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You little! Why are you always like this!?

Thats what I should be saying! Just what makes you so

unhappy that you keep lecturing me! Is that your plan!? You
want me to notice you? Tsundere? If you like me, just say it

After hearing me say that as I laid on the couch, Darkness

eyebrow rose even higher.

Who would like a weak virgin hikkikomori like you! Always

spouting nonsense fighting words! I will teach you a lesson!

S-stop it! I am carefully polishing the precious ring Iris left

with me! How will you pay me back if it goes missing in the
struggle, didnt you say this thing is important!?

As Darkness grabbed my collar, I shoved the ring in her face

to resist.

I am angry because it is important! Dont wipe the national

treasure Princess Iris keeps on her at all times with your dirty

H-how mean, even I will feel hurt after hearing that!! This
might be a cheap handkerchief, but I am taking care of this
ring filled with Iris feelings in my own way.
Im not talking about the price of the handkerchief, didnt
you use it to wipe your snot all the time!? Buy a new
polishing cloth!!

Darkness who was shouting finally let me go, and sunk into
the couch with a tired expression.

Really, being with you is so tiring. I finally returned to this

town, but I didnt rest at all.

Thats my line. You always stir up trouble, but lecture me

with a serious face from time to time. You barely reached the
bottom of aristocracy, but you are still a noble lady right?
Showing an air of a fine lady wouldnt be bad for you.

B-bottom of the aristocracy!? You call House Dustiness

known as the favored sword of the Kingdom, the bottom of
the aristocracy! You are probably the only one in the
world who would say that I am still a noble lady at the bottom
of the aristocracy.

Hey, if you want to compliment me, make it easier to


I am not complimenting you.

Darkness leaned back on the couch and sip the tea that was
placed on the side table.

Speaking of which, you are always like this. When I

revealed my family background, you were more interested in
my name than my social status, what a weird guy.

Whats with you, Lalatina? I dont want to be called weird by

a person like you. An unworldly noble lady, an adventurer and
a M. Just how many character traits do you want to hog, you
greedy woman.

Darkness put the tea she was drinking back onto the table.

Seems like I will have to settle things with you one day.

Alright alright, lets have a match one day, young lady.

I brushed off the vexed Darkness nonchalantly and drank

some tea too.

Hmm, this taste good. You are useless, but the tea you make
is good.

Darkness mood turned better when she heard me.

Fufu, you said the dishes I cooked are average, but I am

confident in my tea. The key to brewing delicious key is to
warm the cup first, and to pour it in until the very last drop. If
you apologize for your crude remarks earlier, I wouldnt mind
brewing another for you.

I get it, I get it, sorry for teasing you. Its not much of an
apology, but if you fell out of grace with nobility, I will hire
you as a maid.
Falling out of grace is impossible! Really, you are a
strange man. I thought you are a weakling, but you act
courageously sometimes. You will help others, but you will go
play around at night, doing disagreeable things. Which one is
the real you?

What do you mean by real. Everyone will do good things

when their mood are good, and urinate in public when they
felt pissed off. I am just a normal person. Sorry for not being
a rigid hero.

No, thats fine. Or rather, instead of princes and heroes, I

prefer an ordinary guy For example, someone like you.

Hey, what do you mean? What was that? First Megumin, now
you too, why must the two of you tell me such vague things?
Say it properly so a virgin like me can understand.

Darkness smiled after listening to what I said.

Make a guess.

She said and started drinking tea in a good mood.

Chapter 1 - Gifting This Upstart Adventurer With Peace!

Part 1

We received a summons from the adventurers guild some

time after returning to Axel.

Well then, adventurer Satou Kazuma-san. The content of the

summons today

At the adventurers guild counter, the staff onee-san smiled

cheerfully at me with a heavy bag in her hands.

The payout for the reward is delayed as the amount was

very high This is the bounty for the demon king army boss
Sylvia, three hundred million Eris! This is the fourth demon
king army boss subjugated by Kazuma-san! Kazuma-san, you
are the ace adventurer of the Axel adventurers guild! Here,
please accept this!

Ohhh! x6

The adventurers watching us burst out into cheers.

I smiled calmly at the crowd as I reached for the heavy bag.

Hey, take it easy everyone. This is not the first time I took
out a huge bounty target right? Really, just a mere three
hundred million Eris is Hmm? Onee-san, you can let go now.
I am holding the bag steadily and it wont drop. Really, hey!
Hey, let go! Hey, let it go!! I struggled with the staff who
was unwilling to give me the bag.

But Kazumas team already defeated four Demon King Army

bosses. I was worried that they might get wiped out some
day, but they really made it big now.

Thats right. They were a team that cant even take down
frogs not too long ago, but that Kazuma-kun is one of the few
wealthy and successful guys in town. Truth is stranger than
fiction huh.

Voices came from all corners of the guild.

No, I always felt that Kazuma was a guy who would make it
big when the time was right.

I thought you were going about a bet on when Kazumas

team would get wiped out? But they are just amazing.
Kazuma has the weakest job of adventurer. He doesnt have
outstanding equipment, but he still managed to fight on par
with the bosses of the Demon King Army, thats the incredible

After finally wrestling the bounty over and hugging it carefully

in my arms, I turned my face towards those guys who were
still yapping.
And then

Really. Hey, you wont get anything from praising me like

that okay? At most, I will just treat you to the best wine in
the house ahhhh!

When they heard my cocky words, everyone in the guild


Ohhhhh,, Kazuma is so handsome ahhh!

Hyaaa! Kazuma is the boss! Marry me and feed me for


The number one upstart adventurer in Axel!

As expected of Kazuma who only has great luck!

Hahaha, even if you flatter me Hey, who is the one who

said I only have luck, I have many strong points aside from

It has almost been a year since I came to this place.

I finally welcomed such a moment.

Thats right, the coming of my era.

Really! How could you, Kazuma!! We were worried about

you since you didnt come back after so long, and I find you
having a party here without us! And I even came here to
check on you! In the guild that was rowdier than usual, Aqua
who was seated opposite me complained.

I am partly at fault for not returning after so long, but you

are the one who asked me to come alone, saying that nothing
good could come from the guild summoning our entire team.
Oh, here it is, the ice cold beer I ordered. For you.

I placed the beer I ordered for myself before the pouting


Really, if you think my mood will turn better just by giving

some beer, you are dead wrong alright? Megumin was pacing
around the house and mumbling He is still not back yet
every five minutes. Darkness was muttering Is it because of
that? Princess noticed the real identity of the benevolent thief
after all? Ahh, what should I do to and something like that
with her head in her arms! Hahh! Hey, give me another

Aqua who was venting her frustration by rapping the table

downed the cold beer in one go and asked for a refill.

Megumin who was taking small sips besides me said Im

relieved that the summon is for a good news, which is rare.
Because Aqua wanted to bet on whether it is good news or
bad news. She even said I bet Kazuma committed a serious
crime and has been arrested, three thousand Eris..

She also said that we should pack our luggage and be
prepared to run if Kazuma really got into deep trouble. The
bags by Aquas feet are the evidence. After hearing that
from Darkness, I checked for the bags by her feet and picked
on Aqua:

What the hell are you so worried about, are you kidding
me!? What is with that bag!? Hey, give me that refill!

Dont wanna, order another if you want one! And its true
that I was worried about Kazuma! You see, wouldnt it be
terrible if Kazuma isnt with us!? For example! Like.
Like? Hey Darkness, how would we be troubled if this guy is
not with us?

Stop your nonsense, how many times did you think I cleaned
up after you all!? I will give you a good whooping, get over

Ah, where are you pulling! The divine relic is getting

stretched out, stop! Staph!! Aqua slapped at my hand that
was grabbing her hagoromo.

Really. Why is Princess Iris so concerned about this noisy and

uncouth man Hmm, personally, I think it is because he is a
rare sight and she did so on a whim

Besides Aqua, Darkness was enjoying the fragrance of the

wine in her wine glass as she murmured to herself.
A lot of things happened in the capital.

Like routing the Demon King Army that attacked alongside

other adventurers.

Protecting the property of a noble from a thief that disrupted

the peace of the capital.

Resolving a national crisis in the dark without letting anyone

know about it.

And more importantly, Iris became my cute sister

I wonder how Iris is doing. I am worried about her crying

alone at night because of loneliness Right, I should ask
Vanir to make a doll that looks just like me. That guy did say
the Vanir doll that laughs in the middle of the night is a top
seller. Lets get him to make a Kazuma doll that will laugh in
the middle of the night for Iris. That way, she wont feel
lonely at night anymore.

Hey Kazuma, dont ever send such a creepy thing over! I can
post letters for you, but not that thing! They will think you are
a terrorist!?
Part 2

Another week passed after receiving the bounty from the


After going on plenty of trips recently, we finally enjoyed

some peace in Axel town.

Hey, who is the one who made this dish!? Tell the head
chef that the talk of the town, adventurer Satou Kazuma who
subjugated many bounty targets is asking for him!

Tell him that the arch priest Aqua is here too!

After striking it rich overnight, Aqua and I had been visiting

the restaurants in Axel town in search of delicious food.

The one who was probably the main chef came to the corner
of the shop that was hogged by us.

M-may I asked if you have any feedback, does something

displease you?

The chef who was summoned out of the blue observed our
expression timidly.

No, I just wish to thank you and offer my compliments for

the delicious meal. After enjoying the dishes in the capital,
not many chefs can impress my tongue of god.

T-thank you for your compliment.

As the troubled head chef lowered his head in thanks, Aqua

wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin and added:

You used grape wine in this stew right? The bitterness is that
of a red wine. The brand is Thats right, a thirty years old
Romanee-Continue Am I wrong?

It is vinegar on sales that was just purchased.

Is that so. To bring out such a taste with cheap vinegar,

that is amazing.

I am truly thankful for your compliment.

Once he learn that we wouldnt pose a danger to him, the

head chef regained his composure and bowed to Aqua.

In response to the polite head chef, I showed him the half

eaten meat on my fork.

The stew is delicious, but my favourite would be this. This

meat is really soft. Thats right, if I have to use an analogy
This is like sneaking into the room of the girl you like, and
when you open her cabinet with a pounding heart, it turns
out to be a mimic treasure chest monster. That intense,
unexpected impact So, do you get what I mean?

Absolutely not.

Is that so. Anyway, it is superbly delicious. I, adventurer

Satou Kazuma, gives this restaurant three stars.

I will give this restaurant three stars too.

Thank you. I will work hard to achieve four stars next time.

I handed several Eris notes to the chef who was smiling


Haha, you have a way with words! The meal is splendid, I

will come again As thanks for the delicious dishes, please
keep the change. Thank you for the meal.

Thank you for the meal!

Although you paid the exact amount, I will look forward to

your next visit. Thank you for your patronage.

The chef was courteous to the very end and watch Aqua and
me politely until we exited the restaurant.

After getting the bounty from defeating Sylvia, we lived a

lavish life.
The four of us divided the three hundred million Eris from
subjugating Sylvia equally. And for me, I will be getting a
large sum of money from the business deal with Vanir on top
of that.

With that much money, I could live the rest of my life without
working even if I splurge a little.

I made it to the winner group in life.

After all the hardships I endured, I finally made it into the

ranks of winners among the adventurers.

Aqua and I patted our full stomach as we returned to the

mansion that befits our status as first class adventurers.

While discussing which restaurant to visit for dinner, we

opened the door

Im home

Really, what a perverted crusader! Here, you want this huh?

Dont endure it anymore, just give up! Ah.

I wont submit for something like that! With my honour as a

crusader on the line, I can take it even if it is for an hour or
two Ah.

Darkness was rolled up with thick blankets and rolled to the

Megumin was squatting before Darkness and waving an ice
cube in front of her.

Both of their cheeks were flushed, and Darkness was even


After meeting their eyes, I closed the door softly.

Megumin then opened the door with a bang and dashed out.

Dont close the door! Dont misunderstand, its not what you

No no, its fine, I get it. Aqua and I will come back after
dinner, please carry on. If you want, we can spend the night

The Axis cult accepts love between the same sex. Do you
need a blessing spell?

You misunderstood completely! This is, that, Darkness


Megumin grabbed Aqua and my hand, working hard to stop

us from leaving.

Ugh, to think there will be an additional Shame Play! Even

if Kazuma and Aqua see my shameful appearance, I still
wont give in!
You are making things more complicated, so shut up

After Darkness who was squirming around in the blankets

became quiet, I noticed that hot air was coming out from the
opened door.

It was almost summer, but these two had lit the fireplace.

This is not any special Play, Darkness is just asking me to

help her train for the Endurance competition. She seemed to
be the winner in the annual summer Endurance competition
in this town.

Megumin whose face was all red pressed the ice cube onto
the forehead of Darkness whose face was equally flushed.
I felt both down and relief at the same time But if you
want to train, do it in Darkness house. You are making the
living room all hot and stuffy.

Darkness exhaled blissfully when Megumin pressed the ice

onto her head and said:

Actually, my father is not feeling well recently. if he sees me

doing this he will be worried about what his daughter who
has yet to marry is doing. I have to be considerate about his

Is your father unwell because you turned on the heater at


Her strange mood probably subsided because of the ice

applied onto her

Phew Kazuma and the others are back, so lets call it a

day. Thanks to Megumin, I realized that raising my adventurer
level will also improve my resistance to heat. I will definitely
win again this year. Hey Kazuma, help me to untie this.

She said as she wriggled in the blankets.

Your appearance right now looks really similar to how I was

when I was hit by a bind magic in Alderps villa.

? Is that so? Maybe that really is. Eh, lets talk about this
later. Untie me first. The blanket is soaked in my sweat, I
want to take a bath now.

After hearing what I said, Aqua and Megumin bent down

towards Darkness who was squirming around.

The two of them noticed my intentions and were smiling


Darkness looked up at us a little uneasily.

I repeatedly opened and closed my fingers and said:

We have been together for quite long, you should

understand my character by now. Thats right, I am a man
who will pay whatever is done to me back ten times Hey,
Darkness-san who toyed with me for a long time when I was
immobile in the capital! Today, you look really interesting

Ugh! Just kill me!

Darkness who started struggling with a blushed face said

something crusader like for the first time.

Sigh. My steaming, immobile body is going to be toyed by

Hey, watch your words. It sounds really lewd when you put it
that way.

After everyone gave Darkness a good tickling.

Darkness might complain verbally, but her body was glowing

with satisfaction.

I plan to train tomorrow too. So Kazuma, want to play the

role of the one flaunting the ice before me while I endure the

Dont wanna I already said no, dont look at me with such

expectant eyes.

After I chased Darkness who was wearing an expression of

pity to the showers, I looked at Aqua who sat barefooted on
the couch cross legged.

Really, where did the awe inspiring Darkness in the capital

go? Last night, I went to the public cemetery to purify lost
souls alright? Everyone should learn from me who contributes
to society every day.

She said that despite forgetting about her promise with Wiz
to purify the cemetery periodically, and only rushed over
when she heard about the increase in the number of mischief
by the spirits recently.
No, lets leave that aside for now.

Instead of that, I was concerned about something else since


What is that thing you are cradling near your stomach?

A piece of towel was laid out on Aquas lap, with a small egg
on top.

When we went out just now, she was fidgeting with

something inside her pocket too.

Ara ara, you noticed so soon, Kazuma? Alright, let me tell

you. Dont be surprised okay, this is a dragon egg.

Dragon!? x2

Megumin and I blurt out in surprise at the same time, while

Aqua said with an arrogant face.

When I was house sitting alone some time ago, a merchant

who heard about exploits visited okay? He said it is an
honour to meet you! I have been searching for powerful
adventurers who can fight on par with the demon king army!
Allow me to present you with my precious collection, just for
your team that fights tirelessly without regard for your safety
against the demon king army! He also mentioned that we
will need a familiar like a dragon to prepare for our fight
against the demon king army in the future. I think that is a
good point.
Heard about our exploits?

What the this feels suspicious.

Maybe he heard we earned a huge sum of money?

Aqua didnt notice the awkward look on my face and started

talking about that dubious dragon egg.

Listen well alright? I will tell you since Kazuma is an idiot

without common sense, the dragon egg is difficult to obtain.
Even when it appears on the market, some nobles or rich
people would buy it immediately. Since someone is willing to
sell it to us, we have to buy buy buy right? This is a dragon
you know? Arent you excited?

To be honest, if I say Im not excited, but the more I hear

about it, the more suspicious I get.

How much did you pay for that egg?

Aqua said happily when she heard my question.

Oh, he actually told me that it would be fine to exchange all

the money I have for it! Dragon egg wont be cheaper than a
hundred million, so I asked him why is it so cheap? He said
that he dont want the dragon to be a symbol of wealth, but
to contribute to the fight against the demon king!
I felt an onsetting headache as I stood before Aqua who was
cradling the egg carefully with both hands.

And so, you bought it.

I bought it. I already decided on the name. He is Glinsfold

Zell Emperor. Since I will be raising it, it will be the Emperor
and a King among dragons. You can address this child as
Emperor Zell.

Aqua said as she covered the egg in her palms, showering it

in gentle light.

I wasnt sure if she was maintaining the temperature with

magic or using her goddess powers to promote its growth?

But no matter how I look at it, this was an egg.

In conclusion, I wont take part in any quest before the egg

hatches. Hey Kazuma, I cant take my hands away now, bring
my dinner over and feed me.

Alright, lets have fried eggs for dinner.

Part 3

I will be back in no time Sorry for making you do this

stuff, Megumin.

Its fine. Aqua refuses to go out if I dont do this. And its

true that only Aqua can fight on par with that devil.

The next day.

With Aqua and Darkness in tow, I headed for Wizs shop.

Megumin will watch the house.

Despite the hot weather, she lit the fireplace and sat before it
to incubate the egg that was bought by Aqua.

Aside from the temperature, there was also the need to

rotate the angle, so it was troublesome in all sorts of ways.

This was the compromise made for Aqua who didnt want to
go because she wanted to incubate the egg.

Together with Aqua and Darkness, I came to a humble shop

far from the main streets of the town.

Open the door! Open the door!! I say open up, it is already
morning! Your biggest clients are here! Quick, open up, open

Aqua had gotten used to visiting Wizs shop, and was banging
on the door early in the morning.

As Aqua was yelling, heavy footsteps came from inside and

the door was thrown open.

Dont make so much noise early in the morning, think about

the neighbours thee public nuisance woman! There is still
some time before the shop opens, come back after thou wash
thy face! The one who charged out was a clerk in a weird

The arch devil Vanir roared when he saw us.

We are here as a guest today, but have some other

business! You will be busy when the shop opens right? You
should be grateful to us for coming early for your sake. Quick,
give me your thanks.

Aqua who was facing Vanir head on sneered.

The shop was more prosperous than ever, thanks to the new
product I developed.

Since the deal I made was from selling my intellectual

property rights, no matter how well the merchandize was
selling, I wont make a single cent more.
That might be so, but as the inventor, I will feel happy seeing
the merchandise sell well.

Hearing that thou who cant read the mood being

considerate for moi is nerve wrecking. It makes one wonders
what thou is scheming Never mind, moi knows why thou art
here. Its for the payout of that upstart brat over there. Come
in and wait, moi will bring it here shortly.

Aqua continued to pester Vanir who entered the shop.

Say your thanks to me! Say I am very grateful that you

made time for a useless devil like me!!

Moi already said thou art noisy! The shop owner who stayed
up working for consecutive nights is sleeping, so be quiet! If
thee tarnish the reputation of moi shop by being rowdy, moi
will curse thee with aloe growing from thy butt!

Just try it if you can! You think a curse from a small fry devil
like you will work on me? Are you dumb? You said the mask is
your true body, then where is your brain?

Hahahaha! Hahaha! As expected, Moi have to settle things

with thee. Alright, lets take it outside!

Dont bicker every time you meet! And what is the Wiz
working consecutive nights about, is business that good?
I separated the two who was pulling at each other and asked

Yes, this is what it means by laughing all the way to the

bank. Since production is equal to sales, moi made the shop
owner work in the counter during the day and manufacture
the goods at night for about two weeks without eating or
sleeping. Recently, she started crying and laughing for no
reason and was emotionally unstable. Since she cant attend
to customers, moi allowed her to rest.

H-hey, you

In response to the dumbstruck me, Vanir came back with a

bag full of money in one hand.

Moi had an epiphany. A way for the shop owner who will
mess up and run into debt if moi leave her alone. After
observing her recently, moi realized that woman will do
something unnecessary if she is idle. And so, moi tried
making her work 24 hours without even time to eat, and it
was very effective.

Vanir told me something chilling as he handed the bag to me.

Even an undead Lich deserved a break.

I dont know who is the owner and who is the employee


Speaking of which
At this moment, Vanir turned and face Darkness.

Hey, the one who is free all this while. The lust is
accumulating in thy mature body over time, even though
thou art a virgin, but every night

What are you saying ahhhh!!

Darkness charged at him with a roar.

Vanir dodged nimbly.

Hmm, the top notch negative emotion of shame,

delicious Armour girl, thou have the sign of destruction on
thee. Its probably because of the brilliance from the
annoying glowing woman besides, moi couldnt see thy future
clearly. In order to repay thy help in formalizing this huge
deal, moi will tell thy fortune.

He had a sinister smile that befits a devil when he said that.

Hey, is that glowing woman referring to me?

Aqua kept tugging on Vanirs shirt.

Sign of destruction?

Darkness asked with a nervous expression, and I

Instead of that, tell me what you were about to say
regarding what Darkness is doing every night!

Darkness whose ears were red to the roots pounced on me

with tears in her eyes.
Part 4

I think my front teeth are loose.

Well then, let moi take a look. Little girl who have a strange
sense of obligation from being a noble, but dont have the
capability and only wastes her time. Here, this way.

Darkness sat opposite Vanir reluctantly.

I nursed my face that was punched hard by the teary

Darkness and watched them.

Aqua refused to heal me, saying that I deserved it, so I had to

use freeze to ease the swelling.

I will ask Vanir for the details later.

Hey Darkness, dont take the divination of a devil

wholeheartedly. Instead of that suspicious thing, the advice
from the elegant me will definitely be more beneficial.

Not really.

Hmmp. Moi divination isnt something vague that could be

explained in all sorts of ways like the will of the gods. As the
devil who can see through everything, moi divination wont
lose to a professional diviner Alright, moi will ask thee some
questions for now. There might be some questions that is
difficult to answer, but thou have to answer truthfully.

I-I understand but why is an Eris devotee and crusader like

me getting my fortune told by a devil

Its free, so there is no harm listening. You just need to

answer a few questions right?

When she heard what I said, Darkness muttered that what I

said was true, and faced Vanir.

Hmm, so thou art ready. First, place one hand on this crystal
ball After that, thou just need to wait for a little while. So,
please answer moi following questions honestly.

Ugh I-I got it

Darkness placed her hand on the crystal ball as instructed by


Well then. Pray tell, why did thou, a crusader who values
defensive power and require weight to stand firm and resist
attack, start reducing the weight of thy armour?

When she heard what Vanir said, Darkness quivered violently.

T-that is B-because I am not agile, so I was thinking
about reducing the weight of the armour so my attacks can
land easier I-I think

In response to the stuttering Darkness.

Moi already told thee to answer honestly.

Vanir said quietly.

I am bothered by my abs becoming more and more

defined, so I reduced the armours weight

Darkness lowered her head embarrassedly, and said as

quietly as a fly.

It became defined huh?

She seemed really bothered by that.

Vanir nodded satisfactory after hearing her answer.

True, true Pray tell. Why did thou pose in the mirror with
thy mage companions one piece dress from the laundry
basket, and muttered a little happily Ah, this wont do, it
doesnt suit me Also, pray tell why thou were smiling so
brilliantly with thy head tilted unlike your usual solemn face
despite saying thou did not suit the dress. And pray tell why
did thou check the surrounding with a blushed face and place
the dress back in the laundry basket.

The devil-sama who could see through everything was

absolutely the strongest.

Just how much do you know, Vanir-sama.

B-because, because cute dresses dont suit me, so it is

embarrassing to buy them or ask someone to buy them for
me, thats why I have never touched them before I saw it
by chance and tried it on a whim I-I am sorry that an
uncute muscle woman like me posed with it Sorry

Darkness covered her flushed face with both hands and

apologized in a trembling voice.

I dont think she needed to apologize so seriously just for

posing with Megumins clothes, but Darkness was really
embarrassed, her mental resistance was almost zero.

I think Darkness will look good in a cute one piece dress!

After all, you are always wearing the cool type or mature type
of dresses! You also wore an aristocratic lady style of dress
before, so trying a cute one piece is nothing much! There is
nothing wrong with Darkness trying out a cute dress in

Aqua who didnt mean any harm clenched her fists as she
encouraged Darkness.
It was another blow for Darkness, who laid onto the table with
her face in her arm, her ears completely red.

Vanir looked at Darkness and nodded with a pleased look.

After that

Alright, the last question. Thou knew that the man who
under the same roof as thee will look at you with lewd eyes,
but pray tell why you wandered around the mansion in an
attire that accentuates the curves of your body

What! What does this have to do with the divination!?

Darkness stood up with a face that was on the verge of tears.

Vanir was puzzled and tilted his head.

Moi didnt say the divination couldnt be done without asking

questions. Moi merely asked you out of curiosity. The
divination only require thee to place thy hand on the crystal
ball. Moi was just killing time with moi questions while waiting
for the divination results Hey, hey stop! Why art thou
touching moi mask as thee please!? Dont attempt to unmask
moi in tears!

She was probably unhappy about being played with, even

though Darkness had her hand on the crystal ball, she
refused to look at Vanir. Vanir stared at the crystal ball and
told her:

Hoho, I see. Yes, the sign of destruction. Thy family and

father will meet with misfortune in the future. And then, thou
who is stupid will think everything could be solved by
sacrificing thyself, and take reckless actions. No one would be
happy about that. Thy father will live in frustration and regret
for the rest of his life. A good way to avoid it would be to

After hearing Vanirs words, Darkness had a very serious


Ho, in conclusion, thou couldnt do anything with thy

strength. It would be better to abandon everything and go. In
a faraway place thou can start over with that man who is
thinking If I am a bit more forceful, I should be able to do it
with Darkness right?, but is too scared of crossing the line
and compromising the current relationship.

Hey, wait right there, really now. Every time you open your
mouth, my teammates trust towards me turns negative.

Darkness stood up silently.

I shivered, but she didnt seem to be angry.

That was expected, I just thought forcing myself on her might

work, but had not done anything yet.

Vanir, thank you for your divination. No matter what

happens, I wont run away Well, I will believe half of what
you said. Kazuma, you wont be going out for missions any
time soon after getting so much money right? I am not
bothered by the divination, but I am planning to return home
to visit my father after being away for so long.

Darkness said as she exited the shop.

Part 5

Hey, useless devil, cant you be more specific? And you were
just saying that the signs from the gods are too vague. Tell
my fortune too. Anyway, try divining what sort of dragon
Emperor Zell would be. And does he have the power to rule
over the dragons. Ah, also I ran out of money after buying
Emperor Zell, so teach me a way to earn money easily. You
can see through everything right?

After Darkness left the shop, Aqua said something like that.

Vanirs mouth twisted with disgust coming from the bottom of

his heart.

This is moi first time seeing such an uncouth goddess. If moi

have an easy way to make money, moi would have told the
debt ridden shop owner, and save up the funds to build my
dungeon. Moi ability is to see what someone has done and
what will happen to that person in the future. Nothing good
will come of using this skill on thy greed Thee dont even
understand this, are you really a goddess?

Aqua sneered at Vanir.

In the end, you are just a devil, you over advertised yourself.
Hah How useless. Lets go back, Kazuma. I will continue
incubating Emperor Zell. After that child hatches, I will turn
this devil into that childs feed.

Ohh, moi sensed a revelation. Thou can rename Emperor

Zell to Teriyaki. It will be loved by everyone during dinner

Vanir and Aqua stood up with cold smiles on their face.

Ara ara, what is with that name. The one hatching from the
egg is a dragon alright? I spent loads of money to buy it. Why
should I give it a name that sound so delicious?

I bet moi name as the devil Vanir who can see through
everything. The thing that will hatch from the egg favoured
by the cockeyed goddess will be delicious chicken meat

I decided to ignore the two of them who were staring at each

other and stood up with the money held carefully in my hand.

In order to not lose it to thieves or carelessness, I decide to

bank it in.

I was in a great mood after getting a huge sum of money,

and ignored the two who were staring at each other, and
Wait, the brat who wants to make a booking at that shop
and spend the night outside after getting a large amount of

I stopped in my tracks.

Please dont see through the part about my booking tonight.

Do thou remember what moi said to thee the first time we

met in this shop?

What you said? What about it?

How would I know if he ask me something from so long ago.

