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Prostate Health: Why

the prostate blood
test is a hoax

When kidney problems cause

back pain

Do you need more than food to

stay healthy today?

How important is Anaemia is a common

salt in your diet? cause of dizziness

DMT: The spirit Do you have a

chemical in the brain? flatulence problem? 1

Dissolve deadly plaque in

arteries and reduce your risk
of heart disease and stroke

Reduce high blood pressure

Alleviate arthritis and inflammation
Clear congestion from the lungs
Maintain a healthy digestion

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This weeks issue examines the med- As Ive been trying to make clear for
ical scandal that is the PSA test. The
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test
many years now, P.S.A. testing cant
is a blood test commonly used to detect prostate cancer and, more im-
determine the health of the prostate. portant, it cant distinguish between
But according to the discoverer of
the PSA Dr Ablin, using the PSA as a the two types of prostate cancer
prostate screen is no more accurate the one that will kill you and the one
than a coin toss.
that wont.
The PSA test is extremely inaccurate, Dr Richard Ablin (Discoverer of the PSA)
and to make matters worse, it leads

4 Why the prostate blood test is

to many unnecessary prostate biop-
a hoax
Prostate biopsies are very painful
and typically cause infection of the
prostate and bladder and even erec-
tile dysfunction.
We discuss what to do with a PSA
test and most importantly how you
8 Do You Need More than food
to stay healthy today?
can keep the prostate healthy and
prevent prostate diseases.
In addition to the main article on the
prostate, there are other interesting
topics on nutrition, psychology and
10 Q and A

common illnesses. The next issue will

look at the simple steps you can start
to take to prevent and treat diseases.
Please send your questions, queries
or comments to [email protected].
11 When Kidney Problems Cause
Back Pain

Until next time, have a fabulous

14 Anaemia is a common cause of

summer holiday!

Dr Machi Mannu (MBBS)
DMT: The Spirit Chemical in
the Brain?

The information in this magazine is intended to provide knowledge about healthcare, and should not be considered a replacement for proper medical advice 3
Health: Why
the prostate
blood test is
a hoax

n their lifetime, 10 in a hundred men will The PSA test for prostate cancer screen has an
contract prostate cancer, but less than 3 in accuracy of 4%, which means that out of 100 men with
a hundred will die from the disease. Even prostate cancer; the PSA test will only correctly iden-
then experts believe these numbers will be tify 4. The remaining 96 will be missed or incorrectly
much lower without excessive interference by identified. The PSA test has the same level of accuracy
as a digital rectal examination for prostate cancer.
healthcare professionals.
There are three main diseases of the prostate gland:
Prostate cancer is one of the slowest growing can-
Prostate inflammation (Prostatitis), Prostate Enlarge-
cers and in most untreated cases, it never leaves
ment (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy) and Prostate
the confines of the prostate gland. Many urolo-
Cancer (Prostate adenocarcinoma). All three diseases
gists and health experts are now of the opinion
of the prostate will result in high PSA levels.
that prostate problems are over diagnosed and
over treated, and this tampering with the pros- Moreover, other external factors can also
tate is behind the higher incidence of prostate increase PSA levels such as anti-inflammatory
disorders seen today. drugs and other medications. Even riding a
bicycle, a day before the blood test can increase
The most basic test for prostate cancer checks
PSA values.
the level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in the
blood. And high levels of PSA is said to indicate PSA blood tests generate high numbers of false
the possibility of prostate cancer. However, the positive readings, which is when PSA test is positive,
discoverer of the PSA, Dr Richard Ablin, has gone although there is nothing wrong with the prostate
public on many occasions announcing that he gland. The problem is that a false positive PSA test
never designed the PSA test as a screen for pros- still warrants the need for further investigation with
tate cancer or any other prostate disease. a prostate biopsy to rule out the possibility of cancer.
Prostate biopsies carry a high level of risk and pain.
According to Dr Ablin, the PSA test can only be
reliably used to monitor the progress of patients The process of a prostate biopsy involves the inser-
already suffering prostate cancer. In his published tion of a needle through the rectum into the prostate
book, The Great Prostate Hoax. He discussed gland, to pinch out a dozen pieces of prostate tissue
how the pharmaceutical industry hijacked his required to test for cancer. Prostate biopsies have a
discovery and turned it into a screen for prostate high risk of prostate infections which can lead to more
cancer. serious complications including urinary incontinence

