2017 QB Kom 12

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1 Classify kinematic pair based on nature of contact. Give examples. BT1
2 When a linkage become mechanism BT1
3 Classify the constrained motion BT3
4 List the inversion of four bar mechanism? BT1
5 Distinguish between kinematics and kinetics? BT2
6 Discuss toggle position? BT2
7 Describe pantograph? BT1
8 Illustrate the applications of single slider crank mechanism? BT3
9 Define kinematics pairs with example BT1
10 Discuss Elliptical trammel BT2
11 Define degrees of freedom BT1
12 Explain transmission angle? BT5
13 Explain transmission angle? BT6
14 Describe Grashofs Law for a four bar mechanism? BT2
15 Define Kutzbach criterion for planar mechanism. BT1
16 Explain Grubblers criterion for spatial mechanism. BT4
17 Compare instantaneous center & instantaneous axis? BT5
18 Illustrate the types of links and define it. BT3
19 Distinguish between machine and mechanism. BT2
20 Describe spatial mechanism BT2
1. a) Describe different types of Link. (8) BT2
b) Classify and explain the Kinematic pair. (8)
2 Draw and Describe inversion of four bar chain.
3 Explain the inversion of Single Slider Crank Chain. BT2
4 Explain the inversion of Double Slider crank chain. BT2
5 a) Explain the offset slider crank mechanism. (8) BT4
b) Explain Straight line mechanism with neat sketch (8)
6 Describe the working of Oldhams coupling with a neat sketch and state its BT4
7 Discuss the steering gear mechanism with neat sketch. BT4
8 Explain the working of Whitworth quick return mechanism with a neat sketch. BT2
9 Explain the working of crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism with a BT4
neat sketch.
10 a) Design a four-bar crank rocker quick return mechanism to give a time ratio of 1.25 BT2
with rocker swing angle as 75 clockwise. Assume the output link (rocker) length as
50 mm and in the left extreme position it is vertical.(8)
b) Sketch four-bar crank rocker mechanism in(8)
(1) Maximum transmission angle position and
(2) Toggle position where mechanical advantage is infinity.
11 (i) classify kinematic pairs based on degree of freedom(10) BT4
(ii) What is inversion and list its properties (6)

12 (i) Find the degree of freedom of the mechanism shown in fig. (10) BT4
(ii) state the inconsistencies of Grubler criterion(6)
13 In a crank and slotter lever quick return mechanism, the distance between the centers BT6
in 150mm and the driving crank is 75mm long. Determine the ratio of the time taken
on the cutting and the return stokes
14 The withworth quick return motion mechanism has the driving cark 150mm long. BT4
The distance between fixed centers is 100mm.the line of stoke of the ram passed
through the centre of rotation of the slotted lever whose free end is connected to the
ram by a connecting link. Find the ratio of time of cutting to time of return.
1 In a crank and slotter lever quick return mechanism, the distance between the fixed BT3
centers O and C is 200mm.the driving crank CP is 75mm long.the pin Q on the slotter
lever,360mm for the fulcrum O, is connected by a link QR 100mm long, to a pin R
on the ram. The line of stoke of R is perpendicular to OC and intersect OC produced
at a point 150mm from C. determine ratio of times taken on the cutting and the return
2 Sketch and describe the working of two different types of quick return mechanism. BT2
Give examples of their application. Derive an expression for the ratio of time taken in
forward and return stoke for one of this mechanism
3 In a crank and slotted lever quick return BT4
mechanism, as shown in Fig, the driving
crank length is 75 mm. The distance
between the fixed centers is 200 mm
and the length of the slotted lever is 500
mm. Find the ratio of the times taken on
the cutting and idle strokes. Determine
the effective stroke also.

4 A Whitworth quick return motion mechanism, as shown in Fig. 5.38, has the BT2
Length of stroke = 150
mm; Driving crank
length = 40 mm;
Time of cutting stroke/
Time of return stroke=2
Find the lengths of CD
and PD. Also determine
the angles and .


