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President Trump received the following letter February 15th, 2017.

Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump :

Judicial Jam has already begin to plague your Administration with the 9th Circuit
decision, and Obama's Ineligibility in appointing Judges during the 8 years. I have a
Judgement-Rule-60-RoughDraft ) an Ineligibility Law Suit in the Federal District Court
(Utah Division).

I know you have a lot of things going on, but America's National Security is one of the
very most important elements of being President and your Travel Ban was deflected by
an illegal Judge on the 9th Circuit [appointed] by Obama. Literally hundreds of Judges
are considered illegal if the Court in my Case decides to consider Obama's Ineligibility
as an unseated defacto or Constitutional Usurper President.

My Case to REOPEN and for a RELIEF OF JUDGEMENT has been submitted with the
uncontested evidence of Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse that only became available in
December of 2016, but linked the identity theft used to forge Obama's long form birth

See Discussion Article Featured Editorial and Video Evidence of Obama's Forged long
form birth certificate

I have tried constantly to warn of the Judicial Constraint and Web of Judicial Action that
very well could hamper your Administration for years in Court Proceedings with Obama
Appointees making those calls. I have tried to TWITTER this action to you and to A.G.
Jeff Sessions since his confirmation @codyrobertjudy

Thank you for asserting that the A.G. Office will help me as is the duty of the court to
assert when violations of the Sherman and Clayton Act as well as Civil Rights
allegations are made in the Court. I really need the help of the A.G. in moving on this
Judicial Matter, that also plays a big part in the success of the Executive Branch.

Cody Robert Judy

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