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Department of Justice

Office of Legislative Affairs

Office of Assistant Attorney General Washington, D.C. 20530

January 13,2016

The Honorable Jeff Sessions

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Ted Cruz

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Sessions and Senator Cruz:

This responds to your letters dated August 12,2015, December 3, 2015, and January 11,
2016, to the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Homeland Security,
which requested information about individuals engaged in terrorism, with particular reference to
their immigration status. We apologize for our delay in responding to your letters.

The Department of Justice (the Department), including the Federal Bureau of

Investigation, has reviewed the questions in your letters and determined that the enclosed
conviction chart, dated August 7, 2015, and prepared by the Department's National Security
Division (NSD), is the most pertinent, responsive information. The enclosed conviction chart
lists public international terrorism and terrorism-related convictions from September 11,2001,
through the end of2014. Please see the chart's preamble for a full description of the information
that is contained in the chart, as well as the scope and limitations of that information. As it has
over the past few years, in 2016, the NSD intends to produce an updated chart that includes the
relevant public convictions from 2015. Similar information for convictions that were obtained
prior to 9/11 is not readily retrievable in our records systems. In addition, as you will see, the
conviction chart does not include information about the citizenship or immigration status of the
convicted individuals. We defer to the Department of Homeland Security for that information,
as well as the immigration information concerning Rizwan Farook, Tashfeen Malik, and the
additional 41 individuals that you requested in your December 3,2015, and January 11,2016
letters, respectively.

As the Attorney General recently indicated, we use every available measure to ensure that
those who are allowed into the country do not pose a threat to American citizens. The
Department's highest priority is and will remain the security of our homeland and the safety of
all Americans.
CONVICTIONS FROM 9111101TO 12/31/14

The National Security Division's Chart of PubliclUnsealed International Terrorism and

Terrorism-Related Convictions tracks public/unsealed convictions resulting from international
terrorism investigations conducted since September 11, 2001, including investigations of terrorist acts
planned or committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States over which Federal
criminal jurisdiction exists and those within the United States involving international terrorists and
terrorist groups. Convictions listed on the attached chart involve the use of a variety of Federal
criminal statutes available to prevent, disrupt, and punish international terrorism and related criminal
activity. The convictions are the product of the Department's aggressive, consistent, and coordinated
national enforcement effort with respect to international terrorism that was undertaken after the
September 11,2001 terrorist attacks.

Criminal cases arising from international terrorism investigations are divided into two
categories, according to the level of coordination and monitoring required by the Counterterrorism
Section of the National Security Division (or its predecessor section in the Criminal Division). This
nationwide coordination and monitoring of international terrorism matters is designed to ensure
coherent, consistent, and effective use and application of the statutes available for use in the
prosecution of such matters.

Category I cases involve charged violations of federal statutes that are directly related to
international terrorism (regardless of the offense of conviction). These statutes prohibit, for example,
terrorist acts abroad against United States nationals, the use of weapons of mass destruction,
conspiracy to murder persons overseas, providing material support to terrorists or foreign terrorist
organizations, receiving military style training from foreign terrorist organizations, and bombings of
public places or government facilities. A complete list of Category I offenses is found in Appendix A.

Category II cases involve charged violations of a variety of other statutes where the
investigation involved an identified link to international terrorism. These Category II cases include
offenses such as those involving fraud, immigration, firearms, drugs, false statements, perjury, and
obstruction of justice, as well as general conspiracy charges under 18 U.S.C. 371. Prosecuting
terror-related targets using Category II offenses and others is often an effective method - and
sometimes the only available method - of deterring and disrupting potential terrorist planning and
support activities. This approach underscores the wide variety of tools available in the U.S. criminal
justice system for disrupting terror activity. Examples of Category II offenses are listed in Appendix
B, and examples of Category II cases are described in Appendix C to illustrate the kinds of connections
to international terrorism that are not apparent from the nature of the offenses of conviction

The attached chart includes the defendant's name, district, charging date, charges brought,
classification category, conviction date, and charges of conviction. If a convicted defendant has been
sentenced, the relevant date and sentence imposed is included. The chart includes only public/unsealed
convictions from September 11, 2001 to December 31,2014. The chart does not include defendants
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Updated August 7, 2015
whose convictions remain under seal, nor does it include defendants who were charged with terrorism
or terrorism-related offenses but, as of December 31, 2014, had not been convicted either at trial or by
guilty plea. The chart does not include convictions related solely to domestic terrorism. Note that the
chart maintained by the National Security Division is distinct from statistics maintained by the Bureau
of Prisons to track inmates with terrorist connections. The chart lists more than 290 defendants
classified in Category I and more than 280 defendants classified in Category II.

The chart is organized by conviction date, with the most recent convictions first. The last
group of defendants included on the chart were identified during the course of the nationwide
investigation conducted after September 11, 2001, and were subsequently charged with a criminal
offense. Individuals whose convictions arose from this initial terrorism investigation were included on
the chart at that timeregardless of whether investigators developed or identified evidence that they had
any connection to international terrorism. Since then, additional defendants have been added to this
chart only if, at the time of charging, they appeared to have a connection to international terrorism,
even if they were not charged with a terrorism offense. The decision to add defendants to the chart is
made on a case-by-case basis by career prosecutors in the National Security Division's
Counterterrorism Section, whose primary responsibility is investigating and prosecuting international
and domestic terrorism cases to prevent and disrupt acts of terrorism anywhere in the world that impact
on significant United States interests and persons.

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Updated August 7, 2015
Appendix A

Category I Offenses
Aircraft Sabotage (18 U.S.C. 32)

Animal Enterprise Terrorism (18 U.S.C. 43)

Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons (18 U.S.C. 112,878, 1116, 1201(a)(4
Use of Biological, Nuclear, Chemical or Other Weapons of Mass Destruction (18 V.S.C. 175, 175b,
229,831,2332a) v

Production, Transfer, or Possession of Variola Virus (Smallpox) (18 U.S.C. 175c)

Participation in Nuclear and WMD Threats to the United States (18 U.S.C. 832)
Conspiracy Within the United States to Murder, Kidnap, or Maim Persons or to Damage Certain
Property Overseas (18 V.S.C. 956)

Hostage Taking (18 U.S.C. 1203)

Terrorist Attacks Against Mass Transportation Systems (18 U.S.C. 1993)

Terrorist Acts Abroad Against United States Nationals (18 U.S.C. 2332)

Terrorism Transcending National Boundaries (18 U.S.C. 2332b)

Bombings of places of public use, Government facilities, public transportation systems and
infrastructure facilities (18 U.S.C. 2332f)

Missile Systems designed to Destroy Aircraft (18 U.S.C. 2332g)

Production, Transfer, or Possession of Radiological Dispersal Devices (18 V.S.C. 2332h)


Harboring Terrorists (18 V.S.C. 2339)

Providing Material Support to Terrorists (18 U.S.C. 2339A)

Providing Material Support to Designated Terrorist Organizations (18 U.S.C. 2339B)

Prohibition Against Financing of Terrorism (18 V.S.C. 2339C)

Receiving Military-Type Training from an FTO (18 U.S.C. 2339D)

Narco-Terrorism (21 V.S.C. IOIOA)

Sabotage of Nuclear Facilities or Fuel (42 V.S.C. 2284)

Aircraft Piracy (49 V.S.C. 46502)

Violations ofIEEPA (50 V.S.C. 1705(b involving E.O. 12947 (Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt
the Middle East Peace Process); E.O. 13224 (Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With

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Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism or Global Terrorism List); and E.O.
13129 (Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With the Taliban)


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Examples of Category II Offenses

Crimes Committed Within the Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States
(18U.S.C.7, IB, ll4, us, llll, u u, 110l,2111)

Violence at International Airports (18 U.S.C. 37)

Arsons and Bombings (18 U.S.C. 842(m), 842(n), 844(t), 844(1
Killings in the Course of Attack on a Federal Facility (18 U.S.C. 930(c
False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001)
Protection of Computers (18 U.S.C. 1030)
False Information and Hoaxes (18 U.S.C. 1038)
Genocide (18 U.S.C. 1091)
Destruction of Communication Lines (18 U.S.C. l362)
Sea Piracy (18 U.S.c. 1651)
Unlicensed Money Remitter Charges (18 V.S.C. 1960)
Wrecking Trains (18 V.S.C. 1992)
Destruction of National Defense Materials, Premises, or Utilities (18 U.S.C. 2155)
Violence against Maritime Navigation and Maritime Fixed Platforms (18 U.S.C. 2280,2281)
Torture (18 U.S.C. 2340A)
. ..:;"

War Crimes (18 U.S.C. 2441)

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 U.S.C. 2778, and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder, 22 C.F.R. 121-l30)

Crimes in the Special Aircraft Jurisdiction other than Aircraft Piracy (49 V.S.C. 46503-46507)

Destruction ofInterstate Gas or Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Facilities (49 U.S.C. 60123(b

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Appendix C

Examples of Category II Terrorism-Related Convictions

Fort Dix Plot (conspiracy to murder members of the U.S. military). In 2008, following a
jury trial in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Ibrahim Shnewer,
Dritan Duka, Shain Duka, Eljvir Duka and Serdar Tatar were convicted of violating 18 U.S.C.
1117, in connection with a plot to kill members of the U.S. military in an armed attack on the
military base at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The defendants were also convicted of various weapons
charges. The government's evidence revealed that one member of the group conducted
surveillance at Fort Dix and Fort Monmouth in New Jersey, Dover Air Force Base in Delaware,
and the U.S. Coast Guard in Philadelphia. The group obtained a detailed map of Fort Dix, where
they hoped to use assault rifles to kill as many soldiers as possible. During the trial, the jury
viewed secretly recorded videotapes of the defendants performing small-arms training at a
shooting range in the Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania and of the defendants watching
training videos that included depictions of American soldiers being killed and of known Islamic
radicals urging jihad against the United States.

Fawaz Damrah (citizenship fraud). In 2004, following a jury trial in the United States District
Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Fawaz Damrah was convicted of violating 18 U.S.C.
1425 for concealing material facts in his citizenship application. The government's evidence
showed that in his citizenship application, Damrah concealed from the U.S. government his
membership in or affiliation with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a.k.a. the Islamic Jihad
Movement in Palestine; the Afghan Refugees Services, Inc., a.k.a. Al-Kifah Refugee Center; and
the Islamic Committee for Palestine. Damrah further concealed the fact that he had, prior to his
application for U:S. citizenship, "incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution"
of Jews and others by advocating violent terrorist attacks against Jews and others. During the
trial, the government's evidence included footage ofa 1991 speech in which Damrah called Jews
"the sons of monkeys and pigs," and a 1989 speech in which he declared that "terrorism and
terrorism alone is the path to liberation."

Soliman Biheiri (false statements and passport fraud). In 2003 and 2004, following two jury
trials in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Soliman Biheiri was
convicted of violating 18 U.S.C. 1425 and 1546 for fraudulently procuring a passport, as well
as 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 1015 for making false statements to federal agents. Biheiri was the
president ofBMI, Inc., a New Jersey-based investment firm. The government's evidence
showed that Biheiri had deliberately deceived federal agents during a June 2003 interview in
which he denied having business or personal ties to Mousa Abu Marzook, a Specially
Designated Global Terrorist and a leader of Hamas. In fact, the government's evidence showed
that Biheiri had managed funds for Marzook both before and after Marzook was designated as a
terrorist by the U.S. government in 1995. Specifically, the government presented files seized

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from Biheiri's computer showing that Marzook had invested $1 million in u.s. business ventures
managed by Biheiri and his investment firm.

Mohammad Salman Farooq Qureshi (false statements). In 2005, following the entry of a
guilty plea in the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, Qureshi was
convicted of violating 18 U.S.C. 1001 for making false statements to the FBI regarding the
nature and extent of his involvement with al-Qaeda member Wadih EI Hage, and the non-
governmental organization Help Africa People. Qureshi was interviewed by the FBI in 1997,
1998, 2000, and 2004 in relation to terrorism crimes and during those interviews lied about his
knowledge ofEI Hage, Help Africa People, and other al Qaeda members. The proffer filed in
support of the plea agreement established Qureshi's connections to and contacts with El Hage,
his contact with a subject under investigation in Oregon, and his activities and financial support
of Help Africa People, a non-governmental organization believed to have been used by EI Hage
and others to provide cover identities and funds in connection with the 1998 attacks on the
United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. By Qureshi's admissions, at least $30,000 in
Qureshi's funds were given to El Hagein Nairobi, Kenya. El Hage is serving a life sentence for
his role in the East Africa Embassy bombings.

Sabri Benkahla (perjury, obstruction, false statements). In 2007, following a jury trial in the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Sabri Benkahla was convicted
on two counts of violating 18 U.S.C. 1623, for perjury, one count of violating 18 U.S.C. 1503
for obstructing justice, and one count of violating 18 U.S.C. 1001 for making false statements
to the FBI. These false statements included denial of his involvement with an overseas jihad
training camp in 1999, as well as his asserted lack of knowledge about individuals with whom he
was in contact. The government's evidence revealed that the grand jury and FBI in 2004 sought
to question Benkahla about his contacts with Ibrahim Buisir of Ireland, and Manaf Kasmuri of
Malaysia, both of whom are Specially Designated Global Terrorists, as well as those with
Ahmed Abu Ali, his friend and fellow student at the University of Medina, until both were
arrested by Saudi authorities in June 2003. Further, the government's evidence revealed that the
grand jury and FBI sought to question Benkahla about his contacts with an individual suspected
of being Malik al-Tunisi, a facilitator for the al-Zarqawi terrorist network in Iraq.

Akram Musa Abdallah (false statements). In 2009, following the entry of a guilty plea in the
United States District Court for the District of Arizona, Akram Musa Abdallah was convicted of
violating 18 U.S.C. 1001 for making false statements to the FBI. In January 2007, Abdallah
knowingly made a false material statement to special agents of the FBI during an interview in
connection with the federal investigation and prosecution ofthe Holy Land Foundation for Relief
& Development (HLF) and its officers. At the time of the interviews, Abdallah knew the HLF
was a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization. Abdallah also knew that when he was
interviewed, the HLF and its officers were pending trial in the United States District Court for
the Northern District of Texas, for crimes including providing material support to a foreign
terrorist organization. During the interviews, Abdallah told FBI agents he was not involved in

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fundraising activities for the HLF, when, infact, between approximately 1994 and 1997,
Abdallah was involved in numerous fundraising activities, including collecting donations,
organizing, facilitating and coordinating fund raising events on behalf of the HLF in the Phoenix
metropolitan area. In July 2004, the HLF and seven of its principals were indicted on a variety
of charges stemming from its financial support of Ham as, and in November 2008, after a two-
month trial, those defendants were convicted on all charges .



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National Security Division Chart of Public/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 -12131/14

Defendant District Charge Date Charges Category Conv Dale Conviction Charges Sent Date Sentence
18/922(g)(1) and 18/924(a)(2); [18/2339B by
1 Morgan, Oonald Ray MONC 27-May-14 I 3O-Oct-14 18/2339B; 18/922(g){1); 18/924(a){2)
Informatio~" 13-May-15 243 months Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
2 Phillipos, Robel Kidane OMA 29-Aug-13 2x 18/1001{a)(2) II 28-Oct-14 2x 18/1001{a)(2) 05-.lun-15 3 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $25,000 fine
3 Jordan, Akba Jihad EONC 01-Apr-14 18/2339A I 16-Oct-14 18/2339A

4 Furreh, Mahdi Hussein OMN 24-Sep-14 18/1001 II 03-0ct-14 18/1001 ,

18/2339A; [18/2339A; 18/2339B; 181956; 18/371

5 Deleon, Ralph Kenneth COCA 28-Nov-12 (18123390 predicate); 18/1117 by Superseding I 25-Sep-14 18/2339A; 18/956; 18/1117 23-Feb-15 25 yrs imprisonment; life SR
18/2339A; [18/2339A; 18/2339B; 181956; 18/371
6 Kabir, Sohiel COCA 12-Dec-12 18/2339A; 18/2339B; 18/371 (18123390
(18/23390 predicate); 1811117 by Superseding I 25-Sep-14 23-Feb-15 25 yrs Imprisonment; life SR
predicate); 18/1117
1812332(b); 181956; ",r
14, 1116, 1 1 ;
18/2332a; 18/844{n); 18/2155; 2x 18/844{f); 2x
18/2332a & 18/2; 224x 18/930(c), 18/1111 & 18/2;
7 Bary, Adel Abdel SONY 08-May-OO 18/844(e) & (n); 18/844(e); 18/371 25 yrs imprisonment; $33,816,561.75
44x 18/1111, 18/1114 & 18/2; 4x 18/1111, I 19-5ep-14 06-Feb-15
(18/2332{a) predicate) restitution
18/1116 & 18/2; 18/844(h) & 18/2; 2x 181924{c) &
1812 [18/844(e) & In); 18/844{e) & 18/2; 18/371
1(1 n~~?< \ n~~;r;";;\
bv .

8 Conley, Shannon Maureen OCO 22-Apr-14 181371 (1812339B predicate) II 10-5ep-14 18/371 (18/2339B predicate) 4 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; 100 hrs
community service
9 Zea, Marcos Alonso 17-Oct-13
181956; 18/2339A & 18/2; 18/2339B & 18/2; 2x
EONY 09-5ep-14 18/2339B; 18/1512 20-Apr-15
18/1512 & 18/2 25 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
10 Kadyrbayev, Oias OMA 08-Aug-13 18/371 (18/1519 predicate); 1811519 & 18/2 21-Aug-14 18/371 (18/1519 predicate); 1811519 & 18/2 02-Jun-15 6 yrs Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
11 Brown, Avin Marsatis EONC 01-Apr-14 18/2339A 12-Aug-14 18/2339A
12 Tazhayakov, Azamat OMA 08-Aug-13 18/371 (18/1519 predicate); 1811519 & 18/2 21-Ju1-14 18/371 (18/1519 predicate); 1811519 & 18/2 05-.lun-15 42 months Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
Kauser Mohammed, Gufran
13 SOFL 21-May-13 15x 18/2339B & 18/2; forfeiture l1-Ju1-14 18/2339B
Ahmed 17-0ec-14 15 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; forfellure
14 Khan, Rahatul Ashikim WDTX 18-Jun-14 18/2339A 02-Jul-14 18/2339A
[18/2339A by Indictment]; [18/2339B by
15 Wo~e, Michael Todd WDTX 18-Jun-14 27-Jun-14 18/2339B " 05-.lun-15
Informationl' 82 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
16 Osmakac, Sami MOFL 02-Feb-12 18/2332a; 26/5861 (d) & 26/5871; forfeiture 10-Jun-14 18/2332a; 26/5861 (d) & 26/5871 05-Nov-14 40 yrs imprisonment; I~e SR; forfeiture
17 Abassl, Ahmed 2x 18/1546(a) & 18/2; forfeiture; [18~;001;
SONY 22-Apr-13 03-Jun-14 18/1001; 18/1028 16-Jul-14
18/1028 bv Sunersedinn Information Time served; 1 yr SR; judicial order of removal
18/1203; 18/1203 & 18/2; 18/371 (18/2339A 1811203; 18/1203 & 18/2; 1,8/371 (182339A
predicate); 2x 18/2339A & 18/2; 2x 18/2339B; 2x predicate); 18/2339A; 2x 18/2339A & 18/2;
18 Mustafa, Mustafa Kamel SONY 19-Apr-04 I 19-May-14 9-Jan-15
18/2339B & 1812; 18/2339A; 18/371, 50/1705(b) & Ufe Imprisonment
2x 18/2339B; 2x ~~~339B& 18/2; 18/371,
31 C.F.R. 545204 & 545 zosn 50/1705(b\ & 31 R 545.204 545.206 b
19 Babafemi, lawai Olaniyi EONY 21-Feb-13 2x 18/2339B; 18/924(c) & 18/2; 18/924{o) I 29-Apr-14 2x 18/2339B
20 A1kadhi, Soloman Zaid SOFL 17-Jan-14 18/1001 II 24-Apr-14 18/1001 23-Jul-14 5 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
21 Abu Ghayth, Sulaiman SONY 01-Mar-13 18/2332{b);18/2339A; 18/2339A & 18/2; forfeiture I 26-Mar-14 18/2332(b);18/2339A; 18/2339A & 18/2 23-Sep-14 Ufe imprisonment; forfeiture
22 Ball, Shelton Thomas MOFL 18-Jul-13 2x 18/2339A I 19-Mar-14 2x 18/2339A 20 yrs imprisonment; life SR; $17,000
4x 1811203{a); 18/924{c) & 18/2; 18/2339A;
23 Herrera, Alexander Beltran DOC 14-Dec-l0 I 18-Mar-14 sx 1811203(a) & 18/2 24-Oct-14
18/2339B 27 yrs imprisonment; 2 yrs SR

