Carter Page Letter To DoJ Re Election Fraud

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February 12, 2017


Voting Section
Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
Room 7254 - NWB
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Members of the Civil Rights Divisions Voting Section:

I am writing to request your urgent review of the severe election fraud in the form of
disinformation, suppression of dissent, hate crimes and other extensive abuses led by members of
Mrs. Hillary Clintons campaign and their political allies last year. As summarized below, the
actions by the Clinton regime and their associates may be among the most extreme examples of
human rights violations observed during any election in U.S. history since Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. was similarly targeted for his anti-war views in the 1960s. I believe the information
provided below can significantly assist the ongoing overhaul of the U.S. Department of Justice,
as you simultaneously begin to repair your Division amidst continued pressures to instead
consider frivolous Russia-related accusations from last year.

The former Obama Administration head of your Division, Vanita Gupta, has recently spoken
about so-called attempts, To bend the arc of history itself not merely by serving your clients,
but by harnessing the law as a force for positive change.1 But prior to the initial steps by the
new Attorney General Jeff Sessions to begin bending the arc of history in a positive direction,
the U.S. Department of Justice served as an accomplice in negatively helping to drive U.S.
national security into the gutter last year. During the prior Administration, the Justice
Departments reported retaliatory investigations against me were based entirely upon lies from
the Clinton campaign as these untruths were aggressively advanced by that campaigns allies in
Congress and the media. There is, in contrast, indisputable evidence of unethical behavior by the
Clintons themselves. For example, a better use of Justice Department resources in investigating
the 2016 election would be determining the substance of the secret meeting between Bill Clinton
and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.2 Their June 27, 2016 rendezvous at Phoenix Sky
Harbor International Airport stands among many violations that should be thoroughly

Matt Apuzzo, Under Trump, Approach to Civil Rights Law Is Likely to Change, New York
Times, January 19, 2017. [
By David Martosko, Revealed: How Bill Clinton plotted to 'bushwhack' attorney general on
airport tarmac and got a promise that Hillary wouldn't be prosecuted over classified emails,
Daily Mail, 4 October 2016.
investigated this year, in the interest of helping to either expose or rule out such apparent

As I am sure you are also aware, a diverse array of Senators and Representatives in the U.S.
Congress have tried to continue prosecuting the election for the losing side to this day and I have
consistently remained as a primary target.3 Unfortunately for them, this exercise is based
entirely on lies that were completely fabricated by paid consultants and private investigators of
the 2016 Clinton campaign.

I have not directly supported any political campaign since September 2016, but the continued
personal attacks by former members of the Hillary for America campaign and their affiliates in
Washington against me based on fictitious information help to clearly demonstrate these human
rights violations.4 Many aspects of last years election are under question; however, I suspect
you may find the facts in my case to be among the most egregious abuses of core democratic

As you are aware, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides American citizens with
protection against infringements against their Freedom of Speech. Abuses related to the wide
range of dishonest misdeeds advanced by Mrs. Clintons allies stand among the cornerstone
violations of democratic norms which have been trampled upon in this instance.

I was invited to give the commencement address at the New Economic School (NES) in
Moscow, Russia. On July 7, 2016, I presented a university lecture before members of the
academic community at NES based on my past scholarly research. This visit to Russia was
outside of my informal, unpaid role in supporting the Donald J. Trump for President campaign at
the time and I made clear on multiple occasions that my speech did not necessarily reflect the
views of anyone other than myself. Yet despite the Clintons pattern of deceitfulness that
extended back throughout the past quarter-century of American history, no one could have
imagined the intensive public relations and government lobbying effort they pursued against me
as they pushed their level of dishonesty to an entirely new level.

As retribution for my presenting new ideas in an academic forum, on August 27, 2016, then-
Senator Harry Reid sent a letter to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations James
Comey calling for a personal investigation of me based on false accusations that I, Met with
high-ranking sanctioned individuals while in Moscow in July of 2016.5 This initial, clear
instance of suppression of my personal, dissenting viewpoints based on false evidence stood as

A few recent examples include H. R. 356, To establish the National Commission on Foreign
Interference in the 2016 Election and the proposed H.R. by Congressman Nadler: Of inquiry
directing the Attorney General to transmit certain documents to the House of Representatives
relating to the financial practices of the President.
For example, see Hillary for America press release of October 19, 2016.
deeply-unsetting-russia-problem-and-wikileaks/ ]
Harry Reid letter to James Comey, August 27, 2016.
an obviously illegal attempt to silence me on an important issue of national and international
consequence in violation of my Constitutional rights.

As I consistently made clear on all occasions, my academic lecture and related meetings with
scholars and business people in Moscow had no connection to the U.S. election. But the
escalating discriminatory press reports against me reached proportions not seen since the 1950s
in their vitriol against Russia itself and me as an individual. Indeed, many reports alleging
nefarious purposes of my lectures and my trips to Moscow were colored to an extent that seemed
to mark the start of a Third Red Scare. In impugning me personally, this paranoia about Russia
marked the further deepening of the New Cold War which had begun in recent years. These
Congressional and media attacks were almost entirely founded upon baseless and defamatory
assertions made by the Clinton regime.

In this regard, a particularly outrageous news article on September 23 proved entirely attributable
to the "Hillary for America campaign:

But U.S. officials have since received intelligence reports that during that same three-
day trip, Page met with Igor Sechin, a longtime Putin associate and former Russian
deputy prime minister who is now the executive chairman of Rosneft, Russians leading
oil company, a well-placed Western intelligence source tells Yahoo News. That meeting,
if confirmed, is viewed as especially problematic by U.S. officials because the Treasury
Department in August 2014 named Sechin to a list of Russian officials and businessmen
sanctioned over Russias illegitimate and unlawful actions in the Ukraine. (The
Treasury announcement described Sechin as utterly loyal to Vladimir Putin a key
component to his current standing. At their alleged meeting, Sechin raised the issue of
the lifting of sanctions with Page, the Western intelligence source said.

U.S. intelligence agencies have also received reports that Page met with another top
Putin aide while in Moscow Igor Diveykin. A former Russian security official,
Diveykin now serves as deputy chief for internal policy and is believed by U.S. officials
to have responsibility for intelligence collected by Russian agencies about the U.S.
election, the Western intelligence source said.6

While this September 2016 news article stated that, U.S. intelligence agencies have also
received reports that Page met with another top Putin aide while in Moscow, it wasnt until
several months later in January 2017 that the shameless source of this false evidence became
fully known: the "Hillary for America campaign. As a severe case of election fraud, their
criminal obstruction of justice must be investigated and exposed.

On countless occasions over the prior months, many other journalists from some of the leading
news agencies in the U.S. had contacted me to ask about precisely these same two meeting
allegations. A few of those whom I pressed to provide some basis or source for these outrageous
lies disclosed that it was the Hillary for America campaign that originally suggested the

Michael Isikoff, U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin, Yahoo
News, September 23, 2016.
fictional storyline to them, thus giving me advance warning of their illegal activities. Although
most reporters avoided the temptation to take this false bait, at last the Clinton campaign
achieved their goal by finding a compliant media supporter in Yahoo News, and her campaign
put out an equally false press release just minutes after the aforementioned article was released
that afternoon.7

Since these unlawful deceptions by the Hillary for America organization related to a trip that
was completely separate from my prior activities in support of the Trump campaign, I decided to
step back from this movement on September 25, 2016, so that I could more effectively fight
these allegations independently and not create a further distraction for my colleagues. In January
2017, the full basis for these false allegations was exposed. This revelation of a 35-page, dodgy
dossier helped to prove how outrageously false these allegations had been since the very
beginning last summer.8

I have included my July Moscow speech for your reference (Appendix A, below). I am
confident you will agree that it is not offensive, shocking, or disturbing in any way, except
perhaps from the perspective of those hawkish parties which maintain a preference for what I
have previously pointed out to be failed interventionist approaches. For example, the segment on
Redefining policies of unilateral disrespect, inequality and unsanctioned intervention: The
foundations of outside influence in Central Asia in my transcript.

