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_ V9.10.


Technical Notes

ARM7/ARM9 Family On-Chip Emulation

Contents................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Emulation Options........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Hardware Options ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Initialization Sequence .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 JTAG Scan Speed ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3 CPU Options.................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 General Options ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Debugging Options ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Reset........................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.4 NXP LPC ................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.5 Advanced Options................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6 STR9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7 Exceptions............................................................................................................................................... 16
4 Access Breakpoints ....................................................................................................................................... 17
5 Hot Attach ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
6 Semihosting ................................................................................................................................................... 19
7 Real-Time Memory Access ........................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 19
7.2 Implementation ....................................................................................................................................... 19
7.3 Samples ................................................................................................................................................... 20
8 Internal FLASH Programming ...................................................................................................................... 21
8.1 NXP LPC2xxx Family ............................................................................................................................ 21
8.2 ST STR7 Family ..................................................................................................................................... 27
8.3 ST STR9 Family ..................................................................................................................................... 29
8.4 Atmel AT91SAM7S, AT91SAM7X and AT91SAM7A Series.............................................................. 31
9 JTAG Scan .................................................................................................................................................... 33
10 Multi-Core Debugging .................................................................................................................................. 35
10.1 Multi-Core Debugging Background................................................................................................... 35
10.2 Multi-Core Debugging Settings ......................................................................................................... 35
10.2.1 Single Device Debugging in a Multi-device JTAG chain ............................................................. 36
11 Trace.............................................................................................................................................................. 38
12 Getting Started............................................................................................................................................... 39
13 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................. 43
14 Emulation Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 46

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1 Introduction
The JTAG interface offers all basic debug functions, based on which a debugger is implemented in winIDEA:
Read and Write Memory, Read and Write Registers, Run and Stop. Single step is not supported and must be
implemented by the debugger on a higher level. Two hardware breakpoints are available with ARM7, from
which one is usually reserved for source debugging; the other one is available to the user. If the code is loaded
into RAM, an unlimited number of software breakpoints can be set. Flash software breakpoints are also
supported on some microcontroller families (Atmel SAM7, ST STR7 & STR9, NXP LPC2000). If software
breakpoints are not used, the second hardware breakpoint can be freed in the Debug/Debug Options/Debugging
menu by unchecking the 'Reserve one breakpoint for high level debugging' option.

The ARM7TDMI core-based MCUs include the Debug Communications Channel (DCC). This is a
communication channel implemented into the debug part of the MCU and enables the communication between
the debugger and the MCU. The debugger communicates through the Terminal Window using JTAG, the MCU
on the other side communicates through coprocessor instructions. The communication is alive when the CPU is
in running mode, in stop mode there is no communication.

For more information about the Terminal Window and DCC use please refer to the Software User's Guide,
section 'Debug Session/Terminal Window'.

Debug features:
Two hardware breakpoints

Unlimited software breakpoints

Fast internal/external FLASH programming

Software flash breakpoints (MCU Family dependant)

THUMB support

Hot Attach

Real-time memory access through monitor

Little and big endian support

On-Chip Trace

The Thumb instruction set is a subset of the most commonly used 32-bit ARM instructions. Thumb instructions
are each 16-bit long and have corresponding 32-bit ARM instruction that has the same effect on the processor
model. Thumb instructions operate with standard ARM register configuration, allowing excellent interoperability
between ARM and Thumb states.

On execution, 16-bit Thumb instructions are transparently decompressed to full 32-bit ARM instructions in real-
time, without performance loss.

Thumb code is typically 65% of the size of ARM code and provides 160% of the performance of ARM code
when running on a processor connected to a 16-bit memory system. Thumb therefore is an advantage in
applications with restricted bandwidth, where code density is important. The availability of both 16-bit Thumb
and 32-bit ARM instruction sets gives designers the flexibility to emphasize performance or code size on a
subroutine level, according to the requirements of their applications. Note also that not all core registers are
available in Thumb mode.

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Switching from native ARM 32-bit instruction set to 16-bit Thumb and back represents some overhead for the
application from the aspect of the overall performance. In the real application, the executed Thumb code should
be big enough that the increase in performance due to Thumb instruction set use overcomes the loss in
performance due to necessary switch from 32-bit instruction set to Thumb instruction set and switch back to
native 32-bit instruction set at the end of the Thumb code.

Refer to ARM Core manual for more details on Thumb mode.

THUMB Code Debugging

The debugging can be performed as normal. When the THUMB code is being stepped, the Data in the Code
window is 16-bit long; otherwise it is 32-bit long. Not all CPU registers are available in THUMB mode,
although they can be seen in the SFR window. See the THUMB section of the ARM7 manual for more

Supported CPUs
winIDEA supports all CPUs based on the ARM7DI, ARM7TDMI, ARM720T, ARM920T, ARM922T,
ARM925, ARM926EJS, ARM940T, ARM946ES, ARM966ES, ARM9E and ARM9TDMI cores. Several
microcontrollers have already been implemented, also with special function register (SFR) information. If a
specific microcontroller is not in the CPU list, the core can be selected (i.e. ARM7TDMI, ARM7DI, etc.), the
only backdraw is that the special function registers will not appear. The special function registers can be
implemented for any microcontroller by request, only the SFR specification must be presented. Also custom SFR
definitions can be added, see the Hardware Users Manual for more information.

Check with iSYSTEM for the latest list of supported CPUs.

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2 Emulation Options
2.1 Hardware Options

Debug I/O levels

The development system can be configured in a way that the debug JTAG signals are driven by the emulator or
by the target voltage (Vref).

When 'Vref' Debug I/O level is selected, a voltage applied to the belonging reference voltage pin on the target
debug connector is used as a reference voltage for voltage follower, which powers buffers, driving the debug
JTAG signals. The user must ensure that the target power supply is connected to the Vref pin on the target JTAG
connector and that it is switched on before the debug session is started. If these two conditions are not meet, it is
highly probably that the initial debug connection will fail already. However in some cases it may succeed but
then the system will behave abnormal..

Sampling threshold levels (iTRACE PRO/GT only)

Voltage levels of the debug input and output signals are adjusted depending on the setting.

Hot Attach
The JTAG module supports the Hot Attach function. This is a function, which enables the emulator to be
connected to a working target device and have all debug functions available.

The procedure for Hot Attach:

1. The target application should be running.

2. Hot Attach should be selected in the software.

3. A download should be performed, but without the JTAG cable connected. The emulator will be initialized
and the ATTACH status will be shown.

4. Connect the JTAG cable.

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5. Select the Attach option in the Debug menu. When this option is selected, the emulator tries to communicate
through JTAG. If it is successful, it shows the STOP or RUNNING status. At this point, all debug functions
are available.

6. When the debugging is finished, the CPU should be set to running and Detach selected from the Debug
menu. The status shown is ATTACH. Now the JTAG cable can be safely removed.

If Hot attach is used, please refer to Chapter 5 for more details.

Note: Hot Attach function cannot be used for any flash programming or code download!

2.2 Initialization Sequence

The user must properly configure the CPU before the debug download (including the flash programming) can
take place to the memory area, which is not accessible upon the CPU reset. This is essential for the applications
using memory resources, for instance external RAM or external flash, which are not accessible after the CPU
reset. In such case, the debugger executes a so-called initialization sequence immediately after the CPU reset,
which writes to the CPU registers configuring the CPU memory interface to the physical memory and then the
debug download is executed. Note that the initialization sequence must be set up specific to the application.
Besides enabling a disabled memory access upon reset, the initialization sequence can also be used for instance
to disable the CPU internal watchdog being active after reset or to modify any other CPU registers, when its
preferred to run the application with the modified CPU reset state.

The initialization sequence can be set up in two ways:

1. Set up the initialization sequence by adding necessary register writes directly in the Initialization page
within winIDEA.

