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1.Factors to be considered in choosing Steam Power plants is
a)Fuel transport facility b) Distance from the populated area c) Water sources d) All the

2.Generators used in power plants converts

a) Potential to Kinetic energy b) Kinetic to Mechanical energy
c) Electrical to Mechanical energy d) Mechanical to Electrical energy

3.Steam Power plant will have

a) Coal and ash handling circuit b) Air and flue gases circuit
c) Cooling water circuit d) All the above

4.Main disadvantage of Steam Power plant is

a) Lead time to install the plant is more b) Initial investment cost is high
c) Land area requirement is more d) All the above

5.The working fluid of Gas Power Plant is

a) Water b)Air c) Kerosene d) Natural gas

6.The purpose of using Regenerator is Gas power plant is

a) to cool the air b) to cool the Exhaust gases c) to recover heat from exhaust gas
d) all the above

7.The main disadvantage of Gas power plant is

a) External power is required to start the compressor b) Net output is very low
c) Overall efficiency is less d) all the above

8.The advantage of Diesel power plant is

a) Less space b) Cost is less c) Thermal efficiency is high d) All the above
9.In the Hydel power plant
a) Potential energy is converted to Kinetic energy
b) Kinetic energy is converted to Mechanical energy
c) Mechanical energy is converted to Electrical energy
d) All the above
10.Factor to be considered for selecting Hydro Power plant is
a) Availability of water sources b) Water storage capacity 3) Type of land 4) all the above

11.Factor to be considered for selecting Nuclear power plant is

a) Availability of water b) Disposal of wastage c) Distance from populated area
d) All the above

12.The common fuel used in Nuclear power plant is

a) Uranium b) Diesel c) Natural gas d) None of the above

13.The advantage of Nuclear power plant is

a) Suitable for large power generation b) Does not require large quantity of water
c) No emission of smoke and dust d) All the above

14.Disadvantages of Nuclear power plant is

a) Initial plant cost is high b) Maintenance cost is more
c) Care should be taken for disposal of radioactive wastage d) All the above


1. Boiler can also be called as
a) Super Heater b) Steam Generator c) Evaporator d) Economizer

2. This boiler has baffles inside its tubes

a) Cochran Boiler b) La Mont Boiler c) Benson Boiler d) Lancashire Boiler

3. The centrifugal pump is used to circulate water and steam is known as

a) Forced Circulation b) Natural Circulation
c) Evaporation d) all are correct

4. Benson boiler is having the steam generating capacity of

a) 45 T/hr b) 100 T/hr c) 150 T/hr d) 23 T/hr

5. The fire tube boilers are normally

a) Low Pressure Boilers b) Internally Fired Boilers
c) Steam inside the tubes d) all are correct

6. Steam separating drum is available in

a) Benson Boiler b) La Mont Boiler
c) Cochran Boiler d) Babcock and Wilcox Boiler

7. Hemispherical shaped shell is of

a) Vertex Boiler b) Cochran Boiler c) Lancashire Boiler d) Benson Boiler

8. Water from the condenser is send to boiler pipes by means of a

a) generator b) inter cooler c) pump d) cooling tower

9. The boilers used to operate above 150 bar pressure are known as
a) Low Pressure Boilers b) High Pressure Boilers
c) Medium Pressure Boilers d) None of these

10. The boiler with steam separated drum is

a) La Mont Boiler b) Benson Boiler
c) Babcock and Wilcox Boiler d) Cochran Boiler

11. The level of water in a boiler is indicated by

a) Water Level Indicator b) Pressure Gauge c) Stop Valve d) Blow of cock

12. Example of a vertical fire tube boiler

a) Cochran Boiler b) Benson Boiler
c) La Mont Boiler d) Babcock and Wilcox Boiler

13. The flow of steam is regulated by

a) Steam Regulator b) Steam Stop Valve c) Blow off Cock d) Feed Check Valve

14. Air Pre heater is used to

a) Pre heat the atmospheric air b) Pre heat the boiler air
c) Pre heat the water d) Pre heat the furnace