tate gland will compress the urethra and hinder the
flow of urine. The function of the prostate gland is
to produce most of the fluid that bulks up semen
which only contains 1% sperm.
The main diseases of the prostate prostate
inflammation, enlargement and cancer, will produce
similar symptoms including painful and frequent
urination, straining to pass urine, and feeling of
not emptying the bladder properly. Very frequently,
prostate cancer will not produce any symptoms.
Prostatitis: Prostatitis is the medical term for in-
flammation of the prostate gland, and the common-
est cause is harmful bacteria, viruses or fungi such
as E. coli, Candida and Cytomegalovirus.
Probiotics beneficial bacteria mainly found in the
intestines, also help prevent infections in the
prostate gland. Low levels of probiotics in the
intestine will encourage infections of the gut as well
as those of the pelvic organs such as the prostate
and urinary bladder.
and kidney failure. Many men continue to suffer Prostatitis can occur all through a mans life, but
from urinary infections many months after a it tends to be more common in the 30s and 40s.
biopsy. Usually, the only symptoms will be a slight fever,
But the main danger from prostate biopsies is the burning sensation during urination and passing
risk of spreading an already existing and water frequently and in many cases, these symp-
well-contained cancer. The prostate gland has a toms will resolve in a few days without problems.
thick protective capsule around it, which confines More serious symptoms such as passing blood, and
the prostate gland, and is the reason why prostate pain between the scrotum and back passage, will
cancers are slow-growing and rarely spreads to indicate a severe infection that requires treatment
other parts of the body. There is a reason to believe with antibiotics. Those with recurrent prostatitis
that puncturing holes in this thick capsule to pull should consider taking probiotic supplements.
out prostate tissue for a biopsy, may increase the
spread of an already contained prostate cancer. Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostate Hyper-
trophy): The prostate gland grows all throughout
The conventional treatment for prostate cancer
the life of a man. In a mans 20s the prostate gland
involves the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
weighs about 20 grammes, but by the age of 70, it
surgery. These treatments cause serious complica-
will weigh around 100 grammes.
tions including cancer, kidney disease, urinary
incontinence and may others. Studies now show The first brief growth spurt usually starts around
that some prostate cancer considered to be life the 30s and the second spurt of growth starts
threatening and malignant maybe harmless and around the mid-50s and usually results in prob-
benign and a reclassification of the scale for lems. An enlarged prostate will constrict the uri-
prostate cancer will reduce diagnosis and prevent nary tube (urethra) that runs through it, to cause
unnecessary radical therapies. urinary problems such as difficulty passing water,
pain during urination, poor urine flow.
The Prostate Gland:
Some studies identify the cause of an enlarged pros-
The prostate gland is the size of a walnut, and it
tate to be high levels of the active male sex hor-
is situated just below the base of the bladder. The
mone called dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that
bladder is the sac that holds urine, and it continues
becomes raised with increasing age. Drugs used to
as the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of
treat prostate enlargement work by blocking the
the body. This urethra runs through the middle of
conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
the prostate. For this reason, diseases of the pros-
Other prescribed drugs will relax the muscles of the 5
prostate to ease urine flow. size of the prostate. Nuts and seafood are good sources
Recent studies, however, show that blocking the of zinc.
active male hormone leads to a compensatory rise Tomatoes Contain lycopene, another nutrient that is
in the levels of the female sex hormone, known to prevent prostate diseases. Omega 3 fatty
oestrogens. Oestrogens also encourage the acids are equally important for maintaining the health
growth of the prostate, and will also cause hair of the prostate. Plant-based omega-3 oils are
loss, enlargement of the male breast, erectile preferable to Fish oil omega-3 which has been shown
dysfunction and slow feminization of the body. to contribute to prostate inflammation.
A more effective treatment for an enlarged MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is also a key
prostate is with the extracts of Saw Palmetto, a nutrient for maintaining the structure of the prostate.
natural herb. Saw palmetto contains compounds MSM is the raw material required to maintain healthy
that will reduce the levels of active testosterone supporting structures of the body such as the thick
without promoting high levels of oestrogens. membrane that surrounds the prostate gland.
Prostate Cancer: Prostate Cancer is the dreaded The most common diseases of the prostate gland are
disease of the prostate, but it is a relatively slow prostate inflammation and enlargement. These condi-
growing and slow spreading cancer. There is tions must be completely ruled out before a biopsy.
scientific evidence supporting the use of less A high PSA reading is certainly not an indication for a
invasive methods for treating and managing biopsy, and should be repeated a couple of times and
prostate cancer. The extract from the herb followed up with an ultrasound and other
Pygeum Africanum shrinks an enlarged prostate non-invasive scans before a biopsy is carried out. A
and halts the spread of prostate cancer. Other rising PSA test may be of better accuracy than a one-
studies show that Pectasol ( Modified Citrus Pec- off PSA test.
tin), a well-known detox agent, controls prostate
inflammation by binding to a protein called
Galectin-3 that promotes cancer.
Inflammation is the origin of prostate diseases,
and a healthy diet is important for protecting the
prostate gland. Zinc is a key nutrient for the
prostate gland, and the prostate contains more
zinc than any other organ in the body. Many
people with prostate diseases whether inflamma-
tion, enlargement or cancer, have very low levels
of zinc. Studies show that zinc helps reduce the

