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G.R. No. 188417.September 24, 2012.

RENATO TABU and DOLORES LAXAMANA, Municipal Trial Court in Cities,
Tarlac City, Branch II, respondents.
Civil Law; Succession; Under Article 1347 of the Civil Code, No contract may be
entered into upon future inheritance except in cases expressly authorized by law. Under
Article 1347 of the Civil Code, No contract may be entered into upon future inheritance
De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
except in cases expressly authorized by law. Paragraph 2 of Article 1347, characterizes
a contract entered into upon future inheritance as void. The law applies when the following
requisites concur: (1) the succession has not yet been opened; (2) the object of the contract
forms part of the inheritance; and (3) the promissor has, with respect to the object, an
expectancy of a right which is purely hereditary in nature.
Same; Contracts; Simulated Contracts; To form a valid and legal agreement it is
necessary that there be a party capable of contracting and a party capable of being
contracted with; Hence, if any one party to a supposed contract was already dead at the time
of its execution, such contract is undoubtedly simulated and false and, therefore, null and
void by reason of its having been made after the death of the party who appears as one of the
contracting parties therein.The document itself, the Deed of Absolute Sale, dated October
8, 1996, readily shows that it was executed on August 4, 1996 more than two months after
the death of Domingo. Contracting parties must be juristic entities at the time of the
consummation of the contract. Stated otherwise, to form a valid and legal agreement it is
necessary that there be a party capable of contracting and a party capable of being
contracted with. Hence, if any one party to a supposed contract was already dead at the
time of its execution, such contract is undoubtedly simulated and false and, therefore, null
and void by reason of its having been made after the death of the party who appears as one
of the contracting parties therein. The death of a person terminates contractual capacity.
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Mosuela, Buan & Associates Law Office for petitioners.
Servillano S. Santillan for respondents.
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari (under Rule 45) of the Rules of Court
assailing the June 16, 2009 Deci-
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De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
sion1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR. CV No. 81469 entitled Milagros De
Belen Vda de Cabalu v. Renato Tabu.
The Facts
The property subject of the controversy is a 9,000 square meter lot situated in
Mariwalo, Tarlac, which was a portion of a property registered in the name of the
late Faustina Maslum (Faustina) under Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No.
16776 with a total area of 140,211 square meters.2
On December 8, 1941, Faustina died without any children. She left a holographic
will, dated July 27, 1939, assigning and distributing her property to her nephews
and nieces. The said holographic will, however, was not probated. One of the heirs
was the father of Domingo Laxamana (Domingo), Benjamin Laxamana, who died in
1960. On March 5, 1975, Domingo allegedly executed a Deed of Sale of Undivided
Parcel of Land disposing of his 9,000 square meter share of the land to Laureano
On August 1, 1994, to give effect to the holographic will, the forced and legitimate
heirs of Faustina executed a Deed of Extrajudicial Succession with Partition. The
said deed imparted 9,000 square meters of the land covered by TCT No. 16776 to
Domingo. Thereafter, on December 14, 1995, Domingo sold 4,500 square meters of
the 9,000 square meters to his nephew, Eleazar Tabamo. The document was
captioned Deed of Sale of a Portion of Land. On May 7, 1996, the remaining 4,500
square meters of Domingos share in the partition was registered under his name
under TCT No. 281353.4
1 Annex A of Petition, Rollo, pp. 13-23. Penned by Associate Justice Apolinario D. Bruselas, Jr., with
Associate Justice Andres B. Reyes, Jr. and Associate Justice Fernanda Lampas Peralta, concurring.
2 Id., at p. 14.
3 Id., at pp. 14-15.
4 Id., at p. 15.
De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
On August 4, 1996, Domingo passed away.
On October 8, 1996, two months after his death, Domingo purportedly executed
a Deed of Absolute Sale of TCT No. 281353 in favor of respondent Renato
Tabu (Tabu). The resultant transfer of title was registered as TCT No. 286484.
Subsequently, Tabu and his wife, Dolores Laxamana (respondent spouses),
subdivided the said lot into two which resulted into TCT Nos. 291338 and 291339. 5
On January 15, 1999, respondent Dolores Laxamana-Tabu, together with Julieta
Tubilan-Laxamana, Teresita Laxamana, Erlita Laxamana, and Gretel Laxamana,
the heirs of Domingo, filed an unlawful detainer action, docketed as Civil Case No.
