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The question to be here decided is whether or not

pictures portraying the inhabitants of the country in native

dress and as they appear and can be seen in the regions
in which they live, are absence or indecent. Surprising as
it may seem, the question is one of first impression not
alone in the Philippine Islands, but in the United States,
Great Britain, and elsewhere. This will explain why a
case which otherwise would be heard and voted in
Division has been submitted to the court in banc for

On November 24, 1922, detective Juan Tolentino raided

the premises known as Camera Supply Co. at 110
Escolta, Manila. He found and confiscated the post-cards
which subsequently were used as evidence against J. J.
Kottinger, the manager of the company.

Out of these facts arose the criminal prosecution of J. J.

Kottinger in the Court of First Instance of Manila. The
information filed in court charged him with having kept for
sale in the store of the Camera Supply Co., obscene and
indecedent pictures, in violation of section 12 of Act No.
277. To this information, the defendant interposed a
demurrer based upon the ground that the facts alleged
therein did not constitute an offense and were not
contrary to law; but trial court overruled the demurrer and
the defendant duly excepted thereto. Following the
presentation of evidence by the Government and the
defense, judgment was rendered finding the defendant
guilty of the offense charged and sentencing him to pay a
fine of P50 with subsidiary imprisonment in case of
insolvency, and the costs.

The five errors assigned by defendant-appellant in this

court divide themselves into two general issues. The first
point sustained by counsel for the appellant is in nature a
technical objection, growing out of the defendant's
demurrer. The second point, in reality the decesive issue,
Full text: is as suggested in the beginning of the decision. We will
take upon the assignments of errors as thus classified in order.
Act No. 277 is the Philippine Libel Law. But included
therein is a section, No. 12, making obscene or indecent
publications misdemeanors. Said section 12 which, it is
G.R. No. L-20569 October 29, 1923 contended by the Government, has here been violated,
and which, appellant argues, does not apply to the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, plaintiff- information and the facts, reads as follow:
vs. Any person who writes, composes, stereotypes,
J. J. KOTTINGER, defendant-appellant. prints, publishes, sells, or keeps for sale,
distributes, or exhibits any obscene or indecent
Fisher, Dewitt, Perkins and Brady for appellant. writing, paper, book, or other matter, or who
Attorney-General Villa-Real for appellee. designs, copies, draws, engraves, paints, or
otherwise prepares any obscene picture or print,
or who moulds, cuts, casts, or otherwise makes
any obscene or indecent figure, or who writes,
MALCOLM, J.: composes, or prints any notice or advertisement
of any such writing, paper, book, print, or figure
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished
by a fine of not exceeding one thousand dollars
or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or boys and carries the legend "Greetings from the
both. Philippines." Exhibit A-2 has the legend "Ifugao Belle,
Philippines. Greetings from the Philippines." Exhibit A-3
Counsel has gone to the trouble to make a careful has the legend "Igorot Girl, Rice Field Costume." Exhibit
analysis of section 12 of the Libel Law which is intended A-4 has the legend "Kalinga Girls, Philippines. Exhibit A-
to bear out his thesis, first, that section 12 does not 5 has the legend "Moros Philippines."
prohibit the taking, selling, and publishing of alleged
obscene and indecent pictures and prints, and second, The prosecution produced no evidence proving the
that the information in this case charges no offense postcards obscene and indecent because it thought the
prohibited by section 12. Recall, however, that the law post-cards themselves the best evidence of that fact. The
provides punishment, among other things, for any person fiscal admitted in open court "that those pictures
who keeps for sale or exhibits any absence or indecent represented the natives (non-Christians) in their native
writing, paper, book, or other matter, and that the dress." The defendant, on the other hand, attempted to
information charges the defendant, among other things, show that the pictures as true to life. Dr. H. Otley Beyer,
with having wilfully and feloniously kept for sale, Professor in the University of the Philippines,
distribution, or exhibition, obscene and indecent pictures. corroborated by other witnesses, testified from his
studies in various parts of the Islands, such as the
The phrase in the law "or other matter", was apparently Mountain Province, Abra, Palawan, and Mindanao and
added as a sort of "catch-all." While limited to that which Sulu, that none of the pictures represented poses which
is of the same kind as its antecedent, it is intended to he had not observed on various occasions, and that the
cover kindred subjects. The rule of ejusdem costumes worn by the people in the pictures are the true
generis invoked by counsel is by no means a rule of costumes regularly worn by them. Are such pictures
universal application and should be made to carry out, obscene or indecent?
not to defeat, the legislative intent. Even if the phrase "or
other matter" be cobstrued to mean "or other matter of The word "obscene" ands the term "obscenity" may be
like kind," pictures and postcards are not so far unrelated defined as meaning something offensive to chastify,
to writings, papers, and books, as not to be covered by decency, or delicacy. "Indeceny" is an act against
the general words (Commonwealth vs. Dejardin [1878], behavior and a just delicacy. The test ordinarily followed
126 Mass., 46; 30 Am. Rep., 652; Brown vs. Corbin by the courts in determining whether a particular
[1889], 40 Minn., 508). publication or other thing is obscene within the meaning
of the statutes, is whether the tendency of the matter
The line of argumentation is more refined that practical. charged as obscene, is to deprave or corrupt those
Once conceded that section 12 of Act No. 277 does not whose minds are open to such immoral influences and
cover the present case, there yet remain for application into whose hands a publication or other article charged
article 571, No. 2, of the penal code, and section 730 of as being obscene may fall. Another test of obscenity is
the Revised Ordinances of the City of Manila. The that which shocks the ordinary and common sense of
section of the Revised Ordinances cited is most specific men as an indecency, (29 Cyc., 1315; 8 R. C. L., 312.)
when it provides in part that no person shall "exhibit,
circulate, distribute, sell, offer or expose for sale, or give The Philippine statute does not attempt to define
or deliver to another, or cause the same to be done, any obscene or indecent pictures, writings, papers, or books.
lewd, indecent, or absence book, picture, pamphlet, card, But the words "obscene or indecent" are themselves
print, paper, writing, mould, cast, figure, or any other descriptive. They are words in common used and every
thing." person of average intelligence understand their meaning.
Indeed, beyond the evidence furnished by the pictures
While admittedly the information is lacking in precision themselves, there is but little scope for proof bearing on
and while the content of section 12 of the Libel Law is not the issue of obscenity or indecency. Whether a picture is
as inclusive as it might be, we yet conclude that the obscene or indecent must depend upon the
information is not fatally defective, and that said section circumstances of the case. (People vs. Muller [1884], 96
12 covers the alleged facts. N. Y., 408; 48 Am. Rep., 635.)

