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Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

1. A mass of 5kg is 100m above a given datum where local g=9.75 m/sec 2. Find the gravitational force in newtons
and the potential energy of the mass w/ respect to the datum.
a.49.25 N,4925 J b.52.05 N,5205 J
c.48.75 N,4875 J d.47.85 N,4785 J
2. A pressure gage register 50 psig in a region where the barometer is 14.25 psia. Find the absolute pressure in Pa.
a.453 kPa b.434 kPa c.435 kPa d.443 kPa
3. During an isentropic process of 1.36 kg/sec of air, the temperature increases from 4.44 C to 115.6C. If
Cp=1.0062kNm/kgK for a non-flow process, what is H?
a.152.2 kg/s b.152.2 J/s c.152.2 kJ/s d.152.2 Btu/s
4. Suppose that energy Q is required to accelerate a car from rest to v, neglecting friction. How much added energy
would be required to increase the speed from v to 2v?
a.Q b.2Q c. 3Q d.4Q
5. A laboratory experiment was performed to determine the percent by mass of water in a hydrate. The accepted
value is 36.0% water whose observed value has an error of 5.00%. Find the percent by mass of water.
a. 31.0% water
b. 36.0% water
c. 37.8% water
d. 41.0% water
6. How many molecules of
NO2 can be formed using 2 molecules of NO?

2 NO +O2 2 NO 2

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
7. How many moles of O_2are present in 44.8L of O_2 at STP?
a. 1.2moles
b. 1.4moles
c. 2.0moles
d. 2.8moles
8. The force of 600 N is the resultant of the forces F1 and 240 N acting as shown in the figure. Which of the following
gives the value of F1?