7106, against Meliton Cabalu, Patricio Abus, Roger Talavera, Jesus Villar, Marcos
Perez, Arthur Dizon, and all persons claiming rights under them. The heirs claimed
that the defendants were merely allowed to occupy the subject lot by their late
father, Domingo, but, when asked to vacate the property, they refused to do so. The
case was ruled in favor of Domingos heirs and a writ of execution was subsequently
On February 4, 2002, petitioners Milagros de Belen Vda. De Cabalu, Meliton
Cabalu, Spouses Angela Cabalu and Rodolfo Talavera, and Patricio
Abus (petitioners), filed a case for Declaration of Nullity of Deed of Absolute Sale,
Joint Affidavit of Nullity of Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. 291338 and 291339,
Quieting of Title, Reconveyance, Application for Restraining Order, Injunction and
Damages (Civil Case No. 9290) against respondent spouses before the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 63, Tarlac City (RTC).7
In their complaint, petitioners claimed that they were the lawful owners of the
subject property because it was sold to their father, Laureano Cabalu, by Domingo,
through a Deed
5 Id., at pp. 15-16.
6 Id., at p. 16.
7 Id., at pp. 16-17.
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De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
of Absolute Sale, dated March 5, 1975. Hence, being the rightful owners by way of
succession, they could not be ejected from the subject property.8
In their Answer, respondent spouses countered that the deed of sale from which
the petitioners anchored their right over the 9,000 square meter property was null
and void because in 1975, Domingo was not yet the owner of the property, as the
same was still registered in the name of Faustina. Domingo became the owner of the
property only on August 1, 1994, by virtue of the Deed of Extrajudicial Succession
with Partition executed by the forced heirs of Faustina. In addition, they averred
that Domingo was of unsound mind having been confined in a mental institution for
a time.9
On September 30, 2003, the RTC dismissed the complaint as it found the Deed of
Absolute Sale, dated March 5, 1975, null and void for lack of capacity to sell on the
part of Domingo. Likewise, the Deed of Absolute Sale, dated October 8, 1996,
covering the remaining 4,500 square meters of the subject property was declared
ineffective having been executed by Domingo two months after his death on August
4, 1996. The fallo of the Decision10 reads:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the complaint is hereby DISMISSED,
and the decision is hereby rendered by way of:
1.declaring null and void the Deed of Absolute Sale dated March 5, 1975,
executed by Domingo Laxamana in favor of Laureano Cabalu;
2.declaring null and void the Deed of Absolute Sale dated October 8, 1996,
executed by Domingo Laxamana in favor of Renato Tabu, and that TCT Nos.
293338 and 291339, both registered in the name of Renato Tabu, married to
Dolores Laxamana be cancelled;
8 Id., at p. 25.
9 Id.
10 Id., at pp. 24-34.
De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
3.restoring to its former validity, TCT No. 16770 in the name of Faustina
Maslum subject to partition by her lawful heirs.
Costs de oficio.
Not in conformity, both parties appealed to the CA. Petitioners contended that
the RTC erred in declaring void the Deed of Absolute Sale, dated March 5, 1975.
They claimed that Domingo owned the property, when it was sold to Laureano
Cabalu, because he inherited it from his father, Benjamin, who was one of the heirs
of Faustina. Being a co-owner of the property left by Benjamin, Domingo could
dispose of the portion he owned, notwithstanding the will of Faustina not being
Respondent spouses, on the other hand, asserted that the Deed of Sale, dated
March 5, 1975, was spurious and simulated as the signature, PTR and the
document number of the Notary Public were different from the latters notarized
documents. They added that the deed was without consent, Domingo being of
unsound mind at the time of its execution. Further, they claimed that the RTC erred
in canceling TCT No. 266583 and insisted that the same should be restored to its
validity because Benjamin and Domingo were declared heirs of Faustina.
On June 16, 2009, the CA rendered its decision and disposed as follows:
WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the instant appeal is
partially GRANTED in that the decision of the trial court is AFFIRMED WITH
MODIFICATION that sub-paragraphs 2 & 3 of the disposition, which reads:
2.declaring null and void the Deed of Absolute Sale dated October 8, 1996,
executed by Domingo Laxamana in fa-
11 Id., at pp. 32-33.
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De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
vor of Renato Tabu, and that TCT Nos. 291338 and 291339, both registered in the
name of Renato Tabu, married to Dolores Laxamana be cancelled;
3.restoring to its former validity, TCT No. 16776 in the name of Faustina
Maslum subject to partition by her lawful heirs,
In finding Domingo as one of the heirs of Faustina, the CA explained as follows:
It appears from the records that Domingo was a son of Benjamin as apparent in his
Marriage Contract and Benjamin was a nephew of Faustina as stated in the holographic
will and deed of succession with partition. By representation, when Benjamin died in 1960,
Domingo took the place of his father in succession. In the same vein, the holographic will of
Faustina mentioned Benjamin as one of her heirs to whom Faustina imparted 9,000 square
meters of her property. Likewise, the signatories to the Deed of Extrajudicial Succession
with Partition, heirs of Faustina, particularly declared Domingo as their co-heir in the
succession and partition thereto. Furthermore, the parties in this case admitted that the
relationship was not an issue.13

Although the CA found Domingo to be of sound mind at the time of the sale on
March 5, 1975, it sustained the RTCs declaration of nullity of the sale on the
ground that the deed of sale was simulated.
