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Feed-In Tariff System The Energy Regulatory Commission and the National Renewable Energy Board
shall formulate and promulgate feed-in tariff system rules which shall include, but
not limited to the following:

a. run-of-river hydropower and biomass power plants within the territory of the

b. The priority purchase and transmission of, and payment for, such electricity by
the grid system operators;

c. Determine the fixed tariff to be paid to electricity produced from each type of
emerging renewable energy and the mandated number of years for the
application of these rates, which shall not be less than twelve (12) years; and

d. The feed-in tariff to be set shall be applied to the emerging renewable energy
to be used in compliance with the renewable portfolio standard as provided for in
this Act and in accordance with the RPS rules that will be established by the DOE.

Government Share On existing and new RE development projects
1% of the gross income of RE resource developers resulting from sale of
renewable energy produced and such other income incidental to and
arising from the renewable energy generation, transmission, and sale of
electric power
1.5% if indigenous geothermal energy
Incentives for Renewable (a) Income Tax Holiday (ITH) - For the first seven (7) years of its
Energy Projects and commercial operations, the duly registered RE developer shall be exempt
Activities from income taxes levied by the national government.
Additional investments in the project shall be entitled to additional income
tax exemption on the income attributable to the investment: Provided,
That the discovery and development of new RE resource shall be treated
as a new investment and shall therefore be entitled to a fresh package of
incentives: Provided, further, That the entitlement period for additional
investments shall not be more than three (3) times the period of the initial
availment of the ITH.
(b) Duty-free Importation of RE Machinery, Equipment and
Materials - Within the first ten (10) years upon the issuance of a
certification of an RE developer, the importation of machinery and
equipment, and materials and parts thereof, including control and
communication equipment, shall not be subject to tariff
duties: Provided, however, That the said machinery, equipment, materials
and parts are directly and actually needed and used exclusively in the RE
facilities for transformation into energy and delivery of energy to the point
of use and covered by shipping documents in the name of the duly
registered operator to whom the shipment will be directly delivered by
customs authorities: Provided, further, That endorsement of the DOE is
obtained before the importation of such machinery, equipment, materials
and parts are made.
Endorsement of the DOE must be secured before any sale, transfer or
disposition of the imported capital equipment, machinery or spare parts is
made: Provided, That if such sale, transfer or disposition is made within the
ten (10)-year period from the date of importation, any of the following
conditions must be present:
(i) If made to another RE developer enjoying tax and duty exemption
on imported capital equipment;
(ii) If made to a non-RE developer, upon payment of any taxes and
duties due on the net book value of the capital equipment to be
(iii) Exportation of the used capital equipment, machinery, spare
parts or source documents or those required for RE development;
(iv) For reasons of proven technical obsolescence.
When the aforementioned sale, transfer or disposition is made under any
of the conditions provided for in the foregoing paragraphs after ten (10)
years from the date of importation, the sale, transfer or disposition shall no
longer be subject to the payment of taxes and duties;
(c) Special Realty Tax Rates on Equipment and Machinery. - Any law
to the contrary notwithstanding, realty and other taxes on civil works,
equipment, machinery, and other improvements of a Registered RE
Developer actually and exclusively used for RE facilities shall not exceed
one and a half percent (1.5%) of their original cost less accumulated
normal depreciation or net book value: Provided, That in case of an
integrated resource development and generation facility as provided under
Republic Act No. 9136, the real property tax shall only be imposed on the
power plant;
(d) Net Operating Loss Carry-Over (NOLCO). - The NOLCO of the RE
Developer during the first three (3) years from the start of commercial
operation which had not been previously offset as deduction from gross
income shall be carried over as a deduction from gross income for the next
seven (7) consecutive taxable years immediately following the year of
such loss: Provided, however, That operating loss resulting from the
availment of incentives provided for in this Act shall not be entitled to
(e) Corporate Tax Rate. - After seven (7) years of income tax holiday, all
RE Developers shall pay a corporate tax of ten percent (10%) on its net
taxable income as defined in the National Internal Revenue Act of 1997, as
amended by Republic Act No. 9337. Provided, That the RE Developer shall
pass on the savings to the end-users in the form of lower power rates.
(f) Accelerated Depreciation. - If, and only if, an RE project fails to
receive an ITH before full operation, it may apply for Accelerated
Depreciation in its tax books and be taxed based on such: Provided, That if
it applies for Accelerated Depreciation, the project or its expansions shall
no longer be eligible for an ITH. Accelerated depreciation of plant,
machinery, and equipment that are reasonably needed and actually used
for the exploration, development and utilization of RE resources may be
depreciated using a rate not exceeding twice the rate which would have
been used had the annual allowance been computed in accordance with
the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Department of
Finance and the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of
1997, as amended. Any of the following methods of accelerated
depreciation may be adopted:
i) Declining balance method; and
ii) Sum-of-the years digit method
(g) Zero Percent Value-Added Tax Rate. - The sale of fuel or power
generated from renewable sources of energy such as, but not limited to,
biomass, solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, ocean energy and other
emerging energy sources using technologies such as fuel cells and
hydrogen fuels, shall be subject to zero percent (0%) value-added tax
(VAT), pursuant to the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as
amended by Republic Act No. 9337.
All RE Developers shall be entitled to zero-rated value added tax on its
purchases of local supply of goods, properties and services needed for the