To forget such important advice, thous memory is as bad as

a goddess Never mind, moi will give you new advice. Thou
should not rest on thy laurels and develop more merchandise.
Thou think thou wouldnt be troubled by money anymore? I
said to the crusader girl just now that she couldnt do
anything with her strength However, depending on the
effort thou put in, it might not be hopeless.

I will give you a piece of advice too. All the money you
worked so hard to earn will all be squandered by Wiz
recklessly in just a matter of days How is it? How is it? This
is the future the Aqua who can see through everything
divined for you.

With the sound of bottles breaking, explosions and the

voices of these two arguing behind my back, I set off on the
trip back home.

I thought about the words Vanir told me as I was leaving the


According to Vanir, Darkness father and her House would

meet with misfortune.

Darkness would sacrifice herself with a stupid way of solving

the problem.

Whether these problems could be resolved would be

dependent on my efforts.

He told me to invent products that would sell like hot cakes to

prepare for this.

What did he mean?

Part 6

One day, when I had almost forgotten about Vanirs


Without any premonition like knockings, the door to the

mansion opened suddenly.

A man wearing the attire of a butler entered the mansion

without permission, wearing a solemn expression on his face.

My apologies for intruding during a meal at such an hour. I

am here for Lady Dustiness because of a very pressing
matter Pardon me, could I take some of your time?

After the man finished without even introducing himself, he

stared at us coldly while we were having our dinner.

Darkness who looked displeased said while holding a fork

that had some vegetables on it.

Since you are addressing me as Lady Dustiness, that means

you are an envoy from some aristocratic House I will
humour you then. What is this about?

When he heard the annoyed reply, the man acknowledge

My master, Alexei Barnes Alderp, is seeking your presence.
It is not convenient to talk in a place like this, so I have
prepared for a carriage outside. We can discuss the details in
my masters mansion. This way please.

The man arrogantly referred to our mansion as a place like

this, and gestured outside without any sign of remorse.

In response to this mans attitude, the fork in Darkness hand

twisted with a creak.

I was worried that the short tempered young lady might say
something scary and pounce on him, but Darkness simply
placed the twisted fork onto the table..

I will be going out for a bit. If I dont return after it has

gotten late, lock the door Well then, Im off. She said and
left with the man, before we could keep up with the sudden

Whats with that guy?

He mentioned Alderp. I remember that is the name of the

old man landlord right? I am not certain, but did she get
involved in something weird?

I hope the situation wont become weird We turned quiet as

a gloomy cloud covered our faces.

If Darkness is going out, I will take the rest of her hamburg

steak. Hey Megumin, can you feed me today? Kazuma is
terrible at feeding. He even shove a spoonful of stew into my
nose yesterday.

There was someone who couldnt read the mood and refused
to let go of her egg.

The next morning.

Its almost summer and you still wont shed. You are not like
a cat at all Hey, what do I need to do to return you to your
original form? You are in that situation right? Your cat
appearance is just a disguise correct? You are actually a
beautiful cat eared girl who ends her sentence with nyaa,
am I right?

Sitting crossed legged beside the living room window and

basking in the sun, I brushed the fur of Chomusuke as I talked
to it.

I had been trying to talk to it from a long time ago, but I had
yet to receive any reply. It showed responses that seemed to
imply it understood human speech, but it didnt revert to its
original form.

I was certain this was no ordinary cat.

Going by the development in mangas, it would definitely

transform into a beautiful girl

Let me make this clear first, I dont hate inhuman beauties,

and will not dislike you no matter if you are human or not.
Even if you transform into a pretty girl and I find you in my
blanket naked in a cold morning, I wont panic at all. And of
course, you can keep staying in this mansion even if you are
not human, so dont worry. Not just that, I will grill delicious
fish for you every day too.

When it heard the word fish, Chomusuke who was enjoying its
fur being brush raised its head and sniffed.

Oh, you reacted to the word fish, you glutton. Listen up,
Chomusuke. If you transform into a human, your size will
increase and you can eat more fish. You understand?


After meowing in reply, it grunted at me as if it was asking

me to brush its fur some more, snuggling its forehead against
my hand that was holding the brush.

Good, good, good, you are a cutie after all. Stay this way
after turning into human form, alright? Dont join into the
ranks of those regrettable heroines. If you stay good, I will
treat you to the meat of a chicken that just hatched.

When I was ready to start brushing again after saying that,

the door to the mansion suddenly opened.

Kazuma! Lets go hunt a bounty monster!!

The queen of regrettable heroines that had me worried after

not returning last night said something stupid when she came
back in the morning.

What are you saying after playing outside until morning?

Who you are intimate with is none of my business, but you
are still an unmarried daughter of a noble house, so dont go
too wild okay?

Moron, I didnt spend the entire night raving! I thought it

would trouble all of you if I came back in the middle of the
night, so I went back to my home! Instead of that!!

Darkness came to my side and shove a piece of paper to me

who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet.

Hurry, look at this!

Bounty monster Kowloon Hydra? What is this, a

monster like Yamata no Orochi?

Darkness showed me a drawing of the bounty monster known

as the Kowloon Hydra, with detailed information such as its
habits besides it.

After I took the paper reluctantly, Darkness tilted her head

and asked Yamata no Orochi?

Kowloon Hydra. This fellow lives in the hills near Axel, a big
bounty target that usually lies dormant. It will hibernate in
the bottom of the lake after exhausting the mana inside its
body, and will absorb mana from the land around it. The
hydra will need ten years to replenish its mana after it
hibernates. The last time it did so was about ten years ago.

Which means this fellow was waking soon?

From the details written on this piece of paper, its size was in
a word, enormous.

It was about the size of a house.

And it looked scary.

From the name and appearance, it reminds me of the final

boss in a game.

You say you are going to hunt this thing it might be foggy
outside, but stop dreaming. And what is with that butler
yesterday? Megumin was worried that the unworldly
Darkness would just follow some weird nobles to some place
unknowingly and have bad things done to you.

Last night! Last nights incident has nothing to do with you

all. It is just some squabble between nobility, dont interfere
unless you want to be dragged in. Instead of that, where is
Megumin? If it is Megumin, she will definitely be hyped about
this right!?

Megumin and Aqua went out. They wanted to prepare a cool

collar for the dragon that is going to hatch.

Aqua asked me to help her build a small house for the

dragon after it hatches, but no matter how I look at that

I said to Darkness who had a complicated expression:

It looks like a chicken egg Anyway, I wont hunt something

like that alright? If you want, just go with Megumin and Aqua.
I wont go even if you cry and make a scene like usual.

When did I ever make a scene! Actually there has been

report that there is something wrong with the lake a few days
ago. It seemed that weed has started growing out of the
barren land around the lake. This meant the Hydra didnt
need to absorb mana from the land anymore. Which is a sign
that it is awakening.

After pausing for a moment, Darkness said loudly:

Listen well, Kazuma. The only ones who can save this city
is our team that has taken down bosses of the Demon King
Army! You are also an adventurer in this town, and want to
protect this land right? The hero who defeated numerous
bosses of the Demon King Army, Satou Kazuma! See, now is
your chance to shine!!

Standing before Darkness with sparkling eyes and clenched

fist, I snickered.

You think I am a moron who will charge forth after someone

swoons over me and calls me a hero? After our time spent
together, you should understand this much. Dont you have
anything else that will motivate me? By the way, I am not
talking about money alright? I have plenty of cash anyway.
Think about it, there are other ways to get my attention

After hearing what I said, Darkness lowered her head for a


Finally, she clenched her fists and said with her cheeks

I-I get it I will give you a reward that will make you
happy after defeating the Kowloon Hydra. Erm. A k-kiss to
your cheek.

Are you retarded? Im not a kid, in this time and age, who
will risk their lives for a kiss?


She probably made a huge resolution before deciding on this

proposal, but my unexpected cold rejection made Darkness

In the end, just the thought that a mere kiss has such an
exaggerated value irks me. Or rather, just how confident are
you? Did the flattery from the nobles in the capital make you

Why, you, you!

I picked up Chomusuke that was on my lap and said to it
before the trembling Darkness:

Hey Chomusuke. This Onee-san thinks that there would be a

guy who will risk his life for her, huh? Just how high does she
evaluate herself? Really, isnt there a better way to entice


Chomusuke purred as if it was replying to me.

Oh, is that so, so you think the same huh. Thats right, there
are plenty other ways right?

Dont be cocky! Put the cat down, I will kill you!

I enjoyed the sensation of Chomusukes soft fur in front of

Darkness who was shaking her fist with murderous eyes.

Oh? What is it, is that the only method you know, by brute
force? I have the skill bind now. If I use that, you will be tied
into a dumpling in an instant. You want to experience ticklish
hell again? If that is what you want, bring it on!

Before my arrogant taunts, Darkness cheeks started turning

red for unknown reasons.

Bind, huh. By the way, you even learned that skill before I
realized it. O-okay. No problem, lets spar then. If you can
bind me, I will let you do as you wish just like that time a few
days back. But I wont give in just because you tie me up and
toy with me a little!

What are you so happy about!? And I dont need to go

anyway right? Just bringing Megumin along will do. No matter
what that is, one shot from Megumins spell will finish it off. If
that doesnt work, just run away. In the end, Hydra is a
subspecies of dragons right? The scales are tough, the
powerless me cant do anything

As I was saying all this.

Darkness didnt lose her temper or pounce over.

She suddenly turned silent with a dejected face, which made

me speechless.

She wanted to defeat that bounty target that much huh.

S-say You really wont help, no matter what?

Darkness squatted down and looked up at me with sad eyes.

Using puppy eyes attacks, this girl was getting good at

coercing others!
Part 7

After journeying half a day south from Axel town, we could

see a small hill.

Traveling deep into the hills, we reached a murky green lake.

Neh, what if we fail to defeat the Hydra? If we attack now,

wouldnt the worst case scenario be us aggravating a docile

No! I dont want that!!

Darkness replied to my question:

That isnt a problem. The way to fight the Kowloon Hydra in

the past was to surround it with an army, make it exhaust its
mana by rampaging around, so it would hibernate again after
depleting its mana. And of course, the capital is keeping track
of the time and will be sending a Knight Corps over soon.

I dont want this Hydra or whatever ahhh! Why must

Darkness aim for this bounty monster? Kazuma mentioned it
occasionally too, but are you really an impoverished
borderline noble? I will smash the piggy bank containing the
money I worked so hard to save and lend it to you, can you
just bear with it a while more!?

I see, so there was the insurance of the Knight Corps even if

we fail.

But the Hydra has awakened before the Knight Corps is

scheduled to arrive. Also, the Knight Corps can induce the
Hydra into deep slumber, but they cant finish it off. In that
case, the root of the problem remain unsolved. Thats why
you are asking me, who have defeated countless foes,

Let me go back! Hey, please let me go back! I have a bad

feeling about this!

Since the Knight Corps was coming, we could just follow them
and take out the Hydra together. Why is Darkness so anxious
about subjugating the Hydra?

At that moment, Megumin who was full of spirit took off her
eye patch with a laugh.

Fuhahaha, leave this to me! Hydra might be a subspecies,

but it is still a lesser dragon. After defeating it, I can call
myself a dragon slayer! I wanted the title of dragon slayer in
the past, so I blew up a wyvern which is also a subspecies of
dragons. But it was probably a youngling, and wasnt
recognized as a kill. I will take the title of dragon slayer for
sure this time.

After hearing Megumins reliable words, I nodded and looked

towards the center of the lake again.

Alright, first off

I still need to go back early to witness Emperor Zells birth!

You have been so noisy all this time! A chicken egg needs
twenty days before it hatches, its still early! And it is about
time you give that up. If you go back, who else can wake the

I couldnt take it anymore and lectured Aqua who had been

noisy all this while.

Why would a chicken hatch from a dragon egg!? And why

must the important Emperor Zell be entrusted to that sort of

The egg Aqua bought was placed in the care of Wizs shop.

No choice, we couldnt ask someone else to do something as

stupid as incubating an egg. If we ask an adventurer we know
to do that, there is a high chance it would be eaten.

Now that I thought about it, I was a bit concerned about Wiz
gulping when we handed her the egg.

But, but, how can I pass the egg to a lich and a devil? I am
worried about them negatively influencing Emperor Zell who
is about to hatch! Dragon eggs will have higher mana and
take from their parents the longer they are held! I hope the
child would be a holy white dragon, but wouldnt it be
affected by dark powers and hatch into a black dragon!?
Even if it is black, itll just be a crow. If youre that worried,
then beat the Hydra fast and go back soon. If we cant beat it
with Megumins magic, there wouldnt be any other way. Well
just have to run then.

Aqua finally accepted it and became docile. At that moment,

Darkness drew her sword.

Alright, are you ready? Well then, lets begin, Aqua!

The plan was simple.

Amphibious monsters tend to hate clean water.

So it was time for Aqua whose strange body type that was
usually useless to shine.

You guys cant do without me huh. Personally, I dont hate

the act of purifying water I will be back in a jiffy! If
Megumins spell doesnt work, you have to escape
immediately alright!?

Aqua then jumped into the murky lake unhesitantly.

Swimming in the lake, she took some water with her hands
and splashed it around, like a crazy woman.

Megumin muttered as she watch this scene from afar.

She is purifying the water? Isnt she just playing with
water because it is too hot?

Indeed, she look just like a retarded girl playing with water by
herself, even though she was doing her job for the
subjugation properly.

Watching from afar, we saw Aqua floating on the water with

her eyes closed. She probably got tired of cleansing the vast

Hey Kazuma, Aqua is taking a nap right on top of the

place where the high bounty target is hibernating. Is that
really fine? I have been thinking for a while now, why can
Aqua purify water even without any chanting or gesturing to
cast her spell?

I am bothered by that too. I thought it was just another one

of her party tricks, so I didnt comment on it.

According to what she said, the reason is because she is the

goddess of water.

Even though I said that, the two of them didnt believe it at

all just as I expected. In the meanwhile, the goddess of water
was drifting to the center of the lake because of the wind.

I was thinking about tying her with a rope so she wouldnt

drift away, but it was too late.
The three of us didnt feel tense despite the surreal scene.
Just when we were yawning from boredom.

When small ripples appeared on the surface of the water, the

dozing Megumin opened her eyes wide

This is! Its here, its here! I can feel powerful mana
clearly! The source is coming from the bottom of the lake!

As Megumin was shouting urgently, a growing shadow

appeared right under the sleeping Aqua.

Something unbelievably big was surfacing.

Aqua! Stop sleeping, get up! Its coming from below!

Megumin cant cast her spell with you floating there!

Aqua woke after hearing my cries, and paddled the water

deftly even though she just got up. She stretched and looked
around her.

She probably realized the situation and swam our way in a


Hey, this is larger than what I was told! It was supposed to

be the size of a large mansion, but this is much bigger than
our home!

Darkness and Megumins expression froze in the face of the

shadow that was growing in the lake.
When I heard it was the size of a large mansion, I figured that
Megumins spell should be able to work.

But with its size right now, she wont be able to blow it away
in one shot.

K-Kazuma, Kazuma! Something humongous is chasing after


The gigantic shadow finally took form, and its eight heads
could be clearly seen under the water.

The heads were reaching right for Aqua!

Its coming! Megumin, ready your spell! Darkness, stand

before Megumin and defend if anything happens! I will secure
our retreat route!

Leave the defence to me! But there are no other monsters,

so securing the retreat route is unnecessary!!

I-It might be larger than expected, b-but I will settle it with

the power of my explosion magic! Watch me destroy the
entire eco system of this lake!

Whatever, just hurry up!

With no regards for our confusion, it appeared.


I seemed to be underestimating the bounty monsters

because of my recent successes.

Eight giant serpentine heads slowly emerged, with water

dripping from it.


The Hydras roar shook the air, unleashing unspeakable


Half of its back surfaced to the lake, the size of a small island.

Looking up at the snake head that rose high into the air, I
muttered to myself:

I cant deal with this shit.

Chapter 2 - Gifting the Lord of the Lake with Eternal


Part 1

Oh Kazuma. Your death was really pathetic!

<TL note: Classic Dragon Quest game over message.
A familiar white room.

After opening my eyes with a start, I locked gazed with Eris

who said that line enthusiastically.

This person might be unexpectedly mischievous.

And she knew about all sorts of things from Japan too.

You are in a great mood, Eris-sama.

Sorry. I always wanted to try saying that famous line once.

Eris squinted her eyes with a naughty look.

When the extremely beautiful goddess acted this way, my

heart skipped a beat.
The goddess scratched her cheeks with a troubled

By the way, Kazuma-san, you arent frantic at all even

though youre here Well, the others are safe, theyre far
away from the Hydra right now. Kazuma-sans corpse has
been retrieved after Darkness let the Hydra swallow her.

What a competent goddess.

She already told me about my comrades safety before I even

asked her.

Intentionally letting the Hydra swallow her That girl is

really reckless.

Back then, we managed to retrieve Aqua who was chased by

the Hydra, and Megumin casted explosion.

Everything was fine then.

Speaking of which, what the hell was that? Thats foul play,
growing back the heads it lost, theres no way we can defeat
that right?

I started complaining to Eris.

Thats right, everything was fine until this point when it took
a shot of Explosion.

However, the Hydra which lost several of its heads started

regenerating with magic.

And moved as if nothing happened.

And then

What happened to my body after I was eaten by the Hydra?

I heard that you cant revive if the damage is too severe

Which meant that I would be dead for good.

Eh I-Its fine! You can revive!! About thirty percent of the

body is lost, but it will work!

I shouldnt have asked.


Looking at the dejected me, Eris asked timidly:

After you resuscitate, please dont be blame Darkness

alright? She was the one who brought it up wilfully But she
had her reasons too She is blaming herself for Kazuma-
sans death right now, and is taking it really hard. Of course,
the one who suffered the most is Kazuma-san
Eris said worriedly with a frown as she consoled me

What a gentle person

Was there someone like that around me?

Wiz? Yunyun?

No, the two of them were gentle, but Eris-sama made me feel
warm from the bottom of my heart, and put me at ease.

Dont worry, I wont blame her Instead of that, Eris-sama

mentioned that you will go down to the mortal world
occasionally to have fun. How about visiting Axel? It feels
lonely to not be able to meet you unless I die

When she heard what I said, Eris giggled.

Actually, we already met plenty of times in the mortal world.

Its about time you notice me okay? I feel a little lonely too.

She said mischievously


What did you say? We met? Was it in Axel? Hmm? Ahh!?

Even if she said that, my mind couldnt keep up.

Met plenty of times?


Eh, did I meet someone like her?

Seeing me falling into confusion, Eris said with a mischievous


I will give you a hint then. In the mortal world, my

appearance is different from now. I am more energetic and
my manner of speech is different.

Different appearance.

More energetic, different way of speaking!

And even though I am a goddess, I dont have to be an

archpriest in the mortal world like Sempai

Ahh, I know! Its Marise-san who broke Keiths nose after he

teasingly said I heard the breast size of Eris priests are
inversely proportionally to their faith, so it is true after all,

I interrupt the hint and shouted with confidence.

Eris said as she continued to smile:



Ahh, maybe that person!?

After Dust who was looking for trouble said I heard the
goddess Eris wears pads, wont her devotees get expelled for
having large breasts? Are your ones real? Or are the two of
you wearing pads!? If not, let me see it as proof!, the one
who beat Dust up together with Darkness, Celeste-san!


Eris was still smiling, but seemed a little angry.

Not Marise-san or Celeste-san?

As I was thinking hard.

Kazuma! Kazuma! The resuscitation is done, so hurry up and

come back! Darkness who is smelly right now seems very
depressed! Come back quick!

The voice of Aqua who couldnt read the mood as usual

I was concerned about the depressed Darkness, but instead
of that.

Eris-sama, I give! I give up, sorry! Please tell me the answer,

please! If not, I will receive divine retribution if I do anything
rude to Eris-sama unknowingly!

Seeing that I couldnt guess correctly, Eris looked as if she

was wondering what to do

You are still talking about rude things and divine

retribution now Even though you did all that the first time
we met


Nothing. My real identity is a secret.

Eris placed her index finger to her lips as she said that.

Also, please dont listen to everything Sempai says blindly

okay? A-at least right now, I am not wearing pads!

Eris snapped her fingers after saying that with flushed


A familiar white door appeared before me.

I panicked after seeing that.

She hadnt told me her identity yet!

With no regards for the panicking me, the white door opened
and brilliant light shone through!

Wait, Eris-sama, Im sorry! Youre angry right? Throwing a

tantrum? No Im not really concerned about your breast

Well then, Satou Kazuma-san! I hope the next time I meet

you after your life ends, you will know my identity! Fare well!
Have a safe trip!

The blushing Eris didnt let me finish.

At this moment, probably because her face was red, I noticed

a white scar on her right cheeks.

Hmm? Eris-sama, your face

Has something on it Before I could say that.

I was pushed into the door from behind by Eris with a pomf.
Part 2

Welcome back Kazuma.

When I opened my eyes, I found Aqua who was pinching her

nose before me.

Puah! That stinks!

I jumped when the terrible stench entered my nose.

The stench was coming from

Me! The stench is coming from me!?

It was probably due to the short amount of time I spent in the

Hydras stomach, my body was covered in a horrendous

I then noticed.

That no one was willing to meet my eyes.

And from that I realized.

That I was completely naked.

Did my clothes melt

They melted. Cover up. By the way Kazuma-san, you were

digested so much that you became Ms Kazuma at one point.
Your defensive gears are totalled, the only thing that survived
is your strangely named katana that was in its sheath.

Hmm? I cant ignore the fact that you say the katana I
named has a strange name!

Ignoring Aqua who was being pounced on by Megumin, I held

the katana that was the only thing left in my hand.

And so, why are you so depressed?

I said to Darkness who smells terrible just like me, and was
hugging her knees some distance away.

When Darkness heard me, she trembled and looked up with

an apologetic look.

Arent you angry about me forcing you to fight?

Im not angry at all. You might be the one who wants to

fight, but this isnt the first time we are fighting high bounty
monsters and bosses of the demon king army. I already died
a few times too.

That is true
Facing Darkness who was weirdly straightforward, I couldnt
find my rhythm.

Really, this isnt like you at all. I already heard about it from
Eris-sama okay? In order to save me after I was swallowed by
the Hydra, didnt you allow yourself to be swallowed too? On
a closer look, you are covered in blood. Are you alright? You
dont look melted though.

Darkness stole a glance at me and said:

This blood are from the Hydra when I cut open its stomach
from the inside after retrieving you. If I spent any more time
inside, I would have joined you too Its fine now, I am not
hurt anywhere else either.

I said to Darkness who was still dejected.

Collecting back my corpse was a big help, thanks. Lets not

idle here anymore, lets go back and shower alright?

I said with a smile, showing her that I didnt mind at all.

Hey Kazuma. Its fine if you want to console Darkness, but it

doesnt feel right for you to ask someone to shower in that

Speaking of which, I was still naked.

Part 3

However, I know why the Knight Corps didnt deal the

final blow to the Hydra. Its not that they didnt want to, but
they couldnt.

On the way back to Axel.

With the awfully depressed Darkness in tow, we thought back

about the battle.

The Kowloon Hydra can use magic to regenerate its lost

head. To defeat it, we have to use immensely strong
firepower to blow it away beyond any chance of regenerating,
or wound it numerous times to deplete its mana before
dealing the final blow. Both ways are unrealistic

Megumin made a good point.

The Hydra wasnt stupid either.

If you keep dealing damage to it, the Hydra would escape to

the bottom of the lake to recuperate its mana.

That might be so, but there was no way to prepare firepower

that exceeds Explosion.

I turned back and looked at Darkness who was dragging her

feet at the very back.

Megumin is right, there is no way to do it this time. We will

leave the Hydra to the Knight Corps who will deplete its mana
steadily and send it back to sleep. Darkness, you are fine
with that right?


She was completely distracted.

Why was she so adamant on defeating that bounty


At that moment Aqua puffed her chest out and said


Eh, its not all bad news alright? Thanks to me, that Hydra
wont leave the lake any time soon! I purified part of the lake
so it will think its territory had been invaded, and will focus
on polluting the lake with its miasma. The Knight Corps will
be here before it is done, so we can just dump the task onto

Did you eat something wrong? You actually did a great

job. Thats really smart.

As the two of us were chatting happily, Megumin who was on

Aquas back said something that might raise a flag:
Whenever Aqua is filled with confidence, things will go badly
in the end.

I was the one who usually piggybacks Megumin, but she said
I stink today and asked for Aqua.

No no no, there shouldnt be any problems this time. And it

wouldnt be our problem even if there is. After all, we actually
bought some time for the Knight Corps.

Thats right, you have any problems with my good work!?

Really, Megumin! If you say anything weird, I will let Kazuma
or Darkness piggy pack you alright?

I apologize, please dont do that, I beg of you!

We then returned to town safely.

I will go with Megumin to report to the guild, the two of you

stink, so hurry back to shower. After all, Kazumas dressing
might make someone call the cops!

After Aqua said that to Darkness and me, we prepared to

return to the mansion.

Im covering myself with Megumins cape right now, a

stinking man in a cape looked really shady.

Lets go Megumin, we have to exaggerate our actions as

much as possible! That way, even if we couldnt get the
bounty reward we can earn some consolation pay out!

Leave it to me, I will tell them just powerful my Explosion


I was a bit worried, but I still left it to them and returned to

the mansion with Darkness.
Part 4

After coming home, I let the depressed Darkness bathe first,

then washed my body carefully to get rid of the odour.

Being accustomed to something is scary. I died just now, but

Im not panicking at all.

I muttered to myself as I entered the water, and looked at my

body that was thirty percent lost at one point of time.

Aqua said I turned into Ms Kazuma for a while Was the size
back to normal?

As I was observing the part that was lost at some point.

Kazuma, you are bathing longer than usual, does it hurt

anywhere? Or you have not recovered your strength because
you just revived?

Darkness worried voice came from the direction of the

changing room.

N-no problem, Im fine! You see, it stinks really bad right?

Thats why I am carefully cleaning myself!

I couldnt tell Darkness who was seriously worried about my

health that I was worried and carefully checking my size.
But Darkness didnt leave after hearing what I said.

She probably had something to say and just stood there.

Hey, Kazuma. Erm, its my fault this time for being wilful.
Maybe things had been going too well recently and I got too
impatient. But I want to defeat that Hydra no matter what

Darkness said bitterly in the changing room.

Well, we wont meet that thing again, so its fine. Instead of

that, Aqua and the others are really slow. They must be
eating something good in the guild. Lets go too.

Ugh. Yeah Youre right

After hearing my reply Darkness made a dejected sound I had

never heard before.

Did this girl have some history with that Hydra?

Or maybe it had something to do with that rude butler who

visited yesterday?

Alright, I brought you a change of clothes. I will leave it here

okay? I will be waiting in the living room

I said to Darkness who was going to leave the changing


Do you have a hard to talk about reason why you had to

defeat that Hydra?

Ugh!? T-that is

Seemed like there was.

I didnt know what to say to Darkness who turned silent.

Normally, I would reject challenging an opponent that killed


However, the young lady who was obviously depressed made

me want to say that I would challenge it again.

It didnt work today, but lets come up with a proper plan

to take on that Hydra next time, alright?


I teased Darkness when I heard her surprised gasp:

What, even though you were on your high horses and

talking about the safety of the people, are you going to give
up on subjugating the Hydra?

What the hell are you talking about!? Who do you think I
am!? Protecting the people is the duty of the Dustiness
House! I will get that Hydra next time!!

That usual violent speech returned Darkness to her usual self

a little.

After washing off the stubborn stench, the two of us went

to the adventurers guild.

Aqua and Megumin should have finished their report.

When I opened the door to the guild

Why are you people always doing unnecessary things!?

Thats right! When Aqua-san changed the water in the fish

tank into pure water last time, all the fishes caught from the
sea died, isnt that right!?

I-I thought it was better if we did that! It was the same for
the fish shop, the poor fishes were living in a cramped tank,
so I wanted to at least make their water cleaner!!

What should we do! We cant handle a big shot like the

Kowloon Hydra!!

Mama, I want to go home!

Wanted posters, post more wanted posters! Spread the

posters to all the adventurers in town!

Whispers could be heard everywhere as the adventurers and

staff shouted.

Aqua who was being accused in the center of the commotion

started wailing.

Ah! Kazuma, Darkness, you came at the right time! Help me

take care of this scene!!

Megumin who caught sight of us rushed to our side amidst

the chaotic guild.

No, what is happening here? Why are things so bad? I can

see Aqua is getting blamed, but we didnt do anything wrong
this time right?

T-thats right! The Hydra will wake up sooner or later even if

we dont do anything, so there shouldnt be such a
commotion but

Megumin wasnt good at dealing with a crisis, so Darkness

grabbed a nearby staff Onee-san and asked:

Hey, what happened? The subjugation failed, but its not

that bad right? Isnt this a subjugation that wouldnt be a big
deal since the Knight Corps is coming?

