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Putaway and Removal Strategies in WM

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Putaway and Removal Strategies in WM


Putaway Strategies:

- Manual stock placement

B - Bulk storage

C - Open storage

F - Fixed bins

I - Addition to existing stock

K - Near picking bin

L - Next empty bin

P - Storage unit type

Q - Dynamic coordinate quant number

R - Dynamic coordinate reference number

Removal Strategies:

- No stock removal strategy (Stringent FIFO across all

storage types)

A - Partial quantity management

F - FIFO (First in first out)

H - Shelf life expiration date

L - LIFO (Last in first out)

M - Large/small quantities included (Cascading Storage)

P - Fixed bin from material master

R - Dynamic coordinate reference number



Useful Hints:

Notes and Further Sources of Information:

Putaway and Removal Strategies in WM


Strategies are used in the warehouse process for creating transfer


Provide the most efficient search technique for storage bins in the

Each Storage type in the warehouse can be customized with a Putaway

and (or) Picking strategy.

Control indicators: defined for putaway and picking per storage type in
order to provide specific putaway or removal control per storage type.

Putaway Strategies:
- Manual stock placement

No strategy is used.

During transfer order processing, for placement into a storage type

with manual stock placement, the storage bin will be selected and entered
manually by the user.

Recommended for interim storage types.

Can also be used in conjunction with Storage Unit Management.

B - Bulk storage

Used for cases where the material in question occurs in large


The storage strategy ensures fast access to storage bins by using a

more organised structure within the storage bin.

Also be use Storage Unit Management and mixed storage.

You cannot use mixed storage without Storage Unit management for bulk

Addition to existing stock must be allowed if Bulk storage is used.

For all putaways with SU managed bulk storage, the system will attempt
to putaway as per addition to existing stock by searching for bins with the
same material, before attempting to putaway as per mixed storage .
Please read SAP Note 88450: VL32N: Incorrect quantities for goods receipt
with BS

Extra customizing for bulk storage may be necessary in the Storage

type control screen for bulk storage.

Partial Pallet Management: Unless otherwise indicated, only full pallets

of stock can be putaway in storage types with bulk storage and storage unit
management (As Storage Units may be a partial amount of the full pallet

You can indicate in the Storage type control screen whether partial
pallets are allowed to be placed in the storage type.

Please note, for cases where partial pallet management is not allowed, you
must define a pick point storage type in the stock removal storage type for
the remaining quantities. Pick point storage types cannot be bulk storage
types; they must have putaway strategy Q
(See below for more details).

For cases where bulk storage is defined with mixed storage indicator
X partial pallet management must also be allowed.

Block Structures: For bulk storage types you can define Block
Structures in the Strategy for bulk storage customizing transaction.
For bulk storage with storage units, you need to define:

How many storage units will fit into a block (or row).

You are allowed to define the number of stacks (columns) the

maximum stack height and this will calculate the number of storage units.
For example, 6 stacks of maximum height 4 will allow 24 SUTs in the row.

Diagram 1.1. Illustrates bulk storage in WM:

C - Open storage

System searches for a bin on an open storage type.

The mixed storage indicator should be used for all open storage types.

Usually, one or more open storage sections are defined for open
storage type. Then one mixed storage bin is defined per section.

F - Fixed bins

Used when a material is to be stored in one storage bin in the


Defined in the material master and for all putaways of this material the
system determines the fixed bin.

The user can override the fixed bin determination and enter a manual

The addition to stock indicator must be flagged so that quants can be added
If a user tries to add a material without a fixed storage bin into a fixed
storage bin, the system will issue an error message.

I - Addition to existing stock

System will search firstly for a storage bin where the material can be
added to an existing quant.

Providing there is enough capacity for the material to be added, this is

where it will be placed. It is important for this strategy that the capacity
check is correct.
The system will check the capacity allowed in the bin before adding the

If there are no bins in the storage type with the same material or
enough capacity, then the system will switch to strategy Next Empty Bin
(see below).

