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VOL. 6, NO.

8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Ibrahim S. I. Harba
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, AL. Nahrein University, Baghdad, Iraq
E-Mail: [email protected]

T-beam bridge is a common choice among the designers for small and medium span bridges. In order to cater to
greater speed and more safety of present day traffic, the modern high ways are to be straight as far as possible. This
requirement, along with other requirements for fixing alignment of the bridges, is mainly responsible for provision of
increasing number of skew bridges. The presence of skew in a bridge makes the analysis and design of bridge decks
intricate. For the T- beam bridges with small skew angle, it is frequently considered safe to ignore the angle of skew and
analyze the bridge as a right bridge with a span equal to the skew span. However, T-beam bridges with large angle of skew
can have a considerable effect on the behavior of the bridge especially in the short to medium range of spans. In this paper
an analytical study using three dimensional finite element methods was performed to investigate the effect of skew angle
on behavior of simply supported reinforced concrete T-beam bridge decks. The parameters investigated in this analytical
study were the span lengths and skew angle. The finite element analysis (FEA) results for skewed bridges were compared
to the reference straight bridges (nonskewed). The geometric dimensions of the T-beam bridge decks and the loading used
are in compliance with AASHTO standard specifications. The FEA results and comparison of skewed bridge with straight
bridge indicate that max. Live load bending moments and deflections decreases in T- beams for skewed bridges, while
max. shear, torsion and supports reactions increases in some T-beams for skewed bridges for all considered span lengths
(12, 16, 20 and 24m). This study disagreement with the AASHTO standard specifications as well as the LRFD in
recommending that bridges with skew angle less than or equal 20 be designed as straight (non skewed) bridges also it
recommended that engineers are better to perform three dimensional finite element analysis for skewed T-beam bridge

Keywords: bridges, T-beam bridge decks, skew angle, span length.

T- Beam bridge deck [1], is the most common
type of bridges in Iraq and other contraries, it consists of
several beams or girders. The span in the direction of the
road way and connected across their tops by a thin
continuous structural stab, the longitudinal beams can be
made of several different materials, usually steel or
concrete. The concrete deck is presented in present study.
Skewed bridges are often encountered in highway
design when the geometry cannot accommodate straight
bridges. Highway bridges are characterized by the angle
formed with the axis of the crossed highway. The skew
angle can be defined as the angle between the normal to
the centerline of the bridge and the centerline of the
abutment or pier cap, as described in Figure-1.
Due to high traffic speeds road or railway
schemes can seldom be modified in order to eliminate the
skew of their bridges. Therefore, a considerable number of
skew bridge decks are constructed.
AASHTO [2] suggests that bridges with a skew
angle less than as equal 20 be designed as a typical bridge
at right angles with no modifications. However, if the Figure-1. Description of a skewed bridge.
skew angle exceeds 20, AASHTO [2] suggest the use of
an alternate superstructure configuration. This study presents the results of a parametric
study which evaluated the effect of skew angle on the
behavior of simply supported R.C. T-beam bridge decks.
Here the present study is carried out for two lane T-beam
bridges decks consists of four beams and two diaphragms
at ends, without footpath loaded with two HS-20 truck

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

positioned according to AASHTO [2] to produce skewness on the behavior of T-beam bridge decks is
maximums of bending moments, shears, deflections, studied by analyze each span with skew angles 0,15, 30
torsions and maximum supported reactions, are analyzed and 45. Straight bridges with zero skew angle served as a
for 12, 16, 20 and 24m right spans with 0, 15, 30 and reference for comparison with skewed bridges. In total 16
45 skew angles. The results of skewed bridges were bridge cases were analyzed and assessed using finite
compared with straight bridges (skew angle = 0). element analysis.


Typical simply supported, single span, two lane PRESENT STUDY
bridge study cases were considered in this investigation. For the purpose of this study, a 16 bridge deck
The simple support condition is used. Four span lengths models of two- Lane Bridge, each deck consist from four
were considered in this parametric study as 12, 16, 20 and longitudinal T-beams and two diaphragms at ends as
24m, each span length consist of four longitudinal T- shown in Table-1. The models represent a simply
beams and two diaphragms at ends. The effect of supported bridge decks as shown in Figure-2.

