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Preface IV

Introduction V
1 The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Pressure 1
2 Heat and Temperature 14
3 Water in the Atmosphere 26
4 Air Density 33
5 Lapse Rates, Stability and Instability 40
6 Clouds and Precipitation 54
7 Thunderstorms 75
8 Visibility and Fog 85
9 Icing 99
10 Winds 114
11 Air Masses 137
12 Low Pressure Systems and Fronts 144
13 Non-frontal Depressions 161
14 Anticyclones and Cols 165
15 Climatology 171
16 Interpretation of Satellite Images 218
17 Organisation, Observations, Reports and Forecasts 227
Appendix 247
Answers to Multi-choice Test Questions 258
Glossary of Abbreviations 259
Index 262

Meteorology is the science of the atmosphere -the deep gaseousenvelope which

surrounds the earth -covering both weather and climate. There are various
approaches to studying this sciencebut whichever approach is used it will first be
necessaryto consider the nature of the atmosphere and its basic properties before
going on to study their interrelationship.

Up to the maximum altitudes at which civil and military aircraft are normally
operated, the atmosphere is made up of a uniform mixture of gaseswhich we call
air. It is an important property of the atmosphere that this mixture of dry air can
be assumed to be constant in its composition. With the dry air is mixed a variable
amount of water vapour to give moist air. It does not matter whether the aircraft
is flying at 2000 feet or 20000 feet, in east or west longitudes, in the Northern or
Southern Hemisphere -the same mixture of gases is affecting the crew, the
passengers, the wings, the engines, the pressurisation and air conditioning
systems and so on.
Essentially the properties of the air are those of the gases of which it is
comprised -invisible, odourless, no taste, etc., so what are the main gasesin the
mixture? The proportions expressedby volume are:
nitrogen 78%
oxygen 21%
argon 0.93%
carbon dioxide 0.03%
with traces of other gases including ozone, carbon monoxide, the inert gases
neon, helium, etc. The dominant gases are therefore nitrogen and oxygen.
Incidentally, if you see an analysis of dry air by weight, it will show an
approximately 3: I ratio of nitrogen to oxygen -but you will remember from
school that the molecular weight of oxygen (32) is greater than that of nitrogen
Although for the purpose of the mathematical laws which have to be used in
considering the behaviour of the atmosphere it is convenient to assume dry air ,
in reality there is invariably some water vapour present. Water vapour is also a
gas which is invisible, odourless, without taste, etc., but only tive-eighths the
weight of dry air of a comparable temperature and pressure. The evaporation
process which adds this water vapour to the atmosphere will be considered as we
progress through the following chapters. Even more important to pilots,
however, is the reverse process by which the invisible water vapour condenses
out to a liquid or solid state. In this way, cloud, fog and mist, precipitation, frost

and ice on aircraft are formed, so this process must be considered in detail.
The mix of water vapour with dry air to give moist air is, however, not the end
of the story as far as the mix of the atmosphere is concerned. It will be necessary
to consider solid pollutants which enter the air and may remain in suspension for
long periods. Such pollutants are smoke particles from forest fIfes or man-made
processesof burning fossil fuels, dust blown up by the wind and even, at low
level, salt spray blown up off the open water.

Temperature structure
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has specified the
conditions which aviation uses for a standard atmosphere of dry air (we will
come to the units used shortly). The defined conditions of the International
Standard Atmosphere (ISA) are:
1. At mean sea level (msl):
Pressure 1013.25 millibars (hectopascals)
Temperature + 15C
Density 1225grams/cubic metre (0.001225 grams/cubic centimetre)
2. Above mean sea level (am si):
(a) Temperature decreases6.5 Cdeg/km(1.98 Cdeg/l000ft)up to 11 km
(36090 ft) where it is -56.5C.
(b) From 11 km to 20 km (65617 ft) temperature remains constant at
(c) From 20 km to 32 km (104987 ft) temperature increases by 1 C deg/
km (0.3 C deg/l000 ft).
In fact these values are not very far removed from the average conditions of
temperate latitudes. As will be shown later, it is only necessary to specify the
temperature conditions above mean sea level. Given the standard mean sealevel
values for pressure and density it is possible, from a knowledge of the
temperature structure, to derive the pressure and density at any level in the
standard atmosphere.
The lower parts of the atmosphere in which we are interested for aviation
purposes are identified by their characteristic distribution of temperatures. On
this basis, the lowest part of the atmosphere is known as the Troposphereand is
distinguished by the decrease of temperature with increase of height. Tropos is
Greek for turning and because of the temperature structure, this part of the
atmosphere is subject to both horizontal and vertical motion. Water vapour is
mixed throughout its vertical extent and the troposphere contains all of the cloud
and weather in which we are interested. In practice, as well as the ICAO's
specifications for ISA, the temperature lapse with height of the troposphere
comes to an end at an altitude known as the Tropopause.Above the tropopause,
one enters the Stratosphere. The tropopause thus marks the boundary between
the troposphere and the stratosphere. Approximate values are shown in Fig. 1.1.
For basic study, it is convenient to assume a clear-cut transition from the
troposphere to the stratosphere although this is not always true. For this reason,
an upper air report or forecast may refer to a first and second tropopause where
the 'fIrst tropopause' is defmed as the lowest level at which the temperature lapse~

Fig. The tropopause

rate decreases to 2 C deg/km (0.6 C deg/l000 ft) or less, provided that the
average lapse rate between this level and 2 km above it does not exceed2 C deg/
km. Normally, the amount of water vapour in the stratosphere is insignificant.
However (and this is allowed for in ISA), as one climbs up through the
stratosphere it gradually warms in its upper levels due to the presence of ozone.
The amount of ozone and its consequent absorption of ultra-violet radiation is
variable with place and time. Its effect, especially on radio transmissions, is dealt
with in some detail in the companion volume, Ground Studiesfor Pilots: Volume
1 -Radio Aids.
Beyond the stratosphere and aviation's operational altitudes, further 'shells'
of the atmosphere are recognised as one passesthrough the increasingly rarified
air into deep space. First comes the mesosphere,extending from an altitude of
about 50 km to around 80-90 km, and fmally the thermosphere beyond that
height. Neither the mesosphere nor the thermosphere will concern us further .

Atmospheric pressure

All gasesexert pressure and the mixture of gaseswhich comprise the atmosphere
is no exception, either at mean sea level or at altitude. Pressure is the force per
unit area exerted on a surface in contact with the gas. In other connections you
may have already come across p.s.i. (pounds per square inch) or the metric
measure of dynes per square centimetre. You will perhaps remember that 1 dyne
is the force required to produce an accelerationi of 1 centimetre per second per
second on a mass of 1 gram.
As already seen in the definition of ISA, the unit ordinarily used in
meteorology in the UK is the millibar, which is tied into the metric system as
1 million dynes per square centimetre is called a pressure of 1 bar and is the

approximate value of atmospheric pressure at mean sea level. However, for the
ready appreciation of subtle changes in atmospheric pressure, it is usual to use
the millibar, where the relationship is:
1 bar = 1000 millibars (mb)
1 millibar = 1000 dynes/square centimetre
1 centibar = 10000 dynes/square centimetre = 10 mb
Throughout this volume we shall use millibars but it is necessarybefore leaving
the statement of units to mention other units which may be encountered in a
meteorological connotation elsewhere.
Firstly the hectopasca1,which in magnitude is identical to the millibar (i.e.
1013 hectopascals = 1013 millibars). As from 1 January, 1986, ICAO adopted
the hectopascal as the approved unit for measuring and reporting atmospheric
pressure and the term will be encountered outside the UK. However, the UK has
told ICAO that for the foreseeable future the UK will continue to use the millibar
as its pressure unit.
Secondly, pressure may be expressed in terms of the height of a column of
mercury .The measurement of pressure by means of a mercury barometer is dealt
with in Chapter 17 but the basic principle involved is that the pressure exerted by
the atmosphere is balanced against that exerted by a column of mercury. As
atmospheric pressure rises, so the mercury rises up the glass. Pressure may then
be stated as, say, 29.9 inches mercury (Hg) or, say, 760 mm Hg.
Finally, mean sea level pressure may variously be found referred to as 14.71b
per square inch or 10 tons to the square metre, but not in this volume.
At mean sea level, our bodies are accustomed to the pressure of the air acting
upon us all the time, whether it is 1003, 1013 or 1023 millibars, and subtle
changes of pressure which may produce significant weather changes go
undetected by our bodily senses. A convenient defInition of atmospheric
pressure which enables pilots to visualise the situation is:
The atmospheric pressureat any point is equivalent to the weight of the column
of air of unit cross-sectionalarea extending upwards to the top of the atmosphere
from that point.

Fig. 1.2 Pressure decrease with height

Thus in fig. 1.2 at A atmospheric pressure is exerted by the whole column above
A. At B it is the column above point B that has to be considered and will be less

than that at A by the weight of the column AB. From this we have the very
important rule, which is the basis of altimetry , that pressure always decreases
with increase of altitude. The rate of pressure decreasewith altitude increase may
vary but nevertheless decreasesas you climb. Pressure also varies horizontally
which can also have important implications.

Variation of pressure with height

Although air density has yet to be dealt with in detail, it is common knowledge
that warm air is less dense and lighter than a corresponding mass of cold air .
Related to the column of air AB in fig. 1.2, this column will be lighter or heavier
depending upon its mean temperature. In fig. 1.3, a column of air (MN) with ISA
conditions is compared with two otheor columns, CC1 which is colder than
standard, and WW I which is warmer than standard.

By altitude 'h' in the standard column MN, the upper level pressure has
decreasedto, say, 700 mb.lfwe now consider column CC., this air is colder than
MN so it will be more dense(i.e. heavier) and pressure will decreasemore rapidly
with increase of altitude than in the standard column MN. Thus by altitude 'h ,
the upper level pressure will be less at Cl than at N, say 690 mb. On the other
hand, ascending through column WW 1where upper air mean temperatures are
higher than standard, the pressure decreasewith altitude is slower than standard
and the pressure at W 1 will be greater than that at N, say 710 mb.
The determining factor is the mean temperature of the columns of air MN ,
CCl and ww 1giving the rule that:
In areas where upper air mean temperatures are relatively high, upper level
pressures are relatively high and conversely, above air where upper mean
temperatures are relatively low, the upper level pressures are relatively low.
For many purposes later it will be easier for fig. 1.3 to be considered from a
different aspect, comparing the altitude to which it is necessaryto ascendin order
to reach a given upper level pressure.
Figure 1.4 considers the same distribution of upper air mean temperatures as
fig. 1.3. The altitude hc necessaryto reach 700 mb is lower than standard because
the mean temperatures are lower than standard, while altitude hw for 700 mb is

700 mb -
700 mb

rokIer warmer
than than
ho standard h standard hw standard

Fig. 1.4 Pressure variation with height

higher than standard because the mean upper air temperatures are higher than
When the upper air situation is depicted on a constant pressure chart (e.g. 700
mb) by joining all places where that pressure value occurs at the same altitude,
the lines are not unnaturally called contours and the chart is called the contour
chart for xxx mb level. Every contour may be treated as an isobar becausein the
same way as an isobar joins all places having the same pressure at a given datum
(usually msl), a contour joins places where a given pressure occurs at a common
altitude. For example, all the places which at 10000 ft are on the 700 mb isobar
will also be on the 10000 ft contour on the 700 mb chart. Similarly, areas of low
contour values are areas of low pressure, and vice versa.
The height interval between lower and upper levels, e.g. between 1000mb and
700 mb, is referred to as the 'thickness' of the layer. Values of lowest thickness
occur where the mean temperature of the layer is lowest and greatest thickness
occurs at the greatest mean temperature of the layer. The isopleths of thickness
of a layer coincide with the isotherms of mean temperature for that layer.

The relationship between altitude, pressure and temperature may be expressed
1. The height difference in feet corres-
ponding to 1 millibar change in
pressure is given by
96T -- r -

p h(n)


Fig. .5

2. The 'pressure-height' formula is:

h2 -hi = 221.1 T(logpl -logpJ
hi = lower height in feet
hz = upper height infeet
221.1= constant h(ft)
T = mean temperature in K
between hi and h2
PI = pressure at hi in mb
P2 = pressure at h2 in mb


Some useful values to remember, which you may care to check using your pocket
calculator and the formulae, are:
(a) The height equivalent to a millibar change in pressure in temperate
latitudes is:
At mean sea level 27 ft
At 2000 ft am si 30 ft
At 20000 ft amsi 50 ft
At 40000 ft am si 100 ft
(b) The following pressure levels for which upper air charts may be seen,
occur at these corresponding altitudes (i.e. above mean sea level):
Pressure Altitude
850 mb level occurs at approximately 5000 ft amsi
700 mb 10000 ft
500 mb 18000 ft
400 mb 24000 ft
300 mb 30000 ft
200 mb 40000 ft
100 mb 53000 ft
50 mb 68000 ft

Horizontal variation of pressure

At a given time, different atmospheric pressures are experienced at different
places, and for an appreciationi of the corresponding meteorological conditions,
theyare 'reduced' to a common datum (e.g. mean sealevel) and maps are drawn
of the horizontal pressure distribution. An isobar is a line joining all places
having the same pressure at a given level (usually mean sealevel). Usually isobars
are drawn at intervals of2 mb or 4 mb. 2 millibar isobars are drawn for the even
values (e.g. 990,992, etc., not 991,993) and 4 millibar isobars' values are divisible
by 4 (e.g. 996, 1000 and not 994, and 998, 1002). Isobars tend to form
characteristic patterns. Some typical shapes are shown in fig. 1.7. Usually mean
sealevel pressureslie in the range 950 mb to 1050mb although in December 1986
a centre of low pressure of916 mb occurred off Iceland followed by a centre of
high pressure over Europe of over 1050 mb during the next month!

Fig. 7 Types of pressure systems

L. Low or depression
An area of closed isobars, usually with a generally circular shape, with the lowest
pressure at the centre. The actual central pressure itself is not necessarily
important -it is merely relatively lower than the other pressures all around.
Forecasters refer to lows as deep or intense, shallow or weak and to whether they
are deepening or fIlling.

S. Secondary depression
An area of low pressure, not necessarily with its own isobar system, within the
periphery of a larger depression (then called the primary). The isobars on the side
of the secondary away from the primary are often quite close together.
Secondaries may also be described as intense or weak, etc.

T. Trough of low pressure

The name given to a pressure system where the isobars around a low become
elongated such that the pressure is lower along the ax-isof the trough than it is
on its two sides. Sometimes the isobars at a trough have a pronounced V-shape.
Active weather fronts always lie in troughs but not all troughs are frontal.

H. High or anticyclone
An area of closed isobars, usually oval or circular in shape, with the highest
pressure at the centre. The isobars are usually wider apart than the isobars of a
depression and the anticyclones themselves are slower-moving. Highs are
described by forecasters as intensifying or declining. In some parts of the world,
highs persist in the same location with little change for quite long periods of time.

R. Ridge or wedge of high pressure

The name given to a pressure system where the isobars around a high become
elongated so that the pressure along the axis of the ridge is higher than on its two
sides. Unlike the trough, the isobars in a ridge are never V-shaped but are always
smoothly rounded.

This is an area of almost uniform pressure between two highs and two lows.
Sometimes it is referred to as a 'saddle-back' shape. It does not have anyone
isobar defining its boundary .The two isobars on the two low pressure sides each
have the same value, while the isobars on the anticyclonic sides have equal, but
one interval (e.g. 2 mb, 4 mb) higher values.

Pressure gradient
It will be seenfrom these descriptions of the various pressure systemsand fig. 1.7
that the spacing apart of isobars is far from constant over the chart. This isobar
spacing is significant particularly in the matter of wind strength and weather .
The pressure gradient in a particular area is the rate of change of pressure per
unit distance measured in the direction in which pressure is decreasing most
rapidly, i.e. at right angles to the isobars at that point. Where the isobars are wide
apart it would be described as a slack pressure gradient and where the isobars are
close together the situation would be described as a steep pressure gradient (fig.

Fig. 1.8 Pressure gradient

Diurnal variation of pressure

If there are no other meteorological factors influencing the situation, a careful
study of the pressure record at an observing station shows a semi-diumal
variation in pressure. This is especially so for stations in tropical and sub-tropical
regions, but it also occurs in settled weather in the UK. Like the tides of the sea,

there are two maxima and two minima per day but in the caseof pressure, these
always occur at the same local time. From a maximum at 10.00hrs, pressure falls
to a minimum at 16.00hrs, rises to another maximum at 22.00 hrs and falls again
to a second minimum at 04.00 hrs local time. It would seem to be a thermal tide
in the atmosphere working steadily around the globe rather than the gravita-
tional basis of the ocean's tides. A knowledge of the existenceof this semi-diurnal
variation of pressure is important because although in temperate and high
latitudes it is usually swamped by pressure variations due to other causes,in low
latitudes any interruption to it may indicate an impending tropical storm.

Pressure tendency
Amongst the information included in the routine observations made at
meteorological stations is the amount that the pressure has changed in the three
hours immediately preceding the observation, and the nature of the change. For
example, the overall change may have been by an amount of a rise of 0.5 mb
compared with the reading of three hours earlier, but characterised by having
risen by more than 0.5 in the first part of the three-hour period but subsequently
pressure falling by a smaller amount to produce a net change of 0.5 mb. This 3-
hour change of barometric pressure is called pressure tendency and has two
components -amount and characteristic. As will be seen from Chapter 12
dealing with synoptic meteorology , identification of areas of falling pressure or
rising pressure plays a significant role in understanding what is happening to the
weather at a particular place and time, and why. To aid identification the
forecaster may draw, or get his computer to draw, lines of equal amount (and
sign) of pressure tendency, called isallobars, in addition to the isobaric pattern.
These isallobars (drawn at, say, intervals of:!: 2 mb per 3 hours) will then depict
'isallobaric lows' where the pressure falls are greatest and 'isallobaric highs'
showing the regions of most rapidly rising pressure.

Pressure settings
When atmospheric pressure is measured by a barometer, the value obtained is
that at the level of the measuring element of the barometer. It would be a very
rare occurrence if this were to be at mean sea level or even indeed at the official
elevation of the aerodome which the observing station is serving. Amongst other
corrections made to the reading of the instrument (considered in Chapter 17) it
is convenient therefore to incorporate a further 'artificial' correction to enable
pressure comparisons to be made. The practice (except in areas of high level
plateaux where the results would be totally unrealistic) is to 'reduce' the pressure
reading to mean sea level, although in fact it is usually a case of adding an
amount to the instrument reading.
QFF is defined as the barometric pressure at a place, reduced to mean sea
level. The 'reduction' is made by using the actual temperature at the time of
observation as the mean temperature of a column extending from the barometer
level to mean sea level (fig. 1.9).
The values of QFF are used for drawing isobars on meteorological charts but

Fig. 1.9

where stations have heights in excessof 500 feet above mean sealevel, the values
of QFF become increasingly suspect with their altitude.
QFE is defined as the barometric pressure at the level of an aerodrome. If the
barometer is not positioned at exactly the same level as the official aerodrome
elevation (which is the highest point on the landing area) then, as with Q FF , an
adjustment to its reading must be made to obtain QFE. In practice, again as with
QFF, this correction is read off a card which is entered with the barometer
reading and the air temperature, but the correction is normally numerically
small. If a pilot sets QFE on the sub-scale of his altimeter, the altimeter will read
0 feet on take-off and on landing. When a runway itself is not level, QFE
Touchdown it is used by Air Traffic Control (ATC). Also for ATC purposes, a
pilot may be passed 'Clutch QFE'. This term is used when military aerodromes
are located so close together that their Military Aerodrome Traffic Zones
(MATZ) overlap. In this case a pilot will be passed the QFE of the higher
aerodrome as 'Clutch QFE'. QFE is the landing datum used at all RAF, Army,
Navy and MOD (PE) airfields.
There are two other pressure settings and these assumeISA conditions (rather
than the actual prevailing aerodrome temperatures which are assumed for QFF
and QFE). These additional settings are QNE and QNH.
While it is debatable whether it is an 'altimeter setting'. QNE strictly is the
height indicated on the altimeter on landing at an aerodrome when the altimeter
subscale is set to 1013.25 millibars (29.92 inches). It is also called 'standard
setting' for obvious reasons. The indicated height from an altimeter whenever its
subscale is set to ISA msl conditions is also known as Pressure Altitude. The
setting QNE is obsolescent and for aerodrome purposes is the only one which
has its value specified in feet. The setting 1013 is, however, standard for flight
separation purposes, once the aircraft is operating above the transition altitude.
QNH is the observed barometric pressure reduced to mean sealevel assuming
ISA conditions. With this pressure setting, the altimeter will read the aircraft's
height above mean sea level on landing (because the instrument itself also
assumes ISA to prevail from mean sea level). Sometimes this setting is called
Spot QNH or Aerodrome QNH to differentiate the value from Forecast
Regional QNH.
Regional QNH is the forecast value, valid for one hour, of the lowest pressure
expected anywhere in that Altimeter Setting Region (ASR). Its function is to

enable an aircraft to maintain terrain clearance when on a cross-country flight.

Airspace is divided into conveniently sized areas (ASRs) and every hour a
forecast Regional QNH is issued for each ASR. Pilots caD obtain the Regional
QNH up to two hours ahead and when making a cross-country flight will
normally change one of the altimeters' subscale readings (a) on changing from
one ASR to a new ASR, and (b) on the hour ifa new value is forecast.
Correct use of the forecast values of Regional QNH should ensure that
adequate terrain clearance is always maintained. However it is most important
to remember that if an altimeter subscalesetting is not changed during the course
of a flight then, flying from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure,
the altimeter will read high (over-read). The rule is usually summarised as 'High-
Low-High'. The reverse is also true. To give some order to magnitude to the
over-reading, the following values would apply to a flight in temperate latitudes.
If an aircraft is flying over the UK at 2000 ft with starboard drift from a beam
wind of 25-30 knots then the altimeter will over-read by approximately I foot for
every nautical mile flown. Consider what the altimeter error would be if there
was a depression over Northern Ireland and a flight was being made from
Southend to the Isle of Man with a strong south-westerly wind. (For altimeter
problems, see the companion volume, Ground Studies for Pilots: Volume 3,
Chapter II.)

Test questions
Ql. For a given temperature and pressure, the effect on the density of the
atmosphere of an increase in humidity is:
(a) nil
(b ) to increase the density
(c) to decreasethe density.
Q2. By weight, the approximate ratio of oxygen to nitrogen in the
atmosphere is:
(a) 1:3
(b) 1:4
(c) 1:5
Q3. By volume, the approximate ratio of oxygen to nitrogen in the
atmosphere is:
(a) 1:3
(b) 1:4
(c) 1:5
Q4. By volume, the proportion of the atmosphere which is carbon dioxide is:
(a) 3.00%
(b ) 0.30%
(c) 0.03%
Q5. In the International Standard Atmosphere, the temperature at mean sea
level is:
(a) 15C
(b) loC
(c) 25C.

Q6. The temperature in ISA in the lower stratosphere is:

(a) -56.5C
(b) -65.5C
(c) -35.5C
Q7. What pressure system would be described as an area in which along its
axis pressure is lower than on either side:
(a) ridge
(b) trough
(c) col.
Q8. Values of Regional QNH can be obtained:
(a) up to one hour ahead
(b) up to two hours ahead
( c) up to three hours ahead.
Q9. When set on the subscale of an altimeter, QNH gives on landing:
(a) pressure altitude
(b ) 0 feet
(c) height above sea level.
QlO. For a flight at 30000 ft, the contour chart to use is the:
(a) 700 mb chart
(b) 500 mb chart
(c) 300 mb chart.

Heat is a form of energy. Temperature, which measures how hot a particular

substance is, has been defined as the condition which determines the flow of heat
from one substance to another. Before considering the transfer of heat energy,
fIrst a revision of the temperature scales in use, based on the temperatures for
melting of ice and boiling of pure water at normal pressure as their reference
Fahrenheit is a temperature scaleinvented by a German physicist of that name
at the beginning of the 18th century and is now only used in some English-
speaking countries, although no longer for aviation purposes in the UK. As
shown in fig. 2.1, the scale ranges from freezing at 32F to boiling at 212F.

Fahrenheit Celsius (cenligrade) KeMn (absolute) Reaumur


100 units

Fig. 2.1 Temperature scales

Celsius, a Swedish physicist, invented the scale which bears his name on the
basis of 100 equal units between the freezing point of water at 0 and its boiling
at 100, hence the alternative name of centigrade. The Celsius scale is used world-
wide in aviation and will be used throughout this volume.
The Kelvin or absolute temperature scale is important in gas and meteorolog-
ical calculations (e.g. the pressure-height formula in Chapter 1). Lord Kelvin
deduced that there was a lowest achievable temperature -the absolute zero. This
occurs at -273.16C. The Kelvin scale has the same size degrees as the Celsius
scale, it is merely offset 273.16 degrees colder. For aviation meteorological
purposes it is usual to omit the decimal part 0.16 (as in fact we shall do) so that
oC = 273K, 100C = 373K, 15C = 288K and so on.
The Reaumur scale invented by a French physicist also in the mid-18th century
is virtually obsolete and has no relevance in aviation meteorology.

Conversion of units
1. The conversion of C to K and vice versa is merely a question of adding or
subtracting 273 as appropriate.
C = K- 273 K = C + 273
2. The conversion ofOC to OFand vice versa is based upon the fact that there are
180 Fahrenheit degrees (F deg) between freezing and boiling points of water
corresponding to 100 Celsius degrees (C deg). To avoid confusion between a
specific temperature and a temperature difference, the abbreviations F deg, C
deg, etc., will be used for temperature difference throughout this volume.
212F -32F = 180 F deg
looC -oC = 100 C deg
180 F deg = 100 C deg
9 F deg = 5 C deg
To carry out the conversions, either of two formulae may be used, one using the
freezing point of water as its datum, the other using -400 as datum becauseit is
common on both scales, i.e.
-40F = -40C
The alternatives are:
(a) oC = (OF -32) X ~ and oF = (OC X ~) + 32
9 5


Air and ground temperatures

Before leaving temperatures, let us note the following terms which are
commonly used:

Air temperature
This is the temperature taken as representative of the air at or near the earth's
surface and in fact is the temperature in the shade at 4 feet ( 1.25 metres) above
the ground (i.e. the meteorological observing office's thermometer screenheight,
hence also called 'screen temperature').

Air frost
This is the condition when the air temperature is below 0C.

This is the condition when the temperature of grass-covered ground is below
The exposure of thermometers for meteorological observations is dealt with in
Chapter 17.

Trnnsfer of heat: rndiation

When two bodies have different temperatures, heat flows from the warmer to the
colder by one of three ways: radiation, conduction or convection. All three
processesare important in the atmosphere. Although the centre of the earth is so

hot that it is molten, relatively very little terrestrial heat passes to the earth's
atmosphere except when volcanoes erupt. The heat at the earth's surface and in
the atmosphere owes its origin to the sun some 93 million miles away, following
the sequenceradiation then conduction then convection.

Radiation is the transfer of heat energy by electro-magnetic waves travelling at
186000 miles per second. The subject is dealt with in companion Volume 1
Chapter 1, but the basic facts are that all bodies radiate energy, most over a range
of wave-lengths simultaneously, and the wavelength of the radiation depends
upon the nature of the body and its temperature. Students of physics will know
that there are several laws governing radiation, the general implications ofwhich
are as follows:

Wien's Law (wavelength of most intense radiation is inversely proportional to

the absolute temperature) establishes that hot bodies radiate at shorter wave-
lengths than cold bodies. The sun's radiation is short-wave while radiation from
the earth's surface and clouds is long-wave.

Stefan's Law (amount of radiated energy in a given amount of time from a given
surface area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature)
establishes that the radiation from hot bodies is far more intense that the rate
from cold bodies.

Planck's Law (distribution of radiated energy with absolute temperature and

wave-length) may be represented graphically as in fig. 2.2. The distribution curve
is the same for all radiators whatever their temperature, and in the figure it is
annotated with wavelengths for the sun's surface temperature of 6OOOK. 1
micron (~) is 1 millionth of a metre, i.e. 0.001 mm.

0.5,. 1.0,. 1.5,.


Fig. 2.2 Distribution of radiated energy

At a temperature of 6000K, the solar radiation (0.2~ to 2~) is primarily short-

wave around O.6~,which is visible to the human eye as ordinary light. Within this
apparently white light are in fact all the colours of the rainbow which all have
slightly different wavelengths, from the longest, red, through orange, yellow,


Fig. 2.3 Colours of the spectrum

green, blue and indigo to violet, the shortest, as can easily be found by passing
it through a prism (fig. 2.3)
Solar radiation also encompassesinvisible ultra-violet radiation at a shorter
wavelength just beyond the violet, and infra-red at a longer wavelength beyond
the red. It is this total solar short-wave radiation which is responsible for the heat
that the earth and its atmosphere receive from outside.
In contrast to the short-wave solar radiation, the earth's surface and clouds of
water droplets or ice crystals, and even water vapour itself, radiate at long-wave
because of their much lower temperature. Also, from Stefan's Law, the total
terrestrial radiation emitted is proportionately very much less (varies as TI) with
temperature values for the sun of 6OOOKand for the earth, say, 288K.
In summary, the earth receives short-wave solar radiation on the hemisphere
which is day but is continuously radiating on long-wave from its entire surface

Not all of the solar radiation which is directed towards the earth and reachesthe
outer parts of the atmosphere ever reachesthe earth's surface. Some of the solar
radiation is scattered by the individual molecules of the upper air -proportion-
ately more at the shorter wavelengths (blue colours) of the spectrum. The
scattered light reaching an observer on the earth is therefore slightly richer in the
blue, indigo and violet short-waves, which make the sky look blue while the sun
itself looks yellow or red.
The incoming solar radiation is also depleted in other ways. There is
absorption in the upper atmosphere mainly by ozone, and nearer the earth by
any clouds that are present together with reflection by the earth's surface and by
the upper surfaces of clouds. The reflection by the earth and its atmosphere -
called its albedo -amounts to about 40% of the incoming radiation, and is the
illumination by which astronauts on space flights see the earth. The degree of
reflection depends upon latitude, season, time of day and the nature and slope
of the surface. For a given amount of solar radiation, typically some 80% is
reflected by fresh snow, 50% by thick cloud, 25% by grasslands and only 5% by
a dense forest. The solar radiation actually received on a particular area of the

Fig. 2.4 Variation in intensity of solar radiation with angle of incidence

earth's surface is termed insolation. Other than the nature of the surface,
insolation really depends upon the obliquity of the sun's rays (fig. 2.4).
In low latitudes, in summer and at noon (A), the heating effect of a beam of
radiation is greatest becausenot only does it pass through the atmosphere by the
shortest path, so minimising reflection and absorption, but it also illuminates the
smallest area of surface. When the sun is nearer the horizon (C) the beam passes
through more atmosphere, is spread over a greater surface area and there is
greater surface reflection from snow, wet surfaces and sea particularly.
Before considering how various surface materials respond to insolation, two
further terms need to be understood.
Specific heat -the heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of a
substanceby one degree.Water has a high specific heat, ice one half of that value
and most soils about 20% of the specific heat of water.
Latent heat -the heat absorbed or released, without change of temperature,
involved in a change of state of a substance.It is absorbed in the process solid to
liquid to gas, and is released in the reverse change from gas to liquid to solid.
Taking position B in fig. 2.4 as typical, further consideration can be given to
the factors determining the budget of energy at that point.

1. Land or sea surface

If the surface is land, the relatively low specific heat enables it to warm up
quickly. This is aided by the fact that the sun's rays do not penetrate the earth's
surface anyway and the soil only conducts heat downwards slowly so that in 24
hours only a few inches of topsoil are involved. Bare rock, concrete runways,
etc., change temperature most rapidly, while forests and swamps respond most
slowly. If the solar radiation is reaching an area of open sea then very different
conditions prevail. Firstly, some of the incoming radiation will penetrate to a
depth of several metres so from the outset, a much greater volume of the 'surface
layer' is involved in absorbing the heat. Usually the surface layers of the water are
in motion, so presenting a constantly changing surface to the sun's rays and also
mixing the heat received through a greater volume. Some of the heat received is
not used to raise the water temperature at all, but instead it is used as latent heat
to evaporate some of the seawater. Compared with land too, when the sun is low
in the sky there will be a greater amount of reflection of the solar radiation.
Finally, with the far greater specific heat of water, a given amount of incident
heat will produce a much smaller rise in temperature of one cubic centimetre of

water compared with the temperature rise it would produce in one cubic
centimetre of dry soil.

2. Day or night
The preceding paragraph dealt only with incoming radiation but it should not be
forgotten that at all times the whole surface of the earth, land and sea, is also
continuously radiating heat out to space albeit at a much slower rate than solar
radiation. By day the incoming solar radiation is dominant but at night there is
only terrestrial radiation to consider. As already noted, the earth, the clouds and
the water vapour in the air are all long-wave radiators. Although present
throughout the 24 hours, their relationship can most easily be considered in the
night-time case with cloudless skies. Under these circumstances, terrestrial
radiation is lost to space and the surfaces which have been the most rapid
absorbers of radiation by day will be the most rapid coolers at night, e.g. rocky
desert areas.
The gasesof dry air are, for all practical purposes, 'transparent' to long-wave
radiation but water vapour is not completely so. Water vapour absorbs some
wavelengths of long-wave radiation whilst radiating in all directions itself. This
property of water vapour therefore reduces the amount that the earth's surface
will cool on a particular night becausethe water vapour will absorb some of the
terrestrial radiation and radiate some heat downwards to earth. The net cooling
is known as 'nocturnal radiation': the warmer the earth's surface, the greater is
the nocturnal radiation. Figure 2.5 is a graph showing the nature of the diurnal
variation of surface temperatures over land. Over the span sea, the diurnal
variation is negligible.

dawn noon sunset
Fig. 2.5 Diurnal variation of surface temperature over land

3. Cloudless or overcast
Everything in paragraphs 1 and 2 has assumed sunny days and cloudless nights,
but it has already been mentioned that reflection of solar radiation takes place
from the upper surface of clouds, as can readily be seen from satellite
photographs. Clouds do also absorb an amount of solar radiation. While a sheet
of high cloud will cut off a significant proportion of heat from the sun, when the
'sun goes in' behind a dense cloud the fall in incoming heat is so great that it can
be felt bodily immediately. An overcast day with low cloud, or a day with a dense

fog, will therefore appreciably diminish the insolation. At night-time, an

overcast sky will reduce the cooling to practically zero.
A sheet of high cloud will have least effect but a sheet of dense low cloud will
absorb all of the terrestrial radiation while emitting long-wave radiation itself -
both towards space and back towards earth. If the low cloud temperature is the
same temperature as that of the earth's surface, both will be emitting at the same
long wavelength and then the earth will not cool at all. Figure 2.6 shows the
diurnal variation with varying degrees of cloudiness.


dawn noon sunset

Fig. 2.6 Diurnal variation of surface temperature over land with varying cloud cover

4. Calm or windy
This factor will be dealt with in greater detail in later chapters when considering
the formation of cloud and fog. However the preceding paragraphs have
assumed a calm day and ignored any air movement. If the air is in motion, apart
from adiabatic properties yet to be considered, the air movement will mix the
heat, or loss of it, through the layer involved. On a calm, clear night, the
terrestrial cooling also may itself initiate an air movement. This will occur with
undulating terrain where cold air will collect in valleys, and even shallow 'frost
hollows' have significantly colder temperatures than the surrounding country-
side (fig. 2.7).
Having mentioned in 3 above that one can physically sensethe effect when the
sun goesin behind a densecloud, 'wind chill' effect should also be briefly referred
to. If, for example, at an aerodrome in Southern England the forecast air
temperature is 0C with a steady easterly wind of 25 knots, then to passengers
walking out to their aircraft the wind chill equivalent temperature will be some
10 C deg colder, e.g. -10C.

5. Wind direction
This is associated with the source from which the massof air originated. Air from
the interior of a continent will have less water vapour and cloud than air with a
long maritime track, and air migrating from polar or tropical latitudes to
temperate latitudes will tend to retain its original coldness or warmth for quite
a while. Even air movement on a smaller scale can influence the amount of
cooling due to nocturnal radiation. For example, a light wind from the English

--pools of cold air


Channel will prevent aerodromes near the coast from cooling as much at night
as the cooling taking place at aerodromes well inland.

Transfer of heat: conduction and convection

Conduction is the transfer of heat by bodily contact. At night heat is conducted
by the surface layers of air to the earth which is cooling by radiation beneath
them. Conversely, by day heat passesfrom the earth's surface to the lowest layers
of the atmosphere by conduction. Becauseair is a poor conductor of heat energy,
this process is limited to only the layer of air nearest the surface. Further transfer
of heat energy upwards in the troposphere is by convection. Convection is a
means of transfer of heat energy within a fluid by which the heat is conveyed by
the bodily movement of the fluid -in this casethe air movement. U neven surface
heating will give rise to convection currents or 'thermals', and also the vertical
component of turbulence due to a wind greater than about 8 to 10 knots will
distribute heat upwards. The degree of effect depends upon the state of stability
of the lower atmosphere at the time, which is considered in Chapter 5. Where
heat is transferred sideways by bodily motion of the air, the process is called

Summary of heat processesin the atmosphere

Above the tropopause, the heat balance is brought about by absorption of
through-passing radiation. There is no influence from water vapour and no

;( ShO:Ve /'
radiation from sun

absorption of
ultra-violet by ozone

3. scatterin9;! Y air
long-wave radiation from and
~ reflection by air ~
.,r-:bs~;i;; by~"u~n~a~:
and clouds c latent heat released
c: \ vap~ur \-"" --


reflection by
I / B

by ~
and turbulence

.1 \.~
radiation 6. absorption as A. conduction betweenair
latent heat and surface

Fig. 2.8 Heat processes in the atmosphere


convection, although there are strong winds in the lower stratosphere.

In the troposphere, the distribution of heat energy may be represented as in
fig. 2.8. Taking the short-wave solar radiation ( 1), some is absorbed by ozone (2)
before entering the troposphere and some is scattered by the air molecules (3). In
the troposphere, the radiation may be reflected by clouds (4) and the earth's
surface (5). When it reachesthe earth's surface, the insolation may not all be used
to raise surface temperatures as some will be taken up as latent heat in melting
and evaporation processes (6). Simultaneously there is outgoing long-wave
terrestrial radiation (X), some of which will be absorbed by water vapour or
clouds (Y). The clouds themselves and water vapour will also be emitting long-
wave radiation -some to earth, some out to space. Depending upon which is the
warmer, heat will be conducted between the earth's surface and the lowest layers
of the atmosphere (A). These layers of air when in vertical motion will transfer
heat upwards through the troposphere by convection (B). Whenever there is
water vapour condensing out to form cloud, latent heat will be released (C). The
amount of water vapour present in the troposphere at any time is therefore
important in its heat balance in addition to the reasons given in the fIrst chapter ,
so water vapour forms the subject of Chapter 3.

Effect of ozone and radioactivity

In fig. 2.8 and on page 3 the relevance of the part played by ozone on radiation
is summarised. However, your 'harmonised' syllabus for Meteorology also
contains this heading under 'flights at higher levels', which might have been more
expected to be considered in aviation medicine and/or in the specific aircraft
type syllabuses. In recent years, there has been much coverage in the media of
holes in the ozone layer and of global warming. The fIrst thinning of, and gaps
in, the ozone layer were discovered in the southern parts of the southern
hemisphere. Bearing in mind that, as depicted later in fig. 15.1, there is little
transfer of air between the northern and southern hemispheres and that much of
the blame for the depletion of ozone is attributed to man-made gasesgenerated
primarily in the northern hemisphere such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
formerly widely used as a propellant in aerosol cans, further observation and
research is being continued. The effect of ultra-violet radiation passing through
the depleted ozone layer does not have any day-to-day effect on the weather a
pilot is going to experience on a particular flight, but there are two aspects
worthy of note:
(a) Increased radiant heat reaching the earth's surface will cause, over time,
a very slow rise of average surface temperatures -global warming. This in
turn will cause ice and snow cover to retreat and the water from the
melting will cause oceans and sea level to rise. This obviously may
produce problems for low-lying areas, coastal aerodromes and especially
the major airports on reclaimed land or with runways extended out into
the sea, but not if the rise amounts only to 10 cm, the present prediction.
(b) The link between exposure to the sun's ultra-violet rays and skin cancer
has been established, and 'blocking creams' and wide-brimmed hats are a
protective feature of sunnier climes. Also, hardly a feature of high level

flight, at least one eminent medical authority advises pilots flying open
cockpit aircraft that they increase their risk of developing eye cataracts if
they do not wear ultra-violet-blocking sunglasses.
Radioactivity also does not directly affect the weather on a particular flight.
However, apart from naturally occurring terrestrial radioactivity and the very
small amounts from TV sets and medical diagnosis radiography, man has also
intervened in the characteristics of the atmosphere by using nuclear fuel (either
plutonium 238 or uranium 235) to power satellites, radioisotope thermoelectric
generators which ultimately will re~nter the outer atmosphere and break up.
Also, from the surface, disasters from failures at nuclear power stations such as
Chernobyl, spread radioactive dust upwards.
Generally, however, radioactivity which concerns Concorde operations in the
lower stratosphere and extended range operations involving very lengthy flights
around the height of the tropopause, may be from two natural causesof cosmic
radiation: as galactic radiation (which arrives from sources outside the solar
system) and solar radiation.
The earth's magnetic field tends to intensify cosmic radiation in high latitudes
near the earth's magnetic poles. Solar radiation is associated with sunspot
activity (solar flares) and is intermittent and relatively rare, sunspot activity
having a cycle of around 11 years. Radiation damage can apply both to
inanimate materials and living organisms. In the latter, harmful effects can be
radiation sicknessor burns or changes to cells altering their genetic structure and
producing various forms of cancer, especially leukaemia.
One way of checking the radiation experienced on a flight is for the air-
conditioning system to be sampled. In the UK, Schedule 4 of the Air Navigation
Order (ANO) dealing with mandatory carriage of equipment in aircraft, states
that aeroplanes, when flying at an altitude of more than 49000 ft, are required
to carry cosmic radiation detection equipment calibrated in millirems per hour
and capable of indicating action and alert levels of radiation dose rate. {The rem
-acronym for roentgen equivalent man -is the radiation absorbed dose
equivalent unit approved for use 'temporarily' with SI units until the SI unit
itself, the sievert (Sv) = 100 rem, becomes more widely familiar.) Checking the
radiation experienced on every Concorde flight (and hence the risk of
contracting a malignant disease) is done by means of a radiation meter. A
detector sensitive to both ionising and neutron radiation is mounted in the
external skin of the upper forward part of the fuselage and detects both galactic
and solar radiation. The combined total is displayed on a meter on the flight deck
in millirems. A schematic representation of the instrument is shown in fig. 2.9.
The cumulative totals on the counters are logged before and after each flight.
Operating the test push-button pre-flight simulates a high radiation level, testing
both the warning lights and the master warning system connections. If electrical
power supply to the indicator fails, a red/black striped failure flag displays. The
meter showing the instantaneous radiation dose in millirems per hour has three
coloured arcs: green sector, 0.1-10 mrem/h (1-100 ~v/h); amber sector, 10-50
mrem/h; and red sector, 50-1000 mrem/h. The amber light indicates an
instantaneous radiation level of 10 mrem/h, when Concorde crews obtain

Amber segment

Green segment Press to test


-Red segment
warning flag +


Amber warning light Red warning

Fig. 2.9 Radiation meter

provisional clearance to descend. The red warning light indicates when the
instantaneous radiation level reaches 50 mrem/h, accompanied by a master
warning system red light and a gong audio signal. The Concorde would then
descend to below the level at which the red light no longer persists, or to FL470,
whichever is the higher .
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) makes
recommendations on the limits of radiation that human beings should
experience. From the current ICRP recommendations, whilst it is prudent for
airlines to minimise radiation dose exposure to crews and passengers,it appears
that their operations will not approach the occupational exposure limit nor the
general public exposure limit respectively.

Test questions
Q I. When latent heat is released, the substance undergoes:
(a) a fall of temperature
(b) no change of temperature
(c) a rise of temperature.
Q2. Of the surface materials, seawater, forest and desert, the surface with the
highest specific heat is:
(a) sea water
(b) forest
(c) desert.
Q3. The water vapour in the air near to the earth's surface is:
(a) variable
(b) 14% of the composition of dry air
(c) 18% of the composition of dry air .
Q4. Water vapour is:
(a) visible as cloud
(b ) visible as cloud, fog and frost
(c) an invisible gas.

Q5. In the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), the tropopause is

assumed to occur at an altitude of:
(a) II km
(b) 20 km
(c) 32 km
Q6. In ISA, the mean sea level pressure and temperature are assumed to be:
(a) 1003.15 mb and 15C
(b) 1013.25 mb and 288K
(c) 1023.35 mb and 273K.
Q7. Temperatures at the tropopause and lower stratosphere are:
(a) uniform at all latitudes
(b) lower at the poles than at the Equator
(c) higher at the poles than at the Equator.
Q8. By day, the rise of surface temperature will be:
(a) greater over wet land surfaces (e.g. swamps) than over dry surfaces
(b) less over wet surfaces (e.g. swamps) than over dry surfaces
(c) the same over wet land surfaces as over dry surfaces.
Q9. If the temperature at an inland aerodrome is + 10C at sunset and there
is no wind throughout the night, the temperature at dawn will be lowest
if the night has also been:
(a) overcast
(b) cloudless but very humid
(c) cloudless with little water vapour in the air.
QlO. Complete the table:
oF oC K
{a) ? 15 ?
(b) ? ? 273
(c) 23 ? ?
(d) 86 ? ?

Reference was made in Chapter I to the presence in the atmosphere of the

invisible gas water vapour mixed with the permanent gasesof dry air. So far as
the troposphere is concerned, water vapour is always present to a greater or
lesserextent so tropospheric air is always moist air .It plays its part in the water
cycle that takes place in the atmosphere as illustrated in fig. 3.1.


2. ~tk>n asckJud
.--'- , v:-- ) ~
.:;) ~

precipilalion as rain elc

evarxxallon from surface

Fig. 3.1 Water cycleof the troposphere

Water evaporates into the air from the surface, particularly from open water
such as oceans,seas,lakes, etc. Later it condensesfrom the invisible vapour form
into clouds of water drops or ice or both. From clouds, the precipitation as rain,
snow, etc., returns the water to the surface to renew the cycle once again. Several
changes of state (gas, liquid, solid) of water are involved in the cycle. The terms
used to describe each change are:

Name Process
Condensation Water vapour into
liquid water drops
Evaporation Liquid to vapour
Deposition* Vapour to solid
(or sublimation (e.g. frost from cloudless air)
Sublimation Solid to vapour
Melting (or Solid to liquid
fusion of ice)
Freezing or Liquid to solid
.Although in chemistry, sublimation is only applied to the direct change from solid to
vapour, in meteorology the term may be used for either direct change: ice to water vapour
or water vapour to ice.

From the pilot's point of view, the condensation of water vapour leading to

the formation of cloud or fog is obviously of great importance, but in order to

be conversant with the terminology , it is necessaryto consider the evaporation
phase in more detail. The capacity of dry air to mix with water vapour
evaporating into it is determined by the air pressure and temperature. The
temperature influence is the more significant factor. The terms used to describe
the presence of water vapour in the air include the following.
(a) Dry air:
Air that contains no water vapour at all. Although as already stated this
condition will not be encountered in practice, it is a convenient
assumption for some calculations.
(b) Moist air:
Air that contains some water vapour .
(c) Saturated air:
Air that contains the maximum amount of water vapour at that pressure
and temperature. Likening the air to a sponge, it will go on absorbing
moisture until it cannot hold any more, i.e. it is saturated.
(d) Unsaturated air:
Air that contains less than the maximum account of water vapour that it
could contain at that temperature and pressure.
(e) Saturation content:
The maximum amount of water vapour that a given volume of air can
contain at a given temperature, expressed in grams per cubic metre.
(f) Vapour concentration or absolute humidity:
The actual amount of water vapour contained in a given volume of air
expressed in grams per cubic metre.
Working in terms of volume of air, or of any gas, is all very well when
laboratory conditions apply and the gas is contained in a gas jar, cylinder or
similar container. For practical purposes where the gas is not so constrained
within a given volume, say in an aerodrome traffic zone or an altimeter setting
region, it is better to express the degree of water vapour's presence in the air
either by giving the mass of water vapour which is mixed with a given mass of dry
air or by the pressure it is exerting as part of the total atmospheric pressure
(Dalton's Laws of Partial Pressures). Thus:
(g) Humidity mixing ratio (r):
The actual mass of water vapour that is contained in a given mass of air
at a particular time expressedin grams of water vapour per 1 kilogram of
dry air (g/kg) but occasionally as grams per gram (g/ g).
(h) Humidity mixing ratio for saturation:
The maximum mass of water vapour that can be contained in a given
mass of air at a particular pressure and temperature, usually expressedin
grams per kilogram of dry air. Typical values for 1013 mb are given in
Table 3.1, which in turn is reproduced in graphical form in fig. 3.2.

c -20 -10 O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
g/kg 0.75 1.75 3.75 5.8 7.6 10.6 14.8 20 27.1 36.75








-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +~ CC

Fig. 3.2 Variation of humidity mixing ratio for saturation with temperature

Two important characteristics of the shape of this graph should be noted:

I. With increase of temperature, the amount of water vapour required to
saturate the air increases.
2. With increase of temperature, the rate of increase of saturation value
(i) Relative humidity:
The ratio, expressedas percentage, of the actual amount of water vapour
present in a given sample of air to the maximum amount that the same
sample could contain at the same temperature and pressure. Written as
a fraction:
Relative humidity
100% (%) -Humidity
-HMR Mixing
for Ratio f~r
saturation (HMR) (g/kg)
the ~~~e --

temperature and pressure (g/kg)

Relative humidity (%) = Vapour concentration (gIm3)
100% Saturation content for the same
temperature and pressure (gIm3)

By using the expression Humidity Mixing Ratio, no difficulty arises when

considering rising or descending air provided that the air does not become
saturated. For example, rising air will experience decreasing pressure and
expand but although the mass of water vapour will be spread through a greater
volume and there will be an apparent decreasein vapour content (g/m3) with no
change of the actual water vapour present, the Humidity Mixing Ratio will
correctly reflect the true state of affairs by retaining the same g/kg value.
On the basis of Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure,all of the gasesof the mixture
that make up the atmosphere are exerting some of the total atmospheric pressure
at any time. Nitrogen and oxygen are the biggest contributors but in the UK up
to 40 millibars may be exerted by the water vapour present although the more
usual value is around 10 to 20 millibars. Before considering humidity from the
pressure aspect, it is necessary to return first to basic principles.
Dealing only briefly with the molecular structure of water, when it is in its solid
state of ice the molecules in motion are closely linked together giving the solid its
rigid shape. However, they do not all possessthe same amount of energy and
some with greatest energy escapefrom the ice surface (sublimation). In water in
its mobile liquid form, the molecules have greater energy and a greater number
of the fastest moving escapefrom the water surface (evaporation). In each case
latent heat is used. At the same time, unless all water vapour is immediately
removed from above, say, the exposed water surface, some molecules of water
vapour above the water will return to the liquid surface. The process of molecules
of water being evaporated into the air continues exceeding the return of
molecules to the water surface until the air becomes saturated, when the flow in
and out of the surface is in balance. This applies equally to surfaces of large
exposedwater areas such as lakes as it does to individual water drops in clouds.
In common experience, e.g. ice cubes in a refrigerator, water freezes at 0C.
However, freely suspended water drops as found in clouds can exist as liquid at
temperatures well below 0C, down to -40oC for some very ~mall droplets. This
existenceof water in a liquid state below oC is called superco'oJing.The water at
-loC and -20C in Table 3.1 will be supercooled water and the table should
strictly be annotated 'Saturation HMR over water'. At sub-zero temperatures,
the HMR for saturation over ice is lower than that over water at the same
temperature because of the slower rate of release of molecules from the ice
surface. This is an important fact which will be referred to later in Chapter 6.
G) Vapour pressure (water vapour partial pressure) (e):
That part of the total atmospheric pressure (p) which is being exerted by
the water vapour present at a particular time. It is expressedin millibars.
(Hence the pressure of the dry air is (p -e) millibars.)
(k) Satumtion vapour pressure (e.):
That part of the total atmospheric pressure of saturated air at a particular
temperature which is exerted by the water vapour .It is expressed in
millibars (Table 3.2).

Tab/e 3.2

Temperature (OC) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35
SVP over water (mb) 1.9 2.864.22 6.11 8.7212.2817.1 23.4 31.7 42.5 56.3
SVP over ice (mb) 1.04 1.67 2.62 4.03 6.11 -

These values when graphed, as fig. 3.3, give the same shape and characteristics
as fig. 3.2.
Relative Humidity (%)= Vapourpressure (e)
100% Corresponding sat'n vapour pressure (e.)
The conditions relating to unsaturated air lie to the right of the curve in figs. 3.2
and 3.3. For example, at point p in fig. 3.3, representing air at +20C with a
vapour pressure of 11.7 mb:
Relative humidity = ill X 100% = --,J

Another way by which the humidity can be expressedis by means of the dew
point temperature.





A B p


0 I I I I -y. I I I .I
-10 o +10 +20 +30 "C

Fig. 3.3 Saturation vapour pressure variation with temperature


(I) Dew point temperature:

The temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to
become saturated. For example, the air at point P in fig. 3.3 when cooling
as represented by the line PBA, will have an increase in relative humidity
to 75% at B and to 100% (i.e. it has become saturated) at A, which is the
dew point temperature of 9C. Cooling to below the dew point
temperature produces an excessof water vapour which condensesout as
When temperatures fall to below 0C before the air becomes saturated, then:
(m) Frost Point Temperature:
The temperature to which unsaturated air must be cooled to reach the
condition of saturation with respect to an ice surface. Cooling to below
the frost point temperature produces an excessof water vapour which is
deposited as hoar frost on the ground, glass, parked aircraft, etc.
Finally, the state of humidity may be indicated by referring to the air's wet
bulb temperature -a value which must not be confused with the dew point
temperatures. The wet bulb temperature is an instrument reading which will be
dealt with in Chapter 17: Organisation and Observations, etc. For the time being
it may be conveniently defined as follows:
(n) Wet bulb temperature:
The lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by evaporation into
The need to consider the part played by the water vapour in the atmosphere
in producing varying types, amounts and densities of clouds and fog will arise
repeatedly in the chapters to follow.