24 Baxam, Craig Benedict OMO 07-Mar-12 [18/2339B by tndictment]; [18/1519 by tnformation] II 13-Jan-14 18/1519 13-Jan-14 7 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
25 Nguyen, Sinh Vinh Ngo COCA 11-Oct-13 18/1542; 18/2339B t 27-Dec-13 18/2339B 30-Jun-14 13 yrs Imprisonment; 10 yrs SR
18/2339A & 18/2; 18/371 (18/2339A predicate);
26 Ahmad, Babar OCT 06-Oct-04 t 10-Dec-13 2x 18/2339A
18/956' 18/1956(al(2l(Al 16-Jul-14 12.5 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
18/371 (18/2339A predicate); 18/2339A & 18/2; 18/2339A & 18/2; 18/371 (18/2339A
27 Ahsan, Syed Talha OCT 28-Jun-06 t 10-Dec-13 16-Jul-14 Time served; 3 yrs SR
18/956 redicatel
18/2339B & 18/2; 18/924(c) & 18/2; forfeiture
28 Viglakis. loannis SONY 02-Au9-12 [211960a; 18/2339B & 18/2; 18/924(c) & 18/2; I 10-0ec-13 18/2339B 03-Sep-14 10 yrs imprisonment
forfeiture bv Sunersedinn Indictme~t1'
29 A1-Khattab, Yousef Mohamid EDVA 30-Oct-13 18/2261A(2){B) II 3O-Oct-13 18/2261A(2)(B) 25-Apr-14 30 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
30 Uaneza, Matthew Aaron NOCA 07-Mar-13 18/2332a I 10-Oct-13 18/2332a 27-Feb-14 15 yrs Imprisonment; life SR,

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Updated August 7, 2015
National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

Nadarajah, Piratheepan 2x 1B/2339B [2x 1B/2339B; 2x 23329 by

31 EONY 14-Sep-Q6 I OB-Oct-13 2x lB/2339B
Suoersedina Indictmentl 25-Mar-14 24 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR

Harroun, Eric lB/2339B and lB/2332a [18/371 (2212778

32 EOVA 2004un-13 I 19-5ep-13 lB1371 (221277B predicate)
redlcatei bv Informationl 19-5ep-13 TIme served; 3 yrs SR
Abukhdair, Mohammad Abdul
33 SOAL 19-Dec-12 18/2339A; 1B/I542 I 06-Aug-13 lB/2339A
Rahman 20-Dec-13 15 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR

34 Sriskandarajah, Suresh EONY 2B-Dec-09 18/2339B; 5O/1705(b) & lB/2 I 02-Jul-13 18/2339B 24 months Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; judicial
onder of removal
Vidriales, Miguel Alejandro
35 COCA 2B-Nov-12 18/2339A I 07-May-13 18/2339A; 181371 (18/23390 predicate) 10 yrs imprisonment; 10 yrs SR; 20 hrs per
Santana 16-Mar-15
week communitv service
36 Wilson Jr., Randy Lamar SOAL 19-Dec-12 lB/2339A I 19-Apr-13 18/2339A 20-0ec-13 15 yrs Imprisonment; 3 rs SR
37 Hameed Shehadeh, Abdel EONY 23-Dec-l0 3x 18/1001 II 25-Mar-13 3x 18/1001 ,
20-Sap-13 13 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
KIlan, Hafiz Muhammad Sher
38 SOFL 12-May-ll 2x 18/2339A; 2x 1B/2339B i 04-Mar-13 2x 1812339A; 2x 1B/2339B
A1i 23-Aug-13 25 yrs Imprisonment;.5 yrs SR
lB/2339A; lB/2339B; 18/956; lBI1956(a)(2)(A) &
39 Doreh,lssa SOCA 22-Oct-l0 (h) [18/2339A; 2x lB/2339B; lBI1956(a)(2)(A) & lB/2339A; 2x lB/2339B; 18/1956(a)(2)(A) &
I 22-Feb-13 lB-Nov-13 10 yrs Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
nibv Second Suoersedino Indlctmerin: (h)
2x lB/2339A; lB/2339B; lB/956; 18/1956(a)(2)(A)
& (h) [2x lB/2339A; 2x lB/2339B; 2x lB/2339A; 2x lB/2339B;
40 Moalin, Basaaly Saeed SOCA 22-Oct-l0 t 22-Feb-13
lBI1956(a)(2)(A) & (h) by Second Superseding lB/1956(a)(2)(A) & (h) lB-Nov-13 1B yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
18/2339A; 18/2339B; lB/956; lB/1956(a)(2)(A) &
41 Mohamud, Ahmed NasirTaalil SOCA 14-Jan-ll (h) [IBI2339A; lB/2339B; lB/1956(a)(2)(A) & (h) I 22-Feb-13 lB/2339A; lB/2339B; lB/1956(a)(2)(A) & (h) 3104an-14 6 yrs Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
by Second Sunersedino Indictmenil
lB/2339A; lB/2339B; lB/956; lB/1956(a)(2)(A) &
Mohamud, Mohamed
42 SOCA 22-Oct-l0 (h) [IBI2339A; 2x lB/2339B; lBI1956(a)(2)(A) & lB/2339A; 2x lB/2339B; lB/1956(a)(2)(A) &
Mohamed I 22-Feb-13 lB-Nov-13 13 yrs Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
h bv Second Sunersedina Indictmentl
43 Gojali, Arlfeen David COCA 2B-Nov-12 18/2339A I 13-Feb-13 5 years imprisonment; 10 yrs SR; 20 hrs per
18/2339A 16-Mar-15
week communitv service
44 Kaliebe, Justin [IB/2339B by complaint]; [IB/2339A, lB/2339B by
EONY 22-Jan-13 I OB-Feb-13 lB/2339A,18/2339B
Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, Quazi
45 EONY 15-Nov-12 18/2332a (a); 18/2339B I 07-Feb-13 lB/2332a
Mohammad 09-Aug-13 30 yrs imprisonment; lifetime SR

46 Mohamud, Mohamed Osman DOR 29-Nov-l0 18/2332a I 31-Jan-13 lB/2332a 01-Oct-14 30 yrs imprisonment; lifetime SR

47 Abdul-Latif, Abu KIlalid lB/1114(1) & 18/1117; 18/2332a; 18/373(a); 2x

WDWA 07-Jul-l1 I 06-Dec-12 18/1114(1) & 18/1117; 18/2332a
18/924(c) & 18/2; 2x 18/922(g)(l) & 18/2 25-Mar-13 1B yrs imprisonment; 10 yrs SR .

48 Henareh, Siavosh SONY 1404ul-ll 21/963; forfeiture II 27-Nov-12 21/963; forfeiture 20-Mar-13 210 months Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
49 Omar, Mahamud Said DMN 20-Aug-09 2x 18/2339A; 2x 18/2339B; 18/956 I 18-Oct-12 2x 18/2339A; 2x 18/2339B; 18/956 13-May-13 20 yrs imprisonment; life SR
18/1117; 2x 1B/1958; 1B/2332a; 1B/2332b;
Arbabsiar, Manssor (aka 2x lB/1958; 18/371 (IB/2332b predicate);
50 SDNY 20-Oct-l1 forfelture [2x lB/1958; 181371 (1812332b t 17-Oct-12 25 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $125,000
Mansour) 30-May-13
forfeiture forfeiture
predicate); for1elture by Superseding Information]
26/5861(1) [26/5861(1); 18/B42(p)(2)(A); 18/2339A
51 Brice, Joseph Jeffrey EDWA 03-May-ll I 25-5ep-12 26/5861(1); 18/2339A
bv Suoersedino Indictmentl ll-Jun-13 12.5 yrs imprisonment; life SR;
211963; 18/2339B; 18/23329; forfeiture [21/963;
52 Aksu, Cetin SONY 14-Jul-ll 18/2339B; 18/23329; 18/1623; forfeiture by 21/963; 18/2339B; 18/23329; 18/1623;
I 22-Aug-12 05-Sep-14 36 months imprisonment; $1,750,000 forfeiture
Sunersedinn Infnrmationl
5x 18/2339A; 4x 18/2339B; 18/2332g [5x
53 Hammadi, Mohanad Shareef WOKY 26-May-ll 18/2339A; 4x 18/2339B; 18/2332g; 2x 18/1546(a) 5x 18/2339A; 4x 18/2339B; 18/2332g; 2x
I 21-Aug-12 2904an-13 Life imprisonment; life SR
bv Suoersedina Indictmentl '. 18/1546(a)

54 Velasco, Mauricio Santoyo 21/960,211963 & 18/2; forfeiture [1812339B by

EOVA 24-May-12 I 20-Aug-12 18/2339B 14-Dec-12
Informationl 13 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $125,000 fine

55 Mihalik, Oytun Ayse 18/1001 [3x 18/2339A; 18/1001 by Superseding

COCA 30-Aug-l1 I 10-Aug-12 18/2339A
Indlctme~tl 29-Mar-13 5 yrs imprisonment; 1 yr SR
56 Masri, Shaker NOlL 29-5ep-l0 18/2339B; 18/2339A I 30-Jul-12 18/2339B l1-Dec-12 118 months Imprisonment; 20 yrs SR
57 Ferdaus, Rezwan lB/844(I); lB/2155; lB/844(d); 26/56Bl(d);
OMA 29-Sep-l1 I 20-Jul-12 18/B44(I); 1B/2339A 01-Nov-12
lB/2339A' lB12339B' forfeiture 17 yrs Imprisonmenl; 10 yrs SR
58 Aldawsarl, KIlalid A1i-M NDTX OS-Mar-ll 18/2332a(a) I 2704un-12 lB/2332a(a) 13-Nov-12 Life imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
59 KIlalifi, Amine EI EOVA 17-Feb-12 1B/2332a(a) I 22-Jun-12 lB/2332a(a) 14-Sep-12 30 yrs imprisonment; 10 yrs SR

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18/2339B [2x 1812339B; 2x 50/1705(a); forfeiture

by Superseding Indictment] [18/2339B; 181371 18/2339B; 181371 (18/2339B predicate);
60 EI-Hanafi, Wesam SONY 02-Mar-l0 I 18-Jun-12 20-Jan-15 15 yrs lmprtsonment.S yrs SR;
(18/2339B predicate); forfellure by Superseding forfeiture

18/2339A; 181956(a) [18/2339A; 18/955(a); 2x 9123/11;
61 Subaslc, Anes EONC 18/1425(a); 18/2339A; 18/956(a)
I 2x 24-Aug-12 30 yrs lmprtsonment; 5 yrs SR; $1,000 fine
18/1425(a); forfeiture by Superseding Indictment] 5114/2012
2x 18/2339B; 18/371 (18/23390 predicate); ,
18123390; forfeiture [2x 18/2339B; 18/371
(18/23390 predicate); 18123390; forfeiture; 2x 18/371 (18/2339Band 18123390 111 months imprisonment; judicial order of
62 Ahmed, Mohamed Ibrahim SONY 22-Feb-l0 I 13-Jun-12 27-Mar-13
18/924(c) by Superseding Indictment] [2x 18/371 predicates); forfeiture removal upon completion of sentence !
(1812339B and 18/23390 predicates); forfeit ..e by
'Suoersedina .
18/2339B [2x 18/2339B; 2x 50/1705(a); forfeiture
by Superseding Indictment] [18/2339B; 181371 18/2339B; 18/371 (18/2339B predicate); 18 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $70,000
53 Hasanoff, Sablrhan SONY 02-Mar-l0 I 04-Jun-12 3O-Sep-13
(18/2339B predicate); forfeiture by Superseding forfeiture forfeiture
25/5851 (d) & 25/5671; 2x 18/922(g)(2) &
18/2332a(a); 1811114 & 18/1113; 4x
64 Abdo, Naser Jason WOTX 09-Aug-ll 924(a)(2) [18/2332a(a); 1811114(3) & 18/1113; 4x I 24-May-12 10-Aug-12 ute imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $3,000 fine
. 181924(c)
181924(c) bv Suoersedino Indic\mentl
55 Khalid, Mohammad Hassan EOPA zo-oei-u 1812339A I 04-May-12' 18/2339A 17-Apr-14 5 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
21/960a; forfeiture [21/960a; 18/2339B; forfeiture
55 Youse!, Jamal SONY 05-Jul-<l9 I 04-May-12 18/2339B 11-OC\-12 12 yrs imprisonment
11'LSUoersedino Indictmentl
18/956(a); 18/23390 [18/2332a(a); 18/956(a);
18/2332a(a); 18/956(a); 18/2339B & 18/2;
1812339B & 18/2; 18/2339B; 18/23390 & 18/2;
57 Medunjanin, Adis EONY 08-Jan-l0 I 01-May-12 18/2339B; 18/23390 & 18/2; 18/2332b; 16-Nov-12 ute plus 95 yrs Imprisonment
1812332b; 18/2332b & 18/2; 2x 18/924(c) & 18/2
ll\'.Suoersedina Indictmentl
18/2332b & 18/2; 2x 18/924(c) & 18/2
5B Hassoun, Sami Samir NOlL 14-0ct-l0 1812332a; 1 B/844(i) I 23-Apr-12 1B/2332a; 18/B44(I) 3D-May-13 23 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
lB/2339B; 5x lB1371; 18/473 & lB/2; 18/1543 & lB/2339B; 5x 181371; lB/473; 1811543&
59 Hamdan, Moussa Ali EOPA 24-Nov-<l9 lB/2; lOx 18/2314, 21 & lB/2; 8x 18/2320(a), 21 & 11 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $5,000,000
I 20-Apr-12 18/2; lOx 18/2314 & 1B/2; Bx 1B/2320 & 19-Jul-13
lB/2' 2x 18/1001 18/2' 2x 18/1001
70 Abdelrahman, Idriss SONY 30-Dec-<l9 21/950a; 18/2339B; forfeiture 46 months imprisonment; removal to Ghana or
I 17-Apr-12 lB/2339B 16-Nov-12
71 Toure, Harouna SONY 30-Dec-<l9 21/950a; 18/2339B; forfeiture 63 months Imprisonment; removal to Ghana or
I 17-Apr-12 18/2339B 15-Nov-12
2x 1812339B; 2x SO/1705(a); 18/922(g)(5) [2x

18/2339B; 2x 50/1705(a); 18/371 (18/922 2x 18/2339B; 2x 50/1705(a); 18/371 15 yrs imprisonment; judicial order of removal;
72 Nayyar, Patrick SONY I 27-Mar-12 27-Oct-14
predicate); 18/922(g)(5) by Superseding (18/922 predicate) forfeiture
4x 181871(a); 18/922(g)(5)(A); 18/922(0); 2615661;
73 Kodirov, Ulugbek NOAL 25-Jul-ll I 10-Feb-12 18/2339A; 18/871(a); 18/922(g)(5)(A) 13-Jul-12 188 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
and 18/2339A bv Infonmationl
18/875(c) & 18/2 [181371 (181373 & 18/2251A(I), 18/371 (18/373 & 18/2261A(I), 18/642(p) &
18/842(p) & 18/2261A(1), 18/B75(c), 18/2261A(1), 18/B75(c), 18/2261A(2)(B)
74 Morton, Jesse Curtis EOVA 13-May-l1 1\ 09-Feb-12 22-Jun-12 11.5 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
18/2251A(2)(B) predicates); 18/875(c) & 18/2 by predicates); 18/875(c) & 18/2;
Infonmationl 1812261A(2)(B) & 1812
75 Mylvaganam, Ramanan EONY 28-Dec-<l9 18/2339B I 08-Feb-12 lB/2339B 14-May-12 Time served; 3 yrs SR
76 Khan, Raja Lahrasib NOlL 01-Apr-l0 2x 1812339B I 06-Feb-12 lB/2339B 08-Jun-12 7.5 yrs in prison; IWeSR
77 Mahamud, Ahmed Hussein OMN 07-Jun-ll 2x 18/2339A; 2x 18/2339B; forfeiture I 05-Feb-12 18/2339B 14-MaY-13 3 yrs Imprisonment; 20 yrs SR
8/1324; forfeiture [18/2339B; 8/1324; forfeiture by
78 Hussain, Muhammad Abid DOC 08-Mar-ll I 31-Jan-12 8/1324 09-Apr-12 31 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
Suoersedina Indictmentl
Martinez, ,.,ntonio (a/kIa
7:,9 OMO 21-Dec-l0 18/1114(3),18/2332a(a)(3) I) I 25-Jan-12 18/2332a(a)(3) 05-Apr-:t.2 25 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
Muhammad Hussain)
2x 18/1361; 2x 181924(c) [18/1351; 25 yrs imprisonment; 10 yrs SR; $111,215.98
80 Melaku, Yonathan EOVA 23-Jun-ll II 26-Jan-12 18/1351; 18/924(c)(I)(A); 18/1369 l1-Jan-13
181924fc\f1\(Al: 18/1359 bv Infonmationl restitution
4. 18/2339B; 2x 18/924(c); 18/844(n); 181371 4. 18/2339B; 2x 181924(c); 18/844(n);
81 Warsame, Ahmed Abdulkadir SONY 3Q-Jun-l1 I 21-Dec-ll
18/23390 oredicate); 18/23390' forfeiture 18/371 (18/23390 oredicatel'18/23390'
2x 18/2339A; 18/956; 18/371; 2x 18/1001; 2x 18/2339A; 18/956; 181371; 2x 18/1001;
82 Mehanna, Tarek OMA 15-Jan-<l9 I 20-Dec-l1 12-Apr-12 210 months imprisonment; 7 yrs SR
1812339B 18/2339B
18/2332(b)(2); 18/2332a; 18/842(p)(2)(A); l1x 18/2332(b)(2); 18/2332a; 18/842(p)(2)(A);
Alwan, Waad Ramadan WDKY 25-May-l1 I 15-0ec-ll 29-Jan-13 40 yrs Imprisonment; Iffe SR
18/2339A' 8x 18/2339B' 18/23320 llx 18/2339A- 8x 18/2339B' 18/23320
84 Berry, Reed Stanley WOMI 05-Oct-l1 18/111(a)(1), 18/111(b) & 18/1114 II 12-Dec-ll 18/111(a)(1) and (b) 19-Apr-12 92 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $1,000 fine
18/1114& 18/1117; 18/2332a; 18/924(c); 18/1114(1) & 1117; 18/2332a; 18/922(g) &
85 Mujahidh, Wam WOWA 07-Jul-l1
18/922101 & 18/2
I oe-cee-n 18/2
08-Apr-13 17 yrs lrnprisonrnent; 10 yrs SR

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18/2339B, 1811001 (a)(2); [18/2339B by