Straight Deck Skewed Deck

Figure-2. Bridge deck model adapted in this study.

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Table-1. Bridge decks models. bridges. According to AASHTO [2] ( section 3.6), the lane
loading or standard truck shall be assumed to occupy a
Span Skew Span Skew
No. No. width of 10 ft (3.048 m) and these loads shall be placed in
(m) angle (m) angle
minimum 12 ft (3.658 m) wide design traffic lanes, as
1 12 0 9 20 0 shown in Figure-4.
2 12 15 10 20 15 To find the minimum depth (hf) for flange (slab)
3 12 30 11 20 30 and total depth for longitudinal beams (ht), Table (8.9.2) in
4 12 45 12 20 45 AASHTO give a depth to limit deflection or any
5 16 0 13 24 0 deformations that may adversely affects the strength or
serviceability of the structure at service load plus impact.
6 16 15 14 24 15
The details of dimensions of longitudinal beams and ends
7 16 30 15 24 30 diaphragms are shown in Table-2.
8 16 45 16 24 45
3.1 Geometric dimensions of T- Beam
T-beam construction consists of vertical
rectangular stem with a wide top flange as shown in
Figure-3; the wide top flange is usually the transversely
reinforced deck slab and the riding surface for the traffic.
The stem width (hw) vary from (14 in-22 in) [2] set by the
required horizontal spacing for positive moment
reinforcement. The depth of wide top flanges (hf) and stem
depth (hs) must satisfy the requirement of moments, shear
and deflection under critical combination of loads.

3.2 Geometric dimensions of bridges deck models

The design of bridge decks models starts with the Figure-3. Section in T- Beam.
determination of decks width (D.W) of the two lane

Beam No.

Figure-4. Transverse section of the bridge decks models.

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Table-2. Dimensions of T-beams and ends diaphragms.

T-beams Ends diaphragms
Span Skew
No. hw hf ht hw hf ht
(m) angle
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 12 0 0.4 0.21 0.9 0.3 0.21 0.9
2 12 15 0.4 0.21 0.9 0.3 0.21 0.9
3 12 30 0.4 0.21 0.9 0.3 0.21 0.9
4 12 45 0.4 0.21 0.9 0.3 0.21 0.9
5 16 0 0.4 0.21 1.12 0.3 0.21 1.12
6 16 15 0.4 0.21 1.12 0.3 0.21 1.12
7 16 30 0.4 0.21 1.12 0.3 0.21 1.12
8 16 45 0.4 0.21 1.12 0.3 0.21 1.12
9 20 0 0.4 0.21 1.4 0.3 0.21 1.4
10 20 15 0.4 0.21 1.4 0.3 0.21 1.4
11 20 30 0.4 0.21 1.4 0.3 0.21 1.4
12 20 45 0.4 0.21 1.4 0.3 0.21 1.4
13 24 0 0.4 0.21 1.68 0.3 0.21 1.68
14 24 15 0.4 0.21 1.68 0.3 0.21 1.68
15 24 30 0.4 0.21 1.68 0.3 0.21 1.68
16 24 45 0.4 0.21 1.68 0.3 0.21 1.68