Test questions
Q I. When air is cooled to below its dew point temperature, the amount of
water vapour condensed out as water droplets is:
(a) nil because first the air becomes supersaturated
(b) all of its vapour concentration because air cannot be
( c) the excessthat the original vapour concentration was greater than
the prevailing saturation content.
Q2. With increasing temperature, the saturation humidity mixing ratio of I
kg of air:
(a) increases
(b ) remains constant
(c) decreases.
Q3. With increasing temperature, the rate of increase of saturation vapour
pressure at normal atmospheric temperatures:
(a) increases
(b) remains constant
(c) decreases
Q4. In unsaturated air, the wet bulb temperature is:
(a) another name for the dew point temperature

(b) colder than the dew point temperature

(c) between the air temperature and the dew point temperature.
Q5 Supercooled is the term applied to water drops which:
(a) have formed below the dew point temperature
(b) are existing as liquid below 0C
(c) have formed below the wet bulb temperature.
Q6. Given that a sample of air has the following properties: 1000 mb; +21 oC;
Wet bulb + 15C; Dew point 10.5C; Saturation vapour pressure 25 mb;
Saturation HMR 16 g/kg; Actual HMR 8 g/kg; its relative humidity will
(a) 32%
(b) 50%
(c) 64%.
Q7. The temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to
become saturated is:
(a) cloud base temperature
(b ) dew point temperature
(c) wet bulb temperature.
Q8. The lowest temperature to which water droplets can be cooled is, for
practical purposes:
(a) -10C
(b) -20C
(c) -40oC.
Q9. In rising, expanding, unsaturated air when there is no addition or
removal of water vapour, within the increasing volume of a given sample
of air the humidity mixing ratio will:
(a) decrease
(b) remain constant
(c) increase
QIO. Of the following statements, it is true to say:
(a) Unsaturated air is dry air
(b) Wet bulb temperature is a direct instrumental reading of the dew
point temperature
.(c) Dry air is unsaturated air.

The density of the atmosphere, as with any gas, is defined as its mass per unit
volume. Common units used in aviation meteorology are grams per cubic metre
or per cubic centimetre, denoted by the Greek letter rho (p). The factors which
determine the density of a gas are pressure and temperature and it will be
remembered that the magnitude of air density at mean sea level in ISA
conditions is 0.001225 g/cc. It will also be remembered from the composition of
the atmosphere that water vapour density is about five-eighths of that of
comparable dry air .For the accurate determination of air density therefore it is
necessaryto know the prevailing humidity.
Why is a knowledge of air density important enough for ISA to specify the
mean sea level value? The answer is simply that every aspect of an aircraft's
operation -take-off, climb, turns, descent, landing- depends upon the d~nsity
of the air through which it is moving. Without going into the formulae in this
book, the lift sustaining the aircraft in flight varies directly with the air density.
If nothing elsechanges, an aircraft needsto fly faster to maintain a given altitude
if the air density decreases. In turn, an aeroplane's ceiling depends upon the
density of the air about it. On the runway, a low air density means a reduction
in engine thrust coincident with the need for higher take-off and landing speeds,
meaning a longer take-off run. Alternatively if there is a limited take-off run
available, then a low air density may mean a reduction in pay load in order to
reduce the take-off weight so that the aircraft can meet the take-off performance
criteria. On propeller-driven aircraft it should also be appreciated that, as with
lift, the propeller blades will produce less thrust with a reduced air density.
Finally, although we physically can sensewhen temperatures are high or we
can read the temperature value in C from an instrument in the aircraft, we
cannot say the same of air density. There is no instrument on the flight deck
panel directly indicating the mass per unit volume of the air through which the
aircraft is flying, nor do a pilot's senses alert him when the air density is
particularly low as he prepares for take-off. In the absence of visible or bodily
warnings, the hazards oflow air density must be guarded against at all times and
particularly by inexperienced pilots especially at unfamiliar aerodromes, if they
are 'hot and high'.


(a) Dry air

The formula for the determination of air density is based upon the Gas Laws
which are combined to give the Gas Equation.
Boyle's Law states that, for a constant temperature, the volume of a gas is

inversely proportional to its pressure. It may be written in the alternative forms

of: 1
V is proportional to -
pV= constant

p = pressure
v = volume
and the suffIXes 1 and 2 are the initial and final
conditions respectively.
Charles' Law states that, for a constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature. It may be written in the alternative
forms of:
v is proportional to T
T = constant
Tl- T2
As the density of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, these two laws
can also be rewritten in terms of density as, respectively:
p = p X constant
p x T = constant
Whether considering a fixed mass of gas in a cylinder or an unrestricted
volume of air above an aerodrome, Boyle's Law and Charles' Law may be
combined to give the fundamental gas equation of:
pV= RT (I)
p = the gas pressure
V = the gas volume
R = the gas constant
T = the gas temperature
The gas constant value depends upon the gas and the units involved. In the case
of the mixture of gases which constitute dry air, the value of R is 2870 whenp is
in millibars, V in cubic centimetres and T in degrees Kelvin.
However, volume is not a particularly practical term for use in the equation in
aviation and it is convenient that for unit mass, air density is its reciprocal, i.e.
1 (2)
V p

Equation (I) can therefore be rewritten:

p = RTp (4)
where R = 2870 when p is expressed in grams/cubic centimetre. Transposing
equation (4) for p gives:
p =L and p =..!xL (5)
and on your pocket calculator:

+ = 0.0003484
so the formula finally becomes:

p (6)
p= dry air density in g/cc
0.0003484 = constant
p = air pressure in mb
T= air temperature in K
When air density is determined in grams per cubic metre, then the constant is one
million times greater and the formula is:
p=~ (7)
For almost all practical purposes, it is usually satisfactory to assumethe formula
for dry air. However, there may be times when this is not the caseand allowance
has to be made for the presence of less dense water vapour .

(b) Moist air

In the same way that oxygen, nitrogen, dry air, etc., all have their own gas
constant, so too does water vapour. Ifused in equation (I) above for the density
of water vapour, the value of R would be 4592 which is 160% or 8/5 times the
R value for dry air. The formulae derived for moist air in place of equations (6)
and (7) should therefore have a different (but ever-varying) value to 0.0003484or
348.4,depending upon the prevailing humidity. This would be difficult to say the
least, so the problem is approached by considering the vapour pressure (e mb)
out of the total pressure (p mb). Then
D ry .348.4
air: Pda= T(p -e) g/m 3 (8)

5 e
Water vapour: Pwv = 348.4 X 8 xT

= 348.4 ~e
g/mJ (9)

Adding together (8) and (9) to fmd the total density (of dry air mixed with water
vapour) of a cubic metre of moist air, gives:
-348.4 (p -e) + 348.4 (5/8e)
p- T T

If other factors are such that an air density determined to an accuracy of 1% is

sufficient, then assuming pressure of 1013millibars, the more refined air density
equation (10) need not be invoked until3e/8 exceedsapproximately 10 millibars.
This in turn means e must be 27 millibars or more which will be seenfrom fig.
3.3 to correspond to a dew point temperature around 22C, which does not occur
often in the UK. In fact, on summer's days an air temperature of 22C (72F)
would be appreciated! The type of situation where the humidity is high enough
to be significant would be in a moist tropical location, such as an airstrip beside
swamps or a river in a jungle clearing.

Variations in air density

(a) At the surface

Apart from the effect of water vapour, the other reasons for the air density to
change in value are variations in pressure (P) and temperature {7). It has already
been mentioned in respect of fig. 1.7 that mean sea level pressure normally has
a valu~ between 950 and 1050 millibars, a range of 100 mb or 10%, so from this
cause the surface air density may vary over a range of 10%.
The commonly known property that warm air is light and cold air is heavy {or
more dense) can be translated into a more mathematical statement by
considering ISA mean sea level conditions of temperature 15C. This corres-
ponds to 288K so a rise of 2.88 C deg, say 3 C deg in round numbers, is a 1% rise
in absolute temperature. Air density varies inversely with the air temperature
and a 3 C deg change produces a 1% change in air density.
As regards temperature deviation: pressure altitude is the height in the
standard atmosphere at which the aircraft's environmental pressure would be
experienced. Aircraft performance is tabulated against pressure altitude {PA)
and temperature deviation to allow for variations in air density, where
temperature deviation is given by:
Corrected outside air temperature {COAT) -ISA temperature for that PA
For a given pressure altitude, it can therefore be visualised that for every 3
degreesof temperature deviation the air density changesby 1%. There was a time
when performance was quoted by reference to density altitude {the height in ISA
at which the aircraft's ambient air density would be experienced) but the practice
has been superseded and the term Density Altitude is now obsolete.
Generally the values of minimum and average air density at an aerodrome are
those likely to be of interest to the pilot. However, the air density itself is not
observed and recorded and its value has to be obtained from the records of

pressure and temperature. The average air density for practical purposes can be
found by substituting average pressure and temperature in the formula. (If a
chart is drawn with lines joining places of equal air density, the isopleths are
called isopycnics.) Considering formulae (8) and (10), the minimum air density
can occur either from extremely low pressure or exceptionally high temperatures
or possibly from both occurring simultaneously. In areas which are subject to
very low pressure systems, usually temperate latitudes, this will normally be the
causeof low density. As very low pressure in these areas seldom coincides with
temperatures above average a suitable formula for such areas would be:

M mImum
" " "
densI " t y =
348. 4 X Minimum pressure (mb) (11)
Average temperature (K)
If the maximum temperature occurs when humidities may also be high, then:
Minimum = 348.4 X (Avera~e p -0/8 of maximum e) (13)
p MaXImum temperature K
At the other extreme, it may be of interest but of little practical value to know
that in Russia in winter the Siberian anticyclone may have pressures at
aerodrome level of 1040 mb and temperatures of -40C giving an air density of
1555 grams per cubic metre, some 25% to 30% greater than the air density at
London on the same day.
Having mentioned the coldness and high pressure of a Siberian winter day, it
should be noted that there are of course seasonalvariations in air density in most
parts of the world. For a particular aerodrome these can be determined by
substituting the seasonal values in equation (11) or (12) as appropriate.
Similarly there is a diurnal variation of air density following in step with the
changes of air temperature throughout the 24 hours. As a result, lowest air
densities occur early in the afternoon and the highest values around dawn"

(b) Variation with height

General references have already been made in earlier chapters to the fact that
with increase of height the atmosphere becomes progressively more rarefied.
Both the factors determining air density decreasewith increase of height and of
these, the proportionate decrease of pressure is greater than that of absolute
temperature. For example, from mean sea level to 1000 ft amsl:
Height increase of 27 feet = 1 mb decrease
Height increase of 1000 feet = 37 mb decrease
and 37 mb = 3.65% of 1013 mb
In ISA, height increase 1000 ft = 1.98 K deg decrease
and 1.98 K deg = 0.69% of 288K
The overall decreaseof density is, per 1000feet, 3.65% decreaseoffset by 0.69%
= approximately 3%.
The rule is therefore that for practical purposes, air density decreases by
approximately 3% per 1000feet. This rule is reasonably accurate up to 20000 feet
amsl ifthe loss is compounded, i.e. deduct 3% from the value at a given level to
determine the air density 1000 feet higher.
The lowest air densities that will affect aircraft taking off and landing will be
found at aerodromes that are high and hot. If conditions at the same time are

also humid, this just worsens the situation, Hence in determining aircraft
performance into and out of an aerodrome, cognisance must be taken of WAT
limitations: W Weight, A Altitude, T Temperature,
In aerodynamics, it may be convenient to work not with the actual air density
but its value relative to that at mean sea level in ISA. It is denoted by the Greek
letter sigma (0") and is called Relative Density. It may variously be quoted as a
fraction of unity or as a percentage.
R e I a t lve
' d ensl 't y = Ambient ~.v... Densitv
~v..~..J In\
\t' J

(0") ISA msl Density

The following short table of relative densities is useful to know:

Height in ISA Relative Density

0 feet 1.0
10000 feet 0.74
20000 feet 0.53
40000 feet 0.25
60000 feet 0.10

It is also true, but there is little practical value in knowing, that the differences in
the troposphere tend to smooth out their effects so that by around 26000 feet
above mean sealevel the average air density is almost uniform around the world
(a = 0.43 approximately).

Test questions
Q 1. For a given air temperature, the value of air density:
(a) varies directly as the air pressure
(b) varies inversely as the air pressure
(c) at any time has a value 122.5% greater than the air pressure.
Q2. For a given air pressure, the value of air density:
(a) varies directly with the temperature in C
(b) varies inversely with the temperature in K
(c) varies inversely with the temperature in C.
Q3. For a given pressure and temperature, water vapour:
(a) has the same density as dry air
(b ) has a lesser density than dry air
(c) has a greatear density than dry air.
Q4. Temperature Deviation in C deg at a particular pressure altitude (PA) is
given by:
(a) ISA msl temperature -corrected outside air temperature
(b ) corrected outside air temperature -ISA msl temperature
(c) corrected outside air temperature -ISA temperature for that PA.
Q5. On a hot and humid, pre-monsoon day in Asia, the air density will be:
(a) less than the average for the year for that aerodrome
(b ) around the average for the year for that aerodrome
(c) more than the average for the year for that aerodrome.

Q6. On average, the air density at a particular level may be found by

deducting from the air density 1000 feet lower:
(a) 1%
(b) 2%
(c) 3%
Q7. Assuming that an error of up to 1% due to ignoring water vapour is
acceptable when determining the air density, it is only necessaryto know
the vapour pressure when the dew point temperature exceeds:
(a) 17C
(b ) 22C
(c) 27C
Q8. At 40000 feet in ISA, the relative density is:
(a) half
(b ) one quarter
(c) one tenth.
Q9. A relative density of 74% is likely to be experienced at:
(a) 10000 feet
(b) 15000 feet
(c) 20000 feet.
QlO. For a diurnal variation of surface temperature through 20 C deg at an
airfield where the QFE remains 1000 mb and the dawn temperature is
3C, the percentage change in air density over 24 hours will be of the
order of:
(a) 11%
(b) 4%
(c) 7%.

Before consideration can be given to the fornlation of clouds and their

characteristics, including flying conditions, attention must be paid to the upper
air temperature structure and the ternlinology used to describe it.
Firstly, the term temperature lapse rate. A temperature lapse rate is the rate of
decreaseof temperature per unit increase of height and in aviation in the UK is
expressedin C deg per 1000 feet. Different circumstances of static, ascending and
descending air produce different lapse rates which are known by the following

(a) Environmental lapse rate (ELR)

Upper air temperatures are observed regularly through the troposphere into the
stratosphere and may variously be referred to as the observed, environmental or
ambient upper air temperatures. These environment temperatures vary with
place and time as well as with altitude.

Environmental lapse rate is the observed rate of decreaseof temperature with

increase of height at a particular place and time

Fig.5. Observed upper air temperatures

With the observed environment temperatures given in fig. 5.1, from the
surface to 2000 ft the environmental lapse rate (ELR) is 2 C deg per 1000 feet
while from 2000 ft to 4000 ft the ELR is 1 C deg/l000 ft. In fact where
temperatures are decreasing with increase of height, the ELR is positive.
However, the observed upper air temperatures may be as shown in figs 5.2 and
5.3. Where, as in fig. 5.2, the environmental temperatures remain unchanged
with increase of height, the ELR is 0 C deg/l 000 ft and the layer from 1000 ft
to 3000 ft would be called an isothermal layer. If, as in fig. 5.3, the environmental
temperatures increase with increase of height (i.e. the usual temperature
structure is inverted) the ELR is negative and the layer from 1000 ft to 3000 ft
would be called an inversion layer or just 'an inversion'. If the temperature
inversion starts at the surface, it is usual to refer to the condition as a surface

.13"C- .4000" -.g'C-

.15.C- .3000" -.11"C-

-15.C -.2000 " .g'C -

15"C 1000" 8"C

, , , , , , , 16"C , , , , , , .sur1ace , I' , , I' , , 1O"C , I' I' 7 I' I'

Fig. 5.2 Fig. 5.3

Figures 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 show graphs of observed environment air
temperatures plotted against height, called environment curves, which illustrate
the various possibilities.

fIx 1000

10 10
\ environment curve


4 4
< ~i~er~~a~r ~
2 2

~ ..
2 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14'C

Fig.5.4 Fig. 5.5



Fig. 5.6 Isotherrnallayer Fig. 5.7 Surface inversion

Because it is the practice to forecast both the surface and upper air
temperatures for a particular place and time, there will also be a corresponding
forecast ELR, the applications of which will be considered later.

(b) Dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR)

This term is used in relation to vertically-moving unsaturated air. The term
adiabatic means that no heat is lost or gained from the system during a particular

process. Take the case of a piston moving in a simple cylinder (fig. 5.8). If the
piston is moved so that it compressesthe gas, work is done on the gas. The energy
required for compression passesto the gas leading to an increase of its internal
energy, raising its temperature (cf. bicycle hand-pump, diesel engine, etc.).

Cooling by expansion of a gas, as in some domestic refrigerators, is the reverse
process. In the atmosphere, because air is a poor conductor of heat, any rising
bubble of air (called a 'parcel' by met. men) can be considered 'thermally
insulated' from its environment as it expands and cools with no loss or gain of
heat to or from its environment, i.e. adiabatically. So long as the vertically
moving air remains unsaturated it changes its temperature at a predictable,
constant rate.
A formal definition would be:

Dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) is the rate of cooling with ascent or warming
with descent of unsaturated air displaced vertically in which the temperature
changesdue entirely to dynamical processesand their is no exchangeofheat with
the environment. Expressedin terms of height, the DALR value is 3 C deg/l 000
ft (1 Cdeg/100 m).
Pictorially Graphically

4000ft -- ) 4"C --
J000ff -- J 7'C --
2000ft -- O 1O"C--
10000It -- O 13"C --
"'"" , 9 , ;~ , , , , , ,
Fig. 5.9 Dry adiabatic lapserate

(c) Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR)

In rising saturated air , condensation occurs and releaseslatent heat. This heat
partly offsets the expansional cooling so that the saturated adiabatic lapse rate
value is less than that of the DALR. The SALR has a variable value although on
average at mean sea level in temperate latitudes its value is approximately 1.5 C
deg/l000 ft (0.5 C deg/1OOm).
At high temperatures the SALR has a low value and at low temperatures its
value is greater, approaching the DALR value, and equalling it for all practical

purposes at -40C. Thus the SALR value increases with altitude and also usually
with latitude. Remember that the SALR value is derived from the simple sum:

Per 1000 ft:

Cooling adiabatically due to expansion 3 C deg
Warming due to latent heat of condensation x C deg

Re~ultant SALR value per 1000 feet 3-x C deg

This may be shown graphically (fig. 5.10) for a given amount of cooling ('t' deg).


I--t--1 ~t-f lemperalure

(a) At High temperatures, large difference in saturation value, much condensation and
latent heat released, hence a Low SALR value.
(b) At Low temperatures, small difference in saturation values, little condensation and
latent heat released, hence a High SALR value.

Fig.5.10 Variation in value ofSALR

Typical values of the SALR at mean sea level are:

Compared with fig. 5.9 for the DALR, the SALR may be represented as in fig.
The graph of temperature versus height in a large developing cloud is called an
ascent or 'path curve', and would appear as shown in fig. 5.12.

Pictorially Graphically

Fig.5.11 Saturated adiabatic lapse rate


t- ,.

Fig. 5.12 Path curve

Although the DALR applies to both ascending and descending unsaturated

air (i.e. is reversible ), the SALR strictly should only be applied to ascending
saturated air. This is because although in rising air excess water vapour will
condense out and latent heat will be released,it cannot be assumed that the same
amount of latent heat will be taken up to evaporate all the condensation
instantaneously to maintain saturation of descending air. The SALR may be
defined as:
Saturated adiabatic lapse rate (SALR) is the rate of cooling with ascent of
saturated air in which the expansional cooling is partly offset by the latent heat
of condensation, and there is no exchange of heat with the environment. It has a
variable value but in temperate latitudes at mean sea level, its value is
approximately 1.5 C deg per 1000 ft.
By comparing the temperatures of rising parcels of air with the environmental
temperatures of the air which surrounds them at their new upper levels, the
degree of vertical stability (or instability) of the atmosphere at a particular place
and time may be assessed.As is true in other applications, a state of stability
means that when an object is displaced, it will tent to return to its original
position when the displacing force is removed. In an unstable state, the displaced
object will continue to become more displaced even though the original
displacing force is removed. In the caseof atmospheric (in)stability, the object is
the mass of air which for some reason has been forced to rise. There are varying
degrees of stability which produce different flying conditions.

(d) Absolute (or total) stability

That state of the atmosphere in which air (whether saturated or unsaturated)
which is displaced vertically tends to return to its original level when the
displacing force is removed.
This state only occurs when the environmental lapse rate (ELR) has a value
which is less than that of the SALR. Isothermal layers and temperature
inversions are examples of particularly stable conditions.
Absolute stability may be represented pictorially and graphically as in figs 5.13
(a) and (b). Typical weather conditions oftotaUy stable air are haze layers in air
of a low relative humidity and sheets of layer cloud in humid air.

unsaturatedair saturated air


Fig.5.l3 Absolute stability

(e) Absolute (or total) instability

That state of the atmosphere in which air (whether saturated or unsaturated)
which is displaced vertically tends to become more displaced even though the
original displacing force is removed.
This state only occurs when the ELR has a value which is greater than that of
the DALR. Typical weather conditions are dust-devils in dry desert air and
violent thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes in very humid air .
It should be noted that when, in an unstable atmosphere, the air becomes
disturbed and vertical currents quickly develop, not only is rising unsaturated air
cooling at the DALR but also the replacement subsiding air currents are

air temp.s
(ELR 4 C

400011 O 18C 24C Q 14C

3000II 6 21C 25V.oC 6

200011 6 24C 27C 6

1000II ~ 27C 28V.oC ~

f ~u;;; f f ~ f f ~~Cf f f f f f ~~ f f ~ f / f f / f / / I ~~CI"

unsaturatedair saturated air temperature

Fig. 5.14 Absolute instability

warming at the DALR. The environmental lapse rate through the whole
turbulent layer therefore tends to the DALR value. This means in practice, that
the ELR can never greatly exceedthe DALR value in unsaturated air nor greatly
exceed the SALR value in saturated air.
The term 'superadiabatic' lapse rate is used to describe the case of extreme
instability occurring in a shallow layer near the surface. If the ground is subjected
to strong sunshine, heat may be absorbed by the thin layer of air next to it faster
than it can be carried away upwards by convection currents. As a result, for a
shallow layer only a few feet thick, the ELR value may then be many times
greater than the DALR value ie superadiabatic.

(I) Conditional instability

That state of the atmosphere in which air which is displaced vertically tends to
becomemore displaced if saturated, but which tends to return to its original level
if unsaturated; when the displacing force is removed.

unsaturated air saturated

Fig.5.15 Conditional instability


It only occurs when the ELR has a value between those of the SALR and
DALR. In this case, the instability is conditional upon the air being saturated.
Typical weather conditions of concern to the aviator are cumuliforrn cloud
where the disturbed air is saturated but hazy conditions if the air remains
The three casesof absolute stability, conditional and absolute instability may
be summarised as shown in fig. 5.16.


DALR environment curve here -

total stability


Fig. 5.16

(g) Neutral equilibrium

Inevitably, the question must arise -what happens if the ELR happens to
coincide with the adiabatic lapse rate value? If in unsaturated air the ELR is the
sameas the DALR value or in saturated air the ELR is the same as the SALR
value for that temperature and pressure, then the condition is described as
a state of neutral equilibrium. becauseany parcel of air displaced upwards will
remain at its new level when the displacing force is removed and will have no
tendencyto continue rising or to descendto a lower level.
At the risk of stating the obvious, it should be remembered that when the ELR
upper air environment temperatures will be less
, while an ELR less than adiabatic means
environment temperatures will be greater than those of air cooling

Latent instability
'latent heat', latent is used to denote hidden. The
..., "'
I i ;3
- r ---
, :f
r.." (: ".. 'r--
, ~~
" , ~
(' -
(" "' '~~ d
' ~ ~ ~
I " ~ j
'-\0.,. -..
v'-- ~\
~\.,. -" ~~. ~, ~
'-"\ ~
\ ~~(
-.-/""i~ I
~( j, t
~ J "'(
t I
) t !
~q ~I
=f= 1 !
~I~ t
same application is true when the term 'latent instability' is used.
Latent instability is that state of the atmosphere in which there is a small stable
layer at low levels with a larger unstable layer above it, such that if air isforced
to ascend through the stable layer, instability phenomena will develop.
This may be illustrated as in fig. 5.17, where the condensation level is 1500 ft
and the turbulence layer is 2000 ft deep. The surface air has to be lifted to above
the height at which the path curve A -A' and environment curve B -B' intersect
(C). The area between the curves below C is called 'negative area' as it represents
the amount of energy to be applied to a parcel of air to make it rise, while the area
above C between the curves is called 'positive area'. The positive area similarly
gives, proportionately, the kinetic and electrical energy developed in the
towering cloud. Simply, from the pilot's point of view, the greater the size of the
positive area, the more active the cloud.
Finally, the terms potential (or convective) stability and instability may be met.
Whereas all of the casesconsidered so far have concerned parcels of air rising
through the environment, potential (in)stability relates to what would happen if
the whole environment were lifted bodily. The simplest case to visualise is of a
whole airstream moving from, say, over the ocean or a low-Iying plain rising up
to a new location over a plateau. Although both terms potential (in)stability and
convective (in)stability may be found in meteorological literature, the prefIX of
potential may be preferred becauseof its connotations of position. (The casefor
'convective' is that the (in)stability arises from the rearrangement of heat due to
the bodily movement of the air. )

(i) Potential (or convective) instability

11Iatstate of the atmospherein which there isa high relative humidity at low levels
and a low relative humidity at upper levels, such that if a low layer of air is lifted
bodily, the ELR value through the layer will gradually increase to attain finally
an unstable value. (Figure 5.18.)
This is often a major cause of instability at a cold front (see Chapter 12).

Potential (or convective) stability

That state of the atmospherein which there is a low relative humidity at low levels
and a high relative humidity at upper levels, such that if a layer of air is lifted
bodily the ELR value through the layer will gradually decreaseto attain finally
a stable value. (Figure 5.19.)
When considering the possibility of development of instability and its
., " etc., due allowance must be made for

diurnal variation of temperature of the underlying surface,

inflow of upper air of different temperatures at different levels,
movement of the whole airstream into an area of different surface
mixing within the air mass,
bodily lifting of the whole mass of air,
: the increased humidity that will prevail in an airstream that has
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followed a 'maritime' track or decreased humidity downstream of high ground

that has acted as a watershed.
Of these considerations, the diurnal variation is regularly significant. As
already seenin Chapter 2, different surface materials produce varying ranges of
temperature over a 24-hour period. By conduction, this variation is passedto the
lowest layers of the atmosphere, with progressively lessvariation the higher that
one goes. As a result in an unchanged airmass, the environmental lapse rate
value in the lowest few thousand feet of the atmosphere and the degree of
instability vary in step with the surface temperature diurnal variation. For
example, as shown in fig. 5.20.
at 2 pm local time (A) Maximum surface temperature
Maximum ELR value near the surface
Maximum instability in the lowest layers.
and around dawn (B) Minimum surface temperature
Minimum ELR value near the surface
Minimum instability (i.e. maximum stability) in the
lowest layers.


r-- ; ~ ~IVe
~=:n~ ~rou-nd2~~

Fig. 5.20 Diurnal variation

Test questions
Q I. A radio-sonde measuresthe upper air temperatures on a cloudless day in
the UK. When plotted on a temperature-height graph, these
temperatures would give:
(a) the path curve
(b ) the environment curve
(c) the dry adiabatic curve.
Q2. A temperature inversion indicates a state of the atmosphere which is:
(a) absolutely stable
(b ) absolutely unstable
(c) conditionally unstable.
Q3. An isothermal layer is a state of the atmosphere which is:
(a) absolutely stable

(b) absolutely unstable

(c) conditionally unstable.
Q4. An ELR value between those of the SALR and DALR indicates:
(a) absolute stability
(b) absolute instability
(c) conditional instability.
Q5. On a clear night inland, the stability of the lowest layers of the
(a) will decrease
(b ) will not change
(c) will increase.
Q6. Air moving from the Azores to SW England will:
(a) become more stable
(b) become more unstable
(c) not experience any change in its stability.
Q7. The DALR value is:
(a) 1.5 C deg/l000 ft
(b) 1.98 C deg/1000 ft
(c) 3.00 C deg/IOOOft.
Q8. For potential instability, the relative humidity must:
(a) decreasewith increase of altitude
(b ) remain constant with increase of altitude
(c) increase with increase of altitude.
Q9. The instability of an airmass moving SE from Iceland to Scotland will
(a) decrease
(b ) remain unchanged
(c) increase.
QIO. It is true to say that:
(a) at surface levels, greatest instability normally occurs in mid-
morning when clouds are forming fastest.
(b) the lapse rate through a layer of cloud is less than the SALR if the
conditions are unstable,
(c) generally the ELR can never greatly exceed the DALR value in
unsaturated air, nor greatly exceed the SALR value in saturated

To the man in the street, the clouds in the sky are more synonymous with
meteorology than any other element and weather lore down the ageshas largely
been based on clouds; 'Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning', etc. Even
if the licence syllabuses did not spell out the details, private and professional
pilots need to know why, how, when and where clouds form and their
characteristics. This knowledge is necessary even for 'fair weather fliers' who
need to discriminate when to fly and select VMC days! For efficient and safe
instrument flying and professional operating, the knowledge is essential.

The nature of clouds

The part played by clouds in the water cycle of the atmosphere has already been
shown in fig. 3.1. Clouds consist of water droplets or ice crystals in suspension
in the atmosphere, produced when excess water vapour is condensed out of
saturated air and present in sufficient quantity to produce a visible mass. When
initially formed, the water droplets are very small and the average size cloud
droplet is around 0.02 millimetres in diameter. However, within the cloud the
droplet may well grow in size so that it eventually becomes big enough to fall
from the cloud as precipitation -of which, more anon.
From watching the clouds in the sky it will be seen that as they are carried
along by the wind they are constantly changing in their appearance. There is an
infinite variety of shapes and of shades of light and dark. Nevertheless, certain
general characteristics are sufficiently repetitive for various cloud types to have
been given names. It was almost two hundred years ago that the first
classification of cloud forms was proposed. The defmitive work on cloud names,
identifying features, etc. is the International Cloud Atlas, published by the World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO), a specialised agency of the United
Nations. The following definitions are taken from the International Cloud Atlas
and assumea ground observer on a day with normal sun's illumination and clear

I. Cirrus (CI). Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate filaments, or white
or mostly white patches or narrow bands. These clouds have a fibrous (hair-like)
appearance or a silky sheen or both.
2. Cirrocumulus (CC). Thin, white patch, sheet or layer of cloud without
shading, composed of very small elements in the form of grains, ripples, etc.,
merged or separate, and more or less regularly arranged; most of the elements
have an apparent width of less than one degree.
3. Cirrostratus (CS). Transparent whitish cloud veil of fibrous or smooth
appearance, totally or partly covering the sky, and generally producing halo

4. A/tocumu/us(AC). White or grey, or both white and grey, patch, sheet or layer
of cloud, generally with shading, composed of laminae, rounded masses,rolls,
etc., which are sometimes partly fibrous or diffuse, and which mayor may not
be merged; most of the regularly arranged small elements usually have an
apparent width of between one and five degrees.
5. A/tostratus (AS). Greyish or bluish cloud sheet or layer of striated, fibrous or
uniform appearance, totally or partly covering the sky, and having parts thin
enough to reveal the sun at least vaguely, as through ground glass. Altostratus
does not show halo phenomena.
6. Nimbostratus (NS). Grey cloud layer, often dark, the appearance of which is
rendered diffuse by more or less continually falling rain or snow which in most
casesreachesthe ground. It is thick enough throughout to blot out the sun. Low
ragged clouds frequently occur below the layer with which they mayor may not
7. Stratocumu/us (SC). Grey or whitish, or both grey and whitish, patch, sheet
or layer of cloud which almost always has dark parts, composed of tessellations,
rounded masses,rolls, etc., which are non-fibrous and which mayor may not be
merged; most of the regularly arranged small elements have an apparent width
of more than five degrees.
8. Stratus (S1). Generally grey cloud layer with a fairly uniform base which may
give drizzle, ice prisms or snow grains. When the sun is visible through the cloud
its outline is clearly discernible. Stratus does not produce halo phenomena
except, possibly, at very low temperatures. Sometimes stratus appears in the
form of ragged patches.
9. Cumu/us (CU). Detached clouds, generally dense and with sharp outlines,
developing vertically in the form of rising mounds, domes or towers, of which the
bulging upper part often resembles a cauliflower. The sunlit parts of these clouds
are mostly brilliant white; their bases are relatively dark and nearly horizontal.
Sometimes cumulus is ragged.
10. Cumu/onimbus (CB). Heavy and dense cloud, with a considerable vertical
extent, in the form of a mountain or huge towers. At least part of its upper
portion is usually smooth, or fibrous or striated, and nearly always flattened; this
part often spreads out in the shape of an anvil or vast plume. Under the base of
this cloud which is often very dark, there are frequently low ragged clouds either
merged with it or not, and precipitation, sometimes in the form of virga.

General classification of clouds

The first differentiation between clouds may be made on their general
appearance in the sky, to describe the clouds as either stratiform or cumuliform.
Stratiform clouds are in the form of a layer of cloud as in fig. 6,1, while
~ r- ~~ --~ --~ -
J-< -,- --0:-. --"---~. -'. ~

~-.. --~ ~

Fig. 6.1 Stratiforrn or layer cloud


cumuliform clouds are characterised by vertical development in the form of

heaps or lumps, as in fig. 6.2.
Secondly, although it is sometimes difficult to determine the cloud base height
when rain, drizzle, or snow particularly, is falling from clouds, clouds are also
classified by their base height. (If cloud is 'on the deck', it is really fog.) On this
basis, clouds may be categorised as being 'high cloud', 'medium cloud' or 'low
cloud'. This categorisation may be further refined by making a sub-group of the
low clouds which are of such great vertical extent that they extend into the
medium and high levels of the troposphere.
m 1..'("
.-' f r~ 4 ~ .: ~ .)

( (' , 1 ..
.r .-~~J --~

~~ -::;; Fig. ~ 6.2

/777 --'?-;-
/ ,~ or
-~ heap
' / ',~,
cloud --"7 , ~ , ,

Table 6.1 classifies the ten fundamental cloud types. The heights and cloud

base temperatures tend to be higher than average in summer and lower in winter.

As they vary too with latitude, comparative base height figures are given for low

(tropical) and high (polar) latitudes, as well as approximation values for the UK

(temperate latitudes).

Tab/e 6.1

Temperate Tropical
Cirrus (CI) 16000 to 10000 to 20000 to
45000 ft 25000 ft 60000 ft
Cirrostratus(CS) -20 to -60C
Altocumulus (AC) 6500 to 6500 to 6500 to
23000 ft 13000 ft 25000 ft
Altostratus (AS) + 10 to -20C
Low (stratiform)
Nimbostratus(NS) 500 to 6500 ft 500 to 6500 ft 1000 to 6500 ft
+ 10 to -IoC
Stratocumulus(SC) 1000 to 1000 to 1000 to
6500 ft 6500 ft 6500 ft
+ 15 to -IoC
Stratus(S1) Surface to Surface to Surface to
1500 ft 1500 ft 1500 ft
+20 to -5C
Great vertical extent
Cumulus (CU) 1500 to 1500 to 1500 to
6500 ft 6500 ft 6500 ft
+20 to -5C
Cumulonimbus (CB) 1000 to 1000 to 1000 to
6500 ft 6500 ft 6500 ft

Cumulus clouds on fme sunny days with a stable atmosphere may be very
limited in their vertical extent and are then referred to as 'fair weather cumulus'
-to the meteorologist, 'cumulus humilis'. However, in unstable atmospheric
conditions when the cumulus build upwards through the troposphere, the clouds
are then called 'towering cumulus' (cumulus congestus).
Apart from these rather self-evident prefIXes to the basic cloud name
'cumulus', there are a number of other terms used to amplify the descriptions of
clouds and of these a practising pilot should know the following:
Calvus ( ca/). Cumulonimbus is described as calvus (from the latin for bald) when
although there is no visible cirriform part, some of the 'cauliflower' cloud top is
starting to change to a fibrous structure.
Capillatus (cap). This suffix is added to the name by meteorologists observing
cumulonimbus to indicate that the cloud(s) have a defmite cirriform top -
usually anvil-shaped. The cloud is probably associated with a thunderstorm with
squalls and showers, possibly of hail, and virga beneath it. It has been said that
if the aircraft is near CB cap then the aircraft captain should be the pilot handling
the controls.
Castellanus ( cast). A term applied to CI, CC, AC and SC (and previously termed
'castellatus') when the cloud takes on a turreted or crenellated appearance. This
appearance is most noticeable when a line of the cloud is seen from one side. It
is indicative of instability at the cloud level.
Fractus (frs). This SUffIXis applied only to cumulus and stratus. It indicates that
the cloud is broken or ragged in appearance.
Lenticularis (len). Clouds such as CC, AC, SC which are described as lenticular
are in the form of lens or almond shapes. They are good indicators of standing
waves (Chapter 10).
Virga. This is a term used in relation to clouds and not as SUffIXto a particular
cloud name. It is the name to describe precipitation descending from the base of
a cloud but not reaching the surface. The precipitation may be falling vertically
or slantwise and is also described as 'fallstreaks'.
Two other terms that you may come across in your general reading or
experience (but which are not in the syllabus) are nacreousand noctilucent clouds
which are of interest to passengersand crews becauseof their colouring and their
delicate structure.
Nacreous cloud -also called 'mother of pearl' cloud -is a relatively rare
occurrence of stratospheric cloud in the ozone layer at 20-30 km, sighted mainly
in Scotland and Scandinavia. With a very delicate structure similar in
appearance to cirrus or altocumulus lenticularis, their little or no movement
suggests that they may be mountain wave clouds. They are very iridescent
(rainbow-coloured) especially so just before sunrise and shortly after sunset,
when they may continue to be seen on into the night.
Noctilucent cloud -also called 'luminous night cloud' -is also seen in northern
Europe, usually on the northern horizon around the midnight hours in the
summer. Resembling cirrus or cirrostratus, they occur at 80-85 km, their colour
varying from a bluish-silver to yellow-orange, the cloud being illuminated by
direct sunlight against a dark, clear sky.

Cloud formation
Clouds form in what previously was clear sky because the air is cooled so that it
becomes saturated and then cooled further so that there is an excessof water
vapour over and above the amount required to saturate at that temperature and
pressure. This excesswater vapour then condensesout onto condensation nuclei
as visible water drops or ice crystals.
The necessary cooling can take place by:
(a) long-wave radiation from the air itself, although there is little evidence
that on its own it is likely to produce condensation. Long-wave radiation
from the upper surfaces of pre-existing cloud may however lead to enough
cooling to produce further cloud.
(b) contact with a cold surface, so losing heat from the air by conduction, but
this process too is unlikely to be significant in producing cloud. In calm or
very light winds, the condensation is deposited as dew or frost. In slightly
stronger winds, the condensation will be as mist or fog. In winds exceeding
8 knots the vertical motion within the turbulence then generated will
produce adiabatic cooling and conductional cooling is not then the
significant factor.
(c) mixing two nearly saturated masses of air at markedly different
temperatures. There is again little evidence that this process is a reason for
clouds to form. However, the process can contribute to additional
condensation in certain circumstances. It will be considered later in the
context of fog formation.
The basic reason why clouds form is adiabatic cooling, as was described in
Chapter 5. The sequence is:
I. For some reason, air is caused to rise. The four different reasons for this are
often used to categorise the resulting clouds:
(a) Orographic cloud -formed due to the ascent of air over high (or rising)
(b) Convection cloud -formed due to surface heating of the air producing
thermal up-currents.
(c) Turbulence cloud -formed due to the air flow producing a frictional
turbulence layer caused either by the underlying earth's surface or, at
upper levels, another airflow associated with a rapid wind change with
(d) Frontal cloud -formed when there is a general ascent of air over a wide
area. This situation is typical of low pressure systems where large air
massesof different characteristics are in juxtaposition. Frontal cloud will
be considered in Chapter 12.
2. The rising air is subjected to a steady decreaseof pressure as it ascends.
3, The decreasing pressure causes the air to expand.
4. The expanding air cools adiabatically.
5. If stages 1,2, 3, and 4 are continued sufficiently, the originally unsaturated air
will become saturated. The height at which this saturation occurs is called the
'condensation level'. It should be noted however that the temperature of the air
at the condensation level is not the original surface air's dew point temperature.

Remember the definition from Chapter 3 is 'Dew point temperature is the

temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to become
saturated by the water vapour it contains', In the case of ascending air, while it
is unsaturated the temperature will decreaseat the DALR while the dew point
temperature will decreaseat 0.5 C deg per 1000 ft. This latter decreaseis due to
the fact that as the pressure on air is reduced, so its capacity to hold water vapour
at a given temperature increases. For example, the saturation humidity mixing
ratio at 20C and 1000mb is 15 g/kg but at 20C and 900 mb is 16.5g/kg. In fact
at 900 mb, 15 g/kg will saturate the air at 18.5C. Thus in 100mb {approximately
3000ft) the dew point corresponding to 15 g/kg has decreasedby 1.5 C deg, i.e.
0.5 C deg per 1000 feet.
6. Further ascent and expansional cooling will produce the excess invisible
water vapour which condenses out as the visible water droplets {or ice crystals)
of cloud.

Cloud characteristics
Generally, the mode of uplift of the air which will be explored in more detail in
later paragraphs tends to determine the cloud characteristics of:
(a) the time of the occurrence of the cloud
(b) the location of the clouds and their horizontal distribution
(c) the persistence of the cloud and often their dispersal
(d) the location and nature of any precipitation associated with the cloud.
The degree of stability or instability of the environment in which the air is
forced to ascend determines:
(a) the vertical extent of the cloud
(b) turbulence within the cloud and other flight conditions.

Cloud dispersal
The ultimate dispersal of cloud involves a reversal of the formation process -the
visible water drops or ice crystals disappear either due to evaporation or by just
falling out of the air that had previously sustained them. In the former case, the
cloud evaporates either because the air becomes warmer (and as its capacity to
contain water vapour increases so the relative humidity falls to below 100%) or
because the cloud, especially if it is isolated as in the case of cumulus, is
surrounded by drier air with which it mixes. In the latter case, precipitation
physically removes the water from the air by returning it to the surface. Further
reflection on fig. 3.1 will substantiate that this is indeed a significant factor.

Orogmphic cloud
When an airstream meets a range of hills or mountains or even just generally
rising terrain, it too ascends and, due to the decreasing pressure, cools
adiabatically. The effect is also true with individual hills or peaks although some
of the airflow will, in this case,be diverted around the hill or peak. Provided that
the basic parameters are satisfied, orographic cloud forms irrespective of the
.Depending upon the stability of the airstream

and the humidity at different levels, there are variations in the orographic cloud
that results which are as follows.

Stable air
Consider fIrst an airstream which has moved from over the sea and is moist
through a deep layer, say 10000 feet or more. The air ascends to beyond the
condensation level and cloud is formed, perhaps at a base height of only a few
hundred "feet if the initial humidity is very high. Each of the moist layers above
the surface will also rise, as shown in fig. 6.3, producing a thick layer of stratiform
cloud. Becauseof the stable lapse rate, when the air is no longer physically being
forced to rise by the shape of the terrain it will descend on the leeside to warm
adiabatically. The high ground will be enveloped in cloud (hill fog), there will
probably be continuous precipitation ranging from drizzle to rain or snow on the
windward side and a rain shadow on the leeside.

~ t=-~

~ ~~
(~ -, -~- .
~ ~~.-~ )
' ~") .c ')
nOsI <"5;'.- c
~ -c;: ~ ~) ~~
laver ...,- 3 -~..,--
...J -'">
'.. . ~ ,-..' LEEWARD
Fig. 6.3 Orographic cloud in moist stable airstream

The loss by precipitation on the windward side means that there is less water
to be re-evaporated on the leeward side so the cloud base is correspondingly
higher. It also means that where the rising air in the cloud has cooled relatively
slowly at the SALR (say 1.5 C deg per 1000 ft), on the lee side for much of its
descent it will be warming at the greater rate of the DALR (3 C deg per 1000ft),
and an aerodrome here will experience a warm dry wind. This is generally known
as 'fohn effect' after the Alpine name 'Fohn wind', but there are various local
names where the effect occurs elsewhere, e.g. Chinook in Canada, Bohorok in
Indonesia, etc. Apart from the hazards arising from the orographic cloud
obscuring the high ground and the effects of precipitation, such cloud is also
associated with airframe icing problems and turbulent flight conditions in
'mountain waves' which are considered in later pages.
If the lifted moist air is not very deep, as may happen when air from the North
Sea moves over the eastern coast of the UK, then the cloud may produce no
precipitation, even as drizzle, and the rather flat cloud baseis effectively the same
on the lee side as on the windward, as shown in fig. 6.4. The cloud is commonly
stratus, its base may be as low as 200 to 300 feet and in some favoured valleys
amongst the moors, may disperse locally.

-~ --
~ "
~ ---~
~~ ~--- ~

Fig. 6.4 Orographic stratus over low hills

The other characteristic orographic cloud of stable air is lenticular cloud, as

shown in fig. 6.5. This cloud is often a significant indicator to the mountain
wavesmentioned earlier and it may occur as low, medium or high cloud. All that
is required in this caseis a low enough relative humidity at low leyels so that the
surface air is still unsaturated by the time that it reaches the summit of the high
ground and starts descending again, while above it there is a moist layer which
is also diverted upwards and which produces the cloud.
The outline of the lenticular cloud is quite sharp. The cloud appears stationary
in the sky, although in fact the cloud droplets of which it is composed are
streaming along with the upper wind, forming on the windward side and
dispersing on the leeward, the one contradiction to the general comment made
on shapes of clouds and their movement with the wind, in the opening
paragraphs of this chapter! Lenticular cloud in wave systems downwind of the
source high ground is also dealt with under 'Mountain and lee wave (standard
wave) systems' in Chapter 10.



Fig. 6.5 Lenticular cloud over high ground

Other hazards associated with stratiform orographic cloud

Apart from the eddy turbulence that occurs whenever an airflow crosses high

and the ever-present risk for unwary pilots of colliding with the high ground
failing to maintain safety altitude, two other hazards arise when pre-

Firstly, it may well be possible to fly a cross-country beneath a cloud sheet in

-the air beneath the cloud may well also have become nearly
though this will not be discernible from the flight-deck. In this
the cloudy airstream meets high ground the ascent and adiabatic

cooling quickly produce cloud. The cloud base then lowers appreciably so that
it may prove impossible to maintain VMC.
Secondly, if committed to flying through orographic cloud, beware of an
increase in severity of airframe icing where a front rises over high ground. It
should not be assumedthat, becausecrossing a belt of frontal cloud produced no
problems when encountered over flat terrain on an outward journey, on the
return flight crossing the same front in a mountainous area will produce the same
weather: it may be much worse. This is because the orographic updraughts will
supplement the frontal uplift so supporting bigger and more water drops than
earlier in the day.

---(1 I
--} A1
L~ ~
--"'" A/ CtJnMAlorm

y ~

Fig. 6.6 Orographic cloud in an unstable airstream

Unstable ai,
The airstream may be unstable for a number of reasons including potential
instability which develops as the airstream rises over the high ground.
Depending upon the relative humidity and the degree of instability, so either of
the possibilities shown in fig. 6.6 and 6.7 may occur .
If the airstream is not very humid at low levels, there may well be a clear space
between the hill-tops and the cumuliform cloud base (fig. 6.6). However, once
the air is forced to rise, the instability will permit it to continue to rise even after
the parcel of air has moved away from the 'source hill' which has triggered off
the initial upward movement. This often results in the individual cumulus clouds

Fig. 6.7 Shower cloud of orographic origin


lining up in distinct 'cloud streets' which are readily seen from the air and even
better from satellite cloud photographs. This is not to say that all cloud streets
are created from separate thermals rising in unstable air. In windy weather, cloud
streets can develop under a stable layer in parallel lines up to several hundreds
of miles long. They then have correspondingly quite strong lines of 'sink' in
between, of which pilots of light aircraft particularly should be aware.
If the airstream is very humid, the cloud basewill obscure the high ground and
towering cumulus or cumulonimbus and showery precipation will be triggered
off, as well as the clouds again drifting off downwind. Not only do these produce
difficult conditions for aircraft operations (especially for light aircraft) but also
the rapid deteriorations cause the annual crop of accidents to unwary
mountaineers and hill-walkers.

Convection cloud
This cloud forms due to the air being heated from below so producing thermal
upcurrents. At the same time as the surface is heating the air irregularly, causing
some to rise away from the surface in a series of convective bubbles or parcels,
so the conduction of heat from beneath is also increasing the environmental
lapse rate (ELR) in the lower levels. Depending upon the original ELR value
which is being modified, so varying patterns of cumuliform cloud formed by
convection will result.

Fair weather cumulus

This type of cloud is associated with predominantly stable conditions which limit
the vertical extent of the convection. Figure 6.8 illustrates a series of ELRs such
as would prevail.

environment curve

, I
-- -
I a

T Cu = temperature needed for cumulus formation

Fig. 6.8 Formation of fair weather cumulus

Initially, the convection currents start over the terrain which warms most

For a while however, because of the

rate, they do not reach the condensation level. Nevertheless the

cloud enables the surface temperatures to increase steadily in the

, producing stronger convection currents and deepening the

.Provided that there is no marked wind shear which will


sever the rising currents, and also that the general humidity is not so low that
mixing with their surroundings, called entrainment, will keep them unsaturated,
the up currents will eventually reach and rise above the condensation level.
However, because of the basic stability of the initial EL~, vertical development
of the cloud is inhibited and generally each small cumulus will last less than half
an hour before dispersing. If the surface temperatures continue to rise there will
be a corresponding rise in the height of the cloud base and top. Sometimes if
there is a marked stable layer such as an inversion above the condensation level,
the rising bubbles of air having initially formed the small cumulus spread out
sideways to form a layer of stratocumulus (fig. 6.9).

81,.. layer
--- L ---~ ..-=-~ =
--~~ ~ ~

j J ~-

} I ) J
~ ::::r--~ / / ,:::0-:77/-~ / T / r--r--7


Towering cumulus
In this casethe environment is unstable through a deeper layer, usually in excess
of 10000 feet. The surface heating of the moist air may either be due to the
normal overland daytime heating by the sun or to advection of cool air to over
a warmer surface at any time during the 24 hours. The surface air continues to
ascend because while cooling at the saturated adiabatic lapse rate it remains
warmer than the environment (fig. 6.10).
The rising currents produce condensation and despite the entrainment of
unsaturated air around, this condensation continues to great heights. The

""- ,


Fig. 6.10

ultimate cloud tops are limited by the tropopause so although convection clouds
extend to 20000 feet in polar regions, they commonly develop to over 50000 feet
in low latitudes. Similarly their vertical extent is greater in summer than in
Assuming the dawn of a fine day when, through a deep layer, the air is humid
and the environmental lapse rate exceedsthe saturated adiabatic value, surface
heating starts bubbles of air rising. Typically the initial cloud base may be
around 1500 to 2000 feet. While the cloud is developing, the top is rounded and
cauliflower-like as it reachesupper levels. When it reachestemperatures of -loC
and colder, ice starts to become a feature of the upper parts of the cloud which
then take on a fibrous appearance. When ultimately the tropopause is reached,
its stability causes the air to spread out horizontally, especially downwind, to
give the typical anvil of a cumulonimbus. The associated flight conditions and
hazards are considered in Chapter 7: Thunderstorms.
During an unstable day over land, cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds due to
convection of surface air will be encountered in varying stagesof their life cycles.
It should be remembered too that in the 'bright intervals' between the towering
cumuliform clouds there are compensating down-currents of air. When the
convection dies down, the clouds decay leaving the sky for a while dotted with
large irregular massesof cloud, until overland eventually it all disperses during
the hours of darkness.

Turbulence cloud
Turbulence may occur at any level due to the friction between two differing
airflows where there is a marked windshear. It is even more common near to the
earth's surface due to friction between the lower atmosphere and the terrain
below, together with small-scale, localised orographic and convection effects.

Stable air
The simplest caseto consider is the formation of a sheet of stratocumulus cloud
due to turbulence, for which the basic requirements are:
(a) air of a sufficiently high humidity for it to become saturated within the
turbulence layer,
(b) a sufficiently strong wind speed (8 knots or more for all practical
purposes) so that air rising in the up-currents of the turbulence layer will
cool adiabatically, rather than have its temperature determined by
conduction to/from the underlying surface,
(c) a sufficiently strong wind for the underlying surface to produce a deep
enough turbulence layer to reach up to beyond the condensation level,
(d) a stable lapse rate so the cloud is restricted to the height to which the
turbulence lifts the air .
Sheetsof stratocumulus (or stratus where the cloud base is below 1000 feet)
commonly occur due to surface frictional turbulence.
Taking factors (a) to (d) in sequence, (a) determines the distribution of
"i the layer. The effect of the turbulent mixing is to produce a
mixing ratio through the layer (HlH2 in fig. 6.12).

smooth air

Fig.6.11 Formation ofstratocumulus by turbulence


Provided that the wind speed is strong enough, (b ), the lapse rate through the
layer will tend towards the adiabatic lapse rate -warmer at the bottom of the
layer, colder at its upper parts. Then if (c) also applies, the adiabatic cooling will
causethe air to become saturated when the path curve from P intersects H1H2 at
'the mixing condensation level' and produce cloud above this level.
Finally, given condition (d) the stable atmosphere will prevent air rising (and
producing cloud) beyond the height to which it is forced to rise by the turbulence.
This produces the sheet of cloud with very smooth flying conditions and a
temperature inversion above it.
The corresponding clouds formed at medium and high levels are altocumulus
and cirrocumulus respectively.

Unstable air
In an unstable airstream, the turbulence layer is of greater vertical extent than in
stable air and large cumuliform clouds develop. Often it is only academic
whether the towering cumulus have been triggered off by some orographic

features which are causing convection currents or physically deflecting the

surface air upwards, as opposed to frictional turbulence. The resulting
~ppearanceof the sky is as depicted in fig. 6.13 with broken or ragged stratus and
stratocumulus between the towering cumuliform clouds.