2. winIDEA accepts initialization sequence as a text file with .ini extension. The file must be written
according to the syntax specified in the appendix in the hardware users guide.

Excerpt from EVB55.ini file for the Atmel AT91M55800 CPU (ARM7TDMI):

S EBI_CSR0 L 0x00402031 // CS0 - ext. flash, 4 wait states

S EBI_CSR1 L 0x00802021 // CS1 - ext. SRAM

S EBI_RCR L 0x00000001 // remap internal RAM

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The advantage of the second method is that you can simply distribute your .ini file among different workspaces
and users. Additionally, you can easily comment out some line while debugging the initialization sequence itself.

There is also a third method, which can be used too but its not highly recommended for the start up. The user
can initialize the CPU by executing part of the code in the target ROM for X seconds by using 'Reset and run for
X sec' option.

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2.3 JTAG Scan Speed

JTAG Scan Speed definition

Scan speed
The JTAG chain scanning speed can be set to:

Slow - long delays are introduced in the JTAG scanning to support the slowest devices. JTAG clock
frequency varying from 1 kHz to 2000 kHz can be set.

Fast the JTAG chain is scanned with no delays.

Burst provides the ability to set the JTAG clock frequency varying from 4 MHz to 100 MHz.

Burst+ - provides the ability to set the JTAG clock frequency varying from 4 MHz to 100 MHz

RTCK - Adaptive RTCK clocking for ARM

Free this mode is not supported for ARM JTAG debug interface

Slow and Fast JTAG scanning is implemented by means of software toggling the necessary JTAG signals. Burst
mode is a mixture of software and hardware based scanning and should normally work except when the JTAG
scan frequency is an issue that is when the JTAG scan frequency used by the hardware accelerator is too high for
the CPU. In general, selecting an appropriate scan frequency usually depends on scan speed limitations of the
CPU. In Burst+ mode, complete scan is controlled by the hardware accelerator, which poses some preconditions,
which are not met with all CPUs. Consequentially, Burst+ mode doesnt work for all CPUs. Burst and Burst+ are
not supported on iONE debug tool.

RTCK speed mode is available for ARM family only and is intended for targets which use widely varying
system clock during a debug session. For example, if the CPU switches to different power modes and changes
system clocks, the debugger will be able to maintain synchronization with on-chip debug interface even at much
slower clock. The target CPU needs to provide RTCK synchronization signal, which must be available on pin 11
on standard 20-pin ARM JTAG debug connector. RTCK clock option is available for all development systems
except for older iC3000 ARMx iCARD based development system. Due to extra synchronization, top speed
using "RTCK" mode is about half as fast as "Fast" mode.

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In general, Fast mode should be used as a default setting. If the debugger works stable with this setting, try Burst
or Burst+ mode to increase the download speed. If Fast mode already fails, try Slow mode at different scan
frequencies until you find a working setting.

Use Scan Speed during Initialization

On some systems, slower scan speed must be used during initialization, during which the CPU clock is raised
(PLL engaged) and then higher scan speeds can be used in operation. In such case, this option and the
appropriate scan speed must be selected.

Configuring JTAG Scan speed for the first time

Sometimes, the default JTAG scan speed needs to be changed. A default Fast JTAG scan speed may not work
for all ARM CPUs. WinIDEA may report a message Error 175: JTAG chain error. Check target VCC and
Emulation Options/JTAG Position when the debug connection cannot be established due to too high debug
JTAG scan speed.

Select Slow JTAG scan speed and try different possible JTAG frequencies when initial debug connection
cannot be established.

NXP LPC2xxx family usually requires Slow JTAG scan speed. In general, it is recommended to use the
highest working JTAG scan speed for the optimal debug performance.

ST STR91xF Family
The two die inside the STR91xF (CPU die and Flash memory die) are internally daisy-chained on the JTAG bus.
The CPU die has two JTAG Test Access Ports (TAPs), one for boundary scan functions and one for ARM CPU
debug. The Flash memory die has one TAP for program/erase of non-volatile memory. Because these three
TAPs are daisy-chained, only one TAP will converse on the JTAG bus at any given time while the other two
TAPs are in BYPASS mode. The TAP positioning order within this JTAG chain is the boundary scan TAP first,
followed by the ARM debug TAP, followed by the Flash TAP. TAP controllers have following JTAG
instruction register length:
- Flash TAP: 8 bits
- Boundary scan TAP: 5 bits
- ARM CPU debug TAP: 4 bits

In order to debug ARM core, the user must set 8 for IR prefix and 5 for IR Postfix in winIDEA
'Hardware/Emulation Options/JTAG' dialog.

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3 CPU Options
3.1 General Options

Hard Interrupt Disable When Stopped

When this option is checked interrupts will be enabled immediately after program execution resumes.
Otherwise, the CPU must execute a couple of instructions before returning to the program to determine whether
interrupts were enabled when the CPU was stopped. These extra instruction executions can prevent task
preemption when an interrupt is already pending.

Cache downloaded code only (do not load to target)

When this option is checked, the download files will not propagate to the target using standard debug download
but the Target download files will.

In cases, where the application is previously programmed in the target or it's programmed through the flash
programming dialog, the user may uncheck 'Load code' in the 'Properties' dialog when specifying the debug
download file(s). By doing so, the debugger loads only the necessary debug information for high level
debugging while it doesn't load any code. However, debug functionalities like ETM and Nexus trace will not
work then since an exact code image of the executed code is required as a prerequisite for the correct trace
program flow reconstruction. This applies also for the call stack on some CPU platforms. In such applications,
'Load code' option should remain checked and 'Cache downloaded code only (do not load to target)' option
checked instead. This will yield in debug information and code image loaded to the debugger but no memory
writes will propagate to the target, which otherwise normally load the code to the target.

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3.2 Debugging Options

Execution Breakpoints
Hardware Breakpoints
Hardware breakpoints are breakpoints that are already provided by the CPU. The number of hardware
breakpoints is limited to two. The advantage is that they function anywhere in the CPU space, which is not the
case for software breakpoints, which normally cannot be used in the FLASH memory, non-writeable memory
(ROM) or self-modifying code. If the option 'Use hardware breakpoints' is selected, only hardware breakpoints
are used for execution breakpoints.

Note that the debugger, when executing source step debug command, uses one breakpoint. Hence, when all
available hardware breakpoints are used as execution breakpoints, the debugger may fail to execute debug step.
The debugger offers 'Reserve one breakpoint for high-level debugging' option in the Debug/Debug
Options/Debugging' tab to circumvent this. By default this option is checked and the user can uncheck it

Software Breakpoints
ARM7 and ARM9 cores provide two hardware breakpoints, which often prove insufficient. The debugger can
use unlimited software breakpoints to work around this limitation.

Note: ARM has no dedicated breakpoint instruction. Instead an invalid op-code is used and one hardware
breakpoint is configured to trigger when this instruction is fetched. Thus only one hardware breakpoint remains
available for hardware execution breakpoints, access breakpoints and trace trigger. If breakpoints are expected to
be set only in areas, where software breakpoints cannot be used, it is advised to turn software breakpoints off,
since this will enable the usage of the hardware breakpoint that is normally reserved.

When a software breakpoint is being used, the program first attempts to modify the source code by placing a
break instruction into the code. If setting software breakpoint fails, a hardware breakpoint is used instead.

Note that the debugger additionally features unlimited software breakpoints in the internal CPU flash for
following families: NXP LPC2000, ST STR7, Atmel AT91SAM7S, Atmel AT91SAM7A and Atmel
AT91SAM7X. Time to set or clear the breakpoint depends on the debug JTAG scan speed, CPU clock and flash
sector size.