a. 698.9223 N, 56.310 with respect to the horizontal

b. 698.9223 N, 33.690 with respect to the horizontal
c. 698.9223 N, 56.310 with respect to the vertical
d. 698.9223 N along the horizontal
9. The combined mass of car and passengers travelling at 72 km/hr is 1500kg. Find the kinetic energy of this
combined mass.
a.300kJ b.330kJ c.305kJ d. 310kJ
10. Suppose you want to store 1.00 J of electric potential energy in a volume of 1.00 m3 in vacuum. What is the
magnitude of the required electric field?
a. 0.475 MV/m b. 0.336MV/m c. 0.225TV/m d. 0.113TV/m
11. Material a is a water and material b is a glass with index of refraction 1.52. If the incident ray makes an angle of
60o with the normal, find the direction of the reflected ray.
a.49.3o b. 91.3o c. 60o d. 34.7o
12. The wavelength of the red light from a helium-neon sensor is 633 nm in air but 474 nm in the aqueous humor
inside our eyeballs. Calculate the speed of light in this substance.
a. 2.25 x 108 m/s b. 3.25 x 108 m/s c. 3.00 x 108 m/s d. 1.25 x 108 m/s
13. A spaceship moving away from Earth with speed of 0.900c fires a robot space probe in the same direction as its
motion, with speed of 0.700c relative to the spaceship. What is the probes velocity relative to the Earth?
a. 0.900c b. 0.345c c. 0.700c d. 0.982c
14. An interest rate of 10% compounded continuously is desired of an investment of P15,000. How many years will be
required to recover the capital with the desired interest if P2,500 is received each year?
a. 3.579 years b. 5.973 years c. 9.375 years d. 7.953 years
Three grams of sulphur dissolved in 212 g of naphthalene C10H8, was found decreasing the freezing point of the
solvent to 0.72 C. Find the molecular weight of the solute. (Kf C10H8 = 6.9 C/molar)
a. 351.16 g/mole b. 115.32 g/mole c. 135.61 g/mole d. 151.23 g/mole
15. Consider H3AsO3, Arsenic acid (H=1.01,As=74.9,O=16.0).How many mole is 1kg of H3AsO3?
a. 7.94 moles b. 6.94 moles c. 5.94 moles d. 8.94 moles
16. Calculate the ratio of the rate of diffusion of hydrogen to the rate of diffusion of oxygen. How fast does hydrogen
diffuse than oxygen? Given: Density of oxygen is 0.0899 g/L and the density of oxygen is 1.43 g/L.
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
17. A 466g sample of Water is Heated from 8.50C to 74.60C. Calculate the amount of Heat Absorbed (in Kilo
Joules) by the water.
a. 130 KJ b. 129 KJ c . 192 KJ d. 160 KJ
18. A silicon chip used in an integrated circuit of a microcomputer has a mass of 5.68mg. How many silicon (Si) atoms
are present in this chip?
a. 5.6x10-3 atoms
b. 2.02x1010atoms
c. 1.22x1020atoms
d. 2.22x1020atoms
19. Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is a colorless, odorless, very unreactive gas. Calculate the pressure (in atm) exerted by
1.82 moles of gas in a steel vessel of volume 5.43L at 45C.
a. 6.75 atm b. 7.75 atm c. 8.75 atm d. 9.75 atm
20. In the atmosphere, nitrogen dioxide reacts with water to produce nitric acid, which contributes to pollution by acid
rain: 3NO2(g) + H2O(l) -----> 2HNO3(aq) + NO(g) How many grams of HNO3 are produced for every 1.0mol of
NO2 that reacts? The molecular weight of HNO3 is 63.0amu.
a. 42 g HNO3 b. 42 kg HNO3 c. 4.2 g HNO3 d. 42 mg HNO3
21. The position x of an experimental rocket moving along a long rail is measured to be x(t) = (4m/s)t + (7m/s2)t2 +
(5m/s3)t3 (0.35m/s4)t4 over the first 10s of its motion, where t is in seconds and x is in meters. Find the velocity
of the rocket for the first 10 seconds.
a. 43 m/s b. 224 m/s c. 244m/s d. 2240 m/s
22. Early in the nineteenth century, James Watt invented the steam engine. In order to convince people, who relied
heavily on horses for mechanical work, he demonstrated how useful his steam engine was by utilizing a horse
that lifted water from a well over a certain period of time and called the corresponding power expended one
horsepower. Assume that water has a mass density of 1.0 x 10^3 kg/m3, that the well was 20m deep, and that
the horse worked for 8 hours. How many liters of water did the horse raise from the well? Use the following
constants: 1 hp = 746 Watts, g = 9.8 m/s2.
a. 1.1 x 10^2 L b. 110 L c. 1.1 x 10^3 L d. 1.1 x 10^5 L
23. Given the set of parallel forces shown, which of the following gives the resultant force.
100 KN 40 KN 60 KN 50 KN 60 KN


2m 2m 2m 6m 3m

a. 90 KN up, 3.33m fr A b. 90 KN down, 3.33m fr A

c. 90 KN up, 3.33m fr B d. 90 KN down, 3.33m fr B
24. The coefficient of friction between the rope and fixed post is 0.30. The rope is wrapped only once around the post.
Which of the following gives the minimum tension in the rope at pt A

300 N

a. 1024.7681 N b. 7936.1959 N c. 138.6873 N d. 69.3437 N

25. The resultant of the concurrent forces has a magnitude of 1200 N and acts through the origin and points x = 3m,
y= 4m, z = 5m. Which of the following gives the x component of the resultant force?
a. 678.8194 N b. 848.5243 N c. 240 N d. 509.1146 N
26. From the speed of 100 kph, a car decelerates at the rate of 15 m/min/sec along a straight road. Which of the
following gives the distance travelled at the end of 40 sec.
a. 3800 m b. 911.112 m c. 91.111 m d. 455.56 m
27. The velocity of a particle moving along the x axis is defined by v = x4 + 2x3 3x2 where v is in m/s and x is in m.
Which of the following gives the velocity when x = 2m.
a. 20 m/s b. 44 m/s c. 40 m/s d. 22 m/s
28. The block shown reaches a velocity of 10 m/s in 25 m starting from rest. Which of the following gives the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the ground.
600 N

