis mountain giants are guilty. If he is
chance to crush shield or armor, and can room; all of the jewelry has been stolen, caught here, he attacks. If Grazin is
spoil food within a 120 radius. Its touch is except for a set of ruby earrings set in killed, there will be dire consequences
poisonous (save at - 2). It can gaze at one gold that are hidden under a pill07N . (see Aftermath, below).
opponent within 60 feet once per round; if They are worth 5,000 gp. 14. Servants chamber
the victim fails a save vs Spells, he becomes 11. Sons Chamber This is another servants quarters. It
cursed with a - 4 penalty on all hits and saves This is the sleeping chamber of t he contains nothing of value.
until the curse is removed. The nightwalker Sordstones son, Bombon. It is ve
can only be hit by + 3 or better weapons, messy, with clothing and garbage strev I 1113 L l l a u l u L & ID a y ~ a ~ b
where I lvllllu
and is immune to wands, poison, illusions, the room* The bed is can entertain her female friends without
turn to stone, charm, hold) cold) and spells below and it stinks of uneaten food.
6th level. The creature wears a diamond disturbing her husband. It is decorated is
There is a large underneath the soft colors, with ribbons on the roof
pendant worth 50,000 gp.
When first encountered, this night- bed which contains a The woven into cloud-like patterns favored
harp is intelligent; an animated female on by mountain
..- ..-~ females. There is
walker is invisible. It immediately its side claims that evil giants kidnapped it. noth ing of interest here.
attacks anyone who enters its cell. If seri- If told that the giants are good, the harp
ously threatened, it leaves the room. claims that it was stolen a long time ago, 1ti. Ancestors Memorial
I .- .__.._1- - -.A,.-,. +.-., :..
Once outside it can turn ethereal and and maybe things have changed. Thls room IS a MIIIIIC wiicic uluullLaul
depart, free at last after a century of con- The harp is in fact highly Chaotic in giants commemorate their ancestors, an
finement in the room, which is sealed nature. It can play a song that can charm, act that is very important to them. Bronze
against entry into the ethereal plane. If or sleep all in a 60-foot radius (save vs tablets depict the family for six generations
released, it will seek revenge against the Spells at - 2 to avoid the effect). Once (six hundred years), with an accounting of
family that imprisoned it, but thats per day, it can play a song ofdiscord, with their deeds inscribed in Giantish. The tab-
another story. the same effects as a symbol of discord. It lets have no mundane value.
9. Masters Chamber will ask to be taken to its rightful own- 17. T~~~~~~~
This is the master bedroom. It has er, a king. the it This room is the Sordstones treasury.
been stripped of many possessions by cause trouble. It contains a lot of valueless mementos of
Ratri, who, besides the bearskin slip- Aside from the harp, there is nothing the past, such as a favorite club or two,
pers, has taken a large rug, a wooden of value in this chamber. and a singli2 chest filled with 10,000 gp
statue, and a sword of honor given to Second Floor and five ge*ns worth 10,000 each. There
Bodor by a king whom he once protect- 12. Defense Chamber is also a hug;e black box which, if opened,
ed. Curled up on top of the bed is a giant This chamber overlook:s the guard- teleport s Bc,d.n r intn ... treasure rnnm.
.ll.ythe .A-II--_

orange cat named Morus. Morus has not room (area l), and is accesisible by a nar- Bodo r (mountain giant): AC 0; M V
been fed lately and is starving. H e will row corridor filled with wiIter. A ladder 150 (5C1); H D 20; hp 155; #AT 1; D 5-
gladly eat anything that comes along, leads up to the roof of the castle.
50; SaviE F20; M L 10; A L L ; XP 4,175.
including player characters, although he Bodor can throw boulders for 4d6 points
is usually quite finicky. 13. Servants Chamber of darnatge .
Morus the Cat: AC 4; Move 180 This sparsely decorated room is a ser- Bodo r forgot about this trap in his
(60); HD 12; hp 55; #AT 4 claws and 1 vants chamber, with bed and wardrobe treasure: room, and will be annoyed that
bite; D 1-8/1-8/1-8/1-8/2-12; Save F11; for a married couple who are currently the part y set it off. H e asks the group how
M L 7; AL N: XP 1,100. Morus is away from Castle Ironroot . This room is the extermination is going. If the party
immune to all charm spells. not unoccupied: a dwarf, dressed ___ in a I

mentions that they killed his pets, Bodor

Sewn underneath the mattress is a giant rats pelt, is hiding un es into a rage and demands that they be
parchment that entitles the bearer to land when the party enters. placed immediately. If the party is
in a nearby kingdom. Bodor has ignored Grazin (dwarf): AC 2; MT iable or unwilling to do this, Bodor
this claim. If the document is presented D7; hp 58; #AT 1; D 1-8 + 4 tacks them. Otherwise, he tells them to
to the kingdom, the government might and Strength bonus); Save lJ7; ML l u ; stop goofing off, close the box, and
wish to repurchase the land it represents, AL L; xp 850 He has a axe +2 departs to continue his interrupted vaca-
and will offer the title holder up to Grazin is looking for the lost dwarvish tion. The box works once per day.
150,000 gp for the claim. artifacts without Ratris knowledge. He

