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Bache & Co. (Phil.), Inc. vs. Ruiz AUTHOR: Magsino, Patricia Marie C.

[G.R. No. L-32409, Feb. 27, 1971] NOTES: This digest focuses on the requirement that
TOPIC: Search warrant the judge must PERSONALLY examine the
PONENTE: Villamor, J. complainant and his witnesses
Respondent Misael P. Vera (Commissioner of Internal Revenue) wrote a letter to respondent Judge Vivencio
M. Ruiz requesting for the issuance of a Search Warrant against Petitioners Bache & Co, and its president
Seggerman for violation of Sec. 46 of the National Internal Revenue Code
The letter authorized Revenue Examiner Rodolfo De Leon (respondent) to make and file the application for
search warrant which was attached to the letter-request
Respondent De Leon and his witness Respondent Arturo Logronio went to the CFI of Rizal, bringing with
them the letter-request, an application for search warrant already filled up but unsigned by respondent judge,
a deposition in printed form of respondent Logronio already accomplished and signed by him but not yet
subscribed, and a search warrant already accomplished but still unsigned by respondent judge
At that time, Respondent Judge was at a hearing for a certain case so by means of a note, he instructed his
Deputy Clerk of Court to take the depositions of respondents De Leon and Logronio
When the session adjourned, respondent judge was informed that the depositions had already been taken so
he asked respondent Logronio to take oath and warned that if his deposition is found to be false he could be
charged for perjury, he then signed the application for search warrant and the deposition Search Warrant
No. 2-M-70 was then issued
Three days later, the BIR agents served the search warrant, the lawyers of the petitioners protested the
search on the ground that the there was no formal complaint or transcript of testimony attached to the
warrant, the agents continued the search despite this and seized six boxes of documents
Petitioners then filed a petition with the CFI of Rizal to quash the warrant, to issue preliminary, prohibitory,
and mandatory writs of prohibition, and to declare the search warrant null and void
Respondent judge dismissed the petition for dissolution of the search warrant and the BIR made tax
assessments on petitioner corporation (Bache & Co.), and so the present petition
Did the respondent Judge Vivencio M. Ruiz personally examine the complainant and his witness?


NO. Respondent Judge failed to personally examine the complainant and his witness.

Pertinent provisions of the Constitution provides;

(3) The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches
and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, to be determined by
the judge after examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may
produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." (Art. III,
Sec. 1, Constitution.)

"SEC. 3. Requisites for issuing search warrant. A search warrant shall not issue but upon probable cause in
connection with one specific offense to be determined by the judge or justice of the peace after examination
under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

"SEC. 4. Examination of the applicant. The judge or justice of the peace must, before issuing the warrant,
personally examine on oath or affirmation the complainant and any witnesses he may produce and take
their depositions in writing, and attach them to the record, in addition to any affidavits presented to him." (Rule
126, Revised Rules of Court.)

The examination of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, required by Art. III, Sec. 1, par. 3, of the
Constitution, and by Secs. 3 and 4, Rule 126 of the Revised Rules of Court, should be conducted by the judge
himself and not by others.

The examination made by the Deputy Clerk of Court does not satisfy the requirements stated in the law, Judge
Ruizs participation in the proceedings which led to the issuance of a search warrant was limited only to listening
to the stenographer reading her notes. Judge Ruiz cannot be considered to have personally examined the
complainant and his witness.



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