All of the available evidence makes clear that I was targeted for reprisal merely for vocalizing
my thoughts in a free academic forum. I would echo the sentiment that several supporters of
mine have noted when they express continued concern that formidable actors in the U.S. have
unjustly targeted me. As a further related form of their retaliation, I eventually learned that a
London-based private investigator was hired by the Clinton campaign to investigate my trip to
Russia. This approach is closely consistent with past tactics that investigators affiliated with
Mrs. Clinton have historically taken toward their targeted victims: Impugn character and
veracity until destroyed beyond all recognition.9

Other related offenses may prove far more serious and should be investigated as well. The hate
crimes relating to Russia led by Mrs. Clinton and her campaign associates including supporters
in the U.S. Congress followed a long-standing pattern which hundreds of millions of people
witnessed more broadly during her campaign.10 This eventually culminated in the report that

Hillary for America, Hillary for America Statement on Bombshell Report About Trump
Aides Chilling Ties To Kremlin, September 23, 2016.
Ken Bensinger, Miriam Elder and Mark Schoofs, These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep
Ties To Russia, Buzzfeed, January 11, 2017. [
Megan Twohey, How Hillary Clinton Grappled With Bill Clintons Infidelity, and His
Accusers, New York Times, October 2, 2016.
Brian Dowling, Bob McGovern and Jack Encarnacao, Hate crime logs: Trump supporters
targeted nearly as much as Hillary Clinton backers, Boston Herald, January 31, 2017.
U.S. intelligence professionals were compelled to compile at the direction of their politically-
motivated supervisors. Appendix B provides an analysis of this desperate stunt, unveiled in the
final days of the Obama Administration as these political appointees were finishing their term.

The specific elements of the hate crimes and the severe bias projected against me created a near
perfect storm, as most blatantly demonstrated with the following well-defined prejudice:

Roman Catholic I am a lifelong practicing Roman Catholic who attended Catholic schools
for 14 years, culminating with my Master of Arts in National Security Studies from
Georgetown University in 1994. The clear evidence of intolerance against Catholics shown
by the Hillary for America campaign11 and the fact that several of her closest advisors
knew of my religion helps to make part of the reason for her attacks more obvious. Despite
the harsh repression that I have endured from the Clinton campaign, I still remain a believer
in the principles of my religion. This includes finding ways to avoid war as Pope Francis and
other leaders of the Roman Catholic church have long advocated.12

Other initial evidence explaining elements of the Clinton campaigns hate crimes against me
which should be further investigated may have included:

Associated pro-engagement perspectives regarding U.S.-Russia relations My

constructive personal working relations with Russian business and government leaders
developed successfully over the course of the past several decades also helped to make me
the most deplorable of all Deplorables from the perspective of the Clinton regime.
Throughout their 2016 campaign and in years past, Mrs. Clinton as well as her surrogates
have displayed extensive evidence of extreme bigotry and xenophobia towards Russia.
Amongst other biases, this may have also served as another primary motivation for their
malicious personal attacks against me.
Veteran Almost all of the top Clinton staff and surrogates who viciously attacked me
throughout the past year including John Podesta, Robby Mook, Harry Reid and others never
served one day in the military at any point in their lives. Having served for five years on
active duty in the U.S. Navy from 1993 until 1998 during the Bill Clinton Administration
including a few years in the Pentagon, I have learned from firsthand experience the disdain
that the Clintons have at times displayed towards members of the U.S. Armed Forces, past
and present. In certain instances during the 1990s, this directly led to the loss of life among
some of my personal friends and colleagues.

Ben Wolfgang, Clinton campaign mocks Catholics, Southerners, needy Latinos in
emails, Washington Times, October 12, 2016.
Pope Francis marks WWI centenary with plea for 'no more war, don't repeat mistake', Fox
News, July 27, 2014. [
Male Although the advancement of womens rights is essential, Mrs. Clinton has shown
further evidence of discrimination on this basis as well last year. Although seen throughout
her campaign, it was demonstrated most recently with her The future is female speech last

Although the concept of Material nonpublic information applies primarily to insider trading, it
is also a helpful metric for comparing the false charges still levied against myself via
Congressman Nadler, Congressman Elijah Cummings, former-Senator Harry Reid and others, as
compared with the retaliatory Russia-related 2016 election crimes of the Clinton regime as
summarized below. This specific comparison is based on the assertion in the DNI January report
that: Russias goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process. By
comparison, the false evidence attacks by the Clinton campaign have continued to play a much
more serious role in undermining public faith in the US democratic process:

Comparison of efforts that undermined public faith in the 2016 U.S. election
Impact of so-
called Russian Impact of the Clinton campaigns direct personal
actions against the attacks on Carter Page
Clinton campaign
Nonpublic Yes, the Wikileaks The Clintons Buzzfeed report which they leaked to the
emails were press for months and provided to U.S. law enforcement
nonpublic. previously was also non-public, but completely fake.
False Evidence is a crime, and reflects Obstruction of
Justice the charge upon which President Nixon was
Materiality Wikileaks: main The lies that the Clinton campaign told primarily against
conclusion is that me, since Ive had the longest close relations with senior
the Clinton regime Russians amongst known supporters of the Trump
is dishonest. But campaign, were far more material. These lies continue to
who didnt know put a dark cloud and open questions over the new
that? So it is Presidential Administration. This needs to be urgently
almost completely cleared up, for the sake of justice in the United States, and
immaterial. the preservation of national security.

For these reasons and in summary, it is essential that a full investigation of the crimes committed
against me by the Clinton campaign and their associates should be initiated immediately.

I apologize for the delay in submitting this letter, but it was clear that any resolution of these
matters would have been impossible given the past activities during the Obama Administration
and their intensive methods of supporting their Clinton campaign partners, as partially seen in
the unsuccessful attempts to intimidate me. Per the Hillary for America statement of October
19, Carter Page is being probed by U.S. intelligence agencies for meeting with sanctioned

Caleb Stephen, Hillary Clinton Spearheads War On Men, Daily Caller, February 8, 2017.
Kremlin officials including Igor Diveykin. Although I never met last year with any sanctioned
Kremlin official nor have I been contacted by any of the U.S. intelligence agencies or law
enforcement following my July 2016 visit to Moscow, the evidence of connections between the
Hillary for America campaign and the reported actions of some federal authorities requires
immediate investigation. After several months had already passed following my formal,
personal appeal to FBI Director Comey on September 25, 201614 (for reference, included as
Appendix C) and after these conspiracy theories had seemingly been put to rest in the media,
many of the same false claims by the Hillary for America organization were still being pushed
in their October 19, 2016 press release that I previously cited. I remain concerned that
politicians and members of the political class in Washington have continued to instigate
ridiculous and unwarranted investigations. As a tactical method of this monumental PR-stunt by
President Trumps adversaries, I have continued to remain as the principal target in the media as
these untruths are re-told and repackaged. As the new Department of Justice begins to
implement other badly needed reforms, the United States cannot in good conscience allow this to
go on without accurately exposing the truth and a related call for action.