We come now to decide the main issue. We repeat that Considerable light can be thrown on the subject by
our own researches have confirmed the statement of turning to the Federal Laws prohibiting the use of the
counsel that no one parrallel case be found. We must mails for obscene matter and prohibiting the importation
perforce reason from the general to the specific and from into the Philippine Islands of articles, etc., of obscene or
universal principle to actual fact. indecent character. (U. S. Rev. Stat., art. 3893; 36 stat.
at L., 135; 7 Fed. Stat. Ann., 1194, sec. 3[b].)
The pictures which it is argued offend against the law on
account of being obscene and indecent, disclose six "Obscene," as used in the Federal Statutes making it a
different postures of non-Christian inhabitants of the criminal offense to place in the mails any obscene, lewd,
Philippines. Exhibit A carries the legend "Philippines, or lascivious publication, according to the united States
Bontoc Woman." Exhibit A-1 is a picture of five young Supreme Court and lesser Federal courts, signifies that
form of immorality which has relation to sexual impurity, matter, the reading whereof would have a
and has the same meaning as is given at common law in tendency to deprave and corrupt the
prosecutions for obscene libel. (Swearingen vs. U. S. minds of those into whose hands the
[1896], 161 U. S., 446; U. S. vs. Males [1892], 51 Fed., publication might fall whose minds are
41; 6 Words and Phrases, 4888, 4889.) open to such immoral influences."

