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(This Judicial Affidavit was prepared and taken before the office of Investigation Section of Dipolog City
Police Station, Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City on April 4, 2016)

I, _______________, 28 years old, married and a resident of North

Curvada, Galas, , Dipolog City, after having been duly sworn to an oath in
accordance with the law, with full knowledge that our answers are true, we
may face criminal liability for false testimony of perjury, hereby depose and

That I can read and understand English but humbly request that
during the presentation of the testimonial evidence, the same can be done
in the Cebuano/ visayan dialect that I am more comfortable and fluent.


1Q- What is your present occupation?

I am a stall owner of Stall No. 17, dried fish section inside the Ozamis
City Public Market, Ozamis City

2Q- What is purpose in executing this Judicial Affidavit?

A- To file a criminal complaint against my stay in worker __________,
30 years old, single with postal address of Kiblawan, Davao del Sur for
the crime of Robbery

3Q- Why?
A- The herein suspects with intent to gain forcibly detached four (4) glass
jealousy blade in the window in the kitchen at the back portion of my
house and once inside he took my sling back.

4Q- Please narrates the incident.

A- At about 4:00 AM, April 4, 2016 I woke up my husband Arturo Aguilar
Jr. to prepare and head for Ozamis City Public Market for usual
business activity together with my stay- in helper __________.

5Q- And then?

A- I told my husband to get my multi color sling bag which place below
our bed room.

6Q- What did your husband do?

A- My husband looked for my sling bag but he failed to find, that was the
time that we found out that the bag was already missing.

7Q- What did you do upon your discovery?

A- We exert more effort to locate the missing bag after minutes later, my
husband discovered that the blades of the jalousie of our window in the
kitchen was detached which prompt us to believe that our house was
entered by unidentified person through the said opening, we also
discovered a foot print left by the suspect in the glass table near the

8Q-What did you do then?

A- At about 5:00 oclock in morning we went to Ozamis City Police Station
to report the incident and we are advice not to alter the crime scene.

9Q-What else?
A-The Police arrived and immediately conducted investigation and
interview of the people around and a certain Ailyn Lopez Castro
revealed to the police officer that at about 3:00 AM of same date
more or less he saw _________ came out from the house with a sling bag
similar to the description of the missing sling bag, walking alone toward
unknown direction.

10Q- What are thing taken away by the suspect?

A- Inside my bag were two (2) pcs wallet, assorted Identification card,
BDO ATM card, Samsung tablet color white worth ten thousand
(=P=10,000.00) Load retailer cellular of Globe and Smart with load
balance worth one thousand eight hundred (=P=1,800), and a cash
money amounting to thirty thousand pesos more or less
(=P=30,000.00) and bunch of keys.

11Q- Do you know where is the suspect now?

A- Yes sir, he is now under police custody.

12Q- Do you have something more to say?

A- None unless when further ask in Court.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature below this 4th

day of April 2016 at Ozamis City, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on date and place above

written. I CERTIFY that I have personally examined the affiant and
completely understood the contents of the foregoing statement and
voluntarily executed the same.


I, ___________, Police Investigator, hereby confirm that I prepared

the Judicial Affidavit of _________ or that it was taken and prepared in my
presence and that the foregoing is a complete and faithful record of the
question asked and the corresponding answer that they gave. All the
answer in the affidavit was supplied by them was not coached nor influence
by anybody, as the same were all voluntarily and spontaneously given
supplied by him.
______________________, PNP

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 4th day of April 2016 at

Dipolog City, Phillpines.

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