Effects of Pre-Treatment and Temperature On The Quality and Drying Rate of Tomatoes

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ANUL XXI, NR. 1, 2014, ISSN 1453 - 7397

R.A Iyanda, A.O Adeboye , K.A Yusuf

Effects of Pre-Treatment and Temperature on the

Quality and Drying Rate of Tomatoes

The effect of pre-treatment and temperature on the quality and the

drying rate of tomatos (Lycopersicon esculentus) were studied. A 3 5
factorial experiment in a randomized complete block (RCBD) design
was used. Firm and fresh ripe tomatoes were washed and sliced to a
uniform thickness of 5mm, pre-treatment by boiling for 3 minutes was
given to some of the sliced tomatoes while some were blanched by
soaking in water at 900C for 3 minutes and the remaining part was
dried raw. 200g each of the sample was dried at temperatures of 50,
55, 60, 65, and 700C in a cabinet drier until no moisture removal was
observed. The moisture removal from the samples in the cabinet was
observed and measured on an hourly basis and the vitamin C content
of the dried samples was also analyzed. The results obtained for the
drying rate and Vitamin C content were statistically analyzed using
SPSS software to generate the ANOVA and DNMRT. It was found that
samples dried at higher temperatures had higher drying rates
irrespective of the pre-treatment. Raw samples and Samples dried at
lower temperatures had better quality in terms of vitamin C retention.

Keywords: tomato, blanching, boiling, drying

1. Introduction

Tomato belongs to the genus lycopersicon of the family Solanaceae. The

tomato is native to South America. According to the online etymology dictionary,
the word tomato comes from the Nahuatlwordtomato, literally "the swelling fruit.
Tomato is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetable crops in the world
(Madhavi and Salunkhe, 1998). Over 20 million metric tonnes of tomatoes are
produced each year worldwide.
According to Bencini (1991), tomato is grown in almost all African countries
including Nigeria although it is not indigenous to Africa. The first European settlers

brought seeds of their favourite vegetables with them. Some of them including
tomato have become very important in the African diet.
Generally, vegetables are believed to play an important role in human
nutrition in supplying vitamins and other essential nutrients. In addition to this,
several studies have shown that vegetables also supply some amount of
carbohydrate, protein and energy (Madavi and Salunkhe, 1998; Babalola et al.,
2010). Like other vegetables, tomato has been found to contain a substantial
amount of vitamins and other essential nutrients. It has been found from various
studies that tomato contains between 90% and 95% moisture content and
ascorbic acid of about 25mg/100g edible portion (Bencini, 1991; Bello, 1999; Igwe,
1999). Bencini (1991) also reported that tomato contains 1% protein, 0.2% fat,
4.8% carbohydrate, 0.6% fibre, 0.5% ash. Another important constituent of
tomato fruit is lycopene which is the pigment that gives tomato its red colour
(Darrigues et al., 2008).
Fruits and vegetables are seasonal products and they are highly perishable
products because they respire actively (Anghel, 2010; Adegoke and Moyosade,
1987). Similarly, tomato is highly perishable in its natural form. Storage life of
this fruit is short and considerable losses are encountered during its handling,
transportation and storage ( Madavi and Salunkhe, 1998; Bello, 1999). According
to FAO (1989), most fresh fruits and vegetables have a storage life of only a few
days under even the best environmental conditions. Also, tomato and other fruits
are seasonal crops. When they are in season, there is usually a surplus of the
product and since they are perishable crops, excess produce go to waste. Hence,
there is need to extend the storage life of these crops and make them available
even when they are not in season. Therefore it is of utmost importance to find
ways of preserving and storing tomato while still retaining its nutrients.
In this study, the effects of temperature and pre-treatment on the drying rate
and quality of tomato were investigated. The study focuses on the determination
of the effect of drying temperature, boiling and blanching on the drying rate and
vitamin C content of dried tomato.

2. Materials and methods

Experimental Equipment and Apparatus

The major equipment used for this study is an electric dryer designed and
constructed by Omodara (2011). Other apparatus and materials used include
slicer, sensitive weighing balance and chemical reagents.