86 Mmad, Jubair EOVA 01-Sep-11 I 02-Dec-11 18/2339B 13-Apr-12
Information 1 12 yrs Imprisonment; 5 years SR
87 Yusuf, Nima Ali SOCA 12-Nov-10 1812339A; 18/2339B; 18/1001(a)(2) I 01-Dec-11 18/2339B 11-0ec-12 8 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
88 Issa,Oumar SONY 30-0ec-Q9 21./960a; 18/2339B; forfeiture I 15-Nov-l1 18/23398 12-Mar-12 57 months imprisonment; forfeiture; removal
89 Sujol, Jr. Barry Walter SOTX 03-Jun-l0 18/2339B; 18/1028A(a)(2) I 14-Nov-11 18/2339B; 18/1028A(a)(2) 24-May-12 20 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $10,000 fine
1812339B; 18/2332g [18/2339B; 18/2332g;
90 Wehbe, Bachar SONY 14-Jul-ll I 04-Nov-11 18/23398; 18/2332g; 18/1512; forfeiture 04-Nov-13
19/1512' forfeilure bv Suoersedina lnforrnation] 5 yrs Imprisonment 2 yrs SR
91 Yusuf, Mohamud Abdi EOMO 21-Oct-l0 4x 18/2339B; 181371; 18/1015(a) I 03-Nov-ll 4x 18/23398 19-Jun-12 140 months Imprisonment; 2 yrs SR;
18/2332(b); 18/2332g(a)(I), (b); 18/1114 & 18/2332(b); 18/2332g(a)(I), (b); 18/1114 & 25 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $15,000,000
92 Bout, Viktor SONY 24-Apr-08 I 02-Nov-l1 0S-Apr-12
1811117' 18/2339B' forfeilure 18/1117'18/2339B forfeilure
93 A1i, Amina Farah OMN 06-Jul-l0 13x 18/23396(a)(l) I ao-oei-u 13x 18/23398(a)(I) 16-May-13 20 yrs imprlsonmenl; I~e SR
,94 Hassan, Hawo OMN 06-Jul-l0 18/23398(a)(I); 3x 18/1001(a)(2) I 20-Oct-l1 18/23396(a)(I); 2x 1811001 (a)(2) 16-May-13 10 yrs imprisonment; I~e SR
Hassan, Mohammad Omar
95 EONC 22-Jul-09 18/2339A; 18/956(a) I 13-0ct-ll 1812339A 13-Jan-12
A1v 15 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $5,000 fine

96 Sherlfi, Hysen EONC 22-Jul-09 18/2339A; 18/956(a); 2x 18/924(c); 18/1117 I 13-0ct-ll 1812339A; 18/956(a); 2x 181924(c); 18/1117 13-Jan-12 45 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR

97 Yaghi, Ziyad EDNC 22-Jul-09 18/2339A; 18/956(a) I 13-0ct-l1 380 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $8,000
18/2339A; 18/956(a) 13-Jan-12

18/2332b(a)(1), 18/2332b(a)(2); sx
18/2332b; 3x 18/924(c); 18/1113 & 49/48506; 18/924(c)(I)(A), 18/924(c)(I)(B)(ii) &
98 Abdulmulallab, Umar Farouk EOMI 06-Jan-10 18/32(a)(2); 18/2332a(a)(2); 18/32(a)(8) & I 12-Oct-ll 18/924(c)(I)(C)(ii); 18/1113 & 49/46506; 16-Feb-12 Ufe imprisonment; life SR; $2,505 reslitution
18/32(a)(I) 18132(a)(2); 18/2332a(a)(2); 18/32(a)(8) &
99 Boyd, Dylan EDNC 22-Jul-09 18/2339A; 18/956(a); 18/922(d)(I) I 14-Sep-ll 18/2339A 20-Dec-ll 8 yrs Imprisonment 3 yrs SR; $1000 fine
100 Hazime, Latif Kamel EOPA 24-Nov-09 181371 (18/2314 predicate); 18/2314 & 18/2 11 13-Sep-l1 18/2314 & 18/2 Time served; 2 yrs SR; $1,000 fine; $25,998
118137 ; BI1324(a)(2)(tl)(II): to el ure JlC{"'~~~tl by
101 DOC I 50 months imprlsonmenl; 3 yrs SR; removal to
UI Haq,lrfan 01-Mar-l1 Information] tz-see-n 18/2339B 0S-Jan-12 Pakistan
102 A1i, Qasim
18/371; 8I1324(a)(2)(B)(ii); forfeiture [18123398 by 40 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; removal to
DOC 01-Mar-11 I 12-Sep-ll 18/2339B 21-0ec-l1
Informationl Pakistan
Yousef, Zahid
181371; 8I1324(a)(2)(8)(Ji); forfeiture [18123398 by 3 yrs imprisonment 3 yrs SR; removal to
103 DOC 03-Mar-l1 I 12-Sep-l1 18/2339B 21-0ec-l1
Informationl Pakistan
104 Younis, Mohammad SONY 15-Sep-10 181371; 18/1960 & 18/2; forfeilure 11 18-Aug-ll 18/1960 & 18/2; forfeilure 01-0ec-ll 3 yrs probation; $2,000 fine; $12,000 forfeiture
105 Begolly, Emerson Winfield 14-Jul-l1 18/373(a),18/842(p)(2)(A) 11 09-Aug-l1 181373(a); 18/924(c) 16-Jul-13
WDPA 102 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR

106 Zazi, Mohammed Wali EONY

18/1512(k); 18/1512(c); 18/1512(b)(3); 18/1519;
28-Jan-l0 11 22-Jul-l1 18/1512(k); 1811512(c); 18/1546(a)
18/1503i.l, 8
18/1 001 i \(21, 18/1546 10-Feb-12 54 months imprlsonmenl; 3 yrs SR
107 Mohamed, Omer Abdi OMN 17-Nov-09 2x 18/2339A; 18/956; 3x 18/924(c) I 18-Jul-l1 18/2339A 14-May-13 12 yrs imprisonment; 20 years SR
108 Kaziu, Belim 18-Sep-09
18/956; 18/2339A; 18/2339B & 18/2; 18/924(0) & 18/956; 18/2339A; 18/2339B & 18/2;
EONY I 07-Jul-l1 02-Mar-12 27 yrs imprisonment; lije SR
924(cl(1 trBlnil 181924(01 & 924(cll1\fB\(iil
109 Rana, Tahawwur Hussain NOlL 18-Ocl-09 2x 18/2339A; 18/23398 I 09-Jun-l1 18/2339A; 18/2339B 17-Jan-13 14 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR;
Dogirama, Anderson
110 SONY 31-Mar-09 2x 18/1203 & 18/2 I 07-Jun-l1 2x 18/1203 & 18/2 10 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $3,000,000
Chamaauro 24-Ocl-l1
111 Ortiz, Edilberto Berrio SONY 31-Mar-09 2x 18/1203 & 18/2 I 07-Jun-l1 2x 18/1203 & 18/2 17 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $3,000,000
112 Rengifo, Alejandro Palacios SONY 31-Mar-09 2x 18/1203 & 18/2 I 07-Jun-l1 2x 18/1203 & 18/2 15 yrs imprlsonmenl; 3 yrs.SR; $3,000,000
') 24-Ocl-ll
113 Boyd, Zakarlya EONC 22-Jul-09 18/2339A; 18/956; 2x 18/924(c) I 07-Jun-l1 18/2339A 20-0ec-11 9 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $3,000 fine
114 Ibrahim, Kareem EONY 28-Jun-07
18/23321; 18/844(1) & (n); 18/32(a)(2) & (8); 18/23321; 18/844(i) :I,(n); 18/32(a)(2) & (8);
I 26-May-l1 13-Jan-12 ilie imprisonment
181371 a li21: 18/1992( ~ li4 UBI 18/37IaI12I'18/1992 ';li4\(BI
115 Akl, Amera NDOH 07-Jun-l0 18/2339B; 18/1956(h); 18/844(h) I 23-May-ll 18/2339B; forfeiture 22-Jun-ll 40 months imprisonment; 3 years SR
116 Akl, Hor
18/2339B; 18/1956(h); 18/844(h); 18/157(1) & 18/2339B; 18/1956(h); 18/157(1); 75 months imprisonment; 10 yrs SR;
NOOH 07-Jun-l0 I 23-May-l1 21-May-12
1812' 18/162111I: 18/152171: forfeiture 18/1621 11: 18/152i7i, forfeilure IS7c 533,81 restitution' forfeiture
117 Finton, Michael C, 24-Sep-09 18/1114(3); 18/2332a(a) I 09-May-11 18/2332a(a)
SOIL 09-May-l1 28 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $1,000 fine

118 A1i, Aftab

18/1546(a), 1811001 (a)(2) [181196O{b), 18/1546(a)
OMA 04-Nov-l0 11 12-Apr-l1 18/1960(b),18/1546(a) 12-Apr-ll TIme served; 3 yrs SR
bv Information!
119 Mmed, Farooque EOVA 26-oct-IC 18/2339A; 18/2339B; 18/1992(a)(8) I l1-Apr-ll 18/2339B; 1811992(a)(8) l1-Apr-l1 23 yrs Imprisonment; 50 yrs SR

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120 Ramirez, Jamie Paulin EDPA 01-Apr-l0 18/2339A I 08-Mar-ll 18/2339A 08--1an-14 8 yrs Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $2,500 fine
121 Alessa, Mohamed DNJ O4--Iun-l0 18/956(a)(1); forfeiture I 03-Mar-ll 18/956(a)(1) 15-Apr-13 22 yrs imprisonment; lije SR
122 Almonte, caries DNJ 04-Jun-l0 18/956(a)(I); forfeiture I 03-Mar-ll 18/956(a)(1) 15-Apr-13 20 yrs imprisonment; lije SR
123 Banol-Ramos, Yartel SONY 14-May-09 18/2339B I 28-Feb-ll 18/2339B 16-Sep-ll 180 mOflths lmprtsonrnent; 3 yrs SR

124 Ibarguen-Palaclo, Jorge Abel SONY 14-May-09 18/2339B I 25-Feb-11 18/2339B 07-0ee-11 130 months Imprisonment; 2 yrs SR

125 Laban, Roque Orabia SONY 12-May-09 2x 18/1203 I 14-Feb-11 2x 18/1203 08-Aug-12 5 yrs imprisonment; $3,000,000 restitution
18/2339A; 18/956(a); 2x 18/924(e); 2x
126 Boyd, Daniel EDNC 22--1ul-09 I 09-Feb-11 18/2339A; 18/956; forfeitore 24-Aug-12 18 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $3,000 fine
18/922(d)(1); 18/924(b); 2x 1811001; 18/1117
18/956; 18/2339A; 18/1001; 18/1028(8)(2), (b)(4) 18/2339A; 18/956; 18/1001; 18/1028(a)(2),
127 Larose, Colleen EOPA 04-Mar-10 I 01-Feb-11 06--1an-14 10 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $2,500 fine
&(fl b)(4) & (0
18/2332(b); 18/956(a)(1),.!~)(2)(A); 18/1114,
1116, 1117; 18/2332a(a)(1), (a)(3); 18/844(n);
18/2155(a)(b); 2x 18/844(1)(1), (1)(3); 2x
128 Ghailani, Ahmed Kha~an SONY 12-Mar-01 t 17-Nov-l0 18/844(n) 25-Jan-ll ilie imprisonment; $33,816,561 restitution
18/2332a(a)(1), (a)(3); 224x 18/930(e); 45x
1:~;(~;1~~ ;~;:;!X~;8/1111, 1116; 18/844(h)(1),

129 Talavera, Ulises SOFL 01-Oct-09 18/371; 4x 50/1705 & 18/2; 4x 18/554 & 18/2 t 20-Oct-l0 18/371 21--1an-l1 1 yr probation
130 Chesser, Zachary Adam EOVA 20-0ct-l0 18/23399; 18/875(e); 18/373 t 20-Oct-l0 18/23399; 18/875(e); 18/373 24-Feb-ll 25 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 1812332g(a)(1),
4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(a)(1), (b)(l),
131 Cromitie, James SONY 02-Jun-09 I 18-Oct-l0 (b)(l), (b)(4), (e) (1); 18/1114 & 1117; 29--1un-l1 25 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
(b)(4), (c) (1); 18/1114 & 1117; 18/1114 & 18/2
18/1114& 18/2
18/371 & 2212778; 18/23396(a)(1); 2212778;
132 Naidu, Balraj OMD 26-Feb-08 I 18-Oct-l0 18/23399 16-0ec-l0 57 months imprisonment; 2 years SR
18/924 (c); 18/1956(a)(2)(A)' 18/2' 18/982
4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(a)(1), (b)(l), 4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(a)(I), I
133 Payen, Laguerre SONY 02-Jun-09 I 18-Oct-10 07-Sep-11 25 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
b)(4), (c) (1); 18/1114 & 1117' 18/1114 & 18/2 b)(l). (b)(4). (c) (1\' 18/1114 & 1117 I
4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(a)(I),
4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(a)(1), (b)(l),
134 Williams, David SONY 02-Jun-09 I 18-Oct-l0 (b)(I), (b)(4), (c) (1); 18/1114 & 1117; 29--1un-l1 25 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
(b)(4), (c) (1); 18/1114 & 1117; 18/1114 & 18/2
18/1114 & 18/2
4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(a)(1), (b)(l), 4x 18/2332a(a)(2)(C); 2x 18/2332g(8)(1),
135 Williams, Onta SONY 02-Jun-09 I 18-Oct-l0 29--1un-l1 25 yrs Imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
b)(4). rc lIl): 18/1114 & 1117' 18/1114 & 18/2 l(b)(ll. (b)(4\, (C\(1\: 18/1114 & 1117
136 Arteaga-Tapia, Carlos Alberto SOFL 19-Feb-l0 18/2339B; 211963 I 14-0ct-l0 18/2339B; 21/963 24-MaY-ll 135 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
Masfaka, Mohamad Mustapha 1 yr and 1 day imprisonment; ordered deported
137 EOMI 22-Jan-l0 18/1001(a); 18/1015(8); 18/1425(8) II 14-Oct-l0 18/1015(8) 14-0ec-l0
Ali to Svria
1812332g; 21/846; 18/2342; 18/2320 [21/846;
21/846; 21/841(a)(1); 18/2320 & 18/2(a);
211841(8)(1); 18/2320 & 18/2(a); 18/2342(a); 25 yrs imprisonment; 10 yrs SR; $520,000
138 Chen, Vi Qing COCA 17-Aug-05 I 06-Oct-l0 18/2342(8); 18/2332g(a)(1)(A), (a)(1)(9), 09-May-ll
18/2332g(8)(1)(A), (a)(1)(9), (c)(l) by restitution
Suoersedina Indictment
139 Safadi, Khaled T. SOFL 01-Oct-09 18/371; 50/1705 & 18/2; 18/554 & 18/2 I 01-Oct-l0 18/371 21--1an-ll 6 months probation
Gonzalez-Neira, Emilio
140 SDFL 01-Oet-09 18/371; SO/1705 & 18/2; 18/554 & 18/2 I 15-Sep-l0 18/371 04-Jan-ll 1 yr probation

141 Sedaghaty, Pirouz OOR 17-Feb-05 09-Sep-l0 33 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $80,980
18/371; 2617206(1) & 18/2; II 18/371; 2617206(1) & 18/2 27-Sep-ll
142 Cordoba-Bermudez, Juanito SONY 05-Feb-09 18/23399 I 10-Aug-l0 1812339B 01--1un-ll i80 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
18123321(a)(1); 18/844(n); 18/32(a)(8); 18/37(a); 18/23321(a)(1); 18/844(n); 18/32(a)(8);
143 Defreitas, Russell EDNY 28--1un-07 I 02-Aug-l0 17-Feb-l1 ilie Imprisonment
18/1992(8\(4)(B\: 18/1992(a\(8\ 18/3I{a)' 18/1992{a\(4\(B)'18/1992(~i(8\

144 Kadir, Abdul EONY 28--1un-07
18/23321(a)(1); 18/844(n); 18/32(a)(8);
18/1992(a)(4\(6\: 18/1992(3\(8\
I 02-Aug-l0
18/23321(a)(1); 18/844(n); 18/32(a)(8);
18/37(a)' 18/1992{a\(4\(B\ .,
15-0ec-l0 ilie imprisonment

145 Rockwood, Nadia OAK 21-Jul-l0 18/1001 (a)(2) [Information] II 21-Jul-l0 18/1001(a)(2) 23-Aug-l0 5 yrs probation
146 Rockwood, Paul OAK 21--1ul-l0 18/1001 (a)(2) [Information] II 21-Jul-l0 18/1001(a)(2) 23-Aug-l0 96 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
18/1956(h), 3x 18/1956(a)(1)(9)(i), 18/982(a)(1) & 2 yrs probation and 4 months home
147 EI-Siddig, Abdel Azim WDMO 06-Mar-07 II 07-Jul-l0 18/371; 221612 and 618 ll-Jan-12
b\f1l confinement
18/23321(a)(1); 18/844(n); 18/32(a)(8); 18/37(8);
148 Nur, Abdel EONY 28-Jun-07 18/1992(a)(4)(6) [18/2339A by Superseding I 29-Jun-l0 18/2339A(a) &,2 13-Jan-l1 15 yrs Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
18/371,2x 18/1956(h), l1x 18/1956(a)(2)(A), 3x
149 18/371 & 31 C.F.R. 575.207; 5011701-1706;
Hamed, Mubarak WOMO 06-Mar-07 18/1956(a)(1)(6)(I), 19x5O/1701-1706,3x I 25-Jun-l0 l1-Jan-12 58 months Imprisonment; 2 yrs SR
1R/1l41 2617212,'18/982 IAlfl\ & Ibl/1\ ------- -

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Updated August 7,2015

-','.-'- -._ "", - -,. .....,.-.- ....,.,."~-.... ......- " .." ,.._-. ,-" ..---.- ",_.
National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

18/2332a; 18/2332b; 18/924(c); 18/844(d) & 18/2;

150 18/844(1) & 18/2 [all by complaint]; 2x 18/2332a; 2x 18/2332a; 2x 18/924(c); 2x 18/2332b;
Shahzad, Faisal SDNY 04-May-l0 I 21-Jun-l0
2x 18/924(c); 2x 18/2332b; 18/844(d); 2x os-oe-io Ufe imprisonment
18/844(d); 2x 18/844(n); 18/844(i)
18/844(n); 18/844(i) [all by indictment]

18/371. 18/922(9)(5)(B). 50/1705(b). and 3x

151 Mirza. Adnan SDTX 22-Nov'()6 18/922g(5)(B) (substantive) [SI: 18/371; 18/371 & 18/371; 18/371 & 50/1705(b); 7x 18/
I 27-May-l0 az-oc-io 15 yrs imprisonment; $9.000 fine
50/1705(b); 7x 18/922(g)(5)(A) & 924(a)(2)] 922(g)(5)(A) & g24(a)(2)

07-Oct'()9 18/2332a(a)(2)(A). (B). and (D); 18/23321(a)(I)(A)

152 Srnadi, Hosam Maher Husein NDTX I 26-May-l0 18/2332a 19"()ct-l0
and IBI 2332i/blili/EI 24 years imprisonment; 5 years SR
Tobias-Rodriguez. Osman
153 SDFL 19-Feb-l0 18/2339B; 211963 I 26-May-l0 18/2339B; 21/963
Jose 01-0C\-10 135 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
18/1344; 1811956 & 1957; 18/2314; 18/1001 [&
154 Ouazzanl, Khalid WDMO 03-Feb-l0 18/2339B (a)(l). (d)(l)(A). (d)(I)(O). (d)(I)(E) by I 19-May-l0 18/2339B; 18/1344; 18/1956 07..()C\-13 14 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $484.941.41
Information1 restitution