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Simulate instr. step
Never is selected per default. When run or source step debug command is executed from a BP location, the
debugger first clears BP, executes single step, sets back the original BP and then resumes the application. All this
is done in background hidden from the user. Since setting and clearing software flash breakpoint is time
consuming, a new approach was introduced, which simulates the first instruction at breakpoint address without
requiring clearing and setting the software flash breakpoint. Thereby, the user can select FLASH SW BP in
order to speed up the debugging. If the option yields erroneous behavior, set back to the default setting.

Ext. Oscillator clk

Before performing first debug download, which also programs the code into the flash, the user must enter
frequency of the external oscillator connected to the target CPU. Based on this value, flash programming
procedure will calculate CPU frequency whenever its necessary and feed it to the NXP API functions which are
used for programming the flash and are part of the CPU firmware already.

Note: This setting is available only for NXP devices and at the same time obligatory for these devices.

Boost CPU clock after RESET

Flash programming can be speed up by raising CPU frequency via CPU PLL module before flash programming
takes place. This is done by checking the Boost CPU clock after RESET option The debugger enables and
configures CPU PLL before the flash programming is started. Note that the CPU PLL remains configured after
the debug download and the debug reset. Therefore it can not be assumed that the PLL is disabled when the user
opens a debug session to debug the application code. The user startup code must follow the steps described in the
CPU User Manual to disconnect the PLL and reconfigure it.

Note: This option is available for NXP devices only.

3.3 Reset

Latch target RESET

When the option is checked (default), the debugger latches active target reset until it gets processed. This yields
a delay between the target reset and restart of the application from reset. If this delay is not acceptable for a
specific application, the option should be unchecked. An example is an application where the CPU is

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periodically set into a power save mode and then waken up e.g. every 6ms by an external reset circuit. In such
case, a delay introduced by the debugger would yield application not operating properly.

When the option is unchecked, it may happen that the debugger does not detect the target reset although the CPU
gets reset. The debugger polls the CPU status ~3 times per second while the target reset can occur in between.

RESET Duration
The width of the RESET pulse is specified here.

Post RESET Delay

Typically, the on-chip debug module is reset concurrently with the CPU. After the debugger releases the CPU
reset line from the active state, the on-chip debug module can require some time (delay) to become operational.
This time can also depend on any additional reset circuitry on the target system. The default delay value
normally allows the debugger to gain the control over the CPU. If a debug connection fails, try different delay
values to try and establish the debug connection.

Important Debug Notes

Typically an ARM CPU has two reset signals connected to the standard ARM debug connector. ARM debug
connector defines NTRST and NSRST lines. NTRST reset line controls on-chip debug module, a so-called
EmbeddedICE. Whenever a low level is asserted on this line, the on-chip debug logic is reset. An external
debugger controlling the application drives this line. NSRST is a system reset and connected to the CPU reset
line. An external debugger and/or other target reset sources drive this CPU reset line. How the debugger gains
the control over the application? First, the debugger asserts both reset lines to reset both, the CPU and on-chip
debug module. Then it releases the NTRST line which yields in initialized on-chip debug module. Next, it sets
an execution breakpoint at address 0x0, which is a CPU start address out of the reset. Finally, NSRST line is
released and the CPU stops at breakpoint (address 0x0). At this moment the debugger has complete control over
the application. Now, an initialization sequence can be executed (if required) and debug download carried out. In
such applications 'Regular' reset method should be selected. Some CPUs (NXP LPC2000, Atmel AT91) don't
provide NTRST pin externally. In such cases, it's typically connected to the NSRST internally. Such applications
behave differently from the one just being described. Major difference is that the debugger cannot gain the
control over the CPU immediately after it starts to run out of the reset. After the CPU reset (NSRST) is released,
the on-chip debug module needs some time to become initialized and operational. The application cannot be
controlled (stopped) as long as the debug module is not operational. With some delay the debugger takes the
control over the CPU by forcing stop command over the debug JTAG interface and presetting program counter
to the reset value. Such system exhibits short program execution out of the reset and it may not be in its reset
state any longer. Note that this undesired program execution might impact on CPU registers and their reset
values, CPU memory mapping, etc. In worst case, the CPU may even hang due to no valid code. This applies for
any application where the program starts in a memory, which doesn't contain any code on power up, e.g. empty
flash or RAM.

In such applications it's recommended to use 'Stop and Preset' reset method. Then the debugger presets only
program counter (PC/R15) on 'debug reset' or 'debug download' command once it gains the control over the
CPU. Try different 'reset delay' values if it looks like that the CPU hangs while the debugger tries to gain the
control over the CPU.

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NXP LPC tab becomes available when NXP LPC21/22/23/24xx family is selected in the Hardware/Emulation
Options dialog.


When the option is checked the debugger presets the CPU MEMMAP register.

Note: This option is available for NXP LPC2xxx devices only.

3.5 Advanced Options

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ARM Family Advanced options

Override startup register values

This option overrides the default Program Counter reset value with the value set.

Force Supervisor mode while stopped

If this option is checked, Supervisor mode is forced while the application is stopped.

Allow real-time memory access via DCC

If this option is checked, the DCC channel is used for real-time memory access.

Use Handshaking
When this option is checked, execution of every command is handshaked. This is required by CPUs for which
the JTAG clock is too high.

3.6 STR9
STR9 tab becomes available when ST STR9 family is selected in the Hardware/Emulation Options dialog.

Mass erase before download

Both flash banks are erased before the download when the option is checked.

CSx Mapping
Depending on the selection, CSx bit is programmed before every debug reset and debug download. Dont forget
that boot bank respectively mapping of the flash Bank 0 and Bank 1 is defined by CSx bit, non-volatile Flash
based configuration bit. The firmware cannot change this configuration bit, only the JTAG interface has access.

Note: Cortex debug iCARD does not support programming the CSx Mapping bit.

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winIDEA complies with the following STR9 memory mapping:

STR91xFAxx2 Flash module organization


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 0 256kB 64kB Sectors 0-3 0x0000.0000-0x0003.FFFF
Bank 1 32kB 8kB Sectors 0-3 0x0004.0000-0x0004.7FFF


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 1 32kB 8kB Sectors 0-3 0x0000.0000-0x0000.7FFF
Bank 0 256kB 64kB Sectors 0-3 0x0004.0000-0x0007.FFFF

STR91xFAxx4 Flash module organization


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 0 512kB 64kB Sectors 0-7 0x0000.0000-0x0007.FFFF
Bank 1 32kB 8kB Sectors 0-3 0x0008.0000-0x0008.7FFF


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 1 32kB 8kB Sectors 0-3 0x0000.0000-0x0000.7FFF
Bank 0 512kB 64kB Sectors 0-7 0x0008.0000-0x000F.FFFF

STR91xFAxx6 Flash module organization


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 0 1024kB 64kB Sectors 0-15 0x0000.0000-0x000F.FFFF
Bank 1 128kB 16kB Sectors 0-7 0x0010.0000-0x0011.FFFF

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Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 1 128kB 16kB Sectors 0-7 0x0000.0000-0x0001.FFFF
Bank 0 1024kB 64kB Sectors 0-15 0x0010.0000-0x001F.FFFF

STR91xFAxx7 Flash module organization


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 0 2048kB 64kB Sectors 0-31 0x0000.0000-0x001F.FFFF
Bank 1 128kB 16kB Sectors 0-7 0x0020.0000-0x0021.FFFF


Bank Sector Address Range

Bank 1 128kB 16kB Sectors 0-7 0x0000.0000-0x0001.FFFF
Bank 0 2048kB 64kB Sectors 0-31 0x0020.0000-0x003F.FFFF

Note: When performing download into the STR9 flash, only above memory regions are valid.

3.7 Exceptions
With the ARM9 family of products exceptions can be defined.

CPU setup, Exceptions menu

The debug mode will be entered (that is, the application will be stopped) on any exception selected.