1 Define kinematic analysis? BT1
2 Explain Kleins construction. BT2
3 What is a relative pole, with respect to velocity analysis? BT2
4 Differentiate between complexity and incomplete constrained motion. BT2
5 Illustrate the properties of instantaneous center BT2
6 Explain Freudnsteins equation for four bar mechanism. BT2
7 Define Kennedys theorem BT2
8 Describe low degrees of complexity BT4
9 Describe the expression for velocity and acceleration of piston of reciprocating BT1
10 Define rubbing velocity. BT1
11 Deduce the expression for coriolis component of acceleration BT4
12 List out the various possible instantaneous center in a four bar chain mechanism. BT1
13 Classify the types of instantaneous center BT1
14 Define virtual center BT1
15 Describe angular velocity ratio theorem? BT4
16 Illustrate the space centrode and body centrode. BT5
17 Explain normal component of acceleration. BT2
18 Describe configuration diagram BT3
19 Explain body centrode? BT6
20 Compare the two components of acceleration BT3
1. The Crank of a slider crank mechanisms rotates clockwise at a Constant speed of BT3
300 rpm. The crank is 125 mm and connecting rod is 600 mm long. Determine
1. Linear velocity and acceleration of the mid Point of the connecting rod, and 2.
Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod, at a crank angle of
45 from inner dead centre position
2 In a four link mechanism, the dimensions of the links are AB=200 mm, BC=400mm, BT3
CD=450 mm and AD=600mm. At the instant when DAB=90, the link AB has
angular velocity of 36 rad/s in the clockwise direction. Determine (i) The velocity of
point C, (ii) The velocity of point E on the link BC When BE =200 mm (iii) the
angular velocities of links BC and CD, iv) acceleration of link of link BC.
3 The dimensions of the various links of a mechanism, as shown in fig. are as follows: BT6
OA=300 mm; AB=1200; BC=450 mm and CD=450 mm. if the crank OA rotates at
20 r.p.m. in the anticlockwise direction and gives motion to the sliding blocks B and
D, find, for given configuration: (1) Velocity of sliding at B and D, (2) Angular
velocity of CD (3) Linear acceleration of D and (4) angular acceleration of CD.
4 a)Derive the expressions for Velocity and acceleration of piston in reciprocating BT4
steam engine mechanism with neat sketch (8)
b).Derive the expression for Coriolis component of acceleration with neat sketch (8)
5 In a slider crank mechanism, the length of the crank and the connecting rod are 100 BT5
mm and 400 mm respectively.The crank [position is 45 from IDC, the crank shaft
speed is 600 r.p.m. clockwise. Using analytical method Determine (1) Velocity and
acceleration of the slider, and (2) Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the
connecting rod.
6 Locate all instantaneous centers of the slider crank mechanism; the length of crank BT5
OB and Connecting rod AB are 125 mm and 500 mm respectively. The crank speed
is 600 rpm clockwise. When the crank has turned 45 from the IDC. Determine (i)
velocity of. slider A (ii)Angular Velocity of connecting rod AB
7 In the mechanism shown in figure , the crank BT5
OA rotates at 20 rpm anticlockwise and gives
motion of sliding blocks B and D. The
dimensions of various links are OA = 300mm,
AB = 1200 mm, BC = 450 mm and CD = 450
mm. For the given configuration determine i)
velocities of sliding at B and D, ii) angular
velocity of CD iii) Linear acceleration of D
and iv) angular acceleration of CD

8 The crank and connecting rod of a theoretical steam engine are 0.5 m and 2m long BT4
respectively. The crank makes 180 rpm in the clockwise direction. When it has
turned 450 from the inner dead centre position, determine : a) Velocity of piston b)
Angular velocity of connecting rod. C) Velocity of point E on the connecting rod
1.5m from the gudgeon pin. D) velocity of rubbing at the pins of the crank shaft,
crank and crank cross head when the diameters of their pins are 50mm and 60mm
and 30mm respectively.
9 A four-bar mechanism has the following link length in mm. Input, A0A = 25, AB = BT5
70, output B0B=45 and frame A0B0 = 60. Coupler point A is above and B is below
the horizontal frame link A0B0, respectively. When the input link is in an angular
position of 1050 counter clockwise from the frame link, draw the four bar
mechanism and locate all the instantaneous centers .if the input link rotates With a
constant angular velocity of 2.5 rad/sec clockwise, determine the linear velocity
of B of the output link and the angular velocity of the output link.
10 In a steam engine mechanism shown in figure a) BT4
the crank AB rotates at 200 rpm. The dimensions
of various links are AB = 12cm, BC = 48cm, CD
= 18cm and DE =36cm, EF = 12 cm and FP =
36cm. Find the velocities of C,D,E,F and P.
11 In a slider crank mechanism, the length of crank OB and connecting rod AB are BT4
125mm and 500mm respectively. The centre of gravity G of the connecting rod is
275mm from the side A. the crank speed is 600rpm clockwise. When the crank has
turned 45 from the inner dead centre position, determine: 1, velocity of a slider A,
2.velocity of point G, and 3. Angular velocity of the connecting rod AB.
12 The diagram shows part of a BT5
quick return mechanism. The
pin A slider in the slot when
the disc is rotated. Calculated
the angular velocity and
acceleration of link BC when
=60 and w=100 rad/sec

13 Locate all the instantaneous BT4

centers of the mechanism as
shown in the fig.the length of
various link are
mm and CE-500 mm .when
the crank AB rotates in the
anticlockwise direction at a
uniform speed of 240rpm
.find(i) velocity of the slider E (ii) angular velocity of the linkc BC and CE (16)

14 A single cylinder rotary engine is shown in the fig shows below.OA is the fixed BT3
link,200mm long,OB is the connection rod is 520 mm long. the line of the stoke is
along AD and the instant is inclined at 30 to the vertical. The body of he engine
consisting of cylinder rotates at the uniform speed of 400rpm and about fixed centre
A. determine the acceleration of slider B and the angular acceleration of connecting
rod (16)

1 The dimension of the mechanism as shown in BT5
the figure AB=0.45m ,BD=1.5m
BC=CE=0.9m the crank AB turns uniformly at
180rpm in the clock wise direction and the
block at D and E are working in frictionless
guide. Draw the velocity diagram for the
mechanism and find the velocity of the slides
D and E in their guide.aso determine the
turning moment at A if a forced of 50N at on
the direction of arrow X and a force of 750N act on E in the direction of arrow Y

2 By analytical method, derive the velocity and acceleration for the reciprocating steam BT6
3 Show the link mechanism of a quick BT3
return mechanism of the slotted lever
type, the various dimension of which
for the configuration shown determine
the acceleration of the cutting tool at S
and the angular acceleration of the link
RS. the crank OP rotates at 210rpm.

4 The mechanism of a wrapping machine, as shown in fig, has the following BT4
O1A = 100 mm; AC = 700 mm; BC =
200 mm; O3C = 200 mm; O2E = 400
mm; O2D = 200 mm and BD = 150 mm.
The crank O1A rotates at a uniform
speed of 100 ra d/s. Find the velocity of
the point E of the bell crank lever by
instantaneous centre method.

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