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Tarea 3, Febrero 2017.

Chlorinated decanes are used heavily in the manufacture of detergents. It is desired to set up a process for the
manufacture of monochlorodecane, a straight-chain allyl alkyd (CH3(CH2)8CH2Cl, MCD), from readily available
raw materials. In this case study we shall examine the alternative processes available and then synthesize an
economically viable flowsheet by applying the techniques of process synthesis.

1. Reaction path screening.

Path 1 C10H22 + Cl2 CH3(CH2)8CH2Cl + HCl

(decane) (MCD)
C10H21Cl + Cl2 C10H20Cl2 + HCl
(MCD) dichlorodecane (DCD)

Laboratory data show that the ratio of DCD to MCD in the reaction products is 1 mole:4 mole. This path is
analyzed in example 13.1 of page 262 of the Robin Smith book.

Path 2
C10H20 + HCl CH3(CH2)8CH2Cl
Path 3
C10H21OH + HCl CH3(CH2)8CH2Cl + H2O

The cost and physical properties of materials are known.

Species M.W. NBP, C $/lbmole

Decane (DEC) 143.35 174 4.8
Decene 140.27 170.4 12.0
Decanol (DOH) 158.285 230.1 14.0
Chlorine 70.91 -34.2 1.77
Hydrogen chloride 36.5 -85 1.0
Monochlorodecane (MCD) 176.76 215 16.0
Dichlorodecane (DCD) 211.19 241 2.0

a) Which process should be selected for further study? Why? Explain with calculations. Use some basis of product
produced for comparisons.

2. Input-output analysis (do the following fort path 1)

Pilot plant studies on the decane chlorination showed that the side reaction leading to the production of
dichlorodecane can be reduced by maintaining a larger excess of decane in the feed.
When a mole ratio of decane to chlorine of 5:1 is maintained in the reactor feed, the ratio of MCD to DCD
in the reactor effluent rises to 19:1. All chlorine in the feed is consumed.

b) Classify all of the components in the reactor effluent as in Table 1 of Douglas paper.
c) How many product streams will be?
d) Draw an input/output structure of the flowsheet (as in figure 1 of Douglas paper) showing raw materials
requirements and product and byproduct flowrates. Use a basis of 100 moles/hr of MCD produced.
e) What is the molar flow of components at the feed to the separation system?
f) Calculate the conversion of decane and selectivity with respect to the decane.

3. Separation synthesis.

g) Apply the heuristic rules one by one as given in the Douglas paper, considering that hazardous and corrosive
materials should be removed first. Discuss the consequence of each rule. Synthesize a separation sequence and give
the resulting flow diagram.

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