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4 Access Breakpoints

ARM Hardware Breakpoints menu

Both internal ARM7 watchpoints can be used. Select the watchpoint combination that triggers the breakpoint.

Note: Refer to the ARM CPU manual for explanation of the RANGE mode.

WP0 and WP1

Specify the address and data bus states to monitor for the watchpoints.

The address of the access breakpoint is entered here.

The mask can be also set. The mask 0 ignores all bits of the address; the mask FFFFFFFF uses all bits of the

Data Value
The data, which triggers the breakpoint, is entered here.

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The mask can be also set. The mask 0 ignores all bits of the value; the mask FFFFFFFF uses all bits of the value.

Access, Bus Cycle, Access Width, Mode, External Input

The masks to be monitored.

When Breakpoints Occur

A beep can be issued and/or a message displayed indicating that an access breakpoint has occurred.

Use Wizard in case of problems understanding and configuring the access breakpoints dialog. It helps setting a
simple a breakpoint on data access or code execution.

5 Hot Attach
The Hot Attach function can be enabled for troubleshooting purposes. The full hot attach is not supported, which
means that the target must be first connected to the emulator and then turned on. The target must be functional,
which means that it must contain a FLASH with a working code.

First, make sure the Hot Attach to Target function in the Hardware/Emulation Options/Hardware dialog is turned
on (checked).

Typical usage, with the emulator turned on:

- turn the init sequence off

- erase the download file

- turn on the target

- invoke Reset

- now the emulator must be able to read the status typically Running or Reset will be shown in the status. If
the target is running, it can now be stopped with the Stop command. If the stop has succeeded, the
debugging is operational (including breakpoints, stepping, etc.).

With this function, the debugger does not set breakpoints to Reset or in any other way manipulates with the
internal debug logic. This function is limited to polling the status of the internal CPU logic (Embedded ICE).
This is especially useful for initializing and troubleshooting, on the other hand for normal debugging this option
should be turned off.

Note: Hot Attach function cannot be used for any flash programming or code download!

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6 Semihosting
ARM semihosting is feature that can be used with ARM 1.2 compiler tools and enables the user to use standard
C functions (printf, fopen ) in embedded target. Calls from these functions are routed from program running
on the target through CPU JTAG port and emulator to winIDEA that will actually execute them. Terminal
window is used as standard input/output in this case. Refer also to ARM toolset manual for detailed description
of the semihosting concept and implementation.

The options for the Terminal are configured in the Terminal Options page.

Semihosting terminal configuration

7 Real-Time Memory Access

7.1 Introduction
Standard JTAG debug hardware on ARM based CPUs does not implement support for real-time memory access
in hardware. Therefore a software based approach has to be used to provide this feature. This means is that with
this approach, winIDEA debugger can also perform memory read and write accesses while the target system
CPU is running, not just when the CPU is stopped. This feature allows for additional ways of debugging and
controlling the target application. For example, target application parameters can be changed while the
application is running. Or external client applications using iSYSTEM's iCONNECT interface can constantly
gather data from a running application as well as change application's operating parameters.

7.2 Implementation
winIDEA host debugger uses a small debug monitor program that must be included in the target system software
to provide run-time services for the debugger. winIDEA and debug monitor communicate using debug
communications channel (DCC) present in standard ARM EmbeddedICE debug hardware. This of course means
that when real-time feature is used, DCC can not be used for any other purpose (i.e. terminal window in

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The debug monitor code is provided by iSYSTEM to customers who wish to use this feature in their systems. A
set of distributable files is provided for inclusion in customer projects:

dbgmon_arm.c, dbgmon_arm.h - for use as C/C++ source.

dbgmon_armgnu.asm - for use as assembly language source (provided file is in GNU

assembly format, but simple to tailor to other assembly formats)

Simply include the appropriate files in your project and setup calls to monitor init function and the periodic
service procedure.

Debug monitor code itself is provided in these sources in binary format as an array of 32-bit words. Debug
monitor also requires a small data area (256 bytes) for operation. This data area is also allocated in the provided
source files.

Debug monitor provides two entry points: first one is the initialization and the second one is the periodic service
procedure. The initialization procedure must be called only once and before the service procedure is called for
the first time. After that, service procedure should be invoked periodically to allow the monitor to service
requests from host debugger winIDEA. Further detailed implementation notes are provided in each source file.

The rate at which the periodic service procedure should be called depends on the required real-time
responsiveness, throughput and allowed overhead for the target application. The more often the service
procedure is called the higher the rate of memory transfers can be. On the other hand, this also means more
overhead for the target application in terms of cycles stolen to service real-time access requests. Every time the
service procedure is invoked it uses approximately 25 cycles even if no operation is requested by host debugger.
If host debugger does request an operation, the number of consumed cycles depends on the kind of operation.
The highest number of cycles consumed in one invocation of service procedure is about 50.

7.3 Samples
Two sample projects are provided with winIDEA to demonstrate the real-time access feature itself and to
provide an example of how the debug monitor can be integrated into the target system application. One sample
uses the C source version of debug monitor files; the other sample uses the assembly language version of debug
monitor files. Both samples were developed on ARM920T-based Samsung S3C2410X platform. They both use a
timer to generate an IRQ interrupt to periodically invoke the debug monitor service procedure which handles
requests from the host debugger - winIDEA while the target is running. Timer configuration is performed from
the ini script and is setup to trigger an interrupt approximately once every millisecond.

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8 Internal FLASH Programming
8.1 NXP LPC2xxx Family
The target application may not run from the internal flash due to various factors. The following text might be
very helpful when troubleshooting the CPU startup problems. Refer to the CPU User Manual for more details on
the CPU startup.

The flash boot loader code is executed every time the CPU is powered or reset. The loader can execute the ISP
(In-System Programming) command handler or the user application code. P0.14 is sensed on a rising edge on the
RST (CPU reset) pin. If a low level is detected, ISP command handler starts and takes over control of the CPU
after reset. If there is no request for the ISP command handler execution (a high-level detected), a search is made
for a valid user program. If a valid user program is found then the execution control is transferred to it.

Criterion for valid user code: The reserved ARM interrupt vector location (0x14) should contain the 2s
complement of the check-sum of the remaining interrupt vectors. This causes the checksum of all of the vectors
together to be 0. The boot loader code disables the overlaying of the interrupt vectors from the boot block, then
checksums the interrupt vectors in sector 0 of the flash. If the signatures match then the execution control is
transferred to the user code by loading the program counter with 0x0000 0000. Hence the user flash reset vector
should contain a jump instruction to the entry point of the user application code.

If the signature is not valid, the auto-baud routine synchronizes with the host via serial port 0.

The debugger programs the code directly into the internal flash memory through the standard debug download.
Based on the selected CPU, the debugger identifies which code from the download file fits into the internal flash,
and loads it to the flash through the flash programming procedure hidden to the user. The flash programming
procedure is implemented using NXP IAP (In-Application Programming) interface being already part of the
CPU Flash Boot Loader firmware. All other code, allocated outside of the flash boundaries, is downloaded to the
target through standard the memory writes.

Note: Proper target CPU must be selected in the Hardware/Emulation Options dialog since corresponding flash
programming procedure is selected based on the selected CPU.

Due to the CPU requirements, winIDEA extracts the necessary interrupt vectors from the download file before
programming a 32-bit value to the 0x14 address, makes the 2s complement of the check-sum of these vectors
and programs the calculated value to the 0x14 address. This yields the CPU starting from the user code after the
reset. Consequentially, if Verify download is executed after the debug download, the user normally gets error
for 4 bytes at address 0x14 since the programmed value doesnt match with the one in the download file. The
user can ignore the error or adjust his download file in a way that a 32-bit value at the address 0x14 contains
proper value, which results in the CPU start executing the user code after the reset. The alternative is also to skip
verifying 4 bytes at address 0x14. Next picture shows the necessary setting in the Download dialog.

