Preamble - Rajasthan Zamindari and Biswedari Abolition Act, 1959

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[Act No. 08 of 1959]

[12th February, 1959]


An Act to provide for the abolition of, and the acquisition of the right, title and interest in,
estates held by Zamindars and Biswedars in the State of Rajasthan and for, other matters
connected therewith.

Be it enacted by the Rajasthan State Legislature in the Ninth Year of the Republic of
India as follows:--

Section 1 - Short title, extent and commencement

(1) This Act may be called the Rajasthan Zamindari and Biswedari Abolition Act, 1959.

(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Rajasthan.

(3) It shall come into force on such 1date as the State Government may, by notication
in the Oicial Gazette, appoint.

1. Came into force with eect from 1-11-1959 vide Revenue Department Notication No. F. 1(152) Rev. (A)/59,

dated 21-10--59, published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV-C, dated the 21st October, 1959.

Section 2 - Denitions

In this Act, unless the subject or context otherwise requires,--

(1) "Biswedar" has the meaning assigned to it by clause (5) of section 5 of the
Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955);

(2) "estate" means land, or right, title or interest in land, held by a Biswedar or a

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(3) "land" means every class or category of land forming part of an estate and

(a) benets to arise out of such land,

(b) things attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything

attached to the earth,

(e) sites of villages or towns,

(d) beds of tanks, ponds, embankments, rivers and water channels, and

(e) surface of hills;

(4) "settled" has the meaning assigned to it by clause (n) of section 2 of the
Rajasthan Land Reforms and Resumption of Jagirs Act 1952 (Rajasthan Act 6 of

(5) "Zamindar" has the meaning assigned to it by clause (46) of section 5 the
Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) and includes a malik
(landowner) in the Gang Canal area;

(6) words and expressions dened in the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955
(Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) and in the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956
(Rajasthan Act 15 of 1956) but not dened in this Act shall, wherever used
herein, be construed to have the meanings assigned to them by those Acts; and

(7) words and expression used to denote the person in possession of any right,
title or interest shall be deemed to include the predecessors and successors in
right, title or interest of such person.

Section 3 - Act to override other laws

Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, the provisions of this Act and of the
rules and orders made thereunder shall have eect notwithstanding anything
inconsistent therewith contained in any other law and rules for the time being in force
or any instrument having eect by virtue of any law or usage, agreement, settlement,
grant, sanad or any decree or order of any court or other authority.

Section 4 - Abolition of Zamindari and Biswedari estates and their vesting in the State

(1) As soon as may be after the commencement of this Act, the State Government may,

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by notication in the Oicial Gazette, appoint a date for the abolition and acquisition of
Zamindari and Biswedari estates, or any class of such estates, in the State, or in any
area thereof specied in the notication, and for their vesting in the State Government.

(2) Dierent dates may be xed for such abolition and vesting of dierent classes of
Zamindari and Biswedari estates in the State.

(3) The classication referred to in sub-sections (1) and (2) may be made according to
the size or income of such estates or according to the land revenue payable in respect
thereof or according to the dierent areas of the State in which they are situated or
according as they are settled or unsettled or according to the tenures thereof or the
names by which the holders thereof are known or designated or otherwise.

(4) The State Government may, by notication in the Oicial Gazette, vary any date
appointed under sub-section (1) at any time before such date.

(5) The date nally appointed under this section in relation to the abolition and
acquisition of any Zamindari or Biswedari estate is hereinafter referred to as "the date
of vesting" thereof in the State Government.

Section 5 - Consequences of abolition

(1) After the issue of a notication under sub-section (1) of section 3, no right shall be
acquired in or over any land in an estate aected thereby except by succession or under
a grant or contract in writing made or entered into by or on behalf of the State
Government and no fresh clearings for cultivation of for any other purpose shall be
made in such land by or on behalf of the holder of such estate otherwise than in
accordance with rules made by the State Government in this behalf.

