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Jack Dreyer

Media Coursework

Uses humour as a driving force. The aim Action film is a genre where physical
of the comedy genre is to illicit laughter action takes precedence in the
from the audience through entertaining storytelling which creates tension
stories and characters. Although the which gives an adrenaline rush. The
comedy film may take on some serious film will often have continuous motion
material, most have a happy ending and action including physical stunts,
which allows comedies to be majority chases, fights, battles, and races. The
family based which is good as I like to story usually revolves around a hero
watch them with my family. Comedy film that has a goal, but is facing incredible
has the tendency to become a hybrid sub- odds to obtain it.
genre because humour can be
incorporated into many other genres.

Drama Films are serious Horror film is a genre that aims to create a sense of
presentations or stories with settings fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience. These
or life situations that portray realistic films are often unsettling and rely on scaring the
characters in conflict with either audience through a portrayal of their worst fears and
themselves, others, or forces of nightmares. Horror films usually incorporate a large
nature. A dramatic film shows us amount of violence and gore into the plot. Though it has
human beings at their best, their its own style, Horror film often overlaps into Fantasy,
worst, and everything in-between. Thriller, and Science-Fiction genres.
Each of the types of subject matter
themes has various kinds of dramatic Horror movies can get your adrenaline pumping
plots. Dramatic films are probably the Horror movies can give you an aesthetic effect
largest film genre because they Horror movies can help you deal with your fears
include a broad spectrum of films.


What is this genre? Why this genre?

The genre chosen for my opening sequence is emotional drama. The drama genre is a
serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations that portray realistic
characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. A film with the
genre of drama shows us human beings at their best, their worst, and everything in-
between that comes with everyday life. Each of the types of subject-matter themes has
various kinds of dramatic plots which we are making to become unique to other
dramas. I believe the drama genre has an excellent way of having lots of technical
techniques that are used for storytelling, in which our opening sequence is the
beginning of a story where a boy who has lost his mother and father in a car crash and
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework
how he becomes superior in life and defies the odds to make them proud. And this
genre will allow us to tell this story very well due to the genre having a wide variety of
ways it can guide us with to make the opening section entertaining, informative and
emotional. I believe dramatic films present stories and real life situations which I believe will
be good as the storyline Ive created as it suits the drama genre more than any other genre as
our story can relate to a lot of real life situations. Also I will use the sub-genre emotional genre
which goes into more depth of emotional analysis.


The opening scene of my film consists of starting with black background which has a
background sound of a fatal car crash which creates tension already throughout the
scene. The sound of the car crash is followed by an emergency call saying Hello 999,
theres been a horrific car crash on the M1 Southbound; just hurry theres people inside
still, QUICK!! The conversation will be posted onto the black background to add an
extra affect to the scene.

From the scene of the black screen, it cuts into a graveyard, where the funeral is being
held for Toms parents where family is gathered around the grave, to mourn the loss of
their loved ones. A range of shots will be used, as we will use the long/mid shot to
engage the beauty of the scenery, however showing the emotion through the close up
which shows the facial expressions of Tom. As the Vicar announces the prays, as Toms
parents are laid to rest where he breaks down into a deep emotional state as he cannot
hold in his worries anymore as he hits the ground mourning the loss as his close friends
surround him in deep comfort. The entire graveyard scene will be used with a backing
track of slow music which sets the scene of the funeral.

Changes into a faded/blurred background which appears to become clearer and clearer
as the audience discover the shot is of a teen, with a background sound of the narrator
saying Its been 3 years since his mum and dad pasted through that dreadful car
crash. The scene cuts to his bedside table of a picture of his mum and dad (slow
music), as the narrator cuts back and says With no family of his own now hes been
forced to become an Orphan, however he has a rough relationship with his carers which
is shown throughout the last bits of opening scene. As the carer says to Tom your
nothing, youre a nobody, you havent even got parents for fucks sake, youre not going
to become anything so dont stress about it. Tom replies saying watch me which
hints at the name Legacy which shows how Tom is going to become something in
society in his lifetime. The camera shot shows Tom slamming his door away from his
career as it already shows the rough relationship he has with his carers as it seems like
nothing is going right for him, which creates the audience to feel sympathy for Tom due
to the brutality of his carers.
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework

I presented the synopsis/ plot outline to a focus group to see what they like about the
idea and plot, I asked them questions to get feedback which will help me improve my
opening sequence.


1. Why do you believe Ive chosen this genre?

2. Why will this narrative work/appeal?
3. Do you believe the target audience should be based at teenagers?

First Piece of Feedback:

1. I believe this genre is a drama based theme due

to the story being based around a young boy and
his real life experience through losing his
2. The narrative is good, and will appeal if the
footage gets filmed right. However it appeals to
younger generation due to it being based on a
teen which could be a negative as you could
widen your appeal so its for everyone instead of
one specific generation.
3. Most defiantly, as youve based it on a teen the
teen appeal will be a defiant as they can relate to real life situations and similar
occasions when theyve felt like Tom has felt.