How important is salt in your diet?
Your body cannot survive without salt. To a great extent, salt
played a key role in shaping human civilisation. In days gone by,
before fridges, salt was the best natural preservative for meat,
fish and many other foods. Salt was used to pay soldiers in Roman
times. The word salary is rooted in the Spanish word for salt, sal.
Salt is heavily used in food processing to enhance the taste and
prolong the shelf life of processed foods.
The chemical name for salt is Sodium Chloride, and salt is the larg-
est contributor of sodium to the body. Sodium is the most abun-
dant mineral in the body and plays a role in many vital chemical
reactions such as the transmission of signals through nerves and
contraction of muscles. However, in more recent times, salt has
been demonised especially as a contributor to hypertension and
heart disease.
People suffering from high blood pressure are advised by their doctors to cut out salt from their diet. But
how beneficial is this recommendation?
Recently The Institute of Medicine (IOM) a well-known international organisation was commissioned to
review all studies relating to the health effects of Sodium. Their 150-page report concluded that the cur-
rent evidence linking salt to high blood pressure lacks validity.
On the contrary, the Institute found that people who consumed very little salt suffered more health
problems. Too much salt like too much of any other mineral is detrimental to health, but not the amount
used to flavour food. When it comes to salt, sea salt is certainly better than table salt because it contains
many more minerals.

Relieve Joint and Muscle Aches and Pain with MSM

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is the most vital nutrient required by the body to build
and maintain strong and healthy joints and bones. MSM occurs naturally in the body,
and is used to make collagen- an important component of our bones, joints, skin and
hair. More so than calcium your body needs MSM to build bones, joints, skin and hair.
For this reason MSM has been called the beauty mineral

MSM is a powerful painkiller and anti-inflammatory agent and studies have shown that
MSM is more effective than prescription medications for treating Rheumatoid arthritis,
Osteoarthritis, Frozen shoulder, Muscle cramp, Neck pain and Back pain.

