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If you own coins or are considering owning coins chances are you have
or will be working with a coin dealer, and chances are they are going
to be making a lot recommendations to sell you coins. You need to
walk into that relationship with confidence and a basic understanding
of rare coins. Most will try to tell you about the virtues of rare coins and
perpetuate the many myths out there. Your main source of information
is going to be the dealer that you choose. Unfortunately most dealers
want to sell you coins they make the largest possible profit from.

In over 30 years in the business of buying and selling coins, I have

probably heard every pitch, trick and theory there is and have seen
too many investors get burned. So, to keep you from making some
of the basic mistakes and losing money, I have put together these 15
truths that coin dealers dont want you to know about. Dealers will not
like whats in this booklet because it will expose many of the fallacies
they continue to promote. The following insiders information will be
extremely valuable to you when considering your gold, silver and
rare coin investments. I believe when investors are given an honest
transaction they are likely to come back for more. So, while some will
say my information hurts the market and could scare people away from
rare coins, I maintain that an educated buyer is the best thing for the
rare coin market. Please, enjoy and profit with the information I share.

1 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion


Very few people have made money investing in rare coins, except for
those who have purchased either bullion related coins or the super
rarities. For starters, you cant even buy the super rarities from 90% of
the dealers out there. Why? Because most dealers need to sell coins
they can supply in bulk. They sell and promote what they can control.
Most buyers are then simply sold whatever their particular dealer
is pushing. Most dealers are so blinded by their own rhetoric they
never stop to ask why their clients arent making any real money on
the coins theyve continued to sell for 10, 20 or 30 years. They rarely
evaluate what is really happening, possibly because it would be very
inconvenient to discover the truth. The bottom line is that gold has gone
up as much as 600% since 1999 while most of the Hot Buys in rare
coins have barely broken even.

Nevertheless, dealers continue to push rare coins year after year

hoping for different results. Isnt that the definition of insanity - doing
the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome?
The myths and lies about rare coins:
1) Coins are safe
2) Coins are liquid
3) Coins outperform gold
4) Coins dont go down in value
5) Coins are safe from confiscation
6) Coins are not reportable to IRS

2 2 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

3 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion
The first sign your dealer is lying to you is if your dealer shows
you charts, graphs or statics comparing coin prices in the 1970s
with todays prices, dont walk away, RUN!!

This is a manipulation of data and an extreme distortion of facts.

Any dealer who uses grading comparisons from 1970 is outright
misrepresenting the coin market. Standards used today cannot be
compared to the 1970s. In fact many of the grades used today did not
even exist in the 70s. Plus, todays grading standards are much stricter
than what was acceptable prior to 1986.

In fact an MS-65 in 1970 would most likely only be considered an MS-

63 or LESS today. This difference in grading can result in a substantial
difference in price. For example a $2 Indian Gold piece is worth $715
in MS-63 and $2000 in MS-65. Therefore, it is misleading to suggest an
MS-65 coin purchased in the 70s is now worth $2000 when its most
likely only worth $715 or LESS.

Its bad enough that every dealer knows this fact. The worst part is that
the dealers use this as a way to avoid repurchasing coins yet use these
misleading charts to make the claim of rare coins performance.

The only truthful charts begin at 1986 or later. No surprise, these tell a
completely different story. In fact the Coin Dealer Newsletter only charts
from 1990 to present. These charts clearly show that rare coin market
as a whole is worth LESS today than in 1990. Not surprisingly, even the
best performering sectors are only up 20% since 1990! Add the dealer
markups and the profit disappears

The charts and statistics most dealers share do not include the mark-
ups, fees and actual prices charged. They are comparing only bid to
bid prices. In reality a coin you pay $1500 for is probably bid at only
$1000. So if youre extremely lucky and that coin doubles - you would
only realized a 33% profit. Plus most dealers want to make 10% to 20%

4 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

on the sale too which whittles your profit down to 7% to 14%.

So in reality, you will be lucky to make $100 to $200 profit even after
your $1500 coin doubles in value. It should be obvious that rare coins
are a losing proposition. Since the greatest Gold Boom in history
started in 1999, rare coins have gone up less than 6 for every dollar
gold has increased.