4. POSITION OF LOAD ON THE BRIDGE DECK edge) and E3 (wheel load at 0.9m or 3ft from the free
MODELS edge) and E3 (wheel load at 0.9m or 3ft from the free
In previous studies [4, 5] related to straight edge) showed only a 5% difference. It was also shown that
reinforced concrete slab bridges, two possible transverse the "Edge Load" resulted in higher maximum moments
loading positions of the design trucks were considered: (a) than the "Centered Load ".
centered condition where each truck is centered in its own Since the objective of presents study is to
lane as prescribed by AASHTO [2], and ( b) edge investigate the effect of skew angles on behavior of simply
condition where the design trucks are placed close to one supported R.C. T- beam bridge decks. Selected 16 two
edge (left) of the deck, such that the center of the left lane bridge decks models with different spans and skew
wheel of the left most truck is positioned at one foot from angles as mentioned in section 3.2 were analyzed by
the free edge of the deck. The distance between the placing two HS-20 truck wheel Loads using finite element
adjacent trucks for the edge condition was intentionally analysis method. The transverse positions used for these
selected for this study to be 1.2m (4ft) or 3m (l0ft) center two trucks in order to produce the worst wheel loading
to center spacing, in order to produce the worst live conditions as refer above in previous studies [4, 5] are
loading condition on the bridge. Placing the HS-20 truck shown in Figure-5. An increment of 0.4m is given in the
wheel loads this close in the transverse direction (1.2m or longitudinal direction for moving load generation [6]. The
4ft apart) is not in accordance with the AASHTO [2] dead load of the deck is neglected in this study.
Loading requirements of one truck per lane. However, it
meets AASHTO LRFD [3] section provision of a
minimum 1.2m (4ft) distance between the wheels of
adjacent design trucks. Therefore, the FEA models and
HS-20 wheel load arrangements are expected to generate
higher bending moments due to this imposed live loading
condition. Placing the wheel load at 0.3m (1ft) from the
free edge could be considered critical or overestimating
the longitudinal bending moment. However, AASHTO [2]
specifies a minimum distance of 0.6m (2ft) from the curb
of railing to be more realistic and practical. Therefore,
bridges with edge load were reanalyzed further by placing
the wheel load of left truck 0.6m (2ft) from the parapet
(0.3m or 1ft) which totals 0.9m (3ft) instead of 0.3m (1ft)
from the edge. The FEA results of two edge loading
conditions E1 (wheel load at 0.3m or 1ft from the free

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


The general FEA program, STAADIII ver. 21 [6],
was used to generate the three-dimensional (3D) finite
element models. This study considered all elements to be
linearly elastic and the analysis assumed small
deformations and deflections STAAD III was used to
generate nodes, elements and 3D mesh for the investigated
bridge decks models.
The concrete slabs were modeled using shell
element with 6 of freedom at each node, rectangular shell
element with size of 0.4 x 0.915m and thickness equal
0.21m for strait bridge deck models and parallelogram
shell element with size 0.4 x 0.915m and thickness equal
0.21m for skewed bridge deck models as shown in Figure-6.
The concrete longitudinal T-beams and ends
diaphragms were modeled using line element with 6 of
freedom of each node, these elements were assumed
rectangular in shape with size different according to the
span lengths as shown in Table-3. Hinges were assigned at
one bearing location and rollers at the other for each four
longitudinal beams in each model to simulate simple
support condition, as shown in Figure-6.
The section properties for slab element (shell),
beam and diaphragms elements (line) required for the
analysis will be automatically calculated by STAADIII [6]
The material properties used in modeling the
bridge decks was normal - strength reinforced concrete.
The compressive strength (fc') = 35 Mpa, the modules of
(Ec) = 4700 fc ' = 27805.57 Mpa, the Poisson's ratio ()
= 0.2. These values are in compliance with AASHTO [1]
and ACI [7].
Two AASHTO HS-20 truck wheel loads were
defined and applied by moving with an increment equal
0.4m on each models [6]. This procedure will simulate the
movement of a two trucks in a specified direction on the
deck models. The position of the two truck with the
respect to decks were illustrates in Figure-5 as mentioned
in section 4.
Figure 5-. Typical two-lane skewed bridge with
edge truck loading

Table-3. Dimensions of longitudinal beams and ends diaphragms.

Span Longitudinal beams Ends diaphragms

(m) Shape Width (m) Depth (m) Shape Width (m) Depth (m)
12 Rectangular 0.4 0.9 Rectangular 0.3 0.9
16 Rectangular 0.4 1.12 Rectangular 0.3 1.12
20 Rectangular 0.4 1.4 Rectangular 0.3 1.4
24 Rectangular 0.4 1.68 Rectangular 0.3 1.68

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Figure-6. Typical finite element model for 12m span lengths.