W-well, a big incident happened recently The Knight Corps

is busy dealing with it and didnt have the time to come

A big incident in the capital!?

Hey, what happened!? A crisis in the capital!? Is my cute

sister in danger!?

S-sister? No, the incident happened quite some time ago,

and was sort of resolved without any major repercussion. The
Knight Corps is sent to restore order in the chaotic capital
and search for the criminal who instigated the incident

I was relieved after hearing what the staff said.

I was thinking about charging to the capital for a moment


From what I heard, a duo calling themselves the Silver

Haired Thieving Group infiltrated the castle

Darkness and I spat out the air in our mouths at the same

The staff didnt notice and took out a slip of paper.

With just the two of them, they defeated the knights in the
castle and powerful adventurers, and daringly stole several
As she said that, she handed the paper in her hand to us,
which was a wanted poster for the Silver Haired Thieving

On it was an illustration of a suspicious masked man and a

silver haired youth.

The bounty was two hundred million Eris.

How could this be, the bounty was only second to the bosses
of the demon king army

Two hundred million Eris. Two hundred million Eris

Hey Darkness, why are you looking at me like that?

Darkness who was usually uninterested in money looked at

me with red eyes with the wanted posters in hand.

The staff was baffled by our actions.

Eh, in summary, the Knight Corps that was supposed to be

dispatched here wont be coming any time soon.

Oh no, didnt that mean we stirred up serious trouble?

I wasnt sure if she understood the troubles in my heart.

However, there is still hope. The knights from the capital

specifically made a trip to the Home of the Crimson Magic
and asked a highly skilled diviner to determine where the
culprit had gone to And the divinations showed that the
main culprit is right here in Axel! And so, the adventurers are
searching for the criminal zealously right now!!

I started sweating bullets.

Anyway, I am looking forward to Satou Kazumas teams

performance. After all, your team run into bounty targets
frequently! If you can capture the criminal, the Knight Corps
can rest easy and dispatch a team over here!

You are right.

After replying emotionlessly, Darkness hit me with her elbow,

as if to ask me to act casual.

Sigh, it is only a matter of time before the culprit is caught.

We have a diviner even more powerful than the Home of the
Crimson Magic diviner here in Axel!

She must be referring to that fellow who wore a mask that

looked similar to the masked man in the wanted poster, I
know him too.

Oh no, even though we were business partners, that devil

who wanted money badly wont hesitate in selling me out.

Darkness who was besides me quivered with a stiff face.

The staff clenched her fists in expectation

In summary, please give us a hand too, Satou-san!

She said with a face full of smiles.

Naturally, I stayed home.

Part 5

One day~, in the forest~, I met a~, dragon~

Aqua dragged the couch to the window and knelt on it,

singing a song while looking at the rain.

She was cradling the egg in her hand as usual, a warm light
from her palm covered its shell.

According to Aqua, she was performing prenatal education for

the fetus inside the egg through song.

Right now in this living room, Megumins clamouring was

overwhelming Aquas singing.

Kazuma, revenge! I want to get my revenge against that


She said amidst heavy breathing as I brushed the fur of

Chomusuke who was on my lap.

It had been three days since I escaped from the adventurers


After I knew I was wanted by the kingdom, I stayed near Aqua

to guard against Vanirs precognitive powers, and shut myself
in the mansion.
The stingy devil couldnt divine the fortune of people around
Aqua very well.

Fortunately, Aqua who was busy incubating the egg was also
staying put in the mansion.

Megumin probably couldnt stand the stay at home lifestyle

and kept urging me to take revenge.

You might be saying that now, but how are we going to

defeat that monster? I thought about it a lot, but I cant come
up with a good plan.

When Megumin heard what I said, she hugged her staff tight
and grit her teeth.

Firepower! Use stronger firepower to blow its face up! If one

explosion isnt enough, use consecutive explosion to blast it
to bits! Just like the time we fought the Destroyer, with
Aquas mana and Kazumas Drain Touch, it would be

After hearing Megumins passionate speech, Aqua stopped

her song.

Dont wanna. Why must I suffer the dirty Lich skill, Drain
Touch? I wont ever do it again. Thats right, even if Kazuma
threatens me, Darkness coaxes me, or if Megumin acts
strangely, I wont do it. My holy mana isnt meant to be used
by others carelessly.
I combed the fur on Chomsukes tail gently and said:

And what have been doing with that holy mana all this
while? You dont need to keep cradling the egg, just warm it
before the fireplace will be good enough right? If it is
overheated, just treat it as a snack and eat it.

Hey you, I will let you taste my God Blow if you keep saying
snacks or whatever I am injecting mana into a dragon egg.
Dragons which are the crystalization of mana will be stronger
if it has more mana. This child will rule over the dragons from
the peak. As the parent raising this child, I want to do
whatever I can for it.

Ignoring Aqua who stubbornly insisted that was a dragon


By the way, why are you thinking of revenge, Megumin?

Aside from Darkness who displayed an abnormal obsession
over the Hydra, do you have some history with that thing

Well, I have been thinking too. It killed Kazuma once before.

Wont I feel really happy if I defeat such an opponent?

Eh, ohh I-is that so

If she put it that way, it makes me feel a little guilty

Recently, I had been going after the Hydra together with
Darkness. Darkness would draw the Hydra out with taunting
skills, and we would escape after casting explosion. Even
though we are challenging it this way Could there be a
better strategy?

Thats why I was wondering why I didnt hear the familiar

sound outside the town recently, so you had been doing
something like that! Its not showing any intention of
attacking the town, so dont aggravate it! And what are you
doing, Darkness, shouldnt you stop her at a time like this!?

Ugh, erm But I want to defeat that Hydra no matter what

And this will deplete the mana of the Hydra too

Darkness who was polishing her armour on the rug muttered

softly as she averted her eyes.

This girl wanted to subjugate the Hydra personally no matter


I didnt understand the reason though

It would be inconvenient to move if the rain doesnt stop, so

it cant be helped. The opponent lives in water, it will have
the advantage if we fight in the rain. I will show my true
strength after the rain stops.

But honestly speaking, I want to hide at home until my

wanted notice dies down.
Its the rainy season right now right? The weather diviner
said that the rain will go on for quite a while.

I will show my true strength when the rain stops.

This guy! So you wont be motivated any time soon right!?

Ah, what are you doing, stop! Dont vent your anger on

Only Darkness was working hard on her armour with a

serious face.

She ignored Megumin who was grabbing Chomsukes tail and

obstructing me from brushing its fur.
Part 6

The rain didnt stop for the next few days.

While Aqua and I shut ourselves in, Darkness and Megumin

visited the Hydra every day.

Of course, today too

We are back! Sorry, it is a little inconvenient for Darkness,

could you please prepare the bath!?

Darkness who was piggybacking Megumin came back with a

smelly stench.

So you got eaten. By the way, didnt you two escape right
after casting explosion? Its dangerous, dont go there

Darkness put Megumin who couldnt move after depleting her

mana onto the rug, then took off her armour as she breathed

The armour she was so proud off and polished a few days ago
was covered in scratches, and stained with the red blood of
the Hydra.

That fellow probably had enough of the daily explosion, and

struck preemptively before I could use my taunt. Megumin
was chanting explosion the moment it attacked, it was a
close call After we got out, Megumin shot it with explosion
and we escaped as it was regenerating its head It is not so
simple after all.

Darkness sighed deeply as Aqua came to her side to heal her.

After taking off her armour, Darkness thanked Aqua and
dragged her feet into the bath.

Hey Kazuma. Cant you think of an easy way to finish off

the Hydra? The strong point of the weak Kazuma is your
numerous half baked skills, and your ability to use despicable
means to solve any problems, right?

Oh, I thought of one. We will bind you up with chains and

throw you into the lake. When the Hydra eats you, we will
gather all the adventurers and pull the Hydra to shore. We
will then gang up on it and give it a good beating before it
can escape back into the lake How about it?

I grabbed the egg from Aqua who pounced over, and shooed
her away with the egg as hostage.

For me, I have no complains about casting explosion on

strong enemies But recently, Darkness seems weird.

Megumin mumbled softly as she watched Darkness walk to

the bath.
Phew? Kazuma, what are you doing with my armour?

After finishing her bath, Darkness tilted her head at me as I

was squatting before her armour.

Megumin was watching me as I worked.

You damaged your armour in plenty of places today, so I am

fixing it up for you. It has been raining these few days, and I
have nothing to do in the house anyway.

I knocked on the dented areas with a wooden hammer, and

activated my crafting skills that I have not used for a long
time to repair the armour.

Darkness said a little shyly in reply:

Speaking of which, you also fixed my armour when we went

to the hot spring I want to go on another hot spring trip
with everyone once more.

I dont wanna, I hate that city. There are too many people
with their screw loose like Megumin.

Hey, say that again clearly!

I shoved Megumin who was hindering my repairs away.

Darkness looked at us happily:
Even so, I want to go again

She said in a soft voice that seemed to harbour deep

meaning behind it.

Some time after that.

Kazuma, shes not here! She was already gone when I went
to her room to wake her up!

That girl! I already told her not to go, why wont she listen!

Darkness who told Megumin that it would be dangerous had

been challenging the Hydra on her own these few days.

She disregarded our advice and keep on returning with

wounds all over after making a trip to the lake.

To stop Darkness, we took turns keeping watch

Why did you doze off ah!

Wahhh! Its tiring to incubate Emperor Zell! raising a kid is

hard work, be more considerate towards me!

Stop kidding me about raising a child! Hand that egg over! I

will cook that damn thing nice and fresh!

Stop! I already warmed it for so many days, something

terrible will happen if it cracks now! You will regret it if you
look inside!

In the face of Aqua who curled up like a turtle, I roared


I dont care about that egg, Darkness is the priority!! What is

she thinking! Did she talk about the obligation of a crusader
and the duty of the nobles is to protect the town again!?

Now is not the time to determine Darkness intentions. The

Hydra is also learning and Darkness injury is getting worse
every day, its dangerous!?

Megumin who couldnt handle unexpected situations said

awkwardly as she hugged her staff.

That might be so, but Darkness probably left before dawn.

Hey Kazuma. Is there no way to take out that Hydra? I will

drop the egg off at Wizs shop, then chase after Darkness
with Megumin to lecture her You probably have a phobia
against the opponent that killed you once, but Kazuma, do
you want to come along?

Aqua who hated fighting maintained her balled up pose and

said something that was seldom heard.

Even this girl was showing her drive.

Being the only one hiding at home would be a little

Ahh, damn it!

I am going to some place, the two of you try to bring

Darkness back. Even if you encounter the Hydra, dont
engage and run straight back, alright?

After hearing what I said, Aqua and Megumin nodded

seriously and went out.

Now that I was home alone, I pulled out Eris notes from my
room and stuffed it into my wallet.

That girl is really a handful ahhhh!

I made up my mind for that stubborn young lady too.

Part 7

The next day.

I set off for the lake early in the morning.

In the end, Aqua and Megumin met with injured Darkness

who was returning from the lake.

Darkness told me with a wry smile about how she was

lectured on the way after Aqua healed her wounds.

That girl had no intention of stopping her campaign against

the Hydra.

I stood before the lake, waiting for Darkness who will

probably come with Aqua and Megumin.

When it was almost noon, Darkness who appeared with Aqua

was stupefied when she saw us.

Thats right, she saw the adventurers in Axel who were sitting
behind me.

Oh! You sure took your time, Lalatina!

Lalatina-chan is here!


The adventurers I brought along started teasing Darkness

who stood stiff on the spot.

S-stop it, Lalatina! Those guys were just calling your name,
dont strangle me silently like that! Stop Please stop!

Lalatina who was being teased by the adventurers grabbed

my collar with tears in her eyes.

Hey Kazuma, what is happening here? If this is your new

way of harassing me, I have my thoughts about that too.

Thats not it, why would I gather so many people to do

something so stupid!? I just told everyone that you are
challenging the Hydra alone here every day, and asked if
they could help you!


Darkness released my collar and looked at the crowd

Oh, even Lalatina can get embarrassed.

Dont say that, Lalatina-chan might look like that, but she is
actually very delicate alright? To defeat the Hydra, Lalatina-
chans strength is needed. What if you make her cry and run

Kazuma had been treating us to food and drinks recently, he

even bought us the most expensive drinks yesterday! Its
only natural to return the favour. Lets go along with
Lalatinas wilfulness!

The adventurers said out loud.

Take a good look, Darkness. I merely told them that you

were doing something silly every day, and managed to
gather so many adventurers. I cant do anything about your
muscled filled brain, but dont make others too worried.

The flushed face Darkness replied in a soft voice.

T-thank you

Hmm? What did you say!?

Darkness glared at me as I asked her to repeat herself loudly,

but she still looked at the adventurers around her shyly.

The adventurers who met Darkness eyes either got

embarrassed or smiled.
Darkness smiled too when she saw their reaction.

Everyone, I am very

Waahhhhh! Kazuma, Kazuma!! The Hydra woke up

earlier than usual for some reason!

Aqua who went into the lake before I noticed interrupted

Darkness words of thanks and started shouting.

At the same time, Megumin who was preparing her spell near
the lake yelled.

Like I said, its better to wait for Kazumas signal before

waking the Hydra!

But, but!! I want to go back earlier to witness Emperor Zells


Darkness who made up her mind to thank everyone was cut

off at the worst timing, and she started quivering with her
face red from embarrassment.

The Kowloon Hydra that was chasing Aqua appeared with a

huge splash.

Why do you people always do that!? The emotional scene is

totally ruined!!
The battle began!
Part 8

It started a little early, but that was how a battle should be.

All thieves, did you bring your steel wire!? Archers, standby
with your arrows that has a hook rope tied to it!

Waahhhh, hurry up! Hurry up!

Step one was to let Aqua wake the Hydra and draw it to the
lake side.

Tough adventurers protect the backline, stand by as human


Next, vanguards wearing armour will protect the backliners

from the Hydras attack.

Mages prepare to fire off your magic and stand by! Use the
most powerful spell you have! Dont need to save for the
next attack, use all the mana you have in one shot!

Leave it to me! I will blow that damn Hydra away with my

explosion this time!!

I made the mages prepare their attack to deal the last blow
to the Hydra.

Darkness, use your Decoy skills right in front of the Hydra!

Your toughness will be the key to this fight!! Dont die too

Who do you think I am!? Other things aside, my defence

wont lose to anyone!

Darkness attracted the Hydras attention and blocked it from

the front!

Hey Kazuma! What about me? What should I do!?

After casting support spells on everyone, you dont need to

do anything unless someone gets injured! Go and cheer them
on, dont get in my way!

What! Let me play a big role too!!

After that, as Darkness was blocking the Hydras


Darkness, Im leaving it to you!

You can count on it! Your opponent is me! Decoy!

Darkness who took a stance by the water activated her decoy

When all the heads of the Hydra focused on Darkness, I used
hide to erase my presence as much as possible, and charged
the Hydra.

Darkness was frowning, but still managed to withstand the

fierce attack from the eight heads that would send anyone,
including me to Eris in just one hit.

Bind! x4

The instant when the Hydra turned all its eight heads to the
same spot, all the thieves used bind on the long necks and
tied it with wires.

At the same time, the archers shot out arrows with hook
ropes attached.

Although the hooks were deflected by the hard scales of the

Hydra, it still managed to get entangled with the wires
binding the necks.

After confirming the hooks were secured, the adventurers

grabbed onto the other end of the rope and pulled as if they
were competing in a tug of war.

We dragged it far from the lake, preventing it from escaping.

At the same time, I erased my presence and drew near,

climbing onto the back of the Hydra whose heads were
focused on Darkness even though it was bounded. I touched
the hard scales up close.

If you wont go down unless your mana dries up, I will suck
you dry!

The moment I used Drain Touch, the Hydra started to thrash

about wildly.

As expected of dragons that were known as the

crystallization of mana, it was sensitive to the fact that its
mana was being absorbed.

Yosh! Its working its working Woahhh!?

Realizing its mana was being siphoned, the Hydra started

struggling in an attempt to break the bounds on its neck. But
the bindings held and the eight heads couldnt reach its back.

At this moment, one of the adventurers screamed:

Get out of there Kazuma! Are you dumb!? What the hell are
you thinking, going way up there!?

Its fine, watch me use my secret skill to weaken this big

fellow! Tell the mages to get ready to bombard once its mana
is depleted!

When I was saying that, the Hydra twisted its body in an

attempt to rub its back against the ground.

Wahhhh, Im going to get squashed!

Moron! What are you doing!!

Darkness who was in front of the Hydra grabbed onto me as

after I was thrown off the back of the Hydra, and pinned me
under her.

Despite the situation, my face was beet red because of how

close I was to Darkness face.

The Hydras colossal body rolled on top of us, and Darkness

protected me from being crushed by propping herself up with
her arms.

As expected of Lady Dustiness, your arm power and

endurance is marvellous.

Is this the time to say that!? Ugh, I cant, hold on!

If we get crushed like this, leaving Darkness aside, I will

suffer a horrible fate.

While I was pinned under Darkness who was pushing up

against the ground with a flushed face, I reached out for the
Hydra that was right on top of us.
Darkness, not yet! Endure it and dont let up! Stay in that

!? You are going for abandonment play now? N-no, I really


Darkness challenged the Hydra every day despite being

wounded all over, grinding away its mana slowly and steadily.

How could I give up this chance and waste all the effort of
this girl!

I used Drain Touch with all I have got despite the situation
and started lecturing Darkness.

You have always been useless, and when your chance to be

of use come, you are going to let it end like this!? Arent you
planning to defend your title in the endurance tournament
this year too!? If you cant even endure this thing, can you
even win!? How spineless! Can you show your shameful
appearance before all the adventurers here!?

Ugh, the Hydras heavy play and the verbal abuse play from
this demonic man, what a reward this is! Of all days, why
does it have to be now!

Darkness face was red and trembling, her neck was full of
sweat and a bit of tears were in her eyes, but she still hung
As I sucked the mana of the Hydra at full force, the Hydra
swung its necks that were bound, struggling as it laid on top
of Darkness.

Pull, pull now!

The heavyweight adventurers who had been serving as the

human shields of the backline pulled on the ropes entangled
on the Hydra hard.

They were probably trying to rescue Darkness who was

trapped below.

Darkness had a satisfied smile as she said softly with her

voice breaking intermittently.

I-I cant K-Kazuma Dont worry We will die


How will that stop me from worrying, dont give up! In the
end I will the only one who will die! You even received magic
buffs, and wont die just by being crushed by the Hydra a

All my gears except my katana were melted, so I was still

wearing casual clothes.

If I get squashed in such a situation, my weak defence wont

even buy me any time before I kick the bucket.
I would rather not die twice in such a short period of time!

I-If I give up, Kazuma will die Ahhh, what is this

situation! Even though you are ordering me to hold on like
a master, your life is in my hands, how contradictory! Who
is the master in such a situation!? This is a new feeling, a
new feeling, Kazuma!

This girl was enjoying herself huh. Her stubbornness and

serious expression when she challenged the Hydra alone
were gone.

When I my was just a step away from death.

Look, the Hydra is becoming really weak right!? And it cant

move too! I will take the head of the large bounty target, the
Kowloon Hydra! The one who scores the last hit can collect
the entire bounty, I dont want to share it with anyone else!

W-wait, what are you talking about in this situation!? And

even though it is immobile, if you let down your guard
because its necks are tied together Ahhh! Dust! Dust!!

I heard a familiar scream, and the pressure on us suddenly let


It seemed that a brave soul had drawn the attention of the


We crawled out from under the struggling Hydra and ran

towards Megumin.
Light of Saber!

After hearing that spell plenty of times in the Home of the

Crimson Magic, I looked towards the source and saw Yunyun
from the Crimson Magic Clan join the fray and cut off a head
of the Hydra.

Seemed like someone was eaten and Yunyun saved him.

Speaking of which I finally noticed that Yunyun who had a

weak sense of presence followed along.

No, on the way here, I remember someone chatting to me

timidly, but because my mind was occupied by Darkness At
that moment, someone from the adventurers shouted.

Hey look, the head that was cut off didnt regenerate!?

I looked over when I heard that shout, and saw that the
Hydra only had seven heads.

The Hydra wanted to escape back into the lake, but the
heavyweight adventurers pulled on the rope, but letting it go.

All mages!!

When they heard my yell, they all focused their mana and
prepared to cast their strongest magic, waiting for the signal
with sparkling eyes.

On my mark, large number of spells flew towards the Hydra.

Amongst the flying fireballs and lightning, the two Crimson

Magic Clansmen showed their might.

Light of Saber!!

After chopping down at the Hydra with a brilliant light,

Yunyun showed a smug expression at Megumin.

Megumin raised the corners of her lips, pointing her staff at

the Hydra with light shining from her vermillion eyes.

Explosion is coming! Everyone near the water evacuate!

Cover your ears!

After living in Axel for so long, the adventurers who had

gotten used to Megumins spell covered their ears in a
practiced manner.

Kazuma, I will avenge you now! A bouquet for the one in


Hey wait, avenging me is fine, but I wasnt in heaven, but

right here.

The brilliant light from Megumins palm pierced the Kowloon

Hydra that was on the brink of death after taking hits from
numerous spells.

The large bounty monster that turned the area around this
place barren all year round didnt even scream before falling
into eternal slumber
Part 9

Admit my victory! I blew off six of the Hydras heads!

Yunyun only cut off two! It is obvious who has the upper

W-what is that Megumin, you are just waiting idly before the
Hydra was pushed to the verge of dying! I even saved
someone who was bitten by the Hydra, that should count

Saving a delinquent who wanted to hog all the bounty

should only count for one point. You are a Crimson Magic
Clansman too, you should understand the importance of
stealing the limelight!

After subjugating the Hydra, we and the large number of

adventurers returned to Axel in high spirits.

Megumin forcefully named Yunyun to piggyback her, and

they had been bickering besides me all this while.

Even though the opponent was a large bounty monster, the

only casualty was one person.

And that person was resuscitated by Aqua.

But we are more capable than we thought! Ara~ but we

wouldnt have made it without Kazumas party.
Thats right, Kazuma is great as expected! Even though we
agreed the bounty for the Hydra would be shared equally, but
Kazumas group should take more. Theres a moron who said
The one who scores the last hit can collect the entire
bounty, so take that share with you too.

Keith and Rin who formed a party with me before told me.

However, this raid only succeeded because of everyone.

Thats why

Well then Everyone must be tired after the intense battle

with the Hydra, lets rest for today and drink our hearts out
with the reward tomorrow!


Are you kidding me ahhh!

Even though I thought I heard someone screamed, I still shift

my eyes to Darkness who was walking happily besides me.

Darkness who looked anxious and sad recently had a

refreshing expression as if her burden was all gone.

Hey, how does it feel after you defeat the Hydra you are so
obsessed over? You can sleep soundly from tomorrow
onwards right?
Yeah, thanks to this, all sort of things seem trivial to me now.
I think brooding over it by myself is silly. But that isnt
because we took down the Hydra.

I saw Darkness smiled for the first time in many days.

I learned once again how much I like the people in town.

Thanks to them, I found my way again. There is nothing to be
afraid of, nothing to regret.

You will say really embarrassing things sometimes.

Darkness elbowed my sides a little angrily after I teased her.

And then

I am really blessed.

She said something embarrassing openly again.

Really, show more reverence to me! Say that you are very
grateful to Aqua-sama for granting you a new life,
compliment me more!

Hey Kazuma! I am thankful for being revived, but the priest

from your party is really annoying!
Chapter 3 - Lecturing the Girl Who Ran Away From


Part 1

Adventurers! Thank you for your hard work yesterday!!

Congratulations on the successful subjugation of the large
bounty monster Kowloon Hydra! Everyone will receive a
grand reward too!

Woaaahhhh!! x4

When they heard the announcement by the staff, cheers

echoed throughout the guild.

After defeating the Kowloon Hydra and recovering from the

fatigue of the intense battle, we gathered in the adventurers

Right now, all the adventurers who took part in the raid were

Everyone was probably looking forward to the bounty and

they were all smiles.

Speaking of which, were finally going to accept the reward,

why isnt Darkness here yet? Did she forget about the party
thats going to be held today? Or is she still embarrassed
about what happened yesterday?

That might be so. Last night, Darkness was much more

tensed up than usual. She normally doesnt drink much, but
got dead drunk that time. She would lecture me whenever I
wanted to drink, but Darkness actually offered me some

At the table in the center of the guild, we thought about

Darkness who was really excited last night.

Darkness might be the eldest among us, but shes like a

child in many ways. Shes a useless child who gets shy easily,
so its understandable why she wont come out to meet
everyone. Lets buy some gifts for Darkness who is house

Aqua nimbly twirled the egg in her hand, showering it with

warm light as usual, acting all matured.

Why are you nonchalantly treating Darkness as the oldest

and making yourself look young? Arent you a grandma in
terms of age?

I told you before right, Satou Kazuma-san? If you say

something like that, you really will suffer divine retribution. I
will curse you and the cold drink you ordered will become
warm instantly.

I ignored Aqua who was speaking foolishly with a straight

face and watched the adventurers collecting their pay out

The one billion Eris bounty was divided equally among all the

One billion Eris.

The bounty for that monster was one billion Eris.

They said that without the Hydra, the land around the lake
would become fertile.

The amazing one billion Eris bounty was the reward for
opening up vast land for cultivation with the death of the

The number of adventurers who participated was about fifty.

Which meant twenty million Eris each.

The adventurers were called by name one after another, and

finally, it was my turn.

Satou Kazuma-sans team of four will receive eighty million

Eris, and with the request of all the other participants, they
will receive an additional twenty million Eris. Please accept
this one hundred million Eris!

Thank you very much! Alright everyone! The twenty million

Eris, will be used to treat Hey, hey let go! Why are you so
reluctant to give me the bounty recently? Hey, give it to me!

After snatching the bag of money from the staff.

Hey everyone! Thank you again for the support yesterday!

Lets have a party!!

Oohhhh! x4

The rowdy cheers filled the entire guild.

It was still noon, but we probably wont be going back any

time soon
Part 2

After the sun had completely set behind the horizon, we

walked on the street leading back to the mansion.

With the successful subjugation of the Hydra, we unhesitantly

bought higher class food than what we usually ate.

We planned to use these to have an after party with Darkness

who was house sitting.

What we bought were Snow Crimson Crabs.

A high class dish we havent had since Darkness folks sent

us some the last time.

Aqua became really excited after seeing these.

Hey Darkness, we are back? Hmmm, where is that

girl? She went out?

We reached home, but Darkness wasnt there.

At this moment, I noticed a piece of paper on the table.

It was Darkness handwriting, she said she was going to the

Landlords place to report about the subjugation of the Hydra.
The mansion of the landlord that was destroyed by me
seemed to be ready.

Aqua took out the egg from her pocket the moment she got
home, and sat on the couch to resume her work of incubating
the egg. Like a chick waiting to be fed, she asked noisily for
dinner to be served.

Hey, stop asking. Even if the dishes are done, we have to

wait for Darkness to come back right? And dont just incubate
the chick, help with the chores too. Are you cleaning the
toilets properly?

Really Kazuma, I think you should be nicer to a woman

raising a child. And stop calling it a chick. If you keep bullying
this child, I wouldnt even care if Emperor Zell bites you after
it hatches alright?

In the end, Megumin and I guessed that Darkness will come

back later and made dinner.

The other person had to incubate the egg, so she sat idly on
the couch.

After cooking up dishes that were more lavish than usual, we

set them on the dining table in the living room.

Hey Kazuma, why isnt Darkness back yet? I cant hold it

anymore with the food right in front of me. Hurry up and find
Darkness, hurry up.
You didnt fork out the money or cook the meal, you think
youre some kind of princess?

While I was talking with Aqua, Megumin prepared four sets of

cutlery and tea.

We put quite a bit of effort into the meal tonight. Even the
noble lady Darkness wont be able to eat this often. Fufufu, I
am looking forward to her reaction after eating my dish.

Didnt you only add some salt and set the dishes?

But I understand why Megumin was so proud of it.

It might be a bit off for me to say this myself, but the meal
tonight was really well done.

After visiting various delicious restaurants, I wasnt that

easily satisfied with food anymore. Hence, I paid some money
to learn a cooking skill from someone.

After all, I planned to limit my adventuring time to the realm

of being a hobby.

Thats why, instead of combat related skills, I chose

something that will raise my daily standard of living.

I already earned a fortune, it would be nice to open a

restaurant myself too I thought about various things as I
waited impatiently for Darkness to return.

Finally, late into the night.

After so long, Darkness still had not returned.

Hey Kazuma! The dishes are cold, reheat it.

The meal is right before me but I have to wait Im not

Darkness, I wont be happy with such a Play After she
comes back, I will punish her by making her sit in front of the
couch, and finishing the meal in front of her.

