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O%lO v Oy O Ms, M, MV 560 003


G.G.G.. O, ^% / H 2016

D} V
MO : 30. 03. 2016 ] MO} MS : 14-E
Date : 30. 03. 2016 ] CODE NO. : 14-E

Subject : First Language ENGLISH
( pO / New Syllabus )
( @% + ~%} @% / Regular Fresh + Regular Repeater )
[ @MOV : 100
[ Max. Marks : 100

Qn. Objec- Marks

Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.
( Prose, Poetry and Supplementary Reading )

I. One sentence answers : 41=4

1. Remem The rainfed tanks that are so common in South

India when they are full 1

2. ,, Getting the kind of choice in India that people

in the west had enjoyed for a long time. 1

3. ,, He picked it up hands and jaws, threw it in a

coarse washing bag and went away. 1

4. Comp. Hoping to hatch them into a toddling chick. 1

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14-E 2 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

II. Answer the following questions in two sentences

each : 8 2 = 16
5. Comp. It helps in the development of internal
waterways the cheapest form of internal
transport in a country
It enables the development of hydro-electric
11 1
power to improve the rural economy. 2 2 2

6. Remem In his own business office which faced one of

Amsterdams tree-lined canals.

A few derelict rooms on the upper floors called

the Annexe had been secretly prepared to
1 1
house the Franks and others. 2 2 2

7. Comp. Apt because shoppers are in a frenzy to buy the

things which are necessary as well as which are
unnecessary, aping western culture.

Ironic because we are paying the price in

ecological terms, our culture and values are
11 1
being degraded. 2 2 2

8. Comp. Because he was beaten black and blue by

Mr. Gaultier when he went to fetch the tart and
so he told him that it was Pierre who had taken
the pie and that he would get him soon.
1 1
He wanted Pierre also to get some beatings. 1
2 2 2

9. Remem She kissed the goblet and gave it to Lochinvar.

She looked down to blush and looked up to sigh

1 1
with a smile on her lips and a tear in her eye. 2 2 2

10. Comp. Drona said that he had promised Arjuna that as

his master, he would make him such an expert
that there would be no equal for Arjuna in the
art of archery. To keep that promise Drona said
1 1
he pressed for the sad recompense. 2 2 2

CCE RF+RR 3 14-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

11. Comp. One day Parasurama was reclining with his

head on Karnas lap when a stinging worm
burrowed into Karnas thigh. Though in pain,
Karna bore it lest he should disturb his
masters sleep.

When Parasurama woke up and saw this, he

realised that Karna was not a Brahmana
because only a Kshatriya can remain unmoved
under all bodily torments. 11 1
2 2 2

12. Comp. Ulysses restrained from thrusting the sword

into the monsters bosom when he lay asleep
because only the cyclop could have removed the
mass of stone which he had placed to guard the
entrance and therefore without his help they
1 1
would all perish. 1
2 2 2

III. Answer the following questions in four to five

sentences each : 5 3 = 15

13. Comp. Earlier her movement on the road was like the
rapid movement of a skilled hand on the strings
of a guitar but after she saw the painted
pitcher, her hurrying feet were a little less

Earlier she would be busy in her work and

never bothered about her dressing but after she
got the pitcher, she spent a lot of time everyday
in dressing and time slipped by unutilized and
much work was left unfinished.

The picture which was meaningless and served

no purpose earlier awakened in her a new sense
of art. 2 1 3

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14-E 4 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

14. Comp. The narrator says he loves the hills of

Mussoorie in October and it is the best time.

The hills are covered with dahlias, the sun is

delicious and at night one can sit in front of a
log-fire and listen to some music.

Many of the tourists are gone and the roads are

quiet and almost deserted.

Although blind, he describes Mussoorie, calling

on his memories of his earlier days when he
was not completely blind. 2 1 3

15. Comp. In the vachana, Basavanna brings out the idea

of the permanence of spiritual things and the
impermanence of material things.

All material things are subjected to destruction

in the course of time.

Only a devout soul that sways according to the

will of God in all humility stands forever. 2 1 3

16. Comp. Of the four seasons of a year spring,

summer, autumn and winter, the last season is
winter when all the leaves on the trees dry up.

Of the four stages of a day i.e. morning, noon,

evening and night, the last one is night, which
is deaths second self.