Vo = 0 V1 = 10 m/s

280 N

25 m

a. 0.67 b. 0.67 N c. 0.2626 N d. 0.2626

29. The normal acceleration of a particle on the rim of a pulley 10 ft in diameter is constant at 1200 fps2. Which of the
following gives the speed of the pulley in rpm.
a. 77.4597 b. 15.4919 c. 147.9371 d. 73.9686
30. A 350 N block is resting on a plane inclined at 300 with the horizontal is subjected to a constant force of 400 N
acting parallel to the inclined plane. After the block has moved 3 m from rest, the 400 N force was removed.
Coefficient of friction is 0.2. Which of the following gives the distance that the block will move further along the
inclined plane until it stop.
350 N

400 N


a. 2.714m b. 3m c. 5.714m d. 5.428m

31. An investor has an option to purchase a tract of land that will be worth P20,000 in seven years. If the value of the
land increases at 9% each year, how much should the investor be willing to pay now for this property?
a. P9,341 b. P10,941 c. P11,521 d. P12,015
32. Suppose that you make 12 equal annual deposits of P2,000 each into a bank account paying 8% interest per
year. The first deposit will be made one year from today. How much money can be withdrawn from this bank
account immediately after the 12th deposit?
a. P35,492 b. P36,218 c. 37,954 d. P38,755
33. What is the effective rate of interest if P1000 is invested at a nominal rate of 15% compounded quarterly?
a. 15.86% b. 16.86% c. 17.86% d. 18.86%
34. A man purchased a house for P425,000. In the first month that he owned the house, he spent P75,000 on repairs
and remodeling. Immediately after the house was remodeled, he was offered P545,000 to sell the house. After
some consideration, he decided to keep the house and have it rented for P4,500 per month starting two months
after the purchase. He collected rent for 15 months and then sold the house for P600,000. if the interest rate was
1.5% per month, how much extra money did he make or lose by not selling the house immediately after it was
a. P3,000 b.P4,000 c. P5,000 d. P6,000
35. On the day his grandson was born, a man deposited to a trust company a sufficient amount of money so that the
boy could receive five annual payments of P20,000 each for his college tuition fees, starting with his 18th birthday.
Interest at the rate of 12$ per annum was to be paid on all amounts on deposit. There was also a provision that
the grandson could elect to withdraw no annual payments and receive a single lump amount on his 25th birthday.
The grandson chose this option. How much did the grandfather deposit?
a. P9,500 b. P10,500 c. P11,500 d. P12,500
36. A man bought an equipment costing P30,000 payable in 12 quarterly payments, each installment payable at the
beginning of each period. The rate of interest is 24% compounded quarterly. What is the amount of each payment
a. P1,700 b. P2,700 c. P3,700 d. P4,700
37. A telecommunication company purchased an equipment for P53,000 and paid P1,500 for freight and delivery
charges to the job site. The equipment has a normal life of 10 years with a trade-in value of P5,000 against the
purchase of a new equipment at the end of the life. Determine the annual depreciation cost by the sinking fund
method. Assume interest at 6.5% compounded annually.
a. P2,543 b. P3,668 c. P4,215 d. P5,956
38. A plant bought a machine for P200,000 and used it for 10 years, the life span of the equipment. What is the book
value of the machine after 5 years of use? Assume a scrap value of P20,000. Use double declining balance
a. P43,648 b. P59,425 c. P65,536 d. P70,923
39. A certain support stand design to carry downward loads. Compute the stress in the square shaft at the upper part
of the stand for a load of 27,000 lb. The line of action of the applied of the applied load is centered on the axis on
the shaft, and the load is applied through a thick plate that distributes the force to the entire cross section of the
a. 10,000psi b. 11,000psi c. 12,000psi d. 13,000psi
40. Assume that a 25-mm diameter rivet joins the plates that are each 125 mm wide. The allowable stresses are 130
