LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

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G.R. No. 199781.February 18, 2013.


doing business under the name and style ADS INDUSTRIAL
EQUIPMENT, respondent.

Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Pleadings and Practice; Evidence;

Defenses and objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the
answer are deemed waived, with the following exceptions: (1) lack of
jurisdiction over the subject matter; (2) litis pendentia; (3) res judicata; and
(4) prescription of the action.Under Section 1, Rule 9 of the Rules of
Court, defenses and objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or
in the answer are deemed waived, with the following exceptions: (1) lack of
jurisdiction over the subject matter; (2) litis pendentia; (3) res judicata; and
(4) prescription of the action. Clearly, petitioner cannot change its defense
after the termination of the period of testimony and after the exhibits of both
parties have already been admitted by the court. The non-inclusion of this
belated defense in the pre-trial order barred its consideration during the trial.
To rule otherwise would put the adverse party at a disadvantage since he
could no longer offer evidence to rebut the new theory. Indeed, parties are
bound by the delimitation of issues during the pre-trial.
Same; Same; Pre-Trial; Although a pre-trial order is not meant to
catalogue each issue that the parties may take up during the trial, issues not
included in the pre-trial order may be considered only if they are impliedly
included in the issues raised or inferable from the issues raised by necessary
implication.As held in Villanueva v. Court of Appeals: Pre-trial is
primarily intended to insure that the parties properly raise all issues
necessary to dispose of a case. The parties must disclose during pre-trial all
issues they intend to raise during the trial, except those involving privileged
or impeaching matters. Although a pre-trial order is not meant to catalogue
each issue that the parties may take up during the trial, issues not included in
the pre-trial order may be considered only if they are impliedly included in
the issues raised or inferable from the issues




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LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

raised by necessary implication. The basis of the rule is simple. Petitioners

are bound by the delimitation of the issues during the pre-trial because they
themselves agreed to the same.

PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of

the Court of Appeals.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Danilo S. Azaa for petitioner.
Edmiro V. Regino for respondent.

The Case
This petition for review assails the 21 September 2011 Decision2

and the 6 December 2011 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in

CA-G.R. CV No. 86296. The Court of Appeals afrmed the 7
November 2005 Decision4 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 8,
Legazpi City, in Civil Case No. 9919, which ordered petitioner
LICOMEN, Inc. (petitioner) to pay respondent Engr. Salvador
Abainza (respondent) the sum of P1,777,202.80 plus 12% interest
per annum, P50,000 attorneys fees, and P20,000 litigation and
incidental expenses.
The Facts
Respondent led an action for sum of money and damages
against Liberty Commercial Center, Inc. (Liberty). Respondent
alleged that in 1997 and 1998, he was hired by Liberty to

1Under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
2 Rollo, pp. 27-36. Penned by Associate Justices Agnes Reyes-Carpio, with
Associate Justices Fernanda Lampas-Peralta and Priscilla J. Baltazar-Padilla,
3Id., at pp. 38-39.
4CA Rollo, pp. 41-59.



LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

do various projects in their commercial centers, mainly at the LCC

Central Mall, Naga City, for the supply, fabrication, and installation
of air-conditioning ductworks. Respondent completed the project,
which included some changes and revisions of the original plan at
the behest of Liberty. However, despite several demands by
respondent, Liberty failed to pay the remaining balance due on the
project in the sum of P1,777,202.80.
Liberty denied the material allegations of the complaint and
countered that the collection suit was not led against the real party-
in-interest. Thus, respondent amended his complaint to include
petitioner as defendant.5 The HRD Administrative Manager of
Liberty testied that petitioner LICOMCEN, Inc. is a sister company
of Liberty and that the incorporators and directors of both companies
are the same.
The Ruling of the Trial Court
The trial court found that petitioners claim that it has fully paid
respondent the total cost of the project in the sum of P6,700,000
pertains only to the cost of the original plan of the project. However,
the additional costs of P1,777,202.80 incurred for labor, materials,
and equipment on the revised plan were not paid by petitioner.
As found by the trial court, petitioner (then defendant) ordered
and approved the revisions in the original plan, thus:

During the awarding of the work, defendants wanted the aircon duct[s]
changed from rectangular to round ducts because Ronald Tan, one of the
LCC owners who came from abroad, suggested round

5It appears that the confusion in identifying the real defendants in the collection case arose
because the previous payments to respondent totaling P6,700,000, although billed to petitioner
LICOMCEN, Inc., were all paid by the accounting department of Liberty Commercial Center,
Inc. Thus, the inclusion of Liberty as the defendant in the original complaint. CA Rollo, p. 58.


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LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

aircon ducts he saw abroad were preferable. Plaintiff prepared a plan

corresponding to the changes desired by the defendants (Exhibits D, D-
1, D-2).
The changing of the rectangular ducts to round ducts entailed additional
cost in labor and materials. Plaintiff had to remove the rectangular ducts
installed, resize it to round ducts and re-install again. More G.I. Sheets were
needed and new ttings as well, because the ttings for the rectangular ducts
cannot be used in the round duct. There were movements of the equipment.
In the original plan, the air handling unit (AHU) was [o]n the ground oor.
It was relocated to the second oor. There were additional air ducting in the
two big comfort rooms for customers, an exhaust blower to the dondon and
discaminos, fresh air blower and lock machine at the food court were
Because of the changes, defendants wanted the tonnage of the
refrigeration (TR) to be increased to cool up the space. The 855 tons
capacity was increased to 900 [sic] tons. These changes entailed additional
expense for labor and materials in the sum of Php1,805,355.62 (Exhibits
F to F-26).
Plaintiffs work was being monitored by Es De Castro and Associates
(ESCA), defendants engineering consultant. Paper works for the approval
of ESCA are signed by Michal Cruz, an electrical engineer, and Jake
Ozaeta, mechanical engineer, both employees of the defendants and a
certain Mr. Tan, a representative of defendants who actually supervises the
construction. Plaintiff presented the cost changes on the rework and change
to 960 ton capacity. The total balance payable to plaintiff by defendant is
Php 1,777.202.80 (Exhibit G-42). Accomplishment report had been
submitted by plaintiff and approved by ESCA, project was turned over in
1988 but plaintiff was not paid the balance corresponding to the changed
plan of work and additional work performed by plaintiff. Series of
communications demanding payment (Exhibits G-3 to G-11, G-13,
G-17 to G-18, G-23, G- 24, G-25, G-26, G-35 to 42)
were made but plaintiff [sic] refused to pay.6

On 7 November 2005, the trial court rendered its Decision, the

dispositive portion of which reads:

6Id., at pp. 54-55.



LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza


rendered in favor of the plaintiff and against defendant LICOMCEN, Inc.
ordering the latter to pay the plaintiff the sum of Php1,777,202.80 as its
principal obligation with interest at 12% per annum until the amount is fully
paid, the sum of Php50,000.00 as attorneys fess [sic] and Php20,000.00 as
litigation and incidental expenses. Costs against defendant LICOMCEN,
The case against Liberty Commercial Center, Inc. is hereby ordered

The Ruling of the Court of Appeals

Petitioner appealed the trial courts Decision to the Court of
Appeals, invoking Article 1724 of the Civil Code which provides:

Art.1724.The contractor who undertakes to build a structure or any

other work for a stipulated price, in conformity with plans and specications
agreed upon with the landowner, can neither withdraw from the contract nor
demand an increase in the price on account of the higher cost of labor or
materials, save when there has been a change in the plans and specications,
(1)Such change has been authorized by the proprietor in writing; and
(2)The additional price to be paid to the contractor has been
determined in writing by both parties.