155 2x 1811001 [charged by Superseding Information

Abdow. Abdow Munye OMN 13-0ct'()9 II 04-May-l0 18/1512 (c)(2) 4 months custody & 4 months home
with 18/1512Ic)12)1 16-Jul-l0
156 Hashmi. Syed 24-May'()6 2x 18/2339B. 2x 50/1701 (b) & 31 C.F.R. 595.204 2x 18/2339B. 2x 50/1701 (b) & 31 C.F.R.
SDNY I 27-Apr-l0 15 years imprisonment; 3 years supervised
& 595.205 & 18/2 09-Jun-l0
595.204 & 595.205 & 18/2 release
157 Ahmedzay. Zareln 18/1001 (a)(2) [SI: 18/2332a; 18/956; 18/2339B;
EDNY 08-Jan-l0 I 23-Apr-l0 18/2332a; 181956; 18/2339B
18/23390' 18/10011
158 Mohamed. Alaa Allia Ahmed EDPA 24-Nov.()9 18/371; 18/2314. 21 & 2; II 09-Apr-l0 18/371; 18/2320(a). 21 & 2 14-Jul-l0 18 months Imprisonment
18/371. llx50/1701-1706. 2x 18/1956(h).11x
159 Bagegni. Ali Mohamed WOMO 06-Mar'()7 1811956(a)(2)(A). 3x 18/1956(a)(1)(B)(I). 3x I 06-Apr-l0 18/371 l1-Jan-12 6 months probation
18/641 18/982Ia\ll\ & Iblll\
160 Arevalo. Ana Isabel Pena DDC 25Sep'()7 18/23396(a)(l) and (2) I 26Mar-l0 18/2339B(a)(I) and (2) 22-Junl0 31 months Imprisonment
161 Gutierrez Vergara. Luz Mary ODC 25Sep'()7 18/23396(a)(1) and (2) I 26Mar-l0 18/23396(a)(l) and (2) 22-Junl0 31 months imprisonment
162 2x 18/371; 2x 18/2314. 21 & 2; 18/2320(a). 21. &
EINaDar. Hamze EOPA 24Nov'()9 II 22Mar-l0 2x 18/371 1 yr & 1 day imprisonment; 2 yrs SR; $3.000
2' 16-Jun-l0
18/23321(a)(2); 2x 181956(a)(I); 6x 18/2332(a)(I)
Headley. David Coleman (aka & 18/2; 2x 18/2339A; 18/2339B [by Information]/
163 NOlL 0~-Dec'()9 18/23321(a)(2); 2x 18/956(a)(I); 6x
Oaood Gilani) I 18Mar-l0 24-Jan13 35 yrs imprisonment; Life SR
18/23321(a)(2); 2x 18/956(a)(I); 6x 18/2332(a)(I); 18/2332(a)(I); 2x 18/2339A; & 18/2339B
2x 18/2339A; & 18/2339B [by Indictment]
164 Rubio. Nancy Conde DDC 25Sep'()7 2x 18/2339B I 17-Marl0 18/2339B 15-Junl0 11.5 years (138 months)
165 24Nov.()9 2x 18/371; 2x 18/2314, 21 & 2; 18/2320(a), 21. &
Kassem. Moustafa Habib EDPA II 10Mar-l0 2x 18/371 17..()ct-12
2 $270.669.63 forfeiture
166 Katz. Michael EDPA 24Nov'()9 18/371; 18/2320(a). 21. & 2 II 04-Marl0 181371; 18/2320(a), 21. & 2 14-Jul-l0 1 yr and 1 day imprisonment

167 Afzali. Ahmad Wais EONY 19..()ct.()9 3x 18/1001 (a)(2); 18/1001 (a)(3) Time served; 1 yr SR; required to self-deport
II 04-Mar-l0 18/1001(a)(2) 15Aprl0
wfln 90 days or face deportation to Afghanistan

23--5ep'()9 18/2332a(a)(2) [Superseding Information:

168 Zazi, Najlbullah EDNY I 22Feb-l0
18/2332a; 18/956; 18/2339B] 18/2332a; 18/956; 18/2339B

169 Siddiqui, Aafia SONY 02Sep08 18/2332(b); 18/1114; 18/111; 18/924(c) I 03-Feb-l0 18/2332(b); 18/1114; 18/111; 18/924(c) 23--5ep-l0 86 years imprisonment; 5 yrs SR

170 Kane. Maodo EDPA 24Nov-09 181371; 18/2320(a). 21, & 2 II 26-Jan-l0 18/371; 18/2320(a) 9 months imprisonment; deportation to
:.J 171 Jaji, Naqib EDNY 14-Janl0 18/1512(k) '. II 22Janl0 18/1512(k) .. 23-Aug13 3 yrs probation
172 Zazl, Amanullah EDNY 08-Jan-l0 18123390; 18/1512(k) [by Information] I 08Jan-l0 40 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; removal to
18/23390; 18/1512(k) 140ec-12
173 Mustafa. Ahmad WDMO 06-Mar'()7 181371, 1811956(h), 18/982(a)(l) & (b)(l) 16Dec'()9
II 181371 l1-Jan12 6 months probation
174 Taleb-Jedi. Zanaib 18/2339B; [By information on 12107/09:
EONY 29Sep'()6 I 07Dec'()9 5O/1705(b) Time served; 1 yr SR; not to associate with
50/1705Ibli 07-May-l0
members of MEK
175 Ali. Adarus Abdulle DMN 27..()ct'()9 18/1623(a) [by Information] II 02Nov'()9 1811623(a) [by Information] 16May13 2 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
1812339C &2. 18/2339A, 18/1956(a)(2)(A) & 2;
Alishtari, Abdul Tawala lbn Ali 18/1349; 18/1343 & 2 [Superseding Information
176 SONY 14-Feb'()7 29Sep'()9 121 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR;
(alk/a Michael Mixon) I 1812339C.18/371 19Apr-l0
file~~/29/09 charged him with 18/2339C and Restitution
813 1\
In Hadzovic, Sulejmah EONY 18Sep'()9 18/2339A(a) [by Information] I 18Sep'()9 1812339A(a) 15Apr15 5 yrs probation; 300 hours community service

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National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

178 AI Huraibi, Mohamed WDNY 07-May-<l8 13x 18/1956(a)(3)(A), (B), (C) [18/1960(a) & 1812
II 28-Aug-<l9 18/1960(a) & 18/2 10-Dec-<l9 Umeserved; 2 yrs SR; $250 fine
bv Suoerseoinc Informalion1
179 Alomari, Yehia Ali Ahmed WDNY 07-May-<l8 15x 18/1956(a)(3)(A), (B), (C) [18/1960(a) & 1812
II 28-Aug-09 18/1960(a) & 18/2 01-Dec-<l9 time served; 2 yrs SR; $250 fine
bv Suoersedinn Informatio~'
Saeed, Saleh Mohamed 9x 18/1956(a)(3)(A), (B), (C) [18/1960(a) & 1812
180 WDNY 07-May-<l8 II 28-Aug-<l9 18/1960(a) & 18/2 02-Dec-<l9 time served; 2 yrs SR; $250 fine
Taher bv Suoersedina Information;
181 Muhammad, Anar OMD 23-May-<l7 3x 18/1960(a); 18/1956(h) II 17-Aug-<l9 18/1956(h) 05-Nov-<l9 40 months; 2 yrs SR
19..1ul-<l6 18/956, 18/2332b, 18/2339B [35112108/09 2x 17 years Imprisonment and 30 years of
182 Sadequee, Ehsanul Islam NDGA I 12-Aug-<l9 2x 1812339A(a); 2x 18/2339B(a)(1) 14-Dec-<l9
18/2339A & 2x 18/2339Bl suoervised release
AI-Moayad, Mohammed Ali
183 EDNY 04-Jan-03 18/2339B I 07-Aug-09 18/2339B 07-Aug-09
Hasan Umeserved; ordered deported to Yemen
Zayed, Mohammed Moshen
184 EDNY 04..1an-03 18/2339B I 07-Aug-09 1812339B 07-Aug-<l9
Yanva time served; ordered deported to Yemen
185 Ahmed, Salah Osman OMN 19-Feb-09 18/2339A; 18/956; 2x 18/1001 I 28..1ul-09 18/2339A 14-MaY-13 3 yrs Imprisonmenl; 20 yrs SR
186 Corredor-Ibague, Jose Maria DOC 15-Dec-05 21/963, 960 & 959 & 18/2 211963, 960 & 959 & 18/2; 21/960a;
I 26.Jun-09 09-5ep-13 194 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
187 Socrates, Nachimulhu EDNY 14-Sep-06 18/2339B; 2x 18/371 I 15-Jun-09 2x 18/371 1 yr & 1 day imprisonment; 3 yrs SR (with
community service); $20 000 fine
188 Ahmed, Syed Haris NDGA 23-Mar-<l6 18/2339A. 18/2339B, 18/956, 18/2332b I 10.Jun-<l9 18/2339A 14-Dec-09 13 yrs imprisonment
18/2339B [6/09/09 Superseding Information;
189 Kand~samy, Karunakaran EDNY 21-May-07 I 09.Jun-09 18/2339B; 18/371 11-May-12
18/2339B & 1813711 TIme served; 3 yrs SR
190 Patpanathan, Vijayshanthar EDNY 14-Sep-06 18/2339B I 09.Jun-09 18/2339B 11-Feb-11 Time served; 3 yrs SR
191 Thavaraja, Pratheepan EDNY 14-Sep-06 18/2339B; 18/371 I 09..1un-<l9 18/2339B; 18/371 06-Sep-12 9 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR
192 Vinayagamoorthy, Murugesu EDNY 14-Sep-06 18/2339B; 2x 18/371; 50/1705 (b), 18/2 I 09.Jun-09 18/2339B 27-Apr-11 Time served; 3 yrs SR
Warsame, Mohammed 92 months imprisonment and 3 years SR;
193 OMN 20..1an-04 2x 18/2339B, 3x 18/1001 I 20-May-09 18/2339B O9..1ul-09
Abdullah ordered deported back to Canada at
conclusion of sentence
194 Abraham, Patrick SDFL 22-Jun-<lS 18/2339A, 18/2339B, 18/844(n), 18/2384 I 12-May-09 18/2339A, 18/2339B, 18/844(n) 19-Nov-09 112.5 months imprisonment; 15 yrs SR
195 Augustin. Burson SDFL 22.Jun-06 18/2339A, 18/2339B, 18/844(n), 18/2384 I 12-May-<l9 18/2339A, 18/2339B 18-Nov-<l9 72 months imprisonment; 10 yrs SR
196 Augustine, RotSchiid SDFI': 22-Jun-06 18/2339A. 18/2339B, 18/844(n), 18/2384 I 12-May-<l9 18/2339A, 18/2339B 18-Nov-09 84 months imprisonment; 10 yrs SR
197 Batiste, Narseal SDFL 22-Jun-OS 18/2339A, 18/2339B, 18/844(n), 18/2384 I 12-May-<l9 18/2339A, 18/2339B, 18/844(n), 18/2384 20-Nov-09 162 months imprisonment; 35 yrs SR
198 Phanor, Stanley Grant SDFL 22-Jun-06 18/2339A, 18/2339B, 18/844(n), 18/2384 I 12-May-09 18/2339A, 18/2339B 19-Nov-09 96 months imprisonment; 15 yrs SR
2x 18/2339A; 18/2339A(a); 4x 23396(a)(1); 2x
199 Kassir, Oussama SONY 06-Feb-06 18/956(a); 18/842(p)(2)(A); 18/371; 18/229(8)
2x 18/2339A; 18/2339A(a); 4x 23396(a)(1);
I 12-May-09 15-Sap-09 life
18/229(81 was dismissed; 2x 18/956(a); 18/842(p)(2)(A); 18/371
200 Abdallah, Akram OAZ 19-Aug-08 18/1001 II 06-May-<l9 18/1001 05-Mar-10 18 months; 3 yrs SR
201 al-Mam, Ali Saleh Kalah COIL 26-Feb-09 2x 18/2339B I 3O-Apr-<l9 18/2339B 29-Oct-<l9 100 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
202 Isse, Abdifatah Yusuf OMN 19-Feb-09 18/2339A; 18/956 I 24-Apr-09 18/2339A 14-May-13 3 yrs imprisonment; 20 yrs SR
203 Abdhir, Rahmat NDCA 01-Aug-07 2x 18/2339A, 13x 50/1705(b), 1811001 I 31-Mar-09 18/2339A 120 months Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; & no
contact with SOGT Zulkifli Abdhir
204 AI Ghazi, Tareq Mousa 29-May-<l7 18/2339B; 18/2332(b); 18/1114and 1117; . 18/2339B; 18/1114, 1117 & 3238;
SONY I 17-Mar-09 01-Jul-09 25 years imprisonment and 5 yrs SR
18/2332n 18/23320 (a)(1). (b)(41 & 3238
18/2332(b); 18/2332a(8)(1) & (a)(3); 25 years; plus an additional 18 month
205 AI Delaema, Wesam DOC 09-Sep-05 I 26-Feb-09 18/2332(b )(2) 16-Apr-09
18/924(c)(1)(A) & (C)(1)(B)(ii); 18/924(0) sentence in a separate case (to be served
18/2339A; 18/2339B [both by InformationJ; 18/2339A; 18/2339B; and 18/1001 on
:) 206 Hassan, Kamal Said DMN 11-Feb-09 I 18-Feb-09 13-May-13
18/1001 [by supplemental Information on 8/12109J 8/12109 :) 10 yrs imprisonment; 20 yrs SR

207 Ranjha, Imdad Ullah OMD 23-May-07 2x 1811960(a); 18/1956(h) II 05-Feb-09 18/1960(a) 24-Mar-09 Time Sarved; Supervised Release 2 years;
Snecial Assessment $100
208 Vinas, Bryant Neal EONY 28-Jan-09 18/956 [by indictmentJ; 18/2332(b)(2), 18/2339B, 18/2332(b)(2), 18/2339B, 18/23390
I 28.Jan-<l9
18/23390 [by Superseding InformationJ [Information]
209 Sabaratnam, Sahilal EONY 14-Sep-06 2x 18/2339B (a)(1); 2x 2332g (a)(1), (b)(1), (c)(1) I 27..1an-09 2x 18/2339B (a)(1); 2x 2332g (a)(1), (b)(1),
25-Jan-10 25 years imprisonment; 5 yrs. SR
210 Thanigasalam, Thiruthanikan EONY 14-Sep-06 2x 18/2339B (a)(1); 2x 2332g (a)(1), (b)(1), (c)(1) I 27-Jan-09 2x 18/2339B (a)(1); 2x 2332g (a)(1), (b)(1), 25-Jan-10 25 years imprisonment; 5 yrs. SR
211 Sarachandran, Sathajhan EONY 14-Sep-06 3x 18/2339B(a)(1); 2x 2332g (a)(1), (b)(1), (c)(1) I 3x 18/2339B (a)(1); 2x 2332g (a)(1), (b)(1)
26-Jan-09 22..1an-10 26 years imprisonment; 5 yrs. SR
& (c)(11
212 Yograrasa, Nadarasa EONY 14-Sep-06 2x 18/2339B I 26-Jan-<l9 2x 18/2339B 22.Jan-10 14 yrs imprisonmenl; 3 yrs. SR

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National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 -12/31/14

Imprisonment 21 months, service of the

213 Sandhu, Parvez Mehmood OMO 23-May-07 18/1960; 1B/1956(h) II 21-Jan-09 18/1956(h) 25-Mar-09 sentence having begun September 20, 2007; 3
lB/956(a)(I) [IB/2339A by Information on
214 Mmed, Khaleel NDOH 13-Oec-07 I 15-Jan-09 18/2339A 12-Jul-l0 100 months imprisonment; 3 years SR
18/956(a)(I) [1 B/2339A by Information on
215 Mmed, Zubair A, NDOH 13-Dec-07 I 15-Jan-09 18/2339A 12-Jul-l0 120 months Imprisonment; 3 years SR
2 x 1812339B; 2x 1812339B & 2; 4x lB1371; 3x 17 months imprisonment; 3 years SR; 200
216 Elahwal, Saleh SONY 15-Nov-06 I 30-Oec-OB lB/2339B &2 23-Jun-09 I
2212B7c & 2; EO 13224; 31 CFR 594 hours of community Service; $7,500 fine I

2 x 1812339B; 2x 1812339B & 2; 4x 181371; 3x

217 Iqbal, Javed SONY 15-Nov-06
221287c & 2' EO 13224' 31 CFR 594
lBIII17; lBI1114 & lB12; lB/924(c)(I)(A),
I 23-Dec-OB lBI2339B &2

1811117; 18/924(c)(I)(A), 924(c)(I)(B)(ii) &

23-Apr-09 69 months' Imprisonment; 3 years SR
21B Ouka,Oritan ONJ 05-Jun-07 924(c)(I)(B)(Ii) & 1812; 18/922(0) & 1812; 2x II 22-Dec-08 1812; 181922(0) & 1812; 2x 181922(g)(5) & 2B-Apr-09 ute
18f922'I~iI5\ Ii 1812 I
1811117; lBI1114 & 1812; lB1924(C)(I)(A),
219 Ouka, Eljvir ONJ 05-Jun-07 II 22-Oec-OB 18/1117; 181922(g)(5) & 1812 28-Apr-09 Life; Reslilution $125,000
924Ic)I1)(B)liil & lBI2'181922Ia)isi'& 1812 I
1811117; 1811114 & 1812; 18f924(c)(I)(A), 18/1117; 181924(c)(I)(A), 924(c)(I)(B)(ii) &
220 Ouka, Shain ONJ 05-Jun-07 924(c)(I)(B)(ii) & 1812; lB1922(0) & lB12; 2x II 22-Oec-OB lB/2; lBI922(0) & lB12; 2x 181922(g)(5) & 2B-Apr-09
181922-(0\(5)'& 18/2
1811117; 1811114 & 18/2; 181924(c)(I)(A),
lB/1117; lB/924(c)(I)(A), 924(c)(I)(B)(ii) &
ute; Restitulion $12S,000
221 Shnewer, Mohamad Ibrahim ONJ 05-Jun-07 II 22-Dec-OB 29-Apr-09 ute; RestituJion $125,000
924(c)(I)(B)Ciil & 1812' 1812 I

222 Tatar, Serdar ONJ 05-Jun-07 1811117; 1811114 & 1812 II 22-Dec-08 18/1117 29-Apr-09 396 months; L~e on SR; Reslilulion $125,000 I
lx 18/2339B; lx 50/1701-1706; lx 18/1956(h); lx 18/2339B; tx 50/1701-1706; lx
223 Abdulqader, Mufid NOTX 26-Jul-04 I 24-Nov-08 27-May-09 20 years; 3 yrs SR
18/982(a)(I) 18/1956(h),181982Ia\ll\
10x18/2339B; l1x50/1701-1706; lx 18/1956(h); 10xlB12339B; l1x 5011701-1706; lx
224 Abu Baker, Shukri NOTX 26-Jul-04 lOx 18/1956(a)(2)(A); lx 26/7206(1); lx 181371; I 24-Nov-08 18/1956(h); lOx lBI1956(a)(2)(A); tx 27-May-09 65 years
lOx lB/2339B; llx 50/1701-1706; lx lB/1956(h);
26/7206(1); lx lB1371; lB/982(a)(l)
lOx 18/2339B; l1x 50/1701-1706; lx
225 Elashi, Ghassan #2 NOTX 26-Jul-04 lOx lBI1956(a)(2)(A); lx lB1371; 2x 26(7206; I 24-Nov-OB lB/1956(h); lOx lB/1956(a)(2)(A); tx 27-May-09 65 years I
181982Ia)ll) 181371' 2x 26/7206' 18/982(8)(1)
lOx 18/2339B; llx 5011701-1706; tx 1811956(h);
226 EI-Mezain, Mohammed NOTX 26-Jul-04 I 24-Nov-OB lBI2339B 27-May-09 15 yrs; 3 yrs SR
lOx lBI1956Ia)12)IA)
lx lB12339B; lx 5011701-1706; lx 18/1956(h); tx 1812339B; tx 50/1701-1706; Ix
227 Odeh, Abulraham NOTX 26-Jul-04 I 24-Nov-08 27-May-09 15 years; 3 yrs SR
181982(a)(1) 1811956lh),181982Ia\ll\
1812339B; 1812332(b); lBI 1114 and 1117; 1812339B; 1812332(b); 181 1114 and 1117;
228 AI Kassar, Monzer SONY 29-May-07 I 20-Nov-08 24-Feb-09 30 years' imprisonment
18123320' 18/1956 18/23320,1811956
1812339B; 18/2332(b); lBI 1114 and 1117; 1812339B; 1812332(b); lBI 1114 and 1117;
229 Godoy, Luis Felipe Moreno SONY 29-May-07 I 20-Nov-OB 24-Feb-09 25 years' imprisonment
18123320' 1811956 18123320,18/1956

230 Arroyave, Diego Alberto Ruiz SOTX 14-0ct-04 1812339B; forfeiture I 06-Oct-08 1812339B 01-Jun-09 90 months Imprisonment; 3 yrs SR