(2) As from the date of vesting of any Zamindari or Biswedari estate in the State
Government, notwithstanding anything contained in any contract, grant or other
document or in any law for the time being in force but save as otherwise provided in
this Act--

(a) such estate shall stand transferred to, and vest in, the State Government free
from all encumbrances;

(b) the right, title and interest of the Zamindar or Biswedar and of every person
claiming through him, in such estate, including land (cultivable, waste or barren)
grove-land, grass land or birs, scrub jungle, forests, trees sheries, hills, wells,
tanks., ponds, water courses and channels, ferries, pathways, village sites, abadi
sites, hats, bazars, melas and mela grounds, and in all sub-soil therein, including

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rights, if any, in quarries and mines, whether being worked or not and in all
minerals and mineral products, shall cease and be vested in the State
Government, free from all encumbrances, for the purposes of the State, and
every mortgage debt or charge on any such right, title or interest shall be a
charge on the amount of compensation payable to the Zamindar or Biswedar
under this Act;

(c) all grants and conrmations of title of or to land in such estate or of or to any
right or privilege in respect of such estate or land revenue in respect thereof
shall, whether liable to resumption or not, determine;

(d) every right, title or interest created in or over such estate by the Zamindar or
Biswedar or his predecessor-in-interest shall, as against the State Government,
cease and determine;

(e) all rents and cesses in respect of any holdings in such estate for any period
after the date of vesting, which, but for such vesting, would have been payable
to the Zamindar or Biswedar, shall vest in and be payable to the State
Government, and any payment made in contravention of this clause shall not be
a valid discharge of the person liable to pay the same;

(f) whereunder an agreement or contract made before the date of vesting any
rent, cess or sayar for any period after such date has been paid to, or
compounded or released by, the Zamindar or Biswedar, the same shall,
notwithstanding the agreement or contract, be recoverable by the State
Government from such Zamindar or Biswedar;

(g) all arrears of revenue, cesses and other dues in respect of any such estate
due from the Zamindar or Biswedar for any period prior to the date of vesting
shall continue to be recoverable from him;

(h) all loans advanced by the State Government or the Court of Wards to the
Zamindar or Biswedar together with interest thereon, if any, and all arrears due
from him on account of tax on agricultural income assessed under the Rajasthan
Agricultural Income Tax Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act 23 of 1953) or on account of
any other tax, cess, rate, fee, duty, penalty or charge payable by such Zamindar
or Biswedar under any law for the time being in force for any period prior to the
date of vesting, shall continue to be recoverable from him;

(i) the right, title and interest of the Zamindar or Biswedar in such estate shall
not be liable to attachment or sale in execution of any decree or other process of
any court, civil or revenue, and any attachment existing at the date of vesting or

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any order for attachment passed before such date shall, subject to the provisions
of section 73 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Central Act IV of 1882),
cease to be in force;

(j) every mortgage with possession existing on such estate or part thereof on the
date immediately preceding the date of vesting shall, to the extent of the amount
secured on such estate or part, be deemed, without prejudice to the rights of the
State Government under this section, to have been substituted by a simple

(k) no claim or liability enforceable or incurred before the date of vesting against
or by the Zamindar or Biswedar for any money which is charged on or is secured
by a mortgage of such estate or part thereof shall, except as provided in section
73 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Central Act IV of 1882), be enforceable
against his right, title or interest in such estate or part;

1[(l) Subject to any rules made in this behalf, all suits and proceedings aecting
such estate, in which, because of the same having vested in the State
Government, the latter will be a necessary party, pending in any court, civil or
revenue, at the date of vesting, and all proceedings consequent upon any decree
or order passed in any such suit or proceeding before such date, shall not be
proceeded with till, on an application made in that behalf, the State Government
is made a party thereto;]

(m) the Zamindar or Biswedar shall cease to be liable to pay and shall not be
required to pay to the State Government land revenue payable by him in respect
of such estate or part thereof for any period after the date of vesting.

(3) Without prejudice to any other mode of recovery, the amounts recoverable from a
Zamindar or Biswedar under clauses (f), (g) and (h) of sub-section (2) may be realised
by deducting the same from the amount of compensation payable to him under this Act.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2) the Zamindar or Biswedar

shall, subject to the provisions of section 29, continue to retain the possession of his
Khudkasht, recorded as such in the annual registers before the date of vesting.

(5) Nothing contained in this section shall--

(a) render the State Government liable for the payment of debts incurred by the
Zamindar or Biswedar for which he shall be personally liable, or

(b) preclude the State Government from remitting wholly or in part any loans
advanced by the State Government to the Zamindar or Biswedar and utilised by

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the latter for the economic or agricultural development of his estate other than
his Khudkasht land, or

(c) aect the right of any person to continue to enjoy any easement or other
similar right for the more benecial enjoyment of such person's land which he
was enjoying on the date immediately preceding the date of vesting, or

(d) operate as a bar to the recovery by the Zamindar or Biswedar by any process
of law which, but for this Act, would be available to him of any sum which is
legally due to him by virtue of his right, title or interest in his estate in respect of
any period prior to the date of vesting:

Provided that no decree for an arrear of rent or order for ejectment in

default of payment of an arrear of rent shall be executed by ejectment of
the judgment-debtor from his holding.

