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Poetry Essay (The Happy Man)

Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope

Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is
best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his
use of the heroic couplet, he is the second-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford
Dictionary of Quotations after Shakespeare.

"Ode on Solitude" is a poem by Alexander Pope, written when he was twelve years old,
and widely included in anthologies. The title of this poem was also used by other poets,
such as Joseph Warton.

To be in a state of solitude means that one has withdrawn from the world and has taken up
a life of seclusion. This could be for various reasons, as one may have been born this way,
one may have lost care for the worlds troubles, or one may just want to have a quieter
life. This is exemplified in Alexander Popes poem, Ode on Solitude. This poem talks
about how a life of isolation is still a happy and quiet life, and to maintain this peace, one
must not only remain out of the world, but also remain so secluded that others cannot
pester with the worlds problems.

This poem has an overall happy, content, and peaceful, yet a bit hopeful, mood. The happy
mood is seen mostly in the first stanza. The content mood is seen in the first three
stanzas. In the first, third, and fourth stanzas, one can see the peaceful mood, and the
hopeful mood can be seen in the fifth stanza. This poem also has an air of self-sufficency
or accomplishment about it. I have somewhat experienced this poem, as I have
accomplished things on my own before, with no outside assistance or encouragement.

In the first stanza of the poem, the narrator speaks of a man with simple dreams, only
living off his own land, which is also the land of his fathers. In the second stanza, his
desires are further explained, as he wants to farm and live off his land, being completely
self-sufficient. The third stanza states how this way of life is good because time has no
meaning, one is healthy, has few worries, and lives quiet days. In the fourth stanza,
recreation and innocence are revealed to be the results of this lifestyle. In the fifth and
final stanza, it is revealed that the narrator is the man in the poem, and he wishes to be
left alone, unknown from the world.

This poem may have some relevence to the world today, though certaintly not as much as
the poem talks about living in complete solitude, something which is near impossible
today. Even so, one can somewhat experience this poems meaning when accomplishing
something on ones own, as one would feel content to breathe his native air, in his own
ground. This poem may also be relevant as is shows that happiness is not necessairly
being well known. It has become commonplace in todays society that in order to live a
truly successful life, one must become famous in some way or another. However, this
poem suggests that a happy, successful life can be achieved without becoming well-

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