MPa for bearing in the plate material and 65 MPa for shearing of the rivet. Determine the minimum thickness of
each plate.
a. 10MPa b. 20MPa c. 30MPa d. 40MPa
41. A cylinder pressure vessel is fabricated from plates which have a thickness of 20mm. The diameter of the
pressure vessel is 450 mm and its length is 3.5m. Determine the maximum internal pressure which can be applied
if the stress in the steel is limited to 150MPa.
a. 15.33MPa b. 16.67MPa c. 17.53MPa d. 18.83MPa
42. The wall thickness of a 3ft-diameter spherical tank is 4/17 in. Calculate the allowable internal pressure if the stress
is limited to 9000 psi.
a. 155.47psi b. 169.25psi c. 176.47psi d. 188.73psi
43. A steel bar 40mm in diameter and 3m long is surrounded by a shell of cast iron 6mm thick. Compute the load that
will compress the combined bar a total of 0.95 mm in the length of 2m. For steel E=300GPa, and for cast iron,
a. 151kN b. 161kN c. 171kN d. 181kN
44. A steel rod 3.5m long is secured between two walls. If the load on the rod is zero at 30C, compute the stress
when the temperature drops to -30C. The cross sectional area of the rod is 1200mm2, =11.7um/(mC), and
a. 110MPa b. 120MPa c. 130MPa d. 140MPa
45. A steel shaft 3ft long that has a diameter of 5in is subjected to a torque of 14kip-ft. Determine the maximum
shearing stress. G=12x106 psi.
a. 0.47 b. 0.53 c. 0.68 d. 0.71
46. What is the minimum diameter of a solid steel shaft that will not twist through more than 4 in a 6m length when
subjected to a torque of 13kN-m? What max shearing stress is developed? G=85 GPa
a. 107.6mm b. 113.3mm c. 121.9mm d. 126.4mm
47. Determine the elongation in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20-mm diameter wire on a mean radius
of 90 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 2.5kN. Use G=83 GPa.
a. 160mm b. 165mm c. 170mm d. 175mm
48. A carnot heat engine receives 500KJ of heat per cycle from a high-temperature source at 600 C and rejects heat
a low temperature sink at 40C. Determine the thermal efficiency of this Carnot engine.
a. 93.33% b. 6.67% c. 35.85% d. 64.15%
49. A piston cylinder device contains a liquid-vapor mixture of water at 400K. During a constant pressure process, 700
KJ of heat is transferred to the water. As a result, part of the liquid in the cylinder vaporizes. Determine the entropy
change of the water during this process.
a. 1.75kJ/K b. 280kJ-K c. 7000kJ d. 0.57K/kJ
50. Consider a person standing in a breezy room at 22C. Determine the total rate of heat transfer from this person if
the exposed surface area and the average outer surface temperature of the person are 1.2 m2 and 33C,
respectively, and the convection heat transfer coefficient is 6 W/m2.=0.95 and =5.67x10-8 W/m4-K4
a. 120.5J/s b. 135.7J/s c. 143.2J/s d. 151.9J/s
51. A piston cylinder device initially contains 0.8 m3 of air at 110kPa and 80C. The air is now compressed to 0.2
m3 in such a way that the temperature inside the cylinder remains constant. Determine the work done during this
a. -122kJ b. -123kJ c. -124kJ d. -125kJ
52. Heat is transferred to a heat engine from a furnace at a rate of 92MW. If the rate of waste heat rejection to a
nearby river is 45MW, determine the net power output and the thermal efficiency for this heat engine.
a.48.91% b. 51.09% c. 32.84% d. 67.15%
53. The food compartment of a refrigerator is maintained at 4C by removing heat from it at a rate of 300 KJ/min. If
the required power input to the refrigerator is 3KW, determine the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator.
a. 1.67 b. 2.33 c. 3.67 d. 4. 12
54. A 50 kg iron block at 80C is dropped into an insulated tank that contains 0.5 m3 of liquid water at 25C.
Determine the temperature when thermal equilibrium reached. The specific heat of iron is 0.45kJ/kg-C and for
water is 4.18kJ/kg-C.
a. 20. 7C b. 25.6C c. 30.1C d. 35.6C
55. A rigid tank contains a hot fluid that is cooled while being stirred by a paddle wheel. Initially, the internal energy of
the fluid is 850kJ. During the cooling process, the fluid loses 550kJ of heat, and the paddle wheel does 200kJ of