6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS evaluated. Thus, the finite element results for skewed
The FEA results were obtained and reported in models with skew angles 15, 30 and 45 are compared to
terms of the maximums bending moment, shear, torsion, their corresponding FEA values for straight bridges (skew
deflection and support reactions in longitudinal beams in angle = 0). The FEA bending moments are presented in
the bridge deck models due to the applied live load (two the form of the ratio M/M0, where M is the maximum
HS-20 truck wheel loads) as referred before in section 4 FEA moment in the T-beam for given skew angle, are
and 5. The results of straight and skewed models are listed 15, 30 and 45, and M0 is the FEA moment for
in Tables 4 to 8. nonskewed bridges (0 skewness). Similarly, the ratio
The effects of skewness of T-Beam deck models Sh/Sh0,T/To, /0 and SP/SP0 were calculated from
on the maximums live load bending moments, shear, the FEA shear, torsion, deflection and support reactions
torsions, deflections and supports reactions were also results, respectively as shown in Figures 7 to 11.

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Table-7. Max. live load deflection in longitudinal T- Beam.

Span Beam No. 1 Beam No. 2 Beam No. 3 Beam No. 4
Skew angle
(m) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
0 - 0.956 -0.86 - 0.709 - 0.547
12 15 - 0.936 - 0.838 - 0.691 - 0.53
30 - 0.870 - 0.765 - 0.626 - 0.485
45 - 0.74 - 0.618 -0.48 -0.37
0 - 1.357 - 1.22 - 1.025 - 0.816
15 - 1.33 -1.201 -1.00 -0.803
30 -1.267 -1.127 -0.942 -0.756
45 -1.12 -0.966 -0.798 -0.648
0 -1.48 -1.31 -1.1 -0.88
15 -1.45 -1.3 -1.09 -0.874
30 -1.402 -1.249 -1.04 -0.843
45 -1.29 -1.12 -0.939 -0.766
0 -1.527 -1.369 -1.152 -0.919
15 -1.51 -1.358 -1.143 -0.913
30 -1.48 -1.319 -1.109 -0.893
45 -1.395 -1.225 -1.02 -0.839

Table-8. Max. live load support reactions in longitudinal T-Beam.

Span Beam No. 1 Beam No. 2 Beam No. 3 Beam No. 4
Skew angle
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
0 166.47 173.5 129.92 27.47
15 187.22 136.84 102.88 21.9
30 207.43 106.43 75.2 13.71
45 234.54 63.05 46.08 -4.03
0 182.33 184.55 146.37 30.01
15 200.56 152.44 116.35 26.46
30 219.99 129.61 90.39 22.27
45 252.73 85.33 88.86 12.28
0 190.73 192.63 145.64 31.67
15 207.98 161.14 122.86 31.068
30 220.43 139.46 99.78 27.2
45 249.36 113.52 76.84 21.44
0 196.12 198.23 148.64 32.99
15 208.45 173.52 128.95 32.79
30 220.07 153.93 106.3 33.72
45 244.61 133.82 85.35 28.26

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

6.1 Maximum live load bending moments in longitude ratio M/M0 is ranging from 0.9 to 0.99 for the four
T-Beams beams in the decks models at skew angles 15 and 30 for
General behavior indicate that maximum bending spans lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m), while the ratio M/M0
moments in T-beam bridge decks for skewed bridges has different values for bridge decks with skew angle
compared to that of straight bridges decreases with equal 45 for each considered span lengths as follows: The
increase of skew angle for all considered span lengths ratio M/M0 is ranging from 0.73 to 0.85 for span length
(12,16, 20 and 24m) as shown in Figure-7. =12m; 0.8 to 0.88 for span length = 16m; 0.87 to 0.91 for
The decrement in maximum bending moment in span length =20m and 0.9 to 0.93 for span length =24m
longitudinal T-beams are summarized as follows: The for the four beams.