Pure Plant-based MSM from MedB

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Do You Need More than food to stay healthy today?

he food we eat today is not what it used processed foods have added vitamins and nutri-
to be. Nutrient levels of foods have been ents, they still lack many essential nutrients.
falling steadily for the past 50 years. We eat food to receive calories for energy and
Studies from the University of Texas, compar- nutrients for maintaining and repairing the
ing nutrient levels of 43 different fruits and body. Inadequate amounts of nutrients will
Vegetables from 1950 to 1999 showed a sig- result in a body that is maintained and repaired
nificant decline of up to 50% in the concentra- with substitute minerals and materials, which
tion of protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus and increases the risk of developing a disease.
Vitamins B 12. One of the most depleted nutrients in foods
A similar study of 20 British vegetables from today is MSM (methyl sulphonyl methane) a
1930 to 1980 found declines of up to 22% for nutrient required to build the supporting struc-
some nutrients. Another study concluded that tures of the bodythe joints, bones, skin, hair
fresh oranges in a supermarket had no Vitamin and nails. The deficiency of MSM in the diet
C. A meal of Potatoes in the 1970s provided the today is the reason for the rising incidence of
body with enough daily vitamin A, but today connective tissue diseases seen today, including
Potatoes no longer contain vitamin A. Nutrient arthritis, bone diseases, hernia, Dupuytrens
levels of animal foods have also declined signifi- contracture, hernias, uterine prolapse and
cantly over the last century. many others.
Experts cite the lack of soil nutrients as the Selenium is another equally important mineral
main reason for the deficiency of nutrients in that is seriously deficient in most diets today.
food today. Farmers will typically replenish Selenium is a powerful protector of the body
three main minerals Nitrogen, Phosphorus against cancer. Studies show a relationship
and Potassiumthat support growing larger between the areas of the world that are defi-
crops. And although vegetables and fruits are cient in selenium and a high rate of cancer.
getting bigger in size, they lack dozens of other Supplements are therefore essential for im-
minerals that support the life of humans and proving our diet. However, supplements should
other animals that depend on plants for nutri- never replace a healthy diet. Nutrient depleted
tion. Unsurprising animal foods including milk fruits and vegetables of today will still contain
and eggs also lack nutrients. many nutrients that are still undiscovered.
Processed foods, which are foods that are not in
their natural state, are usually lacking in nu-
trients and include foods contain flour such as
bread and pasta as well as sausages. Even when

Because disease and ageing start at the cellular level

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You See, Co-Q10 is a very special nutrient, and most 9
Ive had severe headaches and
tiredness for the last year. I am
concerned because Ive nev-
er suffered headaches in the
past. Theres no pattern to the
headaches, and they occur a
few times a week. I also dont
have as much energy as I used
to. I take a water tablet for high
blood pressure and another
pill for prostate problems. My
doctor carried out an MRI scan
which didnt show any prob-

An MRI scan is a good place to start when

investigating persistent headaches. However,
MRI scans have a limit on the information they
provide, and although they are fantastic for
picking up growths in the body such as cancer, High blood pressure is a symptom of a disease
they are unable to reveal many other causes of and not a disease in itself. Most prescribed
diseases. blood pressure medications are unnecessary
When headaches start suddenly as in your case, and may even cause low blood pressure which is
the most likely cause is a build-up of toxins in a common cause of tiredness. You should mon-
the body. Today more than ever before, we are itor your blood pressure to make sure it is not
exposed to a variety of toxic substances that too low and if so, you need to visit your doctor
overwhelm the bodys detoxification system, to review or stop your medication.
resulting in a build-up of toxins such as mer- Water tablets not only drain water from the
cury, aluminium, cadmium, lead, as well as body but also drain nutrients, and this can
mycotoxins, insecticides, pesticides and plastic result in anaemia. Anaemia results in the inad-
compounds. equate supply of oxygen to the organs, and this
Toxins will promote inflammation of the veins can lead to tiredness.
and arteries of the brain, which in turn leads to From experience, detoxing the body is an effec-
headaches. tive treatment for headaches. Detoxing means
Medications are also a major source of toxins in eliminating toxins trapped deep inside the cells
the body. While some people have an efficient using special agents such as Modified Citrus
detoxification system that can quickly remove Pectin (Pectasol).
toxins from the body, others are not so lucky.