Here is a sample of how coins have performed. Since 1990, according

to Coin Dealer Newsletter, only 2 of 11 sectors of the coin market have
shown ANY appreciation at all. The best being Silver Dollars with a gain
of a whopping 20% in over 23 years! The next best performer is up
only 5%!
Since 1999 Pre 1933 Gold has gone up 37% while gold bullion
has gone up close to 600%
$20 St. Gaudens MS-66 up 34% vs. Gold up 564%
$2 1/2 Indians MS-63 up 45% vs. Gold up 564%
$5 Indians MS-64 down 5% vs. Gold up 564%

At American Federal we can

compare virtually any coin you own
or are thinking of owning to bullion
or other coins.
If you think rare coins are giving you
a gold related investment you
are in for a shock. See how
your investment really
stacks up.
Call us at
1-800-221-7694 for
a personized market

5 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



I love rare coins and used to invest in them myself. In the 1980s many
of my clients made substantial profits in coins, but today most coins
are speculative luxuries and unsuitable investments for most people.
They do not provide a hedge like gold; they do not react to the dollars
devaluation since they are always dollar denominated. They are not
suitable for funding your retirement, little Susies college education,
or anything where safety or a reliable return is important. Never have
more than a few percent of your net worth in them, if any at all. They
should not be considered diversification. Dont invest unless you are
able to actively monitor your portfolio. Even then the odds of making
money are slim. Rare coins can create problems for heirs because
of appraisal fees, legal fees, disposal, and tax treatment...theyre
generally not for people where estate planning is a major consideration.
New laws can create a nightmare for heirs. If you do manage to
pass coins on without the IRS knowing, it can be difficult for them to
prove what they purchased the coins for and can lead to the entire
amount being taxed as ordinary income. Plus any loss you may have
disappears when you pass the coins on. So, even if you lost money
your heirs will eventually be stuck paying taxes when they sell.

Dealers promise to buy back, but the majority will do everything in

their power to avoid it. They will happily trade for other coins because
they can then hide their true mark up again. Read all the fine print and
disclosures your dealer sends you.

6 6 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

Rare coins have been a terrible investment. Simply
buying Gold Eagles or other bullion coins have
outperformed coins ten times over, and I can prove it!

It makes no sense to take the risks involved in rare

coins when there has been no payoff. They are not
liquid, have huge spreads, have a tiny market and
prices are controlled by dealers promotions. There
are no reporting or confiscation benefits that are
offered on rare coins that are not specifically granted
to Gold Eagles and Buffalos. In most cases the coins
you are sold as non-confiscatable were confiscated
in 1933.

If you look at the performance and know the facts

you would never own rare coins unless you just love
them. If you believe in gold and silver, then rare coins
are the wrong way to invest.

Want to check out how coins have performed?

We have charted thousands of rare and semi-
numismatic coins everything from 1907 High Relief
St. Gaudens, Proof $4 Stellas to common $20 St.
Gaudens and Liberties. Thinking of buying? We
compare returns on different coins for you. Ask for
the Performance Review or Investment Comparison.
If you still want rare coins we can beat anyones price
guaranteed. Call us at American Federal toll free:
e-mail to: [email protected]
or fax: 480-553-5290.

7 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



Why invest in something that costs $1,000, but you can only sell for
$500-$750 the next day?

Most dealers charge a 29% or more spread (not markup) for rare
coins. However, many dealers mark up their coins an onerous 50% to
100%...or more, although they go to great lengths to hide it.

You have to understand that spread and mark-up are different.

A 29% spread is a 41% mark-up. It works this way; a 29% spread,
means that the dealer supposedly will pay 29% less than their selling
price. So a coin they sell for $1000 will have a buyback of $710.
However, if a dealer pays $710 he is marking it up about 41% to sell it
for $1000. So this coin needs to go up about 50% just to break even.
This is why most dealers want to trade you into more coins instead of
cash you out. If you trade for more coins they can hide their markups.

Dealers deserve a fair profit margin, but if a coin has to go up 50%

or even double in price just for you to break-even, its not really an
investment no matter how special it is! Be sure to find the wholesale
trading range for the coin before you buy. Its easy to do. Simply call
any dealer and ask for the Certified Coin Dealer Newsletter price Be
very careful about buying coins that you cant easily find independent
price listings for. Those coins are generally esoteric and only for true

8 8 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

Caution: There are few if any pricing guides that I am aware of on the
Internet that will show you anything but retail wish prices. Even price
guides put out by reputable companies and grading services like PCGS
and NGC will show high retail prices-not true liquidation value.
Using these self-serving pricing guides guarantees you will end up
paying too much.

Wouldnt it be easier to simply buy bullion coins from a transparent

company like American Federal? Call us at 1-800-221-7694 and well
make sure you get honest, accurate pricing.

Your Break Even Point after dealer

41% Markup (29% spread)
Price You Paid $1000

Actual Coin Value $710

9 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion




This is a classic recommendation coin dealers make...even many of

the most honest and reputable ones. They tell you to Buy and Hold
They say, put your coins in your safe deposit box until you need them
at some distant point in the future.

Many tell you to hold for 5 to 10 years. This is so they dont have to
worry about buying them back.