A red herring is defined as, Something that distracts attention from the real issue.15 By way of
further background, the ongoing series of vindictive personal attacks against me began at
virtually the same time as the contents of Mrs. Clintons personal email server were being
publicized and scrutinized in July 2016 making these unwarranted vendetta tactics a
convenient distraction technique from real issues, and at the expense of my reputation. I am not
an expert in these email proceedings and have no information beyond what is available in the
press. However, some of these revelations nonetheless might potentially violate other elements
of U.S. election law and should be immediately investigated as well.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Ph.D., said in 1967:

There can be no justice without peace and there can be no peace without justice.

These prophetic words and the unethical actions of those who continue trying to instigate a
future conflict with Russia underscore the necessity of immediately setting the record straight
regarding last years electoral injustices led by the Clinton campaign against me.

As similarly noted by the Church Committee in 1976:

Too many people have been spied upon by too many Government agencies and too
much information has been illegally collected. The Government has often undertaken the
secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those
beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power.
The Government, operating primarily through secret and biased informants, but also
using other intrusive techniques such as wiretaps, microphone bugs, surreptitious mail

Carter Page, Letter to The Honorable James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, September 25, 2016.
Red herring, Merriam-Webster.
opening, and break-ins, has swept in vast amounts of information about the personal
lives, views, and associations of American citizens.16

Over forty years later, these same unethical intimidation techniques were employed last year
based entirely on defamatory lies from the Clinton campaign.17 A full account of these more
recent problems should be considered and made public.

Thank you for your current and future planned activities which may potentially help to now
revitalize justice in the United States. Although my reputation has already been heretofore
effectively destroyed by the Clinton regime's defamatory actions given their successful
rebranding of me as a possible treasonous spy, my primary goal is to avoid further unnecessary
death and destruction through the prolonged disastrous trajectory of American foreign policy.
The collateral damage of these personal human rights abuses against me could, I fear, have a
negative impact on the future arc of U.S. national security and the rights of other fellow citizens
in future elections if not properly investigated and addressed now. The continued false questions
aimed at me also carry immediate risks to U.S. national security as political opponents of the
President try to derail his agenda most likely their main objective for this whole exercise.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information on these violations
or related matters. Following a day in Washington tomorrow, I will be in Europe and Asia for
business meetings until March 1st. But I would be happy to meet with members of your Division
following my return to the United States.


Carter Page, Ph.D.

U.S. Senate, "Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans, Book II, Final Report of
the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities
United States Senate, April 26, 1976.
Michael S. Schmidt, Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, Intercepted
Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates, New York Times, January 19,
2017. [
Appendix A
The Evolution of the World Economy: Trends and Potential
Carter Page
Introductory speech transcript
July 7, 2016

Before we get started, its worth highlighting a bit of background regarding some of the work

that I will speak with you about today. For the last fifteen years, I have been researching,

teaching, and writing about certain fundamental trends in the world economy which have

continued to evolve throughout this period and the years immediately preceding it. Although

this work has been separate from my day-job in the investment arena, it has given me many

opportunities to present outside lectures across Russia, Europe, Asia and the United States.

While Ive always valued the constructive dialogue throughout my many lectures at several of

the top universities in Russia including MGIMO, Moscow State University and HSE, I am

particularly grateful for my relationship with the faculty and staff at New Economic School. So I
would like to begin by thanking NES for this invitation. I also appreciate Rector Shlomo Weber

giving me the opportunity to take a few minutes to have a substantive discussion with NES

students in this lecture prior to tomorrows commencement ceremony.

I would also like to reiterate Shlomo's point that I am speaking with you today as a private

citizen and business executive, so this lecture only reflects my own ideas which I have developed

over years past. Therefore, the ideas discussed do not necessarily reflect other people or

organizations that I may be working with at the present time.

Consistent with most of my past experiences with academia, I have always found an interactive

dialogue to be more mutually beneficial. Like the format tonight, most of my university lectures

have been taught after working hours and have brought in participation from real-world

professionals either in the evening or on the weekends, including teaching many executive

education classes. In this regard, I appreciate the many graduates of NES who have taken the

time to join tonights conversation and bring their perspectives as practitioners. Since I see many

friends and colleagues in the audience this evening, apologies in advance if my introductory

lecture prior to this discussion may be repetitive as I know a number of you have heard these

ideas before in several speeches Ive given in this city over the past decade.

For reference and in preparation for tonights conversation, here is a summary of the main topics

I plan to cover:
As prevalent definitions of capitalism and related theories of political economy have been either

discarded or fundamentally rewritten in recent decades, the trends and potential of the world

economy has often followed suit. Offering useful case studies of these dynamics, Russia, the

U.S., China and Central Asia have to varying extents each continued to adjust to new practical

realities through subtle shifts in governance. Using alternative techniques and approaches, these

countries and regions have each to varying degrees and in different formats balanced state

control of economic development with free-market principles.

These trends have variably been reflected in Central Asias relations with Russia, China and

other neighboring states. Meanwhile, the United States and other developed powers have often

criticized these regions for continuing methods prevalent during the Cold War. Yet ironically,

Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often

hypocritical focus on democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change.

Id like to start off with a story which helps to illustrate some of these dynamics. Its great to be

here at Moscows World Trade Center today, but a few years ago the senior management of a

leading Russian company held their investor day near another World Trade Center the one in

lower Manhattan. Although this annual shareholder event had routinely been held in the same

place for many years, the periphery of its location had recently emerged as a site of revolution in

the changing shape of governance worldwide. In Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street started a

wave of protest action in 2011. Originally focused on exposing injustice, inequality, and

corruption in the United States, it would spawn similar events in London, Moscow and across

Europe in the period that followed. The investor day had become a major event in the annual

emerging market investor calendar and the location near Zuccotti Park was particularly symbolic

of relative changes seen over the past two decades. However, similar shareholder meetings are

often held in New York by their peers including Kazakhstans KazMunaiGas, Russias Rosneft,

PetroChina and other state-controlled energy companies during the course of the year.

While the location of the companys investor day and Occupy Wall Street meetings were

physically adjacent, their substance and tactics reflected distinct differences. As the Occupy

demonstrations had focused on exercising verbal instruments of power, the companys meeting

remained concentrated on actions that its employees had recently taken. The Russian company

outlined its recent steps to expand in new production regions, introduce an array of innovations,

improve energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions. There was relatively little evidence that

many members of the U.S. Congress or the Presidential Administration chose to make the short

trip in order to participate in meetings with the Occupy protesters. Despite the 4,700 mile flight
or over twenty times greater than the distance from Washington, the companys management

travelled to engage in a beneficial dialogue with U.S. investors.18

The diversity of alternative perspectives that produced and criticized the Occupy Movement also

stand in sharp contrast to the pervasive disapproval amongst Western scholars and other experts

regarding standards of governance in Russia, China, and Central Asia. Previewing the more

adverse reviews that lie within recent books and reflecting a broad consensus amongst experts,

some of the latest popular titles in the scholarly literature have referred to Chaos, Violence,

Dynasty and Predatory Regimes.19 As once noted by Jack Fuller who recently passed away

last month, these patterns follow broader trends in the mainstream Western discourse by which,

Nakedly emotional approaches to news, often involving expression of opinion and lacking

verification of factual assertions, gained both audience and credibility. The newest or most

negative information, being most available to the mind, is often taken to be the most significant,

when in fact it may be trivial or beside the point.20

In his seminal Long Telegram of February 1946, a government bureaucrat named George