231 Chughtal, Mazhar Iqbal OMO 23-May-07 Bx lBI1960(a), lBI1956(h) II 16-Sep-OB 18/1956(h) 05-0ec-08 51 months imprisonment; 2 yrs SR
14x 1811960(a); 1811956(h); lBI2339C(c)(I)(A); 110 months imprisonment, 3 yrs SR, forfeit
232 Ranjha, Saifullah Anjum OMO 23-May-07 I 22-Aug-08 1811956(h),IBI2339C(c)(I)(A) 04-Nov-08
14x 31153131a) 1$2 20B 000
lBI2332(b) & 3238; lB11114, 1117, & 323B;
lBI2332g(a)(I), (b) & 3238; lBI2339B(a)(I), (d)(I) 5 yrs imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $15,000,000
233 Smulian, Andrew' SONY 06-Mar-OB I 30-Jul-OB 1812332(b); 18/1114, 1117; 1812332g(a)(I), 23-May-12
& 3238; 18f981(a)(I)(G) & 2BI2461 (c) [all by forfe~ure
I Information
1 (b); lB/2339B (a)(I), (d)(l)
234 Saqi, Muhammad Riaz OMO 23-May-07 1811960; 18/1956(h) II 22-Jul-08 1811956(h) 14-Apr-09 time served; 3 yrs SR
1812339A; 181842(p)(2)(A); lB/B42(a)(3)(A);
Mohamed, Mmed Abdellalif
235 MOFL 30-Aug-07 26/5861 (d) & 26/5871; 2x 181922(g)(5)(B); I 18-Jun-OB 18/2339A lB-Dec-08 180 mos; 3 yrs SR; $100 SA
~) 18/R24Ic) (1)111.)& B' and 6 counts forfeilure
238 Arnawl, Mohammad Zakl NOOH 16-Feb-06 lBI956(a)(I); 18/2339A; 18/B42(p)(2)(A); 181871 I 13-Jun-OB 181956(a)(I); 1812339A; 2x 181842(p)(2)(A) 21-Oct-09 20 yrs Imprisonment; life on supervised release

237 13 yrs imprisonment (Includes sentence for

EI-Hindi, MarNan Othman NDOH 16-Feb-06 181956(a)(1); 18/2339A; 18/B42(p)(2)(A), lBll001 I 13-Jun-OB 181956(a)(1); lBI2339A; 2x lB/B42(p)(2)(A) 21-Oct-09
seo, fraud convictioni
238 100 months Imprisonment (8,3 yrs); life on
Mazloum, Wassim I, NDOH 16-Feb-06 lB/956(a)(I); lB12339A I 13-Jun-08 181956(a)(I); 1812339A 21-Oct-09
suoervised release
239 Paul, Christopher SOOH ll-Apr-07 181371 & 2339A; lB12332a; 1812339A - I 03-Jun-08 1812332a(a)(I), (2), (3) and (b) 26-Feb-09 20 years' imprisonment
240 13-May-08 46 months imprisonment; 2 yrs SR; $15,000
Hupper, Richard David SOFL 2339B [by Informalion] I 21-May-08 1812339B 21-Aug-08
241 Chhun, Yaslth COCA 31-May-05 lB/956(a); 181956(b); 181371; 1812332a(b) I 16-Apr-08 181956(a); 18f956(b);_181371; 1812332a(b) 22-Jun-l0 Life

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....... -... .... -,- ..--.. , _.- .....,.,_ ... -- ...-._,- .---.-._ ".--- -' -.~- ., .
National Security Division Chart of Public/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

18/2339A. 18n93(d) (NOTE: on 3/4/09 the

242 Abu-jihaad. Hassan OCT 21-Mar-07 18/2339A.181793(d) I 05-Mar-08 Court acquitted AbuJihaad on the 2339A 03-Apr-09 120 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
243 Doudzai. Mohammad DMD 31-Aug-06 18/371; 18/1505; 18/1001 II 04-Feb-08 18/371; 18/1505; 18/1001 18-Apr-08 8 months imprisonment; 2 yrs SR
244 Naeem. Nadia OMO 31-Aug-06 18/371; 18/1505; 18/1001 II 04-Feb-08 18/371; 1811505; 18/1001 18-Apr-08 364 days imprisonment 2 yrs SR
245 Mubayyid. Muhamed OMA 1'-May-05 18/1OO1(a)(I). 181371. 3x 2617206(1). 2617212(a) II l1-Jan-08
18/1001(a)(1). 3x 2617206(1). 2617212(a).
18-Jul-08 I I months; 3 yrs SR; $500 SA; $1000 fine
18/371 fOismissed 6/3/08: 1813711
18/1001(a)(I). 18/1oo1(a)(2). 18/371
18/1001(a)(I). 18/1001(a)(2). 18/371. [2617212(a) 12 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $10.000
246 Muntasser. Emadeddin OMA l'-May-05 II l1-Jan-08 [Dismissed 613108:181371 & 1 count of 17-Jul-08
dismissed 12113/07] fine

247 Suleiman. Eyad WOKY 02-Dec-03 18/371.18/2315.2617206.18/981.28/2461 II 17-Dec-07 18/2315 108 Months imprisonment; 3 years SR; $100
SPA; $15.000 Fine; Restitution $

18/23396; 3x 18/23396 (a)(l) & 18i2; 18/371; 3x

248 Ponton Caro, Carmen Maria SDFL 03-Jan-06 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(ii) & 18/2; 3x 8/1324(a)(I)(A)(iv) & 07-Dec-D7 70 months Imprisonment. 3 yrs SR. $100
I 18/23396 25-Feb-D8
18/2 [Superseding Indictment 2124/06J assessment & removal
18123396; 4x 18/23396 (a)(1) & 18/2; 181371; 4x
8/1324(a)(2)(6)(II) & 18/2; 4x 8/1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) & 70 months imprisonment. 3 yrs. SR. $100
249 Salamanca. Victor Daniel SOFL 03-Jan-06 18/2;18/1956(h) & 18/1956(a)(3)(A); I 07-Dec-07 18/23396 29-Feb-D8 I
assessment & removal upon completion of
1 8/1g56(a)(3)(A) & 1812 [Superseding Indictment sentence
181371; 3x 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(ii) & 18/2; 3x 36 months imprisonment, 3 yrs. SR. $200
250 Gamboa. Edizon Ramirez SDFL 03-Jan-D6 8/1324(a)(I)(A)(iv) & 18/2 [Superseding II 05-Dec-D7 2x 8/1324 29-Feb-D8 assessment & removal upon completion of
Indictment 2124/061 sentence
251 Shareet. Derrick NOlL 04-Jan-D7 18/2332a(a)(2)(0); 18/844(i) I 28-Nov-D7 18/2332a(a)(2)(0) 30-Sep-{)8 420 Months; 5 yrs. SR; fine of $5.000
252 EI-Shwehdi. Zuhair Hamed SDOH 31-Oct-D7 2617206(1); 2617212(a) II 19-Nov-07 2617206(1) & 7212(a) 29-Aug-08 3 yrs probation; $138.098.12 restHution
253 Nabil. Nabi OMO 31-Aug-D6 181371; 18/1505; 18/1001; 18/1646 II 19-Nov-07 18/371; 18/1505; 18/1001; 18/1646 18-Jan-D8 22 months; 3 yrs SR
Muthana. Abdulla Kasem (or
254 EDCA 28-Sep-06 6x 18/1956(a)(3) [by Information filed 11/15/2007] II 16-Nov-D7 6x 18/1956(a)(3) 02-Jun-08
Oassem) Ahmed 30 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; $600SA

18/23396; 3x 18/23396 (a)(I) & 18/2; 18/371; 3x

255 Mohelsen. Jalal Sadat SOFL 03-Jan-D6 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(ii) & 18/2; 3x 8/1324(a)(I)(A)(iv) & I 14-Nov-D7 18/23396 70 months imprisonment. 3 yrs. SR. $100
18/2 [Superseding Indictment 2124/06J assessment & removal

18/371; 3x 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(1I) & 1812; 3x

Tapasco Romero. Nicolas 36 months imprisonment. 3 yrs. SR. $300
256 SDFL 03-Jan-06 8/1324(a)(1 )(A)(iv) & 1812 [Superseding II 14-Nov-D7 18/371. 2x 811324 25-Feb-06
Ricardo assessment & removal
Indictment 2124/061
257 05-Jun-D7
18/922(g)(5) [18/371 by Superseding Information
Abdullahu. Agron ONJ II 31-Oct-D7 18/371 31-Mar-D8 20 months; 3 years SR
filed 10/31/071
18/23396; 3x 18/23396 (a)(I) & 18/2; 18/371; 3x
256 Ulloa Malo. Jose Tito Ubio SOFL 03-Jan-D6 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(iI) & 1812; 3x 8/1324(a)(1 )(A)(lv) & I 29-Oct-07 18/23396(a)(I) 04-Jan-08 30 months imprisonment
18/2 fSuoersedina Indictment 2124/061
181371; 3x 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(ii); 3x
Bautista Martinez. Jorge De 3 years imprisonment; 2 yrs SR (amended on
259 SOFL 03-Jan-D6 8/1324(a)(1 )(A)(iv) [Superseding Indictment II 29-Oct-07 18/371; 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(II) 04-Jan-08
Los Reyes 3/13/2008 to time served & 2 yrs SR)
18123396;.18/23396 (a)(I) & 18/2; 181371;
260 Londono. Bemardo Valdes SDFL 03-Jan-D6 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(II) & 18/2; 8/1324(a)(I)(A)(iv) & I 22-Oct-D7 18/23396(a)(I) 04-Jan-D8 30 months Imprisonment
18/2 fSuoersedina Indictment 2124/061
18123396; 18/23396 (a)(I) & 18/2; 18/1956(h) &
261 Lopez. JuliO Cesar SDFL 03-Jan-06 18/1956(a)(3)(A); 1811956(a)(3)(A) & 18/2 I 15-0ct-D7 18/23396 04-Jan-08 time served
Suoer.;edlna Indictment 2124/061

18/23396; 3x 18/23396 (a)(I) & 18/2; 18/371; 3x

Morales. Luis Alfredo Daza
262 SDFL 03-Jan-06 8/1324(a)(2)(6)(ii) & 18/2; 3x 8/1324(a)(I)(A)(iv) & I 15-0ct-07 18/23396 04-Jan-D8 30 months imprisonment
(aka Femando)
18/2 [Superseding Indictment 2124/06J
263 Nguyen. Vinh Tan COCA 20-0ec-DS 18/1544 II l5-Oct-D7 18/1544 14-Nov-07 14 months; 2 yrs SR

181922(g)(5)(B) [18/956(a)(I); 181371 & 1812339A;

264 18/2339A; 18/922(g)(5)(6); 18/1001; 5x 181621;
Hassoun, Adham SDFL 08-Jan-D4 I 16-Aug-D7 18/956(a)(I); 181371& 18/2339A; 18/2339A 22-Jan-08 188 months imprisonment
181505; forfeiture (18/924. 28/2461 (c). 21/853) by
Superseding Indictment]

265 Jayyousl, Kifah Wael 01-Dec-04

18/956(a)(I); 18/371 & 18/2339A; 18/2339A [all
SOFL I 16-Aug-D7 18/956(a)[I); 18/371; 18/2339A 22-Jan-D8 152 months imprisonment
b Suoersedlno Indictment

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National Security Division Chart of PUblic/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

266 Padilla, Jose SDFL 17-Nov-05 18/956(a)(1); 18/371; 18/2339A I 16Aug-07 18/956(a)(1); 181371; 18/2339A . 22Jan-08 21 yrs Imprisonment; 20 yrs SR [9Sep14 I
Amended Judomentl
18/371; 18/2339A; 18/233gA & 18/2; 1811073 [by 18/371; 1812339A; 18/2339A & 1812;
267 Ujaama, Eamest James #2 SONY 13-Aug-07 I 13Aug-07
lnformatlonl 1811073
2x1811001; 3x 18/1546(a) [added 1216/05 in
268 EIZahabi, Mohammed DMN 24.Jun-04 II 02Aug-07 3x 18/1546(a)
suoersedlno indictmenti 14Mar-08 time served

269 Abdi, Nuradin 1.1, SDOH 14.Jun-04 18/371, 2339A, 18/956; 2339B, 2x1546 I 31-Jul-07 18/2339A 31.Jul-07 10 yrs imprisonment
1812339A; 18/2339B; 18/373; 18/842(p)(2); zx 18/2339A; 18/2339B; 18/373; 18/842(p)(2);
270 Reynolds, Michael Curtis MDPA 03-0ct-06 I 13Jul-07 360 mos. imprisonment; 3 yrs.SR; $500 special
26/5841 58611dl & 5871 06Nov-07
1x 26/5841 58611dl & 5871 assessment
Pineda, Juvenal Ovidio
271 Ricardo Palmera (aka Simon DOC 13-May-04 18/2339A; 4x 18/1203(a) I 09.Jul-07 18/1203 28Jan-08 60 years imprisonment
272 Sabir, Rafiq Abdus SONY 27Jun-05 2x18/2339B and 2 I 21May-07 2x18/2339B and 2 3ONov-07 300 mos; 2 yrs SR
Varatharasa, 18/2339B; 18/371 & 2212778; 2x
273 DMD 03-0ct-06 I 10May-07 18/2339B, 2212778 03Jan-08
Thirunavukarasu 18/19561all2l1A1,18/9241c1 57 months imprisonment

274 Maldonado, Daniel Joseph SDTX 02Apr-07 18/2339D I 19Apr-07 18/2339D 20Jul-07 10 yrs, $1000 fine, & 3 yrs SR

18/2339B; 181371 & 2212778; 2x

275 Osman, Hanilla Bin DMD 195ep-06 .1 05-Apr-07 18/1956,18/2339B 31-Oct-08
18/1956(a)(2)(A),18/924(c) 37 mos; 3 yrs SR; $200 SA

276 Shah, Tarik SDNY 27.Jun-05 18/2339Bx3 I 04-Apr-07 18/2339B 07-Nov-07 15 years Imprisonment

277 Brent, Mahmud Faruq SDNY 07-Nov-05 2x 18/2339B I 02-Apr-07 18/2339B 25-Jul-07 15 years imprisonment

18/2332B, 18/924(0), 21/963,21/846,21/853 [SI:

2339B(a)(1); 21/960(b)(1)(B) & 21/963; 50 months, 2 yrs SR w/ credit lor time served in
278 RodriguezAcevedo, Hector SDFL 20May-05 I 27Mar-07 2339B 15-Jun-07
21/841(b)(1)(A)(ii) & 211846; 18/924(0) & US and Columbia
924(c)(1 )(A))

1812339B; 18/371 & 2212778; 2x

279 Subandi, Haji DMD 195ep-06 18/2339B; 18/1956(a)(2)(A) [&
18/1956(a)(2)(A), 18/924(c) [& charged 10/03/06 I 08Mar-07 14-Dec-07 37 mos; 3 yrs SR; $200 SA
w/18/371, 18/1956(a)(2)(A), 2212778J 18/1956(a)(2)(A); 2212778 in separate pleaJ

18/2339B; 18/371 & 2212778; 2x

280 Wotulo, Erick DMD 19-5ep-06 I 23-Feb-07 18/2339B, 18/1956 10.Jul-08
18/1956IaI121IAI.18/924Icl 30 months imprisonment & 3 years SR

281 Benkhala, Sabri EDVA 09Feb-06 18/1623; 18/1503; 18/1001 (a) II 05-Feb-07 18/1623; 18/1503; 18/1001 (a) 121 months imprisonment, 3 yrs SR, $17,500
Salah, Muhammad Hamid 18/2339B (dismissed belore trial); 18/1962,
282 NDIL 19Aug-04 I 01-Feb-07 18/1503 11.Jul-07
Khalil 1811503 21 months imprisonment
Ashqar, Abdelhaleem Hasan ~
283 NDIL 19Aug-04 18/1962,18/401(3) & 1503 II 01Feb-07 18/401(3) & 1503 21Nov-07
Abdelraziq 135 months imprisonment

12 months & 1 day lor each count (to run

284 Rusli, Reinhard DMD 03-Oct-06 18/371, 18/1956(a)(2)(A), 18/2778 II 31.Jan-07 18/1956(a)(2)(A),18/2778 27-Apr-07 concurrentiy); 2 yrs SR lor each count
12 months & 1 day lor each count (to run
285 Soedirdja, Helml DMD 03-0ct-06 18/371, 18/1956(a)(2)(A), 18/2778 II 31.Jan-07 18/1956(a)(2)(A),18/2778 27Apr-07 concurrenUy); 2 yrs SR for each count
286 Qaz!, Shiraz Syed SDTX 28Nov-06 18/922(g)(5)(B) & 924(a)(2) II 30Jan-07 18/922(g)(5)(B) & 924(a)(2) 17May-07 10 months; 3 yrs SR
3x 18/1001 [& tx 18/1001 by Superseding
287 Subeh, Mohammed WDNY 22Apr-04 II 04.Jan-07 18/1001 (a)(l )[Inlonnationj 07May-07
lnformatlonl 1 yr probation; fine of $250 and a SA of $1 00
288 Awan, Khalid #2 EDNY 08Mar-06 18/2339A, 18/1956 (a)(2)(A) I 2D-Dec-06 18/2339A, 18/1956 (a)(2)(A) 14 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR [4/2112
Amended Judomentl
3x 18/371, 4x 8/1324, 3x 18/1001 [18/3 by
289 Kamran, Irfan DCO 26Mar-03 II 29Nov-06 1813 29Nov-06 time served
Sunersedina Inlonnationl
290 Qayyum, Abdul DCO 26-Mar-03 3x181371, 4x 8/1324, 3x 18/1001 II 29Nov-06 1811001 29Nov-06 1 year probation
291 Williams, Koble Diallo SDTX 22Nov-06 181371, 18/922(g)(5)(B), 5O/1705(b) I 28Nov-06 18/371 07-Aug-09 54 months, $5000 fine; 3 yrs SR

Farhane, Abdulrahman (or 18/2339A, 18/1001 [11/09/06 Superseding

292 SDNY 08Feb-06 I 09Nov-06 18/371,18/1001
Abdul Rah) Inlonnation: 18/371 & 18/1001 (a)(2)) 16Apr-07 13 yrs Imprisonment (156 months); 2 yrs SR

293 Are!, Yassin Muhiddin NDNY 06Aug-04 18/1958(h); 18/2339A; 18/2339B,

18/2339A, 18/2339B, 1811956, 18/1546, 18/1001 I 11-Oct-06 08Mar-07 15 yrs imprisonment
18110561a1(3)IB . 18/1001

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National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 -12131/14

Hossain. Mohammed
294 NDNY 06-Aug-04 18/2339A. 18/23398. 18/1956 I 11-Oct-06 18/2339A.18/23398. 18/1956. (all counts) 08Mar-07 15 yrs Imprisonment
18/23398 [18/23398; 21/841(a)(1). (b)(l)(C) &
295 Grecula. Ronald SDrx 16-Jun-05 I 21-5ep-06 18/23398 13-Feb-07 5 years imprisonment. 3 yrs SR
846 bv Suoersedlno Indictment]
296 Shorbegi. Mohamed NDGA 28-Aug-06 18/2339B I 28-Aug-06 18/23398 27-Feb-07 92 months imprisonment
297 Barro. Una (aka Una Reda) EDMI 20-Apr-05 18/1001.18/982 II 14Aug-08 18/1001 20-Dec-06 1 year probation
8 months' Imprisonment; 2yrs SR; $124.549
18/371 (conspiracy to commit bank and mail
298 Berro, Noura EDMI 26Apr-04 181371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/982 II 14-Aug-06 30-Jan-07 restitution wlhusband Sami Barro (also
18/371 (conspiracy to commit bank and mail 27 months imprisonment; 2yrs SR; $124.549
299 Barro. Sami Ahmad EDMI 26-Apr-04 18/371.1811344.1811001.18/982 II 14-Aug-06 30-Jan-07
fraud) restitution wtwrre Noura Barro (also charged)

18/371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/1962. 78 months' imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; restitution

300 Barro. Sadek EDMI 26-Apr-04 II 11-Aug-06 18/1962 (d) 31-Jan-07
18/982 1$1224003 .

26-Apr-04 15 momns' imprisonment. 3 yrs SR. restitution

301 Barro. Zeinab EDMI 18/371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/982 II 11-Aug-06 18/371 31-Jan-07
1$554 878

302 Berro, Abdul Halim EDMI 26-Apr-04 181371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/982 II 09-Aug-06 18/371 12-Dec-06 35 months' imprisonment. $421.120 restitution

