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1. Gabungan dari sel, molekul, dan jaringan?

A. imunity
B. Respon imun
C. Type of adaptive immunity
D. immune system
E. Fisiology function

2. Dibentuk di manakah sel T?

C.bone marrow , matang di thymu
E.di jaringan

3. Limfosit B dan T bertemu di mana?

A. Germinal Center
B. Trabekel
C. Capsula Fibrosa
D. extrafollikuler
E. medulla

4. Mhc 2 presentasi kepada?

A. CD8 ctl
B. CD20
C. Cd21
D. CD4
E. CD35

5. MHC 2 dihasilkan oleh?

1. Makrofag
2. Dendritic sel
3. Langerhans
4. Mature B cell

6. Migrasi sel T ke tempat infeksi dikontrol oleh :

A. hormon dan sinyal transduksi
B. interferon dan co-stimulator
C.keseimbangan TH1 DAN 2
D. co-reseptor dan imunoglobulin
E. molekul adhesi dan kemokin

7.Second signal oleh aktivasi sel T dalam adaptif imunity selular :

A. CD3
E. Ko stimulator
8. Imunoglobulin yang merupakan reseptor pada sel B naif :
A. IgA B IgE C IgG1 D IgG3 E IgM
9. Faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya Isotype Switching adlh :
A Sel T C. Sel Plasma E. Sumsum tulang
B Makrofag D. Komplemen

10.Imunoglobulin yang berfungsi memberikan efek imunitas mukosa


11. The receptors on T cells and B cells bind to

A. antibodies.
B. antigens.
C. natural killer cells.
D. double-stranded RNA.
E. immunoglobulins.

12. An epitope is
A. part of the interferons that penetrate foreign cells.
B. a protein protruding from the surface of B cells.
C. two structurally similar antibodies dissolved in the blood plasma.
D. that part of an antigen that actually binds to an antigen receptor.
E. a mirror image of an antigen.

13.B cells have antigen receptors that bind to antigens that are either freely dissolved or present
on the surface of invading/foreign cells. T cells have antigen receptors that
A. are active only in lymph nodes.
B. bind only to antigens present on the surface of the invading/foreign cells.
C. bind only to freely dissolved antigens in the plasma.
D. bind to antigens presented on major histocompatability complexes by host
E. bind to antigens that are either freely dissolved or present on the surface of
invading/foreign cells.

14. Antigens are

A. proteins found in the blood that cause foreign blood cells to clump.
B. proteins embedded in B cell membranes.
C. proteins that consist of two light and two heavy polypeptide chains.
D. foreign molecules that trigger the generation of antibodies.
E. proteins released during an inflammatory response.

15. Secondary immune responses upon a second exposure to a pathogen are due to the
activation of
A. memory cells.
B. macrophages.
C. stem cells.
D. B cells.
E. T cells.

16.The MHC is important in a T cell's ability to

A.distinguish self from nonself.
B. recognize specific parasitic pathogens.
C. identify specific bacterial pathogens.
D. identify specific viruses.
E. recognize differences among types of cancer.

17.A patient who can produce antibodies against some bacterial pathogens, but not against
viral infections, probably has a disorder in his
A. B cells.
B. plasma cells.
C. natural killer cells.
D. T cells.
E. macrophages.

18.An immunoglobulin (Ig) molecule, of whatever class, with regions symbolized as C or V, H

or L, has a light chain made up of

A. one C region and one V region.

B. three C regions and one V region.
C. one H region and one L region.
D. three H regions and one L region.
E. two C regions and two V regions.

19.Which of the following cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity and also respond to
class I MHC molecule-antigen complexes?
A.cytotoxic T cells
B. natural killer cells
C. helper T cells
D. macrophages
E. B cells

20.CD4 and CD8 are

A) proteins secreted by antigen-presenting cells.
B) receptors present on the surface of natural killer (NK) cells.
C) T-independent antigens.
D) molecules present on the surface of T cells where they interact with MHC
E) molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells where they enhance B cell

21.Antibodies of the different classes IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE different from each other
A. in the way they are produced.
B. in their heavy-chain structure.
C. in the type of cell that produces them.
D. by the antigenic determinants that they recognize.
E. by the number of carbohydrate subunits they have.
22. A bone marrow transplant may not be appropriate from a given donor (titi) to a given
recipient (titi's cousin toto), even though titi has previously given blood for one of toto's
needed transfusions, because

A. even though titi's blood type is a match to toto's, his MHC proteins may not be a
B. a blood type match is less stringent than a match required for transplant because
blood is more tolerant of change.
C. for each gene, there is only one blood allele but many tissue alleles.
D. titi's class II genes are not expressed in bone marrow.
E. toto's immune response has been made inadequate before he receives the

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