Kennan famously argued that, At bottom of Kremlin's neurotic view of world affairs is

Gene Marcial, Obama, Congressional Leaders Must Meet With Occupy Wall Street
Leaders, Forbes, October 10, 2011. [
Eric Max McGlinchey, Chaos, Violence, Dynasty: Politics and Islam in Central Asia,
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011. Scott Radnitz, Weapons of the Wealthy:
Predatory Regimes and Elite-Led Protests in Central Asia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press,
Jack Fuller, What Is Happening to News: The Information Explosion and the Crisis in
Journalism, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, 2-80.
traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity.21 While the perspectives of leaders in

Russia and the CIS countries have fundamentally advanced in recent decades, the Wests

combination of a nearly universal critical tone and continued proactive steps to encourage

leadership change overseas may understandably advance a residual level of insecurity. Today, a

broad Western consensus has defined these societies as largely state controlled, ridden with

corruption or both. Although that may in some ways be partially true in any country including in

the United States, recent history has exposed opportunities to build upon mutual interests in ways

that are often hidden by this intolerance.

Proactive steps toward mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit

The same week as that companys investor day in New York, China's then Vice President Xi

Jinping gave a speech to senior U.S. Government officials and business leaders at the Marriott

Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in February 2012. As heir apparent to President Hu Jintao

whose term was drawing to an end, Xis visit was closely watched in the United States and

around the world. During his speech, he suggested four steps that the U.S. and China could take

to improve bilateral relations. In essence, each of his points highlighted not only philosophical

differences with the U.S., but also the alternative tactics that China has taken in its approach to

international affairs and investment policy in Central Asia and worldwide.

George Kennan's "Long Telegram", February 22, 1946.
First, Xi Jinping noted the central importance of steadily increasing mutual understanding and

strategic trust. He quoted a Chinese saying, "Without trust, one can achieve nothing."22 This

essential idea captures a key insight for U.S. analysts who have been confused by the reception

that American leaders have received in Russia over recent decades. While Washington has

historically taken proactive steps toward initiating regime change in the former Soviet Union,

Beijing has displayed a high level of tolerance as particularly seen in this region.

Second, Vice President Xi suggested that both parties should respect each other's core interests

and major concerns. He quoted the first U.S. President George Washington who once noted

that, "Actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends". The dichotomy

between China and the U.S.s strategies for investment and foreign policy worldwide has largely

centered on these two alternative approaches. The specific examples and related data in the

research I have completed show how China has primarily focused on actions, most often in the

form of hard investment. In contrast, the U.S. and other Western powers have sought to cure the

perceived political shortcomings of Central Asian states. It has done so by attempting to remedy

professed alternative tendencies toward chaos, violence, and dynasty in these countries. During

recent U.S. Administrations, such objectives have been pursued as the strategy for waging war in

Afghanistan remained a high foreign policy priority.

Third, then Vice President Xi suggested that the two parties should work hard to deepen

mutually beneficial cooperation. As similarly seen in Chinas priorities in the former Soviet

Union, he sharply focused his remarks in Washington on opportunities to increase trade which

More recently, these concepts have been similarly explored in Francis Fukuyama, Trust: The
Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, New York: Free Press, 1995.
had remained extremely unbalanced for many years. Finally, he encouraged efforts to steadily

enhance coordination and cooperation in international affairs and on global issues. At the

conclusion of his remarks, he expressed hope that the United States will respect the interests

and concerns of China and other countries in this region. This final point closely related to his

initial suggestion for mutual understanding and strategic trust.23

Similar principles were advocated by President Vladimir Putin in an Executive Order on foreign

policy signed the day he began his third term on May 7, 2012. In beginning a section regarding

the United States, his first point called for policies based on, principles of equality, non-

interference in internal affairs and respect for mutual interests.24

Mutual confidence, mutual benefit and equality would become explicitly engrained in Article 5

of the June 2001 Declaration on the Creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).25

Acting with other member states, Russia and China have used this international forum as an

instrument for re-balancing U.S. policies. In responding to a U.S. strategy that has been

interpreted as hostile, the forum and its members have built upon value and broadly-held

principles that may be deemed as reasonable. A failure of U.S. analysts and leaders to consider

Speech by Xi Jinping, Work Together for a Bright Future of China-US Cooperative
Partnership, Washington DC, February 15, 2012.
Vladimir Putin, Executive Order on measures to implement foreign policy, Kremlin
website, May 7, 2012. []
William Cole and Erik G. Jensen, Norms and Regional Architecture: Multilateral Institution
Building in Asia and Its Impact on Governance and Democracy, in Michael J. Green and Bates
Gill, Editors, Asia's New Multilateralism: Cooperation, Competition, and the Search for
Community, New York: Columbia University Press, 2009, 264-265. Declaration on the
Creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
website, June 15, 2001. []
these principles has often allowed Washington to disregard proposed ideas that are actually not

contrary to Americas interests.

Previously, President Hu Jintao had similarly said that China hopes to work with Kazakhstan

under, The principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and as always, to increase

good-neighbor relations, deepen mutual trust, and improve cooperation mechanism so as to

deepen pragmatic cooperation in economy and trade, energy and non-resources sectors.26

Echoing many of the same points and a similar tone, China's top legislator Wu Bangguo told

Uzbek President Islam Karimov in September 2011 that future cooperation between the two

countries should be based on these principles.27 The week after the Chinese Vice Presidents

speech, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi used equivalent words in an interview commemorating the

twentieth anniversary of China-Kazakhstan relations in February 2012 and reiterating President

Hus commitment to these ideals.28

Of course, the longevity of the Chinese economic miracle which began in the late 1990s remains

far from guaranteed.29 The significance of future growth trends for its domestic economy and

Xinhua, Chinese President expects continued improvement of Sino-Kazakhstan relations to
achieve new progress, Global Times, June 11, 2011.
China, Uzbekistan eye deeper energy cooperation, China Daily, Source: Xinhua
September 23, 2011. []
Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Receives Written Interview by Kazaag News Agency Beijing
Branch on the 20th Anniversary of China-Kazakhstan Diplomatic Relations, February 20,
2012, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China website.
For a discussion of some of the risk factors, see Barry Eichengreen, Donghyun Park and
Kwanho Shin, When Fast Growing Economies Slow Down: International Evidence and
Implications for China, NBER Working Paper No. 16919, March 2011.
partners worldwide especially Central Asia have remained high given the sheer scale of the

countrys investments and trade. Among other recent accomplishments that have recently helped

to reshape Eurasia, Russia emerged as the largest oil producer in the world in 2009. No potential

peer seemed apparent with the potential exception of Saudi Arabia. Between 2000 and 2010,

Russia and Kazakhstan grew production more than any other states. In addition to geographic

proximity, Chinas trade and investment growth rates have inherently given the country a

fundamental lead in Central Asia while broader market trends have followed suit.

