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Coursework Rules and Regulations at St. Patricks International College

Plagiarism the College takes plagiarism and academic misconduct seriously and
therefore, suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be
dealt with according to the procedures set down by the College. Please see your Student
Handbook for further details of course of action for plagiarism issue.

Plagiarism is presenting somebody elses work as your own. It includes copying

information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint
coursework as an individual effort; copying another students coursework; stealing
coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work.

Student Declaration all coursework submission will need to bear a declaration signed by

Submission Regulations
1 You are required to submit your coursework on-line through the Colleges Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) which can be accessed through
Detailed information about this is available in the Student Handbook.
2 Details of submission procedures and related course of actions can be obtained from
the Academic Administration Department or the Student Handbook.
3 If you are unable to submit your coursework on time due to extenuating
circumstances, you are required to make an application to your respective Schools for
it to be considered, using an Extenuating Circumstances Form available from the
Academic Admin Office. Do not ask the lecturers responsible for the course -
they are not authorised to award an extension. The completed form must be
accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.
4 Specific requirement or subject specific requirement for coursework submission will
be stated further in the assignment brief or will be advised by your lecturer.

Breakdown of assignment:

Suggested word count for this essay is 4000 words (+/-10%) allowance covering
all the assessment criteria in LO1-LO3 as one document. Your work has to be to
the point.

Formative Submission

1 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016

Formative assessment will take place to advise you on your progress throughout the term
from week 2 and ways in which you could improve before the final (summative submission).
The feedback is for your benefit and is not part of your final grade for the unit. Formative
feedback may be in verbal and/or written form (at the teachers discretion). You may also be
asked to submit the essay in electronic form to your teacher, to which you will receive verbal
and/or written feedback.

Learning Outcomes Assessment To achieve the criteria the evidence Task No

Criteria must show that the student is able to:

LO1. 1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures for

communicating information on health and safety
Understand how health
in the health and social care workplace in
and safety legislation is
accordance with legislative requirements.
implemented in the health
and social care workplace

1.2 Assess the responsibilities in a specific health

and social care work place for the management
of health and safety in relation to organizational

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1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities appropriate
for a specific health and social care workplace.

LO2. 2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessment

informs care planning for individuals and
Understand the ways in
organizational decision making about policies
which health and safety
and procedures.
requirements impact on
2.2 Analyse the impact of one aspect of health and
customers and the work of safety policy on health and social care practice
and its customers.
practitioners in the health
and social care workplace 2.3 Discuss how dilemmas encountered in relation
to implementing systems and policies for health,
safety and security may be addressed.

2.4 Analyse the effects of non-compliance with

health and safety legislation in a health and
social care workplace.

LO3. 3.1 Explain how health and safety policies and

practices are monitored and reviewed.
Understand the monitoring
3.2 Analyse the effectiveness of health and safety
and review of health and
policies and practices in the workplace in
safety in the health and promoting a positive healthy and safe culture.
social care workplace
3.3 Evaluate own contribution to placing the health
and safety needs of individuals at the centre of

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In addition to the PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the
following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades. NB: It is important to Note that M2 and M3 is to be met in all LOS. Case studies to be
used in All Learning outcomes (LOS) except 3.3.

Grade Descriptors Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply strategies to find Made effective judgement as to how health To achieve M1 you must demonstrate that you have
appropriate solutions and safety policies are practiced. evaluated your own practice/responsibilities for
health and safety in the work place by evaluating
your contribution to placing the health and safety
AND needs of individuals at the centre of practice (AC

Assignment related activities have been To achieve M1 you must demonstrate that you
assess the responsibilities in a specific health and
managed on time social care workplace for the management of health
and safety in relation to organisational structure
using (North Staffordshire Trust) (AC 1. 2).

To achieve M1 you must submit the work on

M2 Select / design and apply appropriate A range of sources of information has To achieve M2 you have cited all references
methods / techniques and sources of materials used and given in
been used within the assignment
text citation and list of references using
the Harvard referencing system,
4 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016
consistently within the assignment.
Sources from (Books, Journals, Publications, and

M3 Present and communicate appropriate The appropriate structure and approach have To achieve M3 you have to ensure that
findings been used. appropriate structure and approach have
been applied consistently within the

Also you have written the assignment concisely

and succinctly, developing arguments in an
ordered fashion (in the context of a case
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own Conclusion arrived at through synthesis of ideas & To achieve D1 you need to use critical reflection to
work and justify valid conclusions evaluate your own contribution to ensuring health and
safety in a workplace, and justify your conclusion. (A.C


To achieve D1 you need to critically evaluate the impact of

one aspect of health and safety Policy e.g. Manual
Handling Policy on health and social care practice and its
customers (A.C. 2.2).

