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Kind of project:

X Initiative in the choral world that encourages singing with children

in primary education.
Choral initiative that encourages singing with children as part of
teacher training.
Initiative taken by the school itself to encourage singing with
children in primary education.
Initiative developed as part of teacher training for singing with

Abstract/ short summary of the project

Koor&Stem has developed new repertoire and material for primary

school-aged children. In order to make this repertoire known in primary
schools, Koor&Stem organizes singing projects at schools, during which
(vocal) teachers from Koor&Stem give music and singing lessons to
schoolteachers and pupils. Each project is adapted to the needs of the
school, but basically, there are 3 sessions per age group (6-7 year, 8-9
year, 10-11 year). The content of the sessions is mainly centred on the
songbooks that are published by Koor&Stem. At the end of the sessions,
it is possible to organize a short concert with live musicians.
During the sessions, the professional teachers of Koor&Stem teach songs
through working with rhythm, melody, movement and texts. In this way,
children and their teachers can learn to sing and to make music in many
different ways, but always creatively. Pupils are also stimulated to sing
outside the school. Teachers get tools to work with the songs in the
classroom by themselves. A cd has been developed with a vocal and
instrumental version of the songs. This cd can be used in the classroom
but also at home.
The project is organised by schools themselves, but also by local
authorities that want to stimulate music education at primary schools in
their city.
With this project, Koor&Stem wants to prove that singing should be a
necessary activity at school, but also can be a fun moment with different
groups together at school or at the cultural centre.

The project

How many children have been reached?

Approximately 22.000 since 2002

What is the principal target group: students, teachers or both?

Pupils and their teachers

How are they stimulated to sing and to continue singing?

Workshops that focus on music and creativity

Have there been published any teaching materials like a book, magazine
or cd?
2 series of 3 songbooks with cd

Age category/ target group:

Primary school children (separate project for children age 6-7, 8-9 and

Where does the project take place?

At the schools or cultural centres

Evolution of the project: how did it come into being? How has it
developed? Does the project currently exist?
The project was developed in 2002 out of a need for good (pedagogic)
material for children and still exists after 10 years. Koor&Stem organizes
approximately 5-15 projects a year in Flanders. The idea is to publish the
pedagogic material digitally.

Contact information

Dimitry Goethals
E-mail address
[email protected]
Zirkstraat 36
2000 Antwerpen
Which organisation is coordinating this project?
Website of the organisation:
More information about this organisation:
Koor&Stem is the Flemish amateur art organisation for vocal music.
Koor&Stem stimulates social and artistic processes in the Flemish
choir world, builds a dynamic network for singing together and
promotes the singing culture in Flanders. Apart from focusing on the
choir world in general, Koor&Stem pays special attention to children
and childrens choirs, youngsters and inclusion.

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