Redefining policies of unilateral disrespect, inequality and unsanctioned intervention: The

foundations of outside influence in Central Asia

Central Asias recent incremental trends toward developing links across Asia have not

historically followed a direct or consistent path. In the years immediately preceding the

dissolution of the Soviet Union and following the creation of independent nation-states in the

region in 1991, new political and economic foundations were established.30 These changes

allowed for the initiation of dramatic shifts in government policy toward alternative models of

governance, marking a new phase in Central Asian history.31 The senior leadership of these five

states redirected the future of their countries at a crucial juncture in their development. Amongst

[ ] Ruchir Sharma, Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next

Economic Miracles, New York: Norton, 2012, 15-34.
For the early trends following independence, see in particular Bremmer and Taras, New
States, New Politics, 1997. For an overview of the external relations during the early post-Soviet
period see Peter Hopkirk, The Great Game: Struggle for Empire in Central Asia, New York:
Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1994, xv-xvii.
For an overview of the changes observed during the transition period, see Tom Everett-
Heath, Editor, Central Asia: Aspects of Transition, Abingdon: Routledge, 2003. Gregory
Gleason, The Central Asian States: Discovering Independence, Boulder, Colorado: Westview
Press, 1997. Arne Haugen, The Establishment of National Republics in Central Asia,
Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
other fundamental choices during this dynamic period, national leaders were forced to consider

the level of control that central state authority should maintain over the management of the

political, social, and economic systems of the region. The balance between state and private

governance offers a beneficial construct for addressing these trends, despite a vast negative

consensus found in Western assessments of the regions performance on these metrics.32 These

assessments also illuminate the relative tendency of Central Asian leaders to gravitate toward

Russia and China. Each of these partner states had managed similar challenges and transitions

since 1991. In turn, these mutual experiences contributed to a higher level of common


In part as a result of this personal and national sense of loyalty, Kazakhstan would stand as the

last country that refrained from declaring its independence from the Soviet Union as of

September 1991. In this and other examples from the transition period, Russias ties to the

region continued to have a dramatic effect on the political careers of the first national leaders in

the new states of Central Asia. Throughout the early transition period, a distinguishing

characteristic of the leadership was the continuity of the legacy Communist elite. Despite shifts

in his support of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, Nazarbayev alluded to one justification of this

continuity when he stated, An important quality in every politician is predictability of his

actions. I believe that M.S. Gorbachev has this quality. Therefore I am very much afraid of

Specific works surrounding this construct will be subsequently considered; for an overview,
see Janos Kornai, The Socialist System: The Political Economy of Communism, Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1992.
drastic changes in the top echelon of power, which today could lead to loss of even the rather

small democratic gains that perestroika has given us.33

Similar to trends seen in Russia, China and the U.S., each of the states in Central Asia has drawn

from competing historical traditions in their search for a new paradigm for governance following

independence.34 The Soviet period marked a higher level of central control and initially stood as

the most recent precedent.35 At the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the standards of

Communism, socialism and a centrally planned economy remained in close sight.36 In the years

that followed, the Soviet example shaped both internal developments and the external relations

each country established with outside powers. As Russia faced its own transition and choices

Mikhail Alexandrov, Uneasy Alliance: Relations between Russia and Kazakhstan in the
Post-Soviet Era, 1992-1997, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1999, 34-39.
For an overview of historical traditions of Central Asia and their modern implications for the
post-Soviet states, see Samuel Adrian Miles Adshead, Central Asia in World History, New York:
St. Martins Press, 1993. Paksoy, Central Asia Reader, 1994.
For an assessment of the impact of these precedents following independence, see John Glenn,
The Soviet legacy in Central Asia, New York: St. Martins Press, 1999. Wallerstein has referred
to this as the Communist Interlude. See Immanuel Wallerstein, The End of the World as We
Know It: Social Science for the Twenty-first Century, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1999, 7-18.
As further discussed in Chapter 6, a discussion of the link between Soviet precedents and the
subsequent economic policies of the newly independent states is found in Rawi Abdelal,
National Purpose in the World Economy: Post-Soviet States in Comparative Perspective, Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 2005. Additional perspectives also available in Neil Robinson, Editor,
Reforging the Weakest Link: Global Political Economy and Post-Soviet Change in Russia,
Ukraine and Belarus, Aldershot: Ashgate: 2004. Graham Fuller, The Emergence of Central
Asia, Foreign Policy, Number 78, Spring 1990, 49-67. For a discussion of interpretations of the
distinction between Communism and socialism, see Archie Brown, The Rise and Fall of
Communism, New York: Ecco, 2009, 101-105.
during this period, many of the Central Asian states continued the existing models of close ties

with Moscow.37

While Western observers and scholars have often focused on the continuation of Soviet

precedents, alternate trends have also arisen. These liberal tendencies were initially

characterized by the rise of free trade and private property. Following independence from the

Soviet Union, these tendencies developed to varying degrees amongst the five individual states.

These included independent economic activities by corporations and individuals, privatization,

and increased social and economic interconnectedness through globalization.38

Following independence, the balance between central state control and liberal structures of

governance in Central Asia often aligned with elements of the regions prior independent

experiences.39 Some of these traditions may be traced back to the Silk Road era, a period

frequently cited by regional leaders as an example of modern development in Central Asia as

Anthony Hyman, Moving out of Moscows orbit: the outlook for Central Asia,
International Affairs, Volume 69, Number 2, April 1993, 289-304. Richard Pomfret, Asian
Economies in Transition, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1996, 98-99.
Christopher I. Beckwith, Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the
Bronze Age to the Present, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. For the evolution during
the Soviet period, see Leon Goure, Foy D. Kihler, Richard Soll and Annette Stiedbold,
Convergence of Communism and Capitalism: the Soviet View, Miami: Center for Advanced
International Studies, University of Miami, 1973. Scholars of political economy have pointed to
the fall of the Soviet Union as the proudest accomplishment of capitalist triumph. See Ellen
Meiksins Wood, The Origins of Capitalism, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1999, 1.
A similar analysis of the early origins of governance structures in Russia may be found at
Joseph T. Fuhrman, The Origins of Capitalism in Russia: Industry and Progress in the Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Centuries. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972, 6-11.
well as a model to aspire toward.40 An early example of globalization, the Silk Road period was

characterized by diverse trading relationships, both within Central Asia and across surrounding

regions. Authors have pointed to this early precedent as an example of thin globalization a

limited number of traders with a primary set of customers consisting mainly of the elites.41

Hybrid corporate structures in Central Asia have often combined elements of both state-centric

and market-centric behavior, similar to corporations in Russia and China.42 As an example,

many state-owned enterprises, including KazMunaiGas, have listings on international bourses

such as the London Stock Exchange.43 While definitions vary, state-owned enterprises are

defined here to include businesses in which a government maintains a majority shareholding

(greater than 50 percent).44 Despite ties to the free market in the ownership structure of these

companies, they remain under a high level of government oversight and regulation. These

companies display characteristics that in some ways parallel the modus operandi of mixed

For a representative analysis of the early origins of modern governance trends as seen in
Central Asia and more broadly around the world, see Parag Khanna, How to Run the World:
Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance, New York: Random House, 2011.
See David Held and Anthony McGrew, Editors, The Global Transformations Reader: An
Introduction to the Globalization Debate, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003, 77. Richard Foltz,
Religions of the Silk Road: Premodern Patterns of Globalization, New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2010. Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Introduction, in Joseph S. Nye
and John D. Donahue , Governance in a Globalizing World, Washington: Brookings Institution
Press, 2000, 7.
Alex Dupuy and Barry Truchil, Problems in the Theory of State Capitalism, Theory and
Society, Volume 8, Number 1, July 1979: 1-38.
Brian C. Anderson, Democratic Capitalism and Its Discontents, Wilmington, Delaware:
Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2007. John Gray, False Dawn: The Delusions of Global
Capitalism, New York: New Press, 2000. Pertti Alasuutari, Review: Globalization and the
Nation-State, An Appraisal of the Discussion, Acta Sociologica, Volume 43, Number 3, 2000,
260. [259-269]
Ravi Ramamurti and Raymond Vernon, Editors, Privatization and Control of State-Owned
Enterprises, Washington: World Bank, 1991. Corporate Governance of State-Owned
Enterprises: A Survey of OECD Countries, Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, 2005.
economies in mature social democracies. Some specialized studies of Central Asia have

considered the link between these competing models and underlying philosophies, without

systematic applying the framework to a strategic analysis of these societies.45

Across the population of post-Soviet Central Asian states, individuals have thus faced a range of

alternatives that fall between the theoretical extremes of what may be characterized as pure

socialism and pure capitalism. The resultant career and social decisions of citizens have

similarly continued to pull them in alternative directions, both in keeping with proactive policy

changes and implicitly through the variable market opportunities available in given countries.46