303 Berro, Almire Ali-5adek EDMI 20-Apr-05 18/1344 II 09-Aug-06 18/1344 24.Jan-07 1 day imprisonment with time served; 3 yrs SR

304 Barro. Houda Mohamad EDMI 20-Apr-05 18/1344.18/1956.18/982.18/371 II 09-Aug-06 18/1344 12-Oec-06 12 months' and 1 day Imprisonment

305 Berro, Abdulamir EDMI 26Apr-04 II 03-Aug-06 18/1962 05-Dec-06 70 months imprisonment. $669.125 restitution

306 EISablanl. Bilal EDMI 26-Apr-04 18/371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/982 II 03-Aug-06 18/371 02.Jul-08 1 day; 3 yrs SR; $ 489.174.25 restitution
307 Barro. Abdul Karim Akram EDMI 20-Apr-05 18/1001. 18/982 II 31-Jul-06 18/1001 30-Nov-06 10 months imprisonment; 2 yrs SR
18/371.18/1344.18/1956-1957.18/1001. 74 mos . $669.125 restitution. forfeiture of
308 Farhat. Ali Abdul Karim EDMI 26-Apr-04 II 31-Jul-06 18/1962 21-Feb-07
18/1341.18/1349.18/1962.18/982 business & res. Property
309 Farhat. Amira Ali EDMI 20-Apr-05 18/1344.18/1001.18/1349.18/982.18/371 II 31.Jul-06 18/1344 18-Jan-07 12 mos. 1 day. $4000 fine. forfeiture $72.611
18/371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/1349. 44 months each of the 9 counts (concurrent) &
310 Berro. Akram Abdul Karim EDMI 26Apr-04 II 25Jul-06 18/1344.18/157.18/371.18/1956.18/1349 18.Jan-07
18/982 restitution
18/371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/1349. 46 months each of the 9 counts (concurrent) &
311 Berro. Jamal Saadallah EDMI 26Apr-04 II 25-Jul-06 18/371.18/157.18/1344.18/1956.18/1349 18.Jan-07
18/982 restitution
312 Albanna, Mohamed WDNY 17-Dec-02 18/1960.181982.31/5313.2617206 II 23-Jun-06 1811960 3O-Nov-06 5 yrs Imprisonment
313 Fariz. Hatim Naji (Hatem) MDFL 19-Feb-03 I 21-Jun-06 50/1701-1705 25-Jul-06 37 mos; 2-3 yrs SR
18/23398(a)(1). 421408(a)(7)(8). 18/1015(a). 421408(a)(7)(8). 18/1015(a).18/1542 and 15 months' imprisonment. 3 yrs SR. $2.000
314 Jaber. Arwah WDAR 11Aug-05 I 19-Jun-06 16-Nov-06
18/1542 and 18/1425 18/1425 fine.
315 Chandia. Ali Asad EDVA 15-5ep-05 2x 18/2339A. 2x 18/2339B I 06-Jun-06 18/2339A. 2x 18/2339B ll-Mar-l1 15 years

316 Hayat. Umer EDCA 31-May-06 18/1001 (information) II 31May-06 18/1001 25-Aug-06 time served and a $3600 fine
18/844(i). 18/1993(a)(I), 18/1993(a)(3); 18/844(i). 18/1993(a)(1). 18/1993(a)(3);
317 Siraj. Shahawar Matin EDNY 09-Feb-05 I 24-May-06 0B-Jan-07 30 years Imprisonment
18/23321(a)(1)(8) 18/23321(a)(1 )(8)

318 Nasser, Saleh Alii EDMI 18-Jul-05 18/371. 211841A. 18/1960.31/5324.18/1546 II l1-May-06 18/1546 16-Nov-06 3 yrs probation; deportation

30 mos in custody, 2 yrs SR, a $200 SA. &

319 Omian. Monasser EDMI 12-Apr-05 II 11May-06 18/371,3115324 11-Aug-06 forfeiture approx. $2ooK cash & $9.693.669 in
substitute assets

12 mos & 1 day in custody, 2 yrs SR, $300 SA,

320 Omian, Sadik EDMI 06Apr-05 18/371.18/1960,18/1001.31/5324, 18/1546 II 11May-06 18/371,31/5324.1SiloOl l1-Dec-06 "
forfe~ $200.000cash & $5.391.000 sub assets
157 mos In custody. 3 yrsSR, $400 SA. and
18/371.18/1960.18/1425. 21/841(a)(1), 31/5324.
321 Wasil, Jarallah EDMI 06-Apr-05 II ll-May-06 18/371,18/1425,31/5324,211841(a)(1) l1-Aug-06 forfenure of approx $200K cash & $9,693,669
31/5332 I;n ,hetih.o .ceol. no e;h;t;!u nf rionn".tinn

322 Hayat. Hamid EDCA 07-Jun-05 18/2339A. 3x 18/1001 I 25-Apr-06 18/2339A, 3x 18/1001 10-Sep-07 288 mos imprisonment. 120 mos SR

323 AI-Arian. Sami Amin MDFL 19-Feb-03 I 17-Apr-06 18/371 01-May-06 57 months; 3 yrs SR
324 Shah, Syed Mustajab SDCA 30-Oct-02 21/846.841; 211952. 960. 963; 18/23398 I 30Mar-06 211841. 18/23398 25-Sep-06 225 months,S yrs SR, $200 SA
325 Awada. Monir CDCA 14-Jan-03 2x 3115332, 5322(a) II _~3-Feb-06 1x 3115332. 5322(a) 03Feb-06 Probation for One (1) year
----- _ .. _----- - --- -

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. ----, .
~-~- ... _, -'.~--., .""'''~'' ..~-.< -.-" .-. " . ..-- ... .,.,.." ._n . ... .,.....,.,........,.....~......-S"..,..'..". ...- .'
National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

326 Rahal, Nemr Ali EDMI 19-May-05 18/371; 18/1344; 18/1029 II 17-Jan-06 18/1344 27-Apr-06 33 mos., 3 yrs SR, $416,783 restitution; $5K
forfeiture: Sl 00 SA
60 mos Imprisonment,S yrs SR, $100SA, &
327 Maatouk, Fadl Mohammed MDFL 10-Nov-04 18/1956; 18/1014; 181371; 18/1001; 21/863 II 13-Jan-06 181371 25-May-06 $56K forfeiture; if deported can'l return wlo
328 Rania M. Fawaz Rahal EDMI 19-May-05 18/371; 18/1344 II 03-Jan-06 181371 27-Apr-06 1 yr probation, $100 SA
FNU LNU ("Abdulhakeem
329 Nour," "Noureddine Malki: EDNY 09-Nov-05 2x 18/1001 (a)(2); 18/1425 (a) II 20-Dec-05 2x 18/1001 (a)(2); 18/1425 (a) 19-May-08 121 months; 3 yrs SR; subject to deportation
"Almaliki Nour"l. [total for 2 dockets]

330 Paracha, Uzair SDNY 08-Aug-03 2x 18/2339B, 2x 50/1705(b), 18/1028 A I 23-Nov-05 2x18/2339B, 2x 50/1705(b), 18/1028 A 20-Jul-06 360 months imprisonment; 5 yrs SR; $500 SA
18/2339B, 2339A, 5011705(b), 18/1751(d), 18/32. 18/2339B, 2339A, 50/1705(b), 18/1751(d),
331 Abu Ali, Ahmed Omar EDVA 03-Feb-05 I 22-Nov-05 27-Jul-09 life
49/46502 18/32 49/46502
19-Dec-03 18/1546(a), 18/1015(a) [S13/26/04: 1811546, 4x 2x 18/1546(a), 2x 18/1015(a) [&
332 Mohamed, Omar Abdi SDCA II 28-Oct-05 20-Dec-05 18 months, 3 yrs. SR
18/1546iai. 4x 18/1015(a\1 18/1546(!!1. 18110151alon 31301051
333 Makki, Ali EDMI 26-Jun-03 18/2320,18/371,18/1956 II 05-0ct-05 18/371,18/1956 [& 18/1623 from 2 yrs probation on each count (concurrent);
Information filed In NDTX 05-cr-02391 IS10 190 resmuuon
334 Makki, Tarek EDMI 25-Jun-03 18/2320,18/1001,181371,18/1956 II 05-0ct-05 18/2320,18/1001,18/371,18/1956 14-Mar-06 24 mos, $879, 056 resitution
335 E~geeh, Abad EDNY 04-Feb-03 18/1960,181371,31/5324 II 21-Sep-05 18/1960, 18/371,31/5324 03-Feb-06 188 rnos & 5 yrs SR
336 Eifgeeh, Aref EDNY 03-Feb-03 18/1960,18/371 II 21-Sep-05 18/1960,18/371 07-Feb-06 51 mos imprisonment
18/371 [& 811325 by superseding Information on
337 Maatouk, Ali MDFL 10-Feb-05 II 14-Sep-05 8/1325 07-Oct-05 24 mos probation
60 months (57 months In EDAR 04-cr-OOl34to
338 Khalil, Naji Antoine Abl SDNY 16-Jun-04 18/2339B, 50/1705, 18/371 I 09-Aug-05 18/2339B, 50/1705, 18/371 02-Feb-06 run concurrent wI 60 months in EDAR os-cr-
00200\: 3 VIS SR' $100 000 restitulion
339 Grinberg, Tomer SDNY 16-Jun-04 18/371 II 28-Jul-05 18/371 12-Apr-06 6 months; 2 yrs SR
18/922(0); 181924(a), 26/584126/5861(d), 26/5871
340 AI-Uqaily, Ahmed Hassan MDTN 07-Oct-04 II 31-May-05 181922(0). 26/5861 (d) 24-Oct-OS 57 mos, 3 yrs SR
& 18/2
341 Wagner, Michael SDIA 27-Jul-04 18/922, 18/931, 18/1001 II 29-Apr-05 1811001 02-May-05 time served
342 Walker, Mark Robert WDTX 09-Dec-04 2><50/1705 I 28-Apr-05 50/1705 28-Apr-05 24 mos; 3 yrs SR; $100 SA
343 Lakhani, Hemant DNJ 18-Dec-03 18/2339A, 2212778,18/1956,18/542 I 27-Apr-05 18/2339A, 2212778,18/1956, 18/542 12-Sep-05 47 yrs
344 Berro. Hussein A. EDMI 26-Apr-04 18/371,18/157,18/1344 II 27-Apr-05 18/157 24-Oct-06 14.5 months
50/1705,18/371, 18/924(c)&A, 18/844(h), 50/1705,18/371, 18/924(c)&A, 18/844(h),
345 A1-Timimi, A1i EDVA 23-Sep-04 I 26-Apr-05 13-Jul-05 life
18/2384 18/373 18/2384 18/373

13-Mar-03 18/371,18/2314,18/2315,18/1956 & 1957, 8/1324,18/2314,18/2315,18/1958,

346 Jamal, Samih Fadl DAZ II 26-Apr-05 07-Oct-05 120 mos, 3yrs SR
18/1001, 3115322(a), 8/1324 18/1001,31/5322,18/371
Barrera-De Amaris, Fanny
347 SDTX 21-May-03 18/2339B I 14-Apr-05 18/2339B 01-Dec-05 61 months
348 Beriaoui, Issam EDMI 29-Jan-03 18/371,18/1956 II 11-Apr-05 18/1958 12-Sep-06 17 months' imprisonment
349 Abodayah, Akrem DNJ 03-Dec-03 21/844 II 01-Apr-05 21/844 15-Jun-05 TIme served (6 mos)
350 Kourani, Mahmoud Youssef EDMI 19-Nov-03 18/2339B, 18/371 I 01-Mar-05 18/371 14-Jun-05 54 mos, 3yrs SR, SA

351 Carpenter, Cedric SDMS 31-Aug-04 18/2339B; 18/371, 21/846, 21/853, 18/922 I 28-Feb-05 18/2339B,181922 20-May-05 68 mos for 18/2339A ; 3 yr SR; each wi $2000
fine & $100 SA
352 Ranson, Lamont SDMS 31-Aug-04 18/23396,18/371,211846,21/853 I 28-Feb-05 18/2339B 20-May-05 29 mos; 3 yrs SR; $2000 fine; $100 SA
353 Gamarra-Murillo, Carlos MDFL 18-Aug-04 21/841,181924,2212778,2339B I 11-Feb-05 2212778, 18/2339B 08-Aug-05 120 months, 3 yrs SR
Qureshi, Mohammad Salman 48 mos. wi credit time served, 3 yrs SR (to be
354 WDLA l3-Oct-04,) 4x18/1001 II 11-Feb-05 18/1001 25-Aug-05
Farooc .~)

susoended if return to Pakistan)

355 Sattar, Ahmed Abdel SDNY 09-Apr-02 181371; 181373; 18/956(a)(1) & (a)(2)(A) I 10-Feb-05 18/371; 18/373; 18/956(a)(1) & (a)(2)(A) 16-Oct-06 288 months; 5 yrs SR
356 Stewart, Lynne SDNY 09-Apr-02 2x 18/371; 1812339A;2x 18/1001 I 10-Feb-05 2x 18/371; 18/2339A; 2x 18/1001 15-Jul-10 120 months imprisonment; 2 yrs SR
357 Yousry, Mohammed SDNY 09-Apr-02 2x 18/371; 18/2339A I 10-Feb-05 2x 18/371; 18/2339A 16-Oct-06 20 months; 2 yrs. SR
50/1701,18/1956,18/371, 26n201C, 26n201,
2x 18/371; 13x 18/1956; 26n206; 6x
358 Dhafir, Rafil NDNY 19-Feb-03 t 10-Feb-05 26n201; 18/1546; 26x 1811347; 1811001; 3x 27-Oct-05 264 mos; 3 yrs SR
359 AI Mosatah, Ali Mohammed DMN 28-Jul-04 3x18/1001 II 29-Dec-04 18/1001 29-Dec-04 time served, 3 yrs SR
380 Mohamed, Zameer CDCA 21-May-04 18/844(e) It 21-Dec-04 18/844(e) 31-Mar-05 60 mos., 3 yrs SR
361 Ste~iye, All Khated OCR 16-Mar-04 18/922 II 19-Nov-04 18/922 01-Jun-05 30 months + 60 to 64 months

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National Security Division Chart of Public/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

362 EI Hage, Saleh Eldin Ali SOTX 17-5ep-04 8/1326 1\ 17-Nov-04 8/1326 18-Feb-05 6 monlhs imprisonment, 1 yr. SR, $100 1
363 Ayesh, Hasan Ali EOAR 05-Mar-04 31/5324,18/1343,18/1425 1\ 16-Nov-04 31/5324, 18/1343, 18/1425 13-May-05 5 yrs probation, $400 SA
ue a, <::ogar ernanoo
364 Blanco (Commandante SOTX 04-0ec-02 18/23398,21/841,211846 I 25-0ct-04 18/23398, 21/841, 211846 31-May-06 Life imprisonment
I Emilio\
5haikh, Kamran (aka Kamran
365 WONC 05-Aug-04 4x 18/1001, 8/1253, 18/1028 1\ 12-Oct-04 3x 18/1001, 8/1253, 18/1028
AkhtaJ) 24-Jan-05 time served; 3 yrs SR

366 Bihein, Sollman S. #2 EOVA 06-May-04 2x 18/1001; 18/1546 18/1001 (convicted); [Also pleaded guilty 10 13 mos. & 1 day wi credit for lime served; 2 yrs
1\ 12-Oct-04 14-Jan-05
18/1546 on 10/06/20041 SR
367 Ahmed, Fanda SOTX 16-Aug-04 8/1325; 18/1001,18/1543 1\ 27-5ep-04 8/1325; 18/1001, 18/1543 13-Dec-04 time served; 3 yrs SR
368 Raja, Manthena ONJ 10-5ep-04 18/1956 1\ 10-5ep-04 18/1956 20-Oct-05 24 mas . 3 yrs SR
369 Khan,lmran oeD 26-Mar-03 2x1 8/371, 18/1028 1\ 31-Aug-04 18/1028 31-Aug-04 time served
370 EJshafay, James EONY 27-Aug-04 18/844(n} 1\ 27-Aug-04 18/844(n} 5 yrs trnprlsonment, 3 yrs SR & continued
mental health treatment
371 Tumer, Yildirim Beyozil 23-Jul-04
18/844(e} Complaint; Charged with 18/1001 by
EOPA 1\ 25-Aug-04 18/1001
Information 8/9/04 25-Aug-04 time served; lmmedlate Deportation to Turkey
372 Nasrallah, Hussein EOMI 29-Jan-03 18/1344,18/513(a} 1\ 17-Aug-04 18/1344 1 day imprisonment; 3 yrs 5R; $35K restitulion;
al-Arnoudl, Abdurahman 50 11701 et seq.; 18/1001, 18/2332d, 18/1956,
373 EDVA 28-Sep-03 31/5324. 18/1544,18/1425,31/5322,2617206(1}, I 30-Jul-04 23 yrs (276 months) [reduced to 197 months
Muhammad 50/1705,18/1425,2617212 14-Oct-04
26172121a\ on 7122111]
19x 50/1701-1706; 13x 18/1001; 3x 18/371;
1811956(h}; 9x 1811956(a}(1)8}(i}; 18/1957 [by 551 8x 50/1701-1706; 12x 18/1001; 2x 18/371;
374 Elashi, Besman NOTX 20-Feb-02 8/21/03] And 18/371; 10x 50/1701-1706; I 07-Jul-04 18/1957 [and 18/371; 50/1701-1706; 13-Oct-06 80 months incarceration
1811956(h}; 9x 1811956(a}(1}(B}(i} [by revised S51 18/1956(h} on 4/13/05J
19x 50/1701-1706; 11x 18/1001; 3x 181371;
16/1956(h}; 9x 1811956(a)(1)8)(i}; 16/1957 [by 5S1 7x 50/1701-1706; 2x 18/1001; 2x 18/371;
375 EJashi, Beyan NOTX 20-Feb-02 8/21/03] And 18/371; 10x 50/1701-1706; I 07-Jul-04
18/1957 [and 18/371; 10x 50/1701-1706;
11-Oct-06 7 yrs (64 months) lncarcerattcn, 3 yrs SR
16/1956(h}; 9x 1B11956(a}(1}(B}(i} [by revised SSI 18/1956(h}; 9x 18/1956(a}(1}(8}(i} on
4/14/05] 4/13/05]
I'~x ~I IU' - IUO; 11Xlonuu'; ~x I~~' ;
1611956(h); 9x 18/1956(a)(1)B}(i}; 16/1957 [by SSI 50/1701-1706; 2x 18/1001; 2x 18/371;
376 EJashi, Ghassan NOTX 20-Feb-02 8/21/03] And 18/371; 10x 50/1701-1706; I 07-Jul-04
18/1957 [and 181371; 10x 50/1701-1706;
12-Oct-06 80 monlhs incarceration, 3 yrs SR
16/~;ns:,(h); 9x 1Bl1956(a}(1}(B}(i} [by revised 5S1
18/1956(h};_9x 18/1956(a}(1}(8}(i} on
9x 50/1701 -1706; 11x 18/1001; 2x 18/371; 4x.5011701-1706; 3x 18/1001; 2x 18/371;
377 Elashi, Hazim NOTX 20-Feb-02 I 07-Jul-04
18/1957 Ibv SSI 8/21/031 24-Jan-06 66 mos; reduced 10 60 monlhs on 211/06
378 Oamrah, Fawaz Mohammed NDOH 16-0ec-03 18/1425 1\ 17-Jun-04 18/1425 2 monlhs; 4 mos. house arrest:
379 AIIerahin, Osama Musa OAZ 15-5ep-03 18/1425(a) 1\ 16-Jun-04 18/1425(a} 22-Sep-04 time served, 36 mos SR + denal'n & deport
Romero-Panchano, Carlos
380 SOTX 21-May-03 18/2339B I 09-Jun-04 18/23398
Adolfo 01-Dec-05 36 months

time served (4 years and 8 monlhs) &10 yrs

381 Bebar, Mohammed Junaid SDNY 03-Jun-04 2x18/2339A, 2x2339B, 50/1705 I 03-Jun-04 2x18/2339A, 2x23398, 50/1705 SR; ordered to continue cooperaling with the
government as a condition of his supervised
382 Hassan, Abdulghefur Abdul EONY 13-Feb-03 3115324,18/371 1\ 01-Jun-04 31/5324 06-Jan-05 36 mos . 3 yrs SR
383 Hameed, Moinuddeen Ahmed 13-Aug-03
18/371 (10 violate 18/1960) [by Informalion
ONJ 1\ 19-Apr-04 18/371 (10 violale 18/1960) 06-Jun-05
04/20/20041 time served; 2 yrs SR
384 Abraham, Yehuda ONJ 19-Aug-03 18/1960 1\ 30-Mar-04 18/1960 > 14-Nov-05 2 yrs probalion; $10,000 fine
385 Daher, Mohamad EOMI 23-Jan-03 18/1962( d), 18/1029 & 18/2 1\ 09-Mar-04 18/1962(d) 18-Aug-04 3 yrs probation; $60K restitution; $100 SA
386 Fawaz, Issam Hassan EOMI 23-Jan-03 18/1962(d},18/1029 1\ 09-Mar-04 18/1962(d} 14-Jul-04 15 monlhs; 2 yrs SR; $100 SA; $5000 Fine
387 Abdur-Raheem, Hammad EOVA 25-Jun-03 18/2339A, 18/371, 18/960, 18/924(b}&(c}&(g}&(h} I 04-Mar-04 52 mos. on each counl (reversed 9/1/06 and re
18/371, 18/2339A, 18/924(o} 29-Jul-05
senlenced on 8/16/0710 52 mos. total)

388 Chapman, Se~ullah 25-Jun-03

1812339A, 181371, 18/960, 18/924(c)&(h}&(o},
EOVA I 04-Mar-04 18/371, 18/2339A, 18/924(o} 29-Jul-05
18/1001 780 mos.