Likewise, in the four stages of mans life, the

last stage is death. The poet is in old age i.e. the
second last stage of mans life and wants to
convince his friend that he is close to death.

So he uses the images of autumn and evening

which are the second last stages of a year and a
day respectively. 2 1 3

CCE RF+RR 5 14-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

17. Comp. Late one evening, as Hispaniola neared its

destination, Jim went looking for an apple to

Finding the apple barrel nearly empty, he

climbed right into it.

While hidden inside it, he overheard a

conversation between Long John Silver and the
ships coaxwain, in which he boasted of his
piracy with Captain Flint, who had died of drink
and of his plan to kill the skipper, the squire
and the doctor once the treasure was found. 2 1 3

IV. Explain with reference to the context : 4 3 = 12

18. Exp. Lesson The Gift of Magi

Writer O. Henry
Said by Della to Jim.

Della couldnt buy anything worthwhile as

Christmas present to Jim with one dollar and eighty
seven cents that she had. So he cut her precious
possession her beautiful hair and sold it and
bought a platinum fob chain for his gold watch.
When Jim came home that evening and saw her
hair gone, he simply stared at her with a peculiar
expression. To pacify him she said the above words. 2 1 3

19. Exp. Lesson Louis Pasteur, Conqueror of Disease.

Writer E. H. Carter.

Said by the mother of the boy, who was bitten by a

mad dog, to Louis Pasteur. Pasteur had discovered
a cure for the terrible disease called anthrax that
attacked cows and sheep. During this time, a young
Alsatian boy came to him in Paris covered with bites
from a mad dog. His mother told Pasteur the above
sentence. 2 1 3

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14-E 6 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.
20. Exp. Poem Mending Wall
Poet Robert Frost
Said by the speaker and his neighbour addressing
the boulders.
During spring time, on a fixed date, the speaker
and his neighbour go together to mend the
destroyed wall. Each one has to place the boulders
that have fallen to each side. It is very difficult to
balance them because some are loaves and some
are balls and so they have to use a spell to make
them balance. In this context they say the above
words. 2 1 3
21. Exp. Poem C. L. M.
Poet John Masefield.
Spoken by the poet about his mother.
The poet says that his mothers life made him a
man because it was in her womb that he got
nourishment. Now that his mother is in the grave,
the poet asks himself the question what he has
done to repay that debt In what way he has
repayed her gratitude to womankind because all
around him in the world he finds atrocities on
women. 2 1 3
V. Answer the following questions in six to eight
sentences each : 4 4 = 16
22. Exp. Two men may have done exactly the same thing
but the act of one may be moral and that of the
other the contrary.
E.g.-1 : A man who out of great pity feeds the
poor and another who does the same with the
motive of winning prestige or with some such
selfish end. The act of the first one is moral and
that of the second one is non-moral.
Eg.- 2 : Emperor Alexander is called Great
because wherever he went, he took the Greek
language, culture and arts and today we enjoy
the benefits of Greek civilization. But his
intention was only conquest and renown. So it
is alright that he is termed Great, but moral
he cannot be called. 2 2 4

CCE RF+RR 7 14-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

Erosion : Sudden bursts of excessively heavy

rain resulting in a large run-off of surplus water
principal cause.
The slope of the land, removal of the natural
protective coat of vegetation, the existence of
ruts along which the water can flow with rapidly
gathering momentum and the absence of any
checks to such flow subsidiary causes.
Prevention : The terracing of the land, the
construction of bunds to check the flow of
water, the practice of contour cultivation and
the planting of appropriate types of vegetation.
23. Exp. The baker was going to run for the blacksmith
because of his sprained ankle.
When he hit the ball high up, the blacksmith
forgot his sprained ankle and set out at a
capital rate for the other end.
The baker who was running on behalf of the
invalid also set out.
From the other end Joe also set out on his
Since the eyes of all the three were goggling at
the hawk-like cricket ball up in the air, half way
down the pitch they met with a magnificent
clang and a resounding fall.
Undaunted to the last, they picked themselves
up and were bent on completing the single that
was to give them victory, but they all three ran
for the same wicket, simultaneously realized
their error and all three turned and ran for the
other end.
All their efforts were in vain, for Mr. Pollock
grabbed the ball and the match was a tie. 2 2 4

