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Sarhad University, Peshawar

(Distance Education)

Course: Fundamental Rules & Techniques of Games & Sports Examination: Final, Fall 2013
Time Allowed: 03 hours Total Marks: 70
Note: Q. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four from the remaining. All question carry equal marks.
Q 1: Fill in the blanks.
a: Basketball match starts with ___________________.

b: If the number of participating teams on Knock out System are 15, total Matches will be____.

c: Height of antenna in volleyball______________.

d: DRS stand for __________________

g: Length and width of Hockey ground is___________________________.

i: Length & width of Badminton court ________ &_______________.

J: For calculating total number of matches on Combination System, the formula will

Q 2: Draw a Sketch of Football ground with measurement and also write Off Side rules.

Q 3: Write in detail the qualities of a good Sportsman.

Q 4: Draw a Sketch of Volleyball court with measurement.

Q 5: Write in detail value of games and sports.

Q 6: Draw a fixture of 6 teams on league system.

Q 7: Write in detail the history and rules of Cricket.

Q 8: Write short notes on any two of the following.

a) Small area games

b) Free hit
c) Benefits of Recreational games

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