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Third Issue October 2014

Export countries from the Netherlands - see rear cover for details

K5 External Wall Board


Premium performance rigid

thermoset insulation
thermal conductivities
as low as 0,020 W/m.K
Suitable for use behind
traditional and lightweight
polymer modified renders and
dry cladding systems
Unaffected by air infiltration
Resistant to the passage of
water vapour
Easy to handle and install
Ideal for new build or
Nondeleterious material
Manufactured with a blowing
agent that has zero ODP and
low GWP
K5 External Wall Board

Description Product Data

Kingspan Kooltherm K5 External Wall Board comprises a Property Result
premium performance rigid thermoset modified resin fibre free
insulation core, faced on both sides with a glass tissue based
Product Thickness Refer to local distributor for current stock
facing, autohesively bonded to the insulation core during and nonstock sizes
manufacture. Board Length (mm) 1200
Board Width (mm) 400
Density ca. 35 kg/m3
General Closed Cells min. 90%
Resistance to Solvents, Fungi & Rodents Thermal
The insulation core is resistant to shortterm contact with Thermal Conductivity 0,021 W/m.K (thickness < 45 mm)
petrol and with most dilute acids, alkalis and mineral oils. (EN 13166) 0,020 W/m.K (thickness 45120 mm)
0,021 W/m.K (thickness > 120 mm)
However, it is recommended that any spills be cleaned off fully
Fire & Smoke
before the boards are installed. Ensure that safe methods of
Reaction to Fire C-s2, d0 (as placed on the market)
cleaning are used, as recommended by suppliers of the spilt
(EN 13501-1) B-s1, d0 (in application)
liquid. The insulation core is not resistant to some solvent
based adhesive systems, particularly those containing methyl
ethyl ketone. Adhesives containing such solvents should not Example Detail Drawing
be used in association with this product. Damaged boards or
boards that have been in contact with harsh solvents or acids
should not be used. Bedding compound

Cutting Kingspan Kooltherm K5

Cutting should be carried out by using a fine toothed saw. External Wall Board

Ensure accurate trimming to achieve closebutting joints and Render system

incorporating a
continuity of insulation. glass fibre mesh

Daily Working Practice

At the completion of each days work, or whenever work is
interrupted for extended periods of time, a night joint must be
made in order to prevent water penetration into the construction.

Packaging and Storage

Mechanical fixings
The polyethylene packaging of Kingspan Insulation products,
which is recyclable, should not be considered adequate for
outdoor protection. Ideally, boards should be stored inside a Standards & Approvals
building. If, however, outside storage cannot be avoided, then
The Kingspan Kooltherm K5 External Wall Board is
the boards should be stacked clear of the ground and covered manufactured to the highest standards and has CE marking
with an opaque polythene sheet or weatherproof tarpaulin. and EPD.
Boards that have been allowed to get wet should not be used.

Health and Safety

Kingspan Insulation products are chemically inert and safe to
use. A Safety Information Data Sheet for this product is
available from the Kingspan Insulation website.
Warning do not stand on or otherwise support your weight on this product unless it is fully
supported by a load bearing surface.

Kingspan Insulation B.V.

Lorentzstraat 1, 7102 JH Winterswijk, Netherlands
P.O. Box 198, 7100 AD Winterswijk, Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 543 543 210 Fax: +31 (0) 344 675 215
email: [email protected]
Technical Advice
Tel: +31 (0) 344 675 224
email: [email protected]
Export countries from the Netherlands comprise all European countries (including all of the
Russion Federation, Ukraine and Belarus) except for Benelux, the UK, Ireland, Gibraltar, Malta,
the Nordics, Germany, France, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Kingspan, Kooltherm and the Lion Device are Registered Trademarks of the Kingpan Group
plc in the EU and other countries. All rights reserved.

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