It is interesting that in the international system used for reporting cloud types,
the interpretation for large cumulus and for cumulonimbus with or without an
anvil recognises that although these are the dominant cloud types being
reported, stratocumulus or stratus may also be present. Mention should also be
made of turbulence clouds at higher levels such as altocumulus which are
'triggered off' to become characteristically cumuliform because of developing
instability. The triggering is most likely to be by the general uplift of air near to
a depression but may be by orographic uplift. The resulting cloud is altocumulus
castellanus, as shown in fig. 6.14.
The sprouting turret-like tops of the altocumulus, and possibly virga below, if
seenahead of the aircraft, are good indicators to pilots of a bumpy ride ahead
and the possibility of development in that area of cumulonimbus and
thunderstorms. Cirrus castellanus does also occur for similar reasons, but only

Fig.6.14 Altocumulus castellanus and virga

Frontal cloud
This is dealt with fully in Chapter 12: Low Pressure Systems and Fronts. For
completenessof this chapter it will be noted that in the UK, where the terms are
in common use on radio and TV by the weather forecasters, the following
generalisations apply.

When a large warm moist air mass overtakes a large cold air mass at a warm
front, the structure is usually stable so producing widespread stratiform cloud as
shown in fig. 6.15.

.::;:::.--="S' ~us
'"\- ~ y
~ ~r8hJS ..


~r8hJS ~

500 kI ~ mMes

Fig.6.15 Stable: warm front -layered cloud

Conversely, when a cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass at a cold front,
instability may well develop giving cumuliform cloud as shown in fig. 6.16.

~ ...

Fig.6.16 Unstable: cold front -cumuliform cloud

Although precipitation is a common topic of conversation in the British Isles, it
is probably as well to establish the meaning of terms associated with
precipitation in aviation meteorology , to avoid misunderstanding.

Continuity of precipitation
Three terms are used: continuous, intermittent, and showers.'Continuous' is self-
evident. Intermittent is applied to the state in which precipitation is discontinu-
ous when it is falling from a layer of cloud, as in fig. 6.17. Showers fall from the
individual cumuliform clouds with which they are associated, as in fig. 6.18.
~ ~~.
"' -
hr/- .--!-
/- <: '
L ---? ' ,
--'-, "'-' -E
( 1..
~' .~ '\-.,. )

<' ,-- ~- ~

~---: ",., '.r'..,.

" .:'.',',..,.'
' .., ., ' ' ., .".,.,
, ' ..,
..:...: ,..,"..',~::.

~7 ' / , , , 7' ; ; ~'~ , " / ,r .r " " ,r /~ / 7/ ,r ,r .../ , r r T7 ,r :1?'"?' , r7 ., , -,

Fig. 6.17 Overcast with intermittent precipitation

Fig.6.18 Showers and bright intervals

Types of precipitation

Drizzle (, ) is liquid precipitation in the form of very small water drops, normally
very close together, indeed so small that their impact on an exposed water surface
is imperceptible. The droplets are so small that the up-currents against which
they are falling must be very weak and the air below the cloud very humid so that
the droplets do not evaporate. Drizzle is thus associated only with stratus and
stratocumulus cloud and, for the record, has a droplet size of up to 0.5 mm

Rain (.) is the precipitation of water drops greater than 0.5 mm in diameter. On
striking a water surface, raindrops make a distinct splash.

Snow (*) is solid precipitation in the form of ice. It may take various forms. In
the UK, snow mostly occurs as snowflakes which are white, opaque, ice crystals.
At lower temperatures the flakes have an individual, six-pointed, crystalline
structure but at surface temperatures around 0C crystals amalgamate to give
large snowflakes. Snowflakes can occur at surface temperatures up to 4C and
a foot of freshly fallen snow is approximately equal to an inch of rainfall. In very
cold temperatures, the precipated ice may fall as 'granular snow' consisting of
small (less than I mm in diameter) white opaque grains or as ice needles, the
latter giving a scintillating fog -often nicknamed 'diamond dust' by the hardy
souls inhabiting such cold climes.

Sleet <:) in the UK means either snow that is melting as it falls to earth or a
mixture of snow and rain (or even drizzle) falling together becausethe surface air
temperature is just above 0C. However, although the international symbol (,fc)
reflects the state of affairs on this side of the Atlantic, beware, becausethe term
sleet may be used in general parlance in the USA to indicate frozen or freezing

Hail (~) comprises precipitation in the form of small balls or chunks of ice
which may vary in size from 2 to 5 mm in soft hail (or graupel) ( ~ ) to golf ball
or tennis ball size in the hail ( .) associated with violent thunderstorms, of which
more later.
Becausethey are also means by which water is deposited from the atmosphere,
dew and frost are included in precipitation totals recorded for a meteorological

Formation of precipitation
Precipitation in general can be quite a significant weather factor to a pilot,
especially during the take-off and initial climb and then later in the approach and
landing phase. N ot only is it usually associated with a rapid lowering of the cloud
base but there is also a reduction in visibility at the same time as there may be
turbulence, downdraughts and gusty winds or squalls. In the casesof hailstones
or rain which is freezing as it falls, these bring their own additional hazards. Just
when and why a cloud system may be expected to produce precipitation is
therefore a matter of some importance to the pilot.
It has already been stated that a cloud water droplet will probably have a
diameter of 0.02 mm and that rain drops have a diameter of greater than 0.5 mm
(in fact, up to a maximum of 5.5 mm diameter). Whatever its size, the water drop
has mass and so will fall through the air around it at a speed called its terminal
velocity. The heavier the drop, the greater its terminal velocity. Of course, if the
air current in the cloud is travelling upwards as fast as or faster than the terminal
velocity downwards, then the water drop will not leave the cloud base. There are
two mechanisms by which cloud particles can grow large enough to fall as

(a) Ice-particle (Bergeron Process) growth

(b) Coalescence/collision growth.

Ice particle theory of growth

Although it had been suggestedsoon after World War I that there needed to be
both ice crystals (i.e. temperatures below 0C) and water drops in cloud for rain
to form, it was not until the mid-l930s that the Norwegian scientist Bergeron put
forward the basis of this theory .Recall Table 2 in Chapter 3 for saturation
vapour pressure following the discussion on relative humidity. When cloud
temperatures fall below 0C and ice nuclei are present, ice crystals form amongst

the supercooled water droplets. However, in these circumstances, although the

air is saturated in respect of water it is supersaturated in respect of the ice crystals.
Consequently the ice crystals will grow rapidly by condensation upon them. By
rapid growth they become large enough to fall through the up-currents (possibly
growing further by the coalescence/collision process), enter a part of the cloud
with temperatures over 0C where they melt, and fall from the cloud as rain.

Coalescence/collision theory of growth

Despite Bergeron's theory , sometimes rain falls from clouds which are warmer
at all levels than QoC. In this case the precipitation occurs because within the
cloud not all of the droplets are of the same size nor are all of the up-currents of
equal strength. Large water droplets rise more slowly in up-currents than small
droplets and grow in size at the expense of the small drops by collisions and
coalescence.When they fall back through the cloud they then grow rapidly from
more collisions with rising cloud droplets, so that after a minimum period of
about half an hour, the water drops are big enough to fall as rain.
In the UK, precipitation is usually caused by both processesacting together.
Of course, once the precipitation leaves the cloud base, it will be falling through
unsaturated air , albeit probably of a high humidity, so the droplets or particles
will diminish by evaporation. In fact, rain or snow originating from altostratus
may be encountered by an aircraft in flight but evaporate entirely before
reaching the runways of an aerodrome below. On the debit side, the evaporation
may itself saturate the air below the cloud and ultimately produce condensation
as very low stratus (known as pannus) which can easily obscure the upper parts
of even small hills.
What other problems should a pilot guard himself against in precipitation?
First, and perhaps most obvious, is the effect on visibility. In snow, sleet and
drizzle it will be extremely poor indeed, with no time to manoeuvre if something
solid looms up ahead, so a re-check of altitude and safety altitude is called for.
In rain the visibility may be no worse than 1 kilometre unless you are in a tropical
downpour. The rain on the windscreen does not help either and, at night,
judgement of the distance of lights requires great care as it can lead to lights
appearing to be closer or further away.
Although the worst conditions are experienced with the thunderstorms
considered in the next chapter, precipitation causes static interference on the
aircraft's radio systems.
Precipitation also 'contaminates' runway surfaces. The associated hazards are
so serious that the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority normally has one
or more of its pink 'Safety' Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs) currently
valid on this topic at anyone time. Runways which are wet during or after
precipitation can produce handling or braking problems so pilots are told the
runway surface state in the following terms.
Damp -the runway surface shows a change of colour due to moisture.
Wet -the runway surface is soaked but no significant patches of standing
water are visible.

In each of these two cases,pilots can assume an acceptable degree of braking

action is possible.
Water patches -significant patches of standing water are visible.
Flooded -extensive standing water patches are visible.
In these two latter categories there is a distinct possibility of aquaplaning, and
the procedures laid down in the aircraft's flight manual and the company's
operations manual must be followed. In fact, together with runways contami-
nated with snow and slush, the CAA warn that operations from such runways
involve a significant amount of risk.
During cold weather, aerodrome authorities do their best to keep runways,
taxiways, etc., clear of snow and slush. Particulars are given in the Air Pilot of
the UK Snow Plan and SNOTAMs give current situations at aerodromes during
wintry conditions. Depending upon the specific gravity (SO) of the contaminant,
the subjective assessmentis made as:

Dry snow less than 0.35 sa

Wet snow 0.35 to 0.5 sa
Compacted snow over 0.5 sa
Slush 0.5 to 0.8 sa
Standing water 1.00 sa
The risks high-lighted by CAA are:
I. additional drag
2. possible power loss due to ingestion or impingement
3. reduced braking or risk of aquaplaning
4. reduced directional control
5. possible structural damage
Although the Airworthiness Division (A WD) of the CAA is prepared to
advise in casesof aircraft in particular performance groups, the recommended
procedures for take-offs from contaminated runways include:
I. Do not try to take off if the depth of:
(a) water, slush or wet snow is greater than 15 mm;
(b) dry snow is greater than 60 mm;
(c) very dry snow is greater than 80 mm.
2. A void the use of reverse thrust when manoeuvring on contaminated
taxiways prior to take-off to avoid contamination of wing leading edges,and
adopt taxying techniques which will avoid such slush/snow adherence to the
airframe or accumulation around the flap/slat or landing gear area.
3. Consider all aspects when selecting the flap/slat configuration from the
range permitted in the Flight Manual and ensure that all appropriate field
length performance corrections are made.
4. Do not carry unnecessary fuel.
5. All devices on the aeroplane contributing to braking performance (tyres,
reverse thrust, lift dump, etc) should be serviceable. Check that the tyres are
in good condition.
6. Use maximum take-off power.
7. Do not attempt to take off in tail winds.

8. Do not attempt to take off in a crosswind exceeding 10 kt.

9. Use normal rotation and take-off safety speeds.
10. Ensure that de-icing of the airframe and engine intakes, if appropriate, has
been carried out, and that the aircraft is aerodynamically clean at the time
of take-off -and pay meticulous attention to engine and airframe anti-icing
11. Use the maximum runway distance available. Keep to a minimum the
amount of runway used to line up. Any significant loss should be deducted
from the declared distances for the calculation of the regulated take-off
weight (RTOW).
The same guide-lines are applicable to landing on heavily contaminated
runways, with the extra problem that if aquaplaning starts, it may well continue
in much lower depths of water and slush than would normally be expected.
For completeness of information, the following relevant is reproduced from
the companion volume Aviation Law for Pilots concerning the measurement and
reporting of runway braking action:
'Measurements are taken of runway braking action and snow/slush depth as
Runway braking action is assessedby the use of a continuous recording runway
friction measuring trailer (Mu-meter) and the brake testing decelerometer
(Tapley meter). Assessment of ice, snow and slush is reported as GOOD,
action is passed to the pilot. Wet runway condition is reported as GOOD,
MEDIUM or POOR. The Tapley meter is used on ice and dry snow. The Mu-
meter indicates the possibility of slush-planing when it gives a low value of
coefficent of friction, but braking action is not assessed in slush-planing
conditions.' (See also Chapter 17: METAR.)

Test questions
Ql. Most cloud in the UK is formed due to air cooling:
(a) by conduction
(b) by convection
(c) adiabatically.
Q2. Clouds with 'strat' in their names are:
(a) rain bearing
(b) layer type
(c) composed only of water drops.
Q3. Of the following clouds, the one with the lowest height is:
(a) altostratus
(b) stratocumulus
(c) stratus.
Q4. If altocumulus castellanus is seen ahead of the aircraft, this indicates:
(a) increasing stability
(b) increasing instability
(c) improving weather to probably cloudless skies.

Q5. Heights at which clouds are found in the UK:

(a) do not vary with the seasons
(b ) are generally higher in summer than in winter
(c) are generally lower in summer than in winter .
Q6. A sheet of cloud which is producing a halo round the sun is:
(a) cirrostratus
(b) altostratus
(c) nimbostratus.
Q7. When cumulonimbus cloud is reported in a meteorological observation:
(a) stratus may also be present
(b) stratus will not be present
(c) stratus and nimbostratus will also be present.
Q8. In a stable airstream producing orographic cloud and precipitation, the
cloud base on the windward side of the high ground will be:
(a) lower than the cloud base on the leeward side
(b) higher than the cloud base on the leeward side
(c) the same height as the cloud base on the leeward side.
Q9. Convection clouds over the UK in spring:
(a) tend to show no diurnal variation
(b ) form by night and disperse by day
(c) form by day and disperse during the night.
QlO. Of the following statements, it is true to say:
(a) drizzle never falls in showers
(b) hail is rain that has frozen as it falls from cloud
(c) rain always leaves the cloudbase as snowflakes.

A thunderstorm has been defined as 'one or more sudden electrical discharges,

manifested by a flash of light (lightning) and a sharp or rumbling sound
In some parts of the world thunderstorms are a frequent occurrence; for
example, Indonesia has over 200 thunderstorm days per annum. Other
aerodromes, in countries mainly situated on coasts which are washed by cold sea
currents, experience thunderstorms very rarely if ever at all. Whether rare or
common, thunderstorms are synonymous with cumulonimbus clouds so their
causescan be restated as:
(a) something has caused the air to rise- 'trigger action'
(b) a high humidity through a deep layer
(c) instability through a deep layer.
Depending upon the cause of initial uplift fo the air, thunderstorms may
variously be categorised as:
air mass: orographic thunderstorms
heat thunderstorms
frontal: particularly cold front storms.
By so referring to the thunderstorm type, the pilot can infer the timing, location
and track of the storm.
Orographic thunderstorms may be encountered at any time in the 24 hours
and often hang about in the mountainous areas that fIrst generated them.
Heat thunderstorms are what are generally understood when the term 'air
mass thunderstorm' is used. In this case, the surface heating 'triggers off'
convection cloud development. In light winds such as occur in cols inland in
summer, convection currents are not sheared off and strong solar heating soon
builds up cumuliform cloud so that storms can start breaking out in mid-
afternoon and continue till after nightfall. The movement of such storms is often
slow and irregular .
Other heat thunderstorms occur when a moist air mass, perhaps already
unstable, moves over a much warmer surface. This would apply over land in
spring and summer, and over seaareas in autumn and winter. The heating of the
lower layers increases the instability of the environmental lapse rate and at the
same time triggers off the convection currents. These thunderstorms move along
with the air mass in which they have developed and may well be quite
widespread. Although over land such heat storms have a diurnal variation, over
the seawhich has a fairly equable temperature they may be met at any time in the
24 hours. Where cool land air moves over an inland sea or lake to produce
thunderstorms, it is found that such storms often develop in the late evening or
during the night.
In contrast, frontal thunderstorms which are usually associated with cold

fronts are arranged along a line in a trough of low pressure and they move with
this trough in a direction perpendicular to the trough line. The line of
cumulonimbus will be shown on the meteorological station's radar so its future
movement can be reasonably forecast and when airborne, a pilot can check
progress on the aircraft's weather radar .Because of the greater frequency of cold
fronts in winter, this is the seasonwhen frontal thunderstorms are most likely to
be encountered in NW Europe. However, whether the storms will be met by day
or by night, over land or over the sea, is merely a matter of chance of timing of
the flight and the passage of the frontal trough across the flight path.
Although many storms follow the 700 mb (10000 ft) airflow the movement of
others, especially heat thunderstorms in cols and slack pressure gradients, is
more erratic.

Although it involves some repetition of explanations made in Chapters 5 and 6
on instability and cloud formation, the serious hazards presented by the
development of cumulonimbus to pilots, particularly the inexperienced, more
than justify a restatement of the sequence of the formation process.
Observations show that the development of a cumulonimbus cloud can be
conveniently considered as having three phases:
I. Developing or cumulus phase (fig. 7.1)
2. Mature phase (fig. 7.2)
3. Dissipating phase (fig. 7.3)
For simplicity ofvisualising the sequenceof events, assumethe thunderstorm to
be developing inland on a hot and humid summer's day in a col.

...[, t -

/.. t ~ It\.,

Fig.7. Developing or cumulus phase

Phase 1
Convection bubbles rise from the surface to produce small cumulus clouds
which, becauseof the instability, then merge to grow into a larger cumulus. This
is the start of a thunderstorm cell -probably of a diameter of one to five miles
and composed at this time only of up-currents. (The ultimate cumulonimbus will
be composed of a number of such cells in different phases of development, each
cell having a life-span of two to three hours. ) This developing or cumulus phase
may last for up to half an hour, with the original bubbles of rising air being
supplemented by entrainment of air from the environment around them. Flight
through the cumulus can be quite turbulent even at this stage as the speed of
ascent of the air in the individual cells will vary .

Fig. 7.2 Mature phase

Phase 2
Enough growth has now occurred so that droplets start to fall from the cloud. In
this mature phase probably lasting another 20-30 minutes, while the upper parts
of the cloud are still developing well above the OC level, the precipitation is
producing down-draughts in the cloud warming at approximately the SALR
value. The instability not only permits the cloud tops to build upwards but also
encourages the down-draught of the relatively cold cloudy air to burst out of the
cloud as a cool squall, often called the 'fust gust'. There is still entrainment to
supplement the vertical movement of air .

Phase 3
By this time, the original cells have spent most of their energy -in fact, most was
generated in the f1fSt lj2 to 3f4hour -although the cumulonimbus will probably
last another 2-3 hours. Visually, the ice crystal part of the cloud will be seen
spreading out as the anvil of the cumulonimbus while at low levels the
precipitation has become sporadic. Because a state of balance between the

,... -;:::---


Fig. 7.3 Dissipating phase

cloudy air and its environment is being effected, the vertical currents weaken.
There are still slight up-currents in the upper parts of the cloud but much of the
body and lower part of the cloud consists of subsiding air.
Because of the cellular nature of thunderstorms, there may well be new cells
forming while the older cells are decaying and the associated cloud is dissipating,
so it is not uncommon to see groups of clouds arranged as shown in fig. 7.4.
( .-,=,,--',~--

\ ~
c l.. {).,.
c.'t C"""
"") r.,


Self-propagating storms
For ascending air currents to travel approximately vertically, ideally there
should be a flat calm at all heights and certainly no marked wind shear which
would sever them. Sometimes the wind does change with increase of height so
that, assuming that the instability over the area is great enough for a
thunderstorm still to develop, the axis of the cumulonimbus is tilted. In this case,
the vertical motion in and around the cloud will produce a strong forward cold
down-draught (gust front). This down-graught then in turn will cause the whole
cellular process to be repeated, i.e. the storms are self-propagating (fig. 7.5).
Accidents have occurred where pilots have kept a wary eye on an old anvilled
cumulonimbus only to commit themselvesto a long final approach path through
a newly forming large cumulus with its activity at its peak, between phases 1 and

Once the developing cloud contains ice crystals, a risk of lightning exists. As the
cumulonimbus matures, charges as shown in fig. 7.6 are distributed throughout
the cloud. When the potential difference between the charges has built up to a
critical strength so that it can overcome the resistance of the air separating them,




Fig.7.5 Self-propagating storms


a discharge (the flash of lightning) occurs and neutralises the electrical field for
the time being. However, if the cumulonimbus cells are still active, the charges
immediately start to build up again. The discharge may be entirely within the
cloud, from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth. Because the heat of the
lightning stroke causesthe air through which it is passing to expand explosively,
we hear the clap of thunder. Dividing by five the time interval in secondsbetween
a ground observer seeing a flash and hearing the thunder gives the distance away
in miles of the lightning, becausealthough the light is seeninstantaneously (or at
strictly 186000 miles per second), the sound will travel from the flash at
approximately one-fnth of a mile per second.

Fig. 7.6 Distribution of electrical charges

If the non-aviating pundit in the airport restaurant declares 'Forked lightning

is dangerous, sheet lightning is not', this is perfectly correct as far as risk to a
ground observer is concerned. Forked lightning means the directly sighted flash
and describes the irregular path adopted by the discharge. Sheet lightning is the
name given colloquially to the general illumination of the sky as seenby a ground
observer becausethe lightning flash has taken place either within the cloud or on
its other side so that the actual flash is obscured from view.

From time to time, the CAA has thought it appropriate to issue a pink 'Safety'
Aeronautical Information Circular to remind pilots of the care required when
flying in the presence of thunderstorms. The carriage of weather radar on the
flight deck has enabled pilots to have early recognition of thunderstorms near the
flight path. It is prudent, and always appreciated by the passengers, to avoid
thunderstorms rather than to fly in or close to them if it is operationally feasible
to do so. All thunderstorms are potentially dangerous and their external
appearance is no guide to the severity of the hazards that may be expected. The
hazards, not in any order of priority, may be summarised as:

1. Base height. Many large cumuliform clouds have a base height of some 1500
feet or more above ground level so there is space for light aircraft to operate
beneath them if necessary. Once thundery precipitation starts, the cloud base
lowers and terrain clearance beneath the clouds becomes difficult to maintain.
Inside the thunderstorm the visibility may be down to 20 metres.

2. Hail. Despite the mass of information which has been gathered since World
War II, there is still no means by which hail can be forecast to fall from particular
cumulonimbus clouds with 100% certainty. The forecaster can only provide a
pilot with a percentage probability at the best.
Soft hail or graupel are insignificant. Large hailstones, however, are a problem
and form when the up-currents prevent small, soft hail from failling out of the
cloud. These small stones are carried upwards, striking water drops which freeze
around them as a sheet of clear ice. Successivejourneys up and down give
alternate layers of soft and clear ice as well as the possibility of hailstones fusing
together. With the great vertical extent and strong up-currents of thunderstorms
in low latitudes, hailstones can build up to golf-ball or tennis-ball size. Although
the period involved in transiting the hail area of a thunderstorm may be relatively
short, damage from large hailstones can be considerable especially to radomes,
transparencies, upper and leading surfaces (including de-icer equipment). The
greater the aircraft's speed,the greater the damage and hail can be met anywhere
in or under the storm -even under an overhanging anvil.

clear k:e (glaza)


Fig. 7.7 Section through a hailstone

3. Icing. The subject of icing is dealt with as a topic in its own right in Chapter
9. Nevertheless, it should be noted that thunderstorm clouds give icing problems
both in the engine(s) and on the airframe. In a piston engine even at temperatures
above 0C there can be a serious loss of power while a turbine engine may suffer
a flame-out. One the airframe, the large supercooled water drops freeze to give
a rapid build-up of clear ice with its attendant problems of increased weight,
disturbed relative airflow decreasing lift and increasing drag, risk of control
surfaces becoming lesseffective, etc. Check the operation of all anti-icing and de-
icing equipment ana that the pitot heaters are switched on.

4. Instrument e"ors. Turbulent airflow around the aircraft and the localised
variations in pressure can produce rapid and serious errors in the readings of the
altimeter, airspeed indicator and vertical speed indicator. If the pressure head
suffers serious rain ingress or, worse still, ices up, the pressure instrument
readings are useless. Remember too that a lightning strike on the aircraft will
probably rearrange the aircraft's magnetism so the compass heading will be

5. Lightning. This can be used, especially at night, to supplement the aircraft's

weather radar for pinpointing the most active storm areas. Becauseof metal-to-
metal bonding and screening of vulnerable equipment, an aircraft struck by

lightning is unlikely to suffer more than a scorch mark on the aircraft's skin.
Nevertheless the sudden brilliance of the flash, the noise, and sometimes the
burning smell, can be distracting to say the least. In a thunderstorm, lightning
may occur at any level but has been observed most frequently on test flights
between + 10C and -10C, that is, in a 10000 feet band about the freezing level.
To avoid the distraction and blinding effect, wind up the cockpit lighting to full.
At least one of the operating pilots on the flight deck should wear dark glasses.

6. Squalls, windshear and micro-bursts. Squalls from thunderstorms wrecked

mariners for centuries before aviation commenced. Flying has led to a
continuing study of such airflow and yet its pattern cannot be precisely forecast
or measured despite an intense study set up by ICAO in 1977. Major airports
issue windshear alerting messages and pilots are expected to report any
windshear experienced. Figures 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10 depict three possible
circumstances which present problems to aircraft taking off or landing.
Sometimes the normal variation of wind speed with height becomes greatly
accentuated, perhaps decreasing from 40 knots or more at 1000-2000 feet to less
than 10 knots near the surface. If the pilot does not intervene, the actual flight
path will divert progressively from that intended (fig. 7.8). A varying crosswind
component complicates the matter.


25 kt tI88dwW.t ~~ ~ path

~ 1'~ '...m '..

Fig. 7.8 Effect of decreasing headwind when on the approach

Fig. 7.9 Effect of a gust front ahead of a thunderstorm of an aircraft on the


The gust front already referred to in the paragraph on self-propagating storms

may be 15 to 20 miles ahead of the storm which generated it. It may be marked
by newly-forming cumuliform cloud or by a line of duststorms in desert
countries, but equally it may be quite invisible. A typical airflow structure could
then take the form shown in fig. 7.9 and take-offs and landings at aerodrome A
should be delayed.
Microbursts are particularly intense and localised -probably not more than
half a mile across -and especially hazardous when they are overhead or near the
runway in use, as in fig. 7.10. Also the microbursts are often asymmetrical,
various patterns having been identified as shown in fig. 7.11. Again, if on the
approach in thunderstorm conditions it is found that abnormal levels of power
are necessaryto maintain the airspeed, attitude and glideslope, then a windshear
go-around should be initiated.

Fig.7.10 Change in flight path due to micro-burst

Stationary Moving Twisting

Strong winds

Fig. 7.11 Horizontal patterns of microbursts

Research in the USA and accident investigations have also disclosed the
existence and potential hazards of 'dry microbursts'. In these, precipitation
falling from the thunderstorms into relatively dry air of the lower atmosphere
evaporates readily, and the large negative buoyancy produced acceleratesthe air
downwards entraining more very dry air. No precipitation then reaches the
surface but a microburst windshear occurs.
Following the same research, the US Federal Aviation Administration (F AA )

initiated the 'low level windshear alert system (LL WAS)' at major US airports
where windshear problems are a frequent hazard. LL WAS detects not only
microbursts but also any hazardous windshear, as described on pages 129-31.

7. Precipitation. Apart from problems from virga under the cloud base and
from the possible ingestion of precipitation into the pitot head, forward visibility
is always seriously reduced in heavy precipitation. For departing and arriving
aircraft there are the hazards of wet runways to contend with.

8. Static. This is often more of a nuisance than a hazard, as it builds up noise

on the radio and can affect communications. It can be an infuriating distraction
just when it is least wanted. It is as well to take care when using non-directional
radio beacons (NDBs) near their maximum range under these conditions and if
in doubt, disregard radio navigation information from ADF and OMEGA.

9. Turbulence. Although last in this alphabetical list, turbulence is by no means

the least of the hazards. It makes the aircraft difficult to handle and indeed,
incorrect handling can lead to loss of control. If the aircraft is flown at a higher
speedthan that specified as its 'rough air' or 'thunderstorm penetration speed' in
the flight manual then there is a risk of structural failure. On the other hand,
speedslower than that recommended may lead to the aircraft stalling.
Becauseof the handling problems in rough air, pilots should make sure before
entering the turbulence that the 'Fasten seat belts' sign is switched on, the aircraft
positioned at the correct safe altitude, power set and the aircraft trimmed to fly
at the recommended penetration speed and at the correct attitude. The
temptation to chase the small-scale fluctuations of the instrument readings must
be resisted and instead, pilots should observe the basic instrument flying
principles of maintaining power and attitude.

Test questions
Q I. Thunderstorms are caused by:
(a) thunder and lightning
(b) anvil cumulonimbus
(c) instability, high humidity, trigger action
Q2. Frontal thunderstorms are mainly associated with:
(a) warm fronts
(b) cold fronts
(c) ridges of high pressure.
Q3. Orographic thunderstorms occur:
(a) at any time during the 24 hours
(b) almost exclusively during the daylight hours
(c) mostly after dark, between sunset and 2 am.
Q4. Heat thunderstorms occur over land in cols because:
(a) the humidity and ELR may be high and the wind speed low
(b) the land will be warmer than the sea
(c) warm fronts frequently occur.

Q5. With a cumulonimbus cloud over the approach end of the runway a
microburst may be experienced:
(a) over or near the runway in use
(b) 15-20 km away, at the edge of the downward 'first gust'
(c) under the nearest self-propagated cumulus.
If a cumulonimbus has developed a large anvil:
(a) it has reached the beginning of the most active (mature) stage
(b) it is in the most active (mature) stage
(c) it has reached the third or dissipating stage.
Q7. If a thunderstorm 10 miles ahead is assessedas still being in the mature
phase, the pilot of a light aircraft:
(a) still has time to climb above the storm
(b) still has enough visibility and terrain clearance to pass beneath the
(c) should alter heading to circumnavigate the storm.
Q8. When flying through a turbulent thunderstorm cloud, increasing up to
maximum speed (V NE):
(a) will enable the storm to be penetrated safely in the shortest time
(b) will probably cause the aircraft to suffer a high speed stall
(c) will greatly increase the risk of structural failure.
Q9. To minimise the effect of lightning striking an aircraft in flight, the pilot
(a) wear dark glassesand turn the cockpit lighting to maximum
(b) turn off all the radios and unnecessary electrics
(c) engage the autopilot and relax.
The general rule relating to the probable direction of movement of a
thunderstorm observed to be 20 nm ahead of your aircraft is:
(a) it will follow the direction of the surface wind
(b) it will follow the direction of the 2000 ft wind
(c) that its motion is not reliably predictable.

Visibility is of major importance to the pilot and is one of the parameters which
determine whether he can fly under Visual Flight Rules (VFR ) on the basis of'see
and be seen'. Legally flight visibility is defined as 'visibility forward from the
flight deck of an aircraft in flight'. When the meteorologist uses the term
'visibility' in discussions with a pilot he is referring to surface conditions and
means the maximum horizontal distance at which an object can be clearly
recognised by the naked eye. The object has to be of a size commensurate with
its distance away from the observer and ideally of a dar~ colour, on the horizon.
If there is a marked variation in the visibility observed in different directions,
then the visibility in the poorest direction is that reported. Particularly, a pilot is
interested in the visibility prevailing along the runway in use in the take-off and
landing direction and this requirement is catered for in poor visibility conditions
by the provision of Runway Visual Range (RVR) when the visibility is below
1500 m. This is a measurement service (not forecast) provided by Air Traffic
Control. If the RVR is measured by instruments called transmissometers (and
there may be three down the length of the runway) then the system is called
IRVR -Instrumented Runway Visual Range. The RVR and IRVR are properly
Air Traffic Services and as such are delat with in the latest edition of the
companion volume, Aviation Law for Pi/ots.
The basic gaseswhich constitute the atmosphere are all invisible. Pilots', and
other travellers', problems stem from the fact that the atmosphere is polluted
which comes between the observer's eye and the object which he is trying to
identify. For the following pages, the non-meteorological factors such as the
effect of a pitch-dark, overcast, moonless night, or an observer with less than
perfect vision will be ignored. The pollutant between the eye and the object may
(a) falling- mainly as precipitation,
(b) rising- dust, sand, snow in a blizzard, etc.,
(c) held in suspension -fog, mist or haze.
Sometimes the pollution can be quite localised. At other times it is very
widespread. Whatever the distribution, pilots should be aware of the circumstan-
ces when the visibility may be expected to deteriorate and those under which it
will improve. Consider each of the casesin turn.

Poor visibility due to falling matter

(a) Precipitation
Already mentioned in Chapter 6, visibility may fall to below 50 metres in thickly
falling snow, especially where flakes are large. Visibility is better in sleet and in
the UK it is better still in rain where, unless the rain is extremely heavy , visibility

is usually 800 to 1000 metres. In torrential tropical downpours, visibility of 50 to

100 metres has been reported. Visibility can also be very poor in drizzle when it
becomes a matter of fme judgement distinguishing between fog and drizzle
droplets. From a pilot's point of view, continuous heavy drizzle may be
associated with visibilities of 400 to 500 metres.

(6) Solid particles

Usually this is a problem in the lowest layers of the atmosphere and associated
with rising matter or particles subsequently held in suspension which are
considered later. There is one casethat should be noted -volcanic eruptions. N 0-
one in his sense would knowingly fly through the clouds above an erupting
volcano. Although not frequent, volcano dust is ejected high into the sky at times
and sometimes persists over quite a long period of time. This dust sinks only
slowly downwards from the upper parts of the troposphere and for some days
there will be poor visibility where the dust is still settling.

Poor visibility due to rising matter

(a) Wind-blown matter

(i) Sea spray. In winds of gale force or stronger, spray is whipped off the waves
and tends to reduce the visibility. This situation is of somewhat academic interest
to the pilot as in these sea conditions, a flying boat or seaplane take-off or
landing would be hazardous to say the least.
(ii) Snow. Strong winds are capable of lifting snow, especially if it is dry and
powdery , and carrying it along in its surface turbulence layer. This is a problem
largely associated with aerodromes in high latitudes particularly in continental
winters. There is then virtually a white-out with no discernible horizon in any
(iii) Dust and sand. Although primarily associated with desert or semi-desert
countries, even eastern Britain has had wind-blown dust from finely tilled soil
after a period of dry weather. In the main, places with an annual rainfall of less
than 10 inches are most vulnerable. Helicopters of course have their own
problems and accentuate already dusty atmospheric conditions. The colour of,
and the terminology used with, such storms varies from place to place and many
storms have local names. Some are described in Chapter 15. In general, sand
may be considered as the heavier, grittier particles which are not raised to such
great heights as lighter dust particles. If the windspeed exceeds 15 to 20 knots in
a desert area, dust and sand are blown up from the surface and are borne along
by the surface turbulence. Although the sand is confined to a shallow layer, the
dust may well be spread through a turbulence layer 3000 feet thick. As long as
the wind speedremains strong enough, the duststorm will continue and the dust
may be carried a considerable distance downwind; for example, from time to
time, Saharan dust reaches the UK. Near their source, visibility in duststorms
may be less than 100 metres. If the storm is associated with a freshening wind as
part of the diurnal variation, as the wind speed drops down again in the evening
so the duststorm abates. If the storm is caused by strong winds associated with

depressions or troughs of low pressure, then its arrival in a particular area can
usually be anticipated, but its effect may be widespread.

Covective storms
(i) Dust-devils. On a normal hot, sunny day in a desert or semi-desert area, the
development of strong convection may be followed by small local whirlwinds of
dust. Usually called dust-devils, they are also sometimes known as dust or sand
pillars becausethe dust is carried up in a column to 1000feet or more. They can
be relatively easily avoided but add to the general dust haze of the area.
(ii) Haboobs. These are much larger-scale storms of the Sudan and are described
in Chapter 15.

Poor visibility due to matter in suspension

Before considering the various possibilities, first some definitions.
Fog: a state of visibility less than 1000 metres (symbol =).
Mist: a state of reduced visibility caused by water drops in suspension, but where
the visibility is 1000metres or more (= ). Thus when visibility is deteriorating mist
precedesfog and when the fog is dispersing it is followed by mist as the visibility
Haze: a state of reduced visibility due to solid particles in suspension; it has no
upper or lower visibility limit.
Next an interesting fact concerning relative humidity in fog and mist. Until
now, it has been stated that as air becomes more humid the relative humidity
approaches 100%. At 100% the air is saturated and if, say, it is subjected to
cooling, it produces excesswater vapour which condenses out. This is true for
pure water but with hygroscopic nuclei present fog may form at relative
humidities of 90 to 100% and sometimes mist has occurred down to 80%.
Air may become saturated close to the earth's surface to produce water
droplet fog due to:
(a) addition of water vapour into the air -'evaporation' fogs: steaming fog;
arctic sea smoke; frontal fog.
(b) cooling either by conduction of heat to the underlying surfaces -radiation
fog; advection fog -or adiabatically -hill or up slope fog.
(c) mixing with other almost saturated air at a markedly different tempera-
ture: mixing fog.

Steaming fog or Arctic sea smoke

On a small scale we have all no doubt seena road or roof'steaming' into the cool
clear air after a rain shower. The 'steaming' or 'smoking' condensation re-
evaporates after some inches ascent from the surface. The evaporation fogs form
by the same principle but on a grander scale.
Referring back to Chapter 3 and the discussion on relative humidity, it will be
remembered that evaporation from an exposed water surface depends upon its
vapour pressure, whether it be open sea or a rain drop (fig. 8.1). If the water
temperature (and hence its vapour pressure) is greater than that of the nearby air ,
the evaporation continues faster than the air can absorb the water vapour , even

O coolair O

warm rain

Fig.8. Evaporation into cool air

though the cool air's relative humidity is 100%. This further evaporation
immediately re-condensesas visible fog which rises up in convection currents. If
the wind blows across cold icy areas to over fjords or breaks in the arctic ice sheet
where clear water is exposed, the water surface 'steams' into the air producing
fog. The fog is usually shallow but may be as much as 500 feet deep in a
Scandinavian fjord (fig. 8.2). The conditions for such fog formation require not
only low surface temperatures but also a pre-existing surface inversion of
temperature to inhibit the rapid development of instability.

Fig. 8.2 Arctic sea smoke

Frontal fog
The accumulative evaporation from the raindrops falling through the cold air
ahead of a warm front for a matter of hours also produces a potential
supersaturation condition. In the main, the evaporation is re-condensed out as
stratus 'ofbad weather' under the main nimbostratus cloud sheet but at times the
condensation will occur at surface levels (fig. 8.3). In this case a belt of fog,
perhaps over 100 nm wide, will be formed along the length of the front and will
move along with the front, immediately ahead of its surface position.

Radiation fog
Although auto-land has enabled enterprising airlines using major airports to
continue their operations, radiation fog regularly prevents small aircraft from
taking off or landing. This fog may well form irregularly over a part of the
countryside so some aerodromes may have a total clamp while others are still


~ ~

frontal fog

Fig. 8.3 Belt of frontal fog

clear, a circumstance in which unwary pilots on a cross-country flight can be

caught out with nowhere in their destination area available for landing.
In the name radiation fog, the 'radiation' refers to the process by which the
surface underlying the fog loses its heat. The air producing the fog cools by
conduction of its heat downwards to the ground beneath. The basic require-
ments for the fog to form are:
(a) cloudless night skies over land
(b) high humidity
(c) light winds of some 2 to 8 knots.
At and after sunset in cloudless conditions, land surfaces cool by loss of heat by
long-wave radiation. The air next to the surface is cooled by conduction. If the
air is moist it will become saturated and further nocturnal cooling will produce
excess water vapour to condense. If conditions of flat calm prevail, the
condensation will be deposited on the ground as dew. In winds of 2 to 8 knots
the cooling is spread through the layer of air from the surface upwards and the
condensation produced is supported by the slight air motion in this
approximately isothermal layer as fog droplets. (If the wind speed exceeds8 to
10 knots, the turbulence would set up an adiabatic lapse rate through the surface
layer and a sheet of stratus or stratocumulus cloud would be formed as already
described in Chapter 6.) The environmental lapse rate at dawn in the three cases


(a) heavy dew (b)fog (c) straliform ck>ud

Fig. 8.4 Effects of surface cooling


would be as shown in fig. 8.4. The inversions shown in each caseresult from the
cooling process and are not prerequisites for the fog to form. If the vertical
thickness of the radiation fog is less than about 250 to 300 feet, the sky will
probably still be discernible.
The formation process gives the clue to the circumstances when radiation fog
will disperse. In winter when the nights are long, the absence of such
circumstances will mean that although the radiation fog may thin out a little
around lunch-time, it will thicken again in the late afternoon and evening and the
fog persists for some days. If there is enough daylight and the sun shines warmly
enough, then the fog will be evaporated away. First the fog may temporarily
thicken with the start of turbulence but then it will thin to mist and probably lift
to patches of thin wispy stratus (called 'lifted fog') before disappearing.
Alternatively, if the wind speedfreshens the visibility will improve. Either the fog
is lifted to low cloud (as in fig. 8.4(c)) or it is mixed with sufficiently dry air above
it for the fog to disperse and give clear skies.

Variations in radiation fog formation

1. Diurnal. Although caused by cooling, radiation fog is most likely just after
sunrise rather than at dawn itself. This is really due to requirement (c) above. A
calm night with only a heavy dew may be followed by barely perciptible
turbulence as the sun rises. Even so, this extremely slight turbulence can be
sufficient for fog suddenly to form or thin mist patches which have formed
during the night to thicken rapidly into fog. Many a pilot has gone into the flight
briefing unit around dawn on a late autumn morning to prepare his flight and
emerged less than an hour later to find the visibility too bad for immediate
departure. If there are no changes in the synoptic situation which would affect
the cloud cover or wind speed,fog formed in the evening thickens throughout the
hours of darkness and on till about an hour after sunrise. Then it will gradually
disperse with 1 to 2 hours after midday likely to be the clearest times.
2. Seasonal. The coincidence of requirements (a), (b) and (c) together with
nights of sufficient length to enable adequate radiational cooling is most likely in
the UK in autumn and early winter. The sea around the British Isles is still
relatively warm so the air then has ample moisture content. The land is gradually
becoming cooling at this time of the year, making the dew point temperature
easier to be reached, and the long nights give the best cooling period.
3. Locations. Radiation fog does not form over the sea. Inland it forms first in
valleys and in low-lying areas (fig. 8.5). Several factors combine to give this
characteristic. Firstly (as will be considered in detail in Chapter 10- katabatic

Fig. 8.5 Radiation fog forming in low-lying areas


winds), air cooled at night tends to drain down into and collect in low-lying areas
-some are known locally as 'frost hollows' -so these are the locations most likely
to be cooled enough to give radiation fog. Secondly, sheltered valleys experience
cooling of the air both from below and from the sides which are also cooling by
radiation, which produces lower temperatures when compared with flat terrain
cooling the air only from below (fig. 8.6).

Thirdly, valleys and low-lying regions tend to be the site of water courses so
that there are often locally higher relative humidities.
Although nothing like as bad as conditions were before the Clean Air Acts
were introduced, radiation fog will be worsened and more persistent if polluted
by domestic and industrial smoke in highly urbanised areas. The other areas
prone to radiation fog are marshes, fens and waterlogged ground generally. The
local relative humidities in light winds are so high in such localities that this more
than offsets any slight effect there might be of the moist ground cooling more
slowly than drier areas.
4. Pressuresystems. For reasons to be dealt with in later chapters, anticyclones,
ridges ofhigh pressure and cols bring light winds. Frequently too, they have little
or no cloud. These pressure systems are therefore the synoptic situations in
which the fog should be expected and as anticyclones are usually slow-moving,
they give the most persistent radiation fog.
5. Sha//ow eveninggroundfog/mist. Sometimes a shallow layer of radiation fog
may form around dusk causing a problem, particularly to light aircraft operating
from small grass airfields. Typically this could occur when a cold front clears the
airfield on a late afternoon in autumn with skies quickly clearing and winds
dropping light. Then the wet surfaces give locally high relative humidities and the
evening cooling produces the mist or fog. This may then thicken and deepen
from the shallow layer, as already described. However, if the wind falls to calm
the ground fog will be replaced by dew while if the winds freshen as a polar
maritime airstream becomes established, the visibility may well become good
soon afterwards.

Advection fog
In this case the air is cooled by conduction from below because it has moved
horizontally to a colder surface area (fig. 8.7). The surface temperature 'B' has to
be colder than the dew point temperature of the incoming air' A " but wind
speedscan be much stronger than with radiation fog, up to 20 to 25 knots over

moist air
up to 25 k~s

///////////~"""""""" ~"""

Fig. 8.7 Formation of advection fog

the sea. Although the same remarks apply about the turbulence causing
adiabatic cooling, a strengthening of wind speedsin advection fog from say 5 to
15 knots merely brings in the moist air faster for cooling by the underlying
surface. Typical situations for advection fog to form are as follows (figs 8.8 to
8.11) and in each case, for the fog to disperse, either the wind direction must
change markedly -the most likely cause -or it must freshen up towards gale
force (when the fog will lift into very low cloud), while over land (fig. 8.8) the fog
may also be dispersed by solar heating. In the casesshown in figs 8.9,8.10 and
8.11 there is no diurnal variation in the fog, which is just as likely to be
encountered out at sea (say when operating to an off-shore oil rig) by day as at
night. In all cases,provided the basic airflow is maintained over the cold surface,
advection fog will form irrespective of the cloud cover or pressure system.
1. Advectionfog over land. This is most likely in the autumn and winter when the
sea is still relatively warm and the land is cooling or already cold (fig. 8.8).
2. Advectionfog over the sea with air movingfrom the land This is most likely to
occur in the spring and summer when land temperatures have warmed up while
the seahas remained cool. In order for the land air to become sufficiently humid,


Fig. 8.8 Advection fog over land


the air may pass for some distance over open sea before the fog forms. The haar
blown in from the North Seato the east coast of Britain is typical of such fog (fig.
3. Advection fog over a cold sea cu"ent. In some parts of the ocean, some sea
currents are much colder than nearby areas which may even contain warm water
currents. Such situations occur off Japan and Newfoundland. Warm moist air
blown over the cold current will produce advection fog. Figure 8.10 depicts air
blown from the Gulf Stream to the Labrador Current. It may occur at any

Fig. 8.9 Advection fog over sea

Fig. 8.10 Advection fog over cold sea current


seasonbut in summer, land air from the North American continent can also give
fog over the Labrador Current.
4. Advection fog in air moving over the ocean to higher latitudes. Except for
localities where there are warm or cold sea currents, sea temperatures decrease
gradually with latitude from the equator to the poles. In some synoptic
situations, as for example that shown in fig. 8.11, air can be moved appreciable
distances over sea of steadily decreasing temperature.
The gradual decreasein sea temperature from 'I' to '2' to '3' reduces the air
temperature to below the original dew point temperature and widespread
advection fog r,:;sults. Fog often forms in the south-western approaches to the
English Channel for this reason and depending upon whether the wind direction
is more westerly or more southerly so the fog spreads either up the Channel or
into the Celtic Sea,often hampering operations from coastal aerodromes as well
as from offshore rigs.

Fig. 8.11 Advection fog forming in air moving into colder latitudes

Din or upslope fog

This is nothing more than orographic cloud of which the base is obscuring high
ground. Unfortunately not aU pilots in the past have realised that it is not
necessaryto have steep cliffs or precipitous mountain sides to produce adiabatic
cooling. Air that is moving over ground which is gradually sloping upwards also
cools adiabatically. Depending upon whether or not the observer is within any
cloud that forms as a result of the adiabatic cooling, so the observer will call it
cloud (low stratus) or hill fog (fig. 8.12). Gradually rising land near coasts is a
most favourable locality for up slope fog but any cloud, whether orographic or

fig. 8..12 Hill or upslopefog

not, of which the base is obscuring high ground is a state of hill fog for an
observer on the high ground.

Mixing fog
Although theoretically possible, it is doubtful whether, on any of the occasions
when it might have been claimed that mixing caused the fog to form, there were
no other equally good causesfor the condensation. The requirements are for two
air masses of very humid air but of very different temperatures to mix (for
example, 'A' and 'B' in fig. 8.13). When mixed together, the final mixture 'C'
could have a water vapour content in excess of the amount 'D' necessary to
saturate the air at its new temperature. Thus this excess'CD' would condense
and be suspended(in the turbulence associated with the mixing) as fog. No doubt
the mixing process may aid the thickening of fogs formed due to other causes,on
which it would probably be better for pilots to focus their attention.

Smoke haze
As already mentioned in the description of radiation fog, the Clean Air Acts
have improved the visibility generally over the UK in recent years. Smoke may

Fig.8.13 Mixing as a fog-producing process


nevertheless be a problem when operating particularly internationally. It arises

from two main sources: urban areas and burning vegetation. In the former, the
smoke arises from both industrial and domestic buildings. In stable air
conditions, e.g. a surface inversion, the particles of soot, etc., are neither
dispersed vertically nor washed from the air by precipitation. In calm conditions
a general haze develops, trapped below the inversion, while in a light wind the
pollution moves slowly to the downwind side of the urban area. The haze is
worst at night. Strong winds and/or precipitation will clear the smoke. In the
case of burning vegetation, heath and gorse fires occur in the open countryside,
especially in hot dry weather. In some parts of the world, widespread grass, bush
or forest fires can occur and cover a large area. With these sorts of fIfes, whether
caused accidentally or as a feature of the local cultivation practice, the opposite
is true (compared to urban smoke) as regards wind speed. A freshening wind
brings more oxygen to make the fIfes burn faster and blows sparks downwind to
ignite new material. Becauseof the strong convection, such smoke rises to great
heights over and downwind of the fIfe. Visibility is reduced, flying is bumpy and
you may well smell the smoke through the air conditioning system.

Visibility from the air

One of the first facets of visibility noted by a student pilot on his early map-
reading exercisesis that from the flight-deck the visibility is not the same in all
directions, nor necessarily the same as he observed before take-off. Even in a
given direction, vertical, oblique (slant) and horizontal visibility may well differ,
as is shown in fig. 8.14, where there is a layer of fog or surface haze. For
simplicity, it is assumedthat fog or haze is of uniform density in all directions and
that the maximum visibility through it is x metres. An aircraft 'H' flying above
the fog or haze layer can seethe point 'U' vertically beneath the aircraft because
there are lessthan the limiting amount of particles (c) in his sight line. In fact, the
pilot can seeup to a distance UW from the aircraft's geographical position, this
distance being called the oblique visibility. As the aircraft's altitude decreasesso

*H "
I ,

v w
Fig.8.14 Visibility from the air

proportionately (on the principle of similar triangles) does the oblique visibility.
Ultimately, when the aircraft is on the approach at A within the haze layer or fog,
the visibility will be poorest with the end of the runway 'W' coming into view
overhead 'V' at a slant range of x.
Away from a given direction, the distance at which ground objects can be
recognisedfrom the air may well vary with the relative position of the sun or even
a fairly full moon. Because of the minimum glare that a pilot will experience
when looking down-sun ground features directly away from the direction of the
sun will be seen to greater ranges than when looking towards the sun. On the
other hand, in bright moonlight when glare is no problem, objects can be most
easily identified when looking towards the moon when reflection can help in
their recognition.

Test questions
Ql. For radiation fog to form, the requirements are:
(a) light winds up to 10 knots, high humidity, instability
(b) cloudless inland night, high humidity, wind 2 to 8 knots
(c) clear skies, calm to 2 knots wind, high humidity.
Q2. Prerequisites for the formation of steaming fogs are:
(a) unstable lapse rate, high humidity, water warmer than the air
(b ) inversion, low air temperature, water much warmer than the air
(c) high humidity, lapse rate approximately ISA, water warmer than
the air.
Q3. Advection fog forms:
(a) only over land
(b) only over sea
(c) over land and over sea.
Q4. Radiation fog forms most frequently in:
(a) anticyclones, ridges and cols
(b) troughs of low pressure
(c) depressions and cols.
Q5. You are making an early winter night cross-country flight over land and
at the time of collecting your forecast the surface conditions at your last
landing point were cloudless, calm and the dewpoint temperature 2 C deg
below the air temperature. Assuming that it is 2y2hours before dawn and
no change of air mass occurs, the possibility of radiation fog at that last
landing point:
(a) is unlikely
(b) is most likely between midnight and dawn
(c) is greatest just after dawn.
Q6. Flying in the circuit on a cloudless winter day in the UK with a surface
haze layer, visibility will be poorest when landing:
(a) on runway 31 at 1400 hours local time
(b) on runway 25 at 1000 hours local time
(c) on runwav 25 at 1500 hours local time-

Q7. Advection fog does not form when:

(a) skies are overcast or nearly so
(b) wind speedsexceed 8 to 10 knots
(c) it has been, and remains, calm.
Q8. A 'thaw fog' over melting snow will be a case of:
(a) advection fog
(b) evaporation fog
(c) radiation fog.
Q9. Flying over a desert area:
(a) dust is encountered at greater heights than sand
(b) sand is encountered at greater heights than dust
(c) dust and sand haze are experienced up to the same heights.
QlO. Dust storms in semi-desert regions:
(a) only occur during daylight hours
(b) do not affect the visibility when they reach the coast
(c) can occur along troughs of low pressure instead of dense frontal
9: Icing

Icing is ahazardwhich the aviator shareswith the mariner but unfortunately on

a wider global scale. However, whereas a mariner may find icing conditions
developing over an area ofocean faster than he can move clear ofthe area, in the
caseof the aviator, keeping clear of airframe icing conditions should normally be
entirely within his control. Although most of this chapter is devoted to airframe
ice accretion, it is concluded with a discussion of power plant icing which also
could significantly affect the aircraft's performance by, for example, causing
total engine failure in a light aircraft flying in a cloudless sky.
A quick revision first of terms already introduced in earlier chapters which
must be borne in mind.
Latent heat - heat involved in a changeofstate ofa substancewithout changeof
temperature. It is releasedin the change from liquid to solid'
Supercooling- water remaining in its liquid state despite its temperature being
below 0oC.This is an unstable state of affairs with the water turning to solid (ice)
when disturbed.
Becauseof its relevanceto the type of icing formed when supercooled drops
freeze"also be reminded ofthe value learnt at school that the figure for the latent
heat of fusion of ice is 80 calories per gram, i.e. when I gram freezesit releases
80 calories. (In turn, of course, I calorie is the amount of heat required to raise
the temperature of I gram of water through I C deg.)
In aviation forecasts.two other terms are used in connection with icing:
Freezing level or |oC isotherm. This is the height at which the environmental
temperature is 0'C. In fact there may be more than one such height, if there is an
inversion present. Usually the temperatures are sub-zero at greater heights than
the OoCisotherm but also this is not true if there is an inversion.
Icing index or intensity. This relates to the rate of accumulation and may be
classifiedas light $f), moderate (\/)or heavy (\fp. The terms mean' respectively
- light: no problem if de-icinglanti-icing equipment is used; moderate: use of de-
icing/anti-icing equipment, or diversion, is necessary otherwise potentially
dangerous even over a short period; severe: de-icinglanti-icing equipment will
not reduce or control the hazard and diversion is essential.