This strategy fails miserably. First of all, most of the coins investors
have put away have gone down in value over the past 20 years.
Usually thats because they were poor investments in the first place,
and theyve only become more common and less desirable over the
years. The last real bull market in rare coins ended in 1989. If you
missed that opportunity then holding coins has only cost money.

If these investors had checked up on their coins every year or so, they
would have been able to identify the ones that were bad investments
and they could have done something about it. Instead, many investors
simply wait until they need the money, and then find out their coins
are worth a fraction of what they paid. In the meantime they may have
completely missed out making money elsewhere. Worse yet is that
most people believe their coins were appreciateing while gold went
up and find out that wasnt true years later. Re-evaluating and trading
into bullion coins would have increased the value of their holdings by
as much as 792%. Any good money manager evaluates their holdings

10 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

annually and makes changes
accordingly. Be very
suspicious of anyone
who wants you to
forget about your

The coin market

fluctuates wildly due
to dealer manipulation
and promotions.
Common sense dictates
that when a promotion is
ongoing, demand and prices will
temporarily be strong. Take $2 Indians, for example. These coins had
been heavily promoted and performed well for a short period of time.
However, the promotion lost steam, dropped over 70% and has not
recovered since 2006.

You should regularly monitor your portfolio to make sure the coins you
thought had great potential when you bought them, still do. If not, adjust
your portfolio accordingly. Many people own rare coins because they
were talked into them when in reality they wanted to buy gold. If that is
the reason you own rare coins a smarter move is to simply trade your
rare coins for bullion coins such as Eagles, Buffaloes, etc. and take the
dealer out of the process. You can check your newspaper or T.V. to find
out where you stand daily or call American Federal at 1-800-221-7694.
We are here to help investors!

Make sure your rare coins are actually meeting the goals you set. If not
its time to get out. Chances are - if you take an honest look at it, your
coins are probably not doing what you hoped.

11 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



The pitch is that these best of both worlds coins (semi-numismatic)are
a combination rare coin and precious metal investments. They were
supposed to go up when gold and silver go up, and they go up when
rare coins go up. FALSE!

The truth is, this is one of the worst ways to invest in bullion or rare
coins. When gold and silver are cheap, they typically cost you much
more per ounce than bullion items like American Eagles, Buffaloes,
Canadian Maple Leafs, or bars.

When gold and silver are high, they often not only lose their entire
premium (the so-called collector value), sometimes they even sell
for a few percent under their bullion value. Why? Bullion is extremely
liquid, rare coins require your dealer to find a buyer. It can take months.
Consequently, semi-numismatic coins become extremely illiquid
in these markets. When gold first hit $1000 you could find $20 St.
Gaudens MS-63 for only $960! As gold rocketed towards $2000 the
collector value all but disappeared even in MS-65 and MS-66.

Another important reason to avoid the semi-numismatic coins is that the

coin market may be weak when the precious metal markets are strong,
as they have been for over 22 years. Obviously, you cant separate
the bullion value part of the coin from the collector value part. You
have to sell one with the other. You may end up losing so much of the
collector value that it completely wipes out any profit you could have

12 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

made. This is why, for example, MS-65 and
MS-66 $20 St. Gaudens have gone up
less than 20 for every dollar gold has
gone up.
And yes, you may wonder, at some
point this amazing rally in gold and
silver is going to come to an end.
Where that price is, no one knows.
But, when is does you may ask, What
will happen to value of coins vs. gold
prices then?, and, What if gold and silver
prices actually drop?

Well, if historical trends hold true coin values will flatten

and fall with price of gold, if not more. Plus, they will be very illiquid. As,
investors lose interest in the gold market watching the price flatten or
drop, they tend to also lose all interest in the coin market as well. There
is nothing worse than waiting to bail out and not being able to sell - just
ask any real estate investor.

Many rare coins are only sold to investors interested in buying gold, but
who are talked into buying coins. If there is no interest in buying gold,
then the number of people available to talk into buying coins drops.
With the lack of new coin buyers coin prices plummet, often far more
than gold and silver.

People holding coins will run to sell when no one wants to buy. It a
perfect storm for the collapse of a market. So, if anyone tells you to
buy coins because they will hold their value as gold price flatten or fall,
again dont walk, RUN. History just simple doesnt show that to be true.

This is why I say when gold prices are going up or down, coins are The
worst of both worlds.

13 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion


Most large coin companies hire salesmen based on their selling ability...
not their numismatic knowledge.

The following was taken directly from the terms on a major dealers

i.e. their salary is based, at least in part, on the amount and profit
margin of the Precious Metals they sell. In addition, from time to time,
sales representatives may receive other compensation tied to sales
activity = e.g., contest, bonus tied to the sale of certain denominations
types or grades of precious metals. Sales representatives are not
licensed and their knowledge varies markedly.