I dont think thats really a punishment, its more like a

Frankly speaking, shes too slow. I already told her we would
be back before dinner, what is she doing. Was it just like Vanir
divined, and something happened to her House? Even so, she
should tell us what happened.

Everyone complained as we waited.

In the end, the frustration turned into anger, and it turned

into a conference on how to punish Darkness after she comes

We seriously thought about the most effective way of dealing

with that woman who treats most punishments as a reward.

Even so, the suggestion that we should eat first didnt come
And so, we decided to make her wear the super cute attire
designed by Aqua and parade in the streets and the guild.
And even if it was just for a day, we would rent the super
expensive magic camera and hold a photoshoot.

When we decided on Darkness punishment, it was almost

time to flip to the next page of the calendar.

So slow.

Even though Aqua said that, no one made any move to eat.

Did reporting the successful subjugation of the Hydra need so

much time?

I dont think that lecherous landlord would do anything to

Darkness who was a noble Maybe she wouldnt return
today even if we wait like this.

If she comes back early the next morning again, I will go all
out to punish her.

She probably wont return tonight. Really, at least give us a

heads up if youre not coming back Hey, lets eat.

Despite what I said, the two of them showed a troubled

expression and refused to move their utensils.

Ahh, damn it!

That little M, I will make her cry for real.

I will borrow Vanir for over an hour or so, and conduct a

thorough interview of shame.

Thats right, its a plan.

The later she returns, the longer Vanirs interrogation would


I made up my mind in secret.

But Darkness didnt return today.

Or the next day.

Or the day after.

Darkness didnt return

Part 3

Hey Kazuma, what is that? What are you making?

Besides the table in the living room, I was working hard since
early in the morning.

I picked it up and showed Aqua the thing I was making

It was an imitation of a dynamite.

Just like what Nobel made in the beginning by bundling

solidified Nitroglycerin and sand together with paper, along
with a fuse to create a simple bomb.

Nitroglycerine had not been discovered in this world yet, and

there wasnt any gun powder to make a fuse either, so
igniting this thing wont make it explode either.

And since I dont understand the underlying principles

clearly, I wont be able to recreate it

I just have a rough idea of the principle and appearance, but

couldnt craft the item because of the lack of materials, but I
can still make a rough shape of it. Despite that, someone
smart enough will find a replacement for nitroglycerine and
buy this.
I see, bringing advanced weapon technology to this country
right!? Kazuma You really are scary!

Even though I didnt think there was a market for items like
this, I still made it just in case someone wanted to buy it.
Aqua cradled the egg as she picked up the dynamite
imitation and observed it.

There was a reason why I started developing it.

Early this morning, we received a letter from Darkness.

What is the thing Aqua is holding used for?

Megumin who was reading Darkness letter seriously lifted

her head and asked.

This is an imitation of a magic item called dynamite, to

recreate Explosion Magic.


Megumin snatched the item from Aquas hand.

She seemed to be reacting strongly to the phrase recreate

Explosion Magic.

The good thing about this is that anyone can use it and
doesnt consume mana. However, it cant

Ahhh!? It took a lot of effort to make that, what are you


Megumin ran to the window and threw it with all her might.

How can I let something like this recreate the ultimate magic
so easily! I wont accept the development of deviant

T-this girl is annoying!

Even though the agitated Megumin was breathing hard, she

remembered something and looked at the letter she was
reading just now.

That was the letter Darkness sent us.

Megumin read the letter for the umpteenth time, searching

for some hidden message, and then put the letter down

Darkness is really going to leave the party huh

Aqua and I fell silent when we heard what she said.

It cant be helped. Its her familys problem. Its already

strange for her to adventure with commoners for so long.

But, but! This is really strange! Darkness actually left

without saying anything! Our relationship isnt so superficial
that a farewell letter would be adequate!

Megumin rejected my comment.

Thats right. I think the reason is, Kazuma going too far
with his sexual harassment. Anyway, I dont think you should
throw our laundry into the tub and yell yahoo~ underwear

I didnt! I havent done that yet!

Did you say yet?

I picked up the letter Megumin placed on the table and read it

once more.

I am deeply sorry for telling you this so suddenly,

I read it again

I am in a complicated situation that I cant tell you about in detail. This is

something I have to bear as a noble.

I crushed the letter into a ball.

And threw it strongly into the trash bin.

I cant meet all of you anymore. It is wilful of me, but I hope you can remove
me from the party. Please find a replacement vanguard to take over for me.

Seeing how I was acting, Aqua and Megumin seemed a little


Damn it, why was I so angry?

I am deeply grateful to all of you, and dont know how I can repay your
kindness I really enjoyed my time adventuring with everyone. Those were
the happiest moments of my life so far. I will never forget my adventuring
days with all of you.

In the end, she was still an aristocratic lady living in a world

that was different from ours .

She merely returned to the world she belonged to.

Thats right. The problem would be solved if I could find a

vanguard whose attack actually hits.

Sitting before the table, I started crafting the next product.

Thank you for everything.

Best Regards,
Dustiness Ford Lalatina
The deepest gratitude to my beloved comrades

With a crack, the pen knife in my hand snapped.

I probably used too much strength unconsciously.

When she saw me like this, Megumin said:

Kazuma, youre very concerned too right? Be more frank

with yourself! Make a trip to Darkness home!

She said that as she approached me with clenched fists.

That day when Darkness didnt return.

A while after the date changed, we ate the cold dishes


Filled with the passionate feelings of dont make us worry!,

we rushed to Darkness home early in the morning

We will be stonewalled again. She is a grand noble after all.

If we tried to break in, we will be arrested. Darkness and her
father wont go so far as to execute us, but we cant do
anything if she doesnt want to see us.

After hearing what I said, Megumin drooped her head

We went to Darkness mansion, but the guards only said no
comment, please go back and chased us away.

I agitatedly look for a replacement for my snapped penknife

Kazuma, arent you thinking about doing something for

Darkness? Developing new products like this, did you buy
into the advice given by that useless devil? Devils are just
beings that insist on their twisted logic okay? They wont help
others if there isnt something in it for themselves.

After my thoughts were pointed out, my movements dulled.

I-I am not concerned about that! I just dont want to work

seriously and earn more money easily!

When Aqua heard that, she said with a serious face:

Tsundere? Hey Kazuma, are you a tsundere? You are not

being frank. Are you feeling lonely because Darkness isnt
here? I only acknowledge blonde twintails to be tsunderes. If
you understand, go dye and tie up your hair right now.

After I grabbed the egg from Aqua, she apologized in tears as

she strongly resisted me who planned to make it into lunch.

Megumin muttered softly in a lonely tone:

Even though these two are interacting as usual It still feels
like something is missing
Part 4

Megumin followed behind me sneakily as I went towards the


To be honest, I was hoping she would stay at home together

with Aqua who was incubating her egg.

Hey Megumin, I will give you some spare change, can you
return to the mansion?

Dont wanna. I am a member of the party too, I should have

the rights to decide on the new member.

Megumin had been refusing to listen since earlier.

It couldnt be helped.

Right now, I was planning to head to the guild to find a

vanguard to replace Darkness.

Megumin walked briskly to my back and said:

It has only been a few days, and you are already abandoning
the comrade who has been through thick and thin with us so
easily. Kazuma is inhuman. Inhuman.
After saying her piece, Megumin backed away and followed
me a few steps behind.

No, thats wrong. It is Darkness wish for us to recruit a new

member right? I think it would be best if Darkness returns.
But she

When she heard that, Megumin rushed behind me again.

You are just throwing a tantrum. Like Aqua said, you are just
shy right? You dont want to admit it and are putting on a
strong front huh? You just dont want others to know that the
reason you have not taken in any new members is because
you cant put Darkness out of your mind right?

Megumin pulled away briskly again after saying that.


After that, Megumin followed me from a short distance all the

way to the guild.

She could have walked beside me, but she chose not to do

Even so, she wasnt so far away that I could lose her by
sprinting ahead.

After making it to the entrance of the Adventurers Guild,

Megumin came to me and tugged on my shirt.
Kazuma, I will advise you not to go in. If not, you will learn
the terror of the Crimson Magic Clan.

Give it a shot if you can. If you do anything unnecessary, I

will use your precious staff to clear the toilet.

With Megumin who had a stiff expression in tow, I entered the


Going to the notice board for recruitment of members, I

browsed through the prospective candidates pasted on it.

I didnt need to put up a recruitment poster as our infamy

was well known.

Even if I advertised for the recruitment of a vanguard, I knew

very well that no one would come.

Hence, I needed to grab a guy looking for a party and force

him into my team.

I found a suitable candidate in no time.

A warrior, proficient in one handed sword.

Confident in his defence, wishing to play the role of tank as a

An eighteen year old guy.

Sounds pretty good.

I tore that paper off and headed to the table that adventurer
was sitting at.

Erm Excuse me, I am here because I saw this notice.

The man probably didnt know about us, and showed a

cheerful face.

Ah, yes! Nice to meet you, I am a warrior

Wait, dont need to introduce yourself.

As we were having a man to man talk, we were interrupted

by Megumin from behind.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Before that, I want to test to see if you are worthy enough to

be in our party. After all, we are a first class team that fights
on par with the bosses of the Demon King Army. The test
content is to hunt a high bounty monster alone Ouch!

There are no tests! Please ignore what she said!! Sorry,

please wait a moment.
Eh, alright

I hit Megumin who was spouting nonsense to shut her up.

Hey, come here. Come here right now.

I refuse Ahhh, dont pull on my hoodie, this cloak is an

important gift from my friend, you are stretching it!

I pulled Megumin to a place where the warrior guy wont be

able to hear us.

Dont you understand? We can just be a party of five when

Darkness comes back right? I am not tough enough to be a
tank. Same with Aqua, even more so for you. Since Darkness
isnt here, we will need a tank to keep the monsters at bay,

I got it, I got it Kazuma. I understand the importance of the

vanguard role. Alright, lets start the interview.

This girl definitely didnt understand. I knew she would stir up

some trouble.

Listen up, it wouldnt be strange if we get targeted by the

Demon King since we defeated a lot of bosses. Vanir was
dispatched here because Beldia was defeated in this town. To
be safe, we need to make the minimum preparations for
battle. If its really too much for you, we can let that guy join
as a temporary member. Got it? Dont mess things up okay?
I get it. I wont mess it up, I wont.

Unexpectedly, Megumin accepted it readily.

To put it simply, it was better to assume she would mess

things up when she was so docile.

I kept an eye on Megumin as I went back to the table.

Well Sorry for the interruption. I am Satou Kazuma. Just

call me Kazuma. And this is

I was planning to introduce her, but Megumin flicked her

cloak and said in a voice loud enough to make everyone in
the guild jump.

I am Megumin! The top mage in Axel, the one who wields

the magic of explosion! My nickname in this guild is the
explosion girl with a screw loose! Come, let us Ouch!!

I knocked the head of Megumin who drew the attention of the

entire guild by making a terrifying self introduction, but it was
too late.

The face of that warrior guy was stiff beyond hope.

E-erm I heard the rumours, you are that S-sorry, I

thought the rumours were exaggerated at first but I wont
be able to keep up with your party, erm, please find someone

What the hell was that rumour?

Our infamy might be worse than I imagined.

After seeing off the man who kept apologizing, Megumin

smiled at me, her expression was a mixture of satisfaction
and losing something important.

Kazuma, he doesnt look good. I was just introducing myself

and he got scared off. Next, lets find the next one.

What an evil suicidal attack, I underestimated Megumins


She actually called herself a retard.

Even though she said to find the next one

Even when Megumin and I went to the notice board and

looked towards a suitable candidate, they would avert their

The self introduction that echoed throughout the guild was

a fatal hit.

Damn it, she usually cast her explosion without any thoughts,
but she just had to be quick witted now.
At this moment.

Hey Kazuma. Whats up, looking for party members? You

should have given me a holler.

The one who struck up a conversation with me when I was in

a pinch was Dust. His party members didnt seem to be
around today.

Dont you have a party already? Where did they go?

Dust frowned unhappily when he heard what I said.

Listen to me Kazuma. Those guys are really too much,

saying they earned a tidy sum in the fight against Hydra, and
wont be coming to work any time soon! I didnt take the
reward for subjugating the Hydra, so I have to earn my keep
here. But most of the adventurers had money to spare, so I
cant even find a temporary party. Warrior types are a dime a
dozen In summary, how about taking me in if you are
looking for a vanguard?

Megumin glared at Dust, as if she was cursing him for

showing up at this juncture.

The quality of this delinquent was a bit lacking, but his

capability was solid enough.

Megumin and Aqua teamed up with this guy once before, and
I knew this guy rather well.

There was no reason to reject, so I tried forming a party with


And so, we formed a temporary team to test out our

compatibility, and took a random quest before heading to the
farm in the outskirts.

It was raining season now.

When you talk about raining season, you would think of

toads, but there were opponents that were much harder to

Snipe! Snipe snipe snipe! No good, my arrows are not

dealing damage! These things are too tough!

Arrows and blades are meaningless against adaman snails!

Kazuma, please hold them back with magic! I will protect the
farmland from them before the Lolis spell is ready!

Hey, who is this Loli you are referring to, make it clear!

Dust, Megumin, and I joined a few other adventurers who

took the same quest to exterminate the parasite beasts.

During raining season, a large number of giant snails known

as adaman snails would show up to feed on the crops.
And now, behind us

Hey! Joseph got stabbed right in the butt by a summer

bamboo shoot! Its a serious wound, he wont be able to do
farm work anymore! Stretcher him out right now!

The wild boars are here! Wild boars and other pests are
using the chaos as a chance to sneak in!

The roars of the farmers harvesting the crops could be heard


No matter what world it was, farm work wasnt easy.

Freeze! Freeze! Freeze! Freeze!!

I casted freeze on the adaman snail to lower its temperature,

slowing their movement for a moment.

As expected of adaman snails, other than its shell, its other

parts were really hard too.

I could only buy some time.

In the middle of the field, Dust who fended off a few monkeys
stabbed his sword into the ground. Holding tightly onto the
hilt of the sword, he held the shield before him with his left
A large boar charged towards the field right at him.

Dust was going to block it straight on.

Bring it on!

Dust lowered his stance and put in more strength behind the

If it was Darkness, she would definitely block it without even


After all, she even tanked the fierce attacks of the Hydra.

But it would be too brutal to ask that of Dust.

A boar the size of a bull charged at Dust!


Dust was knocked into the sky by the boar.

However, the boar wasnt unscathed after colliding with Dust

who was covered in steel armour. It staggered about and
stopped its rampage.

I charged at the boar and slashed at it.

Unlike my usual tough battles, I took out the boar easily and
watched how everyone else was doing.

Monkeys broke through the defence line of several

adventurers and invaded the farm.

Ahh, damn it!

Ignoring Dust who was rolling on the ground after he was

sent flying, I picked up my bow and sniped the monkeys.

Kazuma! I finished chanting, explosion!

Megumin informed me that her spell was ready. I pointed at

the escaping monkeys and shouted:

Do it! Megumin, blow them all away!

One of the other adventurer seemed to have heard my


Hey! Wait!


Megumins explosion enveloped the monkeys, boars, adaman

snails and blew them sky high along with the crops.
Part 5

We went back to the guild to report after exterminating the

pests that were invading the farm.

The reward for each participating adventurer was twenty

thousand Eris.

The enemies were adaman snails and wild beasts that didnt
pose any danger to humans.

Leaving wild boars aside, that was the payout for subjugating
monkeys and adaman snails that wont threaten the lives of

Twenty thousand Eris was reasonable

As for us

So, Satou Kazuma-san, Megumin-san and Dust-san will only

get five thousand Eris

We blew up the crops, so the reward was docked greatly.

This was my fault for giving that reckless order to Megumin.

In response to my apology, Dust said:

Hee, dont mind it, shit happens. I earned enough money for
beer today. Dont let it get you down. After all, the monkeys
would have escaped and the quest would have failed if not
for the explosion!

He just smiled and ordered an ice cold beer with the money.

Erm, I think the three of us did great if we consider the fact

that Aqua and Darkness werent around. And there were too
few adventurers for this. They should have recruited more

Megumin said that too.

Megumin seemed happy about completing the quest, but her

expression said otherwise.

I know, its because of Darkness.

It was cruel to compare him to Darkness, but we

acknowledged the strength of our masochistic crusader, and
couldnt help comparing others to her.

Dust killed quite a few monkeys and performed admirably as

a vanguard But if it was Darkness, even when her attacks
wouldnt hit, she would not have budged when the boar
charged at her. I kept thinking about such unnecessary
things No, its useless to compare others to that girl now.
Lets keep Dust as a temporary member and see how things

The next day after we decided on taking in a temporary


The door at the entrance opened without being knocked, and

a man barged in.

I did mention about forming a temporary party and telling

you to visit my place to introduce you to Aqua. But what are
you panicking about?

When he heard my query, Dust said while panting.

Kazuma, this is bad! Help me out! Please, can you come

with me!?

It must be something important if the man who tried to

killsteal the Hydra was acting so flusteredly.

I turned to the other two

I dont know the details, but I will be going out for now.

Dust pulled me as we left the mansion.

Dust walked in front of me and explained to me what was

I stopped in my tracks after hearing him out.

Eh, hold up. Is that what it is? The bad news is that Rin
has found a man?

Thats right! This is so important, but Tyler and Keith just

brushed me off with a is that so?

No, thats all I would say too.

However, Dust raised his fist and said:

My important comrade being intimate with some random

guy! If a girl from your party hooked up with some strange
guy, you would worry too right!?

Eh, if a female friend I was close with found a boyfriend

I sort of get it.

Right!? As expected of Kazuma, you really know me man!

The hyped Dust seized the momentum and explained further

to me.

According to him, Rin seemed to be drifting away from him.

Dust felt suspicious and followed Rin for an entire day until
he saw her entering the room of an unknown man.

H-hey, you are st

Which means! A wild guy appeared out of nowhere and

conned Rin! I am worried about my comrade. I want to
investigate that guys background. Please Kazuma, the other
two guys are not dependable! Im begging you, help me out!

Seeing Dust clapping his hands together as he pleaded with

me, I thought it over.

It was not cool to interfere with someone elses love affair,

but did I have the right to accuse others?

For example, if Darkness found a boyfriend suddenly, I would

want to find out more about that guy too.

Also, It was a given that Darkness taste in men was just too

I understand. It is a little disgusting, but if I was in your

shoes, I might have wanted to investigate that guy too. I
dont think Rin will have any problems, but I adventured with
her for a while, so I am concerned about who that guy is too.

Whoa! You have a way with words Kazuma, I am counting on

I was a bit uneasy about Dust, but I was unconsciously
projecting Darkness who I couldnt contact recently onto Rin,
and followed him.

Dust brought me to a small but nicely decorated hotel.

It was a hotel not too suitable for adventurers, but felt right
for couples.

This is the place, Kazuma. The scum conman is right here.

We didnt know about that guy at all, right?

Seeing how mad Dust was, I started worrying about him

going wild.

And so, how are we going to do this? Youre not going to

directly go to that mans room right?

Dust had a sinister smile when he heard my words.

Just how long do you think I have been an adventurer for? If

your preparations arent thorough in our line of work, you
wont live long. I already found out where hes staying, and
rented the room next to it.

Y-you really

I was wondering if I should call the cops, but Dust had already
opened the door to the hotel.
I reluctantly followed.

By the way, if he used his planning and execution

capabilities, Dust would definitely accomplish something

The inside of the hotel was really plain.

The first floor was the dining hall, and the rooms were on the
second floor.

Dust probably gave the staff a heads up since he didnt mind

us when we entered, and merely yawned with an uncaring

Dust went straight up to the second floor and stopped before

a certain room.

Okay, this is it The walls are thin, so keep it down. Rin

should be in the room next door right now. She has good
ears, and might notice our voices.

I nodded and entered the room with Dust.

It was a clean room with just a bed, table and small


Dust closed the door carefully and placed his ears onto the
I thought it was wrong to do that, but I still leaned my ears
against the wall.

And a familiar girls voice came from the room on the other

Even if you say that Its hard for me to ask too

Without a doubt, that was Rin.

However, she didnt sound happy in this conversation.

Rin-san, I know this is asking for a lot. But this is a taboo in

the first place. But I just cant help falling in love!

C-calm down! Erm, have you thought it over? You are a

noble, so you shouldnt be finding an adventurer as a partner.
And the problem isnt just that

The man seemed to be a noble.

Firstly, Rin was being wooed.

But from her tone, she didnt seem to like it.

A noble and an adventurer.

People from two different worlds that shouldnt have the
chance to cross paths their entire life.

Darkness and me adventuring in the same party was an


When I was thinking about that, the conversation on the

other side of the wall continued.

Rin-san! I know very well that my feelings couldnt be

conveyed because of the difference in status! No, I also know
about the bigger obstacle before me. But, at least! I want
to take some photos with the magic camera that I bought
after breaking the bank!

C-c-calm down! Please calm down! Just calm down


I got the rough idea after hearing their conversation.

The noble youth fell for Rin, but they couldnt be together
because of their difference in status.

Taking photos, thats all?

What, he didnt seem to be such a bad guy at all.

If possible! Right, make it more lewd!

Calm down! Im begging you, calm down! Lets go
downstairs and eat something to ease the mood alright!!

No, that wasnt all.

Dust stood up quietly at this moment.

I will beat him up right now.

Hey, wait, dont go! Now is not the time!

After stopping Dust with some effort, the sound of the door
opening and shutting came from next door.

The two of them probably went to the first floor for a meal.

Dust who heard that sound silently showed an evil smile.

Part 6

Hey Kazuma, look at the clothes that are dumped around

the place! As expected of a noble, these are all great stuff!

I followed Dust and sneaked into the room next door.

I felt my head aching as I observed Dust who was ransacking

the things in the room.

He finally committed a crime.

We were breaking and entering.

Okay, lets see, what treasures does that young master

has Eh, this is!?

Time to stop.

Breaking and entering, and now burglary he crossed the


I put my hand on the shoulder of Dust who was stunned after

seeing something in the closet

Look Kazuma, red lace lingerie ! That bastard, he wants to

take pictures of Rin wearing this!? That pervert even
prepared this! I will use it like this!!

The raging Dust yelled and stripped without a moment of

hesitation, and equipped the underwear with red lace.

Without a doubt, this man was the pervert right now.

Alright, Kazuma! Use that high quality magic camera to take

my pictures! I want his expensive films to be filled with my
naked pictures. Just in case he gets a picture of Rin, I want to
scar him for life at the very least!

How should I respond?

Overwhelmed by his imposing manner, I picked up the magic

camera as he ordered.

The design was simple, and I could feel powerful magic

concentrated inside it.

Right now, I was doing the most retarded thing in the world
with the magic item that cost as much as a house.

Dust with his arm crossed and clothes off, he arched his back
and took the bridge posture without using his hands..

A pervert wearing red lace lingerie was supporting his trained

body using his thick neck. His toned body drew a beautiful
Alright, do it Kazuma! Immortalize my beautiful body!

I didnt know how many photos I took.

Dust made plenty of poses smiling with his teeth showing. As

for me, I went from the top of tables to going prone onto the
floor, taking pictures of him from all sorts of angles.

Pose of an eagle to that of a leopard.

For aesthetics, I made him take the pose of the thinker too.

Well done Dust, thats the way! You are sparkling right now!!
We are done with glamorous poses, lets move on to the lewd
ones! First, bite your finger and point your ass this way!

Dust did what I told him to do and bit his thumb

melancholically as he directed his butt covered in a red
underwear to the camera.

After a few shots, I gave further instructions.

Okay, now for a more cool feeling! Spread your legs, lower
your waist and put your hands Right, thats the feeling!

Dust lowered his waist like a sumo wrestler, stretching his

right arm to the front.

He had a serious expression on his face, as he repeated the

lines I told him.

Lets get it on!

<TL: Hakkeyoi, lines said at the beginning of sumo match>

At this moment, we hit our limit and rolled on the floor

laughing our asses off with tears in our eyes!


Our eyes met Rin who was looking at us stupefied, her staff
dropped onto the floor.
Part 7

So, what is this all about? I know Dust is a dumbass, but

Kazuma too What are you two doing?

Dust and I kneeled before Rin and the noble youth.

I am very sorry. x2

We apologized at the same time.

What a blunder.

Spurred by a whim, the two of us lost ourselves in taking

retarded photos.

Rin sighed from the very bottom of her heart.

And looked at Dust with stabbing eyes.

But Dust wearing that underwear was more of an eyesore, I

wished that she at least made him wear some shorts.

Sign Really, there was no point in me worrying so much.

Ahh, do what you want to him, I have nothing more to say
Kazuma, lets go.
Rin said with a tired expression and reached her hand
towards me.

Hmm? No, letting these two be alone together is bad. It

might lead to trouble.

Rin pulled my hand and I was forcefully dragged out of the


Whatever, I dont want to care anymore.

Rin said as she closed the door behind her.

Dust-san, I didnt imagine that you would be in my room in

such an appearance

Ah? So what if I committed breaking and entering, you got

a problem with that?

The voice of the duo could be heard inside.

Dust who didnt give a damn after he got caught sounded


And he didnt seem to understand how he was dressed right


Hey Rin, shouldnt we stop him? He will definitely do

something right?
But Rin just shook her head in resignation, fatigue all over her

I dont know if he will be the one doing, or be the one

receiving I did my best. Yup, I tried. Even though I did try,
that dumbass was right in the room wearing that when I
opened the door. That is like a duck holding some spring
onions jumping into a pot and closing the lid. Its too late for
me to do anything now.

Our conversation didnt seem to be going in the same


O-Of course I wont mind, Dust-san! Dust-san! Ahhh

Dust-san! Wahh, I am so very grateful! Even though Rin-san
said that I should give up, but to think that I was right to
join the Axis cult and devote myself in prayer! T-There
really is a goddess!

I dont know why you are so happy, but if you think

everyone is afraid of the nobles, you are wrong. I am used to
dealing with royalty and nobles. And its just two men here
right now, things like status doesnt matter. You get what I

What!? You mean you dont care about our difference in

status!? And you said that it is just two men in here!?
Ahhh Ahhh! Today is truly a great day, I am immensely
grateful to you, Aqua-sama!

Rin and I left the hotel as we listened to Dust and the noble
youths conversation from behind the door.

Well then, what were the two of you doing in that place?
Just what happened?

Rin asked after leaving the hotel, and I wondered about how I
should answer

Eh, actually

I recounted the brief details of the events and told her the
most important point, which was Dust being worried about
her And that led to Rin holding her stomach in laughter.

Ah, ahhahaha! T-too retarded! There is definitely

something wrong with you two! Ahahaha!

She was right.

Or rather, my usual self wouldnt have pitched in. But in the

end, I projected the image of Darkness onto Rin Rin wiped
the tears coming out from the corner of her eyes, and said
with her shoulders still trembling.

Sigh Listen to me, the one the noble likes is Dust.

I felt time stopped when I heard that.


What did she just say?

And so, that noble came to discuss with me about what he

should do as he had fallen for Dust. He mentioned that he
didnt harbour any hope of being together with Dust, but
wanted to take some photos of him at the very least.

At this instant.


A chilling scream came from the second floor of the hotel.

A cry I had never heard from Dust before.

I was thinking about roping Dust in as a temporary

member, but it would be better if we table this matter for the

I hypnotized myself with nothing happened today and

walked alongside Rin.

I felt tired, I should go home and sleep.

Thinking over the plan for today tiredly, Rin suddenly said

By the way, that noble reminds me of the fact that Lalatina

is a noble too. I only found out recently, what a surprise.

You found out? From who?

I asked on reflex, and Rin looked at me strangely and replied:

The news is all over the town now. Lalatina is the daughter
of House Dustiness, and will be marrying Alderp, the Landlord
of this town soon.

Please tell me the details.

Chapter 4 - Spending One Last Night With the Young


Part 1

I announced in a loud voice before the two of them.

In summary, we will now hold the battle conference on how

to break through the heavily guarded mansion and meet
Darkness. However, I already have the gist of the plan in

After returning home, I explained the situation to Megumin

and Aqua.

I was discussing the battle conference together with them.

Kazuma is really excited. So the marriage between Darkness

and the landlord as fat as a pig is the talk of the town now? I
know Darkness has bad taste in men, but this is atrocious.
Normally, Darkness father would veto it. Did something
happen? I am pissed. At this happening right now, as well
as the divination of that suspicious devil coming true

Aqua burrowed her brows, which was a rare sight, and said
while cradling her egg on the couch.
That devil did predict that misfortune would befall Darkness
House and her father.

Normally, people wouldnt treat divination too seriously.

They would take it with a grain of salt at best.

However, magic and curses exist in this world.

Kazuma, you really believe in the divination of that devil?

Youre really doing what the devil told you, developing
merchandise nonstop despite your immense wealth Hes
not as bad as Aqua, but devils wont help others without
something in it for them. So advice is given on the basis that
hell reap some benefit from it. If we can return to the Home
of the Crimson Magic, we can ask a great fortune telling
Onee-san I know

Although Megumin said that

To be honest, I didnt understand myself either.