Hazards of airframe ice accretion

The effects are cumulative but are treated separately below to simplify the
explanations. Do not ever assumethat, whether in level flight or about to taxy
out for take,ofi increasing speed will cause the ice or snow to blow off your
'safety' Aeronautical Information
aeroplane's surfaces. In a series of pink
Circulars, the CAA repeatedly issueswarnings to pilots, backed up by examples
of accidents and incidents.
100 MErEoRoLoGy t,

(a) Ltft and drag

The icing, particularly when forming on leading edgesof mainplanes and other 1

surfaces,soon alters the profile so that the relative airflow is disturbed. Not only
is there an increasein drag but it is accompanied with a reduction in lift so the
llft/drag ratio is quickly eroded. Because all surfaces (including propellers)
exposedto the relative airflow are affected, ice accretion on the tailplane, fin and
all control surfaceswill impair their efficiency and can ultimately lead to loss of
control. For example, this can happen due to icing on the tailplane when flaps
are lowered on the approach. Flutter set up by quite thin layers of ice on control
surfacescan lead subsequentlyto structural damage.

(b) Hinges,locks and seals

Moving on from iced-up control surfaces,serious problems occur when other
moving parts are covered, even partially, by ice. For example, on selecting
down' the doors may be impossible to open if they have an
external coat of ice, ice in the locking mechanisms, in hinges and seals or
moisture freezesin pressure lock systems.

(c) Weight
The increasein all-up weight due to icing is not negligible, so requiring more lift
and hence more power to maintain level flight. If the ice accumulatesunevenly
there may be a changein the air craft's centre of gravity and henceits'weight and

(d) Vibration
Apart from the flutter mentioned in (a) above, serious vibration can also result
from an unbalanced distribution of icing, not so much due to irregular formation
but more due to an unequal breaking away of ice.

(e) Aerials
On older airctafl, ice on aerials can impair communications and in the caseof
aerials may lead to their vibration and eventual fracture.

fi Instnmtent readings
If, despiteuse of the pitot heater, ice blocks the pressurehead or static vent then
the pressureinstruments - machmeter, airspeedindicator, altimeter and vertical
speed indicator - will give false readings (or even no reading!).

(g) Transparencies
often ice can first be detected visually by its appearancein flight in the corners
of windshields. Allowed to develop, vision will quickly become obstructed.

Icing on parked aircraft

The ice may occur in one of three ways: depositedas ice already formed (i.e. from
snowflakes), sublimation direct from water vapour, or freezing of water.

(a) Packed snow

Dry snow doesnot adhere readily to a dry aircraft but will be blown into intakes,
apertures, corners, etc. If the aircraft surface is wet or the snow is wet (i.e.
'pack' down onto all exposed
contains some liquid water) then the snow will
areas and to some depth, requiring careful removal.

(b) Hoar frost

The white winter equivalent of dew, hoar frost forms when the air temperature
falls below OoCand then to below the frost point temperature to give direct
sublimation of the excesswater vapour into the white crystalline frost deposit'
While not particularly heavy, it must be removed before take-off not only to give
a clear view through the transparenciesbut also becauseit disturbs the boundary
layer airflow, so seriously reducing total lift while increasing drag.

(c) Rime
Rime is the result of freezing fog and forms when the temperature falls to below
the dew point temperature to produce fog and then falls further to below 0oC.
The fog droplets then become supercooled.As they drift gently along and come
into contact with objects with surface temperatures below OoCsuch as parked
aircraft, the disturbed droplets turn to ice. The ice is therefore found on the
windward side and builds out into the wind. It is a rough, white, opaque, porous
deposit (and often used by photographers to produce picturesque Christmas
cards using frosted treesand shrubs as their subjects).It is the form of ice around
the lining of the domestic refrigerator or deep-freeze.

(d) Glazedfrost (Rain lce)

Unlike the three preceding cases,glazed frost is fortunately relatively rare in the
UK, but when it does occur it posesserious problems for all forms of transport
and, becauseof its weight, brings down overhead wires, power cables, etc. It is
sometimescalled clear ice or rain ice and is a sheetof transparent or translucent
ice with a glasslike appearancewhich forms over all exposed surfaces.It forms
when the temperature is below OoCand rain falls from an inversion above. The
rain drops form a sheetof water which then freezes,excluding any air, so giving
a solid, heavy sheetof ice everywherethat the rain has falled and run. Going back
to the domestic refrigerator or deep-freezefor comparison, the same sort of ice
is formed when ice cubes are made in the tray.

Although all ice must be removed before take-off, there are therefore various
forms of frost and it must be clearly understood which type is being forecast
when assessingwhether operations at the planned time will be possible and if so,
what will be involved in the clearing of the aircraft and possibly the airport
facilities. In fact, eight different frost terms may be met in the UK:
I. Ground froJl - temperature of OoC or colder measured by a horizontal
thermometer lying touching grass I to 2 inches in length.
2. Air frost - air temperature below 0'C in a thermometer screen4 feet above
ground level.
102 MErEoRoLocY

3. Radiationfrost - a particular caseof 2 causedby the air being cooled by the

underlying ground which itself is cooling by radiation.
4. Wind frosl - a particular case of 2 caused by the sub-zero air condition
developing elsewhereand being brought in by the wind.
5. Black frost - an air frost but no hoar frost on the ground.
6. Whitefrosl - hoar frost as described in (b) above.
7. Glazedfrosl - as described in (d) above.
8. Silver frosl - a surface deposit of frozen dew (which may co-exist with hoar
'black ice' for the roads to
If the motoring organisations are issuing warnings of
the airport, they are referring to glazed frost.

Action pre-flight
1. If it is your responsibility for safeguarding the aircraft between flights, heed
frost warnings for the period prior to your flight so that the aircraft can be best
protected against the elementsso minimising the de-icing required to prepare the
aircraft for service.Ideally, keep it in a heated hangar!
2. Fit all orifice fuards, covers,engineblanks before starting to de-ice.Although
some loose snow can be brushed off, de-icing fluid of the correct strength will
really be neededto clear it all offtogether with any frost and ice.
3. Surfaces which remain wet from under-strength de-icing fluid will in fact
enhance re-formation of icing or packing snow especially if there is any delay
betweende-icing and taking off. In fact, it is not bad practice to tend to finish the
de-icing with some over-strength fluid on leading edgesof all surfaces to give
some anti-icing protection.
4. Remove all the covers,guards, blanks, etc., and check that all orifices are clear
of ice. snow or slush. At the same time , double check that all inlets and outlets,
vents, hinges, exposed operating mechanisms,sealsand gaps between surfaces
are completely clear of contamination.
5. Check that the de-icing fluid has not cleaned away greasefrom vital areas.
6. Do not taxy if there is likely to be a hold which will negate all the de-icing
procedures that have been carried out.
7. When taxying, remember the advice already given in Chapter 6 for operating
on contaminated runways and use engine anti-icing, carburettor heat and
propeller de-icing as appropriate.
8. Keep well clear of the other aircraft taxying ahead.Itis not aclever idea to put
your aircraft in the wake ofthe hot engine exhaust ofthe aircraft in front ofyou
to keep your aircraft de-iced.
9. Immediately prior to take-off re-check that all the visible surfaces are still
uncontaminated by snow or ice and that all anti-icing devicesavailable have been
set. Remember that there may be very cold fuel in wing tanks which will be
conducting heat away from wing surfaces, so inducing ice formation. Once
airborne, be ready to operate the de-icing equipment as appropriate.

Ice accretion in flight

In flight, although the same forms of icing are experienced as occur on the
tclNc 103

ground, there is a wide range of variations due to differing degrees of the

the temperature and the degree of supercooling of the water drops being
encountered bY the aircraft
kinetic heating
cloud density and/or concentration of liquid water
size of supercooled droPs
cloud base temperature
effect of high ground
which are now considered in turn.

For all practicalpu{poses,supercooledwaterdropsmay be encountereddown
-40oC' larger drops
to -40.C. Only the smallestdrops can be supercooledto
beingsupercooled to a lesserextent.As eachdrop is struckby an aircraftit starts
to ctiangefrom liquid to solid,i.e. ice.Becausethe latentheatof fusionof ice is
80 caloriesper gram,one-eightiethof a supercooled drop freezeson impactfor
eachC degofsupercooling (fig. 9.1)'

-*"- *s'c

4 \ \
30/80 fteezeon impacl gSOfreeze on impac't

Fig. 9.1 Supercooled waterdrops freeze partially on impact

The freezing processreleaseslatent heat which warms up the remaining part

of the drop to 0oc. This liquid part of the drop then flows over the airctaft
structure to freeze fractionally later by conduction. The ice formation is
therefore a two-stage process(frg.9.2).
The nearer the sub-zerotemperature is to 0oC,the greater will be the flowback
and the worse will be the resultant icing.

air lempralure

(H) othedropno,vs
x /SoLeez
on impacl back to treze lrac,tionaly
laler by conductbn

Fig.9.2 The freezing process ofa supercooled waterdrop

104 MErEoRoLocY

Kinetic heating
Although ftg.9.2 shows an aircraft which has acquired the same temperature
(-x"C) as its environment, this may not be true for fast aircraft. However, for
relatively slow aircraft cruising in level flight at speedsup to, say, 250 knots, this
is a realistic approximation.
Kinetic heating arisesfrom the airflow around the aircraft from two sources
- compressibility and frictional effects.Compressibility at the stagnation points
in the relative airflow heats the air adiabatically. Where the relative airflow is
greatest(and the compressibility heating least) there is maximum heating due to
friction between the air and the aircraft surface. The temperature rise in C deg
due to kinetic heating on and near leading edgesis given by:
/ \ '
Temperature rise (c deg) = (TAl-!-nots )
\ r 0 0 I
e.g. for 500 knots, the temperature rise will be 25 C deg.
Sometimesthe kinetic heating may be offset to some degree.This occurs when
the aircraft surfacehas becomewet, say by flying through cloud. The wet surface
then evaporates its moisture away using latent heat of vaporisation (which is
around 600 calories per gram). In practice, the rule is to use the indicated air
temperature in assessingthe icing risk as the thermometer element itself will be
subject to both the kinetic heating and the cooling due to latent heat of

Concentrotion of liqaid water (cload density)

As the ice accumulated by an aircraft originates from the water it encounters,the
greater the concentration of liquid, the faster and more severe will be the ice
accretion. There will be more latent heat to be dissipated before the freezing is
completed, more water spreading over the aircraft surface and merging with
adjoining drops, all tending towards producing clear ice.

Increasing air speed servesto increase the rate of catch of water drops in the
aircraft's flight path so acting in the same way as an increaseof cloud density.

Size of supercooled water drops

It has already been mentioned that the smallest drops can be supercooled to a
greater degree than the largest water drops. They also tend to be sufficiently
spacedfrom neighbouring small drops so that they freezeon impact. This means
that air is trapped between the separately frozen drops, giving a soft white
opaque deposit of rime. At the other extreme, large water drops (which may be
associatedwith a high cloud density and only a small amount of supercooling)
will have a large spread-back of water over the aircraft while the freezing is
occurring. Merging with the liquid portion of adjoining drops gives a sheet of
freezing water excluding air and becoming clear ice. The two contrasting
conditions are depictedin fig. 9.3.
Often the situation is not so clear-cut as depicted in fig. 9.3, with drops of an

smalldroos- rimeice large drops - clear ice

Fig. 9.3 Effectof supercooledwaterdropsize

intermediate size or a mixture of sizes and this produces an ice formation

intermediate between rime and clear ice (seebelow - cloudy or mixed ice)'

Cloud base temperature

When flying at levels well above the cloud base, cloud base temperature may
seemto be totally unconnected with any assessmentof icing risk at cruising level.
The reason why it is very significant as far as towering cumuliform clouds are
concerned is becausethe warmer the cloud base temperature, the greater the
concentration of liquid water, of which the effects have been described above'
The base height of cumuliform cloud is much the same everywhere but at the
warmer temperaturesof summer or tropical latitudes there is more condensation
in the lower parts of the cloud than in the cooler temperaturesof winter or higher
latitudes. The vigorous convection carries the condensed droplets upwards so
the warmer clouds contain more free water than the clouds with lower base
temperatures. Becauseof their warmer base temperatures, towering cumulus
and cumulonimbus in summer will have a greater liquid water concentration
than those in winter in temperate latitudes.

Effia of high ground

This is in some ways a rather insidious effect which must be guarded against.
Supposethat the flight has been in cloud for some time and the aircraft's de-icing
system is coping with the ice that has been forming becausethe supercooled
drops have been small and the liquid water concentration relatively low (fig.
9.a@\. When the aircraft moves into a mountainous region the up-currents in
the cloud will be reinforced by the upward deflection of lower level winds (fig.

4-l-;att -:
droptets, seriousicing
_-y icing.- ._
- : _ slighttomoderate

(a)overlat terrain (b)overhillyterrl*Jii:-

f : i .' - ."' , , ' . : :
\r";, iif
\-, o-,; .i.>:.

9.4(b) supporting larger drops in denser cloud and probably with a lowered
freezing level. The consequentincreasein severity and rapidity ofice accretion
while flying in apparently unchanged IMC can quickly lead to a serious
situation. Although the effect might reasonably be anticipated over high ground
such as the Alps or the Scottish Highlands, pilots should also beware that the
problem of a sudden and rapid build-up of icing can also be encountered over
hills of more modest dimensions such as the Wolds of Lincoln or Yorkshire, the
Chilterns or The Downs.

Forms of in-flight ice accretion

Hoor frost
Hoar frost occurs in moist cloudlessair which is cooled by a cold aircraft moving
from a colder layer, so that the air in contact with the aircraft surface is cooled
to below OoCand to below its frost point. This could occur either following a
rapid descent or after taking off into a marked surface inversion such as on a
winter's night in a cold country (fig. 9.5(a) and (b)).

relatvelywam lltrrnld ak

Fig. 9.5 Hoar frost in flight in clearair

Rime ice
Rime ice occurs under flight conditions which are the equivalent of freezing fog,
i.e. small supercooled water drops in cloud with a relatively low rate of catch.
When these water drops freeze almost instantaneously, small ice particles are
produced along leading edgeswith air entrapped between them to give a rough
white opaque deposit, with little spread-back over the mainplanes etc. Typical
conditions to give rime ice are illustrated in fig. 9.6.

Clear ice
Clear ice occurs when the aircraft encounters large, slightly supercooled water
drops giving a high rate of catch. This may occur in densecloud or in rain. The
freezing of the supercooled water drops is relatively slow so that while some ice
is formed on impact, most of the water spreads back while freezing to give a
healry, adhesive, clear or translucent deposit of ice with a glassy surface. The
densecloud conditions are usually as depicted in fl'g. 9.7.
ICING t0'7
(a) clouds of limitedverticalextent,in temperaturesbetween0oC and -40"C, such as

-- -
- Y/
- -
4dL d_
stratus, altocumulus,'fair-weather'
stratocumulus, cumulus

(b)upperpartsof dense
-v--* --\
-40.c .1
-J --- ,,
/ ' - Y . R I M E \yr
( -10"c \_
- -/-:-'--- -- -
f - --
nimbostratus -100Cand-40oC

or toweringcumulusor cumulonimbus

Fig. 9.6 Flight conditionsfor rime ice

Cloudy (mixed)ice
Cloudy (mixed) ice occurswhen conditions are intermediatebetweenthose
quotedfor rime and for clearice, arisingfrom the wide rangeof supercooled
waterdrop sizesbetween0"C and -40oC,varyingcloud density,etc.
The smallerthe drop sizeand the lower the temperature,the morerough and
rime-likewill be the cloudy ice that is formed. Conversely,the largerthe drop
size,the nearerthe temperatureto OoCand the higher the rate of catch,the
smootherand glassierwill the icebecome.Also if the cloud containsicecrystals
aswell asthe freezingwaterdropsthey will becomefrozenin the ice accretion,
giving a roughercloudierform.
Cloudy (mixed)ice is unlikely in stratocumulus,altocumulusor altostratus
unlessthe cloud has beenformed orographically.It is most likely in towering
cumulus,cumulonimbusand orographiccloud at temperaturesaround -20oC
andin nimbostratusaround-5'C to -l0oC dependingupon thedegreeoffrontal
108 MErEoRoLocY

(a)towering orcumulonimbus
cumulus 0oCand-20oC

-20"c t_G_* )17r-

/ ( \{tf
r \ly I

( rCE
, 1


cumulus cumulonimbus

or (b)dense
nimbostratus 0oCand-10oC

or (c)orographic nimbostratus
altostratus, between
andstratocumulus 0oCand

(d) clearice in rainat temperatures

below0oCis mostlikelyaheadof a warmfront,especially
if the
aircrafthasexpediteda rapiddescentfrom a muchcolderupperregion


Fig. 9.7 Flight conditions for clear ice

rcrNc 109

Packed snow
If snowflakesare met while flying in icing conditions they will becomeembedded
on the airframe ice accretion making the deposit opaque, which may be referred
to as'packed snow'as on the ground. It may not be particularly densecompared
with clear or cloudy ice but it can be very effective in blocking intakes and

Flight procedure in airframe icing conditions

At temperaturescolder than -40oc or when flying in cirriform cloud the chances
of airframe icing are very small indeed and any rime that may be encountered
will not be of any significance. However, when flying at sub-zero temperatures
in other cloud or in precipitation, airframe icing must be anticipated and the
appropriate procedure followed, including the use of the aircraft's de-icing
systems.Remember that there may be power loss due to engine icing too.

Icing in scattered or broken cloud

In thesecircumstancesit is important to remember that when an aircraft emerges
from cloud with ice on the mainplanes, etc., this ice, whatever its type, does not
quickly evaporate. Successive passes through cloud therefore lead to a
progressivebuild-up of ice and a worsening problem. The best practice therefore
(within the constraints of air traffic control) is to fly around rather than through
detached cloud masses(fig. 9.8).

Fig. 9.8 Avoid detachedcloudsgivingsevereicing

Icing in continaous cloud or precipitstion

In freezing rain a decision is required urgently as the ice reaches dangerous
proportions in a matter of minutes. The choice of how to get clear of the freezing
rain is simply:
1. descendto an icing-free layer where the temperatures are definitely warmer
than 0oC,provided that there is sufficient terrain clearance.The pilot must know
his position and the safety height.
2. climb to an icing-free layer (ideally an inversion where temperatures are
warmer than 0"C). In this case there are also provisos. Firstly it must be
remembered that the aircraft will continue to collect ice while it is climbing, so
reducing the performance if there is no reserveof power in hand. Secondly,in the
climbing attitude there will be a changein the wetted area of the aircraft's surface
and hencewhere the airframe will ice over. Finally, exceptfor the ice that can be
removed by the de-icing system, at the new cruising level the aircraft will be
committed to continued flight carrying the ice already formed.

(b) cllmblf sulfrdenlfrorverresew


descnd il gltriclenl lerraln c{eatanc

Fig. 9.9 Avoiding icing in continuouscloud or precipitation

3. turn back while the aircraft still has full manoeuvrability. Certainly this is the
safestoption in freezing rain, subject to air traJfic control. It may then be possible
to obtain ATC clearancefor another altitude or route clear'of the icing region.
If not, it will be necessaryto divert to the specified alternate and to wait for
conditions to improve (fig. 9.9).

Power plant icing

This is a matter which is best considered in conjunction with the specific flight
manual and operations manual as constructors strive to design engines with
minimum susceptibility to power loss due to icing. Starting with the most
straightforward case,both piston and turbine enginessuffer from impact icing.
This icing forms where supercooled water drops strike the intake or induction
systemsurfacesand is merely airframe ice accretion occurring in a locality where
it chokesthe air supply to the power plant. The icing occurs in all of the situations
where the aircraft is experiencing airframe ice accretion and is also worst at
temperatures just below 0"C. With rear-mounted engines, there is a further
impact ice hazard. Accidents have occurred when ice which has been de-iced
from the mainplanes has been ingested and power lost.
Within an engine, pressure is reduced in the induction process causing
expansionand adiabatic cooling and may be sufficient to give both condensation
and supercooling and hence icing on adjoining surfaces.Depending upon the
turbine engine,this can occur at particular rpm and airspeeds.In a piston engine
the throttle effect together with fuel evaporation icing (ointly called carburettor
icing) may causea temperature fall of 20 to 30 C deg and has causedso many
incidents and accidentsresulting from partial or total power failure that it led to
'safety' Aeronautical Information Circular drawing
the CAA issuing a pink
pilots'attention to the hazard. Light aircraft with direct injection enginesare not
prone to such engineicing.

Figure9.10represents the inductionairflow of a conventional

float-type carburettor.Air from the intake (A) passesthrough the venturi
(choke) where the pressuredrop and expansionalcooling can cause the
temperaturefall to producethrottle ice and the vaporisingof the fuel from the
jet will requirelatent heatso producinga further temperaturefall. Depending
uponthethrottlebutterflysetting,thismayamountto 25C deg.andthisis where
the troublelies.

t o l.-.- intakeair

rt t
Fig. 9. l0 Carburettor ice

On a quite warm, cloudless,but humid day, it is very easy,especiallyat small

throttle openings such as on a glide approach, to experienceserious carburettor
icing and if the engine fails it may not restart. Incidentally, tests show that
MOGAS is more likely to produce carburettor icing than AVGAS. It is
important to be guided by the relevant flight manual and operations manual,
including the use of the carburettor heat control. The carburettor heat when
selected,heats the intake air by an exhaust heat exchanger but unless selecting
'hot air' actually produces temperatures over OoC in the carburettor, the
situation may be worsenedby its use.This situation occurs if the initial intake air
temperature was so low that even applying heat does not prevent sub-zero
conditions occurring around the throttle butterfly.
Advice on recognition and avoidance of carburettor icing may be summarised
l. Checkwith the Flight and OperationsManualsfor start-up,taxy, in-flight
2. Be preparedfor seriousicing in precipitation,cloud or clear humid air
(relativehumidity over 4070)evenat *oC temperatures, especiallyat small
throttle settings.The extremetemperaturerangeis probably+25"Cto -l0oC

and some authorities consider that the most seriousicing occurs at outside air
temperaturesof around *l3oC, but it all dependsupon the particular engine.
3 . Suspectits onset in level flight ifthe aircraft has:
(a) a fixed pitch propeller and there is a slight drop in rpm and airspeed
(preceding rough running, by which time action should have been
(b) a constant speedpropeller and there is a drop in manifold pressureand
(c) an exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indicator which shows a drop in
4. Use carburettor heat. Normally it will need to be fully ON, for the reasons
given in the preceding paragraph. Becauseice in the induction systemcannot
be melted and cleared instantaneously, CAA's advice is to allow up to 15
secondsfor the processto be completed. Except for take-off, the continuous
use of hot air is not normally permitted for an engine - again follow the
5 . Finally remember that, like carbon monoxide poisoning from exhaust leaks,
carburettor icing can sneakup on the pilot and failure to deal with it will have
dire results.

Ql. Whenfog freezeson a parkedaircraft it produces:
(a) hoar frost
(b) rime
(c) glazed frost.
Q2. Frost point temperature is:
(a) 0"C
(b) the temperature at which fog freezes
(c) the sub-zero temperature at which air becomes saturated at the
Q3. Glazed frost forms on a parked aircraft when:
(a) there is a cold cloudless night with no wind
(b) rain freezes
(c) fog and dew freeze.
Q4. One of the ways in which packed snow may be removed from a parked
aircraft is by:
(a) brushing it off
(b) taxying quickly down a perimeter track to blow it off
(c) storing it in a heated hangar.
Q5 When using de-icing fluid to remove ice from a parked aircraft, air
(a) should be kept clear of, as they will de-ice when the engine starts
(b) should be blanked off and carefully cleared separately
(c) should be cleared last using diluted fluid to which detergent has
been added. i
rcrNc I 13

Q6. In flight, rime ice would be expectedwhen:

(a) in rain at temperatures below OoC
(b) in small supercooled water droplets and the aircraft surface
temperatures are OoCor colder
(c) in towering cumuliform cloud over NW Europe in temperatures
OoCto -l0oc.
Q7. Flying in altostratus giving slight icing, the next part of your flight will
take you over mountainous terrain. If the cruising level and IMC remain
unchanged, the airframe ice accretion may be expectedto:
(a) remain unchanged
(b) increasein severity
(c) decreasein severity.
Q8. Under which of the following conditions should carburettor icing be
(a) clear of cloud, high humidity, *l3oC, aircraft gliding with throttle
nearly closed
(b) in cloud,low relative humidity, -23oC, full throttle
(c) clear of cloud, low humidity, -l3oC, full throttle.
Q9. If carburettor icing is suspectedwhen operating at cruising power:
(a) selectfull power and fully rich mixture
(b) selectpartial carburettor heat first to seeif this is sufficient to clear
the ice
(c) selectfull carburettor heat.
Ql0. If you are flying just above your safety altitude and at 1000feet below the
aircraft's ceiling when you encounter clear ice in freezing rain, you
(a) Ily through the rain as quickly as possible to clear the icing zone
(b) climb or descendfor up to 15 minutes to seeif the icing will stop
(c) turn on to a reciprocal heading and seek ATC clearance for a
change of route.
10: Winds

Although the last of the individual elements to be considered, wind speed has
had to be mentioned in earlier chapters in connection with weather conditions as
diverseas fog and thunderstorms. It is therefore not the leastsignificant property
of the atmosphere and indeed, as already mentioned under squalls and micro-
bursts, it may well present ahazard of its own.
The convention when a forecaster presentsinformation on horizontal motion
of the atmosphere to a pilot is that he stateswind velocity (w,/v) i.e. both wind
'surface wind 180'T/
direction in "True and wind speedin knots. For example,
20 kt' means a wind blowing from l80oT (south or north) at an averagespeedof
20 knots (becausethe wind speedis not constant).
'veering' and 'backing'' A veer of
Changesof wind direction are described as
wind is a change of wind direction in a clockwise manncr, e.g. from 090oT to
180'T. The wind backs where there is a change of direction in an anticlockwise
manner e.g. from 315'T to 270"T. (fig. 10.1).The terms veer and back apply in
the same manner in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
Terms used in describing windspeed include:
Gust - atemporary increasein windspeed above its mean value lasting for a few
Lull - a decreasein windspeed, not necessarilytemporary.
Squall - a marked increasein the mean value of the windspeed lasting for some
minutes and usually associated with a meteorological feature (e.g. as with a
thunderstorm - Chapter 7). A squall may be sufficiently strong to cause
substantial damage to aircraft, and not just to light aircraft. For example, at
London/Gatwick in December 1992 it was reported that on a morning when
winds blowing across the area generally were 210/13 kt in a cold and very
unstable westerly airstream, the sudden increasein windspeed was sufficient to
causeconsiderable damage to two Boeing 747s which wele on the stands ready
for baggageand catering loading, by moving and lifting them on to the loading

| 23n hrg

(a) VEER cloc*wise charBe (b) BACKING anti-clockwisechare

Fig. 10.1 Veering and backing


Gustinessfactor - the degree of gustiness prevailing in relation to the mean

windspeed, determined from the equation:
Gustiness factor (c/o) - Range of widespeedfrom lull to gust /i \
'vtna (r'
100% "att I tp""a

e.g. A mean windspeed of 30 knots dropping to 20 knots in lulls but

gusting to 40 knots would have a gustinessfactor of 66.67V0.
Gale -asurtace windspeedof either a mean value of 34 knots or more, or gusting
to 43 knots or more. (It is force 8 on the Beaufort scale.)
Hurricaneforce - a surface windspeed of 64 knots or more (Beaufort force l2).
Hurricanes as tropical storms are described in Chapter 15.
Effective wind component- a flight planning rather than a meteorological term,
being equal to the aircraft's ground speedlessits true air speed.Effective and true
wind components and their applications are describedin Volume 2 of this series.

The nature of horizontal airflow

Generally, and for the purpose of this chapter, the horizontal motion of the
'the lower atmosphere' of a layer
atmosphere may be considered as comprising
of turbulent air near to the earth's surface containing many eddies,and above it,
'free atmosphere' in which the airflow is reasonably horizontal (fig. 10.2).
The height ofthe top ofthe surfaceturbulence layer is very variable but 2000 feet
is a convenient, practical assumption for the terrain of NW Europe.

airflow almosl horizontal

top oflurbulencs layer


Fig. 10.2 Freeand lower atmosphere

As was mentioned in Chapter 6 when describing the formation of turbulence

cloud, the disturbances in the flow of the lower atmosphere arise from surface
friction and from small-scalephysical deflections and convection currents. The
former vary with the terrain, its vegetation and man-made structures, together
with the direction from which the wind strikes them. The latter depend upon the
surface temperatures and the lapse rate. Although the uniformity of surface
temperatures throughout the 24 hours over the sea mean that there is also no
diurnal variation there in the turbulence layer, over the land thermal turbulence
variations do produce a diurnal variation of the turbulence layer from a
minimum around dawn to a maximum in the early afternoon.
The actual surfaceairflow itselfarises from the horizontal pressuregradient in
l16 MErEoRoLocY

the area but is not in the direction of the pressuregradient.The correlation

betweenwinds and pressurewas first defined by C. H. D. Buys-Ballot,a
professorat Utrecht,in 1857.Buys-Ballot'sLaw statesthat:
If an observerstandswith his back to the wind, the lowerpressureis on his left
in thenorthernhemisphere and on his right in thesouthernhemisphere.
Pressuregradient is not thereforethe only force which actshorizonta$ on the
air - it may alsobe affectedby geostrophicand cyclostrophicforces.In figs 10.3
to 10.9the forceswill be represented vectoria$, but first the rules governing
their magnitudeand direction.

992 mb 988 mb


Fig. 10.3 Variationof pressuregradientforce

Pressure gradient force (G)

The primary causeof the wind acting perpendicularly to the isobars from high
to low pressure, irrespective of latitude (north or south). Its magnitude is
inversely proportional to the distance apart of the isobars (dpld$.

Geostrophicforce (F)
Once the air starts moving over the surfaceof the rotating earth it will be held to
the earth's surfaceby gravity but tends to follow a straight path in space.The air
appearsto be acted upon by an earth's turning (geo-strophic) force which acts at
right angles to the path of the moving air. It acts to the right in the northern
hemisphereand to the left in the southern hemisphere.Mathematically its value
may be expressedas:
2Vpa sin g
where Z= windspeed
p : air density
o: = earth's rotational rate in radians per second
(D = latitude
It is representedgraphically in fig. 10.4.
Geostrophic effect is sometimes alternatively known as Coriolis after the
French professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, Gustave Gaspard de
Coriolis, who first enunciated it in 1835.(He also wrote the mathematical theory
of the game of billiards!)
wrNDS ll7

northernhemisphere southemhemisphere

F\ r/

Fig. 10.4 Geostrophicforce

Cyclostrophicforce (C)
If air is moving around a small circle, it is constrained on its circular path by
centripetal force acting towards the centre of the turn. Strictly it is only the
horizontal component ofcentripetal force - cyclostrophic force - which needsto
be consideredso far as the wind is concerned.Acting radially towards the centre
of curvature, whatever the latitude or hemisphere, cyclostrophic force has a
magnitude of:
p lzcot 0
p = a[ density
Z : wind speed
0 = angular radius of the isobar along which the wind is blowing
E : earth's radius
This is representedgraphically in fig. 10.5.

f Fig. 10.5 Cyclostrophicforce


Winds at 2000 feet

This height is at the top of the lower atmosphere where the airstream may be
considered to be unaffected by the influence of the earth's surface. At the same
time, the pressure gradient at 2000 feet may be assumed to be accurately
representedby the mean sea level isobars. Consider various isobar patterns.

(a) Straight, equidistant isobars which ure not changing with time: geostrophic
In this case,the pressuregradient (G) is constant in a particular region (frg. 10'6)'
Suppose some air of density p in the northern hemisphere is at rest when it
becomesacted upon by the pressuregradient force G. The unbalanced force will

Fig. 10.6 Geostrophic


causethe air to acceleratein the direction in which the force is applied. Consider
the situation by the time that the air has travelled from A to B and geostrophic
force has started to apply. At B and at speed Z, the pressuregradient is still G.
Geostrophic force F (acting perpendicularly to the right) will still be relatively
small at the speed 2,. The accelerationat B from speedZ, will be in the direction
of, and proportionate to the magnitude of, the resultant of G and F (BP)'
Subsequently at points C and D, while pressure gradient force G remains
unchanged, geostrophic force F is progressively increasing at speedsVrand Vt
and turning further to the right to remain at right angles to the direction of
motion. At C its acceleration is proportionate to resultant CQ while at D,
although it has increased its speed to Vr, the acceleration proportional to
resultant DR will be small. Finally the state will be reached eventually (E) at a
speed Zr* when the air is travelling parallel to the isobars with forces G and F
equal and opposite so that there is no resultant and henceno further acceleration
(or deceleration). The flow is then said to be
Geostrophic wind may thus be deJined as the wind blowing along stroight,
equidistant isobars not changing with time, with lower pressure on the left in the
northern hemisphere,under the balance ofpressure gradient and geostrophicforces
The geostrophic wind equation is:
d p . / d s= 2 V p a s i n q (2)

If it is wished to solve the equation, it must be remembered to use cgs or MKS

units throughout and that the isobar spacingrelatesto their distanceapart on the
earth (ds), so if the isobar spacingis measuredon achattit needsto be converted
using the chart's scalefrom chart length to earth distance.
The earth's rotational rate (ro) is derived from one complete rotation (2 ru
radians) in relation to space, i.e. in one sidereal day of 23 ht 56 min 04.09 sec
approximately, so having a value of 0.00007292radians per second'


Fig. 10.7 Balance offorces in geostrophic flow

Geostrophic wind scale

There was a time when a pilot in his civil licence qualifying examinations could
have been askedto usethe geostrophic wind equation and 5-figure logarithms to
calculatethe geostrophic wind speedunder given conditions, but this is no longer
so. Meteorological charts do, however, carry not only graduated scalelines but
also geostrophic wind scalesfrom which wind speedscan be readily determined,
corresponding to various isobar spacings. As shown in fig' 10.8, they may be
applicable to one particular latitude or they may be multi-latitude scales.


lm 6050 40 3025 n 15


Fig. 10.8 Geostrophic wind scales


To construct a geostrophic wind scale,constant values are assumedfor all the

terms in the geostrophic equation (except for the isobar distance apart and the
wind speed).The distances(ds) are then evaluated for different wind speeds(Iz).
If the circumstances warrant and the accuracy of the isobar drawing is
sufficiently precise,then the scalereading of the wind speedcan be adjusted for
the amount that the prevailing conditions depart from those assumed in
calibrating the scale.

(b) Regularly cuwed, equi.distantisobqrs which are not changing with time:
gradient wind
In this case,although the magnitude of the pressure gradient force is constant
over the region, its direction is variable (frg. 10.9).In the caseofisobars around
a depression (cyclonic curvature) the force is directed radially inwards and
around an anticyclone the pressuregradient force is radially outwards from the
centre of curvature of the isobars. It will be rememberedthat cyclostrophic force
also acts radially on air moving on a curved path so it will either augment or
reduce the pressuregradient force. On the other hand, using a geostrophic wind
scale will give the geostrophic wind speed corresponding to the pressure

Fig. 10.9 Gradientwind around curvedinsobars

Around an anticyclone, the cyclostrophic force is additional to the pressure

gradient force and the actual wind (called the gradient wind)is stronger than the
geostrophic wind scale value by an amount which produces a proportionately
greater geostrophic force to balance the other two forces.

Pressuregradient force * Cyclostrophic force : Geostrophic force (3)

Around a depression, the pressure gradient supplies the cyclostrophic force
and there is less to be balanced by geostrophic force which is achieved at a
gradient wind speedless than the geostrophic wind scalevalue.

Pressuregradient force - Cyclostrophic force : Geostrophic force (4)

The rule is thereforethat with curvedisobarsthe wind speed(gradient wind) around
a LOW is LOWER than the value obtainedfrom a geostrophicwind scolefor that
isobar spacing, while around a HIGH the actual wind speed is HIGHER than the
scale value.
wINDS l2l

For this reason,windsarounda depressionmay not be asstrongasmight be

expectedfrom a first glanceand the winds around a small anticyclonemay be
appreciably(proportionately)greaterthan expected.

(c) Re74larlycurvedisobsrsaroundan intensedepression: cyclostrophicwind

The assumptionsin this case give the best approximationto the actual wind
speed.In low latitudesin violenttropicallow pressuresystems,althoughthereis
enoughgeostrophicforceto deflectthe initial air motion so that it conformsto
Buys-Ballot'sLaw, the magnitudeof theforceis insignificantwhencomparedto
thepressuregradientforce.In suchcircumstances, the geostrophicforceterm in
equation(4) abovemay be considerednegligiblefor all practicalpurposesand
the wind speeddeterminedfrom the cyclostrophicwind equationofi
Pressuregradientforce : Cyclostrophicforce

dplds:ry andv (5)


(a) Contoarcharts
Ifit werethepracticeto draw isobarsfor 10000,20000,30000feet,etc.,thenthe
foregoingrulesand equationsapplicableat 2000feetwould alsobe applicableto
thesehigherlevels.As explainedin ChapterI, however,this is not the practice
and the procedureis to havecontourchartsofspecifiedpressurelevelse.g.700
mb, 500mb, 300mb, etc.Insteadof wind speedbeingproportionalto pressure
gradient(expressed asdp,/ds)it is proportionalto the contourslope(dVds) and
this in fact simplifiesthe geostrophicwind equationby eliminatingthe variable
air densityterm.


dh dp


For a smallsectionof a columnof air (say200feet)asin fig. 10.10,thedecrease

of pressure(dp) correspondingto an increaseof altitude (dh) is given by the
dP : dhxPXg (6)

where p is air density and g is gravity.

122 MErEoRoLocY
So if Equation (6) is substitutedin Equation (2), the geostrophicequation
= 2Vpasinq
dh _ 2Zrrlsinq
d s g

As air density is no longer a factor, a geostrophic scalebasedon Equation (7) can

be used on contour charts for any upper level when transposed to:

v = So sx -z o-sgl n-q (8)

Again depending upon the curvature of the contours, the scale value will
underestimate the actual gradient wind speed with anticyclonic curvature and
overestimate the gradient wind speedwith cyclonic curvature.

(b) Thermal wind component

In the absenceof contour charts, pilots can make use of a vector method of
determining the upper wind which has been in use since the early days of
aviation. It is usually called the'thermal wind' method although it should be
more correctly entitled the 'thermal component of the upper wind' method.
Considerfig. 10.11.The required upper wind is consideredas the resultant of
two components, the 2000 ft wind and a thermal component. The rules for the
direction and magnitude of the thermal component are:
Direction - parallel to the isotherms of mean temperature for the layer between
the known lower level wind (usually 2000 ft wind) and the required upper wind,
with the lower temperature on the left in the northern hemisphere, on the right
in southern hemisphere (i.e. similar to Buys-Ballot's Law).
Speed- proportional to the temperature gradient given by the isotherms of mean
temperature. For mental calculations, the modified geostrophic equation can be
simplifred for UK use to:
I knot gradient of mean heightintervalin 1000s
, x
temperature ln feetbetweenlower and
C degl100 nm upper wind

F i g .1 0 . 1 1
wrNDS 123
For example,the strengthof the thermalwind componentbetween2000ft
and 20000ft whenthe gradientof meantemperatureis 4 C degl100nm will
I x 4 x (20-2): 4 x l8 : 72 knots
The oneknot constantstrictlyappliesat latitude50oso if the formula is usedat
a much differentlatitude,multiply the answerby sin 50o,/sincorrectlatitude.
The reasoningfor the rules for the direction and speedof the thermal
componentof the upper wind is asfollows.
CqseI. whenupper wind : 2000ft wind i.e. thereis no thermalcomponent.
This situationariseswhenthepressuredistributionis thesameat both lowerand
upperlevels.Because everywhere pressurehasdecreased with heightby thesame
amount,everywhere musthavehadthesamemeantemperaturebetweenthetwo
levels.Hencethefirst relationship:wherethereis no horizontalgradientof mean
temperature,thereis no thermalcomponent.
Case2. Whenthereis no lowerwind and theupperwind is composedentirelyof
thethermalcompbnent(fig. 10.12).


hUt low
moan mean
ternp. temp.


Fig. 10.12 Calm at lower level, winds at altitude

At the lowerlevel,the uniform pressuregivesno pressuregradientand no wind.

At the upper level,the pressuredistribution consistsof low pressure(i.e. low
contourheight)overareasof low meantemperature,andrelativelyhighpressure
(high contour height)over areasof high meantemperature.Everyupper level
contour then correspondsto an isothermof meantemperature.If column
hasa meantemperature that is I C degwarmerthan column'B'which is 100
nauticalmilesawayin temperatelatitudes,then the resultingpressuregradient
1000feethigherup will producea wind of I knot. A l0 C degdifferenceovera
10000feetintervalfor the two columnswill producea pressuregradientgiving
a l0 x l0 = 100knot wind (thermalcomponent).
Becausethe wind blowsparallelto the uppercontours,which arethemselves
coincident with the isotherms of mean temperature,the wind (thermal
124 MErEoRoLocY

component)is parallel to the isotherms,with low valueson the left in the

northernhemisphere,right in the southernhemisphere.

Case3. Generalcase,whenthereis a lower wind and an overlyinggradientof

upper air meantemperatures, producinga differentupper wind (fig. 10.13).
In fig. 10.13,columnAA is warmerthan columnBB but both areon the same
I 016mb isobar.Betweenmeansealeveland 10000ft, in columnAA pressure
decreases by 304mb while in the colderand densercolumnBB the pressurefall
is greater- in this case316mb. In consequence, at 10000ft'A' and 'B' areno
longeron the sameisobarand thereis a newpressuregradientand upperwind.
The correlationbetweenthe isobarpatternand windsat the lower and upper
levelsand the thermal componentmethod of determiningthe upper wind is
shownin the plan view of fig. 10.13.In this case,the 2000ft wind is assumedto
'A' in the directionof 030oT,with a
be 240T/20 kt, 'B' is 350nm awayfrom
mean temperature(2000to 10000ft) differenceof 8.75 C deg which givesa
thermalcomponentof 300'T/20kt, sothat the resultant10000ft w/v is270oT/
35 kt.
Although for simplicity of illustration fig. 10.13usesan isobaricchart for
10000ft, in fact the appropriatechart would be the uppercontourchartfor the
700mb level.Similarlytheisothermsof meantemperaturewould beavailablein
'thicknesscharts'wherefor standard
themeteorological officebut in theguiseof
layers(suchas 1000to 700mb) the valueh of thepressure-height formula(in this
case'thickness')is ascribedto eachisothermof meantemperatureI, i.e.:
/ \
ft (thickness)= 22t.1* r ( -tulj.Tp.erature ) * 6o9 ' - 1000-log700)
\ tsotnerm |




Fig. 10.13
The thermal wind componentis thus parallel to the thicknessisoplethsand
proportionalto their gradient.

Variation of upper wind with height

Above the friction layer of the lower atmosphere, the following rules may be
l. If the lowest upper air mean temperatures are in the area of low pressureat
low level, then the wind speed will increase with height with no change of
direction (fie. 10.14).
lowerw/v thermalw/v


Fig. 10.14

2. If the lowest upper air mean temperaturesare coincident with the area of high
pressure at low levels, then the wind speed will decreasewith height from the
samedirection. Ultimately it will become zero and then start to increasefrom the
reciprocaldirection (fig. 10.15).
Veclorially, In sequence


lower wlv lorerw! loliverwfu
# l-r+-l f-+r--l
H.}-t-+ #
upperwv lhemalwfu thermalwind


(a) (b)

Fig. 10.15 Wind reversalwith height

3. If the lower wind is blowing towards the area of coldest upper air
temperatures then the wind will veer with increase of height in the northern
hemisphereand back with height in the southern hemisphere(fig. 10.16).The
opposite applies when the lower wind is blowing towards the warmest air.
4. Away from low latitudes where geostrophic force is nil or negligible and the
upper winds are light easterly, in the troposphere winds become increasingly
westerly with height. This applies in both hemispheresand up to the tropopause
where upper winds are often 100 knots or more. On entering the lower
stratosphere, the wind speeds start to decrease again. In summer over NW
Europe, it is almost invariably the case that the lower stratosphere in higher
latitudes is warmer than it is in lower latitudes so reversing the temperature
gradient and eroding the thermal component. This is often true too in spring and




N hemisphere S hemisphere

Fig. 10.16 Windchange

autumn. In mid-winter however,with the very disturbedconditions of the

tropospherethe gradientof meantemperatureof the lower stratosphereis not
constant,but evenso the thermal component(and upper wind) decreases on
enteringthe stratosPhere.
5. In areaswhereupper air meantemperatureschangeappreciablyin a short
distancetherewill be a relativelylocalisedlargegradientof meantemperature
producing a big thermal componentand hencea strong upper wind. These
strongwindsof 80 knotsor morearecalledjet streamsand arereferredto again
in Chapter12.
Jetstreamsoccurin sub-tropicallatitudesfrom, say,30oNto 30oSandnearthe
fronts of depressionsassociated with thepolar front. Although theymay be well
over 1000milesin length,they are comparativelynarrow (often 100-250miles
wide) and shallow (10000 feet thicknessis typical).Becauseof their very high
speeds, nearfrontswherethewind gradienthorizontallybetweenthejet coreand
the frontal surfacemay be appreciable(seefig. 12J, p. 149)thereis often clear
air turbulence(CAT).

Leaving aside for the moment local winds which are associatedwith the
topographyof the area,e.g.seabreezesat a coastalaerodromeon a summer
afternoon,certaingeneralrules apply to the winds encounteredin the lower

Effect of sarfacefriction
Ii hasbeenseenthat, from the balanceofforces actinghorizontallyon the air'
at 2000feetthe wind would be geostrophicor gradientdependingupon whether
the isobarsarestraightor curved.At thesurface,thefriction betweenthe air and
the underlying surfacehas also to be consideredand may be represented
vectoriallyasa forceactingin a reciprocaldirectionto that of the air's motion'
Theforcewill decrease thewind speedand,because it is proportionalto thewind
speed,the geostrophic force(fig. 10.17).


northern hemisphere

Fig. 10.17 Effectofsurfacefriction

The resultant of geostrophic and surface friction forces then balances the
pressure gradient force with the wind blowing slightly across the isobars (0)
towards the lower pressure.On an average:
Over the land Over the sea
0=20" 0: l0o
speed:40Vo of 2000ft wind speed= 80Voof 2000 ft wind
However, to be realistic, friction is irregular even over the sea and the precise
value of the surface wind at a particular point and time will depend not only on
the friction but also on the degree of turbulence mixing the air in the lower

?J ) -
) ' J
(a)shallowhrrbiencr (bldeep twbulence

LOVI/ tow

-/ -on
- / -
2(xni' zmn

N hemlsohere

Fie. 10.18 Effect ofvariations in turbulence on frictional effect

128 MErEoRoLocY

atmosphere. If conditions are very stable and turbulence is weak (fig. 10.18(a))
the concentrated frictional effects on the surface wind are greater than when
there is a deep and vigorous turbulence layer (fig. 10.18(b)) distributing the
frictional effect through the deeper layer.
Apart from variations in lapserate, there is over land a diurnal variation in the
vertical extent ofthe turbulence layer, being a deep layer by day, a shallow layer
by night (fig. 10.19).
---* +
2000 fl
/+\-, +

- ) ) ({ -r' +
.+ *

a J *n J ) ----* -------*.

" ) J
4r. - - a

C', J )
) ofr
' '2'-2^2


orr land in th norlhem hemisphere

(a) byday (b) by niSlil


4 1m0fi
2m0fr 4_-iffih

Fig. 10.19 Diurnal variation of lower winds

From day to night, for a given isobar pattern:

Surface wind backs and lulls
1000ft wind veers and increasesto become geostrophic
2000 ft wind has no variation
From night to day:
Surface wind veers and increases
1000 ft wind backs and decreases when it becomes absorbed within the
turbulence layer
2000 ft wind has no variation.
In the southern hemisphere,the direction of wind variation is opposite to that of
the northern hemisphere.

Wind gradient
Not to be confused with the primary causeof wind, pressuregradient, nor with
the gradient wind around curved isobars, wind gradient is the term used to

10H tmrc


15kl hvc
/ac'lual f,ightpath, if no conec{ive ac-tiontaken

5h :=

(a)aircraftlandingin windshear

10 kt hwc
glide slope

--+. ---t lmporary increase in airspeed,

30kt hwc
rate of dscenl and reluming lo thoglide slope
may in lacl lake the akcratl beb,v it.

(b) aircraftlandingin windshear



takingoff in windshear
(c) aircraJt conditions

Fig. 10.20 Effectsof varyingwindshearconditions

describe the decreaseof wind speedas an aircraft descendson the approach to

the runway. The term is more likely to be used by flying instructors than by

There are various definitions of windshear of which 'a marked hoizontal and/
or vertical change of wind speed andlor direction' is commonly quoted. The
pink Flight Ops definitive AIC uses'Variations in vector wind along the aircraft
flight path of a pattern, intensity and duration to displace an aircraft abruptly
from its intended path such that substantial control action is required' and
130 MErEoRoLocY

defineslow altitudewindshearas 'windshearalongthe final approachpath or

alongthe runwayand alongthe take-offand initial climb-outflight path'.
Although there has always been the wind gradient with height from the
surfaceto, say,2000feet, in recentyearsour greaterknowledgeof causeand
effecthashighlightedproblemswhich can be met during the critical phasesof a
flight immediatelyafter take-off and on the approachto land due to windshear.
The problems are worse too for jet aircraft comparedto propeller-driven
aircraft. This is becausewhen the pilot of a propeller-drivenaeroplane
encountersa marked wind gradient,i.e. a windshear,and experiences lossof
airspeedand lift, increasingthe power immediatelyresultsin greaterpropeller
slipstreamover the mainplanesand increasedlift. Increasingthe powerof a jet
engine,however,producesa relatively slower 'spool-up' time, there is no
propellerslipstreamand the airspeedand lift recoveryis correspondinglyslower.
Generallya windshearwill be associatedwith a marked meteorological
featureso its presence canbe anticipated.Also, asinvestigations haveidentified
accidentswhich haveprimarily beencausedby windshear,major airportsgive
windshearwarningsto pilots about to makean approachif thereis any reason
to suspectone's presence.Conversely,if a pilot encountersa windshearhe
shouldreportit to air traffrc control givingparticularsof the relevantheight(s),
what effectswereexperienced (verticalspeed,airspeed,etc.),anyvisibleweather
phenomenaand if possiblean assessment of the vertical wind temperature
structure.Airborne and ground equipmentis constantlybeingdevelopedand
researched to provide a timely warning of windshearnear aerodromes.Some
aerodromeshavetakenadvantageof nearbytelevisionor radio mastsor hills to
install anemometersto measurethe wind directly at variouslevelsand so obtain
a vertical profile of the airflow in their area. Apart from micro-bursts and
downdraughtsassociatedwith thunderstorms,mountain wave systemsand
deflectedlow level winds around buildingsand large structuresnear mnways
alreadydiscussed, low levelwindsheararisesat warm and cold frontsand at sea
breeze fronts alsowith a markedtemperatureinversionnearthe ground.Some
researches suggestthat a temperaturedifferenceof 5 C degor morebetweenthe
air masses acrossa front, or an activefront movingat 30knots or more,is most
likely to produce a significant windshear.
Ignoring crosswind effects which can require large corrections for drift,
considerthe effectson aeroplanestaking off and landingwhenthereis a sharp
windshearasshownin fig. 10.20.In eachcase,whenthe aeroplanefliesinto the
windshear,the inertia of the aeroplanewill maintainits ground speedbut the
airspeedwill changeby the amount of changeof headwindcomponent.A
reductionof airspeedalsomeansreducedlift which in turn causesthe aeroplane
to descendbelowthe intendedflight path.
As describedin companionvolume | - RadioAids- in the chapteron ground
proximity warningsystems,airborneequipmenthasbeendevelopedto provide
a specificwindsheardetectionandrecoveryguidancesystem(WDGS) operating
through the flight directorsystem.Typically the windshearis detectedfrom a
comparisonbetweenthe rate of changeof groundspeed(measuredby accele-
rometer) and the rate of changeof airspeed(measuredby pilot and static
wrNDS 131

sensors).A shearadverselyaffecting performance illuminates a red warning light

on the panel and gives an aural warning,'WINDSHEAR WINDSHEAR'- The
system has a wINDSHEAR FAIL annunciator which illuminates in the event
of a power loss. The recovery guidance for an adverse effect on aircraft
performance is based on angle of attack, modified by radio altitude and pitch
attitude, and is displayed via the flight director, through the pilot's attitude
director indicator{ADl) or the EFIS primary flight display (PFD).
As more researchis carried out, the various windshear possibilities are being
incorporated into modern simulators. However, the problem remains that low
level windshear is basically inconstant and pilots must be vigilant whenever
potential conditions exist. If the aircraft has an Inertial Navigation System(INS)
with a ground speed read-out which can be compared with the indicated
airspeed,then a ready appreciation of changing headwind/tailwind component
can be made. A DME (distancemeasuringequipment) derived ground speedcan
similarly be used. Otherwise, guidance must be sought from any of the following:
vertical speed, pitch attitude, deviation from the glide slope, need to change
power settings or aircraft attitude; even sudden or large drift changes can be
indicative of the presenceof windshear.
Company operating drills vary but essentiallyare designedto keep the aircraft
from colliding with the ground, maintaining safe airspeeds and full handling
control. Take-off should be delayed until the weather conditions producing the
micro-burst or windshear have cleared the aerodrome. In the event of
encountering either of them on the approach to landing, an early decision to
overshoot must be made if at decision height the aircraft is still departing below
the desired glide path by using maximum power as soon as possible.

Local surface winds

Ravine, vaUeyand headland winds

Not only are winds deflectedin direction but their speedsmay also be increased
when substantial high ground is encountered.Ifthe obstruction occurs at a steep
headland on the coast or at a similar topographical feature inland (frg. 10.21)
then the streamlines near to it become closer and the wind speedincreases.

\ _ /

Fig. 10.21 Headland effects

132 MErEoRoLocy

Should the airflow be acrosshigh ground, then the wind will flow most readily
through any valleys, mountain passes,etc., that traverse the mountain range.
The speedof the wind through the valley due to this channelling or'funnel' effect
may reach well over gale force. Generally, of course,in narrow valleys, the wind
tends only to blow up or down the valley anyway, with only a tenuous adherence
to Buys-Ballot's Law $rg.10.22).