When Kidney Problems
Cause Back Pain
flank, just under the rib cages, at the same level of
L1, the first lumbar vertebrae (the lower backbone).
The kidneys share the same nervous supply as the
lower back, and pain from the kidney transmits to
the lower back. Sometimes the only sign of a kidney
disease is lower back pain.
Painkillers are the most prescribed and the most
consumed drugs, but they cause the most damage
to the kidneys. Many studies show that people who
take painkillers for a long time have a high risk of
suffering from kidney disease.
Toxins accumulating in the kidneys will also cause
kidney problems such as kidney stones and cysts
which add to the dysfunction of the kidneys.
Persistent back pain needs further investigations to
rule out kidney disease, and not treated as ordinary
back pain with painkillers. At the basic level, hospi-
tals rule out kidney diseases by blood test checking
for high levels of a protein called Creatinine Phos-
phokinase. However, this blood test is not specific
for the kidneys and not very accurate. There are
Most back pain occurs from problems with the more specific investigations that can detect kidney
backbone and the nerves running between the diseases earlier.
backbone. But in many cases, back pain is caused by A Proper detoxification therapy will remove toxins
diseases of the kidneys. The main function of the from the body and remove some of the strain on
kidney is to filter waste from the body. The foods, the kidneys. Detoxing the body refers to the use of
drinks and drugs that we ingest generate toxic agents to remove toxins from deep inside the cells,
waste when metabolised in the liver, waste that a different process from clearing out undigested
must be filtered out by the kidneys. food from the bowels. Water is essential for flush-
Today the biggest threat to the kidneys come from ing toxins out of the body. The body requires at
prescription drugs. Prescription drugs typically least 2 litres of water daily for the kidneys to work
contain foreign chemicals foreign to the body and properly.
overwhelm the detoxification and filtering systems In many cases, detoxing the body is all that is re-
of the liver and kidneys. Without effective removal, quired to treat the back pain.
toxins accumulate in the kidneys causing inflam-
mation of the kidney which can progress to more
severe diseases and kidney failure.
When kidneys become inflamed, they swell up and
stretch, causing pain from the kidneys and from
organs around the kidneys that share the same
nerve supply. The location of the kidneys, is to the 11
Do You
have a

latulence is the medical term for what is colloquially known as farting expelling gas from
the back passages. There are differing cultural attitudes towards farting. While farting is con-
sidered highly offensive in some cultures such as the Berbers of Morocco, the Inuit Indians
consider farting at the end of a meal a sign of appreciation.
Farting is a normal and useful bodily process, but when excessive, it may suggest an underlying
health problem. Biologists believe that the average person farts for between 15 and 40 times daily!
Disorders of the stomach and intestines such as food intolerances are a major cause of excessive
farting. Lactose intolerance which is an intolerance to milk sugar is a common cause of flatulence.
Other sugar intolerances such as fructose (Fruit sugar) intolerances will also cause excessive fart-
Fibres prevent constipation, but they can be difficult to digest and in many people will cause the
production of intestinal gases which leads to farting. Foods such as broccoli contain compounds
that produce a lot of gases during digestion. But stir-frying them will lead to fewer problems.
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help with food digestion, and their absence in the stomach
and intestines leads to excessive farting. The way we eat food can also result in flatulence. When
food is rushed rather than properly chewed, air easily enters the body and must leave through the
back passages.
Certain food combinations are known to encourage flatulence. For example, combining foods rich
in protein such as fish with high fat and high starch foods such as potatoes fried in butter, will
encourage flatulence. Proteins combine better with non-starchy or mildly starchy carbs such as
carrots and artichoke.
Increased flatulence is a telltale sign of gastric or intestinal ulcers for those with a history of such
conditions. It is a sign to take all precautions to stop symptoms from worseningstop all stimu-
lants such as coffee, alcohol and spicy foods. Malt and mint tea relieves most cases of flatulence.

