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G.R. No. 151135, July 2, 2004

Topic: forms of escape from taxation

Contex Corporation is a domestic corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing
hospital textiles and garments and other hospital supplies for export. Petitioners place of
business is at the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ). It is duly registered with the Subic
Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) as a Subic Bay Freeport Enterprise, pursuant to the
provisions of Republic Act No. 7227.

As an SBMA-registered firm, petitioner is exempt from all local and national internal
revenue taxes except for the preferential tax provided for in Section 12 (c) of Rep. Act
No. 7227. Petitioner also registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) as a non-
VAT taxpayer under Certificate of Registration RDO Control No. 95-180-000133.

Contex purchased various supplies and materials necessary in the conduct of its
manufacturing business. The suppliers of these goods shifted unto petitioner the 10%
VAT on the purchased items, which led the petitioner to pay input taxes in the amounts
of P539,411.88 and P504,057.49 for 1997 and 1998, respectively.

Contex, on the belief that it was exempt from all national and local taxes, including VAT,
pursuant to RA 7227, it filed two applications for tax refund or tax credit of the VAT it
paid. Revenue district officer of BIR RDO No. 19, denied the first application letter.

Petitioner filed another application for tax refund/credit, this time directly with the
regional director of BIR Revenue Region No. 4. When no response was forthcoming
from the BIR Regional Director, petitioner then elevated the matter to the Court of Tax
Appeals. The CTA ordered to refund or in the alternative to issue a tax credit certificate in
favor of Petitioner the sum of P683,061.90, representing erroneously paid input VAT.

The CIR filed a petition for review of the decision of the CTA before the CA. Respondent
CIR maintained that the exemption of Contex Corp. under RA 7227 was limited only to
direct taxes and not to indirect taxes such as the input component of the VAT. The
Commissioner pointed out that from its very nature, the value-added tax is a burden
passed on by a VAT registered person to the end users; hence, the direct liability for the
tax lies with the suppliers and not Contex. CA reversed the decision of CTA.
1. Whether or not the VAT exemption embodied in RA 7227 does not apply to petitioner
as a purchaser.

2. Whether or not petitioner is entitled to a tax refund on its purchases of supplies and
raw materials for 1997 and 1998.

Argument of Contex: petitioner argues that the appellate courts restrictive interpretation of
petitioners VAT exemption as limited to those covered by Section 107 of the Tax Code is
erroneous and devoid of legal basis. It contends that the provisions of Rep. Act No. 7227 clearly
and unambiguously mandate that no local and national taxes shall be imposed upon SBFZ-
registered firms and hence, said law should govern the case. Petitioner calls our attention to
regulations issued by both the SBMA and BIR clearly and categorically providing that the tax
exemption provided for by Rep. Act No. 7227 includes exemption from the imposition of VAT
on purchases of supplies and materials.

Argument of CIR: while RA7227 does grant tax exemptions, such grant is not all-
encompassing but is limited only to those taxes for which aSBFZ-registered business may be
directly liable. Hence, SBFZ locators are not relieved from the indirect taxes that may be
shifted to them by a VAT-registered seller.

1. Petitioners VAT exemption under Rep. Act No. 7227 is limited to the VAT on
which it is directly liable as a seller. The VAT is an indirect tax. As such, the
amount of tax paid on the goods, properties or services bought, transferred, or leased
may be shifted or passed on by the seller, transferor, or lessor to the buyer, transferee
or lessee.

A direct tax, such as the income tax, primarily taxes an individuals ability to pay
based on his income or net wealth,

An indirect tax, such as the VAT, is a tax on consumption of goods, services, or

certain transactions involving the same. The VAT, thus, forms a substantial portion
of consumer expenditures.

Further, in indirect taxation, there is a need to distinguish between the liability for the
tax and the burden of the tax. The amount of tax paid may be shifted or passed on by
the seller to the buyer. What is transferred in such instances is not the liability for the
tax, but the tax burden. In adding or including the VAT due to the selling price, the
seller remains the person primarily and legally liable for the payment of the
tax. What is shifted only to the intermediate buyer and ultimately to the final
purchaser is the burden of the tax.

VAT Exemption. An exemption means that the sale of goods or properties and/or
services and the use or lease of properties is not subject to VAT (output tax) and
the seller is not allowed any tax credit on VAT (input tax) previously paid.

Zero-rated Sales. These are sales by VAT-registered persons which are subject to
0% rate, meaning the tax burden is not passed on to the purchaser. A zero-rated
sale by a VAT-registered person, which is a taxable transaction for VAT purposes,
shall not result in any output tax. However, the input tax on his purchases of
goods, properties or services related to such zero-rated sale shall be available as
tax credit or refund in accordance with these regulations.

While it is true that the petitioner should not have been liable for the VAT
inadvertently passed on to it by its supplier since such is a zero-rated sale on the
part of the supplier, the petitioner is not the proper party to claim such VAT

Since the transaction is deemed a zero-rated sale, petitioners supplier may claim an
Input VAT credit with no corresponding Output VAT liability. Congruently, no Output
VAT may be passed on to the petitioner.

2. Contex cannot claim any refund or exemption for any input VAT it paid, if any,
on its purchases of raw materials and supplies. It may not be amiss to re-
emphasize that the petitioner is registered as a NON-VAT taxpayer and thus, is
exempt from VAT. As an exempt VAT taxpayer, it is not allowed any tax credit on
VAT (input tax) previously paid.

Even if we are to assume that exemption from the burden of VAT on petitioners
purchases did exist, petitioner is still not entitled to any tax credit or refund on the
input tax previously paid as petitioner is an exempt VAT taxpayer.

Rather, it is the petitioners suppliers who are the proper parties to claim the tax credit
and accordingly refund the petitioner of the VAT erroneously passed on to the latter.

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