Traditions of the Soviet period that persisted or were reinitiated in the years since independence

include a high level of state authority over businesses, across both strategic and non-strategic

industries.47 Timothy Frye has characterized the struggle between respective ex-communist and

anticommunist factions as reflective of a war of attrition over economic and political

resources. He has argued that this struggle had a devastating effect on economic growth after

the fall of the Soviet Union.48 The research and writing that I have done on this topic has

followed an alternative point of reference by often considering the methods by which states,

As an example, a consideration of the evolution of academic and scientific institutions in the
region may be found in Sarah Amsler, The Politics of Knowledge in Central Asia: Science
between Marx and the Market, Abingdon: Routledge, 2007.
Carter Page, A historical review of capitalism and socialism in Central Asia, Working
Paper 2-1, January 2010. For a related example from another developing market, see Dan Senor
and Saul Singer, Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle, New York: Twelve,
2009. In this analysis, Senor and Singer consider the relationship between Israeli cultures and
traditions and national development trends toward entrepreneurial approaches.
James Rupert, Dateline Tashkent: Post-Soviet Central Asia, Foreign Policy, Number 87,
Summer 1992, 175-195. Mick Moore, Revenues, State Formation, and the Quality of
Governance in Developing Countries, International Political Science Review, Volume 25,
Number 3, July 2004, 297-319. (JSTOR)
Timothy Frye, The Perils of Polarization: Economic Performance in the Postcommunist
World, World Politics, Volume 54, Number 3, April 2002, 309. (JSTOR)
private forces as well as associated institutional structures have led to constructive symbiosis

rather than destructive conflict. Recent efforts by Western scholars and leaders to denigrate

public leaders from the region have unnecessarily perpetuated Cold War tendencies by

deepening suspicisions from that era. Some of my related analysis has demonstrated a range of

alternative perspectives and approaches that may help to illuminate future opportunities.

In addition to tendencies toward centralized state control and liberal economic systems with

diversified parties, some actors within Central Asia tended to follow an alternative path

following independence. As the state remained dominant and new markets were simultaneously

established following the breakup of the Soviet Union, members of these societies devised other

methods and means of survival through corruption. While a comprehensive analysis of this third

economic model is problematic due to the paucity of available data, these approaches mirror

several corrupt tendencies at times found in Western societies.49 Some may be clear cut such as

the Bernard Madoff scandal in financial markets and Enron in the energy sector, while others are

more subtle such as the perceived societal injustices highlighted by the Occupy Wall Street


The rise of Russia and other external forces

Among the diverse pressures that defined the balance of state and private forms of governance

within the region, influences originating outside of Central Asia eventually had a dramatic effect

James D. Smith, Measuring the Informal Economy, Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science, Volume 493, September 1987, 83-99. (JSTOR)
following independence.50 By most indications, the importance of these external influences is

expected to remain high in the future, driven in part by the political and economic objectives of

external states. In turn, the political, economic, and social pressure on the existing and emerging

national leadership is expected to continue to shape the direction of new policies in the Central

Asian states.51 Pressure from adjacent countries has remained especially relevant due to their

proximity and the high level of emphasis that states such as Russia and China have placed on

relations with Central Asia. In particular, Russia has often worked to maintain and revitalize

many aspects of the relationship that existed during the Soviet era.52 After a rapid turn toward

the capitalist model after the fall of the Soviet Union during the 1990s, Russia took some steps to

again increase the role of the state in the second decade following independence.53 The

countrys growing economic strength and increased leverage in commodity markets during the

initial terms of Vladimir Putins presidency helped to further empower this new momentum.54

For an overview of this impact, with a particular focus on the impact of Russia, see Paul
Kubicek, Regionalism, Nationalism and Realpolitik in Central Asia, Europe-Asia Studies,
Volume 49, Number 4, June 1997, 637-655.
A useful review of these forces and actors may be found at Boris Z. Rumer, Editor, Central
Asia: A Gathering Storm? Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002.
Graham Smith, The Masks of Proteus: Russia, Geopolitical Shift and the New
Eurasianism, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 24, Number 4, 1999,
481-494. (JSTOR)
Displayed prominently in the literature surrounding the presidency of Vladimir Putin.
Representative examples include Richard Sakwa, Putin: Russia's Choice, Abingdon: Routledge,
2008. Lilia Shevtsova, Putins Russia, Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2005. Peter Truscott, Putins Progress: A Biography of Russias Enigmatic
President, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004. Edward Lucas, The New Cold War: Putins
Russia and the Threat to the West, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Pauline Jones Luong
and Erika Weinthal, Oil Is Not a Curse: Ownership Structure and Institutions in Soviet
Successor States, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
The connection between Russias power and energy development is a central thesis of
Marshall I. Goldman, Petrostate, 2008. Steve LeVine, The Oil and the Glory: The Pursuit of
Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea, New York: Random House, 2007. Anita Orban,
Power, Energy, and the New Russian Imperialism, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2008.
Rudiger Ahrend, Sustaining Growth in a Resource-based Economy: The Main Issues and the
Along with the direct influence that Russia exerted in Central Asia, the remnants of past Soviet

policies shaped the regions successor states during the years immediately after the fall of the

Soviet Union.55 State policy decisions made by the Communist party leadership during the

Soviet era also often mirrored many of the new initiatives implemented by Russia after 1991.56

While Central Asian states continued to establish their own political paths and new relationships

over time, the remnants of historic linkages continued to represent a foundation on which these

new states were established.57 Despite broad suspicions in the West regarding the intentions and

influence of Russia, my related research has demonstrated evolving similarities between Russia

and Central Asia that have positively impacted these states. The parallels between privatization

trends and structures in the energy sector of Russia and Kazakshtan represents an important

example that contrasts with most other producer regions that hold similar resources.