The CA further held that the RTC erred in canceling TCT No. 266583 in the
name of Domingo and in ordering the restoration of TCT No. 16770, registered in
the name of Faustina, to its former validity, Domingo being an undisputed heir of
12 Id., at p. 22.
13 Id., at pp. 19-20.
De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
Hence, petitioners interpose the present petition before this Court anchored on
the following

The core issues to be resolved are 1] whether the Deed of Sale of Undivided
Parcel of Land covering the 9,000 square meter property executed by Domingo in
favor of Laureano Cabalu on March 5, 1975, is valid; and 2] whether the Deed of
Sale, dated October 8, 1996, covering the 4,500 square meter portion of the 9,000
square meter property, executed by Domingo in favor of Renato Tabu, is null and
Petitioners contend that the Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Domingo in favor
of Laureano Cabalu on March 5, 1975 should have been declared valid because it
enjoyed the presumption of regularity. According to them, the subject deed, being a
public document, had in its favor the presumption of regularity, and to contradict
the same, there must be
14 Id., at pp. 89-90.
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De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
clear, convincing and more than preponderant evidence, otherwise, the document
should be upheld. They insist that the sale transferred rights of ownership in favor
of the heirs of Laureano Cabalu.
They further argue that the CA, in modifying the decision of the RTC, should not
have deleted the portion declaring null and void the Deed of Absolute Sale, dated
October 8, 1996, executed by Domingo in favor of Renato Tabu, because at the time
of execution of the said deed of sale, the seller, Domingo was already dead. Being a
void document, the titles originating from the said instrument were also void and
should be cancelled.
Respondent spouses, in their Comment15 and Memorandum,16counter that the
issues raised are not questions of law and call for another calibration of the whole
evidence already passed upon by the RTC and the CA. Yet, they argue that
petitioners reliance on the validity of the March 5, 1975 Deed of Sale of Undivided
Parcel of Land, based on presumption of regularity, was misplaced because both the
RTC and the CA, in the appreciation of evidence on record, had found said deed as
It is well to note that both the RTC and the CA found that the evidence
established that the March 5, 1975 Deed of Sale of Undivided Parcel of Land
executed by Domingo in favor of Laureano Cabalu was a fictitious and simulated
document. As expounded by the CA, viz.:
Nevertheless, since there are discrepancies in the signature of the notary public, his PTR
and the document number on the lower-most portion of the document, as well as the said
deed of sale being found only after the plaintiffs-appellants were ejected by the defendants-
appellants; that they were allegedly not aware that the said property was bought by their
father, and that they never questioned the other half of the property not occupied by them,
it is apparent
15 Dated December 7, 2009, id., at pp. 41-43.
16 Dated December 30, 2010, id., at pp. 70-81.
De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
that the sale dated March 5, 1975 had the earmarks of a simulated deed written all over it.
The lower court did not err in pronouncing that it be declared null and void.17

Petitioners, in support of their claim of validity of the said document of deed,

again invoke the legal presumption of regularity. To reiterate, the RTC and later the
CA had ruled that the sale, dated March 5, 1975, had the earmarks of a simulated
deed, hence, the presumption was already rebutted. Verily and as aptly noted by the
respondent spouses, such presumption of regularity cannot prevail over the facts
proven and already established in the records of this case.
Even on the assumption that the March 5, 1975 deed was not simulated, still the
sale cannot be deemed valid because, at that time, Domingo was not yet the owner
of the property. There is no dispute that the original and registered owner of the
subject property covered by TCT No. 16776, from which the subject 9,000 square
meter lot came from, was Faustina, who during her lifetime had executed a will,
dated July 27, 1939. In the said will, the name of Benjamin, father of Domingo,
appeared as one of the heirs. Thus, and as correctly found by the RTC, even if
Benjamin died sometime in 1960, Domingo in 1975 could not yet validly dispose of
the whole or even a portion thereof for the reason that he was not the sole heir of
Benjamin, as his mother only died sometime in 1980.