Figure-7. FEA maximum live load bending moments in longitudinal T-Beams -ratio M/M0.

6.2 Maximum live load shear in longitudinal T-Beams The variations in the results of maximum shear
General behavior indicate that maximum shear in for skewed T-beam bridge decks are summarized as
T-beams bridge decks for skewed bridges shows a wide follows: The ratio Sh/Sh0 is ranging from 1.04 to 1.166
variation compared to that of straight bridges. The exterior for beam No.1 and 1.05 to 1.29 for beam No. 4 in the deck
beams (B.1 and B.4) have shear values increases with models for skew angle up to 45 for all spans, while the
skew angles and the interior beams (B.2 and B.3) decrease ratio Sh/Sh0 for beams No. (2 and 3) is ranging is from
with skew angle for considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 0.9 to 0.94 for skew angle 15; 0.78 to 0.95 for skew angle
and 24m) as shown in Figure-8. 30 and 0.64 to 0.98 for skew angle 45 for considered
span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m).

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Figure-8. FEA maximum live load shear in longitudinal T-Beams -ratio Sh/Sh0.

6.3 Maximum live load torsion in longitudinal T-beams are 1.94 ,1.71 ,1.55 and 1.45 at skew angle 15; 3.05, 2.57,
General behavior indicate that maximum torsion 2.26 and 2.03 at skew angle 30; 4.03, 3.57, 3.12 and 2.79
in T-beam bridge decks for skewed bridges compared to at skew angle 45 for spans lengths 12, 16, 20 and 24m,
that of straight bridges increases with increase of skew respectively; while for beams No. 2 and 3 and beam No. 4,
angle for considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m) as the ratio T/To is ranging from 1 to 1.42 for skew angle
shown in Figure-9. The increments in the results of 15; 1 to 1.93 for skew angle 30; 2.4 to 1.75 for skew
maximum torsion for skewed T-beam bridge decks, are angle 45 for considered span lengths (12, 16, 20, and
summarized as follows: The ratio T/To for beam No.1 24m).

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Figure-9. FEA maximum live load torsion in longitudinal T-Beams -ratio T/T0.

6.4 Maximum live load deflections in longitudinal T- The decrement in max deflections in T-beams are
Beams summarized as follows: The ratio /0 is ranging from
General behavior indicate that maximum 0.82 to 0.992 at skew angles 15 and 30 for the four
deflections in T-beam bridge decks for skewed bridges beams in the deck models for considered span lengths (12,
compared to that of straight bridges decreases with 16, 20 and 24m), while the ratio /0 is ranging from
increase of skew angle for all considered span lengths (12, 0.658 to 0.913 at skew angle 45 for the four beams in the
16, 20 and 24m) as shown in Figure-10. deck models for considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Figure-10. FEA Max. live load deflections in longitudinal T-Beams -ratio /0.

6.5 Maximum live load support reactions in The variations in the results of maximum support
longitudinal T-Beams. reactions for skewed T-beam Bridge decks are
General behavior indicates that max. Support summarized as follows: The ratio SP/SP0 for beam No.1
reactions in T-beam bridge decks for skewed bridges is ranging from 1.06 to 1.4 at skew angles 15, 30 and
shows a wide variation compared to that of straight 45 for considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m),
bridges. Beam No.1 has support reactions values increases while the ratio SP/SP0 for beams No. 2, 3 and 4 are
with skew angles and Beam No. 2, 3 and 4 have support 0.788 to 0.991 at skew angle 15; 0.499 to 0.829 at skew
reactions values decrease with skew angles for considered angle 30 and - 0.146 to 0.856 at skew angle 45 for
span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m) as shown in Figure-11. considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24 m).

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Figure-11. FEA max. support reactions in longitudinal T-Beams -ratio SR/SR0.