Fig. 10.22 Ravinewinds

Mountain qnd lee wove (standing wove) systems MTW)

The hazards arising from this topographical effect upon the airflow at low and
middle levels has prompted the Civil Aviation Authority to issue pink
Aeronautical Information Circulars drawing pilots' attention to them from time
to time.
The conditions suitable for the development of standing waves may be
l. Wind at right angles (or within +30o) to a continuous mountain range.
2. Little change of wind direction with height.
3. Wind speed 15 knots or more at the mountain summit and increasing with
4. Yery stable layer severalthousand feet thick just above the mountains, with
less stable air above and below the stable layer.
The airflow then takes the form illustrated in fig. 10.23.


'-t+ -

Fig. 10.23 Mountain and lee-wave system


The orographic cloud formed on the mountains is called cap cloud (but may
have a particular local name) and above it and downwind there is lenticular
cloud. Clouds also form in the rotor zone and these clouds while perhaps
appearing innocuous do in fact conceal extremely turbulent flying conditions.
The surface turbulence layer in these circumstancesis in no way limited to the
2000 feet assumed for general purposes earlier in this chapter. Immediately
downwind of the mountains (and through a substantial depth of atmosphere)
there is a strong down-draught followed very quickly by a strong up-draught.
The motion remains turbulent downwind resulting in either roll (rotor) cloud
which, like the lenticular cloud, appears to remain stationary in its position in
relation to the mountains, or rotor streaming where there is a continual
streaming away down-wind of low-level rotors of severelyturbulent air. Rotor
streaming is not the same as the rotor zones occurring under the crests of
standing waves. It may occur when there is a deep layer of strong winds across
high ground with lighter winds above. Then the turbulence in the rotor
streaming occurs downwind of and level with the top of the high ground and for
a considerable height above.
Together with the attendant problems of icing in IMC, if the region cannot be
avoided an appreciable increasein safety height margins must be allowed for. It
is not safeto assumein any mountainous region that the conditions generatedby
one mountain range will be cancelled out when they meet the next range. This
next range may in fact produce mountain waves in phase, so worsening the
situation even further.

Anabatic and kaubatic winds

These winds also occur in hilly or mountainous countryside and may be called
valley or mountain winds. Generally, however, to avoid confusion the term
valley wind should be reservedfor the funnel effect already described
If the pressure gradient is slack and the day is relatively cloudfree, the sun-
facing slopesbecomewarmer and in turn warm the air in contact with them. This
air then becomes warmer than the free air at the same level of which the
temperatule is relatively unchanged. The warmer lighter air on the hillside then
tends to rise as a light anabatic wind. Sometimesthe irregularities of convection

(a) anabatic (b) katabatic

Fig. 10.24
134 MErEoRoLocY

give an irregular flow, while near to coastlines the anabatic winds may be
stronger becauspthe flow is supplemented by a sea-breeze.
The reversekatabatic flow may be much stronger (well over gale force), more
widespread and persistent. In the caseof katabatic winds, although the free air
temperature remains unchanged the air on the hillside is cooled by conduction
and flows downwards. Any heating adiabatically in the descending air is also
quickly conducted away. On gently sloping ground the katabatic flow at night
may not amount to much more than abreeze. On the other hand, if mountains
are snow-covered and long winter nights are interspersedwith cold days, then
katabatic winds may be very strong and persistent, night and day. The Bora,
described in Chapter 15, is an example, having speedsof 70 knots or more,
gusting to 100knots. Flight conditions if not prohibited by the actual wind speed
itself can be extremely rough, especially for light aircraft, in the take-off and
landing phases.

Land snd ses brcezes

These breezes arise from the diurnal variation of temperature of the lower
atmosphere over land and sea and are most likely in a slack pressuregradient.
Consider first the lighter land breezewhich blows off-shore (fig. 10'25).At night,
the sea temperature and that of the air above it hardly changes. However in
relatively cloudless conditions with a slack pressuregradient the land cools by
radiation and the lowest layers of air are cooled in turn by conduction' In this
colder denser air, by about 1000 feet there will be slightly lower pressure than
over the nearby seaand there is a gradual drift ofupper air from over seato over
the land. This in turn causessufficient rise in surface pressure over land for a
surface flow ofair off-shore to result, called the land breeze.It dies out around
dawn, is limited to 300 to 500 feet up to 10 miles either side of the coast, and
rarely exceedsl0 knots.

slight landwardair rnoi/enent at night

.+ ---+
_+ 1000fi

air cooling and contraclirg

land breeze

Fig. 10.25 Night-time land breeze (offshore)

In contrast,theseabreeze(fig. 10.26)is a daytimephenomenon. In theUK it

doesnot usuallyextendto more than 500to 1000feet and speedsof 10 to 15
knots but in tropical countriesspeedsmay reach 20 knots and the breeze
penetrateto 20to 30milesinlandasopposedto the 10to 15milesmoreusualin
NW Europe.Generally,becausethey are lessvulnerableto the cloudinessand
Strongpressuregradientsoftemperatelatitudes,seabreezes area regularfeature
of the climateof tropical coastalaerodromes.

s$ghl seaward alrflot,Y

..* 1-

Fig. 10.26 Day-timeseabreeze(onshore)

In on-shoreseabreezes, thelandair warmsandexpandsproducinga relatively

higher pressure than over the seaat, say, 1000feetand higher.A drift ofupper
air from over the land to over the seathen causesa slight surfacepressurerise
overthe seaand a slight fall over land. As a resultof this local cross-coastline
pressuregradient,an on-shore sea breezesetsin. Sometimesif the general
pressuregradienthad previously been producinga slight off-shorewind, the
onset of the sea breezecan be quite sudden with a noticeabledrop in
temperature , especiallyif it brings in any mist that may havebeenlyingjust out
to sea.In fact, the boundary between the previous warmerland air and a deep
seabreeze say 3000feet thick - may well be defined as a seabreezefront
identiliedby smallcumulusclouds.
The seabreezeon a hot summer'sday may well developby latemorningand
during the afternoon Coriolis effect starts to apply turning the sea breeze
increasinglyalong the coastlinewith the land on the left (in the northern
hemisphere,on the right in the southernhemisphere).Generally,as sunset
approaches, the seabreezeweakensand disperses soonafter dark.
The actualpattern of surfacewinds at an aerodrome near to the coastwith
high ground not too far inland can in fact be quite complex. Evenwherethere
is a basicairflow due to the overall pressure distribution over the area,local
topographicalfeaturesdo influencelandingconditions appreciably - probably
most wherethereare fiords and markedindentations in the coastline.

Test questions
Q1. A changingwind directionfrom 3l5othroughto 015ois:
(a) veering
(b) backing
(c) veeringif N hemisphere, backingif S hemisphere.
Q2. The windspeedsuddenlyincreases for a few secondsfrom 10knotsto 30
knots and then falls to 15knots.This is a:
(a) gust
(b) squall
(c) gale.
Q3. Due to the increasingeffectof surfacefriction on thewind, on a straight-
in approachto a uK aerodromewhich startsdirectlyintoJMi4dat 1500
feet,the drift duringthe descentwill: ,'i oulli.or-)1
(a) increase to port on an easterlyheading
:jv'iaAr )=f

136 MErEoRoLocy
(b) increaseto port on a westerlyheading
(c) increaseto starboardon all headings.
Q4. A significantwindshearcan be associated with:
(a) a surfaceinversionwith calm conditions
(b) south-westerly galesawayfrom low pressuresystems
(c) thunderstormsor line squalls.
Q5. A reported'windshearidentifiesfor an aircraft on the approach to
mnway 09 a wind of 090/40knots at 1000feetdecreasing to 20 knots at
800feet;if the pilot takesno correctiveaction,the aircraft will:
(a) deviate appreciablyabove the intended glide slope and land
beyondthe runway
(b) deviateappreciablybelowthe intendedglideslope
(c) encountersevereclearair turbulenceandan appreciabledeviation
to one sideof the glidepath due to a largechangein drift.
Q6. The smallrotor cloudsdown-streamof a mountainrange:
(a) are not a hazardto aviationasthey neverobscurehigh ground
(b) are lesshazardousthan the cap cloud as the vertical motion is
diminishedawayfrom the mountains
(c) shouldnot be flown through becauseoftheir severeturbulence.
Q7. If on a certainchart,straightisobarsI centimetreapartgivea geostrophic
wind of 40 knots,the sameisobarsryhen0.8 centimetresapart will give
a geostrophicwind of:
(a) 32 knots
(b) 50 knots
, (c) 40 knots.
Q8. The cyclostrophicwind equationgivesa practicalapproximationto:
(a) the 2000ft wind speedin an intensetropical storm
(b) the correctionto apply to the geostrophicwind speedaround an
anticycloneto obtain the 2000ft gradientwind
(c) the effectof the earth'srotation (Coriolis)force.
Q9. OvertheNorth Sea,the 3000ft w/v is 330/30kt andthegradientof mean
temperaturefrom 3000ft to 30000ft is 13 C deg in 300 nm with the
coldestair in the directionof 030'T. The 30000ft w/v will be:
(a) 270/130kt
(b) 300/117kt
(c) 306/l44kt.
Ql0. The diurnalvariationof the surfacewind at an inlandaerodromein level
countrysidewill be:
(a) veerand increaseduring morning,back and lull in the eveningin
the northernhemisphere, viceversain the southernhemisphere
(b) backand increaseduringthe morning,veerand lull in the evening
in the northernhemisphere, viceversain the southernhemisphere
(c) veerin thenorthernhemisphere (backin thesouthernhemisphere)
and increasein morning; back in the northern (veer in the
southern)hemisphereand lull in the evening.
1L: Air Masses

that are
Having considered the various individual meteorological elements
attention can now be given to
signifiJant to a pilot when operating his a'crafI,
prevailing in a local flying area
tulting un ou.ruil view of the weather conditions
There are two broad
o. along a particular route' This is synoptic meteorology'
tines oiapproach: air mass analysis and pressure type-frontal analysis.
chapter is devoted to the former.
of air,
From time to time in earlier chapters referencehas been made to a mass
together with the subsequent
for example in considering stability and instability 'air mass'
motion oi air displaced vertically in relation to its environment'
or parcels of
means something completely different from such small masses
rising air.
An air massis a large body of air hundreds of miles across,usually occupylng
the whole troposphere in a region, in which there is horizontal uniformity
These two properties are
approximatety so; of temperature and humidity'
fundamental to the type oi resultant weather conditions. The uniformity
mean temperature and hence a
temperature, i.e. lack ol a horizontal gradient of
little with height and the
thermal wind component, means that the wind varies
air mass can move along with little distortion'

Source regions
or high and the QFF
within an air mass,the mean sealevel pressuremay be low
However, the regions
at an aerodrome has little significance in this connection'
are always areas of high
in which air massesoriginale, their source regions,
of its temperature
pressure.This is becausein order to establish the uniformity
ocean or polar
over a fairly uniform area ofthe earth's surface, e.g. sub-tropical
areasof the earth's
anticyclonespermanently or seasonallyiituated over certain
Depending upon the Source
,.,,f*" which provide just such Stagnantconditions.
Arctic (A) (or Antarctic)'
locations, air massesare classified by temperature as
as maritime (m) or
Polar @j, Tropical (T), Equatorial (E) and by humidity
continental (c).

Modification of air masses

Although it is not intended in this book to consider the many sub-classifications
geographicallocations, pilots should be aware that the weather to be
also upon its track
i pulrti.utu, uir massdependsnot only on its sourceregion but
temperature, starting
to the forecast area. consider first the modifications of
with an air mass moving into a warmer surface area (fig' 11'1)'


l6m[rerature /

Fig. I 1.I Air mass moving to warmer area becoming unstable

In this case,the surfacetemperatureriseincreases the lapserate in the lower

levels,producingincreasinginstability.If the air is and alsoremainsmoist,this
instability and the convection currents generatedwill produce towering
cumuliform cloud.
conversely(fig. ll.2), if the air massis moving to a progressivelycolder
surfacearea,it will be cooledfrom below,decreasing the lapsi rate to a stable
value.This stabilityopposesverticalmotion sohelpingto confinethe coolingto
the surfacelayersand perhapscreatinga low level inversion.If the air is and
remainsmoist, any cloud formed will be stratusand stratocumulusand any
prolongedcoolingwill probablyproduceadvectionfog.
Similarlythe trajectoryof the air afterleavingthe sourceregioncanalsohelp
to determineits humidity by the time it reachesanotherarea.Iia continentalair
massmovescontinuouslyover open oceanit will graduallybecomemaritime.
The required distance does depend to some extent upon the prevailing
temperature.Typical of this modification would be a flight departingfrom
copenhagenor Helsinki in clear cloudlessconditions on u i"nuury day,
remainingin the same air mass while crossingthe North Sea to arrive at
Aberdeenor Newcastlein snowshowers.The oppositesituationoccurswhena

straliform cioud

UK .#- source
Fig. ll.2 Air mass moving to colder area becomins stable
ArRl,rAssEs 139

maritime air masscrosseshigh ground and its humidity is reducedby orographic

cloud and rain. The higherthe mountains,the greateris the drying our
Although, asmentionedearlier,the prevailingmeansealevelpressurevalue
is not of iny real significancein an air massonce it has moved away from its
sourceregion, one aspectof pressuremay have a part to play pressure
tendency.lf within an air masssurfacepressureis generallyrising this implies
that the;eis probablysubsidence occurringand a stabilisingeffecton the lapse
rate,while generally falling imply lesseningstability'

Air massproperties
The air *urr ptop"tties experiencedin Britain (fig. 1l'3) are dealtwith below'
Other parts of the world are in Chapter15:Climatology'

Tropicalmaritime air (Tm)

with the prevailingwind in NW Europebeingsouth-westerly, this is a common
air massin the UK. Originating near the it
Azores, becomes progressively more
stableand humid on its track When
north-eastwards. the winds are light there

Fig. I1.3 Main air massesaffecting the British Isles

140 METEoRoLocY

may be an isothermal layer or inversion near the surface;when they are fresh to
strong the inversion is found above the surface turbulence layer when the air
mass arrives in the south-west approaches. In winter the dull, dizily weather
with low stratus or advection fog moves inland, especiallyat night, and all high
ground is obscured. However by the time that the tropical maritime air reaches
north-east England and east Scotland it is descending on the leeside of high
ground of northern Britain and breaks in the cloud may appear. In the summer,
although at night there may be advection or hill fog and widespread stratus or
stratoqumulus cloud, inland there is usually enough solar heating to dispersethe
stratus and perhaps be followed by isolated small cumulus in the still stable
conditions. The visibility is usually no more than moderate at best and in light
winds there may be local radiation fog patchesaround dawn if the stratus has not

Polar maritime air (Pm)

Originating often in the Greenland region, polar maritime air frequently spreads
acrossBritain from a north-west direction. On its track it will have become more
unstable and maintained its humidity. The relative humidity, however, is not as
high as that of tropical maritime air (which may be 90% to 10070in the UK) as
although there is continual evaporation into the air from the sea below, at the
same time the air is being warmed up from its slowly increasing dew point
temperature. Relative humidities of 70Voare typical. The increasing instability
permits active convection and helps to distribute the added moisture upwards'
In winter, polar maritime air brings cool weather with wintry showers with
good visibility away from the showers. Surface winds are gusty and flying is
brr-py. Clouds are large cumulus and cumulonimbus over the seaand all coasts,
with turbulent flying and a risk of severeicing. Inland the clouds tend to clear at
night and if the winds are light, there may be frost or radiation fog. In summer'
as the air mass moves over land by day, the instability is increasedand there is
widespread convection. Cumuliform is general with heavy showers of rain and
hail often accompanied by thunderstorms. Again turbulence and icing are
problems in cloud. Often the thunderstorms become more severethe further
south-east the air moves over Britain. Visibility outside the showers is good to
There is one particular caseof polar maritime air which is worthy of special
mention, occurring when there is a slow-moving low pressuresystemsituated to
the north-west ofthe British Isles. In this casethe trajectory ofthe polar air takes
it into latitudes much further south than the UK so that it arrives here as a south-
'returning polar maritime air' (rPm). Its
west wind and is known specifically as
lapse rate reflects the effect ofthis trajectory (fig. l1.a).
Having become unstable by the time it has travelled from its source (l) to the
most southerly point (2) on its track, the lowest layers of the rPm air are then
cooled from below as it moves north-eastwards to the seas(3) off south-west
England. This cooling is confined to the lowest layers and stabilisesthat part of
the previously unstable lapse rate making the air mass similar to tropical
maritime air with that air mass's characteristics. At night and in winter, if the

rPm air movesinlandit spreadsthelow stratus,drizzleandpoor visibilityin with

it. The upper air is, however,still unstable(and cool) so if the air is forced
upwardsby substantialhigh ground then large cumulus,cumulonimbusand
showersdevelop.In summerby day, the low cloud that movesinland (4) with
rPm air dispersesand in the warm, moist airstream,unstableconditionsand
widespreadconvectiondevelop.The stratusand stratocumulusarereplacedby
large cumulusand cumulonimbuswith squally showers,thunderstormsand
turbulentflying conditions.

(a) lraieclory (b) rno/ing from 1 to 2

(c) moving trom 2 tog

'returning' polar maritime air arriving

Fig. 11.4 Trajectory and lapse rates of
in the UK

Polar contkental air (Pc)

This air masshasits sourceregionin continentaleasternEuropeandSiberiaand
brings very cold weather to Britain in winter. At that time, low surface
temferatures and subsidencegive a stable lapse rate and relatively low
humiditiesin the sourceregion.Easterlywinds with a short seatrack continue
into Britain the cloud-freecold conditionsparticularlyat night. Further north
alongthe eastcoastof Britain, the air masswill travelfurther acrossa relatively
warrner North Sea (even if the sea temperaturesare only single-figure
absorbingheat and moisture.The lapserate graduallybecomesunstable and
snowand sleetshowersfall overthe coastalregionsof easternBritain with little
diurnal variation.Inland the showersbecomemore scattereddispersingto the
leeof high ground and at night.
Air from the sameSourceregionin summertracksacrossa warm continent
'the genuinearticle' by the time that it
and may thereforenot be considered
arrivesin the UK. In south-eastEngland,with a short seatrack, it arrivesas a
cloudlesswarm dry airstreamwith a largediurnal rangeof temperatureinland.
Further north alongthe eastcoast,the moisteningand coolingeffectof a longer
path overthe North Sea(now relativelycold)will produceadvectionfog or low
stratusin the modifredpolar continentalair.

Tropical continentalair (Tc)

Becausea suitable trajectory is rare and even if it did occur the multiple
modificationscausedby its passageacrossthe MediterraneanSea,the high
groundof southernEurope,e.g.the Alps, and the cold continentitselt preclude
iropical continentalair from the SaharaDesertarriving in Britain in winter'
At it, rout.. the air is stable,hot and arid. Trackingnorthwardsto Britain in
oheat-wave'conditions.The air is cooled
summer,tropicalcontinentalair brings
as it travels, so stabilisingthe lapse rate especially at night. The daytime
temperatures evenfail to produceextensivecloudsdueto the dryness of the air'
Visititities arehazydue to the dust and smokecollectedfrom the source and
Equatorial air neverreachesthe British Islesbut in mid-winter sometimes
Arctic air is experienced, whichthengivesmoreextremecold than Polarair e.g'
Arctic maritimeair (Am) approachingthe UK from due North'

Test questions
Q1. A south-westerly wind with low stratuscloud,drizzleand poor visibility
spreadinginto SW Britain indicatesthat the incomingair massis:
(a) tropical maritime
(b) polar maritime
(c) tropical maritime or returningpolar maritime'
Q2. Polar maritimeair massesare characteristically:
(a) cold, dry, unstablewith poor visibility
(b) cold, humid, increasinglyunstablewith good visibility exceptin
@ ArR MASSES 143

(c) infrequent over Britain in summer but when they occur they
produce radiation fog at night.
Q3. In summer, steady easterly winds from north Germany produce on the
NE English coast:
(a) a deterioration in visibility
(b) an improvement in visibility
(c) a marked drop in the freezing level.
Q4. In winter over southern Britain, returning polar maritime air will
probably produce:
(a) overcast skies of stratus and strotocumulus
(b) clear skies and radiation fog
(c) towering cumuliform cloud and thunderstorms.
Q5. Tropical continental air over central Britain in summer will probably
(a) hot hazy weather
(b) widespread thunderstorms
(c) layers of altocumulus and cirrocumulus (mackerel sky).
Q6. Clear night skies,with convection cloud and showersover the whole UK
during the day, is typical of:
(a) tropical maritime air
(b) polar maritime air
(c) returning polar maritime air.
Q7. If in January the weather conditions on a short cross-Channelflight from
Dover are: wind 110/20 kt, visibility 3 kim; the prevailing air mass is:
(a) tropical maritime air
(b) tropical continental air
(c) polar continental air.
Q8. In an ideal air mass, with an increaseof altitude:
(a) the wind becomesprogressively more westerly
(b) the wind becomesprogressively stronger
(c) there is little variation of wind velocity.
Q9. Within an air mass:
(a) pressureis uniformly high to preserveits homogeneity of temper-
ature and humidity along its track
(b) one particular mean sea level isobar bounds the limits of that air
mass's specific temperature and humidity
(c) pressure is lower on one side ofits trajectory than on the other.
Ql0. An air mass in summer over southern England which is experiencingthe
following conditions at the surface in the evening: wind 220/15 kt; QFE
1010 mb; no cloud; visibility 5 km; temperature l5oC; dew point
temperature l3"C; will probably by dawn in the same locality be
(a) cumuliform cloud and thunderstorms
(b) low stratus and poor visibility
(c) unchanged conditions.
12: Low Pressure

Although the concept of air massesand their associatedweather was introduced

by Norwegian meteorologists in 1928, the association of particular weather
conditions and identifiable pressure systemspre-dated the air mass concept by
many years. In 1883,inhis Principles of Forecastingby Means of weather charts,
the Hon Ralph Abercromby first delineated a depression by mean sea level
isobars and annotated it with its direction of motion and its related cloud,
weather and surface winds. In 1918,at the end of world war I, the Norwegian
meteorologists who had been working on both mathematical and empirical
studies of meteorology introduced the term 'front' and the concept of a frontal
A frontal surface may be defrned as a sloping surface separating two air
masses of different temperatures (and hence of different air densities). In
practice, the transition betweenadjacent air masseswill probably occupy a small
mixing zone and the term'frontal zone'may be preferable.The angleif slopeis
variable and probably averagesaround I in 100so it is greatly exaggeratedin fig.
2l.l et seq.The line on the earth's surfacewhere it is intersectedbya frontal zone
is called a front.
where at a front, warm air is overtaking colder air, the front is called a warm
front (shown on a chart as a red line or the symbols lll
) while if cold
air is overtaking warmer air the front is called a cold front (shown by a blue line
or by .La^. ). Sometimes a front may become stationary or quasi-
stationary and at other times the motion reverses(called retrograde) and the cold
front becomesa warm front or vice versa.
Becausethe major characteristics of an air mass are its temperature and its
humidity, in practice it may be easierto determine the changefrom one air mass
to another by comparison of the dew point temperatures (which combine both
attributes) rather than the reported air temperatures alone.

Fig. 12.l

The global atmosphericcirculationproducesa numberof areasaround the

world which regularlyexperience this discontinuitybetweenair masses:
Arcticfront - boundarybetweenarcticand polar air masses locatedmainly near
to the Arctic Circle.
Polar front - boundary betweenpolar and tropical air masses,found in
temperatelatitudes in all of the great oceansof northern and southern
hemispheres, its position varying with the seasonand from day to day. In the
North Pacificit lies to the south of the Aleutian Islandswhile in the North
Atlantic it liesfrom Florida to SW Britain in winter and from Newfoundlandto
Scotlandand Scandinaviain summerhavinga N,/S seasonalmovement.
Inter-tropicalfront (ITD - boundary betweenthe trade winds of the two
hemispheres. It is, however,modified by the seasonalmonsoonsand because
oftenthe two tradewindshavesimilarair and dewpoint temperatures, the term
'inter-tropical convergencezone' (ITCZ) is preferred in
Chapter 15:
Active fronts, whethercold or warm, lie in troughsof low pressure.A weak
front producesonly a shallowtrough and the isobarsmay well be U-shaped,
while a front with alargedifferencebetweenthe air masses will haveV-shaped
isobarswith a well-markedchangein isobardirection(fig. 12.2).

\\ t
i, z

\+-/ \,


leasl sctw

Fig. 12.2 Isobarsat a front

The trough shapedeterminescertain basic properties of fronts of which pilots

should be aware.
1. At an aerodrome when a front passes,the wind will veer (in the northern
hemisphere)so a pilot returning after a cross-country could easily find that there
is a new runway in use.
2. The same wind veer means that if a front is crossedwhile flying at 2000 to
3000 ft, an alteratioq of heading to starboard (in the northern hemisphere) will
be necessaryto maintain the same track.
3. Although a satellite picture will clearly show the belt of frontal cloud, see

Chapter 16, on a synoptic chart in a meteorological office the plotted

observations usually enable the front's position to be located fairly accuratelyby
a study of the station reports of:
(a) wind direction, which will veer
(b) pressuretendency, which will usually changefrom a fall to become steady
or rise
(c) dew point temperature, which will change from one air mass to the other
(d) air temperature, which will also change.
Perhaps even more important to pilots than the horizontal characteristicsof
fronts and frontal surfacesare the associatedvertical conditions, ofwhich cloud
types and their distribution have already been mentioned in Chapter 6. The
clouds are primarily associated with the ascent of the warm air which is an
element in the general circulation of the troposphere as depicted in fig. 12.3.

subsktsnce ascerdirE air subsidence

prodrrcing and adiabatic and adiabalic
stability cooling warming

*-----'+- '


Fig. 12.3 Verticalcirculationof the troposphere

The clouds are associatedwith the frontal zones (seefrg. 12.7), so the worst
flying weather, e.g. airframe icing, windshear, etc., may be experienced some
distance away from the surface position of the front. The height of the frontal
zone will be readily identifiable from upper air temperature and dew point
temperature readings (fig. l2.a).
The movement of the trough is at right angles to the trough line (front) with
the lower pressureon the left in the northern hemisphere(right in the southern
hemisphere).Its speedis dependentupon the isobar spacing along the front (fig.
12.5).If the winds are exactly geostrophic, the front's speedwill be that obtained
by measuring the distance apart of isobars at the front and taking the
corresponding speedfrom the geostrophic scale.
If the speedof movement obtained from the geostrophic scaleis small, say less
than 10 knots, then the rule is lessreliable and such slow-moving situations may
in fact result in the front moving away from an area of rising pressuretowards
an area of falling pressure(isallobaric movement).
The speedofcold fronts generally corresponds to the geostrophic scalevalue
but in the caseof warm fronts the actual speedof translation is usually only two
thirds of the geostrophic component measured as shown in fig. l2'5.

Fig.12.4 Slopeoffrontal surfacefrom upperair observations

Frontal depressions
The great majority of depressions which determine flying conditions in
'lows' formed on the polar front. The sequence of
temperate latitudes are
development is shown in frg. 12.6.The processwas first describedby J. Bjerknes
of the Norwegian group of meteorologists, so it is sometimescalled the Bjerknes
or Norwegian Theory of polar front depressions.
Initially a small wave of warm air intrudes into the cold air (f\9. 12.6(a), (b)



Fig. 12.5 Speed of movement of frontal trough




(b) quasl-tatlonary polar honl


(el cross-soclbnX-Y


Fig. 12,6 Development of a warm sector depression

and (c)) which is called a frontal wave and is associated with a fall of pressure at
the tip of the wave. This wave tends to ripple its way along the polar front at the
velocity of the warm air stream. The wave may be stable and only have a
temporary effect, but if it is unstable the pressure fall at the tip of the wave
continues and the deepeningfrontal depression then develops a life cycle ofits
own. The advancing portion of the polar front becomesthe warm front and the
rear portion becomesthe cold front. The warm air in the wave betweenthe warm

Y a
fi o


l** e

6 c.l
E cl bb

s E


150 MErEoRoLocY

and cold fronts is known as the warm sector of the depressionand the polar air
constitutes the cold sector. The clouds, weather, winds, etc., vary in degreefrom
one warm sector depressionto another but follow a general pattern which may
be consideredby referenceto a vertical cross-sectionthrough the system,such as
XY in fig. 12.6(d).Cold sector air XC is overtaking and lifting warm sector air
CW at the cold front and in turn, the warm sector air CW is over-running the
cold sector air WY. The whole system is moving along the polar front at the
speedof the wave which is the 2000ft w,/v in the warm sector(or possibly slightly
slower). Typical associatedconditions are shown in fig. 12.7.
For ease of illustration, the vertical scale is exaggeratedfrom that for the
horizontal dimension. The warm front slope really is of the order of I in 100 to
150 while the cold front slope is usually steeper at around I in 50. The
accompanying jet stream will be located at J I O ] (where it is travelling out of
the page) at the warm front while behind the cold front it will be located at J
[ @ 1 (wtrere it is travelling into the page).
The sequence of events for an observer ahead (to the East) of a frontal
depression starts with the appearance of cirrus clouds usually at 30000 feet or
higher. Within the cold air there will still be conditions characteristicof polar air
- usually cumuliform cloud and showers. The cirrus clouds gradually become
cirrostratus which spreadsuntil the sky is overcast and although the sun may be
visible upwards, the ice crystalsof the cirrostratus will pro ducea22o halo around
it. Similarly when flying at heights of, say, 40000 feet, coastlinesof land masses
will be visible initially when looking down through the cirriform cloud.
Gradually the clouds thicken and lower so that at some 400 to 500 miles ahead
of an active warm front the cloud layer(s) have become altostratus with small
supercooled water droplets. To a ground observer, the sun takes on a
outline before being obscured completely. At altitude, a pilot willfind that once
the cloud base is down to 20000 feet or lower, slight snow or perhaps rain will
start to fall but soon evaporates,so never reaching the ground. The tropopause
has now risen in the warm sector air and the core of the jet stream will be between
the frontal surface and the warm sector tropopause, with the maximum
probability of clear air turbulence between the jet core and the warm frontal
surface. Even if the upper winds do not reach the speedof a jet stream, they are
still strongest in this area and a ground observer may see low clouds moving
steadily north-eastwards while the medium and high clouds are moving rapidly
south-eastwards(fig. 12.8).
The 8/8 altostratus continues to thicken and lower with the precipitation from
it steadily intensifying. Eventually some 150-200 miles ahead of the surface
warm front when the cloud base is down to 6000 to 7000 feet, the precipitation
reaches the surface. The altostratus now becomes nimbostratus and the
precipitation continues for severalhours until the warm front passes.In summer,
the precipitation is as slight then moderate rain but in colder conditions it will be
of snow, sleetor, worst of all, freezing rain. The degreeof activity of fronts is very
variable so while on some occasionsthe altostratus,/numbostratus cloud system
may extend from near to the surface(and obscuring high ground) to heights well
in excessof 20000 feet. at other times the altostratus may be layered with some

N hemisphere

| = low dord movernenl (2000 ft wto)

I = thermelcomponnl

Fig,28 .,".J::###:*,' arrontar


clear lanes. Beneath the lowering warm front cloud, the cumuliform cloud
activity of the cold sector gradually diminishes. However, further cloud may be
found in the cold air in rain beneath the nimbostratus caused by evaporation
from the falling raindrops. In extreme cases,the evaporation can give a belt of
frontal fog. The transition at the surfaceinto the warm sector will also be marked
by the wind veering (northern hemisphere),the barometric tendency'slarge falls
of pressureceasingand the dew point and air temperatures rising. There may in
fact already have been some gradual rise in temperature ahe4d of the front. At
upper levels,say, 30 000 feet above the surfaceposition of the front, the wind will
have gradually backed (northern hemisphere) and decreased in speed. In
practice, while most warm fronts will show the foregoing features of primarily
stratiform cloud structures, there are a few exceptional caseswhere the warm air
rising up the frontal surface becomes unstable and as a result produces warm
front thunderstorms.
The warm sector will be warm and humid. The typical tropical maritime air
masscharacteristicsof stratus, stratocumulus, drizzle or slight rain with hill fog
and possibly advection fog will prevail at night and in winter. The flying
conditions above the lowest levels will be stable and smooth and mostly
cloudfree. On summer days, there may be little cloud (except on south-west
coasts)with poor visibility generally.
Depending upon how near the centre of the despressionis to the observer, so
the interval before the cold front is experiencedwill vary. As already mentioned,
the slope ofthe cold frontal surfaceis steeperthan that ofthe warm front and the
cloud and weather are not just a simple reversal of that of a warm front. The
conditions vary considerably from one cold front to another. Becausesurface
'nose' of
friction retards the lowest part of the frontal surface, there is often a
'nose' is
warm air at 1500-2000 feet over-running the surface air. This
continuously being destroyed and re-developingwith attendant s
-,'rr.ror =
]( )

152 MErEoRoLocY

The ascentof thewarm air dueto theunder-cuttingeffectof thewedgeof cold

air will producecumuliform cloud alongthe line of the front. As shownin fig.
l2.7,the toweringcumulusand cumulonimbusmay be found overa band some
30 to 50 mileswide with somealtocumuluscarriedforward aheadof the main
frontal cloudmass.Thepresence of theline of cumulus./cumulonimbus may not
bereadilyvisibleto a groundobserverbecause of thewarmsectorlow cloud,but
will be easilyidentifiedon weatherradar (ground or airborne)and visibleto
aircraft in flight which are clearof the altocumulus.Penetrationof cold fronts,
particularlyif they are very active,shouldbe madeas near aspossibleat right
anglesto the front.
At the surface,in additionto thegustyor squallywinds,rain or hail fallsfrom
thickeningcloud from just aheadof the front and continuesfor a belt some30
to 50 mileswide.After the front passes, pressurerisesrapidly, the temperature
falls and the wind directionveers(northernhemisphere). As the cumulusand
cumulonimbusclear,somealtocumulusand altostratusmay lingerfor a while
with somecirrostratuson the frontal surface.The final cloud clearancecan be
quiteclear-cutand,out of precipitation,the visibility greatlyimproved.Overall,
the frontal surfaceprobablyextendssome250-300milesbackfrom the surface
front. At high cruisinglevelsthewind (in thenorthernhemisphere) will befound
to havebackedfurther and againbetweenthe warm sectortropopauseand the
sloping frontal surfacethere is everyprospectof a jet-streamfrom a south-
westerlydirectionwith its associated clearair turbulence.Suchactivecold fronts
with unstablewarm air arecalledana-frontswhile cold kata-frontsare far less
active.Sometimes thenthecloudstructureis layeredandresembles a warmfront
in reverseand may amount to nothing more than a very thick layer of
stratocumulus.At suchtimes,thereis correspondinglylittle changein surface
wind direction,only slightand perhapssporadicrain at the front itselftogether
with a smalldrop in temperature.

(a) (b)

\ , \ "
Fig. 12.9 Occluding of a frontal depression

The occluding process

A depression occludes due to the gradual decreaseof the warm sector as the
warm air is lifted upwards along the frontal surfaces to diverge at altitude.
Successivesurface charts show the cold front gradually overtaking the warm
front until, when no warm sector air is left at the surface,an occlusion is formed
(hg. 12.9). Occlusions are also named cold or warm depending upon the
characteristics of the two cold air masses.They are unlikely to have the same
temperatures,lapse rates and humidities becauseof the two air masses'differing
recent histories and trajectories. Whichever they may be, the occlusions still lie
in troughs of low pressure but as shown in fig. 12.12 (a) to (e) and frg. 12.13,
various isobar patterns are possible overall.

Cold occlasion
This occurs when the overtaking cold air mass (A) (ltg. 12.10)is colder than the
retreating cold air mass (C) so that not only is the warm sector (B) lifted off the
surface but the warm front and air mass (C) is too. The associatedcloud and
weather are found on both sidesof the occlusion and in the later stagesof its life
the cold occlusion tends more and more to resemble a cold front. Becauseit
marks the forward surface limit of the overtaking cold air, the trough line for a
cold occlusion runs smoothly on from the cold frontal trough.

(b)new! formedocclusion

(c) in its laler stages

Fig. 12.10

In NW Europe, becausethe North Atlantic ocean is relatively colder than the

land mass to the east in the summer, cold occlusions are most frequent at this
seasonof the year.

Warm occlusion
This occurs when the overtaking cold air (A) (frg. 12.11)is relatively warmer than
the retreating cold air (C), which is most likely in winter in NW Europe. At this

embedded CU/CB
" -l
t ' i ,
: ,;N,S

(b) newly{ormedwarm occlusion

(c) in its laler stages


Fig. 12.lI Warm occlusion

season, the cold air in the east is mainly cold continental polar air while the
overtaking air is the lesscold maritime polar air. The warm sector air (B) slides
up the warm frontal surface followed by the cold front itself.
Superficially, with the rain and main cloud structure ahead of the surface
position of the warm occlusion, its weather resemblesthat of a warm front. In
fact in its later stagesthis approximation is valid. However, during the first 24 to
36 hours of the occluding process, there may be active large cumulus and
cumulonimbus left still on the residual cold frontal surfacewhich are
in the layer cloud. Although readily detectableon an aircraft's weather radar, for
an unsuspectingpilot believing that his IMC is due to layer clouds only, sudden
entry into severeturbulence, heavy icing, thunderstorms and hail may come as
an unpleasant and unwelcome surprise.

Back-bent occlusions
Several common alternative isobar patterns occur when a warm sector
depressionoccludes.The occluded low can remain at what was the original tip
of the warm sector with all of the occlusion lying on its warmer side (fig. 12.12
(a)). When this happens the low usually slows down, becomesa massof rotating
polar air and the occlusion weakensand finally losesits identity as a significant
Alternatively the occluded low can remain at what at any time is currently the
tip of the warm sector (fig. 12.12 (b), (c), (d)). In this case the subsequent


Fig.12.12 Isobarsat occludeddepressions

movement of the occlusion is determined by the winds in the cold air on the polar
side of the low. With the continued movement of the occluded low, the occlusion
becomes'back-bent'following the cold front from the north-west or west. Often
the area between the cold front and the occlusion is similar to a second warm
sector and a good approximation of the direction of motion of the low at this
time is gained from an averageof its two warm sectors.
At other times, the isobars may assume a pattern intermediate between the
two just described, as shown in frg. 12.12 (e). This still produces a back-bent

Families of depressions
Often as one depressionoccludesso another will form, perhaps as a variation of
the systemillustrated infig.12.12 (a). In such a case(fig. 12.13),the new low will
be secondary to the original (primary) low and starts to circulate about it. If as
often happensthe new secondarydeepensquickly and the occludedprimary fills,
'old' centre moving
then the secondaryassumesthe greater importance with the
about it. If the two lows have the sameintensity they pirouette about each other.
The isobars around a secondaryare often closesttogether on the side away from

Fig. 12.13 Movementof occludedlow and secondary

the primary low. Frequently the extensivedrifting of snow in winter over SW

England occurs when there is an occluded low over northern Britain with a
frontal secondary over the SW approaches to the English Channel or in the
Bristol Channel.
The trailing cold front of an occluded low extendswest-south-westas the polar
front but the cold air has moved it further south than its original latitude.
Conditions then becomesuitable for a new frontal wave to form. Typically, some

Fig. 12.14 Family of depressions


four or five depressionsform one after another along the polar front, each at a
successivelylower latitude. The sequenceends with an anticyclone building up
in the polar air. Cold air moving behind the last of the series of depressions
spreads so far southwards that it flows on into the trade wind system. At the
same time, a new family of depressionsstarts to form on the new polar front
becoming establishedto the north-west of the anticyclone and the whole process

Frontal activity
The process of development of fronts is known as frontogenesis, and their
process of decay as frontolysis. The actual degree of activity of a front at a
particular time will, from a pilot's point of view, depend upon where he meetsthe
front in the courseof his flight. For example, if it is met in a mountainous region,
orographic uplift will supplement the frontal uplift so worsening icing,
turbulence, etc., as already described. The activity does also depend upon
whether the depressionis deepeningrapidly and, in the caseof a cold front, upon
the degreeof (in)stability of the warm sector air.
The convergenceof low level air in a depressionis most concentrated at the V-
troughed isobars at a front. If a depression has not been deepening for some
time, the winds will tend to approximate to geostrophic and convergencewill be
negligible. In fig. 12.15 the front F,F, will be weak with little or no rainfall




ofgeostrophicwindsat a front
Fig. 12.15 Non-convergence
because the winds are geostrophic and when this occurs the component 'a'
perpendicular to the front in its rear is no greater than the perpendicular
component 'b' ahead of it, so there is no overtaking motion.
However, with a deepeningdepressionthe winds are not geostrophic because
of the constantly increasing pressuregradient. The amount of unbalance in the
actual wind is known as the isallobaric component (fig. 12.16).Applied to the
frontal situation, the isallobaric component of actual ageostrophic wind will be


pfessure F
geoslrophic component

Fig. 12.16 Ageostrophic wind due to isallobaric effect

directed to the front F,F, at the trough line $tg.12.17). Although the geostrophic
component will produce no convergencethe isallobaric component will do so,
with which there will be the attendant ascentof air, adiabatic cooling, cloud and
precipitation associatedwith active fronts.

\X I

Fig. 12.17 Isallobariccomponentsat a front



Fig. 12.18 Potential instability at a cold front


At a warm front, conditions are usually stable with successivelayers of warm

sector air sliding gently upwards to produce layers of cloud with progressively
lowering bases.At a cold front, the undercutting wedgeof cold air effectively lifts
a whole massof warm sectorair (MN) bodily upwards (MtNr) (fig. 12.18).Il as
is often the case,the stable warm sector air has a high humidity at low level but
is much drier aloft, then it is potentially unstable and the bodily lifting produces
large cumulus and cumulonimbus along the cold front.

Test questions
Q 1. If for a westbound flight at a position 500 miles east of a warm front the
following winds are forecast:
30000 ft 315/135kt
2000 ft 235/ 35kt
it is probable that the warm front will be:
(a) quite weak
(b) quite active
(c) quite probably occluded by the cold front.
Q2. At an aerodrome in the UK, when an active warm front passes:
(a) the surface wind veers
(b) the surface wind backs
(c) the surface wind direction may veer or back.
Q3. The three best elementsto use to locate a cold front on an unanalysed
synoptic chart are:
(a) MSL pressure,air temperature, surface wind velocity
(b) air temperature, dew point temperature, visibility
(c) barometric tendency, surface wind direction, dew point
Q4. The symbol on a chart denotes:
(a) warm front
(b) cold front
(c) an occlusion.
Q5. At midnight, the geostrophic winds measured at A. B and C in the
diagram are respec-
tively 40, 20, and 30
knots. For position
D, 120nauticalmiles
aheadofthe front, the
ETA of the front will
(a) 0300hrs
(b) 0400hrs
(c) 0600hrs.
160 MErEoRoLocY

Q6. If an observernotesthat whilelow cloudsaredispersinguppercloudsare

changingfrom cirrusto cirrostratusthenaltostratus,hecanassumethat:
(a) a warm front is approaching
(b) a cold front is approaching
(c) a warm front or an occlusionis approaching.
Q7. If a pilot notesthat his flight forecastshowshe will meeta front in a
mountainousareaof his intendedroute. he shouldassumethat:
(a) the front will be weakenedby orographicdying out of any moist
(b) the fohn effect will make the front lose its activity
(c) the orographic uplift will supplement the frontal uplift and worsen
flying conditions.
Q8. It is true to say of occlusions that:
(a) if back-bent, they always tend to move more northerly
(b) cold occlusionsare most common in the UK in winter
(c) when newly-formed, the layer clouds of a warm occlusion may
Qe. With a family of depressionsin the northern hemisphere, the track of
each successive depressiontends to pass:
(a) further to the east
(b) further to the north-east
(c) further to the south.
Ql0. Overflying an activewarm sectordepressionfrom New York to London
at 33000 ft, the associatedjetstream will:
(a) be from 270'T throughout
(b) initially be from 24tT,later becoming 300'T
(c) initially be from 300oT,later becoming24lT.
L3: Non-frontalDepressions

Although the majority of depressionsaffecting NW Europe are frontal in origin,

'non-frontal' and in fact in some parts of the wodd, all of
some depressionsare
the low pressuresystemsexperiencedare of this type. Generally, the non-frontal
lows are categorisedas:
(a) orographic lows, or
(b) thermal lows
and may appear as either secondariesto other systemsor as distinct entities on
their own.

Orographic depressions
Sometimescalled'|eedepressions',theselows form to the lee,i.e. downwind, of
a substantial barrier of high ground in a steadyairflow (fig. 13.l). Where the high
ground comes near to the coast, e.g. Scandinavia or parts of the Alps, the
resultant low may be situated over the sea. Sometimes the effect may not be
sufficient to produce an individual depression with its own isobar system, in
which casethere will be a leesidetrough.

Fig. 13.1 Orographicdepression

The weather in the low (which remains relatively stationary) is influenced by

the fcihn effect and is fine and dry. If a cold front is borne along in the airstream
and part of the front is able to skirt around the end of the mountain range while
the rest of the front is held up by the high ground, then the low will probably
intensify with accompanying bad weather. The depressionthen of course is no
longer non-frontal. The hazards to aviation of mountain lee-wavesystemshave
already been described in Chapter 10. The presence of active orographic
depressionswith frontal weather adds to the difficulties of aircraft operations in
mountainous regions, where deteriorations can be very rapid'
162 MErEoRoLocY

Thermal depressions
Thermal depressionsvary considerably in sizeand their accompanying weather.
Becausesuch depressionscan occur with either heating at the surfaceproducing
a reduction in surface pressureor by the generation of an unstable lapse, some
authorities categorise 'instability depressions' as a separate group. For the
purposesof this chapter, they will be treated as a variant of the thermal low type.

(a) Equatorial low pressure

This will be dealt with in Chapter l5: Climatology. It is convenient to note here
that in the lowest latitudes where the sun is overhead, or nearly so at mid-day,
it is regularly hot, the lapse rate is unstable and mean sea level pressuresare
relatively low.

(b) Monsoon low

In large continents(e.g. Indian sub-continent),summer heating gives rise to a
seasonalthermal low which establishesa circulation over the whole region and
is known as a monsoon low. Again this will be covered in detail in Chapter 15.

(c) Summer lows ovey land

Whereas monsoon lows become a regular feature of meteorological charts for
weeks at a time, in other land areas (e.g. Europe) in slack pressure gradients,
summer heating over successivedays can produce shallow depressions.If the air
is humid enough, the instability generated together with the surface heating
produces towering cumuliform clouds, thunderstorms and squalls. Often such
lows forming over France and the Iberian peninsula drift slowly northwards to
cross the Channel and bring severe thunderstorms to southern and central
England to put an end to a few days of 'heat-wave' conditions.

(d) Tropical revolving storms

These storms, which are discussedin detail in Chapter 15, are large stormy
depressionsknown variously as hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones,etc., in different
parts of the world. Although most likely to be encounteredin low latitudes, they
can occasionally migrate to temperate latitudes.

(e) Tornadoes
In contrast to tropical revolving storms, tornadoes are very intense localised
depressionscharacteristic of the climate of certain localities and seasons.

fi |ltinter lows over the seo

The counterpart to (c) above, albeit at much lower temperatures.They form over
large inland waters such as the Mediterranean when the arrival of a polar
airstream behind a cold front from a cold land area can lead to the cold air being
so heated by the relatively warm sea that it becomes very unstable and
depressionsare formed in the polar air. On flying through the cold front into the
polar air there is then not a rapid improvement in flying conditions, but in the
depressionthere are further thunderstorms, turbulence, icing and squalls.

Fig. 13.2 Polarair depression

(g) Polar air depressions

It was noted in Chapter 1l that polar maritime air moving into NW Europe is
unstable. It often occurs behind cold fronts or occlusions where the cold air
moves over increasingly warmer sea to give a high ELR and instability.
Sometimesthe instability is enough to produce a small circular depressionin the
airstream (fig. 13.2). Because such depressions are associated with areas of
particular instability they will also be areasof large cumulus and cumulonimbus
clouds, heavy showers or thunderstorms, turbulence, icing and squally winds
which move along with the low which themselvesmove rather erratically with
the airflow at medium levels (500 mb). As with the orographic depression,
instead of an individual, separate depression with its own system of isobars,
sometimes a polar trough will be formed within the airstream.

Test questions
Ql. A thermaldepression:
(a) only occurs over land
(b) only occurs over land during daylight hours
(c) may occur over land or sea.
Q2. Orographic depressionsoccur:
(a) only in valleys
(b) to the windward of high ground
(c) downwind of high ground.
Q3. The weather in non-frontal lee depressionsis:
(a) fine due to fdhn effect

(b) overcastdue to orographicuplift

(c) squallydue to anabatic/katabaticeffects.
Q4. A polar air depression:
(a) remainsstationaryor nearlyso
(b) moveswith the polar airstream
(c) movestowardsthe pole.
Q5. Over inland seas,thermaldepressionsform most frequently:
(a) during winter months
(b) during summermonths
(c) in springand summer.
14: AnticyclonesandCols

it was stated
In an earlier ref-erenceto the general circulation of the troposphere
levels and ascending
that areasof low pressureexperiencedconvergenceat low
ofair at upper levels,
air while regions offtigtt pr.rirt. experiencedconvergence
are now
in anticfclones and ridges of high pressure upon flying conditions
consideredin more detail.
may be very
In an anticyclone the area over which subsidenceis occurring
for the whole width
substantial, for example in mid-summer a high may extend
in an anticyclone is
of the North Atlantic ocean at 40"N. The rate of subsidence
in towering
relatively slow when compared with the rate of ascentof convection
feet in a day'
cumuliform clouds, and may amount to no more than 2000
spanning a large
Nevertheless,despite this slow downward rate of movement
two major character-
region the subsiding air warms adiabatically, establishing
istics of high pressure systems,namely humidity and temperature
rn lts
As the subsiding air warms, any cloud that it contains or encounters
descentwill be evaporated, so producing cloudlessskies.In these
lapse rate
all subsequentsubiidence brings about warming at the dry adiabatic
to the lowest
and reducing the relative humiaity. This process continues down
of water
few thousarid feet of the troposphere, where the upward transport
subsidencein the lower atmosphere'
The warming effect of the subsiding air gradually but steadily establishes
by a
stable environmental lapse rate and an anticyclone is usually characterised
substantialinversion.In frg. 14.1,ABC representsan initial environmental
rate approximating to ISA temperature conditions'
(ct) and the air in
If the air originally at 20000 feet (c) subsidesto 6000 feet
the middle of the layer subsidesto 3000feet (B,) before diverging'
are therefore
Tie flying conditions .*perie.t"ed in any particular anticyclone
determined bY:
should be
near the surface depends upon the site of the high' It
remembered that they are the sourcesof air masses'
(b) the stable laPserate.
of the high with light to moderate
i.j tn. [ght winds or calm near the centre
divergent winds nearer its edges'
Although the terms tropical or polar high are used in a climatological
moving to
when refeiring to the ,orrrr. region of an air mass, an anticyclone
warm or cold
cover the gritish Isles is *o.. liktly to be described as a

warming at DALR

3 C de9/1000 ft

-n -10 0 +10 A +20 "C

Fig. 14.l Subsidence
anticyclone. The other descriptive terms applied to anticyclonesare
or which are self-explanatory,and sometimesa high may be referred
to as a'blocking high'. This latter term is applied to an anticyclone situated over
or off the coastsof NW Europe in such a way that it effectively'blocks'the usual
west-to-eastpassageof warm sector depressionsalong the polar front, diverting
them either much further north or much further south than their usual track and
giving quiet anticyclonic weather over Britain.

Cold anticyclones
The polar regions, especially Antarctica, are regions of permanent cold
anticyclones although the north polar high does collapse at times when invaded
by fronts from temperature latitudes. In the winter months there is a'seasonally-
permanent'anticyclone over Siberia and a lessintensetendency to high pressure
over North America.
Becauseof the density of the very cold air at low levels,the rate of decreaseof
pressurewith increaseof height is much greater than standard and by 10000 ft
(700 mb) often the pressure at that level is no longer higher than that of
surrounding areas,i.e. there is no high on the 700 mb chart.
Such cold anticyclonic regions have very low surface temperatures and the
subsidenceinversion is very pronounced. On its outer edges,especiallyif nearby
depressionsare bringing moist air into its circulation, the anticyclone will still
have no medium or upper cloud but there are often widespread sheetsof stratus
or stratocumulus cloud. If the winds are lighter, dull foggy weather prevails.
Above the fog or low cloud, fine smooth flying conditions occur. In central areas
of continental cold anticyclones brilliant frosty weather is the rule.
Sometimesin mid-winter, the Siberian high becomesso intense and extensive
that the British Isles are encompassedin its circulation and UK aerodromes in

the south-eastsuch as Heathrow and Gatwick experiencethesecold anticyclonic

conditions in easterlywinds. At UK aerodromesfurther north such as Aberdeen
and Newcastle, the passage of the air across the North Sea will produce a
modification of its properties, as already described in Chapter I l: Air Masses.
Temporary cold anticyclones occur over the British Isles at any season.Each
depressionin a family of depressionsis separatedfrom its successorby either a
ridge of cold air or by a small temporary cold anticyclone and the last depression
of a family is followed by a rather bigger temporary cold anticyclone until a new
'temporary' is of shorter duration
polar front becomesestablished.In summer,
lhan in winter when the high sometimes merges into the western edge of the
Siberian high. In summer months, the heating of the polar air in the high by
subsidence and by heating from below by both land and sea will gradually
change it into a warm anticYclone.
In autumn, cold anticyclones often give radiation fog or, if the winds are
stronger, widespread stratus or stratocumulus. For most of the winter months,
however, cold bright cloudless conditions are most likely with overnight frost
needing to be cleared off parked aircraft in the morning.
In summer, although cold anticyclones are not long-lived, the surfaceheating
generatesconvection currents as the day warms up. Thesewill be inhibited by the
general stability of the environment and dryness of the upper air so only small
fair weather cumulus result from the convection'

Warm anticyclones
Permanent warm anticyclones are found over the oceansat latitudes around 25o
to 40o.In such regions they are subject to little diurnal variation in temperature,
experiencevirtuaily no surface cooling and are very stable and persistent.Flying
.onditio.t, could not be better as they are usually warm and cloudless with
excellent visibility and surface winds at island aerodromes determined by land
and sea breezes.
In temperate latitudes such as the British Isles,a temporary warm anticyclone
may either have evolved from a cold anticyclone as already described or be an
extension of a sub-tropical anticyclone. The evolution from a cold anticyclone is
a frequent occurrence and in the summer leads to a period of fine weather'
Sometimesthere is fair weather cumulus and at coastal aerodromes,especiallyat
night, there may be stratocumulus in the tropical maritime air. In autumn there
is iadiation fog inland in suitable conditions of wind speed. Where a warm
anticyclone devilops from an extensionof the sub-tropical high (and this will not
o..rri in the UK in winter becausethat high will then have moved towards the
Equator), the air masswithin it will be tropical maritime air. Above the inversion
flying conditions are fine and smooth. Below it there will be a high probability
oir.u fog, especiallyon its western flanks and in spring and summer, while over
land in late summer and in autumn radiation fog is very likely'

Ridge ofhigh pressure

A ridge is an extensionoutwards from an anticyclone. It may be quasi-stationary
but in the British Isles is more likely to be a transitory feature between two


Fig. 14.2 Ridgeof high pressure

frontal depressions.In the former case,the ridge will tend to reflect the weather
characteristicsof its parent anticyclone and the air massof which it is the source.
In the latter case(fig. 14.2)the subsidencein the polar air givesfine clear weather.
unfortunately the ridge's movement is determined by the motion of the two
depressionseachside of it, so it is unlikely to persistfor more than 24 to 36 hours.