Experimental Design
In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a 3 5 factorial experiment in
a randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used. In the design, five (5)
levels of temperature (T), and three (3) levels of treatment (t) was used. The
temperatures used are 50, 55, 60, 650C, and 700C. These temperatures were used

based on the findings of Andritosis et al. (2003) and Gracia et al. (2010) that the
best drying temperatures for tomato are low temperatures between 450C and
700C. Some of the tomatoes were pre-treated by blanching before drying, some
cooked/boiled while some were dried in their natural state. According to Talented
(2010), blanching brightens the colour, softens the texture and has little effect on
nutrient content or flavour of tomato as it is a relatively short process. Each test
run was replicated (R) thrice making a total of 45 test runs. The experiment was
carried out in Nigeria Stored Product Research Institute (NSPRI), Ilorin.

2.1. Experimental Procedure

Sample Preparation
Fresh, firm and ripe tomato fruits (Figure 1) were bought from Ipata market
in Ilorin, kwara State Nigeria. According to Madhavi and Salunkhe (1998),
nutritional constituents of tomato are at their peak when the fruit is at its red ripe
stage therefore, tomatoes to be used for processing should be fully mature in
order to optimize various quality parameters. Roma, a red, round and thick skinned
variety was used for the experiment. The tomato fruits were washed and sliced
into a uniform slice thickness of 5 mm (Figure 2). Preliminary investigation and the
study of Bello, (1999) revealed that drying tomato without deseeding causes
discolouration. Hence, the sliced tomato was deseeded as done by Bello (1999).
The total sample was divided into three parts. One part was dried in its natural
form; one part was boiled before drying while the last part was blanched before
Boiling was achieved by pouring sliced samples in 1000ml of boiling water
and was allowed to boil for 3 minutes. The boiled samples were drained on wire
gauze for 5minutes. 200 grams of the drained sample was measured and used for
the experiment. Blanching was achieved by soaking the samples in water at 900C
for three (3) minutes as described by Talented (2010). This is expected to
minimise enzymatic action which can cause loss of flavour, colour and texture. The
blanched samples were then drained on wire gauze for 5minutes. 200g of drained
sample was measured and used for the experiment. For a control experiment,
200g of the sliced tomato samples was measured and arranged in the dryer as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1. Fresh tomatoes.

Figure 2. Sliced tomatoes.

Figure 3. Arrangement of tomatoes on the trays in the dryer

Drying Procedure
The dryer was pre-heated to the desired temperature by means of the tem-
perature regulator while the samples were being prepared to ensure stability of the
condition of the drying chamber when the samples will be introduced. The trays
were labelled with tags of the different treatments. The samples were weighed at
an interval of 1 hour with a weighing balance and the weights were recorded. This
was done until there was no more moisture removal from the samples and this
was achieved when the average moisture content was 5%. The procedure was
repeated for the samples at all temperature levels.

Experimental Measurements and Analysis
The output parameters that were determined are the optimum temperature,
optimum drying time for the crop to reach a safe moisture level, and the hourly
drying rate in the dryer. Also, the chemical analysis of vitamin C content was
carried out.

Quantitative Analysis
(i) Drying Rate
This refers to the rate of moisture removal during the drying process. It was
obtained by measuring the weight of samples as drying took place. Drying rate can
be expressed mathematically as:

, (1)
Where, W1= weight of product before drying
W2= weight of product after drying
T= drying time
DR1= rate of moisture removal (g/hr)
Drying Rate can also be expressed as:

, (2)
Where M1= initial moisture content of product
M2= final moisture content of product
T= drying time
DR2= rate of moisture removal (g/hr) (Marcin and Lund, 2003)

Qualitative Analysis
(i) Determination of Vitamin C Content
The vitamin C content of the dried tomatoes was analysed in the chemistry
laboratory of the Nigerian Stored Product Research Institute (NSPRI) Ilorin Kwara
state Nigeria using the procedure described in the AOAC (1999) manual.
The procedure involved the addition aliquots of 100ml prepared juice to
equal volume of HPO3HOAC solution to a total volume of Vml. Aliquot of prepared
solution containing about 2mg of ascorbic acid was pipette into a conical flask. This
was titrated against 2,6-dichloroindophenol in the burette to a light but distinct
rose pink. Blank determination was made using HPO3 HOAC solution and water.
The vitamin C content was determined using the calculation below.