389 Khan, Mesoud Ahmad 25-Jun-03

5011705,18/2339A. 18/23398,181371,18/2384, 18/371,18/2384,50/1705,18/2339A,
EOVA I 04-Mar-04 29-Jul-05
18/960 18/924(c\&(0\ 18/92&cJ&(0) Life

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National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

390 Ahmed, Aref WONY 22-Sep-99 1811956; 6x 1812342(a) and 1812344(a) II 03-Mar-04 1811956; 3x 182342(a) and 182344(a) 26-JuH)5 37mos, 3yrsSR, restitution

391 Afridi, Muhammed Abid SOCA 30-OcH)2 211846,841; 211952, 960, 963; 1812339B I 03-Mar-04 211846, 841; 1812339B 03-Apr-06 57 montihs custody and 5 years SR

392 AII,lIyas SOCA 30-Oct-02 211846,841; 211952, 960, 963; 1812339B I 03-Mar-04 211846,841; 1812339B 10-Apr-06 57 months custody and 5 years SR

393 Daher, Ali EOMI 23-Jan-03 1811962(d),1812342 II 01-Mar-04 1811962; 1812342 07-Jun-04 5 mos for each count; 2 yrs SR ; $200 SA;
IS175 500 restitution
394 Maflahl, Numan EONY 09-Apr-03 18/1001 II 18-Feb-04 18/1001 09-Jul-04 60 monlhs; 3yrs SR
395 Talyi, Yaudat Muslafa EOLA 09-Jan-04 2x SOI1702 & 1705(b) I 2904an-04 2x 5011702 28-Apr-04 5 mos imprionment ; 1 yr SR, $25K fine

396 Mora, Adriana Gladys SOTX 04-Sep-03 1812339B; 211841 I 2604an-04 18/2339B; 211841 30-Apr-07 120 mos; 5 yrs SR; $200 SA

397 Mallke, Sayed Abdul EONY 03-Jun-03 18/1001, 21/844(a) II 2304an-04 1811001 26-May-04 37 mos., 3 yrs SR

1812339A, 181371, 181960, 181924(c)&(g)&(0),

398 AI-Hamdi, Ibrahim Ahmed EOVA 25.Jun-03 I 1604an-04 181924(c), 18/844 09-Apr-04
181844 120 mos, 3 yrs SR

5011705, 1812339A, 2339B, 181371, 1812384,

399 Royer, Randall Todd EOVA 25-Jun-03 I 16-Jan-04 18/924(c),181844 09-Apr-04
181960, 18/924(c)&(g), 18/844 20 years

400 Sallam, Tarek Abdalhamid COCA 07-Apr-03 15x 1811343, 2x 421408,3115324 II 0804an-04 1811343 17-May-04 18 mos, 3yrs SR, restitution
401 Foley, Lori COCA 3004ul-03 15x 1811343 II 22-Dec-03 1811343 15-Mar-04 15 mos., 3 yrs SR, reslitution
402 Sarsour, Jamll Salem EOWI 22-Jan-03 3115324 II 10-Nov-03 3115324 0904an-04 2 yrs probation wlcondilions; $2S00 fine; 25K
Ruiz, Elkin Alberto Arroyave
403 SOTX 04-0ec-02 18/2339B, 211841, 211846 I 05-Nov-03 18/2339B 31-May-06
(Command ante Napo) 180 montihs

27 months Imprisonmenl- To nun concurrently

404 Haydous. Fadi EOMI 24-Apr-03 18/2314,181922(9)(1) II 28-Oct-03 18/2314 31-Mar-05
wi 99-CR-00131-14 in Weslern Dlstnct NY,
Plus 1 day consecutive; crediled with time in
WDNY; 2 yrs SR (concurrent wI WONY)

405 Battle, Jeffrey Leon OOR 03-0ct-02 1812339B. 2384, 924, SOl1705 I 16-Oct-03 1812384 24-Nov-03 18 years

406 Ford. Patrice Lamumba OaR 03-Oct-02 1812339B, 2384, 1956, 924, SO/1705 I 16-Oct-03 1812384 24-Nov-03 18 years

407 Biheiri, Soliman S. EDVA 07-Aug-03 1811425,18/1001,1811015 II 09-Oct-03 1811425,18/1015 1204an-04 12 montihs

408 Lewis, October Martinique DOR 03-0ct-02 1812339B, 2384, 1956, 5011705 I 26-Sep-03 1811956 01-0ec-03 36 months
" "

409 Aatique, Mohammed EDVA 25-Jun-03 181371; 181960; 181924(0); 2x 181924(c) II 22-Sep-03 18/924(c),18/960 17-0ec-03 126 montihs

410 Abdallah, Hassan EOTX 20-Mar-03 181659, 1812342, 181371 II 19-5ep-03 1812342 08-Apr-04 5 yrs Probation
411 8ilal, Ahmed Ibrahim OaR 03-0ct-02 1812339B, 1812384, 181924, SOl1705 I 18-Sep-03 S011705; 181924(c) 09-Feb-04 10 years
412 Bilal, Muhammad Ibrahim OaR 03-0ct-02 18/2339B, 1812384, SOI1705 I 18-Sep-03 SO/1705; 181924(c) 09-Feb-04 8 years
1811962(d), 1812342 & 1812,1812315 & 1812,
413 Makki, Hassan Moussa EOMI 23-Jan-03 I 18-5ep-03 1812339B; 18/1962 16-Dec-03
2339B19\11' 57 months; 3yrs SR; $657K restitution
414 Akhdar, Ali Mohamad EOMI 03-Feb-03 1811962(d) II 16-Sep-03 1811962 11-0ec-03 12 months, 1 day
415 Tchibassa, Artur DOC 25-5ep-91 18/1203, 181371 I 12-5ep-03 1811203,181371 27-Feb-04 293mos; 5yrs SR; SA & restitution

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National Security Division Chart of PUblic/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

416 Khafagl. Bassam Kamel EOMI 24-Jan-03 1811344; 1811546 11 09-Sep-03 1811344; 1811546 13-Nov-03 Time servedl10 months
417 Kwon. Yong Ki EOVA 25-.1un-03 181960. 181924(c}&(g)&(h). 181371 11 25-Aug-03 181371. 924(c) & (h) I
07-Nov-03 138 months I
418 Surratt. Donald Thomas EOVA 25-Jun-03 181960. 181924(b)&(c)&(o). 181371 11 22-Aug-03 181371. 924(b) 07-Nov-03 46 months
419 Hasan. Khwaja Mahmood EOVA 25-.1un-03 1811001.181924.181371 11 21-Aug-03 181371.924 07-Nov-03 135 months
420 Jubara, Hosam Yousef MOFL 19-Mar-03 1811546 II 14-Aug-03 1811546 06-Nov-03 5 months. 2yrs SR. $500 fi~e. $400 SA
421 Hawash. Maher Mofeid DOR 02-May-03 18123396. 2384. 924. 5011705 I 06-Aug-03 5011705 09-Feb-04 7 years

422 Akhdar. Elias EOMI 03-Feb-03 1811952.1811962.1811952.1811512 II 29-Jul-03 1811962 08-Jan-04 70 months. 3 yrs SR. $100 SA. $2.062.500

423 Hatfield. G. William NONY 03-Jul-03 26f7206 II 03-JuHl3 26f7206 01-Jun-05 2yrs probation. $15K fine
424 Ohafir. Priscilla NONY 01-Jul-03 1811001 II 01-Jul-03 1811001 06-Jun-05 2yrs probaucn, $10Kfine & restitution
425 Jensen, Uwe SOTX 04-Qec-02 18123398. 211641(a)(1). (b)(1)(A). 211646 I 24-Jun-03 18123396; 211641; 211646 31-May-06 168 months
426 Rodriguez. Ma~on EOTX 20-Mar-03 181659.1812342.181371 II 19-Jun-03 181371 29-Apr-04 12 months

Samhan. Husam Addelhafiz

427 COCA 25-Mar-03 421408(a)(7)(6) 11 23-May-03 421408
(Sammy) 02-Jul-03 112 days. 3yr SR

428 Al-Bakri, Mukhtar WONY 21-Dcl-02 2x1812339A I 19-May-03 1812339A 03-Ooc-03 10 yrs. 3 yrs SR. $20000ne, $100 SA

429 Ali. Ahmed NONY 16-May-03 26f7206 11 16-May-03 26f7206 20-May-05 2yrs probation, $15K fine

430 Taher. Yasein WONY 21-Dcl-02 2x18123396 I 12-May-03 18123396 04-0ec-03 96 months. 3SR. $100SA

20 yrs (60 mos wlcredit for time served. 3 yrs

431 Faris. lyman EOVA 3O-Apr-03 2x18123396. I 01-May-03 181371. 2x 23396 28-Dcl-03 SR. $100 SA & 180 mos wlcredlt to be served

432 Jarwan, Ayman NONY 19-Feb-03 4x 181371

consecutlvelv 5'"" SR' 00 SA
11 25-Apr-03 2x 181371 19-Dcl-05 18 mos.
433 Varela, Carlos Ali Romero SOTX 04Dec-02 18123396,211841,211846 I 23-Apr-03 18123396, 211646 15-Jun-09 120 months Imprisonment. 5 yrs SR, $200
sneeial assessment .
434 AI-Wahaldy, Osameh NONY 19-Feb-03 50 11701 et seq. I 22Apr-03 5011701 et. seq, 24-Aug-05 2yrs pnobation, $5K fine
435 Shishani, Omar EOMI 21-Jul-02 181513,181545, 181371 11 21-Apr-03 181545,181371 18-Nov-03 57 months, 2 yrs SR, $200SA
436 Awde, Salim Nemir EOMI 05-Feb-03 1811962(d) 11 18-Apr-03 1811962 08-Apr-04 Time served114 months, 3 yrs SR, $100
Time sarvedl12 mos concurrent wi sentence in
437 Ismail. Nabil Mohamad EOMI 23-Jan-03 1811962(d) II 18-Apr-03 1811962 08-Apr-04 EOMI02-cr-9001.1; 3 yrs SR; $100 SA;
1$37500 restitution
438 Bowman, 6randy EOMI 03-Feb-03 1811962(d) II 16-Apr-03 1811962 08-Apr-04 4 months, 3 yrs SR in WONY. $45,750
restitution $100 SA
439 Gordon, Carol EOMI 23-Jan-03 1811962(d) 11 16-Apr-03 1811962(conspiracy RICO) 08Apr-04 7 months; 3 yrs SR; $202,SOOrestitution; $100
440 Ujaama, Eamest James WOWA 28-Aug-02 18123398.1812339A, 181956(a)(1) and (b); 181924 I 14-Apr-03 5011705 13-Feb-04 24 months
~ "
441 A1wan,Sahlm WONY 21-Dcl-02 2x18/2339A I 08-Apr-03 1812339A 17-0ec-03 114 months, 3yrs SR. $100 SA
442 Hmimssa, Youssef 1811546,1811028(a)(6), 1811029, 181371,
EOMI 27Sep-01 I 07-Apr-03 1811546,1811028,1029,1543 01-5ep-05
1811543 1812339A 78 months, 3 yrs SR
443 Florez-Gomez. Ubardo SOFL 12-Nov-02 1811960,181982 11 04-Apr-03 181982 25-.1ul-03 18 months, 2 yrs SR. forfeiture
444 Hariri, Mohamad Ahmad EOMI 23Jan-03 1811962(d) 11 01-Apr-03 1811962 6 months (time served); 3 yrs SR; $100 SA;
1$2062500 restitution
445 Goba, Yahya WONY 21.Qcl-02 2x18123398 I 25-Mar-03 18123396 10-Ooc-03 10 yrs, 3 yrs SR, $150OOne,$100SA
446 Mosed, Shafal WONY 21-Dcl-02 2x18123396 I 24-Mar-03 18123396 09-Dec-03 96 months, 3SR, $100SA
447 Boughader-Mucharrafille,
SOCA 15-Nov-02 811324 11 19-Mor-03 811324 19.Jun-03
Salim 12 months + 1 day, 3yrs SR

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9/11/01 - 12/31/14

448 Serrano-Valdez, Patricia SOCA 15-Nov-02 8/1324 II 13-Mar-03 8/1324 17.Jun-03 10 months, 2yrs SR
Alvarez-Duenas, Jose
449 SOCA 15Nov-02 8/1324 II 18-Feb-03 8/1324 03-Mar-03 Time served, 1 yrs SR
18/2339A, 18/1962, 18/371. 18/1956, 18/1341,
450 Arnaout, Enaam M. NOlL 09-Oct-02 I 10-Feb-03 18/1962
18/1343 17Feb-06 120 mo.
18/2332(b); 18/1114.1116,1117; 18/844(n);
451 AI-Natfi, Mohamed Suleiman SONY 22Mar-01 18/2155(a) & (b) [and 18/2155(b) by Superseding I 31.Jan-03 18/2155(b) 20-Feb-03 121 mos. 3 yrs SR
452 Johnson, John Ea~ NONY 22Jan-03 18/922(g)(1) II 31-Jan-03 18/922(9)(1) 01-Aug-03 46 months, 3 yrs SR
453 Galab, Faysal WONY 21-Oct-02 2x 18/23398, 50/1705 I 10-Jan03 50/1705 16-0ec-03 84 months, 3yrs SR, $100SA
18/1546(a) [10/08103 by SSI: 2x 18/1546; 3x 18/1546(a) [On 3104/04 pleaded to SSI
454 Issa, Mohamed Ahmed EOMI 04Dec-02 II 09.Jan-03 charges 18/1546(a), 2x18/1001, 08-Apr-04
16/1546(a); 18/1028(a)(4); 2x 18/1001J 6 mos.; 3 yrs SR
455 Basnan, Osama Youse! SOCA 11Sep-02 2x 18/1546(a), 1812 II 21-Oct-02 16/1546 21-Oct-02 Tm Srv/deport
456 Dweikal, Majeda SOCA 04-Sep-02 18/1546(a) II 21-Oct-02 18/1546 21-Oct-02 2 months imprisonment; 3 yrs SR; deportation
Jabarah, Mohammed 18/2332(b); 18/1111, 1114,1116, 1117; 161 18123320; 18/2332(b); 1811111, 1114, 1116,
457 SONY 30.Jul-02 I 30-Jul-02
Mansour 2332a'18/844' 18/1001 04Feb-08 Ufe
9x18/1956; 6xI8/2342; 6x18/1029; 3x18/1325; 2x18/23398, 1811325, 18/1546, 3x18/2342,
458 Hammoud, Mohamad WONC 28-Mar-Ol I 23.Jun-02
3xI8/1546; 2x16/1962; 2x18/1341, 2x23398 27.Jan-ll 30 yrs imprisonment; 3 yrs SR
3x18/19S6, 3x18/1029, 18/1962
4xI8/2342; 7x18/1956; 4xI8/371; 3x16/1029; 181371 (plea), 2x18/1 029, 18/1956,
459 Hammoud, Chawki WONC 28Mar-Ol II 21.Jun-02
2x16/1962' 2x18/1341 28Feb-03 51 months; 3 yrs SR
18/1962 2x18/2342
BOP 48 months (for each count) (to run
13x 50/1702 and 1705(b); lOx 18/1029 (a)(2)(5), concurrently); SR for 3 yrs (each
460 Elashyi, Ihsan NOTX 07-Feb-02 I 17-Jun-02 50/1702 & 1705, 18/1029. 1811956. 18/1343 23-Oct-02
12x 18/1956 (a)(l)(A)(i), 4x 18/1343
count)(COI1CUrrently); Restitution $281,892.52;
18123398, 18/2339A, 18/201A, 18/1956, 18/2342,
461 Harb, Said WONC 28-Mar-Ol 18/371,l344A,18/1029, 18/215, 18/1324, I 25-Feb-02 18/2339A, 181371. 18/1956, 18/1962 19-Mar-03 41 Months; 3 yrs SR
18/2314 18/1962
time served, 2 years SR; and deportation
! proceedings pursuant to Title 181 3563(d). Deft
462 Murshed, Ahmed
060ec-Ol 8/1324 II 27-Jul-06 8/1324 13-Nov-06 shall not re .nter or attempt to re -e nter US
without written authorization of Sec. of
I"'omel~nd Securitv
18/1962; 15178J(b) & 78ff; 18/1951; 18/1503; 18/1951 [on CR-00521J & 15178j(b) & 78ff Time S~rved; special assessment $200;
463 Peters. Troy M. EONY 22-May-02 II 25-Jul-06 10-0ec-07
18/371 on CR-006201 1$706 300 restitution
464 Gujar, Tariq NONY 05-0ct-05 2617202 (Information) II 07-Oct-05 2617202 27.Jan-06 3 yrs probation, $5000
465 Wingate. Lynn EONY 22-May-02 18/1962: 18/1503; 18/371 II 23.Jun-05 18/1503 21.Jul-06 3 yrs probation, $2500 fine
466 Villalobos, Herbert EOVA 23-May-05 1611026 and 2 II 23-May-05 18/1026 and 2 29-Jul-05 4 Mont~s, 2 yrs SR

16/2332A,18/2332B, 18/844, 18/1114,49/46502, life Inprisonment; On 1104110, lhe 4th Circuit

467 Moussaoui, Zacarias EOVA l1-Dec-Ol 18/2332A,18/2332B, 18/844, 18/1114,
I 22-Apr-05 04-May-06 affirmed Moussaoui's conviction and senlences
18/32 49/46502, 18/32
and de~ied his motion to remand.
16/1962; 7x 15178j(b) & 78ff; 3x 18/1951; 16/1503; 16/1962; 2x 18/371,18/1503.18/1512, 4x 72 monlhs imprisonment; 3 years SR; Special
468 Royer, Jeffrey EONY 22-May-02 II 24.Jan-05 02-Ocl-06
18/1512(2\(8\: 2x 18/371 15178(1)(b\ & 78ff' assessment of S900
3x 18/1951 (a); 18/1962(d); 14x 151780)(b) & 7811; 18/1962(d); 2x 18/1951(a); 5x 151780)(b) &
469 Elglndy, Amr I. EDNY 22-May-02 llx 18/1343; 2x 18/371; 18/1503 [& 2x 18/1001; II 24-Jan-05 135 months; 3 yrs SR; SA $1400; forfeilure of
78ft; 2x 18/1343; 18/371 [& 2x 18/1001; 19.Jun-06
18/31471 $1,568,000
18/3147 on 8101/051
470 Benmoumen, Elmeliani WDPP. 10Nov-04 18/371 II 10-Nov-04 ~J 18/371 '.:
29-0ec-04 time servec, SR 12 months
471 Mahmoud, Amna EDNY 01-Oct-03 18/1029 x2 II 01-Oct-03 18/1029 x2 16-Dec-03 3 years prob $67,306.00
472 Hansen, Robert EONY 15-Jul-03 18/371 [by Informalion) 15-Jul-03 18/371 Probation for 3 years; Fine in the amount of
473 Abuali. Hussein ONJ 25-0ct-Ol 18/371,181659 17-Jun-03 18/371 29.Jan-04 Time served (5 months), 3 yrs. SR
474 Sarwer, Suhail EONY 04-Dec-Ol 18/1029x2 17-Mar-03 18/1029 x2 28-Oct-04 55 months 3 years SR
475 Hussain, Choudhry EDNY O4-Dec-Ol 18/1029A&B, 18/1956 17-Mar-03 18/1029B 13-May-03 21 Months, 3 yrs SR
476 Awan, Khalid EONY O4-Dec-Ol 18/1029A&8, 18/1956 17-Mar-D3 18/10298 08-Nov-04 60 months 3 yrs. SR
477 Khatib. Yaser OSC 03-Jan-03 18/1344,18/1028 03.Jan-03 18/1344 and 1028 03-Jan-03 14 monlhs time served
AI-Hadi. Nageeb Abdul Jabar
478 NOlL 16-Oct-02 18/1546 24-Dec-02 18/1546
Mohamed 15-Jan-03 Time served (15 Months) 3 yrs. SR

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9/11/01 - 12/31/14

479 Ahmed, Rabi DNJ 25-0ct'()1 181371,18/659 II 11-Dec'()2 18/371 04-Dec'()3 TIme served (4 months), 2 yrs. SR
18/2332a(8)(1), 2332(b)(1), 924(c), 18/2332a(a)(1), 2332(b)(1), 924(c),
480 Reid, Richard DMA 16..,)an'()2 49/46505(b)(3) & (C), 49/46506(1), 49/46504 I 04-Oct'()2 49/46505(b)(3) & (C), 49/46506(1), 3Q-Jan'()3 Ufe Imprisonment
18/32(a}(i1S:(71. 18/1993 49/4650418132(a1(11&(71.