D2 Take responsibility for managing and To achieve D2 you need to propose realistic improvement
organising activities for the organisation and self in addressing dilemmas
Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated encountered using examples from your place of work or
using case study 2 (A.C. 2.3).

To achieve D2 you need to demonstrate that you have

5 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016

independently planned, managed and organized
monitoring and review safety policy, practices and other
related activities (A.C. 3.1).

D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral Innovation/Creative thoughts have been applied To achieve D3 you need to give distinct ideas for
/creative thinking effectively communicating information on health and safety
to all stakeholders (A.C 1.1).


To achieve D3 you need to clearly set and justify the

health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health
and social care workplace (A.C 1.3).

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In this assignment, you are required to demonstrate your understanding about your responsibilities in
ensuring the health and safety of the health and social care workplace and the people within it. Use the
following case studies to complete the tasks as below:

Task 1:

Use the North Staffordshire Trust case study below to complete LO 1: (1.1, 1.2 & 1.3)

1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures, which the new director implemented, to ensure that
information on health and safety is properly communicated in accordance with legislative requirements.
(Case study 1).

1.2 Assess the responsibilities for managing health and safety also apply to the North Staffordshire
combined NHS Trust in relation to its organisational structure. (Case study 1).

1.3 Select one service area from the trust below (e.g. surgical, medical, elderly, children), and analyse
the health and safety priorities for the service chosen. (Case study 1).

Case study 1:

North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

In the North Staffordshire Combined NHS Trust, it was observed that employers and employees did not
comply with the health and safety at work Act 1974. This led to high rates of incidences, accidents,
injuries and death. In addition, the insurance premiums were very high.

North Staffordshire board found itself facing service improvement targets. Using new corporate and
clinical guidance, it set about taking a 'whole systems' approach to managing corporate risk, giving one of
its directors responsibility for the leadership of health and safety for the first time. Health and safety was
also made a key item on the boards agenda.

This has resulted in a much better integrated health and safety management system that increases the
opportunity to identify and manage all corporate risks, and a much more open culture, improving reporting
and monitoring. The board actively promotes a culture that gives staff the confidence to report incidents.
The new Director also improved compliance with health and safety legislation and procedures including
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), Manual handling, First Aid, Fire safety and prevention.

This has resulted in:

Reduced incidence rates by 16% over two years;

Reduced Insurance premiums by 10%.
End of case study 1

NB: Learners are expected to use the 2nd case study to complete Tasks 2 and 3 except 2.3 and 3.3.

Task 2:

7 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016

Complete LO2: (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) using the South Birmingham Primary Care Trust case study
2 below.

2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessment informs care planning for individuals and
organisational decision making about policies and procedures which would avoid incidents similar to the
ones given in the case study 2.

2.2 Analyse the impact of Manual handling practices to individuals in relation to Health and safety
policies in case study 2.

2.3 Discuss how dilemmas encountered in relation to implementing systems and policies for health,
safety and security may be addressed, using examples from your place of work or case study 2.

2.4 Analyse the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation and relate to the case
study 2.

Task 3:

Complete LO 3 (3.1, 3.2) using the South Birmingham Primary Care Trust case study 2 below.

3.1 EXPLAIN how health and safety practices are monitored and reviewed, also refer to the information
given in case study 2.

3.2 Analyse the effectiveness of Health and Safety policies and practices and also use the South
Birmingham Primary Care Trust case study 2 in promoting a positive, healthy and safe culture.

3.3 Evaluate your contribution in placing health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of your
practice. (You have to relate to your own experience at the place of work).

Case Study 2: South Birmingham Primary Care Trust

Pensioners death prompts risk assessment reminder to care organisations.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is warning health and social care employers to ensure
that risk assessments are carried out to determine the suitability of equipment used in everyday

The warning follows an incident that occurred on 25th March 2006 in the Elderly Directorate of
Moseley Hall Hospital which is part of South Birmingham Primary Care Trust. Two auxiliary
nurses were transferring 90-yr old Alice Belle (AB) from a commode to a bed, using a large sling
and a battery-operated lifting hoist, when she fell from the sling to the floor and died at the

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An HSE's investigation found that neither the hoist nor sling was defective but that the patient
had slipped from the sling as it was too large. A coroner's verdict, in September 2007, was
recorded as 'accidental death to which neglect contributed'.