Specific Case of Russia, Occasional Paper Number 6, Geneva: United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe, 2006. Pauline Jones Luong and Erika Weinthal, Oil Is Not a Curse:
Ownership Structure and Institutions in Soviet Successor States, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2010, 121-180.
For an overview of the historic continuity between these periods, see Paul A. Goble, Russia
and Its Neighbors, Foreign Policy, Number 90, Spring 1993, 79-88.
An overview of these consistencies is available at John M. Thompson, Russia and the Soviet
Union: An Historical Introduction from the Kievan State to the Present, Boulder, Colorado:
Westview Press, 2008.
Despite these deep historic precedents, Russia has taken its own steps toward liberalization
and thus has in part moved counter to the paradigm of central state control seen during the Soviet
period. For a related analysis including discussion of the characteristics of Russias interaction
with neighbors, see Anders Aslund, Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former
Soviet Bloc, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Andrei Shleifer and Daniel
Treisman, Without a Map: Political Tactics and Economic Reform in Russia, Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2001. Anders Aslund, Russia's Road from Communism, Daedalus,
Volume 121, Number 2, Spring 1992, 77-95.
Some competitive tensions between the neighboring powers of Russia, China, and other external

states including the U.S. have remained particularly relevant in the energy arena as a result of the

high level of focus.58 Viewed from both a contemporary and a historic perspective, the literature

surrounding the Great Game has been frequently invoked as a precedent for this multi-tiered

competition in modern Central Asia. This potential model refers to the history of conflict

between the British Empire and the Russian Empire surrounding their efforts to achieve

dominance in the region throughout much of the 19th century.59

In addition to influence from Russia and the U.S., Chinese government leaders and businesses

have increasingly come to stand as alternative models for Central Asia. Beyond the contribution

of capital investment, the approach of Chinese companies and smaller entrepreneurs consistently

reflected the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Despite the high level of

state control in China, Chinese merchants have added to this influence and have served as a

fundamental example for capitalist trends in the region given their close proximity and the

impact of these businesses within the society.60 Incremental steps toward liberalization have

Lo, Axis of Convenience, 2008, 132-153. For a comparative review of the dynamics of
competitive forces in the energy industry considered on a global level from a world-systems
perspective, see Stephen G. Bunker and Paul S. Ciccantell, Globalization and the Race for
Resources, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
In addition to the historic view offered by Hopkirk [Hopkirk, The Great Game, 1994], see
for example Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Editor, From the Gulf to Central Asia: Players in the New
Great Game, Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1995. Mentioned by Duke of York in meeting
with U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Tatiana Gfoeller. Candid discussion with Prince Andrew
on the Kyrgyz economy and the Great Game, Embassy Bishkek, October 29, 2008, as cited on
Wikileaks. []
Carter Page, A historical review of capitalism and socialism in Central Asia, Working
Paper 2-1, January 2010. Leo Paul Dana, When Economies Change Paths: Models of Transition
in China, the Central Asian Republics, Myanmar & the Nations of Former Indochine Franaise,
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2002. George Zhibin Gu and William Ratliff, China
and the New World Order: How Entrepreneurship, Globalization, and Borderless Business Are
exposed alternative trends and future opportunities. Even if external relationships often center on

government ties, the regions establishment of diverse partnerships, technology transfer and

capital flows including stock exchange listings help encourage trends toward market-based


Contrary to popular perceptions, Central Asias partnerships with outside powers including

Russia and China have leveraged the relative strengths of each party and may represent viable

solutions to a range of current dilemmas. Despite the overwhelming focus on past failures and

shortcomings, several areas of accomplishment expose the potential for effective future

development through cooperative approaches. In contrast to the excitement many analysts and

scholars have shown for the potential drama associated with a new Great Game, a range of

successes from the initial decades point to alternative scenarios and opportunities. As advocated

by China and Russia, policies and actions based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and

mutual benefit have allowed for a diversity of participation that has benefited all parties.

Concurrent with these trends, efforts by each major power to shift their focus toward

development of their own domestic resources has offered additional advantages for each group.

Technological breakthroughs in the energy sector since 2007 have enabled these new prospects

and approaches. For an overview of these opportunities, I have a few slides which demonstrate

these alternative views.

Reshaping China and the World, Palo Alto, California: Fultus, 2006. Bruce J. Dickson, Red
Capitalists in China: The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Alan Smart and Josephine Smart, Petty
Capitalists and Globalization: Flexibility, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development,
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005, 29-33.
As suggested by the increasingly popular Great Game concept, the principles of mutual respect,

equality and mutual benefit have indeed encountered obstacles. As an example of problems seen

in the parallel activities of private businesses and centrally-controlled state entities, officials have

frequently been accused of corruption and arbitrary policies.61 Such challenges have drawn

attention and interest away from external state-owned enterprises and independent local

businesses in Central Asia following independence. Western disapproval of these perceived

shortcomings has often served as the foundation for state-centric policies of unilateral disrespect

as seen in the activities of the U.S. Government over recent decades. In sharp contrast, a market-

Nonna Barkhatova, Russian Small Business, Authorities and the State, Europe-Asia
Studies, Volume 52, Number 4, June 2000, 657-659. In summary, Barkhatova describes the
challenges faced in the former Soviet Union as follows: The whole system of state regulation is
like an endless ladder where every step is an obstacle provoking the small entrepreneur to
abandon the business. For a critical assessment of the interaction of state and private forces as
it relates to the global energy industry see Robert Engler, The Brotherhood of Oil: Energy Policy
and the Public Interest, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977.
based approach involving diversified investors establishes a subtler and effective means of

incentivizing improvements. Words may highlight perceived inequalities on a conceptual level.

In contrast, the financial impact of investor decisions often creates a more meaningful response.

These frequently become personal given the often direct involvement of Central Asian leaders in

negotiations and decisions. However, the effective allocation of capital through market

structures can represent a more meaningful and effective approach. It also avoids the

unpredictable outcomes potentially associated with intervention including military action.

Recent examples have been seen in both U.S. and Soviet sequential wars in neighboring


As this lecture has tried to highlight, free market principles and entrepreneurial ventures often

arose in the economies of the CIS states and beyond in a greater variety of forms than is

frequently acknowledged. For instance, certain large state-run companies replicated comparable

structures in adjacent countries, as seen in the similarities of corporate governance often

observed between Kazakhstan and Russia. In addition to the impact of Russia and as a reference

point for comparison, China grew as an important neighboring force that has increasingly

affected the shape of economic relations in modern Central Asia through its commercial and

investment activities in the region.62

Despite inevitable obstacles, competitive trends driven in part by the participation of major

investors in the region have led to demonstrable improvements among local entities. In

The implications of the trading relationships seen between China and the Central Asian
states are considered in detail in Carter Page, The influence of China in Central Asia, Working
Paper 3-1, January 2010.
conclusion, I would make three primary arguments. First, states and individuals in Central Asia

balanced alternative traditions of liberal economics with central government control and narrow

relationships following independence. While this balance has at times been acknowledged, the

impact of market forces is significantly greater than perceptions of the prevalence of

dictatorships have traditionally implied. Second, the balance between these alternative traditions

was influenced by and correlated with characteristics observed in Central Asias external

partners.63 Third, Russia has remained a primary external influence in the initial years of

independence while the impact of China has grown more recently.64 In spite of this massive

growth in investment and trade, Beijings overall impact and potential has remained constrained

by a range of regional concerns. Contrary to the prevalent Great Game ideals advanced by many

scholars and analysts, the relative impact of China and Russia has frequently offered positive and

constructive benefits to both the region and other external states alike.

The perspectives of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit both acknowledge the relative

contributions of diverse parties while aligning closely with the respective competing economic

models. Free market approaches have tended to incentivize positive relative performance by

corporations through its inherent architecture of encouraging mutual benefits for shareholders

and management. In both public institutions and private businesses alike, mutual respect stands

as a vital prerequisite for effective commerce, especially when investors forge long-term

Discussion of this correlation has been made in describing post Soviet societies in Central
Asia, however limited supporting empirical evidence and analysis has been offered. See for
example, Michael McFaul, Circumstances versus Policy Choices: Why has the Economic
Performance of the Soviet Successor States Been So Poor? in Michael McFaul and Kathryn
Stoner-Weiss, Editors, After the Collapse of Communism: Comparative Lessons of Transitions,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, 91.
FACTBOX-China's investments in Central Asian energy, Reuters, December 14, 2009.
agreements and allocate significant capital. Second, recent technology advances have further

incentivized multi-party partnerships and cooperation. U.S.-China joint ventures in the shale

arena represent important examples. While a few Russian companies have made similar steps

forward in North America, although recent sanctions policy has to a large extent limited these

possibilities. As the U.S., China and Russia have increasingly realigned their focus toward a

new focus on developing domestic resources, it has incrementally helped to in some ways start to

ease the detrimental characteristics of Great Game rivalries.