Material must be exactly the same as the material in the bin in order to be
added to the quant, for example, If the material is batch managed, the
material to be added, must be from the same batch as the material which
already exists in the bin. (See SAP help on Definition of a quant)

Flagging the control indicator addition to stock with another putaway

strategy for example F fixed bins, the outcome will not be the same. The
indicator allows additional stock to be added to storage bins that contain
material, but the putaway strategy will determine how bins are found, the
putaway strategy I searches first for bins with existing material.

The indicator addition to stock can be x if you want addition to stock

generally allowed, or m if you want addition to stock only if the addition to
stock indicator is flagged on the material to be putaway.
The addition to stock strategy and the addition to stock indicator, both
violate the FIFO principle.

Its not recommended to use addition to stock if you want a First in First out
principle in the warehouse, as FIFO requires that you keep track of Goods
Receipt dates.

The Goods Receipt date field is stored on the Quant (LQUA) table, with
addition to stock you are adding new stock all the time to the quant, so the
goods receipt date will not be unique to each movement.

K - Near picking bin

Similar customizing to F fixed bin.

If there is a fixed bin indicated on the material master of the material

to be putaway, with this strategy, of the material cannot be moved to the
fixed bin, the system will search for the nearest bin to the fixed bin.

It important with this strategy that the storage bin structure is correct.
The system will first try to search for the nearest bin in the column
(stack) where the fixed bin is located, working from the bottom up, if no bin
is found here, then the system will search to the right of the bin and then to
the left (rows).

L - Next empty bin

Suited to more randomly organised Warehouse.

The system will search within the storage type for the next empty bin.

P - Storage unit type

Used in conjunction with storage bin sectioning.

With this putaway strategy, you can section off the storage type for
different SUTs.

It is important define capacity checks and storage bin types and also
check the SUT check flag in the control indicators for the strategy.

You can define bin sections in the customizing transaction for strategy

When creating storage bins, you must also define the storage bin type. When
setting up bin sectioning each section will have a key (usually A, B, C for
example) you can define more than one SUT for each key, thus allowing
different type of pallets to be stored in one bin. The following illustrates this:

WhN Typ SecKey No.Secs 1 2 3 4 5 6 .... (Sections)

001 007 A 2 A B
001 007 B 3 1 2 3

Q - Dynamic coordinate quant number

Each time stock is moved to the storage type a dynamic bin (using the
quant number with leading zeros) is created.

Used to fully utilize the capacity of a warehouse.

Temporarily store incoming stock (Until it is putaway in a more

permanent location such as the ID point) if the putaway is to take up a longer
time than usual.
By doing this you prevent the putaway bin from being unnecessarily
blocked for further putaways.

For this reason its mostly used in conjunction with a relevant ID point
storage type.

R - Dynamic coordinate reference number

removal type on a storage type is also R.

Its used mostly for 2-step picking.

Storage unit management is not allowed for this storage strategy.

An example of how the strategy is used:

For the pick step of a 2-step pick you assign the material that you have
picked to an interim storage area with putaway strategy R, a dynamic
storage bin number is created (group number with leading zeros). The stock
will stay in this location until the allocation step of the 2-step pick takes

Removal Strategies:
- No stock removal strategy (Stringent FIFO across all storage

You can leave the entry for stock removal strategy blank and
additionally add the wildcard characters *** to the relevant storage type
search which will allow the system to search for the oldest quant in the entire

Interim storage types and some restricted storage types can be

restricted from this search in customizing.

A - Partial quantity management

Especially useful with storage unit management.

You would like to reduce the number of partial storage units in a

warehouse to as few as possible.

Standard storage unit types must be used for stock placement (i.e.
where a specific number per pallet has been defined in the material master
WM tab).

The partial quantity in a storage unit must be less than the standard storage
unit quantity.

Quants which contain the same quants with less amount

amount of stock of stock

defined in the palletisation data for the defined for the standard
relevant storage unit type storage unit type

Situations where quants exist which contain more stock than the standard
storage unit type should not occur.
With this stock removal type, 4 specific rules are followed in order to ensure
optimum management of stock in the storage type:
required If no required No partial storage
quantity in standard quantity in unit quantities are
the transfer storage the transfer available
order is the units are order is < the
=> quantity available quantity of
of a standard the standard
storage unit storage unit

remove a partial system first full storage units are

standard storage tries to remove broken. If the transfer
storage unit unit partial storage order is for 1 full
from stock quantities unit quantities storage unit then the
are used from the stock standard FIFO principle
is used to search for a
relevant quant.