7. CONCLUSIONS b) The max. Live load deflections in T-beams bridge

The effects of skew angle in single span two lane decks decrease for skewed bridges. The decrements at
reinforced concrete T-beam bridge deck were investigated skew angles 15 and 30 is ranging from 0.8% to 18%
and the FEA are presented in this paper. The study and 8.7% to 34.2% at skew angle 45 for all
involved varying the span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m) considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m).
and skew angles (0, 15, 30 and 45). c) The max. Live load shear in T- beams bridge decks
The results were compared with straight bridges increase for exterior beams (1and 4) and decreases for
to clearly understand the effect of skewness on the T-beam interior beams No. (2 and 3) for skewed bridges. The
bridge decks. increment for beam No.1 is ranging from 4% to 16.6
From the results of FEA and comparison of skew % and from 5% to 29% for beam No. 4 at skew angle
bridges with straight bridges for considered span lengths 15, 30 and 45 while the decrements for beams No.2
(12, 16, 20 and 24m), the following concluding remarks and 3 is ranging from 6% to 10% at skew angle 15;
are noticed: 5% to 22% at skew angle 30 and 2% to 36% at skew
angle 45 for all considered span lengths (12, 16, 20
a) The max. Live load bending moment in T-beams
and 24m).
Bridge decks decrease for skewed bridges. The
d) The maximum Live load torsions in T-beams bridge
decrements at skew angle 15 and 30 is ranging from
decks increases for skewed bridges. The increment for
1% to 10% for span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m),
beam No. 1 is ranging from 45% to 94 % at skew
while the decrement at skew angle 45 is different for
angle 15; 100% to 300% at skew angle 30 and 312%
each considered spans, the decrement is ranging from
to 400% at skew angle 45 for all considered span
15% to 27% for span length=12m; 12% to 20% for
lengths, while for beams No.2,3 and 4 the increments
span =16m; 9% to 13% for span length =20m and 7%
is ranging from 0% to 42% at skew angle 15; 0 to
to 10% for span length= 24m.

VOL. 6, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

93% at skew angle 30 and 75% to 140% at skew

angle 45 for considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and
e) The max. Live load support reactions in T- beams
bridge decks increases for beam No.1 and decreases
for beams No.2, 3 and 4 for skewed bridges. The
increment for beam No.1 is ranging from 6% to 40%
at skew angles 15, 30 and 45 for all considered
span lengths (12, 16, 20 and 24m), while the
decrement, in beams 2, 3 and 4 is ranging from 0.9 %
to 22% at skew angle 15 from 17.1% to 50% at skew
angle 30and from - 14.6 % to 14.4 % at skew angle
45 for all considered span lengths (12, 16, 20 and
In general, this research disagreement with the
AASHTO [2] standard specifications as well as the LRFD
[3] in recommending that bridge with skew angle less than
or equal 20 be designed as straight (non skewed) bridges,
since max. Live load shear, torsion and supports reactions
in some T-beams increases for skewed bridges as referred
above. It is recommended that engineers are better to
perform three - dimensional finite - element analysis for
skewed T-beam bridge decks.


[1] Conradp Heins and Richard A. Lawrie. 1993. Design

of Modern Concrete Highway Bridges.

[2] AASHTO. 2003. Standard specifications for highway

bridges. Washington, D.C.

[3] AASHTO. 2004. LRFD design specifications. 3rd Ed.

Washington, D.C.

[4] Mabsout M., Menassa C. and Tarhini K. 2002. Effect

of skewness in concrete slab bridges. 9th Int.
Conference on Computing in Civil and Building
Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 663-668.

[5] C. Menassa, M. Mabsout, K, Tarhini and G.

Frederick. 2007. Influence of Skew Angle on
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges. Journal of Bridge
Engineering, ASCE. March-April.

[6] STAAD - III. 1997. Users manual STAAD III.

Structural Analysis and Design. 1570 N. Batavia
Street, Orange CA 92667, U.S.A.

[7] ACI 318m-008. 2008. Building Code Requirements

for Reinforced Concrete and Commentary.


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