In comparison to these alternative propositions, analyses of post-Soviet Central Asia have led to

dire judgments built upon an incomplete understanding of the region.65 Condescending Western

perpsectives that have been advanced regarding Central Asia stand in sharp contrast to the

approaches taken by China and Russia as highlighted earlier in this chapter. As Harvie

Wilkinson has noted in another field of study, legal scholars similarly have gone to great lengths

in seeking to create cosmic theories that, Purport to unlock the mysteries of [the U.S.

Constitution] much as Freud proposed to lay bare all of human behavior and Einstein attempted

to explain the universe.66 While analyses of Central Asia have tended to be somewhat more

modest in their scope and objectives on an individual basis, they have collectively helped to

For a more comprehensive survey of the literature of Central Asia, a review of deficiencies
in the existing literature, and proposed methods for improving theory-based research regarding
the region, see Christoph H. Stefes and Amanda E. Wooden, Tempting two fates: the theoretical
foundations for understanding Central Asian Transitions, in Amanda E. Wooden and Christoph
H. Stefes, Editors, The Politics of Transition in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Enduring
Legacies and Emerging Challenges, Abingdon: Routledge, 2009, 3-29. Further analysis is
provided by additional authors throughout this volume. See for example, Oksan Bayulgen,
Caspian energy wealth: social impacts and implications for regional stability, in Wooden and
Stefes, Editors, Politics of Transition, 2009, 163-185.
J. Harvie Wilkinson III, Cosmic Constitutional Theory: Why Americans Are Losing Their
Inalienable Right to Self-Governance, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 3-4.
define the region in ways that lead to certain consistent policies and underlying philosophies

within the Western world. Just as Wilkinson has noted the tendency of legal theories to foster

activism in the American judiciary, a similar activism has long permeated the U.S. foreign policy

establishment on the basis of perceived shortcomings in the former Soviet Union. As recent

decades have shown, this tendency has shown limited variance across liberal and conservative

U.S. Administrations alike.

Thanks again to the NES community for this invitation. I would look forward to engaging in a

discussion and hearing your perspectives.

Appendix B
Response to DNI report67
January 6, 2017

Page # Report quote Carter Pages personal interpretation / response

1 While the conclusions in This standard disclaimer may essentially be interpreted
the report are all reflected as meaning, Just trust us on the details. Placed in
in the classified historic context, the same blank-check approach has led
assessment, the to significant death and destruction on multiple
declassified report does occasions around the world.
not and cannot include the
full supporting
information, including
specific intelligence and
sources and methods.
ii Russian efforts to The term liberal democratic order cited at the very
influence the 2016 US start of the Intelligence Community Assessment has
presidential election been a frequent disguise used by institutions with close
represent the most recent ties to the Clinton family. These include the Center for
expression of Moscows a New American Security (CNAS), which
longstanding desire to coincidentally released a study in May 2016 entitled,
undermine the US-led Extending American Power: Strategies to Expand U.S.
liberal democratic Engagement in a Competitive World Order.
order Throughout the report, the essentially interchangeable
terms of liberal international order and liberal world
order include the liberal qualifier as a convenient
disguise for a far more aggressive, interventionist policy
ii these activities It is hard to imagine a more warlike tone to some of
demonstrated a significant these descriptions. Even if these allegations were
escalation indeed true, for what purpose were the so-called
enemys strategic intentions aimed? Increased
transparency regarding corrupt and dishonest practices
amongst some domestic political actors in the U.S.?
ii Russias goals were to The actions of Hillary Clinton and her campaign,
undermine public faith in particularly as it related to the severe dishonesty and
the US democratic repressive tactics taken, clearly represented the biggest
process menace to the US democratic process last year.
Relatively speaking, anything that Russia may even
conceivably or theoretically have done pale in

Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Background to Assessing Russian
Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident
Attribution, January 6, 2017. []
ii We further assess Putin The logic and reasoning behind this simple assessment
and the Russian is so imminently clear and logical that it almost goes
Government developed a without saying. With the possible exception of
clear preference for President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Clinton and her
President-elect Trump. husband have done more to single-handedly damage
Russia-U.S. relations than any political actor since the
United States declared independence from the British
Empire in 1776. Their effective levels of
misinformation and malice reached truly epic
3 State-owned Russian Whereas Russian media coverage frequently offers a
media made increasingly more accurate and honest portrayal of the activities of
favorable comments about Mrs. Clinton than most mainstream media outlets in the
President-elect Trump as United States, it is understandable why this statement
the 2016 US general and might be deemed as newsworthy.
primary election
campaigns progressed
while consistently offering
negative coverage of
Secretary Clinton.
4 Putins chief Both as a world-class journalist and as a human being,
propagandist Dmitriy Dmitry Konstantinovich is an exceptionally competent,
Kiselev used his flagship kind and fair individual with the highest level of
weekly newsmagazine personal integrity. I have greatly benefited from
program this fall to cast watching many of his programs on Russia-1 channel via
President-elect Trump as the internet. The summary description of some of his
an outsider victimized by broadcasts per the editorial commentary included in this
a corrupt political weeks Intelligence Community Assessment closely
establishment and faulty aligns with the perspectives held by tens of millions of
democratic election hard-working, patriotic Americans. Had they been
process that aimed to Russian-language speakers, they too may have greatly
prevent his election benefited from and enjoyed his broadcasts.
because of his desire to
work with Moscow.
Appendix C

September 25, 2016

The Honorable James Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535

Dear Director Comey:

I am writing to request the FBIs prompt end of the reported inquiry regarding my personal trip to
Russia in July 2016 an investigation which has been widely mentioned in the media. In this regard,
I wanted to provide you with a few basic facts that should help underscore what a complete waste of
time this witch-hunt directed at me is.

As you may be aware, the source of these accusations is nothing more than completely false media
reports. Yet for the record, I have not met this year with any sanctioned official in Russia despite the
fact that there are no restrictions on U.S. persons speaking with such individuals.

I understand that my stake in PJSC Gazprom has also been brought to your attention. For your
information, last month I sold my American Depository Receipts and at this time maintain no
holding in the company within any of my investment entities or personal accounts. My prior stake in
Gazprom which I divested last month represented a de minimis equity investment that I sold at a loss.
It is hard to imagine why this information might have been deemed relevant, but I wanted to mention
it since you were asked to look into this matter.

In bothering the Bureau with such repeated appeals, the parties who have requested my investigation
clearly fail to appreciate the risks they create for America with these shenanigans. Instead of
allowing the staff of the FBI to focus the nations limited resources on real threats, these desperate
and unfounded calls for my investigation as a private citizen to advance political interests based on
nothing more than preposterous mainstream media reports is a true disgrace.

Having interacted with members of the U.S. intelligence community including the FBI and CIA for
many decades, I appreciate the limitations on your staffs time and assets. Although I have not been
contacted by any member of your team in recent months, I would eagerly await their call to discuss
any final questions they might possibly have in the interest of helping them put these outrageous
allegations to rest while allowing each of us to shift our attention to relevant matters. Thank you in
advance for your consideration.


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