F - FIFO (First in first out)

This is the most common picking strategy in warehouse management.

System will propose the oldest quant in the storage type for picking
(using the GR date to define the oldest quant).

every goods receipt posting from IM the goods receipt date will be
adopted by the transfer requirement, at transfer order creation this field is
copied to the quant table (LQUA) and stored with the quant.
Each time new stock is added to a quant the GR Date is updated, so
this picking strategy alone may not be suitable for perishable goods.

H - Shelf life expiration date

Works from the same general principle as FIFO except that instead of
the GR date used to identify the oldest quant, a SLED (Shelf Life Expiration
Date) is used instead.

Storage Data view needs to be activated in material management

Need to activate SLED management in the control data for the

warehouse in order for this strategy to work.

There are 2 ways that the SLED date is retrieved for the transfer order
creation providing the requirements above are fulfilled.

From the batch record For materials which are batch managed the
SLED date is kept in the batch record and cannot be changed in WM.

For non-batch managed materials - required to enter the SLED date on

the Stock Preparation screen during transfer order creation.

Also use the SLED for stringent FIFO. In customizing you define that the
system should search for the oldest quant by SLED in the entire warehouse.

L - LIFO (Last in first out)

Used when the FIFO principle is not suitable.

Cases you can have a storage type with fast-moving and slow-moving
items in the storage bins (same or different materials).

The fast moving items are stored on top of already stored slow-moving
items and will be required first. For this situation the LIFO (Last In First Out)
storage strategy is used.

GR Date is used to determine the age of the quants.

The last quant placed in storage will be proposed for picking for the
next transfer order.
M - Large/small quantities included (Cascading Storage)

Cases there may be different requirements for a material per transfer


Example some customers may require a pallet, box or pair of a certain

material, where there are 10 pairs per box and 5 boxes per pallet.

If the material can be sold in pallets, boxes and pairs and all are stored
in the same warehouse, it may make sense to use this strategy.

So, using the example above, you could set up 3 different storage
types one each for Large, Medium and Small quantities.

Depending on the transfer order requirement for stock, the system

should find the most relevant storage type for picking.

In order to identify which type is required, the system checks the

Control Quantity field in the material master.

In the Storage Type Search Table in customizing, each storage type

also needs to be defined per size so that first small, then medium, then large
is searched. (Movement type 603 is the standard movement type for this

The illustration below shows an example of this strategy using two storage
System will propose the fixed bin storage type if the quantity to be picked is
less than or equal to the control quantity in the material master.

P - Fixed bin from material master

Similar in principle to the fixed bin strategy for stock removal.

A fixed bin, which has been maintained for a storage type in the
warehouse, is defined in the material master as the picking storage bin.

Each time this material is to be picked the system will propose this
storage bin. As with the placement strategy, users can override the proposal
and enter a different bin.

It is highly recommended to set up replenishment control for storage

types where this strategy is used.
Replenishment: For instances where high levels of stock are frequently
picked from a fixed bin, you can customize the system so that each time
stock is taken out of the fixed bin, stock is replenished from another
replenishment storage type.

To do this you must set up capacity check, control and min/max

quantities in the material master, so that stock in the fixed bin cannot go
below a certain level without a replenishment taking place.

R - Dynamic coordinate reference number

Please see explanation for Dynamic coordinate reference number in

the Placement Strategies section.

Customising for stock placement and stock removal strategies is added at
storage type level. Whatever strategy has been defined here is applicable to
all bins in that particular storage type.
The relevant customising menu paths are as follows:
> Menu-path for storage type definition:
IMG > Logistics Execution Warehouse Management > Master Data >
Storage Type Definition
> Menu-path for storage type search:
IMG > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Strategies >
Activate Storage Type Search
> Menu-path for material master:
Logistics > Logistics Execution > Master Date > Material > Material >
In here on the WM1 tab, you can view if specific stock placement or removal
indicators have been added which will further influence the storage type
search strategy used.