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In practice, there is no need for Verify download after the debug download since winIDEA flash programming
procedure verifies programmed code within the procedure itself and reports any errors in the Progress dialog
during the download.

Code Read Protection

Code Read Protection is enabled by programming the flash address location 0x1FC with value 0x87654321.
Address 0x1FC is used to allow some room for the fiq exception handler. When the code read protection is
enabled the JTAG debug port, external memory boot and few ISP commands are disabled. The ISP erase
command only allows erasure of all user sectors when the code read protection is enabled. This limitation does
not exist if the code read protection is not enabled. IAP commands are not affected by the code read protection.

Note: Be precautious not to accidentally write 0x87654321 at 0x1FC as this disables the JTAG debug port. The
backdoor is to erase the flash through the ISP interface (serial port 0).

Setting Up Flash Programming

Note: Necessary settings related to the LPC2xxx flash programming have changed as of winIDEA build 9.10.83.

Select the NXP LPC21/22/23/24xx family in the CPU list and select specific target CPU in the Custom CPU
variant combo box.

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Before performing first debug download, which also programs the code into the flash, the user must enter
frequency of the external oscillator connected to the target CPU. Based on this value, flash programming
procedure will calculate CPU frequency whenever its necessary and feed it to the NXP API functions which are
used for programming the flash and are part of the CPU firmware already.

Note: If no frequency is entered, winIDEA will warn the user in the Progress dialog.

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After reset the LPC2xxx CPU operates at relatively slow frequency comparing to the maximum CPU frequency.
For this reason, debugger must use relatively slow JTAG scan speed to communicate with the CPU over the
debug interface.

Flash programming can be speed up by raising CPU frequency via CPU PLL module before flash programming
takes place. This is done by checking the Boost CPU clock after RESET option in the Debugging tab. The
debugger enables and configures CPU PLL before the flash programming is started. Note that CPU PLL remains
configured after the debug download and the debug reset. Therefore it can not be assumed that the PLL is
disabled when the user opens a debug session to debug the application code. The user startup code must follow
the steps described in the CPU User Manual to disconnect the PLL and reconfigure it when used by the target
application too.

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With Boost CPU clock after RESET option checked, the user may try to increase JTAG scan speed of the
debug interface. This should work if target application uses PLL too.

With above settings, the debugger uses slow JTAG scan speed only for the initial debug connection and
initialization, while for debug download including flash programming and later CPU control use Fast JTAG scan

Note: For the internal flash programming requirements, the user doesnt need to setup any debug initialization
sequence (.ini).

There is additional flash programming related setting, which affects the target CPU. It concerns the MEMMAP
register. The MEMMAP register controls the mapping of the bottom memory including default reset and
interrupt vectors. If the option is checked, the debugger presets the MEMMAP register after the CPU reset
before any other debug action takes place.

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If Preset MEMMAP / SYSMEMREMAP option is not checked, flash programming procedure sets MEMMAP
value to 1 (flash visible at 0x0), programs the flash and then restores the original MEMMAP register value. Such
setting would yield verify errors, if debug verify is performed after the debug download, when programming an
empty flash on LPC213x device or regular programming on LPC2294 despite the fact that the flash was
programmed properly. Its because the flash programming procedure restores original reset MEMMAP register
before the debug verify is performed and in these two cases this yields flash memory no longer visible at the
time of the debug verify. Note that after reset, erased LPC213x device boots with MEMMAP=0 and LPC229x
device boots with MEMMAP = 0x3. In such case it might be more predictable behavior when the Preset
MEMMAP / SYSMEMREMAP option is checked and CPU keeps this value after the debug download too.

Based on the selected CPU, belonging flash device occurs in the FLASH Setup dialog (Hardware menu).

Press Edit in order to open the configuration dialog. As an alternative to the Verify Download debug command,
it is recommended to check the Verify and the On the fly options, which yield reading back the programmed
content and comparing it with the input data during the write process. This operation is performed by the flash
programming monitor and is thereby much faster comparing to the Verify Download debug command, which
reads back the memory through a relatively slow debug JTAG interface and then compares it with the download
Note: Verify on the fly performed by the flash programming monitor will not report errors when debug
download file contains the code residing outside of the flash (e.g. code exceeding the physical flash). It verifies
only the code that gets written into the flash. For that purpose, the 'Debug/Verify' is the foolproof tool to use.

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When Mass erase before download option is checked, the debugger first erases complete flash and then
programs it. If the option is unchecked, only necessary flash sectors are erased before the programming.


If flash cannot be programmed, first perform debug reset only, then open memory window at address
0x4000_0000 and try to modify the content. If there are problems already, try to decrease JTAG scan
speed and try different reset duration and post reset delay.

In case of problems with the flash programming, double check that the application does not enable the
internal watchdog. This would conflict with the flash programming especially if that is performed
shortly after the CPU reset. The debugger cannot take control over the microcontroller immediately
after the CPU reset but takes some time, which means some application code is executed before the
microcontroller takes the control over. If that code enables the watchdog, flash programming will fail. If
the watchdog is enabled later on in the application this will also conflict with the debugger, which must
have complete control over microcontroller all the time. Therefore, when debugging the application, the
internal watchdog must not be enabled (after reset its disabled).

It has been noticed that flash programming on LPC2103 fails at default CPU reset frequency. The
solution is to check the Boost CPU clock after RESET option before the debug download respectively
flash programming is started.

8.2 ST STR7 Family

The debugger loads the code directly into the internal flash memory through the standard debug download.
Based on the selected CPU, the debugger identifies which code from the download file fits into the internal flash,
and loads it to the flash through the flash programming procedure hidden to the user. The flash programming
procedure is implemented through the CPU Flash registers (FLASH_CR0, FLASH_DR0, etc.). All other code,
allocated outside of the flash boundaries, is downloaded to the target through the standard memory writes.

When a new project is started, flash programming must be configured first. Based on the selected CPU,
belonging flash device occurs in the FLASH Setup dialog (Hardware menu).

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Press Edit in order to open the Device configuration dialog. As an alternative to the Verify Download debug
command, it is recommended to check the Verify and the On the fly options, which yield reading back the
programmed data after the write command ends and comparing it with the data, which is still kept in the flash
programming data buffer. This operation is performed by the flash programming monitor and is thereby much
faster comparing to the Verify Download debug command, which reads back the memory through a relatively
slow debug JTAG interface and then compares it with the download file.

Note: Verify on the fly performed by the flash programming monitor will not report errors when debug
download file contains the code residing outside of the flash (e.g. code exceeding the physical flash). It verifies
only the stuff that gets written into the flash. For that purpose, the 'Debug/Verify' is the foolproof tool to use.
When Mass erase before download option is checked, the debugger first erases complete flash and then
programs it. If the option is unchecked, only necessary flash sectors are erased before the programming.

The STR7 internal flash starts at an absolute address 0x4000 0000 and there is a mirrored image at address 0x0.
Per default, the debugger expects the code to be linked and loaded at 0x4000 0000. When the code is linked to
the mirrored address range (0x0), the user should set 0 for the Address in CPU space in the Device
configuration dialog.

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8.3 ST STR9 Family
The debugger loads the code directly into the internal flash memory through the standard debug download.
Based on the selected CPU, the debugger identifies which code from the download file fits into the internal flash,
and loads it to the flash through the flash programming procedure hidden to the user. The flash programming
procedure is implemented using flash programming libraries provided by ST. All other code, allocated outside of
the flash boundaries, is downloaded to the target through the standard memory writes.

STR9 family must be selected in the CPU list and target CPU must be selected in the Custom CPU variant
combo box. Make sure that correct target CPU is selected because complete flash programming relies on this

STR9 microcontroller has three JTAG TAPs connected in the JTAG chain.

