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Holy Cross of Davao College

Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City


Bachelor of Science in Elementary/Secondary Education


I. Course No. : Education 21 Credit: 3 units

II. Course Title: Child and Adolescent Development Pre-requisite: None

III. Course Description:

This is a basic course on child and adolescent development focusing theories on their
biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development and the factors that affect the
progress of development. The coverage of the course is structured to cover the key
dimensions of the development of children and adolescents: physical, cognitive, social, and
emotional development. For each dimension, theories are covered. Particular emphasis is
given to the factors that have been identified as having significant effects on the natural
course of development processes.

IV. Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

A. Cognitive (Creed)

1. Compare, contrast, organize and synthesize the different research and theories
related to the dimensions of child and adolescent development.

2. Identifying concepts, theories, and principles of child and adolescent development.

3. Brainstorm about insights regarding how teaching and learning processes should take
into consideration the various forms of knowledge regarding child and adolescent

B. Affective (Moral)

1. Reflect on the applicability of the theories to children and adolescents in the locality.

2. Realize the importance of transition of development and be prepared for real-life


3. Appreciate, value, and respect the complex pressure of the students from different
C. Psychomotor (Skills)

1. Apply their knowledge in child and adolescent development in the classroom.

2. Articulate their own views and ideas on how children and adolescent grow.

V. Course Content:
No. of Hours
1. Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches 4
2. The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks 4
3. Issues on Human Development 4
4. Research in Child and Adolescent Development 4
5. Freuds Psychoanalytic theory 3
6. Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development 3
7. Ericksons Psycho Social Theory 3
8. Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development 2
9. Vgotskys Socio- cultural Model 2
10.Bronfenbrenners Ecological theory 2
11.Prenatal Development 2
12.Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers 4
13.Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Development of Preschoolers 4
14.Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Development of Primary Schoolers 4
15.Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Development of Intermediate Pupils 4
16.Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Development of High School Learners 5

Total 54 hours

VIII. References

A. Books

Ref 1 Anonat, R. D. (2009). Child and adolescent development. Mandaluyong City: Books
Atbp. Publishong Corp.

Ref 2 Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.A., Borabo, H.L., and Lucido, P.I. ( 2010). Child and adolescent
development. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Ref 3 Gray, C. & Macbrail S. (2012). Learning theories in childhood. USA: Sage Publications.

Ref 4 Feldman, R.S. (2012). Child development. USA. Pearson Education.

Ref 5 Tuckman, B. Monetti, D. M. ( 2011). Educational psychology. USA: Cengage learning.

B. Web Resources

Ref 6 Presley, M. & MacCormick, C. B. (2007). Child and adolescent development for
educators. Retrieved 10 August 2014, from

Ref 7 Shaffer, D. R. & Kipp, K. (2013). Developmental psychology: Child and adolescenthttp.
Retrieved 01 June 2013, from

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