LQUA Quant table
LAGP Storage bin table
T331 Storage type control table
T331B Storage type control for bulk storage
T331L Storage classes allowed per storage type

Forms VONDATEN_ERMITTELN (Stock removal strategies)

NACHDATEN_ERMITTELN (Stock placement strategies)

STRATEGIEN are useful for tracking the strategy determination.

(See SE80, function group L03A).

Useful Hints:
During TO creation, after the system has proposed a bin, you can see how
the system came to the proposal by going to the top menu bar and selecting


Storage Bin search log

This menu path can only be accessed during TO creation not during TO
display (LT21) or TO confirm/cancel (LT12, LT11, LT15).

Notes and Further Sources of Information:

Please read SAP Note 88450: Bulk storage processing as of release 4.0
Also, see SAP Library, menu path:
R/3 enterprise application components > Logistics > Logistics Execution >
Warehouse Management System > Putaway and Picking Strategies

Implementation Options
The putaway process includes putting goods away in storage bins in the
warehouse. There are putaway strategies in the Warehouse Management
(WM) system that simplify the search for appropriate storage bins.
Regardless of how your company executes the putaway process, you can
make settings in the system so that goods are put away:
Automatically when you create inbound deliveries
Routinely at certain times
Manually according to overviews of the day's workload that a co-worker has
A putaway status is recorded in each delivery item for the purpose of
scheduling and monitoring the putaway process. This status indicates what
stage the item is at in the putaway process (putaway has started for item A,
for instance).
In the system standard settings, it is a prerequisite for goods receipt to be
posted before the item relevant for putaway can be put away completely.
This means that the delivery quantity must be the same as the putaway
quantity in the inbound delivery.
The Warehouse Management system (WMS) module is fully integrated in
Logistics Execution (LE). For example, you can create a WM transfer order
directly from the inbound delivery. The current status of the warehouse
management process can also be monitored from the delivery, for instance.
Process flow
Putaway with Warehouse Management allows you to use the transfer order
as a putaway order.
This is possible in the following scenarios:
Implementation of the basic functions of the Warehouse Management
module (WM) in simply structured warehouses with no stock management at
storage bin level.
Implementation of all functions in Warehouse Management (WM)
The use of the WM transfer order as a putaway order offers you the following
Determination of target data for transfer orders
Splitting transfer orders according to target data
Printing transfer orders or transmitting them in IDoc format
Creation of actual data from the putaway
Confirming transfer orders
Picking :
Implementation Options
The picking process involves taking goods from a storage location and
staging the right quantity in a picking area where the goods will be prepared
for shipping.
Range of Functions
Regardless of how your company executes the picking process, you can
make settings in the system so that picking is carried out
Automatically during Outbound Delivery Creation
Routinely at certain times
Manually according to overviews of the day's workload that an employee has
A Picking Status is recorded in each delivery item for the purpose of
scheduling and monitoring the picking process. This status indicates where
the item is in the picking procedure (picking has started for item A, for
In the system standard settings, it is a prerequisite for goods issue to be
posted before the item relevant for picking can be picked completely.
Therefore, delivery quantity and picking quantity (picked quantity) in the
outbound delivery must be equal.
The Warehouse Management System (WMS) module is fully integrated in
Logistics Execution (LE). For example, you can create a WM transfer order
directly from the outbound delivery. The current status of the warehouse
management process can also be monitored from the delivery, for instance.
You can transfer all data relevant for picking and verification of picking data
to a subsystem by using the Delivery Interface.
By using message control, data can be transferred to a subsystem that is
being used for picking (see also: Delivery Interface).
Depending on the picking procedure being used, you can either determine
delivery-relevant data before picking or wait until after picking is completed
to record it. Delivery-relevant data may be made up of the following:
Which batches a material is picked from
Which serial numbers are picked
Which valuation types the stock is taken from

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