18. Ratris Lair The mountain giants keep their word
Ratri and his dwarves, disguised in rat regarding payment, as long as their
pelts, have been searching the castle. property is undamaged. ally by the mountain giants, became
They are currently resting in an old mine great among the little creatures. If
Ratri has used the Ironroot clans rock-
On Mountain
ship to ravel between the mountain giant Giant Lore
castle and the dwarfs lair. He has taken From the Dwarvish Legends The mountain dwarves and mountain
nine 7th-level dwarven fighters with him to giants have lived among or near each other
serve as his bodyguard. Use Grazins sta- ...And after a time when Grinax, the for centuries. Neither race is very friendly
tistics for all of the dwarves. oldest and wisest of the mountain with the other, but they arent enemies, and
If the characters find Ratri and his dwarves, had spent several centuries there has never been a war between them.
group, Ratri orders his followers to kill in the steep granite mountains, hap- As their elders say, both peoples dwell on top
the party, and Ratri then takes off in the pily crafting things of shining beauty, of the great forge of the mountain, and
rock-ship. If forced to fight, he summons there came a new creature, Zol, later should respect each other. So it has been
a huge non-spell-casting red dragon known as father of the mountain since they frst met, long ago.
from a special amulet which he wears, giants. Zol looked on the many Mountain giants live in very small
and tries to escape. The dragon has max- worked-steel wonders of Grinax and family groups on the tops of mountains,
imum hit points, and can be summoned was envious, and he said that he and keep to themselves. They rarely tra-
once per month. would take Grinaxs works and crush vel, except to find other mountain giant
Ratri: AC -8; D12; hp 99; M V 120 him under his foot. But Grinax, with- clans with whom they mate. Mountain
(40); #AT 3 (uses rank M for attacks); D out time to put on his armor or grab a giant males tend to be very confined in
1 - 8 + 8 ; Save D12; M L 9; AL C; X P slay-steel, tricked the stupid creature. their youth, although they crave an out-
9,100. Ratri wields a battle axe + 5 which He told Zol that greater wonders were let for their youthful aggressions. Since it
also slows Lawful creatures. He has a ring on the peak of the mountain. So Zol would be destructive if such potential for
of quickness, ring of spell turning, dwarven left Grinax in peace and climbed to violence were unleashed against
plate armor + 4 (absorbs 2 hp/strike), and the summit, and was content. The giantkind, young male mountain giants
a potion of etherealness. mountain giants and dwarves have are often forced to leave the mountain
In a nearby cavern, hidden by a rock- shared the mountain ever since, both peaks and alleviate their tensions in the
fall, are the stolen giant items, including nurtured by stone into being the world of small creatures. This is why
the bearskin slippers. greatest of their kinds. mountain giants sometimes work as mer-
cenaries among humanoid folk.
Aftermath From the Mountain Giant Myths Mountain giants do not practice magic
If Ratri and the dwarves are captured, and their cultural artifacts tend to be very
Bodor and his family return and straight- Great Zalaj, mightiest and wisest of simple. They are not skilled artists, or
en things out. Ratri is exposed to the giants, built his castle on the top of craftsmen, or toolmakers-at best, their
dwarves for the rogue that he is. stone, unlike his foolish brothers. work in these areas is marginally adequate.
If any of the dwarves are killed, the Then there came a time when Zalaj They are fond of pets, typically giant ver-
dwarves blame the death(s) on the moun- heard strange noises in the night. This sions of domestic animals, and are skilled
tain giants. Unless the giants sacrifice puzzled him, and after several nights trainers of giant-sized animals.
their son to the dwarves vengeance, the he thought to look down at the lesser Mountain giants view the little
dwarves contact other dwarf clans and things, and he saw a little creature races as inferior to themselves,
embark on a war of revenge against all with a long beard, a dwarf, who called although they say that they find the small
mountain giants. itself Jiniag. Jiniag wanted to build size of lesser humanoids cute. Moun-
This war can be avoided in two ways. holes in Zalajs keep, to look for shin- tain giants are aggressive, but, although
If the slain dwarves are all resurrected, ing stones. Zalaj liked shining stones, they do not hesitate to defend them-
the dwarves forgive (but do not forget) so he took pity on the little thing, and selves, they do not make war: little crea-
their deaths. If the PCs investigate Ratri he placed it at the bottom of the tures do that, not the giant folk. A few
and offer evidence of his outcast status mountain. Dig downward, he said, mountain giants are known to disregard
and his alliance with Entropy, then the and you shall find your shining these non-violent beliefs; these rene-
dwarves will realize the truth and back stones, more than you have ever gades raze villages to take what they
down. Otherwise Ratri succeeds in his dreamt of. And so it was that Zalaj want, but they are not good examples of
goal of instigating a war. got himself a neighbor, and the typical mountain giant behavior.



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