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May 24, 1996
G.R. No. 119655
Bellosillo, J.
Case Digest By: Danduan J.

Where the premium has only been partially paid and the balance paid only after the
peril insured against has occurred, the insurance contract did not take effect and the
insured cannot collect at all on the policy.

On January 22, 1987, private respondent Fortune Life and General Insurance Co.,
Inc. (Fortune) issued fire insurance policy in favor of Violeta Tibay and/or Nicolas
Roraldo on their two-storey residential building in Makati City, together with all
their personal effects therein. The insurance was for P600,000.00 covering the
period from January 23, 1987 to January 23, 1988. Of the total premium of
P2,983.50, petitioner Violeta Tibay only paid P600.00, thus leaving a considerable
balance unpaid.

On March 8, 1987, the insured building was completely destroyed by fire. Two days
later, or on March 10, 1987, Violeta Tibay paid the balance of the premium. On the
same day, she filed with Fortune a claim on the fire insurance policy.

In a letter dated June 11, 1987, Fortune denied the claim of Violeta for violation of
Policy Condition No. 2 and of Section 77 of the Insurance Code. Efforts to settle
the case before the Insurance Commission proved futile. Thus, petitioners sued
Fortune for damages in the amount of P600,000.00 representing the total coverage
of the fire insurance policy plus interests and damages.

The trial court ruled for petitioners and held Fortune liable. Upon appeal, the Court
of Appeals reversed the decision and declared that Fortune was not liable.

May a fire insurance policy be valid, binding and enforceable upon mere partial
payment of premium? NO.
Insurance is a contract whereby one undertakes for a consideration to indemnify
another against loss, damage or liability arising from an unknown or contingent
event. The consideration is the premium, which must be paid at the time and in the
way and manner specified in the policy, and if not so paid, the policy will lapse and
be forfeited by its own terms.

In this case, the subject Policy provides for payment of premium in full. Accordingly,
where the premium has only been partially paid and the balance paid only
after the peril insured against has occurred, the insurance contract did
not take effect and the insured cannot collect at all on the policy. This is
fully supported by Sec. 77 of the Insurance Code which provides

Section 77. An insurer is entitled to payment of the premium as soon as the

thing insured is exposed to the peril insured against. Notwithstanding any
agreement to the contrary, no policy or contract of insurance issued by an
insurance company is valid and binding unless and until the premium thereof
has been paid, except in the case of a life or an industrial life policy whenever
the grace period provision applies.

While it maybe true that under Section 77 of the Insurance Code, the parties may
not agree to make the insurance contract valid and binding without payment of
premiums, there is nothing in said section which suggests that the parties may not
agree to allow payment of the premiums in installment, or to consider the contract
as valid and binding upon payment of the first premium. Otherwise we would allow
the insurer to renege on its liability under the contract, had a loss incurred before
completion of payment of the entire premium, despite its voluntary acceptance of
partial payments, a result eschewed by basic considerations of fairness and equity.

In this case, as expressly agreed upon in the contract, full payment must be made
before the risk occurs for the policy to be considered effective and in force. Thus, no
vinculum juris ever resulted from the fractional payment of premium.

Verily, it is elemental law that the payment of premium is requisite to keep the
policy of insurance in force. If the premium is not paid in the manner prescribed in
the policy as intended by the parties the policy is ineffective. Partial payment
even when accepted as a partial payment will not keep the policy alive
even for such fractional part of the year as the part payment bears to the
whole payment.

The case of South Sea Surety and Insurance Company, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,
speaks only of two (2) statutory exceptions to the requirement of payment of the
entire premium as a prerequisite to the validity of the insurance contract. These
exceptions are: (a) in case the insurance coverage relates to life or industrial life
(health) insurance when a grace period applies, and (b) when the insurer makes a
written acknowledgment of the receipt of premium, this acknowledgment being
declared by law to, be then conclusive evidence of the premium payment.

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