1. Substituted and shall be deemed always to have been substituted vide section 2 of Rajasthan Act No. 35 of

1960, published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV-A, dated 29-9-1960.

Section 6 - Private properties of a Zamindar or Biswedar

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 5--

(a) all house-sites purchased by the Zamindar or Biswedar or by his predecessor-

in-interest or by any other person for Valuable consideration,

(b) all places of worship or wells situated in such house-sites as are mentioned in
clause (a) and in Khudkasht land belonging to and held by the Zamindar or
Biswedar or any other person at the date of vesting,

(c) all private houses and all nohras or enclosures attached thereto, provided
that such nohras or enclosures are in continuous possession of the Zamindar or
Biswedar since the rst day of January, 1953,

(d) all land covered by such places of worship, wells, houses and nohras or
enclosures, and

(e) all trees belonging to the Zamindar or Biswedar or any other person and
standing on house-sites mentioned in clause (a) and on Khudkasht land, shall
continue to belong to and be held by such Zamindar or Biswedar or other

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall aect such

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rights of the public in respect of the places of worship and well as they
were enjoying on the date immediately preceding the date of vesting.

(2) Notwithstanding as aforesaid--

(i) all groves wherever situated and recorded in the annual registers before the
date of vesting as belonging to and being held by the Zamindar or Biswedar or
other person and the land under such groves shall be deemed to be settled with
him by the State Government on such terms and conditions as it may determine,

(ii) all tanks, ponds and embankments belonging to and held by the Zamindar or
Biswedar or any other person--

(a) which are situate on Khudkasht land or on any other land not being a village
site, and

(b) in which no other person has any right of irrigation, shall continue to belong
to and be held by the Zamindar, Biswedar or other person to whom they actually

Provided that, if the bed of any such tank, pond or embankment is under
the personal cultivation of the Zamindar, Biswedar or other person, the
land under such tank, pond or embankment shall be deemed to be settled
with him by the State Government on such terms and conditions as it
may determine.

Section 7 - Previsions as to certain transfers and agreements

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law, no transfer of an estate or part

thereof made by the zamindar or Biswedar on or after the rst day of January, 1953, by
way of sale or gift or by making a grant or by way of lease for a non-agricultural
purpose shall be recognised for any purpose of this Act and the estate or part so
transferred shall be deemed to continue to vest in the transferor, if such transfer is
established to have been made not in good faith and in the normal course of
management but in anticipation of the abolition and acquisition of Zamindari and
Biswedari estates:

Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to any sale made under
order of a court in execution of a decree or order for payment of money.

(2) Any agreement or contract made by a Zamindar or Biswedar with any person on or
after the rst day of January, 1953--

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(a) relating to or granting a lease of any forest in his estate for a period
exceeding three years, or

(b) relieving, whether in whole or in part, a tenant from liability for payment of
rent for any land comprised in his holding, shall be and is hereby declared null
and void.

Section 8 - Taking over of estates

On the date of vesting, any oicer appointed in this behalf by the Collector shall,
subject to the provisions contained in subsection (4) of section 5 and in sections 6 and
7, take charge in the prescribed manner of the estate and of all interests therein vesting
in the State Government under sub-section (2) of section 5.

Section 9 - Determination of disputes

(1) If any dispute or question arises with respect to any matter specied in section 5 or
section 6 or section 7, such dispute or question shall be referred to the Collector of the
district in which the estate vesting in the State Government by virtue of a notication
under section 4 is situate.

(2) The Collector shall, after holding, in the prescribed manner, such inquiry as he
considers necessary, make such order in the matter as he deems t.

Section 10 - Application for allotment of Khudkasht

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions of this chapter, a

Zamindar or Biswedar who, on the date of vesting of his estate in the State
Government, does not hold any Khudkasht or who, on such date, holds Khudkasht less
in area than the area specied in section 12, may, within six months of the date of such
vesting, apply to the Collector for allotment of Khudkasht.

(2) Every such application shall be in the prescribed form and shall be signed and
veried in the manner specied in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act 5 of
1908) for the signing and verication of plaints.