These salesmen are rarely numismatists. They are salesmen who in

their last job may have sold timeshares...long distance, used cars...
whatever. Many of the new dealers are simply brokers who discovered
how much their employer was marking up coins and decided to steal
your name from their previous employer and go into business for

Theyre trained to tell you what you want to hear and prey on your
fears. Much of what they say is based on myth not reality. Most care
about their commission check more than your investment. Ask them to
buy your coins and they run for the hills, unless you will trade for more
over-valued coins. Its the only way they can make their quotas.

When investing in coins, or selling your coins, you want to deal with
companies known in the industry for their expertise, and deal with true
14 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion
numismatic experts. Ask to talk to clients who have made money.
Check their affiliations. The best association your dealer should be a
member of is:

Professional Numismatic Guild (PNG)

28441 Rancho California Rd., Suite 106
Temecula, CA 92590 | 951-587-8300

They are the only organization that really keeps their members
accountable. They make members abide by a Code of Ethics and retain
the right to arbitrate conflicts.

Most other organizations take anyone who simply pays the membership
fee. It is no surprise that American Federals owner, Nick Grovich has
been a member of the Professional Numismatic Guild since 1987.

15 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



Unfortunately most dealers care only about their profits not yours.
Most promote coins that they make the biggest profit on. They sell
coins they can buy in adequate quantities and that are easy to sell to
less experienced investors, or sell super rare coins at huge markups.
The track record of many of the boiler room type companies calling
you are abominable. The proof is that many companies sell the same
thing for years, even decades, and continue to tell their clients what
great potential these coins have, even though their clients have done
nothing but lose money on the recommended coins year after year! All
while gold has continued to appreciate as much as 600%.

The fact is that no matter how well intentioned the dealer is, it may
be impossible for the dealers to get their clients out when the time is
right. If a dealer is high profile in a certain area of the market, it quickly
becomes common knowledge in the industry. The coin industry is really
a very small community. If a dealer who was previously a major buyer
of a certain type of coin all of a sudden decides to have his clients sell,
the market could tumble when he becomes a seller instead of buyer.
For example: If a dealer is the market maker in Morgan dollars and is
constantly at coin shows and on the computer trading system buying
hundreds or thousands of coins and then suddenly turns around and
tries to resell these same coins into the market, it will collapse the
market. He has gone from creating huge demand for silver dollars to
being a supplier. Other dealers will be aware of how many coins he has

16 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

sold his clients and will be very hesitant to take the risk of supporting
that market now that the major buyer has not only disappeared but has
become a supplier. The only avenue the dealer has is to sell the coins
back to other clients. This is why promoting coins rarely works out for
the dealer or the investor. The higher the dealers profile the less likely
he is to be able to perform for his entire client base.

There are dozens of examples of this over the last 30 years.

In the mid 1980s Silver Dollars in MS-65 were the hot buy. After
rising to close to $1000 a coin they tumbled to just over $100. Twenty
years later they still have not recovered. More recently $2 Indians
were highly promoted. They did well at first, but as the promotion lost
momentum they too collapsed. After MS-65 graded coins hit a high of
around $7000 they have tumbled to less than $2000. Unfortunately,
no amount of promoting is likely to make them repeat their earlier
performance. Investors pin their hope on the dealer repeating the
promotions with ads and pushy salesmen, but its not likely to work.
The bulk of his buyers already owns
the coins and are not likely to
buy more. Its more likely
they are looking for an
opportunity to sell.

17 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



Watch out for dealers trying to sell you coins
certified by anyone other than PCGS, NGC
or even ANACS. They are the ONLY ones recognized by the dealer
community. Thats a fact. Coins graded by other grading services
coins typically trade for 30% to 90% less than coins graded by PCGS
or NGC. Its especially true on high-grade rare coins. The safest and
easiest rule to follow is simply to only invest in PCGS, ANACS and
NGC coins. Coins graded by other companies can sell for as little 10%
of PCGS or NGC coins.

A client paid $60,000 for a rare date $10 Indian piece graded by
an off brand grading service. This service had no guarantees or
acceptance in the coin industry. There are dozens of these types of
grading companies. You need to realize that there are no oversight
organizations or regulatory restrictions on
them. Anyone can start their own grading
company and claim to certify coins.
The coin was graded MS-64. In reality,
it was a polished, circulated coin
worth maybe $1000!

Rare coins are not liquid to start

with. Purchasing coins certified
by the recognized grading
companies is key and will make
it possible for you to know
exactly what your buying.
18 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion
The only rare coins that have performed in
the past decade are what I call the Super
Collector coins. They are not just low population coins. They are the
cream of the crop, key dates or top quality collector coins. These are
the coins that make headlines when they set new records. The 1913
Liberty 5 is such a coin. It brought $5 million in 2007.

