Nss Application Form

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National School of Sciences



Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal

3 AD
Faculty of Science
Form No.:

Application Form Recent Photo

(To be filled by the respective student only)

Full Name

b]jgfu/Ldf Date of Birth B.S. A.D.

Permanent Address Phone No.

Temporary Address Phone No.

Father's Name Mother's Name

Father's Occupation Mother's Occupation

Guardian's Name Relationship

Guardian's Contact No. Mobile Office Residence

Student's Academic History

Name of previous school Percentage in Sent-Up Marks obtained in SLC Percentage years attended

I duly confirm that the answers I have furnished on this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I shall be liable

for any misinformation.

Date: Signature of the applicant

National School of Sciences



Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal

199 Recent Photo
3 AD
Form No.:
Name of student

Address Contact No

Previous school

Entrance Schedule

Signature of student Signature of Principal


Aims and objectives

Our primary goal is to prepare individuals equipped with essential mental and physical abilities, enabling them to suitably accommodate with the future life career; with the
objective of inculcating cleanliness in speech, habits, correct sense of patriotism, loyalty to the country, having aptitude for initiative, love for self help, appreciation for the value
of time, respect for law and order, right living, well equipped to fall into a position in a particular business and be able to support himself, NSS functional evaluation is based
on involving the school, the students and the parents. NSS hopes high standard in work, performance, and deserving proper career opportunities in its products.

Every student is expected to attain 90% of attendance in each subject, falling which the school has the right not to allow the defaulter to take part in examination.

Leave of Absence
No students will be allowed leave with valid reason. During the term, leave will be permitted ONLY if the school Is informed in advance along with the submission of a leave
application, duly signed by the parent with doctor's valid certificate.
If a student remains absent without proper leave application continuously for six days, his name will be struck off the rolls of the school. He/She may readmitted only on the
payment of re-admission fee of Rs. 2000/- and the other dues upto date.
Code of conduct
A true student of NSS should be proud of his/her school and show it by the following code of conduct:
1. The primary duty of a student is to study. 7. A student is liable to be expelled from the school on the charges of indulging
2. Student must be regular and punctual in their classes. in fighting with other student/s in or outside the school
3. Students must report to the school at 6:15 am incase of absence where as classes
8. A student can also be expelled if she shows any indisciplinary attitudes towards
begin at 6:20am.
any teacher/staff.
4. Entrance to the college premises is restricted without the student's Identity Cord.
9. He/she is always expected to respect the elders/seniors.
5. Students cannot leave the school premises without the prior permission of the 10. Offensive language will not be tolerated.
coordinator. 11. Gum chewing is strictly prohibited in class room.
6. Students, if found smoking consuming alcohol and/or drugs, will automatically 12. Students are not allowed to enter the college premises with mobile and any
face suspension / rustication from the school. other audio visual devices, and, if found they will be confiscated.
No form of make-up is permitted. Hair style should be simple and neat. Boys mustn't have long hair. Boys are not permitted to wear ear-rings or caps at college premises. If
caught, it may lead him/her to serious punishment.
Girls may wear a pair of simple ear-rings, and a slim wrist watch.
Principal's decision regarding the promotion and detention will be final. The management reserves the right to change the rules as and when necessary

Rules and Regulations

NSS intends to conduct the courses smoothly and regularly, so the Guardians and Students are also expected to pay special attention and abide by the following norms strictly:

1. Admission will be solely on merit basis. 8. Duly issued Identity card and school uniform will be compulsory for all students to
2. 90% attendance is compulsory from each student in order to appear board attend the classes.
Examination. 9. Maintenance of practical note books will be essential for Science stream students.
Students must abide by the rules & regulations of the laboratory during practical
3. In case of absence due to illness or other compulsions, the guardian should classes.
clarify the reasons and the days absence. 10. Students are liable to pay for any damage incurred, either intentionally or
4. The students must appear in all class tests because these formulate our basis for otherwise, of any NSS property.
evaluation of their performance. 11. Students who wish to leave the school before the completion of the academic year
5. Each student must pass the sent-up examination to appear in the Board's Final should submit a written notice to the principal one month in advance.
Examination. 12. Suggestion/complaints, If any, should be given in written form to the principal.
6. If needed, the student will have to attend the extra classes arranged by the 13. NSS Governing Board's decision will be final in case of any controversy.
7, A twelve month tuition fee is compulsory and the mode of payment is The guardian and the student should abide by the rules and
bi-monthly. Every bi-monthly Fee should be cleared by the first week of the month. regulations of the institution.
(Note : Tight trousers & short skirts are not allowed)

Documents to be Submitted with this application form

1. S.L.C. Character Certificate (Xerox copy) -1 nos.
2. S.L.C. Mark Sheet (Xerox copy) -1 nos
3. Recent PP sized photographs -2copies

General Instruction for students.

1. You are expected to take exam in a decent way. You will be disqualified in for breaching any kinds of rules and regulations of the exam.
2. Write your information (Name, Form number, date shift etc) clearly on your answer sheet.
3. Do not write anything on your question sheets.
4. Use the blank paper given at the back of answer sheets for rough work.
5. Mark your correct answers by blackening the appropriate bubble against each question on your answer sheet. No negative marks will be given
for wrong answers.
6. You are not allowed to enter the exam hall with cell phone and any other audio-visual devices.
7. The use of calculator is strictly prohibited in the exam hall.
8. All pages (question and answer sheets) must be submitted after the examination.
9. Duration of examination is 2:00 hrs.