work on the fluid. Determine the final energy of the fluid. Neglect the energy stored in the paddle wheel.
a. 500kJ b. 550 kJ c. 600kJ d. 650 kJ
56. Three moles of an ideal gas are compressed slowly and isothermally from a volume of 5 to 1.5 ft3, at a
temperature of 320K. How much work is done?
a. -8.12kJ b. -9.61kJ c. -10.44kJ d. -11.59kJ
57. A 4-in wall of fire brick, k=9 Btu/(ft2-hr-F/in), has one surface at 300F, the other at 90F. Find the heat conducted
through the area of 2ft2 in 1 day.
a. 22, 680Btu b. 19, 650Btu c. 15,510Btu d. 10,730Btu
58. If 80 g of iron shot at 100C is dropped into 200 g of water at 20C contained in an iron vessel of mass 50 g, find
the resulting temperature.
a. 20.1C b. 21.8C c. 22. 3C d. 24.6C
59. When a 2lb of brass at 212F is dropped into 5lb of water at 35F, the resulting temperature is 41.2F. Find the
specific heat of brass in Btu/lb-F.
a. 1.120 b. 0.091 c. 0.321 d. 1.233
60. How much heat is necessary to raise the temperature of 0.80 kg of ethyl alcohol from 15C of its boiling point
a. 10kcal b. 20kcal c. 30kcal d. 40kcal
61. The weight-density of air at 32F and 29.92 in Hg pressure is 0.081 lb/ft3. What is its weight-density, in lb/ft3, at an
altitude where the pressure is 13.73 in Hg and the temperature is -40F?
a. 0.044 b. 0.055 c. 0.066 d. 0.77
62. A mammography service examined 327 patients during the third calendar quarter of 1996. 719 films were
exposed during this period, eight of which were repeats. What is the repeat rate?
a. 45.5% b. 2.45% c. 1.1% d. 54.52%
63. Given the energy level of 6.624x10^-18 J imparted to an electron stream by an X-ray device, calculate the
frequency in MHz.
a. 10^6 MHz b. 45.29 MHz c. 10^10 MHz d. 300 MHz
64. A hole is to be punched out of plate having a shearing strength of 40 ksi. The compressive stress in the punch is
limited to 50 ksi. Compute the maximum thickness of plate from which a hole 2.5 inches in diameter can be
a. 0.500 in b. 0.781 in c. 0.102 in d. 0.204 in
65. A hole is to be punched out of plate having a shearing strength of 40 ksi. The compressive stress in the punch is
limited to 50 ksi. If the plate is 0.25 inches thick, determine the diameter of the smallest hole that can be punched
a. 0.800 in b. 0.871 in c. 0.435 in d. 0.600 in
66. A large pipe, called a penstock in hydraulic work, is 1.5 m in diameter. It is composed of wooden staves bound
together by steel hoops, each 300 sq. Millimetre in cross-sectional area, and is used to conduct water from a
reservoir to power a house. If the maximum tensile stress permitted in the hoops is 130 MPa, what is the
maximum spacing between hoops under a head of water of 30 m?
a. 17.7mm b. 77.1 mm c. 177 mm d. 71.7 mm
67. At what angular velocity will the stress in a rotating steel ring equal to 150 MPa if its mean radius is 220 mm? The
density of the steel is 7.85 Mg/m^3.
a. 19.87 rad/s b. 159 rad/s c. 138.2 rad/s d. 628 rad/s
68. A pipe carry steam at 3.5 MPa has an outside diameter of 450 mm and a wall thickness of 10 mm. A gasket is
inserted between the flange at one end of the pipe and a flat plate use to cap the end. How many 40-mm-
diameter bolts must be used to hold the cap on if the allowable stress in the bolts is 80 MPa, of which 55 MPa is
the initial stress?
a. 14 b. 15 c. 16 d. 17
69. A pipe carry steam at 3.5 MPa has an outside diameter of 450 mm and a wall thickness of 10 mm. A gasket is
inserted between the flange at one end of the pipe and a flat plate use to cap the end. What circumferential stress
is developed in the pipe
a. 75.3 MPa b. 37.65 MPa c. 78.75 MPa d. 39.38 MPa
70. A steel rod having a cross-sectional area of 300 sq. Meters and a length of 150 m is suspended vertically from
one end. It supports a tensile load of 20 kN at the lower end. If the unit mass of steel is 7850 kg/m^3 and E =
200x10^3 MN/m^2, find the total elongation of the rod
a. 54.3 mm b. 40 mm c. 43.3 mm d. 35 mm
71. A steel bar 50 mm in diameter and 2 m long is surrounded by a shell of cast iron 5 mm thick. Compute the load