A col is not bounded by any one isobar but is in fact the region of almost uniform
pressurebetween two highs (or areas of higher pressure)and two lows (or areas
of lower pressure) (fig. la.3). As such, winds are light and variable, tending to
flow in on two sides (AB, CD) and flow outwards on the other two sides (BC,
DA) (northern hemisphere).

Fig. 14.3 Col


With the exception of a strong wind or gale forecast, a pilot should be

prepared for any type of flying weather in a col. In general, a col in autumn or
winier will probably experienceradiation fog or low cloud while in summer after
possibly a misty start, Iarge cumuliform clouds are likely to build up over land
with a risk of thunderstorms. Sometimesa front or occlusion may cross a col
in fig. 12.13), particularly if the col lies between a primary and a secondary
depression. tn inis case,the light winds mean that the associatedbelt of cloud
ani precipitation will also be very slow-moving. Any aerodromes near the front
will have persistentlow cloud and the rain (or snow in winter) will be prolonged'
If it is noted that over the region of the col, the surface pressuresare rising'
then any fronts or occlusions will gradually die out. Conversely if the col is a
region of steadily falling pressure,the converging (and differing air masses)will
intensify the frontal activitY.
In summary, becauseof its very shape (or lack of it), its extent and existence
depend rrpon oth.t adjoining pressuresystems,a col can produce a wide variety
ofweather conditions and the forecaster keepsan alert eye open to the adjoining
pressuresystemsas well as barometric tendenciesand upper air conditions in the
col itself.

Test questions
Ql. In an anticyclone that is intensifying, there is:
(a) divergenceat low levels, convergenceat upper levels
(b) divergenceat all levels
(c) convergenceat low levels, divergenceat upper levels'
Q2. From the centre of an anticyclone outwards, the surface winds:
(a) gradually decreasein sPeed
(b) gradually increasein sPeed
(c) show no significant change in wind speed.
Q3. At an aerodrome in the British Isles experiencing a cold anticyclone, an
easterly wind at 2000 ft will:
(a) increasein strength with height throughout the troposphere
(b) remain constant with height throughout the troposphere
(c) decrease with height and become westerly in the upper
Q4. A temporary cold anticyclone over the UK in summer will:
(a) gradually become a warm anticyclone
(b) gradually become a permanent anticyclone
(c) graduallY develoP into a col.
Q5. Around an anticyclone winds at low level circulate:
(a) anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere
(b) anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere
(c) clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
Q6. In a warm anticyclonein summer at UK coastalaerodromes:
(a) land and sea breezesare a frequent occurrence
(b) land and sea breezesare an infrequent occurrence
(c) sea breezesbring in thunderstorms from the warm sea'
170 MErEoRoLocy

Q7. Typical of anticyclonic weather are:

(a) gales and low cloud in winter
(b) thunderstorms in late afternoon and evening in summer
(c) radiation fog in autumn.
Q8. A small cold anticyclone moving south-eastwardsacrossthe British Isles
in January will bring:
(a) increasingly colder weather across the country over a period of a
few days
(b) increasingly milder weather acrossthe country over a period of a
few days
(c) widespread snow across the country for a period of a few days.
Q9. Around a col the isobar pattern is such that:
(a) one isobar joins all places with the same mean sea level pressure
(b) the isobars on the high pressure sides have one interval greater
value (e.g.2 mb, 4 mb, etc.) than the isobarson the low pressure
(c) the isobars enclosean approximately square area defining the col.
QlO If, for a winter flight, the forecast chart shows a col at your destination
which is in the Midlands, for a landing around midnight, you should
(a) galesand low cloud
(b) radiation fog
(c) cumulonimbus, thunderstormsand squalls.
15: Climatology

The first ten chapters were devoted to individual meteorological elementswhich

are significant to aircraft operations and the four subsequent chapters to
synoptic meteorology when the interaction of these elementsto give the overall
weather conditions on a flight were considered. However, aviation is an
international profession operating on a year-round basis and a pilot should be
aware of conditions usually to be found on any route at any seasonif he is to
extract maximum value from the forecast provided for a particular overseas
flight. It also ought to go without saying that a pilot should have more than a
passingacquaintance with general geographical and topographical features;for
example, does the alignment of mountain ranges near his proposed route allow
air massesto move more readily in latitude than in longitude?
It is convenient first to consider the climatic zoneswhich it is believed would
'ideal earth' composed of uniform surface material, the sun with
occur on an
zero declination (overhead the Equator at mid-day) and geostrophic force
negligible below about latitude 15o,but fully effective at higher latitudes. In such
circumstances,the greatestsolar heating would always occur at the Equator and
Ieast at the poles. In turn, becauseof the uniformity of the surface material, i.e.
a world covered entirely by ocean or sand or grasslands,the surface polar air
would be coldest and densestand the warmest air at the Equator would be the
least dense. It would be unrealistic to ignore the earth's rotation (becausethe
lowest temperatures on a non-rotating earth would also occur on the Equator.


'ideal world'
Fig. l5.l Climatic zonesof an
172 MErEoRoLocY

180oremoved from the hottest point where the sun was overhead) so geostrophic
force cannot be ignored. The resulting circulation of the troposphere would be
'ideal' earth.
as shown in fig. I 5. 1, together with the surfacepressurezonesof an
In addition to the dense cold air producing a polar high and the hottest air
producing a thermal low or trough at the Equator, the idealised circulation
includes two other major zones - low pressure at temperate latitudes and sub-
tropical high pressures.This is becausethe earth's rotation prevents a simple
circulation of air rising over the Equator and in a single cell, travelling at altitude
to polar regions to subsideand passback to the Equator at low levelsto redress
the balanceofa net gain ofheat energyat low latitudesand a net loss ofheat at
high latitudes.
Air in the upper troposphere over the Equator will have the highestupper level
pressureat that level of anywhere on an ideal earth. It will move polewards and
gradually, by subtropical latitudes, geostrophic force will have become
sufficiently great for the upper winds to have become predominantly westerly
while the surfacepressurein theselatitudes then risesand subsidenceoccurs. At
the surface, divergenceat the sub-tropical anticyclones supplies the trade winds
on their Equatorial side and tropical air on the poleward side moving towards
the polar front. At the polar high, the subsiding air divergesto supply the polar
air to the poleward side of the polar front. The ascent of warm air at frontal
depressionsof temperate latitudes (and of cold air when they are occluded) then
supplies upper air to above the sub-tropical and polar highs in this'idealised'
In reality, these basic zones can be recognised on maps of average mean Sea
level pressure and sulface winds, and the names already stated Equatorial
trough, sub-tropical high, etc. - are actually used in practice. To approximate
more closely to reality, refinements of two of the basic assumptions of an
world'can be made by making allowancesfor (a) seasonalchanges,and (b) land
and seadistribution.

Seasonalchanges:climatic zones
Throughout the year, the sun's midday overhead position varies from the tropic
of Cancer in the northern summer to the tropic of Capricorn in the summer of
the southern hemisphere. The effect of heating by the sun is, however,
cumulative so in the northern hemisphereit is hottest not in June but some 6 to
8 weeks later in late July and early August. Similarly the southern hemisphereis
hottest and the northern hemisphere coldest at the end of January and in early
With the change of seasons,so the Equatorial trough moves too, to reach its
most northerly position by late July. At this time, the Arctic regions are enjoying
permanent daylight and the north polar high is at its weakest, while in the
iouthern hemisphere, Antarctica is permanently dark and its high intensifies.
The relative positions for January and July of the four main pressurebelts are
shown in fig. 15.2. Some parts of the ideal earth will remain within the same
pressure zone throughout the year in spite of the seasonal changes. At other
places, the change of seasonshows a change of pressuretype'
nodtlem wintet norlllemsummer

JailJary July
roulftm $nnr? sorrthmwlnler

Fig. 15.2 Seasonal changes on an'ideal world'

The resulting seasonalclimatic zones can therefore be recognised and their

climate summarised as follows.

(a) Equatorial low or trough

In fig. 15.2 this zone has been offset slightly northwards to correspond more
closely with actual conditions arising from the greater preponderance of land in
the northern hemisphere. In this zone the thermal Equator is overhead twice a
year when the conditions are hottest, most unstable and precipitation greatest.
Although there are perhaps two'rainy seasons',conditions are hot and humid in
all months with much convective cloud and thunderstorms. Further considera-
tion is given to special features of Equatorial weather later in this chapter.

(b) Savannah climote

This is a seasonal zone in which there are regular summer rains from the
Equatorial low and then a dry season(it would be inappropriate to call it winter
as the dry seasontemperatures often exceedthe wet season's).The length of the
dry seasonincreaseswith increaseof latitude and in this season,flying conditions
over land are hot, dusty and bumpy.

(c) Steppe climate

The edge of the Equatorial low pressure area is far from clear-cut, the low
pressure arising as it does from local heating and convection. In the summer
therefore, on the poleward side of the savannahclimate zone there is an irregular
semi-arid zone which only receives sporadic rainfall and in some years may
produce only cloudiness and no summer rain at all. Throughout the rest of the
year, conditions are controlled by the sub-tropical anticyclone and resemble
those of the desertswhich steppe regions border.
174 MErEoRoLocY

(d) Sub-tropical high: desert climate

This region is permanently influenced by anticyclonic conditions which have
already been considered in Chapter 14 as far as the effects of permanent wann
anticyclones occurring over the oceans are concerned. Overland, the continu-
ously fine, virtually cloudless and rainless weather conditions lead to deserts
forming and a quick reference to an atlas will show that most of the world's
desertsdo in fact lie in this zone.

(e) Meditewanean climate

This zone is also distinctly seasonal. In the summer the conditions are
anticyclonic, hot, fine and sunny with land and seabreezeson coasts.In winter
the area is affected by frontal depressions and consequently has cloud and
precipitation in association with their air massesand fronts, with a possibility of
gale force winds near the lows.

fi Disnrbed temperute climate

This is in the temperate low zone throughout the year. In the winter months, the
travelling lows produce freezing levels on or near the surfaceso snow or freezing
rain is a distinct hazard.In the summer, precipitation is in the form of rain, or
hail when in associationwith thunderstorms. Winds of gale force can occur with
the frontal lows at any seasonbut are most frequent in winter.

(g) Tundra climate

'enjoys' the frontal weather and galesof
This is the area of high latitudes which
travelling depressionsin the summer when the mean temperatures rise above
0oC. The sub-soil remains frozen but the aerodrome surfacesare clear of snow
and ice. In the winter, the polar high predominates with very cold, clear weather.
July- norlhernsummet January - norlhern winter

Inllor,virwarm marilime alr otrtflowirg cold onlinenlal air

Fie.15.3 L a n d - s e a distribution effect on climate

Fig. 15.4 Mean sea level pressure distribution - January


Mean sea level pressure distribution - July

(h) Polar high: ice-cap climate

The area is within the cold anticyclone throughout the year experiencing the
conditions considered in detail in Chapter 14 in relation to permanent cold
anticyclones.In practice,the high is erodedfrom time to time so that then there
is widespread cloud and snow from frontal weather being brought nearer than
usual to the poles by travelling depressions.

Land-sea distribution
The distribution of continents and oceansis not conveniently aligned with either
latitude or longitude and so imposes a further modification of the climatic zones
just enumerated. In fact it is often convenient to categorise an aerodrome's
climate as maritime or continental,
There is appreciably more land in the northern hemisphere than in the
southern hemisphere and fig. 15.3 representsan idealised distribution of land
masses- schematically it could apply to North and South America, to Europe
and Africa or to Asia and Australia - while figs 15.4and 15.5representaverage
observed conditions for January and July.
In the northern summer, the isotherms of mean temperature in low latitudes
of the northern hemispherewill not lie parallel to the Equator and the tropic. The
land will produce much higher temperatures than the tropical ocean (at 30oN
often averaging over 30"C compared with an oceanic25oCaverage)so distorting
the Equatorial trough to lie outside the tropic, and at the same time, weakening
the sub-tropical high over the continent.
In the northern winter, the continent near and even south of the Arctic circle
will lose far more heat than it gains in the reduced daylight and this distorts the
polar high and confines frontal depressionsmainly to the ocean. In the average
northern winter, the Siberian High is often actually centred between 40oN and
In the southern hemisphere,the great predominance of uniform ocean surface
means that conditions approximate more closely to those of fig. 15.2 with
relatively little distortion of the basic pressurezones. At places in low latitudes,
in the northern hemisphereparticularly, the result of the land-sea distribution's
distortion of the pressure zones and hence of the airstreams is that seasonal
climatic changes can be related to the prevailing continental or maritime
airstreams.Theseare the lands of the monsoon (a name derived from the Arabic
word for season).

Monsoons of south-eastAsia
Figure 15.6depicts a typical airflow on a January day and on a July day in south-
east Asia. In July, the SE trade winds cross the Equator and with the change of
direction of geostrophicforce with changeof hemisphere,they become south-
westerly. These then sweep in across the Indian Ocean to bring the humid
Equatorial air to the Indian sub-continent,Burma and Malaysia. In practice
there are troughs in the airstreams circulating around the Baluchistan Low so
that occasional breaks occur in the south-west monsoon which are followed by
the renewed onset of further convectively unstable air, with towering cumuli-
l?8 \rErEoRoloc\ |

('\k| (e) Jttly O) Janrary

;: "ff#.H::;t#.Xitions
rorm turburent,
are I
*tl;::m,iln''J#l':3,"i'Jl,ll,ill#'Tff at the endot the
variesliitle in datefrom oneyearto another.Equally,theretreat I
g:m:n*m*ffi :T::l;ff
ll[H:r":i:f 5il]-*'1li:1!lJ
I to airportssuchasOe]niani Cllt^l',T:
^Fu,th",thedirectflow of air from Siberia
reachtng I
east,air from central China has a similar path, ultimate\ l
MalaysiaandIndonesia, asdepictedin fig' 15'6(b)' Although* *llttt,lili I
;'*i*ft ::L-';tl"f$ll,ltll?i'l;,,1'*:Hil?':t
a smaller scaleto parts ol
u *oo*oon climate, the land-seaeffect also applies on I

;-:::-::::astsof -., ,- ,., - |

the Equatortal tr::t
permanent cold and warm anticyclones' The fourth zone' t
of temperate laliTdel
or low, had no part in the synoptic meteorology iio,: I

of its length the term
front (ITF) may be a relevantdescription,but for most I
ITCZ is Preferred'
the trade-wilit-T
Except where continental airstreamsare involved' I
;:lrl,::xT,::'J:i'.""1;'#1:i::*Jl';' northernher
i"nfl.t.n"., p.evail,theyblow from thenorth-eastin the


at inversion
at7000to 8000ft

base3000to 4000ft

Fig. 15.7 Tradewind weather

from the south-east in the southern hemisphereto the Equator.

As the trade winds move away from the sub-tropical high they retain the
stability (probably an inversion around 7000 to 8000 feet) that they gained from
subsidencein the high, with moderate visibility outside any showers. As they
track across the ocean they usually produce tA to tA small cumulus but over
islands and in any troughs, the cumulus may build up into towering cloud and
produce showers.Typical of this latter condition is Hawaii situated in the north-
east trade winds, where Waikiki Beach may be enjoying fine weather while the
north-east sides of the Hawaiian Islands are experiencing orographic and
afternoon convectional rain showers. On the last part of their track the trade
winds convergeinto the Equatorial trough or low, bringing their warm moist air.

Doldrums: weaklTCZ
Ifthe pressuregradient on the Equatorial side ofthe sub-tropical anticyclones is
slack (fig. 15.8) and the trade winds become progressively lighter along their

(*J @

Fig. 15.8 Slack airflow and convergencein Doldrums

track, the rate ofconvergence is slight. As a result, a north-south flight through

the ITCZ will then only encounter individual cumulus clouds, only some of
which will be giving showers,with light winds both at the surfaceand at altitude.
This is not an unlikely occurrence and actually representing the position of the
ITCZ on a forecast chart in these circumstancesis not easy.

Equatorial trough: active lT CZ

In this case,thel'lCZ shown on the chart will denote an active zone of cloud and

N (-*_ r"t) ,/

NE tradewinds


ei- *


:ffi |i,*i?f;trcav'rai
Fig. 15.9 Active inter-tropicalconvergence

weather to be flown through. Figure 15.9depicts such a situation where there is

sufficient gradient to produce steady converging trade winds from the sub'
tropical anticyclones of both hemispheres.In this case, oYer the ocean flying
conditions are similar whether theITCZ is approached from the north or from
the south. The trade winds are potentially unstable as they convergeupon each
other and cumuliform clouds quickly develop by night as well as by day-
Sometimes this belt of large cumulus and cumulonimbus is 30 nm wide,
sometimes it is 300 nm wide. The tops of the cloud can reach the tropopause
which rs,50000 - 55 000 feet, but at other times it is possibleto fly over or between
the upper parts of the clouds at 30000 feet. It should be rememberedthat
sometimessome of the areasof severeturbulence of the upper parts of towering
cumulonimbus will be hidden from direct view by the cloud's anvil cirrus, but
will still be painted on the aircraft's weather radar. The height of the OoC
isotherm is generally around 17000 feet. Surface winds may produce sudden
The inter-tropical convergencezone moves north and south with the changing
seasonsbut it moves irregularly from day to day, as well as showing varying
degreesof activity. Often troughs aligned north-south move slowly westwards
within theITCZ. Most tropical revolving storms seemto originate on the edge
of theITCZat the time that it is furthest from the Equator and is about to return
to the lowest latitudes.
January July


l') * \
<r*- -C*a
continentalair humidatlowlevel, rtoweringCU and CB, heavy rain,t)
hot and dry, hot andturbulent i squalls and thunderstorms I
dust haze and at height, limited Cu - r I
tu|b{Jlence formdwdopmen( | I

Fig. 15.10 Inter-tropicalfront overWestAfrica

Inter-tropical convergencezone: the ITF case

As most of the world in Equatorial latitudes is open ocean, the general weather
conditions of two moist, potentially unstable airstreams converging into the
ITCZ as described above will usually apply. However, where one of the
airstreams has had a continental track there will be different temperatures and
humidities between the air massesconverging on the Equatorial trough. The
term inter-tropical front (ITF) could then well be used to describethe situation.
Such conditions apply in West Africa (fig" 15.10)throughout the year.
In West Africa, considering a north-south flight, the north-east airstream to
the north ofthe ITF consistsofcontinental tropical air so a southbound aircraft
will initially be flying in hot and dusty conditions. Locally the north-east trade
wind is known asthe Harmattan and, as shown in fig. 15.10,becauseof its higher
temperaturesit overlies the moist oceanic trade winds. Becauseafter leaving the
sub-tropical anticyclone of the southern hemispherethe south-easttrade winds
have crossedthe Equator their direction will have changedto becomesouth-west
'deflected'trade winds on arrival in West Africa.
On a southbound flight in July
the inter-tropical front's surface position will probably be around l5oN but in
January it will be crossedaround 50to SoN.On crossingthe ITF position shown

Fig. 15.11 Locations, seasonsand tracks oftropical revolving storms


on the flight forecast documents, although the surface wind will change, flight
conditions at medium and high cruising levels will remain cloudless andhazy.
However, as flight progressessouth of the ITF and as the vertical extent of the
deflectedtrade winds increasesso convection builds up cumuliform cloud. After
some 100 to 200 nm and depending upon the distance of the route inland from
the coast,the cloud becomestowering cumulus in the afternoon and evening and
flying is bumpy. Further flight southwards gives a sufficient vertical extent of
moist air for widespreadbuilding-up of large cumulus and cumulonimbus which
break through the frontal surfaceand there is a belt ofheavy rain, thunderstorms
and hail. Further south still ofthe inter-tropical front, conditions then revert to
the usual trade wind conditions of fair weather cumulus or stratocumulus. In
summary, the effect of the continental air at the ITF is to offset the weather
conditions normally found roughly symmetrically about the Equatorial trough,
to some distance to the maritime side of the ITF. Although West Africa has the
ITF throughout the year some other regions of the world, both northern and
southern hemisphere,only have an inter-tropical front situation for one part of
the year e.g. N. Australia in January. (Many of the forecast charts issued at
European (including UK) airports are compiled by METEO FRANCE and as
such will carry the French abbreviation for the inter-tropical front of FIT.)

Tropical revolving storms ( f )

These are particularly hazardous conditions which can occur on routes in low
latitudes (although the occasional rogue storm breaks through into higher
latitudes). They are known locally by a variety of names: Cyclone, Hurricane,
Typhoon, Baguio, Willy-willy. Typical regions affected, tracks and names are
shown in fig. 15.11.
In forecasts for the media, individual storms are identified by forenames.
Originally they were all girls' names but modern equality has decreedan equal
use of male and female forenames. Each year at the start of each storm season
for eachregion, so the namesstart again at A such as Alice, B. . . ., C. . . ., etc.
As mentioned earlier, tropical revolving storms mostly start in the edge of the
ITCZ when it is late summer and autumn of that hemisphere.The exceptionsare
the cyclones of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal which occur as the
Equatorial trough is moving through, before and after the south-west monsoon.
That the storms do not originate in the South Atlantic Ocean is consistent with
the fact that the ITCZ (becauseof the effect of the enormous land mass of West
Africa) never lies to the south of the Equator in the Atlantic Ocean.
In trade winds on the east sidesof oceans,the air has only recently subsided
in the sub-tropical anticyclones and is stable and dry aloft. After the trade winds
have progressed across hundreds of miles of ocean, their humidity will have
increasedand they will have lost some of their initial stability and it is on the west
sidesof oceansat seatemperaturesof 28"C (82'F) or more that tropical revolving
storms start. They require some geostrophic force to impart the circulatory
motion to the air, so the storms are not found within 5oof the Equator. Whatever
their location, the storms have similar life histories and characteristics (fig.
1 5 .l 2 ) .



@ massed rain,

Fig. 15.12 Tropicalrevolvingstorms

Initially the tropical revolving storm will become appalent in the Equatorial
trough in a particular area when freshening winds start to become circulatory,
the normal semi-diurnal variation of pressuregives way to a continuous fall of
pressureand there is an increasein thundery activity with massesof cumulonim-
bus cloud. There are no fronts associatedwith the storm and when first identified
on a chart it will have quite circular isobars and probably a diameter of 50 to 100
nm. In the Equatorial trough the upper winds are light easterliesand the storm
initially moves westwards and perhaps polewards (see fig. 15.12), gradually
deepeningand increasingin diameter so that ultimately it may be 500 nm across-
The isobars remain concentric circles, close together, so the winds soon reach
hurricane force. Despite the high wind speedsin its circulation the storm itself
moves only slowly, often around 12 knots and probably no faster than 15 knoS.
The storm has a life of severaldays and its track gradually turns polewards and
it eventually re-curyestowards the east.If it encountersland it will causea lot of
structural damage, especially on the coasts. If the land comprises only islands,
the storm goes on its destructive way with its vigour relatively undiminished-
However, if it moves into a substantial land mass, e.g. the north shores of the
Gulf of Mexico. the hurricane winds are slowed by friction and the supply of
water vapour appreciably reduced, so the tropical revolving stofm soon
degenerates.Also if in its re-curvature the storm's path brings it towards a cell of
the sub-tropical high pressure,the storm slows down and fills. On occasions,the
storm's track takes it around the sub-tropical anticyclone so it moves into
temperate latitudes when it joins on to the sequenceof polar front depressions-
Apart from the high wind speed which prohibits operations out of affected
aerodromes, tropical revolving storms produce othsr hazards so that en-route
aircraft should give them a wide berth. If anything, the flying conditions are
worst on the leading inside sector of the storm where particularly fresh supplies
of very humid unstable air are drawn into the storm's circulation' Mariners who
do not have the advantage of the speed and manoeuvrability enjoyed by tk
cLrMAroLocY 185

aviator call this sector the'dangerous quadrant'. Apart from the substantial
damage causedby the violent winds, much of the damage at coastsis causedby
the ocean swell. The strength of the wind moves the surfacewater so that a large
swell builds up. Even large vesselsin port have received substantial damage so
owners or operators of flying boats, seaplanesand amphibians must arrange for
their aircraft's removal to shelteredsituations.

Flying conditions
Except for a very small area, a few miles in diameter, at its centre called the
of the storm', where winds fall calm and cloud clears temporarily, tropical
revolving storms are areas ofdense cloud extending from below 1000feet to at
least 30000 feet usually and with a possibility of reaching the tropopause at
50000 to 55000 feet. In torrential rain, the cloud baseis almost on the surface.
The cloud comprises massesof towering cumulus and cumulonimbus which
have densecirrus on the outer edgesof the storm. Visually, a pilot at altitude can
recognise the edge of a tropical storm by the bands of dense cirrus and if
operating at low level, by the marked ocean swell. In both caseshis navigation
will have identified an increasein drift and the thunderstorms will be shown on
the weather radar. Satellite pictures and weather radar in fact show the
convective clouds to be massed in bands spiralling inwards to become a solid
'eye') in the main central storm area. All of the
mass of cloud (except for the
hazards of thunderstorm flying apply and they go on for hundreds of miles.
Turbulence is severe,lightning frequent, precipitation in the form ofrain and hail
is torrential, visibility is very poor, the freezing level is usually around 16000 to
l8 000 feet and instrument flying is very difficult especiallyas the performance of
navigational aids and the flight instruments themselvesmay be impaired.

This is not one of the names given to a tropical revolving storm for a particular
area but an entirely different meteorological phenomenon. At one time in West
Africa the name was used for the squalls associated with the passageof line
squalls moving from east to west at the beginning and end of the wet season(p.
212),but on flight forecaststheseare identified as troughs or line squalls. Where
'tornado' is used in a meteorological warning, usually in the United
the term
Statesof America and only rarely in north-west Europe, it is referring to a violent
whirlwind associatedwith a cumulonimbus cloud (fig. 15.13).
If the basic conditions for thunderstorms are present - high humidity,
instability, and trigger action - in the extreme, convection inland on summer
afternoons is so great that an intenselocal depressionforms under an individual
cumulonimbus, Sometimes more than one may occur if there are severalstrong
convectivecells.The intensedepressionis far too small to be shown on a synoptic
chart, typical diameters being only 50 to 250 metres. The air ascending in the
cumulonimbus cannot be replaced from below as fast as the great instability and
the winds at altitude are removing it so surfacepressurefalls, often to below 1000
millibars. The resulting pressure gradient is of tens of millibars in only a very
short distance. Air converging under the cumulonimbus spirals inwards and




Fie. 15.13 Tornado

speedsof 100to 200 knots are experienced(c.f. cyclostrophic wind, Chapter l0).
The decreaseofpressure beneath the main cloud base also causesadiabatic
'funnel' cloud hanging from the
cooling and condensation which produces the
cloud base and which often has a writhing motion in the violent winds. The
thunderstorm and associatedtornadoes move along with the general airstream,
often at 15-20 knots, causing great havoc along their narrow path' Sometimes
the track finishes in less than one mile; at other times it may exceed 100 nm'
Unfortunately too, there may be severaltornadoes crossing a particular area at
the same time.
In open country, tornadoes uproot trees, devastatecrops and haystacks and
demolish buildings. When they strike developedareassuch as aerodromes,apatt
from the high wind damage the enormous pressure gradients literally cause
buildings to explode, removing roofs, demolishing walls, etc. There have been
casesof picketed-down aircraft being lifted on to airport buildings! In addition,
the thunderstorms themselvesare particularly active and often accompanied by
large and heavy hail.
When tornadoes occur in Britain, which is only rarely, the conditions are not
so severeas in the United Statesbut neverthelessconsiderabledamage is done to
property and aircraft must avoid the tornado area.
Waterspoutsare similar in origin to tornadoes but becauseof the lower surface
temperature of the seaover which they form they are not so intensenor normally
so large. The funnel cloud comprises most of the waterspout but its lowest
section is composed of sea spray whipped up in the vortex of the storm. More
than one waterspout can occur under a particular cumulonimbus but they do not
last more than 30 minutes at the most. Again flight conditions are very turbulent
and structural damage can occur if they are inadvertently mistaken for a heavy
shower when on the approach under cumulonimbus to an island or coastal
aerodrome. The higher the latitude, the less likely are waterspouts to be

Effect of oceancurrents
Oceanographyis a major subject for study on its own and it is only intended here
cLrMAroLocY 187

to touch lightly on general points of which a pilot should be aware in so far as

the climatology of the route(s) he may fly are affected by nearby major ocean
currents. Generally, an ocean current can be causedby differencesin the specific
gravities of sea water in an area or by friction from a surface wind blowing
consistently from one direction. These latter currents are called 'drifts'. An
inspection of a world map in an atlas showing ocean currents will reveal that
usually there are cold currents on the west sides of land massesand warm
currents on the east sides. The exception is the Gulf Stream which not only
warms the east side of north America but also carries on to bring its warmth to
the eastern Atlantic.
The main ocean currents are the 'drifts' causedby the surface wind blowing
regularly from one direction, moving the surface water along by friction. The
areasofsteadiest winds are around the sub-tropical centresofhigh pressureand,
as shown in fig. 15.14,theseproduce the'warm water coasts'on the west sides
of oceansand the 'cold water coasts' on the east sides of oceans.

Fig. 15.t4 Idealised ocean current circulation

'upwelling' of colder water from the
In areas of persistent off-shore winds,
ocean depths occurs (fig. 15.15). This upwelling accentuatesthe effect of cold
water currents but reducesthe effectivenessofa warm water current.
The general features of the modification of climate may be summarised as

(q) Cold wster cossts

Over land, due to the low rate of evaporation from the nearby relatively cold
ocean, the air in theseareashas a low water vapour content. As a result, there is


lrom ocean bed

Fig. 15.15 Upwellingfrom oceandepths

little or no cloud or precipitation and desertscan extend right up to the coasts.

Night-time cooling may be sufficient to produce low stratus by dawn but it soon
dispersesafter sunrise. Over the sea, the air that has moved to over the cold
current will have experienced appreciable surface cooling and widespread
advection fog (or low stratus and drizzle) often occurs both by day and nighr
This fog may drift over the adioining land when the land cools at night.

Q) lAarm wqter coasts

Over both land and sea,humidities are high due to the rapid evaporation from
the relatively warm ocean. over land by day and over the sea, surface
temperatures are relatively high and cumuliform cloud with thunderstorms.
,quutty winds, healy precipitation, etc., result' Over land at night, the diurnal
variation of surface temperature can cause clouds to collapse into stratiform
cloud which will then re-develop to cumuliform cloud again the following day'
Over sea at night the cumuliform cloud persists. As already mentioned, these
areas are particularly suitable for the formation of tropical revolving storms.

Local winds
In Chapter 10 referencewas made to the ways in which local topography could
modify or even generate winds in certain terrain and to the fact that the term
.fohn effect' is used to describe a particular meteorological phenomenon
anywhere in the world rather than just in one alpine valley. There are other'local
winds' of which pilots should be aware as they spread their effects over a fairf
wide area and their name used in a report or forecast context tends to imply not
only the wind itself but also its associatedweather. The selectioncovered below
is based on the author's experience of such practice and is by no means

This is a strong cold N or NW wind which blows down the Rh6ne valley into the
Gulf of Lions in the NW Mediterranean mainly in the winter and early spring
Gale force is common and at times the Mistral reaches70 to 80 knots. Frequentl-v

Fig. 15.16 Mistral

associatedwith a depressionover the Gulf of Genoa, the strength arisesmostly

from a combination of:
1. the pressure gradient. A cold front held up by the Alps can produce a very
active orographic low near N Italy,
'funnel effect',
2. the canalisation of the airstream down the Rh6ne valley, i.e.
3. the katabatic effect of air flowing off the Massif Central and the other high
ground to the side of the river valley.
Over the land the wind is strong, turbulent and usually dry and cloudless.

Fig. 15.17 Bora


However, as it flows out over the sea it rapidly picks up moisture. An aircraft
northbound from Africa meeting Mistral conditions in the NW Mediterranean
will first meet the cold front with active cumuliform cloud and then in the
following Mistral, further turbulent conditions with more large cumulus and
cumulonimbus, icing and thunderstorms often themselves in troughs, before
nearing the European coastline when the airstream reverts to clearer continental
air but still turbulent conditions.

This is a similar wind to the Mistral, which occurs over the Adriatic and its
easternshores particularly. Again it is a very strong wind and with gusts which
have exceeded100 knots, strong enough to prohibit operations at Balkan and
nearby airfields. Over the Balkans it is often very dry and cloudless but
neverthelessvery squally and turbulent. It mainly occurs in the winter months
and is basically due to the katabatic flow off the cold, high Balkan Plateau which
extends almost to the Adriatic shores.The katabatic effect is accentuatedwhen
the continental high is well establishedgiving a pressuregradient as shown in fig.
15.17 and locally the deeply indented coastline also produces ravine effects.
Where the airstream out over the Adriatic and Eastern Italy is humid (usually
in associationwith a depressionover the Adriatic Sea)the Bora has densecloud,
thunderstorms, icing and heavy snow or rain, in addition to its basic turbulence
and strong squally surface winds (fig. 15.18).

: * _ r

Fig. 15.18 Bora blowing from the eastern shores of the Adriatic

The spelling of the English name of this wind tends to vary with the translator
but it applies to a hot wind blowing northwards from Africa in the winter
months, usually in advance of a frontal depression moving from west to east
through the Mediterranean. Over the land and near to the coast, the Sirocco is
dry and dustladen. In fact, the airstreamson both sidesof the warm front trough
over N Africa may be drawn from a dry and dusty source. When it progresses
northwards over the Mediterranean to, say, Malta, Sicily or ltaly, the airstream
picks up moisture and the cooling of the surface layers also produces a stable
lapse rate. The moistening, cooling and stabilising continues with the passage
northwards and eventually leads to widespread low stratus and drizzle or
advection fog.

Fie.15.19 Sirocco

Similar to the Sirocco in its nature, the Khamsin (which is Arabic for 50)
according to folklore blows for 50 days and nights. In fact it is a mainly southerly
wind of late winter and spring in Egypt and the easternMediterranean, generally
occurring ahead of eastward moving depressions. It is hot and dry bringing
much dust from the desertand in April and May it may well blow for many days

Fig. 15.20 Khamsin


in succession.Again, once it passesover the sea it picks up moisture so that by

the time it reaches,say, Cyprus or Turkey the same airsffeam will be producing
a sheet of stratocumulus or stratus. In Israel, the hot desert southerly wind is
known as the Sharav.

Other winds of the Mediterranean basin

With the four local winds so far described,the associatedflying conditions are
probably usually as important to a pilot as the actual wind's speedand direction.
Of the many other local winds which occur in the Mediterranean, three taken
from west to east across the Mediterranean Sea - the Levanter, Gregale and
Etesian winds - are worthy of mention becauseof their frequency and possible
effects upon aircraft taking off and landing.

Circuits and landings are always interesting at Gibraltar to passengersand crew,
especiallyso when fresh winds are blowing causingstanding wavesand turbulent
eddies to the lee of the Rock. Across the runway, which is north of the Rock,
these are worst in winds from between SE and SW. The Levanter itself, named
after the direction from which it comes,is a humid eastwind over Gibraltar, the
Straits and S. Spain. Although it may occur at any seasonit is most likely from
June to October. Usually associated with stable air, under an inversion it
produces standing waves,dangerouseddiesand often banner and rotor cloud to
the lee of the Rock. When the wind increasesto strong to galeforce, although the
turbulence remains the cloud often lifts and thins or disperses(fig. 15'21)'

Fig. 15.21 Levanter

This is a strong wind of mainly the winter half-year, predominant in the south
central Mediterranean area blowing from between NW and NE but not
especially cold. It blows when a suitable pressure gradient develops, most
frequently when pressure is high over the Balkans and central Europe to the
north and relatively low over Libya to the south (trg. 15.22).

c ' r e
c 9

Fig. 15.22 Gregale

Etesiun winds
This is the Greek term for the winds which are often a feature of the summer
months (May to early October) from a generally northerly direction across the
eastern Mediterranean and especially in the Aegean Sea. As described later
under Regional Climatology, at this seasonthere is a large trough westwards
from the Indian sub-continent. Etesian winds are strong NW to NE winds
regularly blowing at 10-30 kt and gusting at times to 40 kt. They freshen during
the day as insolation over the hot continents to the south and east temporarily
reinforces the fundamental pressure gradient. This, with the increased convec-
tional turbulence overland, can give turbulent handling conditions especiallyfor
smaller aircraft on take-off and landing, particularly if the runway in use is
crosswind as the wind direction often fluctuates too. Sometimes the Etesians
may be dust-laden. Often as the temperaturesfall at dusk, so the winds may fall
light or die away completely.
The name for Etesian winds in Turkey is Meltami (fig. 15.23).

This NE wind has already been referred to in connection with the inter-tropical
front over West Africa (fig. 15.8)and is the name given to the flow of continental
tropical air flowing from the Equatorial side of the Sahara Desert. It is dry and
dusty and very hot by day. Its aridity however often makes it more acceptableto
visitors to West Africa than the humid conditions which prevail in the rain
seasons.Because of the annual movement north and south of the ITF the
months when the Harmattan is experienced vary from one aerodrome to
another. Those to the north of about 18oNwhich remain always to the north of
the inter-tropical front have Harmattan conditions throughout the year.


Fie. 15.23 Etesianwinds

Fig. 15.24 Harmattan

cLrMAroLocY 195

AerodromesfurthersouthsuchasDakar and Kano experience monthswhenthe

ITF lies to the south of the field and the visibility is poor due to dust haze.
Furthersouthstill,at thecoastlines of Nigeria,Ghana,andthe Ivory Coast,the
ITF only movesto just off the coastfor a few weeksso the Harmattanperiodis
very short,with its attendantdry and hazyconditions.

Fig.15.25 Simoom

Simoom is the name given to the hot and very dusty winds (in fact, often
describedas choking or suffocatingly so) which occur in the Arabian and North
African deserts, or to the convectional dust,/sandstorms or whirlwinds with
which they are associated. They occur in spring or summer and completely
prohibit operations in their immediate locality. The Simoom may last no more
than20 minutes although the shallow thermal lows which form in the afternoon
may be 30-40 miles acrossand last for 2to 3 hours. Visibility near the surfacedue
to the wind-blown sand is down to a few metres but en-route aircraft can overfly
the storms at altitude. Being a local circulatory wind, no particular direction is
associatedwith the name Simoom.

Haboobs occur in the hot dusty areas of the Sudan around Khartoum in the
afternoons and eveningsof the summer months of May to Septemberwhen the
ITCZ is to the north. Moist air flows in from the Indian Ocean at both low and
upper levels. Convection produces large cumulonimbus clouds and the strong
squall winds blowing from the clouds raise dust and sand ahead of the clouds to
considerableheights. As it approachesan aerodrome, the Haboob is associated
with an increase in surface wind speed and a reduction in visibility. The
duststorm is followed by a torrential downpour and thunderstorm before
conditionsimprove again.

( L -

Fig. 15.26 Haboob

Southerly Buster
This is a strong and squally wind of south and south-eastAustralia, associated
with the passageof a line squall at a cold front following which the wind backs
to a southerly direction. There is a sudden and appreciable drop in temperature,
together with thunderstorms and often a line of roll cloud along the front edge
of the cumuliform cloud. Apart from the violent winds at the surface, flight
conditions at all levelsare very turbulent. The Southerly Buster is most frequent
from October to March. Similar conditions occur in Uruguay and Argentina

Fig. 15.27 SoutherlyBuster


where the line squall and strong southerly winds are known as the Pampero, and
in the southernmost parts of Africa where they are called

As stated at the outset, it is a matter of opinion which local winds to include

and which to exclude and pilots will add to their store of knowledge as their
careersprogress. There is really no substitute for experiencebut the following
sectionson the aviation climatology of various parts of the world are provided
in a modest endeavour to try, at least in part, to remedy this deficiency for the


When interpreting the flight and landing forecasts for a long flight it is a great
advantage to have in the back of one's mind the usual conditions that can be
expectedat various stagesofthe route and what extremescould be encountered.
Consider in turn what pressure systemsand air massesdominate the area to
be overflown; what lower and upper winds are likely, together with the probable
cloud, precipitation, icing and height of the 0'C isotherm, visibility and fog. Is
there any risk of thunderstorms or other phenomena at any stage,including the
destination and any intermediate landings? For convenience, five areas of
operations are identified:
Europe and the Mediterranean
N Atlantic and N America
Asia and Australasia
Africa and South America
Pacifrc Ocean
in eachcase,a typical synoptic situation is sketchedfor a day in January and for
a day in July which will depict the seasonalchangesover the area.II is assumed
rrhatthe positions of the major topographical features (mountains, rivers, etc.),
and also, of course,of the international aerodromes,are known.

Europe and the Mediterranean

On a typical January day, NW Europe including the British Isles and Iceland is
usually affectedby frontal depressionswhich have travelled along the polar front
ri'hich at this time is in its most southerly position. Eastern Europe is under the
rnfluenceof the Siberian high which extendsa strong ridge westwards,which also
.:t times covers the British Isles as well as the European mainland. Depressions
rrack from west to east through the Mediterranean Seabut are not as numerous
a: those coming into NW Europe from the N Atlantic.
During the spring, the Siberian high gradually declineswhile the sub-tropical
lnticyclone over the Azores and north Africa intensifies and moves slowly
northwards. By midsummer, a typical July day's synoptic chart will usually
show frontal depressionsonly affecting the NW part of the area with a longer

Europeand the Mediterranean- typical Januaryday

Fig. 15.29 Europe and the Mediterranean - typical July day


interval between the fronts passing over Britain and N European countries. The
bulk of Europe and the Mediterranean is dominated by a ridge of high pressure
extending eastwardsfrom the Azores high. From time to time this ridge collapses
to allow thundery lows or cols to develop.In the autumn, frontal lows start to
move through the Mediterranean again while the North Atlantic polar front
lows track progressivelyfurther south and are able to move their frontal systems
well into Europe before the Siberian high reassertsitself. Although not shown on
the typical January day depicted, sometimes eastern Europe has frontal
depressionsin winter and spring that have originated in the Black Sea-Danube
area and then track NW to Poland, Germany and even the North Sea'

Surface winds in January often reach gale force at the terminals of NW Europe
although the direction for take-off and landing for a particular flight wil depend
upon the position of the frontal lows at that particular time, but the prevailing
wind direction is from the south-west. Whenever the Siberian high becomes
dominant, surfacewinds are easterlyor north-easterly and may be persistent.In
the Mediterranean and the countries bordering it, again the winds are very
variable due to the passageofthe frontal depressionsand galescan occur at and
behind their cold fronts. In July, averagewind strengthsare lighter but galesand
rery variable winds still occur in the north-west. Away from the frontal areas,
surfacewinds are light and land seabreezesare a feature ofanticyclonic weather.
Where thermal lows or thunderstorms break out, surface winds can become
blusteryand squally.
Upper winds throughout the year are mainly from a generally westerly
direction, increasing with height up to the tropopause. In January, due to the
effect of the Siberian coldness which dominates the thermal component, over
westernEurope the upper winds tend to be frequently from north of west, while
in July the relative warmth of south-eastEurope compared to the north Atlantic
rendsto produce upper wind directions from rather south of west. Throughout
rhe year, but most frequently in winter, upper winds exceed 100 knots in jet
srreams associated with depressions moving along the polar front. The sub-
rropical jet-stream occurs in the easternMediterranean in January but although
Ir moves slightly north to the Cyprus-Turkey area in July it is then weaker and
unlikely to exceed80 knots.

ll'eather (including cload, visibility and icing)

The cloud and weather of this area may be summarised as due to fronts in the
;inter, giving way to cold anticyclonic conditions in eastern Europe and warm
enticyclonic conditions along the southern shoresof the Mediterranean, while in
irlrmmer NW Europe still has frontal weather while the Mediterranean enjoys
.nticyclonic weather and high temperatures.In southern Europe, particularly
=ountainous areas, and sometimes further north, cloud then is mainly
:,rnvective and at times builds up sufficiently to produce thunderstorms' In the
!.rrumn, before the Siberian high is fully established,frontal depressionsthat
-r'e passedover Britain or France can carry their low cloud and precipitation

right across to eastern Europe and as autumn gives way to winter so the
frequency of snow increases. By January, the probability of cold cloudless
weather over eastern Europe is high and the frontal cloud is confined to the
maritime countries further to the west and south. From spring onwards,
airstreamsflowing in from the Atlantic and North Seapassover the warmer land
and cumuliform cloud rather than frontal cloud is more common. Over and
around the Mediterranean in the anticyclonic conditions, fair weather cumulus
is most likely but in temporary collapsesof the high pressurelarge cumulus and
cumulonimbus develop over high ground of southern Europe.
For a pilot who has not learnt to fly in this area, visibility posesa problem over
Europe, especiallyin winter. When fronts are moving across,visibility is poor in
precipitation and the hill fog where the low cloud obscureshigh ground. Warm
sectors give widespread advection fog while in anticycionic conditions between
depressions, widespread radiation fog affects most airports in autumn and
winter. In some industrial areas,smoke may thicken the fog and make it more
persistent. In the summer only hill fog really posesany problem.
The height of the OoC isotherm (freezing level) is important for aircraft
operations especiallyin January, when it is usually on or very near the surface
over Europe, particularly by night. Even over southern Britain it averages
around 3000 to 4000 feet. With the large amounts of densecloud, airframe icing
is therefore a permenent winter hazard, especiallyover high ground such as the
Alps, the Pyreneesand in Scandinavia. In the Mediterranean the freezing level in
winter is usually around 10000 feet. By July, the freezing level over the
Mediterranean and southern Europe is usually around 15000 feet and icing only
a problem in thunderstorms when they break out. In northern Europe, the
freezing level has risen to averagearound 10000 feet but unfortunately the risk
of severe icing still remains in thunderstorms and in frontal cloud, especially
where the front is passing over hilly terrain.

Local phenomena
The local phenomena likely to be met when operating in this area are the local
winds of the Mediterranean mentioned earlier in this chapter - the Mistral, Bora"
Sirocco and Khamsin, etc. Tropical revolving storms do not enter the area and
tornadoes are extremely rare.

North Atlantic and North America

As rangesof aircraft have increasedso the routes acrossthis area have increased
and now vary from direct flights from terminals well in Europe to destinations
well into north America via high latitudes to routes to holiday and business
destinations in low latitudes such as the Caribbean. The trans-Atlantic crossings
from West Africa to Brazil are consideredin the later section.'Africa and South

Pressure system
In considering flights into North America, it should be remembered that while
in Europe the arrangement of high ground allows the ready movement west to

Fig. 15.30 N Atlantic and N America- typical Januaryday

Fig. 15.31 A Atlantic and N America - typical July day

202 MErEoRoLocY

east of pressuresystemsand air masses,in North America the alignment of high

ground is mainly north-south. Although exhibiting the characteristicstherefore
of a continental climate, it is often the casethat here either very warm air moves
northwards or very cold air moves rapidly southwards through quite a wide
band of latitude. In January, the polar front lies at its most southerly limit in the
North Atlantic with its depressionstracking from Florida towards south-west
Britain and the Bay of Biscay, occluding as they move generally east-north-
eastwards. Many of the deepest centres track between Iceland and Scotland,
giving the averagelow pressureof the 'Icelandic low'. However, later depressions
of the same family will have their fronts swinging well to the south so that they
affect the Azores and Bermuda. In addition to the frontal lows there are also
polar air depressionswhich develop over the ocean. Eastern America experien-
cesboth the lows passingalong the polar front and lows which have formed and
moved west to east acrossthe continent. Further west, frontal depressionsbring
bad weather to terminals near the Great Lakes before polar air behind their cold
fronts swings well to the south. In the extreme west, the Pacific polar front will
bring depressionsto theseterminals, with ridges or cols between. Many of these
depressionsare occluded but some very bad weather occurs when a new seriesof
depressionsforms near to the coast on a trailing cold front and they move inland
towards the mountains. During the spring, the sub-tropical high intensifies and
moves northwards so that by July the Atlantic polar front lies from Newfound-
land to NW Scotland and similarly the Pacific coast of North America is
dominated by the oceanichigh. In summer, frontal depressionsnot only track
further north but also are usually lessintense and lessfrequent. In the extreme
south of the Atlantic-North America area,the Caribbean generally has NE trade
wind conditions throughout the year, with the ITCZ affecting the southern part
of the Gulf of Mexico in Julv.

Surface winds in January over the Atlantic and the aerodromes around it are
very variable in direction as the intensefrontal depressionsbring galeforce winds
as they move along the polar front. At the European terminals, as a low moves
in from the west so the winds freshen from the south, veer to south-west or west
in the warm sector and become squally north-west or north behind the cold
front. If the low is to the south, as for example it may well be at Reykjavik, the
surfacewind is easterly,which is also the direction which prevails in NW Europe
when the Siberian high extendsthat far to the west. On the North American stage
the wind direction is again dependent upon the position of frontal depression,
whether forming on the Atlantic or Pacific polar fronts or over the continent.
Between depressions,winds are light and variable in ridges and cols over the
whole area. In North America surface winds are mainly northerly in cold
continental conditions of high pressure. In the winter, at the Azores and
Bermuda the surface winds vary with the passageof fronts mainly to the north
of the aerodromes but are mainly light south-westerlies.Further south to the
Equator, north-east trade winds prevail. Upper winds are very strong and from
a mainly westerly direction with usually a jet stream in associationwith the polar
w cLrMAroLoGY

front. In the western Atlantic and the easternparts of North America, the upper

air temperature gradients are particularly great, so giving highjet stream speeds
and clear air turbulence in this area.
By July, the gales associated.with the depressions are normally only
experienced at the more northerly terminals and although the surface wind
directions are still variable at fronts, on the average they tend to be north-
westerly over Europe, south-westerly in the easternparts of North America and
north-west again on the Pacific coast. At the Azores and Bermuda and in any
extension of the oceanic anticyclones to cover the European and American
aerodromes, winds are light and variable with land-sea breezesoccurring on
coasts.Where summerthunderstormsoccur,suddensquallsshould be expected.
The north-east trade winds continue to dominate the southern part of the area.
Upper winds are still westerly and although usually not quite so strong as in the
winter there are still jet streams regularly in association with the polar front. In
the extreme south of the area where the trade winds are feeding into the inter-
tropical convergencezone, the upper winds are light easterlies.

The cloud and weather over and near the oceans is poor in January, being
controlled by the depressionsand their fronts. Usually there is extensivecloud up
to the tropopause, with very low base heights and belts of precipitation at each
of the fronts. At the more northerly aerodromes there is extensive snow and
when deep lows from off Canada and north-east USA, deep snow from slow-
moving warm fronts may close aerodromes in this area. Freezing rain can also
produce serioushazardsin the samearea. Frontal depressionspassingeastwards
across North America bring periods of bad weather and low cloud, but of
shorter duration, to the region of the Great Lakes but more often the flying
conditions are fine and clear although temperatures are well below freezing.
Away from frontal depressions,polar maritime air in any part of the more
northerly section of the North Atlantic-North America-North Pacific area will
give cold showery weather with turbulence, snow and icing. Overland when cols
or ridges of high pressureprevail, radiation fog is likely to occur and be slow to
clear during the day. Where the winds arejust too strong forfog, sheetsof stratus
or stratocumulus may be expected. Generally the freezing level is likely to be
between the surface in the North and West and 4000 feet over the UK. On
Atlantic crossingsfurther south via the Azores and Bermuda, frontal weather is
usually lesssevereand more widely spacedalthough some very intenselows with
severeicing can be encountered over the Bay of Biscay and on the stage from
Bermuda to the easternseabord of America. In the Caribbean and further south,
there are scattered fair weather cumulus in the trade winds with only a slight
chance of a light shower over high ground in the afternoon.
In the summer, polar front depressionstrack further north, are weaker and
lessfrequent. The Azores-Bermuda area enjoys settled anticyclonic conditions
which often extend to the adjoining continents in the same way that the Pacific
oceanic high extends to over the western parts of the area. As a result, with a
freezinglevel of around 10000 feet near the UK and some 15000 feet in the south,
204 MErEoRoLocY

frontal cloud and rain are unlikely to produce prohibitive operating conditions.
When pressure gradients are slack over NW Europe or over North America
convection of moist air causesthunderstorms and theseare particularly severein
eastern USA. Off the American coast, both the Californian and the New
England, there is often extensiveadvection fog so that the onset of a seabreeze
at, say, Los Angeles or Boston may bring surface visibility down to below
minima at exposed aerodromes on or near the coast.

Local phenomena
Clear air turbulence was mentioned in connection with the polar front jet
streams. In the south-west states of the USA in winter when jet streams blow
eastwards over the high mountains, lee-wavesand their attendant hazards are
common. The other local phenomena to be mentioned are violent thunder-
storms and tornadoes of the summer months in the USA in the Mississippi-
Missouri basin especially, with structural damage at the surface, violent
hailstorms, etc., and hurricanes in the summer and autumn. The hurricanes (of
which typical tracks were shown in fig. l5.ll) form in or to the east of the
Caribbean Sea and move west-north-west, then north-west and then north. If
they enter the Gulf of Mexico near the Mississippi delta they then soon start to
decline. If however they re-curve to cross Florida or the Bahamas, then in
addition to inhibiting operations at aerodromes here they continue to take up
moisture from the warm Gulf Stream and have much longer lives and may affect
other routes further north.