To access ARM debug module, IR Prefix must be set to 8, DR Prefix to 1, IR Postfix to 5 and DR Postfix to 1 in
the Hardware/Emulation Options/JTAG tab.

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Based on the selected CPU, belonging flash device occurs in the FLASH Setup dialog (Hardware menu).

Press Edit in order to open the configuration dialog. As an alternative to the Verify Download debug command,
it is recommended to check the Verify and the On the fly options, which yield reading back the programmed
data after the write command ends and comparing it with the data, which is still kept in the flash programming
data buffer. This operation is performed by the flash programming monitor and is thereby much faster
comparing to the Verify Download debug command, which reads back the memory through a relatively slow
debug JTAG interface and then compares it with the download file.
Note: Verify on the fly performed by the flash programming monitor will not report errors when debug
download file contains the code residing outside of the flash (e.g. code exceeding the physical flash). It verifies
only the stuff that gets written into the flash. For that purpose, the 'Debug/Verify' is the foolproof tool to use.

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When Mass erase before download option is checked, the debugger first erases complete flash and then
programs it. If the option is unchecked, only necessary flash sectors are erased before the programming.

CSx Mapping
Depending on the selection in the Hardware/Emulations Options/CPU Setup/STR9 tab, CSx bit is programmed
before every debug reset and debug download. Dont forget that boot bank respectively mapping of the flash
Bank 0 and Bank 1 is defined by CSx bit, non-volatile Flash based configuration bit. The firmware cannot
change this configuration bit, only the JTAG debug interface has access.

Mass Erase

Mass Erase can be issued on request at any time via Hardware/STR9 FLASH -> Mass Erase button.


Unsecure operation, which can be issued on request via Hardware/STR9 FLASH -> Unsecure button, performs
mass erase of the MCU flash over the JTAG interface.

Unsecure operation should be performed as part of the troubleshooting procedure, when there are problems with
flash programming or initial debug connection. There are security related registers, which could be accidentally
put into the state, which protects the flash from being programmed. These registers get erased only by mass erase
performed over the JTAG interface.
Note: Cortex debug iCARD does not support Unsecure operation.

8.4 Atmel AT91SAM7S, AT91SAM7X and AT91SAM7A Series

First of all, the internal watchdog needs to be disabled to be able to debug these CPUs and program the internal

Next, CPU needs to be configured before the flash can be programmed. Proper FMCN value must be set in the
Flash Mode Register (MC_FMR) depending on the CPU clock otherwise the flash programming fails. Refer to
the CPU datasheet for more details on MC_FMR configuration and the FMCN value.

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Since the CPU starts at slow clock its recommend to speed up the CPU before the flash programming takes
place. Otherwise the flash programming can take place quite a while.

Excerpt from the initialization file (AT91SAM7S64.ini) from the AT91SAM7S64 sample project:

WDT_MR L 0x8000 // disable watchdog

A MC_FMR L 0x100000 // flash mode register - set FMCN properly !!

A CKGR_MOR L 0x00000601 // oscillator enable, 48 (6x8) cycles start-up time

A PMC_MCKR L 0x5 // main oscillator selected and main clock divided by 2

The debugger loads the code directly into the internal flash memory through the standard debug download.
Based on the selected CPU, the debugger identifies which code from the download file fits into the internal flash,
and loads it to the flash through the flash programming procedure hidden to the user. The flash programming
procedure is implemented through the CPU Flash registers (FLASH_CR0, FLASH_DR0, etc.). All other code,
allocated outside of the flash boundaries, is downloaded to the target through the standard memory writes.

When a new project is started, flash programming must be configured first. Based on the selected CPU,
belonging flash device occurs in the FLASH Setup dialog (Hardware menu).

Press Edit in order to open the configuration dialog. As an alternative to the Verify Download debug command,
it is recommended to check the Verify and the On the fly options, which yield reading back the programmed
content and comparing it with the input data. This operation is performed by the flash programming monitor and
is thereby much faster comparing to the Verify Download debug command, which reads back the memory
through a relatively slow debug JTAG interface and then compares it with the download file.
Note: Verify on the fly performed by the flash programming monitor will not report errors when debug
download file contains the code residing outside of the flash (e.g. code exceeding the physical flash). It verifies
only the stuff that gets written into the flash. For that purpose, the 'Debug/Verify' is the foolproof tool to use.

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When Mass erase before download option is checked, the debugger first erases complete flash and then
programs it. If the option is unchecked, only necessary flash pages are erased before programming. The CPU
flash programming interface doesnt have a command which would only erase individual flash pages. A page
can be erased only in combination with the flash program command.


Flash programming can fail due to:

1) Incorrect FMCN value in the MC_FMR register

2) Improper JTAG scan speed (try different JTAG scan speeds to see if it makes any difference!)

3) Locked flash regions

For instance, the AT91SAMS256 flash is divided into 16 flash lock regions and each can be protected in
order to protect the pages within the region from being erased or programmed. Note that after the
production, the device may have some embedded Flash lock regions locked. These locked regions are
reserved for a default application. Locked sectors can be unlocked to be erased and then programmed.

Note: The Mass erase command is canceled when at least one page is locked. The debugger cannot detect when
Mass erase is canceled due to the locked region. Consequentially, when the Mass Erase command is used while
one or more regions are locked, the debugger reports successful erasing although the flash was not erased. The
user should have this in mind.

Devices with 512 kBytes of flash expect the code to be linked at address 0x100000, where the flash is physically
located. However, the flash has also a mirror image at 0x0 and some users might link the target application to
0x0. In such case, the debugger must be adjusted accordingly. Change the flash address offset from default
0x100000 to 0x0 (Address in CPU space field) and then also a download file linked to the address 0x0 will be
successfully programmed into the flash.

9 JTAG Scan
This functionality allows the user to have access to the JTAG chain to which the debugger is connected in order
to control the debugged CPU. Primarily it was designed for troubleshooting.

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Scan IR and return to Run-Test-Idle: starts instruction scanning in current state and returns to Run-Test-Idle

Scan DR and return to Run-Test-Idle: starts data scanning in current state and returns to Run-Test-Idle state.

Scan IR and return to Select-DR-State: starts instruction scanning in current state and returns to Select-DR-State

Scan DR and return to Select-DR-State: starts data scanning in current state and returns to Select-DR-State state.

Invert scan order

The data under TDI (DR scan only) can be scaned in both orders. If this option is not checked, then bit 0 (LSB
bit) of first byte is scanned first. If this option is checked, then the bit pointed by Scan length (bits)-1 is scaned

Example: TDI: 12345, Invert scan order [ ], Scan length = 16 bits Bit stream scanned (bit on the left side
scanned first): 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

Example: TDI: 12345, Invert scan order [x] , Scan length = 16 bits Bit stream scanned (bit on the left side
scanned first): 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

Scan length (bits)

The number of bits scanned at DR or IR scan.

ARM scan chain

Prior every DR scan the scan chain is set to this value.

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DR/IR scan input bits

DR/IR scan output bits

Reserve JTAG chain access

When this button is pressed, only the scans through this dialog will be allowed (debugger will be quiet)

10 Multi-Core Debugging
10.1 Multi-Core Debugging Background
Completely new demands sprung-up after introducing first CPUs using JTAG protocol to interface with the on-
chip debugging firmware.

All ARM core based CPUs use JTAG protocol to communicate between the debugger and the on-chip debug
firmware (EmbeddedICE). The debugger connects to the CPU via standard JTAG port requiring minimum 4
signals: TMS, TCK, TDI and TDO. Driving all 4 signals, the debugger can control and configure on-chip debug
firmware and read back all the necessary information.