These are not what you will buy from your typical dealers which have
rooms full of salespeople or brokers. Generally, they cant afford to
sell you these types of high-grade, prime investment coins unless they
are grossly overpriced. They need coins that they can buy in large
quantities and with little effort. Therefore, they are selling coins that by
definition are not rare.

The only way to buy the super collector coins is usually one on one with
a dealer who gives you personalized service and has a lot of experience
and expertise. And, these types of coins typically have bigger markups
that can eat up all your profits.

Example, take a rare $4 Stella that has gone up 300-400%. (This

doesnt include markups.) So, when the $35,000 coin tripled the
investor likely made less than 50%. The dealer charged over $70,000
for the coin. When it went up to $105,000 the gross profit was only 50%.
But remember, the dealer needs a profit on the sale too.
If you love rare coins and want to purchase, then call American Federal.
We can evaluate your coins and tell you a better way to be in the rarities
without getting gouged. I guarantee to beat any other dealers price.

19 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



Most dealers who sell to investors particularly the boiler rooms

are actually retailers who make their money selling coins, not buying
back coins. They may be willing to take the coins in trade because they
can hide the true price you receive by overcharging on the coins they
trade you into. They rarely want to buy them outright. If youre going
to invest in coins, and youre not an active, experienced coin investor
yourself, it will be hard to find a dealer with a track record of advising
clients when to sell and take profits. There are very few of them out
there. Even the best have had a hard time paying profits in the last 20
years. Its even harder today, since we are NOT investment advisers or
licensed financial brokers.

Realize that you are buying into a one-way market. Rare coins have
poor liquidity. Deals with as few as 100 or 200 $20 Liberties are enough
to send prices down 20% overnight! That is a thin, illiquid market. That
is not what you want when it is time to sell.

The brokers who work for these dealers get paid to sell coins, not buy
them. Again this is why so many people encounter resistance when
they try to sell. Many companies actually reprimand or blackball
brokers who buy coins back. They are isolated and not given new

Thats why they are suddenly sick, on vacation or too busy to take your
call when you want to sell.

20 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

Never be afraid to take a profit! Dont get
stuck when the market peaks... it can drop
dramatically in a matter of hours. It can
take yearseven decadesfor prices to approach their previous
highs. This goes for bullion as well. If you are sitting on big profits, then
it never hurts to take some of it. Todays rare coin prices are still 80%
less than the highs of 1989 even though gold and silver have hit new
all-time highs. Even if you see an increase you are likely to find that
your rare coins are not very liquid. Just a couple hundred coins are
enough to flood the market.

An article in Coin World documents Barber Halves - a classic U.S.

collectable - that were bid at $15,000 each in 1980 and were readily
available for $1200 in 2010. Investment coins rarely maintain their
gains unless they are super collectables. Even those coins
have performed poorly compared to gold, silver and
platinum. If you are lucky enough to have
in a profit in rare coins, TAKE IT!*
At American Federal we will buy
your coins outright or trade you
into bullion if you prefer. Call us
at 1-800-221-7694 to ask for a
written quote that will help you
decide if the time is right to sell.

* If you are not making profits in this

market, then its time to reconsider
selling your rare coins.
21 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion21


Of all the advice Ive ever given, this is the most important. One client
summed it up for me. He said, People want to believe whoever tells
them what they want to hear. This is very true. So, when someone
quotes you high coin values, test them. Have them PUT IT IN WRITING!

Most dealers want to make you feel good and tell you that your coins are
more valuable than they actually are.

They do this for many reasons. The dealer you bought from will do it
so that you cant figure out his real mark-up OR they tell you inflated
values hoping you wont sell OR they hope by paying you too much
they can trade you into something else. A trade will almost always put
you farther behind. They may pay more, but make it up on the mark-
up. I see people make this mistake almost daily. The true value of the
trade is usually much less than what is charged.

When selling your coins, keep these key points in mind:

1. Choose a company that specializes in liquidating coins. Check
them out on the Internet. You may be surprised what you find. Simply
type in the company name and see if any derogatory problems are
2. Dont sell to anyone who pressures you or makes you

22 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

3. Make sure it is a CASH offer. (Yes checks are ok) Dont accept
anything less!
4. If your dealer wont give you a cash offer in writing - get another
5. If your dealer insists on trading into more rare coins or graded
bullion coins get another dealer.
6. If you cant get your calls returned promptly once they know you
want to sell for cash - get another dealer.