Section 11 - Allotment of Khudkasht

(1) Upon receipt of an application under section 10, the Collector may, after holding, in
the prescribed manner, such inquiry as he deems necessary--

(a) reject the application if the applicant and any member or members of his

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family together hold Khudkasht to the maximum extent provided by section 12,

(b) subject to the provisions contained in sections 12 and 13, allot to the
applicant as Khudkasht such area of land, not exceeding the area applied for, as
he may deem proper.

(2) The Zamindar or Biswedar to whom any Khudkasht is allotted under sub-section (1)
shall be the Khatedar tenant of the land so allotted and shall pay the State Government
rent therefor at such rate as may be xed by the Collector in accordance with such
principles as may be prescribed.

Section 12 - Maximum area of Khudkasht

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) the maximum area of land allotted as
Khudkasht to a Zamindar or Biswedar under section 11, together with any land held by
him or by any member of his family as Khudkasht since before the date of vesting shall
not exceed the prescribed limit.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where a Zamindar or

Biswedar holds Khudkasht at the date of vesting of his estate in excess of the area
specied in sub-section (1), he shall continue to hold such land as Khudkasht subject to
the provisions of section 29.

Section 13 - Categories of land that may be allotted as Khudkasht

(1) The following categories of land may, in the order hereinafter mentioned, be allotted
to a Zamindar or Biswedar, in preference to other applicants for the same, as
Khudkasht under section 11, namely:--

(i) Land surrendered by tenants;

(ii) land abandoned by tenants;

(iii) culturable unoccupied land within the estate;

(iv) land of the nature specied in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) in the vicinity of the
village or villages in which the estate of the Zamindar or Biswedar is situated;

(v) lands commanded by the Chambal and Rajasthan canal projects on such
terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

(2) Where no land of any of the categories specied in sub-section (1) is available the

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application for allotment of Khudkasht shall be rejected.

Section 14 - Liability to pay compensation

(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the State Government shall pay to every
Zamindar or Biswedar who is divested of his estate under this Act, out of the
Consolidated Fund of the State, compensation which shall be determined in accordance
with the principals laid down in the Schedule annexed hereto.

(2) Such compensation shall be payable as from the date of vesting and shall carry
simple interest at the rate of two and a half per cent per annum from that date till the
date of payment, but no interest shall be payable on such amount of compensation as
may remain unpaid for any default of the Zamindar or Biswedar or his agent or
representative in interest.

Section 15 - Form of compensation

The compensation payable under this Act shall be given in cash or in bonds or partly in
cash and partly in bonds, as may be prescribed.

Section 16 - Interim compensation

(1) Where, within a period of one year from the date of vesting of an estate, the
compensation payable to the Zamindar or Biswedar is not determined, the State
Government shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as to security, indemnity,
repayment or otherwise as may be prescribed, direct the payment to such Zamindar or
Biswedar of interim compensation which shall be equal to one-tenth of the estimated
amount of compensation:

Provided that, if such compensation is not determined within two years from the
date of vesting, the State Government may likewise direct the periodical
payment to the Zamindar or Biswedar of such fraction of the estimated amount
of compensation by way of interim compensation until the nal determination of
compensation as the State Government may in each case specify.

(2) The interim compensation paid under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be a part
of, and shall be adjusted against, the total amount of compensation determined and
payable under this Act.

Section 17 - Submission of statement of a claim for compensation

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(1) Every Zamindar or Biswedar who is divested of his estate by virtue of a notication
issued under section 4 shall, within 1[one year] from the date of vesting, le a statement
of his claim for compensation in the prescribed form before the Collector of the district
in which such estate is situated:

Provided that a Zamindar or Biswedar may be allowed to le a statement of his

claim after the expiry of 1[one year] on suicient reasons being shown to the
satisfaction of the Collector.

(2) Every such statement shall contain the following particulars, namely:--

(i) the name of the Zamindar or Biswedar and a description of his estate,

(ii) the extent of the share of each co-sharer where there are more co-sharers
than one in the estate, along with the names and other particulars of all such

(iii) the amount of gross income of the estate from all sources specied in the
Schedule together with details in relation to income from each such source,

(iv) the land revenue payable by the Zamindar or Biswedar, and

(v) such other particulars as may be prescribed.