The Court of Appeals stated that petitioner never raised Article

1724 of the Civil Code as a defense in the trial court. Citing Section
1, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court8 and the case of

7Id., at pp. 58-59.
8Section1.Defenses and objections not pleaded.Defenses and objections not
pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the answer are deemed waived. However,
when it appears from the pleadings of the evidence on record that the court has no
jurisdiction over the subject matter, that there is another action pending be-


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LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Leobrera,9 the Court of Appeals

ruled that petitioner cannot be allowed to change its theory on
appeal since the adverse party would then be deprived of the
opportunity to present further evidence on the new theory. Besides,
the Court of Appeals held that Article 1724 of the Civil Code is not
even applicable to the case because the Contract of Agreement was
never signed by the parties considering that there were substantial
changes to the original plan as the work progressed. Thus, the Court
of Appeals afrmed the trial courts Decision, nding petitioner
liable to respondent for the additional costs in labor and materials
due to the revisions in the original project.
Petitioner led a Motion for Reconsideration, which the Court of
Appeals denied in its Resolution dated 6 December 2011. Hence,
this petition.
The Issue
The issue in this case is whether petitioner is liable for the
additional costs incurred for labor, materials, and equipment on the
revised project.
The Ruling of the Court
We nd the petition without merit.
In this case, petitioner invoked Article 1724 of the Civil Code as
a defense against respondents claim. Petitioner alleged that
respondent cannot recover additional costs since the agreement in
the change of plans and specications of the project, the pricing and
cost of materials and labor was not in writing.
tween the same parties for the same cause, or that the action is barred by a prior
judgment or by statute of limitations, the court shall dismiss the claim.
9461 Phil. 461; 416 SCRA 15 (2003).



LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

The Court of Appeals mistakenly stated that petitioner only

raised Article 1724 of the Civil Code as a defense on appeal. A
perusal of the records reveals that, although petitioner did not invoke
Article 1724 of the Civil Code as a defense in its answer10 or in its
pre-trial brief,11 petitioner belatedly asserted such defense in its
Memorandum12 led before the trial court. Thus, from its previous
defense that it has fully paid its obligations to respondent, petitioner
changed its theory by adding that since the additional work done by
respondent was not authorized in writing, then respondent cannot
recover additional costs. In effect, petitioner does not deny that
additional costs were incurred due to the change of plans in the
original project, but justies not paying for such expense by
invoking Article 1724 of the Civil Code.
Under Section 1, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court, defenses and
objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the answer
are deemed waived, with the following exceptions: (1) lack of
jurisdiction over the subject matter; (2) litis pendentia; (3) res
judicata; and (4) prescription of the action. Clearly, petitioner cannot
change its defense after the termination of the period of testimony
and after the exhibits of both parties have already been admitted by
the court. The non-inclusion of this belated defense in the pre-trial
order barred its consideration during the trial. To rule otherwise
would put the adverse party at a disadvantage since he could no
longer offer evidence to rebut the new theory. Indeed, parties are
bound by the delimitation of issues during the pre-trial.13 As held in
Villanueva v. Court of Appeals:14

10Records, pp. 82-83.
11Id., at pp. 87-89.
12Id., at pp. 225-232.
13Sections 6 and 7, Rule 18 of the Rules of Court provide:
Sec.6.Pre-trial brief.The parties shall le with the court and serve on the
adverse party, in such manner as shall insure their receipt thereof at least three (3)
days before the date of the pre-trial, their respective pre-trial briefs which shall
contain, among others:

VOL. 691, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 165
LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

Pre-trial is primarily intended to insure that the parties properly raise all
issues necessary to dispose of a case. The parties must disclose during pre-
trial all issues they intend to raise during the trial, except those involving
privileged or impeaching matters. Although a pre-trial order is not meant to
catalogue each issue that the parties may take up during the trial, issues not
included in the pre-trial order may be considered only if they are impliedly
included in the issues raised or inferable from the issues raised by necessary
implication. The basis of the rule is simple. Petitioners are bound by the
delimitation of the issues during the pre-trial because they themselves
agreed to the same.15