The ARM CPU can be just one among other devices in the target, all supporting the JTAG BST and connected in
the JTAG chain. (Note that the target can consist of more ARM CPUs as well.) In such environments, the user
must configure the software properly, to be able to debug the particular CPU. The next section describes how to
configure the software to be able to control the necessary CPU via JTAG chain.

Note that a single physical device can have more CPU cores. For instance, a single device can have three ARM
cores integrated. All of them are connected in the JTAG chain and therefore, each can be accessed and debugged
separately as a standalone device. The process is called Multi-Core Debugging or the Multi-Device JTAG Chain.
Currently, only debugging of a single device (either standalone or in a multi-device JTAG chain) is supported.

10.2 Multi-Core Debugging Settings

By default, the multicore debugging is turned off, which means that there is only one core in the JTAG chain.

Multi-Core Debugging Configuration

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For information on scan speed setup, please see chapter 2.3.

10.2.1 Single Device Debugging in a Multi-device JTAG chain

winIDEA fully supports debugging of a single CPU or core in a multi-device JTAG chain. All the debug
information that the software displays, holds for the currently debugged CPU or core.

Note: The ARM core itself is not fully JTAG compliant and does not support JTAG BST. It depends on the CPU
vendor whether he implements the JTAG BST in the CPU or not. In any case, it is strongly recommended that
JTAG BST chain used for testing purposes is separated from the debug JTAG chain due to the problems, which
may result from devices not fully JTAG compliant.

Single device debugging in a multi-device JTAG chain is primarily meant for the debugging a single CPU in a
multi-CPU target or debugging a single core in a multi-core target. The target should have the debug JTAG chain
separated from the JTAG BST chain.

Additionally, note that the length of instruction (IR) and data (DR) registers may vary among CPUs and devices.
Typically, while debugging a single device in the JTAG chain, all others are placed in bypass mode. When in
bypass mode, devices pass data from the TDI pin to the TDO pin through a single bypass register without being
affected internally.

Example 1:
This example describes the necessary configuration for single device debugging in a multi-device JTAG chain,
based on the target application containing four ARM CPUs connected in the JTAG chain. Note that each ARM
CPU has a 4-bit long instruction register (IR). The goal is to debug Device 3.

It is presumed that all the necessary settings for debugging a single CPU target were configured already.

When addressing and debugging Device 3, it is assumed that others are placed in bypass mode. To configure all
four devices properly, the debugger must shift data to all instruction (IR) and data (DR) registers accordingly via

IR Scan
First, the debugger must shift 4 bits for the Device 4 (IR Prefix) since Device 4 contains 4-bit long IR. Then, the
debugger shifts necessary bits for Device 3, being debugged. Next, additionally, 8 (4+4) bits must be shifted for
Device 2 and Device 1 (IR Postfix).

A value 4 must be entered in the IR Scan Prefix field and 8 in the IR Scan Postfix field.

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Configuration dialog - Debugging a single device in a multi-device chain

DR Scan
Note that when in bypass mode, devices pass data from the TDI pin to the TDO pin through a single bypass
register. Therefore, the debugger must first shift 1 bit for the Device 4 (DR Prefix). Then, the debugger shifts
necessary data for Device 3, being debugged. Next, 2 (1+1) bits must be shifted for Device 2 and Device 1 (DR

A value 1 must be entered in the DR Scan Prefix field and 2 in the DR Scan Postfix field.

These are the necessary additional settings when debugging a single device in a multi-device JTAG chain target.
The debugger should be operational now.

For a better explanation lets focus on two more examples.

Example 2:
The target consists of an FPGA device (Device 2) being fully JTAG compliant and a custom CPU (Device 1)
containing three ARM cores. Wed like to debug ARM core 1. All ARM cores are connected in the JTAG chain.
Device 2 has a 5-bit long IR.

IR Scan
A value 13 (5+4+4) must be entered in the IR Scan Prefix field and 0 in the IR Scan Postfix field.

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DR Scan
A value 3 (1+1+1) must be entered in the DR Scan Prefix field and 0 in the DR Scan Postfix field.

Example 3:
The target consists of an ARM CPU (Device 2) that we would like to debug and three ASICs being fully JTAG
compliant. Device 1 has a 6-bit long IR, Device 3 has a 2-bit long IR and Device 4 has a 3-bit long IR.

IR Scan
A value 5 (3+2) must be entered in the IR Scan Prefix field and 6 in the IR Scan Postfix field.

DR Scan
A value 2 (1+1) must be entered in the DR Scan Prefix field and 1 in the DR Scan Postfix field.

11 Trace
Please, refer to a separate document describing ARM ETM trace and functionalities based on it (profiler,
execution coverage).

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12 Getting Started
Debug Connection
Normally, the minimum settings required by the emulator to be able to connect to the target CPU are the
emulator type, communication type, CPU type, required JTAG speed and Debug I/O Levels.

Next, verify if the JTAG connector in the target matches with the pinout defined by the CPU vendor.
The required connector pinout can be also found in the hardware reference document delivered beside
the debug iCARD.

Connect the emulator to the target.

First power on the emulator and then the target! When switching off the system, switch off the target
before the emulator!

Close all debug windows in winIDEA except for the disassembly window.

Execute debug CPU Reset command.

WinIDEA should display STOP status and disassembly window should display the code around the address
where the program counter points to.

Next step is to download the code. As long as the code is loaded in the CPU internal flash or RAM, the user
typically does not need to pre-configure the CPU. However, to load the code to an external RAM or a flash
device, the user must ensure that a memory to be loaded is accessible before the download. In that case, the
debugger must execute after the CPU reset a so called initialization sequence, which configures necessary CPU
resources (chip selects, clocks) and then the download or flash programming can actually take place. The user
must set up the initialization sequence based on his application and the target CPU. Refer to chapter 2.2 for more
details on setting up initialization sequence.

Debug Download
Debug download is used to load the debug info to the debugger, to load the code into the target RAM memory
and on some CPUs also to load the code in the CPU internal flash (e.g. STM32 family from ST). In case of an
external flash device, the FLASH Programming Setup dialog needs to be invoked to program the flash.

Specify file(s) to be downloaded in the Debug/Files for download/Download Files tab.

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Make sure that Initialize CPU before download is configured in the Options tab. This yields in the
initialization sequence (explained earlier) being executed before the actual download.

Its recommended to check the Verify option in the Options tab. Then WinIDEA pops up a warning
in case of download error(s).

When debugging the application with the code in the target ROM, it is only necessary to download the debug
info for that memory area. Code can be excluded (click on the file and press Properties button). However, if the
file specified here is used for flash programming as well, then keep the code included and check Cache
downloaded code only (do not load to target) option. When this option is checked, memory writes dont
propagate to the target during debug download. There is also no need for that if the target contains a Flash,
which requires special programming algorithm. In worst case, debug session may even misbehave if memory
writes propagate to the target flash memory during debug download.

External Flash Programming

Refer to chapter 6 in order to program the internal CPU flash. To program the external flash you need to invoke
the FLASH Programming Setup dialog (FLASH/Setup). Lets program AMD 29LV160DB flash located at
0xFFE00000 address as an example.

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First, its necessary to select (Target field) whether the CPUs internal or external flash is

When the CPU internal flash is programmed, winIDEA takes care of most of the necessary settings. For the
external flash, flash device has to be selected and start address set when programming the external flash device.

Next, select flash programming type. WinIDEA supports flash programming through the debug JTAG
port and fast FLASH monitor. Press Hardware Setup button in the Target tab in the FLASH
Programming Setup dialog for the selection.

Normally, the user should go straight for fast FLASH monitor use. Programming through the JTAG port is much
slower and recommended to be used when troubleshooting flash programming. Flash programming through
FLASH monitor requires up to 3kB of target RAM, where flash programming monitor is loaded and then the
flash programming algorithm executed. The user needs to enter the target RAM address and make sure that the
target RAM is accessible before flash programming starts. Use the initialisation sequence to enable access to the
RAM if its not accessible after the CPU reset.