There are plenty of dealers out there who will be happy to purchase your
coins. If your dealer puts up road blocks or makes it obvious they are not
interested, find one who wants the business. Remember how anxious
your dealer was to talk to you when you bought coins? If they are really
going to perform for you, they should be just as interested to hear from
you when you are ready to sell. At American Federal, we are happy to
buy and sell and will make sure you have all of the reliable information
that you need to make a solid investment.



Time after time, people have a tendency to believe the broker on the
phone even when that same dealer is the one who offered misleading
information in the first place. People believe because it makes them feel
better and because the dealer is telling them what they want to hear. Its
hard to believe someone giving you bad news, even when your gut tells
you its the truth.

I could give you hundreds of real life examples of investors taking a

higher offer and then being worse off.

A recent example was a client who had been dealing with one of the

23 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

larger dealers, who you probably have seen on the television. My offer
was approximately $185,000 in cash or bullion. The other dealers offer
was $221,000. However, when all was said and done this client did NOT
receive a check at all. He didnt get it in writing - as I had told him. He
ended up getting 1000 ounces of silver LESS than what I would give him
even at my lower offer! So, he actually receives about $30,000 LESS by
taking the higher offer.

Many dealers know you are looking only at the supposed offer, so they
quote high but make it up by over charging on what they give you in
exchange. Many investors ended up with coins worth only half the value
as they were charged in an exchange.

Most dealers refuse to put their offers in writing. Others will take weeks
or months to get back to you. With no written offer, you do NOT have a
transaction. Read the fine print when you get what you think is an offer.
Many times it is nothing more than an indication - not an agreement to
purchase, or only good for the day it was made.

The Supreme Court recently ruled that pricing is the clients responsibility.
This has emboldened dealers. The debate between a NY Congressman,
a California dealer and talk show host drives it home. In an interview on
Bill OReilly, the talk show host and OReilly both claimed that the dealer
is only an advertiser and the buyer needs to be responsible for checking
prices instead of assuming the sponsoring talk show host has done so.

Most dealers claim they always buy back and many try to. However,
there are reasons that sometimes they cant. Even PCGS has warned
that there may be no market for coins at certain times.

The following are terms, offers and disclosures posted on the Internet at
the time of this printing are from actual documents sent to clients.

24 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

Universal Coin and Bullion
Their written valuation is NOT an offer. They are very straightforward
about it. It says on the offer that it is not a transaction. It is subject
to being reviewed and the prices are good ONLY on the day it is
printed. They could not be any more forthright, yet client after client
assumes its an offer to buy. Indications are not offers to buy.
They also have a return privilege, but charge 20% to restock.

This company is one of the early hard money dealers. Even they
admit that they cannot guarantee to make a bid on every coinor
that it will exceed those from other coin dealers.

Lear Financial
Their website states sales representatives are commissioned
sales persons their salary is based, at least in part, on the amount
of profit margin of the Precious Metals they sell. And LCI does
not guarantee that it will repurchase any Metals that Customers
purchase and finally LCIs repurchase offer may be raised or
lowered on a daily, even hourly or more basis.

Encourage you to sell, but says the law prohibits us from
guaranteeing to repurchase the coins we sell

These companies could not be more up-front, yet buyers are consistently
surprised when they cant resell their coins. The way to stay out of trouble
is be specific about what you expect, get a cash offer and get it in writing
by fax, e-mail or mail. At American Federal we will send you the offer in
writing through any of those communication formatsyou choose.

25 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



If you have truly significant rare coins, and heirs who appreciate them,
passing them down to a new generation can be a historical legacy.

However, in most cases, heirs have little interest in the coins they inherit,
and end up selling them. As you can imagine, not only can this be time
consuming and a lot of work for them, they often end up selling them to
a local dealer, a pawn shop or hotel buyer for much less than they could
get if they knew where to go. (See Truth 15)

If your heirs arent interested in coins, its generally much better to sell
the coins and leave them cash, stocks, bullion coins, or other traditional
financial assets instead. Not only will this make things much easier for
them, it will make settling your estate less complicated and costly, as

Think about ityour trustee will have to have the coins appraised,
identify your cost, and then possibly argue with the IRS over the taxes
due. This can make settling your estate a costly and stressful event for
your heirs at a time when theyre least able to handle it. New laws will
make it harder for them to sell the coins without IRS reporting. Estate tax
changes could also work against them. Coins are no longer private.

If your coins are worth less than you paid for them, you should seriously

26 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

consider selling them. Any tax losses you may be entitled to are only
available to you and your spouse. Your heirs lose the ability to take
those losses. In some cases, they end up losing tax benefits that would
have provided you cash-in-your-pocket tax savings worth as much as,
or more than, your coins were worth.