(a)A statement of their willingness to enter into amicable settlement or
alternative modes of dispute resolution, indicating the desired terms thereof;
(b)A summary of admitted facts and proposed stipulation of facts;
(c)The issues to be tried or resolved;
(d)The documents or exhibits to be presented, stating the purpose thereof;
(e) A manifestation of their having availed or their intention to avail themselves
of discovery procedures or referral to commissioners; and
(f)The number and names of the witnesses, and the substance of their respective
Failure to le the pre-trial brief shall have the same effect as failure to appear at
the pre-trial.
Sec.7.Record of pre-trial.The proceedings in the pre-trial shall be recorded.
Upon the termination thereof, the court shall issue an order which shall recite in detail
the matters taken up in the conference, the action taken thereon, the amendments
allowed to the pleadings, and the agreements or admissions made by the parties as to
any of the matters considered. Should the action proceed to trial, the order shall
explicitly dene and limit the issues to be tried. The contents of the order shall
control the subsequent course of the action, unless modied before trial to
prevent manifest injustice. (Emphasis supplied)
14471 Phil. 394; 427 SCRA 439 (2004).
15Id., at p. 407; p. 447.



LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

Besides, Article 1724 of the Civil Code is not even applicable to

this case. It is evident from the records that the original contract
agreement,16 submitted by respondent as evidence, which stated a
total contract price of P5,300,000, was never signed by the parties
considering that there were substantial changes in the plan imposed
by petitioner in the course of the work on the project.17 Petitioner
by petitioner in the course of the work on the project.17 Petitioner
admitted paying P6,700,000 to respondent which was allegedly the
agreed cost of the project. However, petitioner did not submit any
written contract signed by both parties which would substantiate its
claim that the agreed cost of the project was only P6,700,000.
Clearly, petitioner cannot invoke Article 1724 of the Civil Code to
avoid paying its obligation considering that the alleged original
contract was never even signed by both parties because of the
various changes imposed by petitioner on the original plan. The fact
that petitioner paid P1,400,00018 more than the amount stated in the
unsigned contract agreement clearly indicates that there were indeed
additional costs during the course of the work on the project. It is
just unfortunate that petitioner is now invoking Article 1724 of the
Civil Code to avoid further payment of the additional costs incurred
on the project.
What was established in the trial court was that petitioner ordered
the changes in the original plan which entailed additional costs in
labor and materials. The work done by respondent was closely
monitored and supervised by petitioners engineering consultant and
all the paperworks relating to the project were approved by
petitioner through its representatives. We nd no justiable reason to
deviate from the ndings and ruling of the trial court, which were
also upheld by the Court of Appeals. Thus, petitioner should be held
liable for the additional costs incurred for labor, materials, and
equipment on the revised project.

16Exhibit A.
17Rollo, p. 33.
18P6,700,000 P5,300,000 = P1,400,000.


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LICOMCEN, Inc. vs. Abainza

WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. We AFFIRM the 21

September 2011 Decision and the 6 December 2011 Resolution of
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 86296.

Brion, Del Castillo, Perez and Perlas-Bernabe, JJ., concur.

Petition denied, judgment and resolution afrmed.

Notes.As a rule, all defenses and objections not pleaded, either

in a motion to dismiss or in an answer, are deemed waived. (Sarsaba
vs. Vda. de Te, 594 SCRA 410 [2009])
A pre-trial order is not meant to be a detailed catalogue of each
and every issue that is to be or may be taken up during the trial.
Issues that are impliedly included therein or may be inferable
therefrom by necessary implication are as much integral parts of the
pre-trial order as those that are expressly stipulated. (Balatico Vda.
de Agatep vs. Rodriguez, 604 SCRA 634 [2009])

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