Flash programming through JTAG port is not supported for some flashes where custom FLASH monitors are
written. WinIDEA pops up a warning when programming through JTAG port is not supported,

Next, define the device to be programmed and its start address.

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Finally, the file to be programmed needs to be defined. It can be added in the Download files tab
within the FLASH Programming Setup dialog.

The recommended alternative is to specify file(s) in the Debug/Files for Download/Download files
tab, where normally files for debug download are specified. Then make sure that Use Debug download
files option (Target tab in the FLASH Programming Setup dialog) is checked. In first case, the
option must be unchecked.

FLASH Program dialog should be invoked from the FLASH menu after the flash programming is

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Check boxes beside Load Files, Erase, Program and Verify buttons should be checked and flash programming
started by pressing Start button. During the flash programming, a status and eventual errors are displayed in the

The debugger can program the flash automatically before the download. Then before download in the Auto
program FLASH combo box must be selected.

Refer to hardware users guide for more details on flash programming.

The debugger should be now operational assuming that the code is loaded in the target RAM or programmed in
the target flash and the debug info loaded to the debugger. The user should be able to reset, run, stop the
application, carry out instruction and source single step, set BPs, etc.

13 Troubleshooting
If the debugger cannot connect to the CPU:

Double check that the correct ARM core is selected in winIDEA

Use Debug Reset command instead of Debug Download to establish the initial debug connection first

Make sure that the power supply is applied to the target JTAG connector when Vref is selected for the
Debug I/O levels in the Hardware/Emulation Options/Hardware tab, otherwise emulation fails or
may behave unpredictably.

Try Slow JTAG Scan speed if the debugger cannot connect to the CPU.

Check if there a more JTAG complaint devices/cores connected in the same JTAG chain with the CPU.
Then appropriate prefix and postfix for the JTAG scanning must be entered after the default option
This is the single device in the JTAG chain is unchecked in the Hardware/Emulation Options/JTAG
tab (chapter 2.3).

Check that all the necessary JTAG pins are connected correctly to the target debug connector

Check the logical levels of JTAG signals and signal integrity of the JTAG TCK (clock) signal

When performing any kind of checksum, remove all software breakpoints since they may impact the checksum

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In case of problems with the NXP LPC2xxx flash programming, double check that the application does not
enable the internal watchdog. This would conflict with the flash programming especially if that is performed
shortly after the CPU reset. The debugger cannot take control over the microcontroller immediately after the
CPU reset but takes some time, which means some application code is executed before the microcontroller takes
the control over. If that code enables the watchdog, flash programming will fail. If the watchdog is enabled later
on in the application this will also conflict with the debugger, which must have complete control over
microcontroller all the time. Therefore, when debugging the application, the internal watchdog must not be
enabled (after reset its disabled).

Atmel ARM7 AT91SAM devices with 512 kBytes of flash expect the code to be linked at address 0x100000,
where the flash is physically located. However, the flash has also a mirror image at 0x0 and some users might
link the target application to 0x0. In such case, the debugger must be adjusted accordingly. Change the flash
address offset from default 0x100000 to 0x0 (Address in CPU space field) and then also a download file linked
to the address 0x0 will be successfully programmed into the flash.

Q: I have an old project, which I can recompile with GCC 4.0.2 compiler. When I use winIDEA, which has
GCC 4.2.2 compiler integrated, the project fails to build. Whats the problem?
A: The problem is in old CRT0.s startup file. Recompiling the project with GCC 4.2.2, yields an empty DATA
segment, which leads to an endless loop in the CRT0.s. A simple workaround is to add a dummy global
variable, for example:
int dummy = 0;

Q: I download the file, which is in Elf/dwarf format. I dont get any verify errors. However, the code doesnt
run. It seems like not all code was really loaded. What could be the problem?
A: In your particular case, 'Load Code from' in the winIDEA Elf/Dwarf Options dialog (click Properties
after specifying the download file) is set to Program Header / Virtual.

As usual, the choice between virtual and physical addresses is compiler and linker configuration dependant.
If 'not all code is loaded', the following procedure is advisable:
1. generate map file
2. in winIDEA, Elf properties, select 'Dump Elf header'
3. Compare map file to the PROGRAM HEADERS entries for VIRTADDR and PHYADDR and see which
is suitable

In this particular case the PROGRAM HEADERS part looks like this:

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0 LOAD 174 300 0 0 300 5 4
1 LOAD 474 18 400 400 18 5 4
2 LOAD 174 0 500 500 0 5 4
3 LOAD 48C 724 500 500 724 5 4
4 LOAD 174 0 20000000 20000000 0 7 4
5 LOAD 174 0 20000400 20000400 0 7 4
6 LOAD BB0 4 20000400 C24 4 7 4
7 LOAD BB4 0 20000404 20000404 11C 7 4
8 LOAD BB4 0 20000520 20000520 0 7 4
9 LOAD BB4 18 20000520 C28 18 7 4

As you (should) know, a C/C++ application must initialize global data before entering main. The
initialized data segment is copied from ROM to RAM, uninitialized (.bss) is simply zeroed.

On your specific CPU, ROM/FLASH resides on address 0, while RAM resides on address 20000000h.
The program headers layout shows a few entries where PHYADDR is different to VIRTADDR. It is
obvious that in this configuration the PHYADDR denotes the FLASH load location and VIRTADDR
the link location (the address of RAM where variables will be accessed). Since apparently the
application is PROMable (i.e. startup code will copy .initdata to .data), we must ensure that the FLASH
is loaded with initialized data image and the correct choice is to select "Program Header / Physical"

Note that on average in 70%of cases Program Header / Virtual is the right choice, so winIDEA uses
this setting per default.

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14 Emulation Notes
On-chip interrupt logic is not active while the user's program is stopped during the debug session.

The microcontroller can also feature ETM trace port to which a development system supporting the ETM
can be connected. Note that ARM7/ARM9 Debug iCARD doesnt support ETM trace port. Contact
iSYSTEM for tool solutions supporting ETM. There are also devices (e.g. LPC3180), where ETM is not
broadcasted to the external development system through a dedicated ETM port, but rather an internal
Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) captures the trace information. In this case, the ETM information can also be
extracted from the microcontroller by the ARM7/ARM9 Debug iCARD.

NXP LPC2xxx family features Small ETM type, which consists of 1 pair of address comparators, no data
comparators, 4 memory map decodes, 1 counter, no sequencer and FIFO depth 10 bytes. There is also no
data trace. Since ETM trigger dialog is universal for all ETM implementations, the user gets warned about
missing debugging resource as late as after pressing the begin trace. To use trace, profiler and coverage,
which are based on ETM trace port, a dedicated

ST STR91xF family

The two die inside the STR91xF (CPU die and Flash memory die) are internally daisy-chained on the JTAG
bus. The CPU die has two JTAG Test Access Ports (TAPs), one for boundary scan functions and one for
ARM CPU debug. The Flash memory die has one TAP for program/erase of non-volatile memory. Because
these three TAPs are daisy-chained, only one TAP will converse on the JTAG bus at any given time while
the other two TAPs are in BYPASS mode. The TAP positioning order within this JTAG chain is the
boundary scan TAP first, followed by the ARM debug TAP, followed by the Flash TAP. TAP controllers
have following JTAG instruction register length:
- Flash TAP: 8 bits
- Boundary scan TAP: 5 bits
- ARM CPU debug TAP: 4 bits

In order to debug ARM core, the user must set 8 for IR prefix and 5 for IR Postfix in winIDEA
'Hardware/Emulation Options/JTAG' dialog.

Disclaimer: iSYSTEM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the
right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any
commitment to update the information herein.

iSYSTEM. All rights reserved.

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