The case of United States vs. Harmon ([189], 45 Fed., Laws of this character are made for society in the
414), grew out of an indictment for despositing an aggregate, and not in particular. So, while there
obscene publication in a United States post-office in may be individuals and societies of men and
violator of the Postal Law. Judge Philips said: women of peculiar motions are idiosyncrasies,
whose moral sense would neither be depraved
The statute does not undertake to define the meaning of nor offended by the publication now under
the terms "obscene," etc., further than may be implied by consideration, yet the exceptional sensibility, or
the succeeding phrase, "or other publication of an want of sensibility, of such cannot be allowed as
indecent character." On the well-organized canon of a standard by which its obscenity or indecency is
construction these words are presumed to have been to be tested. Rather is the test, what is the
employed by the law-maker in their ordinary acceptation judgment of the aggregate sense of the
and use. community reached by it? What is its probable,
reasonable effect on the sense of decency,
As they cannot be said to have acquired any purity, and chastity of society, extending to the
technical significance as applied to some family, made up of men and women, young boys
particular matter, calling, or profession, but are and girls, the family, which is the common
terms of popular use, the court might perhaps nursery of mankind, the foundation rock upon
with propriety leave their import to the presumed which the state reposes?
intelligence of the jury. A standard dictionary
says that "obscene" mean "offensive to chastity . . . To the pure all things are pure, is too poetical
and decency; expressing or presenting to the for the actualities of practical life. There is in the
mind or view something which delicacy, purity, popular conception and heart such a thing as
and decency forbid to be exposed." This mere modesty. It was born in the Garden of Eden.
dictionary definition may be extended or After Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of
amplified by the courts in actual practice, knowledge they passed from the condition of
preserving, however, its essential though, and perfectibility which some people nowadays aspire
having always due regard to the popular and to, and, their eyes being opened, they discerned
proper sense in which the legislature employed that there was both good and evil; "and they
the term. Chief Justice Cockburn, in Rex vs. knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig
Hicklin (L. R. 3 Q. B., 360), said: "The test of leaves together, and made themselves aprons."
obscenity is this: Where the tendency of the From that day to this civilized man has carried
matter charged as obscene is to deprave and with him the sense of shame, the feeling that
corrupt those whose minds are open to such there were some things on which the eye the
immoral influences, and into whose hands a mind should not look; and where men and
publication of this sort may fall;" and where "it women become so depraved by the use, or so
who suggest to the minds of the young of either insensate from perverted education, that they will
sex, or even to persons of more advanced years, not evil their eyes, nor hold their tongues, the
thoughts of the most impure and libidinous government should perform the office for them in
character." So, also, it has been held that a book protection of the social compact and the body
is obscene which is offensive to decency or politic.
chastity, which is immodest, which is indelicate,
impure, causing lewd thoughts of an immoral As above intimated, the Federal statue prohibits the
tendency." U. S. vs. Bennet, 16 Blatchf., 338. importation or shipment into the Philippine Islands of the
Judge Thayer, in U. S. vs. Clarke, 38 Fed. Rep., following: "Articles, books, pamphlets, printed matter,
732, observed: manuscripts, typewritten matter, paintings, illustrations,
figures or objects of obscene or indecent character or
"The word "obscene" ordinarily means subversive of public order." There are, however, in the
something which is offensive to chastity; record, copies of reputable magazines which circulate
something that is foul or filthy, and for freely thruout the United States and other countries, and
that reason is offensive to pure-minded which are admitted into Philippines without question,
persons. That is the meaning of the word containing illustrations identical in nature to those
in the concrete; but when used, as in the forming the basis of the prosecution at bar. Publications
statute, to describe the character of a of the Philippine Government have also been offered in
book, pamphlet, or paper, it means evidence such as Barton's "Ifugao Law," the "Philippine
containing immodest and indecent Journal of Science" for October, 1906, and the Reports
of the Philippine Commission for 1903, 1912, and 1913, Johnson, Street, Avancea, Villamor and Johns, JJ.,
in which are found illustrations either exactly the same or concur.
nearly akin to those which are now impugned.
Mr. Chief Justice Manuel Araullo was present at the time
It appears therefore that a national standard has been this case was voted and then voted with Mr. Justice
set up by the Congress of the United States. Tested by Romualdez. (Sgd.) E. FINLEY JOHNSON.
that standard, it would be extremely doubtful if the
pictures here challenged would be held obscene or
indecent by any state of Federal court. It would be
particularly unwise to sanction a different type of
censorship in the Philippines that in the United States, or
for that matter in the rest of the world.

The pictures in question merely depict persons as they

Separate Opinions
actually live, without attempted presentation of persons
in unusual postures or dress. The aggregate judgment of
the Philippine community, the moral sense of all the
people in the Philippines, would not be shocked by
photographs of this type. We are convicted that the post- ROMUALDEZ, J., dissenting:
card pictures in this case cannot be characterized as
offensive to chastity, or foul, or filthy. I do not agree with the view taken by the majority as to
the nature of the photographic pictures in question. While
We readily understand the laudable motives which said pictures cannot, strictly, be termed obscene, they
moved the Government to initiate this prosecution. We must, however, be regarded as indecent, for they are so.
fully appreciate the sentiments of colleagues who take a
different view of the case. We would be the last to offend Such pictures offend modesty and refinement, and for
the sensibilities of the Filipino people and the sanction this reason, they are indecent. This is shown by common
anything which would hold them up to ridicule in the eyes sense. No woman claiming to be decent would dare to
of mankind. But we emphasize that we are not deciding a stand before the public in Manila, where said pictures
question in political theory or in social ethics. We are were exhibited, in the same fashion as these pictures
dealing with a legal question predicated on a legal fact, are.
and on this question and fact, we reach the conclusion
that there has not been proved a violation of section 12 It is alleged that these pictures were taken from nature in
of the Libel Law. When other cases predicated on other non-Christian regions. We agree that in said regions they
states of facts are brought to our attention, we will decide are not, perhaps, regarded as offensive to modesty, and,
them as they arise. therefore, are accidentally not indecent there. But in the
City of Manila where they were exhibited, no doubt they
We seem to recall the statement of counsel that the are.
proprietor of the photographic concern whom he
represents would on his own initiative place suitable and And the law prohibits the exhibition not only of obscene
explicit inscriptions on the pictures so that no one may be pictures, but of indecent as well. (Sec. 12, Act No. 277.)
misled as to them. Indeed, he might even go further and
out of consideration for the natural sensibilities of his I understand that the judgment appealed from should
customers, withdraw from sale certain pictures which can have been affirmed.
be pointed out to him.
Araullo, C.J., concurs.
We hold that pictures portraying the inhabitants of the
country in native dress and as they appear and can be
seen in the regions in which they live, are not obscene or
indecent within the meaning of the Libel Law.
Disagreeing therefore with the appellant on his technical
argument but agreeing with him on his main contention, it
becomes our duty to order the dismissal of the
information. 1awph!

Judgment is reversed, the information is dismissed, and

the defendant-appellant is acquitted with all costs de
oficio. So ordered.

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