(3) Every such statement shall be signed and veried in the manner prescribed in the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act 5 of 1908) for the signing and verication of

(4) Where the Zamindar or Biswedar relies on any documents (whether or not in his
possession or power) as evidence in support of any particulars contained in such
statement, he shall annex thereto a list of such documents.

1. Substituted and shall be deemed always to have been substituted vide section 3 of Rajasthan Act No. 35 of

1960, published in Rajasthan Gazette Extraordinary, Part IV-A, dated 29-9-1960.

Section 18 - Determination of compensation

(1) On receipt of the statement of claim under section 17 or, if no such statement is
received within the prescribed period, on the expiry of such period, the Collector shall,
after making such inquiry as he thinks t and giving an opportunity to the claimant to
be heard, decide the amount of compensation due to the claimant and record in a
statement in the prescribed form the details of the land in the estate which has vested
in the State Government and such other details as may be prescribed.

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(2) The Collector shall--

(i) assess the amount of compensation payable for the whole estate, and

(ii) after deducting therefrom the amounts, if any, referred to in subsection (3) of
section 5, determine, subject to the provisions of sub-sections (3) and (4), the net
amount of compensation payable for the estate which has vested in the State
Government by virtue of a notication under section 4.

(3) Where there are co-sharers, such net amount shall be distributed among them in
proportion to the extent of the share held by each of them in the estate.

(4) Where superior and inferior rights exist in relation to the estate or any village, Thok,
Patti or land therein, the Collector shall distribute such net amount in the proportion in
which prots were shared by the holders of such superior and inferior rights
immediately before the date of vesting of the estate.

(5) An extract of the statement recorded by the Collector under sub-section (1) shall be
supplied, free of cost, to each person aected thereby.

Section 19 - Payment of compensation

(1) Subject to any order passed on appeal, review or otherwise in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter IV, the net amount of compensation determined under sub-section
(2) of section 18 shall be divided into fteen equal annual instalments or, at the option
of the Zamindar or Biswedar, into thirty equal half yearly instalments.

(2) If there has been a distribution of such net amount in accordance with sub-sections
(3) and (4) of section 18, the amount falling to the share of each person under those
sub-sections shall be payable in the same number of instalments as to the Zamindar or

(3) The Collector shall arrange payment of the net amount of compensation to the
person or persons to whom it is payable but, if any such person refuses to accept
payment, the amount payable to him shall be held in deposit.

(4) Where any amount is payable under this Act as aforesaid by way of compensation to
a minor or a person suering from a legal disability, then--

(a) if such minor or person is under the superintendence of the Court of Wards,
the amount shall be paid to the Court of Wards, and

(b) in any other case, it shall be paid to the person found upon inquiry in the
prescribed manner to be the guardian of such minor or person suering from

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(i) according to the personal law by which he is governed, or

(ii) appointed by a competent court or authority:

Provided that, in cases in which the question of guardianship

according to such personal law is in dispute, an application shall
be made to the District Judge having jurisdiction to determine
such question and to appoint a guardian of the minor or person
under disability for the purposes of this section.

(5) The payment of the net amount of compensation under this Act to the Zamindar or
Biswedar and to every person entitled to get a share out of it under sub-sections (3) and
(4) of section 18 in the prescribed manner shall be a full discharge of the State
Government from its liability to pay compensation for the abolition and acquisition of an
estate, but shall not prejudice any right in respect of the said estate which any other
person may be entitled by due process of law to enforce against the person or persons
to whom payment has been made as aforesaid.

Section 19A - Payment of annuity in perpetuity in certain cases

1[Notwithstanding anything in this Act, where any part of the estate in respect of which
a notication under section 4 has been issued, is held as a grant made before the rst
day of January, 1953 by the Biswedar or the Zamindar, as the case may be, for the
maintenance of an institution for education, or charitable purpose, or of any place of
religious worship, or for the performance of any religious service, such part of the
estate shall be excluded in assessing the amount of compensation payable for the whole
of such estate, to the Biswedar or the Zamindar, as the case may be, and the State
Government shall, in respect of such part, pay, by way of compensation, an annuity in
perpetuity, equal in amount to the net income from such estate in or for the basic year,
determined in accordance with the principles governing determination of compensation
as contained in the Schedule, to the person who is, or may hereafter be, recognised, in
accordance with the duty of maintenance of such institution or place of worship or the
performance of such service and any such person shall le a statement of his claim for
compensation in the prescribed manner within the prescribed period.]