Colloidal Silver: The Universal

ilver has been used for thousands of In the 1980s, studies carried out at the
years as an antibiotic. Ancient cultures Syracuse University and the UCLA School
used silver pots to store water, with of medicine showed that colloidal silver
the knowledge that it will protect them was highly effective against bacteria,
against diseases. Silver dressings and products viruses, and fungal microbes, including
are currently used in specialist hospitals to those that had become resistant to anti-
speed-up the healing of wounds. The interna- biotics. Recently studies at the University
tional Space station and the Russian Space sta- of Texas suggested that colloidal silver
tion use colloidal silver to purify water. Most may be effective against HIV-1 virus.
recently, silver has been recommended for use
in surgical instruments and silver coated cath- Colloidal silver has absolutely no side effects.
eters, to prevent MRSA infections. The particles of silver in colloidal silver are
extremely tiny, making it impossible for any
Colloidal Silver was recognised as a powerful form of toxicity to occur in the body. The
antibiotic as soon as it was first discovered by cosmetic side effect of argyria (greying of the
Dr Silver in 1906, but it fell out of favour dec- skin) is only seen when people consume silver
ades later, when antibiotics became available. salts and solutions that are not fit for human
And today, with the rise of antibiotic resistant consumption.
microbes, colloidal silver is making a come-
back as the preferred antibiotic of choice for a
variety of infectious diseases.

Several scientific studies have demonstrated

that colloidal silver is a powerful antibiotic.

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Anaemia is a common cause of dizziness

he commonest cause of dizziness is a lack nitrofurantoin and anti-inflammatory drugs cause
of oxygen supply to the brain due to low anaemia by directly destroying the haemoglobin.
levels of haemoglobin, the pigment that Anaemia puts a strain on the entire body, especially
gives blood its red colour. Anaemia also results the cardiovascular systemthe heart and blood ves-
in poor oxygen supply to other parts of the sels. Low haemoglobin means the concentration of
body such as the muscles, however, when the oxygen in the blood is lower than normal, and the
brain is affected, it results in dizziness. Haemo- heart has to work twice as hard to supply oxygen to
globin must be above normal levels to provide the rest of the body. The effect is an increased heart
adequate amounts of oxygen to the body. rate and blood pressure. With the heart struggling
to meet up with demand, the rest of the organs
Anaemia is said to occur when haemoglobin falls will also be under strain. A consequence of the in-
below acceptable levels of 14 17 g/dl for men and creased workload of the heart is tiredness. Extreme
below 12-15 g/dl for women. Nevertheless, these anaemia will cause breathing problems as the lungs
levels reflect the average, and many people outside also work harder to inhale air.
these values may still have normal haemoglobin
levels. Moreover, even when haemoglobin levels Inner ear disorders is a rare cause of dizziness, but
are within normal values, anaemia can still occur as many patients with anaemia are wrongfully di-
there are other factors that determine oxygen sup- agnosed with this condition and treated with the
ply to the cells such as the volume, size and shape prescription drug SERC, which has no effect on
of red blood cells. their condition.

The commonest cause of anaemia is the improper The best treatment for anaemia is a comprehen-
absorption of nutrients that help the body produce sive multivitamin and mineral formula. Iron and
haemoglobin like iron, vitamin B12, Zinc, Copper vitamin B12 are the most well-known nutrients for
and Manganese. The deficiency of either one of increasing haemoglobin levels, but other minerals
these can lead to anaemia. Diseases of the stomach are also important, including zinc, copper and man-
and gut will affect nutrient absorption. People with ganese. It is important to remember that taking
long-standing diseases of the digestive system such supplements is not a substitute for a healthy diet of
as Crohns, Coeliacs or Chronic Constipation will daily fresh vegetables and fruits.
have problems digesting or absorbing nutrients.
Many medications will hinder the absorption of
nutrients including acid suppressants such as ome-
prazole, as well as antibiotics and painkillers. Anti-
biotics also destroy beneficial bacteria, probiotics
that help with food digestion and absorption and
the production of vitamins. Some antibiotics like

