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Political and economic developments over the past

decade have made some countries in the region increasingly
attractive as an exploration and development target.

In recent years, a number of precious and base metals mines

have been commissioned in Laos. International companies are
pursuing a variety of exploration projects in the region and
there are excellent opportunities for entrepreneurial
companies, such as Amanta, to assume leading roles in the
development of a strong regional mining industry.

Amantas past projects in Thailand included the Langu and

Pakieng Copper Mountain Surat gold properties in the southern part of the country and
two former high-grade tungsten mines in the northern part of
AMANTA RESOURCES LTD. the country, the Mae Lama and Mae Chedi properties. With

Amanta Resources Limited (TSXV NEX: Amantas focus on copper-gold and molybdenum exploration

AMH.H) is focused on mineral exploration and in Laos, the Company decided in 2012 to terminate its

development in Laos. Amanta has been projects in Thailand.

developing its 100% owned Luang Namtha project in northern

Laos since 2009. The project is highly prospective for copper-
silver and gold-molybdenum mineralization. The Company has
an excellent understanding of the Lao minerals industry.

While many of the abundant known mineral occurrences

throughout the region have been the scene of small-scale
mining of high-grade ore, few have been systematically
evaluated for their commercial potential. Southeast Asia is
receiving growing attention from the international mining
industry, particularly from Australian and Canadian juniors, as
the geological potential of the region is increasingly
The Amanta Resources Ltd. license in the Lao PDR, Luang
Namtha Province, Mueang Long, Lao PDR (200 km), is now
While many of the abundant known mineral occurrences
again 100% owned by the Company, after JEA partner
throughout the region have been the scene of small-scale
JOGMEC (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation)
mining of high-grade ore, few have been systematically
decided to withdraw and to return its earned interest.
evaluated for their commercial potential. Southeast Asia is
receiving growing attention from the international mining While seriously disturbed by the worldwide financial problems,
industry, particularly from Australian and Canadian juniors, as arising a few months after the Company signed the Investment
the geological potential of the region is increasingly Agreement with the Government of the Lao PDR, the
recognized. Company and its former JEA partner have made reasonable
efforts to explore the area and get some idea of its potential
Historically, regional mineral development has suffered from for further investment. This included license wide mapping and
limitations on capital and technical expertise, outdated stream sediment surveys by our Vietnamese contractor
minerals legislation and, in some countries, political and civil Intergeo, detailed sampling, mapping and geophysical work in
selected areas as well as limited drilling on some of the number of hydropower projects have been built, or are under
perceived more interesting targets. construction.

Although by no means complete, this work uncovered In the Lao PDR, the government actively promotes foreign
widespread copper/silver indications and occurrences in investment in nearly all sectors, including mining. The minerals
volcanic rocks over the whole area in float and in outcrop industry is governed by the Mining Act (1997), revised in
with grades of up to 4% copper and several ounces of silver. December 2008. After successful exploration by Rio Tinto and
In some parts of the license area traces of earlier mining of development by Oxiana Ltd., the Sepon gold and copper mine
these rocks have been reported. Limited shallow drilling of was commissioned in 2001, marking the first modern mine in
some of these occurrences did intercept some of these Laos.
indications at depth however no immediate economic size and
grade body of this material has been located yet. More recently, Pan Australian commissioned a copper-gold
mine at Phu Bia and several exploration license applications
Indications of mineralized material with economic are presently under consideration by the government. The
molybdenum and gold grades were discovered early on in an COW style investment agreements for these mines have been
area of some 500x500 meters on the so-called peak 1704, the in force since the early 1990s and remain unchanged,
highest in the area. This occurrence has been drilled and indicative of a reliable and long-term investment climate.
several moly/gold mineralized sections were intercepted,
generally in volcanic fragmental rock, replaced by pervasive Since changing to a market-based economic system, Laos
epithermal silicification. Elsewhere within the license has continued to recognize the importance of developing its
chalcopyrite mineralized porphyritic dioritic rocks have been mineral resources, including hydro power. Having no industrial
found, but no further detailed work has been done to evaluate base and limited arable land, the value of its mineral resources
these and the area they occur in. In all, the 200 km appears to is increasingly recognized. Due to its recent history, Chinese
be well mineralized and in need of significant financial and Vietnamese interests have enjoyed a significant
resources for its further evaluation, resources that are not advantage over western interests and the majority of minerals
easily available on the junior market on which Amanta and concessions and licenses are held by companies from these
therefore Amanta Lao Co., rely. countries, sometimes in conjunction with minority Lao
From the earliest time of French colonial rule, Laos, a land-
locked country in Southeast Asia, bounded by Thailand,
Myanmar, China, Vietnam and Cambodia, has been known to
potentially host a wealth of mineral resources, including
copper, gold and gemstones, among many other minerals. For
a number of reasons, including lack of infrastructure and
political turbulence during the Indo-China conflicts, little
As at November 30, 2016:
attention was paid to this potential.
Shares Issued: 47,237,642

In 1986 the Lao Government embarked on a series of Warrants: Nil

economic reforms designed to create conditions conducive to Options: Nil

private sector activity. The government is promoting

infrastructure development, particularly in the mining and CONTACT

hydropower sectors. In 1997, the first Mining Law was 6475 Madrona Crescent

enacted in Laos and this has been updated and revised in West Vancouver, B.C.

2010. During the past decade, two significant copper/gold V7W 2J7, Canada

mines have been constructed (Phu Kham and Sepon) and a E-mail: [email protected]

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