If you are frustrated with coins, why leave them for someone else to
deal with and clean up your mistakes. Leave them something liquid and
easy to deal with, like cash or bullion coins. Call or e-mail American
Federal and we can help make that happen.

27 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion



Its been proven time and time again, unless youre an active and highly
experienced investor, your dealer will be the primary factor deciding
whether you make or lose money in coins. You want to work with a
dealer that has your best interest in mind and is dedicated to achieving
your investment goals. Unfortunately many dont! This will be a huge

One large well respected newsletter/coin dealer actually employs

a portfolio manager who supposedly monitors and makes updated
recommendations to clients. While it sounds good, the main purpose is
to muddy the waters so the company profits are maximized.

A client of American Federal previously spent $1.5 Million with this

company. Starting in 1999, they purchased a small portion of their
portfolio in U.S. Gold Eagles bullion coins. These coins increased from
$286 to $1800 each, as I write. The balance of their portfolio was put
into Peace Dollars, U.S. pre 1933 Gold coins and a variety of so called
semi-numismatic foreign coins. These coins have severally lagged the
gold and silver markets.

Their dealer bragged that they turned $1.5 million into $2.7 million over
13 years. However, if they simply purchased gold and silver bullion
coins they would currently have $9 million to $10.5 Million. Adding insult
to injury, the coins they were sold are not liquid. When I advised them
to sell part of their portfolio back to their dealer, they could not confirm

28 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

a price by phone. Even after mailing their coins it took 3 weeks to get
a price, and their dealer only wanted to buy the coins if they traded
for different coins and did a million dollar plus trade in conjunction.
This trade would profit the dealer in excess of $150,000. They finally
purchased the coins for 7% less then quoted, after 7 weeks.

In the end the investor only made 50% profit, while gold went up nearly
600% I maintain that he made money in spite of the company Portfolio

Select your dealer with the same degree of research and care youd
select a doctor or lawyer. Your dealer must have a long track record
of helping his investors achieve real profits. After all, unless you take
profits, you havent made profits.

The Internet gives you a lot of instant information. Searching a dealers

name will often, quickly reveal any complaints. You should also check
the Better Business Bureau and a variety of coin organizations. Its the
first step to protect you!

Find a dealer who asks about your goals and doesnt continually try to
force rare coins on you. Deal with someone who is willing to sell you
Bullion coins, such as, Eagles, Buffaloes, Maple Leafs, etc., instead of
using scare tactics to sell you rare coins time after time.

If you own rare coins, try this test. Call your dealer to see what would
happen if you want to sell. Even if youre not ready to sell act as if you
are. Find out how hard it is going to be when you do decide you want
to sell. You need a dealer you can depend on when the time comes to

For an update, a performance review or consultation, please call us at

America Federal, at 1-800-221-7694, we want to be your tried and true

29 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion


There actually are many places to sell your coins. But, it can become quite
confusing and difficult to choose the best method. I have listed below the 7
most common places to sell coins.
1. The Internet - Many people use Craigslist, eBay, etc. to sell
everything from used shoes to multi-million dollar mansions. It takes a
certain personality and comfort level to do this with coins. My experience
with auctions is that most people are looking for a cheap deal, unless you
have something super spectacular. In addition, if you dont know the
market very well, you can easily be in over your head. Many people lose
money and were taken advantage of using the internet to sell their coins.
People, including other dealers, who have done this have told me its a
real hassle and extremely time consuming. You must be willing to set up
an account, answer endless questions, ship to various buyers and worry
about getting paid. Even after all this, youll still have to pay the fees and/
or commissions. Plus there are numerous accounts of copies being sold
on the Internet if you happen to be buying or using it as a pricing guide.
2. Small Coin Shops - I cant say anything categorically about small
shops. Some are great and some are horror houses. Since gold took
off, it seems like everyone is a gold and coin expert. If you look to local
shops, unless they are involved nationally, attend major auctions and
shows they may only be knowledgeble of their own little market. They
are at the whim of the local collectors and not in touch with the broader
market. I hear complaints that a local dealer paid half of what it was
worth. Some people feel ripped off if this happens. The local dealer