1. Inserted and shall be deemed always to have been inserted vide section 4 of Rajasthan Act No. 35 of 1960,

published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV-A, dated 29-9-1960.

Section 20 - Payment of compensation on death

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If any person to whom any amount is payable under this Act by way of compensation
dies before the full payment thereof, the balance remaining unpaid shall be payable to
the person or persons found upon inquiry in the prescribed manner to be the heir or
heirs of the deceased person according to the personal law by which the latter was

Provided that, in cases in which the question of such heirship is in dispute, all claimants
thereto shall be directed to have their respective title adjudicated upon by a competent
civil court and the payment of such unpaid balance shall be in accordance with such

Section 21 - Compensation money to be placed at the disposal of the Court

If the Collector receives any order from any court requiring him to place at its disposal
the whole or part of the amount of compensation then payable but remaining unpaid to
any person under this Act, the Collector shall comply with the order of the court.

Section 22 - Questions of title

If, during the course of an inquiry under this Act by the Collector, any question relating
to right, title or interest in any estate vested in the State Government by virtue of a
notication under section 4 arises and such question has not been already determined
by a competent authority, the Collector shall, subject to the other provisions of this Act
proceed to inquire into the merits of such question and pass such orders as he thinks

Section 23 - Collector to make inquiries and pass orders under sections 19(4) and 20

The inquiries referred to in sub-section (4) of section 19 and in section 20 shall be made
by the Collector within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the minor or the person
suering from legal disability resides for the time being or the deceased person resided
immediately before his demise.

Section 24 - Appeals

(1) The State Government or any person, aggrieved by the decision or order of a
Collector under section 9 or section 11 or section 13 or section 18 or sub-section (4) of
section 19 or section 20 or section 22 or under clause 3 of the Schedule annexed hereto
may, within thirty days from the date of such decision or order, appeal to the 1[Revenue
appellate authority.]

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(2) The 1[Revenue appellate authority] shall pass such order on appeal under
sub-section (1) as he thinks t and the order of the 1[Revenue appellate authority] shall,
subject to any order passed in appeal under section 25, be nal.

1. Substituted by item 18 of the schedule to the Rajasthan Act, No. 8 of 1962, published in the Rajasthan Gazette,

Extraordinary, Part IV-A, dated 21-4-62.

Section 25 - Second Appeals

(1) An appeal shall lie to the Board of Revenue from an order of the 1[Revenue appellate
authority] passed under section 24 on appeal.

(2) An appeal under sub-section (1) may be brought within sixty days of the date of the
order appealed from on any of the grounds mentioned in sub-section (2) of section 224
of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955).

1. Substituted by item 18 of the schedule to the Rajasthan Act, No. 8 of 1962, published in the Rajasthan Gazette,

Extraordinary, Part IV-A, dated 21-4-62.

Section 26 - Review

The Board, the 1[Revenue appellate authority] the Collector or any other oicer
exercising the powers of the Collector may, either on its or his own motion or on
application made by any interested party within such time as may be prescribed, review
an order passed by itself or himself and pass such order in relation thereto as it or he
thinks t:

Provided that--

(a) no order shall be varied or reversed unless notice has been given to
the parties interested to appear and be heard in support of such order,

(b) no order from which an appeal has been made shall, so long as such
appeal is pending, be reviewed.

1. Substituted by item 18 of the schedule to the Rajasthan Act, No. 8 of 1962, published in the Rajasthan Gazette,

Extraordinary, Part IV-A, dated 21-4-62.

Section 27 - Injunction by a Civil Court barred

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Except an authority before whom an appeal under this Chapter is pending, no court or
authority shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in
force, issue any injunction against any person in respect of any proceedings pending
before any oicer under this Act, which shall have the eect of staying the proceedings.

Section 28 - Correction of errors

Clerical or arithmetical mistakes in any order passed by any oicer or authority under
this Act or errors arising therein from any accidental slip or omission may at any time
be corrected by such oicer or authority, either of his or its own motion or on any
application received in this behalf from any interested party:

Provided that no order prejudicial to any person shall be made under this section
unless such person has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

Section 29 - Khatedari rights in Khudkasht land

1[(1) As from the date of vesting of an estate, the Zamindar or Biswedar thereof shall be
a Malik of any khudkasht land in his occupation on such date and shall, as such Malik,
be entitled to all the rights conferred and be subject to all the liabilities imposed on a
khatedar tenant by or under the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955)

(2) If there are more persons than one having interest in land held as Khudkasht
immediately before the date of vesting, all such persons shall be deemed to be
2[co-Maliks thereof.]