I felt that the words of the devil couldnt be trusted so easily.


I dont think Vanir said that for fun, even though he didnt
say it seriously. I dont know how helping Darkness will
benefit him In fact, Im only working hard on developing my
products just in case it will be of use for Darkness as foretold
by the divination. Even if the divination fails, there is nothing
bad about developing merchandise. My thoughts are that

The stupid Darkness who thought she could solve the

problem by sacrificing herself and acted recklessly.

That was what Vanir divined for Darkness.

If it was the prophecy of some random fortune teller, I will

have no problem laughing it off

No matter what, its still too early to come to a conclusion.

We only know the secondhand account that Rin heard from
someone else. We wont know the situation unless we ask the
person directly. The letter only told us that she wants to leave
the party, so we cant find out more details. That landlord
gave us plenty of problems too, so there is a need to force a
meeting to make things clear, right? Am I right?

Overwhelmed by my eagerness, Aqua and Megumin kept

nodding their heads.

In fact, that retard did say something like As a prospective

marriage partner, that nobles despicable and underhanded
personality is just right.

Something happened to her father, and there was also the

possibility that Darkness was in agreement with the marriage
I didnt even want to consider that.
That girl would say brainless things sometimes too.

Thats right, she even wanted to follow Beldia back then, and
was really happy when Vanir possessed her.

On the way to the Home of the Crimson Magic, she was

devastated when she heard the news of male Orcs going

Also, she left the party after leaving just a letter behind, and
has always made me worried

Anyway, I had to confirm this matter after meeting her face

to face.

And ask her what the meaning of this letter was.

Going to visit with just a letter wasnt appropriate, but since

Rin told me that important titbit, I couldnt just leave it alone.

I sighed, it couldnt be helped.

And of course, I didnt have thoughts like taking revenge for

making me worry, I havent seen her for a long time, so
infiltrating into Darkness house is exciting or I have a
proper reason to see that woman now!

Hehehe, just you wait, Darkness

For some reason, Megumin smiled as I was thinking about
various matters.

Aqua was looking at me as if she just saw something strange.

Hey Kazuma, you looked so distracted recently, but seem

really happy right now, she said a little happily.
Part 2

Yup, about time to go. Aqua, Im counting on you.

It was about two a.m. right now.

We didnt go for the heavily guarded front or rear gate of

Darkness mansion, but the side that didnt have an

An iron fence surrounded the mansion.

We hid in the darkness and peeked at the mansion through

the gaps in the fence.

Following my request, Aqua started chanting softly.

It was several buff spells that enhance my physical abilities.

Increase Strength and Improve Speed

I didnt know if it would be needed, but I got her to cast

Enhance Defense and Enhance Magic Resistance too.

Versatile Entertainer!
Aqua casted some spell I had never heard before.

From the faint light that appeared momentarily on my body,

it should be a buff spell.

What was that spell just now?

A spell that turns you into a super entertainer.

I slapped her silently.

Ignoring Aqua who was trying to strangle me with tears in her

eyes, I took out the tool that was really useful during the fight
with the Mobile Fortress, the rope with a hook at the tip. It
could be fired with an arrow.

I binded several layers of cloth onto the tip so it wouldnt

make a din when it hit the roof.

I will make a move first.

After discussing it with them, it was decided that I would

sneak in alone. After all, I had several skills like hide and
night vision, which were suitable for infiltration.

It might be the home of a noble, but it definitely wouldnt be

harder than breaking into the royal castle.

I didnt plan to harm anyone, so aside from my bow and

arrow, I didnt bring anything else along.

After shooting the arrow, I will hand the bow to Aqua so she
could bring it home.

Take care of yourself. Its fine if you knock her out and drag
her back by force.

N-no matter what, you are still a woman of the cloth, is it

fine to say that?

No, Aqua is right. She is stubborn, and wouldnt budge even

if you tried to reason with her. Its fine to be a little rough
with her, dont hold back!

Why are you all always so violent?

Under their watchful eyes, I readied my bow and used

Snipe to shoot the hook to the edge of the roof.

The hook latched onto the roof with a soft thud.

I observed the situation for the moment No one seemed to

notice and came out to check.

Tying the rope to the iron fence, I whispered to the two of


After I get onto the roof, untie the rope from the fence.
There might be patrols, so they will know I have infiltrated if
they find the ropes. I will think of a way to get out, so go back
to the mansion and wait for now.

I tugged on the rope to make sure it was taut. The two of

them nodded at me.

Alright, time to do this!

Paying homage to army rangers, I got onto the rope and

scaled it.

With my poor physical ability, I could never have done that

without the magic buff.

After reaching the roof successfully, I signalled to Aqua.

Upon confirming that Aqua had untied the rope below, I used
my sensing skill to detect the presence of people nearby.

Being able to confirm the presence of someone inside a

building without needing to go inside made this very useful.

Finally, I found a room that was empty.

I wanted to use the rope tied to the building to break into that
room on the second floor directly, but it was locked.

Now was the time for modern technology to debut.


With one hand on the rope, I put my other hand near the
glass window and heated it up.

With nothing to burn, the fire died out after exhausting the
mana put into it. I repeated it several times.

After the surface of the glass got heated


With a soft chant, the glass was frozen instantly and made a
soft cracking sound.

I was on alert for a moment, but no one came to investigate

the noise.

This was a way to break glass by using thermal shock,

normally done with a lighter and water.

When I was inflicted with Chunnibyou, I learnt this when I

searched for dangerous knowledge that I didnt plan on ever

I thought it would be useless when I learned about this, but to

think it could be put to use now Pressing the cracks in the
glass, I peeled off the pieces near the locks piece by piece.
After the hole was big enough for my hand to reach the lock, I
opened the window and sneaked in.

This was the moment I changed from an adventurer to a


Yup, the infiltration was proceeding smoothly, the next

problem would be finding Darkness room.

Do I need to sneak across the corridor and check every room?

No, if there was someone on patrol, I would be found out

even if I used Hide.

At that moment

Did you really hear something?

Eh, I hope it was just my imagination

From inside the room, I heard this voice from one end of the

I covered the broken window with the curtain hurriedly, and

cleaned up the broken glass shards scattered on the floor.

With the creak of the door unlocking, I slid under the bed in
the nick of time and activated Hide.
When the door opened, I heard a resigned voice.

See, its nothing. Norris, its about time you change your
cowardly personality. Lets go to the kitchen and ask for some
supper to eat.

S-sorry I thought I heard something breaking

I didnt move as I listen to the door closing and the footsteps

fading into the distance.

Since they were talking about supper in the kitchen, they

were definitely the patrol guards in the mansion.

In that case, checking the rooms one at a time Well then,

lets go to the kitchen they mentioned, the young lady
wanted supper, then follow the servant sending supper to
Darkness room That was too unrealistic.

First of all, I couldnt let them see my face, and I didnt have
the talent to imitate the voices of the two patrolmen.

I just felt that if the multi-talented Aqua was here, she would
be able to imitate the voices without a problem.


I suddenly remembered something and coughed dryly One

of the patrolmen was called Norris right?
This is Norris here Huh!?

I was surprised by how good my imitation of his voice was.

What was happening, this was really nerve wracking!

I just remembered about the super entertainer spell Aqua

casted on me, and tried it without expecting anything!

T-this is really amazing Ah~ ah~ Darkness, oh, its

Darkness! This is without a doubt the voice of Darkness!

I tried mimicking Darkness voice and it was indistinguishable

from the real thing.

It would work, this skill would work!

I needed to thank Aqua after returning to the mansion.

Youre wonderful Kazuma-sama, do me!

I played around with the voice of Darkness and some other

people, and suddenly came to my sense.

No good, now wasnt the time to play by myself, I almost lost

track of my goal.

I had never thirsted for a tape recorder so much before, but I

should complete the mission of meeting Darkness.

Anyway, time to visit the kitchen.

After making up my mind, I activated Hide and was

planning to leave the room quietly

I followed the patrolmen who led me to the kitchen. When I

was certain they had left, I leaned towards the door.

Coughing once, I thought back on how Norris sounded.

Pretending to knock the door frantically, I said in a hurried


Sorry, this is Norris! I forgot to mention that the young lady

wanted supper! I still have to do my rounds, could you please
send the supper to the young ladys quarters!?

I apologized to Norris-san who I have never met before in my


Really, why are you so eccentric, Chuck? You are usually

meticulous about things, but you always forget about the
important stuff Understood, we will send it over, work hard
on your duties.
I heard a reply along with wry laughter.

I said in a panicky voice

Thank you very much!

And with that, I pretended to run off.

I then hid at a corner and waited quietly for the chef to come

Sometime later, there was finally some movement from the

Part 3

Young lady, I am here to bring you supper.

After the chef said that, he knocked the door.

I peeked at him from the dark.

Good, good, I found Darkness room.

After the chef knocked a few times, the door finally opened.

Wearing a silk negligee and with her hair a mess, Darkness

rubbed her tired eyes and appeared. She seemed to have
been sleeping.

The chef averted her face and said:

Erm, Norris said that the young lady wanted supper

? I dont remember saying that.

The chef was confused, but lowered his head immediately

and apologized to the sleepy Darkness.

!? I-Im very sorry for disturbing you so late into the

Darkness seemed baffled as she watched the chef ran off in a
panic, and closed the door.

Some time passed by after the chef who didnt understand

what just happened passed my hiding place.

Using this chance when no one was around, I knocked

Darkness door

Young lady, please wake up. A man named Satou Kazuma

suddenly came here in the middle of the night, saying he
wants to meet the young lady no matter what!

I used the voice of the patrol guard Norris and spoke to the
person inside the room.

After a while, a reply came from inside

Those claiming to be Kazuma, Aqua and Megumin are to

be ignored I already said that. Really, that guy actually
came at such an hour He, really is!

A gentle voice that was a mix of pain and happiness came

from within.

But young lady, that Kazuma man says if he is ignored, he

will spill the dark history of Lady Lalatina to the people in the
When she heard that, Darkness laughed:

Fu fu, that guy is the same as usual Tell Kazuma to do as

he wishes. Anyways, I cant go to the adventurers guild any

Darkness said a little sadly.

But young lady, that man is telling very unsavory things to

the servants at the main gate. He said the young ladys abs
are getting more and more defined, and the young lady is
very concerned. He asked us to control the amount of protein
in her meals

A clank came from inside the room.

He also said that the young lady once giggled happily when
she posed with a cute one piece dress, and that we should
prepare more of such clothings

Another slam came from the room. It sounded like something


Darkness then said with a quivering voice:

T-these, these, these are all lies! Lies! Dont be fooled!

Eh, he mentioned something more incredible may I repeat

it to you?

S-say it.

I took a deep breath.

He said the young lady accumulates lust within your

matured body over time, even though you are a virgin, but
every night

With tears in her eyes and her cheeks flushed, Darkness

opened the door violently and rushed out.

And locked eyes with me.


Darkness mouth open and shut as she panted, and couldnt

say anything. Her eyes were wide open.

I broke in!
Part 4

I covered her mouth with my hand and pushed her into the

She had yet to recover from her shock and panic, but she still
grabbed my right arm with her hands, and tried to push me
away. However!

With the buff of Aquas support spells, I wont lose so


After whispering that into her ear, I closed and lock the door
with my other hand.

Darkness shivered for some unknown reason when she heard

the click of the door being locked.

To prevent Darkness from making any sound, I covered her

mouth with my right hand and grabbed her right wrist with
my other hand. I checked the situation inside the room

The light wasnt on, she was definitely asleep earlier.

Only the sparse starlight lit her face and mine.

I wanted to talk after suppressing her, but didnt want to

throw her onto the floor directly At this moment, I noticed a
large bed behind her.

I put my strength into the arm that was being grabbed by her
hands, and lifted her up.


Darkness probably never expected that the weak me could

lift her up with one arm.

Maybe Aquas wish to bring Darkness back was really strong,

her support magic was very effective today.

After lifting Darkness up, I used the momentum to push her

down to the bed.

With a gentle pomf, Darkness body sunk into the bed.

I placed my body between Darkness legs to prevent her from

kicking me, and held her down steadily.

Good, now we could talk without any interruptions. Right?

Darkness released her hold onto my arm and laid weakly

onto the bed.

Blinking the tears in her eyes away, her face was beet red.
I could see her blushing face under the faint starlight.

Because I was covering her mouth with my hand, I could feel

her fast breathing coming through my fingers Hmmm!?

Wasnt this situation really bad!?

Hey, resist a little, it would be hard for me to go on if you give

in like this!

With the full support of Aquas buffing spells, I dont think I

would lose to Darkness in strength.

However, there were all sorts of problems if she was

defenceless like this, as if she had given up!

I whispered in the dim room:

Hey, hey Darkness, dont misunderstand! The situation is

weird now, but I dont mean it that way. I just came to talk to
you, dont misunderstand this as a night raid Ah, hey! Dont
close your eyes as if you are resigned to your fate! Stop! The
atmosphere will become weirder! Stop, this is bad, bad in all
sorts of ways!

As for what was bad, that would be me of course.

Even if I told them I was just wanted to talk to Darkness, and

went with the flow because Darkness looked very lewd and I
went for it, I would definitely be hit by their combo of
Explosion and Resurrection until their anger was

With my hand on Darkness mouth, I started trembling.

Hey, hey listen to me! I sneaked in here to ask you what

happened! Look, dont scream when I remove my hands
alright!? I am here to talk to you!

Darkness opened her eyes a little and nodded.


I was more nervous than all the battles I experienced.

Im letting go now, dont scream alright?

After seeing Darkness nod, I let go of her, and got in position

to cover her mouth again if she screams.

Darkness averted her face a little shyly.

Erm Kazuma, can you lie beside me when we talk. If you

ride on top of me and stick so close, its a bit

I turned my face in the opposite direction from Darkness.

Oh, yeah, right. E-Excuse me, I didnt mean to ride you!

And you too, why did you write such a letter
When I let down my guard and wanted to continue the

Thief! I am about to be violated Ugh!

Damn, this bitch was trying to pull a fast one!

I was careless!

It was too late when I covered Darkness mouth again.

Sounds of footsteps came from the corridor.

Someone was heading this way.

Oh no, what should I do!?

Darkness whose mouth was covered while being pressed

down by me had a triumphant and provocative look.

She must be grinning in her heart.

Damn wench!

Is something the matter, young lady!? Pardon me, I am

opening the door now!

After saying that, the lock creaked open!

Shit, Darkness cocky victorious expression made me want to
beat her up.

But, dont think Im done here!

Dont open the door! My appearance is indecent right now!

Sorry, I was too excited with my intense play just now, and
yelled by accident!

Darkness opened her eyes wide when she heard me.

Thats right, I was speaking in Darkness voice.

Is that so However, this humble one has yet to confirm the

young ladys safety And playing games in the middle of the
night is a little

The servants were doubting me.

That was natural, Darkness might be saying that because an

intruder was threatening her.

Intense play means the type of games that adults play

alone, dont make it say it, its embarrassing.

Young lady!?

Baffled voices came from outside the room.

At the same time, Darkness held onto my right wrist with
both hands.

What, you might be saying that you want to confirm my

safety, but in actual fact, you just want to see my indecent
appearance right, you pervert ahhh!

Darkness glared at me fiercely with tears in her eyes. She

strengthened her grip, as if she wanted to break my right

When they heard me scream from the pain, the people

outside panicked.

What, what is the matter!?

I endured the pain from my right arm being twisted and said:

N-Nothing! I just forgot to turn the indecent magic toy off

ahhhhh! Ahhh, it, its breaking! I am turning strange! I cant
hold it in anymore! I am really going to break!

P-Pardon me! I-I will leave at once!!

The sound of footsteps running away could be heard.

There seemed to be a lot of people who came after hearing

the commotion. But they had scattered after hearing what
Enduring the pain in my arm, I smiled deviously at the tearing
Darkness who was trembling all over.
Part 5

Darkness poked at my hand that was covering her mouth.

She was probably signalling that she wouldnt scream


I let my hand go and Darkness sighed.

I looked at my hand that was grabbed by Darkness, and a

dark purple hand shaped mark appeared on it.

If Aqua didnt buff my defence with magic, it would probably

be broken.

Darkness said with resignation:

Seriously, you actually went that far. The servants are

going to address me as the perverted young lady in secret
now Ughhh!?

Darkness suddenly quivered.

You must be thinking that isnt too bad.

No I didnt.
Yes you did.

Even in such a situation, this fellow was still

Hey, what in the world happened? Why did you leave the
party, the rest are worried about you too. At least explain the
situation, we are

Comrades right? Before I even said that, I felt embarrassed

for saying such a line.

Some things cant be said because you all are my important

companions Well, its nothing serious, just some problems
in my home. Actually, my House owed money to that
landlord, and father said he will pay it back by instalments
But my fathers health is ailing recently and that landlord
came to rush for the payment, making things difficult and
questioning if my father can repay the debt within his
lifetime I heard that the debt would be forgiven if I marry
him. Its that simple.

What the hell.

Your House owed that much money? Isnt your dad a grand
noble in this nation, wouldnt the king help him out? And

I stopped mid way.

This seemed like

Thats right, its coercion through loaning us money
However, this is the norm for nobles. A daughter from a noble
family marrying another noble thats all it is.

Darkness said easily as if she wasnt involved.

She continued after seeing my face.

Dont make such an expression, Kazuma. You know my taste

in men right? That landlord seemed really eager to make me
his. That lusty pig like landlord wont even wait for the
wedding night before rushing into my room and push me
down. Hehe, he will probably ravage me for days and nights
without anything to eat or drink, how exhilarating!

She laughed casually after saying all these jokingly, as if she

was trying to hide something.

If that was so, why do you look so sad?

Thats why you wanted to defeat the Hydra with just the few
of us Erm, sorry for getting so many people to join in, the
path to hell is paved with good intentions How much did
you owe, I will pay for it

Dont put it that way, Kazuma. I am a noble. My duty is to

protect the people. Rather than using the hard earned money
of the citizens to pay my debt, I would rather sell my body
And your assets wont be enough to clear the debt.
She cut me off and looked at me straight in the eye.

At this moment, I finally had the chance to look at Darkness

properly under the starlit sky.

Her pure and strong eyes stared right at me.

Her hair spewed on the bed like golden threats, reflecting the
starlight faintly.

She struggled with her mouth covered moments ago, so she

was still panting with sweat on her cheeks.

With each deep breath, her chest covered by her thin

negligee undulated, giving off a strong sense of presence.

And when she struggled with me earlier, Darkness negligee

had slid off her shoulders and flipped up her skirt. Darkness
whose whole body was emitting heat turned a light shade of
I started chanting spells that could clear my head.

Old lady who is lying half naked in the living room

The panties of the grandma filled with unknown


Dusts butt inside a red lace underwear!

May my heart be as still as water!!

The spell worked and my heart was absolutely serene.

Good, no problem, I could definitely tide over this.

Darkness who was looking straight at me from below smiled

gently, and said to me after I regained my composure.

Instead of giving my precious virginity to the landlord

Hey, Kazuma, how about becoming adults together?

The spell I casted was suddenly ineffective.

Calm down Satou Kazuma, think it through.

Darkness only said that because her mind was set on

She had given up, and thought she wont meet us ever again.

But how could I let this happen!?

Thats right, I wont give Darkness to that fellow so easily,

and I will definitely stop this.

In that case, it would be awkward if we did it here.

Becoming lovers with Darkness?

Wrong! Satou Kazuma, why did you come here in the first

While I was trying to convince myself, Darkness gripped my

right hand gently.

And pulled it towards her body!

She probably didnt have the courage to let me caress her

breasts right away, so Darkness simply grabbed my hand, not
knowing where to place it.

Seeing her uneasy expression, I considered it for two

Screw the consequences and enjoy the moment.

I place my right hand that was grabbed and placed it on her


Darkness shivered intensely.

And gently closed her eyes.

I thought about saying something romantic as I caressed

Darkness white skin on her stomach

Your abs are getting really defined.

Part 6

Under the shine of the only light source, which was the
starlight, Darkness and I faced off against each other in the
middle of the room.

Before me was Darkness who lost all her earlier lewdness,

her fists tightly clenched with bloodshot eyes, ready to

I was wrong! I admit I was wrong okay!? It was a slip of the

tongue! Sorry, I couldnt help it!

There are times when I blow my top too! Damn it, how dare
you toy with a woman who is offering her body, you will pay
for this! I will cut you into pieces!

Young lady, please dont use crude terms like cut you into
pieces! What, so you like me, is that it? Then just say it

Who would like a dumbass like you! I am raging so hard

right now! And dont call me young lady!

Darkness yelled as she pounced at me.

With my speed enhanced by buff spells, I dodged easily.

The sound of footsteps came from the corridor once again,
someone was charging this way.

Hehe, what now, Kazuma? My servants are here! You are

done for if they find you. You broke into the bedroom of a
young lady, you will lose your head without my help! If you
prostrate before me now, I might just forgive you!

She probably became madder because of my nimble

dodging, which made Darkness look more furious than ever.

In the end, a whole crowd of people gathered outside and the

door was banged heavily.

Young lady! We are opening the door now, young lady!

When she heard their voice, Darkness opened her arms wide
and jumped in an attempt to catch me.

I could dodge this easily under normal conditions, and now

that I have Aquas buffing spell, it was a walk in the park.

I suffered a lot of hardships to get here, not to mention how

worried I was all this while.

How could I back down now?

Bring it on! Erosader whose only strong points are your

erotic body, stamina and arm strength! It is time to see you
cry a river after losing to the weakest job! Have a taste of the
real power I showed in the capital!

I answered using Darkness voice and took on Darkness who

pounced on me, pushing against each other with our hands.

D-dont mimic my voice!

Y-young lady!? What are you playing at!?

Confused voice came from behind the door.

They must be baffled since Darkness and I spoke with the

same voice.

The door then opened with a creek.

I turned my face towards the door!

Dont open the door~ Lalatina is naked right now! I will be


Huh!? P-pardon me!

My voice acting made the door opening sound stop.

Using this chance, I used Drain Touch to siphon Darkness

But Darkness stamina was on a totally different level from
the capitals knights, and was unmoved by Drain Touch.

Grabbing onto me forcefully, Darkness said with a blushing


Dont say that with my voice! Hey, come in quick! Its an

intruder who can mimic my voice with magic!

Ah, okay, right away!

The sound of the lock opening started again.

Damn it!

Hahahaha! Its my win, Kazuma! After so many battles with

you, I am satisfied that we can finally resolve this!

Darkness said cockily as she endured my Drain Touch.

She even said final, how can I lose now!?

I relaxed my strength, and Darkness who was leaning forward

while saying her victorious lines lost her balance.

Using this chance, I pulled my left hand from her and put it
on Darkness back.

I shout with my original voice:



Darkness yelped when the ice attack hit her back, and

When Darkness fell onto her knees with her face flushed and
body quivering, I pulled my right hand out.

Young lady!

I faced the door that opened with a bang and raised my right

Create Earth!

This was the ever effective beginner spell that blinds people.

When she saw the dirt on my hand, Darkness realized my

intentions and warned

Everyone, cover your!

Eyes Before she could finish

Wind Breath!
I casted my spell!
Part 7

I am Kazuma.

An adventurer from Japan.

My dream was to live a carefree and willful life without any

want for money.

With such a simple dream and living a simple life, I

Found him yet!? Hes not in the shadows here! That guy has
the Hide skill, dont overlook places that seem empty
either! Dont let him escape! With the name of House
Dustiness on the line, I want that fellow captured and brought
before me!

Yes, young lady! x3

I am thinking about how to hide from the pursuit of the

furious Darkness.

Kazuma! Where are you!? If you come out now, I will forgive
you after punching you at full force ten times! But if you get
caught by me, I wont let you off so simply!

The raging Darkness roared behind my hiding place.

While listening to the cries, I crouched and sneaked through
the corridor.

Darkness was completely lost in her fury right now.

I wont be able to talk to her like this, so I will withdraw for


Or rather, I might really be murdered by Darkness if she

catches me. She knew Aqua could cast Resurrection after

In order to escape from the mansion, I tried breaking into a

room nearby.

Luckily, the door wasnt locked.

Alright, I just need to get out through the window.

I approached the window while thinking that

I suddenly heard a faint voice from the middle of the room,

where the bed was.

Is someone there?

It was Darkness dad.

Even though the room was dark, his thin and pale face was
obvious to me.

Ahhh, its you What are you doing here in the middle of
the nightI see, my daughter has a bunch of good

Darkness dad said with a weak smile.

He seemed to have guessed my goal after seeing me here at

this hour.

As expected of the noble known as the treasure sword of the


However, he didnt have the same vigour as the first time I

met him.

The father that was so energetic then was now smiling so


Just what kind of illness could ravage a man in such a short


The sound of people running echoed from the corridor.

Old man, sorry for visiting you when you are not feeling well,
but your daughter is raging in the house right now. Can you
calm her down?
When he heard that, the uncle smiled happily in his blanket.

Is that so. My daughter that was so depressed recently

actually got that angry.

Old man, this was no laughing matter.

Oh right.

Old man, I heard you owe that landlord old man some
money, but I dont think someone like you would borrow from
him. Also, this doesnt look like a House that is troubled over
money. Why are you troubled over debts then?

I expressed my doubts.

It wasnt appropriate to ask this with him being ill, but

Darkness wouldnt tell me the details, so this was the only

Yes, Kazuma-kun, you are really bright. I will leave my

daughter to you. Sorry, but can you elope with her?

What was this person trying to say?

I was asking about the debts, so why did he talk about


No, I refuse, no freaking way. Also, your daughter is chasing

me all the house, out for my blood right now. Allow me to be
frank, your daughter is really refined.

Haha, you are right, she is a virtuous and gentle girl. Pure,
shy, and hates to trouble others.

I wanted to retort who the hell is that!, but decided to hold

my peace.

He accepted my sarcasm straight and started praising his


I dont know what disease it was, but it probably got into his

Uncle might be feeling weak, but he still looked at me

straight with unwavering eyes.

Please dont mind the details. My daughter only owed

money because of her own actions Dont worry, once you
elope with my daughter, I can sell the house. I will get a large
sum then. I am thinking of some other way to wipe away the
debt too.

Wipe away the debt in other words, an unjustifiable debt?

Anyways, this competent father would definitely think of

some way.

However, my daughter wanted to settle the problem through

marriage. I am willing to give anything to stop her Kazuma-
kun. From the eyes of this father, my daughter really likes
you. I might be shamelessly promoting her but she is really
a good woman How about it, would you take her hand?

You ask me how about it? Your daughter just said she
wanted to turn me into mince meat

On top of that, the important thing was

Thats right, old man, just where does it hurts? I have a

good Eh, an arch priest that is only good in magic in my
team, she could even use resurrection. I dont know where it
hurts for you, but if I bring her here, there should be a way to

In an exceptional case like this, that useless bum would be of


But he merely smiled when he heard me.

No, its futile. Healing magic cant heal me either. And

resurrection wont work if I die from sickness. That would be a
way for life to end naturally. Those who die a natural death
cant be waken from the miracle of the gods. No matter the
cause of death, those whose time has come should return to
the heavens, which is something we should be happy for
So, dont make such a sad face.

It seemed my expression was shown on my face without me

realizing it.
Can you let the arch priest in my party to diagnose your
illness? For uncle to fall sick at such a time is a bit

Like I have been poisoned by the landlord, right?

Uncle said what I was thinking out loud.

Thats right.

From how obsessed that landlord was over Darkness, he

probably would do anything to get his hands on her.


I already investigated. No, this is the first possibility I

checked. But I wasnt poisoned.

Thats true, Darkness dad was a competent noble.

He was definitely more thorough in his investigation than me.

Havent found him!? Still havent found him yet!? Come out
Kazuma! And explain to the househelp how you mimicked my
voice, and undo the misunderstanding!

Darkness voice came from the corridor.

Uncle smiled wryly.

Hey I leave my daughter to you.

T-this was bad

Cant you discuss this with the king or someone about this?
Uncle is a grand noble in this kingdom right? If the debts
were forced onto you by the landlord through unscrupulous

Closing his eyes, he shook his head slowly.

Even if I did so, my daughter will still marry. She is really

stubborn, I wonder who she learned that from. Even if I asked
the king for help, she would say dont use the tax money of
the people on something like this and sacrifice herself
Sigh, why is my daughter so witless.

Thats right.

Absolutely right.

As her father, you should do something about your

daughters stubbornness At that moment, the door opened
with a bang.

Outside the room. the panting Darkness stared at me with

wrath in her eyes.
Hehehe So you are here, Kazuma, hahaha! Lets see how
you will

Hey, there is a sick person here, dont make a din opening

the door. Calm down, I only came as a representative for
everyone who is worried about you!