15.The pump converts

a) Mechanical to electrical energy b) Electrical energy to Mechanical energy
c) Mechanical to hydraulic energy d) Kinetric energy to Mechanical energy

16.Impellers are provided with

a) Forward curved b) Backward curved c)No curve d) Inward curve

17.Priming of pumps means filling the water in the

a)Suction pipe b) Delivery pipe c) Foot valve d) Strainer

18.Multistaage pump consists of

a) One impeller b) Two impellers c) No impeller d) Two or more impellers

19.Receprocating pump consists of

a) Piston b) Piston and Impeller c) No piston d) No impeller

20.The turbine converts

a) Electrical energy to Mechanical energy b) Mechanical to kinetic energy
c) Available source to Mechanical energy d) Mechanica
21.The speed of the turbine can be reduced by
a) Pressure compounding b) Velocity compounding c) Pressure and velocity compounding
d) All the above
UNIT III 2 Mark questions
1.Name the source of energy:

Fossil fuels, Nuclear energy, Energy stored in water, Solar energy,

Wind energy, Ocean energy, Geo thermal energy.

2.What is Power plant?

A system of equipments which is used to generate mechanical or

electrical energy is called power plant.

3.Name the different types of power plants:

Steam power plant, Hydel power plant, Diesel power plant, Nuclear
power plant, Gas turbine power plant, Wind power plant, Solar power plant,
Geo thermal power plant and Tidal power plant.

4.What is a Steam power plant?

A system of equipments that converts the heat energy into electrical

energy is called steam power plant. It is also known as thermal power plant.

5.What is meant by Prime mover?

A prime mover is a device that is used to convert energy from any

natural source into mechanical energy.

6.What are four main circuits of a thermal power plant?

1.Feed water and steam flow circuit 2.Coal and ash circuit 3.Air and
gas circuit 4.Cooling water circuit

7.Give the function of the condenser in a steam power plant:

Condenser is used to condense the steam from the turbine and again
fed to the boiler.

8.What is the function of economizer in a steam power plant?

It receives the waste heat from the flue gases and utilizes the heat to
raise the temperature of feed water.

9.Mention the reason for preferring steam power plant to other power plants:

1.Less space is required. 2.Initial cost is low 3.Respond to changing

load 4.Continuous power generation.

10.List the advantages of steam power plants:

1.Initial cost is low when compared to hydel power plant.

2.Installation time required for the plant is less than hydro power

3.The power production not depends on natures mercy.

4.The power plant can be located near load center. So the

Transmission cost and transmission losses are reduced.

11.What is Hydro electric power plant?

A system of equipments which converts the potential energy of water

stored in a dam built across the river into electric energy is called hydro electric
power plant.

12.What is the function of the penstock pipe?

Penstock is the waterway to carry water from dam to the power

house. These pipes are made up of steel or reinforced concrete.

13.What are the factors to be considered for site selection of a hydro power
1.Availability of water 2.Water storage capacity 3.Distance from
the load center 4 Type of land.

14.List the advantages of hydro electric power plant:

1.Water is cheapest and reliable source of generation

2.No fuel transportation problem

3.No ash disposal problem

4.Maintenance and running costs are low.

15.What are the essential components of Nuclear power reactor?

Fuel, Moderator, Reflector, Coolant. Control rods, Shielding

16.What is meant by cladding?

To prevent the contamination of the coolant by fission products the

fuel element.

17.what is the use of regenerator?

Regenerator is used to preheat the air entering the combustion

chamber and increase the efficiency of the plant.

18.What is a gas turbine power plant?

The system of equipments which converts the energy obtained from

the gas into electric energy is called as gas turbine power plant.

19. What is the function of intercoolers in gas turbine power plants?

Intercoolers are used to reduce the work of the compressor and

increase the efficiency.