3[X X X]

3[X X X]

1. Substituted and shall be deemed always to have been substituted vide section 5A of Rajasthan Act No. 35 of

1960, published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV A dated 29-9-1960.

2. Substituted and shall be deemed always to have been substituted vide section 5B--ibid.

3. Omitted--ibid.

Section 30 - Rights of tenants in estate

(1) Subject to the provisions of sections 15, 15A, 15B and 16 of the Rajasthan Tenancy
Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) every tenant in an estate, other than a tenant of

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Khudkasht or a subtenant, shall, as from the date of vesting, be the Khatedar tenant of
the land comprised in his holding, unless he has acquired Khatedari rights therein
before such date, and shall, as from the date of vesting, pay to the State Government,
until rents are settled in accordance with the provisions of the Rajasthan Land Revenue
Act, 1956 (Rajasthan Act No. 15 of 1956), by way of rent therefor the same amount as
he had been paying to the Zamindar or Biswedar immediately before such date but not
exceeding twice the land revenue payable in respect thereof.

(2) Upon a Zamindar or Biswedar becoming a 1[Malik] of his Khudkasht land under
section 29, every tenant of such Khudkasht shall be the sub-tenant of the land in his
occupation holding under and from such 1[Malik].

1. Substituted and shall be deemed always to have been substituted vide section 6 of Rajasthan Act No. 35 of

1960, published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Part IV-A dated 29-9-1960.

Section 31 - State Government to be a party to proceedings under Act

The State Government shall be and be deemed to be a party in every proceeding under
this Act before any oicer or authority, and every notice to be served or intended to be
served on the State Government may be served on the Collector.

Section 32 - Powers and procedure of oicers

(1) Any oicer or authority holding an inquiry or hearing an appeal or application for
review under this Act shall have the powers of a civil court under the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (Central Act 5 of 1908) relating to--

(a) proof of facts by aidavits,

(b) enforcing attendance of any person and his examination on oath,

(c) production of documents, and

(d) issuing of commissions,

and every such oicer or authority shall be deemed to be a civil court within the
meaning of sections 480 and 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Central Act
5 of 1898).

(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act or the rules made thereunder, every oicer or
authority acting under this Act shall have and exercise the same powers and shall follow
the same procedure as are had and exercisable by, and is laid down for, a revenue court

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under the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) while trying a suit
under that Act.

Section 33 - False statements

(1) If in any proceeding under this Act any person makes a statement which is false or
which he knows to be false or has reason to believe to be false or does not believe to be
true, he shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years or with
ne or with both.

(2) If any person is convicted of an oence punishable under sub-section (1) then,
without prejudice to such conviction and to any punishment imposed on that account,
such person shall be further liable to refund or restore any benet which he may have
obtained under any provision of this Act in Consequence of the statement in respect of
which he is convicted and such refund or restoration may be enforced by the Collector
upon the order of conviction becoming nal.

Section 34 - Protection of action taken under this Act

(1) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for
anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or
any rules made thereunder.

(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the State Government for any
damage caused or likely to be caused or any injury suered or likely to be suered by
virtue of any provision contained in this Act or any rules made thereunder or by
anything in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or any rules
made thereunder.

Section 35 - Delegation of powers

(1) The State Government may, by notication in the Oicial Gazette, delegate to any
oicer or authority subordinate to it all or any of the powers conferred on it by this Act
other than those conferred by sections 4 and 36.

(2) Subject to any general or special orders of the State Government, the Collector may,
with the approval of the State Government, delegate all or any of the powers conferred
on him by this Act to any Sub-Divisional Oicer or Assistant Collector subordinate to
him, and all things done, action taken and orders passed by such Sub-Divisional Oicer
or Assistant Collector in exercise of the authority so delegated to him, shall, for all the
purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been done, taken or passed, as the case may

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be, by the Collector who made such delegation.

Section 36 - Power to make rules

(1) The State Government may make rules to carry out all or any of the purposes of this

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, the
State Government shall have power to make rules--

(a) specifying the circumstances and the manner in which clearings for
cultivation or for any other purpose shall be made under section 5,

(b) laying down the conditions and terms for payment of interim compensation,

(c) prescribing the form of application under section 10 and the form of
statement of claim to be submitted under section 18 and the further particulars
to be given therein,

(d) prescribing the form of, and the details to be incorporated in, the statement
showing the amount of compensation due to the claimant under section 19,

(e) providing the manner for holding inquiries under this Act and for the service
of orders and notices made and issued thereunder,

(f) prescribing court fees to be charged on applications and, appeals under this
Act, and

(g) providing for any matter which by any provision of this Act may be or is
required to be prescribed or in respect of which, by any such provision, rules
may be or are required to be made.