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Price per bottle: 45
Because YTE is packed full of life giving 3 bottles for 110
nutrients, most people who take it notice a differ-
ence in their health in days rather than weeks or To order Call MedB
months. Clinic: 965071745,
966189074 or
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Spain 15
News and Information

Do not sleep with your mobile phone by

your side?

A 2-year study from the National Toxicology Program USA

showed that male rats exposed to radiofrequency ( same
frequency produced by mobile phones) were twice more likely
than unexposed rats to develop a type of brain cancer called a
glioma, and also more likely to develop a cancer of the heart
called a schwannoma.
The radiation level used was the same as from a mobile phone.
The scientists noticed that the likelihood of developing cancer
increased as the radiation level increased. This study has cast serious doubt on other studies spon-
sored by mobile phone industries that showed no danger with mobile technologies.
Scientists have confirmed that mobile phone frequency known as radiofrequency heats the tissues
of the body, in the same way, that microwaves heat food. The issue has always been if the heating
is enough to cause brain diseases. Keep your mobile phone out of your sleeping room.

Know Your Minerals: Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient for making haemoglobin,
the red pigment that transports oxygen around the
body. Optimal iron levels are necessary to prevent
anaemia. Nevertheless, other minerals play an equally
important role in preventing anaemia such as zinc,
copper and vitamin B12.
Although iron plays a critical role in the body; its lev-
els are tightly controlled because too much iron in the
body damages organs. MRI studies have shown high
levels of iron in the brains of people suffering from
Alzheimers disease.
Iron is best absorbed in the presence of other miner-
als, and should be taken as a multivitamin, and not on
its own. A common cause of iron deficiency today is
medications prescribed to reduce stomach acid such as
omeprazole. Iron needs the acid in the stomach for op-
timal absorption and drugs that suppress stomach acid will reduce absorption of iron and possibly
cause anaemia.
The best food sources of iron are green leafy vegetables, dried fruits such as apricots, beans and
red meat. Haemochromatosis is a rare and inherited condition caused by large amounts of iron
accumulating in the organs.

News and Information

Children now resistant to common antibiotics

Studies from the University of Bristol and Imperial College London, show an alarming rate
of antibiotic resistance in children.
The study, involving 26 nations, many in Europe, found that half of the children sampled
were resistant to ampicillin, a third to cotrimoxazole and about a quarter to trimethoprim.
Dr Costelloe, a co-leader of the study suggested that earlier use of antibiotics is a contribut-
ing factor. Other studies show that the high use of antibiotics in farm animals is also con-
tributing to antibiotic resistance occurring today.
Over 80% of all antibiotics produced in the world today end up in farm animals.

Pectasol Cellular Detox Therapy

Clean Out Your Body of

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Dose: 2 capsules in the morning, then you must drink at least