development, construction and installation of its plant facilities.
This provision shall also apply to the whole process of exploring and
developing renewable energy sources up to its conversion into power,
including but not limited to the services performed by subcontractors
and/or contractors.
(h) Cash Incentive of Renewable Energy Developers for Missionary
Electrification. - A renewable energy developer, established after the
effectivity of this Act, shall be entitled to a cash generation-based
incentive per kilowatt hour rate generated, equivalent to fifty percent
(50%) of the universal charge for power needed to service missionary
areas where it operates the same, to be chargeable against the universal
charge for missionary electrification;
(i) Tax Exemption of Carbon Credits. - All proceeds from the sale of
carbon emission credits shall be exempt from any and all taxes;
(j) Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Equipment and Services. - A tax
credit equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the value-
added tax and custom duties that would have been paid on the RE
machinery, equipment, materials and parts had these items been imported
shall be given to an RE operating contract holder who purchases
machinery, equipment, materials, and parts from a domestic manufacturer
for purposes set forth in this Act: Provided, That prior approval by the DOE
was obtained by the local manufacturer: Provided, further, That the
acquisition of such machinery, equipment, materials, and parts shall be
made within the validity of the RE operating contract.
Incentives for RE Scope:
Commercialization All manufacturers, fabricators and suppliers of locally-produced RE
equipment and components duly recognized and accredited by the DOE, in
consultation with DOST, DOF and DTI, and registered with the BOI
(a) Tax and Duty-free Importation of Components, Parts and
Materials. - All shipments necessary for the manufacture and/or
fabrication of RE equipment and components shall be exempted from
importation tariff and duties and value added tax: Provided, however, That
the said components, parts and materials are: (i) not manufactured
domestically in reasonable quantity and quality at competitive prices; (ii)
directly and actually needed and shall be used exclusively in the
manufacture/fabrication of RE equipment; and (iii) covered by shipping
documents in the name of the duly registered manufacturer/fabricator to
whom the shipment will be directly delivered by customs
authorities: Provided, further, That prior approval of the DOE was obtained
before the importation of such components, parts and materials;
(b) Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Components, Parts and
Materials. - A tax credit equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the
amount of the value-added tax and customs duties that would have been
paid on the components, parts and materials had these items been
imported shall be given to an RE equipment manufacturer, fabricator, and
supplier duly recognized and accredited by the DOE who purchases RE
components, parts and materials from a domestic manufacturer: Provided,
That such components, and parts are directly needed and shall be used
exclusively by the RE manufacturer, fabricator and supplier for the
manufacture, fabrication and sale of the RE equipment: Provided, further,
That prior approval by the DOE was obtained by the local manufacturer;
(c) Income Tax Holiday and Exemption. - For seven (7) years starting
from the date of recognition/accreditation, an RE manufacturer, fabricator
and supplier of RE equipment shall be fully exempt from income taxes
levied by the National Government on net income derived only from the
sale of RE equipment, machinery, parts and services; and
(d) Zero-rated value added tax transactions - All manufacturers,
fabricators and suppliers of locally produced renewable energy equipment
shall be subject to zero-rated value added tax on its transactions with local
suppliers of goods, properties and services.
Incentives for Farmers For a period of ten (10) years after the effectivity of this Act, all individuals and
Engaged in the Plantation of entities engaged in the plantation of crops and trees used as biomass resources
Biomass Resources such as but not limited to jatropha, coconut, and sugarcane, as certified by the
Department of Energy, shall be entitled to duty-free importation and be
exempted from Value-Added Tax (VAT) on all types of agricultural inputs,
equipment and machinery such as, but not limited to, fertilizer, insecticide,
pesticide, tractor, trailers, trucks, farm implements and machinery, harvesters,
threshers, hybrid seeds, genetic materials, sprayers, packaging machinery and
materials, bulk handling facilities, such as conveyors and mini-loaders, weighing
scales, harvesting equipment, and spare parts of all agricultural equipment.
Tax Rebate for Purchase of The DOF shall provide rebates for all or part of the tax paid for the
RE Components purchase of RE equipment for residential, industrial or community use.
Financial Assistance Program Government financial institutions such as the Development Bank of the
Philippines (DBP), Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), Phil-Exim
Bank and other government financial institutions shall, in
accordance with and to the extent allowed by the enabling provisions of
their respective charters or applicable laws, provide preferential
financial packages for the development, utilization and
commercialization of RE projects as duly recommended and endorsed
by the DOE.
Prohibited Acts
(a) Non-compliance or violation of the Renewable Porfolio Standard (i.e.,
market-based policy that requires electricity suppliers to source an agreed
portion of their energy supply from eligible RE resources) rules;

(b) Willful refusal to undertake net metering arrangements with qualified

distribution grid users;

(c) Falsification or tampering of public documents or official records to avail

of the fiscal and non-fiscal incentives provided under this Act;

(d) Failure and willful refusal to issue the single certificate (issued by the
DOE to entities qualified for incentives) referred to in Section 26 of this Act;

(e) Non-compliance with the established guidelines that DOE will adopt for
the implementation of this Act.
Penalty Clause Penalty of imprisonment of from one (1) year to five (5) years, or a fine
ranging from a minimum of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) to
One Hundred Million Pesos (P100,000,000.00), or twice the amount of
damages caused or costs avoided for non-compliance, whichever is higher,
or both upon the discretion of the court

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