Mg ascorbic acid/gram or ml = , (3)

T=Average titre value for sample
b=Average titre value for blank

F=mg Ascorbic Acid equivalent to 1.0ml indephanol solution
E=Number of g or mg assayed
V=Volume (ml) of initial assay solution
Y=Volume (ml) of sample aliquot titrated

3. Results and discussion

Table1. shows the Statistical analysis of the effect of pre-treatment and

drying temperature on drying rate of tomato and it could be observed in Table 2
that only drying temperature is significant on drying rate at 95% confident interval
while pre-treatments and their interactions were not significant.

Table 1. Effect of Pre-treatment and Drying Temperature on Drying Rate*

PRE-TREATMENT Drying temperature (oC) Drying rate (g/hr)
Raw 50 17.210.05
55 18.930.23
60 20.960.23
65 20.850.06
70 23.880.00

Blanched 50 17.270.00
55 18.970.05
60 20.850.06
65 20.890.00
70 23.880.00

Boiled 50 17.360.09
55 18.970.05
60 21.000.11
65 20.900.13
70 23.960.07
*Each value is the mean of the three replicates standard deviation

Table 2. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the Effect of Pre-Treatment (P) and

Drying Temperature (T) on Drying Rates

(P) 2 0.052 0.026 2.350

(T) 4 221.821 55.455 5.016E3*
PxT 8 0.040 0.05 0.447
Error 30 0.332 0.011
Total 45 18938.43
*significantly at P 0.05
Effect of Pre-treatment on Drying Rate
Figure 4 shows the effect of pre-treatment on drying rate of tomato at
different temperatures. From the figure, it is obvious that drying rate increases as
the temperature increases for all the pre-treatment except from 600C to 650C
where drying rate was not significantly different from each other. The figure also
reveals that drying rates at the different pre-treatments were not significantly
different from one another at all the drying temperatures. The average drying rate
for the control, boiled and blanched samples is 17g/hr, 19g/hr, 21g/hr, 21g/hr and
24g/hr at 500C, 550C, 600C, 650C and 700C respectively.

Figure 4. Effect of Pre-Treatment on Drying Rate at different Drying Temperature

Effect of Drying Temperature on Drying Rate

The influence of drying temperature on drying rate at the three levels of pre-
treatment is shown in Figure 5. From the figure, it can be observed that drying
rate increased progressively from an average of 17g/hr at 50 0C to an average of
23g/hr at 70 0C for all treatments. Since the pre-treatments did not have
significant effect on drying rate, and the drying rate at all temperatures were
almost the same for all the treatments, the graph followed a similar pattern as
Figure 4.

Figure 5. Effect of Pre-treatment on Drying Rate at different Drying Temperature

To further investigate the effect of each level of drying temperature on drying

rate, Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) shown in Table 3 was used. From
the table, it can be seen that drying rates at 600C and650c were not significantly
different from each other. This was also observed in the drying time as the
samples dried at 600C and 650C dries to the safe moisture content after 9 hrs.
Drying rates at other levels of temperature were significantly different from one
another. Mean drying rate at 700C was highest, while 500C was the lowest. The
result implies that the mean drying rate of samples dried at 600C and 650C were
significantly the same while the mean drying rate of samples dried at 500C, 550C,
600C and 700C were significantly different.

Table 3. Duncan Multiple Range Test for the Effect of Drying Temperature on
Drying Rate*
Drying Temperature (0C) Drying Rate (g/hr)

50 17.28d
55 18.96c
60 20.94b
65 20.89b
70 23.91a
*Means with the same letters are not significantly different at P 0.05 using
Duncan Multiple Range Test

Vitamin C Content
Table 4 shows the summary of the data obtained for Vitamin C content of the
dried tomato. From the ANOVA (Table 5), it can be observed that the effect of the
drying temperature and pre-treatment were significant on the Vitamin C content at
95% confidence interval while the interaction between the two factors were not
significant on the vitamin C content of the dried tomatoes.