1.5 L of water through the day
Bottle of 90 Capsules for a full detox therapy64.75 Euros

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Airport Service
Service for Disabled People
Call: 626864867
Alejo_armero 17
DMT: The Spirit Chemical in
the Brain?
I went to a bright light that was both blissful
and euphoric.
More and more layers of my humanity started
to peel off...
I saw white clouds with gods and angels.
There was no concept of time. I was terrified of
being blasted out of my DNA into the universe
it was 1000 years of experience in 15 min-
Dr Rick Strassman didnt quite know what to
expect from participants taking part in his clin-
ical trials. The trial was for a naturally occurring
chemical in the body called DMT(Dimethyl- consider that there are over 150,000 species of
tryptamine). DMT was classified as a schedule plants in the Amazon
one drug in the 1960s and banned an absurdi- The experiences described by participants in Dr
ty when you consider that DMT occurs natural- Strassmans research included all paranormal
ly in all living organisms. experiences recorded in many cultures all over
DMT has been in use for centuries in some the world, including contact with aliens, time
South American cultures that recognise it as a travel, speaking with gods, out of body travels
consciousness-expanding chemical and use it and many others.
to cure emotional and psychological illnesses, Scientists speculate on the role of DMT in the
drug and alcohol addiction, depression and also body. What is clear is that DMT produces expe-
for seeking a deeper meaning and purpose to riences that are outside our reality. The source
life. DMT is believed to paint a picture of ones of DMT in the body is still unclear, but Dr
existence in front of their eyes to reveal the Strassman believes the pineal gland produces
consequences of their actions. DMT. Many spiritual mystics regard the pineal
Although DMT occurs in the brain, it is de- gland as the third eye.
stroyed very quickly in the liver when ingested Dr Strassmans research featured in a movie
through the mouth. Nevertheless, many centu- available on youtube titled DMT: the spirit
ries ago, the indigenous tribes of the Amazon molecule.
discovered a way to ingest DMT orally by boil-
ing the leaves of a plant containing DMT with
the vine of another tree containing a chemical
that blocks the liver enzymes that destroy
DMT. The brew locally known as Ayahuasca
prolongs the effect of DMT in the body. The
discovery of Ayahuasca is incredible when you

The Full Body Scan at MedB
How the scan works
The diagnostic scan examines the whole body by measuring the frequencies of the cells, tissues
and organs in the body. Different parts of the body emit unique frequencies, and with the aid
of sensitive technology, these frequencies are measured and analysed by advanced computer
programmes to determine your state of health with high accuracy. At MedB, we use the most
advanced form of this diagnostic technology called Sensitiv Imago.
What to Expect
At MedB, our aim is to make your scan experience as comfortable & relaxing as possible.
It takes only 45 minutes for the first appointment, all of which you would spend in a relaxing
easy chair, watching a visual interpretation of the scan in progress.
The only things you need to remove for the scan are any jewellery or metal/electronic objects.
We would also ask that for 48 hours before the scan you avoid coffee, alcohol & very spicy food.
Everything else is OK. You also need to avoid smoking or using your mobile phone an hour
before the scan.

Included in the report of the scan will be a recommended

Direction of Therapy that we suggest based on the findings of
the scan.
We divide the therapy into 1st and 2nd Line therapy. The first
line therapy is usually to treat the underlying cause of the
illness while the second line therapy is to help regenerate and
strengthen damaged areas of the body.
Taking the Direction of Therapy is by no means a compulsory
requirement. We prefer that you go home with the report
before you decide what to do. But we will point out that we
only prescribe products based on many years of use and sup-
ported by extensive research.

Non-invasive and Safe: Unlike other scans such as X-rays and CT-scans, your body is not ex-
posed to harmful radiation.
Accurate and Detailed: The scan reads information from the cells and tissues as well as from
organs and systems to produce an accurate and detailed information about your state of health.
In contrast, other scans such as endoscopies use a camera to examine just the surface of internal
Affordable: A similar scan using the same technology cost up to 6 times more in England and
other EU countries. Products from MedB are also cheaper than anywhere else.
For More information Call 965071745, 966189074 or visit 19
Promoting Wellness and Healthy Ageing

Full Body Diagnostic Scan

Advanced Computerised Technology approved for the EU
Non-invasive and 96% Accurate

Detailed Examination and Analysis of all body systems and organs

Detection of microorganisms (Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites)
Biochemical Analysis (hormones, enzymes, proteins)
Detection of Toxins and Allergens
Diagnosis of Diseases and Complications
Blood Test
Food Allergy Test
Chromosomal analysis
Natural Therapy and Nutrition Counselling
Call: 965071745,966189074 or visit:
Clinic at 1161 Punta Marina, Punta Prima, Los Altos
In partnership with Sensitiv Imago Technology


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