The angry Darkness ignored my explanation.

Shut up! To think you can shatter the reputation of the

target you are worried about in such a short time! This is a
matter between nobles, a commoner like you shouldnt
interfere, going back to the mansion and farming some
strange crops should be enough for you!

This woman!

Forget about the debt! Lets run away together! And start
over in a new place! You should know that if I return empty
handed, those two will! Especially Megumin, she will do
something reckless! Like blowing away the venue of your
wedding or something!

Do it if youve got the guts! I will definitely have you

arrested as the mastermind! If you dont want to go to jail,
rein them in! I wont run! Even if I do, someone else would be
implicated! And first of all

Darkness charged me as she said that.

So she wanted to conclude the last match before her


Oh no, I will die!

I turned and sprint for the window.

You witless stubborn woman! Enough, do what you want! I

wont care no matter how much you cry after this!

After spitting out this line, I flew towards the window with a
flying kick!

If you want my help, you can apologize to me anytime! Say

I am sorry for making everyone worry, I need Kazuma-
samas help Uwah!

The glass on the window was harder than I imagined. I didnt

break the glass with my kick, and my entire body crashed
into the window.

Instead of a kick, the window was smashed open with my

body slam, and I fell out of the window with the shattered
windows onto the ground.

Even though it was just the second floor, without anything to

break my fall, I rolled on the ground in pain.

Darkness came to the window and looked down at me

A-Are you alright, Kazuma-sama!? If you say Sorry
Darkness-sama, please save me, I wouldnt mind helping you
with first aid!

Her shoulders were shaking as she said while holding back

her laughter.

Pushing my painstruck body, I climbed over the iron fence to

flee from the guards that came running because of the

D-damn it Darkness! I will not help you even if you come

to me crying! Dont fucking come here! Create Water!

After cursing out at Darkness who was watching me

excitedly, I casted my spells on the guard chasing me and
escaped back to the mansion.
Part 8

Uguuuu! Aqua! Aqua!! Heal me! Heal me quick!!

After making it home, I walked towards Aqua who was dozing

off on the couch in the living room, with an egg in her arms.

Darkness probably thought it would be awkward to meet

Aqua and Megumin, so she didnt pursue me.

Hmm? Hey, what happened to you Kazuma, you are

wounded all over! Did you see Darkness? Why are you hurt
so badly? Did you say something dumb again?

Aqua asked nonstop as she healed me with her spell.

And why did you seem so happy to see me wounded all over?

Hearing our commotion, Megumin who was sleeping on the

same couch woke.

Kazuma, you are finally back. What happened? Did you

shoot your mouth off again? Did you convince Darkness?

Now I know how these two sees me.

Despite Aqua healing my wounds, I still felt upset.

Unable to expel that feeling in my heart, I headed to my room
on the second floor alone.

Dont interfere with that girl anymore! Leave her be! Unless
she comes crying for help, leave her alone! I dont want to
suffer anymore, so take care of the rest!

Aqua and Megumin looked at each other when I showed my

attitude of resignation.

Eh Darkness even promised to build a small pet house

after this child hatches

Aqua lowered her gaze disappointedly with the egg in her


As for Megumin

Kazuma, I dont know what happened, but now is not the

time to throw tantrums! And why must Darkness marry

She asked while facing my back that was walking up the


I stopped.

She owed money! Her family owed a big sum of money to

the landlord! I heard the debt will be forgiven if she marries
the landlord!

Ugh Debt huh. I dont know how much she borrowed, but I
just sent money back home and dont have much on me

Megumin said as she flipped through her purse that was full
of shopping point cards and coupons, and sighed.

It cant be helped, if she really needs money, I will break my

tiger shaped piggy bank then.

Aqua proposed a useless idea with an egg in her arms.

The sum was unknown, but it was big enough that a grand
noble like Darkness had to sell herself off.

Megumin and Aquas spare change would just be a drop in

the ocean.

With my back towards them, I headed to my room.

She already made up her mind! Just let her be! Unless she
comes to me crying and apologize, I will not do anything
about it!

Megumin shouted at me.

Kazuma, is this the time to vent your anger!? Darkness is

going to be married off! Are you fine with that!?
Tell that to that stubborn girl instead!
Chapter 5 - Gifting This Bride With Blessing!

Part 1

The town was buzzing these past few days.

The landlord who was infamous for being a miser seemed to

have spent a lot of money to announce his wedding, building
a festive mood.

He seemed to be sealing the all the retreat routes so

Darkness couldnt change her mind.

The date of the wedding was set and announced.

The landlord probably couldnt wait, setting the date of the

ceremony one week later without any regards for anything

He must be anxiously waiting for his wedding day with

Darkness to come.

Kazuma. I already asked plenty of times, but is this okay?

Really okay? Really really okay?

Megumin pressed me as I kept making all sorts of prototypes.

I mixed the sap of a plant named tar plant together with the
digestive fluid of slimes, working hard on developing a new

By combining the two, I could create a half dried vinyl


I worked nonstop.

Ive already said many times, I cant do anything if shes so

stubborn about it. Theres still a week left, if she comes to me
crying, Ill think of something. If not, I wont worry about it.

After saying that, I blew air into the small vinyl droplet.

The process wasnt easy.

Surely, there may be another method to mass-produce this

more easily, but since now Im in the stage of making a trial
product Ill just bear with it.

Aqua who was sitting at the side didnt pay any attention to
Megumin and me bantering, singing her song as she cradled
her egg on the couch.

It was annoying, but letting her be was better than her

interfering with my prototypes.

But for some reason, I was a bit mad that her singing was
quite good.
Megumin picked up the prototype I was making.

Stop fooling around, you should think about it more

seriously! I wont acknowledge this! If you are just going to sit
idly by, I have my own plans too!

Megumin then gripped the prototype she took from me


Hey, dont cause any trouble alright? If you go too far with
your stupid plans, it will trouble Darkness. Darkness asked
me to rein you and Aqua in Alright, give that back. Ive
spent a lot of time since this morning to make it.

Coaxing the angry Megumin, I reached out my hand,

prompting her to return that thing to me.

What is this?

Megumin fiddled with that thing as she observed it.

Im creating something known as bubble wrap from my

country. It feels different because of the material and the way
it is made, I still think it is workable.

Megumin listened to my explanation carefully.

What is it used for?

She asked moodily.

It is meant to be popped. By popping it one at a time, your

heart will become peaceful.

Thats it?

Thats it.

Megumin squeezed the bubble wrap I spent a long time

making like a broken rag.


What the hell!?

I screamed when I saw Megumin popping the entire bubble

wrap in one go with a yell.

She exhaled with satisfaction, smoothed out the ball of

bubble wrap and returned it to me.

This does help one to calm down. I feel a little better.

Megumin left briskly as I knelt onto the ground weakly.

T-the thing I spent so much time making was!

Aqua who ignored our interaction sang:

Thats the way the money goes. Pop, goes the weasel
<TL: Supposed to be japanese nursery rhymths.>

Shut up!

Even my outburst felt annoying.

Damn it!

Why did I vent this out on Aqua, why was I so irritable!

Part 2

Six days left before Darkness wedding ceremony.

Excuse me, is there a Satou Kazuma-sama here?

I was shutting myself in when a middle aged butler visited.

Who is it? Wait, Ive met you before.

Thats right, I recall that he was a butler serving in House


Its been a while, I am the head butler of House Dustiness,

Hagen. I have something to discuss with Kazuma-sama

Looking for me?

Could it be, Darkness finally got off her high horse and was
seeking help from me?

Contrary to my faint expectation, the butler named Hagen

lowered his head.

Actually, we have been receiving mail like this every day.

He said as he handed a letter to me.

I opened and browse through it

I am very sorry! I will teach that dumb broad a lesson!

No, its fine. Its just that it would be bad if such letters are
sent to the house of the landlord, thats why I am here before
it escalates that far.

I crumpled the letter and bowed my head deeply at Hagen.

After seeing off Hagen who left after performing his task, I
looked at the crumpled letter again.

A notice to the Dustiness House. According to reliable

sources, a boss of the Demon Kings Army might perform a
terrorist attack on the Church of Eris in Axel. The day of the
attack is the day of the ceremony. If you do not stop the
wedding, the Church will be blown away by explosion magic.
Please take this warning seriously From a certain earnest

Megumin! I have something to tell you, open the door!

With the threatening letter in hand, I roared at Megumins


Four days before the wedding.

Alright, next! A Rookie Killer bigger than the bag itself will
come out of it!

Are you trying to die by releasing that thing!? What the hell
are you doing, get over here!

Right in front of Darkness house, I grabbed Aqua who was

doing a strange performance in front of a huge crowd.

Hey, what are you doing Kazuma, let go! I even submitted a
request to capture a Rookie Killer just for this okay? That
aside, look at all these people!! All of them are here to watch
my performance.

Thats why they asked me to come here, dont cause trouble

by doing this in front of other peoples homes, stop it! Why
are you even doing this!?

Aqua was cheered on by a massive turnout, and donations

came flying from everywhere.

Ah, please dont tip me, I am not a busker, I dont take

donations Kazuma, this is a plan to lure Darkness out of the

Aqua rejected the donations honestly as she whispered into

my ear.

This girl, could it be

You are performing here in order to attract Darkness

Thats it! Think about it, dont you know about the story of
the sun goddess cave? A certain goddess threw a tantrum
and became a hikkikomori, but she was lured by the singing
and dancing of a party, got tricked, and dragged out.

I heard about that before, but do all the gods in this world
like parties? Not all goddesses are like you.

Aqua ignored my retort and faced towards Darkness house.

I noticed that the curtain in that room has been shaking

from just now. It must be the curious Darkness who is
peeking. Hey~! Darkness, can you hear me!? Come on out~!
Quick, you will regret it if you dont come and see! You can
get to see my secret technique now! Ah, hey Kazuma,
what are you doing, unhand me!

Like I said, they came to me to complain, so stop performing

in front of their house! Alright, time to go!

Dont wanna! If Darkness doesnt come out, I will perform

here every day!! Go away if you are here to hinder me! Go
on, shoo!!

By the time I dragged the unnaturally stubborn Aqua home,

the sun had already set.

Two days before the wedding.

Im home

Welcome back. Dont do anything stupid again.

Megumin who just came home stood listlessly at the door.

Disregarding my advice, she sent a threatening letter to the

landlords home in the end, and was detained until today.

Thanks to the people from Darkness House, I was given an

exceptional release

You wanted to help Darkness, but were saved by her

instead. I know how you feel, but dont be reckless now. Both
you and Aqua are doing nothing but trouble alright?

I nagged at Megumin while developing new merchandise

today too.

By the way, Aqua ran off to Darkness home today as well.

Recently, stalls had sprung up around Darkness home,

turning into a tiny attraction.

As expected, Aqua and I couldnt achieve much. Kazuma, its

about time you helped us interfere with the wedding, right?

Megumin wobbled to the couch and collapsed onto it, saying

these kind of things again tiredly.

Ill go if Darkness asks for my help.

When she heard that, Megumin jumped up.

You inhumane bastard! Although you are known as

Scumzuma and Trashzuma in town, I still thought that you are
someone who wouldnt leave your friends in a ditch, and
would help when it is time to do so!

She started her verbal attack on me as I meddled with my

new product.

Hey, can you tell me the names of the ones calling me by

those names? It is about time I settle things with them.

Megumin sunk into the couch once again.

At a time like this, the person I like would say it cant be

helped in an irritated tone, and would come up with a plan.
Thats the kind of man he is. He shouldnt be someone who
keeps throwing tantrums.

D-dont think Ill help you just by hinting that you like me
okay? I wont be fooled so easily.

To conceal my surprise at the sudden confession, I pointed at

the product I was making to soothe her.
Dont be so mad, give this a try. This thing here is a
punching bag, used to vent ones stress. Its made with real
leather alright? The only material that could be used is real
leather though.

To calm Megumin down, I pointed to the standing punching

bag filled with sand and covered with real leather.

Megumin was intrigued when she heard the word vent.

How do you use this?

Simple. Just attack it. Punching or kicking will work. Ahh, let
me be clear, spells are prohibited. I think you should know
this common sense.

After finishing my work, I joked as I walked towards the

kitchen to make some tea and rest

Take this ahhh!


When I heard Megumins warcry, I had an ominous feeling

and looked back.

Hee I feel a little bit battled. Excuse me, please make

another one.
Why did you use a knife!! Didnt I tell you to punch or kick

With my utility knife in her hand, Megumin stood at the side

with a satisfied look. As for the punching bag, it turned into
trash now.
Part 3

I kept developing new merchandise nonstop, as if I was

protesting the days without Darkness.

And the day was finally here.

Today was Darkness wedding day.

In the end, she didnt come to us for help.

Lets go Kazuma! We will destroy the ceremony! Hehehe,

a spell accidentally flies over and blow up the church, or a
spell accidentally making the landlords mansion explode,
such things are quite common.

Hey, dont do that. Not just debts, you really will become a

In order to discuss things with Vanir, I was busy arranging the

products I made on the table of the living room.

My time spent crafting all sorts of item was also coming to an


I couldnt think of any more ideas.

All sorts of design plans and efficient production methods.

I didnt really understand the details of farming, but I wrote

down the basic knowledge I knew as a Japanese without

Darkness wedding ceremony seemed to be scheduled for

this afternoon, but I had no intention of attending.

Since she didnt ask for aid, it wasnt appropriate for me to

barge in.

I was acting out of spite meaninglessly.

I knew that, but

Megumin looked at me with a vexed expression, gripping her

staff tightly as she said:

The person I like isnt someone who would keep wallowing in

depression! Kazuma! Are you fine with Darkness marrying the
landlord!? Are you fine with the landlord doing whatever he
wants with Darkness!?

It! Is! Not! Fine!

I yell at Megumin in response.

Megumin was shocked by my outburst and backed away,

stopping her movement.

It is not fine, I dont like that guy getting Darkness either!

Hes ugly and has a bad reputation! You should know that!
That old man got his hands on cute girls and good women
through unscrupulous means, then chased them away with a
token breakup fee after he had enough! Worst of all, despite
his insidious behaviour, the decisive evidence is always
missing for some reason!

Megumin lowered her head quietly when she heard what I


Sorry. So you investigated the person Darkness is going to


I tried finding out about him, and that landlord was worse
than I imagined.

Even an amateur like me found out all sorts of things.

Taking bribes and extorting others.

However, the key factor was the lack of evidence.

The women who were victimized refused to talk about it, and
the lack of proof meant the kingdom couldnt do anything
about that old man.

I heard that Darkness dad was posted here to monitor the

landlord in order to dig up decisive evidence.

Megumin held her staff tightly.

That means we cant just ignore this right? Kazuma, cant

you think of any underhanded plan? Like you did for the
hapless party before, think of something?

Underhanded plan huh, just in what light does she sees


But I couldnt do anything this time. First of all, Darkness

didnt tell me how much she owed, so I have no idea at all.
Next, even if I raised the money, I cant convince Darkness.
That stubborn girl wont be willing to accept the money. And

Megumin was confused.


This is a wedding ceremony between nobles. The security is

tight, so we cant go near it Or rather, that is the reason
why I have been waiting for Darkness to ask for my help. As
for Darkness house, they strengthened their security after I
broke in last time, so I cant get in again.

I wasnt bothered by this until now, but I can feel the

difference in status right now.
I didnt want the dumbfounded Megumin to continue staring
at my expression, and averted my face.

My back was probably giving off the sorrow of a man who had
been robbed of someone he likes.

Darkness father fell sick, so we will be rejected even if we

seek an audience with him I dont have any ties with nobles
that would allow me to enter the venue where the ceremony
would take place Im just a commoner after all.

I thought about using the relationship I fostered in the

capital, but even if I ask Iris, she wouldnt be able to do
anything if both parties were willing to marry.

Our statuses were different after all.

Also, it was a miracle that we could adventure together with

Darkness for so long despite coming from completely
different worlds.

After I made these excuses

I understand. I know that Kazuma investigated the groom

and did what you can. That is enough for me.

Megumin sneaked a peek at my listless expression and

showed a relieved smile for some reason.

I will think about it seriously and take a path I wont regret.

Kazuma, please think it through carefully too, and take a path
you wont regret

Megumin probably ate something weird and was acting

strange. She used a sincere voice unlike her usual self, and
was like a real wise Mage in her tone.

I was speechless as Megumin went out briskly.

Should I stop her?

No, I couldnt do that anymore.

After seeing Megumin off, I stood alone in the vast mansion.

It was rare for Aqua to have guests.

Right now, she was talking to the guest in her room on the
second floor.

It seemed that she received a sudden job request, but I

wasnt in the mood to help Aqua today.

Everyone who didnt have much to do would gather in the

living room and spend our time lazily.

Staying here alone really made this house seem so big and
It couldnt be helped.

Adventuring together with a noble lady was something I

would never imagine when I was still in Japan.

Life wouldnt be so smooth, thats how reality was right now.

I sat down on the couch and sighed deeply.

The door suddenly opened with a bang, destroying this

melancholic mood.

The one who appeared was

Thank thee for thy patronage! Forget about the unreliable

goddess, the devil who can see through everything is here to
help thou. Weep tears of joy for moi visit, and cheer as much
as thee wish. Come, let moi see the various knowledge
possessed by thou!
Part 4

Hey, bring the beautiful shop owner over here! Change,

change! Why must I discuss business with you when I am
feeling down!? I want the beautiful shop owner! Wiz! Give me

I sat down opposite Vanir in the living room while I was saying

Right now, she is busy tending the shop while crying, saying
that she wants to sleep longer. Unexpectedly this had the
effect of the owner who is crying as she works is so cute and
She will cry tears of joy if the merchandise sells well! Buy
buy buy!, which made moi extremely happy. Also, it is
impossible for that debt creation machine to negotiate
business with others. Yesterday, moi was feeling charitable
and gave her a short break, but I only took moi eyes off her
for a moment and she brought in these pendants, saying that
she wants to sell them to adventurer couples.

What kind of pendants?

These are pendants that will explode by burning the last

shred of the persons life who is on the verge of dying. The
underlying principle is sacrificing your life to protect the ones
you most cherish at the final moment Isnt that romantic,
she kept going hyaa, hyaa excitedly. However, this thing is
too powerful, not just the enemy, even the person you are
protecting will be blown away. It really makes moi doubt the
owners business sense. Thou want one?
I-I will pass That aside, what do you mean about helping

Vanir didnt answer my question.

Leave that aside for now. Bring out the goods first. Moi will
use my eyes to see through the appropriate price However,
moi have already prepared the money that will satisfy thee.

He said while tapping his small black bag.

The devil who could see through everything was really


That might be so, but I might still haggle with you. This is
the compilation of all the knowledge I have. It should be
obvious that I have no intention of selling it cheap.

If I couldnt save Darkness, there was no meaning in selling


Vanir said in a tone as if he had seen through everything.

The man who wants to rescue the armour girl very much but
is afraid of being rejected. The devil Vanir who can see
through everything announce this here. Thou will relinquish
all thy intellectual property rights in exchange for what is
inside this bag.
The devil who can see through everything is really

Vanir stuff all the design plans, prototypes and intellectual

property rights certificate I handed to him into his huge bag
without even checking them.

There was no need to do so for him.

By the way, I didnt say I would sell them yet

Because he is a devil who can see through everything?

Hey Vanir, you know everything right?

I pretended to be chatting casually as I asked Vanir who was

stuffing the documents into his bag.

Vanir didnt even look at me as he kept stuffing his bag and


Hmm. Not everything, but moi can see through most of it.
For example, moi knows what thou art going to ask next. Why
did the armour girl you care so much about owed a huge debt
to the landlord. Is there any way to save her. Why isnt there
any evidence despite all the landlords wrongdoings.

I gulped.
Hey, even though you are a devil

Even though moi art a devil, why art moi aiding you without
anything to gain? Is moi plotting something Of course there
is. Moi art a devil after all. For example, in order to buy the
valuable intellectual property thou art keeping on hand for
emergencies at a bargain,

Vanir not moving his hands and smiled at me.

Tch, this bastard.

You cant do anything if I dont sell it. Instead of that, if you

know something that I want, then just tell me.

Alright alright. Well then, moi will reveal the truth to thee!
For example, what type and colour the shop owner is wearing
today! Hahaha, just kidding Hmm? The delicious negative
emotions didnt flow out.

Please tell me about that later.

O-Okay Well then, I will tell thou the things thee really
want to know. The armour girl is in debt because

Sacred Exorcism!

Aquas voice suddenly cut Vanir off.

At the same time, Vanir was surrounded by a pillar of light.

After the light disappeared, only Vanirs mask was left

spinning on the ground with clanking sound.

Hey Vanir! Youre an arch devil right!? It is fine, you wont

die because of an attack from the goddess of toilets right!?
Wake up!

What!? I take my eyes off you for just a moment and

Kazuma gets brainwashed by a devil!? Hey, why are you
helping the devil!? And I am the goddess of water!

She probably saw Vanir when she was walking down the
stairs and threw her spell at him.

Aqua kept her pose after casting her spell while she was
shouting all that.

This bitch always does unnecessary things during crucial


A familiar middle aged man was behind Aqua.

He was House Dustiness butler who came to complain every

day recently.

I didnt know what kind of job request he had for Aqua, but he
was surprised by the situation before him.
Right before my eyes, Vanirs body started growing from
beneath the mask.

How convenient for him to have a set of clothes on him

whenever he resurrects No, his clothes were destroyed by
Aqua in the first place because they were a part of his body.

Hahaha, thou actually use sneak attacks just like a devil,

delinquent goddess! Look, moi cool mask is cracked!

No~ isnt comparing devils to pests okay~!? Will you give

pests a heads up before exterminating them, and say I am
going to kill you, so Im very sorry? Isnt that dumb? Dont
make me laugh.

The two glared at each other and a dangerous atmosphere

arose. I stopped the two of them in a panic.

Hey you two, pick another day to fight. Aqua, I want to hear
what Vanir has to say, dont get in the way!

After hearing what I said, Aqua reluctantly backed off.

Hagen who was behind Aqua could sense the dangerous air
in the room.

E-Erm I dont know what the fuss is about Arch priest-

sama, the ceremony will begin at noon, we will be in your
care. Well then, I will excuse myself
He then crouched and walked briskly between Aqua and
Vanir, walking out of the door in a rush.

I was curious about why he was here, but Vanirs matter was
more important right now.

The corner of Vanirs lips rose as if he was boasting his

victory to Aqua.

Hahaha, useless goddess who wasnt of any help for the

incident this time, bite vexingly at thy handkerchief as thee
watch the grace and utility of moi!

This devil was unexpectedly childish, and even stuck his

tongue out to Aqua to taunt her.

Aquas brow slowly rose up. We couldnt talk like this, so

please hold back.

She cradled her precious egg and sat on the couch, between
me and Vanir.

She was probably intending to listen in too. Sitting with her

arms around her knees, she glared at Vanir from so close
their nose was almost touching.

It is hard to talk like this The sad man who cant even
depend on her even though a goddess is by his side. Thou
want to know why the armour girl is in debt? It all began with
the subjugation of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer.
Vanir said in a casual tone as if he was just chatting.

What did he just say?

Hey, explain it clearly.

Vanir laughed when he heard what I said.

He didnt dally and continued:

There isnt much details to speak of. Like other cities in the
past, the landlord will lose their territory after the Destroyer
rampaged through it. The citizens will lose their homes and
the nobles will bear the responsibility, everyone will be
uprooted from their lives. This might be a relatively better
ending for the wandering adventurers. However, this city
wasnt ravaged.

Wasnt that a good thing?

Vanir probably saw through what I was thinking and laughed

once again.

The town is saved. The people whose livelihood is in the

town was spared. Its the same for the citizens too And the
Destroyer was defeated at the city gates. At the same time,
the flood control facilities, granaries and all sorts of
structures were destroyed.

I knew that did happen.

However, wasnt the damage already minimized?

Because the granaries are destroyed, the crop workers lost

their jobs and fortune. It wasnt easy to rebuild the granaries.
And so, these people sought help from the landlord.

I already have a bad feeling about this and frowned.

Thats right, it is just as thou think! That landlord said to the

people seeking his help: Just making out with your life is
already a blessing, dont ask for more. If you want to
complain, tell that to the adventurers who failed to protect
the granaries. Look, the adventurers received a huge amount
of reward and have money to spare. Why not make them
compensate with their bounty?

The evil landlord was making my face pale.

Yes. Except for the irresponsible landlord, no one is to

blame. The adventurers already performed above
expectation. There wasnt any doubt with that. However, the
refugees lost their homes, and their feelings were
understandable. Even if thou tell them this is just like a
natural disaster, so give up, that wont change their view.

Vanir had a smile that befits that of a devil.

He then casually said something I couldnt ignore.

The people who were rejected by the landlord went crying

towards someone. Thats right, they went to seek House
Dustiness, who has close ties with all of thee. They said The
merciful Dustiness-sama who shouldered the cost of the flood
damages for a mere adventurer. Please take pity on us too
Thats how it is.

What did you say? What happened to the buildings

damaged by the flood?

When he heard my question, Vanir smiled just like a devil.

The serious damage done to the buildings is not something

just a few hundred million can settle. When the guild staff
asked thee to compensate for the building damages, didnt
they already told you? Not compensate all of it, but at least
some of it.

That girl.

Aside from the mansion, most of the wealth of House

Dustiness was used to pay for the damages. After losing most
of their assets, the armour girl from House Dustiness lowered
her head to the landlord to take out a loan in order to help
the people who are suffering because of the Destroyer.

What is that girl thinking, doing all that on her own?

The landlord who was reluctant to lend his money added the
following condition, if something happens to the head of the
House Dustiness which makes it hard to return the loan, then
use your body as collateral.

The sound of my hand banging the table cut Vanir off.

I then offered my hand to Aqua who was surprised by my


Hey Kazuma, banging the table in a fit of rage hurts right?

It hurts right?

Everything lined up.

The rude butler who visited our house was probably sent by
the landlord.

He knew about the ailing health of Darkness father, and

came to pressure them for payment.

And in order to get the money, she mentioned something as

stupid as subjugating the Hydra.

However, when she saw the adventurers who were worried

and gathered for her, she thought that she shouldnt give
them anymore trouble and became less fixated on all sort of

I asked Vanir quietly.

How much is Darkness debt?

Vanir probably saw through this as well, and took out a bag
he had prepared.

Thy entire fortune together with the contents of this bag,

will be enough to pay off the debt Well then, lets talk

This thing was really a devil!


You are really! You are really beautiful, young lady! After
the ceremony, we must let old master who is recuperating in
bed to see your glamourous appearance!

The new maid was full of praise after seeing me in my

wedding gown.

When I heard that, I couldnt help smiling wryly.

The new maid didnt know about the reason and inside story
behind the marriage.

If my father sees me like this after the wedding with the

landlord, he would be devastated.

I was doing this just for my self satisfaction.

I could hear curses coming from the corridor.

Why are you stopping me from seeing the bride!? Hey, get
out of my way! I cant wait any longer! Lalatina will be mine
in a few hours, its just a matter of time! Scram! Lalatina!

Fufu, it seemed that man no longer want to hide his true

No. This is the waiting room of House Dustiness. Since the
ceremony has yet to begin, only those from House Dustiness
can pass through this place. Please turn back.

After hearing the voice of the agitated landlord, a servant of

my house replied calmly.

You fool! Listen well, I will be your master after the

ceremony ends. If you understand that, then think carefully
whether you should stop me!

Even after hearing such an unreasonable request, the servant

remained calm:

You shall not pass. You are not the boss of me now.

I will remember you. After the ceremony ends, and I have

my way with your precious young lady, you will get it from

After saying that, the landlord left with heavy foot steps.

Please ask that person outside the door to come here, I

want to thank him.

The maid nodded to acknowledge my request and summoned

that man in.

Young lady, you are really, beautiful!

With a sigh, the man smiled with his wrinkled face.

He was one of the tenured guards working in my House.

He was really inflexible, when I wanted to leave the house to

play, he wouldnt let me go.

I would be found out immediately even if I scaled the fence.

For a period of time, I was really obsessed with sneaking past

the guard to get out of the house.

I would throw a ball out of the fence from the garden, cajole
him to get it back for me, and ran out when that man went
for the ball.

He would catch up to me after I left and bring me back

immediately. But that was interesting for me, so I threw the
ball out everyday.

I amused myself by tricking the man to pick up the ball and

sneaking out.

Thinking back, I understood that after my mother died, I lost

my playmate and got this man to play with me instead.

I am sorry Its fine to let him in alright? I dont mind

anymore. I will talk to him, so he wont punish you.
I plan to resign after the young lady marries, so dont worry.
After all, the only one I will serve is the Dustiness House. But
if it is a man the young lady acknowledges, I will be willing to
serve him.

The man started getting embarrassed after saying that, and I

smiled wryly.