RF+RR-407 [ Turn over

14-E 8 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

Hitler issued one anti-Jewish decree after

another many Jews emigrated to hospitable
When the Nazis invaded the Netherlands many
Jews were called up for deportation-one of them
was Margot.
The people of the Annexe were arrested, taken
in cattle trucks to Auschwitz the Nazi death
camp men were separated from women.
They were given nothing to eat, hundreds of
Hungarian Jewish children were made to stand
naked in freezing rain waiting to be led to the
gas chambers.
24. App. Abraham Lincoln wants his son to listen to
everybody, to everything that is true as well as
untrue, moral as well as immoral, ethical as
well as unethical.
But at the same time he should be sensible
enough to understand what is right and what is
wrong, what is true and what is untrue.
He should filter all that he hears and imbibe
only the truth, ethical and moral.
He should have the strength to pick up only the
truth from what he hears. 2 2 4
In agony and desperation, she circled the sky in
movements of grace over the disgraceful death
of her male partner.
When the killers went away with their kill, she
descended to the death scene and expressed
her grief in long and short cries.
She picked a few blood stained feathers and sat
to hatch them into a toddling chick.
In her grief she forgot to eat or drink and pined
away for her lost mate and finally died.

CCE RF+RR 9 14-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

25. Exp. The poet had stolen a boat and rowed it with
troubled pleasure fixing his view upon the
summit of a craggy ridge.
Suddenly a huge and black peak put its head
up as if it were a living creature endowed with a
will power of its own.
Slowly growing larger in stature, the awful peak
seemed to stand between him and the stars,
seemed to follow him with regular steps
This spectacle remained for many days in his
mind, even in his dreams.
No pleasant images came to his mind. 2 2 4
Dronacharya, the master of archery refused to
teach the art to Butto, for he had no name and
Yet Buttoo revered him as his master because
all his inspiration and knowledge came from
him owed all his conquests by this skill to
Dronacharya asked him his dues as his master
Buttoo was ready to give anything he wished
After extracting a promise from Buttoo, Drona
demanded his right hand thumb because he
had promised Arjuna to make him the greatest
in archery.
Buttoo immediately severed his right hand
thumb without a second thought.
VI. Quote from memory : 4
26. Remem And into my garden stole
When the night had veild the pole :
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretchd beneath the tree. 4

RF+RR-407 [ Turn over

14-E 10 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.
Then spoke the brides father, his hand on his sword
( For the poor craven bridegroom, never said a
word )
O come ye in peace here, or come ye in war
Or to dance at our bridal, young Lord Lochinvar ?
( Grammar and Vocabulary )
VII. Multiple choice questions : 10 1 = 10
27. Remem B didnt they ? 1 1
28. ,, A A 1 1
29. ,, C Let that work be done by him 1 1
30. ,, D February is one of the most pleasant months
of the year. 1 1
31. ,, D Why did you take up this profession ? 1 1
32. ,, B The Don was immediately arrested after he
arrived at the airport. 1 1
33. ,, A look up 1 1
34. ,, A Alliteration 1 1
35. ,, C over, into 1 1
36. ,, B had given 1 1
VIII. Observe the relationship in the first pair of words
and complete the second pair accordingly :
37. Remem Cheque 1 1
38. Remem Sculptress 1 1
39. Remem Cowardice 1 1
40. Remem Waterfall 1 1
IX. Rewrite as directed :
41. Comp. Shyam asked whether / if he / she had attended
the classes the previous day. 2 2
42. Comp. No sooner is he fit than he must resume his duties. 1 1
43. Comp. The cost of living in a city is too high for me to
afford to stay there. 1 1

CCE RF+RR 11 14-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

( Composition and Comprehension )
X. Write an essay ( in about 15-20 sentences ) on any
one of the following topics : 15=5
44. Exp. Matter 3
Language 2 5
XI. Letter writing : 5
45. Exp. Formal and content
Language 3 2 5
XII. Read the following passage carefully and answer
the questions that follow : 51=5
46. Comp. An elderly woman asking for directions to a
nursing home. 1 1
47. Comp. Drive the old woman to the nursing home. 1 1
48. Comp. Doing so would take her out of her way and
make her late for an important meeting. 1 1
49. Comp. She got to spend an extra two hours with her
husband in the nursing home. 1 1
50. Comp. Human behaviours have evolved over
thousands of generations and persist only
when they support our survival. 1 1

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