that will compress the combined bar a total of 0.8 mm in the length of 2m. For steel E = 200 GPa, and for cast iron
E = 100 GPa
a. 291 kN b. 240 kN c. 192 kN d. 420 Kn
72. A solid steel shaft 5 m long is stressed to 80 MPa when twisted through 4 degrees. Using G = 83 GPa, compute
the shaft diameter.
. 104 mm b. 138 mm c. 148 mm d. 160 mm
73. A solid steel shaft is not to twist through more than 3 degrees in a 6 m length when subjected to a torque of 12
kN.m. What maximum shearing stress is developed? Use G=83GPa.
a. 41.3 MPa b. 43.4 MPa c. 34.3 MPa d. 17.6 MPa
74. What is the minimum diameter of a solid steel shaft that will not twist through more than 3 degrees in a 6 m length
when subjected to a torque of 12 kN.m? Use G=83GPa
a. 114 mm b. 116 mm c. 118 mm d. 120 mm
75. A steel rod 2.5 m long is secured between two walls. If the load on the rod is zero at 20 degree Celsius, compute
the stress when the temperature drops to -20 degrees Celsius. The cross-sectional are if the rod is 1200 sq. mm,
coefficient of linear expansion = 11.7 um/(m-deg.C), and E = 200 GPa. Assume that the walls are rigid.
a. 69.3 MPa b. 96.3 MPa c. 93.6 MPa d. 69.3 MPa
76. Determine the maximum shearing stress in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm-diamter wire on
a mean radius of 80 mm when tha spring is supporting a load of 2 kN. Use G = 83 GPa.
a. 110.6 MPa b. 112.3 MPa c. 120.6 MPa d. 134.6 MPa
77. Determine the elongation in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm-diamter wire on a mean radius
of 80 mm when tha spring is supporting a load of 2 kN. Use G = 83 GPa.
a. 87.9 mm b. 78.9 mm c. 98.7 mm d. 89.7 mm
78. A horizontal force P acts on top of the 30 kg block having a width of 25 cm. and a height of 50 cm. If the
coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.33, what is the value of P for motion to impend?
a. 5.7 kg b. 7.5 kg c. 6.5 kg d. 5.6 kg
79. A 600 N block rests on a 30 plane. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.30 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is
0.20, what is the value of P applied horizontally to prevent the block from sliding down the plane?
a. 141.85 N b. 142.85 N c. 143.85 N d. 144.85 N
80. A 600 N block on a 30 plane. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.30 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20,
what is the value of P applied horizontally to keep the block moving up the plane?
a. 527 N b. 527.3 N c. 527.41 N d. 557.1 N
81. A ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 3 m/sec. from the window of a tall building. The ball
strikes the sidewalk at the ground level 4 sec. later. Determine the velocity with which the ball hits the ground.
a. 36.42 m/sec b. 36.45 m/sec b. 36.24 m/sec d. 36.54 m/sec
82. A train starts from rest at station P and stops at station Q which is 10 km, from P. The maximum possible
acceleration of the train is 15 km/hr/min. and the maximum deceleration when the brakes are applied is 10
km/hr/min. If the maximum allowable speed is 60 kph, what is the least time the train can go from P to Q?
a. 10 min b. 15 min c. 20 min d. 25 min
83. A car starting from rest picks up at a uniform rate and passes three electric posts in succession. The posts are
spaced 360 m apart along a straight road. The car takes 10 sec. to travel from the first post to the second post
and takes 6 sec. to go from the second to the third post. Determine the distance from the starting point to the first
a. 73.5 m b. 74.5 m c. 75.5 m d. 89.9 m
84. A stone is dropped from the deck of Mactan Bridge. The sound of the splash reaches the deck 3 second later. If
sound travels 342 m/s in still air, how high is the deck of Mactan Bridge above the water?
a. 6.40 m b. 4.40 m c. 40.1 m d. 40.6 m
85. At a uniform rate 4 drops per second, water is dripping from a faucet. Assuming acceleration of each drop to be
9.81 m/sec and no air resistance, find the distance between two successive drops in mm if the upper drops have
been in motion for 3/8 seconds.