Table 4. Effect of Pre-treatment and Drying Temperature on Vitamin C content*

Raw 50 10.971.94
55 14.290.75
60 18.801.13
65 19.673.38
70 22.871.33

Blanched 50 10.973.45
55 12.471.44
60 14.131.80
65 13.960.50
70 15.961.33

Boiled 50 9.720.94
55 10.172.87
60 12.943.77
65 12.891.04
70 15.960.76
*Each value is the mean of the three replicates standard deviation

Table 5. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the Effect of Pre-Treatment (P) and
Temperature (T) on Vitamin C Content

Pre-treatment(P) 2 211.665 105.832 25.191*

Temperature (T) 4 295.616 73.904 17.591*
PxT 8 71.328 8.916 2.122
Error 30 126.035 4.201
Total 44 704.643
*significant at P 0.05

Effect of Pre-treatment on Vitamin C content

Figure 6 shows the effect of pre-treatment on vitamin C of tomato at different
drying temperatures. From the figure, it is obvious that vitamin C content was
highest at 500C and lowest at700C at all levels of pre-treatments which reflect that
the Vitamin C content of dried samples reduces with increase in drying
Figure 6. Effect of pre-treatment on Vitamin C Content at Different Drying

The observations from Figure 6 above were further confirmed using Duncan
New Multiple Range Test (shown in Table 6) to compare the means. From the
table, it can be seen that the raw sample had the highest vitamin C content
followed by the blanched samples and boiled samples in descending order. The
table also shows that vitamin C content of boiled samples and blanched samples
are not appreciably different from each other. This is similar to the findings of
Babalola et al. (2007) who discovered that vitamin C content of leafy vegetables is
lost due to various processing methods such as blanching and boiling.

Table 6. Duncan Multiple Range Test

Boiled 12.3353b
Blanched 13.2367b
Raw 17.3200a
*means with the same letter are not significantly different from each other.

Effect of Drying Temperature on Vitamin C Content

The effect of drying temperature at the three levels of pre-treatment is shown
in Figure 7. From the figure, it can be observed that raw samples had the highest
vitamin C content at all drying temperature, while the boiled samples had the
lowest amount of vitamin C except at 500C where blanched samples had slightly
lower amount of vitamin C content than raw samples. At a drying temperature of
700C, blanched samples and raw samples had the same vitamin C content.
This shows that heat has degrading effect on vitamin C content and this effect
becomes increasingly degrading as temperature increases. This finding is in

agreement with the claims of Graciaet al. (2010), Talented, (2010) and Babalolaet
al., (2007).

Figure 7. Effect of Drying Temperature on Vitamin C Content at different Pre-


The effect of drying temperature on vitamin C content was further

investigated using Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT). The result of the
DNMRT is presented on Table 7 below. From the table it can be seen that vitamin
C content of dried samples at 500C, 550C and 600C were not significantly different
from one another. Vitamin C content at 650C and 700C were also not significantly
different from each other but were significantly different from that of 500C, 550C
and 600C. It can also be seen that vitamin C content was highest at 500C and
lowest at 700C just as it was observed in Figure 7.

Table: 7. Duncan Multiple Range Test for the effect of temperature on vitamin C


50 17.8256a
55 15.5044a
60 15.2922a
65 12.3078b
70 10.556c
*Means with the same letters are not significantly different from each other

4. Conclusion

At the end of the study, it was found that:

Tomatoes dry faster at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures ir-
respective of the pre-treatment used.
The vitamin C content of tomato reduces as the drying temperature in-
creases. This shows that drying tomatoes at high temperature has adverse
effect on its nutritive value.
Drying tomatoes raw preserves more of the vitamin C content than toma-
toes pre-treated by blanching and boiling before drying. This shows that
pre-treatment is not necessary before drying tomatoes.
The best drying conditions for best quality tomato is a drying temperature of


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Iyanda Rukayat Afolake, Department of Water Resources Develop-

ment and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee,
247667, Uttarakhand, India. [email protected]
Adeboye Abel Olajide, Lower Niger River Basin Development Author-
ity, P.M.B 1529 Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria. [email protected]
Yusuf Kamaldeen Ayinla, Department of Agricultural and Bio-
Environmental Engineering Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, P.M.B 13
Auchi, Edo State Nigeria. [email protected]


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