Asia and Australasia

This area is dominated by the large monsoonal changes of climate. It extends
both sides of the Equator so to avoid confusion, the terms summer and winter
will not be used but instead are substituted January (as typical of mid-winter of
the northern hemisphere) and July (mid-summer of the northern hemisphere,
mid-winter in the southern hemisphere).

Pressare systems
In January in the north-east ofthe region, polar front depressionsform over the
Pacific and may be encountered on routes into Japan where they move mainly
east or north-east. Depressions also pass into the west of the area from the
Mediterranean, travel down The Gulf, gradually becoming less active and
generally dying out near or over northern India where they are known as western
disturbances.Mainly, however, over this region, pressurein January is high to
the north and decreasessouthwards to Sri Lanka and Singaporewhich are on the
edge of the Equatorial low. This is centred over Indonesia and north-west
Australia with the inter-tropical convergencezone just to the south of Djakarta
and near to Port Darwin. At the sametime, over Australia there is a belt of high
pressurewith anticyclonic centresmoving slowly from west to east,separatedby
cols or troughs extending from the south. By April-May, the
disturbances' no longer reach the area, the Asian continental anticyclone is

Fig. 15.32 Asia and Australasia- typical Januaryday

Fig. 15.33 Asia and Australasia- typicalJuly day

206 MErEoRoLocY

collapsing and the inter-tropical convergencezone is moving northwards with

the Equatorial low pressure and is overhead Sri Lanka and Singapore.
By July, the northerly movement is complete and the ITCZ extendsalong the
Arabian coast to the monsoon thermal low centred over Baluchistan. Pressure
is high both to the west over the Mediterranean and to the east over the Pacific
Ocean but here thelTCZ extendssouth-eastwardsfrom the Korea area to north
of the Philippines. Over the southern hemisphere, the belt of sub-tropical
anticyclones now affects central and northern Australia while frontal depres-
sions passing over or to the south of Tasmania extend their fronts northwards
over south-eastAustralia. By September-Octoberthe Equatorial low has moved
sufficiently far south again to be located over Sri Lanka and Indonesia once

Surface winds conform to the monsoonal flow so that in January there is a
general northerly or north-easterly flow from the northern hemisphere to the
southern hemisphere. As depressionspass from the west through The Gulf so
winds ahead of them become southerly but revert to northerly again after the
passageof the cold front. Over the Indian sub-continent, Thailand, etc., the
winds are north-easterly but near to Japan they may be northerly or north-
westerly. Here they are likely to becomegale force and cyclonically variable with
the passagenearby ofpolar front depressions.At, andjust south of, the Equator
the surface winds back north or north-west as they feed into the ITCZ. Over
Australia south of the ITCZ the south-east trade winds prevail, gradually
becoming light and variable near south-eastAustralia unlessany frontal systems
intrude from the south (Southerly Buster).
In July under the influence of the south-west monsoon, the surface wind
directions are reversed almost everywhere. From the Mediterranean eastwards
to the ITCZ surface winds are steadily northerly becoming south-westerly over
India. Near Japan and near to the Equator, the wind backs to southerly or south-
easterly.By central Australia, the south-easttrade winds fall to light and variable
and by New South Wales, conditions depend on the prevailing synoptic
situation. Ahead of the warm fronts winds are mainly north-westerly, westerly in
warm sectors and southerly, often strong, behind cold fronts. Throughout the
year in conditions of slack pressure gradients, coastal regions experiencefresh
land and seabreezes.In the Equatorial low pressure,particularly in spring and
autumn, the usual light winds may suddenly be replaced by squally winds of
which the direction is largely determined by local topography.
At normal cruising altitudes over the whole area north of the Equator in
January, upper winds are westerly and may be very strong betweenBangkok and
Tokyo due to the large temperature contrast betweencontinent and ocean in this
region at this season.From the Equator to the ITCZ upper winds are easterly
then reverting to westerly with flight southwards over Australia. In July, upper
winds are westerly everywhere south of the Equator and also in the northern
hemisphereto the north of the ITCZ. Otherwise over Asia from the ITCZ to the
Equator upper winds are easterly, usually less than 30 knots.
As regardscloudandweatherin January,the Himalayanmountainspreventthe
direct outflow of very cold air from the interior of SiberiaacrossIndia so that
winters there are only relatively cool but ftne. From Karachi to Bangkok there
may be fog or mist patchesor very low stratusaround dawn on coastsand in
river valleys,but this soonclearsto be followedby a fine, sometimeshazy day.
In the westof the region,similar conditionsprevail in high pressures but as a
depressionapproachesso the increasing southerly winds bring dust and sand
stormsto thestagefrom Cairoto Bahrain. Warm frontsareweak but cold fronts
bring cumuliform cloud and heavyshowersand theseconditionsprevail for a
further day or two in the polar airstreambehindthe front. In theseconditions,
rain or hail showersoccurat low levelbut overhighgroundin theextremenorth-
west of the region there is snow with severeicing and turbulenceabove the
freezinglevel of approximately5000feet. Similarly in the north-eastof this
region over the China Seasand Japan,there is much cumuliform cloud in a
north-westerlypolar airstreamwhile, if a frontal low affectsthe Tokyo area,
warm fronts give widespreadlayer cloud with basesdown to 1000feet or less,
muchlow stratusin the warm sectorand showers,icing,etc.,at the cold front.
Flyingsouthwardsto aerodromes suchasColomboandSingapore, increasing
cumuliform cloud is encounteredand in their vicinity large cumulus and
cumulonimbusgive showers and thunderstorms,particularly overland in
afternoonsand evenings.Over Indonesiaand Australianorth of the ITCZ it is
alsohot and humid with thunderstorms,torrentialrain or hail and squallsover
both land and sea. with the storms intensifiedon the windward sides of
mountainsin Indonesia.
In centralAustraliasouth of the ITCZ it is hot, cloudlessand bumpy, with
dustoftenup to 15000feet.FurthersouthtowardsSydney,turbulenceoverhigh
ground can be severe.Otherwisethe worst flying conditionsoccur with the
arrival of a cold front from low pressureto the south. This then can bring in
severeduststormsto be followedby a southerlybuster.During the transitional
monthsof April and May, thenorthwardmovementof theITCZ bringsa season
of heavyrainsto Sri Lanka and Singapore.At the sametime, temperatures are
rising over Arabia and India and in this part of the regionflying becomesvery
bumpy with much dust haze.In the largeriver valleysof northern India very
violent but fortunately mainly isolatedpre-monsoonthunderstormsdevelop
during the day and must be avoided.
As the summer of the northern hemisphereadvances,so the south-west
monsoonsteadilyextendsnorth and westsothat by theendof July the wholeof
south-eastAsia is covered.The weatherin this south-westairstreamis bad with
massedthunderstormclouds and heavy rain and particularly so in troughs
circulatingaroundthe main monsooncentreof low pressure.At the sametime,
flying from theMediterraneanto Pakistanand north of theITCZ, conditionsare
dry, very hot, dusty and bumpy. Dust storms are likely to developin the
afternoonswhile at Bahrainon The Gulf, surfaceair moistenedlocally by The
Gulf makesconditionshot and humid.
During July on the other side of Asia when flying from the Philippines
208 MErEoRoLocY

northwards to Japan, the monsoon airstream is cooled from below as it moves

over the Pacific Ocean and has small cumulus clouds. However, over land,
surface heating by day soon produces enough convection to give large cumulus
and cumulonimbus with heavy rain showers.Near Japan there may be advection
fog over the sea. In the Tokyo area, the main thundery rains occur in June and
'plume' rains) as the south-west monsoon first sweepsinto the
early July (the
area.Laler the large Pacific oceanic anticyclone can give fine sunny days.
South of Indonesia, the monsoon low of Asia is relatively ineffective and there
are trade wind conditions of scatteredsmall cumulus on the routes to Australia.
Over Australia itself, the mainly anticyclonic weather gives small amounts of
cloud but there is often extensivehazedue to dust or smoke up to 10000feet'
Between the anticyclonic cells, fronts from depressionspassing to the south of
the continent give periods of cloud and rain mostly from the cold fronts' There
is also the risk of mountain waves downwind of high ground'
In October and November, as the south-west monsoon retreatsfrom India, so
a period of renewed healy rains occurs at Sri Lanka and Singapore as the
Equatorial low pressure andITCZ move south acrossthis region'

Local phenomenu
There are a number of important phenomena that affect this area. Tropical
revolving storms seriouslydisrupt flights in many areasand, as may be seenfrom
fig. 15.11,they may be experiencedsomewherein this large region in any month
of the year. Important local winds have already been mentioned in this chapter.
Finally there are some very violent thundersqualls, two of which have local
names which it is as well to know. Near Calcutta, in April and May, i.e. pre-SW
monsoon, these thunderstorms and violent squalls set in during the late
'Nor-westers', indicating the direction from which
afternoon. They are called
they appear. Similarly,'sumatras'are squalls which occur in the Malacca Strait.
They oicur between April and November in the south-west monsoon. At night,
air flows katabatically out over the warm waters of the strait, towering
cumulonimbus with a characteristic arched shape develop with lightning,
thunder and torrential rain together with a sudden squall and drop of
temperature from the south-west, usually between 2300 and 0300 hours.

Africa, South Atlantic, South America

As with the preceding region, to avoid confusion the months January and July
will be used instead of mid-winter in the northern hemisphere (mid-summer,
southern hemisphere)and mid-summer in the northern hemisphere(mid-winter,
southern hemisphere) respectively.

Pressure systems
The synoptic charts for typical days at the extremesofseasons have been drawn
for sealevel isobars. In some areasthe height of the terrain makes this unrealistic,
for example in north-east South America and south-easternparts of Africa, and
the practice then is to use the appropriate contour chart and streamlines. In
January, frontal depressionsmove from west to eastthrough the Mediterranean

Fig. 15.34 African and SouthAmerica- typical Januaryday

Africa and South America - typical July day


>, ] r BBABAMaTT ) L)
' A B A M A T , ) (
>\ (MHAI )'
Seabut their fronts do not extendvery far inland into Africa, having thek
greatestactivityin thewestof north Africa overtheAtlas mountains.Significant
cloud is normally only associated with the cold fronts and warm fronts may be
ill-defined.Usually a weak ridge of high pressureextendsfrom the westacrocs
Africa north of the Equator and then pressuredecreases southwardssouthof the
ridgeto the Equatoriallow and inter-tropicalconvergence zone(ITCZ) at aod
south.of the Equator. For a very short period in West Africa the ITCZ movs
just acrossthe coastto lie a few miles off-shore in the Gulf of Guineabut for
almost all of this seasonthelTCZ is north of aerodromes such as Accra and
Lagos. From central Africa to Zimbabwe, and also over most of Brazil'
Equatoriallow pressures occur'
Further south over the two continentsthe sub-tropicalhigh pressureis
dominant from a large anticyclonecentredover the adjoiningocean.Frontal
depressions affectthe southernand south-western parts of SouthAmerica.As
thi yearadvances, sotheITCZ movesnorthwards most rapidlyin thecontinens
and mostslowlyoverthe openoceanssothat for example, from March to May
it is virtually overheadat aerodromessuchas Nairobi. In September-October it
is overheadagain,movingsouthwards.By July, frontal depressions do not aflect
the Mediterraneanshoresof Africa and a ridgeof high pressurefrom the Azores
anticycloneextendsits influenceboth here and southwardsacrossthe desert
until the ITCZ's surfacepositionis reachedjust to the north of aerodromesat
Dakar, Kano and Khartoum. From the ITCZto the Equator,Equatoriallow
pressureconditions are experienced,gradually becomingless active as the
Equator is reached.Both Africa and South America from the Equator
southwardsto about 25' to 30oSare normally under anticyclonicconditions.
The remaining,most southerlyparts of the region,at this time of the yearare
likely to be affectedby fronts of depressions passingoffshoreto the south.

In Januaryon the north African coast,surfacewindsaremainly south-westerly
or land and seabreezes.When a depressionmovesthrough this areafrom the
west,surfacewindsfreshenfrom thesouthor south-east andafterthe depression
hasclearedto the eastthe windsbecomenorth-westerly.Inland overthe restof
Africa north of the Equator and in South America in northern latitudes,the
winds are north-easttrade winds backingto north on crossingthe Equator to
feedinto theITCZ. In Africa southof the ITCZ therearesouth-east tradewinds
(sometimesas south-west 'deflected' trade winds at Lagos) although these
becomelighter and more variablein the extremesouth whereland and sea
breezesoccuron coasts.In SouthAmerica,the Andesmountainsand the large
oceanicanticyclones overtheSouthPacificandSouthAtlantic havequitea large
influence.On the west coast, surfacewinds are usually southerlyfrom the
Equatorto thetropic andthenbecomesouth-westor westexceptwhenfrontsare
present.On the eastside of the continentthere is a steadybacking of wind
directionwith flight southwardsfrom south-easttradesto eastor north-eastin
northernBrazil to mainly north-westerlyby the time the River Plateestuaryis
reached.Further south, althoughgenerallyfrom a westerlypoint, the surface
cLIMAroLocY 2ll

winds over South America back from north-westto west then south-westas
fronts passby.
In July, the surfacewinds over Africa north of the ITCZ are north-easterly,
while in the sameareaof SouthAmericathey are more easterly.Further south
overSouthAmericathey arepredominantlysoutherlyor south-westerly on the
west coastbut on the eastcoastthe regimeis much as beforewith a steady
backingfrom eastto north and then north-westasonefliesfrom the equatorto
the River Plateestuary,and thereaftermainly westerlywindsvaryingasfronts
pass by. Over Africa from the ITCZ to the Equator there are south-west
'deflected'tradewindswhich backto south-eastin southernlatitudes.Southof
the tropic, wind directionsare more variable.As depressions passeastwardsto
thesouthof thecontinentwindsareinitially north-westbackingto westandthen
to southor evensouth-eastwith squallsat the cold front passage.
Upper windsarestrongwesterlies in the sub-tropicaljet-streamswhich occur
overthe mostnortherlyand mostsoutherlypartsof this region.In January,the
line of thejet-streamis around30oNandit is strongestin north-eastAfrica while
to the south,it liesacrossSouthAmericaat approximately40oSandjust to the
south of South Africa. Becauseof the presenceof the Equatoriallow and t*re
ITCZ,much of theregionhaseasterlywindsat altitude,oftenlessthan 30knots.
Thesewinds prevail over South Americafrom the north coastto about 20oS
while in Africa, they are found from around l0oN to about 20oSbeforegiving
way to the upper westerlies.In July, the northernhemispheresub-tropicaljet
streamis to the north of Africa and the upperwindsareonly modestwesterlies
from the north coastto theITCZ. Then light easterlies prevailoverboth Africa
and South America to l0"S beforerevertingto westerlieswith a possiblejet
streambetween30oSand 40oS.

In January, north-westAfrica has periods of cloudy weatherwith rain as
depressions passby. Warm fronts arenot activeasregardsprecipitationbut the
fresheningsoutherlywinds may causeduststormsbetweenTripoli and Cairo.
Cold fronts give more precipitationand over the Atlas mountainsthis may be
heavywith snowand severeicing.Inland overnorth Africa the desertgiveshot,
dry, bumpy conditionsby day with duststormsor dust hazewhich may extend
up to 15000 feet. Near the Equator, increasingcumuliform clouds are
encounteredwith showers and thunderstorms.Along the Nile and the
Mediterraneancoast,radiation fog sometimesforms around dawn but is very
quickly dispersedby solar heating.From the Equator to almost 20oSin both
continentsit is the rainy season,under the influenceof the Equatoriallow and
ITCZ. Theremaybelow stratiformcloudin theearlymorningbut it soonbuilds
up into large cumulus and cumulonimbusand there is heavy rain during
afternoonsand eveningswith squalls,thunderstormsand turbulence.Further
southwardstowardsCapeTown and BuenosAiresthereareusuallyonly small
fair weathercumulusand settledfine weatherbut occasionallyvery scattered
heatthunderstormsmay developin the evenings.
Later in the year, as the ITCZ passesnorthwardsso the main rainy season
212 MErEoRoLocY

occurs in central Africa (e.g. Nairobi) in April-May and eventually by July this
Equatorial weather extendsto l5o to 18oNso affecting terminals such as Dakar,
Kano and Khartoum. Over all of Africa north of the ITCZ it is now very hot and
dusty, with the bumpiness diminishing at night, and skies are mainly cloudless.
To the south of the lTCZasfar as the Equator, at the surfaceit is hot and humid
and although there may be low cloud overnight, by day there are towering
cumuliform clouds and thunderstorms which may go on into the early hours of
the morning. Flying conditions become particularly bad when line squalls,
orientated north-south, move westwardsacrossthe continent between 15oNand
the Equator.
Considering Africa south of the Equator, it is the dry seasonand days become
increasingly dusty and bumpy. Near the tropic, periods of moist air coming in
from the Indian Ocean lasting several days can produce low cloud at night
(.guti'). However, in the area near to Cape Town frontal cloud rain occur with
the worst conditions at cold fronts.
In South America in July in the most northern parts it is the rainy seasonwith
well-developed cumulus and cumulonimbus and heavy showers and thunder-
storms, again worst in line squalls or easterly waves as referred to above for
central Africa. The visibility is generally very good, deteriorating only for short
periods in healry rain. From the Equator to about 30'S it is the dry seasoneven
though very occasionally there is an isolated thunderstorm, especiallyin coastal
areasnear the tropic. At night too the same aerodromes are liable to low stratus
around dawn. The remainder of the continent is subject to frontal weather.
Warm fronts give overcastskies,low cloud basesand continuous rain, especially
to the west of the Andes, while warm sectors have very low stratus and drizzle.
Cold fronts may well develop line squalls with cumulonimbus, turbulence, icing
and heavy showery rain. With no fronts in the immediate area there is a risk of
radiation fog forming overnight, or low stratus in slightly stronger winds.
The passageof the ITCZ southwards in October and November brings a
secondrainy seasonas it passesoverhead, to aerodromesin countries on or Very
near to the Equator such as in Ecuador and Kenya, with thunderstorms and
generally unpleasant flying weather.

Local phenomena
There are a number of local phenomena, apart from the following local winds
already mentioned earlier in this chapter: Sirocco, Khamsin, Simoom, Haboob,
Harmattan, South-Easter and Pampero. Tropical revolving storms only have an
indirect effect. When they occur in the Indian Ocean they normally re-curve by
the Mozambique Channel. However, even though they do not normally pass
over land they supply very humid warm air at both low and high levelsfrom the
east to the routes such as Nairobi to Harare, intensifying the bad weather from
the ITCZ whenever they occur between January and April. The other
intensihcation of bad weather in the ITCZ occurs in easterlywavesor line squalls
which passfrom east to west near the Equator. Often particularly active over a
belt some 30 miles wide they move in sympathy with the upper wind at speedsof
some 20 to 30 knots although the squalls at their sudden onset have higher

Fig. 15.36 PacificOcean- typicalJanuaryday

Fig. 15.37 Pacific Ocean - typical July day


speeds. In contrast,in thedry seasonsofthe continents,visibilitiesarepoor in the

verydry air aloft dueto dustand smokecarriedupwardsby convection.Finally,
pilots should rememberthat the Atlas mountainsin Africa and the Andesin
South America, to mention but two rangesof significance,are massiveand
extensiveand extendto abovethe freezinglevel especiallyin winter. Flying
conditions,particularlyif fronts arecrossingthe mountains,canbeverypoor in
IMC with severeicing and turbulenceand mountainlee-wavesystems.

Pacilic Ocean
Although physicallythis region is the largestbeing described,in fact all the
surrounding continentshave featured in the descriptionsof the preceding
regionsand asfar as possiblerepetitionwill be avoidedalthoughsomewill be

From Octoberto March in the northernhemisphere, while winter anticyclones
dominatethecontinents,depressions form offthe Chinesecoastand alongpolar
fronts to the east.Their fronts can also affectthe Hawaiian Islandswhen the
north Pacific anticyclone declinesfrom time to time. The inter-tropical
convergence zone(TTCZ)liesacrossnorthernAustralia,extendseastwardsinto
the oceanto swingnorth-eastto the north-eastof Fiji and then lie west-eastat
about 5"N to SouthAmerica,with the belt of sub-tropicalhigh pressureon its
southernside.From April to SeptembertheITCZ is exclusivelyin the northern
hemisphere. It emergesfrom the mountainousinterior of Asia in the vicinity of
Korea,swingssouth-eastto lie eastof the Philippinesand theneastwards across
the North Pacificonly slightly north of its Januaryposition until nearingland
again,when it swingsnorth-eastto central America. To the north, the sub-
tropical anticyclonehas intensifiedand extendedeast-westto dominate the
oceanandoftenoverlapthecoastson both sidestoo. Pressure is still low nearthe
Aleutianssofrontscanstill affecttheCanadian west Similarly,
coast. becausethe
Equatoriallow is north of the Equator,all the southern hemisphere's major
oceanicroutesarenormallywithin the southernsub-tropicalhigh exceptfor the
occasionalintrusionnorthwardsof fronts from depressions evenfurther south.

In January,surfacewindsneartheAsianandAustraliancoastsarecontrolledby
the monsoonasalreadydescribed.Overtheopenoceanfrom the ITCZ to about
20onorth or southlatitudetherearesteadytradewinds.Overthe latitudeband
20oto 40othe winds graduallyfall lighter and eventuallyreversedirectionto
variablewesterliesand in higherlatitudesdependupon passingfronts for their
specificdirectionon a particularflight. By July, the westernpart of the region
will be dominatedby the south-easttradewindsfeedingin to becomethe south-
westmonsoonof Asia. Overthe openoceanthereis againon both sidesof the
ITCZ the steadytransitionfrom steadytrade winds to light winds in the sub-
tropical highs.Off the westcoastof the USA thereis a northerlyflow while off
thecoastofPeruandEcuadorthereis a southerlyflow becomingsouth-east near
@ cLrMAroLocY 215

the ITCZ. At upper levels, in January the winds are westerly except near the
Equator where they are easterly and light. Between Hong Kong and Tokyo
where the sub-tropical jet stream augments the polar jet stream, speedsof 200
knots occur at times. Over the southern hemisphere in central and southern
Australia and eastwards at the same latitude over the ocean, upper winds are
westerliesat speedsmainly of 50 to 60 knots. In July, almost everywheresouth
of the Equator has westerlieswhich are strongest in the sub-tropical jet stream
acrosscentral Australia. From the Equator to thelTCZthere are light easterlies
and then from the ITCZ northwards, westerliesgradually increase in strength
although not quite as strong as in January.

The weather in January in Asia and southwards to northern parts of Australia
is controlled by the north or north-east monsoon as already described.Very cold
and dry in northern China, the airstream becomespolar maritime by the time it
reachesJapan to give showery, unstable weather which alternates with frontal
conditions from depressionspassingnearby. The sameairstream parallelling the
China coast or turning slightly back onshore givesunder the edgeof the
high' low stratiform cloud, drizzle and poor visibility (Crachin) in the Hong
Kong area. By the time it reaches Indonesia, towering cumuliform cloud,
thunderstorms and their associatedturbulent flying conditions occur.
Flying eastwards on the trans-Pacifrc crossings, those parts of routes in the
southern hemisphere experience cumuliform cloud and thunderstorms in the
Equatorial low pressure in January, with particularly bad conditions, in fact
curtailing or prohibiting operations, in tropical revolving storms in the Fiji-
Queenslandarea. Away from such areas,trade wind conditions of scatteredfair
weather cumulus prevail. North of the Equator again large expansesof the ocean
also have trade wind conditions until beyond 20'N and then those of warm
oceanic anticyclones, until the HawailNorth America stage.Although Hawaii
usually has scatteredcumulus and any rainfall is usually over exposednorth-east
slopes of the islands, occasionally the Pacific high declines sufficiently for cold
fronts of depressionsto bring gale force southerly winds (Kona storms) and
healryrain. Further eastthe situation is determined by the passageof polar front
depressionsfrom the west or north-west and conditions from British Columbia
to California are broadly similar to the January conditions of north-west
Europe. Between the fronts and particularly in California, there are periods of
quiet but foggy weather. visibility is also poor in other parts of the region in
January at times. In Japan, fog, rain and snow may give limiting conditions and
along the China coastsand in valleys there is stratus or fog. Elsewherethere are
poor visibilities in torrential rain.
In July, the very large northern oceanic anticyclone gives much of the region
settled fine weather. The Asian coastline has its summer monsoon weather but
the western coastline of north America is much drier than in winter. In the north
there are still fronts from depressions travelling further to the north but
California is practically rainless although it suffers from the advection fog
offshore which drifts inland, later to lift into low stratus. The ITCZ gives an area
216 MErEoRoLocY

ofthundery rain north ofthe Equator and to its south there is a broad band of
fair weather cumulus in the south-easttrade winds. In the most southerly pars
of the region the weather is very changeable.There is a continuous flow of frontal
depressionsto the south of Australia and New Zealand, of which the cold fronts
are most active, separated by cols or temporary cold anticyclones.
Apart from the squally winds associatedwith thunderstorms and those with
cold fronts in higher latitudes the most important local phenomena associated
with this region are tropical revolving storms. They occur mostly in the western
sectionas shown in fig. 15.ll.

Test questions
Ql. Cold water coastsare found mainly on:
(a) the east sides of continents
(b) the north sides of continents
(c) the west sides of continents.
Q2. The Doldrums are:
(a) another name for the sub-tropical anticyclones
(b) cols between weak fronts encountered in low latitudes
(c) weak inter-tropical convergencezones.
Q3. At the tropopause over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the strongest
westerly winds are experiencedat 40oN in January:
(a) on the west sides of both oceans
(b) on the eastsidesofboth oceans
(c) on the east side of the Pacific and the west side of the Atlantic.
Q4. At 5oN 140'W in the Equatorial low pressurezone, the probable wind at
40000 feet will be:
(a) 090"/20 kt
(b) 180',/40 kt
(c) 270'/30kt.
Q5. On a flight from Heathrow to Fiji in February, with a night's stop-over
in Hong Kong, there is a risk of tropical revolving storms:
(a) in the Fiji area
(b) at both Fiji and Hong Kong
(c) in the Hong Kong area.
Q6. Which of the following storms is not a tropical revolving storm:
(a) cyclone
(b) tornado
(c) Typhoon.
Q7. Harmattan is the namegiven to:
(a) duststorm and thunderstorm in the Sudan
(b) wind-blown duststorm blowing onto the Mediterranean Sea
(c) dusty north-east trade winds of West Africa.
Q8. Flying the route Darwin to Sydney in January could mean a possibility
ofthere being:
(a) tropical storms at Darwin and/or a Southerly Buster at Sydney
cLIMAroLocY 217

(b) tropical stormsat Darwin but no risk of a SoutherlyBusterat

(c) no risk of tropical storms at Darwin but a risk of a Southerly
Busterat SydneY.
Q9. The surface wind at Recife(NE Brazil) is usuallyfrom:
(a) the southin winter, north in summer
(b) the north in the winter, southin the summer
(c) an easterlydirection.
QlQ. In Nigeriain May, thunderstormsassociated with theinter-tropicalfront
are located:
(a) entirelyto the north of the ITF
(b) approximatelysymmetricallyabout the ITF
(c) entirelyto the south of the ITF.
16: Interpretationof Satellite

Although the first successfulphotographs of cloud systems were taken from

spacein 1947by means of a converted world war II V2 rocket from an altitude
of between110km and 165km, the systemof using observationsfrom satellites
for flight forecasts really started in 1960. In that year the TIRos I satellite
(Television Infra-Red observational Satellite) was successfully launched
operational use and flight crews (who at that iime had more personalisedflight
forecast folders and individual pre-flight meteorological briefings) on North
Atlantic crossingsfirst saw the monochrome satelliteimages.Forecasterswere at
pains to point out at the time, that to the unschooled eye there were limitations
to the use of this new facility. In the following pagescovering the interpretation
of satellite images, this truism is borne in mind and the fact iecognised that the
specialistmeteorologist studying sequencesof images in considerable detail will
be able to make more effective use of the images than a pilot at a self-briefing.
Nevertheless,the following can give an appreciation of what a satellite image is
showing.The satellitesthemselvescome in many shapes,thoseshown in fig. lo.l
being typical.

Fig. 16.l Typical satellites


Information provided
Firstly, what information does the satellite offer?
(a) It fills in data for what had previously been wide open spacesdevoid of
meteorological observations. Over oceans for example, away from
shipping lanes and ocean weather ships which themselveswere hundreds
of miles apart, there were no meteorological data exceptthose reported by
en route aircraft or special'met flights'. Now any such voids are filled in
with satelliteobservations.The satellitesthemselvesmay be polar orbiting
or geostationary. While in the former case,the satellitesdo literally follow
an orbital path around the earth taking polar regions into their view, in
the latter casethe satellite is put into orbit over the equator at a height of
35 900 km with a speedsuch that it rotates with the earth every 24 hours
to remain above the same point on the equator.
(b) To a spatial resolution of all parts of the earth's surface visible to the
satellite of much better than one kilometre, the on-board instrumentation
can transmit to monitoring ground stations, observations of use to pilots
such as surface temperatures, cloud top temperatures, cloud types,
structures, amounts and distribution, upper winds from which in turn
synoptic situations may be deduced. The cloud information may be
obtained as either a visible image or as an'infra-red image'. Examples of
each are depicted in figs 16.2 to 16.5. For the benefit of meteorologists
rather than flight crews' direct usage, radiometers (such as AVHRR -
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers) on satellites typically
o temperature profiles upwards from the surface to some 30 km;
o water vapour vertical distribution in the atmosphere;
. cloud temperatures;
o ocean temperatures and ocean current movements.

Consider now the various elements which should be borne in mind in
interpreting images, assuming first that the skies are cloudless.
l. With an infra-red satellite image taken of NW Europe in winter, say,
January/February, the lowland temperature of the British Isles and the
mainland will show upWhite (cold) while the relatively warmer Atlantic, North
Sea and English Channel will show up black. In contrast, in hot anticyclonic
summer weather, say, JulylAugust, the sameland areaswhich will now be warm
will be black in contrast to the colder sea.Figs 16.2to 16.5have all beenchosen
for November when the mean surface temperatures of the land and sea were
2. Also in situations of little or no cloud, visible images over land will show up
all the snow-coveredareaswhich should not be confusedwith the cloud, e.g.over
the Alps, Scandinavia,Scotland,etc.
3. Cloudless conditions may, however, be associated with fog, which will be
depicted on satellite images. It may be radiation fog over land or advection fog
over land or sea.
220 MErEoRoLocY

4. Also, where the synoptic situations would produce cloudlessskies over open
areas such as oceansand desertswith terrestrial reporting stations far apart, do
not be surprised to seesmoke plumes streaming for miles from ships while the
latter areas may have duststorms and sandstorms with both of these features
giving an indication of the surface wind.

Tropical storms
In low latitudes, storms readily recognisable on visual and infra-red satellite
images are those described in Chapter 15,
l. Large cumulus and cumulonimbus associatedwith strong convection or the
intertropical convergencezone.
Although the satelliteimagescannot depict atmospheric (in)stability, the large
oceanic anticyclones ofvery stable air show up as cloudlessregions. In contrast,
the towering cumuliform cloud due to overland convection will show up as
individual white blobs, while over both land and ocean along the line of the
intertropical convergencezone (figs 15.9 and 15.10) they will take on an
organised arrangement dependent upon the zone's activity at the time.
2. Easterly waves/line squalls. These show up on satellite pictures as north./
south belts of towering cumuliform cloud typically some 30 nm wide.
3. Tornadoes. These extreme examples of cumuliform cloud (fig. 15.13) are
recognisable on satellite pictures. Becauseof the great instability involved, the
dome of the cumulonimbus may be carried up through the cimrs anvil. The tops
to the dome are then illuminated by the sun and cast shadows on the cimls
beneath, which can be seenon the satellite visual image.
4. Tropical revolving storms. The circular spiral cloud form of such storms (hg.
15.12) is clearly recognisable on both infra-red and visual images with the
'eye' easily visible. The storms' wide extent and steady remorseless
track have been made much simpler to predict with the aid of satellite imager-v.

In Chapters I I to 14, the wide diversity and variability of weather in temperarc
latitudes have been studied and it is convenient to use the same broad divisiour
to consider what information can be gleaned from satellite pictures such as figs
16.2to 16.5but not in the samesequence.A simple baratic chart accompanics
each satellite image, for easeof comparison.
andcols.Wheretheair is relativelydry, theskieswill becloudkr
l. Anticyclones
and the factors already mentioned on page 165will apply. In cols, with moist ai
overland in summer the development of individual thunderstorms can
observed with their relatively slow movement across country.
2. Air masses.Maritime tropical air spreading from the south-west into
British Isles will often be accompanied by a widespread sheet of stratus
stratocumulusclearlyshown on the satelliteimagebut unfortunately,
not separately identifrable from the overcast of the warm frontal cloud
preceded it. In contrast, maritime polar air's cumuliform cloud can be
identified in satelliteimages.The cumulus may be smaller and scatteredas





















224 MErEoRoLocY








over the British Isles in fig. 16.2 or towering and widespread as spreading into
and over the NW British Islesin fig. 16.3.
3. Non-frontol lows. Over NW Europe, polar air depressions develop from
extremely unstable cold maritime airstreams. Thus the showery conditions over
Scandinavia of frg. 16.4, for example, could become more organised areas of
showery activity either along trough lines or as separateshallow centres oflow
pressure.These can be identified on satellite images and their movement along
with the airstream deduced from successiveimages.
4. Polarfront lows. Often along the trailing cold front of one depression, the
development of the next depressionin the family of lows shows up as a'comma'
shapein the cloud image. The sequentiallowering of the layer cloud on the warm
front doesnot show up on satellitepictures becausethe veil of upper cloud masks
the lower cloud. However, what can be seenis that the warm front may not be
uniformly active along its whole length - an example being the lessenedfrontal
activity over the Irish Seaand N. Wales in fig. 16.4.As already mentioned under
Air masses,above, the transition from densefrontal layer cloud to a sheetof only
stratus or stratocumulus at the passageof the warm front cannot usually be seen,
all of the cloud looking like one uniform sheet. However, cold fronts do often
clear quite dramatically and their alignment and speedof movement can then be
very obvious, e.g.,from the Isle of Man to NW Spain in fig. 16.5.

Satellite imageshave provided forecasterswith up-to-date information for areas
where previously it had been very sparse. They enable development and
movement of areas of activity to be monitored and extrapolated for forecasting
purposes. This facility is particularly useful for severestorms which fortunately
provide good images, and many of which storms may be originating over open
oceans(e.g. typhoons over the Pacific Ocean). Currently, the UK has electedto
differ from ICAO regulatory material (UKAIP-MET) in that meteorological
satellite photographs or mosaics (i.e. of photographs) and/or nephanalyses
(cloud distribution) are not routinely displayed in mostUKFlight BriefingUnits.

Test questions
Ql. On a satellite visual image of NW Europe it is usually:
(a) relatively easy to distinguish the surface position of both active
warm fronts and cold fronts
(b) relatively easierto distinguish the surfaceposition of a warm front
than that of a cold front
(c) relatively easierto distinguish the surface position ofa cold front
than that of a warm front.
Q2. It is true to say that on satellite images, fog can be seen
(a) only over land masses
(b) over the sea in the caseof advection fog and over the land if it is
radiation fog, advection fog or hill fog
(c) only if it is hill fog.

Q3. On a satellitevisualimageof a tropical revolvingstorm,the positionof

the eyeor vortex of the storm is normally:
(a) clearlyvisible
(b) not readilydiscerniblebecause it is coveredby a veil of high cloud
(c) not readilydiscerniblebecauseit is too smallto be detectedby the
Q4. In winter, if the Alps show speckledwhite in a visual imagewhen an
intenseanticyclonecoversthe area with cloudlessskiesforecast,the
satelliteis probablyshowing:
(a) radiationfog in the alpinevalleys
(b) hill fog on the mountains
(c) snowcoveron the mountains.
Qs. In fig. 16.5,the cloud structureshown south-south-west of Icelandis
typical of:
(a) an anticyclone
(b) a depression
(c) tropical maritimeair which hasmovedto high latitudes.
t7: Organisation,Observations,

The efficiency of the serviceprovided by any organisation is dependentupon the

quality of the data it receivesand how well it is processed.This is certainly true
of the meteorological service offered to aviation in the form of forecasts and
warnings, which depends upon a global system of observations and reports.
In order to avoid any possibleconfusion from the outset betweenthe use ofthe
'report' and 'forecast', they may be defined as:
A meteorological report is a statement of the weather conditions which are
prevailing, or haveprevailed,at a particular place and time. In aviation, it is often
given in a standardised code form for brevity, sometimes called an
A meteorologicalforecast is a stotement of the weather conditions which are
expectedto prevail at a particular place and time. lt alsomay be given in code form
for brevity.
It is an unfortunate fact that a slip of the tongue or a temporary lapse of
'report' and
concentration doesfrom time to time lead to the misuseof the words
'forecastnwhen a momentosthought would clarify that, literally, one can only
report something which has occurred or is occurring while to forecast means to
anticipate future conditions. It is an even more unfortunate fact that fatal

Element How measured

Pressure Barometer or barograph
Temperature Dry-bulb, maximum, minimum, grass minimum
thermometers and thermograph
Humidity Wet and dry-bulb thermometers and hygrograph
Cloud type Visual
amount Visual
baseheight Visual or cloud-base recorder (ceilometer), pilot balloon,
cloud searchlight (by night only) and alidade
Wind direction Wind vane
Wind speed Cup-generator or pressure-tube anemometers
Visibility Visual of known objects at fixed distances,transmissometer
or (at night only) Gold visibility meter
Precipitation Rain-gauge, rate of rainfall recorder, weather radar (for
storm movement)
Weather Visual or weather radar
Stateof ground Visual
Sunshine Sunshine recorder
228 MErEoRoLocy

accidents have occurred where pilots have assumed that a report has been e
consideringfirstly the observationsmade at a meteorologicalstation (ad
rememberingthat there are many more reporting stationsthan forecastiq
offices),the main elementsobservedand the methodscommonlyusedaregirrcn
in Table17.1.


The pressureof a column of mercury is balancedagainstthe pressurebeing
exertedby the atmosphere on the mercuryin the barometercistern(fig. 17.lI
The greaterthe atmosphericpressure,the greaterthe column of mercury.Thc
instrumentis calibratedassumingstandardconditions,so to obtain eFF it is
necessaryto apply correctionsfor index error, temperatureerror, latitu&
(gravity)error and to 'reduce'the readingto meansealevel.



cistem -

Fig. 17.1 Principleof the mercurybarometer

A block of capsulesalmost completely evacuatedof air will be compressedwhen
atmospheric pressure increasesand will expand when it decreases.The motion
is magnified by a lever systemand the variation ofpressure recorded by a pen on
a rotating drum.

It is quite satisfactory for the barometer and barograph to be located in the

meteorological office out of a draught. However, the elementsof the instruments
measuring temperature and humidity must be out of doors and they are housed
in a'thermometer screen'.The screenhas slattedsides,a split baseand a double
top to allow free circulation of air around the instruments and is painted white
to keep absorption of solar radiation to a minimum. In the northern hemisphere

the screendoor is on the north side (vice versa for southern hemisphere)and the
instruments at 4 feet above sround level.


Dry-bulh thermometer
The air temperature is measuredby a mercury-in-glassthermometer in which the
mercury expands up the capillary tube as the air temperature rises.

Maximum thermometer
This is similar to the dry-bulb but it has a constriction in the capillary tube so that
although the mercury when expanding can force its way through as the
temperature rises, it is unable to contract into the reservoir as the temperature
falls. Like the doctor's clinical thermometer it is reset by a brisk shake.

Minimum thermometer
This is an alcohol-in-glass thermometer with a small index in the capillary of
alcohol. Although the spirit flows round the index as the temperature rises,when
the temperature falls the index is dragged by the spirit's meniscus towards the
thermometer bulb. Provided the thermometer is not disturbed from its
horizontal position before the reading is taken, the high temperature end of the
index indicatesthe minimum temperature.

Usually the recording on the rotating drum via a system of levers is of the
movement of the'free' end of a bimetallic strip of which the other end is fixed to
the instrument frame.


Wet-bulb thermometer
The wet-bulb is the same as a dry-bulb except that it is wrapped with a muslin
bag kept damp by distilled water from a wick leading from a small jar. If the
relative humidity is l00Vo there is no evaporation from the muslin bag and the
dry-bulb and wet-bulb read the same.If the air is unsaturated, the depressionof
the wet-bulb reading below the dry-bulb increases as the relative humidity

The sensitiveelement is commonly a bunch of human hairs of which the length
varies with the relative humidity. over normal temperatures, the changes in
humidity are reasonably reflected but the exact relative humidity cannot be
relied upon.

Apart from the above temperature and humidity instruments kept in the
thermometer screen,a grassminimum thermometer is put out at night on grass
230 MErEoRoLocY
'ground frosts'
on two pegsto record the minimum temperature there, and hence
'air frosts' noted from the screenminimum temperature.
as opposed to

The type(s) and amount of clouds are assessedvisually.

Height of base
Various methods are used. The observer may make a visual estimate of this too
but the usual instrument is a'cloud-base recorder'. This consistsof a transmitter,
a receiverand a recording unit, which is in continuous unattended operation, day
and night. An upwards projected beam of light is scatteredand reflected by the
cloud basewhich is detectedby a vertically-pointing receiver'sphoto-electric cell.
The base height is measured and automatically recorded on a trace. Other
methods are to time the ascentof a pilot-balloon which is rising at a known rate
until it disappearsinto the cloud, and at night to measurethe angle of elevation
of a patch of the cloud-base illuminated by a vertical searchlight beam basedat
a known distance from the observer, and to calculate the base height by

Surface wind - measuredat 33 feet (10 metres) aboveground in an open situatia

Measured by a vane, the large keel-surface at the tail end of which is blown
down-wind of the central pivot. Its indication is reproduced on a meter in the
meteorological office.

Although there are some pressure tube anemometers still around (similar in
priciple to airspeed indicators) most are cup-generator anemometers. Three
hemispherical cups mounted radially on a vertical spindle rotate as the wind
blows. This rotation is fed to a small electrical generator in a weather-proof
housing at the spindle. The generatedvoltage increaseswith windspeedand is fed
to an indicator calibrated in knots in the meteorological offrce.
Away from a meteorological observing station, a good knowledge of thc
Beaufort scale of wind force is invaluable, as is also the angle of dangle of a
landing ground's wind-sock relationship to the surface wind speed.

Often assessedvisually by noting the range at which objects at known distanqs
can still be clearly recognised(fixed lights at night).

This records the transparency of the atmosphereautomatically and continuoudy
by day and by night, keeping a record on a chart. A photocell receiverdetectsthc
brightness of the light receivedfrom a horizontal searchlight beam, of which tb

original brightness is known. The poorer the visibility, the greater is the
attenuation, so the chart can be calibrated in terms of meteorological optical

Visibility meter
Visibility can also be measuredat night by meansof a Gold visibility meter (Gold
was the inventor's name). The meter is a photometer consisting of a glass slide
of increasing opacity through which a light of known brightness at a known
range is viewed, and the slide adjusted until the light is just visible. The slide
reading is transferred to a table compiled for that observer'seyesight,the light's
brightness and range, and the corresponding daytime visibility read off.

Precipitation and thunderstorms

Weather radar
Many stations now have radar heads from which responses are shown on
circular time-basesof which the range can be varied. Dense cloud, precipitation
and thunderstorms particularly can be tracked in relation to the station,
automatically, by night and day. However, in the UK (asa differencefrom ICAO
Regulatory Material) ground-based weather radar information is not currently
routinely displayed in most Flight Briefing Units.
Other observationsthat are regularly made, but are not normally passedon to
the aviation users,are the amount of precipitation (measuredby meansof a rain-
gauge),the hours ofsunshine (from a glassspherethat acts like a burning-glass,
the meteorologist's crystal ball), and the state of the earth (from a tended earth
plot in an open situation).

Availability of information
The completed observations are put into code, passedon by landline and later
redistributed by the same means. In the United Kingdom, the headquarters of
the Meteorological Office is at Bracknell, Berkshire. It should of course be
remembered that aviation is not the only user of the meteorological service.
Other forms of transport, e.g. shipping, highway authorities, British Rail, are
major userstoo, as well as other bodies such as the Central Electricty Generating
Board and British Gas who have to anticipate demand - not to mention farmers,
horticulturalists, builders, major sports promoters and many others.
The procedures are internationally agreed under the auspicesof the World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO) which is a specialisedagencyof the United
Nations Organisation. The specialised needs of aviation, whether local or
international, are cateredfor by the Meteorological Division of the International
Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and in the United Kingdom the Civil
Aviation Authority (CAA) devolvesthis responsibility on to the Meteorological
Office. The official ICAO documents to which the United Kingdom conforms
are tabulated in the MET section of the Air Pilot. For a candidate preparing for
CAA pilot licenceexaminations, an up-to-date copy for referenceis essentialand
should be read in conjunction with this chapter.
232 MErEoRoLocY

Depending upon the service supplied, meteorological offices may be:

Meteorological Watch Offices, which are responsible for watching over the
meteorological conditions in a Flight Information Region, an Upper Informa-
tion Region and/or Oceanic Control Area and keeping the responsible Air
Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) informed.
Main Meteorological Offices, which are operational on a 24-hour basis serving
major aerodromes with forecasting services.
Subsidiary Meteorological Offices, which offer less than a 24-hout, but some
forecasting, service.
Obsening Offices,whichmay in fact operateon a 24-hour basisbut do not have
forecasting facilities.
For a while after World War II, there was a period in the UK when the aircraft
captain and his crew went to the Met. Office before a flight to collect a Flight
Forecast Folder prepared for their particular flight and to receive a personal
briefing on the conditions to be expected.The escalation of flights departing in
quick succession oyel the same or nearby routes has led to the plesent system
*tti.t ir considerably more economical in personnel and time but relieson pilots
having a good knowledge of meteorology - self-briefing. In notifying this pre'
flight servicethe UK Air Pilot statesthat this primary method of briefing does
not require prior notification of the flight. However for specialforecasts(e.g.for
non-scheduled or emergency flights), meteorological offices require priu
notification of:
(a) at least two hours for flights up to 500 nm and
(b) at least four hours for flights over 500 nm
before the time of collection, and more time if possible'
Forecasts provided under these special arrangements can include the fligh
forecast up to the next transit aerodrome that can provide meteorological servicc
together with an aerodrome forecast for the destination (or first tramh
aerodrome) and for up to three alternates.
When it is necessaryto have the personal advice of a forecaster,pilots 5fusilld
contact the nearestforecast office serving civil aviation, as listed in the Air Pilor
The designatedforecast office for North Atlantic flights departing from any IIK
aerodrome is Bracknell Central Forecast Oflice.

AIRMET - Low level sviation meteorological sewice in the UK

A service providing low level aviation meteorological forecasts and an
aerodrome weather information service is available for the UK by telephor
(called AIRMET), Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTI'II
and Telex. The introduction of the servicein June 1987led to the withdrawal d
the telephone meteorological serviceto aviation previously available from RAF
stationi and government aerodromes. Special(route) forecastsare not providod
within the coverageof the UK low level service.
The low level service is an alternative to that provided at the Flight Briefiry
Units and primarily provides for pilots who do not have accessto meteorological
forecast charts or to forecastsdisseminatedby teleprinter. It givesthree regiorql
forecasts. The regions are:

Southern:SouthernEngland(southof a lineapproximatelyfromSouthWales
to the Wash)
Northern:Northern Englandand Wales
Scottish:Scotlandand Northern Ireland
and makesuse of sub-regions,whereapplicable,for clarity. The information
provided(for an 8-hourperiodof validity)comprisesa generalsynopsisfollowed
by forecastconditionsup to 15000feet(except*) of:
l. Weather
2. Warnings
*3. Windsand temperatures (2000ft,5000ft, 10000ft, 18000f,
4. Clouds
5. Visibility
6. Freezinglevel
7. Icing
8. Outlook
The format is so arrangedthat a telephonecaller(receivingthe information at
dictation speed)can quickly determineif the forecastweatherconditionsare
unsuitablefor the intendedflight and if so, ring off.

Time of issue AIRMET 8-hour Outlook

AFTN/Telex availableby period of to
telephone validity
(All timesare local time)
0500hrs 0600hrs 0600-lzmO 2000hrs
I 100 1200 1200-2000 0200
1700 1800 1800-.0200 0800
2300 2300* 0001-0800 l,m0
* Not generallyavailablebecauseof the low utilisation and the high cost of night
recording. Callers can obtain the information, however,by telephoningBracknell
Central Forecast Office, Belfast/AldergroveAirport or Manchesterand Glasgow
WeatherCentres.Similarconstraintsmeanthat after 1930hrs, the 1800-0200 recorded
(telephone)forecastis not amended.

The forecasts are issued at every six hours after updating on a routine basis,
but can be revised if the need arises between the standard times. The actual
process of recording the UK Regional Forecasts for telephone callers has been
allowed an hour, so the AFTN and Telex service distributes the data one hour
before the forecast's period ofvalidity.
The meteorological offices providing a service to UK general aviation also
operate an 'on-request' telephone service providing available TAFs and
METARs for aerodromes in the forecast regions to pilots not having accessto
teleprinter aerodrome information.
Forecasting offices will also, subject to prior request, make arrangementsfor
the supply of specialisedmeteorological information on:
(a) thermal activity and seabreezesfor gliding, balloon, microligh.t andliang-
gliding operations
234 MErEoRoLocY

(b) 1000 ft wind and temperatures, information on airframe icing, sea state
and temperature forecast for offshore operations off eastern England
(c) particular needsfor special events for which the routine broadcasts ma-r*
be inadequate.
There is also a Jersey AIRMET providing a similar service for a 50 nm radius
around the Channel Islands.

AIRMET - Automated METAR and TAF telephone sewice

This service is only available through telephones which have a means of tots-
dialling.It enablesusersto dial a singlenumber to obtain the latest METARs arrl
TAFs for a wide selection of UK aerodromes and some on the near continenl
'pause'the reading of the TAFs and
The tone dialling facility enablesthe user to
'scroll' backwards or fotwards. When the AIRMET number b
METARs or to
dialled, the caller is answered with'This is AIRMET. Please dial a 3-frgure codc
number from the menu.' (Menu cards are available from various souroes
including AOPA.) The menu code numbers are listed in AICs. When the co&
number is dialled, the service then gives the appropriate aerodrome weatk
message, which has two or three sections depending upon the individtd
Section 1: latest METAR for the aerodrome,
Section 2: current t h TAF for the aerodrome (if provided),
Section 3: current l8 h or 24 h TAF for the aerodrome (if provided), and if th
braking action on identified runway(s) is lessthan good, a runway contamina-
tion warning is added to the METAR as either:
o Runway RR contaminated, or
a All runways contaminated, or
a Runways possibly contaminated, or
'fine-tuned' from time to time, there b
Becausethe service is likely to be
usually a yellow AIC valid with the prevailing particulars.

Facsimile Sewices
Pilots with accessto facsimile equipment (CCIT group 3 - detailed below) in tbc
'dial-up' seryice.
UK can utilise either a broadcast service or a

Broadcast service
By prior arrangement with the Aviation Marketing Manager of the Met Offrcc'
users can receive on a routine timetable any or all of the following charU
(minimum 5 per day):
upper air wind/temperature charts (NAT, EUR, MID, AFI),
signifrcant weather charts (NAT, EUR, MID, AFI),
surface charts,
UK low level wind and significant weather charts.
The fax machine must:
1. be directly accessiblefrom outside the company's premises without manual

intervention(i.e. it cannot be an extensionnumber accessible

onlv via an
2. support auto-answer.
3. supporta transmissionspeedof 9600bits/s.
4' conformto the ccIT Group 3 Fax machinestandardsand be approvedfor
connectionto the public switchedtelephonenetwork by British relecom
The use of fax machineswith combinedor attachedanswerphones is not
recommended.Some combined fax,/answerphonesmay not be capable of
Dial-up semiceMetFAX
This sourceis intendedto enableuserswith most typesof fax equipmenrro
obtainpre-flightinformationfor flightswithin the uK andto thenearcontinent
from an automateddial-upsystem.Information (listedin an indexon Fax No.
Airmet texts,
other information is offered from time to time on a trial basis. The fax
machinefor 'dial-up' shouldhaveone of these:
an integral or attachedtelephonehandset,
a keypadand a manuaTon-hookbutton,
a keypad,
a Poll,/Receive,Polling,/RX,or Auto Receivebutton.
The current yellow AIC givesinstructionsfor the useof the different typesof
fax machine.As with the automatedtelephoneservice,the systemis subiict to
amendmentin detailfrom time to time so referenceto AICs is advised.
For self-briefingpre-flight,thepilot cannormallycollectall of thedocumentshe
will needalthoughthey do vary from one areato another.
For a long flight, e.g.trans-Atlanticflights,the documentationavailabreis:
wind and temperaturecharts for the standardupper pressurelevels
significant weathercharts
significant weather-tropopause-maximum wind charts
For a shorterflight, e.g.uK and nearcontinent,the documentationavailable
low level(0-15000ft) weatherforecastcharts
spot winds and temperaturecharts
The chartsall havea periodofvalidity for the datatheyareforecastingand new

are given in the Air

editions are issued at regular intervals, particulars of which
flights are delayed' new
Pilot. Currently charts are issued every 6 hours' If
is going to expire'
documentation must be collected if the period of validity
guides, the cAA
Apart from the information in the Air Pilot and similar flight
p.omulgute, any changesto the content' format and coverage of meteorological
Circulars' The
ior.cusi"hurts in yellow (operational) Aeronautical Information
symbolism used is given in the same documents'
item of relevant
In order that its powerful computers are provided with every
Office are
information, observations colleited at the Central Forecasting
supplemented bY those from:
in some of the lesshospitable parts of
iu; urrto,nutic weather stations located
the world'
part of the earth's
has been ro "rrurrg"i thai they look down on the same
cloud photo-
often shown on domestic television may be direct visual
graphs or infra-red as described in the previous chapter'
transmitter, and measuring elements for pressure' temperature
switched into
ance,and a piecetf goldbeater'sskin respectively)which are
enable its position and hence the upper wind to be measured'
The outward distribution of data consistsof a facsimile transmission
(METFAX). Typical routine transmissions to major
for meteorological charts
and the Middle/Far East. On a wider scale,aerodrome meteorological
forecasts-(TAF), and warnings of weather
(METAR and SPECI), aerodrome
aretroadcast by
conditions which are ,ignin" to flight safety (SIGMET)'
and internationally in text form' Details of the
teleprinter throughout iire UK
section of the Air Pilot. The METARs may be
channels are given in the MET
short-term landing forecasts valid for two
augmented uy rnENOs which are
explained in detail later in this chapter'
hours. The METAR and TAF codesare
'station circle' on a forecaster'sworking chart' These
tions aie plotted around the
so a pilot visiting a
are also plotted according to internationally agreedpractice
see the same presentation wherever he may
forecaster at work in his office will
by hand or computer-generatecl' ln colour
be world-wide. The plotting may be
or monochrome.