Besides, under Article 1347 of the Civil Code, No contract may be entered into
upon future inheritance except in cases expressly authorized by law. Paragraph 2 of
Article 1347, characterizes a contract entered into upon future inheritance as void.
The law applies when the following requisites concur: (1) the succession has not yet
been opened; (2) the object of the contract forms part of the inheritance; and (3) the
17 Id., at p. 21.
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sor has, with respect to the object, an expectancy of a right which is purely
hereditary in nature.18
In this case, at the time the deed was executed, Faustinas will was not yet
probated; the object of the contract, the 9,000 square meter property, still formed
part of the inheritance of his father from the estate of Faustina; and Domingo had a
mere inchoate hereditary right therein.
Domingo became the owner of the said property only on August 1, 1994, the time
of execution of the Deed of Extra-judicial Succession with Partition by the heirs of
Faustina, when the 9,000 square meter lot was adjudicated to him.
The CA, therefore, did not err in declaring the March 5, 1975 Deed of Sale null
and void.
Domingos status as an heir of Faustina by right of representation being
undisputed, the RTC should have maintained the validity of TCT No. 266583
covering the 9,000 square meter subject property. As correctly concluded by the CA,
this served as the inheritance of Domingo from Faustina.
Regarding the deed of sale covering the remaining 4,500 square meters of the
subject property executed in favor of Renato Tabu, it is evidently null and void. The
document itself, the Deed of Absolute Sale, dated October 8, 1996, readily shows
that it was executed on August 4, 1996 more than two months after the death of
Domingo. Contracting parties must be juristic entities at the time of the
consummation of the contract. Stated otherwise, to form a valid and legal
agreement it is necessary that there be a party capable of contracting and a party
capable of being contracted with. Hence, if any one party to a supposed contract was
already dead at the time of its execution, such contract is undoubtedly simulated
and false and, therefore, null and void by reason of
18 Arrogante v. Deliarte, G.R. No. 152132, July 24, 2007, 528 SCRA 63, 69-70, citing Tolentino, Civil
Code of the Philippines Commentaries and Jurisprudence, Vol. IV, p. 525, 1985.
De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
its having been made after the death of the party who appears as one of the
contracting parties therein. The death of a person terminates contractual capacity. 19
The contract being null and void, the sale to Renato Tabu produced no legal
effects and transmitted no rights whatsoever. Consequently, TCT No. 286484 issued
to Tabu by virtue of the October 8, 1996 Deed of Sale, as well as its derivative titles,
TCT Nos. 291338 and 291339, both registered in the name of Renato Tabu, married
to Dolores Laxamana, are likewise void.
The CA erred in deleting that portion in the RTC decision declaring the Deed of
Absolute Sale, dated October 8, 1996, null and void and canceling TCT Nos. 291338
and 291339.
WHEREFORE, the petition is partially GRANTED. The decretal portion of the
June 16, 2009 Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby MODIFIED to read as
1.The Deed of Absolute Sale, dated March 5, 1975, executed by Domingo Laxamana in
favor of Laureano Cabalu, is hereby declared as null and void.
2.The Deed of Absolute Sale, dated October 8, 1996, executed by Domingo Laxamana
in favor of Renato Tabu, and TCT No. 286484 as well as the derivative titles TCT Nos.
291338 and 291339, both registered in the name of Renato Tabu, married to Dolores
Laxamana, are hereby declared null and void and cancelled.
3.TCT No. 281353 in the name of Domingo Laxamana is hereby ordered restored
subject to the partition by his lawful heirs.
19 Gochan and Sons Realty Corp. v. Heirs of Raymundo Baba, 456 Phil. 569, 578; 409 SCRA 306, 314
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De Belen Vda. De Cabalu vs. Tabu
Velasco, Jr. (Chairperson), Brion,** Perez*** and Perlas-Bernabe,**** JJ., concur.
Petition partially granted, judgment modified.
Notes.Pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 1347 of the Civil Code, no
contract may be entered into upon a future inheritance except in cases expressly
authorized by law. (Ferrer vs. Diaz, 619 SCRA 226 [2010])
A simulated contract of sale is without any cause or consideration, and is,
therefore, null and voidno independent action to rescind or annul the contract is
necessary, and it may be treated as non-existent for all purposes. (Heirs of
Policronio M. Ureta, Sr. vs. Heirs of Liberato M. Ureta, 657 SCRA 555 [2011])
** Designated acting member, per Special Order No. 1299-E, dated August 28, 2012.
*** Designated additional member, in lieu of Associate Justice Diosdado M. Peralta, per Raffle dated
August 31, 2011.
**** Designated additional member, in lieu of Associate Justice Roberto A. Abad, per Special Order
No. 1320, dated September 21, 2012.
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