Speaking of the man that I acknowledge, the figure of the

one who raided my room at night, scurried around and said a
threatening line before falling out of the window painfully
appeared in my mind.

I couldnt help but smile when I recall that incident.

Young lady, the smile you show occasionally is beautiful. I

feel blessed to see that expression at the very end.

The man had a satisfied smile, and turned around.

E-Erm, this might not be my business, but the young lady

is really beautiful and elegant after all Please dont go too
far when you play by yourself


After saying that awkwardly, he left.

The two maids averted their eyes from me.

I really want to teach that man who mimicked my voice and
created such a nonsensical rumour a lesson!

He was a rude man who was foul mouthed, ignorant of

etiquette, knew a bunch of weird knowledge, but didnt
understand things that were common sense.

Timid and reserved, but will act recklessly sometimes, an

unfathomable man.

His job is the weakest, and aside from his luck, his stats were
below average. Using his myriad of skills and cunning as his
weapon, he was a mysterious man who fought on par with
bosses of the Demon King Army, bounty targets and all sorts
of monster.

When I revealed that I was a member of nobility, instead of

my noble heritage, he was a strange man who was more
interested in my name.


I almost crossed the line with this weird guy, so I must be a

weird woman too.

I thought back of my happy adventuring days.

Normally, a noble like me wouldnt be able to live my life

freely, including the choosing of my marriage partner.
Despite that, I had been able to spend my time together with
close friends so far.

It was enough. It would be greedy to wish for more as a


It is time for me to pay back to the people in this town.

I wont let that landlord do as he please anymore.

I will find out his secret while that landlord obsesses over my

No matter how long it would take, I will be able to go on if I

have the memories of our times together with me.

But, this felt strange.

In the past, I thought marrying this landlord wasnt so bad,

but I couldnt feel any charm from him now.

Was it because of that person?

Thinking back to my constant banter with him, the corners of

my mouth rose in a smile.

E-Erm Young lady?

Seeing me smile suddenly, the maid helping me with makeup
was troubled and stopped.

Oh, sorry, its nothing.

I pressed the maid to continue with the makeup, and thought

of my comrades with contrasting personalities.

If they found out the reason I was in debt, what would they

Megumin will probably get angry.

Aqua would probably cry for some reason.

If it was that man, he would probably scold me why are you

doing such a dumb thing! and see through the real reason
why I was avoiding them and take swift action.

And then uncover the landlords secret, putting an end to all


Will this group of cheerful people still accept me as a


Young lady, how beautiful! Please come before the


I followed the instruction of the maid and smiled wryly as I

looked at myself in a wedding dress.

Regrettably, the one who will see me like this would be that

However, although normal people wont be able to attend the

ceremony, they will be able to see me after the ceremony
was over.

Will he come?

No, he definitely wouldnt.

He was probably still fuming alone in the mansion.

I couldnt help smiling awkwardly just thinking about his

unhappy face.

It is time. Let us be off, young lady. The priest who will be

gifting this wonderful day with her blessing is the best in this
town. This will definitely be a joyous wedding

The butler Hagen who was the longest tenured servant in our
House knelt on one knee and offered me his hand.

I was filled with gratitude for the people in this town who
granted me with my freedom so far.

Ahh, those happy times

The year I spent with everyone was filled with joy every day.

I smiled,

And took Hagens hand

Part 6

This was the most holy place in Axel.

The church of Eris The attendees were influential people in

town or nobles who came from neighbouring countries.

Everyone knew that the wedding was a sham.

The seated audience was chatting as they please, without

any tension despite the ceremony which was going to begin

The underlings of the landlord guarded the entrance of the

church, and the crowd who wanted to catch a glimpse of the
bride gathered en masse.

Most of them were adventurers.

Darkness kept her noble peerage a secret when she became

an adventurer.

News of her becoming the landlords bride was spread

everywhere, and they probably gathered here to see
Darkness who usually wore her armour in a wedding gown.

What a bunch of curious people.

They probably became adventurers because of their strong
sense of curiosity.

The rowdy church finally quieted down.

Waiting rooms for the bride and the groom was situated on
either side of the churchs entrance respectively.

Hagen accompanied the brides pure white figure from the

bridal room.

As her father was feeling unwell, the butler took over his

Darkness who was walking with her head lowered and

covered by a veil was so stunningly beautiful that no one
could take their eyes off her.

Shortly after, the landlord who was wearing a white tuxedo

also came out from the grooms room.

His large round body puffed his tuxedo up like a balloon. Like
the other attendees, he couldnt tear his eyes away from
Darkness either.

With his mouth half opened and eyes on Darkness, he

waddled forward And only came to his senses when
Darkness butler cleared his throat dryly.

The attendees didnt even look at the unsightly figure of the

landlord, and only focused on Darkness.

A moment later, the churchs organ started playing solemn

music. The landlord and Darkness walked on the same
wedding aisle, but his eyes didnt look forward, resting on the
bride beside him instead.

Darkness who walked on the same aisle kept her head


Seeing Darkness like that, I felt extremely flustered.

She even said He will probably ravage me for days and

nights without anything to eat or drink, how exhilarating.

Where did your usual perverted expression go?

What happened to your face that would redden when you

took on monsters?

What about your words that could even turn off the bosses of
the Demon King?

It was a wedding, but I couldnt see any happiness on her

face, Darkness seemed so lonely with her head lowered.

It was finally time to take the wedding vows. Under the

watchful eyes of the attendees, they came before the altar.
Before me.

Thats right, before me, who was standing beside the altar.

In this world, as long as you have a profession holy in nature,

you can solemnize weddings even if you are not a pastor.

For example, the lone rare existence in the beginner town

an archpriest will do.

For this event, the priest hired by the butler Hagen to gift her
blessing for this wedding was the one with the highest ranked
holy job Aqua-sama.

And as her assistant, I stood beside her in plain sight.

Even after reaching the altar where he will take his vows, the
landlord was still focusing on the bride, while Darkness kept
her head down.

The solemn music stopped, and a voice that was not solemn
at all sounded out:

Do you, Darkness take this old man who is so fat that he is

sweating oil, to be your wedded husband, in defiance of my
wish as a goddess? Do you promise to love this old man,
comfort this old man, honor and keep this old man in
sickness and in health, safekeeping your virginity from this
old man as long as you both shall live? You cant do it right?
Well then, I want to go home together with Darkness and eat
the dishes made by Kazuma and drink all I want
A speech that was out of place was heard.

Everyone was surprised and their eyes fell onto Aqua.

The landlord turned his head to Aqua with a start.

!? What? Y-You are the woman who gave me a ton of

trouble in my house! What are you doing!? Just what are you
doing here!?

The curses of the landlord rang out and Darkness looked at

Aqua and me in shock, her mouth gaping open and shut.

Using this chance, I grabbed Darkness arm tightly.

Dear father and mother.

The cute son you wanted to raise to be a righteous man.

Had thrown his peaceful life away, and challenged the people
with the most authority in this world by kidnapping a
daughter of nobility.

When Darkness snapped out of her shock, her face slowly

turned green as her tears flowed freely.

W-What have you all done Aqua K-Kazuma! K-Kazuma,

let go of me! Just what are you two planning to do? This is no
joking matter! Barging into the wedding ceremony between
nobles will end in nothing short of execution! What foolish
thing have you done! So stupid!
I cut off Darkness who was crying emotionally and telling me

Shut up you idiot! You are the one who is stubbornly doing
stupid things, dont decide to cover my debts for me on your
own! Do you think youre my wife!? If you like me, just tell me
straight I already told you that!

When did you ever say that!? What are you talking about
you buffoon!

After listening to the inopportune bickering between

Darkness and me, the stunned landlord finally came to his

T-Take this man! Arrest him and the phony priest! He He is

just a commoner, and he dares disrupt the wedding of
nobles! Hurry, hurry up and seize him!

The landlord yelled, and tried to take Darkness back from me.

I blocked the landlord who pounced over, and hid the crying
Darkness behind my back forcefully.

The landlords face turned purple immediately!

Damn you! This has nothing to do with you, get lost! You
might like Lalatina, but! She owes me an enormous debt
that you wont be able to pay in your entire lifetime! If you
like this woman so much, then prepare the money to buy that
woman first, plebeian! If you can do that!!
When I heard the landlords provocative words, I picked up
the bag beside the altar.

I heard you loud and clear, make good on your promise, old
man! Take this, the debt Darkness owed you, two billion Eris!
Two thousand pieces of Magic Silver Eris coin worth a million
Eris each! I wiped away the debt, so I will be taking the girl!
Also, I dont like her that way! S-She is just an important

I corrected the landlords words, and dumped the content of

the bag onto the feet of the landlord!

As for why I dumped it onto the floor

Ahhh!? What, two billion!? Ahh, wait, my Lalatina! Give

Lalatina back Ahhhh money! Pick them up! Hey, pick them
up for me!

The landlord started picking up the money frantically.

At this moment, the attendees around the area started

picking up the coins.

There might be people who will pocket the money, but I

didnt care that much.

Using this chance, I pulled Darkness hand as she stood still

amidst the chaos, and people who appeared to be the
underlings of the landlord ran towards me.

Darkness then shook my hand off and protested.

W-Why you! Who asked you to do that!? You are making a

mockery of my resolve! And this money! Where did it come

I answered Darkness who was still so stubborn during such a

moment agitatedly:

I sold them. I sold all the ideas I could think of. Together with
my savings from doing quests, it comes to two billion Eris
exactly. I have no choice but to earn an honest living from
now on It cant be helped, I sold them all. I cant buy them
back even if I want to. If you understand, then lets go!

Seeing me like this, Darkness had a complicated expression

of worry, joy, crying and laughing, and said:

To go so far, you you are really! I-I!!

The underlings of the landlord ran up to us, I was at the limit

of my patience, so I grabbed Darkness by the shoulders and
shook her!

Stop wasting time and get it together, you dont have the
right to reject this anymore! Stop arguing! I already bought
you from that old man land lord! You are mine now! Listen
well, I will be working you like a horse! Steel yourself to pay
back my hard earned money with your body, you perverted
crusader!! Understand!? Answer me if you get it!!


Being shook around, lectured in public and being called a

pervert made Darkness eyes water and her face ecstatic in a
bad way. She answered in a weird voice.

As I held onto Darkness shoulders, her legs gave way and

she collapsed onto the ground.

My words seemed to have scored a critical hit on this


Why is this girl always getting in the way during critical


I forcefully picked up Darkness in a princess carry and

charged towards the entrance of the church.

The attendees were all powerful and influential nobles.

They were either bad at dealing with ruffians or didnt want

to be dragged into troublesome matters. Aside from those
picking up the money besides the landlord, no one else tried
to stop us and just watched idly.

Hah Hah I-I am sold A noble like me, sold to this man!
To think, that, that I have to pay back with my body! Ahhh,
what is with this situation! Abducted from the scene in a
princess carry! This is This is!

Darkness who was in my arms blushed in a way I have never

seen before, and her breathing was so heavy that it seemed

Hey, hey you, your drool! Your drool is coming out! Are you
really okay!?

Seeing me warn Darkness, Aqua who was following behind

showed an enlightened expression.

As expected of the mean spirited Kazuma-san! You are just

paying back the debt that was shouldered for you, but you
twist it into you buying Darkness! Hey Kazuma, if Megumin
hears what you said about getting Darkness to pay back with
her body, you will eat an explosion right? If your body is
gone, I cant revive you, so watch yourself okay?

No, thats not it! Dont make it sound so bad, I was just
going with the flow! I will just make her pay back in her role
as a crusader and an adventurer!

As I was replying agitatedly, the underlings of the landlord

blocked our way as we ran along the red carpet.

I said to Darkness who had a dazed expression in my arms:

Damn it! Hey Darkness, how long are you going to stay like
this! It is time for you to run by yourself! And you have a lot
of muscles that are heavy!!
Why, why you! Why did you say that I am heavy and spoil
the mood in such a rare moment!!

With tears coming out from the corners of her eyes, in a

daring move, Darkness tore the lower half of her skirt off to
facilitate easy movement, and jumped out of my arms.

We already went this far, there is no other way and I am fine

with it! Get out of my way, dogs of the landlord! I will kill
anyone in my path!!

She then took off and tossed her veil aside before charging
the minions of the landlord with her long hair flowing behind

The minions grabbed onto Darkness who was uttering

dangerous words in an attempt to restrain her, but Darkness
didnt even dodge and reached out her hand.

Several of them grabbed her shoulders and arms, but she

ignored their resistance and dragged them with her, and held
onto the face of two minions with each hand and tightened
her grip.

After having a taste of her iron claw, their head made

creaking sound as they screamed.

Hey, we came here to save you, so what the hell are you
doing charging to the front!? Aqua, please buff me! Buff!
Leave it to me! You want the super entertainer spell?

Of course! Thats super useful!

Behind us were the landlord and some of the attendees who

were doing their best to pick up the money.

After becoming a versatile talent with Aquas support spell, I

ran behind Darkness and shouted with my mouth covered:

Hey, dont bother with them and let them off for now! You all
help me pick up the money too!!

Mimicking the landlords voice, I ordered the minions that

were wrestling with Darkness.

Ah? Ohh! Yes Sir!!

They thought that was the instruction from the landlord and
ran past us towards him.

Morons! Why are you all here!! Go and capture Lalatina!


The minions who let us off momentarily chased us again in


In no time, the number of underlings before was more than a


Without any weapons, we might not be able to break through

even if we had the buffs from Aqua.

Seemed like it was time to show the serious mode I used in

the capital!

As I was about to go all out after getting Darkness back.

Light of Saber!

A familiar voice erupted from the front door of the church,

cutting through the brick wall beside the door, and light
shone through the gap.

That was a magic Crimson Magic Clansmen like to use to cut

through anything by concentrating mana onto their chopping

A moment later, the wall of the church collapsed along with

the door.

Two figures stood there with their back to the glaring sun.
Many adventurers here to see the wedding surrounded them
from a distance, watching with intrigue.

The underlings were on guard, pulling a distance away from

the two of them out of fear.

Megumin, I did it! Because we are bosom friends! I-If it is my

bosom friends request, I have no problem with doing
something that seemed to be a crime! After all, I was told
please help me, my bosom friend!, so I cant refuse!

Yes yes yes, thank you for your hard work, Yunyun. As
expected of my bosom friend. Well then, you can go back to
the inn now.


Two girls with crimson eyes stood there.

Megumin took a step forward, and the underlings of the

landlord back away with a cramped face.

Their eyes were on Megumins staff which was glowing at the


What the hell.

She seemed determined to finish her explosion spell in the
middle of town.

Megumin raised the staff that was filled with a fearsome

amount of concentrated mana, a never seen before
seriousness on her face. Her eyes glowed red as she flicked
her cloak fiercely.

She then said with a calm and adamant voice:

The evil mage is here. Following her instincts, the evil mage
is here to kidnap the bride.

With her back to the sun at the entrance of the dim church,
Megumin was as cool as a hero, making me who came to get
Darkness earlier much less prominent.

Thats what I actually wanted to do!

Part 7

As for the attendees and the landlords underlings.

They fell into a state of panic and watched every move of this
evil mage.

Do you know what they call me? If so, you must know what
the magic at the tip of this staff is right? Let me make this
clear, controlling this spell requires a lot of concentration If
you sneak up on me and I lose control, it will go boom! Think
about that if you want to rush me.

Simply said, she meant that she will lose control easily, and
they were free to go for it if they were fine with the

What a perfect threat of an evil mage.

The underlings surrounded Megumin from afar with a

cramped expression.

The one who wanted to grab Darkness who was charging in

front and the ones who were fooled by us and was chasing
from behind, were all reluctant to capture us after seeing this.

Yunyun who was standing beside Megumin surveyed the

Hmm? Megumin, Kazuma-san has already look

Megumin looked at me, Aqua and Darkness with her torn

wedding dress as prompted by Yunyun. She understood what
happened and smiled with her eyes narrowed.

She then pointed the staff at us to open a path for us to


When she did that, the underlings before us scampered away

into the audience seats.

Using this chance, the three of us ran to Megumin!

W-What! What are you all afraid of, you bunch of imbeciles!
She must be making an empty trap! That idiot definitely
knows the consequences of releasing explosion magic here!
She wont cast her spell, so get them!

The landlord who was still busy picking up the coins yelled.

But when she heard that,

Ho! You think I will be scared! You dare say I will be too
scared to cast explosion, are you for real!? Very well then! I
accept this challenge!

Stop! We wont go near! We wont so please stop!

We wont attack so dont do it!

Alderp-sama! Please dont provoke her!

The landlords underlings all pulled away with a stiff face

when they heard what Megumin said.

Megumins notoriety reached such an extent.

After all, Megumin wont cast explosion in the middle of

town She wont Right?

Thanks to Megumin intimidating the underlings, we managed

to link up.

I wanted to show off my cool side and you two stole the best
part from me! But I am grateful that you came. Thanks!

Megumin smiled when I finished.

Elegantly taking the most delicious part is the instinct of the

Demon Magic Clan. Really Kazuma, I knew you will do
something even though you said you wont To think you
came before I did.

Megumin said with a satisfied expression for some reason.

Megumin! Even Yunyun went so far! After we go back I

have something to say to all of you. After we go back! I will
say my thanks!

Darkness was either really emotional, or had yet to cool down

from the excitement earlier. She couldnt even talk properly,
and Megumin replied a little shyly.

Dont mention it, well We are comrades H-How can I let

such an excellent crusader go!

Megumin probably felt embarrassed about saying the word

comrade, and tried to cover it out by squeezing out the last
few words vaguely.

When she saw Megumin acting like this.

Comrades How nice to have comrades, Megumin! Erm, as

a bosom friend, will you also rescue me if I fall into the same

No, Yunyun is just a bosom friend, and even proclaims to be

my rival Not a comrade, so no


Megumin emphasized the term bosom friend and rejected

Yunyun mercilessly.

Really, now is not the time for a casual chat! Give us a

The underlings were gradually surrounding us as we stood at
the entrance of the church.

Megumin was the most dangerous one right now, and might
go ballistic at any moment.

I dont think they would charge forth in such a situation The

landlord was probably feeling frustrated because his
underlings didnt charge at us and shouted:

Hey, that group watching over there. Dont look around, Im

talking you bunch of adventurers! Over there are a bunch of
criminals! Get my bride back from them! I will give you a
grand reward in return! Or I can hire you to be my guards!
You will then be free from the tedious job of adventuring!
Please! My Lalatina! Bring my Lalatina back!

The onlookers looked at each other after listening to what the

landlord said.

And then

? Hey, didnt you hear me!? I will pay you!? How much do
you want!?

Not only did the adventurers not move, they even faced the
sun and stretched their back lazily all of a sudden, pretending
they didnt hear anything.
Seemed like they want to let us off.

My deepest gratitude, just not joining in was a big help!

Hey Darkness. Just like the other time you challenged the
Hydra alone, lots of people are helping you this round too. Its
time you reflect on your stubborn temper, alright?

Darkness face blushed happily as she nodded with tears in

her eyes.

Things were going smoothly so far

I understood what those adventurers were thinking, so I

didnt say anything to spoil the mood for Darkness right now.

Everyone was smiling

And when Darkness return to the guild, in the near future

Young lady, Lalatina, arent you going to wear your beautiful
wedding dress? she would be teased like that.

All the adventurers in this town knew that Darkness was a

noble lady now.

I dont think the crude adventurers in this town will become

afraid of Darkness who they had known for so long.

I might be dragged in too, so I will not avoid Darkness who

would definitely be teased by them.

Shortly after, while we were surrounded by the underlings,

the people in the church started congregating towards us.

It was a stalemate.

The opponents werent stupid, they were not goons that

would stand around and wait to be defeated.

They outnumber us heavily, and wouldnt let us escape


If we used weapons in town, our criminal actions would be set

in stone.

No, our crimes were already beyond debate.

Ugh! Kazuma, I am at my limit in controlling my spell! Can

I fire it off? We are already criminals anyway! I cant wait any
longer, can I shoot it at those guys?

Everyone was shocked when Megumin said this all of a


Including me.

Ugggghhhh, I cant do it anymore, its gonna blow! Run, get

away from me!
She lost control at this crucial moment!?

If it was any other mage who said that, it would probably be a


However, everyone here knows Megumin very well, and

scattered with their faces turned green.

I hid immediately too!


Megumin casted the spell skywards.

With a terrifying boom, a streak of light arc through the sky,

followed by a grand explosion.

The shockwave shattered all the glass within town and

everyone threw themselves onto the ground with their hands
on their head.

Quick, use this chance

Megumin who depleted her mana looked at me as Aqua

supported her, but her voice suddenly faded away In the
end, she stared at me dumbstruck.

Under the bask of her cold eyes, I realized the situation I was

I was curled up in a ball behind Darkness

Hey Kazuma, to think that you can do something as

shameless as hiding behind the person you are rescuing.

Yeah, Kazuma seemed really cool today, I was just

wondering if there is something wrong with my eyes. Im glad
it was just my imagination.

K-Kazuma-san You are the worst

The last words by Yunyun dealt a fatal blow to me.

The onlookers who were lying prone on the ground were

looking at me as if I was trash.

Leaving that aside, the opponents were terrified by

Megumins explosion, so this was our chance.

We were planning to break out of their encirclement, but!

The explosion magic can only be used once per day! Now is
the chance, get them!

The terror caused by the impact of the explosion spell only

lasted for an instant, and the underlings of the landlord
charge at us without hesitation now.
Megumin who was on Aquas back shouted!

Yunyun! I will leave this place to you, we will make a move

first! No matter what happens to me, you must not turn back
and fight on!

Yunyun heard what she said!

Idiot! We are already bosom friends!? What are you talking

about, how can I ditch Megumin and What did you just
say!? Didnt something like this happened in the Home of the
Crimson Magic too!?

Yunyun asked in return.

Please stall for time, my bosom friend! I will introduce my

friends to you next time!

I understand, leave this to me! We are bosom friends after

all, it cant be helped!

Seeing the cheerful Yunyun blocking their way, the underlings

all showed a guarded expression.

A-Ara, if you dont mind, I can be your friend any time!

After we left Yunyun behind and ran off,

She is just a girl mage from the Crimson Magic Clan! Get her
before she completes her spell!

When I heard the underlings said that, I felt a chill on my


It couldnt be helped, I will stay behind and stall for time so

Darkness could escape!

Just when I was thinking about that and turned back.

That hurts ahhhh! Why did you push me suddenly! Ahhh, my

bones! My bones ahhh! Dust, save me!

A man fell onto the ground with a scream.

Hey Keith, are you okay!? How terrible its a comminuted


I heard a familiar voice and name.

What!? I just bumped into you, dont try to pull a fast one!
He was the one who dashed out all of a sudden and fell by
himself! Hey, why are you grabbing my legs even though you
have a fracture! Unhand me!

The underling retorted.

Hey hey! Are you trying to run after paralysing him from the
waist down? I dont care if your boss is the landlord or
whatever, that is too unreasonable!

While we were running, I could hear the voices of the

delinquents behind me.

The underling who was harassed by the mean spirited

delinquents said lazily You just said it was a comminuted
fracture, and now he is paralyzed? What the hell, dont
bother me, scram! I will let you have it if you get in my

The underling then shoved the delinquent aside.

That hurts! I am an upstanding citizen, and he used violence

on me! He hit me! Alright, the brawl is on! Lets go! I was
abused by a certain noble recently too! I already hated
nobles, I will vent it out on you then!

Hey!? Wait, dont!?

The fight is on!

Fight, fight!

Hey, Im joining in too!

That landlord pissed me off since a long time ago!

Wait! D-Didnt you have a fracture!? You said you have a
fracture! Wahhh!

I sneaked a peek behind me as I ran.

The onlooking adventurers were ganging up on the

underlings of the landlord and beating them down.

I will treat them to a drink once things dies down.

Lalatina! Dont go, Lalatina! Lalatina!

The heartbroken cries for Darkness came from far behind us.
Part 8

Y-Young lady!? Your dress! H-Hurry, come in!

After escaping from the underlings, we ran to Darkness


A guard opened the door for us in a hurry.

Abandoning the wedding ceremony suddenly and coming

back, Darkness who was in a tattered wedding gown ignored
the shocked people in the mansion and walked straight in.

The three of us didnt know where she was going and

followed behind.

Dear father, pardon my intrusion.

Darkness went towards one of the rooms.

By dear father she meant

Oh, when I broke in earlier, I broke the windows in her

fathers room when I escaped.

So her dad had to change rooms.

Darkness entered without waiting for an answer.

Was it fine for a noble lady to do that?


Her father was in no condition to answer the door.

He was frailer than that time I broke in, with dark circles
under his eyes. He was breathing deeply in his sleep.

Her dad opened his eyes slightly.

Darkness and us walked up to her dads bedside.

Seeing Darkness, this father

Ohh, Lalatina How beautiful Just like your mother

He said with a kind but weak smile.

Darkness lowered her head apologetically before her father.

. Erm, I am very sorry, dear father I decided on the

wedding on my own But I destroyed it in the worst way
possible and ran away

When he heard that, her father closed his eyes very happily.
Is that so! That is good. Dont worry about it, there is
nothing to apologize for.

After saying that, the father turned towards me.

Kazuma-kun, can you come over here please.

In response to him, I approached the bed.

I will get some fresh air outside.

Megumin who read the mood left for the corridor.

While the one who cant read the mood approached the
bed of the father and gawked around.

There was a patient here so I couldnt lecture her, and I let

her be.

You did great this time. Thank you, my deepest gratitude.

Even if you thank me so suddenly

I merely cleared the debt I owed your daughter.

When he heard me, this father laughed once more.

He then said something incredible before Darkness.

Kazuma-kun, I will leave my daughter to you. Please.


Darkness was surprised by his sudden words.

No need, is this a punishment game?


Darkness screamed even louder when she heard me.

She looked straight in my eyes, and seemed to have

something to say.

The father smiled cheerfully when he saw me like this.

It couldnt be helped.

Seemed like the treasured sword of the kingdom saw through

my mind.

I get it, I will take care of her, and wont let weird guys harass

The father probably saw through what I was thinking and

sighed in relief.

Lalatina. Are you living happily now? So happy that you

dont mind throwing everything else away?

He said softly with his eyes closed.

Darkness answered immediately without hesitation.

I am. I want to give up everything to protect my comrades.

When her father heard this, he nodded with satisfaction and

answered Is that so softly.

Lalatina. Choose the path you wish to take. Leave

everything else to me. Even with my body like this, I can still
do something at the very end.

When she saw how her father acting like this, Darkness went
near him and held his hands.
My beloved father, thank you for raising me! When your
health gets better, next time, please chat with me until I fall
asleep, and tell me about my late mother

I love you, my cute daughter. Yes, next time, I will tell you
about how I met your mother

Darkness eyes were moist.

Her father muttered next time again with a happy smile,

and held onto Darkness hand

He was suddenly covered by a magical light.

Sacred Break Spell!

That girl who couldnt read the mood casted a spell.


D-Dear father!?

The sudden light made Darkness and her father scream.

When the light dissipated, her fathers eye circles were gone.
He was still thin, but colour returned to his skin.

With everyone watching her, Aqua said cockily:

It is a curse! This must be a curse from a powerful devil, but

I undid it easily!
The father regained his vigour thanks to this goddess who
couldnt read the mood. He and Darkness looked at each
other while holding hands.


Darkness released his hands slowly as her face turned beet

red. She whistled and looked out the window, while her father
pulled his blanket up to cover his awkward expression.

I could catch a glimpse of his face which was as red as


They were father and daughter after all.

But its fine now! Thats great, Darkness! You can chat with
your father about your late mother as many times as you

Aquas cheerful voice bore no malice.

Darkness covered her face and squatted down.

I guess alls well that ends well

Interlude: The Devils Sneer In the Late Hours of the


Ahh Damn it! Damn it! Damn it ahhh!

In the hidden cellar beneath my bed room.

I vented all my rage on the sloppily dressed devil.

Kicking the broken devil Max that couldnt even fulfill a single
wish again and again.

Yee Yee Yee

The devil made strange noises when he was kicked, and

squatted with his head in his arms.

How long had it been since I summoned this low level devil
with the divine relic?

Normally, I will find it easier to get along after spending so

much time together with someone. However, I still couldnt
get use to him.

Its all because of you! If you are a more reliable devil! My

Lalatina wont be snatched away right there! Is your power to
manipulate events so limited!? Trash! Trash! You trash!
Yee Yee Yee My devil powers would be weakened in a
church. More important of all, someone seemed to have
broken the curse, Alderp.

Max maintained his position of squatting and hugging his

head and said something unexpected nonchalantly.

The curse is broken!? Why you! Cant you even curse a mere
human to death!?

I roared as I kicked hard at Max.

This fellow with a terrible memory even forgot that he didnt

receive any price in return. I only used him for so long
because I didnt need to offer him anything Was it time to
throw him away?