30 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

often keeps all he buys while trying to sell retail through the store location,
and he has to double his money to make a decent return. Nevertheless,
I do think the local dealer is much better than a pawnshop, jewelry store
or collectible store, and they probably pay several times what the hotel
buyers pay.
3. Pawn Shops - Pawn Shops, part-time or general collectibles stores
and places like barber shops that happen to have signs that say We Buy
Gold are fine if you need cash that minute, but generally these places
are going to pay very low rates. These guys are part-time coins guys
and need to be extra safe (cheap), because many dont really know the
market. If they buy it cheap enough, it doesnt matter. I had a pawnshop
owner call me years ago to buy out his coin accumulation. He thought he
knew what he was doing, but he really had no idea how to grade coins.
He had polished counterfeits, priced in the thousands of dollars. When I
pointed it out, he didnt seem to care. He said he only paid a third of the
gold price and would sell them as MS-63 or MS-65s to people who came
in. We were not able to do business.
4. Auctions- Some dealers will pass the buck by putting your coins
into an auction instead of buying them back. An auction could be a very
profitable way to sell extremely rare coins, especially if they are a highly
sought after item. However most coins you are likely to have purchased
from dealers are going to be too common to bring even average prices
at auctions. Dealers attend auctions for two reasons. The first is to bid on
super rare coins for their collector clients. Secondly, they go to auctions to
get a great deal. Dont think that a set of coins will bring more at an auction
- it wont. It is extremely unusual for coins to sell as a set. The normal
procedure is to break the set apart and sell each coin individually. This is
completely opposite of what most dealers will tell you-as they convince you
to assemble the entire set!
Typically both the buyers and you will pay a commission. Coins that are

31 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

not rare routinely sell for 30% less than Bid at auctions. Many people
will not put reserves on their coins to save the buyback commission.
Dealers know this and can usually buy coins for less than what they can
turn around and sell them for the next day by simply hitting the computer
bids. The problem with an auction is that you need at least two people who
really want the coin to get a superior price. That wont happen on most
rare coins. Coin Dealer Newsletter regularly reports that coins have sold
at large discounts at most major auctions. The problem is you cant control
who will see the coins, what the market will be like or even have the
opportunity to turn down as bid without paying to buy your coin back.
I buy many collections that have been unsuccessfully auctioned and
bought back. Most of the major auction houses do a great job and are
very reputable but they cant guarantee you top dollar on 90% of the coins
sold by telemarketing dealers.
For most coin owners auctions just dont make sense.
5. Hotel Buyers - The hotel buyers seem to show up every time the
market gets hot. They spend a lot of money and get a high return. They
run full-page ads with incredible prices with words that says up to price
meaning you wont get it. Ive talked with some of these buyers. They
love telling stories about the great deals they have gotten. Im not saying
they are a bunch of crooks, but I think they come in for a weekend looking
to make great buys and if anyone wants to complain, they are in a new
town a week later.
In the Coin Dealer Newsletter the Executive Director of PNG (Professional
Numismatic Guild) says that traveling hotel buyers offer only pennies on
the dollar. One such dealer offered only $60 for a rare $2 Indian in MS-
66 that has a bid of $8500!
The average hotel coin buyer has gone into business just to take
advantage of the current market boom.
6. Gold Mail-Ins - These are the guys who just want you to mail your

32 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

gold in and they will give you an offer. This applies to sending coins to
national dealers or even the dealer you bought from. Always get something
in writing as to what youre getting. If its scrap gold, know how much per
gram or karat youre getting. If its rare coins, demand a written offer. Many
dealers will send you an offer that is good only the day they mailed it. Wow!
How exactly do you take advantage of that when it takes up to a week to
ship them? Some will tell you what theyll pay only after they receive your
coins, even though they sold them to you. Others claim that the prices
change hourly and they can never tell you what you can actually expect.
Ive seen too many people send coins expecting one price only to get much
less or worse yet, overpriced, unwanted coins as trade. If they intend to pay
you, they should have no problem guaranteeing a price in writing.
7. National Dealers- The best dealer, in my biased opinion (because I
am one) is one that deals nationally. These dealers should be members of
national coin industry organizations, of which the best is PNG-Professional
Numismatic Guild. Here at American Federal, for example, we physically
deal in all 50 states; we deal with market makers, auctioneers and both
collectors and their representatives. It takes a lot of manpower and
relationships to stay current in todays market. As a national dealer, it is
our job to know what is behind the market. We look at why collectors are
buying, for example, because it tells different stories. If someone is buying
simply to support his or her inventory, its different than someone buying in
anticipation of doing a major promotion. Believe it or not, only a handful of
us dealers do most of the national business.
We, at American Federal, pride ourselves in being a top national dealer,
with 30+ years of experience. We truly care about our clients and work to
make our transactions transparent and profitable for all parties. You can
trust us at American Federalcoins and bullion are our only business!
We buy and sell all types of rare coins and bullion. Please, call us toll free
TODAY at 1-800-221-7694, e-mail to [email protected] or
fax us at 602-553-5290. We promise to make your investment our priority!

33 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion
500 Easy Street
P.O. Box 5810
Carefree, AZ 85377

Phone (800) 221-7649

Fax (480) 553-5290
w w w.americ anfederal.c om

34 American Federal Rare Coin & Bullion

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