481 Ahmad, Ahmad Abeed Ahmad EDVA 30-Sep.()2 18/1546 II 30..sep-02 1811546 3()"Sep'()2 TIme served, 1 yr. SR

482 Sarama, Nabil NDCA 12-Dec-01 8/1325,18/1546,18/1001,18/1028 as-see-oz 8/1325 25-Sep'()2 TIme served (10 Months), 1 yr SR

483 Koshak, Abdurahman Khahil WDPA 16-Sep.()2 18/1462 16-Sep'()2 18/1462 ie-see-oz time served, 3 yrs.SR

484 T ebbakh, Karim EDNY 27-Jun'()2 2x18/2315 oe-see-oa 2x18/2315 10-Dec.()2 Time served 3 years SR
485 Oulai, Jean Tony MDFL 2()"Feb'()2 18/1001 15-Aug.()2 18/1001 05-Sep'()2 Time served, 2 yrs SR
486 Almari, Saleh Ali EDVA 30.Jul'()2 18/1341,18/1343,181371 30.Jul'()2 18/1341,1343,371 18-Oct'()2 4 Months, 2 yrs SR
487 AI Alias, Hussein SDNY 25-Jul'()2 18/1001 25-Jul"()2 18/1001 22-Oct'()2 Time served; 2 yrs SR, $700
488 Cleveland, Derrick EDNY 22-May..()2 18/1962; 18/371; 18/1951 17.Jul'()2 18/1962 23-0ct'()6 4 yrs probation; $5000 fine
4x 50/1705, 18/2332(b), 181924, 3x 18/2339B,
489 Lindh, John Walker EDVA 05-Feb-02 15.Jul'()2 5011705; 18/844 04-Oct"()2
18/844 20 Years

490 Elashmouny, Ahmed Abdulla EDNY 01-Nov..()1 18/1343,18/1001,18/1029 09.Jul"()2 18/1343,1811001,18/1029 24.Jan"()3 35 mos .. 3 yrs probation, reslilution & $600

491 Abdoulah, Mohadar Mohamed SOCA 02-Nov"()1 18/1001,18/1546 II 02-Jul"()2 1811001 02-Oct"()2 TIme served (335 days), 3yrs SR
14-Jan"()2 ,
492 Khan, Ayub Ali SONY 18/1029 II 20-Jun"()2 18/1029 15-Au9"()2 1 Year, 1 day, 3 yrs SR. $15,000

421408(a)(7)(A); 18/1546(b)(1); 421408(s)(7)(c) on

493 Trabelsi, Kamel Mohammed CDCA 05.Jun"()2 II 10-Jun'()2 18/1546 24.Jun"()2
11120/01 Time served, 3yrs SR, comply wI INS

494 AI-Marabh, Nabil WDNY 06-Dec"()1 2x 18/1001, 811324, 8/1325 II 08-Jun'()2 8/1324 03-Sep-02 8 months, 3 yrs. SR

495 Azmath, Mohammed SDNY 14-Jan"()2 18/1029 II 06-Jun"()2 18/1029 18-Sep"()2 Time served (9 Months), SR 36 months
496 Butt, Ashar Iqbal EOPA 20-May..()2 18/1543 II 06-Jun..()2 1811543 12-Sep..()2 6 Months

497 AI-Saraf, Kumeit WDPA 04-0ct'()1 18/1028 II 29-May"()2 18/371 23-Au9.()2 3 Years Probation, $250

498 Hussein, Mohamed DMA 14-Nov..()1 2x 18/1960 II 3Q-Apr'()2 18/1960 x2 22.Jul"()2 18 Months, 2 yrs. SR

499 Iqbal. Javaid EONY 30-Nov..()1 18/371; 18/1028(a)(2), 18/1028(a)(6), 18/513 II 22-Apr.()2 18/371; 18/1028(a)(2) 17-5ap"()2 16 Months, 3 yrs SR

500 Almutari, Mubarek NDIN 12-Oct'()1 18/1344,18/1014 II 17-Apr'()2 18/1344 29.Jul'()2 21 Months, 3 yrs SR

501 AI Rababah, Eyad EDVA 06-Mar-02 18/1028x2 II 17-Apr'()2 18/1028x2 17-May.()2 6 Months, 3 yrs. SR

502 Albred, Kamel WOPA 04-0ct'()1 18/1028 II 16-Apr"()2 18/1028 29.Jul'()2 3 Months Probation, $250

503 Alshomary, Haider WOPA 04-Oct"()1 18/1028 II 15-Apr'()2 18/1028 15-Aug-02 1 Year Probation, $250
504 AI-Alabi, Wathek WOPA 04-0ct"()1 18/1028 II 10-Apr"()2 18/1028 15-Aug"()2 3 Months Probation, $350

') ') 0)
505 Refal, Mohammed Ibrahim NDOH 20-Feb'()2 18/1001,18/1546 II 10-Apr.()2 18/1546 and 811325 10-Apr'()2 Time served, 3 yrs. SR

506 Butt, Moeen Islam EDPA 06-Mar'()2 8/1325 II 1()..Apr'()2 8/1325 13-Jun'()2 Time served, 3 years SR

Bakarbasnat, Orner Selmaln

507 SDCA 04-Jan'()2 18/1546, 421408 II 29-Mar'()2 18/1546,421408 29-Mar..()2
Seleh time served, 3 yrs SR

508 AI-Maleky, Raad WDPA 04-0ct'()1 18/1028 II 28-Mar.()2 18/1028 16-Au9.()2 3 Years Probation

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509 Almazaal. Samir WDPA 04-OCI-Ol 1811028 II 28-Mar-02 1811028 02-Aug-02 3 Years Probalion
510 Abuali. Nasser DNJ 25-0CI-Ol 18/371.18/659 II 27-Mar-02 18/371 04-Dec-03 TIme served (5 months). 3 yrs. SR
511 Alazawi. Ali F. WDPA 03-0ct-Ol 18/1028 II 26-Mar-02 18/1028 12-Jul-02 3 Years Probation

512 AI Aboudy. Akeel WDPA 04-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II 26-Mar-02 18/1028 02-Aug-02 36 Months Probalion. $250

513 Ki~at. Ahmad DNJ l1-Dec-Ol 18/1343 II 26-Mar-02 1811343 24-May-02 3 yr. SFt. restitution

514 AI-Atabi. Hate! WDPA 04-OC1-01 18/1028 II 25-Mar-02 18/1028 12-Jun-02 3 Years Probation. $250

515 Maddy. Mohammed EDNY 16-Nov-Ol 2x 8/1324 II 25-Mar-02 2x 8/1324 04-Apr-02 TIme served. 5 years SR
516 AI-Aboody. Musta!a WDPA 03-0ct-Ol 18/1028 II 20-Mar-02 18/1028 12-Jul-02 3 Years Probation
517 AI-Shiblawy. Hisham WDPA 04-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II 19-Mar-02 18/1028 08-Jul-02 3 Years Probation. 100 hI'S. comm. service
518 AI-Hachami. Sabah WDPA O4-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II 18-Mar-02 18/1028 03-Jul-02 1 Year probation. $250

519 Ahmed. lfikhar EDNC 16-Jan-02 18/1546.18/1028 II 18-Mar-02 18/1546 19-Jun-02 time served I

520 A~Khaledy. Fadhil WDPA 04-0ct-Ol 18/1028 II 15-Mar-02 18/1028 18-Jun-02 3 Years Probation
521 AI-Obaidi. Hussain WDPA 04-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II 13-Mar-02 18/1028 01-Jul-02 3 Years Probation $250
522 Sudani. Hussain WDPA 03-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II l1-Mar-02 1811028 07-Jun-02 3 Years Probation

523 Budiman. Agus EDVA 21-Feb-02 18/1028 II 04-Mar-02 18/1028 10-May-02 7 Monlt1S. 1 yrSR

Rouissi. Zuhaier Ben

524 NDOH 23-Oct-Ol 18/1325 II 28-Feb-02 18/1325
Mohammed 15-Apr-02 6 Montl1s

Se~. Malek Mohamad (Malek

525 DAZ 25-Oct-Ol 18/1001. 421408(a)(7)(A) II 25-Feb-02 18/1001. 421408
mohamed Abdulah) 15Apr-02 TIme s~rved. 3 yrs SR

526 Laimeche. Sofiane DAZ 06-Nov-Ol 2x 18/1001. 3x 421408(a)(7)(B) II 22-Feb-02 2x18/1 001. 421408 06-May-02 3 Years probation

527 Dawe. Nadim SDNY 04-Feb-02 1811029 II 22-Feb-02 18/1001 13-Mar-02 Time served
AI Hamdan. Montaser
528 MDFL 31-Oct-Ol 18/1325 II 21-Feb-02 18/1325
Hamdan 04-Mar-02 TIme served

529 Khan. Raza Nasir DDE 09-Oct-Ol 18/922(g)(5) & 924(a)(2) II 20-Feb-02 18/922 & 924 20-Mar-02 177 days. 2 yrs SR

530 Alibrahimi. Mohammed WDPA 04-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II 15-Feb-02 18/1028 17-May-02 5 Years Probation. 100 hI'S. comm. service

531 AI Salmi. Faisal M. DAZ 09-Oct-Ol 2x 18/1001 II 1~,Feb-02 18/1001 14-Mar-02 6 MontnS. 3 yrs SR ~)

532 Abdall. Assam EDNY l1-Jan-02 18/1001 (a)(2) 14-Feb-02 18/1001 (a)(2) 22-Apr-02 6 Montl1S 3 years SR
533 Elmaghraby. Ehab EDNY 26-Oct-Ol 1811029 13-Feb-02 18/1029(a)(2) 29-Jul-02 24 Months. 3 yrs SR
534 Ki~a~ Mustafa DNJ l1-Dec-Ol 18/1543 13-Feb-02 18/1543 21-M~r-02 TIme served (6 Months) 2 yrs. SR
535 Pervez. Mohammed SDNY 13-Feb-02 1811001 13-Feb-02 18/1001 07-Oct-02 ProbetiOn 1 year
536 Alandon. Man WDPA 04-Oct-Ol 18/1028 l1-Feb-02 18/1028 24-May-02 3 Years Probation. 100 hrs. comm. service
537 Rizvi. Anmoghan DCO 19-Dec-Ol 18/911 l1-Feb-02 18/911 22-Feb-02 TIme served. 1yr SR
538 Ferrari. Robert WDPA 04-0ct-Ol 5x 18/1028 08-Feb-02 5x 18/1028 26-Sep-03 18 months. 3 yrs. SR
539 AI Tamiml. Haider WDPA 04-Oct-Ol 18/1028 II 01-Feb-02 1811028 10-May-02 3 Years Probation
540 Rizvi. Arsalan Absar DCa 28-NoV-Ol 18/922(g)(5).18/911 II 29-Jan-02 18/922 06-Feb-02 'TIme served. 3yrs SR

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541 AI Hamdan, Nasri MDFL 31-Oct-{)1 1811325 II 24-Jan-{)2 1811325 01-Mar-{)2 Time served (5 months); 3 yrs SR

Alghamdi, Muhamed Nasir

Bin Hasher
SDFL zs-oe-ci 1811546,21/841,18/1028A II 18-Jan-{)2 21/841,18/1546 2S-Apr-{)2 6 months; 3 yrs SR; $10,000

543 K1shk, Wael EDNY 04-0ct-{)1 18/1001, 18/1028, 18/1543, 49/46306(b)(2) II 17Jan-{)2 18/1001 27-Feb-02 nme Served (6 Months), 3 yrs, SR
544 Alubeldy, Ali WDPA O4-Oct-01 18/1028 II 14-Jan-02 18/1028 11-Apr-02 3 Years Probation, $250
AI Qaryuti, Mohammed
545 MDFL 31-Oct-01 1811546,811325 II 10.Jan-02 18/1546, 811325 08Mar-02
Basheer time served, 3yrs SR

546 Hyder, Salman CDCA 21-Dec-01 18/1028,18/1546 II 10-Jan-{)2 18/1546 2S-Mar-02 4 rnos., 3yrs SR
547 Badri, Adel WDMO 14-Nov-01 4x 18/1344,18/1956,18/2314 II 08-Jan'{)2 18/1344 06-Mar-02 Time served, 3 yrs SR. $1,000
548 Abassi, Sabre EDVA 1S-Nov'{)1 1BI1001x2 II 03.Jan'{)2 18/1001 x2 03.Jan'{)3 63 Days, 2 yrs probation, $500
549 Atta, Ahmed Nawaz CDCA 21-Dec-01 18/1028,1B/1546 II 03-Jan-02 18/1028,18/1546 11-Feb-02 Time served, 3yrs SR

550 Abu-Zbaida, Maher Youse! DMT 22-Oct-01 18/922(9) II 02-Jan'{)2 18/922(g) 28-Mar-02 10 Months,1 0 months SR

551 Kopke, Roxanne EDVA 15-Nov-01 B/1306c.p II 20-Dec-01 8/1306c.p 20-Dec'{)1 50 Days

552. Menepta, Mujahid Abdul WDOK 29-Nov-01 181 922(g)(1) II 19-Dec'{)1 18/922(g)(1) 03-Apr-02 15 Months, 3 yrs SR

553 Awad, Hadir EDVA 17-Dec-01 1B/1546 II 17-Dec-01 18/1546 01-Mar'{)2 2 Years SR
554 AI-Baraa, Alawi Hussain WDPA 04-0ct-01 18/1028 II 13-Dec'{)1 18/1028 13-Mar-{)2 6 months sup. Release
555 Abdi, Mohamed EDVA 23-0ct-01 18/513 II 13-Dec-01 18/513 11.Jan-02 4 Months, 3 yrs SR
AI Khammash, Nenmine Hani
556 MDFL 31-Oct-01 18/1325 II 12-Dec-01 18/1325 10-Jan-02
Avoub nme served (3 Months); 3 yrs SR

557 Ahmad, Hafiz Khalil MDFL 13-Nov-01 1811546,18/1001,18/1621 II 12-Dec'{)1 18/1546 19-Dec'{)1 Time served, 2 yrs SR
558 EI Zaatan, Salam Ibrahim WDPA 01-Nov-01 49 146505(b)( 1 ) I 12-Dec-{)1 49 I 46505(b)( 1) 12-Dec-01 time served
559 Fand, Abdul MDNC 29-Oct-01 18/1014 II 11-Dec-{)1 18/1014 26-Mar'{)2 Time served (6 months) 3 yrs. SR

560 Khamis, Sherif MDFL 03-0ct-01 18/1001 II 07-Dec-01 1811001 19-Dec'{)1 Time served + 7 days, 3yrs SR

561 Martinez-Flores, Luis EDVA zs-oei-ot 18/1028 x4 06-Dec'{)1 18/1028 x4 15-Feb-02 21 Months, 2 yrs SR
562 Siddiqui, Imitiaz MDNC 3O-Oct-01 18/911 06-Dec-01 18/911 26-Feb-02 Time served (5 mos), 1 yr. SR
563 Pierre, Vincente Rafael WDVA 18-Sep-01 181922,18/924 and 18/371 3D-Nov'{)1 18/922, 924 and 371 05-Apr'{)2 24 Months, 3 yrs SR
584 Upshur, Traci WDVA 18-Sep-01 18/922, 18/924 and 18/371 30-Nov.{)1 18/922,924 and 371 0S-Apr-02 15 Months, 2 yrs SR
565 Hafaiedh, Ben Sami Fathi, CDCA 13-Nov-01 18/1546,421 408,18/1001 ,30-Nov'{)1 18/1546 11-Feb-02 6 Months
566 Iqbal, Jawald NDNY 19-5ep-01 811325 20-Nov-01 8/1325 1S-Mar-02 1.5 Years Probation, $100 SA & $3000 Fine
567 Iqbal, Jamshed (aka Jimmy) NDNY 19-5ep-01 8/1325 20-Nov-{)1 8/1325 08.Jan-02 5 Years Probation

568 Raza, AliI SDAL 27-Sep-01 18/1029(a)(2) II 19-Nov-{)1 18/1029 07-Feb-02 Time served (140 days), restitution

569 AI Draibl, Khalid EDVA 10-0ct-01 1811546 II 19-Nov'{)1 18/1546 04-Jan-02 4 Months, 3 yrs SR

570 Lopez-Flores, Victor EDVA 19-Nov-01 1811028 and 8/1326 II 19-Nov-01 1811028 and 811326 01-Feb-01 27 Months, 3 yrs SR

571 EI Ouariacnl, Hossain WDPA 19-Nov-01 1811001 II 1S-Nov-01 18/1001 1S-Nov-01 time served
572 GaliCia, Kenys EDVA 2~ct-01 18/1028 II 09-Nov'{)1 18/1028 25-Jan-02 1 Year, 3 yrs SR

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Updated August 7,2015
National Security Division Chart of PubliC/Unsealed Terrorism and Terrorism-Related Convictions
9/11/01 - 12/31/14

573 Fall, Manel WDPA 3O-OcH)1 16/1544 II 02-Nov-01 16)1544 27-Dec-01 3 Months, $100

574 Younes, Aisha NDNY 17-Oct-01 16/1546 II 01-Nov-01 16/1546 05-Dec-01 5 Years Probation

575 Tauseef, Hafiz NDNY 17-Oct-01 18/1546 II 01-Nov-01 16/1546 05-Dec-01 5 Years Probation

576 Hussain, Arshad WDNY 31-Oct-01 16/1544 II 31-0ct-01 16/1544 04-Jan-02 Time served, 2 yrs SR

577 Rahmani, Kamal NDIN 16-Oct-01 6/1305 II 22-Oct-01 6/1305 09-Nov-01 30 Days

576 Haddoumi, Faycal NDIN 16-Oct-01 6(1305 II 22-Oct-01 6/1305 09-Nov-01 30 Days

579 Mahmood, Ansar NDNY 16-Oct-01 6/1324 II 16-Oct-01 6/1324 25-Jan-02 5 Years Probation, $3000

560 Guagni, Francois DME 25-Sep-01 6/1326 II 28-5ep-01 6/1326 23-Jan-02 20 Months, 3 yrs SR

:J ~ ~)

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Updated August 7, 2015

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