Second Piece of Feedback:

1. I believe youve chosen this genre as it portrays realistic characters in conflict

which I think can engage the audience very well if done fittingly.
2. The narrative written up seems emotional but suits the genre shown. Also the
last scene of Tom saying watch me links into the name Legacy which shows
Tom will do his parents proud in the later stages of the film.
3. Personally I think it could suit both teens and parents too as parents (mostly
female) like watching dramas as they are seen as more caring and emotional
attached in society which could relate to emotional movies that they enjoy.

Third Piece of Feedback:

1. The emotional beginning creates the feeling that the genre is dramatic however
upsetting. The story created is based to be gloomy due to the loss of his parents;
however it will be drama based as it will cause an upsetting sense when
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework
2. This narrative can look worthy if the footage is filmed correctly. It could also add
a bit more into it to get more marks (different locations.) on the other hand I
believe the graveyard scene will be very scenic which will bring more life into the
shots with the beautiful nature surrounding the scene.
3. The target audience is defiantly based at teens, especially women due to them
liking drama movies over men. Also I believe teens will relate to stories like
these, like losing a family member.

My evidence of testing is shown through a picture of Sam Wood, aged
16 who was a part of my focus group and was willing to allow us to post
his feedback. I presented my opening narrative and genre chooses. Sam
gave feedback on positives and improvements:

The narrative is good, and will appeal if the footage gets filmed right as
I believe the idea of the narrative is very touching which is good for the
genre which is drama. On the other hand, the target audience is mostly
based a teens which creates a negative as other generations can rarely
relate to this opening sequence. However the locations, such as the
graveyard can create some great shots, due to the natural of the nature
throughout the graveyard. I also believe that it will appeal to the
younger generation due to it being based on a teen, as they can relate
to similar situations theyve been in.
Sam reading through the
sheet of the narrative
TARGET AUDIENCE and genre choses.
Feedback from focus group about target audience:

The target audience is defiantly based at teens, especially women due to them
liking drama movies over men. Also I believe teens will relate to stories like
these, like losing a family member.
Personally I think it could suit both teens and parents too as parents (mostly
female) like watching dramas as they are seen as more caring and emotional
attached in society which could relate to emotional movies that they enjoy.
Most defiantly, as youve based it on a teen the teen appeal will be a defiant as
they can relate to real life situations and similar occasions when theyve felt like
Tom has felt.
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework
Primary audiences are the main body of viewers -- the average age/gender of
viewers. Also known as target audience.
Secondary audience is viewers who fall outside the primary demographic, but
make up a large enough percentage of the audience, however are not the target
audience yet it appeals to them.
Niche Audience: Much smaller but very influential audience. A niche audience is
a small, select of people with a unique interest.
Mass Audience: Media/ Communication that targets a very large group of people
(popular texts/ broadcasts.) This can appeal to women, men, children, adults,

Target Audience:

My primary target audience for this film is from 12-17 due to this
variety of ages being seen as teens. The reason weve based this to
teens is because they can relate to real life situations and similar
occasions when theyve felt the grief and pressure the main
character Tom is under. From my evidence of testing it seems that it
will engage teens from the feedback given. In terms of regional
appeal, it will appeal to teens of all backgrounds, regions and culture.
Secondary target audience is based at females. I believe that the emotional
aspect creates a separation between men and women as women are seen as
more attached with their feelings which will create an engaging aspect for



Graveyard- Types of Shots: Long/Mid- Used to show the natural scenery that the
graveyard holds. Close-up- Shows the facial expressions on Toms face, which shows
tears bearing down Toms face which creates the audience to sympathise.

Toms household (Bedroom/ Doorway) Alternate over the shoulder shots of Tom and
his carer arguing. Over the head shot which is also known as a birds eye view however
its closer in as it will get both characters in arguing from a different view, as it will show
their anger from a different point of view.


Background Music which will be played in-between speaking parts of the actors,
however there will be a blank screen to begin with the sound of cars crashing with
immediate cut straight to the 999 phone call. Then it will have a jump cut to the
funeral where a backing track will play to give it an extra addition, the music will be
slow and peaceful to represent the funeral.
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework

Cat Stevens- Tea for The Tilermen

Ludovico Einaudi- Igiorni


Graveyard Scene: The opening scene will consist of formal clothing due to the scene
being based around at funeral. The typical type of clothing for a funeral is formal
which creates a sense of respectability to the situation which is taking place in the

Toms household (Bedroom/ Doorway): The second cut will consist of house wear,
which will be a typical type of outfit suit for wearing around the house. For example:
Tom would be wearing jogging bottoms and a plain white top which creates a sense
of comfort which suits the environment he is in.


During the opening scene the first prop that will be a bunch of flowers which will
create a sense of brightness into an emotional scene as the flowers connoting

Another prop used within the opening sequence is a picture frame which is shown
the end of the clip which shows a picture of his mum and dad who sadly passed
away, however the prop is used to allow the audience to see what they looked like.
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework
Jack Dreyer
Media Coursework


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