20.State any four major advantages of a gas turbine plant:

1.Efficiency of the plant is higher 2.Maintenance cost is low 3.Plants
are subjected to less vibrations 4.Large power can be developed from small

21.What is a diesel engine power plant?

A system of equipments in which the diesel engine is directly coupled

to the generator and thus producing electric power is called diesel engine power

22.What are the advantages of diesel power plants?

It can start quickly and possess easy pick up. Fuel handling and
storage is easy.

22.What is a nuclear power plant?

A system of equipments which converts the nuclear energy into

electric energy is called a nuclear power plant.

29.What is meant by nuclear reactor?

The device giving large amount of nuclear energy through fusion

process at a controlled rate is called nuclear reactor.

30.What is meant by nuclear fission?

When heavy nucleus like Uranium is bombarded with slow neutron, it

splits into two nuclei of nearly equal magnitude and a large amount of energy is
produced. This process is called nuclear fission.

31.What is the function of moderator in a nuclear power plant?

Moderator is used to slow down the fast moving electrons in the

nuclear reactor, which are produced during nuclear fission.

32.List the major classification of power plants?

1.Steam power plant 2.Gas turbine power plant

3.Diesel power plant 4.Hydo electric power plant

5.Nuclear power plant.

34.Give any two disadvantages of thermal power plant?

1.The fuel, coal is non-renewable source of energy which gets

exhausted after burning

2.Smoke from the plant causes air pollution.

35.Define pump:

A pump may be defined as a hydraulic machine which converts

mechanical energy into hydraulic energy.

36.What is the principle of a centrifugal pump?

The basic working principle of centrifugal pump is that when a certain

mass of liquid is made to rotate by an external force, it is thrown away from the
central axis of rotation and a centrifugal pressure is developed which rises the
liquid to higher level.

37.What is priming?

The entire operation of completely filling the suction pipe, casing and
a portion of the delivery pipe up to delivery valve with the liquid to be pumped is
called priming.

38.Differentiate between a single-acting and double-acting reciprocating pump:

In a single acting reciprocating pump, liquid acts on one side of the

piston only. In a double acting reciprocating pump, the liquid is acting on both
sides of the piston.

39.State the principle of steam turbine:

The steam turbine is essentially a flow machine in which heat energy
in the steam is transferred into kinetic energy and this kinetic energy is utilized to
rotate the rotor while steam flows through the turbine.

40.How steam turbines are classified?

Impulse turbine and Reaction turbines.

41.What do you mean by Boiler?

Boiler is a major component in a steam power plant. Boiler contains

water tubes carrying water and it is converted into hot steam by burning coal
inside the boiler.

42.Define boiler:

The boiler is to convert water into steam by the application of heat. Boiler is a
heat exchanger and it has found application in thermal power plants.

43.How do you classify the boilers?

1. According to flow of water and flue gases: a) Water tube boilers

b) Fire tube boilers

2.According to axis a)Vertical boilers

b)Horizontal boilers

3.According to steam pressure a)Low pressure boilers

b)High pressure boilers

44.Define water tube boilers:

In water tube boilers, water flows inside the tubes and drums and the hot flue
gases flow over the tubes. Eg Babcock and Wilcox, La-mont and Benson.

45.Define Fire tube boilers:

In fire tube boilers, hot flue gases from the furnace flow inside the tubes and
water flows over the tubes: Eg. Lancashire boiler, Cochran boiler, Locomotive.

46.What do you understand by boiler mountings?

They are used for the safe operation of the boiler and provided with every boiler.
Safety valve, Pressure gauge and fusible plugs.

47.Name the important components of the boilers:

1.Economiser. 2.Super heater. 3.Boiler shell. 4.Furnace 5.Evaporator. 6.Feed

pump and 7.Air pre heater.

48.What is a high pressure boiler? Give examples:

The boiler in which steam is generated at high pressure (above 100 bar) and high
temperature (above 5400C) are known as high pressure boilers. Eg Lamont and
Benson boilers

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