(See section 14)

Principles governing determination of compensation payable to Zamindars and Biswedars.

1. Basic Year.--

The expression "basic year" means the agricultural year immediately preceding
the agricultural year in which the date of vesting falls.

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2. Gross income.--

The gross income of a Zamindar or Biswedar for the year shall be the total
income from his estate for that year under the following heads, namely:--

(a) income from rents in respect of lands in the occupation of tenants not
being tenants of Khudkasht or sub-tenants;

(b) income from cesses in the nature of rents referred to in clause (a) of
sub-section (2) of section 173 of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956
(Rajasthan Act 15 of 1956), payable and paid by or on behalf of such

(c) income from grazing dues from lands other than Khudkasht and
Shamlat Deh lands calculated on the basis of average yield for ten years
immediately preceding the basic year;

(d) income from sayar in respect of lands in the estate other than
Khudkasht and Shamlat Deh lands calculated on the same basis as
income from grazing dues.

3. Calculation of income from rents and cesses in certain cases.--

(1) Where rent is payable but has not been agreed upon, the amount thereof for
the basic year shall be xed by the Collector for the purpose of this Act in the
manner in which he would do so in a suit under section 115 of the Rajasthan
Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955).

(2) Where rents or cesses in the nature of rent for the basic year are payable and
have been paid in kind or partly in kind and partly in cash, the Collector shall,
for the purpose of this Act, determine the money value of the rents or cesses so
paid in kind in the manner in which he would do so in a suit for commutation of
rent under section 118 of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of

4. Calculation of net income.--

The net income of a Zamindar or Biswedar for the basic year shall be calculated
by deducting from his gross income for that year--

(a) the amounts payable or paid by him for the basic year--

(i) on account of land revenue, and

(ii) on account of tax on agricultural income under the Rajasthan

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Agricultural Income Tax Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act 23 of 1953) or

on account of any other tax, cess, rate, fee, duty, penalty or
charge under any law for the time being in force, in respect of the
whole of his estate excluding Khudkasht and Shamlat Deh lands;

(b) administrative charges, including the cost of collection, maintenance

of records management of the estate and irrecoverable arrears at ten per
cent of the gross income determined under clause 2.

5. Amount of compensation.--

(1) The amount of compensation payable to a Zamindar or Biswedar in

accordance with the provisions of this Act shall be the aggregate of--

(a) seven times his net income calculated in accordance with clauses 2, 3
and 4 of this Schedule, subject to the condition that it shall, in no case,
be less than twenty-ve per cent of the land revenue payable by him for
the basic year in respect of land in the occupation of tenants not being
tenants of khudkasht or sub-tenants, and

(b) twenty-ve per cent of the land revenue payable by him for the basic

(i) in respect of his Khudkasht lands, and

(ii) in respect of Shamlat Deh lands.

(2) In addition to compensation in accordance with sub-clause (1) of this clause,

a rehabilitation grant shall also be payable at the following scale, namely:--

(i) where the total land revenue twenty times the net income
payable by the Zamindar or calculated in accordance with
Biswedar does not exceed Rs. 25 item (a) of sub-clause (1) of this
per annum clause,

(ii) where such land revenue ten times such net income;
exceeds Rs. 25/-, but does not
exceed Rs. 50/-, per annum,

(iii) where such land revenue eight times such net income;
exceeds Rs. 50/-, but does not
exceed Rs. 100/-, per annum,

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(vi) where such land revenue six times such net income;
exceeds Rs. 100/-, but does not
exceed Rs. 250/-, per annum,

(v) where such land revenue four times such net income;
exceeds Rs. 250/- but does not
exceed Rs. 500/-, per annum,

(vi) where such land revenue twice such net income;

exceeds Rs. 500/-, but does not
exceed Rs. Rs. 2000/-, per annum,

(vii) where such land revenue equal to such net income;

exceeds Rs. 2000/- but does not
exceed Rs. 3500/-, per annum,

(viii) where such land revenue nil.

exceeds Rs. 3500/- per annum,

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