However, I still need his powers to wipe the slate of what

happened clean.

After all, what I said to Lalatina before the influential nobles

and people in town was inappropriate.

In the heat of the moment, I used foul language on Lalatina

whose peerage was far higher than mine.

But that was fine too, I could execute that damn brat who
barged into the ceremony openly now.
Lalatina might offer herself in order to save him.

Max! By tomorrow morning, change the memories of

everyone who attended the ceremony, as well as those who
heard what I said to my advantage, and settle everything!

I thought about what to do tomorrow as I said this and left

the dim cellar

Yee Yee Cant do it, Alderp, I am not that powerful.

His words made me stop.

Cant do it?

This broken devil had never went against my words.

No matter what I wanted, or how I wish to twist the facts, he

had never said that it was impossible.

This was the first time he said that.

Cant do it? I am aware of the fact that you are a low class
devil. After all, you were summoned by that divine relic
randomly However, you dont have the right to reject me.
Do it! I dont know what you can or cannot do, just get it
done! Is there too many people? Isnt memory manipulation
your strongest suit!? Do it now!
Despite that

Cant do it. There is a light Yee The strong light that

dismissed the spell is in my way, I really cant do it.

When I hear the devils negative response, my wrath got to

my head.

Enough you useless devil! I will undo the contract with you
and summon a more powerful devil! This is my last order!
Bring Lalatina to me! Use your power to manipulate events
and bring Lalatina over right now! Than I will then pay all the
outstanding price!

Max reacted to this.

Price? You want to pay the price?

Its true. Im serious. You are too stupid, thats why you
forgot that I have paid the price multiple times already. I will
pay it properly this time. Go, Bring Lalatina to me.

I faked a friendly tone and said to the devil without the ability
to retain memories. I already conned him plenty of times.

At this moment.

Is the lord of the territory here? Its me. I am here to

apologize for what happened today, can you grant me an
Someone knocked on the door to the cellar. No one should
know about the existence of this room.

Why at this hour, why she know about this cellar, all these
didnt matter!

I would never mistake this voice!

Lalatina! Is that Lalatina!? Alright, great job Max! Splendid!

You did amazingly! I dont know how you did it, but I will fulfill
my promise and pay the price! The contract is undone! You
are free! Oh, Lalatina, I am opening the door now!

I didnt do anything, yee, yee! You want to pay the price?

Undo the contract?

I ignored Max who was mumbling about something and

opened the cellars door.

The one who was looking down at me was without a doubt


And she was wearing a seductive negligee, with a warm smile

she normally wouldnt show. She descended down the cellars
stairs slowly.

Her attire and smile conjured the darkest desires within me.

Lalatina said sweet and softly with an apologetic face:

I am very sorry my lord I will apologize for what happened
earlier in the day Please allow me to offer my body in
exchange for the lives of my comrades!

I understood everything when I heard that.

Just as I expected, this woman was here to plead for mercy

for her companions!

I couldnt hold it in anymore!

The woman I had been after all these years was dressed like
that before me.

I couldnt wait for Lalatina to walk all the way down and was
about to pounce on her

Lalatinas mouth opened in laughter as her figure distorted

like a mirage.

Standing there was

Hahahaha! You think it is Lalatina? Too bad, it is moi! Oh,

what an intense negative emotion! How delicious, delicious!

A masked man was standing there, dressed in a tuxedo

similar to Max.
!? W-Who are you? Who the hell are you!? This chilly feeling.
Just like Max! Devil! You must be a devil!

I pointed at the man before me who was probably a devil,

and he sneered.

Max! Kill this despicable devil right now!

I screamed as I pointed at the masked devil.

To take the form of Lalatina I dreamed so much about, and

feast on my feeling of disappointment and loss, how evil!

Ah, this disappointment as if I had fallen into a chasm!

I will never, never forgive him!

? Why must I kill my kin? Yee? Hmm? Have I met you


Max ignored my order and asked.

How many times had he defied me today?

What was with this devil, is he broken?

While I was thinking about that, the masked devil before me

displayed perfect etiquette that would make a noble like me
jealous, and bowed towards Max,

This is the hundredth or thousandth times moi have

introduced myself to thee. Its the same this time How do
you do, Maxwell. Maxwell, manipulator of facts. Maxwell,
twister of truth. Moi art the devil that can see through
everything, Vanir. Devil that twists the truth, Maxwell, moi
have come to receive thee!

The broken devil wasnt called Max, but Maxwell?

No, he said to receive him?

Vanir! Vanir! Why, why is your name so nostalgic!? Have we

met before?

Hahahaha, thou always say that every time we meet! Thou

art Maxwell! Thou came from another world without your
memories, thou art moi kin! Let us be off, to the place thou
ought to be, back to hell!

W-Wait, hold up! He is my servant! Dont decide on your own

and take him away!

I blurted out on reflex, but the devil named Vanir merely


Servant? Thou art think Maxwell who art one of the dukes of
hell like moi a servant of someone like you? Arrogant shorty
whos only strong point is your luck. Luck is really the only
thing thou have going for thee. It just so happens the first
devil you summoned is Maxwell, how fortunate.
If thou summoned any other devil, the moment the
summoning succeeds, thou would be torn to shreds if thee
didnt pay the price! However, your luck is really good! The
ignorant Maxwell! Powerful, but as simple as a child! It is
thanks to him that thou reach your current position, thou
should repay him properly!

I dont know what he was talking about.

That Max I have been raising was a duke of hell?

No, I climbed to my current status by my own power.

That broken devil only contributed insignificantly.

I was confused by what Vanir pointed out, and the masked

devil added on with a sneer.

Also, before moi appeared, you said this to Maxwell I will

fulfill my promise and pay the price! The contract is undone!
You are free!

I realized I messed up.

I thought Max used his powers to bring Lalatina to this place.

In a moment of excitement, I said all that.

So this was the devil that claimed he could see through

He knew this would happen and chose this moment to come


And he seemed to have seen through what I was thinking at

the very moment.

Yes, the contract between thou and Maxwell is the problem.

Ara, thou really made moi went round in circles.

Round in circles?

S-S-So you you, could it be!?

Yes, just as you imagined! Moi created the opportunity for

that brat to pay off the debt, and told him about thee!
Hahahaha! This, this is great, magnificent negative emotions!
Delicious, how delicious!

I clenched my trembling fists.

You dare! You dare do such a thing! If you just wanted this
broken devil, just tell me straight! If you reveal your identity, I
would have given him to you from the start! You wont need
to involve the entire city, and make me lose face before
Thats right, if I knew there was a devil that could see
through so much, I wont do something so daring!

The devil faced me,

And said something ridiculous nonchalantly.

How interesting! Hahaha, a good show, what a good show!

Even that goddess is dancing on the palm of moi hand this
time! When that delinquent devil participated in the
ceremony, she had to ask for moi assistance to incubate the
egg. She let me taste the negative emotions of absolute
shame! Tormented by thy lust, thy love finally blossomed!
But the moment thou achieve thy goal, the bride was
snatched away! Thy negative emotions in that moment! It
was so delicious that moi would have no regrets if moi was to
be vanquished at that moment!

What is he saying, what is this devil saying!?

Well then, Sir Landlord. Moi have no further business with

thee. Moi will take Maxwell back to hell, and moi will continue
to work harder under that crazy shop owner.

Seem that this devil was planning to leave with Max.

It couldnt be helped, I didnt know Max was such a powerful

devil, but there will be a way even if he leaves.

However, what should I do tomorrow?

I wont be able to wipe away the evidence of my wrongdoing
from now on.

As I was troubled over this.

Yee! Yee! Vanir! Vanir! Before I go back, I have to let Alderp

pay the price! He said he wants to pay the price!

The excited Max made a whistling sound like a flute and said

Shit, I think I did say that.

I get it I get it, the price huh. I will pay so hurry up

And go back. Before I could finish.

A dull crack reverberated in the dim cellar.

I realized it was the sound of my arms snapping

Huh, ah, ahhhhhhh!?

Was after I saw Max holding my broken arms.

Yee!? YeeIt hurts, it hurts ahhhh!?

I screamed as my broken arms remained tightly in his grip.

Alderp! Alderp!! Your screams are great, Alderp! YeeYee !

The broken devil was still saying nonsense.

What are you doing!? Release me Max! Stop! It hurts, stop!

When he heard my cries, the devil that I had been with so

long showed an expression for the first time.

The face that was as expressionless as its mask twisted,

turning into a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Vanir then said:

Hahaha! Maxwell, thou can continue with this in hell. This

man owes thee a huge price. Just bring this man back to hell
and let him pay back slowly.

Even though my senses turned vague because of the pain, I

heard something that couldnt be taken lightly.

The price thou need to pay for the service of Maxwell will be
in accordance with the time stipulated in the contract, during
which thou shall continuously release the negative emotions
Maxwell likes Yes, thou worked Maxwell really hard and led
a really depraved life Thou probably couldnt clear the debt
before the end of your lifespan.
The masked devils words sent a chill down my back.

Even the pain in my arm was thrown to the back of my mind

as I tried my best to bargain with the devil.

I, I got it! It was wrong of me to work you so hard! How

about this, first, my massive

Thy wealth huh. When Maxwell returns to hell, all thy

wrongdoings will be exposed, and all thy assets will be
confiscated and managed by House Dustiness After that, it
would be returned to that guy who was regretting in his
home, complaining that I shouldnt have cockily thrown all
my money away, I should mercilessly make that woman pay
me back with her body, as well as the town and kingdom.
Vanir the devil that can see through everything declares that
thou art penniless.

When I heard that, my teeth chattered and I almost fainted.

All the money I accumulated!


In that case, pick as many people as you like in this

mansion in place of me, right? Unfortunately, the obligation
of payment must be done by the contractee! Oh, this is a
negative emotion that is hard to come by, but despair is not
to moi taste. Thats what Maxwell prefers though.

After hearing that, I finally stopped the quivering of my body.

M-M-Max Max! I-I did many cruel things to you Cruel
things. But, please, can you save me? Spare me Max, I dont
really hate you! Its true! Please, Max!

Vanir merely snickered as he listened to me, and didnt

correct my lies for some reason.

Max released his hold onto my arms.

I collapsed onto the ground.

With a glimmer of hope because of his action, I looked up at

Max uneasily.

He was smiling happily.

An innocent and pure smile.

This devil that had always been expressionless showed a

smile as pure as a child.

Alderp! Alderp! Me too! I like you too, Alderp!

Vanir continued to snicker as he watched me, and I didnt

know what was wrong.

The broken devil I have known for such a long time continued
shouting excitedly with a flushed face.
Alderp! Alderp! I like you Alderp! Stay by my side in hell,
Alderp! I want to enjoy your despair forever, Alderp!

Oh, I see now.

So the reason why I couldnt bring myself to like this devil

was this.

I was terrified from the bottom of my heart, terrified of the

hidden nature of this devil.

With the smiling devil before me, I couldnt stand the fear

Oh, my god.

Oh, the feelings are mutual, Alderp. Maxwell is the type who
likes to go above and beyond, he will definitely toy with you
all day and night! Hahaha! Hahahaha!

God, please let this broken devil lose his interest in me and
grant me a quick death With the laughter of the devil in my
ears, I prayed to god for the first time in my life.

I will cherish you Alderp! Unlike the girls you abandoned

after abducting them, I will take care not to break you! Yee
Epilogue 1 Welcome Back!

The next morning after we snatched Darkness away.

The landlord is missing?

When Darkness who came over to my mansion to report this,

I thought I misheard that.

Why did that old man who kept crying Lalatina, Lalatina,

Yes, the servants couldnt find him anywhere.

I was baffled by what Darkness said.

I thought the landlord would lay siege on our mansion with

his private army first thing in the morning, and made

For some reason, plenty of evidence indicting the landlords

wrongdoings turned up. The one who gave Princess Iris the
body swapping divine relic was him too. Some say the
landlord couldnt hide his evil deeds anymore and fled in the

I see.
And so, there is no need to flee anymore, put down your

I heeded the judgement of Darkness and took my backpack


Megumin and Aqua behind me put their luggage down too.

I was planning to find a faraway land to spend time as a

farmer before the dust settles.

Forget it, this is great too Whats the matter Darkness,

come in.

I rushed Darkness who was standing at the entrance and

refusing to move But she remained stubborn with an
expressionless face.

What is it, Darkness? Something happened?

Megumin asked and Aqua shouted Ah!

Thats right, Megumin wasnt in the church from the start, so

you dont know! Listen! Darkness was bought by Kazuma!
Kazuma shouldered Darkness debt and even said You are
mine now! Pay back my hard earned money with your
body! Darkness was scared of what Kazuma might do and
doesnt dare to come in right?

Hey, lets talk a little. Wrong, a lot of the details are wrong.
No, your content is correct, but the fine details are off, the
way you put it is terrible!

With a red glow in her eyes, Megumin looked at me as if I was

trash. Darkness shook her head.

No, that is not the issue. Kazuma did ask me to pay back
with my body and called me a perverted crusader though

Ahh, Megumin has started chanting her spell.

Darkness suddenly lowered her head in a bow.

Sorry. I troubled everyone because of my willfulness Even I

feel that I did something stupid. I hope everyone can forgive

Aqua and Megumin rushed to Darkness side when they saw

her like this.

Let bygones be bygones, you are back safely after all. I dont
mind. Kazuma might have lost plenty of things, but this man
has the habit of not wanting to work if he has money. This is
just fine.

Thats right, or rather, if this didnt happen, I wont be able

to visit Darkness house. If I didnt, I wouldnt have noticed
that your father had been cursed! Thats right, we need to
find the criminal who cursed him! I suspect it was done by
that masked devil. My clear eyes cant be mistaken! Lets
teach him a lesson!

Darkness stared right at me as the other two consoled her.

I really owed Kazuma a huge favour this time. You

abandoned everything and turned it into cash It wont be
immediate, but the money Kazuma paid on my behalf will be
returned by the kingdom in the future. When my father
recovers, we will calculate the amount from the impounded
property of the landlord. However

Darkness face turned gloomy.

However, the intellectual property you sold wont come

back. You mentioned that you were planning to live
peacefully as a businessman, but now

Its about that huh.

Forget about that. I learned cooking too, setting up a small

shop and making dishes from my country will earn me some
pocket change Huh, wait, the money will be returned to

It sunk in suddenly and I asked with a serious face.

Yes, it will be returned. The entire two billion used. The

compensation for the landlords mansion and the cost of the
damaged building will be reimbursed to you. After all, these
are all money that arose in the process of protecting this
town. It should have been borne by the landlord managing
this land in the first place But now that I think of it, why did
I accept the proposal of the landlord and paid up As if I was
hit by hypnosis. Also, why are evidence of his wrongdoings
popping up all over the place?

Darkness pointed out the illogical parts in confusion, but that

wasnt important.

Its not important at all!

Two You say two billion!?

So I dont need to work anymore for my entire life!

Hmm, wait. There are twenty four hours in a day, and that
service is five thousand Eris for three hours.

With two billion, I could spend my entire life in a dream world

that I desire?

When I was thinking about that, Megumin and Aqua closed in

on me.

Kazuma today feels really something really handsome!

Neh, Kazuma-san, I want an extravagant pet house for
Emperor Zell!

Thats right he is really handsome, I always thought Kazuma

is a handsome guy. By the way, I want a magic item that
enhances magical powers.

Ara, you bunch of sluts who smelled green dough!

Darkness, what is it?

Darkness remained unmoved at the entrance as she watched

our interaction.

Really, just let it go. You worked hard to cover for us all this
while right? Although going that far by yourself yesterday
was really maddening. But I am a little glad too. So lets call it
even. And the entire sum will be returned too. Lets write off
what happened yesterday, isnt that good enough?

To be honest, the money I will be getting back was so large, I

didnt really care about these trivial matters.

And I have been holed up in the house recently, so I want to

book that service immediately, then find the most expensive
hotel room in town and stay there for a week.

But Darkness became gloomy when she heard the term write

Which means what you said about buying me is void too?

Darkness just finished saying that when Megumin and Aqua

closed in on me and stared at my face from a close distance.
S-Spare me.

Of course it is void! Thats it, forget about everything that

happened yesterday!

Darkness became more depressed when she heard that.


Could this be the roundabout way of Darkness love

confession, hinting at me that she wants to be my property?

Ignoring my expectation, Darkness lowered her head as if she

was about to cry.

And, about that letter The letter about leaving the


Oh, I see, Darkness was planning to leave the team.

Since yesterdays incident was void, the thing about her

using her body to repay me would be void

What, my expectation was wasted. Really, such things

What are you talking about, Darkness is our important

crusader, we will never let her go right?

Right, forget about that now. Darkness likes pretending to be

retarded sometimes. Isnt the only place you can be right
here with us?

Damn it, they said it first.

But Darkness was poking her index fingers at each other in

front of her chest, looking up at me with an uneasy gaze.

She wouldnt relax unless I said it myself.

Before I could speak, Darkness already started.

E-Erm! My only strong point is defence, I am a crusader who

cant even hit the enemy with my attacks However
However, can I Can I join your party again?

I smiled wryly at Darkness who wasnt used to using formal


Of course Welcome back.

She answered

I-Im back!!

With tears in her eyes, Darkness showed a relieved smile

Neh, Kazuma, you still think it is a pity right? Letting

Darkness pay you back with her body has some elements of
lewdness right?

Aqua who was the best at not reading the mood raised this
point with a giggle.

What the hell was this girl saying.

Speaking of which, you announced to everyone that

Darkness is yours right? What is that? A confession of love?
Like the time Yunyun says she want a baby, or when you got
tamed by Iris easily in the capital, and now this. Why are you
so easily won over? Even thought you tried to make a move
on me when we were sleeping together in the Home of the
Crimson Magic, youre too frivolous. Be more serious about

Megumin was displeased as she complained.

What was she talking about?

Was this jealousy or what? You should make it clear.

Act like the girls in harem anime, and make it easier to


Darkness expression was turning strange.

She still looked uneasily, but her eyes shifts between me and
Megumin who were acting as if we were having a lovers
B-By the way, when Kazuma broke into my house last
time, I almost crossed the line with him


Darkness revealed something unnecessary with an

embarrassed face, making Aqua and Megumin yelp.

H-Hey, dont. Dont say it That was just a failed


Seeing my weak rebuke, Megumin and Aqua yelled again.

Failed attempt? x2

I dug my own grave.

Neh, Kazuma, are you retarded? While Megumin and I were

working hard to bring Darkness back, what were you

Kazuma, you didnt go to bring Darkness back, but went

there for a night raid!? Your stock value as a man has fallen
into the abyss! Just what the hell were you doing!?

What was with that, leaving the teasing of Megumin in the

Home of the Crimson Magic aside, I didnt do anything wrong
this time.
Darkness became fidgety with an embarrassed face.

Although I said night raid But he only barge into my room

late in the night, covered my mouth before I could scream
and pushed me down onto the bed. Then pressed me down
so I couldnt resist with my other hand During the intense
struggle, my clothes tore opened and my stomach was toyed

Eh!? x2

Hey, wait! No, that did happen! But!!

!? x2

When she heard my protest, Megumin pulled away from me

in a flash.

I already know that Kazuma sees Darkness with lusty eyes,

but to think you are actually a man who is fine with any
woman. I thought Kazuma was a weakling but had an honest
side. I thought you were somewhat serious at that time, but
you just wanted to get laid huh. You can frolic with anyone in
bed as long as it is a woman right, you trash!!

I wish she could let me say my piece too, if this goes on, I will
become the biggest trash of them all.

Before I could explain to Megumin, Aqua followed up with

another attack!

Thats right, when I was sleeping beside Kazuma in the

stables in the past, this beast keeps ogling my body!

Thats definitely impossible.


Pushing Aqua who was on the verge of tears and attempting

to strangle me with one hand. Darkness was embarrassed,
but was still snickering happily.

This woman, she just wanted to get back at me because of

the failed night raid and me using her voice to bring up all
sorts of matters.

As Darkness crossed her arms and snickered at me, watching

me struggle helplessly

You were the one who enticed me, asking if I want to

become adults together

I chastised her softly.

!! x2

T-T-Thats wrong!? I was thinking that since I was marrying

the landlord, I might as well!
You admitted! Darkness admitted that she started it! What a
twist! Well, I can read the mood too, so I will bring Emperor
Zells egg to suntan in the park!

Darkness, you shameless slut! Acting all prim and proper

like the female lead in a tragedy, but you are just flirting
around, I was wrong to worry about you!

Wait!? W-Wait a moment, stop!!

Megumin poked Darkness cheek with the tip of her staff, and
Darkness glared at me with resentment.

Seemed like she still want to go at it.

I held back Aqua who was trying to leave excitedly with an
egg in her arms, and brought up something I didnt want to
point out before Darkness cools down.

Hey Aqua, a question. How does family registrar for

marriage works in this country?

I raised a different topic suddenly.

Why are you asking that? First, on the morning of the

ceremony, the couple will submit the family registering
documents to the relevant authorities. In the afternoon, they
will then hold the ce re mony

Aqua seemed to realize what I was trying to say.

Megumin whose expression turned stiff noticed too.

? Whats the problem?

Only the unworldly noble lady couldnt keep up.

Megumin was probably trying to console her.

I-Its common to see people who have divorced once

nowadays, yup!

Darkness finally noticed and raised her head in shock.

An aristocratic lady, a masochist, a virgin and a divorcee. Just
how many traits does this girl want?

Erm How should this be interpreted? Darkness was

abducted in the middle of the wedding. The next day, the
groom had already ran away. Theoretically speaking,
Darkness was abandoned by that old man.

Aquas words that bore no ill will made Darkness tremble

violently for a moment.

She then looked at me uneasily

Well Family registry is just a trivial matter anyway. Dont

worry about it DesertedWifeNess.

Darkness turn and ran away bawling.

<TL: try googling Batsuichi ()>

Epilogue 2 Chris and Eris

Thats what happened. Darkness then shut herself in her

fathers home and refused to come out. I need to plan a one
man infiltration again.

This was an elegant cafe in the downtown area of Axel.

It was a secluded shop, and there werent any other

customers except for us.

You are mean as usual. Dont bully Darkness too much okay?
She might look strong, but is actually very delicate alright?

I know, I know. Speaking of which, what have you been

doing, Chris? You sure took a long time to return from the

I was recounting the commotion that transpired to Chris who

has returned from the capital.

Chris scratched the scar on her cheek troublingly.

Ara I was busy with some other things. I was in the vicinity
of Axel recently, but was called to go to some other place. I
finally came back after settling my backlogs.

She then lay on the table and stretched her back lazily.
Called? By who? The thief guild or something?

Eh, well, there are all sorts of things to settle after people
die right?

You are part timing in a funeral house?

Chris didnt answer and simply sighed deeply.

To think that the divine relic was in the landlords mansion

When I infiltrated the landlords villa the other time, I was
confused by the divine relic Aqua-san was holding

A while ago, I searched for two divine relics in the capital

together with Chris.

The last one was found in the basement of the landlords


Chris retrieved it the moment she returned to town.

The effect of the relic was to summon a random monster and

control it.

What was the landlord planning to do with it?

After listening to my explanation, Chris drank the coffee that

had cooled in one go.
Anyway, it ended well this time. Thank you for saving
Darkness, Assistant-kun.

It was my pleasure, Big Boss.

We smiled at each other.

Sigh I still need to retrieve the other divine relics Hey

Assistant-kun, you

Just to be clear, I am a busy man.

After my pre-emptive rejection, Chris puffed her cheeks and

glared at me.

The remuneration

I dont need money.

Chris scratched the scar on her cheek a little troubled.

It cant be helped then. I will look for you for help when the
time comes, okay?

She then stood up with a gentle smile Hmm?

Her smile just now and the way she scratch her cheeks felt a
little off.

Or rather, I saw that somewhere recently

I had been bothered by this for a while now.

Chris will call Darkness and Megumin by name, but will add a
-san when addressing Aqua.

More importantly, her name resembles that other person.

So does her hair and the colour of her eyes.

On the other hand, that person address Aqua as sempai, and

add a -san to Megumin.

But she addressed Darkness directly by name.

Maybe to her, Darkness was a close friend.

Driven by the urge of doing mischief,

I stood up and said to Chris who was waving goodbye to me:

By the way, Eris-sama. Where did you take the divine relic
you retrieved from the landlord?

Oh, that one? I cast a seal onto it and dump it into the lake
where the Hydra was resting eternally

No, the goddess Eris.

With a gentle smile on her face as usual, she stood before me

Amazon Special Bonus Story Make a Show of
Gratitude Every Now and Then

Oh! It might be summer, but this attire is too sexy. Are you
trying to seduce me?

The first thing I said after returning to the mansion made

Darkness who was walking around in a skimpy attire freeze.

Hey hey, what are you saying!? Talking about the moment
you come back The weather is too hot so it cant be helped,
Im not trying to seduce you!

You might be saying that, but you are actually looking

forward to it a little right?

!? What!? Whats wrong with you today?

After hearing our exchange, the jaws of Megumin who was

playing a board game with Aqua dropped.

What is happening all of a sudden. Kazuma might sexually

harass others frequently, but thats too straightforward today.

I took a glance at Megumin.

Megumin is wearing a one piece today huh. Megumin has a

boyish personality should go all out and just go naked.

Whats wrong with this guy!? Saying all that nonsense out of
the blue!?

Megumin said in a panic while Aqua sat before her with her
arm crossed and nodded.

No, actually

A magic item that reveal your thoughts? x2

Thats right. Wiz asked me to test out this new magic item.
When Wiz who was dressed skimpily in the summer asked me
with upturned eyes, I accepted it happily.

Thats how it was.

On my head right now was a hat handed to me by Wiz.

E-Erm, I wasnt asking why you accepted No, that was just
your thoughts leaking out. But why did Wiz make such a
magic item?

It was developed with the idea of realizing conversations

with monsters and animals. By the way, Wiz wanted to test it
out on animals. I think she mentioned about taking it to a
beef farmer she knew for testing.
Why didnt you stop Wiz, wouldnt that make it hard for the
cow farmer to work!?

I looked at Aqua who didnt move as she said that while

sitting before the board game.

I then took off the hat and place it on Aquas head.

What should I do. If I move the piece here, Megumin with

her twisted personality will definitely target it. What should I
do? Betting a side dish on one match is a bad idea. If this
goes on, I can only eat condiments with rice tonight. I should
have used rock scissors paper to decide the match. Like what
happened just now, I just need to cast blessing magic to
settle it.

When the voice of Aqua came out from the top of her head,
Megumin pounced on Aqua straight away.

Hey, what are you doing Megumin!? The board is a mess

now! The match is void now right!? There isnt enough time
for another match, so lets settle this with rock scissors

That surprised me, but this is a good chance! Did the

weather got to her? Its great that Megumin is as impatient as

So thats how you think of me!? I am an arch wizard known

for being cool and collect, not like Darkness at all!!
Wait, I dont think I am that impatient! And what do the
both of you think about me usually!?

I gently remove the hat from Aqua and put it on.

Thats how this magic item works Oh, the big tits girl is
still looking at me suspiciously. You wear it for a change

B-Big tits girl!? Is that how you call me in your mind!? S-

Stop! I dont want to wear this thing, wear it yourself if you

Tch, I was planning to ask how many times you masturbate

a day after you put it on.

A-An aristocratic lady wont do something as shameless as

masturbation! Ah, stop! Really, Im not lying! Im not lying, so
dont force the hat onto me!!

After seeing Darkness reaction, Megumin sighed.

Really I think it would be better if this magic item is not

developed. Kazuma, take it off. Just tell Wiz what I said.

It cant be helped. Forget it then. I was showered in cold

glares by women on my way home too. I wont dare go near
the vicinity for the time being.
What were you thinking on your entire way here? Were there
any police patrolling the area?

I took off the hat, stretched my back lazily and walked to the

By the way Aqua, the rock scissors paper just now is void. To
actually cast blessing spell secretly, dont be too rampant
with your cheating. Together with all the match we had prior
to this, lets have another proper match!

W-Why do you know!? No, you are just pulling a fast one,
where is the evidence! Right, show the evidence that I
actually used magic secretly!

Give it up, Aqua. Your dinner tonight will be rice with



While listening to the commotion in the living room, I placed

the hat on top of the wine bottle on the table as I prepare to
make dinner

Thank you for tending to my tomb and telling me

adventuring stories all this while.

I turned and looked at the hat in surprise because of the

sudden voice.
What was that? My imagination? No, I heard it pretty

At this moment, Aquas cries came from the living room.

Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san!! The two of them are so mean!

Neh, please make more dinner tonight!

They were really troublesome.

I made an extra dish


Author: Natsume Akatsuki

Illustrator: Kurone Mishima
Translator: Skythewood
Editors: TaintedDreams, Nate, Darkdhaos, Lickymee, Ice
Phantom, Deus-Ex Machina

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