South Birmingham Primary Care Trust was fined a total of 20,000 and ordered to pay costs of
17,500 at Birmingham Crown Court, on 1st December, 2008, after pleading guilty to breaching
section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

HSE investigating inspector Amanda James said:

AB was a frail and vulnerable 90-yr old for whom the large sling, used at the time of the accident,
was unsuitable. The moving and handling risk assessment in place at the time did not specify
which sling should be used for the patient. A suitable risk assessment, carried out by competent
staff, would have identified and recorded the appropriate type and size of sling and this should
then have been communicated to all staff involved in moving and handling the patient.

"South Birmingham Primary Care Trust failed in its duty by exposing the patient to grave risk. It is
essential to ensure that all equipment, including hoists and slings, is appropriate for the
individual being moved or handled. It is also vital that professional carers and nursing staff
receive adequate information, instruction and training in the correct selection and safe use of
that equipment."

In a three-year period, from April 2004 to April 2007, HSE and local authorities received reports
of approximately 92 incidents involving falls to patients or service-users, in the health and social
care sector, where a hoist or sling was involved.

Judge Bill Davis, QC, in summing, said: "Those who are most vulnerable need the most careful
care and by pleading guilty the PCT accepted that, in this case, they didn't give proper care."

Section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states: "It shall be the duty of every
employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby
exposed to risks to their health or safety".

In this instance, patients were 'non-employees' who were put at risk by South Birmingham PCT's
failure to have a safe system of work in relation to:

a) Selecting the correct size and type of sling to be used to lift patients; and

b) Identifying the correct type and size of sling to be used for each task for patients in
their records and effectively communicating the same to its employees.

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Further Guidance


Each Unit will be graded as a Pass, Merit, and Distinction when all learning
outcomes and assessment criteria have been met.

A Pass is awarded for the achievement of all Learning Outcomes against the
specified Assessment Criteria.

A Merit or Distinction is awarded for higher level achievement upon achieving

the Ms and Ds criteria.

If all required assessment criteria have not been achieved the work is graded

If the work illustrate more than the similarity % cap or concern over originality
of part or all content of the work, it is graded Withheld. The student will then
be interviewed to ascertain originality.

In the case of incomplete work or partial submission (others such as blank template,
no evidence of real attempt), the work is graded Unreasonable Submission.

When a Unit has been assessed, Grades are reported on the Colleges VLE. You
can obtain the grade awarded by viewing the Submission Inbox, navigating
different tabs to see the status of your submission. By viewing the Report, the
Originality can be obtained. Clicking on the GradeMark tab will reveal the
QuickMark comments. Clicking on the General Comment tab will reveal the
comments made by the Assessor and Internal Verifier.

Please note that numeric value (for example, 75% for Distinction) is used to
classify the different grades awarded to support the system requirement on the
Colleges VLE, Grades are reported on the VLE as follow:


75% Distinction

65% Merit

11 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016

50% Pass

35% Referred

10% Withheld

W1 direct copy from various sources

W2 collusion

(Note: detailed feedback on W1 and W2 will

be provided by the Assessor in the General
feedback section.)

5% Unreasonable Submission

Additional Information

For any late submission without approved Extenuating circumstances prior

to the set deadline, the grade is capped at a PASS.

It is expected that the guided word count are adhered to when writing
your coursework.

Specific Instructions

Read the assignment brief to enable you answer the questions correctly.

When answering all learning outcomes, students have to relate or use the case
studies below except in 3.3:

Learning outcome 1: (1.1, 1.2, 1. 3) Use case study 1: North

Staffordshire Trust.

Learning outcome 2: (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) Use case study 2: The
death of Alice Belle, an elderly woman of 90 years old.

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Learning Outcome 3: (3.1, 3.2) Use case study 2: The death of Alice
Belle, an elderly woman of 90 years old. Use Own experience from your
place of work to answer 3.3.

NB: Do not mix up the case studies.

You are also encouraged to use examples from your place of work in
the health and social care setting.

Defining key words and using references are very important. Also, use
diagrams as appropriate.

Brief introduction and conclusion are important to enable you achieve

better grade.

Include a list of references at the end of your essay

Avoid using www. Or google references. Read books

Use Harvard style of referencing throughout your essay to achieve


Submit completed assignment on the Due Date. When you submit at a

later date, you expect to get a PASS only.

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