a. 1230 mm b. 1233 mm c. 1222 mm d. 1244 mm
86. A projectile is fired with a muzzle velocity of 300 m/s from a gun aimed upward at an angle of 20 with the
horizontal from the top of the bldg. 30 m. above the level ground. When will it hit the ground?
a. 23.2 sec b. 22.2 sec c. 21.2 sec d. 20.2 sec
87. A stone is thrown upward at an angle of 30 with the horizontal. It lands 60 m. measured horizontally and 2 m.
below measured vertically from its point of release. Determine the initial velocity of the stone.
a. 25.35 m/s b. 24.35 m/s c. 23. 35 m/s d. 22.35 m/s
88. A ball thrown at an angle of 30 with the horizontal from a point 60 m. from the edge of a vertical cliff 48 m. high.
The ball just misses the edge of the cliff. Determine the initial velocity of the ball.
a. 27.1 m/sec b. 26.1 m/sec c. 25.1 m/sec d. 24.1 m/sec
89. A stone is projected upward from the ground with a velocity of 15 m/s at an angle of 30 with the horizontal
ground. How far in meters will it land?
a. 19.87 m b. 19.88 m c. 19.90 m d. 19.86 m
90. A ball is shot at a ground level at an angle of 20 with the horizontal at an average speed of 200 m/s. Determine
the height of the ball after 2 sec.
a. 117. 19 m b. 118.19 m c. 199.19 m d. 119.20 m
91. Any person who shall violate any provision of RA 9292 or any rules, regulations, the Code of Ethics and the Code
of Technical Standards of Practice is stated in section _________.
a. 35 b. 36 c. 37 d. 38
92. The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of __________ from date of appointment or until their
successors shall have been appointed and qualified and may be re-appointed once for another term.
a. two years b. at least 3 years c. 3 years d. 5 years
93. According to section 2-Statement of Policy, the state shall therefore develop and nurture competent, virtuous,
productive, and __________ PECE, ECE, and ECTs
a. God-fearing b. religious c.versatile d. well-rounded
94. Within __________ years after the effectivity of RA 9292, the Board shall issue Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Cards without examination to all applicants for registration as Electronics Technicians
who comply to all the requirements stated in section 20.
a. 3 (three) b. 5 (five) c. 7 (seven) d. none of these
95. All submittals/documents shall be accompanied by a certification from __________ registered PECEs vouching
for the integrity, technical capability and good moral character of the applicant.
a. at least 3 b. 3 c. 5 d. none of these
96. The Board and the __________ shall correct and rate the licensure examination papers
a. Commission b. APO c. IECEP d. none of these
97. The chairperson of the PRC shall include in the Commissions program the implementation of RA 9292, the
funding of w/c shall be included in the Annual General Appropriation Act.
a. Sec 39 b. Sec 40 c. Sec 41 d. Sec 42
98. As provided in ACT 3846, the construction of a radio station shall begin only when
a. A personnel of NTC has conveyed through telephone that the application has already been approved.
b. the firm applying for the construction permit has submitted to the NTC its application for the same.
c. the technical documents has already been signed and sealed by the PECE.
d. The NTC has already issued a Permit to construct.
99. As provided in RA7925, a VAS provider needs to secure a franchise if
a. it is offered by a telecommunications entity whose proceeds of utility operations are not cross-subsidized.
b. it does not discriminate other service providers against rates.
c. it is offered by a telecommunications entity that uses a separate book of accounts for VAS.
d. it puts up its own network.
100. According to the code of ethics, if you are employed in a company and you wish to engage in a business
which may compete with your company, the most ethical thing to do is to
a. inform your employer about it
b. have somebody run the business instead of you
c. try to find new clients
d. keep your prices lower than your companys

Prepared by:
Engr. Denver G. Magtibay

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