National School of Sciences



Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal

3 AD
Faculty of Management
Form No.:

Application Form Recent Photo

(To be filled by the respective student only)

Full Name
b]jgfu/Ldf Date of Birth B.S. A.D.

Permanent Address Phone No.

Temporary Address Phone No.
Father's Name Mother's Name
Father's Occupation Mother's Occupation
Guardian's Name Relationship
Guardian's Contact No. Mobile Office Residence

Student's Academic History

Name of previous school years attended Marks obtained in Percentage Marks obtained in SLC Percentage
Sent-Up Exam

I duly confirm that the answers I have furnished on this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I shall be liable
for any misinformation.

Core Mgmt. Hotel Mgmt. Computer Science

Signature of the applicant

National School of Sciences



Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal

Recent Photo
3 AD
Form No.:
Name of student

Address Contact No

Previous school

Entrance Schedule

Signature of student Signature of Principal


Aims and objectives

Our primary goal is to prepare individuals equipped with essential mental and physical abilities, enabling them to suitably accommodate with the future life career; with the
objective of inculcating cleanliness in speech, habits, correct sense of patriotism, loyalty to the country, having aptitude for initiative, love for self help, appreciation for the value
of time, respect for law and order, right living, well equipped to fall into a position in a particular business and be able to support himself, NSS functional evaluation is based
on involving the school, the students and the parents. NSS hopes high standard in work, performance, and deserving proper career opportunities in its products.

Every student is expected to attain 90% of attendance in each subject, falling which the school has the right not to allow the defaulter to take part in examination.

Leave of Absence
No students will be allowed leave with valid reason. During the term, leave will be permitted ONLY if the school Is informed in advance along with the submission of a leave
application, duly signed by the parent with doctor's valid certificate.
If a student remains absent without proper leave application continuously for six days, his name will be struck off the rolls of the school. He/She may readmitted only on the
payment of re-admission fee of Rs. 2000/- and the other dues upto date.
Code of conduct
A true student of NSS should be proud of his/her school and show it by the following code of conduct:
1. The primary duty of a student is to study. 7. A student is liable to be expelled from the school on the charges of indulging
2. Student must be regular and punctual in their classes. in fighting with other student/s in or outside the school
3. Students must report to the school at 6:15 am incase of absence where as classes
8. A student can also be expelled if he shows any indisciplinary attitudes towards
begin at 6:20am.
any teacher/staff.
4. Entrance to the college premises is restricted without the student's Identity Cord.
9. He/she is always expected to respect the elders/seniors.
5. Students cannot leave the school premises without the prior permission of the 10. In appropriate language will not be tolerated.
coordinator. 11. Gum chewing is strictly prohibited.
6. Students, if found smoking consuming alcohol and/or drugs, will automatically 12. Students are not allowed to enter the college premises with mobile and any
face suspension / rustication from the school. other audio visual devices, and, if found they will be confiscated.
No form of make-up is permitted. Hair style should be simple and neat. Boys must not have long hair. Boys are not permited to wear ear-rings or caps at the institute. If caught
may lead to serious punishment.
Girls may wear a pair of simple ear-rings, and a slim wrist watch.
Principal's decision regarding the promotion and detention will be final. The management reserves the right to change the rules as and when necessary

Rules and Regulations

NSS intends to conduct the courses smoothly and regularly, so the Guardians and Students are also expected to pay special attention and abide by the following norms strictly:

1. Admission will be solely on merit basis. 8. Duly issued Identity card and school uniform will be compulsory for all students to
attend the classes.
2. 90% attendance is compulsory from each student in order to appear board 9. Maintenance of practical note books will be essential for Science stream students.
Examination. Students must abide by the rules & regulations of the laboratory during practical
3. In case of absence due to illness or other compulsions, the guardian should classes.
clarify the reasons and the days absence. 10. The students are liable to pay for any damage incurred, either intentionally or
4. The students must appear in all class tests because these formulate our basis for otherwise, of any NSS property.
evaluation of their performance. 11. Students who wish to leave the school before the completion of the academic year
5. Each student must pass the sent-up examination to appear in the Board's Final should submit a written notice to the principal One month in advance.
Examination. 12. Suggestion/complaints, I any, should be given in written from to the principal.
6. If needed, the student will have to attend the extra classes arranged by the 13. NSS Governing Board's decision will be final in case of any controversy.
7, A twelve month tuition fee is compulsory and the mode of payment in bi- The guardian and the student should abide by the rules and
monthly. Every bi-monthly Fee should be cleared by the first week of the month. regulations of the institution.
(Note : Tight trousers & short skirts are not allowed)

Documents to be Submitted with this application form

1. S.L.C. Charachter Certificate (Xerox copy) -1 nos.
2. S.L.C. Mark Sheet (Xerox copy) -1 nos
3. Recent PP sized photographs -2copies

General Instruction for students.

1. You are expected to take exam in a decent way. You will be disqualified in for breaching any kinds of rules and regulations of the exam.
2. Write your information (Name, Form number, date shift etc) clearly on your answer sheet.
3. Do not write anything on your question sheets.
4. Use the blank paper given at the back of answer sheets for rough work.
5. Mark your correct answers by blackening the appropriate bubble against each question on your answer sheet. No negative marks will be given
for wrong answers.
6. You are not allowed to enter the exam hall with cell phone and any other audio-visual devices.
7. The use of calculator is strictly prohibited in the exam hall.
8. All pages (question and answer sheets) must be submitted after the examination.
9. Duration of examination is 1:30 hrs.

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