Meteorological information self-briefing terminal (MIST)

In addition to the facilities already desciibed, independent
all kinds of users on a commercial
weather and climatological infoimation for

basis. The Commercial Servicesof the UK Met Office, in conjunction with the
CAA and British Aerospace, offer MIST which delivers up-to-date aviation
weather information to your own personal computer (PC) in an oflice, home or
the self-briefing unit or clubhouse of a flying club, etc. Designed to be user-
friendly to IBM-compatible PCs with VGA colour monitor, the service is
delivered in two forms:
l. a dedicated line which provides continual automatic updates of specified
2. a'dial-up'facility which transmits specificinformation requestedby the user.
Designed to enable continuing refinement of these services, currently the
aviation weather available includes:
UK and European TAFs and METARs,
UK and European maps highlighting significant weather,
National and regional weather radar showing the location, amount and
direction of movement of any precipitation,
Analysis and forecast charts of mean sealevel pressureand fronts over the UK
and Europe,
Interactive display of surfacewind, surfacetemperature, significant cloud and
weather information for selectedprecise areas,
Wind data selected from a display for different altitudes, for up to five
locations along a chosen route,
AIRMET regional/ area forecasts,
Aviation weather warnings,
Display of airfreld colour states - a colour coding depicting the cloud/
visibility combination as it affects aviation.
Satellite imagery of the Eastern Atlantic and Europe is being developed.
The Aviation Marketing Service of the Met Office, Bracknell, handles the
MIST service,including a 24-hour helpline.

In-flight procedures
Again becauseof the volume of air traffic, pilots are expected to make use of
routine broadcasts when en-route rather than ask for an individual personal
service for their particular flights. The sources of information available are
VOLMET which issues on a half-hourly cycle METARs for a given list of
airports, and Automatic Terminal Information Service(ATIS) for that specific
However, if particular information that is required is not included in the
routine broadcasts or if the aircraft is having to divert to a route for which no
forecast has been provided, the pilot can obtain the meteorological information
he requires on request to the ATS unit which is serving his aircraft.
Aircraft in flight are warned if any of the following SIGMET phenomena are
occurring or are expectedto occur on the route aheadfor up to 500 nm or 2 hours
flying time.
active thunderstorms (other than isolated or scattered storms)
tropical revolving storms
severeline squall
238 MErEoRoLocY

severeairframe icing
marked mountain waves
windspread storm of dust, sand or volcanic ash
For aircraft at transonic and supersonic cruising levels, there are SIGMET
SST for:
moderate or severeturbulence
cumulonimbus clouds
Provided prior arrangementsare made between the aircraft operator and the
forecast office serving the departure aerodrome, in exceptional circumstancesan
en-route servicecan be made available for a given route sector between specified
flight levels. Other facilities available to aircraft in flight which are applicable
only to certain aerodromes in the UK are:
Marked temperature inversion warning
Kirkwall Talk-to-Met
London,/Heathrow and Belfast/Aldergrove Windshear Alerting Service
At certain aerodromes, warning of a marked temperature inversion is
broadcast on ATIS, or in its absencein the arrival or departure message,when
there is a surface inversion of l0 C deg or more up to any point within 1000feet
of the aerodrome surface. Kirkwall Talk-to-Met service is operated by
'to enable
meteorological officew staff outside the aerodrome's published hours
pilots, particularly those flying at lower altitudes, to obtain meteorological
information for a limited number of aerodromes in the area'.
The windshear alerting serviceissuesalerts in the arrival and departure ATIS
broadcasts. as either:
The criteria used for potential low level windshear are listed in the Air Pilot.
Whilst in flight, pilots are not required to make routine meteorological
observations in the London or Scottish FIR/UIRs. However, AIREPs are
required ifthe aircraft encounters any of:
moderate turbulence, hail or cumulonimbus met during transonic or
supersonic flight,
other meteorological conditions likely to endanger or affect the operational
efficiency of other aircraft (e.g. low-level windshear).

Aerodrome warnings
Provided they have notified the CAA, aerodrome operators are issued with
warnings when significant meteorological conditions are forecast. The aero-
drome operator then distributes the warnings to aircraft owners and operators
using the aerodrome. Warnings are issued for UK aerodromes for:

(a) Gales(meansurfacewind exceeding34 kt or gustsover 43 kt)

(b) Squalls,hail or thunderstorms
(c) Snow(when,duration,intensity,depthexpected,whenthaw expected)
(d) Fog (normallywhenvisibility expectedto fall below600m)
(e) Frost (ground,air,freezingprecipitation,or on parkedaircraft)

The METAR, SPECI and TAF codes

The setsoffigures passedto the pilot pre-flight,which havebeenreceivedover
the teleprinternetwork,are very similarfor the two codesas basicallythey are
conveyinginformation on much the samemeteorologicalelements- surface
wind, cloud,weather,visibility,etc.TheyarehoweverprefixedMETAR, SPECI
or TAF asapplicable.Therearealsootherdifferences. Thetime in a METAR or
SPECI is that of the completionof the observationwhile for a TAF it is the
periodof validity. METARs sometimeshaveTRENDs addedto themand may
includeRVR andwindshearinformation.Changesform part of TAFs but areno
part of a METAR exceptfor a TREND if added.Non-UK TAFs may include
groups giving ForecastTemperature,Airframe lcing and Turbulence.
To illustratetheuseof thecodes,thefollowingarethefull codeformstogether
with typical messages:
METAR CCCC GG4CZ dddffcf.f.KT D"d"d.Vd"d-d, wwD" vxvxvrvrDv
or RDrDr,/VrVrVrVrWrVrVrVrI or Whhh
RWYDnDn TTTTT fiGGgg dddffcf'f.KT VVVV wrwl NNNhhh or
or NOSIG or CAVOK or NSW Whhh or SKC

TAF YYGGggZ CCCC GrGrGrG2 dddffGf'f'KT VWVor wrwrNNNhhhorWhhh
(TTrTr/GrGrZ) (6l"h1hihitr) (sBhBhBhBtL) PROBCC GOG"G" TTTTT GGG"G"
followed by forecastgroups as required.
Messages would comeoff the teleprinteras,for example:
TAF EGKK3o 06152 330l5KT 9999 SHRA BKNOI5TCU BECMG 0911 21000
1214 1000 DZRA OVC004 FMl400 00020G359999 -SHRA BKNOISTCII=

The prefix is all-important:

METAR - aviation routine weatherreport (with or without a trend forecast),
SPECI- aviationselectedspecialweatherreport (with or without a trend),
TAF - aerodromeforecast.
The codesfor METAR and SPECI are identical.The codefor TAF differs
slightly from them in some elementsas describedbelow as we decodethe
240 MErEoRoLocY

EGKK - London/Gatwick (ICAO stationlocationindicator),

3005202- for 30thof the month - time of observation:0520h UTC,
06152- In a TAF it meansthe periodof validity is from 0600to 1500h UTC
and this would not appearon a METAR or SPECI.
33015G37KT - surfacewind: mean330oT,15kt gustingto 37 kt
300V360- surfacewind directionvaryingbetween300oand 000"T.
(If the wind is fairlysteadythe G... and ...V'.. areomitted.If only
30015kt hadbeengivenin a METAR, it wouldmeanthatthemeansurface
wind over l0 min is 330"T/15kt.)
360is usedfor north, 000for calm and VRB = variable.
l200NE - The next group givesvisibility and if it is fairly uniform in all
directions,it will consistof only four figures' The visibility code is the
visibility in metreswith:
up to 500m, visibility roundeddown to the nearest50 m,
500m to 5000m, visibility roundeddown to the nearest100m'
5000m to 9999m, visibility roundeddown to the nearest1000m, and
l0 km or greateris indicatedby 9999.
In METAR/SPECI thereis provision,however,to covermarkedvariation in
visibility. The minimum visibility is givenfirst, togetherwith one of the eight
cardinal/quadrantalpointsindicatingthe directionof worst visibility.
1200N8indicatesminimum visibility 1200m to the north-east(True),
99995indicatesmaximumvisibility l0 km or more to the south.
Also on METAR and SPECIthevisibility may befollowedby a RunwayVisual
Rangegroup,e.g.Rl2L,/1000Uwould reportthat at an aerodromethe mean
RVR measuredat the thresholdof runway 12 Left is 1000m and showingan
upward trend. A downwardtrend of decreasing RVR would be shownby a D
insteadof the U. A double-sizeRVR group could appearif the RVR is varying
significantly( 50metresor by morethan2}Voof themeanvalue,whichever
is the greater).The enlargedgroup starts with R and the minimum and
maximum valuesare separatedby a V, e.g. R24l0050V0200meansthat m
mnway 24 the RVR is varyingbetweenlessthan 50 m and 200m.

+SHSNRAGR is the significantweathercompiled from Table 17.3(
shouldbe known). It is commonto METAR. SPECIand TAF.
-, *, areintensityindicatorsandtheirabsence
meansthat thesignificant
is moderate.
Provided that the visibility is greater than 3 km (3000), it is not necessar)'
stationsto report BR, DU, FU,HZ,IC and SA.
The weather group is compiled from left to right acrossthe table, using
'in the vicinity blowi
of the entries as are applicable, e.g. VCBLSA, meaning
sand'. In the METAR above, +SHSNRAGR thus means heavy shower(s)
snow, rain and hail while in the TAF, SHRA means moderate rain

Cloud informationmay be givenin up to four groups,working from the

cloudupwards.Eachgroupbeginswith eitherFEW (meaningI or 2 oktas),SCT

(scattered: 3 to 4 oktas),BKN (broken:5to7 oktas)or OVC (overcast:8 oktas).
Thencomesthe heightof the hundredsof feet,whichin turn
is followedby Cb or TCU, if appropriate.The only cloud typesgivenare the
significantconvectivecloudsof either cumulonimbuscloud (CB) or cumulus
congestusof greatverticalextent(TCU: toweringcumulus).SKC means'clear
sky' and is only usedfollowing a changegroup.
For example,in the METAR message:
SCT008- cloud 3 to 4 oktasbase800feet abovegroundlevel,and
BKN0I0TCU : 5 to 7 oktastoweringcumulus,base1000ft agl.
CAVOK. This group is used insteadof the visibility, weatherand cloud
(a) visibility:is 10kmor more;
(b) cloud:thereis nonebelow 1500m (5000f0 or belowthe highestsector
altitude(*), whicheveris the greater;
(c) no significantweatherphenomenaat or in the vicinity of the aero-

(However,it should be pointed out that, under the tolerancesallowed by

ICAO, a METAR includingCAVOK with alsoa TREND of NOSIG doesnot
necessarilyimply that the above conditionswill still prevail. This is because
changesin visibility and cloud baseheight from the above valuesare only
countedassignificantchangeswhen,for example,thevisibilityis expectedto fall
below5000m or the cloudbaseheightofmore than 4 oktasofcloud is expected
to fall below1500ft.)
* Highestminimum sectoraltitudeis definedin ICAO PAN-OPSasthe lowest
altitude which may be usedunder emergencyconditionswhich will provide a
minimum altitude of 300 m (1000 ft) above all objectslocated in an area
containedwithin a sectorof a circleof radius46 km (25nm) centredon a radio
aid to navigation.
NSCmeansno significantcloud,beingusedonly whenCAVOK andSKC are
NSW meansthe end of any significantweather.
NOSIG meansno significantchange.
The group following the weather,insteadof giving cloud information can
alternativelygive the vertical visibility in hundredsof feet. The subsequent
groupsthen differ betweenMETARs,zSPECIs and TAFs anyway.

Thegroupsin bracketsin theTAF codearenot currentlyusedin the UK but are
appliedin accordancewith regionalair navigationalagreements.
(TTrTr/GrGrZ) = Forecast temperature group
TeTn: Forecast temperature (oC) at time GrGn ,.,r,,'i);:.*u
GrGr: Time in hours of forecast temperature
(6l.hih,hitr-)= Forecasticing group


6I": Airframe icing code(asin Table 17.4)

hihihi:height in hundredsof feet agl of lowest icing level
tr: thicknessof icing layer(Table 17.4)
(SBHshshstl: Forecastturbulencegroup
58: turbulencecode(seeTable 17.4)
hghshe:heightin hundredsof feet agl of lowestturbulencelayer
tr: thicknessof turbulencelayer (Table 17.4).
To completethe TAF, the following arefound internationally,includingthe
PROBCC:Probabilityasa percentage, only 30Voor 40%o used.
GGG"G.: In whole hours UTC, start and end times of period of expected
TTTTT: Changegroup (BECMG or TEMPO),
TTGG: canbe FM: from; TL = until; AT = at, followedby thetime and the
necessary forecastgroups.
Note: In the caseof midnight UTC, the practiceis to use
0000with FM and AT and 2400with TL.

TTlTaTa:Temperatures group
TT: air temperaturein wholeoC ] In both cases,0.5oCis rounded
ToTa:dewpointtemperaturein wholeoC. J up and M indicatesMINUS
QPPPP:QNH roundeddown to next wholemillibar.
REWtWl: Recentsignificantweathergroup. Given if any of the following
have occurred in the last hour but is not occurring at the time of
observation:RA, SN,GR, GS,PE,BLSN, SS,DS, TS andVA (Table17.3).
WS: windshear
DnDn: runway designator
TTTTT: Trendforecast(BECMG or TEMPO). Followedby TTGGgg (asin
TAF, FM, TL, AT, time) and surfacewind, visibility, weather,cloud.

The decodeof the TAF on page239is therefore:
Aerodrome forecastfor GATWICK for 30th day of month for the period
0600-1500UTC: Surfacewind 330oT,15kt; visibility l0 km or more;moderate
rain shower(s);5-7 oktas toweringcumulusbase1500ft aboveground level;
becoming0900-1100h UTC: visibility 4 km; slight tain;5-7 oktascloud,base
1000ft "gl; t"-porurily 1200-1400 h UTC: visibility 1 km; moderatedrizzleand
rain; 8 oktas,base400ft agl;from 12100h UTC: surfacewind 000'T/20kt gusting
to 35 kt; visibitity l0 km or more; slight rain shower(s);5-7 oktas towering
cumulusbase1500ft agl.
AmendedTAFs. If a TAF requiresamendment,this is indicatedby the insertion

of the group AMD afterthe stationidentifier,e.g.TAF EGKK AMD followed

by the forecastfor the remainingperiod.
Similarly,the full decodefor the METAR on page239is, therefore:
Aerodromeactualweatherobservedon 30th of the month at 0520h UTC. At
GATWICK: surfacewind 330oT,meanspeed15 kt gustingto 37 kt, varying
between300'T and 000"T; minimum visibility 1200m (to the north-east),
maximumvisibility 10km or more(to the south);heavyshower(s)of snow,rain
andhail; 3-4 oktascloud,base800ft agl;5-7 oktastoweringcumulusbase10CI
ft agl;temperature*3oC,dewpointtemperature-l"C; QNH 998mb; windshear
reportedrunway26L;thunderstormin thelasthour;TREND: Becomingat 0600
h UTC: visiliility 10km or more;no significantweather;3-4 oktascloud,base
2000ft aS,5-7 oktascloud,base12000ft agl.
Because the applicatronof the aviationmet codesis "fine:tuneil'from time to
time, thereis normally a multi-pageyellowAIC currentat any time on the use
of the codesin the UK and internationally.


Qualifiers Weatherphenomena
. :. uescnDuon Precipitation Obscuration
- light MI, shallow DZ,dizile BR, mist PO, well-
BC, patches RA, rain FG, fog developeddust/
DR, drifting SN, snow FU, smoke sandwhirls
BL, blowing SG, snow VA, volcanic SQ, squalls
grains ash
* heavy SH, showers IC, diamond DU, widespreadFC, funnel
dust dust clouds
VC, in the TS, PE, icepellets SA, sand SS,sandstorm
vicinity thunderstorm GR, hail HZ,haze DS, duststorm
FZ, supercooledGS, smallhaV
PR, partial snowpellets
of aerodrome)

Thereis alsoprovisionfor an 8-figuregroup to be appendedto a METAR of

whichthefrst two digitsdesignate therunway.Wherethereareparallelrunways
(e.g.28L and 28R) the left runway is given only the runway number(e.g.28)
while50is addedfor the right runway(e.g.28R: 78).Runway99meansthat the
group is repetitionof the last message.The subsequent groupscover:
3rd digit - Deposit. In general terms, increasing value indicates
worseningstate,from 0 : clearand dry to 9 : frozenruts or
4th digit - Extent of contamination.Again increasingvalue indicates
greater contamination,I : less than l0% oj-rqnryy
g = over50Vocovered
contaminated, lt')) *".n\ ..--. n
I C)i
. : 1 t / r i ! ) - ' | l

"^1"' I '! i
\._;", ,, a..,.,.;

B & N Z E

s t Z
a 2
ra i! ! zi z

r ! F r a { 5
A V ) U I J r r

R 7
( J A " I I J

u r )

o v2 z 6 Y Y .

! r ) I r
U $
9 Z Z
z d

.. d

o o
B e
F.l Z

g g 3Fs l l r l



x o i
o 9 :
o H x

i l i l i l

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, C A
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>,c a t t l t l
s 9 .

m *zz
I sq)
| '/
eNp rongcesrs

5th/6th digits - Depth. From 0l to 90 inclusive, the code figure is the depth in
millimetres,9l : l0 cm and then incrementsof 5 cm from 93
: 15 cm to 98 = 40 cm or more. 00 is lessthan I mm and 99
means that the runway(s) is non-operational due to deposits.
|Ih/}th digits - Friction coefficient, e.g. .35 means a friction coefficient of
0.35. If it is not available, braking action is indicated by a code
figure 91 to 95 ranging from 9l : POOR to 95 = GOOD. 99
= Unreliable and // : Runway non-operational, braking
action not reported, or aerodrome closed, etc.
Thus an appended group of58451594 would mean that Runway 08R is covered
by d.y snow over 26% to 50Voof its length to a depth of 15 mm and the braking
action is medium to good.
A final reminder. Do not make a requestpre-flight,'I would like to know the
weather at xxxn or any similar remark which could be misinterpreted, and
certainly do not ask for the'met. report for xxx'when what you really want is a
forecast for the destination and its alternates.

Test questions
Q1. A MeteorologicalWatch Office:
(a) is located at all international airports in the UK
(b) compiles all the aviation forecasts issued in the UK
(c) keepsits ATTC informed of meteorological conditions in its FIR/
Q2. Pre-flight a pilot normally collects forecast documents which have been
(a) for his particular flight
(b) for his particular flight and must have them initialled by the duty
forecaster in his presenceat the end of his crew's briefing
(c) for self-briefing and ifhe has any queries, contacts the designated
forecast office for the departure aerodrome.
Q3. When a special forecast is required for a flight of 600 nm direct to the
destination, a pilot should give the maximum possible notice and
normally should give at least:
(a) 2 hours before the time of collection
(b) 4 hours before the time of collection
(c) 6 hours before the time of collection.
Q4. Aerodrome warnings of impending bad weather are issued by the
authorities to:
all aircraft owners and operators based at the aerodrome
(b) aerodrome operators
(c) all owners hangaring their aircraft at the aerodrome.
Q5. The United Kingdom usesthe Air Pilot to publish that the cAA departs
from ICAO in measuring and reporting: //lAX - -.'',\
(a) atmosphericpressurein millibars {&rt
(b)windspeedinknots l : i - i l """'"'
(c) visibilityin nauticalmiles. \-'.,. yro/
\.1r) y-.t/
246 MErEoRoLocY

Q6. To make a weather report whilst in flight, a pilot uses:

(c) AIREP.
Q7. Flying near Northern Scotland, you decideto usethe KIRKWALL Talk-
to-Met service.This service is:
(a) operated by ATC and is available throughout the 24 hours
(b) operated by Met Office staff outside the aerodrome operating
(c) operated by ATC and is available only during the aerodrome
operating hours.
Q8. Corrections are made to the reading of a barometer to obtain QFF for:
(a) Position error, difference of temperature from ISA msl
temperature, height above msl and instrument error
(b) instrument error and height above msl only
(c) index error, latitude error, temperature error and height abovc
Q9. Upper wind is measured by means of a radio-sonde by:
(a) an anemometer mounted on its side
(b) an anemometer mounted underneath it
(c) tracking its position.
Q 10. To receivethe conditions expectedat your flight destination at ETA, yw
should request:
(a) a report, for that aerodrome
(b) a forecast, for that aerodrome
(c) an actual, for that aerodrome.
n r: t"light,a pilot uses:
you decideto usethe KIRKWALL Talk_
rrar,ablethroughout the 24 hours
statT outside the aerodrome operating
Charts showing surface meteorological information have been drawn on a
ar ailable only during the aerodrome regular basisin the UK since 1851.The style and format have changedbut for
many years the chart symbology has followed an agreed international practice.
ling of a barometerto obtain eFF fon The forecaster's chart seen in the meteorological office may have been hand-
ce of temperature from ISA msl drawn locally in black and red or have been received in monochrome by
I msl and instrument error facsimile.
ht above msl only The forecast charts referred to in Chapter l7 that are issuedto pilots are also
i. rimperature error and height above distributed by facsimile for issueat aerodrome self-briefrng units. Any changes
in content or layout that are initiated by ICAO are promulgated by the CAA
n-:oi a radio-sondeby: through yellow (operational) Aeronautical Information Circulars, the last major
on its side changesbeing introduced in 1984.Taking the individual charts in turn (which do
uncerneathit have brief explanatory notes in their margins), points which are worthy of note
I ar r our flight destinationat ETA. vou Significant weather charts: The forecast surface positions of centres of low
pressure(e.g. x L956), centresof high pressure(e.g. o H1028) and fronts are
DE shown, together with an arrow indicating the direction of movement with the
)m3 speedin knots at the arrow head. Areas of significant cloud and flight conditions
me. are shown within scalloped boundaries with base heights and tops expressedas
flight levels. Areas of clear air turbulence (CAT) are shown within pecked lines
'box' in the corner of the chart. The maximum winds are
and summarised in a
also shown as arrows to which pennants (50 k0 and feathers (10 k0 are added
to indicate the maximum speed. Tropopause heights are shown in boxes at
resular intervals acrossthe chart. It also carries a reminder to pilots that where
th! symboh K and CB appear, they imply the existenceof moderate or severe
turbulence ancl airframe icing. A section of a fixed time forecasting significant
weather chart for FL 250-630 with typical symbols is shown in fig' A.1.
Tropopause/maximum wind charts: These charts also often embody significant
weather and a typical presentation is shown in fig. A.2. Depending upon the
area, so the levels for which the charts apply may well vary. The details are listed
in AIPs and flight guides. At the time of writing, for example, they vary between
EUR FLl00-450;NAT FL250-630; MID,/FAR EAST FL250-450; AFRICA
FL 250 and above. Tropopause heights are shown across the chart in boxes in
pressurealtitude hectofeet(i.e. FL);'High' centres(withlropopause altitude e.g.
FL380) are shown @ and'Low'centres are shown Q)
The maximum wind is shown by the bold arrows delineating the paths of jet
streamswhich are annotatedwith both pressurealtitude and speedsymbols,
e.g., FL330 FL300
Solid pennants ( f ) indicate 50 kt and individual feathers i l'r t0 kt, with a
double dash through the arrow where a significant change (e.g. J000 ft or 20 kt)

L996 X -* l0

ta90l '>-s
.r" '1

w ( ,sot \


l;; l
\r _r0 IJ
I \121 '.

\ \
LYn xxr \

Fig. A.1 Significantweathercharr

FL lqFl5o
7q)-150 HPA

Fig. A.2 Significantweather,/Tropopause/Max.

wind chart for FLr00-450.
700-150 mb (HPA)

Fig.A.3 Wind./temPerature

occurs.The illustration (from the NW corner of fig. A.2) thus representsa

maximumwind speedof 90 kt at FL330becomingl20kt at FL300,the direction
and locationbeingdepictedby the arrow itself.The associated areasofclear air
turbulenceare boundedby broken lines of long dashes(- - -) while the
altitude of the OoCisothermin flight levelsis shownby a broken line of short
dashes(- - - - - -0o FLl00).
Wind/Temperature chorts:Drawn for a givenflight levelfor a grid of selected
positionsquiteclosetogether,windsaredepictedby arrowsflying with the wind
on whichpennants(50k0 and feathers(10kt) or half-feathersindicatethe wind
speed.Celsiustemperatures areprinted on the arrow shaft,annotatedPSwhen
plus. Figure A.3 showsthe form of presentationthat is used,the actualchart
havingthe wind arrowsmuch more closelyspaced.
Spotwindandtemperature charts:Data is providedfor variouspositionsacross
the chart of the winds and temperaturesforecastfor particular flight levels
altitudes(givenin 1000soffeet) and ofthe forecastaltitudeofthe freezinglevel.
A typical 'box' is shownin fig. A.4.

24 27gn -6
18 27085 - 23
t0 2m55 - t0
oS 20,10 - ol
(I2 29(n0 + 06
(rc 0/t

Fig. A.4 Spot winds and temperatures

250 MErEoRoLocY

Synopticcharts- the stationmodel

This is theforecaster's
working chartand is not issuedto pilots.The symbolsare
arrangedto a conventionallayout and follow an internationalcodesowherever
in the world the office may be, the information shown can be understood
whateverthe local language.The arrangementof symbolsand a typicalplotted
stationare shownin figs A.5 and ,4'.6.
Thesurfacewind directionsymbolhasa variablepositiondependingupon the

alr medium
cloud msl
temperature pressure

- Presnt
Icloud I barometric
weatner \ Mrr r I tendency
dewpoint low past
temperature cloud weather
amount, + surface
lSin?, wind

Fig. A.5 Arrangementof information

Fig. A.6 Typical stationplot

wind direction, but the other elements are always plotted in the same position
relative to the station circle. The decode of the individual elementsis as follows.
There is no particular significance in the order in which they are considered.
Surface wind. This is shown as an arrow flying with the wind. It is plotted (to the
nearest l0oT, e.g.030,040 but not 045oT)from the direction from which the wind
is blowing and its speedis shown by the'feathers'on the arrow shaft, as follows:

Speedftt) Symbol Speed(kt) Symbol

calm JJ-J /

1 , |
38-42 It\t
3-7 43-47 lll\

8-12 \-/ 48-52 T_

t3-17 \// 53-57 |s-
l8-22 \L- 58-62

L)-Z I
\- 63-67 N-
28-32 \l- 68-72 \
Winddirectiongivenbut speedmissing
Total amount of sky coveredby cloud.This is shown in the station circle itself, each
complete quarter representing 2./8 cloud cover.

Nil o 3/
/8 o 6/
t8 o
Y ' O /8 o ,1, o
T r O 1e o 8/
/a o
Sky obscuredg

Low cloudtype.This is shownimmediatelyto the southof the stationcircleand

the symboldecodemay be summarisedas:
a small CU
A hrge CU
6 CB without fibrous top or anvil
A CB with fibrous top or anvil
+ SC formed by the spreadingout of CU
-: FS - raggedlow cloudsassociated with bad weatherand/or precipitation
X CU and SC with basesat differentlevels
Mediumcloudtype.This is shownimmediatelyto the north of the stationcircle
and the symboldecodemay be summarisedas:
Z- thin AS
Z thick AS or nimbostratus
w thin AC at one level
}{ AC formed by the spreadingout of CU
Z AC patches,probablylenticularand at more than one level

Z- increasingamountsof AC
& AS (or NS) and AC, or denseAC
H turretedAC
4 AC at severallevelsin a chaotic-lookingsky
High cloud type. This is shown to the north of the station circle and of any
mediumcloudsymbolplotted.The symbolmay be decodedas:
--r CI not increasingin amount
--1, denseCI but not from anvil of a CB
.-) dense CI from CB anvil
/ increasing amounts of CI
l-- CS increasing
2_ CS increasing to high in the sky
CS overcast
-J CS not increasins
Amount, and height of base,of cloud.This information is given immediately to the
south of the cloud type to which it relates.The single figure to the left of the / is
the amount of that cloud in oktas (eighths) while the base height figures to the
right of the / may be decoded as follows:
Codefigure Height of baseinfeet
00 Lessthan 100
0l 100
02 200etc
i.e. the code figure is the height in hundreds of feet, up to and including:
50 5000
5l to 55 are not used,then
56 6000
57 7000
i.e.subtract50fromthecodefigureto obtaintheheightin thousands
to andincluding:
80 30000
Height then increasesby increments of 5000 feet up to
88 70000 and
89 is over 70000
Past weather. This relates to the period since the last synoptic report (six hours
at 06,12, etc.,three hours at 03, 09, 15,etc.,and one hour at 01,02,04, etc.)and
is plotted to the south-east of the station circle and the symbol decode may be
+, : duststorm or sandstorm
: storm of drifting snow
= =fog
t = drizzle
r = rain
t : snow
V : shower(s)
: thunderstorm(s)

Presentweather.This is shownto the westof the stationcircle.The basisof this

codeis similarto that of the pastweatherand it is suggested
that the following
is the minimum decodefor the symbolsthat shouldbe known by pilots:
= Haze : Smoke
: = f
: Thunderstorm,but no precipitationat the time of observation.
(=) = Fog within sight
;; = Fog in patches
=t : Fog,skydiscernible , rr^_l thinner during preced-
= | = Fog, sky not iit.l."iur. l lT,b*ome
lng hour

= = Fog, sky discernible No appreciablechange

= = Fog, sky not discernible I during precedinghour
= Fog, sky discernible Has begun,or hasbecome
l=: \
= Fog, sky not discernible I thicker during precedinghour
: Fog, depositingrime, sky discernible
* = Fog, depositingrime, sky not
, : Drizzle,intermittent
,, : Dizzle,continuous |
: Dizzle,intermittent
I moderate
, = Drizzle,continuous
t = Drizzle,intermittent
, heavy
.'t), = Drizzle,continuous

e\) = Dizzle, freezing,slight

^v = DrizzIe,freezing,heavy
, = Drizzle and rain, slight
,a = DizAe and rain, heavy
a : Rain, intermittent
aa = Rain, continuous
= Rain, intermittent
a : Rain, continuous

I Rain, intermittent
Rain, continuous
AJ Rain, freezing,slight
6a Rain, freezing,heavy
254 MErEoRoLocY
$ = Rain or drizzleandsnow,slight
= Rain or dizzle and snow,heavy
* : Intermittentsnow
I sfight
* * = Continuoussnow I
I = Intermittentsnow I
*1 =continuour;;; I
I = Intermittentsnow I
-.* t heavy
*l* = Continuoussnow
'i t
= Rain shower(s),slight
= Rain shower(s),heavy
= Rain shower(s),violent
3 : Shower(s)
of rain and snow,slight
i = Shower(s)
of rain and snow,heavy
= Snowshower(s),
= Snowshower(s),heavy
: Shower(s)
of snowpelletsor soft hail, slight
: Shower(s)of snowpelletsor soft hail, heavy
= Shower(s)of hail, slight
= Shower(s)of hail, heavy
: Sfght thunderstormwith rain at time of observation
= Slightthunderstormwith snowat time of observation
: Sligtrtthunderstormwith hail at time of observation
: Heavythunderstormwith rain at time of observation
= Heavy thunderstorm with snow at time of observation
= HeaW thunderstorm with hail at time of observation
It will be noted that continuity of precipitation is shown by the horizontal
arrangement of the symbols while intensity is given by the vertical arrangement,
whether the precipitation is snow, rain or drizzle, i.e.

Intermittent Slight ..
| |.r
Moderate i
,, rrr Continuous Heavy +
AppENDrx 255

Heavy shower symbols have an extra line in the triangle, while heavy
thunderstormshavean extra bendin the lightningflash addedto the T.
Sometimes thereis no weatheroccurringat the time of theobservationfor the
meteorologicalobserver to report. Under these conditions, the weather
occurringduring the lasthour but not at the time of observationis shownby a
symbol plotted inside a half squarebracket in the normal presentweather
positionand may be decodedas:

t dizzle in the last hour

rain in the last hour
t snow in the last hour

{ rain and snow in the last hour

,i freezing rain or dizzle in the last hour

0 Shower(s) of rain in the last hour

t Shower(s) of snow in the last hour

Shower(s) of hail in the last hour

fog in the last hour

t thunderstorm in the last hour

+ slight rain at the time of observation

flr slight snow at the time of observation

r{fa slight hail at the time of observation
in the
10r heavy rain at the time of observation
last hour
!l heavy snow at the time of observation
l$t : heavy hail at the time of observation
Meansealevelpressure (QFF).This is shownto thenorth-eastof thestationcircle.
The valueis given directlyin millibarsto onedecimalplace,with the initial9 or
l0 omitted,asis alsothe decimalpoint. This doesnot produceany difficulty as
usuallythe QFF liesbetween950and 1050millibars.
Barometrictendency. This is shownto theeastof thestationcircleand comprises
two piecesof information. The amount that the QFF value differs from that
three hours earlieris plotted in tenthsof a millibar and is accompaniedby a
symbolto showthe natureofthe barographtraceduringthe three-hourperiod.
This is calledthe characteristicand may be decoded:
/ : pressurerosebut is now falling
: the rate of risehasdecreased I P."*
= pressureis rising I higherthan
/ 3 hoursago
= the rate of risehasincreased |

= pressurefell but is now rising,the sameor

\ I
lowerthan 3 hr ago
- the rateoffall hasdecreased I pressurenow
\ I lowerthan
= pressure is falling
- the rateoffall hasincreased | 3 hoursago
\ ,
If pressurehasfallenvery quickly,the amountof the barometrictendencymay
be in threefigures( excessof ten millibarsin threehours).
Air temperature and dewpointtemperature. This information is plotted respec-
tivelynorth-westandsouth-westof thestationcircle.Two figuresgivethevalues
in degreesCelsius.
Visibility.This is shownwestof the PresentWeather.The codeis identicalto the
HeightofCloud Basecodeexceptthat thevaluesarein hundredsandthousands
of metresinsteadof feet.
For practice,decodethe following stationplots extractedfrom an October
chart for 0600hours: )
13 oej u k u,
z - "
4*j,,, b f32 oa Q ts9
'. frQ1i''.fl' ' F i '1'.-:=;f.-.s.

v Uqa' 4. 1z7n

Ql. The air massaffectingstationI is probably:
(a) tropical maritime
(b) polar maritime
(c) polar continental.
Q2. For station 5 above, the present weather and visibility are:
(a) mist, 19 km
(b) fog, 190m
(c) mist, 1900m.
Q3. For station 2 above, the QFF three hours earlier would have been:
(a) 1009.1mb
(b) 1009.9mb
(c) 1013.5mb.
Q4. A front between stations I and 2 which are 100 nautical miles apart in
Scotland would be:
(a) warm front
(b) warm occlusion
(c) cold front.
Q5. If the sequenceof reports from station 5, then station 4, and then station
3 were observed, this would indicate the approach of:
(a) a cold front
(b) a warm front
(c) returning polar maritime air.
Q6. A warm front drawn on the chart between stations 2 and 3 would be
justified in that location on the basis that from station 3 to station 2:
(a) the visibility deteriorates,the broken low cloud becomescontinu-
ous and the wind veers
(b) the temperature rises, the dew point temperature rises and the
AppENDrx 257
(c) the wind veers,the dew point temperaturerisesand the falling
Q7. The height of the OoCisotherm at station I which is located at an
(a) 2000ft
(b) 3000ft
(c) 4000ft.
Q8. The cloud at station4 is:
(a) 4/8 SC base1800ft amsl,8,/8NS base9000ft amsl
(b) 4/8 SC base1800ft agl,8/8 NS base5900ft agl
(c) 4/8 SC base1800ft agl,8/8 thick AS base9000ft agl.
Q9. If station 3 is Amsterdam(EHAM) the appropriateMETAR at 0600
hoursIl-fC would be:
(a) EHAM 0ffiZ0n25KT 3000-RA BKN05OVCI5 I l/10 e10-I2
(b) EHAM 0ffiz 0202sKT3000RA BKN005OVC0l 5 t 1/10Q 1011
(c) EHAM 0&02 20f.Z1KT3000RA BKN005ovc0 I 5 I t/10e l0 I 1.
QlO. tf the TAF for HEATHROW (EGLL) is EGLL 301701lzt0l0KT 6000
19233000+RA BKN005 0VC0l0 BECMG 230125020KT8000NSW
BKN020, then the wind and visibility to be expectedfor a landing at
midnight (+ t hour) are:
(a) 250'Tt20 kt, 6 krlometres
(b) 150'T/15 kt gusting to 25 kt,6 kilometres(temporarily 3000
metres),graduallybecoming250"/20kt and 8 km
(c) 150"T,215 kt, maximum 25 kt,6 kilometresgraduallybecoming
250T/20kt.8 km.
Answersto Multi-choiceTest

Ql (c),Q2 (a), Q3 (b), Q4 (c),Q5 (a), Q6 (a),Q7 (b), Q8 (b), Q9 (c)' Q10(c)
Ql (b), Q2 (a), Q3 (a),Q4 (c),Q5 (a),Q6 (b), Q7 (c),Q8 (b), Q9 (c)' QlO (a)
Ql (c),Q2 (a),Q3 (a),Q4 (c),Qs (b), Q6 (b), Q7 (b), Q8 (c),Q9 (b), Q10(c)
Ql (a),Q2 (b), Q3 (b), Q4 (c),Q5 (a),Q6 (c),Q7 (b), Q8 (b), Q9 (a),QlO (c)
Ql (b), Q2 (a),Q3 (a),Q4 (c),Q5 (c),Q6 (a), Q7 (c),Q8 (a),Q9 (c)' QlO (c)
Ql (c),Q2 (b), Q3 (c),Q4 (b), Qs (b), Q6 (a),Q7 (a),Q8 (a), Q9 (c)' Q10(a)
Ql (c),Q2 (b), Q3 (a),Q4 (a),Q5 (a), Q6 (c),Q7 (c),Q8 (c), Q9 (a)' QlO (c)
Ql (b), Q2 (b), Q3 (c),Q4 (a), Q5 (c),Q6 (c), Q7 (c),Q8 (a),Q9 (a),Q10(c)
Ql (b), Q2 (c),Q3 (b), Q4 (c),Q5 (b), Q6 (b), Q7 (b), Q8 (a),Q9 (c)' QlO (c)
Ql (a),Q2 (a), Q3 (c),Q4 (c), Q5 (b), Q6 (c),Q7 (b), Q8 (a),Q9 (c),QlO (c)
Ql (c),Q2 (b), Q3 (a), Q4 (a), Q5 (a),Q6 (b), Q7 (c),Q8 (c),Q9 (c)' Q10(b)
Ql (b), Q2 (a), Q3 (c),Q4 (b), Q5 (c),Q6 (c),Q7 (c),Q8 (c),Q9 (c)' Q10(b)
Ql (c),Q2 (c),Q3 (a),Q4 (b), Q5 (a)
Ql (a),Q2 (b), Q3 (c),Q4 (a), Q5 (b), Q6 (a),Q7 (c),Q8 (a),Q9 (b)' QlO
Ql (c),Q2 (c),Q3 (a), Q4 (a), Q5 (a),Q6 (b), Q7 (c),Q8 (a),Q9 (c)' QlO
Ql (c),Q2 (b), Q3 (a), Q4 (c),Q5 (b)
Ql (c),Q2 (c),Q3 (b), Q4 (b), Q5 (a), Q6 (c),Q7 (b), Q8 (c),Q9 (c),QlO
Ql (b), Q2 (c),Q3 (b), Q4 (c),Q5 (b), Q6 (c),Q7 (b), Q8 (c)' Q9 (c)' Q10
Glossaryof Abbreviations

AIREP Aircraft report

ASR Altimeter setting region
ATC Air traffic control
ATCC Air traffrc control centre
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAT Clear air turbulence
CAVOK Cloud and visibility OK (seeChapter 17 for full meaning)
COAT Corrected outside air temperature
DALR Dry adiabatic lapse rate
DME Distance measuring equipment
ELR Environmental lapse rate
ETA Estimated time of arrival
FIR Flight information region
ft feet
GMT Greenwich mean time
HMR Humidity mixing ratio
IAS Indicated airspeed
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
INS Inertial navigation system
IRVR Instrumented Runway Visual Range
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ITF Inter-tropical front
ITCZ Inter-tropical convergencezone
kt knot
MATZ Military aerodrome traffic zone
METAR Aerodrome routine weather report
msl mean sea level
NDB Non-directional beacon
nm nautical mile
RVR Runway Visual Range
SALR Saturated adiabatic lapse rate
SIGMET Messageof occurrence or expected occurrence of certain
hazardous meteorological phenomena
SPECI Special weather report
TAF Aerodrome forecast
TIROS Television Infra-Red Observational Satellite
260 MErEoRoLocY

UIR Upper information region

UTC Co-ordinatedUniversalTime (which replacedGMT)
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VOLMET Broadcastof meteorologicalinformationfor pilots
WDGS WindshearDetectionand RecoveryGuidanceSystem
wMo World MeteorologicalOrganisation
w/v Wind velocity
Additionally the following abbreviations are approved by ICAO for use in
meteorological reports, forecasts and warnings.
ACT active
AMD amended
BKN broken cloud (5/8 to 7/8)
BLW below
BTN between
CIT near or over conurbations
CLA clear (glazed) ice formation
CLD cloud
CNS continuous
COR correction
COT coastal
CUF cumuliform (cloud)
DENEB fog dispersal operations
DP dewpoint temperature
DUC denseupper cloud
EMBD embedded in layer cloud or haze
FBL light (turbulence or icing)
FRQ frequent (little separation)
GND ground
GRADU gradually (at a constant rate)
HURCN hurricane
IAO in and out of clouds
ICE icing
INC in cloud
ISOL isolated (individual)
JTST jet stream
LAN inland or over land
LOC locally
LSQ line squall
LV light and variable
LYR layer or layered
MAR over the sea
MOD moderate
MON above mountains
MTW mountain waves
MWO Meteorological Watch Office
MX mixed type of ice formation
NC no change
OBS observed or observation
OBSC obscured
OCNL occasional (well separated)
OPA opaque rime ice
OVC overcast (8/8 cloud)
PROB probability
RAG ragged (cloud)
RAPID rapid (lessthan one hour)
RTD delayed (message)
SCT scattered(l/8 to 4/8 cloud)
SEV severe(icing or turbulence)
SFC surface
SKC sky clear (cloudless)
SLW slow
STF stratiform (cloud)
STNR stationary
TC tropical cyclone
TCU towering cumulus
TDO tornado
TYPH typhoon
VAL in valleys
VERVIS vertical visibility
VRB variable
VSP vertical speed
WDSPR widespread
WKN weakening
WRNG warning
WS windshear
WTSPT water spout


absolutezerotemperature,14 centripetal force,I 17

adiabaticprocesses, 41-45 chart example s, 221-224,247-256
advectionfog, 9l Chinook,60
advectionheattransfer,21,87 circulation
aerodromeforecast(TAF), 233,239 atmosphere general,146,l7l
Africa climatology, 208-214 water,24
air composition,I cirrocumulus, 54
airframeice accretion,99-ll3 cirrostratus, 54
air mass,137-142 cirrus,54
AIRMET,232.234 clearair turbulence,133,152
albedo,earth's,l7 clearice, 106
Aleutianlow,145,214 climaticzones,17l, 173
altocumulus, 55 climatology,l7l-217
55 cloud,54-74
anabaticwind, 133 air-mass,137-143
anemometer, 230 causes of,58
answers, 258 classification, 55
anticyclone,8, 137,165-170 convective, 63
anticyclonicsubsidence, 165 description, 54-55
Arctic seasmoke,87-88 frontal,67,149
Asia climatology, 204-208 lenticular,6l
atmosphere observations, 227, 230
circulationof, 146,17| orographic,59
standard,2 turbulence, 65
structure,I coalescence, precipitation,70
waterin, I codes,233-235, 239-256
atmospheric obscurity,85-87 c o l , 8 ,1 6 8
Australiaclimatology,204-208 cold front, 144,148-152,158
Azoresanticyclone, 167,199 cold occlusion,153
cold sector,148
back,l14 cold watercoasts,187
balloonobservations,227 condensation, 26
barograph,228 levei,58
barometer,228 conditionalinstability,46
Bergerontheory of precipitation,70 conduction,21
Bohorok,60 contours,6, l2l, 247
Bora,134,190 upperwindsrelationship, l2l
Boyle'sLaw,33 convection, 21,63
breezes,land and sea,134 convergence, 146,157
broadcastsof meteorological inter-tropical zone,179-183
information,232-235 conversion of temperatures, l5
Law, 116
Buys-tsallot's Coriolis,116
calvus,57 curnulonimbus, 55,75-84
capillatus,57 and thunderstorms, 75-84
castellanus,57 cumulus,55,56,62-64
cAvoK,241 cyclone, S, 162,183
Celsius,l4 cyclostrophic force,I l7
wind, 121
cyclostrophic front, 65, lzl4
DALR,41 c o l d , 1 4 41, 4 8 - 1 5 21,5 8
density,air, 33-39 convergence at, 146,157
depression inter-tropical,145,179-183
frontal, 8, 143-153,225 isobarsat,145,157
lee,orographic,l6l movement,145,157
non-frontal,8, 16l-l&, 225 polar,145,147
polar air, 163 slope,144,149
secondary, 8 velocityof,147,157
thermal,162 warm, 144,148-152
travelling,144-153 frontal depression, 144-153,225
dew,3l developmentoff, 147
dewpoint temperature, 19-20 familiesof , 156-157
diurnal variation upperwindsover, l5l
temperature,l9-20 weather,148-150
low-levelwinds,52, l2Ll28 frost,15,l0l-102
divergence146 glazed,101
documents,235-236 hoar, l0l
doldrums,179 rime,l0l
drizzle,69 frostpoint, 3l
dropssize,69 fuel evaporationicing, ll0-ll2
supercooling, 103
dust-devil,87 gale,l15
duststorm,8G8T gasconstant,34
earth'srotation, geostrophicforce, l l 6 GasLaws,33-34
easterlywaves,2l2 geostationarysatellite,2 l9
electricity, geostrophic
engineicing, ll0-ll2 force,116
environmentallapserate,40 scale,I 19,120,147,158
Equatoriallow or trough,162,173, wind,l18
178-186 glazedfrost, l0l
Etesian,193 gold visibiitymeter,231
Europeclimatology,198-200 gradient
evaporation, 26,87 pressure,9, ll6
Facsimilecharts,234 wind speed,128
Fahrenheitscale,14 gradientwind, 120
fair weathercumulus,63 grassminimum temperature, 217
Far Eastclimatology,21,4-217 Gregale,192
fl ight information,232-249 gust,l14
fog, 85-98 gustiness,81-82, l15
advection,9l guti,2l2
frontal, 88
mixing,95 Haboob,195-196
radiation,88 hail, 70,80
steaming, 87 Harmattan,193
upslope,94 hazardsof thunderstorms,
Fcihneffect,60 haze,87,95
forecast heat, 14-23
aviatron,227 latent,l8
documents, 235,236 specific,18
fractus,57 transfer,l5-21
friction, effecton wind, 126-127 high seeanticyclone
264 rNDEX

hoarfrost,101,106 land breeze,134

hill fog, 94 lapserate of temperature,40-42
humidity,l, 2, 19,22,26-32,35 adiabaticdry, 4l
absolute,27 adiabatic salvrated,42
densityaffected,35-36 environmental, 40, 138,166
mixing ratio, 27 in air masses, 138
relative,28 superadiabatic, 46
hurricane,162,183-i85, 220 variationdiuina\,52
force,l15 latentheat,18,99,103
hygrograph,229 latent instability,47
rc{o,2,23r lenticularcloud,61, 132-133
ice accretion,99-ll3 lenticularis,
ice particleprecipitationtheory,70 Levanter,192
Icelandiclow, 145,202 lightning,78
icing,99-113 low seedepression
in flight, 102-ll2
on ground,100-102 maximumtemperature, 227,229
India climatology, 177 -178, 204-208 Mediterraneanclimatology,l7 4, 198-2ffi
information and organisation,227-257 Meltami,193
isolation,l7-18 METAR, 233,239-24s
instability meteorologicaloffices,233
absolute,45 servicesavailable,233-239
cloud,45-51 micro-bursts,
cold frontal, 158 millibar,3
conditional,46 minimumtemperature, 227,229
convective,49 mist,87
latent,47 MIST (metinformation),236
potential,49 Mistral,188-189
InstrumentedRunwayVisual Range Monsoon,162,177-178
(rRvR),85 mountainwave,61, 132-133
instrumentsand observations, 227-231
intermittentprecipitation, 68 nacreous cloud,57
internationalstandardatmosphere(ISA), neutralequilibrium,47
2 nimbostratus,55
inter-tropicalconvergence zone,179-183 noctilucentcloud,57
front, 180-l8l nocturnalradiation, l9-20
inversionlayer,40 North Atlantic climatology,200-204
subsidence, 165 nor-wester,208
surface,40 NOSIG,241
isobar,7 obscurity,atmospheric, 85-87
andwinds,116-ll8 observations,227
isotherm,122-125 occlusions, 151-153
isothermallayer,40 oceancurrents,186-188
organisation and information,227-257
World Meteorological, 54,231
Japanclimatology,204-208 orographiccloud,59
jet stream,126,150-152 l o w ,1 6 1
ozone,1, 17,22-23
katabaticwind, 133,190
Kelvinscale,14 Pacific climatology,214-217
Khamsin,l9l packedsnow,l0l
kineticheating,104 Pampero,2l2
Kona storms,215 pannus,7l

pilot balloon,227,230 screen.thermometer.229

Planck'sLaw, 16 seabreeze,134
polar air, 140-142 seasmoke,Arctic,87
anticyclone, 166,177 secondary depression, 8, 155,163
front,144-145 self-propagating storm, 78
polarair depression, 163 Sharav.192
potentialinstability,49 shower,68
powerplanticing,ll0-ll2 Siberiananticyclone, 198
precipitation, 68-73,80,85 SIGMET,237
formation, 70 significantweatherchart,235,248
icingin, l0l, 108 Simoom,195
types,69-70 Sirocco,190
visibilityin, 85 sleet,70
pressure, l-13 SNOWTAM,72
altirude,11 snow,69,86, 101
chartof constant,6 SouthAfrica climatology,208-214
distributionworld-wide,l7 5-176 SouthAmericaclimatology,208-214
gradient,9 SoutherlyBuster,196
heightrelationship,5-7 specificheat, l8
measurement, 227-228 s q u a l l , 8 l - 8 31, 1 4
partial,29 stabiliry,45-52
reductionto MSL, l0 standardatmosphere, 2
semi-diurnal,9 standingwave,61, 132-133
settings, l0-11 static.83
systems, 8, 9 stationmodel
tendency,10 decoding,250-256
units,3, 4 plotted,256
watervapour,29 Stefan'sLaw, 16
wind relationship, 1lGl 18 Steppe,173
QFE, QFF, QNE, QNH, IO-II thunderstorms. 75-84
radioactivity,22-24 stratocumulus. 55
Radiation,15-16,19-20,22 stratosphere, 2
fog,88-91 stratus.55
radio-sonde, 236 streamlines,247
rain,69 sublimation,26
rain ice,l0l subsidence. 146.165
ravinewind,l3l, 188 sub-tropicalanticyclone,165,172,174
relativedensity,38 sub-tropical climate,174
relativehumidity, 28 Sumatras,208
repot,227 superadiabatic lapserate,46
ridge,8,167-168 supercooleddroplet,7 1, 103
rime,101,106 freezingof, 103
rotation,earth's,I l6 synopticmeteorology,137-170
rotor cloud,132
runwaycontamination, 7l TAF, 233,239-245
RunwayVisual Range(RVR, IRVR), 85 temperate climate,174
temperature, 14-25
SALR,42 deviation.36
sandstorm, 86-87 diurnal variation, 19-20,52
satelliteobservations,218-226 gradient,122
saturatedair, 27, 42 heightgraphs,40-42
Savannah,173 icing,99-108
scale,geostrophic, I 19 inversion.40
26 rNDEx

lapserates,40-42 warm sectordepression,144-153

observations, 227-229 warm watercoasts,188
scales,14 warnrngs,238
surtace,229 waterdrops,supercooled, 71,103
verticaldistribution, 40-42,138,166 watervapourseehumidity
tendency, barometric,10,227-228,250, waterspout,186
255 wave
thermaldepression,162 lee,mountain,standing,132-133
thermalturbulence,63,65 easterly,2l2
thermalwind component,122 on polar front, 148
thermometers,229 weather
thunderstorms,Ts-84 air mass,137-142
conditionsfor,75 frontal, 149
hazards,T9-83 stationcodes,250-255
self-propagating, 78 wet bulb temperature,31
stagesof development,T6-77 wet bulb thermometer,229
tornado, 162,185-186,220 Wien's Law, 16
tradewinds,178=179 Willy-willy,183
transmissometer,23} wind, ageostrophic, 158
travellingdepressions, 14+153 anabatic,133
TREND,239 chill,20
tropicalair,139-140 cyclostrophic, 121
tropicalrevolvingstorms,162,183-185, diurnalvariation,126-128
220 ftihn. 60
tropopause,2 freeatmosphere,116-117
troposphere,2 friction,126-127
trough,8,145,157,16l-163 geostrophic, ll7
equatorial,173 gradient,120,128
Tundra,174 gustiness, ll5
turbulence headland,l3l
clearair, 133,152 isobarrelationship, 116
cloud,65 katabatic,133
lapserate,and,46,89 local,l3l-135, 188-196
nearsurface,65,66,132 plottingsymbols,250
thunderstorm,8l-83 ravine,l3l
wind affected,by,126_128 shear,81-83,129-I3l
typhoon,183-185 surface,126-128
thermal. 122
unsaturatedair, 27 tornado,l2l,162,185-186
upperwind, 12l-126 trade,178-179
upwelling,188 tropical revolvingstorm, 12l,162,
valleywind, l3l turbulence,126-128
vapour pressuren 29 upper,12l-126
veer,ll4 valley,l3l
verticalwind shear,129-l3l World MeteorologicalOrganisation,54,
virga,51 231
visibility, 85-98, 230-23|
VOLMET, 237 zeroabsolutetemperature,14
zones,climatic,17l, 173
warm occlusion,15l

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